I Built a SURVIVAL ISLAND in Minecraft

Video Information

Foreign Guys today we’re gonna make an island together we’re gonna call it unsorted guy rehab Ireland okay we’re gonna make it for the latest version of Minecraft we’re gonna make it a 1000 blocks uh we’re gonna make it a circular world oh I I also launched Minecraft sorry about

That uh we’re not gonna touch the other settings I think this is fine we’re just gonna press create so the first thing we’re gonna do we’re gonna select a brush we’re gonna use the height tool and we’re gonna lower the terrain actually we’re gonna increase that we’re

Gonna move this setting over here we’re gonna increase the intensity I’m just gonna lower the terrain I want to make a small island like a Castaway Island so it won’t be large small small island that I can maybe retire on wouldn’t that be nice have our own Island that you can

Retire on and also I need your help what should we call this island porch lab is going to play on it and we need a name okay what I would like to do now uh save the map and also export it so the map is exported and we’re loading in oh

Whoopsies I loaded into the wrong world the reason I exported the map already is just to get a general size of the island because when I’m in wall painter I I really can’t tell how large my Ireland is but if I jump into the game I can get

A better grasp of it and you know what this island is actually bigger than I expected it to be it’s not a bad size by any means but maybe is it too large oh you know what this is a good size actually so now we know what

The size of the Ireland is we’re gonna save and quit stop so you want to record videos yourself then let me introduce you to O plate o plate is an easy powerful recording software with support of the 300 game with Outlet you can set it up to automatically record each time

You launch a game of your choice that way you will never miss a moment that is so smart and in certain games like Halo you can make it record only key moments like whenever you kill someone and once you’re done playing you can quickly view all of your kills afterwards and share

The clip straight to platforms like Discord so simple so great so please go ahead and press my link in the description to download outplay for free take your own plate for sponsoring my video and now we are gonna start by making some mountains yes let’s get some

Mountains up so I’ve already installed a lot of brushes I can share some Link in the description where you can download them so I just took a brush I’m gonna rotate it slightly and then we’re gonna race race up a mountain uh maybe here

What you also can do is go to the view and show 3D view so you get a 3D view of your Island okay actually increase intensity that’s going a bit slow down that line now since this is a small island I don’t want I don’t want to have

A big mountain maybe slightly bigger yeah I don’t know if I like that uh Mountain there we’re gonna restart that flatten out everything and then we’re gonna use a smooth tool and just smooth it out so you just gotta try and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t

You just gotta try raise it up again and let’s see how that looked nope did not like that one bit okay that’s one ugly Mountain I’m sure one of these are like a mountain brush but I just don’t know okay we got something slightly nicer looking mountain netting let’s just keep

That for now and what I would want to do next make a small water pound I want to have a small water pound inside my Island lower the terrain and what we’re also gonna do we’ll make a river connected it to the ocean nice maybe add an extra one over here

So it’s kind of rough right now so we’re just going to use a smooth tool smooth it out let’s look at the 3D view it’s not uh it’s not that bad one of the things I like to do is not have a open River I want this to be like a cave River

So I’m gonna connect these two lands actually I’m gonna take a stronger brush use a flattening tool and just make actually maybe here connect these parts maybe on the other side as well maybe we can do it twice would that be cool then we also want to erase it I want it

To be at least 100 tall maybe something like that that kind of ruined the river but don’t don’t you worry about that I will fix it I know this looks like a mess already but don’t worry and I have a plan I think I think

I have a plan at least let’s look at the treaty View yeah it looks horrendous and that’s what we want right now so the goal is to make a hole you see where my mouse cursor is I got to make a hole there that goes

Into this area and same here so make two holes I think that looks will end up looking very nice let’s save our world and Export it looks like I spawn in the water let us jump into spectator mode and fly around so the islands have changed a lot already

So we got like one nice Mountain uh maybe this top part is a bit a bit too tall I definitely want to raise the terrain in other places like here this entire place needs to be raised maybe the top is a bit too a bit too

Like bumpy I guess I don’t know like a bit too a bit too hilly is that a word so what we’re gonna do we’re gonna raise up the terrain generally all over if it wasn’t clear the goal is to make a hole and I’m gonna dig straight through this

Uh terrain here out to the water pump on the inside of the island back in wall painter so I’m just lowering the terrain at the top and then we will also just like raise the terrain generally speaking right now I’m using a Terrain brush which I hope is good

And now comes one of the more fun Parts we’re gonna go into layers you’re gonna make a new layer we’re gonna make a cave tunnel layer and this is a tool we’re gonna use to dig through the terrain at the ceiling of the cave is gonna be so I

Think the top part height level is 100 so we’re gonna have a height level here be 95 and add like um five variation ocean level is a 62 so maybe if we go with 55 add a bit of variation there too this is the wall and it’s a straight

Wall right now and we don’t want that we want it to curve so I’m gonna start curving the top this maybe a bit to the bottom too but mostly at the top uh-huh and uh that should be good for now so we’re ready to paint so I’m just gonna paint oops

There’s a bit large paint through here this Blackness is uh it’s a cave layer that we just made and then let’s do the same over here stay straight for okay I’m Gonna Save it and we’re gonna export it to see how it looks oh I gotta fix that I I keep spawning in

The water okay let’s look at what we have done now so here oh I noticed I’ve got something I forgot to add water at the bottom yes I need to definitely lower the top part because it’s digging straight through here we don’t want that what about this side

Uh this I wasn’t that bad actually not too bad but also I need to smooth out this it doesn’t look very nice okay so I definitely need to do some more work we’re we’re not quite there yet I’m just gonna smooth out this area here smooth it here too then go into tunnels

I’m gonna edit it we’re gonna lower it back to 90. we’re gonna add water to the bottom and the walls gonna decrease this one and this one could be 30. okay time’s at four thousand I want to have day time look at that that’s better we got a nice

Hole Intermountain here with water at the bottom it looks very nice how does it look from this side not too bad and what about the opposite side I actually like this one better if I’m being honest look at that two Bridges what I would

Like to do now is go to terrain and just like grass and just get rid of all of these sand and gravel patches we don’t need that and what I would like to do now is actually make a beach so I’m just selecting one of my brushes here I’m

Going to use the flattening tool and I’m just gonna find a beach the beach is at level six height level 62. yeah on it then we’re just gonna flatten out the area And I think the beach can stop in this area here we don’t need to have beaches all over the place maybe a small one on this side one axle here not a large one and of course we need to have a beach on the inside actually I think it’s very steep here’s

The beach height level 62 and up here is 77. so it’s quite steep so I’m just using a flattening tool I’m trying like to make like a almost like a staircase up maybe even a crease to hide some in some places it is so the beach is not like completely flat you

Know what you also can do instead of just racing it’s also lower the train in certain places I’m just doing a bunch of random things if I’m being honest I’m just like raising lowering smoothing raising lowering and hopefully in the end they will look good hopefully who knows you

Guys are going to be the judge of that let us paint the beach we’re gonna go to a lair and now we’re gonna go to the terrain we’re gonna select sand and we’re gonna go to brush settings and select this option here at or above 58 and at or below 60

Three yeah and this should paint only the beach there we go now we got a nice Beach you know what I’m gonna use this tool here and we’re gonna switch where I spawn I’m gonna spawn here now you see the red there really radical that’s where I will spawn now and yes we’re

Gonna do a lot of exporting back and forth but I’m not making a million version of my maps I’m just overwriting the previous one so let’s look at our Island now look at that we got a beach now the hills are very steep I must say

Or I must admit mountain is the mountain is looking quite good if I’m be honest is the beach size a bit a bit too large would be fun also to have some like Pathways up here in the mountain maybe going around you will see I’ll use a flattening tool

I’m going to take it a pretty pretty extreme flat in certain spot places like here oh yeah and this is looking nice let me try and make a pathway up here now open the mountain maybe that’s nice I honestly not sure yeah you see now uh I’ve made like a

Path here you can walk on a mountain so I think I want to do is keep doing that try and make some walking paths potential walking paths I’m also making some flat areas just some regular flat areas that you can maybe build on or whatever you feel like so I just want to

Get rid of all the sand real quick actually I want to get rid of everything okay it’s not not everything is green that’s good and paint in the beach again I’m not gonna paint it up here because there won’t be a beach up here okay let’s view the new terrain it’s a bit

Better now so now you can actually like walk up here easilier here’s some nice Cliffs that could be really good looking once we get some rock terrain and the mountain here yeah you see now now with actually like some path you can walk on easily without falling I want to do some

Manual work afterwards and this side here uh that side it seems a bit too flat maybe to make this Ireland even more like interesting I want to take this area here and push it out here you know what I mean okay so you’re just gonna you’re gonna quickly erase this area somewhat

You’re gonna raise it up to 100 flatten it out like this yeah so I’m gonna dig around it and let’s try connect it to the mainland then we’re just gonna smooth it out okay so we go back to the tunnel layer then I’m gonna paint around this island that we created

So what I’ve done I made Island I made the tunnels around it and I made a two extra tunnels here let’s see what we have created just now okay that that became so much more ugly than I expected yeah that was not pretty that was not

What I wanted at all I mean it’s close but I’m not quite there yet not quite there where’s the second hole oh here’s a hole that looks kind of nice if you can imagine having like Vines and stuff going down let’s look at the other hole that we made

It’s not as nice actually actually maybe we should place it somewhere else but first and foremost we gotta fix whatever this is we’ll try again make a new hole here maybe a bit larger this time like that like so yeah I have a good feeling about

That I have a good feeling about that cave here let’s let’s do something new we’re gonna make a new custom texture in a Terrain folder here we’re gonna press the plus button and I create custom material I’m gonna go to complex one so we can use different materials and the

First one we’re going to use is a stone I’m gonna add another one maybe cobblestone must say Cobblestone we can add andesite yeah you know what I think that’s good for now we have some other options uh this preview here is how it looks and we

Can use like blobs it’s kind of hard to tell but before we do anything for that we’re going to change the count so we want there to be a lot of stone so we’ll switch up to 20. 10 cobblestone 10. and this side 10 mostly Cobblestone we’re

Gonna name it this texture for rock rock texture I’m gonna paint it um any brush settings here we can paint it on any surfaces above 45 degrees I think that’s a good starting point let’s just begin this is actually starting to resemble on Ireland first now hopefully it does in

Uh in game as well okay so this is still a failure it’s supposed to actually have like a beam or something in the middle at least going down but it’s completely gone but at least now you can see the new rock texture we made do like it do like the rock texture I

Wonder if this Gap pair is a bit too wide if I’m being honest maybe even these Bridges is too wide let’s make it less wide for a vacuum wall painter try to fix this one here so we have something in the center we couldn’t see the hole here so I’m just gonna lower

The terrain slightly hopefully we’ll appear next time make this one less wide and what I would like to do now as well is go back to the tunnel and edit it since we made a new texture we can take the walls and add a material to it we

Can add a rock you can also add it to the ceiling like that so now that the new rock texture we made will be applied inside the caves as well and this one here oops make it larger hopefully it will appear now same with this one ah it’s getting

Better look at this it’s almost there it’s a bit too tall that looks pretty nice if I say so myself and here’s a new Bridge it’s definitely less wide and this hole here is quite open also you can see now the texture inside the cave here is

Identical to the rest of the rocks and look at oh look at that oh yeah that is nice I like I like the look of this oh yeah yeah I know this looks quite nice I can also imagine if people are playing and just imagine it’s like full of trees and

Vegetation they just run not paying attention and suddenly whoop fall down here yeah so what I will do next I will cut this one shorter and I will place this one here somewhere else I think maybe have it here instead maybe something like that huh okay testing a new update why

It’s still too tall you know but maybe it’s not that bad actually with some manual work I can probably just like remove certain blocks like here maybe and I can make it slightly less tall manually I won’t do that now of course but like once uh the map is like once

I’m happy with the map and let’s look at the other hole that I made over here oh okay so this is slightly better I feel like okay I’m just gonna give myself night vision to look how this looks you know what it’s quite nice oh yeah I just realized something this water here

This water pound I think it’s a bit too deep it shouldn’t be this it shouldn’t be this deep I don’t think I wonder if we should have a mountain of some sort in this area I couldn’t give it another go try lowering the edge here it’s flat use a flat tool

As I said I think it was a bit too bit too deep just flattening it out flattening flattening flattening and then I will use a smooth tool and use smooth smooth smooth also this beach has almost disappeared I noticed maybe we should try get it back

Get some of that beach back that we lost add another custom material this will be for the ground we want grass of course simple grass we want to add another material and it’s gonna be a mouse block I like the Pod sole pod soul I don’t

Even know what it is but I like it for this material I want to go with the blobs method and I also want to increase the scale right now it’s 100 so I’m going to increase this one to actually 300 maybe even pots I’ll just take it

Lower go to one so I want to have I don’t want to have many of those oh grass block what up to you you should be 20. yeah this looks good I’m going to spray paint it we’re gonna choose only on grass paint this baby based on what I

See now maybe I should change the settings again maybe 300 it was a bit too much let’s go with 200. I think that’s better and I want to make another material it’s going to be for the ceiling of the caves that we made on the side Stone on the

Side finally I want Moss I want most blocks up in the ceiling would it be fun to have an ore or diamond ore diamond ore where are you the materials made so if you’re going to tunnels we’re gonna edit and we’re gonna select the ceiling and we’re gonna change it from Rock to

Uh the new one that we made and since we’re making so many materials we’re gonna make one more this is going to be the sea floor we’re gonna have dirt slay uh we’re gonna need um gravel blobs again scale to 300 let me increase dirt

To 10 gravel to 10 I don’t know ocean floor texture you go to layers and just remove water at or below 57 no or maybe yes no just painting this baby okay so now we are painted in the floor I want to paint in the biome so we’re going to take uh ocean

Take a look warm ocean and we’re gonna have it only on water it’s hard to tell but I’m actually painting it if you look at the bottom middle it says lukewarm ocean biome that’s good but I also want some warm uh biome and I want to have

That inside here inside here is extra warm maybe it’s extra one right outside as well okay beautiful and now we’re gonna go to Jungle we’re going to take only on land painting a jungle bio so his entire Island now is a jungle but we also have a beach we’re gonna paint

In the beach as well is the future in hilarious called populate that will let Minecraft populate the land with all type of vegetation I don’t have a bunch of coral reefs here in the water pound so I’m gonna paint that only water inside here so then Minecraft’s gonna populate it

With seagrass and coral reefs I’m gonna let Minecraft just populate the entire ocean actually I will leave that to the Minecraft to fix let’s save it and load it up this is going to be a big update I’m quite excited oh I’m already greeted by a bunch of turtles thank you Minecraft

So Minecraft has also spawned some entities or mobs look at the water pump now it’s quite nice and here’s a coral coral reefs I wanted yeah song trees spawned and I did not want that but that’s okay and now we can actually look at that new terrain grass Moss

Yeah this island is getting quite larger than I expected I was going to make like a simple Castaway Island but this is much larger here oh we got wolves up here too quite a crowded space up here let’s look at these holes looks quite nice

Once we get some trees and stuff up here it will be very beautiful but I can already tell the ocean is not deep at all I definitely need to make that deeper please remind me to make this one deeper look at all the fish good fish here A bunch of turtles a lot

Of turtle why are so many turtles in this area I can’t remember seeing much Turtles outside there’s like no turtles here okay so we’re back in wall painter and I’m gonna unpaint that the island at the top there what I would like to do is connect all of these caves so we’re

Gonna make a new tunnel layer lower level be um we don’t want it to be a D60 oh actually if we go for 59 I’m Gonna Fill uh with water the floor level is beneath the water but it will vary so sometimes it’s over and sometimes it’s under and the ceiling we

Don’t want it to be too tall so maybe 70 we can go with 80. start with 80. have the walls curve slightly on maybe both sides like 10 10 maybe 10 15 okay both the ceiling and the walls will use a new texture we made not long ago and we’re

Going to use the ocean floor we can start with this one make a tunnel that goes under all of this connect to this one just try to make it a bit very like some areas a bit larger than other areas like here maybe it can be a bit larger

Maybe it can curve actually continue going more curves maybe we can have a small one connected to this oh my God there’s gonna be so many caves this one will connect over here we’ll go here be a large tunnel I just wanted it to be like one big one

Big cave in Under the Mountain maybe we can try something we will have have this tunnel lead out to the water pond maybe that will look good maybe look at this look at the cave system the caves goes in a full circle let’s save and view it

Yes I got away those trees up here at least most of them there are some left look at that we got one of the new caves that I made let’s start over here foreign look at that I look so good look at this cave the only problem is uh it needs

Some more water I want it to be water all the way but just small islands like this from here this is why I wanted for the entire thing look at all the diamond lures I think the diamond ores are getting out of hand though look at all the dinosaurs too many diamond ores

Suddenly here is a lot of water why it’s because of the whole right right right I knew that and then I shall continue in here And soon I should be at the main or I think I’m in the main room now okay I’ll look at that well that’s gonna be nice here we have like this is where like the Pirates uh left all of his gold so floor level I’m Gonna Change it to um three we’re gonna

Go into the materials and we’re gonna edit it we’re gonna take away the diamond ore we I liked having orsiness we’re gonna have emeralds emerald ore so gonna be a lot of emeralds oh look look at that oh look at the opening now that’s a nice opening oh it’s so dark

I need to have like a bunch of glowing berries all I can see now are the emeralds that’s all I can see that’s much better but it’s not quite perfect it needs to be slightly wider in certain spots I feel like really caves are definitely much better now this is where the pirate

Kim has like stored all of his gold that’s a plan we’re gonna make like an island here in the middle and it’s gonna have like a bunch of gold because here’s where the pirate like he doll is all of his treasures so what I need to do is make it wider

The tunnel needs to be slightly wider in most places and now I would like to make an extra Mountain I think yeah I think that’s good let’s just paint that real quick I think it’s time we get some vegetation here we’re gonna go to layers we’re

Gonna add a new layer add a new uh plant layer we’re gonna have a bunch of grass let’s say 20 grass five Tall Grass a fern you want some flowers to make it um beautiful and what else do we want carrots we want carrots and it’s like

Only on terrain Uh custom terrain ground and we can make a new layer add a new layer add a custom object layer and here’s where you can spawn objects and in this case we’re gonna have trees I already have a bunch of nice trees that I want to use

I’m gonna try to leave some links to some trees that you can download so I’m just going to select a bunch of trees that I like one important thing when you’re doing this is going into the object and edit it and also like and like push the object down to the ground

Otherwise you might have floating roots and that’s not going to look nice on the right side here you can see how dense it is and that that is too dense for me so I’m going to try to increase this I’m going to take 100 um yeah

It is this looks good 25 and 100. this density here is what I like I’m going to call it the trees and we’re gonna make it red let’s paint in the these trees so we’re going to take intensity down to 25 or something I’m just going to try paint

In the trees in those different locations I want them I’m honestly not sold if I did this correctly all right let’s save and Export this might be very nice or full chaos I’m not sure now look at this place it is it has changed that is for

Sure I would say some locations are nice but like like these three on top of here I’m not quite sold on that one other than that I think the location of many of the trees are quite nice is it just me or does this mountain feel like like

I’m so confused this mountain here seems so much smaller now than they used to is that just me oh look at that I need to get rid of the trees above the entrances to the caves here let’s look at the caves and see how they how they have changed yeah they’re much

Wider now yes so you should be able to roll your boat very easily and I afterwards I will get rid of these of course they will be gone don’t worry about that oh there’s a hole here another hole that I didn’t know of quite nice hole actually is here here’s one of

The big openings quite happy with how the caves are and I will also add some blueberries I’m gonna add a little bears like this have like a bunch of lights inside the caves it’s gonna look beautiful I’m gonna play around with the tree settings

A bit more but the one thing I want to do first is make a new layer that’s going to be a river and those are called I think they’re called Ground covered layer yes uh so my material we’re gonna make a new one gonna be water

Just water and this is how we make Rivers you’re gonna select materials water thickness we’re gonna take minus two perhaps so it goes down into terrain Edge shape you’re gonna have Shear so it cut a sharp sharp cut and color wise I guess we go with blue nice blue color

And that should be make a hard brush it should be able to make some nice Rivers we can make one River here starts here goes down get tight a bit smaller and it goes down into this cave and we can have it also here goes down the mountain

I love making rivers and waterfalls look at that I painted a bunch of river streams also want to customize the cave material I want to try something I’m going to add material and we’re gonna cave cave wines plants there it is let’s see now oh everything is looking better I think

Based what I see here yeah that did not work what I did with the glowberries did not work let’s look at the rivers that I’ve made foreign it’s going off track it’s not supposed to go there it is oh look at this nice River we made look at this tree

I gotta fix that oh look at that waterfall is there a nice waterfall this is going to be the final export I’m gonna start by fixing my misspell here good uh border can be just water include chest of goodies when you turn it off normal generate structures go to cave

And caverns we will not we want to have caves we want to have Caverns we want to have shazams uh she hasn’t break the surface no we don’t want also kids I don’t want caves to break the surface and resources we’re gonna have resources all over the place and that should be

Pretty much it okay we’re loading in into the final version of our map before we go in and do manual work yeah fixed some of the roots already so it’s not that bad I’m gonna do a quick flyby there’s nothing really off that I see right away so here are some issues that

Occurred because we added the caves if you go on the ground now you see there’s a bunch of caves those weren’t here before but because of that they have made holes in my water the way I fix it I go close to it type in this command

Here fix water by 100 and Boots it’s good now here’s another example that I need to fix a new cave has been generated here and I like that but what I want to do is going to type water 100 by 100 now the water will just continue

Going in here and down in down into the cave you see here’s another pound that is broken water and it’s nice again I’m going to do some off-camera work and that is fixing Waters like this and I will add some drawing berries like this and

Yeah so we’ll do that in every cave it’s gonna take a while but I will just skip it for you guys and I’m also going to add a sea grass to the bottom here because they’re there’s nothing on the bottom once I fix all of the broken water spots and added

A vegetation I added even more vegetation to the cave entrances on the surface so a ton of leaves around the edges and Vines going down and to add more character to this place I made a tiny campsite then I moved over to second cave entrance or are these called

The Ravines but anyway I did the exact same thing here anna added a tiny boat with a chest in the center of the Ravine I look so beautiful I previously built the ancient city on the surface please consider watching that afterwards but I was thinking I could steal a couple of

Structures and add them to My Island so that is what I did the first structure I took was the Watchtower and I placed it on the cliff then I blew parts of it off and I replaced the blocks with Mossy blocks the goal was to make it into an

Old ruin then I added even more wines and leaves I’ve been placing so many leaves my fingers was hurting while doing this repeatedly but hey as long as it looks good the second structure I spawned was the ancient city wall gate a really cool structure and I did the same

Thing to this one but I also planted more jungle trees as I wanted this area to be more dense then finally I spawned the barracks or maybe it’s a 10 people kind of forgot but I think having some ruins like this one on the island makes it a much more interesting place before

We can say we’re finished I’d like to add two more things the first thing is abandoned cave close to the top of the mountain inside of this cave we will have some pillagers or Bandits with some good loot and yes they have also some prisoners that you might want to save

And the last thing I want to make is the hidden treasure that we talked about earlier just a small island with a lot of gold and other goodies but please be careful there’s at least two or three monster spawners that are guarding the treasure okay there’s one final thing we

Must do and it’s so cool and that is having some dead hanging corpses at the edge of the cliff and having one is not enough we’re gonna need a couple of them this is definitely gonna send a message to anyone who dares to go to shore on

This island but that’s it we’re done okay we did it the Ireland is finally complete what do you guys think but what should we call this Ireland give me some good names please I guess it’s no longer a paradise as we added a couple of structures with some dangerous mob but I

Really hope forged Labs will play on this and perhaps you guys as well it would make for a fun challenge just trying to survive on a tropical island and thanks to a structures replaced you will have some objectives to do and live to game I won’t say what I placed in

These structures but there are some goodies in there for sure especially in a large sea cave but my favorite spot is easily The Ravines I have fallen in deep love with it it looks amazing but what did you guys like the most and hey I

Just want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters thank you you guys will get this map and you can also buy it from a store and if you really want you can pick up one of my merch I would love to see that but anyways thank you

Guys so much for watching

This video, titled ‘I Built a SURVIVAL ISLAND in Minecraft’, was uploaded by unsorted guy on 2022-10-12 14:19:29. It has garnered 232160 views and 8342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:44 or 1964 seconds.

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I created a Minecraft Hardcore survival island using world painter and world edit! Hopefully we can watch Forge Labs try surviving here, and perhaps you guys will give it a go!

Download all my maps via Patreon or my online store! https://www.patreon.com/unsortedguy https://www.unsortedguy.com or https://www.nexus.gg/unsortedguy

Download the world painter brushes I used: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2wsznyzenxmzf44/Brush%20Master%20File%203.0.rar?dl=0 Schematic Tree Pack I used: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/medium-tree-pack/

Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:30 Outplayed Sponsor 02:05 Creating the Island 04:35 Update 1 New Terrain 06:30 Update 2 Natural Arches 07:17 Update 3 Natural Arches improved 09:30 Update 4 Beach 10:36 Update 5 Terrain Overhaul 11:41 Update 6 New Arch & Ravine 13:29 Update 7 Rock Texture 14:28 Update 8 Arch & Ravine Fixes 15:30 Update 9 Arch & Ravine Fixes 19:32 Update 10 Coral Reef 22:08 Update 11 Caves 23:17 Update 12 Cave Fixes 25:35 Update 13 Vegetation & Trees 27:49 Update 14 Rivers 28:52 Update 15 Final Update 30:01 Time-lapse 31:40 Final Result

#Minecraft #survival #island ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Connect and support me ♥ Discord ► https://discord.gg/arHUVwRZCB Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/unsortedguy Twitter ►@Unsorted_Guy Xbox ► unsorted guy E-Mail ► [email protected]

  • Crafting Chaos: 100 Days, Desert Isle, Modded Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: 100 Days, Desert Isle, Modded Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a challenge was set, Surviving 100 days on an island, you bet. Zombies everywhere, a true test of might, But our narrator’s here to shed some light. From day 1 to 25, the struggle begins, Gathering resources, fighting off sins. Day 26 to 50, the tension grows, But our survivor’s spirit only shows. Day 50 to 75, the stakes are high, But with determination, they reach for the sky. And finally, day 75 to 100, the end in sight, Our hero’s journey, a true delight. With music from Epidemic Sounds to set the tone,… Read More

  • Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Episode 11 Incident

    Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Episode 11 Incident In Minecraft, we craft, we build, we farm, Creating our world, full of charm. Iron farms to gather resources galore, Building our dreams, we always want more. Join me on Twitch, for a live stream delight, As we play and create, all through the night. Symphonic Sorcery sets the timelapse mood, Melodie Music, our spirits renewed. So come along, let’s play and explore, In Minecraft, there’s always more in store. From building to farming, we do it all, Creating our world, standing tall. Read More

  • Space Jump Shenanigans

    Space Jump Shenanigans Minecraft Bedwars: A Fun and Exciting Gaming Experience Introduction to Minecraft Bedwars Minecraft Bedwars is a popular game mode that combines elements of strategy, teamwork, and creativity within the Minecraft universe. Players compete in teams to protect their beds while trying to destroy the beds of opposing teams. It’s a fast-paced and thrilling experience that requires quick thinking and coordination. Features of Minecraft Bedwars Team-based Gameplay: Players team up to defend their beds and eliminate opponents. Resource Gathering: Collect resources to build defenses, weapons, and tools. Bed Protection: Safeguard your bed to prevent respawning after elimination. Strategic Planning: Develop… Read More

  • Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map

    Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map The Exciting Quest for Stickers in Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Map #2 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft’s 15th-anniversary map #2 as players dive into the quest for stickers. This exciting journey promises hours of fun and challenges as gamers explore the vast virtual world of Minecraft. Unveiling the Map’s Secrets As players navigate through the map, they will encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and hidden treasures. The quest for stickers will test their problem-solving skills and creativity, making it a truly engaging experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Interactive Gameplay The interactive gameplay of the 15th-anniversary map #2 adds a… Read More

  • Sneaky Muslim Dog in Minecraft

    Sneaky Muslim Dog in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Trend of the Muslim Wolf Recently, a new trend has emerged in the Minecraft community surrounding the concept of a Muslim wolf. This unique twist on the game has captured the attention of players worldwide, sparking discussions and creativity within the Minecraft universe. The Rise of the Muslim Wolf In various Minecraft videos and shorts, players have introduced the idea of a wolf character embracing the Muslim faith. This unexpected storyline has added a fresh layer of depth to the game, showcasing the diverse ways in which players can interact with the virtual world. Samet Parlak… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing some amazing Minecraft maps that you can play with your friends. While these maps are undeniably fun, we couldn’t help but think – why not take your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting server like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With a dedicated community of players, frequent events, and a wide range of custom features, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Farm Disguise Surprise: Minecraft Edition

    Farm Disguise Surprise: Minecraft Edition In Minecraft, disguise your farms with style, No need to hide them behind a wall of stone, that’s vile. Modify tutorials to fit your world just right, Show off your creations, let them shine bright. It took 31 hours of animating, over 4 months of time, But now I’m back, ready to share this rhyme. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, Minecraft farming tips, let’s make them glow! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Ronin builds a giant axe, a sight for sore eyes. With JAVA 1.20.1 for the best performance, And shaders that enhance, a true conformance. In the land of blocks and pixels, a house/storage takes shape, A creation so grand, it’s hard to escape. The music sets the tone, free to use with credit, As Ronin crafts his masterpiece, no need to edit. So watch till the end, leave a like, hit subscribe, For more Minecraft magic, where creativity thrives. With Ronin as your guide, the journey’s a delight, In the world… Read More

  • Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft!

    Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft! In the dead of night, a sight to behold, A scary thing on the ceiling, a story untold. At 3am in Minecraft, panic sets in, As the fear of the unknown begins to spin. What could it be, lurking up high? A mystery to solve, with a curious eye. The viewers await, their hearts aflutter, As the narrator describes, with words that stutter. But fear not, for our hero is brave, Facing the unknown, with a rhyme to save. In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes, The story unfolds, as the fear slowly slows. So join us now,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy!

    Minecraft's Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy! In the world of Minecraft, mobs roam free, But one stands out, as solid as can be. The Iron Golem, strong and true, Protecting villages, with a heart so blue. With arms of iron, and a head of stone, He’ll defend his people, never alone. Against the dangers that lurk at night, The Iron Golem stands, ready to fight. So next time you see him, give a cheer, For the most solid mob, with nothing to fear. In the world of Minecraft, he’s a true delight, The Iron Golem, shining bright. Read More

  • The Mirror: Part 4

    The Mirror: Part 4Video Information This video, titled ‘Part4(The mirror) Like and subscribe’, was uploaded by Yotube_short on 2024-06-06 08:30:06. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #story #storytime #stories #parkour #horrorstories #horrorstory #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftparkour Read More

  • Minecraft Donut SMP LIVE with CoolBry Bry! 2.6K subs special

    Minecraft Donut SMP LIVE with CoolBry Bry! 2.6K subs specialVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft | Donut SMP | Grind Time | 2650 subs?’, was uploaded by CoolBry Bry on 2024-03-30 00:34:51. It has garnered 428 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:08 or 7808 seconds. Server: DonutSMP.Net Port: 19132 Hi and welcome to my channel! My side of the internet offers a growing community and interactive content for you to enjoy! During each live stream it is my goal to create enjoyable content and share my experiences with you. I hope you enjoy and thanks for the support. Btw if you made… Read More


    UNLEASH CHAOS! KING VS KILLER - MINECRAFT GAMEPLAYVideo Information This video, titled ‘BRING THE VILLAGERS 😵‍💫 || MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY || #5’, was uploaded by KING AND KILLER on 2024-03-04 16:51:54. It has garnered 115 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:31 or 811 seconds. BRING THE VILLAGERS 😵‍💫 || MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY || #5 Hii EveryOne and Welcome To Our Channel KING AND KILLER. Don’t Forget Like , Share & Subscribe. ABOUT :- KING AND KILLER Is A YouTube Channel. Video Creator And Gamer. Follow Me On Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/king_and_killer_yt/ Join Whatsapp Group :- https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va8cfWgAO7RLHbKhan3i DISCLAIMER :- The Following Video Is Based On A… Read More

  • INSANE +6 Minecraft Dungeons Run! Watch Now!

    INSANE +6 Minecraft Dungeons Run! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘+6 ONWARD Minecraft Dungeons (Day 8)’, was uploaded by BipMcSquip VODS on 2024-01-14 08:28:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • UNCLE HORROR: Minecraft Hindi Story PT.1

    UNCLE HORROR: Minecraft Hindi Story PT.1Video Information This video, titled ‘CREEPY UNCLE || PART-1|| MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI’, was uploaded by mrNIT on 2024-03-22 13:11:40. It has garnered 305 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:16 or 436 seconds. A ghost Adventure with me | Minecraft horror Topic :- minecraft minecraft horror horror scary minecraft minecraft mods minecraft horror mods minecraft hardcore cash minecraft minecraft mod minecraft scary minecraft funny minecraft 100 days minecraft horror mod 100 days in minecraft minecraft smp minecraft but minecraft song skyes horror minecraft minecraft music minecraft scary myths i survived horror minecraft scary minecraft… Read More

  • INSANE Reaction to DISBANDING on Minecraft – [Minecraft/Cutout] #shorts

    INSANE Reaction to DISBANDING on Minecraft - [Minecraft/Cutout] #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘【マイクラ】ヒカクラに憧れて誕生日記念をマイクラ実況にするも、人望がなさ過ぎて即解散される実況者www【Minecraft/切り抜き】#shorts’, was uploaded by クレオ@ゲーム実況 on 2024-06-09 11:00:02. It has garnered 438 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. This is Part 2 of the Minecraft cutout video I did to celebrate my 4!th (24) birthday! As mentioned in the main video, I would like to collaborate with Hikakin this year! lol ↓Next video↓ A horror game in which you escape from the underground passage of a station that will loop forever if you overlook the strange phenomenon[Exit 8]which is a hot topic https://youtu.be/aQW1Fhu4o2s [Goods Unboxing]Affordable figure! Unboxing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: +50M WAREHOUSE CLAIMS AND SPY PVP!Video Information This video, titled ‘+50M DEPO CLAIMI VE CASUS PVP – survival titanyum #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by hzaxora on 2024-04-03 17:44:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. discord.gg/kaedwen discord numberononsex minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Top 5 Tankiest Mobs in Minecraft! #minecraft #shorts

    Unbelievable! Top 5 Tankiest Mobs in Minecraft! #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘OS 5 Mobs com mais vida do Minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Lorajo on 2024-01-11 20:00:04. It has garnered 22242 views and 1478 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #shorts #roblox #robloxshorts #robloxbrasil #povminecraft Read More

  • ScandiumSMP

    ScandiumSMPScandiumSMP Start your adventure by claiming your kits and land on the scandiumsmp – Economy system – Crates – Custom enchants – Ranks ScandiumSMP.minehut.gg Read More

  • Better Than Landon SMP – Modded SMP, whitelist, 16+

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! We are a small and new server running BTA (Better Than Adventure) 7.1_01. Our server is up 24/7 in the northeastern United States. Basic rules: No griefing or stealing. Your whitelist will not be revoked due to inactivity. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/TFxmQQC5dF Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Mid-Minecraft Madness

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Mid-Minecraft MadnessMiddle Craft? Is that where you build a mediocre house and settle for a lukewarm existence? Read More

  • Rhyme Time: Wither Skeleton’s Minecraft Logic

    Rhyme Time: Wither Skeleton's Minecraft Logic In the world of Minecraft, where secrets abound, The Wither Skeleton’s logic, a mystery profound. Hidden in the Nether, it lurks in the night, With black and white hues, ready to fight. But beyond its appearance, a world to explore, With puzzles and patterns, waiting to soar. Decipher the symbols, unlock the unknown, In the Wither Skeleton’s realm, the truth is shown. So join us in this adventure, brave and bold, Uncover the secrets, let the story unfold. Crafting and mining, in this pixelated land, With the Wither Skeleton, let your courage stand. Like, comment, and subscribe, for more… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: The Hot Mess 😂

    Minecraft Logic: The Hot Mess 😂 “When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds… #MinecraftLogic” 😂 Read More

  • 13 Epic Ways to Troll Villagers in Minecraft

    13 Epic Ways to Troll Villagers in Minecraft Exploring the Fun Side of Minecraft: 13 Ways to Troll Villagers Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers players endless opportunities for creativity and mischief. One of the most entertaining aspects of the game is trolling villagers, those quirky NPCs that populate the virtual world. Here are 13 ways to have some mischievous fun with villagers in Minecraft. 1. Trap Doors Galore Set up a maze of trap doors in a village to confuse and confound unsuspecting villagers. Watch as they comically fall through the trap doors, trying to navigate their way around. 2. Fake Villager Trading Posts Create fake… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Super Flat World in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Super Flat World in Minecraft Creating a Super Flat World in Minecraft Are you looking to expand your building possibilities in Minecraft? Creating a super flat world might be the solution for you. This feature allows players to have a completely flat terrain, providing ample space for construction and creativity. Let’s dive into how you can make a flat world in Minecraft. Step 1: Open Minecraft To begin the process of creating a super flat world, open your Minecraft game on your preferred platform. Step 2: Click on New Create World Once you are in the game, navigate to the “Create New World” option…. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft DANCE FAMILY with Aphmau!

    INSANE Minecraft DANCE FAMILY with Aphmau!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a DANCE FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-06-07 19:15:01. It has garnered 1163273 views and 26105 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:17 or 1277 seconds. Just DANCE! Gonna be okay…! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ KC: MegaMoeka ★ Pierce: Shado_Temple NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds: Part 1

    Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds: Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds [Part 1]’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-02-26 10:01:55. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:18 or 498 seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I Am Going To Play Seed ______________________________________________________________________ Tags: Minecraft Nether minecraft nether portal design, how to make a nether portal in minecraft, how to find nether fortress in minecraft, minecraft nether, how to make nether portal in minecraft, minecraft nether music,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gotham City Aquarium!

    Insane Minecraft Gotham City Aquarium!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gotham City – Robinson Aquarium & Vivarium’, was uploaded by BludPanda on 2024-05-03 19:21:14. It has garnered 717 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. A new Minecraft Gotham City project. This is the, “Gotham Edifice” A project being developed by HeirOfAzrael [Project Owner] and BludPanda [Co-Builder] This video is a walkthrough of the unique, Gotham Robinson Aquarium & Vivarium. This is one of the oldest tourist attractions in all of Gotham and the first Gotham aquarium on YouTube. SUPPORT US HERE: Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@HeirOfAzrael Twitter/X… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Insane Truck Build in Vioshra! #shorts

    Minecraft Madness: Insane Truck Build in Vioshra! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Truck in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Vioshra on 2024-05-01 20:30:04. It has garnered 7756 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. I’ll show you how to build a Truck in Minecraft! Truck Ideas / Design for Minecraft. Hope this kinda helps lol. Thank youuu! 🙂 #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • HACKED! Jaype Unleashes Insane Shulker Box Farm!

    HACKED! Jaype Unleashes Insane Shulker Box Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘*AFK* UNLIMITED SHULKER BOX FARM – Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Jaype on 2024-04-19 07:31:33. It has garnered 1410 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. – All Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc9m8QRAWYMaopd_iMJ707a8wtnJ_Aevf – 2nd Channel: https://youtube.com/justjaype M E M B E R S H I P – Join SUPERPOWER now to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCP8VWaGw0S4AoJ4kW_8WTg/join M I N E C R A F T P L A Y L I S T S – Minecraft Survival Series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc9m8QRAWYMaopd_iMJ707a8wtnJ_Aevf – Bedrock Farms: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc9m8QRAWYMbw3dJ4jRAmn8xGT98T3HVG – Java Farms: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc9m8QRAWYMY363PT2-1rL8nP3sLEOr-w – Minecraft Gameplays:… Read More

  • Terrifying Tale: Haunted Village Haunted Mystery

    Terrifying Tale: Haunted Village Haunted MysteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Haunted Village: A Minecraft Creepypasta Mystery’, was uploaded by Eerie Empathy on 2024-05-15 11:50:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into a chilling tale where the lines between the digital world and reality blur in “The Haunted Village: A Minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Mumei’s Epic Scream Cut Perfectly

    Unbelievable! Mumei's Epic Scream Cut PerfectlyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mumei’s perfectly cut scream’, was uploaded by Manking_the1 on 2024-05-09 12:46:37. It has garnered 14 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:33 or 153 seconds. The clip sources are down below: *【Minecraft】Messin Around in Minecraft URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/LDbnBmYbOuY?si=QLvpQGCbCjX8OUTE&t=3666 *【Minecraft】Nature, Please Guide Me! URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/K0uWjPoiMRY?si=vLK41OmiQVwju-vB&t=2643 *【JOURNEY】Where are we going? URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/wNMW87foNAI?si=JXFYoWsUEt__ygLJ&t=4598 *【JUMP KING】Owl Learns to JUMP! ft. maybe friends URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/hb7U1_CUc8Q?si=sTgZCutG3T32MxlB&t=8273 *【MINECRAFT】hmmmm URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/mXEUQVSqSyA?si=LEMHBgyl7fPwdm2u&t=3666 *【The Legend of Zelda: BOTW】Remember Mumei… #1 URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/_6lNFwAeLHo?si=_MMJZos93cOuMPEo&t=6697 *【Minecraft】The Grim Adventures of Mumei and Kronii! Timeline 1: URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/fMK4GmM4WT8?si=IXXuTi0cEerqTOqC&t=1818 Timeline 2: URL: https://www.youtube.com/live/fMK4GmM4WT8?si=YjogFhFomGgF2Uzf&t=1892 *【MUMEI DRAWS HOLOLIVE】Advent PART 2… Read More

  • Minecraft DELETES Worlds??! Insane Truth REVEALED!

    Minecraft DELETES Worlds??! Insane Truth REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY MINECRAFT DELETED MY WORLDS ???’, was uploaded by Top Gaming on 2024-01-15 03:25:23. It has garnered 358 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:46 or 586 seconds. WHY MINECRAFT DELETED MY WORLDS ??? Hey there! I’m thrilled to kick off my Minecraft Survival series with all of you. In this episode we’re diving into a adventure, Come along as I chop down my tree craft essential tools and confront the mysteries and dangers that lie ahead. Will I manage to build a shelter. Will the perils of the night get… Read More

  • Unbelievable DIY Craft by HyperHimes!

    Unbelievable DIY Craft by HyperHimes!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Craft Of Mine’, was uploaded by HyperHimes on 2024-04-19 18:30:02. It has garnered 1234 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:29 or 869 seconds. MineCraft is the most popular game of all time, and it makes sense because of the amount of playability to have. From survival instincts in Survival Mode, to doing whatever you want in Creative Mode, put everything on the line in Hardcore Mode, to ever playing through adventure maps created by other players in Adventure Mode! So when someone’s uncle, who happens to work at Mojang,… Read More

  • Restland

    RestlandTry the new and updated Restland! SMP Over 100 new custom enchants! Weekly , daily mini events! Custom items! 1.13 – 1.20.1 Custom TexturePack! 2 YEARS ONLINE! Chestshops Warp advertisements! Weekly giveaways 190K Unique logins! Restland.net Read More

  • Akoot & Co Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Discord Events Building-Focused No Map Resets ViaVersion

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Experience a classic Minecraft adventure at Akoot & Co, a chill semi-vanilla community server with quality-of-life enhancements tailored just for you. Join us in our open beta phase as one of the pioneering members of our growing community. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking additions) Minimal lag with a big boy ram and big boy processor Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment with our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Epic Title

    Looks like this meme is lucky number 13 in more ways than one! Read More

  • Crafting C++ with Physics: Minecraft’s New Clone Zone!

    Crafting C++ with Physics: Minecraft's New Clone Zone! In this video, I added physics to my Minecraft clone, Collisions and forces, all in C++ tone. Join my Discord, for more gaming fun, And check out Midnight Arrow, when the day is done. The source code is on GitHub, for all to see, Support me on this channel, and join with glee. Music by Evan King, and Minecraft’s own sound, Let’s dive into the gaming world, where adventures abound. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Like, Subscribe, and Laugh!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Like, Subscribe, and Laugh! “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village wants to cancel you for animal cruelty #cancelculture #minecraftdrama” Read More

  • 10-Year-Old Invades My One Block World?!

    10-Year-Old Invades My One Block World?! The Intriguing World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the captivating universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into a world where blocks come alive, and players can shape their own destinies. Exploring the One Block World One Block World is a unique Minecraft experience that challenges players to survive and thrive on a single block of land. It’s a test of skill, strategy, and resourcefulness as you navigate this compact world filled with surprises and dangers. Encountering a 10-Year-Old Player Imagine the excitement of having a 10-year-old player join… Read More

I Built a SURVIVAL ISLAND in Minecraft