How To Become a Grand Wizard (I built a enchantment table) – Minecraft Realm Episode 12

Video Information

Hey guys how do 2014 here back on the [ __ ] realm uh so my last episode which is never going to be uploaded for reason about the divulge nick didn’t include his audio so it was just me talking to myself which is what these solos are but it sounded dumber it sounded dumber

That time because it sounded like i was talking to somebody but i wasn’t so what happened in that episode uh i so the last thing that happened but i’m over here right now we got another villager who nick immediately made a librarian we transformed him but he sells

Bookshelves which is great because we were both working on a chanting room saturday episode uh go watch his video on that whenever it’s up i don’t know what the [ __ ] video it is i might link it in the description i might not you don’t know i’m full of damn surprises alright anyway

He’s keeping the lava river by the way which makes you really happy um but so yeah we got another villager we transformed a zombie villager it’s been a second so i don’t honestly remember other than that i worked on an enchanting room which i’ll show you when i get there go

All right so this is where we trapped him this whole but yeah i’ll clean that up later um oh yes finally all the grass has grown except that why all right cool so this will grow there to there there there and then i could finally finish the path

There we go uh the path to the future stable use for something unused until this point shut your mouth oh [ __ ] all right first order of business i put down lava in here or maybe nick did one of us put down love in there and it burned

So much cut down a spruce tree real quick fix that i don’t remember what i think it had to have been the last episode that i couldn’t upload maybe it was before i don’t know anyway [ __ ] burned i need to fix it real quick so yeah so

What the [ __ ] was i gonna do oh yeah show you the enchanting room finish that up then i wanted to build a farm i’m gonna build an automatic wheat farm kinda an auto harvesting meat farm at least it’s not like fully automatic i don’t know how the [ __ ] to make things replant

Uh so yeah it’s also my own design it’s like other people could have built it i don’t know this is something i designed myself meaning it’s probably not gonna work very well because i’m dumb i do like redstone taking this piece of snow down with me

Is it legal how many states is it illegal to befriend a patch of snow definitely breaking some law she is my bestest friend now anyway time to abandon him like friends do anyway okay [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did i do all right this is a lot of there’s a lot

Of burning that happened shoot that’s fine i’ll leave it there i don’t i don’t care enough to go up and mine one log watch i’m gonna be one long short right now and then i’ll cry and i’ll do it a lot of people are afraid to cry

Not i i will cry for all of you you know it might not look exactly the same but it’s fine um yeah it’s good enough all right cool now enchanting room it’s up here and i still need to light it up and make the tunnel better

Here’s what i got so far all the cobblestone is gonna be the uh bookshelves speaking of i’m gonna go harvest some sugarcane and see if i can get some bookshelves from the uh from the guy who sells it sells them is there anything else i can sell see

You’re really good so i’m not going to grind you up and sell you nope nope i’ll take the one sugar cane at least and i can make two more books so if i have some extra left over i might uh permanently borrow some leather from nick just for book purposes

All right okay here we go also he built a pig face over his house um yeah that happened he hasn’t gotten me back for the lava yet though which i’m scared about i know that fucker’s plotting i just don’t know what but i i already know what i’m going to do maybe

I i i’ve already i’ve been thinking of ideas because we [ __ ] with each other a lot so i’ve been thinking of ways to [ __ ] with him i need a crafting table for that right it’s like why can’t i make paper dumbass you need a crafting table

Through the rest of this i opened up all of it might have plant one more going quite the distance to plant this water oh it’s two now all right i don’t feel as bad all right so where am i going i have no idea what the [ __ ] i’m doing

I thought i saw a pillager over there but i guess i didn’t wait i thought he sold name tags he sells okay okay yeah i just didn’t scroll far enough great so if i ever need a name uh what chanted book this guy start with power three already better than the other guy

I think what do we got in here weather yes just what i needed okay oh yeah i was gonna lose the rest of his chest like the good friend i am damn silk touch book i’m not going to steal it because i’d be mean but i will steal any paper

And leather he has uh what the [ __ ] was i making books right books and then one more bookshelf wow well you don’t know that’s a lot of bookshelves it’s not i’m about to have three out of 15 i need for a full enchanting table and i have

Even more laid out i think because decoration but now i’ll replant this tree wherever the [ __ ] it can where can i plant a tree that’s the only issue with living in this big gravel area uno mas over here there we go it’s only turning this gravelly light wasteland into a

Actual lushen green area to a point i’m asleep actually real quick it’s upstairs i don’t for some reason i still even though it’s been inside for so long think my bed’s out there by the chests all right so i’m gonna do that what’s the highest level in [ __ ] i can get now eight

Wow all right that looks nice it’ll look better with bookshelves for sure i like this like when the bookshelves are in i think this will look nice time to do this little tunnel i need jungle wood see if i have any of the chests if not i’m gonna go chop down a tree

I still have one weakness potion too what was like in a wood of the jungle variety particularly take these two iron axes because i didn’t know i had them and we’re going logging because guess who doesn’t actually have any uh any jungle wood if your guess was me you’re right

If your wrist wasn’t me who’d you guess steve buscemi is a quality man the man has jungle wood this is okay this is a weird one it’s got it if i go over one and up one there we go i can staircase now perfect if you cut large trees down by any

Method other than the staircase method you’re a heretic you are an enemy of the people so there we go all right the branches on the jungle trees are a little annoying when you’re trying to cut them down i mean i like them for building in jungle trees

But for cutting them down it’s a little obnoxious because if you don’t leaves are going to stay but they’re a little annoying to cut sometimes this one back here all right made it all the way to the top all right so we got we got all these

Now we gotta just scale down this is a weird one because jungles trees are weird and also the bottom is weird because it was like half cut down because nick is a strange strange man not half cut down but like just a little just a little chopped at the nub nub chopped

I feel like that would be the name of like a prank series nub chopped chop people’s nubs and and there’s no e in chopped either for that it’s just nub chop apostrophe d like pranked that is that is that disney that made pranked anyway i don’t know [ __ ] what disney does with their

Infinite power all right i need i’m glad that made three because i’m making a three wide and hit nope that’s what no why oh [ __ ] well let’s get ready for liam falls 97 times while misplacing logs oh damn i got it alright i’ll make a stack of these to make some of these

I just don’t should go with the jungle wood stairs wait i want to move this back one actually so that i can branch off believe this yeah i’m gonna boom jams stairs acquired i’m gonna go with the stuff that fell out of the bottom

All right so yeah what am i gonna do for the walls i will log the sides of it here’s the idea that’s not the right way and that’s not the right tool i am [ __ ] up everything this is spruce that that spruce nope that’s backwards again damn i’m stupid

So this kind of keeps the uh coloration of the main room okay yeah that that does go that way so i can place this correctly wait is that even right that doesn’t look right up nope all right so yeah that one is like that and that one goes on there nope

Maybe maybe yup that is a uh it’s not a yup there we go that’s what we needed get a little bit of that going rocket rolling that’s fine then and then these all go okay these all go like this nope too far so now i can dig out three tunnel like that way

If i want i have space um all right what do i want to do here maybe i could indent it oh that would look nice yeah let’s try that so we’ll put stairs there so it’s indented so i need this gun this gun that there’s some coal and some stone i

Apparently already have some i am dumb apparently bricks and then there we go there we go i like that actually i’m a big fan i i’m liking this actually i like the little wall indents i’ll split half of that put some in there and not the diorite no or granite damn idiot

All right first sleep oh i forgot a little chunk area all right all fixed all right i’m gonna put down all the regular stone that er all the regular brick that i need um yeah so i’m gonna finish this up hopefully and then i’ll make some more brick ricky brick stairs bricky brick

Is the best minecraft rapper name if i ever became a minecraft rapper like one of the cool kids i’m not that cool sadly but if i ever did it my name would be breaky brick you know i’ll go your smooth zone actually i’ll get some smooth stone up in here

Right here right now get his own smooth stone i’m gonna need to cook more sustain that’s fine dammit i’m an idiot how many more stairs do i need um zero okay do i have more coal in either of these no all right then i’ll take that out put that in there

Now i kind of play the waiting game i guess i’ll do the roof which i’ll just do out of the jungle planks i need a new pickaxe well that’s the order business i guess not the roof but new pickaxe all right um i need iron where’s that is over here

There we go berries there’s our great addition to this game in my opinion they’re like my main food source anytime i play now yeah i’ll go one in there with it like a continuity look so it looks like it’s continuing i guess honestly it’s just that i wasn’t paying

Attention and [ __ ] up but hey oh i can feel i just fill it up cooking stone [ __ ] god that was a lie i just didn’t want to cook more stone and then i remembered oh i’m currently cooking stone all right how much so do i have 10 not

Quite enough but i can start there we go do i have any more glowstone i would like to use some glowstone oh a traitor hello sir what do you have for sale nothing of interest okay it’s by this coal though so i can make some uh

Wait no i was gonna use glowstone i could use i could use lanterns i use lanterns if i don’t have any glowstone um which i don’t so we make like three lanterns there we go all right another great addition lanterns it looks so nice i only needed two

Keep the other one in my back pocket all right uh i’m pretty close to done with this i need to start working on the wheat farm i might split those in two episodes this has been longer than expected nah i’ll just keep it as one

Now i’ll make it two i’m making it two this is going to be the finishing the enchanting table episode enchanting table room this looks great like when that’s not cobblestone i need something to make this actually yeah i’ll just stick with wood planks i’ll stick with what the stairs were

Oh cole definitely mining that first it’s always nice to find coal when you’re excavating like a house or something it’s like yes or an enchanting room hallway you know what i’ll do i’ll make that i’ll do what i said up top with the continuity thing but

I’ll do it at the bottom because it’ll actually look decent there we go that’s a really nice wing of the house all right let me go into a inventory call this a day see there’s not an empty spot there all right that needs to go over there all right inventory cleared pretty much

All right well that’s where i am probably gonna call it finish this this little room i think it looks pretty great actually i like this hallway design that i made i have to do my own horn but i’m too to [ __ ] toot Goodbye You

This video, titled ‘How To Become a Grand Wizard (I built a enchantment table) – Minecraft Realm Episode 12’, was uploaded by Howeydoit2014 on 2020-05-12 08:55:55. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:09 or 2049 seconds.

I believe I have become all powerful in the ways of magic and other arcane arts (enchantments do that, right?)

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    💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit GameplayVideo Information say going live going live live we’re live what’s up chat what’s up what’s up what’s up chat what’s everyone doing hello orang what’s good bro hello K hello doy hello Zane what’s good let roll shall we hello shbs oh great no great start to the beginning all right uh well have some change hello Mar May mayor hello I just got the notification W oh yeah Zan for some we weird reason I was I was trying to type on YouTube on Google and it popped out Discord and I put why to you I don’t… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!Video Information la novia gringa de Minecraft s Ernesto la esposa Ernesto creo que se colo estas son mujeres mortales muchachos ustedes no vieron nada realmente no no vieron nada ojo esa Ya di cuenta ya la Rio ya la Rio Dale que los platos no se lavan solos ve los platos no se lavan solos nos vemos a ver ch This video, titled ‘Desafíos Pixelados: Amor en Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by The Morotex on 2024-02-28 19:00:24. It has garnered 471 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Every day on stream… Read More

  • 🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraft

    🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information टी एनटी अंडर वाटर हैक्स इन माट अगर आप टी एनटी को पानी में फोड़ने की कोशिश करोगे तो टी एनटी की तरफ से बस एक ही आवाज आएगी पानी पानी पानी अंकल जी मु पानी पिला दे दीजिए मेरा गला सूख रहा है तो उससे पहले मैं बताना चाहता हूं गाइस मैंने लिया 75 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैलेंज 0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा मिथ से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक… Read More

  • EXPLOSIVE time travel in Minecraft

    EXPLOSIVE time travel in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] a [Music] the [Music] [Music] what [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what is up silly Goobers goobers and gobets I’m live is time it is time I have silly lore planned today the silliest of the silliest lore I okay did I so many of so much of this lore today was a mixture of last minute planning and long before plan [ __ ] that is that is what we’re working with that’s what we’re working with today but yes yeah hello everybody I don’t know if you guys saw… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱

    🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP type shit’, was uploaded by Syphanic on 2024-04-29 04:02:27. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:37 or 1657 seconds. yurr Read More

  • EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park – Minecraft

    EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : BABY BROTHER AND DRAGON IN JURASSIC PARK – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Toca Betty on 2024-01-12 10:00:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Continuation of the story of friendship between baby brother and baby dragon! Music by Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!

    Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information [Music] so This video, titled ‘#viral #ascoisasmudam #minecraft #sabwaysurfars #minecraftmeme #ficoubonitodonada #humor #memes’, was uploaded by @Memelissa1 on 2024-04-04 22:02:39. It has garnered 183 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

How To Become a Grand Wizard (I built a enchantment table) – Minecraft Realm Episode 12