I Built my REAL LIFE Beach House in Minecraft Hardcore! (#21)

Video Information

Today i will be building my real-life beach house in hardcore minecraft and it actually turned out insane it is exactly identical to the real house in real life and just a quick reminder i am partnered with g-fuel and using the code cookie or the link below you can get 30 off

Everything building this took me a very long time so please subscribe and i hope you guys enjoy episode 21. why am i starving and why do i have one health i literally just woke up it’s like early in the morning i can hear the birds chirping look at the sunrise

But let’s head over to my super smelter 6000 and grab myself some more food and there’s no food i guess i’m eating bricks today yes yummy yummy yummy how in the world was i at one heart i guess we’ll never know but on the last episode i built this

Awesome epic insane giant gonsexual gone wrong animal farm in hardcore minecraft and this beautiful barn it looks pretty awesome i think it’s super detailed and i really like how it turned out there’s only one slight problem it’s uh it’s kind of empty in here but i’m quickly gonna build the interior

Of this barn and turn it into a horse stable and then go exploring to find some horses so i can ride on them and break their backs because i’m like 6965 pounds grab some resources here like slabs and let’s get started and there we go the inside of the barn is basically

Complete now they’re ready for some horses take my horse to the yeah that’s copyright i can’t finish this song but let me ask them hey so the horses don’t uh drown i’m gonna drown what they don’t starve all right well bam there’s some food but there’s no water so hopefully

Horses don’t need water to survive they probably do but now onto more exciting things i always wanted a horse in my hardcore series i have never gotten one yet i don’t think i’ve even seen a horse yet have i unless i’ve never acknowledged them but let’s go try to

Find one i might as well grab some leads as well all right now where will be the best place to find some horses definitely not here so i’m already in the wrong place i’m guessing in the grasslands there’s a lot of animals over there but no horses

Yet whoa look at that village that is insane i’m just kidding that’s my village yo my legs are getting pretty tired running i can’t seem to find any horses anywhere Oh yo what’s good bro found two horses this one looks like a cow i might want to take it then listen to my girlfriend all right let’s try to tame this guy let’s keep sitting on him and this guy’s stubborn he does not want me on him all

Right cause i’m hurting his back come on buddy let me ride you yeah that that sounds really weird look at him shake his head he’s doing like the what is he doing he’s doing dance move right now he’s more than the club let’s put the shadow on him and the armor and let’s

See how fast he is wow this guy is horrendously slow he jump at least oh my god this guy’s fatter than me let me steal your brother this one isn’t much better but i’m gonna use the horse anyways to travel and try to find some more horses i’m sorry buddy but we’re

Going to leave your friend um your friend doesn’t care that much about you so the sun is setting though so hopefully the horse and i don’t die let’s see how i can jump i’ll keep you safe with me let me let me hide it oh my god Wait wait hello where did you come from oh i’m so sorry horse i forgot there’s a horse right there oh what that was the weirdest change of situation ever okay i’m hiding right here until this morning i’ll be right back have a quick little snack break All right i’m not sure if horses spawn in these biomes so i might be out of luck on finding a horse i can’t find a plane to buy them anywhere but let’s keep searching because i need a friend i literally have no friends bro i’m desperate if you guys want to be my

Friend drop some comments down below well i’m definitely not finding a horse in this biome and i’m not sure why that looks like it’s man-made there’s no way that’s generated naturally right it’s like a long stick yo i ran back into my desert and there’s a desert temple right

There i might have explored that before i’m not sure but uh yes please don’t die nice that would have been pretty bad and there’s an abandoned nether portal hopefully there’s a golden apple in there what are the chances golden apple and yeah a mending golden sword i always wanted one of these no

Freaking way dude but let’s check out this desert temple and i haven’t been here surprisingly so let’s jump down break that and let’s steal the tnt to start and let’s see what’s in here oh another saddle oh a notch apple yes i literally called it well i called it at

The abandoned nether portal but hey at least i got one pretty much rich now oh another regular golden apple and another regular one with some emeralds and another saddle pog champ bro oh my god i really need to stop saying that oh we found the jackpot guys we found oh

There’s another village over there hello buddies don’t mind if i ride your back yeah let me ride that back all right hopefully one of these horses is super fast like usain bolt and can jump really high like michael jackson all right he loves me let’s put my saddle on jump why

Are all these horses like average this guy is smelly too he jumps even lower this guy oh why are all these horses suck maybe the pokey dog ones are faster i think this guy’s a little faster at redding but how about jumping why are all these horses fat you guys are all

Overweight i thought i was the only one okay this guy is super slow looks like i’m gonna take the pokey dotted one and let’s go find another horse i really want to find the perfect horse oh i literally been here like two episodes ago there’s the mesa biome and the giant

Cactus i saw and you guys told me the area in the mesa bomb is pretty rare as well i think you guys said it’s called the badlands or something like all those spikes it looks pretty custom yo i found another village what’s up boys hello buddies let me steal all your hay cause

I need this to feed my horse what’s up boy ah how’d it hit me but not the horse how is that fair oh i’m sorry bro i’m just kidding move run run run get out the cactus you monkey i’m literally the cruelest person on earth there is

Another desert temple over here so let’s go check what’s inside another notch apple could you imagine that would be insane all right let’s see oh a lot of horse armor i guess the world does know i’m looking for some horses even more horse armor and a two saddles in here

Even more oh my lord yeah the world knows i’m looking for horses they’re giving me everything but a good horse are you trying to run for me huh you cannot escape there’s no way that’s another maze to buy them there’s no way that’s a separate one what there’s no

Way i’m this lucky unless i ran in a giant circle okay never mind it’s connected but dang this is a really fat biome and there’s another village over there holy i’m i’m the luckiest man alive another desert temple this desert is massive kind of like my beautiful

Personality and have i been to this one before i haven’t this is so weird i’m gonna have so much tnt by the end of this exploration time another regular golden apple some iron another saddle emerald and two diamonds that’s kind of peasantry but i’ll take it anyways yo no

Way there is no chance i what what that is not possible i think it’s 15 blocks high although i might have found the rarest thing and the most insane natural spawn in minecraft history no way also how did this hay bale get here i’ll take it that is insane somebody somebody put

That in the in the minecraft world records or something that is not real yeah you might have guessed this is not real oh here we go here’s the more horses okay these guys are brown and some of them are pokey dotted so okay one of these guys must be insanely fast i can

Feel it oh my god there’s no way there’s no chance i can literally crawl faster than this get in there man what what what so you could do that but you can’t oh my i’ve been searching for three days already the sun is set three different times okay this guy is not

That much faster oh he could jump though okay this guy is so fat as well oh my good this guy can jump as well let’s move four blocks down and and if they could jump four blocks that’s pretty impressive okay never mind okay why can’t i find a

Fast horse all of these guys are so slow oh i haven’t tried this guy yet all right this is the one this is the one hurry hurry are the creepers coming hurry up hurry up okay go go go go oh my he’s slow as well what the

Oh my actually i’ve been here before i think i was here the last couple episodes ago but wow that that looks like it’s amplified oh i found some more horses over there i’m sorry horse i have to abandon you ah good luck with those skeletons buddy oh there’s a lot of fort

Wayne no those are cows is that another mace to buy them over there that’s like seven now but since these horses spawned on an amplified mountain that must mean that their jumping and running abilities are amplified right like if my mathematical corrections are correct my mathematics are correction i’m praying i’m literally

Praying right now oh this guy’s not bad this guy’s actually not bad he’s pretty quick and he can jump he can jump pretty high look at this that’s decent that’s decent i’m gonna put him over here in the water this just sounds like i’m trying on clothes as if

These animals aren’t alive quick disclaimer please respect all animals on earth they are amazing creatures i will feel so bad if this horse is super fast i can jump cause this mama popped out two babies and that must be the father i’m gonna feel so bad but i’m gonna have

To test you out let’s put the saddle on and yeah the horse is pretty pretty slow let’s see the jumping oh my god this horse can jump yeah jump three blocks oh easy jump four blocks okay not quite maybe the father can run faster oh there’s a creeper coming there’s a

Creeper come on save you save you oh my god is anyone hurt no okay we’re good let’s try this guy out he’s decent oh my he can jump as well this is a jumping family four blocks though he can clear four blocks i’m sorry but i’m gonna have

To steal your father i’m sorry children say say goodbye he’s he’s going for milk and this guy is super fast but this one can jump really high minecraft allows you to breed horses and then like their traits will kind of combine so i’m gonna take both of these horses since i have

Some leads and i’m gonna bring them all the way back home and wait till the morning so let’s go for another snack break get some water hydrate yourself and be right back and the horses are still here that is good news let’s hop in this guy take a

Lead and let’s go this is gonna be a super long journey back home i’ll see you guys in like an hour and we are finally back let’s get them into their new home and you get in here as well and you live right across the jumper and everybody put some names in

The comments this is the runner and this guy is the jumper all right but that took me a very long time now let’s actually continue with the actual plan for this episode so today i will be building my real life like house in minecraft on this world now just to be

Clear i am not filthy rich and i do not own a lake house it is not mine its my friend’s lake house just to clarify there’s nothing too fancy just a little house by the lake the first thing i need is some birchwood and i really hate building with

Birchwood but the lake house is pretty light in color so i’m gonna have to find a birch biome oh i spy with my little eye that should be enough for the entire house just one birch tree i’m just kidding guys i’m gonna spend some time collecting all the birch trees i can

Since it’s already here and this is actually the first time i collected birch logs i got a new advancement from that that is how much i hate birch logs but let’s start resource gathering for the lake house all right i actually got more birch logs than i thought i would just scroll up

Aiming around this forest i have no idea how to say that words growling but this should be enough to build the entire house i think i got everything i need so let’s go in on an adventure to find the perfect lake to make this lake house so

This is the first structure i’ll be building outside of my entire home area thingy on the last episode i did find a pretty good spot but i don’t really remember where it was so let’s go hunting for it and sorry i’m eating a lollipop right now so i’m kind of fat

But this doesn’t really look like a lake to me let’s keep hunting all right i think i found the perfect spot to make the lake house right there in between these two mountains it’s just like a nice flat area it looks perfect because even birch trees just in case a renault

Is like it’s perfect the only thing that doesn’t match the lake house is these mountains are a little too tall but it will do it’ll do and let’s get started actually i need to clear all of these trees and this big mountain right here and can somebody please tell me why this

Little hill is so inconvenient for me it’s just a small little thing sitting there it looks like somebody put that hill there oh no maybe i’m tripping but let’s start clearing out the land for this lake house and now for the tedious and super boring part let’s start destroying this

Mountain right here in the middle of this area oh boy let’s get started you know i really wish i had a beacon at this very moment of my life it would make my life a lot easier all right mine up most of this area but i’m getting really lazy so i have an

Idea let’s hop up my boy that doesn’t have a name yet and let’s head back home and grab this really quickly okay here we go this will make life a lot easier let’s put one right here and now let’s light it all up oh no okay look that one go go go go

Oh there we go there we go letting everything up and it didn’t do as much as i thought it would have there’s still one piece here and one over here so light these up and then boom okay this will make my life a lot easier and now let’s replace the floor with

Some dirt so it turns back in the grass and then we’ll have a beautiful land to build this house on and for some reason i love doing this so let’s build up here and all we gotta do is do a quick swipe and what bam it’s all dirt now it’s

Looking real nice my lake house is definitely a lot deeper so there’s a bigger backyard i don’t have a lot of space to work with because uh this giant mountain is blocking my way which kind of stinks but it’s all good i’ll make it worse all right let’s start constructing

This house this is gonna be a pretty hard thing to build especially to build it exactly how it’s supposed to look but before i start i really want to see what birch logs look like strip oh my god actually looks really good all that nasty white stuff disappears and turns

Into that that’s actually a really nice block to build with okay so let’s start off with the layout of the house i’m trying to build it with memory and my memory isn’t that good so this is gonna be kind of tough but i do remember there

Is a little window right here on the front of the house like this and this is a bedroom and then there’s a singular door right here oh this is giving me chills it’s already looking like the home now i think the window protrudes out just a little bit like this so let’s

Make this pretty big this is gonna be so weird because you guys are gonna know exactly what my lake cabin looks like once i’m done building this but that looks pretty accurate wow i’m actually gonna raise both of these just slightly and replace this with birch logs and

Then this wall is literally just flat so there’s no windows at all over here i think that’s a pretty good size for the interior and then there’s another window right here just use your imagination guys pretend this is real oh yeah perfect this seems like a pretty normal

Build to you guys but for me it’s kind of creeping me out i’m not gonna lie over here there’s like a bed here and a bed here like that so i’m gonna cut it off here just for reference and then the kitchen kind of protrudes out like this

I think and then it extends along with the bathroom while i’m running out of space i might have to destroy some of this mountain oh yeah i forgot there’s another room over here okay i’m gonna have to destroy some of this mountain this is so weird and then yo yeah i

Definitely make this a little bigger okay there we go 30 minutes later i cut out this mountain and it does suck that this mountain is in the way but one day i’ll take some tnt and just completely blow this up and this bedroom over here

Is kind of big this right here would be a pretty good size and it’ll come out all the way through here let’s put the door like right there and make it go in like that oh yeah this is actually looking perfect because right when you walk into the backyard door you look

Right into a wall i’m pretty sure but that is pretty much perfect for now so let’s build up all of these walls and then work on the second floor And here we go this is the inside of my cabin there’s a door window here is a bedroom the first one the living room the kitchen is right here here’s another bathroom actually the first bathroom and here’s the second bedroom and now i just gotta work on the upstairs part that

Goes upstairs and there’s another bathroom and the master bedroom where the magic happens but it’s looking pretty good so far i mean to you guys it kind of looks like a maze and just like birch blocks but to me i actually see my cabin which is super weird i’m so

Excited to see how this would turn out once i get the interior done and everything but now let’s work on the front patio because there is one up here and then it actually drops down a level like this and there will be some fences right here and it goes down here to this

Level that goes all across the front side of the house exactly like this and then it goes down actually another level over here and then there’s another sitting area right along here i think that i think that’s how it is i don’t quite remember this side but let’s stick

With that now on the back side over here there is another deck and this one is pretty big as well there’s like a barbecue and this is where we usually eat our food so whenever we cook hamburgers or hot dogs we eat it outside in the backyard and right over here is a

Jacuzzi so it’s kind of far out like this so it’s like a little hot tub and i think that’s a pretty good size it might be a little bigger but there are like couple steps that goes up towards it and right in the middle is the hot tub okay

That’s kind of small it should be bigger than this so let’s just make this the size of the hot tub like that and there’s the outside patio it’s pretty accurate i think there’s some chairs here dinner table and this is where we usually walk into the house and now

Let’s build the flooring inside the house and there we go we’re getting closer to a finished house well not really i don’t really have a ceiling yet but don’t worry guys we’re getting there now let’s start working on the upstairs part so let’s build some stairs

All the way up and i do have some pretty crazy memories of carrying my friend down these stairs oh my i gotta destroy more of the land give me a sec all right now that we’re on the second floor there is a bathroom like right right here and

Then there’s a little pathway that leads into the bedroom above this entire thing i cannot speak right now and then the master bedroom will be right on top of everything and this one is pretty big and so far i only have the bare bones of a house it’s barely even a house it’s

Just walls and flooring but don’t worry guys it’s gonna be awesome in a second let’s just add a couple more details Now that the roof is finished let’s add some gloss paint to the windows here and it’s really going to make it look like it’s almost finished let me even say i literally don’t know what i’m saying i’m just rambling out of my bum oh my god but this window right here is literally

Impossible to open i remember in the summer it was like 35 degrees celsius and we were all four of us were in this room sleeping and we couldn’t open this window and out here was even hotter for some reason and we were cooking in here and we couldn’t open this window we were

Oh we were roasting weenies in there actually there is a little window right here right in front of the toilet so when you pee you look out into the view into the neighbor’s yard which is kind of weird now that i say it and for the kitchen there is another small window

Like that and upstairs i don’t quite remember i’m pretty sure there’s only one window here just like this now that that’s finished let’s start working on the ceiling and the ceiling is just a flat design so let’s fill up the entire house now the bottom floor is complete

The ceiling is in and now we just gotta work on the upper floor and it’s starting to really creep me out how how closely it resembles the actual house i really need to show you guys a tour and a video on how similar it is it’s insane

And now that the entire exterior outline is complete let’s throw in some little details to make it look even better all right i’m back home and i grabbed a whole bunch of accessories to add to the size of the house to make it look cool

Now where did my horse go what the heck and if you guys are curious on how far away my home versus the lake house is this is my home you see it right there and if you pan left my lake house is right between these two mountains it’s

Actually not too far away which is really nice for some reason i feel like i’m starting a new world building so far away from my actual home i feel like i’m starting something new maybe i should this should be like a new city i should just line up this entire coast with lake

Houses and just sell them to nobody because i have no friends let’s ask some fences so i don’t fall off and hurt my back and right in the front there’s a couple of lawn chairs so let’s put some stairs right here with some slabs and these are perfect because

You could sit here and look out into the beautiful view of the lake and some frozen fish and for some reason there are squids in my lake but down here there’s like a little campfire so let’s put some seating area and right in front there’s two logs you can sit on and

Right in the middle there’s the campfire and i would say right over here there is a picnic table so let’s just do something like this actually let’s change that up let’s change all these up actually and let’s actually use logs because they are logs and bam there we

Go and that is a pretty accurate representation of the house at least the front of the house i’m not sure what else there is maybe like a mailbox right here i’ll just put that there i guess maybe i’ll line this up with some trapdoors to make it look just a little

Better with some buttons on the sides here oh i shot a doorbell actually let’s let’s replace the trapdoor and put a button now for the upstairs window let’s just add some little decoration around these windows because i don’t exactly remember what’s up here obviously that looks stupid how about just a straight

Line across and right at the top i’ll just add a little square of trapdoors and might as well be fancy and add some lanterns on the sides right here and maybe a little design like that kind of looks like a mustache or something and there we go the front side of the

House is complete and at the beach house my friend does own two very large dogs so there is a huge fence right here so they cannot run away so let’s just do that let’s replace the middle part with some here we go and this is how we

Always enter the house just through the backyard let’s continue the fencing all the way down i’m not gonna lie i picked a very bad spot to build this house right in front of a giant mountain oh boy no no oh bruh this enemy just placed

Down a piece of grass and walk into my house you’re not welcome here get your balls out of my house and they do have a lot of shrubs and little green stuff around the fence so let’s just fill it up like this and there is another beach

House right beside this house but i’m not gonna build it because i do not remember what it looks like so i’m just going to cover it up with leaves and at the house there was a lot of shrubs and bushes right over this fence and this might be a little too much information

But you guys don’t understand how many times i have peed in this bush over here like it is uncountable i peed so many times in these bushes a beach house or lake house isn’t connected to like the city so you want to save water obviously and you know you

Don’t want to flush the toilet so you just you know hydrate the earth a little bit you know what i’m saying and let’s just break some of these fences and replace it with some leaves so it looks like it’s kind of torn down and broke and that’s looking pretty realistic and

Now let’s start working on the back side of the house and this is where the fun happens first things first let’s work on the hot tub as i’ve spent so many hours just soaking my crusty body in this hot tub there we go is it possible to ask

Some smoke probably not but let’s try let’s break the middle here and let’s make a couple of signs let’s slap them down here and if i break this and put the campfires underneath what smoke come up and right oh it does sheesh i got a

Hot tub baby that is pagu let’s go we got a hot tub just try your best not to fall down into it and let’s line up the size with some trapdoors and there we go the hot tub is complete now let’s put some trap doors alongside here because

There is some steps that looks just like these trapdoors and we always sit on this side right here just putting our feet in the hot tub it’s like you guys are coming into my life it’s so weird this is looking so realistic right now i think i might have made the backyard a

Little too big though i’m not gonna lie because there’s not usually this much room back here in real life let’s make some trapdoors here and right here is a big recycling area or something so we always throw our bottles and our drinks into here and it is pretty big it’s

Always full of drinks oh we’re not alcoholics i swear and right here in this corner there are some extra chairs so let’s just put an extra one right here and put some trapdoors on it and this is where you sit when you’re the lonely guy so i always sit right here

All right now let’s start working on the grill how on earth are you supposed to make a grill in minecraft i’m just going to copy a design on google so follow along it actually looks really good but i need this oh oh the spiders are here okay i kept hearing spiders somewhere

And i actually need string to make some looms hello oh my god okay oh my god don’t please don’t blow up please okay please get out of my house okay hello spiders let me grab a looting sword this is amazing okay four string exactly what i need let’s put the string

Down and how do we make this loom oh there we go first time making a loom and the grille is right here so let’s put these down and this is perfect because there was like grill lines totally not for making banners now all you gotta do

Is put some item frames right here iron trap doors like this and look like some handles flip them so they’re facing each other and now we’re gonna put two iron trap doors on the top and how do i flip these like this how do i keep them

Flipped open maybe i can use iron trap doors what if i place them like this okay it doesn’t work okay i guess i’m just gonna use birch trap doors like this and bam oh that looks pretty good but let’s put some walls like this and some iron trap doors and have no idea

How to add smoke now maybe if i throw some campfires underneath it will somehow go through this oh no let’s see let’s see if it works i’ll be pretty pog oh my god actually works hello how’s it going through this block what okay there we go we got ourselves a grill it’s

Gonna destroy the top of the ceiling though so let’s put like a little air duct right here and capture all that and let’s put some two more iron oh my god how did you forget this word let’s put two more iron trap doors underneath and

Put them like that and there we go we got ourselves a grill it’s definitely not this fancy in real life this is where we cook all our weenies and our burgers and everything oh so good after being out in the ocean or on the lake like surfing or knee boarding and you

Come back to like the hot tub and the hot dogs oh man so good okay let’s continue so what you want to do is put trap doors facing this way like this and then put another trapdoor on the top so it looks like a table and then just line

It all the way through wait which way does the table go again okay i think that’s right but let’s move it over one actually and it’s a pretty big table so it goes all the way throughout down here okay it’s not this big in real life now

Let’s come over here put some trapdoors down flip them and then flip these and now you got yourself a table You know the horror movies when you like trip and fall that’s literally what just happened to me and 360 what’s up bro what’s up bro what’s up bro well how you didn’t die there we go and now that we got the table let’s start working on some chairs so let’s

Put one in this corner one in this corner and i think i need to separate them all by two like that just so i can put some trap doors on them and make them look like actual chairs and let’s move the table one block longer so like

This with some trapdoors flip them and then bam bam oh yeah we got our table all right now the table is done there are some extra lawn chairs right here as well so you can just sit and vibe and there is a little foot stool right in

The middle here and how are we going to make it that so let’s try to do something like actually no footstool is pretty small so let’s just make a little bump like this there we go there’s your footstool and there are some hooks alongside this wall

So you can put all your dirty clothes and dry all your stuff after being out in the ocean and let’s just put some buttons on the sides too and they can be like little hooks as well and that is pretty much the back side of the house

It looks almost identical to be honest it’s pretty crazy now we’re just gonna add some little house lights on the sides along here and one over here and there we go now that the outside is complete let’s start working on the inside of the house all right when you

Walk in there is a little bench over here where you can put all of your shoes and like a little shelving area like that oh my god i totally forgot there’s a little closet over here oh no i don’t think i have room for that i should have

Made the kitchen a little bigger oh i totally messed up then because there’s a little room right here with like laundry with the washers and everything and all the cleaning supplies i can’t believe i missed that but anyways right in this corner there are some little tables here

To put all your keys and like some clothes and stuff there is a little basket for towels right here and that is pretty much it for the front i think and might as well just add some little designs like that and the light switch for the inside of the bathroom and now

Let’s start decorating the inside of the living room And looking through the window having it all furnished inside looks pretty amazing i’ve said it so many times but it scares me how accurate i’ve made this it’s literally identical to the house trust me on what the yo yo get out you’re not welcome what the heck you’re

Here too bro get out i really need a light of this place this thing looks so accurate the real life it is insane it’s like i can feel you guys in the actual house okay that sounds a little bit too weird now but yeah we will just sit here

On this comfy couch and just stare off into the ocean or the lake after a whole bunch of grinding on videos i sit here on this very chair and just look out into the distance it’s amazing anyways enough talking let’s finish up the house

I still have a lot to build and this is where most of the guests actually sleep so there’s four beds in here they’re actually bunk beds and it’s so crabbed in here it’s crazy how we fit four dudes in here but let’s go back and grab some

Wool and let’s hop on my horse and let’s go oh my god just yanks his neck i’m sorry i forgot you’re on a lead all right let’s go buddy okay let’s grab some wool and let’s make sure i have everything else because i don’t want to

Run back here it takes me so long maybe some bookshelves and let’s actually make some different colored beds let’s make a red one purple won’t be pretty cool and let’s rock with a yellow one and let’s head back and let’s start crafting up these different colored beds and now

Let’s slap them down bam bam bam and bam and trust me it’s a lot tighter in here in real life than on minecraft and i always slept on the top bunk bed and it would get so hot up there painful and there is a shelf right in the middle so

I’m not sure how to build this thing trap doors and slap them like that now there’s a little table right here with a mirror like that and let’s put a bookshelf up here i guess with a trapdoor and there actually is a little tv on this wall so how on earth do i

Make a tv now why is this infested with mobs oh they’re coming from upstairs huh i swear i lit up this entire place maybe not in here what the yeah where are these guys coming from bro i don’t understand minecraft but let’s just slap a painting

Down like that and there we go there’s our tv actually let’s let’s make it more fancy i don’t like it let’s put a stone brick wall like that and let’s put the painting like oh there we go now that looks like the tv it’s exactly that size

As well i have no idea what this painting is though let’s change it all these paintings kind of suck i’m not gonna lie what is the best painting flower what is this oh there okay yeah i like that one and you always get the beautiful view of the sun setting in

Real life as well it’s actually crazy how close it looks like in real life and this room gets so hot you guys don’t even understand four fat dudes in here including me which makes them have to wait this room gets so stinky and so steamy oh boy and now let’s start

Working on the kitchen yo i got a flood in my house no i forgot ice melt i’m trying to make a water machine thing but i don’t have ice but so far so good the living room is done the kitchen is done i’m gonna show my

Friends in real life and i’m gonna try to get the reaction they’re gonna be like what the heck why does it look so similar but we still got the bathroom this room and moving upstairs we still got the second bathroom and the master bedroom to build but for the bathroom

It’s pretty simple just put this here this is a bathtub let’s put a lever down because this will be the shower head let’s put some trapdoors that go along like this and this will be the shower curtain thing right here there is a roll of toilet paper in front of you kind of

Like that it kind of goes up a little bit and the toilet there is a toilet right here and you get to pee and look outside which is a i thought it’s kind of cool and let’s put a button uh what’s up with the button right here i guess

That’ll be the toilet and for the sink the sink is pretty small so let’s put that there let’s put a lever that’ll be the faucet and there is a little cabin what’s this called a cabinet i’m stupid and a little cabinet on the top of the

Sink with the item frame and let’s put a trapdoor as the handle and you can’t forget the lights and there we go bathroom is complete and now let’s just fill up the bathtub with some water fill up all these cauldrons with water as well now for this bedroom this one is

Pretty simple as well and here it is it’s just a simple bed there’s some nightstand tables some lights a dresser and a little table here that’s pretty much it for the second bedroom and now finally the first floor is fully complete it looks so nice fully decorated and furnished out but now

Let’s head upstairs let’s actually fix this up first it’s bothering me there we go let’s head and now let’s work on the second floor from what i remember the toilet is on this side i’m pretty sure i have no idea if there’s a cabinet above it but let’s just do that let’s just

Leave it as that i have no idea and there we go that works and let’s just put a little table here and another shelf like that and onto this room the master bedroom this one is super simple as well and i do not remember anything

Else i was super drunk when i was last in this bedroom so i have no memory of what is in here but uh i’m pretty sure it’s just like this it’s super simple the front side of the bed could be fancy though so might as well do something

Like this and you get a beautiful view of the ocean as well and finally the entire interior of the house is complete and it’s looking identical to the real house it’s pretty creepy i’m not gonna lie and there’s one last thing to add to this house and that is the dock into the

Ocean and where we always jump off into the water and well bam all the support beams are in and right on the side of the dock there is a little jet ski that we ride or you guys might call it a sea doo and that’s my jet ski it looks

Really stupid and to finish it off let’s just put some signs alongside the side of the jet ski or the sea doo oh my god where did these two dolphins come from what’s up bros check out my new check out my beach house guys what do you guys

Think i just finished holy cow you moved fast oh and they ditched me where did they go okay it was it was nice knowing you guys i guess oh they’re back perfect timing because the house is finally complete and finally after three full days of building there is my real life

Beach house or lake house whatever you want to call it i spent so many real life moments in this very house that it is fully built in minecraft now everything looks so identical it creeps me out the backyard the hot tub the grill even the inside where the living

Room is and the kitchen everything looks so real and so identical it is crazy so now you guys the viewers can finally see how my real life cabin looks like and you guys can feel like you guys are a part of it but thank you for coming

Along my journey and i’ll see you guys in the next episode thank you guys so much for watching take care everybody

This video, titled ‘I Built my REAL LIFE Beach House in Minecraft Hardcore! (#21)’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2021-10-08 12:00:33. It has garnered 3416475 views and 84614 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:42 or 2082 seconds.

I Built my REAL LIFE Beach House in Minecraft Hardcore! In this episode, I built my real life beach house / lake house and it looks exactly identical to the house in real life! It’s insane! 🥤 GFUEL 30% OFF ➡️ CODE “COOKIE”: http://gfuel.ly/3vozHGV

🔥 Watch the entire series starting with Ep. #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcXjLUMrnv0&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTCIGr9Q4XofgKnIxX_vRbP

If you enjoyed this video, you’ll also enjoy these insane videos:

📺 I Built a Beautiful ANIMAL BARN in Minecraft Hardcore (#20): https://youtu.be/FrEiG4MzBbw

📺 I Built a GIANT FLOATING AIRSHIP in Minecraft Hardcore (#19): https://youtu.be/rJfWQOqLe0w

》Series Inspiration @WadZee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asasI0kxZrU


🥤 GFUEL 30% OFF ➡️ CODE “COOKIE”: http://gfuel.ly/3vozHGV

👕 COOKIE MERCH: https://fanjoy.co/cookie

🏁 COOKIE LUNAR CAPE: https://lunarclient.com/acookiegod



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🔴 » Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/aCookieGod 💃 » TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aCookieGod

💬 » Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xyyGMez 📺 » Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ExtraCookie 📺 » CookieClips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/aCookieClips


》Series Inspiration @WadZee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asasI0kxZrU

Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! 🍪❤️

#minecraft #hardcoreminecraft #hardcore

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  • Hogbrains

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  • Pixelfam 1.16.5

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  • Crafting Unlimited Carpet: Minecraft Farm Fun

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  • Dwellers & Terror Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.12)

    Dwellers & Terror Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.12) Minecraft One Block Skyblock: Exploring Terror Mods with Dwellers (Ep.12) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft One Block Skyblock, where terror lurks around every corner. Dive into the world of horror mods with the infamous Dwellers, including The Man From The Fog, The Mimic Dweller, and The Midnight Lurker. This unique modpack for Minecraft is packed with spine-chilling experiences that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Unleashing Terror: The Mods Prepare yourself for a heart-pounding journey as you encounter a variety of terrifying mods, each more chilling than the last. From The One Who Watches… Read More

  • EPIC Medieval Minecraft Co-op Server Day 1!

    EPIC Medieval Minecraft Co-op Server Day 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval Minecraft – Day 1 Livestream – Co-op Server’, was uploaded by GreatPadinski on 2024-05-24 06:08:24. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:18 or 12138 seconds. Check out the Medieval MC [FORGE] here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/medieval-mc-mmc4 I’m also live over on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/GreatPadinski Come join the community discord server: https://discord.gg/Zmab3VVZ2x I have a Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/GreatPadinski From the curseforge mod page: ⚔️ Completely Overhauled World Generation (Biomes o’ Plenty, Geophilic, Ecologics) ⚔️ Thousands of NEW Dungeons & Structures (Wabi-Sabi Structures, When Dungeons Arise, Towns and Towers) ⚔️ Grow Your Own… Read More

  • The Kill: True Scary Minecraft Story

    The Kill: True Scary Minecraft StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE KILL#ai #scary #minecraft #story #true #scarystories #night’, was uploaded by Minecraft X Scary Story😱👻 on 2024-05-01 07:01:15. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate PvP Showdown with Teammate – McBox #Anarchy

    Ultimate PvP Showdown with Teammate - McBox #AnarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘1 часть пвп с тимейтом #anarchy #майнкрафт #mcbox #minecraft #pe #анархия #босс #ивент #пвп #pvp’, was uploaded by McBox on 2024-06-04 08:09:28. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Ultra Hard Minecraft World!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Ultra Hard Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mình Sinh Tồn 1000 Ngày Trong Minecraft Thế Giới Đá Siêu Khó (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KienRic on 2024-01-13 04:00:19. It has garnered 241324 views and 3532 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:33 or 17073 seconds. This is the video: I Survived for 1000 Days in Minecraft Super Hard Stone World (FULL MOVIE) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A few notes 🌟 ✪ KienRic Shop: https://kienricroblox.vn ✪ Please help me reach 500k registration!! Here → https://www.youtube.com/@KienRic04 ✪ Click “🔔” to watch the latest videos… 😍 !!! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Social networks 🌍 📍 Facebook: https://facebook.com/kienric2001 📍 Fanpage: https://facebook.com/kienric04… Read More

I Built my REAL LIFE Beach House in Minecraft Hardcore! (#21)