How I Gave Away My Entire Kingdom

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I want to give you my entire Kingdom let’s go this is me giving away my entire Kingdom something that my enemies would never expect and I mean why would they why would anyone even decide to try this well what if I told you that this event let me infiltrate my enemy’s team

Manipulate them and ultimately kill them oh my god it worked thank God would you guys like to join my kingdom my heart is pounding so much but to understand how we got here we need some contacts I present to you pantro a player who on this server is known for

Numerous team betrayals and this is my teammate getting killed by him oh oh wait wait oh my God so acknowledging this I decided to make it my goal to get revenge and kill pantro however this would not be a simple task this is because pantro has a team with the sole

Purpose of killing everyone in sight so instead of trying to beat him in a fight I came up with a different plan I’m going to make a kingdom just to give it to pantro yes I’m giving away the entire thing but when I gain his Trust I’m

Going to secretly destroy my own kingdom and trap him when he comes to look at the remains although I’m fond of this plan I’m getting way too ahead of myself because I don’t even have a kingdom which led me to the basic question of what actually makes a kingdom well my

First thought was that every King needs a castle so I gathered some Cobblestone found the mountain and decided to build a castle declaring myself as king but then I dug deeper into this rabbit hole and I realized that every Kingdom needs to have their civilians but when I asked

People to join me this is what they said hey Rev I’ve been working on this Kingdom and I was wondering if you want to join no no I don’t feel like it can I say can I see what it looks like first here check DMS right there what the hell is

That if this happened to me on any other day I would have backed down from the situation however something intrigued me and I just needed to know why they wouldn’t join so I decided to go ahead and ask them right on the spot why because you’re poor and you don’t have a

Helmet how much strength do you have I have one yeah yeah what do you mean if I even want to start what’s known as a kingdom I need to First fulfill these requirements and personally I find it easier to start with the easier jobs and

In this case it was getting myself a new helmet and I knew exactly where to go to get myself one hello I introduced to you all twerps a very good friend and I figured that if I want a helmet I would come here to get one I need you to help

Me get a diamond helmet is that it really just an enchanted diamond helmet I can’t be running around without one anymore it is time to get a diamond out four oh what’d you get oh my god well there’s you there you go the problem is off thank you so much

And although we were excited I knew that we couldn’t celebrate for too long this is because I still have two more steps of what I need to make a kingdom and this next task heavily involves the server’s plugin basically on the strength SMP every single time you kill

Someone you gain one attack damage and currently I’m at one strength and the maximum is five meaning that I’m not the strongest nor the most powerful on the server and fortunately for me there’s a way to fix that however it includes killing other players for strength which

Eventually led to the question of what was a reliable way to kill server members now of course we thought of regularly fighting people at spawn but we didn’t think that was efficient enough so my teammate and I decided to resort to some sort of trap now this trap will consists of three different

Rooms firstly there will be a puzzle room that is Then followed by a find the bun room and lastly we have a parkour room that we may have made a little too difficult what is this jump I don’t know if it’s possible I I put it there well

Awesome however each of these rooms will be connected with a railway and everything will be normal until the railway from room 3 to an imaginary room 4 where the target will be dropped into an obsidian box with two of my friends ready to kill them however even after

All of this there was one thing that stood in our way which is the fact that this had trap written all over it I mean a random Railway going into the ground incomplete rooms nothing here was adding up and this is when we thought of the idea of getting a texture pack we’re

Gonna need to retexture Stone dark oak planks sand kind of like a back rooms feeling so I don’t want anything like super bright that’s why it doesn’t have to look exactly like back rooms because that’s not really they go I just need it to be like eerie but things generally started out rough

Funky we’ll see we’ll see we didn’t know what textures we wanted we had no clue the feeling we were going to and it was just all a disaster a little Eerie it’s a little weird maybe I can fix the texture a little bit I feel like it’s

Too harsh but fortunately this was all until we tried something new try to make it cart like a carpet color like just like this this looks perfect oh my we’re actually taking steps in the right direction finally right looks like this makes it look so much scarier oh my

God wait this is way better satisfied with the textures we decided to add voiceovers for each room just to make it a little more believable this is oh that’s good I know this works great yeah and you fix that too and after tweaking a few small issues I think the Trap was

Ready so I messaged a couple of players and I had them come over to my location from here on out I needed to make sure I made zero mistakes ask no wrong questions because I don’t want them to suspect a thing so I’m gonna send you a

Texture pack I’m gonna need you to put it on okay that might have been the most obvious question ever for a sign of a trap but it doesn’t matter because they followed through anyways well from this point on I could only sit in my chair and watch him go through each of the

Rooms and hope that the final trap actually works so this is room one and the room one music this is right there if you want to take a listen welcome to pantar’s game thing this is pretty simple yeah oh okay breakable wooden ax another problem you got a bow and arrow right

Let’s go room one you see that was easy enough now room one was nothing more than a warm-up but I couldn’t help but notice how comfortable the contestants were starting to get and this sign ultimately boosted my confidence whether or not this trap would actually work but

Yet I would still need to wait and see your job is to find the correct spot oh Eerie have you checked all the corners oh my God okay I feel like it has to be this one I’m scared thank God oh my God and you have to tie

It so I’ll push you there you go there you go at this point my Palms are sweating the contestants went through two rooms and did not question a single thing and as they went to the final room the idea of them knowing something lurked my mind however there was nothing

More I can do than to just sit back and watch is to complete the part four and get to the other side of the roof okay maybe I was not gonna parkour yeah oh my oh my God wait you’re not you’re gonna do this first try oh for this one

Wait you did it wait a minute wait a minute wait you’re actually you’re actually doing it so well okay last one oh no I’m actually impressed and when they flick that lever their gateway to death opens mere seconds away from Death all I could do was watch uh

Or this side watching them as they left into darkness I realized that this trap working was not only for myself but instead it was for my kingdom All right thank you so much I appreciate your strength and even though the Trap was a success it only left me on three strengths meaning I still need two more from the maximum amount however by killing these two players the rest of the server was alerted and knew what I

Was doing so this led me to find a different way to get strength and thankfully I had a friend on the server who was willing to give me two strength for free thank you thank you thank you thank you okay what a weird guy no I’m not we need

Pencil stop and with this I had two out of the three requirements completed and the final one includes me building a much better Kingdom however before I could even start Gathering materials for my build I was approached by a player known as Tai who was on the opposite

Team fortunately for me it had nothing to do with an attack however it had something a little more interesting I don’t agree with what Pancho is doing right now just started going on a rampage farming innocent people off the server it just kind of became really bad

Which is why I would like to join your team and give you all the information that I did from Pancho’s team in I mean considering Panther’s team is growing and becoming more powerful having a double agent wouldn’t be so bad but yet this meeting confused me I mean

Was there any reason he was doing this overwhelmed with this confusion I desperately needed a way to get it off my mind luckily for me I had some friends willing to help me make the Castle to my kingdom he’s going main Maniac garments I am to establish this Kingdom we quickly

Worked on the castle and after only a short amount of time we actually finished it and here’s the last block let’s go okay okay and after this we decided to incorporate some houses it’s just somewhere over in the distance over there and it just looks like that some

Farmlands so far it looks so nice and even a cute little Pond do you like the little pond so far oh this is cool but as we kept building I began to realize that this was not any regular project in fact building this Kingdom revealed a much deeper connection one that

Represented Unity so I stand here to ask you guys one more time would you guys like to join my kingdom this once building project transformed into an area where we could all have fun what happened to the well however there was one thing this Kingdom still lacked

Which was a name it deserved a title one that led everyone to believe that this was my kingdom so once I was asked about the name what should be called Pentagon give this place a name I knew exactly what I wanted to answer I want this place to be called pentarville yeah you

Know what I like that name thus pentorville was born and with all of the requirements meant I finally had my own kingdom however even though this place meant so much to me I still have to follow through with my original plan which means I can finally move on and

Figure out a way I can give this entire thing to my enemy Pancho but this thought raised the question of how would we actually do that I mean we thought of scheduling a big fight for my kingdom but that didn’t seem natural enough we needed a believable plan that would

Trick Pancho into trusting us because if Pantry suspected a single thing this entire idea of killing him would be ruined and not hitting the Subscribe button would also ruin it but that’s besides the point and eventually my teammate and I figured out a plan that might work basically the plan

Involves two scheduled chases where whoever kills me gets pentarville however I’m going to survive the first Chase and intentionally die to Pancho during the second one which should result in me giving him my kingdom but for this plan to seem believable I must survive the first Chase and to guarantee

My survival we took the opportunity to set up things beforehand so about 30 minutes before the chase begun we had started working and this led to the idea of making a drop on the starting point that led to a secret tunnel what tunnel you may ask well a tunnel full of ice

Which made us travel a lot faster however once we finished and thought we were ready for the chase my teammates to realize something intro is at the he’s looking at the thingy man why is Pancho always uh how does he know supposedly Pantry had found our Escape tunnel and

Well if this was true it would ruin the entire plan especially considering this was the only method of Escape we had however just to be sure I had to go check Pancho broke the entire thing with the ice by the way the entire icing is broken you broke everything yeah all the

Ice gun he blocked up the entire staircase too I mean at this point we had no Escape Plan basically guaranteeing my death and if I die within the first few minutes of the chase well Pancho will know I’m up to something basically there was nothing much we could do these last few minutes

Felt like ours because we were all waiting for what practically was a death sentence and at least for me it was time to accept that some stories don’t go the way as planned and that I had to Simply accept this debt which was what I

Thought until I came up with an idea rev can we do your version of a stasis chamber regular stasis Chambers are banned on the server however I have a friend that had created one that does not classify as a regular stasis did I take that off yeah or no they didn’t say

Nothing about it they said nothing about rev’s version and rev years version technically can’t show right and when we realized this you could literally hear the Hope Rising in my voice immediately off the start we have to buy like an incredible amount of time at this point I was determined to win

This first Chase not only for the sake of surviving but for the sake of convincing Pancho that I’m actually giving him my kingdom all right no we have to instantly stasis that’s what we have to do instantly say this is like a thousand two thousand blocks away we’re

Gonna have to do that instead of trying to full and take a 2v7 there’s no other way we’re going to be able to like do this however we have a little amount of time before the Chase Begins so I traveled through the Nether and met my friend at the world border which was

Thousands of blocks away from spawn the only problem with this type of stasis is that it’s really inconsistent but eventually after multiple tries we figured it out yes oh my God oh my God thank God I’m turning my GOI down don’t hit my Pearl do not hit my Pearl swear

To God if I TP right onto the honey block oh oh my God okay and with my life in a singular Pearl we were ready and decided to head to spawn for the chase however throughout the journey back to spawn I feared the possibility of this contraption not working

Please oh my God I’m so nervous I’m so nervous I hate this I hate this I hate this I absolutely hate doing events I hate doing events I mean it’s possible for a pearl to Simply glitch and not work this was a risk I was not prepared

To take but with the Enemy surrounding us and ready for the chase to begin I had no choice but to take it all of you here have one hour to kill me and twerps I guess too but killing me most importantly because if one of you kill me

I will give you pentarville my kingdom you get the entire Kingdom and everything that comes with it you get our entire trust just everything but that’s only if you kill me in the back of my mind I was telling myself this won’t work this can’t work however there

Was no backing out of this now and I knew that I had to begin the chase so if I’m so confident that I’m going to die I’m going to die knowing that I tried if there’s no other comments I think we can start this Chase in three two

Let’s get out of this real nether okay follow me follow me let’s go this way let’s go this way now that we figured out the stasis worked I can finally relax you don’t understand how happy I am that word they’re not near us we’re fine we’re fine we’re absolutely fine

This is so much more peaceful when nobody is around me oh my God by being thousands of blocks away from anybody I was able to be way more calm but maybe I was too calm like they have a sense of where we are because of the Border all right

Don’t open your F3 do not open your X3 do not open okay I was so wait I’ll check it for us somehow people knew roughly where we were which made me wonder were we being watched to not cause additional stress I decided to ignore it and to keep running for this

First Chase I knew that I had to do anything I could to survive because dying now would basically ruin everything so for about the next 40 minutes my teammate and I just kept running without stopping but that was until we stopped to make a sky base in hopes of comfortably getting through the

Last 20 minutes however this could have been our worst decision oh my God they’re here he’s here how are you guys here wait who is that can you zoom in intro this Pancho how is Pancho here oh Patcher where are your friends I feel so bad this sucks bro well like felt bad

Until we realized they’re all here they’re all here they’re all oh my God they’re all here okay all right lock in lock in just focus ones who are closer up I’m just aligning someone up if someone is getting absolutely destroyed down there oh my God I feel horrible for

Them this is a horrible how much time how much time much time 45 minutes 45 minutes 15 minutes of this and with 15 minutes left we thought nothing could go wrong until My teammate falling distracted all of the enemies to chase him instead of focusing on me now either I could attempt to help twerps or I can run away and save myself I got it don’t worry they’re all going for you it’s fine that gets that gives you more time okay okay

Okay the main guy you’re the main guy if they kill you realistically they have no way of getting to me we both agreed that I would do my best to fight for myself in these last remaining minutes so I decided to make another portal and run all the way back

To spawn however my entire Journey back to spawn I could not help but notice my teammates calls for help intro and pig are both on me no but let’s go Camp no no I’m not that I’m dead I’m not dead I’m but I’m going to die pretty much if

You die I I thank you for protecting me at this point I managed to make it back to spawn with only five minutes remaining but this was also the time my teammate would fall no all right my teammate just died for me and at this point I didn’t know how to feel however

If he went this length for me I knew there was one thing he’d want me to do and with only a few minutes left I set my mind on one thing survival oh wait okay there’s a lot more it’s fun now I’m scared I’m five minutes you have five

Minutes I hate this this is so nervous going on double Towers I hate it I hate it up here oh my God okay who am I hitting I’m hitting someone go away hey Tom what stop shooting me no that’s our three minute Spencer I wish I’d punch I

Really do we’re getting close now I’m sorry okay wait you are getting close you’re getting a little too close I have two and a half minutes however for some reason a player named eliju who I have killed earlier decided to turn around and help me and out of pure confusion I

Decided to go with it chill down there just don’t let them come on obviously you could just go fight them yeah oh my God thank you I’ll actually show you they might kill me oh my God I am oh dude it’s not coming up man it’s not

Coming up one and a half minutes you just have to go down there and knock them off I think oh my god with the light you falling I was left to defend myself on this Tower and with less than a minute of this Chase left the only thing I could do is fight

Oh my God oh my God fortunately just moments away from Death the clock had run out for the first Chase and although I survived I couldn’t stop thinking about one thing why did a player on the other team decide to switch sides and help me I

Mean I’m starting to see a pattern for people having a hatred for pantro just like me but I’m probably overthinking it because now I have to prepare for the second Chase and it’s in this Chase that’ll intentionally die to pantro however I still need to make this second

Chase as believable as possible so we decided to set up a few things such as ice tunnels secret drops and fall traps so these few things should not last us the entire Chase but it should be enough to fully convince Pancho that when he kills me he gets my kingdom and this

Regards the issue of how are we going to get pantro in specific to kill me and the way we were going to do this is by taking information from the first chase people recognize pantro as a smart player and it’s proven multiple times more specifically during The Last Chase

He was able to find us on his own so we’re planning on using that to our advantage and hope that he finds us first out of anyone in this Chase and when he eventually finds me I’ll take a fight with him and intentionally lose it which will hopefully trick the whole

Server into thinking Pancho is the new owner of pentarville however these were simply the goals and they truly didn’t mean anything unless they were done in the actual Chase well luckily for me our enemies were Furious that they lost the first Chase but they were prepared and ready for round two you ready

You ready yeah you know what we’re doing yup I’m ready bro three two one go we instantly dropped down the secret hole we had behind the tree which brought us to the ice tunnel by obliterating our space bars we were instantly able to get good distance all

Right go go go go go as soon as we left the ice tunnel we ran across a bridge and destroyed it behind us burned down the bridge burned down the bridge set it on fire we eventually used a boat and went down the river towards a cave and

Little do the enemies know I already have something set up in the cave uh I’m gonna I’ll be Travis portal get out and then the safety of the nether we had escaped our enemy I mean that plan went so well I don’t even think they

Know where we are knowing all of this we could freely and safely run through the nether without any worries well that’s what we thought to the party okay they cut us off they cut us off they cut us off follow me follow me follow me follow

Me follow me panicking we had no other choice than to turn around and run back through the portal go go go go oh they’re coming they’re right here they’re right here I see their names go oh my God we ended up finding a point where it was only Pancho chasing us too

So we knew that we could easily take the chance and fight it’s only him right now no one else is near the problem wouldn’t be killing him it would be his teammates being ready to back him up ready ready get him get it get in But after a while of fighting pantro the undeniable happened although we knew it would happen we just never knew when what is that oh my God Ty’s here they’re all here oh three oh my god get the vote on you they’re all three on you should

Get on the land go go go go go go go go now this situation wasn’t bad it was horrible and it’s not because we had a lot of people on us it’s because twerps and I ended up splitting apart and Pancho the person who I need to kill me

Is focusing on twerps meaning that if I die right here most likely Pancho is not getting my kingdom so like any other Chase I had to keep running And now I was alone with my teammate dead it was me against the server and I desperately needed to survive and find a way to die to specifically Pantry however I still have to keep in mind that I have to make it as believable as

Possible oh my God yes oh my God thank God thank God thank God I got the dolphin oh my god look around no way you have it too oh my gosh no way you stupid skeleton oh pink tar it looks like you’re just running aimlessly what’s up uh F3 I’m

Not confident yet but I may have gone away a little I luckily managed to escape and I found my way to a mine chat here I just started going deeper and deeper into a cave until I built myself another portal by building another portal I was hoping I can travel enough

Distance away to have some breathing room they know oh my God there’s a lot of it oh my God that was too close that got so close too many times but although I thought I was alone it turned out pantra was following me shoot this was

My chance I you can turn around and die to pantry and have this thing over with however I didn’t see it that way I want to make this more believable I want to push the limits of emotion so I decided to keep running but that was a mistake

Oh my God it hears you dude oh eventually the rest of the enemy team caught up to us and this was when I realized that I was watching Pancho’s chances of killing me wither away with many people trying to kill me the chances of Pancho getting my kingdom

Were slowly getting smaller and this situation had me losing hope for everything this was going towards it was now I realized that if I die to anyone but pantro I would lose my team my kingdom and any sort of purpose I have here I’m on my way no no

Fortunately Pancho ended up being the one to kill me but you might be wondering why was I sad when pantro got the kill credit I mean the plan worked didn’t it well not exactly I still have to offer Pancho my kingdom and if he trusts me he’ll hopefully accept it

However whilst we were running to pentarville I could not stop thinking about the possibility of him declining my offer this is because pantro is an intelligent player and there is a good chance that he can see right through my lies but at this point the situation was

Out of my hand and all I could do is hope that pantra believed me enough so I can give him my kingdom all right you guys died so I mean you lost the bet so from this day forward you guys permanently have to wear blue armor for

God by wearing this blue armor we accepted his side of the deal which means that we’ve just been formally accepted into his team but finally it was time to see if all of this planning was worth it it’s finally time to see if pantro trusts me it’s finally time to

Give him my kingdom oh Pancho I want to give you my entire Kingdom let’s go you get everything here you now have me on your team and also my teammates too oh you also get this castle and this entire Village I am giving you basically everything

Thank you for the kingdom pentar we were officially in I had successfully given my kingdom to Pancho and he did not seem to question it at all and I mean personally I had no idea how any of it worked all of the planning and stress was worth it and out of pure excitement

My teammate and I decided to reconvene right after this I’m far enough from everyone so they can’t hear me that worked perfectly oh my God thank god it worked and Pancho got kill credits that’s so good hopefully they believe that I fully died and like am fully on

Their team I guess and at this current moment the main concern was does Pancho actually trust me because even though I’m technically on his team there’s some more things I can do that would solidify this partnership so that’s exactly what I set out to do and the way I’m going to

Approach this is by asking pantro if there’s anything he needs me to do and when I asked him he says he needs a knockback two sword at least iron with Unbreaking three why he exactly wanted the sword I’m not quite sure however I decided not to question it and I began

Gathering materials to make this sword but something came across my mind whilst I was doing this and it regards some of the characters who were presented earlier in this story specifically I’m thinking about people such as Tai and eliju people like these two share similarity about hating Pancho I mean

They’re both on his team except they’re choosing to betray for me and thinking about it just a little more I came to disc cover that there’s an entire team conspiring against Pancho and every single member on this team used to be on pantro’s side and it’s all because they

Don’t agree with most of his actions much like myself this made me more Curious are they on the same page as me and are Desiring to kill pantro I mean it’s entirely possible I can get them to help me however that’s not where my mind was right now instead it was focused on

Gaining more of pantra’s trust and with me obtaining the sword that he wanted I got the sword I have the sword Pancho desires I became one step closer to gaining that trust however there was still one more thing I could do that would fully convince him that I’m on his

Team and that one thing was to convert my teammates to his blue armor and with all of this in mind my teammate and I ran to spawn to meet pantro hoping that he thinks we’re on his side so as promised an iron sword knockback two and breaking three and mending look at this

Little fella I’m sneaky here you go young will you you now have to permanently wear a blue armor as per the uh the agreement you guys had and twerks and pencil dying I think it’s only fair I feel I’m ashamed I’m ashamed his mic just started breaking and after the

Conversation concluded I knew that I did my job successfully by this point it looked like I was completely out of the picture Pancho thought that pentarville and I were completely done however it was now that I would think about striking back and how I would ultimately

Trap and kill Pancho so I decided to come up with a plan to do this I’m going to blow up pentarville myself and have Pancho come look at the remains and once he’s there I’m going to hopefully have the opportunity to trap him but I still

Need to come up with a reason for Pantry to feel the need to go look at the ruins so to combat this problem I’m deciding to frame people and who am I exactly framing the people who used to be on his team let me open the conversation with this

Do you guys hate Pancho yes oh yeah let’s just say we’re on the same page already okay oh we are yeah I’ve not actually been on his side it’s all been an entire scheme hentar villain everything my plan was to blow up pantarville it’s gonna be me who blows

It up so what’s gonna happen when I blow it up I’m going to put down signs at the site that make it seem like you guys would I’m going to frame you guys to act like you guys took this movie and with everything in place we were

Ready to move on with this trap well we were almost ready following through with this trap does mean I have to blow up pentar Bill a place that I used to call home a place that I used to rule I mean this was my kingdom and it represents

Everything I worked for contemplating if I should actually blow up this sacred place I began to recall certain memories from when this project started entertaining would you guys like to join my kingdom yes I want this place to be called pentar bill yeah you know what I like that and whilst I was placing TNT I acknowledged that I had a plan and that I had to stick to it however it is now that I realized that sometimes to get what you

Want you must sacrifice what you love but every now and then some sacrifices are greater than others I’m gonna cry goodbye oh I’ve spent so much time oh my God wow there’s a lot of water there it goes This is so unfortunate oh my God Rest in peace no Thank you your vibe fantarville forever and after accepting this loss I instantly began placing a trail of signs up to the castle my plan is to have the last sign at the castle because this is where I hope to trap it however whilst I was thinking about this a new problem

Arose and it regards the idea of how would Patrol actually find these ruins and properly follow the signs to the Trap I mean until he’s notified about pentarville being destroyed he doesn’t have a real reason to go check it out so this got me thinking and eventually I

Decided that I needed a guide to help lure pantra to the track but I knew that this couldn’t be just any person on the server because pantra would suspect something so I would need to find the person that pantra trusts but someone who is willing to help me and just

Bringing up those words my mind instantly recalled someone we met earlier and the person I’m talking about is Thai now since the beginning Tai has been on pancher’s Team but he’s been willing to mull for us however we never found the opportunity to play into this

So we just ignored it but that was until now do you remember a while ago how you said you would help our team even though you’re with banjo I do remember that yeah now I’m wondering if you’re still up for that I mean sure but it depends what it is

Really so I had to explain the plan to Thai where he would alert pantro about pentarville and lead him through the course of Science and once both of them Reach the castle and read the very last sign I would be ready to place and explode TNT Minecarts right under them

Okay I’ll do all of this but what will you do if this doesn’t really work your way uh if it doesn’t work well uh at least I’m going down with pentarville I mean if this trap fails everything I’ve done up to this point would mean nothing personally I think that I’ve gone

Through too much for this not to work so both of us got into our positions and now all we could do was wait however sitting here buried under my kingdom it made me realize everything that I’ve done I started my own kingdom from the ground up at one point I had the entire

Server Chase and kill me just to give my kingdom to pantra I had made my own teammates side with our enemy only to get his trust and now I’m stuck here wondering if this would all be worth it well unfortunately I don’t have time to think about it because now I need to

Watch the Trap unfold he’s here okay they’re reading through it they’re reading through it right now it starts with that the owner of pentarville oh my God my my heart is pounding right now it’s just pounding and then the other one’s right here consider this a warning

Oh armor was meant to protect us but instead it created the Tyrant we see today there he is there’s his name tag there’s his name tag but there’s more yeah yeah I see one over there you may think our red armor is wrong it is you who’s at fault there’s another

One right there and as he approached the castle I realize now is the time that all of this work has proven to be worth it or if nothing mattered since the beginning eyes right there where’s Patrick You did not only fail to protect us but you failed to unite us as a community my heart is pounding so much and when he walked up to read the final sign for this This Is War blame yourself for these actions I knew that now was my chance either everything that’s been

Done would lead to me going down with pentarville or I would be able to bring pantro down with me and now it was time to put this event into history away how’d that not work he was right there oh my God there is no way this entire journey of

Emotion just for this result the result of me dying alongside the kingdom I once ruled and for what well I’m not sure anymore but now that this chapter was closing to an end A Feeling Hit me I wasn’t sure what it was but something told me that it just wasn’t over at this

Moment I began to recall the people earlier who have set out to work against pantro but where were they now I mean they couldn’t just disappear they had to be somewhere on the server it couldn’t just be me alone and this made me realize that from the very beginning I

Haven’t been the only person against pantro we first discovered that Tai was willing to give us information about Panthers team despite being on that team then we found out that Elijah was willing to put his life on the line just so that I could survive a Chase and

Recently we learned that there was an entire team that’s purpose was to conspire against pantro this entire time I thought that I had my own ideology but it turns out that others followed the same path maybe I wasn’t alone maybe I’m not going down with my kingdom by myself

And maybe just may maybe there are people on my side it didn’t work thank you I want this place to be called Pentagon yeah you know what I like that

This video, titled ‘How I Gave Away My Entire Kingdom’, was uploaded by Pentar on 2023-08-08 17:00:02. It has garnered 49127 views and 1542 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:27 or 2127 seconds.

Giving Him My Kingdom… Here’s Why

Participants in this video: @PantroYT @TaiMC @Twirps @yungwillx


Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea / challenge where you can steal SMP Minecraft player’s lives. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is a thing.

This series is inspired by ParrotX2 and SpokeIsHere’s SMP Minecraft Series, as well as TommyInnit and Dream on the Dream SMP server. However, instead of it being SpokeIsHere, ParrotX2, TommyInnit or Dream, it’s actually just PrinceZam, POG. I like to make super epic traps, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive. You could call this Minecraft, But (not really) Lifesteal SMP.

How I Gave Away 1000 Hours of Work #pentar #minecraft

uploaded August 8 2023

current sub count: 3,849

  • Pranking Friends in Minecraft SMP – Stream Highlights

    Pranking Friends in Minecraft SMP - Stream Highlights Wool Farm Clean-up in Tinker World SMP Join Music Free Gaming on a journey to clean up their wool farm in the Tinker World SMP server. This family-friendly channel primarily focuses on Minecraft gameplay, making it a perfect destination for gamers of all ages. Support Music Free Gaming If you enjoy the content provided by Music Free Gaming, consider supporting them through various means: Tips & Subs: Visit to offer tips and subscribe to the channel. Merch: Explore exclusive merchandise at Wishlist: Fulfill Music Free Gaming’s wishlist at Connect with Music Free Gaming Stay updated and… Read More

  • 10-Year-Old Invades My One Block World?!

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  • Skyblock World Descent Tutorial

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  • Reinventing Minecraft: New World Build

    Reinventing Minecraft: New World Build Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a sandbox environment unlike any other. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft From lush forests to towering mountains, Minecraft offers a diverse range of biomes for players to discover and conquer. Whether you’re mining for resources deep underground or taming the creatures of the surface, there’s always something new to explore. Building Your Dream World With an endless supply of… Read More

  • PC Gamepass Challenge: Day 6 – The Fun Quest Replay

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  • Crafty Campus Capers: Minecraft Madness!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 22 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 22 is here, Challenging myself, no need for fear. Picking up acacia wood, a new sight to see, Variation is key, it sets my creativity free. Shout out to TikTok friends, a community so grand, @facu8117, @elmoran888, a supportive band. @leandrocr757, @lorenzov_ok, and more, Each one a gem, worth cheering for. Join my channel, support and enjoy the ride, Discord, Twitch, TikTok, all by my side. IrlandesGamer, the name to remember, In the world of gaming, I’ll be your guide, forever. Read More

  • Double Trouble: Guess the Build Challenge!

    Double Trouble: Guess the Build Challenge! Minecraft: Guess the Build! Doubles! GeminiTay and her friends are back at it again, playing the exciting mini-game, Guess the Build! In this fun game, players work in pairs to build a prompt and challenge the other players to guess what it is. This time, the creativity is doubled as they team up to create unique and challenging builds! Double the Fun with GeminiTay GeminiTay, a popular Minecraft content creator, leads the way as she and her friends dive into the world of Guess the Build! With her engaging personality and love for all things Minecraft, the game takes… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy!

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  • Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft’s Aquatic Encore!

    Crafting Cozy Ponds: Minecraft's Aquatic Encore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Today we’re diving into ponds, where tranquility remains. Join me in this Let’s Play, as we craft and design, Creating cozy water features, so serene and divine. Watch as we transform our world, with nature’s touch, Enhancing our virtual landscape, oh so much. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing sounds, As we build and decorate, our virtual grounds. So come along and dive into this calming gameplay, Where Minecraft magic is on full display. Let’s make our world a little more tranquil, it’s true, In this peaceful adventure, just… Read More

  • Kamacraft S6 SMP Modded 1.20.4 Whitelist Proximity Chat Squaremap Discord Events Custom Datapacks Europe 18+

    Why Kamacraft? I asked my regular players this a few days ago. The response was instantaneous and unanimous: the community, both on the Minecraft server itself and in the Discord server. absolutely the community, everyone’s so kind and nice always and it’s the first time I’ve played on a server that felt like an actual community instead of just vaguely familiar strangers who play Minecraft together Kamacraft has been running for 5 years, and has always focused on community, from always having a “welcome center” at spawn to orient new players and provide valuable starting resources, to seeking player input… Read More

  • CloudCraft SMP[Hermitcraft-ESQ][1.21][6/15/2024 reset]

    CloudCraft SMP[Hermitcraft-ESQ][1.21][6/15/2024 reset]ABOUT USWelcome to CloudCraft! We are a smaller whitelisted SMP focused on a vanilla multiplayer experience, and we are looking for a few more people to join us for our 1.21 reset on Saturday, June 15th.Our server takes some inspiration from HermitCraft and other similar SMPS. Some of our community aspects include a spawn island town (includes starter houses, town hall, shops, etc.), community farms, nether hub, arcade with games, dragon fight event, and more. See below or here for some images of our past servers. In the past our server has been annually reset for the latest update, followed… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Totally not hacked: this Minecraft meme”

    Minecraft Memes - "Totally not hacked: this Minecraft meme"I guess you can say this meme rolled a natural 20 on its random generation check! Read More

  • Blockbuster: Minecraft’s Netflix Show, Animated Galore!

    Blockbuster: Minecraft's Netflix Show, Animated Galore! In the world of Minecraft, a new series is born, On Netflix it’ll be, come early morn. CG animation, a sight to behold, Excitement in the air, stories untold. Hyazora on Twitch, with updates galore, Bringing news to the fans, always wanting more. From the trailer to the playlist, all in rhyme, Keeping the community in perfect time. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, Minecraft news with a playful zing. Stay tuned for more, from Hyazora’s domain, In the world of gaming, where creativity reigns. Read More

  • Burning Blocks: The Sequel 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Burning Blocks: The Sequel 🔥 #minecraftmemes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Building a Mini Modern City in Minecraft!

    Building a Mini Modern City in Minecraft! Minecraft 12th Anniversary Celebration: Building Miniature Modern Architecture in “Kotetsu Town” Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Recently, the Japanese multiplayer server, “朱サバ” (Shusaba), celebrated Minecraft’s 12th anniversary with a special event. One of the highlights of this celebration was the creation of a miniature modern architecture district called “小鉄町” (Kotetsu Town). Event Details The event, hosted on the Shusaba server, showcased the versatility and ingenuity of Minecraft players. Participants not only enjoyed the festivities but also had the opportunity to explore and build in Kotetsu Town, a… Read More

  • EPIC Bastion Hunt on Chaos SMP! Minecraft 1.20 Survival

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  • The Mirror: Part 4

    The Mirror: Part 4Video Information This video, titled ‘Part4(The mirror) Like and subscribe’, was uploaded by Yotube_short on 2024-06-06 08:30:06. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #story #storytime #stories #parkour #horrorstories #horrorstory #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftparkour Read More

  • Minecraft Donut SMP LIVE with CoolBry Bry! 2.6K subs special

    Minecraft Donut SMP LIVE with CoolBry Bry! 2.6K subs specialVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft | Donut SMP | Grind Time | 2650 subs?’, was uploaded by CoolBry Bry on 2024-03-30 00:34:51. It has garnered 428 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:08 or 7808 seconds. Server: DonutSMP.Net Port: 19132 Hi and welcome to my channel! My side of the internet offers a growing community and interactive content for you to enjoy! During each live stream it is my goal to create enjoyable content and share my experiences with you. I hope you enjoy and thanks for the support. Btw if you made… Read More


    UNLEASH CHAOS! KING VS KILLER - MINECRAFT GAMEPLAYVideo Information This video, titled ‘BRING THE VILLAGERS 😵‍💫 || MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY || #5’, was uploaded by KING AND KILLER on 2024-03-04 16:51:54. It has garnered 115 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:31 or 811 seconds. BRING THE VILLAGERS 😵‍💫 || MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY || #5 Hii EveryOne and Welcome To Our Channel KING AND KILLER. Don’t Forget Like , Share & Subscribe. ABOUT :- KING AND KILLER Is A YouTube Channel. Video Creator And Gamer. Follow Me On Instagram :- Join Whatsapp Group :- DISCLAIMER :- The Following Video Is Based On A… Read More

  • INSANE +6 Minecraft Dungeons Run! Watch Now!

    INSANE +6 Minecraft Dungeons Run! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘+6 ONWARD Minecraft Dungeons (Day 8)’, was uploaded by BipMcSquip VODS on 2024-01-14 08:28:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • UNCLE HORROR: Minecraft Hindi Story PT.1

    UNCLE HORROR: Minecraft Hindi Story PT.1Video Information This video, titled ‘CREEPY UNCLE || PART-1|| MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI’, was uploaded by mrNIT on 2024-03-22 13:11:40. It has garnered 305 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:16 or 436 seconds. A ghost Adventure with me | Minecraft horror Topic :- minecraft minecraft horror horror scary minecraft minecraft mods minecraft horror mods minecraft hardcore cash minecraft minecraft mod minecraft scary minecraft funny minecraft 100 days minecraft horror mod 100 days in minecraft minecraft smp minecraft but minecraft song skyes horror minecraft minecraft music minecraft scary myths i survived horror minecraft scary minecraft… Read More

  • INSANE Reaction to DISBANDING on Minecraft – [Minecraft/Cutout] #shorts

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    UNBELIEVABLE: +50M WAREHOUSE CLAIMS AND SPY PVP!Video Information This video, titled ‘+50M DEPO CLAIMI VE CASUS PVP – survival titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by hzaxora on 2024-04-03 17:44:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. discord numberononsex minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Top 5 Tankiest Mobs in Minecraft! #minecraft #shorts

    Unbelievable! Top 5 Tankiest Mobs in Minecraft! #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘OS 5 Mobs com mais vida do Minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Lorajo on 2024-01-11 20:00:04. It has garnered 22242 views and 1478 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #shorts #roblox #robloxshorts #robloxbrasil #povminecraft Read More

  • ScandiumSMP

    ScandiumSMPScandiumSMP Start your adventure by claiming your kits and land on the scandiumsmp – Economy system – Crates – Custom enchants – Ranks Read More

  • Better Than Landon SMP – Modded SMP, whitelist, 16+

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! We are a small and new server running BTA (Better Than Adventure) 7.1_01. Our server is up 24/7 in the northeastern United States. Basic rules: No griefing or stealing. Your whitelist will not be revoked due to inactivity. Join our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Mid-Minecraft Madness

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Mid-Minecraft MadnessMiddle Craft? Is that where you build a mediocre house and settle for a lukewarm existence? Read More

  • Rhyme Time: Wither Skeleton’s Minecraft Logic

    Rhyme Time: Wither Skeleton's Minecraft Logic In the world of Minecraft, where secrets abound, The Wither Skeleton’s logic, a mystery profound. Hidden in the Nether, it lurks in the night, With black and white hues, ready to fight. But beyond its appearance, a world to explore, With puzzles and patterns, waiting to soar. Decipher the symbols, unlock the unknown, In the Wither Skeleton’s realm, the truth is shown. So join us in this adventure, brave and bold, Uncover the secrets, let the story unfold. Crafting and mining, in this pixelated land, With the Wither Skeleton, let your courage stand. Like, comment, and subscribe, for more… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: The Hot Mess 😂

    Minecraft Logic: The Hot Mess 😂 “When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds… #MinecraftLogic” 😂 Read More

  • 13 Epic Ways to Troll Villagers in Minecraft

    13 Epic Ways to Troll Villagers in Minecraft Exploring the Fun Side of Minecraft: 13 Ways to Troll Villagers Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers players endless opportunities for creativity and mischief. One of the most entertaining aspects of the game is trolling villagers, those quirky NPCs that populate the virtual world. Here are 13 ways to have some mischievous fun with villagers in Minecraft. 1. Trap Doors Galore Set up a maze of trap doors in a village to confuse and confound unsuspecting villagers. Watch as they comically fall through the trap doors, trying to navigate their way around. 2. Fake Villager Trading Posts Create fake… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Super Flat World in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Super Flat World in Minecraft Creating a Super Flat World in Minecraft Are you looking to expand your building possibilities in Minecraft? Creating a super flat world might be the solution for you. This feature allows players to have a completely flat terrain, providing ample space for construction and creativity. Let’s dive into how you can make a flat world in Minecraft. Step 1: Open Minecraft To begin the process of creating a super flat world, open your Minecraft game on your preferred platform. Step 2: Click on New Create World Once you are in the game, navigate to the “Create New World” option…. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft DANCE FAMILY with Aphmau!

    INSANE Minecraft DANCE FAMILY with Aphmau!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a DANCE FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-06-07 19:15:01. It has garnered 1163273 views and 26105 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:17 or 1277 seconds. Just DANCE! Gonna be okay…! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ KC: MegaMoeka ★ Pierce: Shado_Temple NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds: Part 1

    Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds: Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds [Part 1]’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-02-26 10:01:55. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:18 or 498 seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I Am Going To Play Seed ______________________________________________________________________ Tags: Minecraft Nether minecraft nether portal design, how to make a nether portal in minecraft, how to find nether fortress in minecraft, minecraft nether, how to make nether portal in minecraft, minecraft nether music,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gotham City Aquarium!

    Insane Minecraft Gotham City Aquarium!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gotham City – Robinson Aquarium & Vivarium’, was uploaded by BludPanda on 2024-05-03 19:21:14. It has garnered 717 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. A new Minecraft Gotham City project. This is the, “Gotham Edifice” A project being developed by HeirOfAzrael [Project Owner] and BludPanda [Co-Builder] This video is a walkthrough of the unique, Gotham Robinson Aquarium & Vivarium. This is one of the oldest tourist attractions in all of Gotham and the first Gotham aquarium on YouTube. SUPPORT US HERE: Main Channel – Twitter/X… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Insane Truck Build in Vioshra! #shorts

    Minecraft Madness: Insane Truck Build in Vioshra! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Truck in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Vioshra on 2024-05-01 20:30:04. It has garnered 7756 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. I’ll show you how to build a Truck in Minecraft! Truck Ideas / Design for Minecraft. Hope this kinda helps lol. Thank youuu! 🙂 #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • HACKED! Jaype Unleashes Insane Shulker Box Farm!

    HACKED! Jaype Unleashes Insane Shulker Box Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘*AFK* UNLIMITED SHULKER BOX FARM – Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Jaype on 2024-04-19 07:31:33. It has garnered 1410 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. – All Episodes: – 2nd Channel: M E M B E R S H I P – Join SUPERPOWER now to get access to perks: M I N E C R A F T P L A Y L I S T S – Minecraft Survival Series: – Bedrock Farms: – Java Farms: – Minecraft Gameplays:… Read More

  • Terrifying Tale: Haunted Village Haunted Mystery

    Terrifying Tale: Haunted Village Haunted MysteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Haunted Village: A Minecraft Creepypasta Mystery’, was uploaded by Eerie Empathy on 2024-05-15 11:50:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into a chilling tale where the lines between the digital world and reality blur in “The Haunted Village: A Minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Mumei’s Epic Scream Cut Perfectly

    Unbelievable! Mumei's Epic Scream Cut PerfectlyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mumei’s perfectly cut scream’, was uploaded by Manking_the1 on 2024-05-09 12:46:37. It has garnered 14 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:33 or 153 seconds. The clip sources are down below: *【Minecraft】Messin Around in Minecraft URL: *【Minecraft】Nature, Please Guide Me! URL: *【JOURNEY】Where are we going? URL: *【JUMP KING】Owl Learns to JUMP! ft. maybe friends URL: *【MINECRAFT】hmmmm URL: *【The Legend of Zelda: BOTW】Remember Mumei… #1 URL: *【Minecraft】The Grim Adventures of Mumei and Kronii! Timeline 1: URL: Timeline 2: URL: *【MUMEI DRAWS HOLOLIVE】Advent PART 2… Read More

How I Gave Away My Entire Kingdom