How To Make A Minecraft 1.18 Server (Hosting A Vanilla Server is EASY)

Video Information

What is going on everybody i’m back again today this time i’m going to be showing you guys how to set up a minecraft 1.18 server so uh i’m going to get right into it uh so the first thing you guys need to do is go and grab the server jar from you can do this through the launcher too but i like doing it this way so go to the website uh type in download at the very top um just go to uh i’ll put this link in the description but you can just type slash download at the end and

Enter it’ll bring you straight to the page what you want to do is scroll down you want to look for where it says java edition server so you want to click that and what you want to do is download this minecraft underscore server 1.18.jar right here so

Uh one thing i want to mention really quick before we get into this is a lot of people are having this issue where when they type in their batch file they’re not matching the file name to this when you download it it’s going to be called server.jar

See how it says right here it says this type of file can harm your computer do you want to keep server.jar anyway now the reason why it’s saying this type of file could harm your computer is because chrome is just warning you that uh it doesn’t know what this server.jar

File is and it could contain some malicious code that could uh install something on your computer do something you don’t want it to but we know that this file came from minecraft straight from mojang or microsoft um so we know it’s safe so we’re going to click keep

And what i’m going to do is drag this server jar that we just downloaded straight on to my desktop so now pay attention to the name of the file see how the dot jar just disappeared now that’s because by default on windows it’s going to hide the extensions for

Known file types i’m going to show you how to uh show those in a second uh so we’re going to create a folder let’s right click new folder i’m going to call this server 118 for now i’m going to open that up i’m going to drag this jar file that we just

Downloaded into my folder so now i have my folder here an empty folder uh the only thing in it is the jar file that we just downloaded from now you can see it’s not called my server.jar anymore it’s just called server now i’m going to show you real quick

How to set the file extensions so up top where it says view make sure you click that view tab and see this checkbox right here by default on windows 10 it’s not going to have this checked so you need to check this check box and now you

Can see that the dot jar shows up and that’s what you want don’t worry if it doesn’t say executable jar file or if it you don’t see the little java icon here yet i’m going to get to installing the correct version of java in a second

So the next thing we’re going to want to do is create our batch file now this is going to be the file that we’re going to use to launch the server so at first we’re just going to write it out in a text file so create a new text document

We’re just going to call this start start dot txt and you can see that because this check box is checked i can see the dot txt extension if this wasn’t checked let me uncheck it real quick and show you it just says start and watch what happens if i rename it

Because i want i see people doing this people rename it and try to add the txt themselves if i can type it and now it looks right but now what look what happened when i actually checked this box it’s start.txt.txt like that’s a problem and people are doing that so make sure that

You have this box checked before you go and try to change any of the file names uh so we’re going to change it back to just the regular start.txt because this is what you want so then you want to edit this file you can use any text editor that you want

I’m just going to double click it to open it up in notepad and i’m going to zoom in just a tad so we can see what i’m typing just a little longer so once you get this open we’re going to actually write a command right now so we’re going to type in java

And now this is where we get to specify the memory for our server we’re going to type x m x this is going to be the maximum allocated memory the most amount of memory that the server can use now because i’m doing this in a testing environment and it doesn’t really matter

For me i’m gonna set this to two gigabytes or 2048 megabytes you could also type 2g for two gigabytes but i’m going to do 2048m for megabytes it’s the same thing it doesn’t matter now i’m also going to set my xms which is the initialization amount of memory

Or people like to say the minimum and i’m going to set this to 2048 m as well now one thing that is important is this xml xms number cannot be higher than the xmx number they can be the same but you can’t make this number higher that wouldn’t make any sense

This is the max that has to be the highest number so the next part of the command is going to be the type of file that we’re trying to open and that’s going to be a jar file so we just do tac jar or hyphen jar and

Now we specify the file name now this is where people get tripped up make sure that what you type in here is identical to what the file is called in your folder if it’s not called server.jar then you’re going to be typing something different than i’m typing right now but

For most people out there it should be called server dot jar now that’s really all you need to run the server but we’re going to add a couple extra things we’re going to add no gui and now this is an argument that’s going to be passed to server.jar when it runs

Telling it to not use or not launch with the native minecraft gui it uses extra resources and it’s redundant we really don’t need it because we can do everything we would need straight from the console and then hit enter and we’re going to type the pause command now

This what what this is going to do is if there’s an error when this command runs instead of closing the window right away it’s going to keep it open so that you can read what the error is because another thing i’ve been seeing a lot of people do is they’re gonna have a

Problem right with this batch script and when they launch it it’s gonna open up the command prompt window and immediately close it so they don’t ever get to see what the error is but if you have this pause at the end of the batch script it’ll wait before it closes the

Window for you to hit enter and you can sit there and read what the error message is it’ll give you an idea of how to troubleshoot and how to fix your problem um it’s also what i’m gonna ask you if you come to me telling me that that is your issue so

After you have this all typed in uh i’ll also have this in description so you guys can just go down there and look at it um we’re gonna go file save and we don’t need this open anymore so we can close that out and this is where

We’re going to turn this dot txt file into the batch file uh you have to make sure like i said your file extensions are shown if they’re not it’s not going to work so make sure that this box is checked in the view tab this box needs to be checked

Now right click that rename it and get rid of the dot txt on there and type b80 hit enter this little window right here it pops up that says if you change a file name extension the file might become unusable are you sure you want to change it we

Know what we’re doing so click yes so it creates uh changes the text file and it creates a windows batch file that’s what we want so now uh now we can actually try to run the server and we’re gonna run into a couple errors here when i try to launch it so

You can just double click on that now this is a very very common error that most people are gonna have and i explained how to fix this in the other video that i put up about 1.17 but i’m going to do it again here so

Uh if you see this specific error pop up now let me just explain what happened here we ran the java command right you can see what i typed in up here in the batch file and then it gave me the error now this would have exited out and

Closed but see how it ran our pause command down here and now it says press any key to continue it’s going to wait so now we can read what the problem was you wouldn’t be able to read this if that pause wasn’t there so the pause is kind of important um

So now we can read that uh basically this is telling us that our java is outdated so our java runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52 but we need class file version 61. what that means is that our java is uh not new enough now for minecraft 1.18 we need java

17 now that’s not going to be a normal update for java you’re going to have to go out and get that manually i’m going to have a link in the description for the website i’m going to show you how to do that right now but before we do that

I want to teach you how to check your java version so open up a command prompt by clicking start uh type in cmd in the search and it should pop up just open it up and you’ll get a command prompt window like this i can zoom in a little bit yeah there we

Go okay so type in java tech version that’s going to spit out the version of java that we have and you can see that we’re running on java java 8 1.8 so uh another command too is to make sure you have the 64-bit version you can type

Java attack d64 attack version and this will check your 64-bit version of java i mean and you can also see that when we ran the original command that uh it said 64 bit server vm at the bottom um if it didn’t do that you might have been checking if you

Might have a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version installed and that java attack version this first command will show you the 32-bit if you have a 64 and you want to check if it’s there run this command but you need a 64-bit java version to use more memory on your server so i’d

Recommend getting 64-bit java 17 and that’s what i’m going to show you how to do right now so the way that you do that is you go out to this website right here i’m going to have this link in the description as well this is the java sc development kit

17.0.01 download page now if you click on this page right here and you scroll down we’re going to go to where it says windows x64 installer we’re going to click on this right here and what this is going to do is this is going to download the jdk that we need

That’s going to be an exe file and we’re going to run this exe file installing the version of java that we need to run the server so click yes we no longer need to be on this web page so i’m going to minimize that we’re just going to work our way through

This install wizard just accept all the defaults and we should be good now let’s open this back up and let’s type in java attack version and look at that java 17. so we are good now when we try to run our server it should work so we don’t need that command prompt

Open anymore this is our server console and what it’s gonna do right now is unpack a bunch of files uh and then it’s gonna it’s gonna close and if we read what it says says failed to load properties uh it’s gonna create it and this has failed to load euler.txt it created it

So uh what that did was it created a default end user license agreement file now we need to do is we need to go and find that it’s right here you can see that when we ran this it created a bunch of files in this uh folder where our

Server.jar and our start.bat was so now in this folder right here we have our eula.txt we’re going to want to open that up and we can see in here that it says e-u-l-a equals false you want to change where it says false to true save this file and now when we rerun our

Server uh to get this to go away by the way you can just click enter or the x button and um when we run our server it should work so we’re just gonna let it load up and hopefully hopefully it all works and if this pops up right here this is

Asking to let uh java through your firewall make sure you click allow access on this otherwise people won’t be able to connect to it and you can see it’s preparing our spawn area when it finishes doing this the server should be ready to join all right and it finished

So now the server is done it is up it is running and should be ready to join so before we do that i want to explain how do you shut this server down now that we have it launched up how do you shut it down properly do not click this x button

I’m going to repeat that do not click this x button if you click that x button it’s going to immediately shut down the server and it’s going to not save the last couple things that happened to the player data and the levels and the level data so you’re basically going to get rolled

Back you’re going to there’s a possibility that you can lose data there you don’t want to do that the easiest way to stop the server is to just type in the stop command and it’s going to stop the server just like that so type in stop hit enter and

It should shut down and close the window all right we’re going to launch our server back up and once the server’s up and running uh how do you join it right so i made a video on this a while ago but there is three different ways to join a minecraft

Server right you can join the server uh locally like from the same exact computer that you’re hosting it on right you can do it uh via a lan network which is like within the same household like on the same wi-fi connection or you can do it uh

Over a wand connection a wide area network connection which is let’s say that your friend you know across town is hosting the server and you want to join him or vice versa that’s going to be a different type of way to connect and every single one of those ways to connect is gonna

Mean that you need to use a different ip address now i’m gonna explain that just a little bit here if you want some more information on that i have a pretty in-depth video that i will put a card to in the top right right now but

Um because i have this machine hosted in a uh virtual environment so it’s in a virtual machine on my computer it has its own i p address like it’s its own computer in my house so i’m gonna have to use the i p address of the vm to join my minecraft server

Now if i was joining the minecraft server from within the vm it would be like what most of you guys i believe are going to be doing where you’d be joining uh locally so you can just type in a zero for the ip address or your loopback or you can even type in

Localhost but i’ll get all into that all that in a second but you can see that our server is up it’s running and we’re good so what we need to do now is we need to check what the ip address is of this computer so that i can actually

Join it so in order to do that we’re going to go and we’re going to open up our command prompt again and i’m going to type in ipconfig and you can see the ipv4 address of this computer is now this is what i’m going to have to

Type in when i want to join from a different computer if you are joining from the same computer you’re hosting it on you need to type a zero or the loopback ip address which is but we’re not going to get into that right now so i’m going to hop over onto my

Minecraft client and i’m going to join the server and show you guys that it works okay so we are in minecraft you can see we have 1.18 loaded up here we’re going to go to multiplayer make sure you click allow again i guess i haven’t loaded this up on this version yet uh

We’re gonna go to add a server here now the server address this is where people get tripped up right because they don’t know what to give out to their friends and they don’t know what to join now i want to make this very very clear if you are joining

From the same computer you’re hosting the server on type of zero that’s it it’s all you have to do to join your own minecraft server from the same computer now that’s not going to work in my case because like i said i’m hosting it inside of a virtual machine so i need

The ip address that i looked up of the virtual machine if you are hosting your minecraft server on a different computer on the same network like in your same house around the same wi-fi then you need to look up the i p address of the server like i did on the virtual

Machine remember that i p address was 10.0.0 now that’s the ip address that should work so when i click done it’s going to ping that server and look we get a response so now we should be able to join the server we’ll let it connect we’re going to join

And look we are now in our very own minecraft 1.18 server we can check that in the top left see minecraft 1.18 yeah so the next question that people usually have for me is how uh how do i opt myself how do i use game mode commands to set myself

Creative and all that so i’m going to show you how to do that right now because if i was to try and type in game mode uh creative right now it’s not gonna let me do it so what you need to do is you need to go to

Uh the server console and you have to type in a command uh setting yourself as an operator so i’m gonna do that right now i’m gonna hop back over to the server console all right so now that we’re back on here you can see that we’re in the server

Console and you can see that it says in here that i joined it to the game uh we’re gonna type in op and then the username of the person that you want to make an operator so that’s going to be voice dev for me and you can see that it

Made voiced have a server operator and if we go back to the server you’ll see that i can now use the commands all right we’re back on the server and if we look in the chat it says made voice to have a server operator and if i

Try to rerun that same command it should work and now i’m in creative mode okay so the next question most people always ask me is now that i got my server set up now that i’ve got myself uh as an operator and i know how to join it how do i get

Other people that aren’t in my network onto the server so it’s possible if you’ve gotten this far and you’ve gotten the server set up and you’ve been able to get into it then you’ve done all the software right what you need to do now is set up a

Little bit of networking rules so what you need to do is you have to create a hole in your firewall and what that’s going to allow you to do is uh well it’s going to allow your friends connections to get to the server right now they’re going to be blocked because the port

Which by default for minecraft is 25565 that port is going to be blocked no traffic is going to be able to get through until you create a rule opening it so in order to do that you need administrative access to your router if you don’t have administrative access to

Your router unfortunately you’re not going to be able to set up that rule but if you do uh you can do something called port forwarding and if you forward all traffic that is inbound to that port to the ip address of the server then your friends should be able to join no problem

So when giving people who aren’t within your network the address to join the server you’re going to be giving them a different ip address than you would have looked up in the command prompt like we did earlier that ip address in the command prompt is specific to the

Computer inside your network what we need is the address of your entire network and you’re gonna have to look that up on google by googling what is my ipv4 address so once you’ve got your port forwarding rules set up uh you can actually check them using

This tool uh that i will link down to the description and if you put the ip address of the server in and you check it on port 25565 and it says open then people should be able to join your server and you should be good now uh i’m

Gonna link i have a video on how to port forward what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna link that uh in the description as well as a card in the top right and i implore you to watch that video thoroughly understand what you’re doing um you’re opening a hole in your firewall

On your network and uh you should know what that means and when you do it you feel confident that you know what you’re doing now it’s not dangerous if you do it correctly and uh i in my video i show you how to do it correctly so

If you understand what you’re doing you don’t need a perfect like guide to show you exactly how to do it you should be able to figure it out yourself and there are multiple guides out there for how to port forward for every kind of router so

What i urge you to do is figure out what kind of router you have and then go online and google up how do i port forward with this type of router and i’m sure you’re gonna find uh reddit posts um threads in different places uh articles

And stuff on how to do exactly just that and try to follow one of those as well as my guides and try to figure out how to do it yourself because i can’t create a guide on how to port forward for every single router interface the idea is essentially the same for

Every device it’s just the way to do it on each device is slightly different so you guys are gonna have to figure that one out for yourself but uh the people of my might have already figured out for you like i said if you can find a guide online for your

Router i have one for how to do it on xfinity on my channel if you have an xfinity uh router or piece of equipment that guide should work for you now that’s pretty much all i got for this video guys if if you got the port to open uh good

Great you can get people to join your server if not you gotta do a little bit more troubleshooting with the networking side of your server to get the ports open and then people should be able to join no problem but if you’ve joined the server you’ve set up the software right

And you’re doing good you just got to make sure that the ports are open and that the server is uh running on two five five six five and it should be as long as you didn’t change the port number in the file so with that guys uh yeah that’s how to

Create a minecraft 1.18 server it’s pretty straightforward pretty much identical to every other version that i’ve done yeah if you enjoy this video at any point be sure to subscribe for future videos and leave a like um also i want to let you guys know about

The anarchy server if you don’t know i host an anarchy server called the quarantine it’s been going since march of 2020 and uh yeah the ip address to get in is and yeah it’s not very active right now but i’m hoping to change that get some more people on there

But yeah we have a lot of fun it’s giant map no rules you can do whatever you want um and also uh if you want some free quarantine coin drop your address in the comment section down below and with that i’ll see you guys in the next video you

This video, titled ‘How To Make A Minecraft 1.18 Server (Hosting A Vanilla Server is EASY)’, was uploaded by Voizdev on 2021-12-05 02:30:43. It has garnered 242297 views and 6601 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:55 or 1495 seconds.

How to host a Minecraft 1.18 Server. In this video I explain how you would setup your very own Java edition server for Minecraft 1.18. This is very easy and free to do. If you have questions feel free to leave a comment down below. I will do my best to read every single one.

If you want to purchase a server from PebbleHost please consider using my affiliate link:

⬇ Download Links ⬇

■ Minecraft 1.18. Server Download Page:

■ 64-bit Java 17 Download:

■ Port Checker:

► How To Find Your Server Address:

► How To Port Forward With Xfinity:

► Join The Quarantine: ◄ ► Subreddit:

**TO JOIN ON THE SAME PC (LOCAL)** In the address field type “0” or “localhost”

**TO JOIN A DIFFERENT PC ON SAME WIFI (LAN)** On the server pc open a cmd prompt and type “ipconfig”. Look for your ipv4 address and that is what you would type into the address bar.

**TO PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS (WAN)** You need to give anyone outside your network your public IP address to join. To do this google “what is my ipv4 address” figure it out and give that to your friend along with the port. Now have your friend use that with the port to join. They would type it in this format 123.456.789.012:25565. You must port forward. Video tutorial below.

Put this text in the batch file: java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar server.jar nogui pause

substitute “server.jar” for whatever you minecraft server .jar is named

You can edit the -Xmx and -Xms values to adjust your allocated ram. -Xmx is your maximum memory in megabytes and -Xms is your initial memory in megabytes. This is not needed.

■ Notepad++ Download Page:

⬇ ⬇ ⬇ More Tutorials ⬇ ⬇ ⬇

■ How To Add Plugins: ■ How To Port Forward: ■ How To Update A Minecraft Server: ■ How To Host A Paper Server: ■ How To Host A Snapshot Server: ■ How To Configure ■ OP Yourself And Use Commands: ■ How To Connect To Your Own Server: ■ Get A Domain Name For Your Server: ■ How To Fix The Console Closing: ■ How To Show File Extensions: ■ How To Format/Color The Server MOTD: ■ How Get A Texture Pack: ■ How To Put A Texture Pack On Your Server:


Music Credits:

Foria – Break Away ► [Foria] •

Kozah – Hyperdrive ► [Kozah] •

Punch Deck – Coalescence ► [Punch Deck] •

Ship Wrek & Zookeepers – Ark ► [Shipwrek] • [Zookeepers] •

Barren Gates – Devil ► [Barren Gates] •

Disfigure – Summer Tune ► [Disfigure] •

floatinurboat – Spirit of Things ► [Floatinurboat] •


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    Block by Block, Crafting Fish Tank Fun | Minecraft One Block Madness | Devil369 Gaming In Minecraft, a fish tank I did make, One block challenge, for goodness sake. Building houses, crafting with care, In this blocky world, nothing can compare. Gaming in Hindi, with Devil369, Every move, every twist, every turn. From the start to the end of the video, The S K R, with gameplay aglow. Like, share, and subscribe, don’t forget, On Instagram, Facebook, and Moj, we’re set. For business inquiries, email away, Devil369 Gaming, here to play. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft world, let your creativity shine. With every update, every new day, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling 😂🔥 #viral

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling 😂🔥 #viral Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! 🤣 #MinecraftHumor Read More

  • Bedrock vs Java: The Ultimate Showdown

    Bedrock vs Java: The Ultimate Showdown Exploring the World of Minecraft: Bedrock vs. Java Edition When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players often find themselves debating between Bedrock and Java Edition. In a recent video by Oakleypaws, the content creator delves into the reasons why they chose Bedrock over Java and why they have no plans of switching. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key points discussed in the video. Benefits of Bedrock Edition One of the main reasons Oakleypaws prefers Bedrock Edition is its accessibility across multiple platforms. Unlike Java Edition, Bedrock allows players to enjoy the game on… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Mods – Episode 10: Ghasts, guests & goblins!

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Mods - Episode 10: Ghasts, guests & goblins!Video Information This video, titled ‘BETTER MINECRAFT – Episode 10: Ghasts, guests & goblins!🌻 (1.20.1 Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Hollyology on 2024-05-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 230 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:21 or 3141 seconds. Welcome back to the 10th episode of Better Minecraft! Thanks to everyone who watched, liked, subscribed or commented last episode, I appreciate all of you ♥ Go check out Joffy’s perspective here!: Hope you enjoy! ♥ Read More

  • Stunning 4K Minecraft Cimatic Edit

    Stunning 4K Minecraft Cimatic EditVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k cimatic so beautiful 😍 Minecraft edit #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-24 11:57:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. games #minecraftshorts #gaming #viral #madapgaming @TechnoGamerzOfficial @DeadZilla @dream @MrBeast … Read More

  • “¡Última oportunidad de ser impostor en Among Us y Minecraft!” 🚪👾 #impostor

    "¡Última oportunidad de ser impostor en Among Us y Minecraft!" 🚪👾 #impostorVideo Information This video, titled ‘última oportunidad para salir en el pasillo de suscriptores #amongus #minecraft #impostor’, was uploaded by impostorsus on 2024-03-28 20:58:16. It has garnered 442 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Can YOU survive 250 days on Cruel in Survivalcraft?!

    Can YOU survive 250 days on Cruel in Survivalcraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Survivalcraft Gameplay – 250 Days on Cruel’, was uploaded by BAS17 on 2024-05-28 10:22:03. It has garnered 101 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:45 or 525 seconds. Hi I am BAS17 and welcome to my channel, where we explore the exciting worlds of Survival Craft and Minecraft! Join me on epic adventures, survival challenges, and creative builds as we dive into these blocky universes. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell to never miss an episode!” This video is just about me making different furnitures at 250 days on… Read More

  • Insane MLG Slim Block in SMP! #minecraft

    Insane MLG Slim Block in SMP! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@MrCrazyGamerz_69 Silme Block MLG in This SMP #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr_Crazy Gamerz on 2024-04-12 15:10:40. It has garnered 12907 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More


    INSANE DOUBLE XP GLITCH!! | MINECRAFT EPISODE 17Video Information This video, titled ‘SLEEPY STORYTELLING | MINECRAFT | EPISODE 17’, was uploaded by Double XP on 2024-05-29 17:00:06. It has garnered 160 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:53 or 1373 seconds. There once was an Essi… Hayden: TWITCH – TWITTER – TIKTOK – They: TWITCH – TWITTER – TIKTOK – Double XP: TWITTER – TIKTOK – Our PNG Artist: #doublexp #minecraft #episode17 Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Secrets of Bocil Vtubers in Minecraft!! 🤯🔥

    Uncover the Shocking Secrets of Bocil Vtubers in Minecraft!! 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】VTUBER BOCIL BIKIN SAWAH DI MINECRAFT !!🔥 – BIAR DAPET ILMU PADI 🤯??!!’, was uploaded by Ichinose Yuna on 2024-05-10 09:17:13. It has garnered 1259 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:55 or 8335 seconds. 【Minecraft】BOCIL VTUBERS MAKE A FIELD IN MINECRAFT!!🔥 – LET’S GET RICE KNOWLEDGE 🤯??!! Buy Yuna seblak at: Rules to remember when Yuna is streaming: • Please be kind to fellow viewers and comment using polite language. • Please do not engage in off-topic discussions. • Please do not Spam. • Please do not swear, criticize… Read More


    SURVIVING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IN HINDI: 100 DAYS IN MINECRAFTPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zombie apocalypse minecraft | 100days in Hindi…… Here’s what Happened #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Not gammer on 2024-05-10 15:53:08. It has garnered 118 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:00 or 540 seconds. zombie apocalypse storyattempt to survive Hardcore Minecraft while on a deserted raft. This minecraft challenge is extremely hard as I can only live off what I find in the ocean. Can I beat all the minecraft bosses? Obtain overpowered armor? And build my raft up to one of the best bases I have built in Minecraft? Watch to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Skills: Yuto dominates in chill hours

    Insane Minecraft Skills: Yuto dominates in chill hoursVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】chill minecraft hours.’, was uploaded by Yuto on 2024-03-12 03:23:04. It has garnered 130 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:38 or 12338 seconds. 【Streamlabs Donations:】 note: please don’t feel obligated to donate, just you being a viewer is plenty to support but if you do donate it means everything to me 🙂 【Rules 】 ・Common sense ・Be respectful and kind toward everyone here ・No spamming / trolling, just block and rereport ・English chat only ・No sharing of sensitive/private information about others or yourself (doxxing basically) ・Mature audiences only, viewer… Read More

  • PinkCraft

    PinkCraftPinkCraft is a minecraft survival server with cool features like bosses, quests, gambling, level up system, unlockable enderchest layers and more! Join our discord for more information: Read More

  • FroobWorld – Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.6

    Server Information: IP: Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our Website Dynmap: View our Dynmap About FroobWorld: FroobWorld is a small survival server that has been running since 2011. If you enjoy old-school SMP style gameplay, you will love our server. Our rules are simple – no griefing, no stealing, and no cheating. Chat is kept at PG-13 levels. Features: Land claiming: No limit to size (within reason) Lockette-style chest locking /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back commands Long-term maps 32 view distance No donation rewards or vote prizes Read More

  • Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Version No Resets [Join Now]

    Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Version No Resets [Join Now] has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome /day /night /weather /pay /godmode /heal /feed /lightning /fireball. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Join our Discord to participate with the community: DiscordRules:1. No cheats/exploits2. No griefing / stealing3. Respect fellow players4. No spam or… Read More

  • Squid Island’s Pet Parade: Minecraft’s Fate Score

    Squid Island's Pet Parade: Minecraft's Fate Score In the world of Minecraft, where pets roam free, Squid Island is where they all used to be. From wolves to cats, and even parrots too, Their fates are revealed, in this tale so true. Each pet had a story, a fate of its own, Some found new homes, while others were alone. But no matter what happened, they all had a place, In the hearts of the players, with smiles on their face. So join me now, as we dive into the past, And uncover the stories, that will forever last. In Minecraft Squid Island, where pets once… Read More


    EMERALD GOLEM DESTROYS ALL GOLEMS! 🔥 Why did the Emerald Golem bring a calculator to the battle? To crunch the numbers and make sure he’s the gem of the group! #mathjokes #minecraftmemes 🤣💎 Read More

  • Sneaky Disney Date in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Disney Date in Minecraft! Minecraft Meets Disney: A Magical Adventure Awaits! Embark on a whimsical journey through the Minecraft world as it collides with the enchanting realm of Disney. Join the delightful Mel-chan as she guides you through this extraordinary adventure filled with surprises and joy! A Surprise Call from Mickey Mouse Imagine the astonishment when a phone call from Mickey Mouse himself lights up your phone in a rainbow of colors! The iconic Disney character had a special message to share – the upcoming release of the Minecraft x Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Adventure DLC! Unveiling the Magic Kingdom Adventure DLC… Read More

  • The Ultimate Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm

    The Ultimate Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm The Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm: A Record-Breaking Creation In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a group of Brazilian gamers has achieved a remarkable feat – the creation of the largest Mob Farm in the game. This incredible structure has captured the attention of players worldwide, setting a new standard for innovation and ingenuity in Minecraft. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Building a Mob Farm in Minecraft requires a deep understanding of game mechanics and a creative approach to problem-solving. The Brazilian team behind this monumental project has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication in designing and… Read More

  • Rudy vs Mick: EPIC Fat vs Strong Minecraft Build Battle!

    Rudy vs Mick: EPIC Fat vs Strong Minecraft Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘FAT Pomni and STRONG Gummigoo Build Battle in Minecraft! – Digital Circus’, was uploaded by Rudy and Mick on 2024-05-12 09:30:03. It has garnered 4357 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:42 or 2082 seconds. FAT Pomni and STRONG Gummigoo Build Battle in Minecraft! – Digital Circus Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Rudy and Mick are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – @RudyandMick We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Louie and Pip, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t forget to subscribe!… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Collab EP1 with Ended_G & Ansh

    Ultimate Survival Collab EP1 with Ended_G & AnshVideo Information This video, titled ‘Survival series EP1 collaboration. [email protected]_ X @Ended_G X. @Great_AG’, was uploaded by Ended_G on 2024-05-29 13:33:28. It has garnered 38 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:17 or 137 seconds. survival series survival minécraft minecraft @Ended_G @GameplaysBySaurav @Great_AG minecraft shorts op ff army viral trending ytshorts minecarft viralshorts minecraftpe trendingshorts funny minecraft funny try not to laugh smp can i beat minecraft without laughing valorant stretched gaming minecraft new update minecraft 15th anniversary minecraft challenge moxy minecraft shorts xagilla valorant valorant stretched res minecraft op valorant phoenix crosshair aimbot valorant… Read More

  • INSANE! Looting dessert temples at different ages 😱 #minecraft

    INSANE! Looting dessert temples at different ages 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: Looting dessert temples at diffrent ages 😳 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Livee Crafts on 2024-04-06 18:30:43. It has garnered 17003 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Pov: Looting dessert temples at diffrent ages 😳 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft videos, minecraft hardcore, minecraft live, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft animation, minecraft avatar, minecraft asmr, minecraft arg, minecraft armadillo, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft addons bedrock, a… Read More

  • Mega Trees in Minecraft: Insane Building Tricks!

    Mega Trees in Minecraft: Insane Building Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Build Realistic Mega Trees in Minecraft’, was uploaded by MegRae on 2024-05-04 15:00:10. It has garnered 3721 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. This tutorial shows how to make mega trees in creative mode. These trees are nearly full block height, but you can use these methods for smaller builds as well. Mods and plugins I’m using are worldedit, fastasyncworldedit, arceon, gopaint, and schematic brush reborn. ========================== To learn more about schematic brush, check out Pluto’s video. To learn more about worldedit or arceon,… Read More

  • JoeGosh’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Birch Trapdoor World!

    JoeGosh's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Birch Trapdoor World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But The Whole World is Birch Trapdoor’, was uploaded by JoeGosh on 2024-01-10 16:44:21. It has garnered 3049 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft, But The Whole World is Birch Trapdoor ► Subscribe Here – ► Follow me on Instagram – ► Follow me on TikTok – Hello, I am JoeGosh and welcome to my channel. I upload gaming content as well as stream on different platforms. Feel free to have a look around and enjoy your stay. If you have any… Read More

  • Extreme TNT Showdown in Adventure Craft!

    Extreme TNT Showdown in Adventure Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Speedrunner VS Hunter? BUT With MORE TNT In Minecraft – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-03-07 08:45:02. It has garnered 1906 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:55 or 1435 seconds. In this action-packed Minecraft parody video, a skilled speedrunner takes on a relentless hunter in a high-stakes battle filled with even more explosive TNT action. Watch as the speedrunner strategically navigates through the treacherous terrain, utilizing the destructive power of TNT to outwit and outmaneuver their opponent. With heart-pounding suspense and jaw-dropping explosions, this… Read More

  • Amaui Channel Minecraft: Epic Healing Adventure

    Amaui Channel Minecraft: Epic Healing AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘☾ ໋〖 Minecraft 〗まったり癒しのマインクラフト〖 天羽衣┊ななしいんく 〗’, was uploaded by 天羽衣 / Amaui Channel【ななしいんく】 on 2024-01-17 15:16:44. It has garnered 6662 views and 584 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:58 or 11098 seconds. . ⁺˖ ☾ Today’s Quote ☽ ˖⁺ . ⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⋆ I’m by your side, #Amaui! ໒₍ ܸ o̴̶̷ ̫ o̴̶̷ ܸ ₎১ 🩵﹒ Twitter🩵﹒Twitch⟡﹒ General tag ﹕ #Amehagoromo ⟡﹒ Streaming tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoLegend ⟡﹒ Original tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoPictureScroll ⟡﹒ Clipping tag ﹕ #AmehagoromoRoku ╰ ※ We would like to use this in our activities ⋆ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⋆ 🩵﹒ Nanashi Inc Official… Read More

  • Unleashing Bloodshed in Minecraft – Firelight Series

    Unleashing Bloodshed in Minecraft - Firelight SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Deaths = Blood’, was uploaded by Firelight on 2024-06-08 01:00:04. It has garnered 81475 views and 2103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. If I DIE My Deaths Get More BLOODY in Scary Minecraft! What till the end to see the Cursed results! ✅ Main Channel: ❤️ Tik Tok: 📷 Instagram: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for… Read More

How To Make A Minecraft 1.18 Server (Hosting A Vanilla Server is EASY)