How to get RICH on the #1 Factions Server…

Video Information

This episode is all about getting rich on factions um on minecadia and we’re gonna be taking advantage of the starter World chapters which obviously take place All right guys welcome back to the second episode of the Mind KD series playing with the number one faction the randoms faction this episode is all about getting rich on factions um online KDM we’re gonna be taking advantage of the start of the world chapters which

Obviously take place on the start of the world and they provide unique benefits and Buffs so right now it’s the Boss chapter which means the hyper Flying Dutchman schedule is enabled we’ve increased damage against bosses increased maximum bosses in the world and most importantly double boss rewards

So we are in the alt faction with hofkid and countdown and I believe they have an area set of her bosses so I’m gonna get in a call with them we’re gonna go kill some bosses and get these double rewards I have plenty of Boss Summoners

Um from the first video when you open up those crates that are reclaimed stuff like that so we should be able to get a ton of loot from this alright guys so I’m at the area that they have set up hofkid and countdown once again so they

Spawn all of them on like this block and I’m pretty sure they just like hit them into the lava and it’s pretty much just free grinding kill so I’m going to get all of my boss I’m gonna probably give them to them but we’ll be able to get

Like a lot of loot bags if we can do this successfully and hopefully no one gets in the way oh I thought I thought that was a boss spawn nope that’s an emote does this trap work for every single tier not not these no this doesn’t work for spiders oh okay all

Right so we killed those load of bosses we already got four Boss Loot bags and two legendary keys from that um obviously it’s based on the damage you deal to the boss of like what rewards you get so now I’m gonna spawn on the ones that I have which I kind of forgot

Oh here they are we got some right here oh there’s a oh what the hell right oh yo there’s a lot of people oh they’re bacon yo can’t messaging oh look at that oh we’re getting well I got cooked yeah I was answering Discord DMS bro join

Join the VC with Ryan Garcia in them oh my God why dude that’s random oh no that is sniffers what am I on about oh so it’s not our factions let’s see if I can kite I’m so close I’ve in both their distance there’s like 20 of them I know okay so

We’re at a different location now that wasn’t our faction ganking us they thought it was originally but it wasn’t um but yeah we lost all those bosses we just spawned so it’s gonna be a little annoying but we have more apparently so it should be fine all right so this is

Like the strategy you pretty much get them in the cobwebs and they’re just stuck and it’s really easy to grind them out especially the the sailors are very very easy we got someone eyeing us out over there though but yeah I’m currently disguised we’ll see how that works out

And we should be able to get a decent amount of loot um at least for the time being is this the same faction the webs they can’t pull out by the way so once you get them in the website because you can’t Pearl and strong because you can’t

Throw a stronghold wow that’s I’m cool he’s worn them with you oh wait for sure they’re hitting me and they got me in I got it don’t oh dude he’s jumping around oh he’s dude he’s one shot I’m doing I’m going down I’m going down to

Kill him I think he’s dead oh he’s literally half a heart he’s half a heart dude wait did he die wait the guys have hearts where is he okay oh shoot I don’t have any Posse no they’re just gonna let him die oh he’s dead other guy other guys oh

Shoot oh crossbow no it’s over I gotta add Viper pearls to this count all three of them are just grinding me out this is pathetic okay all right guys we’re gonna stop killing boss right now there’s a lot of bosses we killed off camera so far look what I

Have my inventory three six nine twelve fifteen eighteen twenty one Boss Loot bags and that’s in my inventory if I do slash claim I have even more that were given to me so you can see a very great way of getting uh Loot on star of the

World especially start of the world is the boss chapters I mean generally you can always do this but just the double boss rewards are really really good all right guys unfortunately we missed the rest of the start of the world chapters there are a few that are worth mentioning so there’s the dungeon

Chapter where the dungeons enable uh the first one does and they require no keys only issue with dungeons only one can be active at a time on these servers so it’s kind of a competition to get into the dungeon and really only the big factions can do it okay you probably

Won’t get into one as a small faction um the next one is voids chapter everybody can do voyages for an hour it’s a pretty fun chapter unfortunately I did miss that and then these last two are again kind of for I mean actually this one’s for basically power factions

The event schedule enables and they happen super quick like the koth events uh Capture the Flag all sort of stuff and they’re all like boosted rates of actually spawning in and also how they take place then the last one which is also really fun which I wish I was there

Is the tournament chapter a 1v1 tournament with OP rewards okay you get like a top 10 lower god Set if you win in first place I think second place also gets something good in third place I think gets something I think okay but I know that winner gets something good at

Least all right from opening those we got a decent amount of loot let’s take out all the bank notes so we currently have a 9.5 million dollars let’s redeem all of these and see what we have we now have 29 million dollars and this is the

Rest of our loot condensed into one PV so we’ve got rare pouches Soul pouches mythical legendary common and cursed pretty good right there a lot of black swirls which will be very helpful for set building using a g kids I actually got some really good g-kit pieces right

Here we’ve got a fat six top and a lucky 10 helmet so I saved those for my god Set we’ve got 12 blade spawners 13 IGS two magma cubes two gas spawners some pirate boots that I missed empty mask four collection chest 250k XP spawn creeper spawn creeper spawn creeper not

Sure why they don’t stack we got a g kitchen gem which we already have unlocked six lock crystals Apec candy which you know level up pets we got some perks that we do not need white scrolls and oh another gkit gem right there so overall pretty good we just hatched her

Pets as well IG pet is good uh don’t really need anything else in there other than the creeper pets yeah overall guys we got a lot of loot from those bosses and we still technically have more to open which we’ll go ahead and do a very quick opening of it I actually don’t

Know other over here we have how many keys we have 17 legendary keys so create quick open legendary 17 and then we’ll also do Mythic three and then we’ll do common two and then we do rare six so all of those are open now this is what we got bunch of

TNT some more oh consumable bundles some money right there another consumable bundle I actually like these they’re very good for you know set building as well TNT stash TNT stats random mask some mystery fragments would give like a lot of I guess they give you a random G

Kit roll which can be very good a lot of legendary pouches which are also very good we got a Santa mask I like that mask a lot so overall great opening guys great opening alrighty guys so we are officially in our factions box so again we are in the number one power faction

On the server okay we’re on randoms which we are number one right here as you can see um we’re actually winning by quite a lot by 1 500 points on the second day it’s pretty crazy we also we’re not doing too bad PVP top this is another leaderboard by the way if you

Don’t know about it it only increases through the use of PVP stuff like cots hardpoints all that stuff player kills player deaths nothing else increases that and it looks like we are we’re six on PVP top okay but we are F top number one which is pretty crazy um and yeah

This is our box so we are boxing with Hoth kid or I think his other IGN is like half duter oh yeah this guy right here you might have seen him on my Katie before and also countdown which uh we were gonna call with them earlier today

So yeah pretty much this is our I think spawner box um I think we have a two by two box so I think we have other oh wait this is a two by two I just realized it’s not yeah it’s not a one by one okay

So yeah this is our box we have this all the way to here I believe I might be able to go lower I’m not too sure but apparently we’re doing very well on IG so you can see all of our Farms right here um these are all a bunch of stacks

Of ig’s like 16 1 1 16 all that around I think these are all ig’s and the setup is really pretty simple I actually made one of these before where you literally just place the spawner on the ground and put lava around it and the way the

Spawning system works it stops the lava from flowing because like we don’t want people watering their spawners I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s from and it just despawns it and what happens is the IGS just spawn and die when they hit the lava instantly it’s not even a burning

Process they just die instantly so that is the whole thing thing but apparently um when he messaged me yesterday we had like 300 ig’s in the first day which is really good and I am going to go ahead and contribute to this because we do

Have 13 ig’s I’ll find a stack of one right here and we’ll pop those in there oh I I can’t do I got to get F owner all right he’s gonna place them down for me because right now I’m not F owner I think someone else has to do it but um

Yes that should be pretty good and obviously this has to go with the title because um this is one of the best ways of getting rich on mine Katie is the Iron Golem Farms there used to be other ones which I’m not too sure if they’re still good or not

Um which is you know the gas Farms the Magma Cube spawners those are really good when I played I’m not too sure if people still use them or if everyone just focuses on ig’s but yeah he’ll place down those spawners for us and we do also have those spawners which uh the

Farms are pretty similar but they’re kind of different where it’s like you place them in water and then they spawn in the water and get pushed into Cactus now as for methods that pretty much anyone can do I would recommend Expeditions which we’ve gone over before

It’s where you go to that world and you kill a bunch of mobs we can show that off right now pretty much do slash Expeditions click on charted aisles and click any of the islands you can see there’s about 100 people in the Expedition Islands right now you get

Warped in with your own set there’s a big tutorial here but if you know about Expeditions you can skip it or you can just skip it yourself by listening to this this clip okay you just type Expedition space boat and click Island one you go here oh I don’t have Bots

Probably should refill on pots um I should probably also get slash shop let’s get some those also our crew tree is not updated at all so we don’t have any speed I’ll buy some of that and it’s also good to buy some strength pots you can literally just use these while

You’re grinding because it is a whole separate system with your set you can’t bring in an Overworld set you have to actually use your Expedition Loadout which is kind of like a locker of stuff that you actually or I guess it’s Expedition Wardrobe not Loadout so you

Have a bunch of loadouts here and you can edit a Loadout put it in here and when you warp in is that’s the one you’re wearing obviously this is the set that’s active so pretty much you warp in you start killing mobs you get free loot and obviously the loot increases as you

Get to higher kills and uh higher levels and stuff like that other than Expeditions there’s a bunch of different loot tables like I already went over the duels in the last last video but again if you do dual top there’s all these different leaderboards that you can go

On to and at the end of the day as well for top ELO and top wins at the end of the day you’ll get leaderboard loot bags at the end of the week you’ll get like 15 leaderboard loot bags which are pretty crazy you can see leaderboard

Loop bags they have a lot of good stuff in them so that’s that loot table so obviously you get from winning Citadel Conquest same thing bosses we already did that competitive it’s all the competitive events like cots hardpoint all that sort of stuff mini game loot

Bags win a mini game get loot bags pretty simple those are other ones pirate that’s like the Flying Dutchman thing that spawns you can kill that get those loot bags Shillings cave shipwreck and ISO de muerta all are dungeons which we’ll probably do in the future I’ve

Done them in the past it’s like a big PVE challenge that you join with your faction and you try to just complete some rooms and get loot at the very end for some more stuff that literally anyone can do I would recommend envoys they’re almost always active right now

Um I don’t see I mean I could probably find a chance if I fly around but they spawn in the war zone like all the time and there’s just a bunch of envoy chests that you get a bunch of loot from similar to that in the end they’re

Actually actually is a whole PVE system you can kill silverfish for nether Stars which you can sell in the shop nether Stars sell for I don’t know where they’re actually located oh in mob drops they sell for 1200 each so that’s pretty good especially because oh I think

There’s an Envoy chest yeah just like I said um we got a collection chest TNT wand and white scrolls but yeah in the end they’re silverfish you get a custom and a shop if I do end shop I think right there yeah there you go the Ender blade

Costs a hundred thousand dollars I’ll just buy it because it’s very cheap and uh it comes with sharpness five on breaking three and the upgrades it has none you can shift right click and there’s a bunch of custom enchants that you can level up with Ender tokens and

Those Ender tokens are given by killing the Enderman around sorry I said they’re silverfish no there’s not silverfish there’s Enderman and they drop nether Stars the reason I said silverfish is because silverfish also drop nether stars but yeah I would show this off directly but the end currently has the

Citadel going right now like I said so I can’t really go there because I’ll probably just die instantly um but again it’s really cool Fortune gives more nether Stars Merchant automatically sells them Jewels gives you Keys lucky gives you a lucky drop Slayer is increased damage finding

Spawners and finding XP it’s pretty cool but yeah I went over a lot of strategies in today’s video of how you guys could make money on mankati or just get items in general there’s also the chronicle which we were doing in the last video This is actually really really good even

If you don’t have the premium or the charge version you can still get a lot of Base rewards right here just by completing it uh there is a lot of grind to it but I mean it can be pretty fun sometimes yeah go ahead and check this

Out as well okay we’re actually gonna do some of the chronicle challenges to try to get a little bit more loot today um tomorrow’s or the next video my Katie’s actually gonna be really really cool so I actually just did a lot of it we actually went to Citadel so I’m

Putting that in the next video and I think we’ll also be doing Conquest again stay tuned for those videos I think that they’re really funny but yeah pretty much this is one of the challenges just craft 64 TNT super easy um we’re currently 8 out of 31 so I’m

Just gonna look through these for like easy ones that I can do and I’ll bring you guys back okay another challenge is buying a ton of TNT from the shop this is a kind of expensive but I really we have a ton of money so it really doesn’t

Matter I think we need to buy like 2 500 TNT which should be done on like right there okay there we go okay another one is selling a bunch of blaze rods so we’ll do that I think we have to sell 10 000 but a full inventory is like you

Know two thousand so it’s really not that big of a deal okay that one is done and I think we actually just got yeah that’s 10 out of 31. so the next Milestone of rewards we’re gonna get 10 mystery mob spawners a Mythic Ped Egg 12.5 million dollars a mystery heroic

Upgrade 96 Blaze Spawners and a voyage portal let’s get that open right now and let’s open up these mystery spawners I’m just hoping for as many ig’s as possible for our box uh we got three ig’s which is actually surprising that was the most common spawner we got out of all those

So that’s good Mr heroic upgrade honestly I don’t know what I want the better set is obviously the best thing to do um but it is completely random so we will get a a pirate 90 that’s actually not bad at all for an early start in the

Map if we do admin items I forget which sword is a pirate sword I think it’s the the Triton is a pirate sword which it might actually already come heroic but we can definitely add the heroic on there get a heroic try in and then there’s a good sword for our God set

Stuff early map all right guys we’re on that note I’m gonna end off today’s video right here it was mainly an explanation video but we did get some action early on during the chapters unfortunately though I did miss out on the voyage chapter so I apologize about that but hopefully you guys learned

Something in this video or just enjoyed it if you did leave a like down below the next video is full of a ton of action so stay tuned for that I will see you guys online remember this week or sorry this map is a five week long map with two weeks of

Grace period and is the final map of phase two of minecadia factions alright guys peace out foreign

This video, titled ‘How to get RICH on the #1 Factions Server…’, was uploaded by MeeZoid on 2023-05-29 16:00:40. It has garnered 9719 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:49 or 889 seconds.

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    Uncovering the Worst Minecraft RipoffsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jugué las PEORES 10 COPIAS de MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Athos on 2024-01-16 17:02:00. It has garnered 89625 views and 1371 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:32 or 1412 seconds. 👉 On this channel I produce Minecraft videos trying to explore various features of the game, bringing not only tips and trivia, but also mods, add-ons and various customizations of the game. ✔ I also make series, play community created maps, test Minecraft store packs and walkthroughs on farms and redstone systems. Eventually I also like to bring building tutorials. 📞 Commercial contact:… Read More

  • “T-benson’s gaming config unleashed my inner demon! 😈🎮” #Minecraft #PVP #Clickbait

    "T-benson's gaming config unleashed my inner demon! 😈🎮" #Minecraft #PVP #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘bensons config turned me into a demon… #minecraft #neverlosehvhhighlights #pvp #hvhhighlights’, was uploaded by T on 2024-03-24 22:32:49. It has garnered 353 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. benson turned me into a demon #minecraft #neverlosehvhhighlights #pvp #hvhhighlights 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial, crystal pvp tutorial, how to crystal pvp,future client, 2b2tpvp,how to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ending in NipunLegendShorts! #shorts

    Unbelievable Ending in NipunLegendShorts! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just wait for that… #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-01-01 07:30:11. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- Just wait for that… #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts NipunLegend NipunLegendShorts YouTube Trending Shorts YouTube Shorts Gaming Gamer Video… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on 1 Heart in Minecraft SMP!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on 1 Heart in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can I Survive on 1 Heart ? in this Minecraft SMP | DECODE SMP Application’, was uploaded by FAHADWarrior on 2024-03-25 10:00:06. It has garnered 214 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:24 or 504 seconds. Can I survive on 1 Heart? In this Minecraft SMP In this video I survive on 1 heart in a smp and complete my friend challenges If I die I’m ban from SMP . You can enjoy video a lot Video idea insperd by @STEEL-WING and @DarkwebGamer Texture pack credit @LivingLegendOP Discord link Tags… Read More

  • Discover the Hidden Jinn Mine in Minecraft!!! 😱👻 #scary #shorts #horror

    Discover the Hidden Jinn Mine in Minecraft!!! 😱👻 #scary #shorts #horrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts #horror’, was uploaded by Jinn Mine on 2024-03-16 11:05:50. It has garnered 15324 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Horror Villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts #horror #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #gamingshorts minecraft horror horror minecraft techno gamerz minecraft minecraft bhoot minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft minecraft horror game minecraft horror videos minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz ujjwal minecraft minecraft game minecraft horror map minecraft ghost bhoot minecraft techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror movie minecraft horor bhutiya minecraft techno gamer horror… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZYROLIC2024 Lung Test Goes Viral! #shorts

    Unbelievable! ZYROLIC2024 Lung Test Goes Viral! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🫁 test #shorts #trending #viral #challenge’, was uploaded by ZYROLIC2024 on 2024-03-14 18:20:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. stream challenge, stream challenge ideas, islands in the stream challenge, 24 hrs minecraft stream challenge part-1, fukra insaan … Read More

  • Destroying my School’s Minecraft Server in 28 Hyper Ways!

    Destroying my School's Minecraft Server in 28 Hyper Ways!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Ruined My Schools Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by 28 hyper on 2024-04-20 18:00:07. It has garnered 2512 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds. -I Ruined My Schools Minecraft Server Hyper SMP public: (where this video was filmed) Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More

  • Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! 🤯

    Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:15:53. It has garnered 324 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Infernos MC

    Infernos MCCreative/survival just for fun server, join the discord to get on the whitelist, adults only please.(no adult rp I just don’t want to be responsible for any children) Read More

  • Longbirch Vanguard Roleplay SMP 1.20.1 Java Races Classes Quests Pets Mounts

    ⚔️ IP: MC.LVRPG.NET ⚔️ Java Version: 1.20.1 Dynamic Map Wiki Discord Trailer A unique Minecraft Survival/RPG experience: Embark on an epic journey in the realm of Longbirch! Forge alliances, battle dark forces, and uncover ancient secrets. Join us and shape the destiny of a kingdom! Features: 10 Classes 9 Races Tons of Quests An ever-expanding selection of Pets 6 Dungeons Deity System Weekly Updates Read More

  • PixelPvP

    PixelPvP🔥 **Welcome to PixelPvP!** 🔥Are you ready to dive into the most intense Minecraft PvP experience? Look no further than PixelPvP, where every match is a battle for glory!🌟 **Why PixelPvP?** 🌟🏹 **Epic Battles**: Test your skills in heart-pounding PvP arenas. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a newbie, there’s a challenge waiting for you.⚔️ **Custom Gear**: Arm yourself with unique weapons and armor crafted to give you the edge in combat. Personalize your loadout to suit your fighting style!🛡️ **Dynamic Events**: Join our regular events and tournaments to win awesome prizes and earn your place on the leaderboard.🏆 **Competitive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Test it to flames!

    Well, with a score that high, I think we can safely say that this meme has passed the test with flying colors! Read More

  • Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd’s Minecraft Caper

    Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd's Minecraft Caper In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Kaito Kidd stole diamonds, pulling off sly dives. But fear not, dear viewers, justice will prevail, As heroes rise up, ready to set sail. With animations funny and full of cheer, Fangkuaixuan’s channel brings joy near and dear. Each video a gem, a delight to behold, So hit that subscribe button, let the happiness unfold. Pirated copies beware, for this is the real deal, Only on Fangkuaixuan’s channel will you find the appeal. So join in the fun, the laughter, the glee, And immerse yourself in this Minecraft spree. From classroom… Read More

  • TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you upgrade your portal in Minecraft but end up summoning a catnap instead of a new dimension. Watch out for those sneaky zoonomaly creatures trying to steal your fire in the hole! #minecraftfail #catnapdisaster Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6 The Magic Five: A Minecraft Love Story Meet Martin, also known as Marty, a Minecraft enthusiast who has embarked on a creative journey to share his story through animations. In his latest installment, “The Magic Five,” Martin explores themes of love and friendship within the Minecraft universe. A Tale of Friendship and Love In “The Magic Five,” Martin introduces viewers to a group of Minecraft boys who navigate the complexities of relationships and emotions. Through his storytelling, Martin sheds light on the beauty of love and the importance of acceptance. Embracing Diversity With a heartfelt message at the beginning… Read More

  • Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival

    Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival The Mystery of the Ancient City in Minecraft Survival Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to some incredible discoveries, and stumbling upon an ancient city is a true testament to the game’s hidden wonders. These ancient cities hold valuable loot and unique challenges for players brave enough to venture into their depths. Ancient City Rewards Delving into an ancient city can yield a variety of rewards, including SCULK catalysts for farming other SCULK blocks, soul-related blocks, rare Ward and Silence armor trims, enchanted books, treasure items, and highly enchanted gear. These rewards make the journey to find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley – Survival, Hypixel, Hive

    Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley - Survival, Hypixel, HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft LIVE! Survival, Hypixle, Hive & More’, was uploaded by Oakley on 2024-05-26 08:02:30. It has garnered 192 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:25 or 10645 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftletsplay #gaming #survival #letsplay Skin made by @empresslittlebit – Read More

How to get RICH on the #1 Factions Server…