Hermitcraft 9: The Museum! (Ep. 71)

Video Information

Foreign I walk in Empty Street on the Boulevard of Broken bees it’s done it’s done it’s done ladies and gentlemen the Boulevard of Broken bees is completed you can see it hooks up here to the TCG pyramid it hooks up here to the shopping district via the intersection right here and if

We fly on down it you can see it goes up and down and around and through the dark oak forest which is kind of cool but I suspect it’ll most will be used to navigate from the air to the museum but speaking of the museum we now have the museum now

Has Broken Ground so that’s fantastic news uh basically what we’re making here I actually need to get more bricks which I should have here I swear I got bricks here here we go bricks yes give me all the bricks uh so these bricks are basically going to form like a buttress

That’s going to frame in the stairs which are going to go sort of up like this uh which are going to be pretty wide here actually but these are going to go up like this to sort of like a landing platform before you actually walk into the museum proper as far as

The museum itself goes I want to actually have a museum that’s sort of in the traditional style like the Greco-Roman style like the feel Museum or the met in New York City with big columns and stuff to sort of like give a sense of authority I guess uh but yeah

We want that sort of style but instead of the basic like stone or sometimes like in Minecraft at least you’ll see like sandstone uh building I like like a darker building like a more colorful building like a more a building that has feels like it has more character so that’s

Sort of what we’re trying to go for here obviously these are going to be built up a bit on the sides to sort of frame in the steps look at that look at that it’s already coming together a little bit so that’s sort of what we’re going for sort of a

Traditional look but also uh with a different color palette um I’d also like the roof to be made specifically out of copper so I’ve gathered a bunch of copper and oxidized all that copper so that uh it basically looks like a bit of an older building

But it also will get us a little bit of color as well with the green of the oxidized copper so that’s sort of the plan right now a little bit of a darker museum with a splash of color in it as well so let’s keep building here let’s

Build up these buttresses so the frames in the steps and I’ll be back once we are done all right everyone a little bit of progress has been made now on the museum and you can sort of tell we’ve made some progress on the layout you can see there

Are three distinct Wings here as we fly on over there is the north Wing over here there’s a central Wing In The Middle right here and there’s a South Wing right here I’m sort of picturing this is the floor level at the moment so you sort of walk up the stairs right it’s

Big intimidating you know think like this thing has been a Bedrock of Antiquities since the dawn of time that’s what you want to think when you’re going into museums so big bold buttresses walk up have a little bit of like a setback area so that you know you

Have some depth here to increase uh how the building looks and also to make it more uh formidable I guess which is also why we increase the height of these buttresses a little bit compared to what they were previously and then we walk in and then we have the museum in here with

Two Wings on either side that’s sort of the idea I have a couple other things that I’m thinking of right now um just from looking at this number one I want to have some sort of some type of like Central thing here to look at maybe

A clock or a window or something like that so that it draws your focus up to the museum itself uh then on the sides over here see how we have like this sort of like uh set back a little bit I think this would be a really great spot to put

Like a bunch of trees and bushes and things and also since this is a museum we want to have it like kind of exclusive right so you want to you want to grab let’s see if we can find it in here somewhere maybe there’s no andesite

Hello man we got so many shulker boxes out here I don’t even know where to look here we go and a site thank goodness okay this one and let’s grab this one and we will put this like this get some polished down the side so I’m thinking

What we can do is we also get some uh let’s just dump off some stuff we got way too much stuff on us right now Inventory management problems yet again you’d love to see it thank you Minecraft uh all right so if we then get some

Let’s say we get some iron bars here what we can do over here is we can make like a nice um exclusive like Garden area on the side here and on the opposite side sort of the identical side over there so I’m thinking it might be wise to do

Something like this or like every let’s say three blocks if we had something like an andesite thing like this and then maybe we also have let’s just dump this stuff off real quick and we also have like a andesite slab perhaps on the top let’s see how this looks like if we have

These be like a pillar of like a fence like this and then we put in the slab at the top like this and then we just sort of continue this pattern down here like this and then we also have the iron bars this could act like a nice

Barrier to the Garden I think setting it back even further and adding even more depth to the museum and then here maybe we have like a thing like this perhaps yeah so like here’s like a secret way to get in and then there’s like all this Greenery back here would be kind of

Awesome so that’s sort of what I’m thinking here obviously still have to build up a lot of the Museum itself like the walls have not gone up and things like that and obviously I got to put a roof on it which I’m thinking I still think in the

Copper roof which I think should go nice with the Deep slate and the stone as well as the bricks um but yeah I think that will help out quite a bit so let’s keep going on this Museum project and see where we go all right everybody so the walls of the

Museum are now going up you can see we’ve made this out of basically deep slate bricks and that’s why uh we are actually taking a break here temporarily because we need more deep slate we gotta go get some from our base we got plenty of it uh but we’re also going to do

Something very soon with Etho and Tango and Asuma which should be quite fun which should get us a little bit of additional deep slate even though we don’t really need it for this project because we got so much already it’s kind of ridiculous but it should be a lot of fun anyways

Um while we’re building this up I want to start thinking about the floor um and how it’s going to look and I came up with a cool pattern for the floor that I want to try out but it involves some pretty expensive stuff namely one of the most expensive blocks in the

Entire game now I know what you’re thinking you’re thinking oh boy here comes another diamond block floor please man that’s 2019 stuff we’re in 2023 so instead of a diamond floor we’re gonna instead make not an ancient debris floor oh no ancient debris bro that is

Way too cheap for a floor no no no no no no uh instead we are going to smelt all this up let’s actually put this into our proper blast furnaces there we go we’re gonna smelt all this up and we’re going to make a floor out of lodestones

All right everyone so now that we have these lodestones we got to find a good way to incorporate these into a floor now as you see from the top bit here it’s pretty close to the smooth Stone texture except it has this awesome like worn ability to it but it highlights the

Smooth Stone quite well and I also think clay highlights both blocks quite well and also has this nice Shimmer to it so with that in mind I’ve created a floor that we’re going to use for the ground floor of the museum and here it is right here so it’s a pretty simple

Pattern it’s just basically a checkerboard of smooth Stone and Clay but with diagonally lodestone every other block so for instance like lodestone here there’s smooth Stone and there’ll be a lodestone here then you just surround the lodestone with Clay like this and all the other blocks

Around it are smooth Stone and then you just sort of continue that pattern so this block here will be a lodestone surrounded with clay and then it just continues like that the entire way here and yeah just gives a really nice this feels like a museum

Floor to me right you know it’s not it’s not too flashy but it has just enough that it just looks nice that’s pretty much all you can say about it uh so yeah we’re gonna basically tile this throughout the north Wing the South wing and the central Wing here

And while I’m doing this I actually want to show you guys a really cool thing that myself Etho Asuma and Tango did recently namely to get some more deep slate we basically exploded an ancient city with like 60 Withers so take a look at what happened all right everybody we are gathered

Together here to get married don’t get married someone else do they intro just throw it throw it at me I’ll do the intro all right what’s happening all right we’re here to do something ridiculously stupid in the name of getting cobbled deep slate I think sure sure I think we’re

More here together to have fun but IFA I’ll watch the video yeah you introduced A New Concept and I was like oh my God we’ve got to do this on hermitcraft so why don’t you tell us what your great super smart idea was all right so there’s there’s this fun way of going

Mining using Withers you let loose a bunch of Withers underground like in an ancient city yeah yeah when you just pick up the drops behind them you use invisibility potions so they don’t see you at night vision so you can see them the most sane

Way to get deep slight here yes yes of course yeah yeah so basically this is gonna this is gonna turn into one of those clickbait videos you like 100 Withers versus 15 boards who will win right that’s pretty much what’s happening here I’m going to title my

Video how many times can Tango die yes all right so we gotta we got a bed set at our spawn here yeah so that when we do die we come back to the base actually we got a drop shoot to get down to where we’re gonna be doing the mining with the

Withers everybody’s got no gear on no nothing I think a Zuma’s got some uh special items for us as well yeah I brought I brought tons of vendor chests for us that’s I’ve watched a video and I thought oh wow that’s really cool like

But is there is there a way it could be a little bit better maybe Ender chess could help and the other thing is uh this oh only on hermitcraft right oh I’m only gonna take like three with me to start with you well what I’m gonna do is I’m

Just gonna like 32. I’m good with that I’m gonna put a bunch in these chests so if you die you can just sort of like grab them and bring yeah if everything goes well here the the withers shouldn’t be shooting at us if they’ve if they start shooting at you it

Means you’ve messed up and you’re gonna die like no matter what you do so you want to say like five blocks away from the withers if you get within five blocks they’ll see you okay oh okay yikes that’s very important okay yeah visible okay oh yeah where’s the Ender Chest I missed

Them oh and this uh and this one here okay uh totems might be a good idea but we’re not sure yet so just this first run I’m gonna go without him um take one with you you don’t have to hold it right like I got one here just

In case sorry okay okay going with me I’m going forward okay and we’ve got a little we’ve got our little drop hole here yeah we’re ready to do this the it’s all set ready to go are you ready to drop down there I am ready so ready

What could go wrong go for it you know why because you can never you can never be ready for this oh my God we’re just down into an ancient city watch out for the wardens you know yeah don’t make too much of a racket Karma shift um

It’s all here too we’re not sure how this is gonna go no this is gonna be chaos okay so we’ve each got a line of pre-withers ready to go I think we’re gonna have like 60 or so right at least yeah about that around that yeah 60 Withers here so

Do we each get to the end of our line I think it’s the right right option here yeah I’m chucking my night vision all right yeah okay oh okay thank you invisibility okay ready I’m ready yep okay now we go to the end of our lines and we do a

Countdown when we’re ready okay all right potioning up I’m there I’m ready I’m ready I’m so ready for this I’m ready can this time Cub countdown all right okay ready all right here we go three two one place oh my god oh this is terrifying go go go go drop it down

I was holding an eye on what what oh I think they saw me I think they saw me too oh boy I don’t know who’s holding an item I think Azuma told them about me invisibility night vision I’m coming back in I’m going back in okay I’m safe I’m safe actually security

They are all around the water drop so just watch it when you come in they’re gone it works well guys they’re getting chaos his chaos what’s going on they’re everywhere they’re leaving you alone though right you’re good I’m picking up some deep sleep so much Oh yeah Okay I’m dead I’m dead it does take a little bit to get used to it too I I can’t even oh I see diamonds tons of diamonds let me bring a pic with me though I can see lots of Boss bars oh my God I keep picking up items and they in my

Hand s oh my God I am like standing in a crowd of them right now oh no he’s on to me he’s on to me Walk around too much yeah once they see you it’s over yeah you can’t don’t yeah okay if they see you it’s yeah it’s done yeah do you know what I’m supposed to do it I wasn’t putting any items in an Ender Chest like that I was just so blown away by the

Craziness I forgot about but yeah so you guys said Jordan already yeah that was Paulson for sure I want to see them there we go toward the middle of where the thing was wow there’s a lot of blue skulls skulls yep yep all right easier after a

Little bit here once they start to turn around yeah yeah yeah right now they’re all kind of together oh I’ve got my first bit of couple things like oh he’s close that’s what we’re actually here for yeah I’ll turn this down this is starting to

Work yeah I think I’m good now this you guys off yeah oh um yeah I’m struggling with that a little bit oh yeah I guess that okay I think now’s a good time they only brought one okay let’s try going this way oh blue blue skull okay we’re good we’re good we’re good

It’s overcome all right oh okay and the chest please no I didn’t get anything in the end of chest you might be able to save your items though if you can go back to that same spot true true I think we don’t have enough potions here like there’s like one

Invisibility left we’re gonna go through them pretty quick there is no nowhere to go where there is nowhere there I’m getting a lot of good stuff now I’m gonna put that under chest you get in the cup you get it figured out I’m just trying to live

I’m gonna um that’s the first thing once I’m gonna figure out how to live it gets a lot easier I’m on the side of the city yeah I’m good here now I can like swoop in now and get um I I just gotta stack like nothing there that was good food food

Oh I think I buy you Cub are you yeah yeah you see the Ender Chest yeah yeah I see it yeah you’re opening yeah yeah I’m down here yeah yeah we’re worried about each other this is a good spot over here this is good yeah this is a good spot

I’m gonna Adventure out yeah we’re gonna uh we’re gonna go through these potions in no time oh no oh no come on I can get more I can get more oh I managed to get one stack of cobbled into mine right there dang it oh there’s diamonds trying to get stuff in

The warden yeah it’s fighting he’s over here Withers yeah I see him he says wow so what are you guys doing are you like getting away from the crowd in the middle not to die yeah I am just running through a sea of wither if one of you are brave next time you

Come down make an iron pick or something for the diamonds all right sacrifice oh I found where I died the withers is just kind of hanging around like um we don’t know what to do right now yeah they they get lost too is this chilling yeah if they don’t have a

Target they just oh sit there shooting those um blue skulls except when the blue skulls are what destroyed oh look at that hitting the ceiling and dropping right on me love it love to see it oh my God oh yeah that’s about the entertainment not the spectacle there’s like one

Jogger these are my prizes did you see how many diamonds were exposed though after just a little bit there yeah if I go down there with a fortune pick you’re gonna clean house yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s a risky game with all those I guess you don’t have to mine

Them while the withers are near let them spread out yeah yeah clean up crew kind of thing that is that is so brilliant that was fun that was wild yes I love that that was an absolutely wild time in the ancient city and we did get a little bit of deep

Slate bricks from that which I have used in the build to finish this swing over here so that’s awesome we got some deep slate out of it in the meantime though we’ve also done some other stuff as you can see we have the front of the museum

Now started uh which I think looks pretty good we got the big window up there with the copper uh and we also put a lodestone in front here and we have sort of like some structure going up uh as well on the inside here we’ve added a

Few more things uh you can see we added like a little like reception desk area type thing here we’ve got a nice staircase with some Greenery in here here we’ve started a second floor up here with a nice like walkway type thing and you can see the view out of the uh

The top uh floor window so that’s really cool also we have this check this out we have I was gonna I was gonna bounce dang it we have a slime block thing but uh obviously we need to make this uh second floor a little bit

There we go bounce yes uh so yeah we’re gonna make the second floor a little bit bigger obviously we actually ran out of calcite uh we’re putting in expensive floors here we got lodestones in this floor we got calcite up here um but basically on the second floor we

Want a thing where we can like jump down uh and bounce on this these slime blocks here also we have a little bit of a parkour thing here where if we shift to the side we can go you know all the way up this bit

Uh if we shift to the side of the uh the trap doors here so this is really cool too so if I get all the way up here or maybe not let’s try one more time maybe we can make it I’m I’m committed now I’m committed I think we can make it

I think we can make it here we go yes a few more yes one more time around yes Yes we made it and you can ring the bell if you get to the very top so that’s cool and then you can just throw yourself off bounce down like this

And yeah just sort of like a interactive thing inside the museum because you know a lot of times in museums you know if you just have exhibits and nothing to interact with then the museum goes under because like while things are cool to look at you want stuff that people can

Do and this is one of the things you can do you can do a little parkour on the trap doors up to ring the bell so I really like the way this museum is starting to come together a little bit and we do need some more calcite because

We did in fact totally run out and calcite’s also kind of a rare block but we can find it not only in geodes but uh we can find it in I believe the Stony Peaks biome so we gotta go find a few of those I think there was one out this way

If I’m not mistaken so I’m gonna head this way gotta go mine some calcite here we go this is more like it this is more like it here’s a nice deposit of calcite beautiful also calcite is instamine with this another red pick so this should give us

Quite a bit there’s this bit here and there’s also if we boost out over here a bit that comes here bit that goes into the cave and it comes out here a little bit as well perfect this is exactly what we needed let’s land here and mine it out

Second floor is now complete ladies and gentlemen take a look we got the calcite floor down looking fancy we got the archways here of andesite and Polished andesite and some endocyte walls in there as well we got the guard rail made up of end rods and iron trap doors the

End rods make it so that we don’t have to have any Lighting in here it’s already all spawn proof just from this uh and then we of course have the calcite in both Wings on the North and the South plus you might notice we got another floor baby we got another floor

Check it out up top we got an andesite floor Spruce fences uh and so there’s sort of a theme here like the bottom floor is super fancy second floor is kind of fancy third floor is nice but not super fancy so that’s pretty nice little guard rail of some stairs with the underside

Stairs and one of the coolest things guys this is going to blow your mind are you ready check this out we have stunt jumping inside the museum just throw yourself off the third floor and you can bounce directly down to the second floor how awesome is this

That’s so cool man stunt jumping inside the museum definitely one of my favorite features we’ve put in so far so yeah kind of awesome you can hop and jump around here of course as well do some tricks do some NEOS just like that easy very good I love it I love it it’s

Amazing all right so first floor is in obviously we need to get more lodestones second floor is in and done with the calcite and third floor also done uh right so next thing we gotta do we gotta talk about the ceiling because I got some plans for the ceiling uh I

Think it would be cool this Central Area I think it’d be nice if there was like a big dome shape up here so I made this in like sort of a circular shape here uh this top bit here with this polished nanosite so that we

Can put a big glass Dome over this so I’m I’m picturing right now this is what I’m picturing this is sort of sort of the plan here here’s the plan so big glass Dome up here with a little like pointy thing on the top like a little like lightning rod

Type thing on the top um then on the sides we’re going to want to put Windows in the side here because right now it’s just like a blank deep slate wall so windows in the sides windows in the sides here uh and then we gotta decorate the front bit right we

Gotta add in the foliage and the trees and the flowers and stuff in the front in these sections back here uh so that it sets back the museum even more um so that is the plan right now I’m planning for a copper roof so think like

Copper roof here all all the way across we probably also want to have like a little bit of like a slope like a like a triangle thing because a lot of uh museums and things have like sloped roofs that look really interesting so that’s what we’re gonna go for here so

Sloped roof with the glass Dome and windows on the side bits and then I think uh once we have the foliage and stuff in we should be good to go so that’s the plan here let’s get to work let’s finish this Museum ladies and gentlemen the best museum

Ever constructed in Minecraft is now before you it is perfect Flawless beautiful in every way imaginable let’s take a look at what we’ve done as you can see a beautiful copper roof covers the entirety of the surface except for this top glass Dome here and the central

Spire which leads up to a point up there where we have a torch so people don’t run into the lightning rods basically up there uh and yeah you can see this glass Dome you can look down into the pyramid kind of a cool thing we’ve also subtly

Lit it with some glow lichen on the outside and framed it in with some warped trap doors obviously tons of copper up here we do have some lighting here as well so it looks actually really cool at night because we spent so much time lighting things up properly you

Also see on the sides now we have uh Wings we have wings I am my brain is not functioning properly right now ladies and gentlemen we have Windows rather on the side wings and we have them on the front as well as the side over here and you can see these

Are actually just like uh open air concept windows and you can see what it looks like from the inside here I think it looks kind of cool and I really like that you can see like The Greenery outside you can see Joe’s pinball machine and things like that in fact I

Think I spotted Joe Hills right over there I’m pretty certain that was Joe Hills yeah that was Joe Hills flying about uh and over here we have some cool stuff you can uh move around the area really nicely you got some Parkour options here which are always super fun

You can go in and out from different uh windows and things and yeah basically the bottom part is the same deal so open air like concept Windows you can walk in this way and obviously same thing on the opposite side of the museum now one thing I do want to show you is

Outside here I’ve also added not only like you know additional land to this like walkway around the outside but this bit right here we’ve added sort of a like Lower Garden area which serves two purposes number one it looks absolutely beautiful number two it sets the museum back even further uh

From the road which is really nice so we have like not only do we have this uh the sandesite wall here but now we have the garden and then the retaining wall and then the museum so like that’s what that’s where we get a lot of depth here

That’s really key in builds like this to make sure you have a sense of scale and make sure that like things uh I guess are in the correct proportions more or less so I think that helps out tremendously there you can see some bamboo stocks coming up and obviously

Same thing on this side another Garden on this side also it’s a sort of like fun parkour thing you can do if you don’t uh fly like I just did let’s try it again please reset thank you we’re up and there we have it there’s another one on this side too where you

Can sort of Parkour your way up the side of this which is super fun and of course we also have a little bit of a parkour thing here if we get onto these uh leaves we can parkour across like this which is fun and of course you can

Just straight up jump and run across the top of the fence on the outside part right here so that’s cool too anyways um yeah museum is looking pretty good uh I can show you the back side too I didn’t really spend too much time on the back because uh there wasn’t really much

To do so I just added some columns basically and of course some lighting on this backside uh we may come back to this at some point if we want to expand in the future depending on how big the museum collection gets but as of right now

Uh as you saw just moments ago there’s not really there’s not really a whole lot in this Museum we need things to display inside the museum So to that end we are gonna grab our box of stuff which I believe is here yeah and we’re gonna see we need

More Easter eggs so we have a false Easter egg and a carved pumpkin Easter egg I think this is the first thing I’m going to try and collect so let’s go and ask some of our fellow Hermits if they perhaps have some leftover eggs from the Easter egg hunt

Hello hello anybody on their cub and welcome to scarland this place is looking great man oh look at the castle in the background just pop into the view oh my God Dude Looks So greater distance is poop apparently I can’t even see it I can see it’s like emerging out of the

Fog it’s very mystical oh that’s really cool yeah that’s really cool well you’re here Cub you need to rock a scar land item grab the bones ground put them in your off hand there we go oh that’s delightful magnets delightful oh they swear yeah you said you wanted to see me

Yeah I’m uh I’m what I’m looking for some artifacts looking for some artifacts very specific set of artifacts for a museum that is about to open uh this direction beyond the castle oh Cleo was here asking for things the other day what kind of things do you

Want oh dude okay so I’m looking for remember the Easter egg hunt we had way back not this past Easter but the Easter before that yes I’m looking for Easter eggs man do you have any do you have any you know what’s perfect Cub is yes I do I have a

Toy store over here where they live oh and you can pop one right off the shelf which you will be the first customer of any of these shops which is amazing look at this oh my God look at this look at them look at how beautiful they are you

Got so many you got a little mini score many green many Pearl b dubs me Hypno impulse oh my gosh so yeah pick what one you want grab one knock it off the shelf magnificent man well I’m trying to get all of them I don’t think you wouldn’t

Lose all of them for sure but uh I’m this little mini B-Dubs this speaks to me this speaks to me it does it does speak it does speak for sure um so yeah yeah take that yeah thanks so much man this is great This Is Amazing by the way uh uh this balloon

Would you be opposed to this balloon being shot in the uh in the museum no but you know what every Museum does need what’s that artwork come step out of the street real quick step out here real quick okay what if Cub what if what if hold on hold on let

Me let me grab it out grab it out boom bam okay what if your beautiful place had a piece of artwork such gloriousness as that who baby that is that is some heat that’s coming off of this thing man oh man right yeah yeah yeah I could I could

Definitely see this in the museum man oh yeah opening soon at the Hawkeye headquarters otherwise known as the giphy shop you can get this and much much more fantastic man I’m gonna have to make a purchase can I get like a collector’s edition of this

You know what for you Cub you can be the only person that has the signed Hawkeye one oh my God you would do that for me I would do it for you Cub I would do it for you Hills it’s me honey Joe how’d it go how can I

Help you Joe I got a question for you I probably have an incorrect answer and I’m so excited to deliver it okay Joe Joe I have some very exciting news yes I’m opening I am opening a museum very soon the problem is I have nothing to put in this Museum uh more

Specifically Joe I’m I’m looking very specifically for Easter eggs from the Easter egg hunt about a year or more ago now yeah yeah I think I know where some of those might be oh come this way all right I’ll follow you Okay so uh boy my inventory is full of nonsense

So let me take my do not throw away box and fill it with Cobble so I don’t throw that Cobble Away by mistake okay so in here somewhere I think I’ve got here it is a Joe Hills egg thank you Joe yes this is exactly what

I’m looking for I’m trying to collect a lot of these eggs because a lot of these got misplaced or moved or I think a few of them remain hidden to this day so to get a collection going I think would be vitally important to preserve this important piece of hermitcraft History

I agree with you but the reason I brought you over here is not just because that Ender Chest in particular had the egg in it but also because I’ve been storing stream day torches ah here because I thought we needed to have a place for them where everybody could

Come and observe them like this this Axolotl this uh sunflower and this uh netherite uh pickaxe uh or hoe you know so these three items I think all would be perfect for your Museum as well Cub I agree I agree is it okay for me to take these from the yield Community crafting

Center uh absolutely you know honestly they’re kind of exposed to the elements there’s a little bit of a roof there but like maybe getting some walls in would be would be the best choice so please take these and put them in your Museum Cub all right we’ll do so I will I will

Grab these here I’m gonna take the item frame too because oh yeah yeah that doesn’t need to stay there we go you can use those uh yeah you can even Mark these are the original item frames of reclaimed from the crafting thing oh yeah honestly yeah moving this entire

Structure in there as an exhibit could even be fun that’s true yeah yeah I didn’t actually consider that but yeah having a bigger piece like this would actually be another good potential uh potential uh display yeah yeah it’s just so beautiful well thanks Joe this this is actually really really

Helpful this is hugely helpful not only do I have another Easter egg but some unique stream items so thank you Joe oh certainly I am always happy to help someone put together a museum so a huge thank you to good times with scar and Joe Hills for gifting us a

Easter egg each and also for the other things they gave us including some balloons we now have some stream day torches which we might make a section for that could be kind of cool but the plan is right now uh in this main hall area here uh we’re gonna put down the

Easter egg hunt poster which we got we got the results over here we got the invite and then we’re gonna put each and every uh hermit Easter egg that we find or that we can collect from the other Hermits onto these lightning rods here so it sort of like forms like a

Collection of Easter eggs around the room here I think that would be kind of cool and we gotta figure out a way to display the other stuff so like these stream day torches uh the compass for the Empire’s event uh you know the carved pumpkin from scarland these

Things from the Empire’s crossover uh you know some event invites and stuff from the King storyline and things we gotta figure out a place for those and which who’s going to go where what sort of structure we’re going to put in here like maybe we do like an Island theme

Like where we have things on different islands of similar like types or maybe we do like quasi rooms there’s a lot of different possibilities here for these items but uh we need to keep collecting more things because we need this Museum to be interesting and we want it to have

Like maybe we’ll have like some rooms to have like in-game rare stuff like actual like rare artifacts and things that could be really cool but uh for now I think this is gonna have to do so we have the false Easter egg Joe the golden Easter egg the B-Dubs and then one of

Mine which I got from my base so that’s what we have so far I think it’s a pretty nice display so pretty happy with it and really loving how this museum is turning out looking super super cool and look at that as the sun sets We Say

Goodbye guys thank you so much for joining me for this exciting episode of hermitcraft got a lot done today we got the museum built we got we were mining deep slate with Withers and the TCG Championship took place so I hope you all enjoyed if you did please leave a

Like be sure to subscribe and I will see you guys in the next episode farewell

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 9: The Museum! (Ep. 71)’, was uploaded by cubfan135 on 2023-05-17 17:00:30. It has garnered 75940 views and 5668 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:27 or 2427 seconds.

Today we’re playing Minecraft on the Hermitcraft Season 9 Server! Cub completes the Boulevard of Broken Bees connecting the museum area with the Hermitcraft shopping district. Then he designs a Minecraft Museum to house the many artifacts that have accumulated around the server throughout the season as well as rare Minecraft items. He also joins @xisumavoid, @EthosLab, and @TangoTekLP for some deepslate Wither mining and visits @GoodTimesWithScar and @JoeHillsTSD to collect items for the Museum.

► Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/cubfan135 Follow me on Twitter so you never miss a video!

Like this video and want to see more? Check out my 2nd channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQgX4qy49zw9-DoHj4aZ6_g

#cubfan135 #minecraft #hermitcraft

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  • Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shorts

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  • Minecraft’s Dark Secret Revealed – Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktok

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  • Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power – Epic Minecraft Animation!

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  • Salve Craft SMP – whitelist, Java 1.20.4 – Community-Focused 16+

    Welcome to SalveCraft! SalveCraft is a thriving Minecraft community with players from all around the world. Whether you’re a master builder, redstone expert, comedian, or content creator, there’s a place for you here. Our server operates similar to HermitCraft and focuses on creating a fun and entertaining environment for everyone. Current Season: Season 2 (Started 05/20/24) We are always looking for new members to join our community and liven up the server. If you’re interested, reach out to us or join our Discord server for more information. The application process takes place on Discord. Discord: Join our Discord server We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sculk Shrieker be like: Vibin’ & Snitchin’

    Sculk Shrieker’s main goal is to be more popular than all the other Minecraft memes…and it looks like it’s winning with a score of 26! Read More

  • Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥

    Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥 “I made an iron golem in Minecraft, but now he just stands there judging me while I try to mine for diamonds. Talk about a tough crowd!” 😂🤖 #minecraftproblems #ironjudgement Read More

  • EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await!

    EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await! Welcome to EDS BOY: Your Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Welcome to EDS BOY, a mystical realm where blocks come alive and adventures unfold! Dive into our pixelated universe, where diamond pickaxes gleam, creepers lurk, and redstone circuits hum with magic. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a curious newbie, this channel is your gateway to epic quests, jaw-dropping builds, and heart-pounding survival challenges. Uncover Hidden Temples and Tame Wild Wolves Join us as we explore lush forests, treacherous caves, and towering mountains. Uncover hidden temples, tame wild wolves, and outwit those pesky skeletons. The world of EDS BOY is full… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱

    Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Escaping Rooms in Minecraft (And Real Life😩)’, was uploaded by Jervy Ras on 2024-04-21 09:39:10. It has garnered 63 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:29 or 6209 seconds. I have joined a small Minecraft event because it looked like fun, @savvysoggy is the creator of it and it is in the honour of one of his friends! I am not planning on winning all 10 rooms but I am going to try my best to make it far! Official Discord: https://discord.gg/GYebzGPhAf TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jervyras Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jervy_ras/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JervyRas Read More

  • Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft Gameplay

    Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I summoned herobrine 😰 #gamergirl #gameplay #herobrine #minecraft #minecraft2024 #horrorgames’, was uploaded by Tanu Gaming on 2024-04-13 05:19:30. It has garnered 2799 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. About This Game Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition… Read More

Hermitcraft 9: The Museum! (Ep. 71)