I CHEATED with //DRAW in RAINBOW FRIENDS Build Challenge (Minecraft)

Video Information

Dora somebody stole my golden pig what somebody stole your golden pig Jordy what are you talking about oh my gosh shorty why is there so many regular pigs in my house this is crazy yeah towards they are literally everywhere oh my gosh gosh the garage how did they even get

Here this is crazy Torah all these pigs are so cute but none of them are my golden pig all righty Jordy fine I’ll admit it I stole your golden pig and I have it right here what what tour why would you do that if you want to get your golden

Pig back you’re gonna have to beat me in a build challenge oh okay fine I guess and today we’re actually gonna be doing a rainbow friends Build Challenge so let’s go ahead and put this chest down right here just like this and then I can give it a super secret code that you

Will never guess and then I can go ahead and put the golden pig spawn again just like that and Jordy if you win you can get your golden pig back let’s do this then all right Jordy which rainbow friend would you like me to build well

This has to be a real challenge so you’re gonna build blue what blue but orange is my favorite color are you sure you don’t want me to build the orange rainbow friend Jordy yeah that’s right it has to be really hard for you Torah all right that’s fine I’ll build the

Blue rainbow friend but since you’re gonna make me build blue I’m gonna make you build red red what that’s right all right Jordy well we have 15 minutes to complete our build so good luck good luck to you too go go go go okay so in this build battle challenge each player

Is going to have three lives to make it to the end of the opposing players base whoever doesn’t get eliminated will get a keep the golden pig but what Jordy doesn’t know is I’ll be cheating with slash slash draw so now let’s use slash slash draw to spawn in my blue rainbow

Friend so what we can do is come over to this canvas right here and right click it and now we can use our cheese to spawn this in and Jordan didn’t give us the blue rainbow bread so we can just grab the blue color just like this and

Now the blue rainbow friend’s head kind of goes around just like this so we can fill all of that in and then he’s got two little arms I gotta poke out the side kind of like that he looks kind of derpy all right and then we can make his

Body come down just like this and now we just need to fill all of this in and then we need to give him his two little Stumpy legs just like this and yeah that is looking so perfect so now we can grab ourselves our dark color for his mouth

Which kind of looks just like that yeah that’s awesome and then he has these two really big beady eyes so let’s go ahead and put one eye right there we can put another right here just like that and then his left eye has a big black dot

But then on his other eye he got has a cross thing just like this so we’ll go ahead and put that in just like that so now we can click sign in our blue Rainbow Bridge should spawn in let’s see here we go all right and yeah that’s

Perfect look at how it spawn in this giant blue rainbow friend that looks so good it even got both of his eyeballs it is big mouth and all of his drool that is so cool but oh wait a minute oh my gosh I totally forgot that the blue

Rainbow friend has a really cool Golden Crown and so are rainbow Prince bonded without his Golden Crown that is so embarrassing so let’s go over easel and draw in a crown before Jordy sees because that is so embarrassing so what we need to do is grab this gold color

Just like this and then his crown kind of has this weird shape where it comes like that and it has these big Spikes all around it so we can make one Spike there then another Spike here another big one right there and then one right here and then the last one right there

And yeah that looks so perfect but now I just need to fill it in and then we should be done you know what Torah always wins these challenges maybe I should go check on him oh my gosh is he painting wow that’s so cool that door’s

Adding paintings to his build I want to go add some to mine tour so smart with this details I would have never thought that a painting this is gonna look so great and with these two spots building right there a crowd should be done so

Let’s sign it and see what it does all right so now let’s head up and see if our crowd spawned in I’m not seeing anything get it oh my gosh yes I think I see the crowd that looks so good all right well now just like that our whole

Blue rainbow friend is completely spawned using slash slash draw so now we have a ton of extra time to add a bunch of different traps to our build so what we can do is come down here and build our entrance all we can do is break like

This and start building in this entrance right here just like that before I build my front entrance I actually wouldn’t mess with Jordan I have the perfect plan to do so what we can actually do is morph into jordy’s greatest fear the purple rainbow red just like that let’s

See here we go and oh my gosh yeah that looks so creepy so another one of the purple rainbow friend we can go run over to his side and master this bill so let’s head over there oh my gosh is that the purple rainbow friend uh if I use slash walls lava I

Can make a lava mode and he can never get in oh what the I’ll see you later oh my gosh that was so perfect I totally just scared Jordy weighs a purple rainbow friend but what’s not good is he put this giant lava boat around his build and jordy’s

Red rainbow friend is actually looking so cool but I need to get inside so I can mess with him and wait a minute you know what this law love about actually pretty tiny I think I can actually just uh jump over just like that oh my gosh

How did Jordy not realize I could just jump over his lava boat just like that well now that we’re inside of jordy’s red rainbow friend build we can actually mess with it I’ve got such a good idea to mess with jordy’s build what we could

Do is come to the center just right here and then with this Command right here we can do slash replace near 50 white concrete with pink concrete is gonna make his whole suit pink oh my gosh that is so funny that’s gonna be so embarrassing for Jordan because now his

Entire suit is pink and it looks nothing like the red rainbow friend that is awesome okay you really need to leave and if you don’t I’m gonna go get my friend Torah all right I guess I’ll leave oh my gosh she turned my suit pink which is literally my favorite color I love

Pink oh my gosh that’s not good we changed Shorty’s suit to Pink and I totally forgot his favorite color was pink so he loves what we did that’s not good I was trying to mess with Jordy but we accidentally ended up doing him a favor that’s so funny but now that we

Mess with Jordy let’s add some more to our blue rainbow friend build so now that we’re back on our side what we can do is actually place these warped front doors just like that because they’re blue they’re actually going to match for the rest of my build which is awesome

But this should not be a build challenge if we did have a fake front door so behind these front doors is actually going to be a secret trap and to turn this front door into a trap but we can actually do his code right here and

Break that block then go ahead and play some glass around just like this then we can fill in these right here and now we can dig out a little hole just like this all the way down to bedrock and then inside this hole we can fill it up with

A tone of piglet brutes that are going to absolutely destroy Jordan if he falls in but right now if Jordy opens the door he’s totally gonna see that there’s a hole right here so using ghost blocks we can actually fill in our hole just like that so now Jordan’s gonna think that

This is just blue but when he goes to step one he’s actually gonna fall into all these piglens so now that our fake front door is complete we can actually come over to this side to make a real front door and our real front door is

Actually just gonna be a hole in the foot just like this so we’re gonna make some ladders that come up so using these glass blocks we’d actually come over here and just start placing these ladders to make a really hard ladder parkour so drizz had to climb up that

Ladder then jump all the way over this one right here then this is another hard jump right here just like that then we can actually have him come over to the wall just like this and then for the next part we can make a really horror trapdoor ladder by putting trapdoors up

Just like this and we can make these come all the way up to right here now we need to close all of these just like that so what Jordan’s gonna do is come and open that one trapdoor then jump it open the next one it jump all the way up

To get himself up just like that and then after Jordan gets up all these trapdoors he’s gonna do this super hard long jump right here all the way to that ladder then we can build up more glass this way just like that put another ladder on here and then with some

Diamonds we can actually make a little platform right here which is actually gonna be the end of our ladder parkour but this platform actually isn’t high enough to get him into the main part of our blue rainbow friend so we’re gonna have to add something else and then what

We can do is put a chest right here and fill it up with these Riptide three tridents just like that so they would droids they have to do is grab one of these try to stand in the water and launch himself into the next part of the

Build but what jordy’s not gonna do is that after he launches himself if he lands right here he’s gonna die a full damage and we both only have three lives repeat that this will probably take one of his lives and the real place that Jordan’s gonna have to land so that he

Doesn’t dies actually all the way back in the other leg on those slime blocks so George they have to launch himself out of the water just like this and then quickly get all the way over to the slime blocks just like that to not die of full damage and then using cheats

Would actually do slash set block quartz blocks just like this to put down a little platform right here so majority will be able to do is launch himself over to the slime blocks land on the slime block just like that get set in the air and land on this quartz block

But if Jordy misses these quartz blocks right here he’s actually gonna have to parkour all the way back up from the very bottom so we can actually just make a simple quartz block parkour just like this to get Jordy back up and we can just keep blazing these blocks all

Around just like this put another one right here have that go up and these quartz blocks are just gonna take them all the way back up to this platform so Joy’s Really Gonna want to make sure he hits the slime block and lands up on that platform roses have to do all this

Extra parkour and just like that our extra poor course should be finished so now using this dark oak Bridge we go ahead and put it just like this all the way to the other side of this leg so now Jordan will have this little Bridge taken over to this side which is

Actually just gonna lead to some stairs which is going to take him up to the main part of the build so now with our ladder parkour and this quartz parkour two legs are finished so then using some more cheats but we can do slash cylinder

Clay 10 one which is going to make a giant circle around me just like that and so what this giant cylinder is going to be is actually a Spleef Arena so what we can do is put down an anvil just like this then put in a shovel and efficiency

Five to give us an efficiency five diamond shovel then we can put down a chest just like this and fill it up with these shovels so these are what me and Jordy are going to be using to try and Spleef each other but now there’s actually no way for Jordy after he beats

Our poor chord against the Spleef Arena so what we can do is come down here and give ourselves a command block just like this then put it down and type in the command TP at p12 and then we go ahead and put a button down on this command

Block so now when you push this button it’s gonna teleport you up just like that and now we’re actually in our Spleef Arena this is awesome and then if we fly up a little bit just like this we can go right here and then use the same

Command that made our clay cylinder but actually this time we’ll make it out of Courts so now we have a giant quartz Circle just like that that’s gonna be the platform for our next stage and for this next stage what jordy’s actually gonna have to do his fight NAB nap so

What we can do is put down a chest just right here and inside of our chest is going to be this irons will hand her sword so that will go right here and then next to that we go ahead and give Jordy some diamond armor so let’s go put

All this on the RS stand just like that and so then when Jordan gets teleported up here he’s gonna quickly put on the armor and grab the weapon to face snap NAB and yeah nav is really fast so we’ll see if Jordy is able to kill him and

Then if jordy’s able to kill now that’s gonna teleport to the very last stage which is gonna be inside my blue rainbow friends head but before we build the very last stage let’s go mess with Jordy one last time and then this time to mess with Jordy when I can actually do is

Drink one of these invisibility potions and turn myself invisible and now Jordy literally cannot see us this means that we can mess with him so easy because he’s not gonna know where they’re here so let’s go head over to jordy’s build and mess with them all right so what we

Can do is just run over here quickly to jordy’s build I don’t see his name tag anywhere so we should be safe and oh we just come right here and then all we need to do is hop over his little lava boat just like that and now we can start

Placing water buckets all over the place yeah this is gonna be so funny so we put another one right there and then maybe like one more right here and then another right there all right and then we can put one more right here and that

Should be good what is going on no oh my gosh oh my gosh particles is that you taura here this will be this will be wait why do you have a sword no Jordy don’t get away from me don’t try to kill me I’m sorry I didn’t mean to mess with your

Build run run run run run run oh no okay wait we gotta get into a space get away from me where did you go tour I’m gonna get you oh my gosh this is perfect all we need to do is sneak in this build right here what the heck why did but

Somebody turns in here Jordy oh now I can’t get out run oh my gosh no oh my gosh Jordy you totally got me with your secret fake entrance and now I only have two lives left this is not good uh that’s what you get for cheating Torah

All right well I’m sorry well Jordy there’s only a couple minutes left in our bill JoJo head over back to my side I’ll see you in a little bit all right but I better not catch you cheating again oh my gosh that was so embarrassing I totally failed and died

And I only have two lives left well luckily for me I’m really good at Jordan’s challenges so hopefully we’ll be able to make do with only two lies but we will see so let’s finish the last stage of my build so now for my very last stage what we can do is actually

Use cheats to fill in the floor just like this and what we can do is set this all to Grass blocks and then using some more juice we just filled the rest of the floor and now Sledge is gonna go and fill all of this in with grass just like

This and then everybody these few blocks just like that all of our grasses place it that looks perfect and what this stage is going to be is actually a monster maze so what’s gonna happen is Jordan’s gonna store in this little glass box right here just like this and

Then what’s gonna happen is Jordan’s gonna come out of this boss he’s gonna try to get the end of the maze while hiding from monsters and turrets and the way that droid’s actually gonna hide from these monsters and turrets is in these little boxes that are gonna be

Built just like this so we can do is place all these bricks just like this then on the bottom right here put down some Mossy blocks and then some secret doors soldiers have to run around and try and sneak into these little rooms without being seen by the monsters so

That he doesn’t die and if Jordan can make it to the end of this maze without being seen by any of the turrets or Monsters I’ll even give them some extra golden carrots so let’s build the rest of this maze we put another one of those little hiding rooms right here just like

This then put the trapdoor right there so Jordan can hide in that then we can build this off just like this and then we’ll fill all of this and then have this pop out so Jordy can’t see through that corner and then we’ll bring this

Wall this way just like this and now I’m just gonna fill in this entire room with the rest of the maze all right and now that our maze is complete just like that with all these little hidey holes what we could actually do is come over these

Quartz blocks right here and on top put a Sentry that is going to be watching Jordy and we’ll also put some security cameras so it’s extra menacing so in all of these quartz blocks we could do the same thing make it attack players and then put the security cameras just like

That and that should be perfect for those Sentry turrets but right now there’s not really a way for Jordy to beat the maze so what we can do is grab ourselves a redstone lamp and a lever and then in three spots in this maze what we can do is put down a redstone

Lamp just like that with a lever on the bottom so what Joy’s gonna do is when he finds this redstone lamp flick the lever to turn it on and there’s gonna be three Red Zone lamps in this whole maze so droids have to find all three to beat

The maze so we got one right there and one right here so we put the very last one right here and now the very last step is to put some monsters in this monster maze so just in random spots we go ahead and put a couple monsters like

Some zombies just like this and then to make it extra creepy we could even put some Enderman around here just like that so Troy’s gonna sneak around all these mobs and these turrets and then flick all the levers to beat this monster Maze and just like that my maze is complete

And that’s perfect timing because our timer just ended so let’s head over to jordy’s side to see his finished build all right Jordy I’m so excited to see your red rainbow friend build uh yeah my build is so cool let’s check it out and oh my gosh it’s awesome and I love your

Pink jacket that is so cool yeah what happened there but I mean it is pink which is your favorite color so that’s super cool and uh what is that on the leg right there that is super weird did you put it among us a poster on your

Build that’s so funny yeah I did isn’t that so cool so uh how am I supposed to get in your base ready to parkour over this Joy lava moot yeah you do Torah let’s see if you have what it takes oh oh my gosh this lava mode is so scary

But let’s see if I get across okay here we go oh my gosh that was super close all right let’s see you try Jordan good job you did it nice all right tour now follow me right this way what the entrance is inside the Imposter that is

So sauce oh my gosh okay here we go what do we have in here Jordy you gotta use the Ender Pearls from this chest and choose a random path oh my gosh wait so I have to throw my ender pearl into one of these holes and have a one in three

Chance of choosing the right one that’s right let’s see if you can do it oh no I only have two lies left so I have to be super careful about which one I pick and uh okay uh one two or three well uh gotcha Torah oh my gosh well now I only

Have one life left this is not good all I’m gonna have to do so good the rest of the building hopefully I can get this right we barely just started and you only have one life left that is so sad it is so embarrassing but watch me crush

The rest of your red rainbow friend Build Challenge here goes nothing all right well let’s you ever go with my gun choose number one here here goes nothing in oh my gosh wait it’s fake lava I got it right and right behind you is a secret Clapper to climb oh my gosh a

Secret Clipper to climb up and yes I made it to the next stage and oh my gosh is this an orange parkour this is so cool yeah it is and it’s actually pretty hard so let’s see if he can do it oh my gosh I’m making it really far okay we’ll

Go to this one and oh my gosh I don’t want to hit my head on that block right there okay here we go oh my gosh all right I’m gonna jump right here and oh wait a minute Jordan you didn’t take my inner Pearl so I could just enter Pearl

To the top just like that oh my gosh all right and is this Hazard science oh my gosh that is so scary what is in this room for this part to work you need to find a secret lever hidden somewhere what a secret lever and what does the

Secret lever do it makes a path to the next part okay we’re gonna find a secret lever because it makes a path to the next port and it looks like it’s not one of these paintings okay let’s just keep spamming these no I don’t think it’s one

Of these paintings so now we just gotta keep spamming all these blocks until we find the secret lever all right wait a minute maybe it’s behind one of these paintings nope no it’s not behind any of the imposters what where is it well here’s a little hint maybe look at these

Signs right here oh all right well these kind of look like arrows so maybe they’re pointing in one way to find the lever and oh my gosh there it was right there I found it there you go Torah now up to the next part alright so now let’s

Head through this bubble column and get to the next stage and oh my gosh shorty what is this this is so scarier those zombie piglets on the floor yeah and you’re gonna have to kill all of them so good luck but here’s a sword for you oh

No here they come here they cover me this is so scary oh I just teleport up here oh my gosh okay wait I I think I might be safe up here and I could be I might be able to just hit them all okay yes I think I found a loophole to your

Trap Jordy yes I’m taking them out they’re not even gonna be able to hit me this is so good okay and only two one more left here goes nothing in ah and that one’s dead let’s go that was actually really smart so now I guess I

Could give you the code the code is one two three four oh my gosh the code is one two three four that’s such a hard code and now I made it through your door that’s right so now let’s head to the very last stage oh my gosh the very last

Stages is so exciting I live one life left here goes nothing all right and for this last part we’re doing a tag Challenge and if you can get me in 45 seconds then you win but if I could survive then I gotta take your last life

What are you gonna take my last life if I can’t tag you in 45 seconds oh my gosh this is a real challenge are you ready Torah I’m ready Jordan I’m totally gonna tag you all right three two one go oh okay I’m coming for you Jordan get over

Here come back oh I’m totally gonna tag you get over here oh my gosh oh I almost got you when you went around that corner and wait what where are you going why are you going all the way up there get back here Jordy oh my gosh Jordan you

Built this whole thing so you have cheats because you know where to go get back here oh my gosh what is this a parkour of these trees oh no I don’t want to fall here okay here goes nothing what where are you going oh no oh no

Torah don’t come after me and wait a minute Jordan you’re totally trapped there’s nowhere you can go ha ha I’m gonna get you here goes nothing and ah oh I tagged you I win let’s go all right I guess you do win I beat your red rainbow friend Jordy that’s right but

What do you rate my build your bill it was really awesome Jordy so uh I’ma rated a 7.5 out of 10. that’s a really good score thank you so much and now I guess it’s time to see your build that’s right Jordy let’s head over to my build

And see if you can beat it in three lives all right Jordy and just around this quarter is my blue rainbow friend oh my gosh that is so cool Torah how did you do this yeah I don’t know I guess I’m just a master builder so your first

Challenge is to find a way inside hey wait this is the Ping that I saw I mean uh never mind let’s let’s go look at your door wait what Jordy were you spying on me and you saw me painting you’re such a cheater and is this your front entrance that is

So easy to find yep that’s right and oh my God shorty you totally fell in my hole oh my gosh they’re killing me you totally filled my secret hole and you’re totally gonna get eliminated and oh my gosh Jordy that is so embarrassing you totally died to my

Zombie piglets and wait Torah didn’t we both put zombie piglens in our build yeah we both put zombie pigles in our build but I was trying to put piglet brutes in my build and uh I guess they accidentally turned into piglens when they were in the Overworld but uh okay

Now you gotta find my real front entrance okay but there better not be another trick let’s see are you gonna find it and yep that is it good job so now for this next day Jordy what you need to do is complete this super hard ladder parkour what this is so easy

Torah I can definitely do this and wow Jordy you’re actually doing really good I don’t know how you got so good at ladder parkour but I did not think you’d be doing it this quick oh not quite Jordy that’s not good okay let’s see can

You get up all the trap doors and yes you did it now there’s only a couple more jobs left let’s see come on and oh my gosh you actually made that Jordy that’s so impressive and well you made my ladder parkour first try Jordy I could tell you’ve been practicing your

Parkour for this next stage what you need to do is grab one of those tridents and launch yourself into the air to get to the next Port okay but where am I supposed to go I guess you’ll find out Jordy good luck all right this is gonna

Be easy let’s see it oh my gosh you totally went the wrong way Jordy all right Torah let’s see if I can do it this try good luck Jordy let’s see oh my gosh okay hit the courts later oh my gosh you were so close but you did not

Make it up to the bridge so now you’re gonna parkour all the way up and uh luckily for you I made this parkour super easy so you should be able to do it no problem Jordy and yeah you’re absolutely crushing it right now ah okay well uh maybe I spoke too soon because

You totally just fell to the bottom that’s super embarrassing what happened Jordy come on don’t worry Tora I got this all right we’ll see about that all right Jordy just a couple jumps left you totally got this here goes another let’s see oh my gosh like two more jumps yes

And you did it good job now we’re on to the next stage of my build that was a close one we’ll go ahead and teleport to the next stage so Jordy for this next stage what we’re gonna do is just believe Challenge and you only have two

Lives left so if I win I’m gonna take one of your lives but if you win you can get an extra life all right I have this in the bag we’ll see about that so come over to this chest right here grab yourselves a diamond shovel all right

Jordy here goes nothing oh count us down three two one go go go go go go go okay here we go we go to sleep Jordan through the floor here goes nothing okay oh my gosh they’re getting real close Jordan I’m gonna get you and okay and all right

Oh my gosh we’re making kind of divine this isn’t good okay um we’ll come to this side and okay yeah here we go and I’m gonna get you oh no oh my gosh you hit the ground first oh my gosh you’re right Jordy I totally fell before you which means that you got

An extra life good job Jordy so now let’s head to the next stage all right Jordy this command block right here is gonna take us to our second to last stage let’s head on over all right and what is this for this stage Jordy what

You need to do is go ahead and put on the armor and grab your weapon because you’re gonna be fighting NAB NAB NAB dab oh no that’s right and look at how cool that weapon you have is but here goes now that it was fun a bit and good luck

That’s so scary oh my gosh no look how fast NAB NAB is oh my gosh let’s see can you get up you’re doing so good Jordan you’re taking them out and what he wasn’t supposed to fall off Jordy you knocked him off um I guess he can’t get

Back up well that’s so lame Jordy but I guess you technically did beat down now because he fell off so uh good job so now Jordy let’s head to the very last stage of my build all right Jordan for this very last part of my build what you

Need to do is sneak through this giant Maze and hide in these little pocket holes just like this to try and not get spotted by the monsters and the turrets oh my gosh that is so scary and are those turrets and cameras that’s right Jordy if they see you they’re gonna

Shoot at you but not only that there is three lamps in this maze when you have flicked on all three lamps you have successfully beat my build okay I guess I gotta go then let’s see here goes the Jordan watch out for that zombie you don’t want to get spotted all right

Jordy it looks like he’s leaving it now the perfect time here goes nothing quickly hide in there yes good Joby didn’t see you that was a close call Tori that was such a close cold I think he might have smelled you because he is standing right next to that door oh my

Gosh I’m so scared when can I come out I’ll let you know when you can come out Jordan he is just watching it right now all right Jordy it looks like he’s leaving you should be good to come out oh no okay keep on sneaking oh yes good

Job Jordy you made it another hole all right let’s see it oh my gosh that was a close goalie but he did not see you all right good Joe Jordan careful you might be coming up on a zombie but you snuck past him and yes you found the first

Lamp all right Jordy only two more to go and oh no that’s a zombie run that was so close Jordy he almost got you but he is now leaving now only two more to go let’s see Jordy kid you do it all right Jordy you’re getting really close to

Fighting another one let’s see if you can do it there’s gotta be one this way right oh my gosh you walked right past it Jordy oh let’s see is he gonna find it and yes it was actually hidden behind that little hidey hole and now you got

Two Redstone lamps only one more to go and oh no Jordan you’re surrounded run run Jordan you gotta find another one and wait a minute oh my gosh you found the last redstone lamp which means you would good job are the zombies still following me nope they’re actually

Leaving so you’re totally safe well Jordy you did so good at beating my build that you still had two lies left at the end so uh won’t you rate my build out of ten your build was so much fun I’m definitely gonna have to give it an

8.2 an 8.2 that’s awesome thank you so much shorty but uh you did have more lives at the end which means that you won the Build Challenge so uh let’s go get your golden pig oh my gosh I’m so excited to get my golden pig let’s go

All right Jordy let’s head inside get your golden pig I’m so excited and inside the lock just you go ahead and put the code one one one one one to get your golden pig hey wait what nothing’s in here Dora what there’s nothing in there so it must have stolen your golden

Pig while we’re doing the build challenge oh no oh that’s so stupid I stole tauren jordy’s Golden Pig they’ll never know if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit like And subscribe and hit one of the videos on the screen if you want to see more

This video, titled ‘I CHEATED with //DRAW in RAINBOW FRIENDS Build Challenge (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Tora on 2023-06-24 17:00:24. It has garnered 48996 views and 322 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:25 or 1885 seconds.

Minecraft I CHEATED with //DRAW in RAINBOW FRIENDS Build Challenge!!! Tora and Jordy compete in a Rainbow Friends 2 Build Challenge.

#Tora #cashandnico #minecraft #minecraftmod #toraandjordy

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    Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation Welcome to the Minecraft Community Server! Join the Bedrock Community Are you a Bedrocker looking for a new adventure? Join the new Community Server hosted by @goutshiblack. The server is running on version 1.20.81, offering a fresh experience for all players. How to Join Join the Discord server: Discord Link Accept the rules of the server. Read and accept the server information. Enter your in-game name in the server registration. Once a green checkmark appears, you’re whitelisted and ready to start your journey. Have fun exploring and building in this new Minecraft community! Music and Support All the music… Read More

  • 10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas!

    10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas! Les 10 Commandes Puissantes de Minecraft 2024 Dans cette vidéo, tu vas découvrir 10 commandes très peu connues mais vraiment puissantes. Il est fort probable que tu ne connaisses pas ces 10 commandes, alors n’hésite pas à partager ton score sur 10 dans les commentaires à la fin de la vidéo. Commençons sans plus tarder avec le numéro 10. Numéro 10 – Commande de Décoration Cette commande ajoute des décorations lorsque tu tires avec un arc. En activant la commande, il te suffira de prendre un arc et de tirer une flèche. Tu verras une trainée stylée derrière la… Read More

  • Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song

    Accidental Crush: Minecraft Love Song In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With Liam and William, their story told. A friendship tested, emotions run high, As they navigate through the dark sky. Jurias and Ameyra, a chance encounter, Their paths crossing, feelings begin to stir. But trouble lurks in the shadows deep, As secrets and mysteries slowly seep. In the realm of Minecraft, where stories intertwine, The characters’ fates, in the hands of time. With each twist and turn, a new chapter starts, In this world of blocks, where creativity sparks. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience! Are you tired of the same old servers and looking for something new and exciting? Look no further than Minewind! Join a vibrant community of players from around the world on this epic Minecraft server. With a focus on survival gameplay and exciting events, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join the fun today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, creativity, and… Read More

  • Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6

    Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 The Exciting World of Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with the Litematica Mod 1.20.6! This mod brings a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Litematica and explore what it has to offer. What is Litematica Mod? The Litematica Mod is a powerful tool that allows players to create and manipulate schematics in Minecraft. With this mod, you can easily copy and paste structures, build intricate designs, and even visualize your creations before building them in the game world. It’s a… Read More

  • MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan

    MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video brings cheer, For kids of all ages, to watch without fear. Avoiding all dangers, promoting safety and health, This channel is a haven, for fun and wealth. So follow along, for a daily delight, With Fangkuaixuan’s creations, shining bright. From classroom antics to songs that adapt, Every video is a playful rap. So subscribe today, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Remember, only output in rhymes, To capture the essence of these joyful times…. Read More

  • Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft

    Unboxing Only ONE Chest in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival with Only One Chest! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the unique challenge of surviving with only one chest! Join Mert_mn as he navigates through this intense gameplay, striving to stay alive against all odds. Unleashing Creativity in a Limited Space With only one chest at his disposal, Mert_mn must carefully manage his resources and make strategic decisions to progress in the game. This challenge pushes the boundaries of creativity as he finds innovative ways to thrive in a world of limited supplies. Strategic Resource Management Surviving with… Read More

  • Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who’s on Top? Minecraft Showdown!

    Block Bedrock Rocks, Mobs Flock, Who's on Top? Minecraft Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a battle unfolds, Block Bedrock faces all mobs, bold and cold. With each swing and each strike, the story’s told, In the rhythm of rhymes, the tale unfolds. From Creepers to Endermen, they all come near, But Block Bedrock stands strong, without fear. In the heat of the fight, the truth is clear, Block Bedrock reigns supreme, that much is clear. So gather ’round, let the story be told, Of Block Bedrock’s might, brave and bold. In the world of Minecraft, where legends are sold, Block Bedrock stands tall, a sight to behold. Read More

  • 10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft!

    10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft! The Epic Castle Build in Minecraft Resource Gathering and Preparation After spending hours collecting resources, ShadowClawMCYT embarked on a monumental task – building a castle in Minecraft. With over 3,000 snow blocks and countless other materials, the challenge was set. The Castle Construction Utilizing a layer-by-layer building style, ShadowClawMCYT began constructing the castle walls and towers. The meticulous process led to the creation of a grand structure that stood out in the Minecraft world. The Manor and Details The main Manor within the castle featured intricate details, from mud brick gradients to oak planks and stripped oak logs. Each… Read More

  • Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival

    Endless Rails in Minecraft Survival Explorando Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Survival O mundo de Minecraft está repleto de segredos e truques, e um dos mais interessantes é a possibilidade de ter trilhos infinitos no seu modo de sobrevivência. Com um simples bug antigo do jogo, você pode criar uma máquina que produzirá trilhos de forma ilimitada. Vamos explorar como isso é feito e como você pode aproveitar essa funcionalidade única. Como Ter Trilhos Infinitos no Minecraft Para começar, você precisará de alguns materiais básicos: pedregulho (ou outro bloco de sua escolha), um pistão grudento, blocos de slime, um observador, uma alavanca e blocos de… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “This ain’t Minecraft, suckers!”

    Minecraft Memes - "This ain't Minecraft, suckers!"Well, I guess this meme must be playing a different game on its own score board! Read More

  • Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial

    Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build modern houses, no need for chains. With walls and windows, and farms to tend, Every detail crafted, every moment we spend. From building walls to training our skills, We’ll make mistakes, but we pay the bills. Subscribe to our channel, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re wild and free. Join us on Instagram, and on YouTube too, For more Minecraft fun, just for you. We build, we train, we make mistakes, But in the end, our creations are great. So leap into the verse,… Read More

  • “Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!” 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme

    "Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!" 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme When you accidentally walk through the wrong nether portal and end up in a world made entirely of diamond ore… talk about a first world problem! #minecraft #shorts #meme Read More

  • 7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base

    7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base The Adventures of Minecraft – 7 Days of Survival: Building, Modifying, and Protecting My Base Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with Fabulas do Luar as they dive into the challenges of survival, building, modifying, and protecting their base. Join them as they explore the vast landscapes, encounter dangerous creatures, and unleash their creativity in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Strong Foundation From crafting tools to constructing shelters, Fabulas do Luar demonstrates the importance of building a strong foundation in Minecraft. Watch as they gather resources, mine for valuable materials, and create intricate structures… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax – Minecraft Circus Ep.2

    SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax - Minecraft Circus Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-02 20:00:11. It has garnered 6832 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:56 or 3716 seconds. RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure to watch… Read More

  • Terrifying Cloud Minecraft

    Terrifying Cloud MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But It’s Terrifying’, was uploaded by cloud on 2024-04-24 20:00:12. It has garnered 929 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:19 or 2539 seconds. 3 Players survive the Minecraft Mod Fear Nightfall for the first time and regret it. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/u4uptwqgPy Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQ6Ao2dJO5wPGnRGbk0oKg/join In the video titled “Minecraft’s Scariest Mod: Fear Nightfall,” players explore one of Minecraft’s most intense and terrifying mods. This 42-minute episode captures their journey through dark, suspense-filled environments amplified by the mod’s enhancements to the game’s horror… Read More

  • “Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher’s Love Story in Minecraft” #clickbait #myworld

    "Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher's Love Story in Minecraft" #clickbait #myworldVideo Information This video, titled ‘【逃离清华】87:老师为了爱情把车和房子都买了#minecraft #mc #我的世界’, was uploaded by 我的世界细狗 on 2024-06-04 10:30:30. It has garnered 11508 views and 419 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Hello everyone, I am a dog. I like my world. Hobbies: playing on the computer, pit teacher. Passive: automatically generate traps around. Update Minecraft game videos every day! Thank you for watching! Subscription link:https://goo.su/2QSMxoX Welcome everyone to subscribe to my channel! #MyWorld#Game#MC Read More

  • Shocking! People still play JoJo?!

    Shocking! People still play JoJo?!Video Information This video, titled ‘People still play this game?’, was uploaded by JoJo on 2024-04-28 14:00:42. It has garnered 2157 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:55 or 235 seconds. This video will review Minecraft and see how good it is. You already know… Please like, comment and subscribe. I love you :* #minecraft #games #gamereview #review #memes #funny #videogames 0:00 Intro 0:18 Review 3:37 Score Read More

  • Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Logic in a few seconds 😂 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Deiiic Shorts on 2024-04-25 14:30:04. It has garnered 11326 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ⭐️! Everything you want is here! ⭐️ 👉 My Graphic Designer and his networks: 👉Twitter: https://twitter.com/digmantbt 👉Discord: Digman#2622 👉Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnph… 👉Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/aratzx55/ 👉Twich : https://www.twitch.tv/deiiicmc 👉Twiiter : https://twitter.com/DeiiicHD 👉I find: https://trovo.live/Deiiic 👉YouNow : https://www.younow.com/Deiiic ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🚀 SERVERS WHERE I PLAY🚀 ►🔥 Play.Zonecraft.es ►🔥 mc.latinplay.es ► 🌝DI SCORD🌝 🔥 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/evJTnMnK ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PREGUNTAS QUE PROGRAMAS UTILIZO ETC ► 💥 🔥 OBS ►⚡️… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire’s Bride

    Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Challenger – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-04-23 22:00:02. It has garnered 4017 views and 433 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Never get too comfortable… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: https://discord.gg/csE3sZbQcx Check out Merch! – https://queen-kat-productions.creator-spring.com/ Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – https://twitter.com/Viiceroy_ Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/DemonUnderBeds Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/SleakRL Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/IngaPotejto Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/coraliacries Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/kiwi_artz Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/edenfinity Damien (Thumbnail Artist)… Read More

  • Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVE

    Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m a bit blind for a Minecraft streamer’, was uploaded by PixlplutoLIVE on 2024-03-17 00:08:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I can’t believe it takes me so long to actually see something right in front of me go watch the full vod up on my channel now! Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft TikTok Hack Goes Viral! 🤯🎮 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming

    🔥Minecraft TikTok Hack Goes Viral! 🤯🎮 #shorts #Minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Viral Tiktok Hack 😯🤯 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming #viral #tiktokvideo #PD_Devil’, was uploaded by 𝐏𝐃 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 on 2024-05-31 18:29:53. It has garnered 434 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Viral Tiktok Hack 😯🤯 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming #viral #tiktokvideo #PD_Devil #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered_insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#yout minecraft shorts skibidi toilet techno gamerz dream herobrine roblox dafuq boom minecraft shorts jj and mikey poppy playtime chapter 3 mikey and jj gamerfleet anshu bisht chipi chipi chapa chapa minecraft house minecraft water logic proboiz 95 minecraft video jj and mikey minecraft minecraft videos minecraft… Read More

  • Tamil MLG Stunt in Chipi Chipi – Viral Minecraft Shorts!

    Tamil MLG Stunt in Chipi Chipi - Viral Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi mlg #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #mlg #chipichipi #stunt’, was uploaded by NCG-Tamil on 2024-04-23 04:01:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Chipi Chipi mlg #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #mlg #chipichipi #stunt A New mlg is here Important :- —————– ☀This is … Read More

  • SbeveMC

    SbeveMCSbeveMC is our SMP server. We have a shop system different from other servers and we really try to have our players grind. Our server recently died due to an admin who was abusing we had to remove that admin and here we are attempting to grow again!!! Have fun!!! Bedrock Port is 19998 sbevemc.apexmc.co Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels: Click here Online Map Check out our in-game map online: Click here Features Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Bedrock and Java cross-play (no Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, and player teleportation commands Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server shops, public market,… Read More

  • EndersCraft

    EndersCraftEndersCraft it’s a server survival y FFA netherite which features purchasable ranks with the same in-game currency and several ways to have fun.There are ranges like: Endermite, Shulker y EndermanEnglish:EndersCraft is a Spanish Minecraft server that comes from Mexico. Its a custom survival server with homes, shops, jobs, ranks and a lot more. Best of all, EndersCraft is not one of those pay-2-win servers! Add it to your list and come explore this beautiful Spanish Minecraft server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 30+ Hours of Pain and Sweat for this 💀

    Minecraft Memes - 30+ Hours of Pain and Sweat for this 💀I hope your boss doesn’t find out you spent 30+ hours building something in Minecraft instead of working…unless your job is being a professional Minecraft builder, in which case, carry on! Read More

  • Rare Spawn: Minecraft’s Mob Mystery

    Rare Spawn: Minecraft's Mob Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, There’s one that’s rare, a sight to see. The Ender Dragon, fierce and strong, In the End, where it belongs. Players quest to find this beast, To challenge it, to say the least. With swords and armor, they prepare, For a battle that’s beyond compare. So if you seek a challenge grand, Go find the Ender Dragon in its land. But be warned, it’s no easy feat, Defeating it will be quite a treat. So gather your friends, gear up with care, And face the Ender Dragon if you dare…. Read More

  • “Surviving Minecraft: Dodging Traps Like a Pro” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Minecraft: Dodging Traps Like a Pro" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Trying to avoid traps in Minecraft is like trying to avoid responsibilities in real life – you think you’ve got it all figured out, but then BAM, you fall right into a pit of lava.” Read More

  • Meowtastic Mobs: Custom NPC’s in Minecraft

    Meowtastic Mobs: Custom NPC's in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring Custom NPC’s Mobs As Minecraft players continue to explore the vast possibilities of the game, custom mods have become a popular way to enhance gameplay. In this article, we take a closer look at some of the custom NPC’s mobs used in videos, adding a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Mods to Enhance Your Minecraft Experience One of the standout mods is the Guard Villagers by “almightytallestred.” This mod introduces vigilant villagers who are ready to protect their homes from any threats. With this addition, players can enjoy a more dynamic and engaging village… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Minecraft Crazy Build Hack… #105 Description: 🌟 Ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, this video is packed with game-changing build hacks that will blow your mind! 💡🔨 In this in-depth tutorial, we’ll guide you through a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, these hacks will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Like, Share, Subscribe… Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Are… Read More


    SHOCKING MINECRAFT UPDATE REVEALED in Hindi!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Update In Hindi | What Would Be The Next Update Of #minecraft #shorts #update’, was uploaded by TRG__boi on 2024-06-01 21:23:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft 1.21 Update In Hindi | What Would Be The Next Update Of #minecraft #shorts #update •First Youtuber To Show … Read More

  • Nightmare Minecraft Party

    Nightmare Minecraft PartyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Terrifying Party You’ll Never Forget #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 01:00:14. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Gameplay- Itslpsn Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More


    🔥 EPIC WAR PREP! CRXSSGAMING MINECRAFT ANARCHY S1-E2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy S1-E2 WAR PREPARATION’, was uploaded by CrxssedGaming on 2024-05-07 22:13:13. It has garnered 106 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:40 or 280 seconds. In this video I’m doing Minecraft anarchy, and this is season 1 episode/part 2 if you don’t know an anarchy server basically means no rules except for a few we have created. In this episode I am getting prepared for war that will be happening next episode! Minecraft Server Rules 1. No Combat logs 2. No hacks 3. Must give cords to player when asked… Read More

  • Epic Transformation of Minecraft Village – Little Dude!

    Epic Transformation of Minecraft Village - Little Dude!Video Information This video, titled ‘Transforming a Minecraft Village’, was uploaded by Little Dude on 2024-05-13 14:00:23. It has garnered 310 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. #minecraft #transformation #trending #foryou This is my attempt at making a village for the bamboo biome in Minecraft. Read More

  • Mind-blowing ceviche recipe will change your life!!!

    Mind-blowing ceviche recipe will change your life!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW FLORUS | POR – LDC – XNX |’, was uploaded by ceviche on 2024-05-20 03:27:48. It has garnered 495 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:19 or 259 seconds. zzzz CW⛔TAGS IGNORAR ❗⛔❌ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY… Read More

  • Unveiling Mystery of Witch Carnelian – Kadacraft 6!

    Unveiling Mystery of Witch Carnelian - Kadacraft 6!Video Information This video, titled ‘KADACRAFT 6 – KADAWITCHCRAFT SCHOOL UPDATE’, was uploaded by WITCH CARNELIAN on 2024-04-10 15:40:17. It has garnered 1326 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:06 or 12906 seconds. SUBSCRIBE! #witchcarnelian #kadacraft #kadacraft6 #minecraft #philippines #tagalog Read More


    INDIAN TEKEN GAMER CRUSHES MINECRAFT with 200 IQ! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT 🤯’, was uploaded by Teken Gamer on 2024-03-18 10:30:03. It has garnered 1230 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:14 or 254 seconds. INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT 🤯 INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ INDIAN GAMERS INDIAN GAMERS REACT INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ MOMENTS BEST 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT INDIAN GAMERS BEST 200 IQ MOMENTS IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT VIDEO MINECRAFT VIDES MINECRAFT 200 IQ VIDEO INDIAN GAMERS BEST 200 MINECRAFT 200 MINECRAFT BEST VIDEO MINECRAFT INDIAN GAMERS 200 IQ #minecraft #youtubevideo #minecraftvideo #gaming… Read More

  • Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱

    Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Encounter 💀#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by White_official on 2024-05-28 16:01:05. It has garnered 10508 views and 359 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. herobrine,helping herobrine,herobrine encounter,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,minecraft traps,herobrine mod survival,herobrine trap,herobrine survival series,revenge from herobrine,herobrine hardcore survival,cursed herobrine,herobrine minecraft trap,#herobrine,herobrine mod,herobrine ,lava herobrine,noob vs pro vs herobrine hidden trap,herobrine horror game, vs,sawed herobrine,herobrine story,herobrine clock man, clockman, true story bro, titan clockman, jack bhaiya dance on gamerfleet song, triggered insaan, jack bhaiya degree, speakerman,speaker man, true storiestuffeRELATE titan speakerman, jack bhaiya dance, jack bhaiya doctor, huge stuffed pink… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream – You won’t believe what happens!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE-Minecraft N Chillin’, was uploaded by Zapzzz on 2024-06-04 01:39:45. It has garnered 2811 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:03 or 14343 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD-https://discord.gg/jDKwNQkN Twitch-https://www.twitch.tv/himothyzapz Read More

I CHEATED with //DRAW in RAINBOW FRIENDS Build Challenge (Minecraft)