How To Set Up A Minecart Rail Station! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 223]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you guys are having a good day today we are going to put some of the theory that we learned in yesterday’s episode about minecarts into practice because one of the things i would like to create in

This world is a minecart travel network so that we don’t always have to use the nether portal to get around in the world and whether or not it is faster or slower than nether travel is to be debated but it is kind of nice to set

Yourself going in a minecart go away and make a cup of tea come back and have arrived at your destination so that is one of the things i would like to do today ideally i want to create a high-speed minecart rail that goes from this project to the site of the new

Project that i’m planning on investing a little bit more time in in the near future which is the ski resort town that we’re building out in the ice biome however the two of those projects are quite a far distance away and for minecart travel to be high speed it

Involves a little bit of more technical building in fact it involves creating what is called a piston bolt a piston bolt is a piston assisted way of traveling with mine cart and it’s something i’m not going to get into in today’s episode because it’s a little bit more advanced than the basic rail

Network stuff that we’re going to be doing today but today i kind of want to get started on a means to travel from here in founders forge out to let’s say the guardian farm i feel like the guardian farmer is an achievable distance away for today’s video and it’s

Also more or less on a direct line with the town of founders forge so we could start a straight minecart track maybe only diverting to the side once or twice in order to get out to the ocean monument where i have my guardian farm probably even link us directly to the

Kill chamber so i don’t have to go through the nether portal on the surface and then head down into the killing chamber itself so if i’m planning on linking old town for example out to the ocean monument i feel like i need to fly out in this direction as far as i need

To go to get to the ocean monument and check whereabouts the ocean monument is if we’ll need to divert east or west in order to uh have the minecart rail link up properly or if we can just create a rail that leads north south and that will connect us up perfectly i honestly

Don’t fly this way very much anymore i usually go through the nether to get to this guardian farm so i’m not entirely certain about the coordinates of it compared to what we’ve got over in old town that’s another ocean temple over there have i raided that one it looks

Like i might not even have raided that one and there we go we’ve continued directly north of old town and we’ve ended up in the frozen ocean which means that the guardian farm is probably yep it’s somewhere over there so realistically speaking we should only need to divert that way by maybe you

Know 70 or 80 blocks i think that’s probably the length of it and what i want to do is divert the path of our minecart rails so we end up down here instead of having to get the nether portal and take the water elevator down

Here i feel like it would be kind of fun to have a minecart rail station that just pops out say at the back here in the wall or maybe through this little archway that i’ve created because that almost looks like it could be the entrance to something so yeah actually

Let’s do that let’s dig out a hole at the back here let’s check where we’re at 32 okay i think this should be underneath sea level the main thing really to worry about is whether or not we would have to create a tunnel through the ocean and build a tunnel there

Instead of just digging one out and i would prefer to do this under the ocean floor if possible that probably means we’re going to run into a few cave systems while we’re there but this might actually be a really fun project to do a little further down in the world if you

Wanted to create a minecart tunnel a really long tunnel at y11 or y12 then you would be much more likely to encounter precious resources like diamonds which could be kind of good for all of you diamond miners out there let me just check what the coordinates of

The ocean floor are out here though because i kind of don’t want any gravel caving in on us while we’re digging this and i kind of want to make sure that we are underneath the ocean floor a significant distance so that is at y 33

That’s at 32 okay so we may even need to dig a little deeper in order to make this happen and oh there’s a couple of neat little structures out here that i don’t think i really encountered before and you know what now i’ve mentioned the diamond mining idea i actually kind of

Like the idea of tunneling down here and grabbing any precious resources we can find along the way oh there’s even a little cave system underneath here fantastic so yeah what i will do is i will dig down to around y11 or y12 somewhere that we can start a long

Minecart rail without fear of uh breaking into the ocean floor and flooding the tunnel but also a place where we can grab a ton of precious resources and then i’m going to have to dig about i don’t know maybe like 1200 maybe 1500 blocks in that direction to

Get back on a level with old town and we’re going to have to dig probably 400 blocks east as well and some of you might be wondering why i’m not instantly setting up a haste beacon to do this mining because it’s a little bit slow right now and the reason for that really

Is that haste beacons only have a radius of about 50 blocks if you set up a haste to beacon maximum tier beacon it can only have the area of effect for 50 blocks in each direction from the beacon beams so it’s really not gonna be that useful for digging a long tunnel like

This uh you’d have to have a beacon set up every hundred blocks in order to keep the effect going and i don’t have a whole bunch of beacons like that i would need 18 beacons just to get me back to my spawn area so i don’t think i’ll

Worry too much about that i’m just going to spend a bit of time off camera digging this tunnel out and i’ll come back to you guys once we’ve got the tunnel ready and we’re ready to set up the minecart rails that was a lot of digging

That was a heck of a lot of digging that has taken me maybe four or five hours to dig this tunnel out in a three by three and my tools have been put through the ringer this is not the first time that my pickaxe has been down to pretty low

Durability and i’ve had to switch out for some other stuff but of course we are going to get a high speed or at least a reasonably decent speed afk train line to one of my xp farms and i know that i have a furnace-based xp farm

Over at my uh my main town over here but let’s just say it’s decommissioned right now it needs a bit of recalibration it needs a refining slightly it also needs an off switch very very badly so i am uh yeah i’m now at the stage where i’m happy to start

Putting minecart rails in here let me tell you there are a lot of areas where the seabed gets pretty low or alternatively we end up with those underwater caves like caves which are flooded and have sea grass and stuff growing in them and uh magma blocks bubbling up from the bottom of the

Ground so it’s been a quite an interesting task digging this whole thing out but there have been some pretty cool rewards not the least of which is over a stack and a half of diamond ore and that is diamond ore that is not just diamonds i still need to

Fortune some of this but i was silk touching my way through it because i really find having stone a lot more useful instead of breaking it all down into cobblestone have to smelt it back to get stone brick and stuff like that also picked myself up a couple of

Emerald ore which of course i’m very happy about but yeah it’s time to start putting in the infrastructure start time start putting in the rails and i’ll show you guys how to make a pretty neat little minecart station obviously we need to make some of this a

Little bit more palatable right now this comes up in a section of old town that i had kind of built a broken down framework of a house for and figured that was just going to be it that was going to be the only thing that was left

Of the house now it kind of feels a little bit more like a metro entrance to me and i like that as a concept so i kind of want to keep this here and have that be sort of the the metro entrance in the story of this world the the loose

Story that i’ve come up with to justify some of the stuff i’ve built here the castle is the only place that has access to the nether and so it almost makes sense that the older part of town might have an old kind of almost disused railway station which we can put into

Use as a path over to the guardian farm if we don’t feel like going through the nether that day but for now i’m going to go and store all of the stuff that i’ve got from building this all of the extra all blocks and some of the stone that

I’ve gathered as i’ve dug the tunnel out and we’re gonna go grab the resources that we’ll need to set up a minecart station while i’m at it though i am gonna remove all of my armor and put my fortune pick in one hand my silk touch

Pick in the offhand and we’re going to get as much experience as we can out of fortuneing all of this diamond all because i’ve got a bit of diamond door saved up in reserve for when i want to use it for decorative stuff these ones i

Just want a fortune and see how many diamonds i get well that’s over one third of my silk touch pickaxe now restored and yeah that’s looking like a healthy amount of diamonds it’s been a while since i brought in a hole like that so that makes me a lot happier and

Yeah 500 durability that’s not bad that’ll keep us going for a little while again yeah just going to add these 26 diamond blocks to my stash of diamonds in here all right enough enough flexing let’s uh let’s get on with this so one of the things i did not cover in

Yesterday’s episode all about minecarts and minecart rails is that minecarts can be broken quite easily by building oh we got a nice little mushroom cave down there minecarts can be broken very easily on cactus in fact if you have a cactus just on a piece of sand there if

You put a minecart rail heading up to it and you push that minecart into the cactus the minecart is gonna break and if we place a hopper in front of it like so we’ll have it outputting into a dispenser here like so then that is going to allow us to uh exit the

Minecart at a certain point have the minecart travel by rail into this cactus break and then end up in the hopper before it has a chance to be destroyed by the cactus and by putting a slab over the top of it here we can make sure that

We’re not going to walk into the cactus or anything and that’s actually going to be made incredibly efficient i did almost just make the mistake of putting my entire redstone box next to that cactus and that could potentially have been destroyed if it touched the cactus

So i had to take the cactus out first thankfully i caught that before i did something terrible there but say for example we have some powered rail leading up to the station terminus here we could maybe even put an activator rail to eject us from the minecart in a

I’m pretty sure this is a south facing direction so we could be ejected onto whatever block is here and then go up the stairs to the exit from there now that can go over the powered rail there and we can have a simple single minecart rail taking the minecart

Into the cactus once the minecart hits that cactus it’s going to drop into the hopper and then the hopper is going to feed it directly into the dispenser in fact i think we might actually move this one block back here so that we can fit

In a setup with a detector rail and an activator rail so that we can automatically be launched out of the mine cart now let’s see if we can put the characters back here it’s going to involve us creating a little bit of space so the cactus can sit there in the

First place we’ll put a slab over the top there and then this section here is going to have a dispenser facing upwards like so we want the hopper facing into it there we’ll have a couple of pieces of powered rail here and here coming off

The top of that and that will allow us to set off in the right direction with the press of a button over this side we’ll put our two minecarts in here and we’ll have a single piece of regular rail heading into that cactus there now over here i want this detector rail to

Switch on this activator rail basically ejecting us from the minecart whenever we come into the station from this track here but not turning on this activator rail when we want to leave the station again because as i mentioned in yesterday’s video switching on the powered rail here is not going to

Activate this activator rail next to it so that’s going to be uh worthwhile doing i will have to extend the station platform one block this way though which is going to mean unfortunately shifting the entire staircase over one block which is going to take a minute or two

Here so here’s a little setup you can try once you’ve got a large slope of powered rail that’s going to give you the maximum momentum when you’re coming into the station here set up a detector rail here leave a one rail gap and then have a an activator rail here the reason

You don’t want the detector and the activator rail too close together is because that one is going to activate that one and when you end up going outwards leaving the station then by the time you roll over the detector rail you’re still halfway going to be on the

Activator rail and it’s going to try and chuck you out of the mine cart which you don’t really want instead when coming into the station what you want to do is put a couple of redstone dust underneath the block that this detector rail is sat on coming out this way have a repeater

Going into a block here like so and then have a dot of redstone dust on top of that with a block above it adjacent to this activator rail and what that’s going to do is activate the activator rail once your minecart rolls over here it’s going to have enough momentum that

That will carry it over the activator rail and eject the player from the minecart before it has a chance to switch the circuit off again so coming from the bottom of the slope here we enter this section of powered rail remember you only really need seven

Blocks worth of powered rail to get you up to the maximum speed once we hit the activator rail we’re immediately ejected the mine cart hits the cactus disappears into the dispenser and then comes out of the dispenser on the other side when we hit that button there we roll onto the

Powered rail activate that with the button next to it and we can be sent off on our way without disturbing that activator rail at all i quite like the system actually this is pretty good once we’re down here in the tunnels of course we can get away with putting long

Stretches of regular rail in so if we don’t have a huge a supply of powered rail then you don’t need to worry about that we can travel a bunch of blocks before we start to lose momentum and then we just need to put in the occasional powered rail here and there

With a redstone power source quite close by in fact considering the amount of redstone or i dug out of this tunnel i’m quite tempted to make that all out of redstone blocks just have a redstone block underneath each section of the track it’s going to be nice and discreet

And it will mean that if a creeper explosion happens down here it’s not going to damage the redstone circuitry in any way because remember explosions will not damage sections of rail or at least i’m pretty sure creeper explosions won’t have really tested it lately one

Thing i do know is that with the right decoration we needn’t worry too much about mobs spawning down here at all despite all of the zombie noises you’re hearing from the walls there’s actually abandoned mine shaft really close by to this area but anyway as i was saying we

Needn’t worry too much about mob spawns at all if we decorate this thing properly and light it up properly so that is what i’m going to do i think i like this station layout enough to keep it here and what i want to do is get a

Bunch of say dark prismarine and stuff like that we’re going to use some of my favorite building blocks down here building this up into something that feels a little bit more like a casual subway station i like that idea we could even theme it around the materials i’ve

Used to build here in old town which conveniently enough includes dark prismarine in the palette i’m gonna sneak down here before any of these creepers spot me but down here we can do a little bit to convert this into something that looks more like a subway

Station and maybe has a little bit less of a leaky roof so i’m gonna go ahead and do that and i’ll see you guys on the other side so the more sensible folks among you might wonder exactly why i’ve decided to build a minecart rail station out in

Probably the wettest and wateriest part of my world and that you’re absolutely right that was a silly thing to do because in trying to redecorate this place the amount of times that i’ve completely flooded this and washed away all of the rails because as i didn’t cover in yesterday’s episode i think but

I have mentioned before minecart rails can be very easily displaced and broken by water so yeah this thing is flooded a couple of times even all the way down the steps where i placed all of that powered rail and i had to go and get it all back but

If i have a little bit more time this week and i have a bit more patience for it i will continue to decorate the outside of this but for now i really like what we’ve got here a compact little subway station maybe we’ll add another identical sea lantern on this

Side as well i think i have a few more down in that shulker box but my inventory is super full right now and i need to reorganize a little bit of stuff but if we chuck the minecart in there that should be all ready to go we can

Send ourselves off on our journey just roll into position hit the button and away we go and now down here i have started on a nice little pattern for our subway tunnel walls it’s just gonna be dark prismarine spruce wood and the occasional sea lantern with sandstone slabs along the

Bottom row here and i think that’s really going to be crucial for the design because it’s going to make sure that even when we run through areas where there are slime chunks we’re not going to get stuff spawning if it’s a half slab floor because slimes remember

Can spawn in any light levels so we kind of want to make sure that they are not going to spawn down here not only that but most mobs will avoid walking over rail tracks slimes i don’t believe will really do that because they have to bounce and jump anytime they want to

Move and that kind of ignores any obstacles that are in the way but anyway i really like this design i think it’s nice to have a little bit of light down here so it at least feels like it’s a subway tunnel that is in use and i love

The combination of spruce and dark prismarine we’ve used that elsewhere having sea lanterns as a nice kind of clear light source is also really cool and all we need to do now that i’ve got this powered rail set up is hop back in the mine cart head our way up to the

Subway station up at the top here we’ll be automatically ejected from the mine cart and that’s going to end up back in the dispenser ready to dispense again whenever we need it so this is all set up really really nicely at this point i’m very very happy with it and i hope

This has given some of you a little bit of inspiration for minecart based travel in your own minecraft world it’s really simple to set up super fun to implement and can also give you a neat way to travel around if you don’t want to rely on elytra or the nether minecart travel

Is i think due for a bit of an overhaul at some point but in the meantime it is really fun to experiment with as a form of transportation and as i mentioned before it’s kind of hands-free all you need to do is roll yourself over a powered rail and

Look ma no hands away you go but that is going to be it for this episode of the minecraft survival guide thank you folks so much for watching don’t forget to leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see

More and i’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘How To Set Up A Minecart Rail Station! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 223]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-09-11 10:00:05. It has garnered 580149 views and 10964 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:15 or 1095 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! Today we set up a Minecart rail station that will take us to and from the guardian farm, automate breaking and placing minecarts, and even eject the player on the station platform!

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Catch up with the series using the playlist:

World Seed (Java Edition): 7574084833700264939

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    Sly Amaya's Spicy Wafer ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमाया ने तीखी वेफर कैसे खायी?👺🙀#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-23 11:30:32. It has garnered 559 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and… Read More


    ULTIMATE SURVIVAL CAVE IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #майнкрафт #survival #выживание #cave #minecraftsurvival #apollyon #nightprowler #mods’, was uploaded by HLBALINT on 2024-05-31 07:41:05. It has garnered 9970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE CHALLENGE: 1000 Days with Mod in Hardcore Minecraft!

    INSANE CHALLENGE: 1000 Days with Mod in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days with the Create Mod in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by RagePlaysGames on 2024-06-06 15:00:16. It has garnered 42994 views and 1298 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:43 or 25123 seconds. I Survived 1000 Days with the Create Mod In Hardcore Minecraft! This is a Hardcore Modded Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in which I play Hardcore Minecraft with Create Mod 1.19.2 with the goal of surviving 1000 days! Create is a mod offering a variety of tools and blocks for Building, Decoration and Aesthetic Automation. ► World Download:… Read More

  • Ultimate Gaming Showdown: Minecraft GTA 5 is HERE! 🔥

    Ultimate Gaming Showdown: Minecraft GTA 5 is HERE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘3 2 1 Go! edit Minecraft| Gamerfleet,Techno,yessmartypie | #shorts #viral minecraft gta 5’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2024-01-17 02:30:30. It has garnered 2513 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. 3 2 1 Go! edit minecraft| Gamerfleet,Techno,yessmartypie | #shorts #viral #youtubeshorts #subscribe Minecraft Minecraft PE Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short GAMERFLEET TECHNO GAMERZ TOTAL GAMING gamerfleet gamer fleet gamerfleet minecraft gamerfleet youtube youtube anshu bisht youtube gamerfleet techno gamerz techno gamerz gta 5 techno gamerz minecraft techno gaming minecraft techno gaming gta v minecraft techno… Read More

  • Insane Battle: 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem! #crazyfight!

    Insane Battle: 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem! #crazyfight!Video Information This video, titled ‘5 withers vs 1000 iron golem #shorts’, was uploaded by Flukzee on 2024-02-28 18:05:34. It has garnered 296 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem #shorts TAGS minecraft, minecraft, games, family friendly, mine, compote, monster school, trolling, funny, challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft pe, minecraft but, in mine, trolling trap, in minecraft, noob , minecraft 1.18, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, shady man and noob, minecraft survival, minecraft school, dream smp, roleplay, mine, survival, tutorial, minecraft animation, shady line and noob, bedrock, minecraft video,… Read More

  • 🔥 MALVANI YT – NEW Minecraft Game! 👀

    🔥 MALVANI YT - NEW Minecraft Game! 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New Game || Day 1 || Malvani Yt With Squad’, was uploaded by MALVANI YT on 2024-03-29 18:42:42. It has garnered 206 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:43 or 10663 seconds. || श्री || ❤|| जय शिवराय ||❤ 🙏 Welcome To My YouTube Channel🙏 ————————————————————————- If you are new to my channel dont forget to subscribe✌ ————————————————————————– 1⃣ Instagram:- 2⃣ WhatsApp Channel :- 3⃣ Discord Link :- 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 ❤‍🔥Since the start of my career, I have been consistent with my gameplay and always been working hard… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Can You Beat De Stille Gamer’s Record?

    The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Can You Beat De Stille Gamer's Record?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monumenta Stream 23’, was uploaded by De Stille Gamer on 2024-05-17 21:01:39. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:17 or 14657 seconds. Discord server: Music Playlist: Read More

  • Insane Speedrun of Pikmin 3 on Wii U by Janota

    Insane Speedrun of Pikmin 3 on Wii U by JanotaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pikmin 3 Wii U Speedrun’, was uploaded by Janota on 2024-06-05 07:38:42. It has garnered 94 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:39 or 8679 seconds. I have a Minecraft Server going on if you want to join click the discord link Read More

  • Greenhall

    GreenhallMultiplatform MC server for all to enjoy. This is a new venture for me, so please be patient. I am also open to install any mods or plugins required. Let me know… Read More

  • 💎ChillZone SMP 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired WhiteList Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here: Apply Here ChillZone ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer enjoyment. Quick Links: 🌐 Website 🗺️ Dynmap 📷 Gallery 📊 Player Statistics Our Values: Community – All players have a say in what happens, suggestions are taken seriously. Welcoming – Committed to creating a diverse environment. Stability – Top-of-the-line hardware for a stable experience. Updates – Frequent updates for a fresh experience, committed to the latest Minecraft version. Some of Our Features: – Simple claims plugin for land protection and sharing. – Vanilla Tweaks, Discord Linking,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Epic Fail – Click if You Dare

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Epic Fail - Click if You DareLooks like Steveee’s video edit didn’t exactly spark joy in anyone’s heart. Maybe next time he should stick to building dirt houses. Read More

  • PlayerX: The ARG Mystery Unraveled

    PlayerX: The ARG Mystery Unraveled In the world of Minecraft, PlayerX is in a bind, Haunted by a presence that messes with their mind. Whispers in the darkness, messages unclear, The fear is palpable, the mystery severe. Cryptic clues scattered across the land, PlayerX must unravel them, take a stand. But the entity lurks, always one step ahead, Leaving PlayerX filled with dread. Join us on this journey, a Minecraft ARG, Where the line between reality and game is blurred. Like, comment, and subscribe for more tales of fright, And share your own spooky experiences in the dead of night. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans 🔥 “Why did the Witherstorm go to therapy? Because it had some serious block issues!” 😈😂 #minecrafttherapy #blockissues #gamerjokes Read More

  • Creating a Beacon Portal in Minecraft 2024

    Creating a Beacon Portal in Minecraft 2024 Minecraft: Exploring the Portal Beaconcream 2024 Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the mysterious world of the Portal Beaconcream 2024. Join the community in discovering new realms, challenges, and treasures that await you in this exciting update. Donation and Community Links For those eager to support the Minecraft community, consider contributing to the cause through the donation link provided: Donate Here. Additionally, join the Discord group for lively discussions and collaborations: Join Discord Grub. Exciting Features and Channels Explore the diverse skins available, including the unique UzeMing skin: View Skin Here. Stay updated on the… Read More

  • DANGEROUS SURPRISES! Minecraft 15th Anniversary Map with Epic Challenges!

    DANGEROUS SURPRISES! Minecraft 15th Anniversary Map with Epic Challenges!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 15 Year Anniversary map! With Puzzles, Minigames and more! [ TheWoodsmanJack VT ]’, was uploaded by TheWoodsmanJack on 2024-05-27 21:00:36. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:04 or 12844 seconds. Minecraft: 15 Year Journey: A Map Full Of Nostalgia! Hey, Jack here, and thanks for joining into my stream on YouTube or on Kick. Here’s a link to my Kick, come and join the community Instagram: Twitter/X: Discord: #minecraft #envtuber #vtuber #cozygaming Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Nightmare Seeds Revealed!

    Sneaky Minecraft Nightmare Seeds Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring the Darkest Depths: Unveiling Minecraft’s Top 3 Nightmare Seeds’, was uploaded by Crafty on 2024-05-27 21:30:06. It has garnered 14 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:06 or 426 seconds. Dive into the chilling realms of Minecraft’s most bone-chilling seeds as we embark on a journey through terror and thrill. Brace yourself for spine-tingling encounters and heart-pounding moments as we unveil the top 3 scariest seeds ever encountered. Join us as we navigate through haunted landscapes, eerie structures, and unearth the darkest secrets lurking within Minecraft’s vast world. Are you… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Brain Challenges! 😂🧠 #MinecraftShorts

    Insane Minecraft Brain Challenges! 😂🧠 #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft challenges be like 😶😂#minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by S.S Brainy on 2024-05-03 15:22:22. It has garnered 859 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. 1 subscribe makes me happy 🙂 Read More

  • The Incredible New Iron Farm in Evoneko’s World | Minecraft

    The Incredible New Iron Farm in Evoneko's World | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realm, new waiting for someone to build an Iron farm. | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Evoneko on 2024-04-05 06:19:24. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:25 or 6385 seconds. Like my Streams if you enjoy my content. It Helps a lot if you Like and Subscribe Today we are playing: Minecraft my socials: Discord: (i’m most active here) Twitter: Read More

  • 🔥 REGORTREAD HACK – Insane trap on Minecraft servers!

    🔥 REGORTREAD HACK - Insane trap on Minecraft servers!Video Information This video, titled ‘La mejor trampa para hacer en servers de Minecraft!’, was uploaded by REGORTREAD on 2024-01-12 17:00:15. It has garnered 8915986 views and 698819 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. IP of my server: JAVA: BEDROCK: and Port: 19132 Twitch: Discord Channel: Instagram: Read More

  • Epic Twitch stream in exclusive Minecraft realm! Tune in!

    Epic Twitch stream in exclusive Minecraft realm! Tune in!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: in sorlo’s realm (No one can join, sry)’, was uploaded by Cody Cola Twitch Streams on 2024-03-01 01:41:59. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:14 or 8774 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

How To Set Up A Minecart Rail Station! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 223]