I Created 1000 Videos In This World (Creative World Tour)

Video Information

Hello i’m fbi extra cat and between 2012 and 2018 i recorded and made thousands of fun facts tutorial and update style videos and most of them were made here in the same minecraft creative world it’s actually quite a shock that i’ve never really shown off the entire thing on youtube before

Uh but given that it’s been a few years since i was really heavily playing this i made one video this year in this world and that’s about it i think it’d be kind of a fun walk down memory lane to show you the entirety of this

All in one place as i’ve never done before on youtube so let’s start with the most logical place black one-legged steve and let’s work our way through the entire thing shall we and let’s give a little bit of a talk to how this whole thing goes but

Let’s start by talking about the kind of center point of this whole world what was the point of this entire creative world why do i have a world that’s called c1 and why do i have so many thousands of videos all recorded in the same place to some

This looks cluttered to some this is like a beautiful um art to something but the real the reality is there’s no great planning done right here the reality is i just doodled in a bunch of places when i wanted to build something i’d find a place where it would fit and

Then if i wanted to make a video i would build some things for that video and a combination of those things combined leads to this very wacky showcase of so many of minecraft’s features um both past over there as you can see and uh perhaps a little bit more present

You could say but yeah let’s start with the very center the very uh reason this whole world began because one day back in the early days of minecraft console i just decided that i should have a creative world and rather than starting new ones every day

I’d make a super flat world and i just used that for all of my creative videos so i made a world i made this little chunk area it was meant to be like the the kind of spawn versus the not spawn and then i put some things in chest so i could like

Uh test out pvp and uh those sorts of things so i’ve got a bunch of swords i’ve got a bunch of arrows i’ve got a bunch of potions um etc etc in these chests as well as some beds for me to sleep in and uh yeah the goal was like just goof

Around and creative and that way if i ever wanted to make videos i’d have some things in the background of those videos so when i wanted to make a giant dog’s face like you better believe i did you know i could just make one and then it would be

In the background of any future videos that we made here on this channel and then if i wanted to have a minecart somewhere wacky i’d make a minecart on top of the dog face how cute if i wanted to make um a giant cat then we could do the same

Thing and yeah you can see this logic applied countless uh times here some of these things have a grand purpose and some of them don’t and that should be the point of any minecraft world having a grand vision is great but sometimes it’s fun just to play

Around like let your creativity run wild i don’t think i’m the most creative person i’m not even very good at being creative but there’s you know my it’s minecraft no one can say what you can and cannot do there’s no good and bad creative except

If you don’t like my world in which case you can say it’s bad don’t worry it won’t hurt my feelings but there’s no such thing as good and bad most people aren’t judging you because you’re not sharing your stuff on the internet the reality is is that for the most part you

Can just do what you want and that means if i wanted to make a video about the different tiers of you know weapons and how powerful they were in relation to each other i could do so as you can see right here all this pickaxes

All the axes all the shovels and all the swords all made of different things if i wanted to make a video um about one of my earlier ones i remember was um just crazy things you didn’t know about minecraft to this date this still blows my mind that it’s like

I want to work into more videos but did you know you can walk between fences and uh you know walls but you can only walk between fences and walls you can walk between regular fences and never fences they’ve never made it so these two types of fences connect

And the gap between them is just wide enough for you to get through but i don’t think a single mob in the game can follow you besides maybe like a baby chicken would but yeah um the fact is that you even though you shouldn’t be able to my arms are

Clearly hitting the sides right here can walk through these things and uh yeah there’s just lots of videos that focus on this as we go through you’re gonna kind of notice that so anyway nostalgia and explanation out of the way let’s go through bit by bit and let’s

Explain the things that you’ll see in this world and let’s start i guess by talking about this because i you know a lot of people say you’re bad at redstone toy cat and it’s totally true like i i don’t follow the same standards that most people do on youtube which is

Look up a youtube tutorial for something do it that way so i wanted to make a life counter um i think it was for a video maybe or maybe just like i wanted to do it for a adventure map i was planning back in the 360 days

Funnily enough i i’ve always made uh enjoyed making maps honestly but um i was like i need a life counter so i set up a bed right over here i made it so the bed could only spawn you over here or like it’s actually um way over here and it would spawn you

Onto a pressure plate and that press plate would do two things it would knock you off just like this and it would also trigger this whole redstone contraption as you can see right here like there’s a lot happening um and basically the whole point of this

Was to count you down from five lives so you had five lives at the start five four three two one it would show you your number of remaining lives and when you hit zero lives your bed uh would no longer respond you because all its spawn points would be

Blocked because you can obviously break you can make a bed stop spawning you when a certain thing’s been hit and because i didn’t follow tutorials or anything i was just like how do we do this by ourselves i made i came up with this contraption it’s very me it’s so big like

I’m sure you can do this so much more compact but i was like okay we have the redstone goal of all the way over there for the first time then once the first life’s off you can hammer this down so it goes to the second place

And so on and so forth uh basically yeah i had a redstone system set up uh very complexly to just have five outputs and one input but it was so much fun to make like it’s so fun to solve these things for yourself maybe that’s just me uh obviously the majority of youtube

Disagrees me because they just watch videos um but like back at the time i was like yeah this is kind of a fun thing to play around with obviously it makes sense if you just want to make a specific thing to just watch the tutorial or to you

Know google how to do it but if you’re trying to like play around with different concepts that haven’t been done it’s so fun to try even if they’re not successful like um one that i tried a couple years later like was a you know northern crosses machine or

Was it norton crosses rock paper scissors so rock paper scissors and the plan was again this is the least efficient way to do it have like every single one of those pathways have like a a measured output and then you could work out what to show if they happened i never could actually

Make it work let alone make it work compactly but playing around redstone is something i’ve always enjoyed as a thing i think when you set the expectations for perfect uh anything uh you set them badly because minecraft’s a game of creativity and that’s like that’s the key theme

You’re gonna see happen over and over again as we go around here because this is my spawn area we also have a piece of redstone that was from the same video i think that was all about did you know you can actually uh change the way that minecart track tracks work this is

Still counterintuitive makes it never said anywhere but you can change the direction of minecart tracks so that for instance oh is the redstone broken you can change the direction of minecraft tracks oh i think it’s like just power locked maybe but you can change the direction so that hey

Did you know you can move track around based on just moving some signals although in this case clearly not anyway look at that it changes when i move the red style look at look at this it changes when i move the redstone it sure is wacky that you can do that

So i just showed like a really basic you could have a minecart but it could take you to home or to spruce town or whatever this thing over here is a second home sure why not um and so yeah that was another piece of redstone i really enjoyed

And actually you’re not we i want to show you a lot of things around here there’s a lot of blocks that you’re gonna see and stuff like that as i show you some things that are pretty self-explanatory the more important message of this video because it’s partly a world tour right

Everyone wants to see the entirety of the world and you’re going to you’re going to see um you know some beautiful little snow domes i made just for one video actually yeah it was literally one video like building ideas make a snow dome uh building ideas make a colosseum so i

Made a whole colosseum that maybe i was gonna use for some pvp concept but i never did clearly based on the empty chests oh no i fought creepers in here but um i um as i uh kind of show you around some of these like one

Video ideas even like this one of my favorite things to this day um the kind of random message i wanted to share because as i went into this world i realized that it’d been like some serious years since i’d made more than one video a year in here like

I again every now and then i’d come in here but i haven’t really played with the world the same way as i used to and it’s so cool that i can easily have access to it because there’s like backups stored via the xbox one cloud i’ve gone through multiple

Consoles but i’m still lucky in that i still have access to this world and no this isn’t like a hey did you know play on the xbox they have cloud saves um i hate the cloud saving system i think it sucks it happens to work in my favor this one time

But it has a lot of like downsides that come along with it but my point is to say that if you have a minecraft world and you care about it you put any real amount of time into it especially if it’s thousands of hours

Um like i have of this world then what i would recommend um by the way look i i never and ended a village um i would never end this village but um i’m never gonna end this video but um no um the the thing is is uh i realized that if

You have any connection to a minecraft world it’s worth keeping that world um you know kind of close to you like having a way to access it and it seems dumb because like oh yeah if i’m not playing the minecraft world why do i want it sometime in the future

You will care about seeing that thing it would be nice to go there again and see your like elongated blacksmith this is my 1.5 time scale blacksmith i actually really like it i don’t know why i love the effect so much but it’s it’s kind of beautiful right like just

It just makes you feel like you’re smaller compared to the world but um yeah there’s um look at my car let’s come back to that later actually but um the the truth is is when you’re looking uh when you’re looking for something and not being able to find it it’s kind of

Tragic because your digital possessions uh you don’t treat them as like their real possessions but in a way they’re more re like having a ticket stub that showed you went somewhere is like a ticket but if you can have the physical minecraft world you spent all this time on

Making your spawn areas for your worlds or your servers not that i use this one um but if you spent so much time making pies in your minecraft world i think you’d want to have access to that and this video is kind of like a little psa hopefully i can

You know this this video was sponsored by back up your minecraft worlds back up anything you care about i um i had some in my you know like i i had someone in my life let’s say who used to have copies of every photo they’d ever taken since they were like

14 years old on their pc like from like really bizarre specific things like oh that was their first job their second job this was a picture they took that someone took of them when they were sleeping and they kept that in that same folder too

It’s a very very to me i thought that was bizarre i thought they were a really weird serial killer psychopath like who needs to keep that many memories but sometimes i think like yeah it would be cool to see all the things in the past not very often but every now and then

You have that feeling every now and then you think yeah that’d be kind of nice sidenote by the way i set this up originally to be the lost words theme song but i broke it so bad over the years let’s see what it sounds like

Oh it almost was pretty good that was my original outro so i made it in the in the game with no blocks again playing around with noteblocks i didn’t do great with it but i i did something it was fun and being able to like go through here and see the

Memories this was a this is a seven-year-old minecraft concept that was um literally like just under a third of my life ago um that i did this like i was a different human being my my issues my problems were so different and seeing something that you

Put a lot of time and thought into because you know a lot of the things i cared about when i was you know 18 17 i don’t care about too much anymore a lot of things i cared about five years ago 10 years ago i don’t but

It’s nice to see the things that i did care about and to be able to look at them now and it also makes you realize you’re changing perspective like so yeah i just wanted to say back up your minecraft world being able to see your old stuff like this village world

My minecart track this is my first minecraft minecart rollercoaster i’ve made this is just objectively awful like there’s no defense like with a redstone right i did something new this was just a bad roller coaster i covered it in wool as well because you can do that with carpet at least um

But like um you know there’s uh this is from my video the slowest you can move minecraft if you crouch while going through cobwebs while you’re on soul sand and that soul sands on ice this is the speed you move at in minecraft you can actually do this

Slow and also there’s a potion involved you can do this slower now because shields are a thing i think i could be wrong but um i’d love to remake this video because it’s like it’s one of my favorites like it’s such a dumb segment but you can go real slow in minecraft and

I’d love to revisit that sometime see i’m like it’s not only it’s a reminder of the things that i’m like extra proud of from that days some some videos like five fun facts about fireworks for instance i i liked making them but afterwards it’s like you know what was this

Was this like changing 21 and somebody goes i’m like oh yeah i really enjoyed that i wish i could make that again and looking back and be able to see the things from your past you wish you’d done again you know you do again if you had

The opportunity to redo and the things you wouldn’t redo if you had the opportunity um let me find another example of something i wouldn’t redo um looking over here i uh i made this like elevator with pistons and i learned about redstone but i never even entirely understood how

And why it worked nor do i understand why on the bedrock version this doesn’t like it’s the exact same redstone but it doesn’t work i guess because bedrock and java different but like because i never understood how it worked in the first place because i

Just made the video on it and i shared people how to make it i mean i mean again the the cauldrons somehow like they go up with the thing i don’t understand it in the slightest if i’d have learned how to make that then i’d be able to fix it for bedrock like

This is sort of thing i’m like you’re not making tutorials about things that you don’t care or understand too much about because this is cool but i never really wanted to use it in survival uh those are the things that i do regret whereas learning like you know

Like trying to build actual things that people like because i i think you can build whatever you like but sometimes you will like oh that’s a nice barn you made that toy cat uh it’s very bizarre you know i like this bomb even now but like making thing there are some things i

Like there are some things i dislike this house i think i made it to be sarcastic when people are like hey it’s not it’s not a nice you can’t have a nice square minecraft house so here’s my nice square minecraft house and here’s my ugly technically not a square in the

Slightest minecraft house i mean i use stairs and snaps people love stairs and slabs i should make another sarcastic minecraft building video people love it when i’m sarcastic about how you should build in minecraft but um yeah i i’ve made a lot of things in this uh in this world and you’re

Seeing a lot of them right now uh speaking of so to go back into the world tour itself because this is gonna be a big long form video uh that maybe you enjoy maybe this is the worst thing in the world but that’s sometimes what you need to have you need

To have a long uh chill chat nostalgia and for me this isn’t the challenge myself i don’t care if you watch it okay you know i do care if you watch it because otherwise the watch time youtube something something something what i mostly care about is like how did this

Work is there like water under there or is how is the sugar cane standing up without water in it it’s going to be water underneath the grass right let’s let’s see nope water on the grass ah there’s water on the grass so this is a sugar cane staircase um i

Think it was a video called like seven interesting and unique staircases you can make in minecraft so like we’ve got this one right here this one’s like the traditional fancy to this day i don’t know how no one noticed that the the waterfall was misaligned by one block but

We i’m glad that no one did at least not in the comments i read uh there’s this staircase which was again horrifically inefficient we’ve got um i tried this a few times i was like there’s something magical again there’s things you can play around creative that you really realize there’s

Something magical about walking on fence posts and then working as like a step at least to me um we’ve also got the staircase like this the nice spiral i just love the something about spiraling around a central pillar actually is a real nice way to make a

Staircase i wouldn’t ever want to do it in survival but i like looking at them and that’s honestly isn’t that most of building tips in minecraft like it wouldn’t be nice to do in survival but it looks kind of nice and therefore it makes a good screenshot

And therefore people will share it and do it anyway uh maybe that’s just me maybe that’s just my opinions on this where did you spawn enderman how did you spawn i’ve got a lot of ugly builds around here i want to talk about some of those so

This was a video about darkness and lightness and minecraft i think talking about the different light levels etc so i had to make the darkest area possible all black this was a video about how i think how much weight steve could hold so i just visualized it people

This is how much weight he can hold it’s a lot of weight right i think uh this this was a video about five i think they were like ugly builds they might have been my trihard builds but i made i was like i’m gonna make a car

This was my genuine attempt to make a car in minecraft i was like there’s wheels there’s a front there’s like a windscreen um i don’t know what went so horribly wrong but to this day it’s the worst thing i’ve ever made i i don’t think you could

Make a worse car if you tried i i literally think this is the the beauty the creme de la creme as far as like i’ve even got the nice little sky window thing the roof light the ceiling fan the wait i’ll get it the roof it’s called the the ceiling the sun the

Sunroof the sunroof is there misaligned because of it’s only for the passenger apparently oh that’s not even really for them there’s a bed in here there’s a steering wheel there’s a a sign oh that’s a nice sign there’s a you’ll notice in a lot of them

A lot around all of the world there’s these little easter eggs like i like to put a lot of easter eggs saying follow ibx toycat just because it’s a fun little little bit of self-promotion let’s be honest also these wheels man you know mistakes were made right mistakes were made

Also to this day uh i still get sometimes mocked for my creeper steve man it’s herobrine but as a creeper except instead of looking like a creeper he looks like a you know we don’t need to explain that we don’t need to explain that what we do need to explain

Is if you look around the world what you’ll see a lot off besides beautiful boats like i know that boat’s ugly but this is my first time ever trying to build like a a real ship in minecraft and i was proud of my job i know it’s awful but i like it i

I made a gravel flag because they’re pirates so what’s the worst thing to have on a flag not a skull and crossbones much worse than that um but if yeah if you look around the world next to the very pretty boats and very pretty cats i made a whole video about this cat

Actually um it’s it’s it’s a cat that you can build in minecraft i just gave it a while because i was like you know i’m gonna try something different and i think it’s one of the lowest performing videos on my channel i’m gonna look right now ibx toycat how to build

A cat um literally can’t find it it doesn’t even show up i’ve got a video on okay you know it’s i i must have unlisted it it was like such a it was just an attempt you know i was like oh yeah let’s let’s try something different it was in

That phase where bedrock had just replaced console and the whole audience has shifted and i was like maybe people want cat building tutorials they didn’t want cat building tutorials also my cat is ugly you know i sorry puss in boots without the boots but you are a bit ugly let’s just admit that

Uh here’s a guardian that was meant to be part of a roller coaster oh yeah i tried a second roller coaster i don’t even know why i was just like i’m building a roller coaster it never went anywhere because i was just trying a lot of wacky techniques like

Trying them and seeing if they worked but they didn’t fun fact they didn’t um and uh yeah that was the whole thing but let’s talk about updates because ignoring the 1.11 update which i clearly made here so i guess i made a video in 2018 it would have been

I think um you can see how there’s a bunch of things around here saying like tu-65 or tu-60 over here with my lovely little uh thing or like perhaps you could see tu43 oh it looks like e hut wait look this way tu-43 in fact if you

Look around the world like kind of counter-clockwise you’ll see more and more updates appear why is the sheep a communist you know i’m not gonna i’m not gonna question it not gonna question the sheep um look over here tu-31 what’s over here 1.9 which i think was part of um it

Doesn’t even say the tu anymore i guess that was the last one this was like tu 25 i think it was like a lot of 1.9 features just about the new combat all the new axes there’s a lot of weird things that happened to the update but yeah basically

Um i made a lot of update videos in this world look to you infinite over here i made a lot of update videos in this world because when a new update comes out i you know i thought like instead of going out and getting them i want survival

Wouldn’t it be cool to show them easily and creative how they work etc and people used to love that back in the day but now i think things have literally flipped back the opposite way like where instead of like being able to show them easily and like effectively i think people like

Seeing things in survival more like anyone can go into creative and test a new feature but actually getting say a block of never right or actually getting um you know any any brand new thing really in survival there’s something about that people seem to appreciate more so that’s a change

That’s happened since the days because honestly you know again looking around this world seeing my update videos or my fishing video look for my my fish pond because i i did an inordinate amount of testing for the luck versus um luck chest like i want to see if the luck potion helped fishing

Because on java the luck potion did nothing besides help fishing and i think i proved that on uh the console version the lock potion did nothing but help fishing i could be wrong about that uh sorry when i approved on console it didn’t even do that like it was widely believed

That the luck potion actually did something so like as part of that i wanted to prove so like most the time i put a lot of effort into something again it was hours in the case of this video um it was for the sake of like we don’t have access to the code

I would like to prove people wrong because people always spread rumors like oh this totally does something because i want it to i don’t have evidence i just want that to be true and therefore i’ve convinced myself it is so what i actually did is i um i did a bunch of testing

I i literally had four batches like luck plus luck of the c luck of the c minus luck luck yeah i i have to do so much testing of fishing just to prove that oh yeah luck does nothing at all zero in the console edition i’m pretty sure that was the result

Maybe i’m forgetting it and look actually proved something but my point is is that um i put a lot of effort into like trying to test certain things on insane levels like um i remember another one i tried i got the exact percentages for what odds you’d get for enchanting a

Book in minecraft console and i went through all of the effort of enchanting all the different things so there’s a chest over here the chest over here there’s a chest over on each of these as well uh based on different things and the idea was like okay what what enchantments do you get

In each specific thing and all i concluded was oh it’s the same as the java edition mechanics and it hurt that i did like hours of work and it didn’t even result in anything it was just oh yeah it’s a thing i made this whole xp machine which again it’s a creative only

Build but i still like it regardless you press this lever and then it gives you a bunch of buttons although the redstone seems to have stopped working man every single redstone build i have in this world is uh miraculously miraculously does not seem to want to work

Is that gonna gonna do it huh what what is this is there two levers required i’m not sure what’s going on here at all honestly all i know is i just want this to work so let’s just let’s just remove that place that there

There we go oh we oh we needed a cycle so i guess what i did is i like maybe did that and now wait look at this there we go nope doesn’t damn it okay we got it we got it no we don’t got it i wonder why this

Keeps redstone locking i must be bad at redstone i it worked back in the console days i wonder what’s changed since then but anyway so i had a redstone uh machine honestly yeah isn’t kind of wacky that this whole world was built in an entirely different version of

Minecraft so every redstone build you see is like i don’t know for sure if that works over here good thing i wasn’t a big redstone guy because every like all the redstone you know people from the console days are just like oh yeah all our tutorials don’t work

All your builds don’t work and that was just like an accepted part of switching platform there really was like a big disaster in like the big change on the channel like one of the reasons the channel almost got wiped out in 2017 one of the reasons

This the format of the videos you see in this world was because the entire fabric of the game we played when we played minecraft console edition like you know again i i thought i spent a lot of time fighting to you know help the because the consolation was never taken seriously by certain

Like big established youtubers so my thing was like okay i’m gonna be the guy who actually tests and works out and brings as much knowledge as i can to the game by the way five most useless items in minecraft i think before elytras could use fireworks they were just useless fun fact um

Now you know i think that’s what this video was i don’t know why i had them united frames um here’s a stronghold i built wrong by the way but i’ve always kind of fought for that and it was kind of weird seeing like oh yeah everything we fought for

Oh it’s kind of back to square one with bedrock and uh you know that’s why now it’s like hey we we had to do a big campaign to make bedrock actually support controllers properly it had such bad controls for the first year it was around it’s like you can’t release a game on

Consoles without whatever you know there’s a lot of things we could reminisce about um when it comes to the bedrock switch i’m glad we got where we are now um but let’s talk about some of the projects we did just before then one of the wackiest ideas

I’ve ever had this is on the last big videos i record in this world that i kind of regret was hey what if we use collective ideas to build a house like everyone gets one block to build a house what would happen and i was so sure

People would look at the other people’s things and we could like make a house it would be messy but it’d be a fun thing every single person left a comment independent of everyone else like three people went together here by chance i think oh yeah because it’s zero zero a few

People were next to each other like look at this but everyone was just like oh yeah we’ll just place a block i’ll just pick random numbers and that’s our house will be made and i to this day i still want to do it again be like hey read the comments

First before you place your number but then it’d be like you’re influencing the outcome this was like the dumbest minecraft science i’ve ever done is what i’m trying to say because then i tried the same thing like okay i’ll try it on twitter or on instagram

I think it was twitter you know he was instagram and i was like okay read each other’s comments and then the same thing happened where the closest thing we got to our house was two doors a cake and a jungle sapling because i made a small area

So yeah this is definitely one of those like try that again in the future ideas that maybe we just won’t try again in the future if we’re being entirely honest so next up let’s talk about um this area right here i got really big on the idea that it’s

So cool you can write letters in minecraft because everyone knows you can write toy cat but i got really i really love the idea that you could use different formats to write things so banners is a fun one i’ve got every banner in the game oh no we’ve just got cats son

Off wait we could we could we can be we can be real funny here uh if i i reckon so um yeah there we go wait look at look at this i am i am i am the funniest i am i am good at humor please do not come after me american

Government anyway so um this was my like i had a little phase where i was really obsessed with like writing letters again i think this made a video just like five different ways you could do it because that’s how long my videos kind of came to be i really like different

Areas of minecraft uh the fact that this same game has so many different ways to play so many different things you can do within it like hey um i i wanted to test the maximum level you could get so like oh yeah here’s my oh no this was fireworks oh this was

Trying to slow down the game frame rate i think it will probably work here in bedrock let’s see for sure if it does uh actually surprisingly not this used to bring minecraft console down to like zero fps uh but here we can we can handle like an insane number of them

Without any frame rate drops i think at least also we got a disc for some reason where did that come from and why i have questions but we won’t we won’t go through them now um yeah basically i had this um i had this i had a lot of machines that would crash

Console because i i enjoyed breaking the game that was like another little just sub category like oh yeah i liked testing out redstone testing out creative building his majira’s mask his nintendo switch here’s the undertale ghosts and flower i i mean there was only one ghost not a

Tale right he had headphones on he was a pretty chill dude he’s a flower he’s a pretty chill dude actually you’re not he ends the world spoiler a lot uh this is the red boat the king something something king of hyrule maybe i don’t know is that a spoiler too it’s

The boat man who has a boat sheep i really like this uh i it’s a shame i could never like properly get the bridge above it to work but yeah i i got obsessed with bridges at one point because i think the minecraft reddit had a big thing for bridges

Um i got obsessed with uh like building cartoon versions of things i enjoyed or like pixel versions of things i enjoyed like memorializing my love for wind waker my favorite zelda game uh i love the undertale i like the switch i didn’t like the wii u which is

Why i covered up my wii u with the switch um yeah memorizing things in minecraft is a surprisingly interesting thing because like that’s why i think it’s extra important to keep words like this because as a reminder of the things that i was like so passionate about that i made them

In the minecraft sometimes it was things just for videos my most popular video ever i think fun fact was this one was a video recorded uh right over here seven minecraft mobs and their weaknesses is still to this day even my second or first most viewed video it was this

Video about how to take down mobs i had the idea and i was like oh yeah people people would really like that probably and then you know five million views later like that that video single-handedly uh you know probably like you know again allowed me to

Go from being a you know youtuber who can just about handle this to a youtuber could do it full-time because midway through this world in 2014 i did switch to being a full-time youtuber and you can kind of it’s interesting to see uh that since then i was able to put

Like a lot more effort into this and i’m so grateful for the people who allowed me to to do the again to like just goof around with n rods one day i didn’t have a good reason i was just like this is an interesting block i’ll find something fun with it

I i i still think that’s the best way to play around anything in minecraft just goof around with it maybe you’ll find something fun maybe you want over here this is the 10 most uh the 10 least popular blocks going to twitter now this was 10 most popular

I don’t know how anyone thought diamond blocks were pretty but or maybe this was least pretty actually no it’s got gravel it’s least pretty so um i i asked people to rate like the ugliest blocks and the prettiest blocks these were the obvious ten these were the prettiest ten

Oh i guess i did both from one video so i went like tenth ugliest tenth prettiest night fugliest night prettiest night eight yeah i guess that’s what we did the whole thing how fun how how cutesy of me um what what a good video that must have

Been wow i’d love to go back and watch 2014 toy cat that’s that’s a lie i don’t want to here’s a hopper clock i assume yep fun piece of redstone oh i made a video about redstone clocks because like ways you can make redstone pulse i still don’t understand how this one works

Again it’s one of those things where like it’s a common design but like why is this work why does this why does this do what it does i can’t really tell you but i guess it works in bedrock that’s nice this right here too same thing but involves a block kind of nice

This thing is the much simpler version huh only the redstone torches go on and off not the thing itself so okay i guess that gives you like three times the redstone capacity that like they they blink it in and out so oh that’s really really odd actually

You could have like i can’t i i you know i’m being inspired with redstone right now that’s the beauty of this video this video is just meant to be here’s a retrospective and i’m looking at this like oh the things you could build i don’t know the things you could build

But i love the fact that i am looking and wanting to do it and isn’t that the real beauty behind the game so yeah let’s just show you a few more things that like are some of my favorite uh of the world here is my rainbow beacon as you can see

Here is my nev portal with the kind of uh obsidian behind it when i learned you could do this it was so cool i had to share it like i needed people to know about this amazing thing that you could do with portals because i’d always seen portals

That were made out of non-standard shapes and i thought those darn hackers how are they doing this and then like again i wanted to share the video because some people love to like keep their knowledge all to themselves my favorite thing personally though is like trying to share it and like letting

People do the same thing i’ve never been a big fan of elitism i think knowledge wants to be free or whatever else actually knowledge wants to charge you for no knowledge doesn’t want to charge you but um so yeah let’s show you another thing dumb thing here five i thought these

Minecraft builds were meant to be but it was five weird quirky minecraft builds so here’s an enchanting table on legs in case again you want to be quirky here’s a giant pig statue that’s got a bloody underneath you know bloody bloody yellow what’s what’s that doing over there

There’s there’s blood under that pig there is that’s my british accent do you like it um this is still something i really like like oh yeah it’s an automated farm so you can like you could grow all the things automatically if you wanted to that that sounds fun um this is my boat

Testing area and spa oh yeah this these sponges were placed before sponges were sponges so if i if i do any block updates now they’ll sponge all the water around them because i’ve got a wet i’ve got a dry sponge here in the water because this is this was before sponges

Actually were you know actually sponged up water which is cool to me that this world predates sponges working as their actual block they’re just one of those alpha blocks they updated way after again there’s like a there’s like history there’s a tale that comes this world

Look over here it’s a there’s a minecart in there somewhere that you used to be able to oh there we go it’s a secret house you can only access um you know via the minecart thing you wouldn’t know as a secret house you just assumed something’s on fire

Hide your house inside the lava uh hide your house by making it so you can’t see it from a distance look at that the house over there you see it’s a house made of chests the chests vanish and they also vanish because it’s based on

Why distance as well or they used to if you go up high enough so you could trick people if you really wanted to not anymore okay yeah see more so look you’re like oh yeah there’s water down there let’s jump in it and then the house gets in the way and

Then they die you know in minecraft people outstanding it’s loudly funny there’s so many dumb things like here’s a house made out of signs a house made out of gravel a house this is just actually like this was the smallest gap you can make in minecraft i think

Because you can still shoot arrows through it so i think that’s what that was i tested a lot of things for that video i tested a lot of things does not count because i guess they’re real blocks anyway so um looking around a few more places i want to show off

This this was my attempt to make a house using one of every block this was the first start of my like new era of the channel again like the channel was dying at one point we were basically done for as a concept uh yeah i done for

Like we were like uh you know going downwards in the whole like oh yeah let’s work out my real world prospects this was one of those videos in the batch of let’s spend hours or days or whatever making videos like i collected every minecraft block in survival it took me

Like hours just to make the creative diagram to test they were all there and then it took me you know like dozens it took me so long to actually get them in survival then i figured like we’d use the same thing just for fun to build a house out

For them it went awfully because i had to place them in order by the way that’s why it was a mess i think i tried again actually and i think it was also a mess let’s let’s see yep i tried again and i can confirm it was also a mess actually this one’s

Kind of nice by comparison we’ve got like a a wall we’ve got a fountain i like this one a lot people never watch that video it makes me sad it was such a beautiful video go watch it yeah you you you you your kind considerate youtube viewers for

Being here 35 minutes into my my rants next up i’ve got some just pretty buildings actually this was a deliberately ugly building i used for background profit from that gamepl uh so there’s a few things around here that this um i think i’ve got one more around here somewhere

Here are my chests i think the giant chest to this day number one thing you should make you can make your giant chest out of chests you can make your giant chest out of orange concrete is it concrete it’s concrete or you can make your chest out wood

That’ll do the same job but it’s such a standard must-have build here’s a floss furnace i think uh here is a horse a lot i i built a horse and it was so impressive i was like let’s just finish it with an ocelot and what we ended up with was this

Uh you know there’s a lot of great things as well let’s finish this tour up though uh here are 10 animals again i literally can’t talk about every single video because there are there’s over a thousand of them here’s 10 animals you could make in minecraft

A bee a duck a panda you get the point some of them are varying quality i had a lot of fun making so many dumb videos but the fact is i did make a lot of videos here some videos use the same areas some videos didn’t some videos just kind of existed

Sometimes i’d make dumb things just for background to test it gamepl at this youtube money back in the day there was like a big stigma against like making money on youtube like are you monster why don’t you just do this for the love you idiot it’s like you can do something

For love and money they’re like no no no you only do something for love if you don’t make money so my whole thing was like nah flaunt it guess what make that youtube dollar um i really like that to this day i think i think if anyone shames you for making

Money doing what you love you should shame them out of your life shame them for doing what they love and not getting paid shame them for doing what they hate to get money because that’s that should be the worst thing you know they should the real money would

Be the person who does what they hate in exchange for money whereas the real you know like if you do what you love for money then that’s that should be considered the better thing but i digress uh the way i want to finish this video because although i’ve shown off every single corner

You can see every build somewhere in here um here is i tried to make a like texture pack thing for a video here is my redstone you can try like weird wacky dumb redstone like if you eat the cake it detonates a a redstone thing

Because i said free cake on the sign not free cake so if you eat the cake and you don’t pay the explosion kills you there’s lots of beautiful things that i’ve built over my time but um let’s finish things off today by saying hey look at this

I made a secret entrance to the xbox one back when i i liked the xbox one at a certain point i liked board i liked 4g still to this day it’s a shame these two things aren’t linked anymore um i liked shields i like oh god this is the derpiest

Dispenser i’ve ever seen i liked a lot of things in the past and this is where i want to finish today’s video because here is the most recent video that i made in here you probably saw it but um given that we started at black one-legged steve

One of the first things we recognized about the world it seems logical to finish on the last things i made my awful off-brand minecraft structures so yeah i hope you enjoyed my video where i made these things it took a surprising enough time actually like two hours or something like that

It wasn’t a very good or successful thing but it was a lot of fun and that’s the message i want to send with this video it doesn’t if people tell you that your stuff isn’t worth making because you don’t uh because they don’t like how it looks that’s not how it works

You can take their advice if you want to as like how to improve it but if someone ever gives you the advice just don’t do it or it sucks you shouldn’t have spent your time on that they’re not being good friends they’re not being good people and they’re not even correct they’re not

Even right about something if you enjoyed doing something if you had fun doing it and you want to do it again then that is on you you know that is that is for you to uh you know do and no one can tell you what you can and cannot do

No one can tell you that if you want to make a house that just a cat lives in because it looks like a cyclops i look at it now you can see it can’t you if someone wants to tell you you can’t make a

A chest that when you open it you get an anvil dropped on your head oh that didn’t work that was odd um if someone said you can’t play around these things and make these things happen then you tell them no sir that’s not how that works

Um as long as you enjoy doing it or as long as you want to keep on doing so that’s the most important thing about playing video games because it’s a it is meant to be a game where you decide what to do and obviously i i’m a big creative

Survival player not a big creative player this is not where the bulk of my minecraft hours have gone which fun fact just uh just to show you real quick uh it’s this just just in the xbox one version alone again bear in mind i play a lot of pc for videos

Um and stuff but um if we go to i don’t even know how you find this in the official club maybe um but uh yeah i played a lot of minecraft even if i put like three two three thousand hours into this world let me show you

The uh the the stats we have for minecraft as a whole because a lot of people see it and they’re like oh wow that’s something huh um that myth includes time in the menus and stuff but still that’s pretty good also look i got i got 111 achievements i got all the achievements

All the stuff and if you want to do that you can if you don’t want to do that you don’t have to the cool thing about minecraft i’m going to say it again one last time the most important thing about this game is that no one can tell you that daily

Quest ready to turn into play game pass no the important thing to know about minecraft is that no matter how much it might seem like it on youtube a lot of even like fans are pushing this dangerous narrative that there’s one way to play minecraft and it’s however the most popular

Youtubers at the time are playing um no i don’t agree with that i think minecraft is the game you play how you want to you can watch who you want to you can do what you want to you can make what you want to that’s what it’s about and if anyone tells you

That that’s wrong they’re the one that’s wrong not you speaking of things that are wrong you can subscribe if you’re one of the sixty percent of people who aren’t as they watch this video did you know that’s a thing that a particular minecraft youtube oh i forgot about that that’s a thing in

Particular minecraft youtuber did um and it’s very popular i it’s it’s it you know and i i’m gonna i’m gonna dream big on this one and dream that you subscribe to my channel because that is a successful thing i’m taking or you could not subscribe let’s be

Honest like youtube will just show you my stuff potentially anyway but subscribing boosts my ego and more importantly increases the odds they will see future videos like this one daily on your homepage thank you for supporting the channel in any way over the years some people have been members or

Super chatted or even better tip via stream labs some people have just been subscribed the whole way and honestly no matter how big or small your contribution to the channel the fact that you’ve been here at all is something i never expected from anyone let alone hundreds of thousands of

People so thank you for watching i hope you have a nice day because i’ll see you all in the next one good bye You

This video, titled ‘I Created 1000 Videos In This World (Creative World Tour)’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2020-09-16 20:00:06. It has garnered 56676 views and 3285 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:32 or 2612 seconds.

This world started in the 360, moved to the One and then to bedrock, all while hosting hundreds and hundreds of my videos. I figured we were overdue a world tour!

– The Previous Video(13 Natural Projects): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQIemseF6m8

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

Update Adventures (My Let’s Play): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

– My Twitter: http://twitter.com/ibxtoycat – Follow for video updates and Early News!

This Video Was Edited By: ToycatA

You can become a channel member by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_GQ4mac4oN3wl1UdbFuTEA/join

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    Unleashing "The Curse": Minecraft Adventure Map Part 4Video Information a loyal buler go back to serving team hey Mr werewolf hey Uncle Uncle Wolfie where’d he go well he’s gone over there now just keep bading him places we just keep sending him off the edge oh sorry I didn’t mean to hit you is it finally over am I free it’s a his powers were supposed to be sueme I many all right I’m going in since I have like no Health we died at the exact same [Music] time welcome back mother time for you to die I’m using the emergency axe now since I… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MCPE 1.17 SEED REVEALED!🔥 #mcpehindi #minecraft

    🔥EPIC MCPE 1.17 SEED REVEALED!🔥 #mcpehindi #minecraftVideo Information वेलकम बैक टू द राज एपिक गेमिंग और आज हम लोग अपना माफ्ट का फर्स्ट पार्ट स्टार्ट करने वाले तो गाइस आज हम लोग अपने माफ्ट के प्यारे से वर्ल्ड में एक प्यारा सा घर बनाएंगे और एक प्यारा सा एनिमल फार्म और आयरन की माइनिंग करेंगे यही सब जो नॉर्मल बंदे करते हैं मा में ही करेंगे बेसिक नीड कंप्लीट करेंगे उसके बा फिर हम लोग लास्ट मतलब लास्ट एपिसोड में एंडर ड्रैगन को मारेंगे विदाउट एनी [संगीत] चीट ंग [संगीत] रिसोर्सेस जनरेटिंग वा बन जा यार और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा यह ग्राफ दीजिए देखिए… Read More

  • Duck Transforms City in Minecraft! Watch Now!

    Duck Transforms City in Minecraft! Watch Now!Video Information in this video we’re going to be transforming Seaside City Seaside city is one of the largest urban Minecraft cities that have ever constructed however I built it in 2019 and 2020 and as you can see it’s looking a bit old and outdated so in this video we’re going to be transforming Seaside City and giving it a major [Music] overhaul [Music] all right so the first thing we need to do is build the roads in the city so as you can see here I’m going to try and do that but what I realized is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Beat the Game with Half a Heart!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Beat the Game with Half a Heart!Video Information J Leute was geht hier ist der zweite Part von meiner halben Herzen Challenge etwas verspätet aber er ist hier es ist leider etwas Aufnahme verloren gegangen weshalb ich jetzt ziemlich am Ende der Challenge bin und den netherp auch schon geskippt habe aber es ist alles live passiert alles legit und ja viel Spaß mit dem Finale ALR wir haben glaube ich alles oder kürbischnitzen w vielleicht nicht schlecht fürs end okay nachdenken wir haben mehr als dre ST pile sollte hoffentlich reichen für den Ender Dragon F wenn nicht dann kotze ich mache ich auch nach… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT HORROR WORLD - MUST WATCH!Video Information before the video starts I just want to say thank you everyone for 1,000 subscribers I know it’s not something too crazy but it’s a little crazy for me because like two months ago I just hit 200 subscribers and like now I have 1,000 so that’s like like I’m a little speechless right now I don’t really know what to say other than just thank you I do want to say I don’t plan on having an upload schedule because I want to take my time in editing these videos trying to come up with other video… Read More

  • Unbelievable: 3 Mobs with 1 heart left in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: 3 Mobs with 1 heart left in Minecraft!Video Information ini adalah mob dengan hotb paling sedikit di Minecraft yang pertama ada ayam ayam hanya memiliki dua hotb dan kalian bisa mengkilnya dengan one Heit menggunakan swar Stone yang kedua ada ikan ikan di Minecraft hanya memiliki 1,eng hotb darah dan kalian bisa one hit menggunakan sword biasa yang ketiga ada slime versi kecil slime versi kecil hanya memiliki 0,5 hotb darah dan kalian bisa mengkillnya dengan menggunakan tangan kosong so jadi itu dia This video, titled ‘3 Mob dengan Hotbar darah paling sedikit di Minecraft’, was uploaded by NoorXD on 2024-05-18 07:51:12. It has garnered 162 views… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Save The Noob! 🔥 (Subscribe now!) #Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Save The Noob! 🔥 (Subscribe now!) #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Save The Noob subscribe please #shorts #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by PIXEL PARADOX on 2024-03-04 05:38:22. It has garnered 8503 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Welcome to PIXEL PARADOX, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities as we embark on thrilling adventures, build magnificent structures, and conquer challenging quests in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the blocky universe, there’s something here for everyone. Join us as we explore the depths… Read More

  • Shocking Transformation: Going Bald in Minecraft House!

    Shocking Transformation: Going Bald in Minecraft House!Video Information This video, titled ‘”We gotta go bald” ahhh house #minecraft’, was uploaded by abdulbz on 2024-05-17 15:00:49. It has garnered 445251 views and 26549 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. bdzminecraft content includes Shorts, TikToks, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft INSANE Moments, plus other topics. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but video like that. This is a Short / Minecraft Animation / Meme #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Aerial Network

    Aerial NetworkBest Public Cracked Minecraft Network ,Infuse SMP, Pvp Practice, Ip: Play.aerialsmp.xyz:50621 Join now! Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    🍄 Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide a true vanilla experience. Our community has been growing for the past 4 years, with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The server recently reset 2 months ago, with no plans for another reset in the near future. Our priority is to maintain a stable environment for our players to enjoy their builds and projects without worrying about a reset. Links: Discord Invite Instagram Account (Screenshot gallery) Key Features: Vanilla experience: We stick to semi-vanilla gameplay with minimal quality-of-life datapacks…. Read More

  • StarHaven | AuraSkills | PvP | PvE | SMP | ABILITIES | PROGRESSION

    StarHaven | AuraSkills | PvP | PvE | SMP | ABILITIES | PROGRESSIONStarHaven is a new and still in development SMP server.We have RPG elements in our server with skills, progression and rewards such as passive abilities making the survival experience more enjoyable and engaging.StarHaven is still in its early stages which we consider its first phase. We hope that you can be a part of its growth and expansion!We are offering a full Diamond set with Protection IV enchants and Sharpness V sword as a welcome to the first three players that join. A great boost for your journey with us.We are also looking for Moderators to help us, please let… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “What creeper say you about that Minecraft grind?”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme is a true Minecraft diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Crafty Clash: Minecraft vs Free Fire (Brit Meme Edition)

    Crafty Clash: Minecraft vs Free Fire (Brit Meme Edition) In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Creativity thrives, like a never-ending dream. With updates and patches, the game evolves, As players build, explore, and solve. But don’t forget Free Fire, with its fast-paced action, Where battles are fierce, and there’s no time for distraction. Choose your weapons wisely, and aim with precision, In this battle royale, there’s no room for indecision. So whether you’re mining in Minecraft or fighting in Free Fire, Both games offer excitement and fun to inspire. So pick up your controller, and dive right in, Let the games begin, let the battles… Read More

  • “Hot Pick: Ore-gasmic Wins in Minecraft!” #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Pick: Ore-gasmic Wins in Minecraft!" #minecraft #meme I’ll pick the “ore-some” one, of course! #punsfordays 😂🎮 Read More

  • 1000 Days in Better Minecraft: The Butcher’s Kitchen

    1000 Days in Better Minecraft: The Butcher's Kitchen Welcome to Day 19 – The Butcher’s Kitchen! As our Minecraft adventurer continues their journey through the Better Minecraft mod with Fabric, they find themselves in need of a butcher for their animal farm. Let’s take a closer look at the materials used and the creative process behind the creation of The Butcher’s Kitchen. Materials Used: Ochre Froglight: A unique light source that adds ambiance to the butcher’s kitchen. Pointless Acacia Trapdoor: Adds a rustic touch to the design. Bonemeal: Used for crafting and decorating purposes. Golden Acacia Leaves, Orange Acacia Leaves, Red Acacia Leaves: Adding colorful foliage to… Read More

  • Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map

    Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map The Exciting Quest for Stickers in Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Map #2 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft’s 15th-anniversary map #2 as players dive into the quest for stickers. This exciting journey promises hours of fun and challenges as gamers explore the vast virtual world of Minecraft. Unveiling the Map’s Secrets As players navigate through the map, they will encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and hidden treasures. The quest for stickers will test their problem-solving skills and creativity, making it a truly engaging experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Interactive Gameplay The interactive gameplay of the 15th-anniversary map #2 adds a… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Party 64 – MUST WATCH!!

    INSANE Minecraft Party 64 - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] Soirée Minecraft de fou furieux ! (Serveurs, build créa…)’, was uploaded by Dring_64 on 2024-06-01 06:31:56. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:05 or 7265 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/dring_64 Read More

  • Saving an SMP: Secrets Revealed

    Saving an SMP: Secrets RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I saved an SMP from Corruption’, was uploaded by Katmin on 2024-06-01 03:37:25. It has garnered 366 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:14 or 5894 seconds. look mom I’m a hero My Discord:https://discord.gg/ecHjzdQutv My Business Email:[email protected] #minecraft #smp #lifesteals6 Read More

  • 10 Hour Minecraft Hardcore Challenge Livestream Madness!

    10 Hour Minecraft Hardcore Challenge Livestream Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Much Can You Do in 10 Hours in Minecraft HARDCORE? 10 HOUR LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by 0_Hours on 2024-03-05 01:04:49. It has garnered 127 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 07:42:26 or 27746 seconds. Heyo! How you doing? This is probably a Minecraft stream that zero is failing miserably at 🙂 In today’s stream, I am playing Minecraft HARDCORE for 10 hours straight! How far will I get? How many times will I die? Keep watching to find out! Make sure to join my discord! – https://discord.gg/49qqBusaaw Read More

I Created 1000 Videos In This World (Creative World Tour)