How To Play FTB Revelation | Flight! Angel Ring & Grid Power! | E08 Modded Minecraft For Beginners

Video Information

Hello my name is hector welcome back to how to play ftb revelation how’s everyone doing hope you are doing well last episode we built a mob farm we went over some options for more farms and today we’re going to do the the biggest the biggest thing you can do

In my opinion in um in modern which is learn how to fly we’re gonna be making an angel ring uh which is in this pack at least one of the best ways of flying and that’s what it looks like and there’s different versions if you want wings as well um there’s

In this i think the only other way to fly is a jet pack which you have to keep charged it takes you can see eu which is another form of power that only industrial craft 2 uses if you play in another pack you might have other jet packs available to you

Which will help you out in getting an angel ring if you have um extra utilities you will have an angel ring it’s a very very common mod it is in most mod packs so you should be able to do this so if you look at this

You can see it’s made up of a few things a golden lasso and a curse lasso but first you need the ring of the flying squid and to get the ring of the flying squid you need the chicken wing ring so we need this first

So this is not too bad this is some iron some feathers uh some resonating redstone crystals now you might get some of these when you break redstone you sometimes do but you can also make them uh using uh ender pearls so let’s let’s do that actually i

Think i have a couple of redstone uh and the poles here i’ve got some redstone here as well there we go and i’m thinking i need some iron there we go so let’s let’s do that um let’s actually let’s actually rather than putting angel in let’s put a ring um where are you

Where are all the rings there they are there they are chicken ring okay so that we need that and we need a glass cutter and there we go and then you put that in there and you get eight bits of ender shard there we go

Uh and then all we need to do is put these in and you can see you get two of those and you get some ender shots left which is a very nice little thing and like i said you can also get those from breaking a redstone ore as well or

At least you used to but there you go now the cursed lasso the cur well no no the golden lasso requires eight enchantment levels to craft now i only have three so i will not be able to do this i need to go get some um

Get some xp before we do this um so that is a very important thing you need a xp to be able to and we will need two of these okay so if i put that in there now like that you can see i don’t i can’t i

Literally cannot make this right now so that is an important little facet so let’s get some xp and then when you get back we will make some lassos so you can see i’ve got 16 levels now and this pops up nicely and we need to make another

One of these bam there we go we’ve got two golden lassos and what do these do well they allow us let’s just load up this they allow us to pick up mobs um let’s have a look there was a cow around here there there he is

So this is a great way to move mobs around bam there you go and you can see it now contains a cow boom and you put that down it can only do one at a time there we go we need a chicken boom lovely stuff so that is how that

Works it only works it only works for passive mobs okay so it won’t work for hostile mobs so any zombies skeletons anything like that that will not work using a normal lasso but we’ll get to how how to pick up those sorts of mobs um later on so there we go we need

That uh and what do we not have what do we not have oh it’s it’s put the wrong lasso in there we go there we go chicken wing ring there we go and you get the lasso back you see you get that back so that is nice and useful to have so

You can see that it uses one gp now you probably won’t want to use this just by itself and i’ve got no grid power right now if you want to know what grid power is let’s look into that as well so the first thing we will need to get some

Grid power is a resonator okay so very simple recipe block of coal and some basic supplies okay so we can put that down there and you can see now grid power zero out of zero no power used or generated and if you look at any machine from

Uh extra utilities two you can see you’ll get a grid power thing and in fact i’ve had to put my um my chicken wing ring away because right now you can see this the chicken wing uses one grid power and that is more than what we have so that actually turns

Off right now so that’s the thing to consider and there you go let’s put that away it starts working again so there we have it so what can we use this for well we need to make we need to get some stuff that um produces grid power so rather than rf

Which is sort of a a current you know that we we use with pipes some sort of pipes to move the current around grip power is very different very different and there are different ways of um of generating it and let’s have a look extra utility and then let’s have a look

First of all the first thing that we will have to make is the solar panels there you go gives power during daylight hours must have clear line of sight to sky power reduced by rain base power given one gp one grid power and these are made are

Like so so we need some lapis to make three and then we need this polished stone and polystone you make from just normal bricks so let’s get a little bit of lapis let’s can i yeah there we go let’s get some more of that

Did i yes i did i totally got one of those as well um let’s make some more of these bad boys there we go three of those that i’ll do for us for now and then let’s make some bricks so that there we go and polish stone how lovely let’s make

Some of these we get nine of those that is excellent excellent nine so all we have to do like it said is you just put them out you put them out anywhere it’s up to you but they need clear line of sight to the sky and each of these produces one grid

Power now you can see that if i look on it there you go it says grid power zero out of nine so the nine is how much we have we are currently generating in total zero is how much we’re actually using so we’re not using any and then

There you can see power generating one that is how much this solar panel is generating and if you look over here again now you will see zero out of nine and if you look here it will say the same so let’s get our chicken wing ring out

Or whatever it’s called uh where are you there you go if we now you can see grid power one out of nine because that chicken ring uses one gp there you go and and what this does you can see it basically it allows us to float down so if we double space

Like double jump basically you can see it uses there’s a little timer now this isn’t really used much um let’s let’s try doing it off here maybe there you go oh that didn’t work let’s try that again i don’t think i quite got the timing right let’s try that again come on

Oh you’ve got to hold it you’ve got to hold it and then you you sort of float down and then you go down so there you go that is what the chicken wing ring does now you might want a better grid power setup than just using solar panels and the most common one

Uh the most common one is oh well there are different versions there’s the lava mill there you go operates when adjacent to lava there is the windmill and which you can see it has a different uh it’s not a static grid power like the solar panel is always one grip power

Unless it’s just off you can see current power given it changes depending on the wind as you might imagine the fire mill placed over fire which is pretty good and the most common one is the water mill and you make this like so what is this stone burnt stuff well you need to

Polish stone in the resonator and that’s why we’ve made a resonator so all of those mills need a resonator and now you can see that needs eight grid power so you can see we’ve we’ve got the nine we were using one with the chicken ring with just

About enough we have just about enough to cover that there you go and you can see we get a stone burn so if that overloads if the grid power overloads and you start drawing more than what you have all operations will just stop so everything that uses grid power will stop including

The furnace generator which actually doesn’t even take grid power so that’s something to um to look out for so let me make some of these stone burnt things and then we and this the redstone gear is just redstone torches around some planks so it’s not

Too bad um we’re going to make i think eight of these so get your stuff together get eight and then we’ll get back when that is done right then there we go eight water mills lovely stuff so what we need to do what we need to do is

You need to make a five by five little area like this and then go two out from the middle and on each side so i need to oh i’m gonna have to i’ll have to change this around and you there we go there we go lovely much better okay let’s get

Another bit of water and to here there we go and boom to there like that there we go and then the way we’re going to put this is put one of these in front of each one of those and then connect the the corners so you’ll have something like that and

Now the way the water mill works is that it actually needs flowing water okay so that’s why we set it like this so we will put let’s get the other water bucket one um flowing block of water there so this is the block where it generates power and you can see it has

It has fans on each side so each side can generate power so you can see now it’s generating four and four grid power which is great so we’re going to put one in the corner as well and that’s how we’re gonna do this so one here and then one in the corner and

That just has the uh the effect of basically being able to do three you know sides at once well four sides one two three four which is great lovely stuff there we go so all the way around like that come on like that and here and here and then lastly lastly

In the middle there you go and that does all of that stuff so this is a nice easy way so now you can see and we’re generating 115 115 and don’t worry about the effective power and 17 efficiency loss don’t worry about that this is like good enough for

Us right now to be doing all what we need you don’t really probably need that much grid power 115 will do us nicely so this will completely sort us out now the one thing that you do need to do you need to make sure is that that wherever we are right now is

Uh chunk loaded so if this is chunk loaded this will work in across dimensions basically so make sure that this wherever you are wherever you put it is chunk loaded so right now we can get back we can get back to doing the ring business so users for the ring wing

Chicken ring wing that’s hard to say so we need two diamonds and then the pearl we need some black dye or ink sacs or anything like that and we need a squid there we go so let’s go out and get a squid and then return and we’ll do this

There we have it i’ve got a squid in there you can see and you can see uh the health as well of whatever mob you have in there which is pretty nice that’s pretty nice and black dye all around diamond chicken wing ring in there and

Then we get the ring of the flying squid jet propulsion at your fingertips uses 16 grid power so there you go so it’s doubled okay uh oh no no it’s not doubled he uses one and the next one will double as well angel ring that’s what i’m on

About and so 16 gp we get the golden lasso back let’s have a look i don’t even know i don’t think i’ve ever ever used the ring of the flying squid oh that’s pretty good so it’s like a jet pack almost you can see it uses there you go you can see there’s

The bar across the screen and it uses that so that’s that’s pretty that’s not bad so i’ve got i’ve got my um my slime boots on right now yeah so it definitely doesn’t seem to um doesn’t prevent uh fall damage but the slime boots will of course make us bounce so

That’s pretty good now this is the big one now this is the big one what do we do with that well we can get the angel ring so you’ve got different options uh you’ve got the standard angel ring which you make with glass which is just nothing so you won’t have any um

Physical difference to your your player um nothing will this you know nothing will change you will just be able to fly uh if you make it with feathers you get you know little wings and angel rings and there are devil wings golden wings and then some more devil

Wings so it’s it’s sort of up to you how you want to look but what you need is gold you need a golden lasso with a bat and then this is the big one this is the thing that makes this hard you need a cursed lasso

With a ghast in it how do you get a cursed lasso well you need a another one of these drops of evil if you remember we use them to make them up farm and they are dropped from wither skeletons at a 10 percent rate although looting

You can see it’s affected by looting so go make yourself a sword with like full looting and you it shouldn’t be too hard to get so a curse lasso i think i have some drops of evil um somewhere in here there we go i’ve got one there we go

Let us make one of these and one of these there we go so we’ve got a curse lasso so the first one we’ll tackle the first one to tackle is the bat so bats usually uh obviously they spawn in dark areas like caves they also also spawn under you know if you

Remember the slime islands that can sometimes be a good place but most likely you’ll end up going down into the caves and trying to get a bat from around there so that’s what i’m gonna do right now mark i can see a bat down there down here

Uh i can’t see anything else i’ve run out of torches there’s a something else in here um i don’t know if i can even see this oh where are you where have you gone there there there there that oh i’ve got it i’ve got it i’ve got it

I’ve i’ve got the bat i that might have been really hard to see i apologize to help us out uh with catching a gas because it is a hard thing i’m gonna use a teleportation wand um right click to teleport forward until a block is hit or

Maximum distance is reached so there you go that’s how we do that so i’m gonna meet two of those and then two of those so if we look basically this will work and obviously it takes durability oh no it ah it’s not taking durability it’s taken xp

So i need to go get some more xps so that’s not too bad so no durability just xp so that’s that’s a good thing what i might also do is if we have do i have plastic yes i do uh i need one more i think so the difference between a curse lasso

And a normal lasso is that these can take a um hostile mobs so in the same way that a lasso can a um cursed lasso can do um can do hostile mobs now there is another way of getting hostile mobs as well and that is using these um if we use these

Catalyzing glands and we can make a gast here which is you know not too hard to get but if you’ve got a mob farm set up at least in the overworld you’ll probably have a lot of these and that’s a good way of getting this then four bits of plastic

Like that will get a mob imprisonment tool now from industrial foregoing these uh do hostile mobs and passive mobs alike so the thing with the ghast is that it it has to be and to be able to get it into a cursed lasso it cannot be at full health so you

Have to you have to knock it down a few like a few times to get it i can’t remember exactly what health but the lasso will basically not allow you to get it in and it will tell you it needs it’s still too has too many hit points so you need to

Bring it down it the gas will well the cursed lasso will tell you so i’m going to go in to the nether now and we’re going to we’re going to try that and actually no first i’m gonna get some more xp okay there’s one here look at that oh

I’m gonna die i’m gonna die let’s try oh there we go we got him we got him and i need to need to get somewhere there we go oh ow ow ow ow there we go right we’ve got a guest in here so i’m gonna go back to the

Overworld now and then we’re gonna try and get him get the ghast in um in the cursed lasso but you can see having the ring of the flying squid is really helpful right now now there is also a bit of a bug um right this at this moment

That if you come into a different dimension the ring won’t work immediately and what you have to do is just pick it up and put it back down again and it then seems to start working again so if you if you sort of see that happening that’s

What you have to do to fix it but anyway let’s get this gas in this lasso so i’ve built a room in the overworld i say built i’ve just hammered out a room in the overworld and we’re gonna spawn our gas back in here we’re gonna then hitting

Uh and then we’re gonna put him back in the mob imprisonment tool okay um and you can see health 10 so that is what we’re gonna do i don’t know how well this is gonna work oh dear oh that was funny so okay i’ll can i i can i cannot i’m there

We go i’m healing i’m healing so let’s have a look health nine okay so i think it’s gonna be below half so i presume under five uh for this to work let’s heal up again so he seems to spawn in immediately facing you So yeah okay so i’m gonna i’m gonna keep i’m gonna keep doing this uh i should i should heal i should heal i’m gonna i’m gonna die how how good was that oh health three okay let’s heal up then let’s spawn him in again and i think we

Might be able to actually get the gas into the cursed lasso now let’s just heal quickly come on so all of this so that we can fly there we go right there we go boom so i think it is under halfway so let’s get back up here now

You can see i’m not that far away and you can see my my um my ring my squid ring isn’t working right now so let’s just do the trick there you go and it’s working so that’s how that works so let’s put you back in here um everything else should be here i

Think uh i’ll know what am i missing what am i missing oh the ring that ring itself there you go angel ring you can see i’m just using glass and uses 32 grid power and then we put that in and you can see of course we get the

Golden lasso and the cursed lasso back and from here on in it just needs to be in your inventory but you can see it says also bauble ring so if you’ve got this mod called baubles you can see it gives you an extra an extra little um

Well a few slots where to put certain things and one of the things that you can put in is rings so you can have another one there for instance for britannia or anything like that and we now that will just that will just stay there which is great because what

It means what it means is that you don’t have to take up an inventory slot and we can fly we can fly so remember to keep the grid power loaded and like i say right now there is a bit of a bug a bit of a bug in how you were

Traveling between dimensions so bear that in mind but there you go hopefully you learned something how to get an angel ring and power it using grid power hopefully that helped if it if it did feel free to leave a like or comment if you’ve got questions feel free to ask

And we’ll we’ll see if we can get those answers as well thank you so much for watching i have been hector this has been how to play ftb revelation and i will see you in the next one bye bye

This video, titled ‘How To Play FTB Revelation | Flight! Angel Ring & Grid Power! | E08 Modded Minecraft For Beginners’, was uploaded by Ector Vynk on 2018-04-02 19:00:02. It has garnered 104264 views and 1012 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:13 or 1393 seconds.

Welcome to this How To Play FTB Revelation modpack let’s play. FTB Revelation is a new Minecraft 1.12.2 kitchensink modpack by FTB (Feed The Beast). Let’s play FTB Revelation for beginners!

– Flight! Angel Ring & Grid Power! –

In this episode we continue this brand new 1.12.2 modded series called How To Play FTB Revelation. We learn how to fly in modded minecraft. We make an angel ring and use grid power to fly. We need to catch a ghast using a cursed lasso in order to make an agel ring. Then we’ll need to power it using water wheel grid power!

FTB Revelation details:




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About FTB Revelation:

Revelation is a general all-purpose pack that is designed for solo play as well as small and medium population servers. This pack contains a mix of magic, tech and exploration mods, and is the largest pack ever built and released by the Feed The Beast Team.

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    Insane Chicken Theft - 984-Year-Old Animation! 🐔🔥 #shizo #animeVideo Information This video, titled ‘give my chicken Back! 😡 #anime #music #edit #song #memeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bubba bubbaphant Animation•984•years•17B views on 2024-05-16 12:04:05. It has garnered 539 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Thirty Numbers SMP

    Thirty Numbers SMPHello and welcome to ThirtyNumbersSMP in this server its survival and there is basically no rules (other than the ones in discord) also you can team with players pretty much whatever you desire there Read More

  • ViibeMC Network 1.20.4 Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

    Welcome to ViibeMC Adventure awaits in SMP and Skyblock! In SMP (Survival Multiplayer), team up with friends to conquer the wild landscapes, engage in PvP battles, and experience custom enchantments for added excitement. In Skyblock, start with a tiny island and expand it into a paradise. Compete for monthly island payouts and showcase your creativity. IP: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Survived the Warden, this meme nails it!

    Minecraft Memes - Survived the Warden, this meme nails it!Just like the Warden, this meme is giving me the silent treatment because I can’t stop laughing at it! Read More

  • Blind to Cluck: Minecraft Chicken Disappear #shorts

    Blind to Cluck: Minecraft Chicken Disappear #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where chickens roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a mystery to me. But fear not, for the adventure is still grand, Exploring, building, in this blocky land. With each new update, the game evolves, New features, new challenges, for us to solve. So join me, fellow gamers, in this digital delight, As we craft, mine, and survive through the night. Don’t skip the video, don’t miss the fun, In this world of creativity, we all are one. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, your bow, And let’s dive into Minecraft, where the possibilities… Read More

  • POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage

    POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage POV: My friend still won’t stop bragging about how I saved them in Minecraft by stopping time. I guess I’m just a time-stopping hero now. #humblebrag #minecrafthero Read More

  • Fireball War in Minecraft

    Fireball War in Minecraft Minecraft Fireball War: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe When it comes to epic battles and exciting adventures, Minecraft never fails to deliver. One of the most thrilling events in the Minecraft universe is the Fireball War, where players engage in intense combat using fireballs as their primary weapon. The Excitement of Bedwars Bedwars is a popular game mode in Minecraft that involves teams of players competing to destroy each other’s beds while defending their own. The addition of fireballs to this already intense gameplay takes the excitement to a whole new level. Hypixel Bedwars: The Ultimate Challenge… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible YouTube video showcasing the BEST Food Farm in Minecraft Bedrock, producing a whopping 2,000 items per hour! This fully automatic farm is a game-changer, offering different types of mobs and loots depending on biomes. If you’re a fan of high-performance and simple farms that push the boundaries of Minecraft, then this is the server for you. Imagine the possibilities of what you can achieve with such advanced technology at your fingertips! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server… Read More

  • Nether Portal Entrance Room Build!

    Nether Portal Entrance Room Build! Minecraft Hardcore: Building an Entrance Room to the Nether Portal! Welcome back to another thrilling episode of the Minecraft Hardcore series! In this exciting installment, our intrepid player takes on the challenge of constructing a grand entrance to the Nether Portal. As they delve deeper into the hardcore world, the fusion of creativity and survival becomes paramount. This episode is brimming with adventure, featuring the crafting of an impressive gateway to the Nether and an epic mining expedition. Designing a Majestic Entrance Join our player as they meticulously gather materials and design a Nether Portal entrance fit for royalty…. Read More

  • EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness – Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1

    EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness - Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval Shipyard w/ Drydock Pt.1 (Minecraft beta 1.7.3)’, was uploaded by syncc on 2024-05-10 01:00:32. It has garnered 561 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:02 or 1562 seconds. Thank you for watching the first part of this mega project, I wish I could’ve gotten more done in this video but life has been hitting with some personal stuff going on. Have not had much time to play, and the footage was taking up a bunch of hard drive space so I figured you guys would probably enjoy a video regardless… Read More

  • Unleashing Light Power in Minecraft

    Unleashing Light Power in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Obtained the Power of LIGHT in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ArctixNation on 2024-03-16 20:55:08. It has garnered 12269 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:10 or 1390 seconds. I joined the Divine SMP, a Minecraft server where you can control different spirits and I want the strongest one, Light. Credits: @flxshed (Thumbnail) @JustBK_ (Overall Support) @Merffinn @MugmV2 (final fight) @Encade @Korwick @justgapple Thank you! Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This… Read More

  • EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTime

    EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пов: ивент дед мороз на FunTime #grief #anarchy #minecraft #рекомендации #прикол #мем #fypシ #funtime’, was uploaded by Meshikc on 2024-01-28 17:16:27. It has garnered 1567 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Chip Chip Chip Chip Oak Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip dubi dubi daba daba Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗” #gaminggold

    "EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗" #gaminggoldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creative Build “Kentucky Fried Chicken” 😍 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Ambient Corner with TigerMomma4 on 2024-01-11 22:55:43. It has garnered 202 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. OOOH!!! I love me some Kentucky Fried Chicken!!! My son built me a KFC in my Minecraft Creative World. 🤗 Tutorial by @TSMCMinecraft This is TigerMomma4 reminding everyone to be kind to one another. May peace follow you wherever you roam… Music by Awesome_Music #minecraftbuilding #chillgamer #youtubeshorts #shortsyoutube #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!

    ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To X-Ray On Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by ChrisspyLegion on 2024-01-08 20:00:19. It has garnered 13423 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. Whats going on my Legion🛡️ Welcome back to another video LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE ANIME AND GAMING CONTENT 🙂 The X-RAY Follow My Twitch 🙂 Donate Donate$ChrisspyLegion Donate Join my Discord #anime #animes #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #mcpe #minecraftaddon #minecraftpocketedition #mcpeaddon #minecraftaddons Read More

  • Azen Gaming’s EPIC Invisibility Prank – Minecraft!

    Azen Gaming's EPIC Invisibility Prank - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using INVISIBILITY to Prank My Friend – Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Azen Gaming on 2024-05-12 11:18:02. It has garnered 139777 views and 1273 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:21 or 741 seconds. What kind of prank can we do with her next? @PepeSanTV @sheyyynplayz Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Morph Parody #azengaming #Invisibilityprank #pepesantv #sheyyynplayz #minecraftGHOST #Minecraftph #Minecraft #MineraftTagalog #MinecraftSMP #omocraft #roblox Read More

  • “Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE” #SMP #aternos

    "Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE" #SMP #aternosVideo Information This video, titled ‘3K Kab Honge | Minecraft live stream in Hindi | 24/7 SMP | JAVA + PE #Minecraft #SMP #aternos’, was uploaded by Optimum Timex Gaming on 2024-01-14 13:44:45. It has garnered 160 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:48 or 8868 seconds. WELCOME TO MY LIVE STREAM ❤️ GUYS YOU ARE ALSO READY TO CHAT WITH ME JOIN US QUICKLY AND BROTHERS SHARE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO IT You Can Watch Videos Early And Much More Benefits Join the Membership and Enjoy : MY SECOND CHANNEL LINK : INSTAGRAM… Read More


    EPIC WIN WITH MY BRO IN MINECRAFT BEDWARS! 😱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘MY BRO CAME IN WITH FINISH FOR THE WIN!#minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-10 13:37:04. It has garnered 11018 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥

    Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers super fast running speed part 2|| Minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Farhad gaming on 2024-03-15 15:42:54. It has garnered 11075 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. subway surfers og ,  subway surfers old ,  subway surfers ost ,  subway surfers hack ,  subway surfers ohio ,  subway surfers poki ,  subway surfers pros ,  subway surfers song ,  subway surfers music ,  subway surfers phonk ,  subway surfers remix ,  subway surfers sound ,  subway surfers theme ,  subway surfers glitch ,  subway surfers profis ,  subway surfers zombie ,  subway surfers deutsch ,  subway surfers paluten ,  subway surfers gameplay ,  subway surfers official ,  , #subwaysurfers , #subway , #subwaysurf , #subwaysurfer , #subwayseries , #subwaystation , #game , #subwaytile… Read More

  • SkyHaven

    SkyHavenSkyHaven is a server for the new minecraft verisons out there! Our gamemodes are FFA, Survival, Hardcore, and more. We also have tons of features many other servers may not have! Read More

  • WavyMC SMP 1.20 Java/Bedrock Land Claim Level System Daily Quests

    WavyMC Server WavyMC – Java/Bedrock Survival – 1.20.X WavyMC is a 1.20 Survival server with an active community build around the Twitch community. Season 3 of WavyMC SMP launched recently and has already attracted nearly 200 players! Join us for an epic adventure in a dynamic world filled with features like economy, player leveling, quests, and more! How to join WavyMC? Version: 1.20.X Java IP: Bedrock IP: (Port: 19132) Discord: Core features on WavyMC Discover unique player leveling system, land claiming, economy, and a community-driven server. Join now! Player Leveling: Complete quests to level up and unlock… Read More

How To Play FTB Revelation | Flight! Angel Ring & Grid Power! | E08 Modded Minecraft For Beginners