Hypnotizd – Project Ozone 3 Kappa Mode – CHAOS AUTOMATION RESOLUTION [E150] (Modded Minecraft Sky Block)

Video Information

What’s up everybody welcome back to another episode of project ozone 3 in kappa mode so we left off last episode trying to figure out what the heck is going on with our ultimate crafting over here automation for it yeah there’s some weirdness that’s going on and i can’t quite figure it out

Uh so we saw that we were able to pull in all of these different items from down below right we have those connected through this phantom face so the automation interface can see all of the items downstairs that this is connected to which is a drawer controller right

Well all those drawers are filled up with all these items including these four stones which are not being pulled through um that is the body stone the soul stone the mind stone and the life stone i still don’t know exactly why those aren’t coming through

But i have come up with an idea that i think will probably work for us to get this to happen yeah um so i notice on the automation interface there is another option here if we go into the config there is a smart insert section um the interface will not

Allow items to be inserted they cannot be inserted into the table no it’s this one the auto eject the interface will automatically eject items from the input slot into the output slot if the item can’t be inserted into the table so this means if we get some

Random item in there or too many of a specific item it’ll just output it right that was kind of like one of the things we were having issues with when i was queuing up a whole bunch of like these ultimate stews previously yeah we would fill up like all of these

Slots and they’d be trying to put in like fish or something that’s already in the table and it back everything up in fact we had that issue i think in a couple different places like the cosmic meatballs or actually i guess it would have been the cosmic meatballs with the fish

Example or the uh endist catalyst or endis pearl i mean yeah so that is probably a thing that we could do to solve that another thing that i did and actually the best way to solve it for those specific issues i was talking about is just by putting on blocking mode so

Only insert up to one additional recipe in here right and then when there’s space for it to go into the automation interface then i’ll put the next one in and the next one and so on and so forth that way we’re not trying to cram in like 20 or 40 recipes

Worth of um like end stone into here and it just can’t go anymore it like breaks the autocrafting yeah it’s a much better way of putting that blocking mode on so i’ve done that with all of these but getting back to this original problem here um

Yeah i think what we’re going to end up doing is using this auto eject thing and what i think we should do is be able to set in like those different items here into the emmy interface uh as a provided item and then we’ll have like

A timer or something that will kick off will extract those items into this chest and this chest will just freely put those items into the table if they don’t fit they’ll just go to the output slot and then they’ll just go back right back into the system right

So i think that’s what i want to do here now i’m not sure the best way of doing this so i’m just going to do it a way that i think will work and then we’ll worry about it later so we’re going to do item uh this thing translocator uh we don’t need

Uh we don’t need glowstone on there but we are gonna need uh oh man can we i’m trying to remember were we able to use the regulation the regulate feature of this diamond didn’t we need like a specific diamond shard or something diamond nugget from extended crafting translocators will this allow me to

Do that i’m clicking it on there it’s not working oh wait we used a regular diamond in this pack wasn’t it is that what it was i remember we did this a while ago yeah full diamond now okay so the full diamond goes on here we can regulate this so only allow

One specific item in there so let’s do uh the stones so we want a body stone a soul stone mind stone and lifestone so i’ll provide those items here very good then i’ll just put those in there so they go away so we also need redstone control

So i’ll throw a redstone on here so this will be an insert only when it gets a redstone signal okay so the idea is let me turn this off or it is already off so the idea is when this gets a redstone signal we’re gonna do this and it’s gonna it’s gonna fill

All the way up wait why did it do that did i not oh i didn’t set the regulate whoops my mistake let me do this again so we will put these things onto here for some reason i was thinking just putting the regulator on there is all we need to do

No we need to put the filter there so only allow that many items in let me go ahead and throw all of these back in here one more time grab these guys like i saw and okay so now we should be good so now when i press this button okay

Call me a liar now well we have it regulated with only one item does it have to be regulated on the output as well no i can’t remember uh as far as i understand it putting the regulator here should only allow one of that type in

There like i think if you right click hmm okay well i’m gonna have to figure this out i thought that was gonna work again i haven’t tested this i just assumed this is gonna work uh there are some other ways that we can do it let me play around with this for a

Moment we’ll be right back all right so i’ve made some changes here and i think we’re at a point now where this should be fully automated unfortunately the translocators like i wanted to use didn’t really work correctly so i am using enderio and we have a timer down here that’s pulsing

Let’s see it says right there every 400 ticks which is 20 seconds right and that’s going into advanced redstone repeater here which keeps that signal on for 20 ticks or two seconds the turn on delay you can’t really make it any shorter than two ticks so that doesn’t really matter but yeah

We pulse one tick every 20 seconds it stays on for two seconds right and then that sends a redstone signal up our line so the redstone signal we’re extracting out of uh our me interface here right so we’re extracting uh on the red signal and active

With signal so only when it has a redstone signal right so we’re extracting out of there and that’s going right into this chest up here on this chest we have a limited item filter and we are limiting to one of each of these different types of stones

So if we look in this chest once every 20 seconds or so it’ll fill up with four different items and then once all those items are in there and that redstone signal goes away then it gets extracted out so those items stay in there for about two seconds

And then they get extracted right so the redstone signal also comes over here and we are extracting only when there is no redstone signal so when the redstone signal is on and it’s filling up this chest we’re not extracting but when that redstone signal goes away then it takes whatever’s in this chest

And tries dumping it into our automation interface okay so that’s pretty much what we got going on here now the reason why i chose 20 seconds is because i put all the stones in here and i timed it and it was about 15 seconds for all of these things to completely

Refill right and then i want to give a little bit of a buffer time because we’re taking the two seconds to make sure the items go in the chest and it seems to be working out we probably could make it a second or two shorter between craft but yeah because of how

Slow it takes to refill all these items that’s the majority of the time waste here but regardless we have this completely automated at this point so it’s just gonna keep dumping those stones in until we don’t need any more of the um the kiosk catalysts yeah so i think another thing that we

Could do thinking about this we could probably add like some kind of an and gate so like applied energistics has a redstone signal i can’t remember what the thing is called uh it’s a thing that’ll emit a redstone signal when you’re crafting this thing right here the no not this

One just the level emitter i think yeah this one uh you can set this up to emit a redstone signal when it’s trying to craft something so we could have it emitting a redstone signal while we are trying to craft these chaos catalysts right and then only at that point will

It extract out with that and that’s something else that we could do just as a thought or maybe what we could do is put that inverted into this timer here so when we are no longer crafting it’ll emit a redstone signal into the bottom of this timer which will stop it from pulsing

And stop the rest of this process from happening that’s something else that we could do but either way like that’s not super important right now like we have so many of these things to go through how many more to say was crafting 1 110 of these at 20 seconds of pop

I don’t think we’re gonna do those today but they should be done by next episode i think either way we got this solved is this the best way of doing it i don’t know why the phantom face doesn’t work i don’t know um but we got it going so that’s the important thing

Uh okay so i just ran into something that was kind of weird here i was trying to collect one kiosk catalyst because i wanted to mess around with this item level emitter thing and i saw the stones go in and i did a shift click here it left the stones in place

But it like crafted with everything else that was in the table it seems like a normal automation crafting is deleting these stones but if i do a shift click it leaves the stones in there that is like super odd i’m not actually sure what’s going on with that but yeah uh i was

Playing around with the level emitter idea here because i wanted to like automate this like fully so we’re not just making too many of these things so i wanted one kiosk catalyst to throw in this thing so i could play around with it and uh yeah that’s really weird

Well anyway i guess we just saved a whole bunch of emc for the different kiosk catalyst now we gotta wait for that table to fill back up with all those items but yeah anyway so if you get a level emitter you can throw in the crafting card here

And then you get some options here to emit redstone while item is crafting or emit redstone to craft item which isn’t that the same thing i’m not actually sure uh both ways this is on or maybe is there like no i can’t put in any numbers here

Yeah i’m not really sure what the difference between these different things are like the light is on either way that’s kind of weird anyway um so yeah i was hoping that the way this would work is if we were crafting something like a yet a wrench um is that light on

No matter what’s in there it might be yeah well anyway the way i wanted this to work is if uh you know we had a kiosk catalyst in here and the system was seen to craft then we could emit a redstone signal which would uh well actually unpower the redstone

Signal that would be in the bottom of that timer but anyway kind of rambling here let’s move on right so we needed like an additional 400 singularities i think um so all the emc ones are completely refilled which is fine but all the ones that we have to spawn in

We’re getting pretty close like it’s almost done uh this is really good because something that i’ve noticed here well we kind of talked about the last time these final shards are really or the final star shards are really expensive and they’re eating up a lot of our emc

So we left uh the 8x compressed obsidian going since last episode till now and since then we have collected enough for one final starshard yeah that is kinda slow um we currently need eight more right yeah eating each slot so eat more well i guess we need seven more uh so

We are going to need to replace the singularities that were spawning in these different blocks once these are done for the extra kiosk catalysts or kiosk ingots we need or whatever it is that we’re we need the extra for once these are finished yeah we can swap out

All of those different spawners with more of the 8x compressed obsidian and i think that’s what we’re going to end up doing so we won’t just like turn them off we’ll just repurpose them to make more emc but until then we still get other things to work on

So let’s take a look at these draconic energy relay crystals okay so we are gonna need two per plank so that means we need a total of 16 and we get four of them per craft so we need to do this craft four times and it takes for the wyvern

Energy relay crystals to make these so let’s take a look at that the wyvern energy relay crystals require four basic energy relay crystals okay uh so we need this recipe well that’s easy wyvern energy core let’s go ahead and craft up four of those all right and then we will craft up four

Of four recipes of those so 16 okay so that was easy enough so now we need to make these guys so those are made with more wyvern energy cores so i need 16 wyvern energy all right so again pretty easy to do let’s go and start that up and we should

Be good to make these now let’s toss those in there and 16 of these guys awesome okay so now that we have that oops i can’t on bookmark sometimes when i’m looking at the wireless crafting table now that we have that we have to do this

Recipe four times so that is more wyvern energy course so that is an additional 16 of those grab 16 more of those very good all right so we needed 16 of those we are going to need four wyvern quarters easy uh we need 16 diamonds all right that’s not bad

I think that was all the different ingredients we need for this right diamonds why even energy core yeah and then just the wyvern core all right so we should be able to put this over here on this guy we’ll split these items up into fours oops

There we go so we’ll do diamond diamond diamond diamond then we’ll do the same thing with these wyvern energies and we just need one slot for those and we toss these guys in here and click start easy enough and since we’re doing the chaos catalyst the charging goes really fast and i

Think the crafting goes fast as well or faster than like the basic ones well anyway let me just go ahead and do this the three more times and we’ll be right back all right well that was pretty easy we have our draconic energy relay crystals in here and we have created enough chaos

Ingots where i can fill in the singles anyway so we know where those go in this recipe gives us a better idea of how much more we need to fill out right anyway so we have those in place so now i was thinking we should do this as a guard dandelion

Uh that goes right here in this slot if i oh actually i think this goes in here uh yeah i think that goes right here in this slot whoops let’s click this oh no we need double i was only going to make eight of those we actually need 16. okay well i have

Enough of my inventory right now for eight of those so let’s just craft those up and then i’ll just do another set of those uh so i need another ultimate crafting table let’s throw one of these here for the moment and this okay so it was 20 of the

Infinity ingots 16 of the neutronium nuggets four uh the neutronium ingots and then one infinity catalyst per one of those so that should give us eight of these things so that’s the first time we’ve made these and i think there might be a quest for those actually no we’ve

Completed all the quests right so there shouldn’t be a quest for that uh but yeah that’ll give us one slot i need to do that one more time so we can fill out the opposite side yeah i missed this one over here okay well let me just double that real quick

All right so another set of items that we need are transcendent blood orbs these are actually an item i don’t think we’ve made in this pack yet there wasn’t a quest for it this is for a tier six blood altar you need to put in the what are these things called crystal

Clusters yeah the crystal clusters are things that we made a while ago those are what form the tier 6 pillars and at some point in the recent past i do believe i did animate that spawn in a whole bunch of them because we needed that for

Something and i wanted to fill out the tier 6 altar we were missing one anyway um so we had like 20 plus of these things and applied in logistics from when i spawned them in so yeah we’re taking 16 of these things and turning those into the transcendent

Blood orbs so that is part of the chaos plink recipe yep we need two of those per craft so we need a total of 16 of those and yeah as you see it is draining the blood or i guess the life essence out of our blood altar but that progress is still

Going up because we’re still sending lp into the altar even though it looks like it’s completely empty yep so we are good to go here um so once this finishes up i’ll go ahead and move our creative fluid tank back downstairs swap it to essence so we can continue spawning in our

Uh our block items our animated blocks all right guys so we are in the process of working on making eight creative modifiers now so i got a lot of the stuff in here that we need it does require two buckets of life essence per we’re only going to make eight of these

I feel like uh so i need 16 expanders and 16 expander horizontal so we just made recipes for these let’s go and throw those in there tell to craft that and craft these as well and there it is awesome okay so the expander horizontals goes in the top bottom

And then these go on the side very good uh we’re missing two items here what are these oh more night slime okay night slime easy enough just need 16 more of these guys very good so the last thing that we’re missing are the items that go on the side and those

Are emerald trimmed blocks of black iron so let’s go ahead and make those i need half a stack of these rain almost there a few more clicks there it is very good okay so those are now all done awesome so there is the first no i think this is the second creative

Modifier that we made i think we had to make one of these for a quest earlier on but yeah first one that we’ve made for this new recipe anyway so get rid of these guys and those oh be careful all right so there’s five of them i

Think we still have one in our ae system from when we made this before so i guess we technically only need to make seven of these i haven’t really used these creative modifiers or any of our tinker’s construct tools um but yeah that’s what we needed right there

So if we go into this recipe the kiosk plank that goes three from the bottom in the center so that would be this one right here awesome so we got yet another item added into this craziness that we got going on here let’s take a look now how we’re doing on

This stuff so we still need 995 more of these chaos catalyst 91 more kiosk ingots and we have seven kiosk ingots that have been made in reserve that will be added into this um so i was taking a look at that and i kind of did the math so if we waited for

This entire thing to process at 20 seconds per kiosk catalysts it’s gonna take just over six hours for this auto crafting to finish up well i mean we’ve been waiting on it for a few days now because i didn’t know what to do and then we finally got around to getting

This automation thing hooked up so i think we should be good to go unless we do run out of some other material which it appears that we have i’m glad i took a look at this okay so what is this item that we’re missing this is kiosk catalyst that’s next to the naga

Scale fiery ingots um okay yeah so that makes sense uh we have fiery singularities and all of our blocks that we had for this auto crafting has gone into these singularities uh if i figured out where this is i could probably eject them from the next singularity that it’s making

Okay so how do we solve this i guess what we’re gonna do is once we get enough fiery singularities so we can make the rest of the kiosk catalyst that we need or kiosk ingots whatever it is um we can turn off the uh interface here that’s providing

Those blocks we’ll build up a supply and those will go into this oh man i’m not sure which way we should go about this i guess if we turn the interface off right now we’ll collect those blocks those are going to this auto craft and we’ll just keep all those blocks and then

Uh when this auto crafting is done that we can turn the interface back on to make more of the singularities i guess we could go that route um all right so if i take a look let’s see here i need to take a look at the ultimate singularity

So the fiery one is this one so that’s one two three four five down and the second over so one two three four five that would be this one right here right so block a fiery metal so if i turn this off how do i turn this off

I’m not sure a good way of doing that without disabling everything or completely breaking the system i guess we just press this button that’s all we got to do yeah all right so we press that button and then i eject these okay and then i can throw that into our system

And that should start taking these and turning them into the ingots i believe automatically and then we should start our auto crafting backup let me go ahead and finish getting the rest of those out of this all right so are things happening over here are we getting wrong one

Wrong one still this one are we getting those in here do we not have a recipe that automatically converts the fiery ingots or fiery blocks into the fiery ingots you know what i don’t even think we have that recipe so that would be another reason why this isn’t working

Okay so let’s make ourselves that recipe so fiery ingot and then we need to do a processing pattern and oh you know what we could do that through essence interesting i know we have that but i think we’re just gonna do it this way for now okay and then factorizer this guy

So now that should be all that we have to do i’m pretty sure it has a crafting card at least i would imagine it does yeah look at that okay so now things are working as expected we’re getting the fiery ingots in there this is going to happen

I guess what i could do i could tell the system to craft up like however many more of those that we need how many more of these are we doing uh 993 so like a thousand fiery ingots i could tell the system to do that and then once it starts processing those

I could turn this back on and then we should be good let’s do that so if i tell the system to make a thousand let’s do a little extra so we’ll use 123 blocks so that’s already been taken out of here so i should be able to come back over

Here and turn this back on and then we should just be good to go now i think that is all we needed to do so fire ingots should always be completely full and then yeah this auto crafting should just work all right i’m good with that

Cool all right so let’s take a look one more time over here how we’re doing so our chaos planks recipe are coming together again we’re gonna need a bunch of emc to solve this issue but like i discussed before i think we know how we’re going to do

That just by using our other blocks that we’re spawning in down below removing those blocks since we’re not going to need more singularities to replace them all with the ones that produce emc i think that’s gonna be the way that we go about this but anyway

Guys that’s gonna do it for today thank you guys for watching remember leave a like on this episode if you liked it and we’ll see you next time bye bye

This video, titled ‘Project Ozone 3 Kappa Mode – CHAOS AUTOMATION RESOLUTION [E150] (Modded Minecraft Sky Block)’, was uploaded by Hypnotizd on 2020-09-15 20:00:04. It has garnered 33157 views and 1501 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:50 or 1610 seconds.

Last episode we left off trying to figure out how to complete our automation of the chaos catalyst. I’m pretty sure I’ve thought of a way to do this, but let’s put it to the test and see if I’m right! We’ll also move on and continue making items to put into the 8 chaos planks we need!

► PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLriprjos26puQ_l4sOUdQz60hFEi5deg0

► LINKS https://twitter.com/hypnotizd_ https://twitch.tv/hypnotizd https://youtube.com/hypnotizdLIVE

► MODPACK INFORMATION Closed beta, not available to download Project Ozone 3 – Garden of Glass – Kappa Mode

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    OniMine.com 1.20.1 ↔ ( BETA )★ Join: discord.gg/onimine Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Real for Real for real

    Minecraft Memes - Real Real for Real for realI guess you could say this meme is scoring high in the Minecraft popularity rankings! Read More

  • Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update

    Crafty Bikes: Indian 3D Drive Update Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where updates never cease, In Indian bikes driving, the gameplay has increased. With a big mode update, the adventure takes flight, As we explore the city, both day and night. Our houses have evolved, our cars have been enhanced, With graphics and textures, our world is entranced. From old to new, the journey is grand, In this virtual universe, we make our stand. Challenges await, like driving at full speed, Or blasting with a rocket, fulfilling the need. In Ma mode, our houses come alive, With ultra-realistic graphics, we strive. So join us… Read More

  • Leaving them alone for a sec be like… 🔥

    Leaving them alone for a sec be like... 🔥 When you finally give them some alone time in Minecraft and they immediately start building a giant statue of themselves. Ego much? #minecraft #memes #funny #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft – Episode 590

    Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft - Episode 590 Minecraft Episode 590: Building a Stone Castle Wall Welcome to episode 590 of Minecraft with Lờ Đờ Vờ! In this episode, our host embarks on a journey to build a magnificent stone castle wall. Despite facing some challenges along the way, our dedicated gamer is determined to create a masterpiece in the virtual world of Minecraft. Harvesting Resources Our adventure begins with the essential task of harvesting resources. From gathering wheat to exchanging it for diamonds with villagers, every step is crucial in preparing for the grand construction project ahead. Building the Castle With diamonds in hand, our gamer… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

    Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Roleplay Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into the realm of roleplay to create captivating stories and adventures. One such thrilling scenario is becoming a police commissioner for a day! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. From building magnificent structures to crafting intricate storylines, the possibilities are endless. Roleplaying as a Police Commissioner Imagine stepping into the shoes of a police commissioner in the virtual world of Minecraft. With your authority, you can enforce justice, maintain order, and… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

    🔥LIVE - CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I seem to have lost some pertinent files to live streaming and I’m trying to find them but they are uh Missing where or where could they be oh I’m in the wrong file of course they’re not in that one that’s arcane oh want Kraken there we go overlays animated [Music] um nope I don’t want that [Music] one uh I want screens [Music] animated I think it’s [Music] that h [Music] um well close but not quite well there I am I’m still missing things though I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?Video Information these are the scariest seeds that should never be used starting with c290 X2 the myth of the terrifying living Island and it looks pretty normal I spawned on a a a a sand area not very scary if I’m going to be honest with y’all oh man I love these rumors so much cuz apparently we have to put the render distance to five to make it to come alive I don’t know if that’s going to really do anything but we got to follow now it looks like we’re on an island but nothing happened to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!

    Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!Video Information yep my game all right all right I’m live let’s go first live stream on the Miguel [Music] SMP so I don’t really know what I’m doing right now but I’m just adjusting some things cuz well this is literally my first stream everything good going to go check see if the stream is and I’ll get to some plan to some plan the game on the Miguel SMP no give a rundown of what the Miguel smpp is because some of you guys may not no actually like basically everybody won’t know who it is even though… Read More

  • Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!

    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

    Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum - Episode 05Video Information [Music] what’s up everybody this is super tilt and welcome back to my Arcanum Institute gameplay series uh I don’t even remember what we did last time but uh in between I did make some Source crystals uh I you know farming some amethysts off of that and we also uh I also figured out how to do uh lava with this old thing we got a couple things of lava here uh basically if you put any smooth Stone within a 3X3 under this thing eventually as you throw at it to fill up the you know… Read More

  • 🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMP

    🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMPVideo Information sh [Music] sh [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone oh my gosh Le you’re on time I can’t believe it how did you do it this time hi everyone Hi bre hello ano hi coffee table on Twitch and YouTube hi set hi hi JD hi meno hi noodles hi Coco Al coffee table why were you in here so early welcome in everyone today was a scheduled work stream but I did some work before stream because gy woke me up early because gy woke up early to play Minecraft and… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclips

    Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclipsVideo Information here has to go This video, titled ‘raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #shorts’, was uploaded by SGGAMER000 on 2024-03-19 03:38:34. It has garnered 446 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #short #minecraft #lapatasmp #valorant #valorantshorts #valorantlive #applemc #valorantindia #lifesteal ⚠️ IGNORE TAGS⚠️ pojavlauncher how to join fake loyal smp fake loyal smp ip fake loyalsmp Lapata smp war Loyal smp war lapata smp season 5 lapata smp niz gamer psd1 lapata smp psd1 boys psd1 senpai spider how i… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n stranded in the open Dy out tears of Sorrow lacking all emotion staring down the barel waiting for the final gates to open to a new tomorrow moving with the motion following the light that set me free [Music] a yeah This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request Compilation Part 952 )’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 06:05:42. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art… Read More

  • Champions of Equestria

    Champions of EquestriaLooking for a place to horse around? Perhaps a game or two? How about an active community to be apart of? Champions of Equestria has got all that, so come take a look see yourself by joining our still expanding community with a friendly staff, active userbase, and upcoming game servers! We are coming up on a year old and still going strong, so come and find a home in our community! This is a multi-world server including Creative, Survival PvE, and Factions PvP worlds. It also has a cross world currency system where you gain money from selling items… Read More

  • Xapros SMP Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap – 1.20.4 – Events

    Server Information Our server features some of the new 1.21 blocks such as tuff blocks, copper blocks, and crafter! Join us for holiday themed events, minigames, and collectable items. Whitelist only server with 5-15 daily players, welcoming new members of all ages. Experience zero lag, 24/7 uptime, and no resets for your base. No land claims, tps, or mods that break the vanilla feeling. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Apply now by joining our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/NeekSj856k Read More

  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft’s Satisfying Twist

    Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft's Satisfying Twist In the world of Minecraft, sand art takes flight, Creating pixel pictures, a true delight. With torches and sand, a masterpiece is born, A Creeper with a Labrador hat, not to be torn. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, Satisfying creations, for you and me. Share with your friends, spread the joy, In the world of Minecraft, where art employs. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting stories in a rhythmic beat. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In every update, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for building and exploring, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn new building tips or an experienced player seeking a fresh challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

    Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft Oyunlar Hakkında Ne Kadar İyisin? Popüler oyunlar hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğunuzu test etmeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda GTA, Minecraft ve Hogwarts Legacy gibi oyunlar hakkında ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu ölçeceğiz. Kendi oyun becerilerinizi sınayın ve ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu keşfedin! GTA San Andreas Bilgi Testi CJ’in asıl adı nedir? Carl Johnson Minecraft Bilgi Testi Herobrine kimin kardeşi? Notch’un kardeşi Hogwarts Legacy Bilgi Testi Hogwarts Legacy’de hangi gruba seçilirseniz Azkaban’a gidersiniz? Hufflepuff Eğer soruların cevaplarını bilemediyseniz, videonun üstündeki linkten detaylara ulaşabilirsiniz. Oyun bilginizi test etmek için hemen izleyin ve kendinizi yeni bir meydan okumaya hazırlayın! Read More

  • Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮

    Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮Video Information like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy Ani don’t friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the cast I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to Clear Vision… Read More