How to: Ars Nouveau | All Magical Equipment (Minecraft 1.19.2)

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Hello world and welcome back to another episode of ours Nouveau where today we’re going to be covering all the magical trinkets you can get inside of the vanilla base mod we will eventually be covering up the things you can get inside of ours Elemental and also instrumentum but I wanted to keep this

Episode being purely uh vanilla based ours new boat there’s many trinkets to cover so we’re in for a long one today so uh let’s jump right into it the very first thing we have is the Alchemists Crown this is very simply made with a golden helmet and three glass bottles

Inside an enchanting apparatus and this is a bauble slot that goes in the head part this is simply going to allow you to drink your potions instantly however this doesn’t quite work as you would think it’s not as simple as holding the potion you want and then drinking it it

Does not work like that because you will still drink it instead once you equip it in your Bowl start if you press G by default it will open up a radial menu this radial menu is now segmented into numbers these isn’t this isn’t the quantity you have in your inventory if I

Hit the number one or two or three it would drink this potion now instantly so we have invisibility swiftness and Leash um leaping if I press one now it will instantly drink that potion as you see here for press G again I can then press

Two or one again here and if I press two so it doesn’t seem to be working however one does very interesting maybe you can’t instantly drink this okay yep apparently you can’t instantly drink the potion of lingering uh which uh or launching which is a bit strange the

Next things we’re going to create are actually material components for the next tier of items first we have the dull trinkets the mundane belt and then we have the ring of potential so these are simply made with all the different types of sauce here and then we’re

Either using leather or we’re using iron nuggets we’re moving on to the actual pendants first we have got the Amulet of Mana boost this is made inside an enchantment apparatus and this requires three diamonds and five sauce gems then you just place your doll drink in the

Center and this will give you your Amulet of Mana boost this is going to give you a flat base addition of 50 Mana points if I have my spell book here it says that I have 1870 if I was to equip this Mana boost it would then go up to 1920 I believe

A 2R minor bar so inside of here we’ll find our amulet slot is that the charm slot no I suppose it’s actually at the top here here you go ambulance look if I click this here this now goes up to 1920 as you can see similarly we have the

Amulet of Mana regen this requires a dull trinket but this time the two diamonds two gold and four Source gems in an enchanting apparatus and this will give us plus three Mana regen again this goes in our bubble slot we can have two amulets in this mod pack and this will

Give us Mana region so we’re going to be able to get our man up more quickly on in our bar next we have the belt of levitation this uses the mundane Belton enchanting apparatus and you’re gonna need four gold one air Essence and three feathers and this is simply is going to

Allow you to basically float a small distance and slightly reduce full damage so in here we want to find our belt slots which will be somewhere down here I imagine though those bracelets there you go we get two belt slots apparently and this is going to allow us to float

So now I’m in survivor mode otherwise this wouldn’t really work too well we have the battle levitation equipped and all we have to do is when we’re in the air hold down shift and we start floating as you see here we cannot go too high as a couple of blocks uh but as

You can see it is dependent on what’s underneath you so I’m probably well it looks like about five blocks in total that I am floating as I go over to these blocks here uh we’ll obviously go up another five blocks as you can see so it just depends on what’s underneath you so

It’s very useful for either when you’re falling off a cliff or something and you want to save yourself or you actually want to climb up a mountain because you will slowly just start basically walking on the walls if we go over to here as you can see it should stop pushing us up

No it doesn’t because uh it’s not like climbing because there’s nothing under me oh that blocks under me we actually get to go under it’s a bit finicky to use but it does work and again it slightly reduces full damage next we have the belt of unstable gifts

This is very difficult to make while not difficult just hideous requires a feather sugar another wart Blaze Rod glowstone dust fermented spider eye redstone dust and a brewing stand inside an enchanting apparatus with a mundane belt and this belt is very very strange as this will just basically randomly give us

Um any type of potion effects randomly um throughout our playing the game as you can see we just got ourselves around a bit of regeneration three now obviously this varies as well we could have had regeneration one a regeneration two and you can see we now have slow

Falling so it’s completely random the effects we can get they can be anything in the game I’m not sure if they can actually be negatives it could be that we could get negatives as well but it is completely random and they are at different effects you can see they are

Just slowly rotating all the time could be useful in a fight could be very different in a fight it doesn’t really go around in a specific order it’s all complete random next up we have the ring of lesser discount this is made with four diamonds two ender pearls two

Source gems and the Ring of potential inside are enchanting apparatus and this is going to give us plus 10 Max Mana as well as one Mana regeneration but the main thing it’s going to do is actually reduce the cost of our Mana now you can wear multiple these at once as you can

See in our ring slot we are slowly uh gaining more and more man an hour out now up to 1960 but a better thing to do with it is to really actually upgrade this I keep turning off our baubles we can upgrade this to the Ring of Greater

Discount this gives us Four Diamonds more two Source gems and two Blaze runs with the Lesser discounted ring to get the greater and this is basically going to be a stronger ring of discounts so we get more uh discount off our spells we still get only plus 10 mana and one plus

One Mana regen and we can wear multiple of these but the main reason we’re using this is to obviously reduce the amount of Mana we use in a spell just to sort of the difference here I have made ourselves a projection uh projectile and harm spell and we’re just

Going to Simply test the two of these so by itself this will cost it appears I’m generating Mana for faster than I can use it yeah that actually doesn’t seem to be the case I’m generating mask Mana faster than I can use it let’s make something a

Little bit more uh sporadic so this one uses 25 as you can see here can I get this up to 100 even there you go 90. there you go a random spell this is going to use 100. I think it’s not really using too much because I’m regenerating things rather

Quickly is because I have these amulets probably 70. as you can see there probably does use about a hundred now it uses more like 70 to me that does but if we have the ring of lesser discounts on here it uses about 60 now obviously we get

That plus 10 but yep it’s now using about 60. if you take this off and get the ring of Greater discount which is this one here put this on obviously we get that plus 10 again and it’s using roughly about 30. so it it’s near enough half that we’re taking off now

So before it was 10 now it’s more like 50 if that makes sense next we have the annotated codex this is made inside a crafting table with a piece of parchment and a piece of leather and this is going to allow you to basically copy all the

Glyphs that you know into a simple codex now you do need XP for this so if we go into survival here we see we have 30 levels and if I wasn’t creative and I didn’t or I didn’t have enough levels if I right click this your records of your known knowledge

You record your known knowledge oh it just it just did it automatically well usually what it says if you don’t have enough levels or when you uh initially grab it uh maybe if you don’t have your archmage spell book with you it will tell you that how many levels you need

For me earlier it did tell me that I needed 22 levels in total however for me it worked in Creative it wasn’t earlier so yeah now we have these codexes and we can reuse this to learn all of our glyphs if you so needed but the best

Thing about this is for sharing instead of everyone on the server or everyone in your friend group to actually have the make all their glyphs themselves one person can learn them all make this codex and someone else can grab it and learn it it will consume the annotated

Codex though on learning next up we have the dowsing Rod made with two archwood planks and a gold ingot this is going to allow us to actually find any magical creatures in a 75 block radius as well as any anime amethyst chunks so we right click this here it’s going to give us

Two things it’s going to give us magic find and scithing or scrying crying yes and you can see every highlighted uh creature we have near us is uh all magical based as well as that we have uh underneath the ground it will start showing us these little blue things we

Have here now there are different levels depending on how far away it is blue means I believe it is quite far now I am going to read the rest straight from the book here uh it’s not even saying well blue means it is actually quite far away

However if we keep going down we do only have 20 seconds to get down here but as you can see if we keep going down the colors are going to change slightly the closer we get obviously it starts dropping down the closer we get now it’s

Gone to more of like a teal uh thing so it’s it’s a little bit closer essentially and when it gets to White it means that they are very very close so as you can see here and here we have got our amethyst lovely next up we have the enchanted bow

This is made inside the charting apparatus you’ll need a block of gold block of source Gem and manipulation Essence and this will get you your bow now the bow can be fired without uh having any arrows however what you’re essentially going to do is um fire arrows that won’t actually do

Anything essentially now I think we do actually need some arrows to begin with there we go we can fire some arrows now as you can see we’re just firing ordinary arrows here because we don’t have anything set uh if we don’t have any arrows then it’s not going to fire

Anything the real cool thing about this though is that we can actually set any spell we want to actually fire now before we continue we can also make a crossbow as well let’s make the exact same way but with a crossbow in the center

Now when we uh have to apply a spell is we need to use the scribes table so we place this in the scribes table or we can use the nunch crossbow and then we can make any spell we want so here we have this one that we made earlier which

Was just a simple harm spell now the cool thing about this is that we do not need a form in fact it’s it stresses do not use any type of form only use effects and augments which is pretty cool so what we could do is actually use

This to actually break things if we so wanted to so if we put this on here we now have this spell and we can actually use this to uh break blocks as you can see here if we so wanted to now that did use an arrow now because we have a spell

On here we can still fire this you can see and it is still using the spell effect which is quite cool however if we were to hit a mob so let’s get ourselves some spiders here actually spiders is going to be our main uh sort of enemy

We’re going to use in this tutorial today uh if we have ourselves a spider what it’s actually going to do is uh it’s gonna still attack the mob but it’s gonna do zero damage as you can see there so uh not the greatest if you do have a spell actually attached make sure

It’s going to do damage so you still want arrows in your inventory you can’t completely make it cheap however if we did have this on here and we made a different spell uh we could still make certain effects happen so if we had flame AOE and uh I don’t know what else

Let’s just say not explosion explosion was very bad last time um how about launch we’ll launch them as well we can put this on here now even though we don’t have any arrows in our inventory I just deleted them uh what we can still do is fire it and the

Effects will still take place as you can see here the actual impact itself did zero damage but all the effects still happened so it still can be used uh just like that took a while for launch to actually get into it though ripperoni and pepperoni now something I should explain between these two

Different devices here when you have a bow your Mana is going to be taken out of your bar when you fire it as you can see here and apparently I just attacked that block which is pretty cool however with the crossbow you are going to be loading arrows into it and what

Happens there is when you load the arrows into it the man is going to be taken once it’s actually loaded so obviously this one’s just firing arrows but if we put the same spell into this as you can see here when we load the arrow you’ll see in the bottom left-hand

Corner then the Mana is taken so you can sort of pre-load a Mana spell with the crossbow which is pretty cool so the other cool thing about this though is that the bows and the crossbows can actually have specific arrows as well so here we’ve got three

Different types of arrows we have got the uh amplify Arrow the Pierce Arrow and the split Arrow now these do all exactly as they say on the tin they’re going to require all the greens you see here and the amplifier is essentially going to use

Um basically if we have this we we know we have 10 slots so what we could do in theory is we could have say uh ignite and not ignite that doesn’t amplify we could have flare we could amplify this no we can’t what is it launch let’s amplify launch

So you’ve got launch and nine amplifies if we put this onto our bow just like so it now reads that we have that but what we could do is then have an amplify SP uh Arrow into it now what this would do is we would launch this with 10 amplifiers instead

Why did you not even do it interesting whatever reason launch isn’t seeming to work on entities however when we use launch On a Block this is now going to be plus 10 amplifier because we have one amplify Arrow being used as you can see it fires a block very very very

High and then it obviously goes past do have as well is obviously some other ones we have got Pierce Pierce is going to allow you to essentially you know do multiple blocks at once or multiple entities at once so say we have uh ignite if we fired that into a pool of

Enemies the arrow will actually go through at least once and hit a second enemy obviously we are using it on blocks right now so it would go through as you can see with multiple blocks the last one is splits which is very handy because split is actually a tier

Three uh glyph inside the book so this is a way of getting split early now I am going to do this over here but what we can do obviously is have the same effects and split it we get three by default something I was a little wrong about

These um arrows over here these are actually made in enchantment tables these are mained in imbuement Chambers something I did not say correctly next up we have another tool and this is the enchanter’s mirror the enchanter’s mirror is maybe two glass two gold any uh type of archwood log two manipulation

Essence and a source gem block inside the enchanting apparatus and this is gonna bloodstain and this is going to do something very interesting like the uh bow is able to actually create spells the mirror is allowed to do any sort of self spells so um it will it will rather

Cast things on yourself so uh most people probably use just a heel spell like this but obviously you would have to use cell first if you use heel this will use 50 Mana but if we have self and then heal uh this will use 60 Mana so

It’s a way of getting slightly cheaper so you don’t want to have self here we want just ordinary heel here uh which is like that we’ll have that on here and this is now set and now this will just do self and heal this will

Heal me as many times as I want and it will only do this one spell so it takes gives you an extra set spell slot inside of your uh uh Mage book essentially now there are other things as well when it comes to this obviously you can use heel

Now if you have multiple heels like this as you can see is that we have uh obviously ten heels here this is 500 Mana now which is very expensive what you want to really use is something more like amplifier so if we amplify one heel they’re gonna essentially do the same

Thing but this costs only 230 now as well as if you have your rings of lesser discount as well as your Mana boosts and other amulets things will get very cheap very quick uh the next Mana thing we have is The enchanter’s Shield maybe two blocks of gold two Source gem blocks and

A shield this is essentially gonna work as any other shield in the game as you it’s simply gonna block uh damage but this does some other things when you do successfully block an attack it’s gonna give you you added Mana regen and also give additional damage to any spells you

Have inside of your spell Book for a short period of time as well as that the shield itself will just naturally repair itself much like the armor by using any Mana that you have the next item we have is the enchanted sword you can probably guess where this is going this requires

A diamond two gold blocks two Source gems and a diamond sword it must be a diamond sword and this allows you to use any touch spells on a uh given sword obviously this also the very last effect will have one more amplifier applied to it so what do I mean by this so

Obviously we have this sword by default it’s going to be the base damage of a diamond sword here however if you put this in here I’ve gone and pre-made some sword spells in here so here we have got a touch spell we do not need to have

Touch here as you can see so we can actually take that away and we can have something else uh how about we just have say lightning to start off with so if we have lightning cut amplify ignite AOE twice that over flare amplify that twice and then launch this is going to do

Something interesting we then apply this to here now we’re going to put this over here so no bad things happen if I do this here and we hit this guy we have all the different things here obviously that was a one hit kill this is because obviously

It got hit by lightning it got on fire then did flare which is an OE effect so if we did this like this it sets it to all of them as you can see here it’s quite powerful this sword can become now what do I mean by the last amplify

Hello you’re from Evil craft Mr Spirits very strange this launch has been given level one amplifier applied to it so this this could allow us to essentially have a extra sort of uh attack so what we could actually have is launch with nine amplifies but because we put that on the

Sword we’d actually end up with a tenth amplifier if that makes sense so let’s put that in here we’ll set that like that so this now has just basically 10 amplifies as it is there even says 10 amplifiers so we can just do that and it launches them into the stratosphere as

You can see here very powerful and I feel like you’re gonna die on impact sir ripperoni the last type of spell based equipment we have here is the enchanter’s wand this is made with any type of archered log in the center two gold and manipulation Essence air

Essence and four Source gems and this is going to allow us to fire any type of projection based spells it’s all done in the exact same way you put this on the crafting table or the scribes table sorry and we make any sorts of craft and here we can have any different types

Here I’ve got myself a break and this break is going to have loads of AOE and then loads of Pierce here so let’s have this we’ll place this onto our wand here and now this is going to be fired as a projectile now you’re always also going

To get one level acceleration as well when you do this so I have already gone and pre-tested this over here with this tunnel but as you can see if I place this here it’s going to break a large variety area so it can be used very powerful for anything you want it

Doesn’t have to be used as a utility-based thing we can obviously fire offensive spells as well next up we have the splash flask Cannon this is made with a dispenser from the center of your enchanting apparatus for gunpowder two gold ingots and two blaze rods and

This is going to allow you to actually use any potion in your inventory or flask will come onto flasks later and actually turn it into a splash damage one so if we get ourselves a potion here and we’re gonna get ordinary potions so we’re going to have instant Health here

We’re gonna have uh slowness why not we could have nuts instant Health again let’s have speed and then what we can do is press G similarly to our Crown at the start and this is going to allow us to actually fire any of these as a splash damage so if we do swiftness

Sorry that’s actually used our Crown hasn’t it we don’t want it like that we want to do it with the weapon wheel the weapon wheel is not g this is going to be uh v v is the default as like your archmage spell book or any spell book V

Is your quick summon so what you can do is have your flask here and then you can do instant healing just like that and that’s now loaded inside you can see it’s now turned red a little bit now I can just simply right click and it will

Fire it as a splash potion so that’s all it is you can just simply select it and that will load it and then you can fire it with swiftness as you see here next up we have something very interesting this is a focus the focus of block shaping this is made inside your

Enchanting apparatus again with a manipulation Essence this is going to require one piston one slime block one diamond and one gold ingots there is a well out there that it’s being very very loud now this uh Foci is going to be actually used inside of our Focus augment or

Um bulb as you see here so let’s place this inside of here now the book tells us a couple of different things this is going to do but this is going to basically allow us to manipulate blocks as if they’re entities and this is going to allow us to actually duplicate

Um certain spells across blocks now what do I mean by this I have made a very very specific um spells which are given to us in the uh book here now let’s just get a potion of uh night vision very quickly and we’ll just do this as a splash

Let’s do that there to demonstrate this so in the book explains very simply some very powerful things you can do and I’m going to read basically off that and the back here so we have got two different types one is throw ice which is I have made which is

Conjure water freeze launch delay and knockback this is gonna as it says throw ice it’s gonna conjure water it’s gonna then affect that water with freeze launch it in the air give it a slight delay and then throw it with not black so uh we’ll actually do that up here

First which is which one do I have that on I think I have that here throw ice as you see here number six what we have we have this as a projectile so first as you can see here’s my testing ground here let’s take this off

First and show you what would happen if we fired this now it’s simply going to make a block of ice it’s going to spawn the water and then throw it however it hasn’t been manipulated so it hasn’t worked however with this it’s going to now manipulate the block so it’s going

To do the exact same thing except this time it’s going to pick it up and throw it as you can see here now I’ve got a duration down on my DeLay So it happens more instantly and I have amplify so in here we have got ourselves some Golems

Here now if we’re going to get some Golems ourselves and these are going to be uh basically our test dummies here uh just because they’re a little bit bigger so what we can do is do this and you can see it’s a decent amount of damage this

Does so they have a hundred and eights to begin with now it’s 82s there’s nearly 30 damage there was it actually 26 damage it’s quite powerful for a block of ice now obviously I’m using a lot of amplify here as well so you can do this for many different

Things you could also use this as a bit of a utility which is the other type of spell that I have which is this one here uh sorry now this is another offensive spell this is actually a throwing it with Mage blocks so Mage blocks uh we know are basically uh almost invisible

Temporary blocks however if I do this I have just made a mage block that I can throw in an AOE that will set things on fire as well as give that not black original damage it’s quite powerful as you can see here if we want to have our

Foci on here though what we would do is make a mage block and it would just simply not affect the block it wouldn’t actually make it turn on fire because we haven’t got our basically this is a block effect type thing now the last one is actually for

Um making sand automatically so we have here projectile then we have Crush if we Crush Stone it will turn it into um uh gravel and then we have it as an AOE effect so obviously we get four and then of crush again to turn the gravel

Into sand so how this would work under here we’re going to need another night vision aren’t we do it like so if we have here without our Foci on if we place this what it does is it does affect everything in this one block it

Has made an AOE of the three gravel and it has done the second effect on the Block we are looking at however the cool thing about the foci does is that it with the AOE effect it’s going to actually transfer the spell to the other

Blocks so if I do this now here it’s now affected all four blocks is not only turn them into sand but the second effect is actually um broken them all as well so it doesn’t mean it’s what it does it saves space there’s usually what you’d probably need

Here is a second or third AOE so what we’d want without the foci is we would then want AOE again and then we wouldn’t break on an AOE this is what we’d want without our Foci uh like this it does the exact same thing but because

We have this Foci we can now remove these other things and it saves us a couple of slots because it saves us these other slots we can make more powerful spells we could add uh say this many more aoes if we wanted to uh so we want another crush and then

Another break and this will give us a larger sand obviously and it affects all of them automatically this Foci can obviously be very very powerful there are other things that it says inside of here so you can see it says damage ignite mods that’s what we did we could

Also do ignite TNT throw exploding terrain um throw many blocks uh pull blocks and so on and so forth you have to really use your imagination but these are just the ones that the actual mod author has given us next we have here is the focus of summoning this is another Foci

Similar to this uh block shaping one here this requires a gold uh Ingot all three types of wild and drops and then you also need a wild and tribute which we covered in the previous tutorial and then you’ll need a source gem block this is essentially gonna buff your summons

Now what do I mean by summons we have many different summons inside of this book we obviously have summon seeds summon Steed um summon the undead and summon Vex and we also have some in wolves um now this is probably going to be mainly used on say the undead summon Vex

And summon walls I mean you could use it on the Steed but you do not have to so for here I have got two different spells we have summon Vex to begin with and this all we have literally is we fire it as a projectile we summon the Vex they

Have a long period of time that they are extended now the Buffs that you have with your summoning is that they will do more damage they will last slightly longer they will have slightly more health and so on and so forth however we have another 12 augment we can do

If we were to summon our Vex here like uh so or some of them here here we’ve got our three Vex we don’t currently have our Foci installed um but so let’s install our Foci here uh so let’s actually do that again so they have they are buffed there’s no real way

To tell that they are buffed besides the fact that they obviously have their particle effects on them now what we can do is now do a second spell if we use any spell that is either self or orbit it was then put it onto us obviously but it will also put it onto

Our summons so we have a second spell here which is orbit and then um ignite so if I place this now it’s now giving us orbit as well as all of our Vex so let’s do summon Vex again let’s summon quite a few of them as you

Can see here if we then do our second one it’s now put Orbit on all of these different effects it ends up being rather powerful especially if you say have loads of spiders around things will die rather quickly the next item on our list is the jar of light

This is more of a utility based um item here this is maybe two Glass Four glowstone and two Redstone lamps with a glass bottle inside of enchanting app races and this is essentially creates a light that will follow you you can just simply right click it and it will work

You can’t really tell um at this point but as you can see it’s just this little bauble as you walk it will just create light so if you go in this tunnel we created as you can see this light will just follow us and create a decent space

Uh nothing special I wish it was more of a fluid thing rather than speed respawning a bauble and it can can be turned off or on with a right click very very nice next we’ll go into the back side of the board this is now the jar of

Voiding this is made with an allow item scroll Bender pole empty bucket and a lava bucket with a glass bottle in the center of our apparatus here and this is going to be our jar avoiding the jar avoiding is going to allow us to basically white list or rather it’s

Going the white we can whitelist blocks to basically void on pickup so it’s almost like your self blacklisting things if that makes sense you can do this in two different ways uh from what one we’re gonna use is uh grass and we’re going to use say uh cobblestone

Let’s do these two so there’s two ways you can uh actually add things to your voiding if you want to do things in bulk I recommend putting this on the scribes table and if you just simply uh sorry if you shift right click with that block in

Hand it will add that item to your voiding jars you see here this will now uh not pick up grass blocks uh now what we can do is obviously put cobblestone on here as well and we have multiple different things we can pretty much do I think infinite amounts of items on this

Or blocks um it’s completely up to you and to Simply remove them you can just hold shift and um click them with those blocks again and it will remove them the other way you can do it is if by uh having these in your off hand and then

Right clicking it will also add them to um the which are avoiding while you are on the fly now just to show this in action it’s going to be very simple what we’ll do is we’ll just have ourselves a uh let’s just get rid of this and we’ll

Have a break spell like so we’ll have projectile and break we have both of these added now to this in fact I can just do it by dropping it on the floor if I drop this on the floor now like so when I go to pick it up it won’t

Actually go into inventory or empty right now when I pick it up I didn’t activate it you have to hold shift and right click to activate it there you go we’ll pick that up there’s no Cobblestone inventory we’ve got to pick it up it does say we picked it up but

Obviously it’s just completely avoided it it’s very good when you’re Mining and you obviously don’t want all of these extra resources or you could say you’ve gone to a mob farm that you created and you only want to pick up one type of item it’s very very handy next up we

Have flasks I told you we were going to be coming to flask shortly this is made with two ab duration Essences One Source gem block and one block of gold with a glass bottle inside of enchanting apparatus and this is going to actually um allow us to have eight different or

Not a different eight of the same type of potion now there are two ways that you can do this one of which is with a potion jar which we’ve covered in a previous tutorial here we have a potion jar of swiftness all we have to do is

Simply right click and we’ll fill this up one at a time the potion jar can hold up to 100 uh different posts or 100 of the same potion and this can obviously hold eight so we can take out eight charges at a time all you do is simply

Drink it and then this will give us our potion now I do not know if this can be used in tandem with our flask here so let’s give this a go it does actually to be the case so we can use this as a splash as well as this that we are going

To be actually able to use this with our Crown as well so if we have the crown here and we put this on our little head like this we can then hold G and choose to drink it straight away as well so it can be used in tan with those two as well

Now the cool thing about this flask is don’t worry you don’t have to worry about actually you know having this flask emptied or you don’t have to worry about using all of it all the time you simply can shift and right click and it’ll put these back into a potion jar

Now you can also do this in other ways if we have any other type of potion you can go into a crafting table that is just an awkward potion or a mundane potion you can go into a crafting table in your inventory or into this book and

You can add the two together just like this as you can see here next up we actually have an enchant this enchant is called reactive reactive is added through the enchanting apparatus and can be done on any single type of armor or tool in the game and all it does is

Allow you to essentially set a spell onto a given tool for this example we’re going to be using a sword here we have a netherite sword and we are using the spell parchment here uh touch which uh obviously is happening on hit so we have touch we have cut it amplifies it then

Ignites with an AOE 2 effect then gives Flair which is Amplified by two and then it will launch the enemy this is what we’re using here so we’ll place this inside we’re then going to need a Lapis Rizzoli block and a source gem block and we are using ourselves a netherright

Sword as you see here we’re going to get ourselves a new one instead of a broken one though and that is simply placed in here now to start off with this is going to use a source to actually complete this craft so that’s something you’re probably most likely going to struggle

With so here we have got ourselves some sauce and this has turns us into our lovely sword here now this can obviously have any other types of insurance on it as well so we can obviously get um Smite on this sharpness um uh I’m breaking mending we can have

All these things on here as well I do not believe that even though this has reactive I don’t think Manor is going to regen this but I could be wrong but I don’t think that is the case now don’t worry if you have found that you don’t

Like the spell that you have you can actually give a different spell all you have to do is simply get another parchment of any type of spell and then put that on here and it will give another reaction and it will change the spell so don’t worry you’re not stuck to

One per item now what you can do as well is um you can simply use the grindstone as well to remove the enchant if you so wish so that is obviously reactive one we can also upgrade this to get reactive too we’re gonna need four blaze powder

And all of the basic Essences being air water fire and Earth we put them all in the enchanting table and then you have to use your reactive one uh item on it you cannot go all the way up to tier four you have to go uh essentially uh

Reactive one then two and then we’ve got three and then four three is using emeralds and then abduration conjuration manipulation Essence with an ender pearl and that’s to get us three and then to get four this requires four diamonds ender pearl and a wild and tribute this

Is the third thing we’re gonna need um our Chimera uh boss battle four and this to give us level four reactive so I have already made a level 4 reactive here as you can see here reactive four and this essentially just makes a reactive essentially makes your spells a little

Bit more powerful so since I’m in Creative it’s pretty much going to happen every single time here so if we have uh let’s see this one’s just with reactive one ah it’s not every time there you go reactive one it hasn’t actually happened yet there you go it

Happened that time if we do it again but with reactive four this time it is gonna happen once uh is it gonna happen there you go it happens another time and then it happens another time pretty much if it’s reactive thoughts can happen every time so that’s all it is reactive is the

Chance for a spell to happen the next thing we have is the runic chalk this is made with a manipulation Essence one Mage room fiber and a bone meal and all this is simply going to do is turn any Rune spell that you have created and it

Will turn into a permanent one so very simply here let’s just make a rune here we’ll do a touch we’ll do uh see where’s roon roon and then let’s just say this does a launch with a load of amplify that’s all this does if I now then place this here and then

We can get ourselves some more spiders because we love having our spider friends help us out here what this will do is obviously when they walk onto it I’m in hard mode when they walk onto it it’s going to take place as you can see here however

What we can do is do a rune uh chalk on it and what it will do is I suppose I could do it myself it will turn into the stone a bit and but it’s not actually able to be reused the way it works and you’re able to reuse it

Again is by having nearby sauce and the Rune will automatically take Source from a nearby sauce jar and it’ll allow you to permanently reuse this room so just like where I have you could just simply use it as a lift up to the next floor if you so I wanted to

Um so it’s just little things like that you can use it as a trap you could use it as an attack you could do it however you want but it allows it to make it permanent now the last thing we have here are warp Scrolls um we have two different types we have

The warps roll and we have the stabilized warp scroll and these are used to make warp portals to make war portals you’re gonna need Source stone blocks which are simply made um if I can actually see it with a source Gem and any type of rock as you see here

To get eight uh you sir I think you have to leave we’ll do the rest of things in peaceful so the first thing we have is the warp scroll the warp scroll is made with four pieces of source Gem and four lapis and a blank parchment this is

Going to allow us to teleport ourselves or anyone or anything to a very or to a given area so for example let’s just say this block here we’ll place this down and then we’ll go all the way over here and then all we have to do is simply right click

And we’ll get instantly teleported to this location now I am in creative mode which allows me to keep my warp scroll but in survival this will use up the warp scroll now something you can do is actually teleport other entities to this specific point as well using blink so if

We have here a projectile and then uh blink all we have to do is simply have our warp scroll in our off hand and then fire blink at them I said we’re going to be in peaceful but it turns out I cannot so if we have this here what we have to

Do is simply have our warp scroll in our offhand here and then do blink on an entity and it will teleport it straight to that location again it will use up the warp scroll the third working way we can use this warp scroll is by making warp portals

Now warp portals can be a one by one square all the way up to a 21 by 21 square and all we simply do here is have this bounty location as we do and make ourselves a portal frame just like this where you’ve got it two by two and then

We have to throw this in however something else you’re going to need is actually a source of nearby sauce so all we do is place this down and you can see it’s made our source portal now you do not need Source here to be hit to have this portal here open permanently once

It’s open it is open and it will not get destroyed now this only works one way but allows us to obviously always use this portal to get us to that one specific point as you see here now we do have an upgrade to our warp scroll and that is our stabilized warp

Scroll maybe Worth to do at any given point ah something else I should mention the warp scroll to make uh warp portals they do not work cross-dimensional so you cannot have one of these in the nether to get back to the other world they will not work with the warp scroll

Uh that a warp scroll only works in the same Dimension however the stabilization scroll does work in most Dimension this requires four blaze rods and two ender pearls inside our enchanting operations to get these stabilized warp scroll as we see here so now we can do this in multiple different ways

Um again we can just simply bind this to the floor which we have here so we’ve recorded that we can go all the way over here and then we can just warp ourselves back or not you are bound it works a bit differently as you can see instead of actually teleporting you

Back it’s gonna make a warp portal back to the location now it says temporarily so I don’t actually know if there’s a time that this will be disappearing but in the GUI it does say temporarily but I can now just go through this so the stabilizer warp

Scroll allows me to make this portal anywhere and anywhere that I so please as you can see here now the cool thing about this as I say is that this can be worked cross-dimensionally so if we go into The Nether here we are going to see

That we are going to do this now the thing about this though is that you cannot just place this anywhere it does need to have enough space as you can see that the portal will obviously not create but if we place this here I have made a small area this will obviously

Work and this allows us to actually teleport back home as you can see here so it’s very very good at obviously using cross-dimensional now the other thing that you can do with this now I am going to throw this in the other dimension you can use the stabilize warp

Scroll to make a warp parcel just like we did here however if we do do this in say the nether or any other dimension this is going to create a stabilized dimensional warp portal now again this is going to need a Source stone and you

Can make this any size once again up to a one by one all the way up to a 21 by one by one 21 by 21 block portal and all you have to do is simply throw this back in here and give it Source now this is the only

Way that you will actually end up using up your stabilize um scroll here so this nil this portal will now work cross-dimensional and it’s obviously been made custom um but obviously you cannot uh you will not get your stabilized scroll back now I believe you can actually change if you

Have kept the source here you could change the location so obviously this is currently just spawning us back to um if I can actually jump into it this is spawning us here if we took this over here I believe we can change it I’d like that I believe that’s now changed the

Location no it hasn’t it hasn’t changed location so you’re gonna have to make a new portal each time but as you can see there you can actually drop blocks through it and they’ll come into that location as well so it is very good I’m not too sure if you can actually do this

Horizontally so let’s make that as a test here right now probably we’ll need some blocks underneath it let’s get ourselves a stabilize warp scroll to there that’s not what I wanted okay that was a bit broken that’s not what I thought it would do but yeah there you go you can make

Horizontal portals so yeah we can simply throw this down as you can see we are making blocks just randomly appear somewhere over there we’re making blocks up here let’s make it somewhere a bit closer let’s do that right here so obviously we can make blocks just appear like this we can

Make entities go through here but we can actually also make spells go through it so here we’ve got our um let’s say our Vex ones in fact next is a bit silly but yeah we can fire this if I actually get the right one let’s have a projectile please throw ice

Why are you not firing ah because you aren’t actually you don’t have a projectile oh you do a projectile fire there you go as you can see you can fire it through it didn’t work too well but you can do it let’s do a harm one of course I’ve touched let’s do projectile

There you go it is going through but obviously it goes straight to that actual location so probably a better use of this would be something like this get ourselves our stabilization spell we’ll put that there we’ll mark that snake I am sneaking now you’ll Mark that location

We’ll break this put a new one in break that down and then we’ll fire a spell at it there you go as you can see it’s going in the same direction that we were in so if we actually were to make this horizontal which would be a little bit better

I imagine we use the stabilization one because we’re rich and creative like that let’s then get ourselves a portal here like so I don’t know how much the source gem is actually going to go it may actually get sourced through that far away it actually did wow so yeah if we

File our portal now as you can see it goes in the same direction now go for a long time but for now guys that is going to be everything when it comes to different Trinkets and different materials we can get inside of ours Nouveau this was a very very big

Episode actually there are some more things we can use in this uh they’re more mechanics based things than actual individual items such as our spell turrets and also um some eyes as well which will be showing off in the next episode again as I say we are going to be you going

Through the RS Elemental and instrumental ones in a different episode I just wanted to keep this one being purely vanilla as Nouveau base but this is pretty much all the trinkets you can get there are one or two more but they are working with the mechanics of other

Things as well so we’ll show them in a different episode but if this video helped you out in any way shape or form please do not forget to leave a like And subscribe it will really help me out and ring the bell button to stay notified

When these videos go live but until next time guys take care

This video, titled ‘How to: Ars Nouveau | All Magical Equipment (Minecraft 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by Mondays on 2023-07-19 11:30:01. It has garnered 4023 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:58 or 2758 seconds.

Welcome to the Ars Nouveau Mod! Today we go back and cover all the magic equipment that is at your disposal. Now that we have reached tier 3 we are able to make everything possible.

This video is going to be just about the vanilla Ars Nouveau trinkets, in a later video we will go over the Ars Elemental and Instrumentum magic items. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Let’s Reach A New Goal: ||||||||||||||| 86% |||||||||||…. 8.66K/10K Latest Subscriber: Carson Yarbrough ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ See the Ars Nouveau Playlist here:

Get the mods here: Ars Nouveau – Ars Elemental – Art Tool – Ars I think –

Mods Created by: baileyholl2, Ridanisaurus, Gootastic, Alexth99, Sarenor,

Support the Devs at baileyholl2:




Sarenor: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To stay up to date on the latest tutorials, consider subscribing: ►Twitter: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Ars Nouveau is a magic mod inspired by Ars Magicka that allows players to craft their own spells, create magical artifacts, perform rituals, and much more.

Explore the world with any spell you want in the palm of your hands, or automate everything with the help of your familiars! The magic potential is endless with all the directions you can take with Ars Nouveau. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:22 Alchemist’s Crown 1:32 Amulets, Belts and Rings 7:31 Annotated Codex 8:38 Dowsing Rod 9:43 Enchanter’s Bow and Crossbow 13:00 Magic Arrows 15:14 Enchanter’s Mirror 16:42 Enchanter’s Shield 17:15 Enchanter’s Sword 19:15 Enchanter’s Wand 20:10 Splash Flask Cannon 21:22 Focus of Block Shaping 26:26 Focus of Summoning 28:27 Jar of Light 29:07 Jar of Voiding 31:17 Flasks 32:56 Reactive 1 to 4 Enchantment 36:02 Runic Chalk 37:25 Warp Scrolls and Portals ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ All mods in my custom mod pack for 1.19.2: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Attributions Music by

Cipher – Electronic Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.



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  • EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park – Minecraft

    EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : BABY BROTHER AND DRAGON IN JURASSIC PARK – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Toca Betty on 2024-01-12 10:00:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Continuation of the story of friendship between baby brother and baby dragon! Music by Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!

    Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information [Music] so This video, titled ‘#viral #ascoisasmudam #minecraft #sabwaysurfars #minecraftmeme #ficoubonitodonada #humor #memes’, was uploaded by @Memelissa1 on 2024-04-04 22:02:39. It has garnered 183 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario Party

    Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario PartyVideo Information hi dudes welcome back to Minecraft Mario Party 2 uh they had a new map so obviously we to come played this is the mushroom uh all right you guys know how Mario Party Works if you’ve never seen it before if you’re new around here we uh have 10 turns you roll your dice to move around the map to pick up coins to buy Stars whoever’s the most stars at the end wins you play mini games in between every round to earn more coins to make each other mad we got Z Sundy and bble… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Secret Revealed! Part 8 😡😈🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft World Secret Revealed! Part 8 😡😈🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘The secret to building the ultimate Minecraft world🤬🤬 Minecraft 😱😡part-8 wait for part-9🤒😈’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-14 04:13:45. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft The secret to building the ultimate Minecraft world🤬🤬 Minecraft 😱😡part-8 wait for part-9🤒😈 minecraft but minecraft survival minecraft challenge 100 players minecraft mod minecraft but challenge minecraft update camman18 exposed 1.20.1 minecraft 1.20 1.20 canman18 camman minecraft animation minecraft fun facts minecraft rarest minecraft seed minecraft facts minecraft how to minecraft but you cant touch… Read More

  • DarkQuest

    DarkQuestdo quests to get items and money use money to buy items own the game! by: justresolvejr this server has 10 players max, sorry for the inconvenience PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Quests Dungeons Custom Items do quests to get items and money use money to buy items own the game! by: justresolvejr this server has 10 players max, sorry for the inconvenience custom items including chestplate: 50hp 20attackdmg helmet: 50hp Sword: 24hp when holding attackdmg potion: splash potion of DEATH ———————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————— Read More

  • EternalCraft Vanilla Survival, No Resets 1.20.4

    Join EternalCraft Experience a vanilla survival server where the world is permanent with daily backups to ensure your progress is safe. Build your legacy with us! Join our Discord here Read More

  • 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Real for Real for real

    Minecraft Memes - Real Real for Real for realI guess you could say this meme is scoring high in the Minecraft popularity rankings! Read More

  • Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update

    Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where updates never cease, In Indian bikes driving, the gameplay has increased. With a big mode update, the adventure takes flight, As we explore the city, both day and night. Our houses have evolved, our cars have been enhanced, With graphics and textures, our world is entranced. From old to new, the journey is grand, In this virtual universe, we make our stand. Challenges await, like driving at full speed, Or blasting with a rocket, fulfilling the need. In Ma mode, our houses come alive, With ultra-realistic graphics, we strive. So join us… Read More

  • Leaving them alone for a sec be like… 🔥

    Leaving them alone for a sec be like... 🔥 When you finally give them some alone time in Minecraft and they immediately start building a giant statue of themselves. Ego much? #minecraft #memes #funny #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft – Episode 590

    Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft - Episode 590 Minecraft Episode 590: Building a Stone Castle Wall Welcome to episode 590 of Minecraft with Lờ Đờ Vờ! In this episode, our host embarks on a journey to build a magnificent stone castle wall. Despite facing some challenges along the way, our dedicated gamer is determined to create a masterpiece in the virtual world of Minecraft. Harvesting Resources Our adventure begins with the essential task of harvesting resources. From gathering wheat to exchanging it for diamonds with villagers, every step is crucial in preparing for the grand construction project ahead. Building the Castle With diamonds in hand, our gamer… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

    Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Roleplay Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into the realm of roleplay to create captivating stories and adventures. One such thrilling scenario is becoming a police commissioner for a day! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. From building magnificent structures to crafting intricate storylines, the possibilities are endless. Roleplaying as a Police Commissioner Imagine stepping into the shoes of a police commissioner in the virtual world of Minecraft. With your authority, you can enforce justice, maintain order, and… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

    🔥LIVE - CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I seem to have lost some pertinent files to live streaming and I’m trying to find them but they are uh Missing where or where could they be oh I’m in the wrong file of course they’re not in that one that’s arcane oh want Kraken there we go overlays animated [Music] um nope I don’t want that [Music] one uh I want screens [Music] animated I think it’s [Music] that h [Music] um well close but not quite well there I am I’m still missing things though I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?Video Information these are the scariest seeds that should never be used starting with c290 X2 the myth of the terrifying living Island and it looks pretty normal I spawned on a a a a sand area not very scary if I’m going to be honest with y’all oh man I love these rumors so much cuz apparently we have to put the render distance to five to make it to come alive I don’t know if that’s going to really do anything but we got to follow now it looks like we’re on an island but nothing happened to… Read More

How to: Ars Nouveau | All Magical Equipment (Minecraft 1.19.2)