hypixel youtube rank is overpowered. (minecraft bedwars) camman18 Full Twitch VOD

Video Information

This whole thing was streamed live on twitch so if you want to be part of that chat that’s that’s up there the whole video then then go watch me live over there hey maybe i’m live right now anyways go follow do first link and go follow it also this is a channel so

Subscribe here please please i’m begging please only a small person i’m just so famous and great it’s um what i’m known for honestly anyways guess what i’m gonna play bed wars but this time i’m gonna flex my youtube rank look hi oh my god how’d you get my game

Already look they said omg as if omg high high man i’m the famous one here how’d you get in my game already shoot my things got reset dude hi everybody who’s here so famous i know you’re literally gonna be targeted maybe i will but you know it’s already too easy for me

So you know i kind of need to be targeted because you know i do win all of the i hate when people ask what’s your youtube like what do you think it is probably my username like i’m about to i’m about to be pissed all right

So far i’ve never lost a game as youtuber rank officially so uh right now my record is uh completely what is the word like tarnished or not tarnished what’s the opposite of tarnished i’ve i’ve never lost and i’m never planning to hello oh someone said death to grandma for some

Reason and then someone said hello right below it and i think the mods accidentally accidentally banned the or accidentally deleted the the hello message instead of the death to grandma method you know things happen in this chat it’s only natural maybe say hello a little bit more uh

Quaintly oh my god this is so awkward that’s incredibly awkward that person is technically oh that’s awkward yeah i would not want to be her yeah we’re gonna ignore go die okay you know things happen um you know the earth let me uh you know the earth it rotates it’s like

It’s like a globe in in many ways in many ways the earth is like a globe have the mods receive their paychecks yet they’re actually uh processing in the mail uh system currently they’re they’re they’re being processed i haven’t seen i have never seen yo face thanks for saying yo face because you

Know i am with the slang it’s you know i am with the slang i’m still waiting it’s in the it’s in the you know it’s in the mail you’re drawing youtube like i know i’m famous oh i can buy sharpness hey how are you i’m good hi trenton plays thanks for saying hey

Hey man face reveal yeah this is my first this is my face reveal stream big face reveal you know Is the mod revolution happening i don’t know what that means oh i think you misspelled revolution you’ll you’ll be you’ll be there one there are you pro pro are you in england what does that mean pro oh am i the pro am i official pro now

At the mod email i might just pay for all of the emotes because i mean i feel like i probably i mean i don’t know i’m not canadian uh if someone’s saying i’m canadian that is fake news and honestly that’s slander and i will definitely sue

Um oh that’s so annoying had to be a boom not even close okay i’m gonna go buy protection it didn’t come home so cptn have you been up all night because i saw you tweet it’s 9 00 a.m and i haven’t gone to bed or something and you do live in australia spectating

You you’re bad i i don’t think i’ve died yet so i don’t know how i could be very bad i’m a youtube rank though it doesn’t show since it’s like i am so famous what what why aren’t they saying it yes i know i’m famous i am

Just have to just have to let the people know stop stop stop he’s hacking He’s honestly hacking that’s crazy that’s crazy that they would screeny man they’re all asking for screenies i don’t have time i’m too famous sorry guys i’m not from canada i’ve actually never been to canada i think my parents went somewhere once in canada i think they went to like um cancun or something

Yeah i have like a cancun shirt from canada so that’s cool i don’t live in why is it canon 18 underscore fan that’s a cool name yeah they are hackers um the only time i ever dies to hackers technically i still haven’t lost yet thanks for starting to pull francesca it

Really means a lot to the cameron 18 community me of which i’m a part of the cameron 18 community as gang leader death is my friend that’s awesome man I’m so sorry if you voted that i was gonna win you know it was honestly i’m this he’s hacking Okay so the last my last stream you know who is here my last stream type one if you were here my last stream um so my last stream i ended on like a seven game win streak it’s balancing out since i won so much

Now i have to now i have to lose because it’s a i’m going to win this one though just just going to flex my thing you win some you lose some it’s how it’s gambling at the end of the day thanks for starting the poll francesca

I can’t even try to join okay it’s it’s uh it’s honestly lag it’s it’s a ruse at the end of the day it’s a ruse i’m not a canadian um it’s it’s fake news it’s you know you guys you guys ever heard of the uh salem witch trials they

Hung a bunch of okay yeah yeah they ha i don’t you know they they were mean to a couple people because they thought they were witches turns out witches weren’t real so that’s kind of what’s happening here i don’t when i started that sentence i thought

There was an analogy there but i don’t know what that was but there’s definitely something there canadians are you implying canadians aren’t real and maybe i am got a problem with that unk manager 18 please now This is just i’m gonna sue you i’m gonna sue you now you you know youtubers they’re always like my legal team is looking into this no one on earth has a legal team like maybe disney has a legal team you know like amazon has a legal team

Jake paul does not have a legal team i’m sorry why do they always say they always my legal team is looking into this what you don’t have a legal team come on These canadian rumors have gone too far i would never go to canada gabby definitely has a legal team yeah i’m going to be alerting my legal team like come on gabby hannah you do not have a legal team let’s wow that was honestly so sad on your part i mean you

Could have really easily killed me there but instead i killed you and now i can buy sharpness and there’s a very high chance that you’re just gonna be eliminated from the game oh he’s hacking now of course he’s hacking yep oh he’s hacking what up stupid daniella what if spurgeon yo

Spurgeon you know last stream we might have had our corals but i think we can put that behind us ah yeah only because you primed or subbed or something primed i think if it wasn’t for that then yeah i wouldn’t yeah okay i’m the mutefish yeah me and me and

Ace woman working on some stuff behind the scenes you know multi-million dollar deals are going down you know uh you probably will be hearing from uh fox news soon we are doing i’m doing a fox news brand deal you know i’m i i’m i’m the new i’m the newest reporter in the game

Your youtube wdr works faster what is that those are just letters i don’t know what that means do you know that i like cats that’s so awesome cat lover i never would have guessed Watch dog reports i don’t know what that is sounds like a netflix special why does netflix always feel the need to make things like back in my day they were just where you watched like the office now they don’t even have the office oh my god i just turned my heart yeah

Has a youtuber rank it doesn’t know watchdog oh oh yeah you can report people that’s like the thing yeah i don’t know much about high pixel i know there’s like levels i have no idea what bedwars level i am probably pretty high though like i know people are like level 700

I’m probably not that high but probably like 200 maybe i have no idea though to be honest goodbye wholesome pot he’s hacking he’s hacking who saw that i i told you i wasn’t crazy people always say oh hacks in parentheses who saw that who saw that we saw cotton 4k cotton 4k

Are you steaming in england no i’m not steaming in england pro really thought you were level 200 i mean i might be what’s it to you you’re level 49 no i’m not how do you guys know that what are you what are you guys hackers the hackers they’re all around me

You’re level 49 how do you it’s the xp bar that’s definitely a coincidence there’s there is no such thing as a coincidence though so that’s definitely that’s definitely i i’ve gotten like five kills this game it probably gives you 10 no 9.7 for each kill

You have a high how do you have a higher rank than me i do only play this on stream but i’ve been playing it on stream for a long time i feel like Oh my god oh my god i hear you eating that no eating starting now no eating in my vicinit shoot i forgot about that whole bed thing you know they never talk about the bed in bed wars it’s always always the stone sword you are i’m not just bad i’m actually

Really good most people don’t know this but i’m actually one of the best minecraft players of all time uh there is a ranking forbes you know you know forbes in their rankings i guess i’ll share what’s your what’s your rank mr minecraft i mean it’s what they call

Me at the end of the day amaya does know um does live in utah though so you know a bit of a bit of a double-edged sword a lot of things i don’t know like what does double-edged sword mean i would assume living in utah is a double-edged sword

You know it just seems like one of those things that it’s definitely something living in utah is definitely something um double-edged sword maybe who am i to say you know it’s true it’s all about perspective you guys know garyvee i hate him he says nothing smart he just acts cause think

About it all those like tick tockers who are like here’s how to get rich quick if it was so easy then why wouldn’t they why would why are they telling you how to do it then they would just do it and they wouldn’t have to make tick tocks

Like come on gary vee do better all right i need to kill aqua don’t know where they are though is everyone that kills you hacking because sometimes i do the same thing i know no but they actually are some people think that i’m trolling or lying

That should most people that kill me are hackers or i’m lagging one of those two things usually about to get some insane points from cam winning yeah 66 percent did vote for me to lose so there’s actually a plot against yeah um there are there is many uh coups that

Have been tried to stage to get is this the bed i’m just no it’s over here i don’t know where my enemy is but an enemy of my enemy is my friend so wait oh oh i think it’s because they’re sub so it doesn’t it doesn’t do it to them

My twitch chat is pay to win look how great i am that person was just sitting there the whole time waiting for me to destroy their bed i know ah and people still think i could possibly lose it’s just not true look now everyone’s gonna be oh my god

You’re so famous why why is nobody i said ha why is he laughing at me i’m i’m famous i’m not one person cares don’t just don’t look at it i’m not in the game yet you know vote in the prediction don’t need to you know was lag honestly that’s true that was

Honestly lag is the thing if i wasn’t lagging they would have noticed me don’t let it get to you cam haters gonna hate it’s true it’s what taylor swift says i just got a shake shake shake and i will i will one day they’ll all pay i’ll be shaking so hard all right

I guess i’ll get these diamonds read this out loud fun fact canada and us have the straightest borders probably not in the world there’s probably just some i mean it’s pretty straight what about gotta be somewhere you know there’s multiple there’s like over five different countries like i used to think

It was just the us and canada and mexico but there’s like a over there’s more than that dude look hello from south africa that’s a country who knew like hello oh my god oh my god he’s hacking he took no knockback he took no knockback who saw that he’s acting he’s

Not getting he’s acting he’s acting he’s acting he’s acting he’s acting he took no knockback he simply took no knock back that was a cotton 4k moment he did get caught in 4k acting sauce you can’t lie there you can you just cannot lie to me oh that was on purpose huzzah yo

Old people be like huzzah like man what is this the 19th century stop saying huzzah oh my god stop one two three stop oh my god no i have five blocks left parkour uh-oh i’ve backed myself in the corner i shouldn’t be alive oh my god how’d i beat that guy i know

I think we’re going undefeated today except for those games that i lost but they were hacking i think i’m going undefeated when they’re not hacking that guy was actually hacking though i’m just not good Too easy honestly i need better i need better opponents should i type that in chat i don’t know what you’re allowed to say if if hypixel is watching this i i do know what you’re allowed to say i read that they they attached like a 20-page thing and i read the whole thing

Um of what i’m allowed to do as a youtube rank and brand ambassador of the high pixel network and i read it i read it on reddit that’s why they call it reddit because you read thing you read it on reddit who knew that who here loves reddit because i do

I’m a bigger editor big big moves for reddit coming soon canon n18 oh my god he has enchants this is not fair no enchants no enchants not fair oh my god oh my god he’s on my tail he’s on my behind I run back now I’m lagging that’s I’m lagging thing is i’ve never lost two in a row mainly so this is a guaranteed win thanks for running it francesca that’s not a w this one you should definitely why did why did 92 percent vote no i think they’re i don’t know what exactly is Hello kmn18 with within one l and two o’s so it’s oh my god you’re getting good at this there’s like no one here though love your youtube videos hacker yeah look at my i do have a red name look e oh dang it right right there so that it

Blends in would have stuck it stacking out way more high i’m i am famous how do i vote oh it’s about to end but i don’t know i honestly don’t should probably pop up somewhere next time you can’t say that you’re gonna get banned i’m allowed to say that though i

Couldn’t promote my twitch it’s actually in the rules i’m allowed to but i don’t i don’t i probably shouldn’t because i just look like a buffoon and then buffoons will come in here calling me a buffoon and it’ll be an endless cycle of astrid bandar i think that arc already

Happened somewhat people get banned a lot please notice me now you copy and paste your promo on the jet yeah but i mean seems kind of like yeah seems annoying doesn’t that seem annoying chew poppy moonyano what even is that i i always hear that but it just seems

Like the most cringest thing of all time like i don’t how are you cam i’m good i almost just said cram my name is not cram um how how am i you know asking the hard hitting questions hmm i’m good oh business is booming i hit 500k on youtube

Uh i’m about to hit 900k on tick tock or when i hit a mill on tick tock that will be hashtag boss hashtag beast mode that would be beast mode be honest chat that would be beast mode oh my god you know i’m gonna break your

Bed then kill you no chance to respawn foo that’s right i dropped a foo dude it would be beast mode tbh yeah that’s what i’m thinking uh one of my main goals in life is to be as beast mode as possible and uh i’m working on it you know every

Day i woke up i wait i i wake up because you know present tense don’t bring it back man what you’re talking about food do you eat cheese yeah like cheese is kind of like doesn’t exist though like a cheeseburger tastes the same as a regular burger but i still

Always get cheese because it just just feels right you know unless it’s like a super cheesy but most of the time it’s like not even like existent like fast food cheese is just literally nothing it’s just like what okay so when you guys get a a

Burger like a like i don’t know what a burger in and out what’s the east coast one i don’t know five guys wherever you get a burger from right like one of those fast food ones do you get like what no one gets everything on it only like dads get

Everything on it like do you get do you get rid of like the lettuce the tomatoes the pickles like what do you cuz i get rid of the pickles and the tomatoes like man this guy’s using an axe this isn’t stop watching dream oh shoot where did

You come from don’t mind oh my that’s so sad for you oh my god that’s sad for you i get rid of tomato get rid of pickles see i get rid of pickle and tomato you know wow he’s disconnected he was so sad i don’t eat burgers that make me feel sick

Get rid of the onions man hayden on onions not cool man what did onions ever do to you you can’t eat it okay i can eat potato i eat tomatoes like at like restaurants when it’s like actually good but like fast food tomatoes taste so bad like they’re literally just like soggy and

Like mushy and like like wet and like I should we might have to take a break oh no it’s blue oh wait where’s blue did they log off stuff to break their bed i guess cam do you know i like onions it’s just it’s just pickles and tomatoes sometimes i get jalapenos run a break it’s just a brave

Can you add channel emails yeah i do have them you have to sub though that’s how twitch works so just give me money with with amazon prime you can subscribe for free with twitch prime go go tell your dad dude astronaut in the ocean what about diver on the moon

Hi lizard awesome name you got there one second oh my god he has an iron sword and that he’s hacking that’s crazy my breaking point wow your breaking point is pickles i can respect that you know well this guy definitely has tnt or maybe not he’s just annoying stop

Don’t break my bed don’t break my bed don’t don’t don’t don’t i still i’m gonna respawn he’s gonna kill me immediately okay i have to have to go here immediately by wool and run and run with my wool oh the parkour he can’t he might be able to out pvp me but he

Cannot out parkour me oh he fell into the void he’s a noob he’s a certified noob he’s a certified noob he cannot out famous me it’s true cazork it’s true He’s the only one with the bed left so i need to go into hiding hopefully pink will kill him they’re right next to each other we’re going to hiding i’m like bruce banner i don’t know is that a batman who’s what’s batman’s real name bruce something willis wilson who’s the butler isn’t the

Butler i don’t know bruce banner is hulk uh i thought that was someone else ah superhero bruce wayne is that is that batman butler’s alfred a big alfred butlers are always the best characters like okay let’s be honest all right you know i’m just gonna ask chat you guys

Better know the answer who’s the bet best butler in cinema history you better know in any form of media ever who’s the best butler ever come on someone better say it if no one says it i’m pissed oh my god oh my god no one’s gonna get it i’m gonna be pissed

Not alfred come on no way bertram bossy ricky let’s go bossy ricky twitch it’s a bertram man how do you guys not say bertram bertram’s the goat bertram’s the goat If you don’t know bertram get out yo nice one ricky boss ricky twitch one from tomb raider it’s not a game oh my god okay it’s me versus gray 1v1 situation he has a bed and i don’t so we’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to clutch up

Dude look i’m gonna have him come to me and then out and then juke him and then juke him watch oh come on come on little baby black cube thanks for the prime you can do that also for free look this is for black cube

That was a bit of a mess up okay i’ve gained okay okay now one second black cube in the middle of clutching up it’s not easy it’s that easy thanks thanks thanks black cube thank you It’s that easy it’s not easy yeah dropping the e in the chat just so they know that i’m awesome heck no blade is in this game so i’ll probably kill him didn’t even have to hit that guy once thoughts on gloves they’re pointless they are pointless remember when dream wore gloves in that

Face reveal and then gl like fingerless gloves trended on twitter like come on man do better not not to him to twit uh also to him come on oh not you again did you know that when you look up math blue it says that math is blue math is

Red we have this whole if you were here yesterday we we determined that math is red and science is green any other opinions you know math isn’t blue come on i mean do better people really oh they call that the blocky the blocky wacky that’s like hey that i mean that’s

What that’s just what they call it i mean don’t don’t shoot the messenger called the blocky walkie okay i mean this is just just just an easy bed take if i’m being honest with you maybe more if i can play my cards right oh my god oh my god like i just got

Bamboozled wow he literally said wow he is crying right now he got bamboozled math is white slash gray what youtuber better yeah i hope people start complaining that it’s youtube rank because i think there’s like a scandal i just made a tick talk about it but there

Was a scandal that like youtube rank is op hopefully whenever i kill people they complain that it’s because i have youtube rank anyone’s thinking numbers are gendered no but two is definitely male anonymous cheerer thanks for the five bits anonymous cheerer Youtubers don’t get log back yeah who is probably racist who are the other mods just saw that i don’t know i don’t see most of the things mods low-key clutch up i just won a bed wars game because i’m watching you that is actually a true statement if you are watching me and

Playing bed wars you will win all the games language is green math is blue science is yellow please i do not thank you for your bits take them back hey chad on camera 18 channel five is yeah i haven’t talked about this in a while but the worst number is five so um

It’s just it’s honestly common sense what okay in chat type what you think the worst number is because what else would it be besides five it’s definitely five just makes sense seven how would seven be the worst okay you can’t say three numbers schmoney schmoney i feel like you’re trolling me

18 is not the worst number five seven why do people hate seven what did seven ever do seventeen yeah i can respect a seventeen yeah five five twenty one twenty how do you hate twenty one eleven man you can hate seven but seven is always

Red i mean maybe 19 is pretty bad i can respect that 23’s ugly man oh my god i haven’t bought sharpness i just bought oh my god double protection i hate 11 yeah honestly i can agree that 11 is kind of kind of like like it’s like the

First number that has just two numbers like be original like think about it you might be like oh well 10 isn’t original it has two numbers 10 is the first number that has has2 numbers 11 is the second it just copied 10. i mean come on do better thanks for the 10 bits

Phase justin are you really in phase phase just in 2008 oh my god it’s a phase member yo thanks for the 10 bits can i please join i please join oh my god he’s just in 2008 i think that’s i think that’s a real base member Face up nice Hello cameron 18 i’m see your shorts video in youtube i love cu videos awesome i also love see me videos which one it’s what i do is yellow somehow the biggest topic of all time is with numbers and colors five bits thanks for saying i have all

My family’s life channel points on the prediction please don’t win for my family don’t win oh as if buddy should have should have predicted i was gonna win i’m just so good at this game i simply don’t lose 18 is hot pink yeah emphasis on the heart That guy just fell gamer gaming xd is that the real gamer gaming xd oh my god i mean i would try to obliterate him in a 1v1 but i just don’t think it’s gonna be possible can i raid okay stop oh that was a fail that was a

Hashtag fail imagine if i just like do this and then just run and destroy his bed that would be kind of funny oh he has all this yo 23 bits i’m a very good mac and cheese eater is that how you join faze nice and pro slayer with the six shout out lewis

Shout out lewis you’re like 14 is purple i could get down with that man of course why i don’t even need to buy the all this Oh that’s so awkward for you gamer gaming so awkward honestly one of the most awkward moments for the oh wait you’re alive that’s such a jesus moment when you’re like ah there he goes wait wait nah you know who agrees um thanks for the five bits he said hi

So i acknowledge him okay you’re out of emotes other than sub i i like literally physically can’t that’s just not how twitch works but i mean yeah i just i just can’t so dude why no emotes that’s just that’s just how twitch works you have to ah Hi danny my wife oh you guys are back together i thought you guys were on a break i guess so i get follow botted man i’m just so famous guys keep following me keep keep on doing why did right when i mention it is stopped uh oh my god wait

I’m actually 40 bits from gabby muss thanks for the bits hey kazork with the prime a that’s that’s a day one right there how many months six months omg wait type you’re gonna be yellow now hey yellow gang yo only only a small percent of the viewers are in yellow gang yeah

That’s my vods channel ace woman is helping me run it so if you want to watch the vods i might set the vods here to sub only just so people go to the youtube channel i mean it’s the same thing i just want people to go there plus youtube’s probably better

On a service that’s a business strat right there yeah i know i honestly don’t think it’s going to get i mean i have no idea anyways there’s three people left me included meaning there’s only two people i need to kill one of them doesn’t matter it’s

Pretty much a 1v1 i’m pretty much seven feet tall you know how people like i hate i hate 511 people when they say oh i’m pretty much six foot man you’re 5-11 God save the queen british in the morning wait what was the date i said i was pretty sure the queen was gonna die it was like august 23rd or something maybe it’s later than that does anyone remember did anyone clip it i shot a feeling i still feel like the

Queen is gonna die soon august 19th something like that Can you do non-sub emote that’s that’s not how twitch works for the millionth time well thanks for asking though you know it’s always nice to you know engage with the community you know help people understand you know what’s going on in the stream you know but yeah that’s

That’s not how twitch works is the thing um that’s just i i couldn’t if i wanted to but are the are you the real cam and no i’m the fake just kidding this is how i prove that i’m the real gamet what’s the rarest block okay now you know

Thanks for the five [ __ ] thoughts on people shorter than 5p what is 5p all right green is the only person with a bed left so oh and there they are what a coinky dink i said clinky think i’m quirky i know don’t mind me i’m just going to go over here real

Quick you know stop i’m quirky i’m quirky how is this how is this so tall oh that’s so unlucky for you you’re stuck i’m the only one with a bed left i need to get back to my bed and defend it and defend it am i dying stop it’s a 1v1 situation folks

1v1 situation i just got propped for all the marbles are on the table buying a diamond sword quite frankly how could i die how could i die answer i couldn’t only 39 voted yes i’m about to prove the entire atmosphere wrong the entire atmosphere it’s because i’m youtube right it’s

Because i’m youtube rank okay that’s it’s still a one of you one it’s just i’ve i’m gonna win i’m gonna win just you know i i let him get my bet on purpose because i wanted a fair game you know i i honestly don’t lose 1k bits say he dies i

I better pay up when i win everyone join the discord the link is right there it’s click it i’m part of the 39 that voted yes good on you good on you this guy i think he’s slick i saw him hiding just placed an iron golem in the wall that’s capital punishment and

That’s not tolerated around these parts yeah nice fireball never saw that one coming not hashtag irony i’ll drop more hashtags on you if i have to i will is his iron golem dead boom oh thought that was gonna work it didn’t thought that was gonna work it didn’t out of fireballs i see Stop stop stop stop stop stop and let’s say let’s calm down here let’s have a breather let’s have a breather you know honestly i just wanted a fake runaway is what that was a bit of a fake bit of a oh easy it really even is that two in a row i

See is that two in a row i see is that the back to back kind of like one of hit up hit up hey that’s all i’m saying i know i’m youtuber look at me go oh i should say that What what gray Don’t know where i don’t know what that guy was doing i’m gonna be honest i don’t know what that guy was doing i i’ll kill him i’ll kill him in minecraft in minecraft please i’m just trying to get partnered actually i literally i’m way past the limit i actually have stream

More but i think after three streams i’ll get it now this one and then three more and then i’m uh this this stream three more and then i can apply for partner so hopefully i get it so i’m gonna leave for a long time not that long but like almost two weeks

In almost two weeks i’m gonna leave for almost two weeks crazy realize realize realize i know your skin is beautiful what’s you just killed me typical underscore joke your fault i’m just kidding inspiration myself most things that inspire me are myself so for example people ask you

What inspired you to be so great it was myself so the unbanned requests are so funny oh yeah don’t um don’t um go through the don’t like do the unban requests because i want to do that like for a stream unban requests you know people do that they’ll go through their own ban

Request on screen so i’ll do that on stream so just don’t do them starting now All right oh don’t know where that firework came from oh you think you’re oh you think you’re so special think you’re so oh no he’s hacking he’s not getting he’s talking he’s talking he’s not getting he’s hacking he’s talking he’s acting yeah yeah i’m gonna do that yeah i’m gonna do

That for jessica before i do it that clip is honestly photoshopped so you don’t even have to look at it i don’t know what it is but i can tell it’s photoshop that was hacks um definitely photoshop don’t look at it it’s photoshop let me just get one more

This guy wait is this a different person he saw i was youtuber i can went off must kill him hashtag stream sniper he’s not he’s streaming he’s stream sniping he streams typing he’s stream sniping shadow moons this is the worst day of my life that’s how i’ve been

He’s stream sniping it’s it’s obvious him you got killed by canadian blaster okay that’s what up forney live welcome from tick tock i’m sorry for getting you killed apology medium accepted not fully accepted medium accepted hello it’s it’s lexi 14. oh hi ace man we got some woman gang in here What up skeetle that’s gang right there Someone in my wait what happened to my music someone on my discord said you are simp all your all your mods are girls i guess i am that’s just that’s just the only possible conclusion thanks for the thanks for the gifted woman yo the abbreviation has started Oh it gives me power it gives me power he’s hacking he’s acting he’s hacking he’s hacking attacking he’s acting he’s acting he’s just talking is the thing the abbreviation yeah i did i did say thanks woman i don’t that might not have been my best moment um

Kind of skipped over the whole ace part but thanks anyways you know thanks all the same um i’m gonna i was honestly a glitch um let me start the next prediction this i’m definitely going to win this one is the thing how old are you i’m almost 14 youtube red name no

I thought of that little joke myself they say are you youtube rank and then i say no a little bit of a double entendre don’t know exactly what that is but what do you think that’s gonna be oh yeah oh uh what is it the talk is me

Yeah i’ve heard of that there’s like three of them um i probably won’t join until after i leave for uh for for like 10 days because you know it’s kind of like a saga bit of a camera 18 saga omg i’m a year older than you okay i’m not

I’m not i’m not almost 14 but you know you can always uh imagine i guess think about it if you what was i thinking the other day oh yeah if you just imagined that you were like a millionaire then you pretty much are just think about it if you told a guy

With like alzheimer’s or something you’re a millionaire he’d be like let’s go so you know think about that next time you know most people call me the uh i could be a counselor honestly stop going to your therapist i’m kidding don’t bit of a joke It’s gonna regenerate some hearts hey oh adam come on that’s our distasteful adam that is distasteful adam come on buddy adam come on adam adam adam oh my protection bag yeah i’m just gonna change my texture pack to pretty much be the default one but just with the lower

Swords so no one asks unless they’re they notice what’s the ugliest minecraft mob is a guy who is streaming minecraft and playing that was they accidentally typed that and highlighted it it was it was out of context really it was honestly it was on it was honestly out

Of context oh someone deleted it ah i’m just great no fake news in my server the media you know don’t get me started with the media they uh you know dude wisconsin isn’t real you know that i would say that’s a hot take but it really isn’t you know does anyone act is

There any wisconsin truthers in chat i just don’t think so ah dt here 68 of people said i was gonna lose they’re just they’re just simply wrong oh look at me go dude you’re right where i live isn’t real i mean that’s what i’m thinking you know

It’s a bit of a theory you know like how the like earth being a globe is like a theory it’s like a theory i mean it’s pretty much confirmed though i’d say all the latest scientists oh my god tnt jump i i would i just don’t have tnt so makes

It pretty hard i’m just gonna go destroy this person’s bed they’re probably gonna destroy mine though unless they don’t see me oh well where do i live though do i look like a gps do i look like an fps to you i’ve never met someone from iowa i’ve

Probably never met someone from most places think about it have you ever met someone from from wichita kansas probably not now one person can be like actually i have okay you’re not quirky i could name somewhere else don’t you bet someone’s gonna say it i only know hannah montana true i agreed

To that okay why would you come into my chat and say hello don’t clip that h-e-w-w-o i mean that’s just defensive honestly come on do better really i have a feeling that people purposely clip things when i say don’t clip that honestly i might just stop doing it

Don’t why is everyone spamming that also do you have a discord yeah i do i didn’t read your entire message though because i was reading it not out loud so i do have a discord exclamation point discord stop saying that that’s that’s uh that’s offensive that’s problematic i’m gonna write a thread

About you dude good job deleting that whatever mom did now people do love to do where am i going oh it’s a 1v1 situation folks folks me versus green they have a bed i do not Why what happened to chad what don’t turn on emote only mode oh my i don’t know how to turn it off man yo i’m unmodding you i’m who was it fess up yeah i’m about to scroll i’m gonna go through the logs after stream you’re unmodded foo you’re on modded

Yo cameron 18 what’s up i think we paired up earlier today in class fields yo i was playing duels earlier he’s breaking his own bed i don’t have to intervene maybe he’s not oh stop stop stop i have dream music i am dream oh my god i’m so great okay i need to

Buy pickaxe fast fast fast if you save fast you go faster it’s how life works So stop laughing at me it was lag whoever’s in that lobby is going to be really confused it was lag though don’t kick w stop stay clam jesus who are you call stop telling me to stay clam target them great who are you telling to stay clam jesus

God dang ash accidentally followed ran ultaboo that’s an unfollow i would never follow anyone camera i’m very sorry for making the email only yo you’re on thin ice the ice is thin the ice is like that my you you might have to make an apology video to chat i’m severe

I’ve made a severe and continuous oh my god yeah but this ain’t twitter apology isn’t enough around here okay i just died now guess who’s faulted it’s francesca’s oh my god i just realized i just realized it’s francesca’s fault don’t don’t blame me if you lose your

Points it’s do it did you guys end the next prediction oh thanks for starting the prediction fran jessica anyways i am unmodding fran jessica i don’t believe you’re the hashtag we need to get some hashtag not my wife trending all right yeah i’m just gonna leave Reset uh i was lagging i was points oh awesome of you oh you can get in this one astrid go acropolis acropolis acropolis right technically i did lose that one all right next prediction is in oh wait maybe someone started it a francesca started it who remembers when he said he never

Loses i actually have never lost twice in a row most of the time it is lag you know unfortunately my wi-fi has been glitching lately what was i saying what was i saying it’s lag the people they don’t believe me they don’t believe me

It is a br it is a brah moment block cube breath breath breath breath breath breath breath breath it’s what chat does whenever i click the bruh button they laugh i know uh still max people there’s always max people on my server even though i haven’t talked about it in like two weeks

Wait do i shuffle my bed oh my god i’m alive we’re back baby uh oh okay i’m not i’m refunding that one i’m refunding that that one tell us more minecraft facts please wait how much did you bet on that one tptn do you bet a lot or something

Thanks for starting it francesca you know all jokes aside man fran jessica’s been there since day one you know we really you know we really do go way back since first grade you know we’ve you know we’ve had our ups and downs of you know i don’t know if our

Relationship will ever be the same live and learn you know i need to get a live life love poster and put up should i whenever i get like a silver or gold play button should i put it behind me that’s so funny i have more subs on youtube than like people i’ve been

Watching for five years like what man give me my give me my gold play button i deserve it i deserve it i know if you predict you get more channel points back so you get so say it’s 50 if it’s 50 50 you just double your points if it’s 25.75 then you like

I know the math i’m just not gonna tell you you like get the points if you bet on the lower side you’ll get more points so if you bet like on the 10 side you’ll get more points when you return if that makes sense i hate this game

Ableist and homophobic f you simon hypixel really named simon in 2021 come on get a name change or something so i’m always believer when you could have just said i’m always a believer because i know you’re gonna win could have said i’m always a believer because you’re so good

I’m always a believer because you’re great because you’re awesome yeah weird way to type that but you know we all have our quirks you know i love message requests message requests are the best thing that exists just remember that your speed running twitch follows really who here is following me i am

Okay what vaude did you want me to start on next just just start doing them out just like do them all in order now there’s like all of them so it’s like an archive you’re starting with with that with that dimensions one and then and then from there just to all of them

It’s it’s multiple but do it every other day anyways back to minecraft who here loves minecraft i need to get a me like a me sound effect airline shack I think i think i’m doing i think i’m doing all right oh people are getting timed out for sending me away chat can’t take a joke i was what was i doing earlier i wasn’t reading chat for a second megamind i no megamind is kind of hot though we can’t lie

The end of the day we have to be truthful to ourselves uh-huh i don’t want to die i guess you just stored all those diamonds distorted the diamonds cam in his gay ark didn’t didn’t know my life my life is a movie man 20 summer 2021 is gonna be a movie

Am i right chat summer 21 2021 is gonna be a movie it is it’s just true if you can’t accept it i ask you a hashtag deep question okay i’ll either pretend i didn’t read it or answer it one or the other Do you believe in free will okay think about this right so if the universe really like it you okay you don’t have like a i don’t know if anyone’s gonna get this analogy okay yeah new analogy so if you just like it i just broke that bed with my mind free

Will is a lie okay so if you just like created another universe that hadn’t started yet and did the big bang exactly how it happened like literally recreated it the exact like literally just redid the big bang like every particle one in the same exact thing like it was the same thing

Then would would it eventually after you know seven billion years being the exact same spot we’re in because or would it be different think about it because if you know all the particles went the same way and and and then earth was made because it’s you know

I don’t explain but i don’t think so yeah i don’t know it’s a question that i’m at i don’t know if you guys know what i’m talking about some people probably do though i don’t know why i didn’t hear any of that analogy uh it’s hard to explain

Well yes nothing changed everything the same so literally i don’t know probably not some saying yes i’m saying no that’s that’s why it’s a question i’m most i’m smarter than i actually know the answer i’m just not gonna tell you so must ponder it to yourself oh my god

Nice one buddy upload that to tick tock sorry got a bit angry for a second eight more followers oh my god i am speedrunning followers thanks for following guys i like when the number is bigger makes me feel like a better person stop sing pay phone

You used to call me on your pay phone ever since you left the city you my favorite song don’t mind me oh awkward for you awkward moment can we get a hashtag awkward moment for him if i asked you to play bedwarsmith with me would you no

I hurt your youtube shorts i heart uh new york those shorts you seem to see those shirts i’ve never been to new york you know how they say it they’re like hey yeah yeah it is a hashtag awkward moment it’s true chat you guys just read my mind sometimes oh whoo

Can we get some woos in the chat oh i need a woo emo I will draw you a woo i can’t add any more emotes but i mean you could try and maybe i’ll add it after but i might not like it see the thing about emotes is like it’s not really like if you’re a good artist you might not always be able

To make good emotes because they have like scale well you have to be able to tell what it is when it’s really small so i don’t know you could try though i bought his grinding on god thanks for the woos you’re gonna you’re all getting timed out by nightbot though so that’s

Unfortunate sometimes i don’t know my power yeah just like woo with like a four o’s you’re good over four o’s though you know nightbot might get you of like the grim reaper and him killing people and imagine being named cam in 2021 your

Name is ricky oh my god oh my god get a load of this guy okay be honest chad ricky come on one type one if ricky is socially acceptable type two if it’s not one if it’s socially acceptable two if it’s not i’m seeing some twos i’m seeing

A lot of i’m seeing a whole lot of twos that’s all i’m seeing i am seeing a lot of twos that is i i saw like one one there’s a 1.9 that’s pretty close to two wow that honestly i would be crying right now if i was ricky that was

Honestly like there was like three twos or three ones and one of them was himself that was that was just honestly a destruction that was just like that was like uh i don’t even i don’t even know i probably shouldn’t compare it to a great atrocity of history but it was a destruction

Three neutral three centrist to three three is the centrist of numbers it’s true I love your tic tocs is the youtube rank op i don’t know is it i have it oh it’s a one view oh my god it’s a one of eat am i always in these situations they have a bed i do not but do i fear no Oh minecraft incoming everybody minecraft incoming i would i can’t see at all with these glasses they block the sun like completely like i should look at a solar eclipse to test it out apparently someone’s talking right now oh i’m just so great it’s 9 10 in the

Philippines am or pm or 3 m they should make another one you know there’s am and pm they should make like another one like cm cm oh my god they need to release cm thanks so much and they need to release cm when is it coming out and thanks for being the

Prediction francesca 79 voted that i was gonna lose oh my god someone voted four point five percent or 4.5 k channel points i don’t know why i said percent 4.5 k channel points fell into the void nice tick tock hope you got a good tick tock out of that cheese louise

Just change how time works that’s exactly what i’m saying exactly what i’m saying to a t oh that’s so awkward for you dang i wish i could killed you before watch this look now i’m gonna secretly buy this sit in the corner here oh you saw me though was not part of the

Plan okay he’ll be dead in soon we should should i watch apparently my movie suggestions are bad you know when the nether’s gonna be enabled on the hardcore i have no idea dude as of right now i’m just not touching it because i literally can’t play ninety percent of the time because

There’s so many people i’m gonna wait for it to die down oh my oh my because you never watch movies you gotta start watching more man let’s watch your name and cry what’s so wrong with your name what is your name is that a movie or an er like a name

So sad what man [Applause] i would have wished he did anything else instead of that dude stop uh oh that was so lucky for him not close was not that was honestly not even close that’s crazy he thought it was close it wasn’t i’m at 23k i’m i’m gaining a lot of

Followers at the moment on every platform so that’s kind of cool but it’ll stop if you live by the numbers you die by the numbers please be my wife i don’t think that would work um i am looking to get married soon though um seems like the business move here if

I missed 23k uh i guess we did a we did a little celebration you know wasn’t it wasn’t it i lagged right there i lagged out um i logged out there you know you know i lagged out said please beam please my wife what the please my wife why would

You type please my wife that’s not a sentence anyways better wars i hate him sorry that i’m grammatically correct i hate you thanks for starting the prediction fran jessica means a lot omg came in i don’t know if they what’s wrong look they’re gonna say youtube rank and

I’m gonna say no i i kinda came out came up with this joke look they’re about to say it i’m watching your stream no i know yeah yeah Yeah bruh bruh that’s kind of awkward no it’s not have you watched the walking dead no i haven’t it’s probably stupid zombie apocalypses are so easy how do literally they’re zombies like zombies are just like worse humans and think about it humans also have guns and stuff that can

Kill people but they’re just worse like a zombie apocalypse would be so easy zombies can barely do anything like you can just like kick them and they die i don’t care how zombie apocalypses are like hard like i would easily win a zombie apocalypse humans aren’t trying

To eat you all the time speak for yourself jeez dude that’s so awkward for you what are those emojis oh question marks those aren’t emojis those are boom i do sound effects uh a little bit of uh you know it’s what makes me unique my sound effects

Are trying to say people are trying to eat you that’s what else would i be saying that’s literally the words that came out of my mouth so you watch this i don’t have the wool play sound will graham kinney those are three words i don’t know which of those are words and which

Maybe those i think there’s a name in there somewhere but thanks for the 20 bits gabi you gave me bits earlier also what’s the best block place sound probably the slime block if anyone steals my answer i’m banning you probably the slime block it’s definitely the best block play sound

Wool and slime you’re banned you are banned cobblestone nether brick i like that answer how’d you gain 150 followers in 10 minutes yeah people like they yeah they are following me i don’t think i got follow bottom i can check though but i mean maybe i did um

I was i checked out i got followed by like 150 last stream i don’t think i like i’m looking over here and i don’t think i am but maybe i am look at the usernames oh yeah maybe i did oh yeah those are follow bots yeah when they have one number at the

End i got followbotted by that same follow bot live stream but it’s so easy to clear them it literally takes like five minutes but i am getting trolled right now so that sucks they got me if anyone says amethyst block oh yeah amethyst feels terrible dude dude all right i’ll just mute these

For a second oh wait i think they just uh maybe not it’ll take like i made the the delay one second so they go back pretty quickly all right gold ingot all right i have everything i’d ever want brass for trolling friends are you a troll are you live now this is actually

Pre-recorded everyone type something in chat and i’ll have no idea what you’re saying because it’s pre-recorded cam is a i have no idea what the chat is saying right now because it’s pre-recorded oh this is about to be an easy kill what a coincidence there’s no such thing as a coincidence

There actually isn’t it’s crazy it got leaked the other day there’s no such thing as a coincidence i know i thought it was not like that also oh don’t break my bed blue blue more like poo blue more like poo honestly i’m jumping off i’ll respawn and have a chance to defend myself

What texture pack you’re using actually point texture pack hello why are you saying hello oh my god of course she has wool does anyone else see that what i do is it something only mods can see i don’t know i have no idea i don’t know how mods see all these things

It’s been a while since i’ve been here hello cheesybean16 i remember your username i’m gonna be honest but welcome back i don’t know when the last time you were here was dude Watch out 12 man f12 on top of your base no he’s not there’s no way he’s that much of a gangsta i don’t think he is unless he’s hiding he’d have to be like stream sniping if he’s on top of my bait last time i was here dinosaurs were

Extinct no way dinosaurs were extinct weren’t extinct like many years ago multiple yo donated that’s fake money what is that symbol that’s not us dollars that’s for a second i thought that was real but then i saw that symbol like what even is that maybe maybe donate real money next time jeez All right follow bot over oh it is under 100 150 again it’s so random who like follow bots like it doesn’t do anything doesn’t make sense what am i oh my god that’s a lot of letters oh my god no one has a bed last it’s a

1v1 v1 no one has a bed anything could happen i repeat anything could happen what music are you playing dream Let me buy prop 3 watch them fall into the void as if i you know most of the time i don’t i die when you have 30 views oh that’s awesome that if i blow up would you remember me i probably didn’t say yes i probably

Said i would if you’re here like a couple of streams you know like five streams if you’re here for like five streams talking chat and honestly you have to be here more than that at this point stop i don’t want to be on fire dude easy

Easy he thought he got me he didn’t it’s a 1v1 v1 situation no way how did i catch on fire for so long i literally dinked it oh my god how am i still on fire stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop

That’s not the right direction oh my god let’s go oh god there’s the other one it’s a 1v1 v1 situation dude so you scheduled it uh ace woman awesome they’re all haters they’re all haters this is like a standoff oh you’re done for bozo 1v1 it is a 1v1 me

Versus blue red versus blue it’s like gangs i am in a gang where are you 15 diamonds i can get pro 4 okay i need to go back to my base and get pro 4. that was not close and i can get a diamond sword I’m winning i’m not gonna fall it wouldn’t be funny either boom protection trap for some reason i had an extra dime fireballs boom boom boom he was scared of my presence is the most simple way to put it he was scared of my presence so for that

Ah i’m oh my god i was followed by like a thousand followers yo i’m at 24k that actually shows my real followers the follow bottlers don’t show up up there for some reason i don’t know how it distinguishes that’s my real followers though but like

On my dashboard it says i’m at 24 500. streamer can kill with telekinesis it’s what i did oh you better be in this one astr there’s no way you don’t do dude who do you think the best bridger in minecraft is uh me not really close a little bit offensive that you asked Are you poggers come on man you know Doo doo doo stop no I was running all caps now yeah i think he kind of got intimidated Dude my dog is barking can anyone hear it who are you get out stop that’s that man he’s a fan at this point get out of here maybe xylo maybe how am i supposed to know who you are maybe could be anyone else could be me for all i know

I’m pissed i’m verified too it’s just glitched honestly a little literally lagging could be your mom i don’t know omg can man i love you okay yeah i am youtube rank i’m pretty famous you know um that next time you type in chat i may have to ghost you sorry

Sorry not sorry can we get some hashtags in chat my dog is still barking i don’t know if you can hear it no hashtags really okay thanks thanks for the hasht hey if nobody got me maybe xylo got me not maybe as in maybe got me maybe as in

That’s that’s his username on twitch the website that was on purpose oh my god stop being annoying and start being not annoying oh my god okay oh i guess we’re just gonna have a man you’re gerrymandering right now Oh my god not even good easy where’s the vip man does it look like i’m just handing out vips do i look like uh who do i look like to you Tommy in its stream playlist too no no no it’s my own stream playlist too okay maybe i am handing out vips he thought okay maybe he was right okay that’s who is that maybe i need to go on his channel and and make fun of him make fun of his appearance

For some reason the name sounds familiar maybe that’s because he came to my chat before Get timed out by nightbot peasant you know peasant get nightbotted on oh my god he’s hacking he’s hacking he’s hacking he’s hacking he’s hacking he’s honestly hacking which is crazy that hypixel allows that especially to youtube rank up how did he take he took

He went to ten to three i had him like 10 times my god oh my god how can i get vip you can’t once the collab man collab coming i don’t even know if you play if he’s a minecrafter minecraft they are i mean what mane what is this super smash bros

Bed wars oh bit of a hey i don’t rock with abbreviations cut it out nightbot’s gonna get you uncultured okay sorry All right watch me kill you what hello man they’re having a whole anime arc you call me cpt okay that’s different terence the crispy chicken what up cut it out pun intended i honestly don’t get i don’t i don’t understand that but i did it on purpose i hate you

That was like deep that was lag um i was honestly the lag that’s crazy Well i’ve been lagging a lot today honestly That is lag smh can you say hi ella now give me money too sorry ella hashtag sorry not sorry i only stream for money at the end of the day stop lagging i know i need to oh my god i was the first one in first whoa

Yo prime okay okay okay okay okay okay okay man i can get down oh wait was that oh that was you know i read that as may be zy like i didn’t even know that was him or her i should i check out that man i’ll check out your channel now i mean

Now that you primed you you do only get one of those a month so where’s your where are you where are you oh my god okay here you are let’s click oh i think i’ve seen this guy i think he’s a tick tocker also all right let me

I think that guy also is a tick talker who would be a tick docker hashtag loser and then hey can we get some hashtag losers in the chat tick tockers man come on hashtag loser yeah the egyptian king knows how is this game taking so long ender

Plays mc you can come on ender plays what is that skin you’re not the devil you’re probably 13 and you’re like playing on your gaming pc your mom bought you come on you’re not yeah i mean you know whoa a lot of a lot of stream elements in nightbot in chat

Followed because yes hashtag loser i missed all of those hashtag losers cam is 13. i’m 13 and a half 13 and a half and honestly kind of disrespectful for most of you face justin we uh i do have a phase i’m just so you know maybe xylo i am being

Recruited to faze pretty soon uh faze justin did give me like five bits earlier so be on the lookout for that you know hashtag released the contract oh my god why is it always blue oh my god it’s ender plays mc i’m i’m i’m what was that did anyone hear that sound

They’re hiring buzz creators what oh bed wars man you and your acronyms i need one more gold love your youtube shorts you’re so dumb sometimes no it’s on purpose it’s for content it’s like oh i’m dumb you know one of those things you wouldn’t understand you know

Ender plays mc more like ender plays dumb i hate that sound Man no bed defense this is what i call awesome stop that shoot i mean 18. true look at me yeah cam if you hate abbreviations you hate cmg no no i actually hate the the abbreviations i don’t understand because they’re they’re purposely not telling me Cam can someone make you know someone make a texture back of and have cam voices the sound effects yeah clutch that was not clutch i was never gonna die clutch implies that it was hard at all and honestly i’m one of the best bedwars players there’s ever been

Hey man is it okay to be permabanned for typing a bad word is it okay to be perm what does that mean you will get permabanned probably my mods don’t mess around man they gang i don’t even know if that was high enough yo load it you are very much godlike

Faze justin said it not me yesterday i said you two to the waiter after saying yeah i’ve done that before also like the movie theater ticket person i did that the other day i always saw a block widow in the movies like enjoy your movie and i said you too but

They might have been watching a movie you know who knows you know never never assume uh don’t judge a book by its cover that was my favorite tick tock trend tick tock ever tick tock went downhill ever since don’t judge a book by its cover

I said i have a good day to cashier when it was 11 at night well you’re living you live in australia so like you know oh it’s all different there stop at least they listened oh my god of course they have wood what a what a

Hashtag loser oh this better oh my god it’s definitely not even going to be right here this is the worst day of my life oh he almost fell for that he almost got jabated oh he was hacking he couldn’t have hit me around there would have someone called me not said

You’re welcome oh i’ve done that too like oh or like i don’t i mix those up sometimes like you’re welcome thank you bless you some of those should i actually join a block gamers bed wars game man you cannot people try to stream slam me i’m too elusive i’m too elusive

Didn’t expect that my headphones didn’t even are you okay how did that happen what’s wrong with you okay oh my god that was a murder oh my god i’m sorry chat i’m sorry you had to witness that i didn’t mean it was there was a dead person right there have

You has anyone ever seen a dead person i’ve seen many my victims mainly uh chat or twitch staff that is a joke i’m gonna try to apply for partner soon uh that is a joke i’ve never most people i don’t kill 90 over you know can i ask a question no In a video game true this hey minecraft am i right chat can we get a minecraft oh my god he’s literally hacking i’m not even close oh zork cause orc just read my mind drop drop the hashtag minecraft you know we we do some hashtags around here hashtag stop the hackers that isn’t

That is the movement i’m starting um yeah can i ask a question no especially because you did this don’t screenshot that don’t we do do a little hashtag um i have no in oh i can get this that’s awesome i’m screenshotting that i said not to so society huh

It’s like i’m like the joker except more awesome i heard you oh my god is the person in my chat gabby moose they gave me bits twice right does anyone remember yes i literally see it 21 minutes ago 20 bits yo you’re not slick and 7 minutes ago 10 bits

Yellow you are not slick you are not slick easy i love your videos so much me too i’m great hashtag ign as if don’t look down there 20 more bits man you you are trying to be slick man thanks for the 20 bits though i really appreciate it man uh all

The bits are going towards a good cause so all the money i make is going towards a good cause so it is dude can they discord me i do not look in the discord stop asking cam to marry me you yeah i i get it you know i would too

All right no one has a bed left is a 1v1v1 situation dude what’s his ign man you really missed it huh are you in a tick-tock or smp i’m looking to join a tick-tock or smp um there’s always that one guy who goes welcome to the smp i don’t know

I’m i’m a big tick tocker it’s true can you play roblox bed wars yeah i’m actually about to just stay for like 30 more minutes and don’t leave how’s it going cam man gets good what’s your favorite tick tock uh all of them stop oh my god i said stop

Oh they had less health than me oh my god No way there’s no hole all maps should have a hole to drop down where’s your iron sword buddy where’s your combos where’s your combos oh my god literally combo’s not found Anyways have a good stream cam bye chat have a good stream oh i will Anyways what now in life you know how’d you get all the info about mc uh my dad actually created minecraft john minecraft they know i i know the ins and outs right smp was a blocked word it is why oh oh cause oh because you guys were

Like trying to get people to stop talking joining a tick tock smp is the equivalent of joining a tick tock guys no but it’s funny guys i’m gonna join the tick tock smp ironically it’s gonna be ironically guys hashtag irony watch this that’s that was terrible uh i purposely didn’t click dude please

Easy all right am is minecraft charlie demilia it’s true uh i consider myself more of a minecraft buddha but splitting hairs at this point as if oh crap i played two at once twice man way less cool ah it’s too easy most of the time i win the other times they’re hacking w

Oh i forgot that’s my new thing whenever i win i’m a pekka are you following cabbie lane now like a little bird you know that’s what i do follow for follow i got you i got you hey who wants to follow for follow you know serious note chat who does want to

Follow for follow uh i am looking for some follow to follow for follows me i’ll face justin i mean i don’t think you need it phase just fun fact the way i got like my first twitch followers was making a twitter account putting a george not found a profile

Picture on it and having in my display name follow for follow got like a thousand twitter followers like that i just love gagi truly what i’m scared oh i actually deleted a message just the first time yo if your message gets deleted by skeetle you did a man

Does not understand sarcasm what did i say i’m actually never sarcastic most of the time i’m uh you know already follow you though nice i’ll follow you hey i’m following everyone back i’m following everyone back true story this is about to be so awesome guys don’t leave yet because i’m gonna

Kill thanks for starting the paul francesca prediction i should say bit of a different word look on me oh my god watch i’m just gonna regenerate health look at me wilfred look at me wilfred i’m regenerating oh that’s my last block awkward die wilfred minecraft die not real This random guy added me on snap he chatted me hey that was my alt Dude let me add you on snap i’m a big snapchat let me check my snapchat i do have a public snap let’s see amaya said utah moment one of my viewers lives in utah find her location with this photo exclamation point snap chat or some i don’t know

Why is your youtube point voice different what’s the rarest bed wars in minecraft man this guy got chain armor and iron sword get a grip get a grip not even close franchesca sent me a snap i bet it’ll be lovely hi true May i ask a question no you may not permission denied doo doo is this kind of funky or what Why stop putting that emoji i’m not gonna do it You’re the funkiest yeah i mean it’s what i’m known for really they call me mr funk you know that uh one fortnight skin like the funky guy i forgot his name i’ll dm you guys on twitter i’m a big fortnighter it’s true Dude do it please i’m not like to funk things up yeah uptown funk oh uptown funk is my favorite song uptown funk you up saturday night and we julio who likes uptown funk here Anybo any any funkers chicken nuggets it’s you know you’ve already said it three times at this point you know me okay bruno mars is short i’m tall i’m six foot seven fun fact i’m incredibly tall okay i guess i’ll get diamonds now keep spitting bars and twitch will hear you strike that’s true

But they could never strike why do you play twice oh my it’s not odds people stop i need to close my soundboard god come on dream well no more no more music this stream oh wait no more special music this stream now only sound effects not only sound effects

You when you realize there’s only sound effects me when i realize there’s only sound effects [Applause] bit of a meme there put some impact font over it why am i never i’m just too tall to be in frame Keep missing the polls do party in the usa i actually can’t i i closed my sound board so that’s the end of that it seems it was dream’s fault you know dream he actually is a notorious cheater i’ve been invited to the dream smp repeatedly and denied or and and denied

Him each time dream does always say he says please join the dream smp and i say no dream you’re clout chasing me and honestly it’s blatant and you cheat in every game you play on top of that you sell merch for money not cool man

You know if i were him i would be perfect it’s true oh my god of course he has shears oh my god who buy shears i’ll never buy shears a day of my life sing dream song that’s what the mask is that’s what the point of the mask is

I could be a musician if i wanted to seven raiders from not scripted man this is scripted thanks for the seven raiders not scripted sing please stop stop using that yo not scripted shout out shout out you’re welcome for the shout out please say thank you come on

Script raid yeah bit of a raid get raided on stop okay so i don’t have a bed anymore so this seems kind of um shoot are you into horror games my life is a horror game i’m like the joker a lot of people do compare me to the joker

Why is it not it’s never kind of a shout out now fine shout out f a k three you’re welcome you’re welcome for the shout out hashtag age or exclamation point age um almost 14. i’m from sri lanka no way say something that only sri lankans wouldn’t what color is your license plates

I’m a geoguesser pro so i do know this what color are the license in plates lanka don’t look it up i’ll know if you looked it up my nose itches not cool high crab warrior so awesome of you to have that name instead of a different one

My bet is gone which is kind of unfortunate because i want to win i have a question okay ask your question red man they’re yellow i think i honestly you said it with such confidence but i feel like they’re yellow i feel like you’re a fake sri lankan but maybe not

Pretty sure they’re yellow though i’m from the fallopians what do what texture pack are using uh exhalation point texture pack and i’m using extra support or i’m using 1.9 cookies or taquitos um oh i mean i’ve seen your cookies your cookies do not look good man those store-bought i ate cookies earlier

That was just sad um uh i don’t know they’re chewy ones they’re so they do not look good all right i need to get red and aqua the combo i know i mean i mean it’s just too easy for me as a youtube rank i’m incredibly good at the game

Gotta go bye goodbye spurgeon man you’ve been here the whole stream i see you i’ll make extra tart taquitos for my wives i think i’m starting to think this is going too far i think i just don’t think they’re going to be able to eat them is i

I think you’re in too deep i’ll move on okay where’s red oh my oh this cobra guy is starting to piss me off i’ll say it how do you have so much health not even close oh god there comes red of course All right here’s aqua and green why is there so many people okay green’s gonna go kill aqua i’ll i’ll go kill red who’s over here i’m not a murderer but i do murder you know it’s a bit of a uh double entendre still don’t know what that means but All right Run for your life i don’t i never run i just i face my fears oh how do i keep passing it it’s fake hero underscore games omg is that your face camon 18 i love your vids yeah this actually is deep faked i’m begging to i’m big into photoshop digital I can telekinetically break beds now let’s go all right diamond sword time i’ve 16 where did you come from all right i’m just gonna let that guy honest i can probably kill him i do have much more stuff wow that did a lot wow ooh would hate to

Be you right now because you’re dead all right me versus aqua one oh i can’t play my dream music oh my god this is the worst day of my life pretend there’s in there’s dream music going on right now i need to kill aqua i don’t know they still have a bed which

Is a bit of a problem we’ll make it a bit harder This guy of course it’s this guy miss me with that oh get juked foo boom oh hashtag gamer hashtag gamer just doesn’t feel right without the music you are not a gamer oh oh easy wow really come on i can’t play my victory music okay i need to no one i need to

Reopen my sound board and play my victory music or else it just doesn’t count don’t don’t end the prediction until i play my vic it just doesn’t count no one no one celebrate yet don’t no stop saying no do not celebrate yet hurry up and stop i’m the champion

I’m the champion why is hydration so high omg it’s k9 who’s more famous than technoblade true now now celebrate one two three celebrate What did you eat uh dr pepper can i actually like i buy a bunch of dr pepper cans just to eat them can you say hi aiden hi aiden oh my god hello aiden happy birthday man hey happy your birthday much must be bad dead no maroon tastes pretty good not gonna lie

Maroon is definitely one of the top 10 flavors we should play bad wars sorry i already am what’s your fave map oh my god probably um uh the one from dora it’s the map it’s the map it’s the map it’s the map it’s the map Saw dr pepper apparently dr pepper is a texas thing apparently people from texas like dr pepper but i think that’s racial profiling of me thinked up being a texan How do you do the youtube voice you just you just act like you’re interested i’m 14 that’s that’s awesome hashtag slight rage it’s not rage it’s uh purposeful Lowell xyz you can’t type lull before it just won’t work that way you saw oak that was honestly a nice one man put that in the compilation please i was on purpose what game are you playing a fortnight no he’s stream sniping who could have possibly destroyed my bed who yellow

There’s two people there they’re stream flipping they’re stream sniping they’re stream sniping it’s the only possible way it’s the only possible way i killed him with my mind yo actually you want to take dog man follow my i didn’t even put a space that i honestly don’t care i should just get

Rid of that dude can we swear that was just the most offensive spelling i’ve ever that’s worse than any swear word w-h-e-a-h it’s just w e how do you how do you misspell we one time i misspelled use i was just like sitting at like i know exactly

Where i was i’m just sitting at um i was sitting at my kitchen table like doing like fifth grade math how do you remember oh my god you remember exactly have i told the story before okay anyways i was sitting on my table and i was doing like fifth grade math

Homework i just forgot how to spell use it just didn’t make sense and and i thought it was like exactly how astra just spelled it i just forgot for a second like i don’t i’d ask my mom how to spell use tough world we live in you know lots of things going on Buy golden appel and fireball hi from indonesia i know how to speak i can actually speak indonesian fluently it’s kind of crazy math is red good on you it’s true oh god my hair just went in my eye how is that possible shouldn’t be allowed all right yeah

Most languages i actually am a bilingual so that’s nice sheer amount of atrocious spelling in this chat is revolting man this guy thinks he’s some sort of english major the sheer amount of atrocious spelling like man shut up atrocious revolting sheer like use some real words next time man

Sheer man what was the last time anyone said atrocious like man come on do better Sheer no one’s ever said sheer let’s come on atrocious you know aren’t you that guy who’s used lavender town music yeah a lot of people don’t know what music that is they always ask those are regular words man regular words men no one has ever said atrocious ever

I mean that was just atrocious what’s your msc user that can man 18 tt on ireland’s going youtube rank watch i’m famous why is nobody acknowledging my excellence if you really try to type a lot only people in stories that that they just don’t care i think they they just didn’t see it

Um they didn’t see it mainly stop go ahead and have no bed oh my god oh my the combo if you couldn’t play minecraft what would you play instead uh probably ligma no one no one tell that i would probably play the game ligma instead do i smell like a potato yes

I guess i can take all this out of the chest caught these noises again what man what you talking about okay Dude when he was faceless i imagined it exactly what he looked like what came and 18 went up true tgn what are the what does the tgn stand for you know these aren’t the questions people are asking mr cam i watched most of your stream so sorry for missing them it’s okay you

Know you always can watch the youtube vods channel that maybe someone will link i don’t know if anyone has the link to it but there’s a vods channel that i’m about to start uploading the vods on so if you never miss a stream you can go watch the vods channel type in like

Canon 18 vods into youtube should be able to find it pretty easily this is the last guy he has diamond armor and a fireball but i’m i’m awesome that was honestly just too easy like literally i’m just so good it’s just too easy it’s just too easy I know look at me go i love your vids and stream nice just too easy how do i always i feel like in the last like week i’ve got does anyone notice like my last two streams i’ve i’ve been doing good Am i the only one that’s noticed that people that are here like every stream i feel like i’ve been doing good my last two streams like i’m on a roll anyways i’ll win this one again people are still predicting that i’m gonna lose everyone predict it’s open yo

Since you have yt rank you should add me on hypixel jk but maybe jk but maybe uh i don’t know anyways thanks def cloak for the prime whoa everyone it’s free it’s free ask your dad to do it it’s literally free if you if you’re if your parents have amazon prime

Thanks for the 50 bits though i’m not going to add you on hypixel but worth a shot especially since it’s giving me money i want to eat your pancreas um i don’t know about that scan me into giving him yeah you know i do like when people prime to me you know

A bit of a thing sky block or bed wars uh definitely sky block i just love i always play it man he think i was scared af my blocks didn’t place he’s hacking go go okay still got the still got the bed we’re watching i want to eat why do you

Keep why do people want to eat my pants yo thanks for saying beans in the chat deaf cloak awesome word word choice word you said awesome syntax as that one guy sang atrocious would have said awesome syntax dream and techno blade who’s techno blade who is tech no blade

Oh my god he’s hacking oh my god oh easy kill i just heard the ding look at the rest of my bits awesome thanks for the thanks for the bits here is rest of my bits thank you sergeant in my defense it’s not that fancy of or

Not but it was like three it was like three medium medium fans it was it was atrocious and it was two others i don’t know what they were though what do you think about the time title battles better words by street run to w against minecraft hackers yeah that’s

Good just yeah we’ll just come up with it they’ll probably be good hockeys are seriously intense or like like that’s just like a normal one for for two of them you can click bait youtube rank also by the way it’s one of my intro music is a copyright free it’s it’s a

Video game music so for the youtube rank uh stream like i keep the intro because it kind of adds to the stream because like i introduced so just like if if you think you should keep the intro for whatever reason i don’t think most of them you probably

Don’t want to but for the for the last stream you probably should because it added to the stream oh got him oh my god six dimes and four emeralds i’m so good at this game has anyone noticed that and i’m youtube rank and awesome guys my star level doesn’t let me snipe

What a star level i don’t know anything about these better wars levels i’ll 1v1 you though i’ll duel you there’s no way i’m losing a classic duel i’ll duel you i’ll duel you duel me i i what’s your username josh p invite maybe zylo xylo man really got an underscore in his

Name hashtag loser alert cannot find that player man cannot find that player as if oh you cannot invite that player wow big guy over here big guy over here i see alert we got a big guy over here go again oh my god oh my god i’m gonna flip i’m

Gonna flip i’m gonna flip i’m gonna flip i’m going to flip it’s the same it’s the same i’m gonna flip i’m gonna flip i’m gonna flip i’m gonna flip all right dude who’s next uh yellow aqua and white wait a minute to update i i hey there what’s that

Is that a non youtube rank sorry i mean that’s just laughable to me you know i mean i mean come on i mean yeah i mean it’s 20 20 i mean 20 20. wow that was a pitiful attempt to be honest five emeralds i’m rich do you have bedrock edition i i played

On my xbox 360 one time a couple times i should steal sometimes exactly come on man come on really you thought that was going to work Oh my god he’s hacking that was lag that’s crazy ah the lag you know it’s been 30 minutes oh yeah i’m about to play roblox bed wars in like 10 minutes or so roughly about you know i’m really about to i love your videos and your hair awesome do do do do

Mr cam would you would you like to play bedrock edition with me no chat is down bad right now do slash game mode oh my god is it gonna work cause i’m youtube rank i shouldn’t do it guys i just don’t want to cheat you know

I think i’m allowed to though like it would have worked i just don’t want to cheat should i do it guys should i do it i think it’ll work should i hack hypixel dreamer touch no blade i don’t know who touched no blade is sorry you know

What does it do i i don’t know i think i think it would hack high pixel though i have so much stuff oh i should have gotten one more how’s there still so many people alive he better win i will still somehow people vote that i’m gonna lose even

Though i pretty much only win i have to show me now now i just you know i just you know just you know i mean you know you slash op cam n18 oh my god should i i think it’ll work because i am youtube rank after all

Should i do it oh my god do it now oh my god can you friend me yeah i got you didn’t work everyone just be yourself no matter what you are perfect just the way you are uh unless you’re like annoying like some people are definitely not perfect i’m

Perfect who here is perfect does anyone i’m definitely perfect um anyone else i’m i i mean i know i’m perfect other people probably aren’t though i just i know that for sure he’s justin definitely perfect eye let’s see uh yellow and white oh white badger scottish okay just yellow it’s just yellow

How do you get youtube rank you have to have followers on youtube what up tripp that’s a gang right there that’s gang are you a speedrunner yeah i actually didn’t own the world record before dream cheated five [ __ ] thanks for the five whoa whoa whoa wait a

Second last bit donation i have it up right here here’s the rest of my bits oh and then you had a second one that i didn’t read i egoed you um do you have a certain time you stream yeah i stream at 7 00 p.m i always

Stream at 7 p.m central 8 p.m eastern next friday i’m streaming no cap 8 p.m eastern next friday or this friday i guess you know i don’t know why this guy’s just looking at what that was actually pretty easy that was actually fairly easy oh okay 1v1 situation i have a bed and he doesn’t quite frankly i’m definitely going to win where is he all right let me get those emeralds and i’ll buy a compass thanks for the one bit multiple times all right compass acquired where is this foo oh god he’s

He’s that way answer the five bits morgan underscore elliot he’s over here he’s over yonder thanks for the seven bits oh these are really bad enough five plus seven it’s a bit of a uh bit of an addition bit of a math class if you will all right here he is

Oh my god it’s full diamond stuff okay you know let me thank for the five bits oh my god oh my god he’s like a ghast oh my god he’s so rich this is like the jeff bezos of minecraft jeez stop crouching stop it it’s offending people

That was a bait that was a bait on purpose do not see me come on man come on do better really do better all right next prediction wait let me choose this one all right prediction Let me find it oh shoot is it not in the history wait no no no don’t don’t don’t bother this i’m one of you wanting this tick-tocker next prediction will i win the 1v1 verse tick-tock fool yes no i’m one of you wanting a tick-tocker will i win obviously yes

One out of one ain’t no two out of three it’s one out of one it’s one out of one all right guys everyone we need to concentrate bet in the thing oh shoot okay you don’t have time you have very little time it’s already it’s already

Going all the way down you need to hurry up in bed everyone’s betting yes one person bet no with 10 points it’s 99 to 1 no pressure oh it’s it’s 99 to 2 percent no pressure i think he’s in my party or wait did i i think he is

I didn’t have time yeah it was a quick one does he okay i need to sit up straight for this one he’s he’s a he’s a bed worst tick tocker i mean it’s literally all he it’s all he does all day he’s hacking oh i need to turn my render

Distance down i need to turn my render distance down oh the tactical was that 42 oh my god oh got him in the fire already he’s pissed doesn’t hit his bow shots okay oh he’s already he’s already lost and now i should get the bow shot to win

I was gonna try to stall but i won’t let him oh god draw what don’t don’t end the prediction he’s acting he’s hacking this is proof i’m making an exposed tick tock i’m making an exposed tick tock oh my god i clicked my in no this is very bad this is very bad

This is very bad he’s using inventory hacks he’s using inventory hacks he made me click my inventory [ __ ]

This video, titled ‘hypixel youtube rank is overpowered. (minecraft bedwars) camman18 Full Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by camman18 VODS on 2021-07-27 15:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

This was streamed live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/camman18 Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or …

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  • Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario Party

    Sigils DESTROYS Friendships in Minecraft Mario PartyVideo Information hi dudes welcome back to Minecraft Mario Party 2 uh they had a new map so obviously we to come played this is the mushroom uh all right you guys know how Mario Party Works if you’ve never seen it before if you’re new around here we uh have 10 turns you roll your dice to move around the map to pick up coins to buy Stars whoever’s the most stars at the end wins you play mini games in between every round to earn more coins to make each other mad we got Z Sundy and bble… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Secret Revealed! Part 8 😡😈🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft World Secret Revealed! Part 8 😡😈🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘The secret to building the ultimate Minecraft world🤬🤬 Minecraft 😱😡part-8 wait for part-9🤒😈’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-14 04:13:45. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. minecraft The secret to building the ultimate Minecraft world🤬🤬 Minecraft 😱😡part-8 wait for part-9🤒😈 minecraft but minecraft survival minecraft challenge 100 players minecraft mod minecraft but challenge minecraft update camman18 exposed 1.20.1 minecraft 1.20 1.20 canman18 camman minecraft animation minecraft fun facts minecraft rarest minecraft seed minecraft facts minecraft how to minecraft but you cant touch… Read More

  • DarkQuest

    DarkQuestdo quests to get items and money use money to buy items own the game! by: justresolvejr this server has 10 players max, sorry for the inconvenience PvE PvP Roleplay Survival Quests Dungeons Custom Items do quests to get items and money use money to buy items own the game! by: justresolvejr this server has 10 players max, sorry for the inconvenience custom items including chestplate: 50hp 20attackdmg helmet: 50hp Sword: 24hp when holding attackdmg potion: splash potion of DEATH ———————————————————————————————————— DarkQuest.minehut.gg ———————————————————————————————————— DarkQuest.minehut.gg Read More

  • EternalCraft Vanilla Survival, No Resets 1.20.4

    Join EternalCraft Experience a vanilla survival server where the world is permanent with daily backups to ensure your progress is safe. Build your legacy with us! Join our Discord here Read More

  • OniMine.com 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: discord.gg/onimine

    OniMine.com 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: discord.gg/onimine Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Real for Real for real

    Minecraft Memes - Real Real for Real for realI guess you could say this meme is scoring high in the Minecraft popularity rankings! Read More

  • Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update

    Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where updates never cease, In Indian bikes driving, the gameplay has increased. With a big mode update, the adventure takes flight, As we explore the city, both day and night. Our houses have evolved, our cars have been enhanced, With graphics and textures, our world is entranced. From old to new, the journey is grand, In this virtual universe, we make our stand. Challenges await, like driving at full speed, Or blasting with a rocket, fulfilling the need. In Ma mode, our houses come alive, With ultra-realistic graphics, we strive. So join us… Read More

  • Leaving them alone for a sec be like… 🔥

    Leaving them alone for a sec be like... 🔥 When you finally give them some alone time in Minecraft and they immediately start building a giant statue of themselves. Ego much? #minecraft #memes #funny #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft – Episode 590

    Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft - Episode 590 Minecraft Episode 590: Building a Stone Castle Wall Welcome to episode 590 of Minecraft with Lờ Đờ Vờ! In this episode, our host embarks on a journey to build a magnificent stone castle wall. Despite facing some challenges along the way, our dedicated gamer is determined to create a masterpiece in the virtual world of Minecraft. Harvesting Resources Our adventure begins with the essential task of harvesting resources. From gathering wheat to exchanging it for diamonds with villagers, every step is crucial in preparing for the grand construction project ahead. Building the Castle With diamonds in hand, our gamer… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

    Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Roleplay Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into the realm of roleplay to create captivating stories and adventures. One such thrilling scenario is becoming a police commissioner for a day! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. From building magnificent structures to crafting intricate storylines, the possibilities are endless. Roleplaying as a Police Commissioner Imagine stepping into the shoes of a police commissioner in the virtual world of Minecraft. With your authority, you can enforce justice, maintain order, and… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

    🔥LIVE - CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I seem to have lost some pertinent files to live streaming and I’m trying to find them but they are uh Missing where or where could they be oh I’m in the wrong file of course they’re not in that one that’s arcane oh want Kraken there we go overlays animated [Music] um nope I don’t want that [Music] one uh I want screens [Music] animated I think it’s [Music] that h [Music] um well close but not quite well there I am I’m still missing things though I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?Video Information these are the scariest seeds that should never be used starting with c290 X2 the myth of the terrifying living Island and it looks pretty normal I spawned on a a a a sand area not very scary if I’m going to be honest with y’all oh man I love these rumors so much cuz apparently we have to put the render distance to five to make it to come alive I don’t know if that’s going to really do anything but we got to follow now it looks like we’re on an island but nothing happened to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!

    Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!Video Information yep my game all right all right I’m live let’s go first live stream on the Miguel [Music] SMP so I don’t really know what I’m doing right now but I’m just adjusting some things cuz well this is literally my first stream everything good going to go check see if the stream is and I’ll get to some plan to some plan the game on the Miguel SMP no give a rundown of what the Miguel smpp is because some of you guys may not no actually like basically everybody won’t know who it is even though… Read More

  • Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!

    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

    Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum - Episode 05Video Information [Music] what’s up everybody this is super tilt and welcome back to my Arcanum Institute gameplay series uh I don’t even remember what we did last time but uh in between I did make some Source crystals uh I you know farming some amethysts off of that and we also uh I also figured out how to do uh lava with this old thing we got a couple things of lava here uh basically if you put any smooth Stone within a 3X3 under this thing eventually as you throw at it to fill up the you know… Read More

  • 🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMP

    🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMPVideo Information sh [Music] sh [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone oh my gosh Le you’re on time I can’t believe it how did you do it this time hi everyone Hi bre hello ano hi coffee table on Twitch and YouTube hi set hi hi JD hi meno hi noodles hi Coco Al coffee table why were you in here so early welcome in everyone today was a scheduled work stream but I did some work before stream because gy woke me up early because gy woke up early to play Minecraft and… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclips

    Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclipsVideo Information here has to go This video, titled ‘raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #shorts’, was uploaded by SGGAMER000 on 2024-03-19 03:38:34. It has garnered 446 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #short #minecraft #lapatasmp #valorant #valorantshorts #valorantlive #applemc #valorantindia #lifesteal ⚠️ IGNORE TAGS⚠️ pojavlauncher how to join fake loyal smp fake loyal smp ip fake loyalsmp Lapata smp war Loyal smp war lapata smp season 5 lapata smp niz gamer psd1 lapata smp psd1 boys psd1 senpai spider how i… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n stranded in the open Dy out tears of Sorrow lacking all emotion staring down the barel waiting for the final gates to open to a new tomorrow moving with the motion following the light that set me free [Music] a yeah This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request Compilation Part 952 )’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 06:05:42. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art… Read More

  • Champions of Equestria

    Champions of EquestriaLooking for a place to horse around? Perhaps a game or two? How about an active community to be apart of? Champions of Equestria has got all that, so come take a look see yourself by joining our still expanding community with a friendly staff, active userbase, and upcoming game servers! We are coming up on a year old and still going strong, so come and find a home in our community! This is a multi-world server including Creative, Survival PvE, and Factions PvP worlds. It also has a cross world currency system where you gain money from selling items… Read More

  • Xapros SMP Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap – 1.20.4 – Events

    Server Information Our server features some of the new 1.21 blocks such as tuff blocks, copper blocks, and crafter! Join us for holiday themed events, minigames, and collectable items. Whitelist only server with 5-15 daily players, welcoming new members of all ages. Experience zero lag, 24/7 uptime, and no resets for your base. No land claims, tps, or mods that break the vanilla feeling. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Apply now by joining our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/NeekSj856k Read More

  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft’s Satisfying Twist

    Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft's Satisfying Twist In the world of Minecraft, sand art takes flight, Creating pixel pictures, a true delight. With torches and sand, a masterpiece is born, A Creeper with a Labrador hat, not to be torn. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, Satisfying creations, for you and me. Share with your friends, spread the joy, In the world of Minecraft, where art employs. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting stories in a rhythmic beat. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In every update, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

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