Hive Live: The Squad of Bozos Goes Bananas ๐Ÿ’

Video Information

Start in the Stream am I live yo dude this is ridiculous okay okay okay okay that was loud all right all right Chad there we go okay okay turn that down my Lord dude Christ almighty turn that crap W down my God this wildness that’s occurring it’s too much all right okay

Okay okay all right Chad how are we doing today um welcome to the stream chat hold up there hold up just a minute oh my goodness I’m do great chat we all right let’s go chat there we go there we go hello everybody how are we doing today

Chatters welcome to the stream let me get my high live thumbnail on the screen for everybody B bam no that’s the really bad one no I don’t want that one and of course I I that one’s poooo that one’s garbage dude give me a good one yes that one’s fire all

Right okay Kain chat let’s go dude and we win incredible how’s your day going my day was going great dude my day is absolutely fire besides the fact that YouTube unsubed all the alts but you know that was that was going to come yeah yeah you know demo there was

That was this sler oh by the way if anyone wants to become the 2,100 subscriber I mean that’s up for grabs right now so that’s cool Hello Mony Leo welcome to the stream hello gryon Hello Alex hello m hello hello ATV hello Momo again oh alt

Um hello demo all right chat let’s go how are we doing today boys let’s go chat toight we’re going to do some more Hive live cuz pagers dang that’s crazy um is it crazy in two minutes I got 18 views that’s pretty good dude pretty solid you can’t really tell how a video

Is going to do on the first two minutes but that’s solid that shows you got some nice notification viewers doing that thumbnail is amazing which thumbnail oh demo made me a thumbnail yes oh oh for the hi podcast yeah Hive podcast is being slightly delayed chat

Because uh we a lot of the members could not make it today so we’re gonna we’re going to delay that hello Tim Harden welcome to the stream okay I’m dead cool how about are we doing chat welcome back d Fair got scammed so hard last

Night so I don’t even think I told him to be honest because I was like asleep but after I was watching the VOD I realized that when Fair refreshed his screen after like a transition it reset the timer so he ended up doing like an extra 30 minutes he didn’t have to do

And just like he just just kept going he did not even notice it was kind of funny um dog Elite Let’s It Go real man hello Erica welcome to the stream how are you doing all righty let’s go okay chat good no music I think it was just like

Absurdly low and now it’s now it’s more high oh also maybe I don’t know if my audio sounds better or not I hope it does though cuz I turned on my sound suppression I got that working again and pray to God it won’t just like cut out

Randomly after to become a mod it’s basically just be be here for a long time and be a good active viewer and be chilling chat that’s pretty much it all right chat should we start with the Cs I believe we should actually you know what

On where’s my what’s my guy MC w mik up to oh he’s not online what he must have crashed yet dude that guy’s subathon is going so poorly like it’s first 5 minutes he’s crashed the poor guy B an important building Clockwork event let’s go J pug bozo is goag dude I’m crazy

Like look at look at this little monkey he’s such a cool guy wait is he still up there or am I making a fool of myself oh yeah he is what to my face cam on this oh my Lord okay hold let’s make go this is basically just the Gog scene at this

Point man just just make Gog really big hold up this is the Gog scene hold up just doing some quick little quick a little light it here um now we can like get rid of this cuz that’s irrelevant but what’s really cool is Gog that’s what we really care about all

Right cool now we have a dedicated dog scene this is great what a cool scene all right bam back to normal scene okay oh BL it’s not eight yet no swearing yeah yeah yeah not yet I’m not racist man I just I’m just a monkey what

Do you want from me like come on man I’m just embracing the Gog Spirit hello hello SF Craig welcome to the stream how you doing man all right I don’t like the bot what bot there goes you streaming see you just streamed oh yeah I know I

Know I’m aware but he’s going to be streaming for the next like five days so like I got to stream I got to stream regardless boo we should do Bo make yeah we will don’t worry don’t worry I respect I respect him streaming for so

Long I respect that so if he’s like not asleep when I go to when I um end stream then I’ll rate him bro what is that title it’s the best title what are you talking about man dude I have suddenly transformed into a prime ape and is the

Coolest thing all right oh hi Rosie okay let me put the code on the screen I feel like I probably should have run a pub or something yeah you know I’m going to run a pub actually because I don’t think we have enough people yet I’m deci to make

2 that would be pretty cool tomato that’d be pretty epic let’s that’ll be the second time but let’s go right that’s kind of the first second time but that’s still cool Chad that’s still cool cuz that time it wasn’t Al though so that’s nice I think un less

Tomatoes in all that would be unfortunate but but yeah hello coin welcome to the stream dude how you doing how are you good sir real chat all righty I’m going to play public game before we start cs’s because uh you know I had to get some people in here before

First as you do you know I take offense to that title No clicks don’t be silly man I’m just embracing the spirit of the monkey can I join obviously we’re going to do cs’s in a little bit um like pretty soon after this hopefully I try

To wait until I have like okay I have 15 yeah we’ll do cs’s right after this game chat don’t worry don’t worry Chatters bam oh okay then uh so supposedly MCW like he’s kind of the news right now that’s going in the Weekly News video is his his his

Big old subathon cuz that’s like the long that could be the longest time subathon since dicey man so we’ll see how that goes hopefully it works well for him but uh that that might be one of the topics on my weekly the first Weekly News video i’ there was there was

Something an awesome I saw on Twitter today so rare I know something cool happened on Twitter but so apparently jeen caught this little video of this but on Oceania for like five minutes the OG Hive sign was replacing like the new one in Oceania region no idea why like

The hidden region so I guess they thought like no one would be there but Jen somehow caught it so maybe that’s a sign that they’re going to bring it back who knows man that’d be pretty cool but that’s uh that’s that video is up on

Twitter if you want to do it it’s see it it’s guy James I guess they don’t care but yeah it was T it was taken back to the new one after like five minutes of him posting it so that was kind of cool Bozo a monkey

True dude it’s crazy why are you a monkey because I’m just feeling the monkey Spirit you know I’m feeling like I’m feeling like a prime AE today you here hello hello Atlantics welcome to the stream all right okay B hello sir listen I know you’re going to try really

Hard with that bow and arrow and all these strategic strategies like but in the end you’re going to die I’m sorry sir bam did you use the intro baby uh where’s my podcast a sketch you we had a lot of people couldn’t make it so we

Have to do a better job at scheduling it um cuz we kind of just like said hey guys can you make this it’s in an hour and then like nobody could make it so um we’re going to try we’re going to reschedule it don’t worry it will happen

I’m quite excited for it was it don’t invite tomato why what did tomato do man what what what kind of sins did tomato commit okay listen guys you y’all got to die Rosie do not get a kill please no I want all of the kills thank you all

Right um are there still guys in blue where is where are these last dudes oh I’m not a bad person I’m sorry let’s play Bozo says um maybe maybe maybe that’s an idea we could try that oh okay there’s some like actual players this could be

Interesting let’s do a little bit of Bo okay this guy is not having the greatest lag based experience okay well I mean if they if they all get on the edge of the map so I can knock them off I mean that’s totally cool with me I mean I’ll take

That I’ll take that dub where is this dude where did he go oh is he over at red basee I think he’s over at Red base oh there he is I see him let’s play boo says my friend he’s a bad person bro it’s crazy hello Trey

Young welcome to the stream I almost screwed myself there hello Frey frog you’re going to die I’m sorry sir and we win W how okay please how are you not Dead die what die how are you alive Rosie get him get him Rosie yeah Rosie got it GG’s how your

Life been dude it’s been pretty crazy pretty dubs all right chat let’s go thank you for subscribe chat I appreciate it all right boys let’s play a good old game of oh wait we have to start with SkyWars just as tradition but then we can uh do something different

You know it’s it’s it’s always tradition it always will be tradition to start with SkyWars we all right let’s go dude is TR like a famous person that you’re impersonating I feel like I’ve heard that name before but I don’t think it was from the YouTube account S the N word excuse

Me yes boo what what what what did I do I can stay up late let’s go dude that’s crazy Trey young is an NBA player oh cool that’s pretty crazy all right um okay Chad bada boom all right 5 C2 eqm there we go 5 C2 eqm is the code

Chat let me get that up for you guys wait why is caps lock on I have never turned it on in my life all right 5 C2 eqm let me get that okay that is up chat there is the code join up boys we are playing a hive SkyWars CS op five wise

It was a chess player let get J I wish it was real trey I love him that’s pretty crazy all right hello stop bad I mean I I don’t know about you but I doubt any NBA players are um coming in and tuning into this 5 live stream I don’t know man just

Me but I don’t know about that is that a banana or on your skin wait hold on yes it yes it is wait my skin still working I didn’t this oh cool let’s go here let me take my costume off so we got the uh costume res

Sub turn this skin on do MCD okay well I guess I’ll switch to the other one soon we have McDonald’s Buzz over the minute though I’m here let’s go W lenx skin made by jpog where’s Le broso where is let me get let me get Le broso for you chat

Fine uh where is he there he is there’s Le broso what a cool guy all right I’m feeling uh what should we do what should we do wait do we is there a monkey one there really should be oh wait there is a dog one wait where’s dog there it is

That fits the stream yes all right now we got monkey moo epic let’s play Death tag uh yeah maybe we can we can probably do that at some point that’s a good idea all right Chat Bam join up boys um I think we’re about to start this CS I

Think that seems good the updated skin pack I’m working on it I I’ve started way too many like things like videos that I have to like do so uh sorry about that uh I had a hive to The Hive live let me see he didn’t like the vi with

Thil I think it was okay I I I just needed Hive in there all right okay boys let’s start this let’s start this B Bing okay actually we should play the fun Death Run game we did last stream yeah sure that’s that m i I don’t

Know I think we should do uh infity death run the hive’s kind of covered though Crazy Rap my skin we send me the one with the Hive on it and then I’ll look at it since you said to add it to the back I mean I meant like really big

Like obnoxiously big is what I meant but whatever wait for me I’m sorry man wait make sure you’re not on like stream delay make sure you’re not like rewinded in the Stream trayon cuz you you are quite late I’m too excited why are you so excited I mean

I’m so glad that you’re enthralled to watch the squad of Boos play SkyWars but uh what What’s Happening what what what’s what’s what’s the what’s the occasion man what what’s go what’s about okay oh hello sir I might stab you hello hello Minecraft good and hello Roblox gamer h moment right there

Real okay um is there a guy okay there are guys over there lovely game instead of playing Minecraft that’s crazy uh I didn’t know y’all would like actually keep up with sports you know I kind of figured like Minecraft players weren’t all that involved in the NBA but you know I mean

You guys you guys good job Uh let’s go got him okay I sent you two versions with the sensor bar and with that okay yeah I don’t like the sensor bar that that was kind of the thing I was not vibing with I wasn’t quite a fan of that oh hello envic city I’ll leave

I’ll leave you alone you want to make the hive Thing by way uh definitely with without oh yeah without the without the sensor bar for sure boom and make it make the hive have color so it pops y thank you every who subscribed let’s go boys I appreciate

It oh my god dude I just sniped that poor guy he got stolen wait oh wait wait stop stop stop guys guys guys oh okay well I got his kill I didn’t get the other one though that’s unfortunate by that’s pretty crazy my eyes Red Bro what happened

Anthony Eli whatever there’s so many e i I’m sorry Chad if I get confused and I mess up your name sorry Eli there’s entity and vix in Eli like come on man give me a break and there’s like more I just can’t think of them on

My head hello gamer Luigi welcome to the stream how you doing man green name looking W is always man it’s rare to see a green name cuz most of the people who get member like have mod so the green name is actually like quite the rare thing the only other

Green name I can think of was like just B oh my God oh my God like have member like Rosie and you scetch you remember right and jpog yeah be all mod oh no this is not nice no no no no no no Onyx Onyx Onyx

You L just killed MCW mik can you like can you like stop killing YouTubers dude it’s not nice hello slender welcome to the stream no oh my God I cannot believe this a brother I got member from Sky yeah I know okay someone give me member please I mean that unfortunately YouTube is

Kind of goofy with that and you can’t like choose who to give member to so um the way the way it works is it just kind of like if people give member it goes to a random person in Chat die move forward to getting mod be pretty Crazy oh my God no all right there we go yeah that’ll that’ll be good that will be good man I’m EX for another mod app stream cuz last time I did it I thought it’d be really bad but it was actually a whole lot of fun so so I’m

Excited to do another one of those and somehow it was actually one of the best performing streams of that month which is kind of insane but all right lovely boys I can’t can’t run 256 x packs that’s pretty crazy unfortunate Dud okay die all right this guy this guy really needs to get Wombo comboed let’s go we got him dude that officially makes me better than MCW Mike okay please clicks die i’ would like to establish that didn’t have Redstone so uh if I die that is entirely why and not my

Skill oh he just did not chase me that’s cool I can’t run at 128 below yeah oh unfortunate crashes my cave until I run the bag out bro you got Founders capes um oh the ones you mean these ones hold up oh this I think it was um I think it

Was for Minecraft’s 10th anniversary I believe I’m not entirely sure but I think that was it I think that was the 10th anniversary Cape which was 2019 right I think I think it was a 2019 thing so quite old now actually how you get uh I remember that map what

Oh yeah yeah what a w dude okay that was that was slightly close sorry guys for screaming in your ear another I I I I I don’t know why I keep having my MCW mic but I have nothing else to talk to about I was on

His stream for like 5 Seconds when he’s not next to his mic he is the quietest streamer there has ever been dude but occasionally he’ll just go like this this and absolutely blow the eardrums out of every human being on the planet it is so loud I started on 1.5 like I I

Had headphones on and it genuinely gave me a seizure like I I genuinely want to just like hop on his stream and just like tell him how to set up his OBS because he’s got a lot of things wrong over there oh hello clicks he also definitely

Has low see on rather than ultra low because his stream delay is kind of poopy I mean it’s like not that bad it’s like 10 seconds but mine’s like four maybe three sometimes no no no clicks click stop being good please stop playing this okay I love

That just not chase me it’s so great UK B you know whose name is bdr on Halloween I don’t no um the medicine isn’t working what what medicine Rosie yeah I’m switch though I mean yeah I don’t you can’t get it anymore it’s it’s kind of limited I mean you could

Get you could have gotten it in 2019 oh sorry R sorry almost stabbed her that would my eyes are bright red Eli you might want to go check that out I remember you I do remember you and I I would go uh either show your parents or um yeah just go show your

Parents reasonable thing to do there they’ll probably have some eye drops or something just saw stream H yo doing Customs yep we are man big POG Customs dude how are you doing JM welcome to the stream okay momo this is unacceptable on JP’s Bridge you dare wait this is not

Jpog who built this bridge who built this jpog is not in the Cs all right my dad knows he’s going to make he’s going to take me to urgent care tomorrow that’s crazy dude unfor [ __ ] sorry about that well it’s good that you’re going to urger though and

Good that you’re uh getting that checked out I did I died though a I see okay okay got you makes sense oh yeah the Ser is about to end wait Chad I’m going to like actually wait I 12 kills on the kill leader let’s

Go dude I don’t even care that I died as long as qu doesn’t get kill leader from me we win uh we kill Mega people whenever is real that’d be crazy who do that Momo get I’m absolutely enthralled to stab you right now come back here I’ve been using the word en

Thralled way too much recently I really need to stop I’m trying to make the skin jpog made me for a higher style skin but I can’t figure out the hair uh highy um actually if you want to hi style zap a Creator called zap o lightning has a

Really good um Hive sty like hi style skin tutorial that can make uh that can make different like it shows you how to make hiy style skins he’s like basically the hive skin person name zap o lightning and but I want to do it alone I see I got

You I think it’s a her but the only girl hi YouTuber other than like sirzen what other girls are there thura szen Zappa lightning and who Irish potato are there any other female hi YouTubers surely right I don’t know I’m a God that’s crazy Amy Annie I don’t know person called

Annie his name is c big thing Randy what his big thing Randy BR okay the squad of Boos yes it is ey I sent the thumbnail thank you demo let’s go that’s actually solid that’s good we take that all right bam demo Hive live thumbnail demo okay cool y that thank you demo

Very cool let me uh change the thumbnail cuz cools and stuffs why not all right boys let’s go what’s see what’s the should we do boys give me some Suggestions all right there we go there’s demos thumbnail W it’s definitely different style you can tell it’s demos but you can tell but it’s pretty cool was texture pack name you’re using it is called you know what I’ll check for you all gr you didn’t um Sumo that’s an idea

Boo says an idea we want chaos BR okay GW maybe maybe I like your ideas sh good jump good jum let me check what is this called Wait no that’s the wrong one options okay um it is it is called switch 32x but actually I’m going to change packs

Here I want to go to uh I want to use where’s my diamond 6X slly what a cool pack back is a seon still up no oh wait the timer is there dude sorry okay thank you for letting me know bro I have murder mystery in ground Wars that’s idea you don’t you Don’t Rosie doesn’t want to play mm or ronals okay now your end of the deal give me the recording yeah I got you I I will um get that uploaded you’ll have you’ll have it by tomorrow demo I am notoriously really bad at sending people recordings cuz my YouTube never wants to upload

Anything boo hint hint hint he don’t just take candy it’s pretty crazy hide and kill maybe all right Chad you know what Rosie isn’t on oh lie down and not play the game okay cool sounds good all right right how about we do you I I think I think we should do some

Block drop 64 leap this is always a WCS boys let’s do that that’s impossible that’s crazy CS Okay we never saying his name whose name what my name boo don’t worry you can say boo it’s perfect uh that is a wild title don’t DHR don’t discriminate I’m just feeling I’m feeling like a little prape today you you know the feeling man just I’m just

Like I’m gogging I mean look I’m I literally got a monkey on my chest like can this ad shut the freak up dude my Lord hello deer though bro got the god grip I I do dude it’s crazy all right we Bozo rate my skin where are you um incredible that’s

Actually decent that’s pretty solid only thing I would say needs a bit of variation I think the shirt looks a tad bit flat it looks pretty decent though actually I like it I like it good job sketchy I’d say like a like a 7.5 should do CTF while I’m still in pain so

I don’t have to play that’d be pretty crazy all right okay boys there we go code is on the screen XZ GC um yv I’m totally going to forget that um XZ GC y v did I get it I did dude I’m crazy Okay I I took what did you take oh you should I just realized I by the first version of the thumbnail was said yeah what what were you doing how did that take a 15 minutes demo my goodness dude that was so stinky it was such a stinky

Thumbnail there was like no pop on the character either you like didn’t add any camera raw filters or it was just so stinky but I didn’t want to tell you it was stinky cuz you’d spent 15 minutes on it do fair shot that’s an idea maybe I bounc back though yeah yeah

It it was well revised okay oh I should probably inrease player count just in case here B I wonder how long until he notices now you got me paranoid what did I do is the code wrong the code is fine what happened oh oh you still have mod oh but hold

Up there we go don don got him but hello green how you get on your get on your normal account I have a screenshot with you yeah sure man um I I’m at the spot if anyone would like a screenshot um I will be put in time out if I say

His name who no Green’s getting abused lovely R silly shorts real and that too there was someone behind him what no was some is someone trolling me am I getting trolled are you trolling me green or is there actually like a family member chilling behind

Me don’t no I think green was the only one who noticed if it if it was I think he’s fooling with me dude I think he’s actually pulling my I think he’s that’s a lie oh um I think what is it pulling my pulling my strings what is it

Called I’m I’m bad okay what whatever bam all right Chad CH do you think we can hit uh 2110 today I think that’s the goal cuz if we want to hit 2,300 by uh Christmas I’m also going to have a lot of days where I can’t stream because

I’ll be with like family and stuff so we got to I got to like get like 10 Subs 10 Subs a day so we got to we got to hit um we got to hit 2110 today so if you’re new and you’re not subscribed or you’re just not subscribed um please do that’d

Be pretty cool only yappen comes out so did I get the cheese um no no no no no no cheese no cheese no cheese no cheese until it’s like very very dire okay okay I’ll sub hello hello slender what is it what is it slender lizard but maybe your

Conscious can that’s her only hope crazy all right chat okay look at MC chat I’m sorry I don’t really look at MC chat all that often um what what were you trying to say okay it is not there I’m sorry so you’ve been trying to tell me this so long it’s just not

There I’m sorry okay let’s start the Cs chat did I preset I don’t think I did I don’t think I said it oh I did okay good I got disconnected bro that’s unfortunate did Rosie died immediately and the coin got disconnected that is just so unfortunate we I’m sad I’m

Sorry all right bam let’s go me a playing like a wh we got this sh let’s just remove all the blocks yeah I forgot to sub on this account bro okay unfortunate for me it’s good okay good cool all right back to resting I go lovely sounds nice Ry okay let’s go

Chad oh that was unfortunate lovely all right good shame um it’s not really nice though well well I mean the rest oh that’s unfortunate Rosy um well good you’re resting though that’s nice uh why is he mod again oh he he it was just I I um I had switched what

Account he had mod on so I just took mod off of his um shorts account and gave it back to his uh this new normal account so I just had to I forgot to take it off the old one so that’s why oh my Lord dude I’m getting targeted so hard right

Now this is so unfortunate I don’t feel safe down there I got to stay up here man uh Rosie the solution is to sleep wake up and have no pain let’s go real just leave the squad AB bozos stream on while you sleep it’ be so crazy

Dude okay oh my God how do I walk down there that was silly how’s your day bro my day is is going pretty well man okay there we are and now we’re good catching all right yeah my day is going pretty good Chad I’ve been gaming I got 100 on all

My tests today that was pretty cool um yeah I’ve just got two more days well like one and a half and then I’ve got Thanksgiving break and don’t you worry chhat maybe if I can be a scheduling Jesus we can get like a 12-hour stream on Thanksgiving break we can we can give

It our best shot all right I’ll I’ll try my best I’m going to absolutely grind it out man I’m going to try to get like on Thanksgiving I break I want to try to get at least close to finishing my um main video and then I want to get I want

To do I want to start the first uh Weekly News video plus some other things so you know I’m we be grinding boys we be grinding to pass ax we go I have half a day tomorrow then no school on Monday let’s go dude good job that’s pretty epic yeah

How our our school did it um we have off so Wednesday is a half day and then Thursday Friday are both off and then um we don’t have school Monday so we get like a 5 day break five and a half that’s pretty solid was my last day let’s

Go no you’re never passing axo well um I I’ll do my best I mean social blade says I’ll pass him within like a month so I mean think what you will but yeah social blade can be very inaccurate though who knows server gaming is going to pass you

No server gaming is going to become a fortnite YouTuber dude don’t don’t even worry about it server server gaming is the most pessimistic YouTube there is okay I’ve died but whatever like I love super gaming but like every time we’re talking about like oh my goodness I’m going to hit 3K I’m going

To hit 5K this year he’s like eh I’ll probably quit before then like every single time like we’ve been in a VC with other viewers like talking about like sub goals you like eh I’ll probably quit before I hit like 3K it’s like oh okay cool

Uh all right he’s so depressed he is dude he’s like it’s like funny that he’s depressed though going to carry your channel real mid Fox work that is crazy dude you’re hearing this no can I have a shout out oh my goodness MVP best 2.0 is the

Coolest guy I have ever met what a cool dude uh there’s your shout out um that’s not funny to be H me wait what did I say that it’s it’s not like he’s like depression depressed but like he just like gives off that Vibe you know he

Gives off that Vibe of like consistent pessimism that it’s occasionally quite funny it’s a 900 let’s go dude W bro we be 10 times real my God my hair is going That’s crazy dude that’s crazy dude it’s so funny I saw this so I was like going

Over my video right so Chad I actually can show you this but it’s taken me so long to start keep editing this video that my hair is like my hair is visibly grown I don’t want to do like another thing where like it show like I do like

A face recording because you’ll be able to see visually how much my hair has grown between now and then hold up I got to let me let me check this out wait look right here chat so I can find the clip oh there we are so you can visually tell like how much

My hair has grown in this clip it’s kind of funny like you can see it it’s taken me that long to edit this video so but yeah okay there we go all righty okay um my hair is long and curly dubs what is clock y yapping about clock

Is clock is doing some crazy things over there man buzzo exposed demos thumbnail yeah man y’all want to see Demo’s pathetic thumbnail he sent me after he made me stall stream for 15 minutes I sto look at this conversation man all right like I I I I recorded things for

Him trying to go live 7 so get back to work oh um he called me interesting I’m not going to read that out loud um push stream back to 7:05 all right he’s pissed by 5 minutes push back another 10 minutes then 15 minutes and then after

All this at 7:17 p.m. he sends me this piece of garbage so so um I I made him revise it and uh eventually we came he revised it to this which is what the thumbnail for this stream is right now so the good one I will yeah I I got and the

Fact he doesn’t read my server’s messages sorry bro like I can do better was getting mad for real completely different one oh that’s probably because you haven’t refreshed yet oh my God wait it hasn’t dude it still hasn’t upad oh my god dude did that’s why hold

Up I still have to upload this thumbnail how how in the world has it not uploaded yet but how does that happen why does it take so oh it worked now it worked it worked it worked we’re good okay um well now now the thumbnail was the current thumbnail there we go

Both those is poggers and Doggers real dude I agree your eyes sh speed’s brother for now that’s crazy every was going to be so crazy what if you you want in your team pick three people I want to see the player roster before I pick okay give me the player

Roster and then I’ll pick up pick me I I think demo should be in the vent yeah make sure Demo’s in make sure you should get just Momo he’s pretty cool there we go it’s fixed now sure yeah oh hello humble space welcome to the stream for what clax is holding an

100 player hi YouTuber 100 hi YouTuber Battle Royale with actual guns in Minecraft so it’s going to be a lot of fun but uh yeah and he’s hosting it with Danny as D bomb um you you you demo and someone else that me uh J what about me I mean unfortunately you

Got to be a YouTuber I’m sorry uh it’s not my it’s not my event I I can’t choose you I’m sorry I mean I got to I got to hook up demo because he’s my Discord kid but other than that you know I’m sorry guys we guys I did a bit of

Eli style trolling dude that’s pretty crazy what do we Define as Eli style trolling sub requirs for that clock I don’t know that wasn’t even a YouTuber he’s an a firing YouTuber don’t don’t worry about it um I can see your setup that’s that’s good for you um yeah my setup does exist

You can probably see it dude what my face cam has been so offc center today and it’s so goofy like what happened to my face cam I I think I’m just in a wrong position like I think I need to scoot for a second 4 to 13 is slowly siging out that’s

Unfortunate FX is clueless BR bozo can I PC cuz you can DM me yeah Eli he can solo Squad thees all right chat all right let’s let’s start a CS um so let’s do how about this guys how about we do a good old let’s do a death fight I’m going to

Make I’m going to start this and do the code quickly because it’s a really fast CS so um coming quickly boys um all right and code is on the screen now all right boys code is up cpg oh my God like cpg great no way cpg xzz is the code bada

Boom there we are chat xzz okay cool that is it Gamers game I dislike time for res bro I know three people that be miscellaneous YouTubers and cl wait on what CL wait did he make it already hold up that oh wait no that’s natural disaster survival where do I

Find This Server CL have you sent me the server for this yet have you sent it cuz I I I just do not know where this is supposed to be at 100K B sleep stream but fans play clips that would be so fun oh my God I I’d probably get like cancelled thousand

Times over but like it’d be really funny invited before you no clock clock I think F just forgot whatever like face cam bigger no I kind of like it there it’s like you know we can’t be too invasive like I used to have it humongous dude like I uh cuz I mean I

Might I don’t know I used to have it up here for a long time and I had it like this big which was kind of obnoxious I like it a lot better down here here I think like especially if you put it down here it’s got to be a tad smaller so you

Know no works man all right plus chat’s got to exist I might make chat bigger I just don’t want to take up too much of the screen you know cuz like I got a message and I like really sank in like somebody told me I

Have no idea who it was but they were like you’re your your stream looks like it has popup ads the way it’s set up and and like I I actually like reconsidered I was like oh my God it does like I have way too much stuff on the screen so I

Made some stuff smaller and got rid of some things B make the chat bigger maybe you know here let let me see how it looks chat box no that’s not what we want is it that’s wait is that it where sh uh this one okay there we go um Shan

I think yeah why is it oh it’s cuz in that folder hold up if I remove it from this OBS folder then I think I can move it independently yeah but I’d have to like I don’t know I’d have to mess with it but like would you guys like it is

This big or is that too big like that feels kind of big to me I don’t know it feels like it kind of gets in the way in some things no I guess we could we could try to keep it there is that nice guys would have made me reing live like that

SC as that said was that wasn’t I you too big yeah like that’s what I’m saying like it’s kind of hard to make work like is that better I don’t know it’s it’s definitely bigger than it was for sure I think I also made my face cam B give him an

Oscar is late stream now it is good job what mouse use I use the uh Razer Death Adder V2 mini which is definitely not the metam mouse it’s it’s good though it’s been reliable with me for a couple like like a year now it’s solid it’s good at the chat all right

Cool W’s I’ll leave it like that for now death add or mini I know every time I say it I get us man it’s whatever I’m not sweaty enough to like actually buy like a optimized Mouse the off brand it’s off brand it looks perfectly fine

To me man like it’s good it it does it job look it clicks it it left clicks it right clicks it middle clicks occasionally dude it’s even got a DPI button that I press all the time accidentally it’s got side buttons too look at that look at that look how crazy

That is look at look at this crazy Mouse dude now death at V2 like server gaming dude don’t worry I got the I got the I got the better Mouse in server gaming all right Chad let’s start this up I said I would do it quickly and then I

Did not at all do it quickly all right let’s go chat we ready to zoom okay here we’ll leave players on Mini just so we can see some Gamers I’m actually a god at death fly so uh watch out for your Royalty okay I’m getting kind of tossed by J oh did jpog just fail oh no he’s still there he’s still chilling oh jpog failed that’s rough that’s rough jpog it really is quite unfortunate for you I’m just going to climb two steps bom record time 33 seconds we win these

Gamers for streaming in SMP next time maybe um I should stream the SMP um I’m going to ignore the pain and actually do St I’m bored and sleeping bro goofy has three buttons dude my boune has five discluding the the uh DPS but or DPI or whatever same

Thing all you should try streaming I already read that um BR almost last no I don’t lose uh I don’t lose death fly accept against if it’s against a good player then that gets kind of Rough I’m going get a model o Wireless let’s go dude W can I have mod unfortunately no um if you send in an application through Discord then yes well I if if I accept it do to go through a ho in chat and then chat does

It on a mod app stream we’ll actually do a mod app stream with like within like a week so uh yeah cool four buttons dude what one two three four and including that one five so yeah wait no 1 two 3 four five cuz middle click and then six if you count

DPI not you oh sorry my bad but you you you should I have 17 no no what that’s ridiculous there was a member in your stream like Rosie has member jog has member sketchy has member they’re members they’re just all mods for the most part so their names aren’t

Green they just have the member badge I have 69 buttons no YT rank on your Discord server no I don’t I don’t really care about like my Discord server primarily functions as a way for me to make announcements without doing community posts and also a way to get give people reliable stream

Notifications cuz YouTube stream notifications suck like if you actually want to make to my stream on a reliable time join the Discord server it’s just a better option if have member no you don’t false information hello Hades welcome to the stream all Right I might what if I called up what if I called up your boy MCW mik chat how’s he doing maybe we could uh maybe we could conjoin or we should we should invade his CS to get his attention we should invade his CS if he’s doing them oh my goodness what is

Going on with MC w Mike he has four viewers what happened dude what happen MCW Mike I don’t know about this one man I don’t know if I can collab with such a low lifer this is this is kind of unfortunate four of viewers four dude that’s crazy my

God D hold up we got we got to share the love real quick Hold Up chat chhat go um it would be funny to just debate him Chad Chad I think here I I’ll share the love with good old uh MC w mik let’s let’s yeah let me uh I’m going to link

His stream come back but go over there and like go go go over there and say hello if you’re not sub to him go sub to him he’s pretty cool just sent some viewers over for funnies I’m still live but why not saw you struggling well what’s he

What’s he up to let me uh mute my music what’s he doing what’s he up to and he just gives kids concussion still live but why not saw you struggling not really struggling but I appreciated Squad there we go guys I think they this is not really a raid only struggling is my

Wifi I I feel like he’s at his Stu stream subscribe to Mike all right all right and now and now and now we uh now we’ve done our Good Deed okay to leave for like bro a ner he’s leaving for dinner get out of here dude

I’ve just boosted him to 19 viewers I’m such a cool guy oh my god do you look like you have 4K so that’s great hello lanx welcome to the stream all righty direct no no no no no listen I I’m not I’m not I’m not done with the

Stream chat I’m not ending just I don’t think I really specified that as well as I should have I’m not ending stream I I just kind of felt like some people should go say hello to MCW Mike because he was he was at four viewers and at that pace he was never

Going to hit YouTube rank which is kind of which would be unfortunate so yeah in a misunderstanding I’m not ending stream BR I really should have clarified that slightly better as a content creator I have to write a lot up I don’t care you’re a cont Creator shut up okay there

We go all right why does that feel louder than it was all right bam Senor was very egotistical me oh display capture is still on my goodness man hi clor hold on let me turn out the music hi Clockwork how you doing wait hold up my Discord is hi my

Discord is outputting ah wait hold on there might be Echo wait wait wait wait wait wa wait my Discord is are you drunk again no no no no I just I I’m just laughing you’re you’re you’re just just there’s just funnies just just the giggles dude

What’s what is I know I’m no like professional for YouTubers let’s go W CL but that’s awesome Chad I gotta sh this is this is what CL are said this is the icon for the Battle Royale that’s great oh my God that’s awesome this is the that’s so

Lovely oh I just I felt that needed to be shared I just felt very guy no no no I’m a h guy I occasionally do Zea but I I I also do you see it on the the server icon yeah yeah I do I didn’t notice it though let’s

Go prent gaming is in the general there should we hop in there yeah we’re about to go we’re about to go build oh okay mapio if you want to come in after you’re welcome to yeah I see I see World War 4 hey a welcome to the stream man hello

All right have a good rest of your all right byebye CL do you have school tomorrow I do have school tomorrow it’s quite unfortunate oh okay you’re getting scammed all right I am I have school I have school the next day too it’s kind of sad BR but yeah all right see you

Byebye oh my goodness what a cool guy Chad what a cool guy CLX works oh my god dude every time I VC someone I turn up the volume and then when I turn back on the music I get jump scared okay same I scho the next day true man

It’s it’s so sad so sad actually that be a good pull that’d be a good pull do you have school tomorrow um yes yes full Day yes half day King up and no no I’m off wa what did I just delete all why is this thing like not let me type all right there we go I’m weaking the DM that’s crazy being a YouTuber eat chicken that is that is crazy what what content that must

Be all right let’s go boys okay chat let’s go do um how about we do a little how about MJ Wars dude I haven’t we haven’t played MJ Wars in so long I miss MJ Wars man let’s get some mg Wars Running okay join up boys I’m inviting friends I’ll get code on the screen in just a minute that’s two weeks off excuse me your worri makes me mad BR so that’s crazy dude I school tomorrow full day o that’s unfortunate me too man dude 50% of people are off

Oh no one has a half day tomorrow interesting we what is MJ Wars so MJ Wars is um treasure Wars but only snowballs and blast of class it’s actually really fun and like nobody plays it anymore so it’s it’s plenty of fun dude join up Chatters all right code is on the screen

Skush s chat oh my God chat you guys are in the code no way that’s crazy dude oh my goodness chat is in the code that’s wild what up this is this is truly a day for the for the history books all right shat fat f is the code boys it’s it’s

Schlat not schlat not schlat guys come on did subie laau just join my CS oh no that was that was a guy called mer mar mar y M I’m so crazy at pring Jad is my her dude Jad is actually the coolest YouTuber on the planet are you are you

Kissing your mic cuz it looks like you’re doing sus oh sorry I just get like obnoxiously close to my mic for no reason sorry about that uh I also turned my um noise pression off so it might be louder than usual if that’s true if it’s

Too loud please tell me and I will turn it down what’s the rules to this game it is like treasure Wars but the only items you can buy are snowballs and blast prooof glass beds are me I mean no you have bed you have but you have treasure

Wars immediately don’t worry you still get those and um what else what oh and everything is free so they are free the Snowballs and bu class are free yes you can break Treasures yep but the rules obviously no hacking no hacking no cheating no being cringe that’s the

Rules you look like Harry Potter young guy dude I’ll take that compliment man Harry Potter is a hoty I should not have said that that was so weird was you DFT School up tomorrow I do I have a full day tomorrow and then I have a half of the next day

So uh pretty sadge unfortunately All right lovely dude humble space that’s crazy all right yeah clearly our school does not care about Thanksgiving man I’ve been Harry to look very different now yeah I know I think you’d be more of a nerd but sketchy I mean Harry and I mean there are Harry

Potter movies so I mean we kind of have like a like a Harry plus he’s on the cover of the book books so I mean like the books through 20 times now you imagine har to be more of a nerd than me brother I’m like as nerdy as you can

Get at this very moment I am raring a shirt that says science like magic but real I am the captain of my School academic team what do you want what how how do you get more nerdy what do you want that is more nerdy than me man that’s crazy that’s crazy demo

Okay I have a client that is crazy I just felt CRA just dude what that wasn’t even a Mis type I was just going wild and just type crazy with a CH crazy the definition of in Discord mode That’s crazy dude all right chat all right boys and let’s start this

Up cuz why not okay oh I don’t have a teammate lovely love to hear that okay blocks we got I know the strats dude you got to make sure you got a a protection otherwise you’re going to die two layers is ideal cuz one layer they’ll break through immediately and

Any more than two layers they’ll just like break into and then you can’t get them but yeah you just Stack Up on Snowballs as well to watch them I got to to stay at a good position where I can see them while I’m buying stuff think I have a cat

Sorry what do you want okay bada bing all right I’m ready there we are oh hello friends okay there’s two of them ah no no no no I don’t like that I am not fond of that okay whatever I mean well it’ll be fine it’s there’s just two of

Them they’ve probably never played MJ Wars in their life meanwhile I I miss MJ Wars that’s what they call me frequently oh Chad I’ve got a story for yall so I’m sure y’all some of most of y’all are aware now that um my school knows about my channel and frequently

Mocks me for it so I was in the bathroom today um which is a weird way to start a story but I was in the bathroom just chilling man minding my own business trying to get it done dude trying to take a little break after my after my

Test take a little relieving time and I here is that the squad of bozos from outside the stall like I swear to God someone recognized me by my feet and had the audacity to call out my Minecraft YouTube channel while I was trying to take a dump I I I was I was

Flabbergasted no idea how that came to be okay my treasure is gone that’s unfortunate oh fine sh okay wait okay I’m how am not at high limit dude why is this map has such a high high limit like a skill issue to be honest it is but like

It’s remove that message what what message should I remove all right bam let me need a couple more snowballs here oh oh hi Demo all right demo get out of there man I I don’t trust you I don’t trust you being here you’re scaring me he’s going to like jump scare me I know it I just got to get out of here dude that one should be edited not playing that’s

Crazy this guy is sending me recording I’m Sorry if demo wins what what about if demo wins what are you yapping about now green you trying to Yap about uh dude get out it what what are you where are you going demo oh my Lord this is crazy demo running from the squad of bozos I never thought I’d see the

Day Mr MJ Wars at it again World beyond space and Time let’s go got him we win these chat who is it all person what where am I unfortunate demo okay no one has a treasure now pretty crazy all right be careful yellow’s right there how did boo wind dude you have no idea my my MJ War skill is

Immaculate all right never mind never mind oh my god dude I that was that that was a reality check oh boy imaculate right yeah yeah yeah feather’s in the shadow real [Laughter] crazy oh all right I’m gonna go get the drink chat I’ll be right Back All right I’m back oh congratulations SS on the win that’s crazy my Lord I’m thirsty all right Goodness Me chat we’re going show with this water real quick all right chat free shop we did just do an MJ Wars we just like basically free shop 2.0 know

So I think free shot would be a bit repetitive I want to goof on somebody man I want to cause some chaos if you will dude remember orange nibbles last night would it be fun to bro my friends have fallen off I’m bro how am I not a victim of

This orange Devils has seven viewers MCW Mike has five and pharoh has K guys what happened guys dude I feel bad they’re all having bad stream days that’s unfortunate who’s Mr MJ Wars now one chaos brand your MJ Wars free sh should be a crime I don’t know man you’re just playing for

Actually you as big as your brain not very big all right um there’s a guy called re remix Ry with who’s that is he on hive I’ve never heard of that guy Monday’s a bad streaming day Monday so hit or miss I have no idea man like

Monday some like sometimes we get like oh oh he’s on who is this dude onek Subs live streaming every day chat I might have found a new cive streamer hold up who is this guy who is this dude chat we might uh we might have a new live streamer on the

Horizon tell what aon’s picture is I’ll have to check it out after the stream oh he’s like an old dude oh my God winning no way he’s like old he’s like an old man look at that guy oh no he played fortnite okay he’s he’s playing High frequently that’s good oh my goodness

Look at all these all these High videos live streams yo I mean that’s pretty solid 400 views in 1 hour 30 minutes that’s like better than me this dude and where did he get who is this dude and where did he come from what in the

World we can’t oh you guys couldn’t see that’s my bad sorry guys older than potato pie real man he’s like old he’s like older than Phar Rose it must be di heard of Sunday yeah and no I haven’t and I don’t care to learn go away there we

Go sorry CH I was talking to the ad I frequently do that um bro that’s great CRA he all righty chat let’s so du Bozo says Now um how about how about you know what shat let’s let’s let’s do Bozo says but basically like not really cuz we can’t eliminate people Let’s do let’s do it in the hub I think that’d be entertaining let’s gra some Hub shenanigans that was fun yesterday that was genuinely

Entertaining and Simon says that’s boo says yeah Bros dying who me oh no fair yeah hello hello hello all right Chad join my Hub join my Hub Gamers all right hold up oh I have 16 friends online very cool all right let’s go chat all right let me make a quick

Party join up Gamers all right very cool I’m excited all right guys all right all right Let’s do let’s do some hug Shenanigans cuz fun well thank you subscribe chat let’s go wor very POG hello demo how are you doing demo this is looking kind of weird right now

It kind of looks like we’re eating could you uh I’m just back social distance okay let’s uh all right yeah that’s good three block Um oh okay um H have a nice day demo have a nice day okay bro it’s crazy this m is the stream lagging the stream lagging I think I think you’re seeing things invite me I just invited friends again I don’t know if it invited different

People or not but uh hopefully it did all right fellas boo what Rose wait Rose is here is Rose here no he’s not hey Bozo don’t Q hey I’m in some Hub Shenanigans if you’d like to take place feel free all right is this a busy enough Hub

Is there a cooler Hub chat that we can go to I don’t know maybe there’s a cooler Hub all right I’m join okay this hub’s looking pretty cool um actually no this is looking like a whole lot of eaters this is not looking cool hi bacon hi bacon how are you doing all

Right join my Hub again guys if you join my Hub before I recu into a different Hub I swear se you laugh muches you laughed at me no offense that’s crazy listen demo work I don’t know man demo jokes are sometimes really bad and sometimes really fire like it it’s it’s humor is

Subjective hello cool God all righty can we C some Shenanigans or should we do actual cs’s should we do hubs Shenanigans chat is it worth is it worth it they’re oh actually they’re always fire it’s crazy all right like that was a mid joke see

That was mid it was like a that was like a like a lowercase LOL joke you know you know in text form that was a lowercase LOL like that’s one of the lol’s that you don’t really laugh at but you say LOL just to make it comfortable you know was making

A statement yeah yeah yeah just like your house okay okay all right all right you know I don’t thing I don’t even I don’t even know what the joke was there I just like it it it just felt funny sometimes I don’t even understand but it’s just F okay who named their pet

F of course what’s up Daniel named his pet freshy what an absolute stand no shot I saw that pet and I see this little Gremlin dude what’s the my man my man with the dude what a s honestly dude I could not imagine being such a fresh okay and he’s gone that’s

Crazy a boy what are you talking about CS okay yeah we can do some cs’s hello wizen now how you doing what the click all right all right Chad man let’s do um how about a I don’t know man I kind of want to play Z to be honest I want to

Play Z I’m bored I’m bored chat let’s go play Zea I think we’ve been on hive for like solid yeah hour 20 we have the last like hour on Zea maybe or maybe like a little bit on z a little bit on something else i’ be chill

It freshy he named it after fresh the pig he’s such a stand dude he’s such a weirdo my name my pet name is dog because it’s a cat it’s like a really stupid joke but also like kind of funny okay um what let’s do na6 chat I was going to say I love

S you’re lagging crash the stream what the stream’s lagging is it are y all spinning facts or you lying to me CU frequently yall do both of those OBS says I’m okay I feel like it could be a skill issue like with all due respect I think

I think I think I think I’m just fine I think you’re just having a skill issue right now all right chat hello hello B how you doing hey yo monkey what are you doing dude I’m just chilling man how are you not alloud all righty guys here join up

Na6 let me get that on the thing re ah no not why is caps lock on again region and a six okay hoio chat that works okay boys I’m ready to Wombo Combo some children bam all right battle Rush ready for box but I guess that works default Port na6 thank you

Rosie what am I doing I didn’t have my blocks out and I count of through they don’t have a ke a for that sh for that um thing for whatever and I’m not pressing to I refuse to ever press two it’s just a bad it’s so far away like I’d have to

Like move my finger off the W key which would be really unfortunate and would probably lead to me getting put in the Taj uh okay have a good homework evening let’s you stream already see you Rosie bye-bye thank you for putting the thing up oh my goodness no okay I got this

He’s Doom dude he’s gone crap no this guy man no no no no no oh dang it Rosie cod in 4k real I put it up first where is my thank you oh sorry thank you sketchy so passive aggressive you’re passive aggressive should playing ra a pot what’s that I’m assuming it’s node

Buff cuz it has pot in its name but uh I’m not very good at that or no debuff or whatever it’s Called oh my dude you f like a baby Bozo you’re a baby PF I used I’m really rusty what is PF what does that mean can I just like rush and not die oh that worked but oh Pearl fight that worked better than I thought it would no you’re a passive aggressive think

About it boo I don’t get it all right okay I’ll stab demo Chad send me boxing requests I like playing boxing guys although I will definitely Play Archer uh get out of hereo oh all right we both hit each other now dang it darn it dude oh oh he’s five he’s five he’s

Five just like Skyland oh oh can he die oh my God I hate his Strife so much oh my God I’m going to lose half a heart Dude dang it I I have no idea what that refers to man all right oh what was that okay that was just a guy wearing the evident skin right not not your boy himself evident would definitely be nicked or he would have such a horrible time on this server oh my Lord stop

Okay okay please die sorry sh I’m gamer focusing give me a sec yes I stop running please all right you simp that’s crazy I have to like spam click while I try to read chat cuz I can’t like look at my screen it makes much sense real oh my God okay oh my

God this is not nice this is so unbelievably mean please stop SS SS by the what oh my goodness hello Quest beat modder can I One V one you on my controller if you hop on Z then yes we okay sir bye you’re okay this is this

Match is almost over I think I win even though he ran from all of my combos yay oh my Goodness that’s crazy all right okay chat um where let’s all right o I’ll try Dix well we’ll see how this goes probably poorly all right there we go hello Momo welcome to the stream oh vix was the guy with the evidence spin I see oh no what is that f install internet please

Please oh my God this is not nice this is so unbelievably not nice I cannot believe this not PP I mean yes but you did run from combos so I don’t know I think I think that equalizes it oh my God okay this is this is

Rough this is not great for the good old Squad of bozos dude this is not this is not ideal dang it VI no added let’s go vixo is pretty cool dude we like B all right I don’t even want to fight loud man I probably should but it would be a bad

Idea salt cheese yeah no no cheese no cheese right now sketchy all cheese does unfortunately when you make cheese sub it it hurts it hurts the channel because then YouTube thinks I’m the one aled and then they’re like no they don’t like you anymore stop doing that

Okay this is not nice please please die oh my God no way sir please please I beg you I beg of you good sir please die evidence is too op for real I know man evidence too crazy I have not played the server in a good bit

Uh a little bit wash but it’s okay it’s somewhat Acceptable sketchy what I’m not sketchy SS what was that that was that [Applause] okay we still won but that was that was close stream died for me that’s goofy uh Ros at least I at least I pa Ros all right I’ll fight you loud fine fine I’m learning one plus one is

The more balls than the planet Earth That’s crazy dude he just is he’s just gaming uh all right loud fight me right now maybe I’m about to get tossed out loud though cuz loud’s like good at this game okay why am I up against loud okay loud stop throwing man what are you

Doing you’re like making my promise break like you’re getting you’re like losing and this is not what I how I thought this would go L what are you doing what is happening this is embarrassing good sir come on you can do this I believe okay now all right he’s toggled

Now he’s definitely just toggled 26 FPS get out of here no no no what no what what is that no he definitely just toggled he definitely just toggled he definitely just toggled no no no no no no way he’s he’s definitely just talk he got anti Cheated yeah was drag clicking okay yes you’re Buster all right 40 no that should not be humanly possible it just shouldn’t be like it just doesn’t work like that like I can’t like you just can’t click 40 times in a second I’m going to click 40 times 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I just mess up counting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 more than that that’s in 1

Second you can’t do that it just is not possible that’s 40 clicks you can’t do that in one second you can’t it’s so stupid uh like if you can do that then honestly that is a sign that you need better Hobbies genuinely please do me next sure I

Should know I got to do sketchy next cuz sketchu is getting angry uh all right ma’am come here bang it I I screwed that one up come here humble space die all right I very we angry I’m sorry there hear your stuff real I’m not cheating works way different than other

Click method okay whatever still seems still seems silly to me I don’t get it I don’t understand and no I I’m not sweating enough to like screen share you I’m not we’re not going to do that but I I I I trust you but it’s still absurd to me I don’t understand it All right sketchy come here don’t you be a nerd and just chill there we’re going to fight we’re going to fight like big men sight me sketchy cheese sight me why did you use that Pearl that was so worthless wait what what what oh my goodness this is not nice

Rrap bro is so bad okay sketchy all right Buster we’ll See All right there we go okay okay all right he’s going to come up here and then I can get oh wait yo oh wait where is he oh there he is got him there we go Chad and that’s his do yep I’m a SA rip yeah I caught you in the ACT Buster

All right there we go boo redo me no maybe ask them out of Cs out of fun want will I do re redu but I think I’m going to do an event here in a second that’s probably the plan he’s using my blocks against me this is not

Nice oh my God I’m hacking sorry guys sorry to disappoint you like this but I’m cheating get him okay we wasted a pearl at least that’s something oh my Lord okay there we go there we go this is no you’re real got him okay not nice yes all right let’s go I think

That’s him we win these chat number one Pearl fight Player sketchy I seem to recall you calling me so bad I don’t know we might have to quote you on that one right that was kind of a stinky play of me but it was a tad stinky but it’s okay we’ll recover I need my cover man okay this is

Just so incredible you’re going to pay for that you’re GNA pay for that stinky maneuver dude all right all right Buster come on come on take off the diapers let’s play like big boys out of here sketchy chees you’re done you’re done Buster out get into the hole get to the void

Yes we win his M right my actual Mouse okay redo me buster this T dude I’m I’m going to fight this Preston plays user tbnr Ken I am so incredibly excited to fight this man Chad this might be the peak of my career I get to fight tbnr Kens it’s a real

One h come here die please go away die yeah Bo want a man hunt like yeah you do that real you died in a manh hunt get get destroyed a chief killed me I mean how am I how am I supposed to kill you in Manhunt when there’s like 20 other people

Yeah wait why did I quue randoms when the world de okay a One V one all right boster I got to fight Onyx and then you please thank you Real goodbye yes let’s go maybe but whatever it’s fine you know some things some things are meant to be and that was one of those Things I bro why he jump off too that was not his best decision Uh oh crap I almost kind of through that you got to die sir that’s unfortunate grip get out of here and we score let’s go hello Kathy hello Kathy welcome to the stream how you doing call me no what excuse me all right that can some

Can someone time him out that is not that is not allowed bro yeah lad chill can can I manageing mod get that that time me out oh no I don’t know about that loud I don’t know all right GG Onyx we win these okay fine I’ll do the Dirty Work

Where did demo go what did youall do the demo we don’t know Demo’s not allowed to leave the stream all right fine I’ll fight you loud d boom boom hello Boo’s mom welcome to the stream bro it’s one be oneing crazy demo I cannot believe

This the one time I need you you’re not there for me uh oh my Lord he’s going to he’s going to do his drag clicking Chad he’s going to do his drag clicking don’t worry about it yeah it’s it’s just drag clicking guys it’s just drag clicking it’s just drag clicking don’t

Worry about it yeah yeah clearly clearly what are you talking about he’s being legit right now yeah we’ll see when he hits 40 CS bye butterfly with 20 CPS okay and that is ridiculous though like how do you do that oh my goodness so that 20 is get me no I didn’t get

20 are you using Diamond 16x I am here let me get my let me see where’s my CPS contract I want to see how much CPS am I getting all right I don’t know where it is oh it’s over it’s over there over in the corner controller we oh wait crap I Che

I c a random game I got this guys trust I believe on let me like butterfly okay like when I butterfly at like like a relaxed pace I get like nine or 10 how do you get 20 oh my God no that’s unfortunate hold up this is kind of sad wait I cannot lose to this random que that would be bad Bo maybe you should Banner what what did I Do uh okay this is not nice just fig Auto X sign out to do yeah probably good Idea not a weir Bo’s Mom I’m aware I Know all bro all right hello kic yeah how you doing man welcome to the stream yeah we win Let’s Go the real moms crazy all right how is fire pharoh doing I think pharoh is okay I think he’s doing a survival stream or something I don’t I don’t oh I don’t

Know what he’s doing I feel like he’s not doing survival he must be doing something goofy because like he had like five viewers earlier and fair yeah Fair has four viewers what’s happening man what happened to Fair Rose dude this is sad it’s so unfortunate how I got timed out are you

Are you are you live I’m still waiting oh I’m sorry um oh okay I have a couple boov I have not done this guy before is what I rate him that’s true speaking of speaking of raiding me mommy you should do that Again J is so mean that’s crazy loud that’s wild sure this is loud right who is this like who made who was dedicated enough the joke to make an account called Bozo’s mom uh No oh he’s a lot lower than I thought he is he was all right give me the head let’s get in there good I’m just going to like yeah like he was a lot lower that’s actually kind of the Strat though I I can’t I always forget that head

Gives you speed like whenever someone’s low I really should just like get the head and then just go um oh oh we 0.9 no shoot him yes let’s go what it’s not me some random time me out BR yeah clearly it’s a clip wait what’s a clip what’s a clip what the what

Oh dude I that was a genuine sentence that I did not Realize okay oh my goodness Chad I’m so excited to like gach in Z you should see when Bozo says welcome Mommy Raiders true I should get the head no I think I actually I think I even made it worse for myself I think I I think I

Said I got to get the head and go in there I think that’s genuinely what I said that sounds really really bad under the cont I was just like it was the Gap I had like what do you want from me me yeah that’s what I that’s genely what I think I

Said that sounds so Bad uh okay Mr Gat can we can we please not right now stop this stop this Tom fullery Dude demo do your job but yeah please someone get that clip best of B of 2023 Okay okay we got this let’s go he’s in a little combo dang it I dropped it but I did I did equalize it though that’s good I did get his equalized I think he’s going to end up winning this one but I think I did all right we had we

Had a good run chat it was a good Run GG’s be Mr demo if you got to go you got to go that’s all right okay I’m Tokyo Bell and I poop that’s crazy um all right wait did I F this guy yeah is that the guy I just fought or did I not fight that guy oh I fight Gat

Hold up let me fight this guy fluent in Japanese that’s crazy real Japanese is crazy oh oh hi sir um listen okay there we go and now he’s dead I’m back with the V hello Bozo’s dad welcome to the stream oh my goodness that’s crazy now they got two of them what is

This man what happened what is that Pfp BR what is that Carl Jacobs bro that’s crazy all right okay yay all right I got this boys there we are no oh my God that was clutch all right no wait wait wait wait wait wait no no dude oh my God that guy just

Jiggled his bigle all over the place oh my god dude I could not touch him oh I got it we win is dead crazy wow your autograph that’s crazy no it din yet of course I have jig ble all over the place yeah um it’s another reference it’s a reference

Man it’s a in fact it’s a tally Hall reference reference as so’s funny phrase I didn’t actually think anyone get it uh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yes no what am I doing I’m throwing man okay all right um Kathy please stop spamming all right yeah Green got

Him oh I’m just going to keep going and hope for the best okay he he walked off we go down here dude oh my God I just jiggle my bigle all over that guy we win thank you for subscribe chat oh hey CL what are you doing bud H

Hi please die okay thank you all right he way look at his F yeah I know I saw I um I looked yeah that’s what boo said about me not me yeah chat real don’t worry about it okay nope Golden Apple go get get him okay yes when my mom

Regrets give you Robo but she gets payback that’s that’s crazy oh yeah I saw that I I saw that video um sunny sunny you winning you bet you better be your more free v-bucks no don’t worry I got you I got you ohow wi for the free v-bucks

Yeah new fortnite battle pass come on man yeah real H okay you know I tried to be cool for a second and clearly I’m not fit for that label um hey Clovis how are you doing good sir all right goodbye have a lovely day okay Bozo times you out what did not

Time you out GRE do not not none of this time fullery did what okay clis I I I think I’m going to surrender this one because I need to get to more One V ones but that that was that was great good job Uh okay oh fight demo oh my Lord wait who is Doc penguin plays he’s got famous right but I’m not quite sure who he is I’m mobile you’re better W I am not better probably I’m probably worse realistic hi demo you should like kill all right I’m going to try Okay this jump

Resetting is not working out man I should really not give that a try oh I should not try to jump reset it’s Works in me getting comboed every single time I do it every single time I jump man no why why is demo playing so good demo

Is not normally this good what the world dude stop stop being good demo it’s not allowed okay please die all right I really need you like perish demo oh sorry I ran that’s my bad there was an accident wait why does have 18 Ms is man living in the Zea headquarters what in

The world N9 Ms how dude demo must live like at the Zea headquarters that’s crazy bro C 56 C it was not 56 whatever I play on mobile I’m kind of good let’s go door man we go for it oh sketchy okay sketchy is not there franx all right we’re

Finding this guy demo is the best real demo my my my dad thinks you’re the best gamer aren’t you so proud Okay yes let’s go we win we got him boys you ask me being good recently I had to rest my videos would be easy BR what um um Did the TNT like not TNT I feel like that was supposed to do a little bit more um TNT what what happened there uh okay of course now it works thanks very very cool very cool guys um lovely love that so much I have two Fireballs left this is a this is an

Interesting situation here I am back wel back sketchy how you doing no was totally jealous real dude oh okay I walked off the guy walked off faster than me bro GG’s okay I fight this guy you don’t feel um that was more bald than the planet Earth gr I agree

D this low ground abuse is crazy I’m actually abusing this low ground so hard uh goodbye oh crap again what what did I do sketchy crap sorry dude all you keep switching to people’s former pfps okay I’m sorry like it’s Difficult that was sketch’s pfp for like months Man dang it was mine for years I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t know you then though I’m sorry dude when I you KN knew you you were called a monkey sweat and had a totally different pfb was hot probably your mon said was only for like

A month okay whatever ABB is a monkey yeah ATB is monkey ATB is monkey Uh what did Bozo’s dad do oh what happened here I just shot Bozo’s dad go LMFO and I’m like wait a minute something something must have happened that I was not aware of oh my God styling on sketchy cheese that was like it’s like the easiest style but it’s something Chad

Come on give me some credit is being your dad for real dude that’s crazy how do you hit me I thought I had a good I thought I had there come on sketchy give me the combo give me it give me that big juicy combo

Yeah let’s go you adopt me that would be pretty crazy you know chat all right I think we’re going to do an event real quick all right let’s do a survival classic survival join event I’m also live on YT if you like to join up all

Right let’s go boys we win these I don’t want to demoo crazy oh hello is there hello wait on give me dude how how we all so fast at that what what how do you do this I’m going to give it more goes we got this these guys must have like crazy lag

Cuz they’re like sinking all the way into it for real y’ don’t want real Sam yes true you sit there with a blue name true like it it really doesn’t add much value yeah trust you I’d like to say B it crazy like you see how many mods I have

You’re more unique as not being mod like genuinely oh hi I got to go organize my inventory real quick crap these guys they’re trying to stab me man I’m not having it I got to use a GLE already because of you you stinker dude what a stinker actually come back

Here dude you’re mine now you’re going to die cuz of the things you did to me come back here bud no no no no this is it for you you’re done it’s over uh and now he’s up on the pillar he’s doomed who is this guy watching my fight

This despicable action no guys guys guys I really didn’t want to fight you guys I just wanted to fight this dude please no leave me Alone oh I’ll live that me please come here die shark bait my God this guy is actually my number one op man dude Shark Tank here is my number one up I’m going to get him him and Simon cowl dude number one and number two respectively where is he did he

Dip that was disrespectful I cannot believe this say dead it’s czy Foy Chris Tyson now Go whoever said who’s Tucker Tucker is Chris’s child dude this guy is actually such an OP oh my Lord where’s wait you did all right I guess that makes sense but it’s still like his kid though right like he still gets to see the kid right Tucker was awesome dude you guys

Remember when Tucker was in the uh I think it was in the button video click this button win $100 million not 100 million but like a million dollars something like that it was in that video tuer was actually such a wild this isn’t very stream crazy you’re right good Observation dude I’m actually going to kill you please come back I’m just knocking for a away but I’m at least I’m like killing his armor at the very least please just die that’s Crazy come back have more goles this is this is this is ridiculous dude ridiculous oh I’m actually sweating right Now no how much health is he oh my Lord how much health could he be at this is I can’t believe this there’s no way random 14y old like hey that’s not nice I should probably get off this so say your remember here anyways bro it came out what what green all right

Chad it’s November real man like green did you fail I’m now I’m just overusing this Vine boom all right how does this wraith thing work again here Jo join The Wraith FFA I kind of forget how this works oh it’s right wait wa I remember I remember this

One’s decent it’s it’s solid bedw Wars came out no cap serious cap you’re capping right now no way okay I’m just getting like 5 V1 this is not nice guys guys this is not nice guys what is going on man dude what is that okay you they’re just going to like

17 V1 me what is this dude hey guys I’m not here trust hey SC how are You my snowballs aren’t even in the right slot luckily I do actually have a key for like a decent key bind to this though oh my God guys I’m just trying to K sketchy cheese wait no I not app oh my god dude it’s okay and I’m dead

Uh I’m not they did it after skars came out it was in the buzz join Asia no way no no way is it out is it out penguin raid wait which penguin oh it’s a real oh K K thank you pengu one for the raid I appreciate it dude it’s so late yeah

Why would they why would they release it now that would seem silly no no no no no way bedwars gets released right now that would be ridiculous W thank you pegin for the raid I do appreciate it dude let’s go out no way it’s cap I check you’re making me

Check this if you’re capping me I’m going to be so I I’ll check Asia I’ll check Asia region I’ll check for bedw war dude can you not log on the high I I I forgot I’m not okay I’ll check AIA all right well it’s not an NA and see

That all right I’ll go on Asia it’s Oceania oh okay um slash region Oceania they were testing things on ocean today or yesterday with a Hy sign no way this actually could be true no way yo hold up bed Wars Bed Wars I got disconnected it’s not letting me connect

It’s not letting me connect it’s not letting me connect it’s not letting me connect I’m playing it right now seriously set take a video take a video take a video cuz that’s huge please my Minecraft crashed what region Oceania do SL region Oceania they always use it as a they use

It as a testing region sometimes because like it’s not official region but you can join it if you know the command I’m joining right now chat check this he’s lying I think no green wouldn’t lie they test it yeah they test things on Oceania sometimes no way no

Way no D you do not know what the continent of Oceania is okay it’s spelled like this so r slash region r no R SL region Oceania he’s capping willing to raid me um maybe at some point but I’m I’m live right now auto correct oh it’s not I’m in he’s capping

Gr are you capping to me you wouldn’t do that would you you wouldn’t possibly cap to me after all this no he capped I’m going to check it just because I want to last two bedar will it work you think you think it’ll work I’ll try it I doubt it works I doubt

It serious doubt but I’ll give it a Go all right maybe do I have to be on Oceania for it to work it’s not a command it doesn’t work thank you for subscribed though I do appreciate it hold up let me try SL region Oceania okay all right I’ll go in Oceania if it crashes me again I swear to

God I get crashed oh y okay all right ke is capping no Way must be Brink take a video take a video take a video take a video and send it send it to me take like a quick clip of it okay green if you want to prove it take a video cuz whenever try to join o my Minecraft crashes I’m going send

You for some reason I trust him he’s not even on Hive this is probably I’m probably getting trolled so hard right now I just can’t log on Oceania it’s just not going to work I let you guys I can’t believe this the oh my Lord Demo rightfully so get him dude wait I got mail oh become a helper shut up dud I have to be 16 to become a helper I thought it was real I did for a second I don’t know why I did but I did CS all right chat

I don’t have a lot of time left so I guess I’ll do as he yes 15 right oh okay 15 whatever still I’m not 15 I’m 14 so whatever same thing basically these parties I’ll do a quick brid CS with that all right join up Boys he’s got on hive oh my God well I guess it worked I thought you were older than me probably not I am just uh I look older than the average 14-year-old I guess which is a which is a really nice way of saying I’m ugly um no alternate account yeah real

Man get out of here with your alternate accounts no better man no better all right code there we are all right that is a capital O not a zero Chad a t A2 e A2 there is the code let me get that up all right A2 you okay that’s the code chat

Join it boys um I F accept join my friend request what sorry I I I don’t I I friends list is full and I have like 250 requests I’m sorry man I can’t all right it’s full not Bri actually sure we’ll try Bridge scrim did I just reset

Settings what am I doing all right bam hi boo hello all right chat if you are new please do subscribe that’d be pretty cool I’d enjoy that chat no this is not nice I’m trying to hit 2,300 by the end of this year it’s proven difficult but I think we can do It all righty let’s Go let’s go we win these shat and get them die dismal yard no no no no you are going out oh I killed every other guy oh my Lord CS bro I have a good day goof okay cool sorry there’s a CS limit all right Okay oh my no that’s Unfortunate Okay okay all right I’m going to try not to die but that might prove harder than oh my God guys guys guys guys can somebody defend please all right I’ll defend I’ll defend I guess we have not even put up a basic wall what are we doing guys what are we

Doing we are throwing all right Okay we’re good now that I’m on defense Chad don’t worry about it don’t even fret boys okay Fujitsu stop being alive man it’s quite it’s quite annoying you know you hear me let’s go demo who’s Petty oh the vamp guy so last CS um yes I’m going to R after

This uh oh okay there we go oh wait wait no come back hey get out of there please die no no no no no no die okay fine oh snowball there we go what oh okay okay credic let’s go let’s go all right we clutched this up boys

We’re now tied we’re gaming the tubet was really some better I heard about it from shy but I um I have not checked it out yet maybe I’ll try it maybe I’ll try it sometime oh my goodness doing a sniping right Now oh my Lord that was close dude guys we need some more offense we have three people on defense come on we need to balance this better they’re all just going to come and and then we can’t defend it yeah we can’t defend that we have we

Have to have more Pon on BS grx you offend you offend me and humble will defend news maybe it’s supposed to be Hive news though but I guess I can include it no a dang it unfortunate GG’s boys okay let’s we got to get a raid going quickly boys all

Righty let’s send y’all over to Orange nibbles is he still live oh is this remix actually wait oh he just got raided by fair oh I did say I’d raid Mike yeah I’ll rate a Mike I guess I did say I’d rate him wait is he like

Alive okay he’s alive cool all right all right guys this spam BOS are RA in Mike’s chat I’ll see you guys later T MC w me Miguel all right boys see you go click on the link in chat and span bza raid see you guys have a good rest

Of your day and as always

This video, titled ‘Hive Live but IM A MONKEY 🐒’, was uploaded by The Squad Of Bozos on 2023-11-21 02:58:31. It has garnered 412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:25 or 8845 seconds.

I am a Minecraft Bedrock youtuber that mostly does content on the Hive. I try to give all my energy into the stream so everyone can enjoy. I trust that your subscribed but hmm…my goofy senses are tingling and I sense that maybe you AREN’T subscribed. OOF thats an L. go sub now. #hive #hivecs #minecraft

Server Ip: Server Port: 19225

📞Contacts📞 —————————————————— Discord: The Squad Of Bozos#4893 Discord Server: Username: SquadOfBozos Java Username (don’t bully): TacoBladeGamer —————————————————— 🚓Mod Requirements🚓: Be here ACTIVELY more at least a month and be a good chatter (don’t be toxic, don’t swear, etc.) Just follow the rules and be a good guy and with time, ill give you moderator. However sometimes, I have enough and simply don’t need any mods so be understanding with that as well. ——————————————————

✅Goals✅ —————————————————— 1.5k by August 2.5k before end of 2023 Become the biggest hive streamer —————————————————–

Big thanks to everyone who helps me with the streams as well! I appreciate all the company from other creators while live and while not live. Tags for algorithm B) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack folder,potpvp pack folder,pot pvp packs,best packs for hive networkpot pvp packs forhivevasarpot pvpmistahive pack folder for hivepacks for hivebest marketplace packsminecraft bedrock market place pvp packspvp packs minecraft market place,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,top 5 minecraft pe pvp texture pack,mcpe pvp texture pack fps boost, how to get custom texture packs on ps4, how to get custom texture packs on Nintendo switch, how to get custom texture packs on xbox, best marketplace packs for hive, marketplace pvp packs, PVP packs on the marketplacehive pack folder, pack folder mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,pack folder hive,pvp texture pack mcpe 1.18,mcpe texture packs,mcpe pvp pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,mcpe pvp packs,pack folder,best hive pack folder,cranexe pack folder,pvp pack mcpe,mcpe packs,hive texture pack,mcpe pack,texture pack pvp mcpe,mista,texture pack minecraft pe 1.18 pvp,minecraft pe pvp texture pack,pack pvp minecraft pe 1.18,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,top 5 minecraft pe pvp texture pack,mcpe pvp texture pack fps boost, best potpvp packs, potpvp, marketplace packs,minecraft texture pack, bedwars texture pack, realistic minecraft texture pack, texture pack, minecraft realistic texture pack, pvp texture pack mcpe, minecraft trailer texture pack, best minecraft texture pack, how to make a texture pack in minecraft, pvp texture pack hive skywars, hive skywars pack folder, hive skywars packs, hive scrims packs, hive scrims, hive scrims pack folder, hive sumo, hive sumo packs, hive sumo pack folder, best skywars packs, best pack folder, hive sumo pack folder, hive scrim pack folder, hive skywars release,hivemc,hivenetwork,hivepe,hivebedrock,hivetw,hivesw,hivesg,sg,tw,swmcpe, mcpe live, minecraft, minecraft live, mcpe hive, mcpe hive live, mcpe hive server, mcpe livestream, mcpe hive livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft hive,, mcpe skywars, mcpe skywars live, mcpe treasure wars, mcpe treasure wars live, grinding treasure wars, mcpe the hive, voice reveal, mcpe voice reveal, mcpe stream, minecraft stream, mcpe cs live, mcpe custom game live, custom games with viewers,mcbe hive live, mcbe hive server, mcbe livestream, mcbe hive livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft hive,, mcbe skywars, mcbe skywars live, mcbe treasure wars, mcbe treasure wars live, grinding treasure wars, mcbe the hive, voice reveal, mcbe voice reveal, mcbe stream, minecraft stream, mcbe cs live, mcbe custom game live, custom games with viewers, thehivelive, minecraft stream, minecraft bedrock, minecraft pocket edition, dipsler

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    EPIC 15th Anniversary Build with Grian Celebrating 15 Years of Minecraft with a Massive Real-Life Build For Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary, the community came together to create something truly spectacular – a massive Minecraft block in real life! The event took place at Alexandra Palace in London, where fans gathered to bring to life a series of Minecraft artworks inspired by the creativity and imagination of players worldwide. Reflecting on 15 Years of Minecraft Over the past 15 years, Minecraft has become a global phenomenon, captivating players of all ages with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. The game has seen incredible feats accomplished by… Read More

  • Stocade

    StocadeAre you looking for a small community SMP to build, play and make new friends? Stocade is a brand new Minecraft server to play together and make the builds of your dreams! – Friendly community – Active staff – Fast Minecraft server – Based in Finland – Grief protection – Economy system – Guilds system Join today at Read More

  • feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • – 18+ | Furry-friendly | SMP | Anarchy-lite | Semivanilla | No Map Resets | PVP - 18+ | Furry-friendly | SMP | Anarchy-lite | Semivanilla | No Map Resets | is an adult-only, furry-oriented minecraft server that gets as close to vanilla anarchy as possible without actually qualifying for that title.Core gameplay is entirely unchanged. Griefing, stealing, and unprompted PvP/RDM/etc is allowed. No /tpa, no /home, no handholding.The only difference is the claim system. Land can be claimed outside of spawn, but if your account doesn’t connect for 2 weeks, your claim is deleted and all of your hard work is up for grabs. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting concept ๐Ÿ’ฉ

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting concept ๐Ÿ’ฉLooks like this meme really ‘dropped’ out of their imagination while dropping something else! Read More

  • Delete World Save: Minecraft’s Creepy Creature Craze

    Delete World Save: Minecraft's Creepy Creature Craze In the world of Minecraft, a legend does dwell, A creature so eerie, it casts a dark spell. If you spot it in-game, don’t hesitate, Delete that world save, before it’s too late. With half of his body, Alex did appear, A sight so unsettling, it fills you with fear. A monster lurks under the trapdoor, beware, Its presence alone, enough to make you swear. So heed this warning, from Game Koala’s tale, In Minecraft’s world, where legends prevail. Subscribe for more stories, of myths and of fright, And keep your eyes open, in the dark of the night. Read More

  • PART 36 | NENEK PSIKOPAT WKWK ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftmemes

    PART 36 | NENEK PSIKOPAT WKWK ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftmemes When your grandma starts playing Minecraft and suddenly becomes a psychopath, watch out for those killer knitting needles! #NenekPsikopat #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Outsmarting a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

    Outsmarting a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server Duping $100,000 on a Pay-to-win Minecraft Server – LoverFella Introduction In a recent video by zman1064, TheMisterEpic, and PeepMC, the trio embarked on an adventure on LoverFella’s Pay-to-win Minecraft server. Their mission? To dupe $100,000 worth of Crate Keys and distribute them to the players of the server. Take 1 The video kicks off with the team strategizing their plan to execute the dupe successfully. With careful planning and coordination, they manage to pull off the heist, acquiring the valuable Crate Keys. Take 2 As the team continues their escapade, they encounter challenges and obstacles along the way. However,… Read More


    The WORST QUEST? - DAY 4 - PC GAMEPASS CHALLENGE MINECRAFT The Exciting World of Minecraft Exploring the Minecraft Universe Join TheGuill84 on their thrilling Minecraft adventures as they navigate through the vast and creative world of this popular game. From building magnificent structures to surviving dangerous encounters, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Live Streams and Events Experience the action firsthand by tuning in to TheGuill84’s live streams on Twitch. Witness epic battles, intricate builds, and unexpected twists as they unfold in real-time. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of the gaming community and interact with fellow fans. Connect with TheGuill84 Stay updated on… Read More

  • INSANE!! Dronio’s Pets Take Over Minecraft! #shorts

    INSANE!! Dronio's Pets Take Over Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ˜ฑะœะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚, ะฝะพ ะผะพะธั… ะŸะ˜ะขะžะœะฆะ•ะ’ ัั‚ะฐะฝะพะฒะธั‚ัั ะ‘ะžะ›ะฌะจะ• ะ”ั€ะพะฝะธะพ #shorts #minecraft #ะผะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ 1’, was uploaded by ะ”ั€ะพะฝะธะพ on 2024-03-02 09:00:22. It has garnered 1132 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: โžœ Our social network social network โžœ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN โžœ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images โžœ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • Bald Eagle Survival in Hardcore Minecraft

    Bald Eagle Survival in Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a BALD EAGLE in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Compilation of Legends’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-05-16 01:15:00. It has garnered 81654 views and 312 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:51 or 13551 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a BALD EAGLE in Hardcore Minecraft! Soon after I spawn in Maple Taiga I feel a chill in the air like someone is watching me. Will I be able to solve the mystery in the longest adventure yet? 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a BALD… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed in Minecraft S0S Ep. 6

    Secrets Revealed in Minecraft S0S Ep. 6Video Information This video, titled ‘I did Something Bad | Ep. 6 | Minecraft S0S’, was uploaded by LDShadowLady on 2024-04-11 17:04:59. It has garnered 922605 views and 46801 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:24 or 924 seconds. Please *boop* the like button if you enjoy the video! ๐Ÿ™‚ Welcome to Minecraft S0S a new Minecraft SMP with my creator friends in Hardcore Minecraft but there’s a twist. In this episode, I take on the seemingly simple task of turning my entire island into a mycelium paradise but I run into a few unexpected obstacles… @ldshadowlady @Mogswamp @Dangthatsalongname… Read More

  • Ultimate PvZ Battle: editing luxury village in Minecraft | Survival Walkthrough

    Ultimate PvZ Battle: editing luxury village in Minecraft | Survival WalkthroughVideo Information This video, titled ‘editing my luxury village in minecraft be | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay)’, was uploaded by The battle of pvz on 2024-04-16 00:00:12. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. editing my luxury village in minecraft be | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay) Minecraftย is a 2011ย sandbox gameย developed byย Mojang Studiosย and originally released in 2009. The game was created byย Markus “Notch” Perssonย in theย Javaย programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Vindicator vs All Mobs! #MinecraftMadness

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Vindicator vs All Mobs! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft vindicator vs all mob battle || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-04-25 19:45:00. It has garnered 918 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:06 or 186 seconds. minecraft vindicator vs all mob battle || #minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft ๅปบ็ฏ‰ minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy… Read More


    ๐ŸŒ LISA'S MINECRAFT ADVENTURE - LIVE NOW! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด MINECRAFT – AO VIVO ๐Ÿ”ด EXPLORANDO NOVOS MUNDOS | PODTRETA DA LISAH’, was uploaded by Lisah on 2024-04-09 01:32:48. It has garnered 69 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:06 or 10806 seconds. We want to make sure your experience is amazing, so don’t forget to leave a like if you enjoyed the live and share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too. Also, subscribe to the channel and activate the notification bell so you don’t miss any of our future videos. ===============+Social Networks+=============== Our Community:… Read More

  • Amdavadi Player’s EPIC Hypixel Minecraft Adventure

    Amdavadi Player's EPIC Hypixel Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดJust Hypixel Minecraft ……….’, was uploaded by Amdavadi Player on 2024-01-06 20:21:44. It has garnered 81 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:41 or 12101 seconds. You can send donations through PhonePe & Gpay- +91-9662187589 Paytm UPI Iโ€™d- 9662187589@paytm ๐Ÿ’ฒ Top Super-Chat 18.75$ (โ‚น 1361.66) Zesta Gaming – โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– โž– ๐ˆ๐Ÿ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ž๐ง๐ฃ๐จ๐ฒ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฏ๐ข๐๐ž๐จ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐›๐ฌ๐œ๐ซ๐ข๐›๐ž ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ง๐ง๐ž๐ฅ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ๐ž ๐ฏ๐ข๐๐ž๐จ. ๐ƒ๐จ๐ง’๐ญ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐ญ ๐ญ๐จ ๐๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐†๐š๐ง๐ญ๐š (๐๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ)… Read More

  • Join General Alex in Epic Battle | Resolute SMP Ep.1

    Join General Alex in Epic Battle | Resolute SMP Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Vive La Rรฉsistance | Resolute SMP Ep.1’, was uploaded by General Alex on 2024-06-03 00:15:01. It has garnered 61 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:11 or 2351 seconds. I have been invited to join a Minecraft SMP! It is called the Resolute SMP and I am so glad that I am able to join. Anyway, in this first episode, I decided to go rough and aid the resistance. Instead of a calm introductory video, expect a video full of shenanigans. Also check out other members channel, they are really awesome!… Read More

  • INSANE TNT RUN! Watch FAHD GAMING on Minecraft ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft

    INSANE TNT RUN! Watch FAHD GAMING on Minecraft ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT ๐Ÿงจ Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by FAHD GAMING on 2024-04-09 12:35:54. It has garnered 11334 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft TNT ๐Ÿงจ Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • ZestySMP

    ZestySMPThe ZestySMP uses the 1.19.2 Forge Version of BetterMC that contains lots of interesting mods like Twilight Forest, Yungs Structures/Biomes and tons of QOL mods all to give a strong Vanilla+ Experience. We’ve added the Lifesteal Mod as a twist alongside Optional Proximity Voice to improve the Multiplayer Experience. I’d recommend getting to know people so you can start strong and take over Spawn. A poll to determine the Start Date of the SMP will be announced soon. Hope to see you there! Discord: (Whitelist Required) Read More

  • Hustle SMP | Semi-Vanilla SMP, Whitelist, Dynmap, Factions | 1.20.4

    Welcome to Hustle SMP! Get ready for the summer vacations with our brand new SMP where you can create your own factions or join existing ones. Choose your lifestyle, whether pacifist or pro-war, and let your creativity run wild. What we offer: Experienced admins managing the server Opportunity to make new friends and embark on adventures Plugins and datapacks including Simple Voice Chat, EssentialsX, CoreProtect, and more Join our mature community by applying on our Discord server in less than 5 minutes: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with the bros: Progress check ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    When you and the boys spend hours building a massive castle in Minecraft, only for one of them to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced lava bucket. #MinecraftFail #RIPCastle Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chaos Live Stream

    Ultimate Minecraft Chaos Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Live Stream ๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by Chaos jordi2001 on 2024-06-08 08:35:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. If you haven’t subscribed yet, do so if you don’t have to, if you don’t want to and if you like this video, press the blue thumbs up ——————- ————————————————– ————————————————– ———— Did you like it, well I did๐Ÿ˜ see you next time ———————— ————————————————– —— ———————————————————————————— item shop leaked items game site ———————————————————————————- ————————————————– —————- ip of server… Read More

  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Game Time || Hit Subscribe & Like! #shorts

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Game Time || Hit Subscribe & Like! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Steve and Alex team up, a dynamic dream. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Together they conquer, hand in hand. New updates arrive, with features galore, From caves to cliffs, there’s always more. Redstone contraptions, mobs to fight, In this pixelated world, day turns to night. So subscribe and like, if you enjoy the show, For Minecraft adventures, we’re ready to go. Join us on this journey, through valleys and heights, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • Minecraft Boss: The Ultimate Hot Mess #meme

    Minecraft Boss: The Ultimate Hot Mess #meme When you finally defeat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft and realize that you are now the true boss of the game, but then a creeper sneaks up behind you and blows you up. #minecraftboss #neverletyourguarddown Read More

  • Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3

    Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 The Evolution of Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 has been a significant milestone in the evolution of the popular game. From new features to exciting gameplay elements, this edition has captured the hearts of players worldwide. Exploring 3D Texture Packs One of the most notable additions to Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3 is the introduction of 3D texture packs. These packs allow players to customize the look and feel of their game, adding a new level of immersion and creativity to the experience. Embracing Third-Person View With the inclusion of a third-person view option,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the perfect start in Minecraft 1.20. But first, let’s take a look at this exciting new YouTube video titled “THE PERFECT START! Lets Play Minecraft 1.20 – #1 MALAYALAM.” In this video, the creator explores a brand new Minecraft world in Java Edition 1.20 for the first time. They promise fun activities, challenges, and more in their upcoming episodes. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does showcase the endless possibilities… Read More

  • Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft

    Jenga Lighthouse Build in Minecraft Building a Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft The Jenga Lighthouse in Minecraft is a unique architectural design inspired by the popular Jenga game. This project showcases a creative blend of functionality and aesthetics, offering players a visually appealing structure that also serves a practical purpose in the game. Layout & Materials The construction of the Jenga Lighthouse begins with careful planning of the layout and selection of materials. In this project, red is used as the primary color, but players can experiment with different color combinations to achieve varying atmospheres, from modern to fantasy. Jenga Element One of the standout… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI in Minecraft with Dronio

    Mind-Blowing AI in Minecraft with DronioVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by ะ”ั€ะพะฝะธะพ on 2024-01-15 21:30:00. It has garnered 431 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Poppy Playtime Minecraft Cheating Challenge

    Ultimate Poppy Playtime Minecraft Cheating ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-03-22 18:00:00. It has garnered 171916 views and 1600 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:38 or 2258 seconds. I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft Today in Minecraft, we’re having a building competition! But nobody knows that I’ll be using //DRAW to cheat in this POPPY PLAYTIME build battle! How long do you think it will take before my friends find out? Will CATNAP, DOGDAY, MISS DELIGHT, or the SMILING CRITTERS catch us?… Read More

  • Uncover Insane New Minecraft Easter Egg! ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ #minecraftfest #shorts

    Uncover Insane New Minecraft Easter Egg! ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ #minecraftfest #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Das NEUE Easter Egg in Minecraft…๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfacts #minecraftdeutsch’, was uploaded by EinfachGustaf on 2024-04-21 11:03:54. It has garnered 200595 views and 15560 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Skibid Toilet Animation Part 1!” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Skibid Toilet Animation Part 1!" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft skibids toilet parts 1 #minecraft #skibiditoilet #part1’, was uploaded by 3camera animation on 2024-01-14 04:39:14. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos! Read More