I Cheated with //EVOLVE in a Build Battle…

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Today I’m in a build battle against my friends but what they don’t know is that I’m secretly cheating with slash slash evolve which will let me customize and upgrade any builds in the game and the first run is Pokemon go go Pokemon let’s do it you are you already cheating bro

Yo there’s a hole here you go and go back to yourself I’m not cheating right they’re calling each other out for cheating right now but little do they know that it’s really me that’s cheating right now and yes we are cheating with box mmm it’s lemon scented but this is the

Slash slash evolve box and if we go ahead and put it down we get two items we have the bottle Blaster and we also have the advanced brewing stand okay I really hope no one notices but we’re gonna make a little secret room back here and boom we have the Brewing

Microwave 9000 yo so let’s peeking on my side right now what is he doing yo you can’t just keep peeking are you all right no no you need a facial you have to make your Pokemon sound right now me me what oh Snorlax I don’t think he saw us but like I was

Saying we had the brewing stand right here and the way it works is you can evolve anything on the right side but then on the left you could devolve anything so you guys already know we’re definitely gonna be devolving someone’s build today we use our bottle Blaster

And we can literally shoot any build in the game put it into a bottle so if I wanted to I could steal that build and then evolve it with the brewing stand or for bionics build I would I would probably default it but it is Pokemon I

Low-key feel like we have to go with Pikachu okay I feel like he’s got like little bunny feet like that I feel like Pikachu doesn’t really have a head I feel like it just kind of goes like right into his body he’s like a big chicken nugget so we should be able to

Just kind of do this and oh my okay that does not look like Pikachu we made cheese man what have I done okay he needs ears he needs ears so all we have to do is take our bottle Blaster boom and oh my gosh the build is gone and

It’s in a bottle okay that’s perfect this is my build right here wait Izzy’s right behind me I’m gonna act like I don’t notice I really hope he didn’t see me just turn Pikachu into a diet soda but it’s okay Pikachu We’re not gonna drink you we’re just gonna take you into

My little hobo lab down here and then I’m gonna put a fire charge because I want to make fire Pikachu I have no idea if that’s gonna be possible but a fire Pikachu would be so sick and oh my gosh wait it’s it’s actually working oh they

Just saw and chapped on a brewing okay no one’s looking I think we’re good uh just making night vision okay hopefully they buy that and wait it’s done brewing and oh wait it’s like part orange now wait why did Skizzy just get local Brewery no you know what I’m gonna

Investigate bro wait there’s a hole over there what is he doing okay who cares Oh my God wait what he broke the Bedrock go go go go go hey who’s trolling okay someone literally just blew me up okay I’m gonna mute my mic hopefully they didn’t see my brewing stand Izzy’s making a tree nice nice Pokemon Izzy oh yeah it was definitely this guy right

Here and why why is he making a giant turd he didn’t say anything so I don’t think he saw the brewing stand but you guys already know we gotta go invis we gotta mess with this guy okay he’s got a turd right there so we’re just gonna

Make his Pokemon ball a turd as well what yo man okay we gotta go okay so I have her upgraded potion loaded into the gun and boom oh oh my gosh wait this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen so when we added the fire charge instead of

Changing Pikachu into a fire Pokemon it just put a Charizard onesie on him are you serious okay I really do like this build a lot but what if we went for more like a Charizard build like I’m so sorry Pikachu I I love you but I want to make

This Charizard capture it and then upgrade Charizard like what what would even happen I feel like his nostrils are a little too big there we go and I definitely think we could fix his eyeballs let’s go ahead and bottle him up oh it’s orange now it tastes like

Orange juice with pulp okay this time I think we’re just gonna go way up into the sky all right using some world edit we now have a platform and okay let’s try to upgrade this again I actually have the sickest idea right now so what if we try changing Charizard to like

Blue fire Charizard because he’s normally orange so let’s do Soul campfire it’s actually working I have no idea what’s gonna happen and oh it’s actually blue now okay we’re just gonna fall from the sky hopefully no one notices what is that it just looks like some glass okay I don’t know why everyone

Always just makes Izzy’s builds pink so I’m gonna do the same thing wait hold on is there actually anything inside of here paste oh my God oh my God oh my God this is so good hey three two one boom oh oh my gosh yo this is insane wait this is

Actually I’m I’m gonna win this I’m actually gonna win this build battle and yo bro did not skip toenail day oh my and he’s got like the blue flamed tail dude this is so sick okay I feel like the only thing I could add to him is

Like maybe some like spikes on his back oh and yo we could use drip Stone oh wait I just noticed that there’s like already some spikes on his shoulders right here and wait they have like fire on them okay maybe we should add some fire to his like back spikes there you

Go Mr Dragon you have flaming back spikes now you’re welcome oh my gosh okay there’s only three minutes left I low-key feel like we could steal this like glass effect and this effect looks so cool I can’t lie his build actually might beat mine and I cheated okay that

Says a lot okay we’re gonna do this that takes away all the glass oh wait there he is there he is okay okay we gotta go we gotta go okay and then we’re gonna paste it oh okay his build just took a dookie on my side okay I changed the

Settings so hopefully there’s no poop this time oh oh my okay that looks insane he’s Spitting Fire okay that is way too cool but we gotta clean the poop off your nose body stop eating poop and oh my gosh that’s perfect time is now off all right guys follow me over here

Don’t look too much why is he dead he’s sleeping to his left toe he was sleeping came by and just took a bite out of it why is there a tree growing through his forehead he’s fun all right he’s just taking a little nap now for the troll I

Planted uh oh is he full does he have like a full stomach should we should we check yeah I mean he’s got a pretty big oh I pressed the button no Snorlax no he was actually so thick that it didn’t do that much damage I can’t lie oh he’s

Dead I just think you need to feed him he’s gone hungry I actually do like this build a lot I think he’s really cute I actually give this a 9 out of 10. I’ll give him like a 6.5 all right guys make your way through the wall over here the one that

Separates the good build from the Batman so listen listen this is my Pokeball and it’s about to freaking catch this Diglett is there anything like inside of him oh what I didn’t think there would be a brain in here dude there’s like a whole like skeleton in here and

Everything yeah you guys thought he was all mud and Squishy but he’s not squishy so there’s something inside of him but is there anything inside the Pokeball okay there’s just a turd in here I give this a uh an eight out of ten what how was mine worst

Wait he just said that his is better than yours is he so just keep that in mind before you vote that’s all I’m saying oh my God this is actually rigged I’m gonna give it like a 6.5 out of 10. you guys I hate you guys all right guys

Let me show you what a real Pokemon looks like yeah what wait this is actually really good how did you even make this no I can’t lie this was actually really hard to make I used a lot of world edit yeah okay bud I just

Muted my mic and he’s so sauce right now hey yo what is this missing block no skeleton or brain you think I had time to put effort into the inside look how beautiful the outside is whoa wait what what wait what just hello what what this is what I think about your stupid

Charizard I don’t think it’s as bad as you know pooping on it but I was gonna give you a 10 squeezy but since you’re attacking my build over here then I’m gonna give you a 9.5 almost perfect yeah let’s go babe yeah I’m not gonna lie the

Building is really good like I’m a little sense about it on how you built it but I’ll give it like an eight all right and the next round is superheroes whoa go go go go go go so we all know my favorite superhero is is Batman is the best so I’m gonna build

Batman okay I definitely want to steal someone’s build this round and devolve it I don’t know who’s built to steal so while they’re making their builds right now I think we could go ahead and start on our build and I think we’re gonna go for Spider-Man I think it’s gonna be

Like way too hard to do like a full body Spider-Man I might just try to go for like his chest and up okay we’re gonna make like the little spider on his chest there we go okay I know it looks like he has a really wide head right now but

It’s gonna look a lot better once we do the eyeballs oh my why does it literally look like the ooVoo face I really can’t say that’s my best work but it doesn’t matter because we now have him as a bottle and oh wait this bottle looks

Kind of sick all right we just need to go invis and I don’t think anyone has seen our Sky office so far which is really good so we’re gonna put the Spider-Man juice right there and I think I’m gonna try using black concrete so we get like a Venom looking Spiderman oh my

Gosh okay yeah we need to try this one out for sure all right we got it loaded up into the gun oh my gosh wait this is not Venom guys we accidentally just made miles bro this looks so sick right now I cannot believe we just made this but I

Low-key want to upgrade it one more time I’m so sorry miles but we gotta put you back in the bottle hello Mr brewing stand more black concrete oh that looks sick okay let’s see what this one does all right three two one okay wait did it

Do it hey yo why his head built like that okay I can’t lie this looks really good I mean Loki does look like a coconut just bonked him on the head but other than that he’s even got like the tentacle squiggly things coming out of his back he’s got the giant tongue and

Weight is that miles is in there it looks like miles is like being overtaken by Venom I’m definitely gonna win this this is so sick I can’t lie I feel like we just need to make this a little bit smaller because I mean they’re already

Sauce of me as it is and this is a really big build because guys if they find out that I’m cheating the video is over I literally get banned I feel like we just gotta shrink his deltoids a little bit bro he’s been working out too

Much yeah okay we need to shrink his back a little bit too and I think I’m even gonna leave like his coconut head to just make it look a little worse and then we could even use the world at a brush to make like more back squigglies

It’s like just good enough that someone could build this and the miles in his mouth is just a perfect cherry on top but we need to see what is everyone else doing okay it looks like bionic is building Batman on top of Wayne Enterprises but wait what the heck is

That okay we’re going invis okay hopefully he doesn’t see me but like bro what happened to this Superman what happened to his foot but more importantly what is going on back here oh nah Izzy bro I don’t know if I can allow this guys okay I’m gonna go down

To his like super ugly cursed feet because I think the potion bottle is gonna fall down on the floor so I have to be the first one to get it and boom bro my build what oh my gosh oh my gosh where is it where is it where’s the

Bottle where there it is oh is that a potion what no come back bro oh we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go bro no no no this is bad this is bad okay guys we just need to act like we were building that was actually so close

It was Skizzy bro give me back my build bro I didn’t do anything to your build low-key Loki I definitely saw uh bionic go to your side you know there’s no way he believes me there is no way he believes me okay we have to go invis again because we gotta

Go up to the sky base to upgrade this thing oh my look at him running bionic right now all right you guys already know we’re just gonna go with brown concrete and we’re gonna see what it turns to Superman into ew oh what is this okay I made like a brown

Poo poo potion and boom Oh no dude oh my gosh it actually it actually made poop there’s literally a pee guys we went from Superman to pooper man poop man bro oh my God my Builder actually just got turned into poop man all right gentlemen follow me follow me

Uh I’m gonna have to see your passes because you’re entering Gotham baby what no way yeah we got cute Batman oh God he’s got the light like coming out of the bro and this is so detailed too the beacon no way wait hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where’s this cake man

Chill how does he jump off listen he’s cute Batman he takes no fall damage idiot he’s like squishy I actually think this is one of your best builds I have to give it to you bunk this is a 10 out of 10 from me no 10. I’m gonna give it

An 8.5 out of 10 because I wish there was more detail all right more detail yeah all right let’s see here super detailed build bro somebody stole my Superman that was like 50 feet tall and put this stupid thing oh wait so you didn’t build this I was

Gonna say this is actually probably the best poop of like my life like I’ve ever seen since you didn’t build it you’re saying that you cheated this in I did technically build it I added a bunch of stuff out of the cape this is gonna be a

Five out of ten I’m giving a two out of ten because you said you didn’t build it all right guys let me show you what a real superhero looks like he’s a villain actually yeah he is a villain but if you look inside his mouth it may look like

Venom but this is actually miles this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen but it’s a little sauce and I’m not gonna lie you said superhero you think if I pasted this in he would have a coconut head and if you guys come here

And you look closely you can even see the world at it you’re showing us your errors interesting point deducted to show you that this is legit it’s not even a superhero so I’m gonna give it like a 5 out of 10. listen I’m gonna

Give you an 8.5 out of 10. and the next build is oh I got it it’s food I mean pet what’s the difference whoa okay so I was thinking for this round we always build something to start with but what if we just find like a mob oh like maybe

A creeper okay I have no idea if this is gonna work but we’re gonna put a bottle and then normally we would put like a bottle with like our building but oh my gosh wait it’s actually Brewing the microwave is powering up we now have

Creeper juice okay so I assume oh oh my gosh wait oh I spawned inside of it yes wait it actually worked it literally made a creeper yo okay this is the best pet ever okay let’s go ahead and grab his bottle I’m thinking that we could

Add another mob to the creeper wait why are they teaming up yo they broke the wall okay I don’t know what is going on down there wait what are they trying to build what are they doing okay so I put the creeper back into the microwave thing

And I’m thinking like we could add like probably just some other mob to make like some sort of combination oh what if we do the warden okay we’re just gonna add the warden spawn egg oh my it’s actually working guys what is this gonna make oh my gosh yo this looks sick okay

Hopefully they don’t see me I don’t know what they’re making but it’s time to spawn in our creeper Warden oh okay wait where is it oh wait it’s right there what dude it’s absolutely beautiful he’s even got the little Warden horns and his eyes glow up but I think the best part

Is he even has this like Iron Man Chest light bulb thing that the warden normally has oh wait oh no oh no way dude he’s he’s filled with like blue TNT yo wait is his whole entire body filled with TNT okay I have no idea what this

TNT does it’s probably like super TNT if I had to guess we need to patch this up no one can see this whoa what was that lag okay I don’t know why there was lag I don’t know what they’re doing on their side of the map but I’m just gonna fly

Super far away we have no idea what this is gonna do but here we go oh my what it broke Bedrock it actually broke what the it even like shot TNT all the way out here dude okay this creeper is insane we need to what what is this hey what’s

Going on dude what why do you guys have a giant yo stop peeking bro stop peeking Woody I’m still on my side I’m not even why do you have a giant horse hold on I know I know what we need to do no Mickey the wall bigger isn’t Gonna Change and go ahead

Every somehow okay they’re actually just cheating oh wait they built the wall right next to my secret office okay okay I think we’re good I don’t think they noticed oh he’s actually kind of cute oh he’s a good boy who’s a handsome boy who’s a psych I’m actually gonna blow

This guy up with all of my TNT yeah this is our dog cheddar right Izzy yeah it took us a while to make but he’s a good boy he’s a very very good boy oh yeah yeah he took you guys a while to make yeah my head hurts from you know placing

All these blocks all these blocks yeah yeah oh wow what happened to Cheddar oh that is so ugly bruh no I’m not having this you guys cheated you guys have a demon cheese dog all right gentlemen let me introduce you to Warden creeper TNT wait stop and it’s literally enough to

Blow up the entire map what what did you do bro oh what is even server just what what no it even rated the stupid dog which means we win

This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //EVOLVE in a Build Battle…’, was uploaded by Skiddzie on 2023-07-22 05:45:12. It has garnered 591275 views and 4359 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:39 or 1059 seconds.

I Cheated with //BUILDER in a Build Battle… Who will win?? Watch until the end to find out!!

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    Welcome to our ATM9 Minecraft server, where adventure awaits at every turn! Dive into the ultimate modded experience with AllTheMods 9, where the possibilities are truly endless. Explore a vast array of mods curated to bring you unparalleled excitement and creativity. From futuristic tech advancements to magical realms of mystique, there’s something for every player to enjoy. Engage in thrilling quests, master intricate machinery, and unleash your imagination like never before. Join our community of passionate players and embark on an unforgettable journey filled with discovery and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned modded Minecraft veteran or a newcomer eager for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting with a twist”

    Just like my math test score in high school… not great, Bob. Read More

  • Crafting an Auto-Tub: Minecraft’s Wet Dream!

    Crafting an Auto-Tub: Minecraft's Wet Dream! In Minecraft, a bathtub automatic and neat, Step by step tutorial, a project complete. With Forge and shaders, the scene will be bright, Luxurious rooms, a true delight. Subscribe for more, suggestions are key, In this blocky world, creativity is free. English may falter, but the passion is clear, Minecraft tutorials, spreading joy near and dear. Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft’s cursed portals! #hotmeme

    Lost in Minecraft's cursed portals! #hotmeme These cursed portals are probably leading you straight to the Nether, where you’ll be greeted by a horde of angry pigmen and ghasts. Good luck getting out of that one! #minecraftproblems 😂🔥🐷 Read More

  • Crafty Watermill Wooden House

    Crafty Watermill Wooden House Minecraft: Building a Wooden House with a Simple Watermill Embark on a creative journey in the vast world of Minecraft where imagination knows no bounds. In the latest Java (PC) version 1.20.1, players can dive into the realm of construction and design to build a stunning 2-story wooden house complete with a large watermill. Let’s explore the key elements of this exciting project! Setting the Scene with BSL Shader v8.1.01 ago2 Enhance your visual experience with the BSL Shader v8.1.01 ago2, which adds depth and realism to your Minecraft world. The shader brings out the vibrant colors of the… Read More

  • Dino pranks friend by becoming SIRENHEAD in Minecraft!

    Dino pranks friend by becoming SIRENHEAD in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft as SIRENHEAD To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Dino on 2024-05-30 22:17:58. It has garnered 1312 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:32 or 12992 seconds. Today, I Morphed into SIREN HEAD and then I pranked my friend as a SIRENHEAD in Minecraft By Morphing Into a OP SIREN HEAD to Prank My Friend with this Minecraft mod! I Fooled my friend in Minecraft by I pretended to be TREVOR HENDERSON in Minecraft by becoming a Cartoon Cat Cartoon Dog Bones Worth Siren Head using the Morph Mod!… Read More

  • Chally07 Takes Loyalty SMP by Storm

    Chally07 Takes Loyalty SMP by StormVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE / MINECRAFT / LOYALTY SMP / SUB GOAL 1.1K-1.5K’, was uploaded by CHALLY07 on 2024-02-17 06:18:14. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:21 or 5181 seconds. Come and Hangout PSN: CHALLY07 Yo, WELCOME to the channel here you experience first hand what it sounds like when a British person speaks or occasionally rages, I play mostly campaigns and survival games like The Spider-Man series, GTA V and Minecraft, you might get to see the once in a lifetime fortnite stream if your lucky. Lol Socials: Tiktok-chally07… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Malayalam Gameplay by PRINS YT!

    INSANE Minecraft Malayalam Gameplay by PRINS YT!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT malayalam!!’, was uploaded by PRINS YT on 2024-05-02 04:09:09. It has garnered 287 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:15 or 5715 seconds. Ꮇ𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 Join Now.. 𝗕𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗧 𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛𝗬 __ 𝗕𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗠𝗔 𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛 __ [Java]ip in1.nexnodes.tech:25574[ʙᴇᴅʀᴏᴄᴋ ip in1.nexnodes.tech Port : 25574 BEAST ANARCHY DISCORD LINK Must join in discord DISCORD LINK https://discord.com/invite/WkBnGxCxvw Server owner →PRINS YT →MSLPRO Tags #minecraftmalayalam #minecraftanarchy #howtojoinserver #KGFANRCHY #beastanarchy #bishmaanarchy #malayaleescraft#minecraftmalayalam #minecraftmalayalam #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftanarchy #minecraftanarchyserver YOU’VE BEEN INVITED TO JOIN A SERVER BEAST MODE 🔫 55 Online 401 Members Joined Message @PRINS YT to select PRINS… Read More

  • Cheat code to build epic elevator in minutes!

    Cheat code to build epic elevator in minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build a WORKING Minecraft Elevator in Minutes! 🛠️’, was uploaded by ChristopherLor on 2024-04-22 14:04:54. It has garnered 114 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Ready to elevate your Minecraft experience? 🛠️ Discover how to build a WORKING Minecraft Elevator in just minutes! In this video, I’ll guide you step-by-step through crafting an efficient and operational elevator in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft newbie, this tutorial is packed with strategic plays and essential tips to enhance your gaming adventure. From gathering… Read More

  • Insane! Realistic Ender Dragon in Minecraft MOD!

    Insane! Realistic Ender Dragon in Minecraft MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Too Realistic Minecraft milk ( minecraft MOD )’, was uploaded by Epic Ender Dragon on 2024-02-28 16:02:16. It has garnered 13485 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Get ready to revolutionize your Minecraft experience with our new mod, “Too Realistic Minecraft milk”! This incredible mod adds fully realistic milk to the game, complete with the look, flow, and behavior of the real thing. Read More

  • Shoto185 – Battle DEMONS with GUNS!

    Shoto185 - Battle DEMONS with GUNS!Video Information This video, titled ‘FIGHTING DEMONS with GUNS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shoto185 on 2024-04-11 21:03:54. It has garnered 86 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:39 or 699 seconds. HUNTING DEMONS WAS NEVER THIS FUN 🟢Socials and my Music: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/7F9Z9seaGXxW4YxIvaevp9?si=3wYac1evQ32-t5HnBOkcRQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shoto185 Reaction Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzLZdKrfHu6jEPwVMQ5bPMg All my links Music, Merch etc: https://linktr.ee/Shoto185 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoto185 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shoto185a Discord server: https://discord.gg/BzTBhRme3Z FIGHTING DEMONS with GUNS in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftscary #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods shoto185,shoto185 live,cave dweller,Scary Minecraft,Cave dweller,scariest minecraft mod,100 Days Horror Modpack,Cave Horror Minecraft,dweller,creepy craft,scary minecraft,minecraft dweller,minecraft gun mods,minecraft gun mod,minecraft guns,minecraft demon,minecraft ghost,minecraft… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Pekora saves Kaela from Stronghold! | Vtuber Universe

    SHOCKING: Pekora saves Kaela from Stronghold! | Vtuber UniverseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pekora luckily found Kaela and stopped her finding the Stronghold【hololive JP】【Eng/JP Sub】’, was uploaded by Vtuber Universe on 2024-05-19 05:25:38. It has garnered 32007 views and 732 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:04 or 184 seconds. Source:[Minecraft]Hololive Hardcore Minecraft begins! Day 6 Peko![Hololive/Usada Pekora] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_fi3bf8znQ [Minecraft]#5 Wither runs, I come. Wither comes, I run. ok desu[#Holo server hardcore Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCAAktA5keo @usadapekora @KaelaKovalskia If you want to see more clips from me Please don’t forget to Like, subscribe, and turn on notification ________________________________ BGM: 魔王魂 https://maou.audio/ Sound Effects: https://soundeffect-lab.info/sound/anime/ Vspo! License number: 04737 Read More

  • INSANE Farsi Minecraft Hypixel gameplay #shorts

    INSANE Farsi Minecraft Hypixel gameplay #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘no comment #shorts #farsi #hypixel فارسی #ماینکرافت #ماینکرافت’, was uploaded by Samstrix on 2024-05-12 10:01:09. It has garnered 9831 views and 178 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #short #shorts #minecraft #iran #bedwars #persian #gaming #Persian #pvp #Persian #Minecraft #Minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE Baby Zombie Monsters School – Help Nuggets Win in Minecraft Rank 6974” #Shorts

    "INSANE Baby Zombie Monsters School - Help Nuggets Win in Minecraft Rank 6974" #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Gegagedigedagedago] Help Nuggets Win In Level Up Rank 6974 -Baby zombie #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Baby Zombie Monster School on 2024-03-28 11:00:27. It has garnered 75135 views and 2725 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. more video https://www.youtube.com/@babyzombiemonsterschool/videos #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #shorts #cameraman #nuggets #gegagedigedagedago Read More

  • Emerald Falls

    Emerald FallsLand Claim | Semi-Vanilla | In-Game Ranks | mcMMO | No Clutter | Custom Items | Cross-Platform | PvE Welcome to Emerald Falls! Despite launching in late 2023, our project leverages years of team experience to great effect. We’ve reimagined SMP servers, offering well-refined, well-balanced, and engaging gameplay free from unnecessary clutter. Join our welcoming community of skilled players who share your passion for authentic SMP adventures. Your forever Minecraft home awaits! play.emeraldfalls.net Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Hello, Deep Season SMP Server Join our community of active players striving to create a hermitcraft-like experience. Have fun together in a chill environment where you can unleash your creativity. The 1.20.6 server just launched with a fresh map! Server Details: Few vanilla tweaks datapacks Dungeons and Taverns datapack for cool structures Access to 1.21 features Proximity voice chat available Bluemap for web map viewing Important Rules: Minimum age: 17 years old Be kind, no bigotry No griefing, duping, or cheating (except TNT entities) Join us on Discord Explore our bluemap for more! Read More

  • MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!

    MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!Our CityBuild server is whitelisted and can be accessed through a real money purchase onthe website to keep trolls away from the server!Welcome to MeisterBuilder.net!This server was born out of an idea to start a project with the community of streamer HousemeisterHD. We have now tackled this and brought the MeisterBuilder server to life.The server runs on version 1.20.6 and is therefore very up to date.MeisterBuilder is an exciting Minecraft citybuild server that allows players to express their creativity and building skills in a virtual world full of possibilities. The server offers a variety of exciting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – We wait. 🔥

    The suspense is killing me, just like all those creepers outside my house in Minecraft. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts #viralshorts #trendingshorts Read More

  • 10 Forgotten Ancient Minecraft Modpacks

    10 Forgotten Ancient Minecraft Modpacks Exploring the Forgotten Gems of Minecraft Modpacks Minecraft modpacks have revolutionized the gaming experience, offering players a plethora of new content and challenges. While modern modpacks continue to dominate the scene, it’s essential to pay homage to the pioneers of the past. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and rediscover 10 ancient Minecraft modpacks that you may have forgotten about. 1. Technic The Technic modpack was a game-changer in the Minecraft community, offering a vast collection of mods and plugins in one convenient package. Players could easily customize their gameplay experience and explore new dimensions with ease. 2…. Read More

I Cheated with //EVOLVE in a Build Battle…