How To Mob Proof The 3 Minecraft Dimensions

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Just play peaceful is the easiest way to stop Hostile Mobs spawning in your Minecraft world but most people aren’t trying to stop mobs from spawning altogether they’re just trying to stop them from spawning in particular places and with that in mind I think it’s a very understandable Noble and even fun

Girl to stop mobs from spawning in your Minecraft world I’ve spent many years making my Overworld very very mob proof for a 500 block radius around my house and this is a fun Target by itself but I’ve also stopped Enderman from being able to spawn on my end Island and today

I’m going to be stopping gas from spawning in my never the truth is there are a lot of things you can do to mob proof your world and they’re definitely worth giving a try to Because unless you like being surprised by creepers gas Enderman and all sorts of other nasties

Maybe you should put some effort into making sure they cannot physically be there in any way at all so we’ll start by mentioning that torches are the boring old-fashioned way to do this this is how I lit up my world because it is the easiest method Place torches at a

Consistent interval so that there is never a light level below zero and you’ll never have mob spawn it’s a very delightful method that has gotten a lot easier as of 1.18 because now you can have the Torches be much further spaced apart and still not have mob spawning

There however it is a bit old-fashioned right I mean it does work you can literally see the line where the Torches stop and the mobs start spawning but it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily fun and from my super flat world I’ve learned there are much more interesting

Ways you can do the exact same thing let’s take that area over there for example right in front of the uh you know my lovely cobblestone generator you can see how there are mobs spawning here and maybe I don’t want them to uh but you know lighting it up is not the best

Way necessarily and so if you want to stop them obviously you would use light but if you’re trying to avoid torches because you don’t want to light it up or you just think it looks tacky to have a big torch grid I I think it’s fine but

Some people don’t like it then what you can do instead is you can use partial blocks and this is real fun when you’re using something like these slabs because you can place the slabs down and it’ll look like a normal floor level after you’ve placed enough of them and you

Won’t even know that no mobs can spawn there necessarily you can use Carpets which are a similar effect these are even less noticeable in my opinion and if you really want to go next level on carpets that aren’t noticeable seriously if you place down some Moss carpet you

Might notice in this area with this particular grass color but if we go to the uh what is apparently a jungle biome you can see how it’s very very very uh similar in texture and color to the rest of the biome in fact if you colored an

Entire planes biome in Moss carpet No mobs would spawn there and you would be none the wiser so Moss carpet regular carpet and slabs are all great ideas in my opinion uh but the best one the easiest one is just a whip out also by the way trapdoors I really like as an

Idea they’re very very expensive but they do have a nice little texture to them and then you can go around doing this if you really want to and even uh you know even when you do things that look like they shouldn’t work like placing these trap doors uh this way as

A fun little one this looks like a mob should be able to spawn here but because this block is a non-solid block and this block is a non-solid block even though there is space for him up to spawn they can’t spawn between two blocks very

Handy to know in my opinion but you know what else is Handy to know the fact that you don’t need to use any of these blocks if you’ve got grass below you because of the craziest non-solid block is the pathway block that’s right this block right here which you can get just

By placing on the ground will stop mobs from spawning and that is why every flat world you look at is really really Brown it’s not because people just love uh turning grass into Pathways so much it’s because it’s the only way uh you can guarantee no mobs or spawn that doesn’t

Require placing blocks on the ground which is valuable if you need to cover say a thousand blocks very easily so you can light up your biome or you can just make them into pathway blocks whichever one you prefer will have the exact same results which is easy for me to say but

Allow me to wait till night time as you can see mobs are only spawning outside of the pathwayed up area they’re spawning all the way over there but no matter how far I get from these blocks mobs will have to walk onto them if they want to spawn there honestly it’s a it’s

A nice little display right kind of want to keep it but you know it’s a really nice low area and mobs can only spawn Beyond it but even here you’re not going to notice any mobs spawning onto those blocks because it is impossible for them to do so whereas just grass when it’s

Raining and it’s dark and there’s nothing on there that’s going to be a big problem also why is there a skeleton horse in a boat on my big flat area if you’re curious this is the one air of my world that isn’t lit up deliberately so

I can go hunt mobs here because one reason that you want to light up your world is to deliberately stop them spawning in one place so they’ll all spawn in another the more mobs there are just randomly sitting around your world the fewer mobs you’ll find when you need

Them so if you need a ton of creepers and you don’t have a creeper Farm yet well you come through here and you slice and dice them one by one and wow now you’ve got a lot of Creeper dust I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s called anyway this technique of ensuring that

Mobs Can Only spawn in one place is also something I do in my end for my now defunct Enderman Farm uh but I’ll take you there anyway to show you what it looks like by the way the end portal room will usually light itself up nicely

Because it’s filled with lava but if you ever remove that lava you could obviously remove the ceiling and guarantee natural light comes in here really great idea but anyway let’s go to the actual end and let me show you my strategy to making sure no mobs spawn here because although you can place

Light around this thing and this is usually the strategy people use I do think the end is a particularly ugly place to be covered in torches it just doesn’t feel natural in this Dimension to be covering in torches so here’s what I did instead I covered it in glass why

Did I laminate the end that doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything positive for me the reason I covered the ending glass is that no Hostile Mobs can spawn on transparent blocks that includes Enderman that includes this Dimension it also includes the never if you want to

Cover your nevering glass but as you can see see I am an Endeavor with zero mobs right now we should be surrounded by Enderman and yet none are spawning in case that’s not convincing enough for you allow me to break literally like a no like three blocks over here oh I’ll

Break these just five blocks right here a real simple number and then let’s get enough distance away that mobs can spawn there and wait just a few seconds oh okay no no no oh my Elixir didn’t activate I almost died thank God for this sorry I was I

Think I was doing something with Enderman before I yeah let’s let’s take the stairs up I don’t know if I can trust my leech right now by the way notice how these stairs are very dark but because they’re glass nothing spawning on them okay I’m gonna pick a

Slightly darker spot and I’m gonna make sure that it’s like a three by three Square you know like it’s really tiny enough that you know coincidentally this isn’t going to be the 4×4 Square you know I I guess I up the size a four by four square it’s obviously not going to

Be the magic size that makes Enderman spawn in that one particular spot it’s interesting because Enderman are spawning right next to the patch but they’re not spawning in the patch itself I wonder if they immediately are teleporting and I’ve just not seen it or if they’re coming from you know the

Enderman Farm over there either way I’m I’m hopefully showing that there are way fewer Enderman than you would expect in the end and if we uh flew away and came back no more would spawn uh because yeah when you have a transparent block no mobs can spawn in any Dimension and you

Might think this just includes glass because it’s the most obvious transparent block but also you can use jungle Leafs if you want to and honestly for the end if you wanted to cover the entire thing in slabs or ooh that is weird huh if you want to cover the

Entire thing in Leafs or slabs or trap doors uh you could do that as well or indeed if you want to cover the thing in lava because that’s a source of light and a block that stops mops from spawning it is very very effective anything that has any amount of light or

Any amount of transparency will stop mob spawning the one weird exception that I learned while looking into it for this video is scaffolding does allow mobs to spawn despite being a transparent block so as long as you don’t question exactly how that one works as long uh or so as

You don’t question my beautiful flower pots uh right here which operate in anti-gravity mode uh then will be perfectly good anyway I think uh the key question now though is the never because every everyone isn’t as fanatic as me about covering my world in light or partial blocks but everyone does know

That these are the easy things to do in the other world and the end is roughly the same there’s only one mob you’re really watching out for regarding mob spawning however there never is an entirely different Beast because there’s lots of different spawn rules so let’s

Go there now to find out about them so while I’m here I should probably focus on how all mobs spawn and the interesting way it interacts with light levels and how it’s basically the same as the of world despite this feeling like a very different dimension also

That’s a fun place for piglets to spawn huh but I could focus on all of that first but there’s one problem that’s far bigger than every other never never mob put together unless you’re in a Basalt Delta buyer more you you know there’s basically no scenario where your biggest

Problem in a long-term Survivor world isn’t the ghast which it’s funny because this is the one time that I haven’t seen aghast within 10 seconds of standing around whenever because gas spawn everywhere and they are a pain I mean the the biggest problem with gas isn’t necessarily that they’re hard to kill

It’s just that it’s time consuming it always feels like it’s working wrong like you know that that was perfectly fine on the second attempt but what about the first one and also it just it’s explosive it’s fiery it’s everything that’s wrong with this Dimension and if you don’t have fast

Healing to get away from that as all Bedrock players don’t it is a real nightmare of the situation now let’s compound this with the problem by the way uh let’s say you’re working on a giant tunnel through the nether the reason behind this a lot of people have

Been asking this is a thousand block tunnel I’m working on although I’m carving it right through my never I’m getting really into uh I guess it’s called boring right I’m tunnel boring this giant thing solely because I want to be able to fly through my never quicker however there is one fatal flaw

Of this tunnel it is so big that it allows gas to spawn within it alongside apparently with the skeletons but it’s so big that gas can spawn in this tunnel and that’s a big problem because this is designed to save time and make it safer I mean it took me minutes before flying

Through lots of weird never caverns and having to take indirect routine things it was very very awkward and considerate and annoying uh that I had to deal with that which is why the new better method it would take me almost five minutes before to do this almost 1 000 block

Journey equivalent to about 10 000 in the old world but now with this tunnel as soon as I get here I can fly and actually let’s find out together exactly how long this takes I mean wow look at the power of editing the timer’s already there on the screen uh this tunnel isn’t

Even finished yet as you can probably very clearly tell but even with just the direct pathway and jumping through it in some sections when they’re not uh necessarily all the way tunneled being able to just fly through and have an instant pathway will get me there in 20

30 seconds in the end but even now even having just done the sections that I have oh God this is this is a little bit a little bit fiery as you can tell but even just the sections that we’ve done we’ve already traveled half the distance

Of this tunnel uh we’re about to have gone two-thirds the distance of the tunnel and wow am I there already I I actually don’t know how long that was you you can see more information than I can but that was less than a minute right that was that felt like 30 seconds

Or so and it will get faster and we can even use boats when we’re done I mean have you seen how fast boats can be this you know five minute ordeal can turn into 20 seconds which is why I’m spending dozens of hours to save three to four minutes because if you spend

Dozens of hours let’s say three to four minutes then you’re just you’re like a Time genius that’s that’s just how that is so yeah that’s why I’ve been digging this so much so needless to say the tunnel is important and I hate it when gas spawn around it which is obviously

Avoidable once the tunnel is finished and fully enclosed but it’s even worse when they spawn on the inside of it I mean for real this is a carefully crafted tunnel that’s basically made from navrack if you look around and it’s going to get destroyed and the beauty of

The circle which I know it’s not quite it is a perfect circle but when you go diagonally you need to make more than a perfect circle for it to look perfect but either way this beautiful beautiful tunnel is just gonna get destroyed over time unless I can gas proof it and I

Unlike the rest of the never mobs which are quite easy to stop spawning how do you stop a Magma Cube or a pig Lin or a zombified piglet or a wither skeleton spawning well you have a light level which is 11 or higher that means you

Have to be man these guys pack a puncher that means you have to be at least uh three blocks from a torch so this is light level 14 13 12 11. you have to be you have to have a lot of torches down

Or a lot of fire or a lot of buttons or whatever else you want to do it is actually quite challenging to stop never mob spawning altogether it’s the hardest dimension to mob proof because it’s literally hell they didn’t want to make it easy although in 1.20 it does get a

Lot easier because they’re trying to Nerf portal Farms good job Mojang by the way going for a Nerf really appreciate that I think uh no nerfing certain Farms when they’re op probably a good idea by the way um but yeah anyway so uh we can stop all of those mobs by spawning just

With light level or with slabs however covering this entire thing of slabs not only isn’t viable in terms of resources because it’s a thousand blocks long but it’s also going to ruin the aesthetic of the tunnel so what else do you have to do well allow me to give you a fun

Diagram of how gas spawn they don’t unlike most mobs which spawn directly on top of a block a gas spawns a block above a block so let’s say that this right here is our block which we’re worried about mobs spawning on by the way two half stabs does count as a full

Block as far as Minecraft is concerned it has to be physically uh less than a block just in case that’s unclear I think I I made that mistake a long time ago also a top half of a slab counts as a block for Mob spawning purposes interesting stuff to note but this my

Point here is meant to be about gas because gas spawn the block above it and then they require a four by five by five uh area to be clear so that means it would have to be you know five error blocks over there and then has to be

Four blocks tall and then five blocks deep so every single one of these blocks needs to be unobstructed so just imagine this is five blocks deep okay I can’t actually just say just imagine I’m gonna gonna physically draw this one out for you so this is the area that would need

To be entirely free around the block that’s to be in the middle because the gas is already centered uh four no gas to spawn it’s a really really large area so it’s actually quite easy to prevent gas spawns you just need to have any one of these blocks be interrupted and then

Make sure that there is no area this big or you could do the other thing which is to just put partial blocks down so you know if you put a half slab there or sorry it’s just a slab the the half slab would be a quarter snap but anyway if

You just place down a slab there now this entire thing is irrelevant even if it is there because there’s no solid block for the gas to spawn on funnily enough uh something I noticed is my tunnel uh did spawn the very occasional gas before but it was placing down these

Blue ice blocks with which I’m gonna eventually do some boating which caused the gas to spawn so how do I stop that well I can do the exact same things I would do elsewhere or I can just interrupt the gas somewhere and you know let’s say you don’t want to cover this

In carpet because for whatever reason boats don’t work on carpet I mean it makes sense from a lower reason but not from a in-game logic perspective because they will run over torches and all sorts of other things but yeah what you’d have to do is interrupt every four by five by

Five spawning Cube around here so you could do this really lazily by just having a big tower like this and then Midway up the tower having little prongs go out now you can see with this little thing this little uh fun uh copter there

Is now no way from gas to spawn at least above the you know above this area of it because aghast actually I think we went too low on the spikes but um yeah this would be impossible for mobs to spawn on this because obviously all the blocks

Are taken but by using a solid block we probably made more spawn opportunities for gas so you can do something relatively low Tech like that but today I’m not going for low Tech I’m going for the opposite of low-tech and so what do I do instead obviously we use lanterns

Except oh yeah they’ve got the same problem as carpets they don’t stop the boats from running at full speed but they do stop the boats from running so you know that’s that’s not a great solution I do think lanterns are a great solution to other mob spawning problems

You might have but they’re not the solution for boats so yeah I’ve originally had a plan that I was going to have big chains coming from the ceilings and put some lanterns on them and I’m sure that would actually look pretty cool and be a great addition to

The tunnel to actually make it the best tunnel for flying it might make more sense to do the addition down here where the actual ghosts are spawning and so here is my idea I’ve got some Birchwood now after a little trip to my Overworld I can make myself a ton of birch buttons

And if I place those Birch buttons down even though uh by the way blue ice has a light level to it which is enough to prevent some mobs from spawning it won’t prevent all mops from spawning uh just of the light level by itself also the Light level thing is only true on

Bedrock I have no idea why there is a light level difference between platforms but you know take it up with Jeb not me anyway with that said uh this is the uh you know that this is a thing we can use to prevent not only gas from spawning

Because there’ll be no solid block for them to spawn on top of but which we can use uh also to prevent the Twitter skeletons and the Blazers which you can see are wreaking havoc on havoc on me right now because even though you can kill basically Ever every never mob with

A well-placed trident throw or two uh no one wants to sit here doing this it’s the same wow free tried and kill a free Trident hits just to kill a blaze no one has that much time if we’re being totally honest literally no one has that

Much time and if you happen to uh place your strut let’s say you place a tunnel right through the old never Fortress you might run into some problems there’s something uh I’ve started to realize and so having a big pathway go right through one of these never fortresses is a big

Problem also when I killed on the web skeletons I got myself a Wither Skull how awesome but uh I I need one I need some of those my next big Beacon project at some point but uh yeah as you can see it’s going to be so frustrating having

All of these mops spawn all the time especially on top of this and so what do you do about that well you can use light to make all of these other mobs stop spawning but using buttons or using some combination of the two uh can allow you

To stop all mobs from spawning here even magma cubes uh because yeah like I say it it really defeats the point of having a fast transport method if you have to constantly stop and fight mobs and eat because now those mobs have taken away a lot of your health and so these buttons

Are the solution to that but you might be thinking like oh no toy cat but buttons just like the lanterns they’re going to stop your boat from moving and honestly I think there’s a really good argument that buttons probably should stop your boat from moving however allow

Me to show you the reality which as we all know expectations and reality very different things all of the time uh but yeah let me show you right now if I get on my little boat what happens when I hit the buttons it used to be you’d go

Faster when you hit them but now you just go the exact same speed there is no penalty for going over buttons and uh you know should there be one is a debate for another time I would be fine with that now but for now we can prevent mop

Spawns and have literally zero impact on our ability to ride a boat through here which is pretty great so yeah all I need is a ton of birch wood and we can prevent mob spawning honestly some of the nicest moments in Minecraft are these ones when you know exactly how to

Solve a problem it’s finally started to work in the areas you’re doing it and you just have to do that over a wider area this is why people enjoy farming to some extent I think this is why people enjoy massive projects it’s because it’s about taking something you do know and

Expanding it a little bit further obviously in this case it looks like the blue ice runs out and that is not just because I haven’t placed it yet I have ran out of blue ice in this world something which is very hard to fix so let’s mine some blue ice or some packed

Ice at least hopefully as we mine through this we’ll see some blue ice that we can mine for ourselves but yeah we need to get a lot of ice uh just so we can extend the path way just a little bit to where the cave currently is I

Think in the long run I’d be better off to have like a a better uh you know like go for a lot of blue ice Mining and another Iceberg biome I’ve probably taken just about all of the blue ice this one can offer me but it’s just there’s just something fun about the

Fact that I took this Iceberg biome down to the ground then I took it a block below the ground level and now we get to go below even that there’s just you know something about destruction is fun in the icebergs because you can always keep on destroying in the same way in the

Real world you know we can keep on destroying those polar ice caps and uh cause some problems for these guys in Minecraft you can do it too that and you know in in unlike in the real world you don’t even have to feel bad about climate change you know and unlike in

The real world climate change isn’t even real you are climate change the only thing that needs to be stopped is you if you’re playing Minecraft correctly anyway so um points about uh climate change aside uh yeah I think um one of the easiest ways to prevent mob spawning is transparent

Blocks uh but ultimately it comes down to three things right you can have uh you know light levels you can have transparent blocks or you can just physically not have the space and all of them are equally viable solutions for different points in time

Um you can as long as you know the three different ways to do it you can work it best into your build and that’s what art is probably all about right is having the tools at your fingertips so you can do the fun things with them I uh you

Know there’s always famous movies that come out that don’t have the the right but they’re really well produced but they’re really badly written or there’s really low budget things that are great um you know it happens all the time because we we are creative people that have lots of fun creative things but

Anyway I I want to talk a little bit because you know let’s plays I love to mention while we’re in here like what I’ve been up to in the last week a lot of people like it as an update as to what’s going on in the toy cat world and

Uh I don’t want to like dive into all the details yet but it’s been like a a rough week for me one of the the rougher ones in a while like it it’d been building uh for a little bit but it’s like a it’s something I want to mention

As uh like when uh like when things got like kind of uh bad I I my immediate thought was like I wanna dive into some Minecraft and I say this a lot but Minecraft is the game that is always there for you there’s a lot of things uh

That aren’t always in the same boat but Minecraft uh is a game that you know takes as much or as little as you want you know if you want to go around as the climate change Force you can do that if you want to run around

Um you know doing silly things in the nether you can do that if you want to just uh you know sit there turning an entire plane’s biome into uh dirt Pathways do it you know I I’ve been really missing my flat world by the way

It’s coming back as soon as I’m back in the UK which is I think actually the day this video goes live but you know like um so uh you know like I’m oh blue ice there we go we finally got four blocks worth of it so doing pretty well myself

Don’t want to brag uh look look how many blue eyes I’ve got I can basically extend the pathway all the way to the end now um but yeah so what are things I I realized is like that’s that’s a thing another thing I realized is like how

Much your uh like your mood and your stomach are really linked and it’s something that everyone it’s it’s like not the biggest Revelation in the world but it’s always weird when you spot it in yourself in my opinion because um you know you always just assume like

Yeah well I I eat the food and then my body turns that into energy but because of the weird way we’ve evolved to obviously need to have signals sent about foods that are good that our body wants more and foods that are bad and our body wants Less in the same way that

It makes no sense to be depressed because you you know you don’t have any friends like what what what what what’s what biological sense do friends make well actually makes a lot of sense to be depressed when you have no friends because that means you might be out

There dying alone like okay it makes a lot of sense to be depressed if you think you’re never gonna you know reproduce because that’s that’s like one of the things the species is all about like so all these sorts of things that like uh all these weird biological

Signals make sense and one of them is food and so I I’ve noticed something very interesting which is that um when you’re like because it works both ways like when when you’re sad your appetite goes very crazy the the stereotypes you sit there eating Ben and Jerry’s and watching sad movies right

Crying in front of your TV but um I feel like it also uh can go yeah I feel like it goes the other way where there’s like well you forget to eat you don’t have as much passion for anymore because you know it’s this happens to animals which is why it’s like

Uncomfortable to say it happens to humans um but like you know you just uh you get less excited about uh you know like when when you’re sick you get less excited about living and when you’re emotionally in the same way it it gets the same thing sometimes and that’s that’s what I

Think Minecraft is at least part of solving and uh yeah so even like um if you’ve never been around Solomon’s depressed if you’ve never been depressed yourself you might know that like the the ridiculous but partially true thing is like yeah you have to remind yourself

To chat like it sounds it sounds like nonsense but like there’s there is a truth to why it is like just all these basic functions which are you know second nature and easy uh maybe stop being that way so much also yeah I think rather than destroying the surface level

Off this it definitely makes more sense to just go down and do it that way like mind the blocks from down there make sure we pick them all up of course but I’ll get a lot more blew up even if I get one ninth as many blue ice it’s

Better than getting the packed ice because then I don’t have to craft it and I’m a very lazy person who likes to avoid that sort of thing um but yeah no it’s uh it’s it’s it’s it’s a it’s it’s an interesting Revelation wait whenever I learned something about

My body I’m like huh that’s interesting like I know that’s true for everyone else but you like to you you know in in the same humans we we were a separate category to us and you can see why right it does feel correct that why do we lump ourselves in

With hyenas you know have you ever seen a hyena have you seen a giraffe they don’t they don’t they’re not smart giraffes aren’t sitting there uh you know like making uh you know like uh cool uh Kendra rafts even invest have you seen have you seen a giraffe ever

Draw a painting I think not like take any type of intelligence um Can it can a giraffe make Minecraft commentary has a giraffe ever built a tunnel in the nether oh what’s that humans one it’s giraffe zero um has a giraffe ever tried to survive 100 Minecraft days The Continuous live

Stream uh for some reason oh is that another win for the humans I think you’ll find it is uh humans number one giraffes sorry just sitting there in the in the minor leagues by comparison so I’m gonna try and dig down from here and see where this leads me is it gonna

Leave me also into blue ice or okay getting the blue ice does require a little bit of looking around honestly uh but we’re gonna do it anyway we need to get uh enough of this so we’ll do this right now um yeah the it’s it’s it’s really important to um

It’s it’s it’s weird to realize that in the same way we as ant we we as humans are the same as animals or not the same but in the same category um sometimes it can feel like yeah other humans are just there are some things that I just don’t understand about the

Human experience and I wonder why that is like am I you know like is something wrong with me or something wrong with everyone else is there is the is the eternal struggle uh for at least some percentage of the population um and uh at least it’s been the struggle

For me like I just uh never quite knowing like well this thing is normal but it’s also not reflection of my life or how anything works for me in the slightest so is it actually normal uh and so whenever you find one of those things it’s like a weird it’s a weird

Experience like it’s comforting at the same time as being the exact opposite of comforting um and uh yeah speaking of comforting but the exact optim thing I’ve got myself a lot of blue ice which is really cool because you know what I can do with this it’s another one of these weird

Transitions that takes me five minutes off camera oh I’ve got 27 weather skeleton skulls now that’s enough for nine River fights that’ll be a fun time whoa those piglens just spawned on a button I’m a little bit worried about the Theory not standing up now unless piglets follow different rules or

They’re spawning on the middle block let’s hope it’s that one anyway so uh that transition was meant to be much better wow I’m hearing than never with my blue eyes and look what I can do with it I can place it and now the blue eyes pathway gets a little bit longer

Um yeah they’re they’re there is a uh weird time that can come when you realize um that something uh Universal applies to you uh and you know like I I’m trying to act like this is a real Pleasant thing sometimes it’s like the super unpleasant stuff like I think the most common issue

That people just kind of ignore and say that’s definitely not for me is uh is death right is the is the very ending of it all is uh because you know it’s it’s really I I’ve told the story before about how I um when I was young my teacher told me

Not to eat sand and just as I active like Defiance I was like well I’m gonna eat the sand anyway you can’t tell me what to do you know teacher from uh you know from Like Preschool I guess uh zero uh toy cat one me winning her losing I

Hate to tell you but that’s just how it is um even though that’s like you know a big part of it for me is like I I I’m quite concerned if I if you tell me to do something I want to do the opposite like that’s that’s why I barely do the

Whole like make sure to like the video smash it because some people just say smash like video with no other like context or explanation of why it’s like why would I do that you can’t just you can’t just tell me to do something blindly

Um by the way if you want to blindly do something feel free to subscribe or don’t subscribe and then you might not see future videos oh that’s that’s a very very naked fret because there’s so many YouTubers that of course of course you don’t care about this particular one

But um no yeah it’s uh would that be a naked threat or a very Hollow threat yeah Hollow not naked I mean Hollow and they could have overlap but yeah the um a big part of it was also like I just didn’t believe I could be harmed like

I’ve been fine my entire life uh to that point like I I genuinely didn’t think I could die age five and so I was like well if I eat the sand and I die that would be interesting right I mean like wouldn’t that be something I would

I would now know I no no human alive even the smartest human beings alive know what death is actually like we have a pretty good idea you know sometimes spiritual sometimes um you know scientifical we have a pretty good idea that it feels like nothing after you’re dead but what about

The death itself the the closest thing we have is that some people have gone through near-death experiences and so they can tell us what they think it’s like because they were on the way to death but like I couldn’t tell you what a Big Mac tasted like if I was once

Driving to McDonald’s and then got out of my car and started driving back right that’s not that’s not how that one works at all I I hate to tell you I can’t tell you what it’s like to um you know what’s what’s this what’s this I can’t tell you what it’s like to

Beat the ward and the Wither and the end of dragon at the same time even though I’ve beat them all separately and I bet it feels like something I have a good assumption should we replace the the uh yeah let’s replace the love with ice I

Think there’s a perfect irony to that or I guess fun fun little Coincidence of nothing else so yeah this this blue ice pathway it’s gonna run some decent distance that way but it also has to run some decent distance this way also really have the buttons solved it all by

Themselves after the pig lens I was worried but I I think they have I assumed that what I’d have to do uh down underneath is use my torches because I’ve got these lovely torches down here and then I was going to be like but here’s a fun thing I can do instead

Because obviously there’s fire everywhere we could just like place a bit of fire place a better fire every like let’s call it free blocks and on the other side do a piece of flyover three blocks but like not lined up and then we could slowly light every single

Block prevent gas from spawning and uh also have you know no no wither skeletons and whatnot but uh yeah it looks like all the mobs have just stopped spawning so we can ignore this for now as you all know if the problem uh you know this this is

Actually what they advise when you take medication it always says as soon as you feel fine stop taking it it’ll probably be just great especially antibiotics Pro tip uh internet that is uh there’s some bad life advice for all of you you know you deserve it if you’re

Gonna if you were gonna take medical advice from a YouTuber then you know maybe maybe maybe that’s a maybe that’s the real problem here and not the advice that YouTubers giving I sometimes get that like oh toy cat don’t you think you’re uh encouraging uh insert you know

Protect you know like we have these groups where we’re like oh yeah aren’t you scared about what children will do when they watch your video and it’s like well I mean I I think that people can think for themselves and they’re not uh you know like you there is no amount of

Telling me um about you know the the worst uh doctrines in the world there’s no amount you know I guess if you told me not to um become a uh insert bad thing here maybe that would work on me but there’s no amount of any uh like uh propaganda

You can give me they’ll convince me of a lot of things right you you cannot convince me um gravity isn’t real even though you know I’m sure our exclamation off it is a little bit of a oversimplification I do think the idea of gravity probably probably is is legit right anyway so

Yeah this is my big never tunnel as you can see it’s missing a few of the sides right now I I had this really fun idea especially for here what I want to do is have a big window in here um because I’ve I’ve got maybe you

Noticed I’ve got a glass shocker box so I figured like if you’re gonna have a big tunnel especially one like this where it’s kind of enclosed and it’s otherwise would be out in the open it’s worth having a bit of floss like a little peephole so that we can see

Inside it from outside it also I’ve got some I’ve got some serious inventory problems I know don’t worry it’s it’s one of my one of my things I need to solve but let’s take some blasts and let’s uh let’s Place some over here let’s make a lovely little window on the

Corner so I think it’ll be I think we actually make the whole wall the window so if we also a zombie spawned here how very interesting same same rules as you can see there’s no there’s no half blocks there’s no partial blocks there’s not enough light

And so a zombie spawned there the the way the fact that zombies can spawn in the nether at all is a weird uh artifact of Old Worlds if you’re curious uh should there be this artifact again very different question but now we can make a lovely little window

Does the window look good that’s a different question I I imagine that the thing we have to do to make the window look good is have it be properly enclosed on all sides properly enclosed on all sides one of the things I’m trying to Welcome by the way is my annunciation

It’s uh I think it’s natural for all people that you slowly let slip the precise way you say words but I think it’s like a person who speaks for you know God knows how many minutes in a row it’s something I really want to work on

So yeah we’re gonna place our big old um glass here I I think we can make another one further down the line here this one works but this is just the test one so I can see out properly right um so we place the make sure there’s

Polished um is it polished or is it yeah it’s got some polished deep Clay on this side make sure the lock is all good on both sides and then that is our window does this look good internet I kind of like it right imagine that’s actually sealed in because right now

There’s a giant window that is actually pretty cool being able to see the outside world from the safety of insight there will be no mobs spawning on the inside of this because again I’m going to light it up correctly I’m going to use buttons where uh so yeah he spawns he’s definitely

Spawning in between the buttons that is a sign I need to place more buttons probably but I don’t have any buttons on me and I don’t want to go get some because my inventory is horrific let’s let’s place all these polish deep slate and then let’s get those You know I have to quickly cut short my little segment of plot cutting because wow a gar spawned in my tunnel that I haven’t covered in buttons and he’s you know I I have armor thankfully but he would have wrecked me straight unconscious if it weren’t for all those

Blocks so thank God for them there’s one inside the tunnel and one outside the tunnel so this is gonna be especially fun I think wow that does look pretty good doesn’t it the only thing that could make it look better is if there weren’t gas pointing on the inside of the tunnel

Because it’s a nice tunnel I think uh but yeah we need to stop that let’s go fix it okay I’m back with my Birch buttons and a lot of birch logs so I can make a ton more of these as well as some blue ice and wow even better than any of

That my pickaxe has been upgraded from efficiency 2 to efficiency 3. you might wonder why I’m bothering to use an efficiency free pickaxe and one is because this tunnel is 190 something thousand blocks uh we don’t know the exact number till it’s done but there is

So much never act that needs to be mined and using neverite just doesn’t make any sense for the sense of resources really on one level but on the other level it doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t mine any faster you can mine instantly with efficiency free anyway look at look

At this I don’t need a beacon I don’t need never right I’m just tearing through this like it’s not even there so that’s why I uh I have uh the pickaxes that I Do by the way and I’m pretty proud of the amount of mining I’ve done

Like I I’ve been keeping a rough total and I’m at about you know 40 done now so I’ve mined uh 70 something thousand blocks and that is so many when you put it in perspective like every single one of these buttons is like a nice little

Place by itself it’s cool that we can place like you know one one per second maybe but to do that for every you know like for hours and hours and hours we’re now 20 something else and it’s it’s a fun project I think honestly um you know take this from someone who

Uh needed Minecraft uh more more than a lot of things this week maybe more than a lot of people um having like these big projects that you’re working on is really really great because you know that your uh your time and your productivity it’s going somewhere important uh you know it’s

Even if it’s not important to you right now it’s important to Future you and in my opinion that’s not just important to know for Minecraft it’s like uh oh yeah that’s that’s how you can be good at functioning that is like a really important way to live your life for

Injury Fair anything really like you need to be able to uh understand uh the the relationship between your past self and present you like it sucks if you’re you know if you’re in a bad place right now maybe um and you know like so some a lot of

Problems in life are solely down to bad luck in the draw maybe most problems even uh some problems are down to uh mistakes you’ve made in the past the reason I feel so bad is because even if I know I’m lactose intolerant IHS right but past me really enjoyed eating the

Cheese and just kind of handed the problem off to Future me even if you think about something as minor as like um but the way you the way you get into a parking space you can get it you know I’ve been driving a bit in Vegas recently because it’s the only way to

Get around American cities I don’t know if you can tell but um if you uh if you think about uh like Dr when you think about parking you can park in uh one of two ways you can go front in which means later you have to reverse out or you can

Reverse in which is a little bit harder but means that later it’s a lot easier to get out but there’s a lot of banging on one of my walls I hope I hope everything’s I hope everything’s fine but um yeah they um you really really need to uh you know

Like uh work out the relationship between past you and future you also that is aghast he spawned outside the tunnel which makes sense I can’t stop them from spawning out there I can place the blocks all I like but that’s not gonna solve my problems but um yeah I uh

I I think the that you can either do a favor for future you or you can know that future you wants to do the favor for past you which isn’t really doing a favor it’s like it’s required right in in the same way that earning 20 when

You’re a child is like wow see like I speed him I never earn twenty dollars I’m British I earn 20 pounds I’m I’m americanizing the story because the international audience knows does and they don’t know no pounds um by the way oh there’s like a big announcement about uh where my life is

Heading uh residency-wise that I I’ll make when I’m I’m ready to but um yeah the um the interesting thing about um the the interesting thing about uh that just that exchange is like yeah do you do the thing for future you or do you do

It for now like because uh like like I mentioned with the um the money thing when you get 20 and you have no uh preconception of like what you need to spend it on it’s amazing if you have rent that’s coming to you like getting Christmas money uh

Can be a real bummer if you think to yourself like yeah I’m going to need that if I’m going to pay this this really big Bill or even worse is when you buy things on credit and oh yeah I am paying for the nice sofa or TV or

Whatever it is that I bought uh you know a few months ago like that is a bad feeling you should ideally do your best to avoid in my opinion also come on guys you gotta at some point you’ve got to stop at some point you’ve got to say

There’s so many buttons around I’m not gonna spawn again they’re all spawning outside the tunnel uh inside the tunnel has been gas free since these buttons which is a a pretty cool uh development if you ask me I wonder if this will cause more problems because it’s a

Straight line I imagine not but we’ll we’ll find out I guess um so yeah uh the in in the same way uh when you know you’ve just got to do something it’s way less fun than when you choose to do something even when it’s the exact same thing

Um weirdly enough but also you need to work out the relationship of like doing things that’s how it works for the future in my opinion like when we’re talking about things that haven’t happened yet it is a huge sacrifice um that past you is expecting right now

You to make and sometimes you don’t want to make that sacrifice sometimes you think past you has been a little bit of a dick for making you make that sacrifice um and um whereas the opposite is being really nice to Future you so that you know okay if you imagine the this is

Where that hypothetical comes from in my opinion imagine you wake up and you’re in uh who’s like a young billionaire like uh I guess Mark Zuckerberg you want you don’t want to be too old because otherwise the whole thing loses point but imagine you wake up in the body of

Someone who’s won the lottery or someone who has a lot of money wow um you know like that’s a really fun thing to him or you know even even just on a more minor scale like someone who who works out every day and is really really in shape and you know it’s all

Just as really attractive let’s just say um it’s like wow that is so cool imagine all the things you’d do um when in in you know to some extent in in reality that’s just yeah that that is what it would be like if past you had done all those things past Year’s life

Would have sucked so much more you know like meeting the cheese this morning like man I I really enjoyed the cheese I’m gonna I’m gonna love with you I know I shouldn’t have done it but I liked it anyway I could have just made a crafting table from the Birch I had um

I really really um I I really really really know I shouldn’t have done it but it was just good and if it’s good then maybe that’s worthwhile is what I think but the ideal set of thoughts would be what if I did things that had that in the same way I

Think everyone’s got a utilitarian brain at heart like you should do the net most good for the net most people right um idea ideally we all get complicated when we work out what good is and how many people matter from you know whatever our personal tribe matters more

Than the collective tribe but we we all agree with the the vague idea that you should do good for the collective over good for the self um that you should do good but you know the many and not the few right or the uh

One for all and all for one I don’t know the way people put that everyone has that vague idea but then when you start putting into motion that’s when things get complicated real quickly um and so if you think about it what’s the best thing you can do for the most

Versions of you I mean like I know living longer is probably a good one or like you know making uh you know like better decisions of your yeah like um if you’re watching this and you’re you got a problem with uh like and uh like

Uh you wait just uh just just drink a bit more water I love I I love water so this isn’t a sacrifice for me but um I I do notice the difference between uh when I go crazy on drinking uh what I what else I drink and just water like water

Wow it’s what your body craves when you know um if you really like this is just my take this is not science this is just random dude’s opinion on the internet um when when you drink uh like a Coke or whatever and you really enjoy it you’re

Really enjoying the water that makes up 95 and then the flavor the little like quickly you know the thing that sexy issues water and the thing that gets you to want to drink it in the first place is the sugar or whatever else is in there I’m not gonna pretend I know the

Chemical breakdown of coke also um yeah even though most of this is gonna be buttoned only on the edges I think for this middle section where you can see it’s clearly a stronghold it might make sense to place some buttons in the middle too I don’t know how many buttons

Or for how long but I’m just guessing if we do this we’ll have a better time also I’m guessing we should place a bunch of torches or fire or something like Pro tip when you have a nether fortress that’s like around and it’s not really being used just place a torch

Here or there or everywhere and now now we don’t have to deal with Mobs I assume this tunnel is not fully more proofed yet but you’ll notice how earlier there was five wither skeletons and Blazers uh a ghast and some piglets and now that’s just a zombie piglet in fact let’s kill

Him let’s let’s kill him right now um Pro tips might five sword can one hit KO Pig lens and uh wow look at that the tunnel is safe safe for me to ride a boat through again and again and again and again and uh yeah that that is a

Piece of work I did right now and it benefited My Future Self uh working out small things you can do like that in Minecraft whether it’s a you know it’s a like 40 50 hour tunnel project through the nether or whether it’s just something as simple as mob proof thing

So you don’t have to seek us oh look there’s no gas here there’s just a weird looking Magma Cube um doing those things for yourself is something you’ll probably come to appreciate look at this I’m coming oh okay Blaise bomb there you spawn on the side so now let’s mob

Proof the sides of the tunnel that’s what you gotta do and if you do it you’ll have a better time that’s why my proofing is actually uh you doing a favor to Future you and it’s something you can really benefit from or I’m just a guy talking on the internet either way

I hope you’ll enjoy the video because you can subscribe if you want to see more uh let’s plays they happen on Mondays not every Monday but I think uh you know I like survival Minecraft so they’ll happen from time to time and also check out streamers it’s starting

Real soon I’m gonna stream for most of the days in uh December I was gonna say November but definitely getting the month wrong with that one and if you want to come check them out uh it’s a great way to see stuff like this the

Long form content which I I like to make on YouTube I’m gonna level view So yeah thank you for watching hope you all enjoyed because I’ll see you in the next one goodbye foreign

This video, titled ‘How To Mob Proof The 3 Minecraft Dimensions’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2022-11-29 02:21:08. It has garnered 45197 views and 2064 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:47 or 2867 seconds.

a guide on how to mob proof in Minecraft:)

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    Insane Kiddie Rod Catch! BIGGEST Fish EverVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIGGEST FISH EVER CAUGHT on KIDDIE ROD!(FISHING with NORM…’, was uploaded by Adrenaline Rush Adventures on 2024-04-16 21:00:08. It has garnered 37703 views and 2676 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:10 or 2050 seconds. Norm and YakPak are in town and we challenged them to a kiddie pole competition! Barbie rods, Spiderman, Minecraft, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, LOL, and Moana are all competing for the biggest river monster! Come see who pulls out the official/unofficial world record! Who do you think will get the WIN? Comment down below! Please LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT!… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden vs Golems – Who Will Survive?

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden vs Golems - Who Will Survive?Video Information This video, titled ‘Who will survive….. Warden or Golems’, was uploaded by Mr. HK on 2024-04-06 11:32:18. It has garnered 481 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. who will survive Warden or Golem…. #shorts minecraft friends 2, minecraft icrimax, minecraft house build, minecraft rp, minecraft paluten, minecraft song, minecraft lusa, minecraft parodileri, minecraft friends 2 benx, minecraft german, minecraft zozo, minecraft quarry, minecraft zombie sound, minecraft sugar cane farm, minecraft raid farm, minecraft train, minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft zombie villager heal, minecraft quartz house, minecraft quest modpack, minecraft quartz farm,… Read More

  • UltraVanilla SMP 1.20.6 Survival Dynmap Build Competitions Events No-Reset Collaborative Wiki Brewery Discord Bridge

    UltraVanilla UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server with minimal enhancements to the core game. Founded in January 2019, the server maintains the same world it started with, where everything is built in survival. With 30 player slots, it offers a tight-knit community feel without overcrowding. Community Projects are suggested and discussed on Discord, welcoming contributions from anyone. Server Details Address: Java edition: 1.20.6 Looking for 1.20 land? Go to /outpost. Community Features Extremely friendly community Old-school Minecraft server vibes Minimal enhancements to the core game, no pay-to-win 5 to 20 active players online most of the time Key… Read More

  • Phone Server

    A Minecraft Survival Server ran on a old phone the version is 1.12.2 it’s a vanilla server and the port changes when we have to completely restart the entire thing which shouldn’t happen much except when it seems to freeze. If you have any requests or suggestions for the server email me at [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Heh funni Creeper meme

    I guess you could say this meme is really mining for laughs with that score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java

    Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java In preparation for the update, I’m on the grind, Crafting fire-resistant gear, exploring the Nether to find. Nether fortress and Piglin fortress, my goals in sight, Growing sugar cane faster, a challenge to ignite. No bone meal for sugar cane in Java, it seems, But with patience and care, I’ll fulfill my dreams. Expanding my village, setting up a new base, No time for devices, just exploring with grace. So join me on this journey, as I speed up my days, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity plays. 6/13 is the date, the update is near, Let’s dive… Read More

  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: Follow me on Threads: Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

How To Mob Proof The 3 Minecraft Dimensions