How To NOT Raid Bastions | EUsurvival 1.18 Vanilla Anarchy

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Am i live is this working i think it is right okay what’s up hello everyone uh welcome to the first skatosmi stream with the new setup i mean i bought this webcam today so it’s not my first facecam stream and i’ve realized that i don’t like the bandana

And i want to uh put my face mask on because it’s way more comfortable and i want to be able to drink monster so i’ll probably switch to my face mask like in a bit um but i’ll keep the bandana on for the first like few minutes today this stream we’re gonna

Be reading bastions and i’m not gonna do that alone i’m gonna do it with who we hi we hello are you ready um i’m in nether i’m never ready in the nether yeah yeah the nether is scary guys uh i don’t know if we’re gonna be able to do this

Uh we’re gonna try um yeah why are you wearing a gold helmet because i’m afraid of piglets okay okay let let’s go let’s go just don’t die away please i try this is going to be funny it’s going to be so sad if you just die after the first like minutes you know

Well we we we will not just not yeah you’re you’re amazing everyone knows hi senko by the way uh you look like he bout to sing a k-pop song what the [ __ ] no i don’t i am literally oh no oh no where are you where are you

Okay okay okay it’s fine where are we going uh just follow me just go anywhere oh wait i love you i think i saw you okay okay yeah yeah keep going i’ll i’ll just follow you just go somewhere wait did you go straight

Uh i’m oh yeah i see you i see you i see okay just just go just go i’ll follow you so we are looking for nether fortresses and bastions right yeah yeah yeah we just want to loot some shits uh because we’re kind of poor you know and we want to be rich

Yes everybody wants to be rich yeah capitalism oh here’s the fortress that’s the first one oh it’s a big one maybe we can get some wither skills let’s go i’ll get them for you don’t worry about it oh oh oh i’m still good at minecraft yes you are

Uh gold on top hi triggerty what’s up so but should we rather look for bastions or are we also looking around here i don’t know do we need anything no right maybe we can get some withers with their skeleton heads i don’t think we’re gonna get any though no

Okay we can keep we can keep looking for uh for bastions i’ll follow you okay always go straight okay i want a good one like a fat bastion you know okay so somebody was here already really yes because you can see that the lava streams are not coming like oh [ __ ] okay

I mean as long as the bastions are not looted it’s it’s all right yeah bandana face game stream guys it’s very uncomfortable yeah yeah we don’t need this that’s fine we just go look for a bastion you’re pretty good at flying huey i was i’m impressed i’m impressed i i didn’t expect this

[Laughter] you know most of the time you can barely like uh throw an inner pearl and now you’re just going to another yeah yeah it’s amazing just because i am i have such a good teacher dude you’re supposed to be my dad come on yeah come on

But you know it’s as you know the meme are you winning son oh yeah yeah yeah wait did you go straight yes uh uh i’m going into are you in the soul stand by him now yeah yes those and rally uh i lost you should i say the coordinates

I kind of did lose you though wait where the [ __ ] are you are you like in the souls and by him yes i’m on y66 there there you are amazing so we’re gonna end the [ __ ] leaking our [ __ ] dudes i i can already guess but it doesn’t really matter we’re not

The third place so oh skeletons shooting wait why are there no bastions like what is this i don’t shouldn’t be that hard right okay i’ll follow you okay there’s another fortress on here there’s so many fortresses what is this we’re not going towards spawn right uh well kind of okay

Try to go like away from spawn you can see the chords yeah yeah um you can fire it to find bases yeah i’m i know i can pirate to find bases but we’re not looking for base we’re looking for bastions the other b bird exact same thing kinda come on

We’ve been flying oh finally here here here in here okay okay as you know i’m afraid of dying yeah as am i so i will get some glowstone oh you’re gonna put up your uh your anchor first okay that’s smart that’s smart you know and people never use those

Things so yeah they are literally only used for like crystal pp and and [ __ ] like that you know it’s like yeah and i’m like a minecraft player who is uses the stuff uh pirate to find bastions yeah ah yeah true but it’s not that much of a

Difference most of the time bastions are big enough where you can just see them once they are in the vicinity of pirae okay set it up set it up yes yes something is happening what what oh no who where did you go what is this um somebody gave crush yes okay

Something did happen okay now you have to all the time in the world to loot um the bastion until i’m coming back okay okay i’ll try not to die [ __ ] game crashed dude oh my god it’s oh no i true pearl by accident i didn’t mean to do that okay

Into the lava no no no that would be bad that would be bad there’s like 10 [ __ ] brutes here okay okay um i have i have um fire rest potions oh that’s in my in my oh red box oh don’t die please come on oh oh there’s so many there’s so many

We said we are not engaging the brutes directly [Laughter] oh my god did you die no no no no no i’m not i’m not i’m good i’m good i’m good okay okay the brutes are distracted i’m gonna just loot sebastian oh oh mending pickaxe pretty good some gold more gold

Okay okay okay i’m looting i’m looting oh no no bow oh [ __ ] i forgot my bow hi candy by the way do you have a bow hurry well one yeah oh no okay you you can just you do the bow oh i found yes i will do the bow work i

Found two debris so that’s that’s already pretty good right yeah um oh i tried myself oh no oh no oh no oh what the [ __ ] oh my god oh my god that was a scary [ __ ] i hate this so i’m coming back now okay oh my god oh no

How much what’s my thing what’s my thing how am i lagging oh no the server was lagging it’s okay i have like 15 thing i should be fine uh do you want crying obsidian yes always okay okay okay okay uh the top chests are looted boats oh yeah we can also use boats

That’s true thank you kenny oh should i should i craft up some boats yeah maybe maybe because like yeah it’s pretty hard oh oh oh yeah i need a bow like what the [ __ ] am i doing i can’t make a bow because i have no string um

How do we get oh you’re back well there are a lot of arrows in here so i’m gonna take the arrows and i’ll just i’ll just get out of crossbow from from one of these uh hey why did i get a note okay never mind um

Okay so you want the boat right yeah yeah yeah we’ll use boats okay are two enough or how many do you need yeah no oh yeah one is enough you take less damage ramming into the floor than into the wall so try to do that oh oh okay i didn’t know that huh

Thank you trick okay i’m gonna lose the rest of this chest and try to not die yeah i’m helping [Laughter] so you are my life coach and i am your minecraft trainer so teach me this teach me life lessons well life lessons you’re [ __ ] basically okay that’s that’s that’s one thing yeah

And how do i oh okay what’s the best way to like uh like watch become rich um well of course not to work hard this is stupid oh okay again i’m i’m already doing it all wrong yes okay yo what what happened my connection just died dude what

I had to switch connection or is my stream back up is it working oh there’s brood no no no no don’t die stream is well is my stream back up guys yes yes yes okay what the [ __ ] yeah yeah i don’t know what happened there i have

One of one of the wi-fi connections that my dorm just died but uh i have three more so i’m good so i’m killing brutes okay i don’t bro you’re gonna die don’t oh no oh no oh my god i almost died okay okay hi

I’m i’m alive i’m alive i think we do it at all we can we can keep going to another bastion yeah well i also take this stuff oh oh for building you mean well they are beautiful ah okay andrea you know okay why is my hair so long oh my god dudes

Who are you to tell me that my hair is long my hair is beautiful shut up bob i love my my hair i want to look like a lesbian come on oh my god i just fell so um and did you find the hidden gold

Or are we not looking into that no we are not all right uh nah i don’t know the locations i know there’s like i don’t know how to find it i i yeah i mean if you know how to find it i can get it but uh

Oh no i angered that zombie man you angered a zombie man yeah you made a zombie big man yes why why [Laughter] no you’re gonna die bro oh no you’re what are you doing dudes what is this why did you punch them i did not punch them dude

Someone says easy pop oh my god why are you so bad how how did this happen how indian you told him you don’t have one on you well not on me dude you need come on dude you need like two totems at least to switch to

You need one in your off hand and one in your hotbar so you can switch when when one pops you know always do that because you need to be ready to pop at least like three totems if those two pop you need to be able to click fast and put another one in

Okay don’t take that was scary yeah i thought you were gonna die holy [ __ ] i thought like okay video ends stream done oh god zooey okay okay i follow you just go go away from spawn just any direction any erection okay any direction yeah so this is going to spawn okay so turn

Right okay i’m following you so this is going away from spawn now okay okay perfect there’s the wall we want to go down here [Laughter] yeah yeah this game don’t punch the zombie big man they are not good where are you going we um i’m in the forest

Yeah i’m following you inside of the trees dude well we shouldn’t be here because danger creatures are here which one to eat my face yeah we don’t like that either what’s is there something here oh okay don’t don’t pop a totem by something like that yeah i’m talking to myself yeah i was

About to say it okay okay this could be a way i don’t think i think nah oh okay okay your pathfinder amazing Okay up to the next bastion i was already expecting that here a big one big one okay set your anchor up skeletons oh no i’ll kill it i’ll kill it oh [ __ ] okay we don’t die put your anchor down yes one second please okay there is a bow by the way enchanted

One yeah no i got a crossbow as well so it’s it’s i’m good oh oh oh don’t come down here don’t come here don’t come here okay um did you block them off no not yet i’m gonna i’m gonna do that right now okay easy is it safe

Oh yeah now it is now it is i think they can hit you through oh they can okay okay easy okay uh nothing good in here you can take your gilded black stone with you yeah i don’t really build with that uh okay where do we go from here normally

You go more down right oh yeah yeah here oh my god this is so scary i hate this okay where are you i i just went down but i don’t know where i am now there must be another way as well just try to come to the bridge

Yes i’m on my way to there i i’m waiting on you there i hear you mining okay oh there’s two broods don’t come here oh there’s three never mind i’m done oh my god who is stay up there don’t come wait did i fall that i fall

Oh no there’s more i’m seeing you okay wait wait don’t shoot me okay no no i tried okay you can come you can come we’re good are you sure oh yeah we’ll just anger that one so we don’t have to deal with it after oh he’s stupid he’s stupid okay just

Just kill him i guess god they have so much life okay i’m gonna take the gold uh i don’t need iron i guess okay come here oh no actually you can just watch me uh from there there’s there’s one on this level so there’s other routes

Yeah you need to take care of this one first oh no he fell never mind it’s fine okay i will i will get the treasure just uh don’t yeah don’t go down here it’s a very bad pigs in here oh my god oh my god no no no no no no no no

Oh my god this is bad this is bad this is bad oh you’re you’re helping me thank you oh my god dude i got i keep just almost dying every [ __ ] time it’s so scary okay i’m gonna kill the magma oh no there’s one down here oh my god um

There’s so many they’re so there’s so [ __ ] many i can’t I would really crap my pants if i would be oh my god i am i am i am shooting oh my god uh is it a justice okay oh no there’s there’s more oh brutes yeah dude there’s like ten like i don’t know what to do well i’m

Coming a bit more down oh be careful though there’s way more on the second level okay i have some golden gators that’s pretty cool dude they’re just waiting for me what is this i’m just gonna shoot them because like this is not normal they’re all fans of yours [Laughter]

Oh my fans all these no names oh my god how many name mc searches do you have no name i have at least seven i think okay okay oh there’s some uh diamond armor in here my inventory is already full so i’m gonna put this in my uh choker i don’t need this

Wait there’s a big one where is the the bastion oh yeah yeah this is the biggest one huey don’t you die i love that spawner ai is disabled i couldn’t handle this the magma cubes right now oh my god there’s so many holy [ __ ] i just i just pillared up from

Okay you’re from a brute oh no oh yeah i’ll take kill the backstorm for you i i always forget to take it uh okay i think we got most of the loot here i’m so bad this is the store i oh my god this is so stressful to not die yeah

Uh silk touch okay i’m just uh getting to kill the black stone for you well you know don’t don’t bother i will take what i find and that’s good okay yeah yeah we have all the chests yeah we can get out of here and the gold in the middle yeah i took

It all you’re you’re a good boy thank you thank you okay uh i follow you are you here no no no i’m i’m here i have to get back my um up with the stairs because it’s blocked off you can just come here did you take all the stuff here yeah no

You did not no you did not what did i not take there’s like a whole chest full of stuff i mean is it important stuff uh well sort of no okay my bad night’s not important but also not not important okay well i’m coming i see a gas i’m gonna kill it

No i hear a guest easy oh there you are i am oh no how the [ __ ] did i get here uh no it’s not the achievement we are doing today oh yeah the achievements okay let’s go oh wait do you get your glowstone back if

You mine it no right no oh yeah okay so i have to get more glowstone okay oh [ __ ] i’m already full of [ __ ] you can give me you can give me stuff i uh that’s okay it’s okay so um yeah i follow you this is the wrong direction we have to

Go up this direction are you following i’m right behind you all right this is a dead end is it yes it is dude i’m gonna run out of fireworks so fast okay well i have enough fireworks so yeah me too but i i might i might have

To go craft more wait would did something happen does anyone you have to turn right wait i heard my donation or subscribe sounds so i don’t know what happens um oh sorry that just became a oh yeah okay okay thank you for subscribing um you have to put more emphasis into this

Like thank you for subscribing oh yeah i’m sorry just one second let me let me do that [ __ ] uh thank you so much for subscribing i love you okay now i lost you wait do you see the bastion um i think i just have seen the brute

Walking but it’s what go back go back go back where to the bastion where there was a bastion yeah yeah yeah oh no i lost you go back to the yeah i see you i see you go back go behind you uh do you play still play an easy yeah i

Always play on easy dudes tomorrow new episodes okay come here ahoy you missed it where down no no no no right here ah okay come on i see the roots already yeah i see them too these little boys are nothing though easy uh i’ll get rid of the broods i am not scared

Oh there’s a lot okay i am i am i am i am you are scared no i am are you oh i did i did i killed him i’m from belgium and who is from germany hello okay that’s all you can go in yeah wait wait just getting getting um

Glowstone uh we have big steps some and some other shits nothing too special though i want a pig step please oh there you go i’ll give you one where are you i’m i’m gathering hi gnome what’s up long time no see i don’t speak french eel come on guys i speak dutch

Oh piglin big man big what’s it called big brute i am a real flemish youtuber guys there is not much competition so i i’ll be the biggest one day so [ __ ] goodly it’s fine it’s fine yeah is it uh i’m on like 10 thing i think 14 same for an easy vanilla

I have a pink advantage on every eu server where are you oh there you go okay just careful this is a small bastion so it doesn’t have much you know behind you oh thank you dudes oh see that’s why i got you here dude you you warned me from uh the dangers

That that brute almost killed me um he jumped on me yeah the gas is going to kill him how much things do you have oh why is your thing so high dude uh i don’t know why is it 47 it’s not it’s not high but like you live in germany

So like yeah that’s the problem it should be lower no no it shouldn’t oh okay oh yeah i guess i am closer to the uk than you are right yeah but that’s not the issue germany is just like a third world country in terms of um digital infrastructure oh really i didn’t i

Thought it was really good it’s on every we are crap to be honest to be honest belgium is also terrible but i i’m just lucky with the university wi-fi I’m i’m like literally not even on i don’t have cable internet i’m literally on wi-fi and the internet is amazing um so if i were to have cable with this internet i would be on like creeping for sure oh you’re just taking out all the gas dudes

How to not raid bastions no shut the [ __ ] up pop-tart we’re doing it perfect okay wait i think i named the stream how to rate bastion so yeah i did [Laughter] well to be to be fair um scott would totally do it different if i wouldn’t be here no i wouldn’t

I’m terrible dude i suck i would do it like the exact same i don’t know how to rate bastions you get this this this top chest here already yeah yeah i did oh wait no that one i didn’t oh lord stone what the [ __ ] i thought you were talking about the

Other two chests okay i uh i follow you oh yeah you need to take your anchor first so are we done here yeah this is just a small one it doesn’t have much i took all the gold at the entrance there was like 10 blocks where is yours

On the other side i guess oh i’ll take a look three advancements oh yeah true there’s a loadstone wait what is the achievement for lodestone do you know it it was something funny it was like country road to take me home or something but like in minecraft language i forgot

I have to put away stuff i i need to make more fireworks i have like seven left one second uh oh i have some crafted oh no those are the wrong ones okay i got two more stacks on me i totally forgot that i have the um that i have the

Boats on me oh the boats yeah i mean i haven’t i i just stress too much to use them i’m gonna put them in my hot bar maybe i don’t forget no oh yeah country country loads take me home that’s that chiffons um you know i’m saying fireworks

If you have no i’m good i’m great don’t worry i i have well i need something else i can oh yeah sure if you’re crafting give me give me like just take two stacks oh yeah thanks yeah i got three stacks on me that’s enough for now

I i still have it like a shooker of a gunpowder so i should be fine um spawn proofing is more interesting than bastion rating what do you mean it’s spawn proofing spawn proofing like he’s comparing it to something very boring so yeah oh yeah oh that’s what

I have a very special message to you [ __ ] you get out of here philip shut up no no no unsubscribe get out of here no no i’m kidding [Laughter] we need more subscribers in here I hate those yeah like bastions don’t even spawn here it’s like holy [ __ ] they don’t no no no i think i’m pretty sure that bastions don’t spawn in basal deltas at least it was so on on the release of the nether updates i don’t i don’t know

If it changed after that but i’m pretty sure i can’t believe this church not found stream has so little viewers oh it’s a big one again let’s go that’s amazing we’re getting lucky oh no okay set up your your thingy uh we’re gonna need it also i don’t look like george not found

Okay guys come on be be honest look at me do i look like george not found i don’t and you all know it you know it don’t look at me like that uh this is very entertaining thank you triggy sorry my my something happened here oh what’s what’s wrong

I don’t know something i went out of the game and now i’m back oh okay i mean as long as you’re back it’s i’m dead oh my god i’m a half heart okay okay this is a perfect spot here yeah yeah dude there’s like oh my god there’s so many

Yeah you take them down oh they are angry at me now which is good yeah i’ll take them out from behind oh that’s not working oh no go away go away oh no no no no okay let me uh take it let me shoot them yeah let me just take

A few more totems just in case just in case i’m not gonna need them i’m pretty good at minecraft but just in case stop saying easy pop every time i die shut up uh wise worst is one of the best sausages i have ever eaten yeah is it whatever that says it’s disgusting

Is it you don’t know what i put into this sausages oh it’s not it’s not good then well it’s sometimes when you can a lot when you drink a lot of beer with it then it’s okay is it just like why is saying why are

You saying that is it just german or yes of course because is it just like uh words with like you know just on on breads or like how what is it no no no it’s like it’s it’s a cooked sausage so they are cooking it and um it’s really like white oh oh

Oh i think oh yeah that [ __ ] looks disgusting dude i would never even try to put this near my mouth when i was in germany though i did it’s a bratwurst it’s amazing dudes yeah this stuff is nice that [ __ ] is oh my god you can get like really good hard worst so

Wear your chest plate when fighting brutes no no i’m telling you if you wear a chest plate you are more likely to die because you can’t fly away i just fly away whenever i uh i’m losing against the brutes it always works and i’ve never died that way almost never almost never [Laughter]

You mostly eat it with beer brazil i’ll do it you don’t drink beer you’re like 15. come on man well he’s not allowed to but i guess he is i mean i i drank beer at 15 so i’m not gonna judge but like you can drink beer

Oh yeah you can you also can drink beer at 16 in germany right yes yeah same in belgium it’s so weird that americans drink beer at like 21. it’s like crazy dudes can you i could i can’t even imagine having to wait till 21 to [ __ ] drink like holy

[ __ ] like i drink like every [ __ ] month which is nothing no every two weeks i think oh my god there’s so many wait i’m trying to get in a good position right now do you drink a lot to me i think i’ve asked you this before right can’t remember

Yeah we talked about that so i’m not drinking a lot because i also yeah i get drunk pretty fast oh yeah me too me too yeah but i still drink a lot okay i got i got the main chest but there’s a few like just hidden yeah i’ll look for them um

Wait gnome how old are you you’re drinking and you’re not 21. right here i hear pickling brutes i can’t find the other chests i don’t know where they are they are like on the different levels yeah i’m looking but uh and i’m hearing a lot of angry noises

Hmm this is very very weird okay oh yeah there’s one we’re getting pretty loaded on the other right though this is actually like oh okay i thought it was a brute okay i’m good i’m good that’s actually scared me a lot zombie piglet okay uh i’m gonna pop my

Totem but that’s all right that’s fine that’s fine that’s good uh i don’t drink often i do other drugs like fentanyl and heroin oh that’s pretty good fentanyl is not that bad right what’s it what is it doing it’s like a terrible drug like [Laughter]

Like you can like so many people od on that [ __ ] i’m trying to get out i’ll just follow you get jump thank you so here’s the bridge on the other side there’s also stuff right uh i loaded most but you can check again uh i’m not drinking beer i’ve opened

More beer for my parents and brothers and so on [Laughter] damn so getting you’re getting abused at home like to get beer out of the basement for your dad or to hit you otherwise oh my god like son get to the basement and bring

Me a beer or i’m going to to hit your mother what the [ __ ] that’s some movie type [ __ ] you know that’s like uh wait what are you asking so i’m at the very bottom now youtube is broken i literally answered you okay well i i’m not wearing a chest split because

Uh i like try better because elijah are better wait was a proper english sentence josh wait why did i get i got kicked for speed what the [ __ ] okay uh your head for those headphones looks too small for your giant brain what really okay they do look small but

They they are supposed to be smart they’re not supposed to be big so that’s my defense they are on ear not over here you know um and yeah i have a big head okay so shut up okay where are you yeah you’re right so i’m not using wait oh you survival’s

Using spartan okay okay okay how long is the serpent between your legs oh my dick is huge guys who he knows okay yes where do we go every time we meet you show me so i can confirm i just send him a dick fake every time we talk on telegram yeah

Yes just just before he calls me he sends me and i guys and girls probably i hope so i i have no girl viewers but yes sure go on now in the in the chat i hope yeah no probably not wait did you just die again where did we go What happened where did this man go he left the vc what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do here what we just rip dude let’s build him a grave that was sad my man just died what what is happening shane the creep says i am female viewer oh my god shane

What’s up sexy lady what are you i don’t know what’s happening dude i was going to build your grave what the [ __ ] you just went into the floor and you just disappeared you just died did i die no you didn’t die but like you know what i mean you just [Laughter]

Disappeared i okay okay i i i say something now this weekend i will look look into new hardware because my clothes oh you’re finally getting a new computer he’s like dying time and yeah it the last time i updated it was in 2015 so i just did a new um graphic graphics card

You have like a 10 year old piece and before that i bought this thing years old yeah absolutely and i’m rich i’m not like a poor savage like yeah i’m like rich what did you call me a poor savage [ __ ] you dude yeah but but where when i when i disappeared and the

Connection got um yeah got down we were just talking about your your uh my massive pet yeah yeah and i i can’t i just tell you guys it’s humongous yeah so scotosis penis is like the largest i’ve ever seen it’s just like a black dick but not black it’s like more brownish

Okay i get it yeah we get it uh are you looking at my stream what’s happening i’m looking at your stream but i’m i’m like ah there you are you’re right in front of me oh my god dude okay let’s keep going this is if we’ve stayed here long enough

So where where are we going to the right just as far away from spawn yeah can confirm yeah oh yeah yeah yeah i thought i always show my dick to shane as well because you know shane is one of the boys and uh he deserves like a take a day you know

Like one a day yeah ah here we are we are better yeah way better uh i do i do play with my with my with my dick guys if you really want to know well who doesn’t yeah not now stop asking weird questions oh bastion oh no it’s just a basalt biome never

Mind i’m mad now down we go uh i don’t like pose you’re not on nofap no of course i don’t wait oh what are you doing what what is this what is this i just have seen the black stone here ah it’s it’s just a basalt yeah

Oh [ __ ] i’m wasting fireworks right left oh yeah i see up to the left come on we need we need another big one pc runs on windows 7. how the [ __ ] is that even possible would you be surprised if i tell you that mine is also running on windows 7

I mean yeah okay sure uh well it’s not it’s running on windows 10 but oh oh really okay i i just updated like recently okay but it’s yeah that’s why it’s so slow whoa [ __ ] i’m just floating over the lava waiting for you to change direction yeah

We have to turn right if we can but it’s not going anywhere the dude is asking how much my mom weighs oh my god this guy that’s named youtube is broken and he’s wait yeah i don’t know dude stop the weird mom what your mom is swinging yeah yeah

I don’t know how the [ __ ] am i supposed to know it’s not like when he comes home on the weekends and he sees his mom he says hey scott my lovely boy um by the way i’m weighing like uh 150 kilos now whoa why that much dude my mom is not

Fat come on i have no idea about your mom come on the last time i’ve seen her is like five years ago you gotta yeah let’s go let’s go straight down come on speed running oh oh look look look there’s a [ __ ] what uh what a [ __ ] what are you seeing this

Look down yeah seeing something there’s a nerve fortress inside of the bastion no [ __ ] is it what how is this even possible oh i have never seen this what the [ __ ] now we’re fighting places and brutes what nah this is a joke and wither skeletons oh my god we got

Two diamonds that’s grove it’s speedrunners red stream oh my god yeah dude okay let me let me like i’m gonna i can make a short out of this and name it uh dream gets hard watching this uh this seeds or like uh like a guy like coming

And being like dream when he sees this seeds you know or just yeah wait the goat got deleted what the [ __ ] ah dude what what is this it’s like the weirdest [ __ ] dude no no no no no no no don’t die don’t die i’m oh no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s

Fine just just go up go up hui what are you doing wait wait wait wait wait i just ran you get fire resistance from the totem hue oh god oh my god what is this dude what is this bastion what the [ __ ] did we get into i have no [ __ ] idea

And there’s blazes as well what the [ __ ] i want to go away oh my this is like so cursed it is uh get back to the bridge i have no idea where just go up go up go you’ll find it this door don’t fly into the walls like i am doing constantly oh

Brute yeah they come like just there’s too many there’s so many things going on why is there [ __ ] this is not supposed to happen there shouldn’t be a [ __ ] another fortress inside of a bastion that should be illegal yeah oh don’t come now what oh my god

Oh oh oh oh okay i’m fine i’m fine where are you i’m on top of the i’m on the roof of the oh i’m not i’m not good okay i’m going to the top i don’t know how you where you are there’s a big big

Hole in the top in the roof which i’m widening right now oh oh i i went up the other way i’m going i’m gonna get the other chests oh no oh no oh my god bloody hell oh my i’m like almost dying here it’s just super scary i don’t wanna

[ __ ] die okay i made it i made it i made it out i got the chests up here i’m gonna go down again and uh oh my god oh no oh no oh no this is bad this is bad this is bad oh no i’m gonna die i’m

Gonna die i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i’m gonna don’t don’t don’t die oh my god oh i’m too good at minecraft holy [ __ ] dude if anyone clip that clip that if you see this clip that that was amazing i’m too good at minecraft my brain works bigger

Oh my god what a [ __ ] what a clip oh no i’m gonna die now for real okay wait one second uh yeah there are a lot like uh a lot of brutes okay okay get let’s get the [ __ ] out oh don’t go up here don’t go up here there’s many uh

Or just fly away yeah fly away fly away okay oh my god dude what the [ __ ] is this this bastion was so cursed yeah i am built different dude my brain works harder hi helen what’s up um let’s go to the empty something kind of

Important i don’t know if if you know it already but yeah um um so where are you oh nothing oh no don’t worry about it uh okay i’m behind you okay we’re just standing there okay next question okay how strong is my thumb i don’t know what the [ __ ] kind of questions are

Those dude i don’t know how we survived i i oh my god well i don’t know either so at least i have more uh more shorts contents right now that’s good i guess oh [ __ ] dude i don’t know how you did that but uh well minnie i i also don’t know

You’re getting good at minecraft finally uh mr house says should i donate 20 again holy [ __ ] uh i mean i’m not stopping you damn do you know wow mr house since last time you’ve been in this chat damn thank you by the way for the last time holy [ __ ] there’s a

Yeah i see it so fortress was there a portal no no there was no pogba okay okay there was no photo noises come here wait oh no you’re gonna crash again who we why did you crash again oh no [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no who we died again guys

And he’s like right above lava so he’s gonna die we need to save him we need to save huey oh [ __ ] without dying myself i need to build on my platform well who is going to buy a new pc soon so uh yeah he’ll will be fine soon

I got my chat turned off so i can’t see him i couldn’t see the the chat message okay it should be fine right if he spawns here again unless he spawns in the block then i kind of [ __ ] him but he’ll be joining the the voice chat

As soon as he’s back i guess just do it he’s like a rich he’s like a rich guy and he has like a worse pc than me like come on a wee shaking my head what’s the square root of the sum of your irl chords what the [ __ ]

And then i would never lick my iro chords i mean no [ __ ] it i don’t want to have like pizza sent to my house and like my family being harassed if i get dogs you know i mean if my dorm address ever gets like dogs it’s fine i can just move dorms but

If i’m like my house address gets gets stuck then you know then it’s my family that gets harassed and that’s a problem okay we should be should be safe right now oh god this [ __ ] and sorry about streaming with a madonna is like terrible i wanna

Put my face mask on you know i i have this face mask here i want to put that on but it’s the brand oh my god i can’t uh you know what i’m just gonna [ __ ] put put my face mask on i i can’t be asked okay

I’m back so this is me guys face mask me um so i’m back i don’t know dudes yeah i changed masks while uh while you were gone because i i can’t handle the [ __ ] the bandana for too long like an hour is my limits it’s like yeah

So i’m coming back in now and i hope i’m not flying into lava i tried to build your platform but i don’t know if i’ve seen it no i’m right above you so it’s perfect [Applause] oh guys i’m so sorry about this dude don’t worry about it i don’t know what’s

Happening don’t worry about it man just keep going it’s really it’s really annoying you know it’s like sometimes the computer is really just like getting yeah that’s all right it’s happening again right now my oh what’s happening i don’t know i don’t know okay okay just go it’s finally wrong direction

So this direction okay oh my god oh i went the wrong way oh my god i flew into lava okay i’m good um buns says reinstall java i mean i don’t think that’s gonna do much his pc is 10 years old like yeah i have other issues

Oh there’s enderman i’m wearing a budget bandana yeah i i’ll just do streams for the first hour with bandanas the second hour like after the second tower i’ma just do face mask i really wanna just you know reveal my face but i want to keep that for a big

Milestone so that’s the only reason like i really don’t care about anyone seeing my face to be honest yeah so we you have to like um invite all your friends so they can um like sub you know yeah and you will 10 000 subscribers guys i will refuel my face for real

10k and i’m gonna get there easily just wither skulls oh never mind ah there’s a blade spawner here do you remember my first uh simply vanilla video yes like where i got the first wither skeleton i killed gave me a a winter skill i was like well yeah it was like a tiny

Part of it but like yeah that was that happened and i’m still proud of it i i’ve never had like such a big look since then you you didn’t see that that was planned i wanted to land in here absolutely good if you have an old pc you probably also

Have old java version no no who he knows what he’s doing but you know he’ll get a new pc and then he’ll be fine no what’s up poker bottle um bob yeah you can visit me later and yeah he can play minecraft on a 10

Year old pc i don’t know how i mean was your pc like very expensive like 10 year 10 years ago uh of course oh yeah like totally totally mega ex [Laughter] mega expensive so it was like how much does it cost you i don’t know i can’t remember

Yeah that’s why it’s still working it was not high and it was not high-end when i bought it oh okay but you upgraded it i guess yes in between yeah yeah skater is looking like emo george not found dude guys shut the [ __ ] up i don’t look like george not phones

Uh tell me how ray gill wants to know how how is your pc surviving 10 years tell him how every detail huli he wants to know well first you have to get the hardware used to um to show all the same software all the time that means only minecraft and pornhub

That’s the only two tabs you ever use okay yeah okay yeah that that’s how that’s how so i’m touching myself a lot what the [ __ ] oh up here okay oh well it’s it’s it’s high quality stuff it was the top tier when i bought it but it’s yeah

Good hardware i mean i’ve only had laptops and i i have to change like every two trillion and of course what you always should do if you have a desktop pc like i have clean it clean it’s like physically cleaners yeah like really um get the dust out of

The fans and stuff you know oh okay because then it won’t overheat oh [ __ ] okay i didn’t know that you had to clean your your actual pc yeah of course if you’re not doing that your components will overheat with because you have so much dirt in the fans in the cooling system

And yeah so maintain maintenance is the key word here yeah i mean i’ve only had laptops and you can’t really clean those so i mean you probably can’t yeah but i don’t know i don’t know how dude it’s way more difficult they’re not meant to be cleaned okay

Of course uh they are meant to know well if you have don’t lie to me if you have a poor poor people’s laptop then of course it’s not meant to be clean my laptop costs like a thousand euros okay well this is the poor people’s left chest oh my god

Dude i’m getting bullied by a 40 year old man come on yeah yeah well because i know that you can take it yeah of course dude like when you meet your boyfriend what oh this is dangerous it’s dangerous yeah your boyfriend told me that you can take it

I don’t know what i did [ __ ] you i i don’t know what he meant with that man okay yeah yeah who we um we all love him sometimes are you’re gonna crash again oh my god he crashed mid air dude my guy crashed midair no way let’s save him oops um

Let’s save our big man who we how is uv going beneath vanilla is amazing uh next episode is tomorrow i’m super excited about this tomorrow’s episode it um i it’s probably like one of my favorite intros i put a lot of time into the intro of the episode so

You guys are gonna like it as well probably and after that just a bit of uh talking i’m not bad trapped on uv i went on uv literally right before the stream shut up um no you’re not in the uv video alright because we didn’t get a chance to call

I still need to do so much [ __ ] on uv dude like i i have to like oh my god i i’m gonna have to do another stream um on on an easy vanilla soon probably like next week somewhere but i also really enjoy like streaming with hui it’s like so much [ __ ] fun

And easy survival gets way less views by the way like you survival uh streams compared to uv stream oh my god dude the uv stream was insane it literally it’s like the the stream that generated the most at revenue like ever which is like pretty insane you know

It like there’s no video no stream that generates more ad revenue than the uv stream and i don’t know how that’s possible uh what if you invite big mans to play uv i don’t think hui wants to play uv because he’s you know he who is a very busy man and

Um you know he only he barely has time to play uh eu survival so look at him floating is he gonna fall on the platform yeah dude it’s perfect perfect come on we oh oh he kept flying okay hi jt what’s up okay i’m waiting for louis to join the vc again um

We can get help him get stuff yeah no he’s fine dude we i just play with uh hui on eu survival and i just do my own thing on an easy vanilla it’s easier i don’t know when he’s joining stream again um alpha’s on simply vanilla again i mean basically

Almost all of simply vanilla like the real players are just on eu survival right now you know like all the people i care about on uh on simply that i cared about are now just here so yeah whenever i play eu survival it’s kind of just the same as simply when i

Was the same people i don’t know where uh who is staying though where’s where’s old man we do i need to call him again what’s ah this old man is bullying me for being poor but he can’t even call me on discord shaking my heads

I am not there so i don’t care about you burns shut up oh you’re back let’s go okay start flying bro i don’t know also also my discord like going down oh you’re calling on your phone [Applause] do it what’s happening to your pc um i

I’m supposed to kill you now they tell me to get what why are you no you don’t kill me well your customers they want it what who is telling you to kill me in the game chat oh my no shut up that they’re lying so what’s not working on your pc now

I don’t know right now um minecraft is back up of course as you can see yeah yeah yeah we have the discord now on my mobile okay i don’t know if the issue no that’s all right just just start flying you can join the discord on your pc later on

I’m also gonna play purity eventually guys so i’ll see you guys there i need more rockets do you have rockets uh oh no i also need more actually i have one 60 left so yeah ah wrong box all those red boxes yeah you need to clean your pc again dudes yeah

Come on cleaning time you take some rockets oh yeah thank you oh oh yeah thank you do it for the views the end justifies the means uh where’s the red mask the red mask is annoying to wear okay so i’m not gonna wear it all the time

I also just okay yeah go go go go if this is going to oh perfect okay okay let’s swipe this bastion asap there’s a brute down there oh don’t worry i can take it on go away i can take it on yeah of course there are four like

Oh my god there’s way more right i only saw one but that was my tactic now i loot the chests and easy more guild of black stone okay done looted not found shut shut oh my god i’m gonna ban the words george not found from my chat

So nobody can ever say it again shut up guys i look like scottos me not like george not phones oh my god okay are they good yeah i’m good i’m good i’m good i was just looting okay we’re gonna sweep this easily oh never mind i die

I’m good i’m good i’m hiding in the lava this is a tactic i do uh where i hide in the lava and then i uh oh oh god i suck did we crash again who is no no yeah okay are you gonna get my stuff what did you die you didn’t notice dude

Oh god dude i can’t believe that happened what what happened uh i got stuck where yeah well i thought i fell in the lava and then i fireworked out and then i got cornered and then i died [ __ ] okay where um like at the bottom level but you’re not

Gonna be able to get my stuff why not i mean it’s like i mean yeah you could probably well there’s no way you come back now yeah no i’ll just uh be at spawn oh i know that’s fine i mean at the base at the base okay what

But where at the bottom level oh so it’s like i mean you’ll see it like once you get down there it’s like at the bottom level it’s like is there still brutes yeah yeah and like the the bigs the big bigs they’re also there oh my god oh well that happens

Oh wait i did have a bow in my [ __ ] ender chest oh my god no yeah i do play risky okay i thought this was gonna be easy i fly in i go out and yeah no i i i i die okay it’s fine though it’s fine

Um who he has uh who we will pull this off huey once you have the stuff just go to the overworld and i’ll tp you back okay yes just don’t die i will show you around the the [ __ ] that you’ve made here the what’s it called the farm

I am also almost out of fire uh gunpowder [ __ ] i found okay good news is yeah your equipment will not be spawned okay because there is a piglet wearing it no a piglet is wearing my [ __ ] dude skillet uh given your chords i’ll get the loot

For you no don’t worry guys who he has my back uh i will fill face reel for a thousand dollars guys right now a thousand that’s nothing that’s like pocket chains for huey uh so yeah we upgraded the the gunpowder farm it’s pretty big now and we can just extend it up and

We added the sugarcane here so it’s it works you know as two things as sugarcane farm and has a good power farm which is really cool and oh baby zombies oh it is working pretty well damn what a farm great job poovey well that was uh embarrassing

Hui what do i do do i wait for you or do i end the stream what right now i’m killing brutes do i end the stream or do i wait for you you wait for me okay okay you know i’m gonna take a sip of my monster guys one second don’t uh

I i’m just gonna no wrong screen well what else did you did you lose a lightroom i guess yeah yeah and there was also choker there oh my god i have your stuff oh really you have it all um not all know i mean there’s like three ingots in inside of the

The what’s it called the um soaker so that choker is a little bit important You also have my ex i don’t have a extra exactly cat cruelty with a creeper farm yeah we hate cats guys we’re gonna murder all of them oh my god what do you have on you my friend do you have everything well not yet not yet i’m a bit panicking right now

Just get everything and make a portal and go to the overworld and then i’ll tp you just blocking the fight you can do it to me damn i’m really poor on eu survival keep forgetting we really need to uh work on a trading hall eventually yes oh you started already okay

[ __ ] where’s the elytra oh the lighter is fine if you don’t find it like we have i have uh a few more so should be fine uh where do i get these blocks oh i uh it could also be that one that a big pillion is wearing it’s yeah they can’t wear electros

Okay um why do you place on so many different servers instead of just grinding one of them out well i started playing eu survival by the way i only play two servers i only play the esri one is whoa my voice and an easy vanilla um

And i started on on eu survival as a joke a bit and i started streaming you know just to like have viewers come to my base and [ __ ] like that and just playing around and then uh everyone switched to e survival and it became like kind of a serious server you know

Like dying matters now and stuff matters uh so it became less fun um and i can’t really do a video series on here anymore because i already did so many streams so it just feels weird so now i’m so i just decided to do a video series on an easy vanilla because

You know it’s more fun to do like a video series like that for me and i just do streams on here so i can you know stay a little bit in the community here and just uh talk to the people that i used to play with on on simply vanilla

So that’s why i play those two servers how is this going hurry um yeah yeah i i’m still living okay that’s good i’m looking around if i find a piglet wearing a shirt i mean if you have if you have my armor and my choker then it’s all right i

Don’t need to rest okay i think i have this okay then you can just like come back i guess oh [ __ ] i [ __ ] oh why do your boots have frost walker on them because i um have frost walker footsteps oh god this come on lui

Now what this is the only boots i have left okay yeah yeah sure i hate frost walkers it’s like the worst [ __ ] when you’re walking around at your own base yes i know you know what yeah i’m actually using a old portal you want i have found a broken portal like

Oh oh a ruined portal okay okay yeah oh yeah you just go there and let me know when you’re in the overworld and i’ll defeat you yes i’m just making the trading hall a bit you know now i’m going to find a base like right yeah yeah sure

Just gonna find it find a stacked base well i thought that you were gonna die before me but apparently i suck at minecraft so you know that’s alright oh do you have my axe because i don’t have an axe yes i’m glad i’m glad this is all all so intense

Yeah i mean the thumbnail really really worked you know like uh it’s real we were just running away from from brutes yeah and i mean yeah man in my age they they easily get hot um like a heart attacks heart attacks dudes you’re like 40 you’re not like 70 come on

Actually that’s that’s you know what yeah i just spawned directly in a geode oh you spot energy odds yes what the [ __ ] okay i’m gonna bring you back okay you ready yes i’m ready okay yes who is back oh my god should probably rename the stream how to not rate bastions yeah sure

Let’s let’s rename it how to not raid bastions i don’t wanna clickbait anyone you know okay let’s uh show me what you got going on here with the the trading trading second i just like trying to find you oh yeah yeah give him my stuff i think this one here is yours

Oh it is and do you have my armor do you like the french community what is the french community like just in general french people but if you like them i mean if i have to like them sure i do not know no i’m kidding i don’t care who where’s my armor

Yeah wait wait wait wait oh here’s my axe let’s go oh my god this a chest plate yes yes yes there’s my chest plates okay can i keep lady totems you can you can keep the torrents but i need my boots and um okay i think they are lost oh okay

That’s all right we found other boots and i’ll i’ll give you your stupid frostwalker boots back okay and i’ll store all the armor i guess where i found it’s here so that worked out pretty well didn’t it and actually i didn’t do that when i went to the metal before you know you

Weren’t you you did very well hui i’m very impressed i suck now no no no but i didn’t get any quartz i need quartz urgently and soul sand i need sultan urgently uh flash josh what are you saying we have to go we still have to do something you know

Oh what do we have to do uh can i tell say on stream oh dads you want to do it right now like okay i’m not sure if you’re talking about the same thing i was talking about like having sex i don’t know what you’re talking about

I was not talking about having sex no it doesn’t have to do with like with like um we have to cover our tracks when we started from the nether yes oh but that can wait two after stream that’s okay okay i will do that after stream

Flash the rest says i found your gear in the bastion not impossible because uh we just gave me all my gear back so it’s probably someone else’s gear uh well we got um almost three uh netherrides so that’s pretty nice i’m pretty good on that right right now lots of obsidian

A lot of gold we love gold do you need some gold we yes i always need gold because i’m going to have like um a serious villager healing operation oh okay i mean i hope that’s not that should be enough right yeah yeah crying obsidian nice i’ll give you the crying obsidian and

I’ll just i don’t know what to do with this other stuff i’ll just leave it in this chocolate i don’t care we have really different like priorities in terms of stuff we eat yeah yeah yeah you you’d need all the other [ __ ] that i just don’t need yeah i thought

Dude i have like five six um uh big step then give me two or something what the [ __ ] oh wait i’m gonna show the stream something okay everyone watching okay if you catch that you catch it if you didn’t you you you yeah i have an illegal item okay nobody saw

Uh where do i put my iphone one enchanted golden apple in here i’m so poor oh here okay sorted all my shits kinda okay thank you hui for saving me without you i’m really sad that your lighter is gone nah dude i have enough

I think i lost one pickaxe or so but uh that’s all right i really have to like train yeah i need to get on am i like trying child in childhood the future i will just concentrate on doing the farm stuff no no it’s all right dude you’re better at sebastian rating

Than i am i [ __ ] died well true but so i would have like taken maybe you should do the bastion rating for me you know probably yeah oh god oh yeah yeah oh dude it’s uh easter this weekend right is it yeah i think so yeah yeah i gotta

Go home to my [ __ ] family damn your [ __ ] family yeah i just want to play minecraft and make videos come on yeah and now the stupid family with this stupid yeah bothering me i have too many subscribers to be with those no names dudes i i’m going to play viking on the weekend

What what are you going to play the viking you know the the netflix series the vikings oh okay i’m going with friends to a museum to open air museum and we have um like a house there yeah in the museum in the museum yeah what yeah like a biking house you know how

How does that work have you ever been to like a historic museum yeah where they show how people lived in a specific time yeah yeah yeah and this is such a museum then we have a village out of the 11th century wait so you can so you can actually like

Live as a viking in that museum oh okay that’s pretty cool yeah you’re doing that for easter i guess well i’m doing that for fun oh okay okay yeah yeah and also and also um i i’m doing also fighting with swords like actions oh you’re doing real life

Laughing dude holy [ __ ] no not larping no no no that is larping no it is not it is each other with metal swords slapped you okay it is larping no it’s not okay sure it isn’t well it’s not the same i’m eric the red and i blah blah blah no

I i show people how they lived and how they ate and cooked and sometimes you showed them how they [ __ ] and oh you’re gonna [ __ ] like vikings oh hell yeah dudes count me in i’m on my way no no no seriously so um it’s called reenactment

And not larping you know and we have like proper battles with 600 fighters but not with those foam soft swords we have like proper metal weapons they are blunt yeah so we cannot like kill each other but bruises and and sometimes other injuries are normal uh are you sure it’s not larping yes

I i don’t know man i’m well love is not stupid it’s nice it’s fun yeah yeah but it’s not like we are not like um doing like acting in terms of are you gonna are you gonna dress up as a viking yes are you gonna be with friends yes

Then you’re larping dudes no larp is live action role play you do not role play okay okay so you you know that you’re not actually an actual viking yes of course okay Sure there is a meme who says i don’t know who needs that today but you are not a viking okay yeah yeah sure i mean it sounds fun though i would do it not gonna lie uh uh uh i do use hotkeys yeah but only for crystal pvp so i have these

I have three hotkeys that i use oh no never mind four so how big do we want this villager how because we need a lot of like um clerics and you know this this what you build for now is enough right now yes for now because like much bigger than that oh okay

Um but for the beginning this should be enough so i have to like also figure out how we can produce villagers again because they are all they are they stay stop [ __ ] i think because the the trading hall is too close you think yeah it is too close okay i’m pretty sure

Because these are still attached to their pets so but they cannot take like another bed if we like um break them now oh yeah you can also just break them every time but yeah yeah you can just break them is there anything else we need to do at base a lot rides like

I still need to mine out this this this top part for the spider so we can watch them die brutally come on you like you actually like my over complicated spider spawn farm yeah yeah i do i do i need more subscribers so we yeah can you get like um

Can you like go to school and like hand out flyers to my channel of course yeah i’m posting your channel where wherever i can put in that stuff you know let’s go and when i peop when i tell people that i play minecraft they’re all going like awesome really

They are reminded how old i am that what it’s like yeah there’s many old people um trying to doing minecraft so did you say trying no no just doing doing playing minecraft uh yeah i mean an easy vanilla stream still get more subs and views do you think when i put a bed

To the glass that the villager can like slip out through the glass no it can’t because the farmer i had hidden or like trapped down here did like go go missing huh i mean maybe i i don’t think so but i mean there it could be

Maybe just to be sure don’t place the beds near the glass but um i’m pretty sure that they can’t also i need more glass do you have more glass and some sugar or something less yeah yeah i have some okay because i need to stop flooding my farms i’m sorry

That’s why i need glass yeah it’s coming yeah oh thank you oh oh okay so i also want to put in a bee farm now oh yeah yeah we need beef arm we can make epic redstone then yes and we still haven’t figured [ __ ] raids farm out but uh

That’s that’s also the next thing i want to finish next week i have given up yeah oh that’s me actually because we are dying a lot right now should we try to like trigger a rate right now dudes yes but here not not here but um in the other village

On the way to to the other side you want to do a raid in a village yes okay sure why not let’s let’s do one yeah i gotta oh i picked up your choker one second okay thank god i’ll get the bad omen effect i i’m not sure where

Why do i keep getting i keep getting kicked i am not using speech you can literally see my [ __ ] oh my god the server has the worst antis anti hack [ __ ] so what do i need to survive hey rage uh i’m probably i’ll just get like battlemen like one or

Two i don’t know we don’t need too much so do you remember where this other village was um not really no i i was hoping you knew yeah well i mean we could just fly and find one eventually donna it’s it’s to the um north west oh okay i’ll just follow you then

Where are you i’m getting bad omen okay uh dude i’m not used to these headphones they’re hurting my ears why are the villagers not spawning what is this i don’t know am i lagging weird come on oh my god i’m gonna die to villagers die you do die

Ah no bad omen is spawning on me i don’t know oh you’re here as well you have it no i i just i got excited seeing you that happens to a lot of girls oh yeah i’m sure it does can you drop the the thing the easy or just place it thank you

I had i have a bow in here i just forgot to use it at the the thing are you helping me oh no you’re not okay i’m like fighting 50 years off and now from up there no no you’re not oh there’s a lot of where even are you dude what is this

Now okay to help you sore ass oh thank you oh sorry what the [ __ ] what i i accidentally shot you that explains why i’m burning yeah yeah no it wasn’t uh a pillager come on how is it taking this long to get some bad omen uh i don’t know why

It really shouldn’t take as long but actually regarding the raid farm i’m going to combine two different designs oh okay okay so you have something planned for the raid farm to try okay but for now i want to know if spawns are if rates are spawning in at all

Next video is uh how to make a raid forum on anarchy poptart says click to see bastions instead i see pillager outpost actual clickbait i died okay it’s not my fault i died i wanted to do the bastions i just sucked too much at minecraft

Who we had to carry me he had to save my stuff i’m sorry guys i disappointed i survived like one hour doing bastions who is just too much of a chad so where’s the [ __ ] captain i don’t know normally it doesn’t take this long it’s like instantly most of the time

I guess we’re just having really bad luck at the moment captain hmm no captain see this is why we need a raid farm dude okay while you kill some uh somewhere i’m gonna take a sip of monster i made advancie what advancement yeah i think there was like a um a spawn rule

That they are spawning like on top of the thing really dude there’s a mosquito in my room signs for raid for farms no but no dude there’s a [ __ ] mosquito in my room oh my god what the [ __ ] do i do um well i need to kill this [ __ ] kill it

I don’t see it anymore oh god i’m not gonna be able to sleep if i don’t kill this [ __ ] okay next time i see it i’m just gonna put my stream on beard back and kill them they’re all behind you dude holy [ __ ] oh now and now are the phantoms coming

Oh god disable phantoms oh i almost popped holy [ __ ] die oh wait how is it not been a captain like we’ve been here for like straight ten minutes or so we really have to talk to indian or frazzle about some rules on the server just yes frazzle

Get in here get in this chat someone get frazzle in here what the [ __ ] unbelievable it’s not that like we are totally like bad at this game or something no like actually like dude what’s happening it’s it’s never taking this long never like what i’m gonna end the stream before we get a

[ __ ] publisher captain yeah and now we have zombies as well oh my god and [ __ ] phantoms the phantoms are the worst [ __ ] oh my god get out get out we need like one captain i’m not asking for much oh my god the spider well do we give up come on this can’t be

Yeah i thought it can’t be that hard but like holy [ __ ] we’ve been here for like 15 minutes oh i see the mosquito again but i lost it [ __ ] oh there he is oh my god finally okay okay i got it i got it now where’s the village no i will follow you

Yes it says to the north okay i can’t see north well are you behind me yeah i am so it should be somewhere around here um around here uh right now i’m lagging like hell the chunks are not loading in oh yeah i see it why am i wearing masks indoors because i

I can’t be asked to wear my bandana and i don’t want to face really yet so that’s why i don’t like it either okay but the bandana is worse dude there’s this [ __ ] mosquito oh my god i can’t be asked how long is the omen effect holding up oh it stays long like

You can’t outlast it it stays uh where the [ __ ] are you sure we i don’t think you went the right way we actually i’m pretty sure it’s that far like fifty percent sure yeah yeah here’s the big jungle biome yes yeah they’re not loading for me either

Uh the bandana does look cooler i wear i wear it the first hour of the stream but it’s it’s just it’s uh not very comfortable to wear for longer than an hour you’re lagging so much hill are you sure it’s over the ocean yes now we are over the ocean but i’m

Pretty sure there’s other villages closer than we’re gonna go to the left to the um and then we go back it must be there because i’ve and you know what now now we fly back and if we don’t find the way we will trigger

The rate in our village so [ __ ] it no no no no no dude our no we’re not triggering we will find another one there’s like a thousand villagers my lighter is gonna break before we find one dude and my game just died oh no and i don’t have a [ __ ] um

I don’t have an ec with me i have to restart my computer your entire computer come on yeah it’s fast that’s that’s going fast okay i’m so sorry don’t worry about it ah i need to work tomorrow again i can’t be asked i actually need to work as well after stream so

But just uh from home so that’s all right how long have i been live for two hours i think okay yes it’s two hours now so people in the chat what do you want to see in a stream they want to see me naked well since then no girls i don’t think

That all the dudes are gay in here oh how do you know they’re watching me do it of course you’re gay [Laughter] i you you you mean ray jill is actually not rachel it’s gay real oh my god hey i didn’t say that no i i’m sorry i’m sorry ray of course

Was just to play with you you your name i’m sorry uh i’m not that i’m actually i intrigued he wants to see my chin oh do i show you no i’m not gonna show you you can see the underside of my chin okay is this in the um in which chat

In the youtube chat on the game chat the the youtube chat i don’t have my game chat on [ __ ] this not even my chat is live oh my [ __ ] is [ __ ] up that’s all right well i’m gonna i’m gonna start uploading my my videos and shorts on as many apps as i find

So i’m gonna start uploading my videos on facebook and My shorts on instagram um and i’m gonna find some other apps and i’m just gonna upload my [ __ ] everywhere i can what is that what is it’s like a rip off social platform where you’re supposed to find like like brands from school from 20 years ago something like that

No no no i mean like actual platforms like what okay myspace no no no no no apparently facebook is pretty good for for reach so i’m gonna i’m gonna do that and i’m gonna see if it works i’m gonna try it out for like a month

And after a month i i see like no views i’m gonna stop but you know if it doesn’t work then it’s uh extra subscribers i’m a member of a few facebook minecraft communities oh really nowhere it’s really allowed to post like youtubers and uh links to videos oh what oh

Also not facebook videos yeah no no like links to other um yeah it’s stupid it’s really stupid oh [ __ ] um i mean i’m pretty gay okay hi trigety hit me up sexy boy um from once us house us is from 1 to 10 says how says is it’s that

My brother is like 21 and his girlfriend is 17. there’s nothing sus about that at all i don’t know dudes yeah i was i was 21 and my girlfriend was 17 so it’s really nice it is weird though you know like like they are still in high school then

Yeah but their boobs are so then okay but it’s different because uh the agent in germany is 16 right don’t you mean the legal age no like the age of consent in germany yes yes yeah so but still like what i don’t know i would never go with a high schooler it

Seems weird like even 18 in high school is kind of weird you know to me at least i don’t know in this time you know because i haven’t been to like in in in german it’s called gymnasium yeah something different um so i have been working already you know yeah

Actually oh that’s actually that’s a really fun story actually tell me my first real girlfriend because i was like actually no it wasn’t my friend no it doesn’t matter so it was my second or so girlfriend and my little brother he was like 18 at the time yeah

And but he didn’t have a driver license yet and also we didn’t have own cars so i was working and i had an old car and he asked me if i could pick him from a party and when i arrived there it was a garden party he was like that was really

Strange he was sitting on her lap not the other way around nah nah no way dude don’t ask me what happened there yeah and i know and i know that he actually um so i’m back where are you oh oh wait i was mining trees what so he was sitting on her lap

Yes but i i i don’t know where you are [ __ ] um I’m at i’m in the planes by him like on the like in the middle of the planes and the jungle yeah i think i see you where i’m at this desert strip oh yeah yeah i’m also at the desert strip um like near the water right yeah i see jungle and beaches

Oh there you are you’re in sky okay hi okay so let’s go back so your brother was sitting on the lap of a girl yes that is wrong and he asked me if i could like take her and some other people also home wait i lost you [ __ ] did you go straight

Yes i got went like straight through south and i coming towards oh yeah i see i see you wait stop stop okay yeah yeah so you you took all those people home and um i crammed everybody in the back of my car except her i because

She was blonde and tall and she was really nice to know so i had her in my old driver’s seat and um somehow we started talking while we were driving and oh wait my electro broke wait stop go back what broke my elijah what it’s not enchanted so it’s uh yes

I saw you go back okay okay okay okay come here daddy got your back where are you um wait you flew over the mountain um just keep flying over i’m not fly i’m pillaring up right now oh i see you see okay okay come here because i

Enchanted lighter for you oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you okay so you started talking to this girl that and when i dropped her off with her place um you just take one thank you when i dropped her off at her place um

Basically i asked her for her phone number yeah and two weeks later you had sex let’s go oh no not right away well she was still 17 and i also was not like really experienced at this age okay wait you weren’t exp but you were 21 yes

Hmm so you see you were late to everything yes very very late you still left by the omen yeah okay let’s go a little bit left damn okay so that was your one of your first real girlfriends yes and i like nature of my brother

I mean he was doing it all wrong do it he was sitting on her lap i don’t know what he was and i was like the the cool older guy with car and stuff oh my god dude i had a job and i had money and

Oh yeah oh yeah and my brother was still at school at the time so wow i mean i guess working she was also working already no okay yeah i mean times i can’t even imagine what it was like 20 years ago no yeah yeah cool i mean i’m i’m not even 21 so

Yeah when we when we don’t come back to our village now we will trigger the right there come on where are you i i lost you oh there you go okay okay just go back to our village i don’t i can’t be asked dude how is there no other villages like

Nearby like that’s like not possible a village a what can you find a village oh oh yeah there is a village like uh in the direction of our things so why there’s an ocean here i haven’t passed a place already no no i i know where a village is i completely forgot

I don’t play this too much you know i i forget um okay get us through the base and then i know where it is actually i think oh here here there is a village perfect okay let’s get it let’s get it finally finally oh okay oh the bell rang Yeah of course it did i see them get them we be a strong german where be strong and hot totally hot if louis likes labor worst i you need to stop playing with him do you like actually awesome oh no you like it yes what is it well it’s

It’s it’s a disgusting disgusting stuff actually oh my god i forgot to change the i’m sorry bones thank you my my webcam was big still i’m sorry didn’t notice i’m not used to streaming with uh with the webcam next next one is coming oh this way Here they are oh this is so easy dude we’re too good oh oops sorry i’m sorry uh do you still play on simply no no i don’t i stopped playing on something i uploaded my last simplifying videos it’s like one hour video if you want to watch it it’s good okay I didn’t know that the villagers could ring the bell as well you didn’t know no it didn’t so where are they uh oh here right here i’m gonna pop my totem yeah no yeah be careful a little bit i kind of flew right into the ravager so so why are you doing that

I i forgot okay he died yeah be careful come um you’re like always right in the middle of the fight yeah that’s that’s the way to fight do we i’m strong not scared of anything that’s why i die so much all the time voluntary exile is also a an achievement yeah

He didn’t know no what for that’s the achievement you get for killing a captain i think yes are they coming here oh easy i’ll just fly right in oh i’ll kill the witches first oh no i got poisons oh [ __ ] i’m [ __ ] oh do we have a do you have a bucket perhaps

No no not on me oh god i want to drink milk wait there’s no ravager in this in this raid oh creeper where you scared me look well um oh there i am oh god i’m like one heart because of the poison effect i hate poison why is poison in this [ __ ] game

Wait i get your bucket okay no it’s okay it’s over they’re doing raids for the bow is so easy holy [ __ ] what the villager shot like ringing the bell oh my god i literally didn’t know that they did that On the other side they’re here no don’t spawn vexes oh gods we have faxes we’re everywhere oh my god i kind of flew right into the ravager i thought he was gonna die after that one shot i did but uh how do you go to stretch what he vocals are dead

Yeah yeah he’s dead oh no there’s one oh no yeah there he’s that stop running [ __ ] oh no the phantoms are coming oh god i hate these stupids flying thing die easy the zombies are fighting the um images yes oops this is easy we only have a tier one rate so uh

It shouldn’t be too hard they’re coming us from the same direction yeah oh yeah the bell helps oh he couldn’t spawn vexus yes what where no he couldn’t i killed him before he did but where wait didn’t you see i found a totem on the ground but i where are you

They’re like on the other side of the village i literally killed them almost all where’s the last one oh right here oh who do we i almost hit the goal oh god there’s one remaining i keep getting i don’t have speeds oh my god if i keep no no what was that

There was the iron guy dude what why the the iron no no not iron golem i mean the iron axe guy he was behind you oh yeah dude you almost got [ __ ] killed by that guy yeah okay i have neutral them oh this side two we decide okay

Okay no oh [ __ ] they both spawned faxes oh god oh my god vectors do so much damage what the [ __ ] oh my god i didn’t know they did so much bad damage die please die oh god it’s not dying what yeah yeah i i think i killed him

Oh my god what the [ __ ] why are the ravages not dying okay finally oh god there’s a witch don’t poison me oh never mind i’m out where’s the witch dead okay where’s the last one yeah under my tree oh really oh and then it’s completed yes okay good good good

Okay so now we know for sure that rates are working yeah rates work just the rate farm doesn’t well at least we accomplished something today didn’t we yes at least something uh i guess i’ll enter stream and um we will be back next week with another amazing stream with who we as always

Uh burns if you want to see the the raid farm that doesn’t work watch last uh watch last stream we didn’t upgrade it yet but uh yeah this was an insanely chaotic episode but that’s what eu survival episodes are okay that’s just that’s just me and we [ __ ] around

Well we have fun yeah we have fun i have fun and facebook finally i’m so embarrassing sometimes in this game new face game guys what’s up and you look you look beautiful thank you you you too i i mean other people can’t see you but i again i can

Okay bye guys a new episode of an easy vanilla tomorrow 7 p.m belgium time cesc what you liked and not like and do you want to see more of my dying oh yeah yeah for sure let us know and what kind of farms would you like to see

Oh yeah yeah what farms do we need to build that sounds so important yeah well thank you guys i don’t look like james charles shut the [ __ ] up bye

This video, titled ‘How To NOT Raid Bastions | EUsurvival 1.18 Vanilla Anarchy’, was uploaded by Skotose me on 2022-04-14 20:45:39. It has garnered 307 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:13 or 8233 seconds.

we go nether! poggers also i love hui

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    Insane Minecraft Wooden House Interior Build 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Survival Wooden House #2 Interior Tutorial – How to Build -💡Material List in Description!’, was uploaded by WiederDude on 2024-04-25 10:00:17. It has garnered 21167 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. ➜Minecraft: Survival House 2 interior Tutorial ➜Thumbs up^^ & Subscribe for more =) ➜Download houses: ➜Main House Tutorial Video: ▼More House Tutorials▼ This is the interior tutorial video for survival house #2 you can also use this video to get awesome interior ideas for your survival wooden minecraft house! If you like… Read More

  • Cursed Adventure in Minecraft

    Cursed Adventure in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iniziamo la Nostra Avventura – Minecraft ma è CURSED🌈’, was uploaded by Carnino on 2024-01-05 15:00:27. It has garnered 325 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftita #minecraftshorts #minecraftitalia #shorts #minecraftma Read More

  • Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍

    Minecraft PE HACK! Gravel Drops Rare Items 🔥| EPIC Loot 😍Video Information ओके गाइस मैं एंड ड्रैगन मारने आ गया बट मैं बैट लाने भ मर गया तो क्या हुआ ओके गाइस वेलकम बैक टू माय न्यू वीडियो आप सभी का स्वागत है आज हम खेलने वाले हैं गवल डॉप्स ओपी आइटम्स चलिए शुरू करते हैं ओके तो मुझ स्पॉन भी ची जगह पे मिला है यहां पे ग्रेवल मुझे आराम से देखने को मिल जाएगी तो यहां पे ग्रेवल मिल चुकी है इसको माइन करता हू सबसे पहले मुझे मिली है एंडर चेस्ट लेट्स गो और देखते हैं क्या-क्या मिलने वाला है नेम टेग मिला है ब्रेड टी एनटी… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun by Maust! 😱Video Information first thing I did was get some wood because you always got to start with that then I found a cave and mine for some Stone went into a deeper cave and got iron and then I stumbled across a creeper and then he proceeded to blow up all on his own accord and then I did some mining this is totally legit mining yep I’m definitely not insta mining it’s just sped up real fast I got some XP from this will then I’m in the nether boom found The Fortress that’s a totally legit way of… Read More

  • Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!

    Lautner exposed in crazy Minecraft scandal!Video Information there we go yay okay now we can oh wait we should probably get some totems o right yeah totems are important totems are very important but yeah welcome to the stream everybody wait I got to do that thing wait no that’s there we go I was thinking of a I don’t have a key set up a mute key set up for Discord bad l oh yeah a little py Pond yeah oh okay of course it has to start raining the moment I know why this exact moment it has to start raining I love… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! Zombie vs Squid Game FAMILY - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information [Music] let’s eat wow so [Music] yummy hey eat it more wow Ain mine h h give your back to me [Music] no huh hey don’t oh you huh give it back to me no [Music] huh oh my God m [Music] huh oh no are you okay they bullied [Music] me and they to my cake hey what did you do to her let’s not bully each other give her a cake huh hey take [Music] it let’s go [Music] home wao hello I want to play skateboard huh you can only play 10 minutes okay be… Read More

  • INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft’s SPUD Update! 🥔

    INSANE! 1M Subs on Minecraft's SPUD Update! 🥔Video Information hello oh my gosh okay let me put on this is why we don’t update things hi hi everybody oh my goodness oh what a pain twitch is not going to happen tonight so it’s just going to be me and YouTube like it always uh like it used to be so hello hello everybody hi um how you doing Strike Zone hippo no Avid quick singer hello viid I saw Ruby in the chat sadden hello cup half full lemon hi everybody odev GG on 1 million well okay so look sorry I’m a minute late I’m… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CRAFTING on INGITOR SMP!! 🤯🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey besties how are we doing I can’t lie I have been looking forward to stream like I just have so much fun streaming and I was looking forward to this uh oh I still need a there we go we got the map open that there I’m going to get that there okay now we’re organized and ready to go Charlotte oh my goodness you’re so early today hello how are you doing how is your day going welcome Charlotte welcome okay apparently dippy and Blacky are in a group yes hello Hi how are you I’m… Read More

  • Royal Asylum

    Royal AsylumThe time has come to flee your war torn country and begin your new life as a prisoner of war at the Royal Asylum in the Lost Kingdom! Start as a peasant and mine,chop, and fight for your life to rankup and achieve Noble status through the kingdom. This is a prison experience like no other. We are a Semi-OP RPG Prison server! Rankup by completing quests, mining, and fighting for your life today! LINKS Discord: Forums: Read More

  • CozyCraving Vanilla – No Whitelist – No Grief – Survival

    Welcome to Cozy Craving Survival Server! If you’re looking for an unwhitelisted survival server with a fantastic community, you’ve come to the right place. Our server features a plugin that can rollback griefing and looting, giving you peace of mind while you play. The server will never be reset and will grow over time. Connect to our server at: Read More

  • Enceladus NO

    Enceladus NOEnceladus N.U / Saturn Survival (2015-2018)Here you will find a thrilling survival gameplay experience with a friendly economy tuned for fairness in our server. We are grindy/farming based and simply land claim survival. Our brand theme is a hysterical space-medieval with mystery. Use /warp shop to work your way up the economy leaderboard or thrash the PvP monuments with your friends. It is what you make of it here and you can find other various unique beauties in our palace. The snail lords are coming – bring your talents alive and find what’s notable about your creativity! We are simplistic… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Chest Looting”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Chest Looting"Well, at least this meme scored higher than my chances of surviving a creeper explosion in Minecraft! Read More

  • Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20!

    Crafty Seeds: Minecraft 1.20.5 Survival Island Top 20! In the world of Minecraft, where seeds are sown, I bring you the top 20, all freshly grown. From Stony Edge Island to Lush Cliffs and Icebergs, Each seed is unique, with its own special perks. Cliff Village Island, perched high above, A village on cliffs, a sight to behold and love. Igloo Island, with secrets below, A hidden basement, where zombies may show. Small Forest Island, a cozy retreat, With trees and turtles, a peaceful seat. Flower Islands, a colorful pair, Sunflowers and blooms, a vibrant affair. Witch Hut Island, where magic resides, A cauldron bubbling, where spells… Read More

  • Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes

    Minecraft trading: Villager hustle 😂🔥 #memes “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a stack of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your hopes of defeating the Ender Dragon with a pile of dirt.” Read More

How To NOT Raid Bastions | EUsurvival 1.18 Vanilla Anarchy