How to: Ars Nouveau | Basics in Magic (Minecraft 1.19.2)

Video Information

Hello world and welcome to a brand new tutorial series all about the RS Nouveau mod now we’re going to be using some add-ons here we’re going to be having ours Elemental ours Creo and ours instrumentum as well they don’t have many things besides art Elemental but

We’ll be covering those as well now to start off with I’m going to mention that we are going to be doing this tutorial Series in a couple of different parts there’s essentially three different tiers to ours Nouveau the first one is going to be everything that you can do

Inside of the Overworld to tier 2 you eventually have to go to the Nether and tier three you have to go obviously a little bit further as Elementium adds in a tier 4 status but we’re not going to be covering that today obviously um so this is going to be essentially

Part one of the tutorial Series this is gonna be all things you can do in the Overworld this is probably going to be a few parts in itself just to cover the Overworld stuff before we head on to tier two the first thing you’re probably going to want to make is the worn

Notebook this is simply made with a book and a piece of lapis lazuli and this is going to be your Guidebook to the game opening it up you’re gonna get plenty of different icons here being saying where you want to do everything however it’s not in the best order I would say in

Making uh your progression but there is obviously the getting started tab where you can go into many different things and choose your own order of things but how I’m going to be doing it is what I think the most efficient way of getting through this mod is some things about

The world there are some new generation things in the world for one we have archwood trees we have got blazing flourishing cascading vexing and flashing now each of these different trees they have a different type of fruit they grow just like cocoa beans on side of jungle wood and each one of

These has their own effective ability and they can be used to make five new potions in the game we have the bomber granites used to make blasting potions mendocene to make recovery potions Frosty Aya to make freezing potions Bastion fruits to make defense potions and Flash Pine to

Make static charge potions so here we have a brand new biome this is the archwood forest and there’s a biome brought To Us by ours new vote and it’s basically a forest that has all the five different trees that you can get inside of ours Nouveau each of these have

Different properties being the Blazing is a little bit more fiery and the vexing is a little bit more lightning but as you can see they all have their own different types of fruits that are growing on the sides of them now we’re just going to demonstrate which of these

Different types do starting with Obama Granite this is essentially going to give you a sort of explosive effect it fills you up just a little bit but as well as that it’s up the five second Mark where it counts down you are going to explode next we have the Mendo steam this is

Essentially going to give you a recovery effect just regain some health and maybe some Mana regen next up we have the frost Dyer this is basically that cause you to have a little bit of a freezing effect and slowly over time you’re going to have your movement slowed and your

Person is going to be shaking ever so slightly as you can see here obviously with the potion if it’s flat Splash damage you can cause an enemy to start slowing down as well Fast and Furious next and this is going to give you a shielding sort of

Protection effect so you’ll be able to take more hits and then lastly we have the flash Pine when you eat this it’s going to give you a glowing outline or if you attack with a glowing outline as well as that they’re going to get shocking threes they’re gonna be shocked

For a little bit of time as well in the world there’s also going to be a brand new type of food these are sauce berries now the sauce berries can be found in Tiger balms or archwood forests and it is a very good early wave form of getting your food as they grow

Incredibly quickly as well as that they can be used to make potions of regeneration as well as that you can also make salisbury pie and sauceberry rolls Each of which will give you plenty of haunches as well as grants extra Mana regeneration when you consume it now

We’ll go more into main Mana very shortly there are three brand new mobs in the world that will spawn we’ve got the guardian the Hunter and the stalker and when you kill each they will have a potential chance of dropping either a spike a horn or a wing now these are

Going to be crafting components later on so you do want to find them up early game if you do end up finding them now in the world they look like this we have got the guardian first who looks like a polar bear with spikes now he will

Attack you by firing the spikes at you then we’ve got the hunter this guy can spawn in walls to attack you he’s essentially the pack leader and then you have the stalker this guy can fly and fly straight at you and Deals a bit of a punch

Passive mobs that you can find inside the world now these can be found in various different locations however you’ll probably more likely find them the most inside your archwood Forest so that’s another good reason to find this biome to begin with we have got the drag

Me this guy is going to be more around animals and tending to animals then you’ve got the starbuncle he is just gonna be you know walking around any type of forest it doesn’t matter which Forest but you can find him there now this if you’re playing in an older

Version this is actually the carbuncle but in 1.19.2 it’s now the star bungle and then you have the whirly sprig this is gonna be anywhere in Forest again and they are generally around any sorts of trees these aren’t the three only passive mobs you can get in these

Another name for these would be familiars but these are the only ones that are naturally spawning in the world there are other familiars but you have to force spawn them in but that’ll be later on in this series so part one let’s go into all the things you can do

In the Overworld or at least most of them anyway to start off with the very first thing you’re going to want to make is the novice spell book this is but essentially your tier one spell book in order to do tier one spells made with

Just a set of iron tools and a book this is gonna be your start into this series now when you hold this in your hand we can see that we’ve got this new icon in our bottom left now we have got a numerical value on our one your one in

Your pack may not have a numerical value the reason I have this value is due to the RS instrumental mod and it’s pretty much the only thing their ads allows us to have a accurate numerical value when we have our Mana bar in the corner now

By itself this is doing anything as you can see we have got one down there but when I right click it just says invalid spell to start off with you have to press C while holding this book in your hand and this will give you your interface about the book now before we

Go into the actual spells themselves we’re going to go over to the book and other things it can do we have documentation which is essentially your guidebook so you do not have to have this worn notebook anymore uh but uh it’s a lot better I find just be able to

Right click on this book then having to press C and then click over here then you’ve got your colors your colors can be set in any way and this is essentially going to be your spell cast as you can see we’ve got these little whisks sort of going around when you

Cast spells you’ll have these wisps going around as well and that just sets your color and then remember to click save then you also have familiars familiars are going to be later on in this series but obviously we have none then you have got sounds some

Um spells are gonna have some sort of little added spell effect now what you can do is just change the volume pitch and all this sort of stuff as well as that you can mute it if you so wish uh or you can have these other ones Gaia

That is something to do with Britannia but just remember to save but here we go we can test and as you can see you can just change all of these to however you want I’m going to leave it as default for now and then we have got Dynamic

Lighting Dynamic lighting is when you shoot your different icon your different wisps around a Trail of Lights will light up the area as you fire it it does reduce lag or it can reduce lag depending on your PC so I recommend keeping it off but now we want to go

Into actual spells when you first start this game you are going to have five different spells three different forms and two different effects that’s essentially how this works and you’ve got 10 different spells you can have in total now you’ve got plenty of different spots down here because what you can do

Is first you have to pick a form you can’t pick an effect if you pick an effect first nothing will happen you have to choose the form that you want your spell to have so the very first thing that most people do is create a mining spell so for this we’re going to

Use Touch so this means anything that we touch is going to obviously start um making the spell I don’t know why that was a visual glove bug there and it didn’t come down here but when you just close it and reopen again you have touch down at the corner

And then we can do two different things we’ve got break or harm we want to do mining so let’s do break and then just for ease let’s call this mining then we click create down in the corner here you can see that says number one is mining because we’re in our number one

Spell slot we have mining now simply what we can do with this is when we right click we’ll use a little bit of mana and we’ll be able to mine blocks as you see here now as this is just a basic spell you won’t be able to break

Anything with this if we had a bit of obsidian here we will not be able to break that as our spell is actually not powerful enough to do that so if we break this here as you can see nothing’s happening so it’s not the strongest spell you can’t break everything and it

But I think of it as essentially a tier of an iron pickaxe you can basically mine anything as an iron pickaxe word with the basic spell as you have here going inside let’s go to the next one to demonstrate the next ones we have got projectile and how about we do this for

A shooting spell so I’m going to call this spell arrow just for fun and we’re going to have this on our second slot here now that ultimately takes us to obviously spell arrow but what if we want to actually go back to our previous spell so there’s a couple of ways you

Can do it you can click one and then just recreate and then it obviously has your mining here that’s a little bit tedious and you won’t want to be doing that in the heat of battle while you’re going around the next option is you can obviously have two books if you wanted

To but again not very effective so the best way people generally do it is by using when hitting the default key V and this brings up your spell quick select this is going to be your 10 different spells and obviously they show you exactly what they are here and this is

Why it’s a good way to name them because then it will tell you exactly what each one does because some of them might use very similar icons as you can see here so we can quickly switch between the two as well as that there are default Keys Z

And X in order to change your um your different icons but for me I’ve changed them to Mouse button 5 and mouse button four just so I can do it with my thumb as you can see here and you can cycle through any of these if you so wish now

Just for fun that show off the last one we got self and we’ll do harm as well and we’ll just call this um self-harm as that’s exactly what it does and then what we have here is if we right click this is just going to harm

Us but obviously I am in uh creative mode so if we go into survival here we can just do this and it’ll slowly harm us this would be a good thing say if you’ll be using something like blood magic or you have to put yourself in

Some sort of way but then just for Sparrow here we go here’s our wisp that we’re firing and we’ll just find ourselves a what a little fish here looks like he gets dispelled in water that’s a little bit annoying there you go we managed to hit him at least once now

You’re probably thinking that this isn’t a lot of spells and you’re absolutely right and there are other ways to obviously get spells but before we get spells we actually need to get a new Resource as well and that is called Source first we’re going to need this

Imbuement chamber this is made with six pieces of archwood planks two gold ingots and you will get the impurement chamber the imbuement chamber is he has the ability to suck Out Source in the environment in order to create these icons here Source gems Source gems are

Made with just a piece of lapis lazuli and it’ll be put inside of it as you can see it’s got a crafting process if we had a source jar which we’ll talk about slightly full of source this process will actually be sped up slightly and you’ll get these Source gems a little

Bit quicker if you’re playing in older versions of ours then they’ll actually Source all deep underground that you’re able to mine up and in 1.19 that isn’t a thing but talking about Source where you want to place the capture and I mentioned the source jar this is made

With four six pieces of archwood slabs and two pieces of gold and as I say this is a way of storing liquid sauce that you collect next and the first thing we’re going to get is the agronomic source link there are many different types of source links

And this is essentially going to be a way of capturing Source from different processes happening in the world the agronomic source link is going to be your first one and this is made with two pieces of ingots a piece of wheat and two Source gems now the agronomic source

Link is what I have working behind me now we have a full source jar here so we’re going to just place that back in here and what this does is every tick that happens with a growth every growth tick with your farm is going to send a

Little bit of source to your agronomic Source link now you need to have this adjacent to a source jar for it to automatically put in now you don’t have to have just the one you can place as many Source jars as you want as long as they’re within five blocks of the

Agronomic source link so you don’t have to have just one you can have this in a big square like this and it will eventually fill them all up over time now as you can see this is currently the maximum range you could have of One Source block of water in the center sort

Of um but we as you can see over here I’ve got Salisbury is working with our little star bungle friend and the sauce is actually coming from all the way over there so there is a massive area here I don’t know the precise area of effect

There it works but it’s quite a large area now pay no attention to the star bundle at the moment we’re going to come back to them later but now we have a way of obtaining Source how about we go into how we actually start making some different spells first we’re going to

Think we’re gonna need is the scribes table the scribes table is made with just two pieces of arced wood doesn’t have to be stripped for any type of arch wood two gold nuggets and three slabs now we place this down here and there’s a couple of different things we can do

The first thing we can do and the only thing I’m going to be showing off today is if we right click this with our spell book we will see a list of all the different types of spells we can make all glyphs as they are actually called

The effects are essentially going to be your spells then we have our forms of course which we’ve discussed and then we’ve got these other things these other things are ways of manipulating the effects of your spells they are called augments now these are split again into

Tiers we’ve got tier one as you can see here tier two and tier three now the more you go down in tears the more powerful and the stronger the tears uh spells you can do now we’re gonna stay with tier one because we only have a

Tier one spell book if you wanted to get tier two spells you couldn’t do that till you’ve upgraded your spell book itself now these aren’t all gonna be in your game as I have got Oz Elemental so some of these such as the filters they aren’t to do with ours Nouveau by

Default but today I’m going to be showing off everything that is just in vanilla ours now in order to get all these different spells we’re first going to have to obviously select one now each of these are going to require experience points as well as certain ingredients as

You see here now some of these are also going to show these little colorful icons as well these are Essences and Essences we’re going to cover shortly now the first augment or the first thing I want to recover in entirety is our first augment and which isn’t something

You’re most likely going to get first and this is amplify to choose which one you want you just have to select it and then press the select button down here and it will take you to your outside your scribes table and it will slowly start floating above

The scribes tab exactly what you need to throw into your scribes table in order to make this craft so for us we’re going to need a diamond pickaxe for this all I have to do is throw this in we’ll get this lovely cool little animation and it

Will write our first glyph once it’s finished it will pop off just like so in order to learn it you just have to right click in the air and we have unlocked amplify now inside our spell book when we press C we now have our new augment

And this is amplify now amplify does exactly what it says it actually increases the power of the Spell’s effects as well it can do other things as well so for us if we had it on our harm here it will do more damage now something to note about augments

Augments only ever affect the thing that’s immediately to the left of the augment so in this case amplify is going to affect harm now amplify can be added more than once we can add amplify many many times well it looks like a already hit the limit of just two now I’m sure

You can in older versions you can add even more amplifiers but as you can see here we’ve just got it like this so how about we go to self-harm for now we do one little bit of amplify or in fact let’s start with the basic and let’s

Just show you the difference so with the self-harm normally this will just do let’s see about one and a half hearts two and a half hearts is what it does in damage if we put an amplifier on here now instead of two and a half knots it

Does three and a half hours so an extra heart of damage one more time and this will give us nearly half Health in damage right off the bat so it’s quite powerful now as you add amplify you are going to be using more Mana per spell

And as you can see here as I’ve increased to our amplifier we’ve increased our amount of Mana from 160 some from 150 to 165 as it says in the corner for every single glyph you unlock your Mana bar will increase and your speed of Mana regeneration will increase

So that’s the first way that you can actually increase the amount of Mana you have in your storage now just to demonstrate as well with amplifier on our brake tool this is essentially now going to be a diamond tier of our brake spell so if we have obsidian now and

Place this down what we can do is with our Amplified spell we can now break obsidian think of it as now Diamond tier now if we did this one more time as well uh as you can see it can go even more one more time would probably be

Netherite and then even more would probably be something like Cobalt if you’re using Tinker strong construct and this is where you can obviously get a lot of amplify but this is obviously going to make things even more expensive and I don’t even have enough Mana to do

That one so how about we cover Essences now they’re going to be in integral part of you getting more glyphs first off you’re going to need some sore Stone made with a piece of sauce gem surrounded by regular stone and you will get eight of these for a craft this is

Going to be a decorative block but it is used in a lot of crafting such as our next item the Arcane pedestal this is made with a source gem four pieces of stars or stone and four golden nuggets now you’re probably going to need a lot of these pedestals in the future so

Don’t be afraid to spend 2 too much sauce on your Source stones the first thing we’re going to have is back to our imbuement chamber now the imbuement chamber is the way of making our different Essences as you can see we’ve got seven in total water fire

Earth and air and then we’ve also got conjuration abjugation adjuration sorry and manipulation these are all tier one there are no sort of tier two Essences so you can make these all off the bat now I’m going to show you how to make water first off water is simply just

Going to require three pedestals around an imbuement chamber and you’re going to need to have some Source nearby your imbuement chamber it can do it without the sauce but you’ll be very very slow so you definitely want the source to speed this process up now all you have

To do is obviously you with your three pedestals you have to place the necessary ingredients each one of these has a different necessary ingredient for water we need water kelp and snow and then in the center here we’re going to need a source gem all of them are going

To need a source gem in the center so all we have to do here is right click this in our imbuement chamber and it will start crafting as we add sauce it will speed up even further and other obviously this is going pretty quick and when it’s finished we have got our water

Essence now just to show off very quickly how each one’s made fire is like this earth air conjuration AB duration and manipulation now before we move on I’m gonna go and unlock every single type of tier one vanilla RS Nouveau spell and then we’re gonna quickly have

A montage of what each one does Allison himself will give you a non-fall damage as well as that give you a slight bounce when being used when using amplify this will cause you to keep your forward momentum when using it so you can just travel very quickly

Conjure Mage block is a way of actually having Mages temporary blocks come into existence and these will disappear after a short amount of time using amplifier will cause these blocks to be permanent and they will not disappear over time unlike the previous counterparts to get rid of these

Permanent blocks you continue no effect called dispel we’ll remove these entirely using dispel on yourself or someone else will completely remove any potion effects that you have on you conjure Mage Light is a way of using the world without torches just simply right click on the ground and then it will

Have give you a light source using amplifier will cause the glow to be even more powerful and using the tier 2 glyph dampen will cause the light to be dimmer using conjure Mage Light on yourself will give you night vision if you cast this on other enemies or other mobs it

Will give them night vision crafting on yourself will just simply open up a crafting menu cuts when used on other mobs will essentially have the sheer effects non-shareable entities will then take damage instead using amplifier and cartwheel synstet to simulate an ax similarly using break with the sensitivity augment will cause social

Break to act like shares on certain blocks however the sheer effect will not work on sheep the layer will cause the effect to the right of the delay glyph to obviously add delay delay can be increased using the extend time augment which is a tier 2 augment or duration

Down to decrease the time evaporate will remove fluids in a given area the area or effect over evaporation can be chained with the AOE augment which is a tier 2 augment freeze will freeze water when you are interacting with it but we’re also going to show off

Underfoot so when you walk along water it will actually start freezing the water if you have ice underneath you or turned into packed ice and if you have packed ice underneath it will turn it into blue ice adding sensitivity to freeze will turn water into frosted ice which will disappear after a short

Amount of time all this allows you to harvest crops without destroying the plant ignite will set either blocks or mobs on fire however when used with sensitivity this will stop blocks from turning on fire and will just set mobs on fire interact to allow you to interact things

As if you’re a player from a distance pickup will allow you to pick things up in a medium radius and this can be extended if you use the AOE augment knockback is a way of shooting enemies away from you or any other type of mobs

As well as that it will also push blocks a little distance away from you launch will send entities or yourself depending on what you use straight upwards leap is very similar but this does it in the direction that you are facing in base block is a way of placing blocks from

Inside your inventory and now it will take items from your hot bath first pull is opposite to not back it will pull entities closer towards you as well as that it will pull blocks closer towards you as well these blocks that are being pulled to you will now be affected by

Gravity also Redstone is a way of sending a redstone signal for a second just with a spell the signal sends is a signal of 10 and can be increased with amplify or decreased with dampen the duration of this spell can also be increased by using extent time

Rotate will cause blocks to be able to be rotated if they can but you can also rotate entities as well but it doesn’t seem to be things like mobs rotate with sensitivity will change the axis of it being able to be irritated also if you rotate with dampened it will counterclockwise rotate

Runes will allow you to apply a spell to a specific point on the ground such as like here I have it as cut if I place it on the ground we have a rune now if I get ourselves a lovely little sheep friend here he will get sheared roon

With then having a pickup will allow you to actually have the room be picked up into an adjacent inventory ruin with sensitive after the Rune will allow you to actually use your own inventory instead snare is a way of getting mobs to stay in place up to seven seconds use extend

Time to increase the amount of time they are stationary summon seed will summon a horse with a saddle that will disappear after a short amount of time some and Steve it can be increased with extended time summon walls will spawn two wolves to fight for you they will disappear after a short

Amount of time and that can also be extended with extend time toss will throw an item out of your inventory to a location that is fired at and if it’s fired into an inventory you’ll be placed in that inventory and that is now all glyphs that you can get at tier one

Something to note that with some and see them as some involves you will then get Summoning Sickness this is essentially a delay before you can actually use those summons again now you may have noticed that I was actually linking quite a lot of effects together now the reason for

This being is that you can actually make quite a lot of different combination of things to open up this up we can make something else I want to have something go to myself I want to have a launch I want to amplify this then I want to do

Leap and I want to amplify this and then I want bounce this is going to be a way of basically early game flight now if I do this as you can see as I click it’s it’s going to take a lot but I can now start traveling quite far and because I

Have bounce afterwards it allows me to obviously not take any full damage now this isn’t the best thing because we haven’t got early game uh Mana regeneration up to snuff but if we wanted something a little bit weaker we can just have it like this after all and

It does still work the same effect so how about we get a bit of a more automated way of getting Source Early on and this is going to be using our furry little friend the starbuncle the starbuncle will spawn as I said in any sort of Woodland but in order to

Actually get something called starbuncle shards in order to use the starbuncles you’re going to need golden nuggets when you see a star bunker in the world they will automatically run away from you but what you can do is if you drop down a golden nugget they will recognize it and

Come and get it after a few seconds they will disappear and drop ourselves A starbuncle Shard now the cool thing as well is that you do not have to just do one at a time per startbuncle depending on what they are you can actually drop more than one at once and they will

Actually pick up multiple and give you multiple left so just now they have actually given us ah only one this time but sometimes they can take out 2 or 3. now in order to actually do anything with the starbuncle shards we are going to need a brand new piece of apparatus

And that is the enchanting apparatus made with two Source Stones two gold one diamond and four gold nuggets will get our enchanting apparatus now the zapparatus is gonna need something else known as a Arcane core the Arcane core is made with six pieces of Saw Stone One

Source Gem and two gold ingots the last thing you’re gonna need is plenty more pedestals which we showed off earlier now this is the basic setup for your enchanting apparatus you need to have the Arcane core wherever you want and on top of it you need to have the

Enchanting apparatus then you can have as many pedestals around it as you want I like doing it in this three by three area because then it’s more more represents a crafting table but you can have as many pencils you want up to three blocks of your enchanting table

Now what we want to make here is a Starbucks or Charm now this is made with purely gold and the Starbucks will Shard the center of any type of craft is going to be your enchanting apparatus so here if we place down down four gold it

Doesn’t matter where this gold is it can be um exactly as it shows in here or it can be anywhere else and then all we have to do is put our starbuncle Shard on the inside now at tier one you will not need to use any Source in order to do your

Apparatus however later on when we go into tier two or three different types of enchanting you’re going to need some source as well however before we move on there are other things you can do with the enchanting apparatus such as making various other different types of

Trinkets with inside the mod but as well as that you can actually start making enchanting books as well as you can see here each of these things they’re going to need multiple different pedestals here we need seven and then you just need various different types of items to

Give you all your different types of enchants inside the game now when you are making your enchanting books something you need to know is that your Center item is always going to be the first item that it generally says which would just be a book in order to get

Tier one in order to get tier 2 you have to use the Tier 1 enchanting book and order to get to tier 3 or 4 or 5 and Beyond you have to use the previous tier so you can’t jump all the way to fortune 3 you first have to get Fortune 1 then

Fortune 2 then Fortune 3. but now let’s demonstrate the star bunker in order to control the star bunker you’re going to need something else which is the Dominion wand this is also made on the enchanting apparatus which is again very very simple all you just need is uh two

Source gems a piece of gold and a stick it will make the Dominion wand as you see here now the Dominion won’t actually tell us what we want our star Uncle to do is a way of directing Source from all our different Source gems using Source relays but we won’t be

Showing that off today so let’s go over to our happy little friend here here we have the star banker and as you can see he is picking up sauceberries all by himself that is the cool traits of the carbuncle it can pick up any fully grown star sauce berries automatically this

Makes it a very very good way of getting early Game Source automatically because we can every single type there is growth with the sauceberries The agronomic Source link will actually take it so this is a 100 fully automated way of getting our source early game but how do

We actually control the starbuncle now I’m going to be doing this over here otherwise it gets a little bit confusing what we can do is first place an inventory because the star Barn call essentially all it is very good at is moving items so what we have to do is

First right click it on the ground and here we go we now have our star bunker as you can see it says storing items in locations one and taking items from locations zero if we go back over to our other one over here this guy is actually still taking items from only one

Location and that is going to be all of these on the floor when it says one location it means it’s randomly generating an updating one location on the ground it’s not taking it from the sauceberry it is just obviously harvesting one then picking it up off

The floor but it’s also if I can get my hands on it it is placing it I’m not gonna be able to get it it’s placing it in all these barrels so two or six eighty nine just placing it in nine different inventories so you can have it pick up from multiple locations

And drop in multiple locations to start off with a star Barn called to make sure he’s completely fresh and wiped you want to hold shift and right click on the starbuncle this is going to completely clear task when you first spawn in obviously it has no tasks if we don’t

Hold shift and right click it will tell us why where do you want to store entities we have this saved don’t click anything else and shift right click on where you want your starbuncle to start storing entities now it says here Starbucks will store items here now any

Items that I throw on the ground eventually there’ll be a little bit of an update and the star bunker will go pick it up and we’ll go put it inside of the barrel just like so now the style bunco doesn’t have exactly a very large range if I

Went all the way over here and placed a block down he would not be able to recognize it I don’t know the exact amount it seems to be something like six or seven blocks but eventually he does sort of recognize that there is a Sandbox just over here now is that just

In range it’s not just in range bit closer there we go it sees it managing to be able to pick it up but now how about we want to take things from inventory if we want to be able to put things from this Barrel to over here what we can do is

Now hold shift and right click on it sorry yeah hold shift and right click on this this will set your position and then we want to right click on this guy and now since the Star Bank who is taking from this inventory as you can see because it also wants to

Pick things up from there it’s just taking it out and putting it back in so you want to reset the guy first so now let’s start again we want a position set of this guy and we want to place it in this guy he’s now going to

Take things from this inventory then we want to store entities over here the start bunker is now going to pick things up from there and place it in here as you can see like this now we didn’t have a lot in there so let’s just do

Something more like that and it can take full stacks and it’s very very quick now obviously we want a bigger range than this so how about we break this place all these back in here and this guy seems to have recognized that there is something over here I guess not

We want you to take items from over there I want to place them in you and then we will store items in here there you go I just found the other bit of sand finally but now he’s got a story point this carbon cool is going to be able to take

Things over here I’ll move them over here it’s a very good way of early game Transportation without using pipes purely Magic based now in order to dispel the carbuncle you can either kill him or hold shift and fire dispelled at him at him as you can see this

Now the cool thing is the charm is actually going to remember what you had this guy doing and now as long as you don’t break these two blocks uh obviously things will keep working you may also die these fellas you can use purple red yellow orange blue or green

Noodle to dye the carbuncle to do different things now there are other things you can do with the starbuncle such as filtering items to go into different chests but we’re going to cover that more when we go over the familiars episode but now this is the basic starbuncle performances but now

How about we get into a way of regenerating our Mana quicker the first thing we’re going to want is a mage Bloom seed now this is made inside our enchanting apparatus which is just four sources here and then a seed now again this is not going to need any sort of

Sauce jar or anything like that as it’s a tier one and this is going to give us our Mage Bloom seed when you have the made from seed you just plant it down like any other type of seed and when it’s fully grown it will look like this

On right click it will give you another seed and a mage Bloom uh Harvest itself now these Maids bloom harvests all they simply do is turn it into Mage boom fiber and you get four per Mage Bloom these fibers are used for many different things but the main thing we’re going to

Be using for is armor in this version of ours there are three different types of armor we have got the sorcerers we’ve got the arcanists and we’ve got the Battle Mages armor in earlier versions there is only one different type and those types can be upgraded but this

Type here they can be upgraded but they work slightly differently now in order to make all of these they are all made in your enchanting apparatus as you can see the only difference in the craft is the center item is the tier of armor if you are

Using gold armor you are going to essentially be the weakest when it comes to defense however yours you will be able to augment your armor in stronger ways allowing you to craft or use stronger spells The Arcanist is sort of your mid-crown it allows you to have a

Little bit of Defense as well as having a slightly weaker spell set and then diamonds will give you the most amount of Defense but will cast the weakest spells Now by default each of these will give you the exact same amount of extra mana and Mana regeneration at the moment

We’ve got 570 Mana however once I wear each one of these we now have 690 Mana now it doesn’t matter which one I have you will get 690 but now how do we go into upgrading these different arms to upgrade the armors we’re gonna need something called the

Alteration table this is me using the scribes table and four pieces of the Mage boom fiber and this will give you your alteration table as well as that you’re also going to need threads you can get the blank thread and with the blank threads you will be able to make

All your other different types of threads blank thread is made with six pieces of Mage Bloom fiber and three golden nuggets and you only get one of these per craft if you type in at with ours here and then thread we can see that there are many many different types

Of thread and these are all going to be your different upgrades motion the tier one tier 3 will be your gliding because it uses a lighter to craft and then we’ve got the thread of the wixie which that uses some nether stuff so that’ll be a tier two one everything else is

Um a tier one now I’m not going to go through how and what if every single one on works but I will show you how to apply each of these different types before we do that when we look inside of our book we can see how our thread tiers

Work so we know that we can upgrade things in three different ways there are different slots inside your different armors and then depending on your tier of armor itself will give you your diff your amounts of thread type so you can get it’s a little bit confusing but stay

With me we’re in tier one at the moment so this is our tier one armor and in our tier one armor at the head we can have a tier one thread in the chess piece we can have a tier two thread legs are tier

2 thread and a uh the boots we can have a tier one thread if we upgraded our armor here to a tier 2 Armor then our upgrades will increase and then if we upgraded our armor to a tier 3 then our upgrades would increase again as you can

See here now this is obviously the best forecasting magic spells the sorcerer sets however if we go to The Arcanist you can see that all our magic abilities have dropped slightly with all the different tiers and when we go to the battle mage it drops even more in fact

At tier one every slot it has a just a tier one thread the same as The Arcanist there’s no point wasting your diamonds on doing this and let until you really get to the top tier over here but for now if you want the best amount of

Spells then you want to really be with the gold set the sorcerer is set now to apply your different threads all you have to do is simply right click your piece of armor that you want to apply anything to and put it on the side when you apply that different piece of armor

It will tell you the tier of threads that you can place on it with the shoes it’s obviously tier one and with the leggings it can be tier two in order to apply your thread all you have to do is simply right click your thread on here

Then it will do this little animation to say that it’s done and you can take it off and now you can wear it as you see fit and this it will give us a blank thread too blank thread 2 doesn’t actually do anything itself and if we

Had it on the shoes what will happen as well we can equip it but a little message will pop up you have equipped armor that contains a perk you already have you’ll only receive the effect once this is something else we need to think about when we are putting our different

Threads on here say we wanted to have our complete suit with um threads of shocking damaging effects causes to the Target to be shocked for a short duration before the S effect results inflicts static charge at tier 3. now we obviously could have this on all of our pieces of armor however it

Would only work on one piece of armor so you’re wasting it on all the different types so in which case at the moment we can obviously buy our book only have one different thread installed but we can have only one of each different type later on here is a similar deal when you

Have the two or three you can have all three be shocked but uh only one of them actually take effect so you want a different slot for each different thing so when you get to tier three you can have up to 12 different threads installed but four

Of them can be tier 3 for six of them can be tier two and two of them can be tier one until you get to the later stages of course obviously had it said over here with shocking only tier 3 can give a extra effect depending on which

One to use not all of them can give an extra effect to tier 3 but some of them can you just need to remember that the lower the tier is on your thread the less damage it’s going to do and the higher the tier is on your thread it’s

Going to be obviously more effective now the last thing I want to show off when it comes to this is now that I have a fully equipped piece of equipment we have 690 Mana in here in total if you take this all off that’s 570 which we’ve

Discussed when you just get all the glyphs but if we have everything equipped we obviously get 590 now this is the same no matter where we’re using the Ardent all the Battle Mages we’ll end up with 690 overall but for now guys that is going to be the very end of the

Episode one of ours new vote there is a lot of information here as a very long episode but this is all very necessary information to know when you get into R’s new vlog if this video helps you in any way shape or form please don’t forget to leave a

Like And subscribe it would really help me out and ring the bell button to stay notified when this when these videos go live but until next time guys take care

This video, titled ‘How to: Ars Nouveau | Basics in Magic (Minecraft 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by Mondays on 2023-02-20 23:00:20. It has garnered 116916 views and 1788 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:14 or 2414 seconds.

Welcome to the Ars Nouveau Mod! This mod is all about magic. The type of magic that is all around the environment in nature energy.

Today is the first step into Ars Nouveau and will cover the basics on how to get started with the mod. Things we will cover are how the spell book works, the spells you can get, how to collect source and the start of upgradable armour. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Let’s Reach A New Goal: ||||||||||||||| 85% |||||||||||…. 8.58K/10K Latest Subscriber: Tristan moore ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ See the Ars Nouveau Playlist here:

Get the mods here: Ars Nouveau – Ars Elemental – Art Tool – Ars I think –

Mods Created by: baileyholl2, Ridanisaurus, Gootastic, Alexth99, Sarenor,

Support the Devs at baileyholl2:




Sarenor: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To stay up to date on the latest tutorials, consider subscribing: ►Twitter: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Ars Nouveau is a magic mod inspired by Ars Magicka that allows players to craft their own spells, create magical artifacts, perform rituals, and much more.

Explore the world with any spell you want in the palm of your hands, or automate everything with the help of your familiars! The magic potential is endless with all the directions you can take with Ars Nouveau. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:52 Worn Notebook 1:22 World Generation and Mobs 5:19 Novice Spell Book 10:41 Imbuement Chamber and Source Gems 11:29 Getting Source with the Agronomic Sourcelink 12:58 How to Unlock New Spells 17:14 How to Craft Essences 19:07 All Tier 1 Spells 24:19 Spell Chains 25:10 Starbuncle Source Automation & Enchantment Apparatus 33:11 How to Make Ars Armour 35:15 How to Augment/Upgrade Armour ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ All mods in my custom mod pack for 1.19.2: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Attributions Music by

Cipher – Electronic Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.



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  • Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1

    Zombie Two-Step in Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Peaks & Valleys UHC 9 EP 1 – The Zombie two-step’, was uploaded by DogOfKrondor on 2024-01-10 14:00:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:37 or 1237 seconds. A MineCraft recorded round organised by Codwhy Thanks to Spyro, Rochket, Crow and Camkart for teaming! Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashi

    Crazy Minecraft Glitches! #kazirikashiVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Illogical & wierd things in Minecraft #kazirikashi’, was uploaded by Kazirikashi on 2024-02-19 16:38:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftrtx #realistic #mine #craft #minecraft #creeper #vs #gun #enderman #herobrine #amazing #minecraft #shorts … Read More

  • Diamondi Pie: World Record MLG Cobweb Break! 😱🔥 #Minecraft #Dream

    Diamondi Pie: World Record MLG Cobweb Break! 😱🔥 #Minecraft #DreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘I broke the world record of cobweb mlg 😎😎#minecraft #dream’, was uploaded by The diamondi pie on 2024-05-16 18:34:49. It has garnered 432 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. I broke the world record of cobweb mlg #minecraft #bossa nova jazz #cafe music #coffee shop music #dream #jazz instrumental #jazz music #jazz relaxing music #live insaan #meditation music #morning jazz #mr beast #palworldshorts #smooth jazz #soft jazz # gameplay # Minecraft animation Read More

  • GuySky

    GuySkyWelcome to GuySky, an extraordinary cracked Minecraft server that aims to transport you to a world of limitless possibilities, inspired by the legendary Hypixel network. Prepare yourself for an unparalleled gaming experience, where adventure knows no bounds and unforgettable memories are waiting to be forged. Step into a thriving community of passionate players, united by their love for Minecraft. GuySky offers a vibrant and bustling hub where players from all corners of the globe converge to embark on epic quests, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore a vast and diverse world brimming with hidden treasures, challenging dungeons, and awe-inspiring… Read More

  • David’s Cloud: SMP Network PvE Java Bedrock – Latest Version – U.S.A. – 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players… Read More

  • Survivor’s Sanctuary SMP

    Survivor's Sanctuary SMP🌍 Welcome to Survivor’s Sanctuary! 🌍Join us on Survivor’s Sanctuarya brand new Survival Multiplayer (SMP) Minecraft server run on Paper! Owned by Audiatorix, our server is a friendly and relaxing environment where players can unleash their creativity, build massive structures, and enjoy a plethora of features.✨ Why Choose Survivor’s Sanctuary?Friendly Community: Connect with like-minded players and make new friends.Grief Prevention: Build with peace of mind knowing your creations are safe.Voting Rewards: Get rewarded for supporting the server.GUI Shops: Easy-to-use shops for all your needs.Active Staff: We’re looking for dedicated staff members to join our team.📢 Join Us Today!Server IP: play.survivorsanctuarysmp.onlineDiscord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He Just can’t stop dying

    Minecraft Memes - He Just can't stop dyingWhy kill an iron golem when you can just go mining and avoid making it mad? Plus, you won’t have to deal with the guilt of betraying your peaceful iron friend. Read More

  • Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    Legendary Ore vs. Mystical Ore: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown! Rank 1 ore be like: “I’m rare and mystical!” Rank 999 ore be like: “Hold my pickaxe, peasant.” Read More

  • Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether

    Surviving Steve Dweller & Escaping Nether The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to encounter some truly terrifying mods. One such mod that caught the attention of many players is the “From The Fog” mod. This mod introduces eerie creatures and spine-chilling experiences that can send shivers down your spine. Herobrine and The Man From The Fog Before delving into the depths of the Nether, Madi decided to dip her toes into the world of modded Minecraft with the Herobrine and The Man From The Fog mods. These mods added a new level of suspense and mystery… Read More

  • New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?!

    New Minecraft Update 1.21 Leak?! Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s Coming Next? New Features Await in Minecraft 1.21 In the upcoming Minecraft 1.21 update, players can expect a plethora of exciting new features to enhance their gameplay experience. One of the most anticipated additions is the introduction of 9 new types of dogs, each uniquely found in different biomes within your world. These furry companions are sure to add a new dimension to your adventures. Discover Hidden Trials and Treasures Delve deep underground to uncover the mysterious Trial Chambers, where you can obtain valuable items such as the Heavy Core and the Whirlwind Rod. These… Read More

How to: Ars Nouveau | Basics in Magic (Minecraft 1.19.2)