I CHEATED with //PASTE in NABNAB Build Challenge (Minecraft)

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Today we’re doing a nap nap building competition wait what was that sound oh my gosh crazy pays it a massive NAB nap she’s cheating wow Jameson can ever win okay you know what if Grace is going to cheat I’m gonna do the same but even better and there we go I’ve tasted in a much better nap not build and me Gracie can be filling our nap naps with traps to prank each other

Uh because I found Gracie cheating I’m gonna morph into a cat to troll her so let me just break down this wall and sneak onto her side okay grace is right there let’s hope she doesn’t notice that I’m a cat this Spike melt will definitely stop Jamesy from passing but

I gotta hurry up I only have 14 minutes oh a kitty cat oh she’s noticed me guys at like a cat cute oh I just want to give you a hug okay guys this is great she thinks I’m a real cat but now I can prank her okay

What if I just pushed her into her own moat hopefully she won’t realize it’s me and boy oh hey it’s that cat again are you the one who pushed me into the mode uh I don’t know what she’s expecting guys cats can’t talk and she can’t hear me right

Now either wait let me meow okay you know what it’s time to start trolling the inside of her base oh guys she’s totally looking for me now that’s fine I’m Gonna Keep trolling her wait what is this oh my gosh it’s a lava moat with some fence parkour and lasers

These do tons of damage I need to be careful not to get hit by any of them okay I’m just gonna disable these lasers by replacing the redstone blocks with red wool that way they’re not powered and they don’t work and then for this lava well I’m just gonna replace it with

Water and hopefully she won’t notice all the way across and that should be perfect and there we go this trap is now gonna be a lot easier which means I can win this video all right and then huh it’s that he’s ruined my truck I’m gonna run I’m gonna run I’m

Gonna run oh where can I go where can I go okay let me go into this side of nap now perfect whoa guys look at all this pink wall if oh to pranker I’m gonna change all this big into orange and there we go it’s all been changed this is perfect wait guys

My morph ran out oh that means wait a second are you the cat that has been trolling my build yeah Grace you found me I’m sorry James campus you haven’t even started your build yet and we only have 13 minutes left oh I’ll get started I’ll get started on my build

Okay bye bye Grace is right I gotta start with my traps but the foot marking over here so Gracie knows this is the entrance uh then I’ll make a little barrier path a little bit up to the center and now that I’m tall enough I’ll put one of these fans

And what she makes into my NAB NAB I’m gonna have a super duper traps to kill her starting with these fans I wish I could blow her up here and then she’s gonna get blown by these fans and then she’s gonna fall into this Spike trap

Look let me show you how it works she walks here gets blown up she’s gonna die perfect but I do actually need to make it possible so how is she gonna get over hmm oh I know I use this secret button over here which if she presses we’ll

Cover up the fans stopping them from working but she has to find it first okay for the next trap I’m gonna put some of these walls right here and then I’m gonna place down three different chests and in each one I’m gonna put some different armor so we’ll have some

Of this Ruby armor and a ruby sword which is a bit like diamond ah then in this chest I’m gonna put some as dragon scale armor and this luminescent sword which is way more powerful and this last chest I’m gonna put by far the worst armor which is gold and I’ll color code

These using these blocks so she gets to pick which chest she wants based on the color of the block I have a feeling she’s gonna pick this one though but what she chooses she’s gonna have to find this secret door we’re just gonna lead it to the next room okay let me

Build this next trap wait what was that sound hang on inside like it’s outside my base let me go look wait what Gracie never mind this isn’t where I build in my base all right let me go okay let me go back to do my traps wait why isn’t these fans

Working they’re supposed to blow Gracie into these spikes and what is this cockroach doing here hang on a second these fans are fake okay let me replace them and there we go the Trap is now working but what are these signs NAB NAB more like Bam Bam your NAB NAB is not as

Good as my oh my gosh crazy was definitely here I did all these pranks while I was distracted oh no no let me just draw these Gracie’s is not better okay well that one’s true whatever why is it more cockroach come from oh the Cockroaches are

Breeding in my base no no no what else is you check these chests yeah wait that’s a god Soul she’s put obese all this chest oh Gracie okay let me get rid of all these cockroaches they’re so annoying yes there we go there’s more coming from everywhere stop it why is

This one not dying why wait what’s Gracie is that you let’s put it blocked it’s flying Gracie demorph right now oh my gosh you’re demorphing it was you wasn’t it ah yeah it was juicy I’m so sorry we only have eight minutes of building left go back to your side I

Don’t have time for your silly little pranks get out of here okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I promise okay guys I need to do more traps I need to win this build a competition Christy still doesn’t know that I know she cheated oh whatever okay in this room I’m gonna

Place the Redstone Golem which she’s gonna have to kill using the loot she got from these chests that should be too easy though because these guys are super op okay and once she kills this Redstone Golem she’s gonna have to get through this keypad door which is no easy feat

Because it has a super secure password which in this case is 777. so where could I hide this password hmm oh hello and I’m gonna put it all the way up here it’s on the roof so the only way that she can be able to see it is if she

Zooms in and gets her binoculars out okay this next trap I’m Gonna Fill the floor with these bone blocks and it just looks like a normal floor decoration it looks kind of cool right guys but I’m gonna get crazy a challenge in this room I’m gonna challenge her to try and get

10 dogs in this room she’s gonna have no idea how to do that but she’s gonna have to figure out that she’s need to mine up this bone blocks and craft it into bones so I’m also gonna have to hide a crafting table somewhere and I’ll just

Make that up here in the roof and I’m also gonna have to hide a pickaxe and I’ll hide that just above the door because no one ever checks above the door all right there we go and when she does that I’ll let her know where this

Hidden button is which is good TP here to the next trap okay this next trap I’m gonna make Gracie use some slime so I’m gonna place down this little sticky bastard and a slime block on top and then finally a hidden wooden button oh she’s gonna have to use this to bounce

Over this wall uh just like this and then she can come down here and do the next one except this time there’s not gonna be a wall here but instead of barrier wall perfect uh but this time I’m actually just gonna make this all a lie and it’s actually here just to kill

Her when she presses the button this time it’s actually gonna summon a creeper to kill her and the real exit will just be hidden somewhere oh put some ghost blocks over here and then she can walk through this to get to the next room okay but before I build that next

Room I’m gonna go back to Gracie’s side and prank her to get revenge and instead of morphing this time I’m just gonna go invisible because that seems a little bit more safe whoa look at her NAB nap he’s looking so crazy first things first I only replace all this blue concrete

With green concrete and now This is so funny there’s no way she wins to build a competition now this doesn’t look like NAB NAB it looks like jumbo Josh Jamesy must be around here somewhere I need to find him right now oh guys she’s looking for me okay I just

Do a few more trolls before she finds me let me just break in over here oh was this room oh my gosh I’ve got to do target practice what if I just move the targets a lot closer to the line over there it’ll be pretty tricky but now

I’ve made them way closer there’s no way I could miss okay that’s so much better amazing whoa guys look at this Lava Moat Gracie’s gonna definitely try and make me cross this wait a second I have an idea I’m gonna make a secret little pathway over here using these rails to

Cross over this way I don’t even need to do the park or whatever this trap is instead I can just run over this amazing okay what should I throw next oh I just did a little fist why is it the turtles wait she figured it out oh

No she’s gonna fix it now they’re supposed to oh she made it easier never mind I still have a few more pranks oh James James here where where oh no guys she’s totally looking for me oh my gosh guys look at all these spikes they’re gonna try and kill me

Okay I’m just gonna remove them all they are seeing way too dangerous let me just remove all these little spiky waikies this should make this way more easy where did These Bars come from wait she found my bars no this makes me so easy for Jamesy to get across the lava no no

No dang it wait and the spikes are spikes are green are gone as well and it’s supposed to be blue wait what she found it no no no I’m gonna break it and sushi places don’t do once yeah yeah wait I suppose am I lagging she’s just lagging guys I promise no

No my visibility just ran out no no no no get up of here Jamesy we’ve only got four minutes left okay fine I’ll go back to building okay in the next trap of my base I’m gonna make Gracie fight this mutant zombie because these guys literally resurrect every time you

Killed them they’re super IP but to get out of this room Gracie’s gonna have to open this chest which is past were protected and the password is gonna be one two three four because you know I’m not very good at coming up with passwords and to give her a clue for

This password I’m gonna make her do some math so over here I’m gonna have five to five by five six minus four which is two nine divided by three which is three and two times two for four hopefully she can do this map to get open this chest and

Then over here I’m gonna put down this reinforced door and this key card reader and I’m gonna link this level one key card with this which means that if she has his key guards she can go through the store and then finally I’m gonna put this key card in this chest meaning if

She solves the math she can go through okay for the next room I’m gonna put chest over here and put a bow and some arrows in it and then all the way over here I’m gonna put some Target box that Gracie would have to shoot I’m gonna put

Absolute ton of them there we go these bad boys are so far away she’s gonna take so long to hit them most of these command blocks are actually just gonna spawn mobs on her to attack her and maybe even knock her down there so that

Was just for a zombie this was good for a skeleton this one’s even gonna spawn a creeper etc etc but this target block over here is gonna give her something useful it’s gonna give her a water bucket and she’s going and clutch right here if she jumps all

The way down here and survives then she’s completed my NAB NAB build and because we’ve run out of time I’m now gonna go to her side oh Gracie the time’s up are you ready I’m ready well where are you I don’t see you anywhere Gracie why are you making sheep noises

Wait look are you a sheep I knew you smelled funny okay come back into Gracie form please okay I’m coming so look at my build what do you think whoa it’s crazy it’s almost like you pasted this thing in right huh no reason Gracie no reason that’s weird um well obviously I never

Even then right guys guys she doesn’t know that I know she cheated I’ll tell her at the end of the video though don’t worry come over here okay how do I get inside of your NAB NAB well obviously I put maximum security and there’s a lot of emotes whoa a spike

Mode oh yeah there’s nowhere around this moat of spikes that’s like 12 blocks wide maybe I’ll check around the back that’s why I’ve made a secret Bridge oh really but where is this secret Bridge Gracie well you kind of just ran past it ah let me see if I can see it wait

Gracie I think I see some blocks through these spikes but how are you gonna get there there’s a spike blocking you uh yeah I just jumped over it then not that’s all so good at jumping I’m gonna navigate over this bridge and try not to fall off

What if I pushed you right now uh that would be extremely rude please don’t do that okay fine I don’t know wait is this the engine is your base yep it sure is no way okay this is awesome I’m gonna try and jump over this lasers and not get damaged

Careful if you get hit might fall into the lava wait I remember I pranked this trap you fixed it I put the lasers and the lava back oh okay I’m gonna jump I got hit by the laser but I just about survived that’s good that’s good all

Right Gracie I’m gonna make the next jump now you ready yep I’m ready oh wait I actually did it just one more jump okay last one ah there we go I was hoping you would fall into this hole I made oh you’re so rude okay where’s the entrance to the next room I

Can’t tell remember guys Whoever has the best outside and traps of wins so I’m really hoping I can complete all these traps wait Gracie what is this am I inside a block right now oh you’re inside a barrier block that’s weird no no no this is an invisible ladder no way

Oh so smart James wait there’s a chest let me just get this on the way up huh some Jewel what even is that I don’t know I don’t know but it’s some armor at least yeah and it gives me speed that’s awesome I like it because

Okay yeah it is pink I would prefer the orange armor personally nope you’re not allowed because orange is ugly what do you mean my chest plate and Hell mail orange well don’t think so okay Gracie what is this is this a maze or something wait yeah

I mean okay I need to go around ouchy ouchie ouchy wait what I fell for the Trap no no no no you should have been more careful Jamesy well I went to get past the century tour I fell through a hole Yeah uh where is it oh it’s right

Here maybe I can jump over well what if it’s two blocks wide I’m just gonna make a big boy jump I know they’re just shooting and there’s another one here as well yeah and there’s also a hole here I see this I’m gonna make a big jump

Yeah wait no I got shot by two on the middle of my job Dave obviously go first come on hurry up am I safe over here yes you’re safe now let’s go I’m awesome where do I go now well you can come up over here

Look okay I’m coming up oh my gosh it’s a lava moat are you destroyed my rails no no no no okay okay so now wow look around there’s something nearby that can help you get across this lava mode I’m looking maybe it’s up here or maybe it’s over here no

That’s just a hold of the spikes I don’t want to fall through that hmm there must be something wait Gracie did you just say are you hacking I just accidentally jumped through the corner of this room meaning it’s fake you placed invisible blocks here I did it’s a fake invisible block but there’s

Nothing in here no no no I just opened this paper block it’s actually a secret chest what was in it I’ve got fire resistance so if I just throw this at myself like this Wing I now I’m immune to fire the changes are you thinking the lava no it just

Looks like normal lava to me maybe you should jump inside first all right I’m gonna jump wait Gracie I can see underneath the lava yep your helmet has special abilities you can see in the lava wait no way it gives me lava Vision I didn’t even realize and that means I

Can see this chest over here let me investigate that’s ironic Gracie it’s filled with an ice sword the opposite of lava but it’s still super powerful right you’re gonna be an ice-fired Legend it freezes any Target is our attack meaning it kind of stops them moving which is awesome wait

Oh I will happily attack you buying oh ow I guess we didn’t get to see what I did because I won it killed you we’ll find out in a bit though okay where should I go next okay Jamesy here’s a rule you can only jump onto pink oh well

Gracie I don’t think I was gonna jump onto this blue anyway because look what happens ouch okay Jamesy time to keep jumping okay you know what I’m just gonna follow this pink wall because it seems pretty safe yep but look it’s Come To None no no no there’s always a way just jump

Just jump his bottom ones maybe you’ll survive yeah I’m gonna jump onto this one this seems like the safest option yeah I only lost one and a half hearts that’s fine huh I made it pretty much all the way down Gracie okay I’m just gonna come down here and wait what happened

This is all fake blocks I fell in I know I know wait I have to do that all again yep you do if you did because now you have to find the right way I’m gonna come back down to where I was well well I jump inside this water I think

The water could be a good option but I also saw that I could jump onto that pink wall over there why would you want to do that there’s spikes here I don’t know maybe I can survive I’m gonna go to this water first though yeah I wouldn’t spikes like

It’s like draw all right here goes Up Wait Chris she’s kidding me now it’s fake water you silly wow Jamesy now you have to figure out the right way because obviously the water was still wrong I think I know what I need to do Gracie I’m convinced there’s something to do

With this big wall because I saw that this was real when I was inside the lava wait but but there’s spikes maybe I’ll survived you never know okay if you say so wait Jamesy the Spike’s fake Gracie yeah look at it awesome sauce okay I’m gonna avoid these new spikes good job

The kangaroo you really are but I’m gonna go up here to the Next Room wait Mercy the Fan’s so powerful enough I can’t make it up really weird you definitely need something that can help you go higher oh well where am I gonna find something

That will allow me to jump wait a second am I inside of a block right now not again Jamesy you keep accidentally finding Clues awesome and guess what Gracie there’s a green potion I’m pretty sure those are leaping right oh yeah oh I know what you could do now yeah let

Me just get this and there we go perfect all right James just one more thing okay yeah what’s up wait what I broke the box underneath me that’s so rude Gracie actually I didn’t because those were just fake blocks anyway okay that’s so rude whatever I’m gonna use

This leaving potion now there we go I’ve now got jump boost two for only a minute though so I have to hurry up there we go I made it let’s go wait Gracie is this what I think it is yep it’s an orange it got so cute

You’re so bad James eat your pigments and Pink Panthers are so cute okay crazy enough did he dying why is there an orange flower Forest here what do I need this for I don’t know like you the water’s poisonous these flowers must be poisonous too yep because or just the ugliest color ever

Okay Gracie just tell me how I can get out of this trap I’m not gonna tell you what are these whoa what does this pink banners mean okay there must be a clue around here somewhere I did just notice there’s a bunch of chests here I probably should have seen that earlier

You’re actually so blind Jamesy huh it’s just a bunch of orange walls that’s not useful these are all just filled with Wolves but they all look like they’re in a specific pattern let me see if I can figure this out yeah the red Sandstone wall this one kind of looks like this is

A w shape okay interesting this one looks like it’s in a I don’t know is that like a triangle a letter A I’m not sure this one’s an l and this one’s an L as well what’s that spell I don’t know Jamesy did you ever pass your English

Class w a l l wait that spells wool yeah proud of you for knowing that okay I’m gonna check all these walls they must be something to do with it uh nothing over here nothing over here wait Gracie I think I found something that was fun fast good morning thank you Gracie I’m

In the Next Room wait what has happened a bunch of mutant creams oh no no I didn’t kill him oh look at this the ice effect is working oh my God crazy there’s creepers are everywhere cannot wait for me get away from me get away

From me oh no no no no they’re gonna blow me up you’re so strong maybe one’s got me dang okay I’m gonna kill them Gracie oh my gosh my soul does so much damage I said blow up he’s blocked me up I Believe In You Gypsy you

Just have one more love come on yes he’s blowing up let me get away ah oh wow I just survived on two hearts that was close all right James that you should hatch all for eggs look how do I hatch them three of them on my head balancing them

How do I get out of this obsidian box wow wow look around there’s some pressure plates over here oh there is a command block okay I must be over here and stand on this and yes there we go what you mean the floor is lava there’s no love

On the floor this is normal it will be my gosh okay uh is it gonna rise yeah so you better hurry up oh no no I need to get up to the next level but where where can I go up one oh over there over there I need to go quick you

Whoa okay they keep going up fast oh no no no okay I’m up two though this is perfect oh no no no this is no good but where am I gonna go next yesterday Oh my gosh you you’re so beautiful today what next well let’s let’s go okay Gracie what do I do in this room side silly wait I have a bow and arrow that’s awesome Where’d I get that from I gave it to you just now oh the sign says

How long did it take me to complete this build huh okay three minutes or four teammates well I’m gonna say considering we had 15 minutes to build it’s probably the 40 min one right yep you just have to shoot the one you think is correct

Wait what did I die what yep JC I completed this build in just three minutes because um I Can’t Tell You Why Wait what guys she thinks I don’t know she’s being so silly right now okay Gracie whatever you say I don’t believe you but whatever oh

Check your inventory because if you hit this one you’ll get something correct oh wow I got Pink Carpet oh I know what I should do with this what I’m a Minecraft expert if you place Carpets on top of fences then it allows you to jump over

Them yeah welcome to this side thank you what next another question Jamesy okay what’s this one what is my favorite drink whoa okay um let me read these signs so we have Coke Cola that’s awesome and we have Tiger milk Boba I have no idea what that is well it’s a

Boba and not everyone will know just saying tea or water well Jamesy you have to back up I’m not gonna make this easy for you okay you know what considering I have no idea what this second one is it’s way too specific to be wrong so I’m gonna guess

That one fine go ahead no what I was wrong now who comes up with that stuff oh okay I like Tiger milk Boba it’s too sweet for me uh I’m gonna say water because you drink loads of water then okay wait that’s wrong as well my favorite drink but I have one

Favorite drink that’s above water okay well I know you don’t like Coke so it’s gonna be tea yes yes awesome good work huh this room’s tiny where do I go from here I don’t know we’re stuck in there and I’ve got wait this block looks a lot different to

All the other ones what’s it for I don’t know a little stare don’t think too much of it ah no no this is definitely said to do the Trap there’s a hole there maybe I can pick through an F5 mode and I see some lava over there but I don’t

See much else yeah I don’t I don’t think that’s gonna be very helpful I have a hit though what does up spell u-p stands for up Gracie you think I’m silly look up oh it’s a personal shrinking device with this device I can turn super tiny

Wow you’re so cute now let’s go through okay I’m gonna go through here and I’m in the Next Room awesome okay what’s in here am I supposed to get on this my car well I want you to use your bow and arrows and hit all of these

Targets to get to the Next Room am I supposed to go on this rail or yeah right okay yep I’m gonna place down this and then again but don’t worry about it so do I have to shoot these targets well you’re supposed to shoot them while you’re moving well Jamesy it’s time to

Go back oh no Gracie I’m gonna die before I managed to heal these targets okay hurry up oh no this is really tricky crazy I can’t hit any of them come on close I just cut wait Gracie yeah I swear I hit the hit you what is it then wait there’s

Barrier blocks in the way the Target so I can’t even shoot them yeah That’s the way to get past this room well there’s a door over here I have to get over there somehow but I’m not gonna let you because you go in the lava you’ll burn to death and you take your armor off I don’t know where I can go

Gracie it’s so confusing yep there’s no way you could make it over here without dying why is this lava look funny right here wait Gracie and this lava looks just funny there’s a massive lip here that’s not normal oh yeah it looks like a divot

Maybe it’s a glitch Jamesy no no no I know what this means Gracie what does it mean it means it’s fake lava yep I’m digging no damage you figured that out very quickly which looks like you can swim over here yes Easy Peasy Lemon Squeeze Square okay do I go up this

Ladder yeah let’s go up are you trying to hide it but I noticed it instantly I know I tried to camouflage it huh what’s this well let’s read the sign over here first what’s my favorite animal besides a cow’s gonna say a cat but you said

Besides cat dang oh okay well here are the options on the sides of the wall option two and three ahead dog and bird but where’s one and four oh number oh Panda but where’s number one okay whatever I’ll figure that out later so which one’s your favorite dog bird or

Panda hmm and well look at this painting here it tells you which answer is which answer Choice okay if it’s not a cat then it must be a dog right dogs are awesome I have three of them at home yeah yeah it’s cute I guess oh so I think dog

Wins that’s two and according to that wonderful art Gracie two is this water right here yep you just have to jump into it okay I’m gonna jump into it ready oh no get me out get me out active work good what if it’s not dog then what

Would it be I know it’s not Panda or bird well I can’t get to you it really sucks answer number one huh yeah I need to find out that where is it wait Gracie what I was looking down at this other option I saw a sign and it says kitten

Wait yeah wait that’s a baby cat I catch your favorite animal so it must be a kitten yes I love baby cats oh my gosh so that means number one which is that one over there it’s really so you better get a run up I’m gonna jump real far are

You ready I’m always ready yes I made it yep and that’s fake lava right there awesome okay I’m gonna press the command block now okay press that button oh I’m in the next one huh what’s this well let’s read the sign what is the best gift my brother gave me okay

Where are the options oh pink Among Us or rabbit yeah okay so I’m guessing your brother built these in Minecraft then you have to guess which one you like more yep but Jamesy here’s the thing if you make the wrong answer I’m gonna spawn an extra mob in the Next Room oh

No okay I’m just gonna take a guess here I’m gonna say that he built you a rabbit and you’d like that more well just press that command block over there okay done wait what it’s for an Ender Guardian is that right Jamesy no that’s no good what happens if I got this one

Blender wait what do I have to fight him oh my gosh he almost killed me in one hit okay Gracie I’m gonna fight them wait you spawn in three of them that’s totally hacking well those are Ender Golem so it doesn’t really count oh oh no okay I’m

Gonna go for them first because they’re weaker uh oh I’m already on Navajo I’m on a half a heart I’m gonna have a heart I need to hide I need to hide don’t worry thank you okay okay come on come on come on come is nearly dead yes okay I

Need to get the other one as well please oh no the God is nearly killed me he’s such a mean her Golem oh no they wouldn’t want anything just one more ender guardian and you killed all the Golems already yeah I’m gonna go for him be super duper powerful

Oh no no no no no come on come on come on kill him that was that was absolutely amazing face thank you do I get to open this chest now yep well you need to know the password first what is it Gracie what’s the password I can’t tell you it’s really close though

It’s really close hmm where do I see some numbers hmm anywhere around here nope nope oh crazy hang on what is it there’s a one here and a two here what do they mean is Jamesy let me try 21. nope let me try 12. watch diamonds are so awesome does that

Mean I win yeah if you’ve beat my build but now it’s time to try yours yeah let’s go to my build now okay Gracie are you ready to see my build don’t turn around it’s time he has a party hat oh let’s go let’s party well how do I get inside

Okay let’s go down to the bottom and remember guys Whoever has the best inside and outside wins so even though my outside looks way better the inside might be worse we don’t know well this is pretty obvious Jamesy no it’s not I thought it was hard like it’s just a

Like oh oh and it’s barrier blocks too yep follow them up Gracie what’s up here oh oops fell off therefore don’t be silly and I’ll just fly let’s go Gracie can you get up here okay I think I can but let me just try it again yeah have it ever go

Okay let me just try that again well done Gracie okay let’s go up to the Trap whoa are these fans huh wait Gracie where’d you go oh my gosh she’s dying it’s my trap already yes you can’t get out of here you’re stuck so when I go up

Why did you do it again then are you silly get me out of here get me out okay Gracie stop trying to run through these fans haven’t you learned that that’s not gonna work if I if I if I don’t know Gracie what will you do maybe there’s a clue around here

Somewhere hmm well let me see these blocks up here no nope Gracie which block is right in front of you wait Jamesy press the button that blocks off the fans yeah I press this button and I put pink wolvert and now I can safely cross yay okay crazy there’s three chests here

But don’t open them just yet okay I won’t so you have to guess which chest you want to have base just purely on the color so there’s the pink chest the green chest or the gold chest obviously I’m gonna pick the pink one because pink

Is the best color and also because I put the god creative sword in here what no you didn’t it’s gone Gracie well I have to say this wasn’t the most powerful chest if you picked this one you would have way better stuff that’s just golden

Armor no this one look at the sword it does 12 damage I didn’t I didn’t if you if I see you use any of that green armor I’m gonna slash kill you okay well take it off right now okay okay all right see if you can find the

Next Room Gracie it’s around here somewhere not loud oh no we’re not ready to do that by the exit Gracie what comment Grace let’s go inside you found it well done oh okay he’s gonna win this fight I hope it’s me looks like he’s charging up but I also

Do the church up and eat some food oh wait be careful of these bombs they’re quite close where are they were they oh my goodness I really hope he’s slow well done Grace that was awesome wait Jason there’s a little doggy sticking his hand out through the door yeah that

Is that’s awesome but to get over there you’re gonna need to go to this door I don’t know I don’t know I wonder where it is maybe it’s somewhere around here or maybe it’s like out of the box wait let me look around there’s nothing in here

Wait by outside the box do you mean literally outside the box well that’s what Outside the Box means Gracie ah wait I see a sign up there what does it say I can’t I can’t see let me zoom in it says well done Gracie let’s go to the Next Room amazing

Look there’s a bunch of cute little doggos okay your challenge with this room is try and get 10 dogs in here oh baby I love you too so much okay but can you find a way to get 10 dogs in this room if I if I dog spawn eggs nope you don’t have

Any of those and wait there’s a pickaxe here huh I wonder what that’d be used for I must have dig something but what I don’t know Gracie try and figure it out wait a second yes I can get 10 dogs in here if I make more dog babies yeah do

You know what I used to make dog babies what you use Gracie bones and things wait if you craft them what you get if I craft them then I’ll get regular bones wait let’s just show me Gracie craft them okay so well Jamesy I’ll just put it inside the crafting table and

Oh look I have a now okay let’s breed these dogs together let’s go let’s go let’s go okay it’ll take me first oh wait let me make them mine and then here we go you guys can be besties now yeah well done Gracie wow look like a

Baby and I can make him grow wait where is he move out of the way Mom and Dad yeah feed him some of that steak here grow up whoa Gracie you already have five dogs you’re breed them so fast well done I know let me just breed a couple

More and I think I’ll have ten really really soon yeah you’re having so many babies let’s go they’re so yep yep will that help you in future rooms amazing how many have you got so far one two three four five six seven so close whoa okay Gracie unsit them and then

We’ll go to the next room oh my gosh I can’t believe I get to prank all amazing all right crazy to get to the Next Room You’re Gonna Wanna press the button right here where there’s a button yep dogs followed you that’s awesome okay you have to get over this wall

Nope it’s a slime block and I pissed it underneath but there’s no buzzing for me to get thrown up with uh maybe it’s invisible Gracie well let me just click around we found it air okay let me do this now I’m good yes well done let’s jump down now wow my

Doggies are here already okay now you have to go for the next wall there’s a barrier wall right over here yep you have to find the next button to jump over Gracie oh yeah it’s right next to it okay well done okay next you see okay and

Then obviously this one has the Easy Button now oh that’s funny that hurts so funny oh my doggies okay Gracie as you can tell this is just a prank this one doesn’t do anything there’s actually a different way out of this room huh there definitely has to be some sort of way to

Get through maybe a secret door or some ghost blocks well done let’s go up here I think I found it it’s right over here okay Gracie for this next room you put a fight this mutant zombie doggies My goodness I can’t believe they killed one of my doggies but they knocked him down they must be helping you so much they really are super strong but no he’s getting back up oh another dog he’s down oh no you just started as well all the all the buggies no I bit myself

Use some laughs I don’t know where they are though yep that’s what I’ve been here look wait he’s here sorry all your brothers and sisters died yeah he’s helping out as well let’s go okay Gracie this is the last life of this zombie it is last time to get killed okay good hopefully

No he’s he just dunked that’s the end of a zombie oh I really need to get my revenge now okay Gracie as you can see you need to get through this door but you need a key card what are these numbers up here oh I don’t know but look

At this crazy over here oh you’re right there’s a password protected chest right over here and it definitely needs a code where would you find a code in this small little room oh I know Jamesy so inside this chest is stop hitting me so inside is definitely the key card to get

Past this room but in order to get that key card I need to answer these math problems for the number of the codes okay grace these should be easy go let’s let’s do it okay five divided by five is one obviously yep well done Gracie that’s super true and the six minus four

Is two and then nine divided by three is obviously three because three times three is nine can you guess what the last one’s gonna be two times two hmm that means basically two twos two plus two is four so that’s easy so what’s the password that means it’s one two three

Four what it was that easy yep it’s that easy Gracie wait and wait yes let’s go for the key card let’s go let’s go let’s go see can you help me yeah I got you okay this is the next room and yeah you totally have a few more dogs left yeah

I’m so glad they’re still alive okay look at this chest whoa there’s some bows and arrows this sounds fun yep over here is a bunch of targets that you need to shoot okay Jamesy so I see those targets over there they’re really far yep let’s see if you can hit them okay

Do I have to hit all of them yeah well you have to find the right one that will take you to the next room oh you missed okay this is a lot harder than I thought yes well done the dogs look oh good I’ll let my dogs

Take care of him where’s he going I don’t know but I’m just gonna keep shooting okay that’s fine next one okay boom yes well done oh Grace behind you where’s a blaze come on doggies you got this oh well done next one harder than I thought yep that’s so far away

Wait what happens spawned a little baby hogling oh you’re so lucky he was supposed to be an adult one whatever well I’m glad all my doggies are taking care of everything for me Let me fall with them no no no no it’s crazy to climb back up here you know what I’ll just help you okay Gracie there’s only a few more targets you having to hit you’re eventually find the right one Gracie you hit it well done what did you

Get what did you get it gave me a water bucket but what am I supposed to do with this well Gracie you see all the way down there there’s some Target blocks there down here oh I do wait do I need to land on that with the water so you’re

Gonna jump down and place the water beneath you to win this challenge are you ready champion yeah I think they cut off viewers are experts right guys okay I’m gonna jump right now Ready Set Go go go come on give you another chance there you go try this again okay I

Don’t honestly I won’t fail this time let’s go awesome I believe two of my doggies started from falling in high areas okay Gracie well that’s the end of my NAB NAB build so now we have to know who won oh my gosh guys let us know what you think

Won in the comments below yep comment Grace if you think she won and current James you think I won and also crazy I have some to tell you what is it I saw you cheat what and in return I cheated as well so we both cheated this is so silly so

We’re gonna have to see you wins in the comments alright guys don’t forget to like the video subscribe watch the next video on your screen and we’ll see you tomorrow bye bye

This video, titled ‘I CHEATED with //PASTE in NABNAB Build Challenge (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2023-03-10 17:00:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

NOOB vs HACKER: NABNAB Garten of BanBan Chapter 2 Build Challenge Jamesy and Gracie are building NabNab from Garten …

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Minecraft Memes – u/EntrepreneurUnusual6 predicted it: Epic meme material!

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    TENGE TENGE vs GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO: SPAWN SHOWDOWN! 🔥 #shorts #minecraft #meme When you can’t decide between fighting ALL TENGE TENGE or GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO SPAWN, just remember: it’s all fun and games until someone gets a block to the face in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft #meme #scary #tengetenge Read More

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  • INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON’T Believe!! #minecraftparody

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  • Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!

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  • BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀

    BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘I became SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🗿’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-29 11:18:15. It has garnered 222057 views and 4150 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Roblox NEED MORE MEWING | SIGMA MALE in Roblox (FULL GAME) | ALL ENDING 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMore2?sub_confirmation=1 REACTION Channel: @AyushMoreReacts ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMoreReacts?sub_confirmation=1 🎥 WATCH FULL SERIES here:- MINECRAFT STORY Series ▶️ ➤ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG0LSiBEUY9GZArS85-FMr4DWcfk6FeYS… Read More


    🔴EPIC MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S CELEBRATE 15 YEARS ON STUNNING SERVERS!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:12:18. It has garnered 1406 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:04 or 6844 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!

    Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hololive Hardcore Minecraft 2024 Clips Reaction Stream (Pekora, Marine, Miko, Kaela, Subaru, Nene..)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2024-05-30 12:34:48. It has garnered 214 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:41 or 12881 seconds. Support me monthly and get access to blocked reaction and more: https://www.patreon.com/ExoticBankai Donate and request a video reaction: https://streamelements.com/exoticbankai-2425/tip 00:00 Start 6:35 Nene’s Adventure After She Become The First Person Who Dead In Hardcore Server https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3HNOnMOrYw 19:20 Shy Ina doesn’t realize that Pekora-Senpai can hear her desperate voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NADe4J5yhNw 29:35 No One Save From Uncle Marine… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.20.2 Whitelist – Age 25+ – No Claims – Smaller Community – Max Render Distance – 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ years old and looking for a vanilla Minecraft experience with a mature community, you’re in the right place! We started a new world on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. Here are some key details about our server: No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 10k blocks from spawn Average of 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty setting Maximum render view distance of 32 Chunks To join us, please introduce yourself on our Discord server before we whitelist you. We aim… Read More

  • Daddeln MC

    Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Server!Immerse yourself in a world full of unlimited possibilities and experience Minecraft in all its diversity. Our server offers you a variety of features and game modes that leave nothing to be desired. Whether you are a creative builder, a passionate fighter or a skilled trader – with us you will find exactly what you are looking for!Freebuild + FarmweltExperience the freedom of building in our freebuild world! Here you can let your creativity run wild and build impressive structures. If you need resources, our farm world is at your disposal, where you can collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My first meme – hope u like it! 🔥

    Wow, looks like this meme is really mining for some laughs! Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More

I CHEATED with //PASTE in NABNAB Build Challenge (Minecraft)