I Found 100 GOATS in Minecraft Hardcore (#12)

Video Information

We have all seen one goat in minecraft but have you guys ever seen more than 100 goats well in today’s episode i found more than 100 goats in minecraft hardcore also if you guys haven’t already go watch my 900 days on one block we are one episode away from 1000

Days so make sure you guys go check it out please subscribe if you guys are new welcome to episode 12 and i hope you guys enjoy i need food i’m always hungry food food food yes 30 baked potatoes come on there has to be more no there’s

No food anywhere not a problem because i will never ever run out of food cause i got my potatoes and also read so many comments of you guys complaining of me not using a smoker so here you guys go i’m finally using a smoker to cook my

Food now i’m gonna have my food in record time and we’re only like 30 seconds into the video and i already need a snack break as i weigh at least a thousand pounds i’ll be right back all right i am back and let’s grab some potatoes let’s go a whole stack but on

This episode my main goal is to find some goats and bring them all the way back here as a pet because it is a new mob in the 1.17 update and i already have 219 of these blue axolotls my god am i hacking oh i’m so fast oh always

Because i have dolphins grace what happened who killed the dolphin oh no we just witnessed the dolphin get murdered but as i was saying we do have 200 of the newest mob in the 1.17 update but we don’t have any goats so i think it’ll be

A good idea to go travel and find some goats bring them back here and try to breed a hundred goats in this episode i’m not sure what goats eat though i think they eat wheat so i can use wheat to bring them all the way back or some leaves leaves are definitely easier

Though and let’s go on an adventure to find some goats and i’m sorry if i sound different right now my throat really hurts i am sick and i’m slowly losing my voice but i’m dedicated to get a video up for you guys so bear with me if i

Sound weird hope the sun’s already setting i’m scared of mobs go go go go run to the village run to the village go go get out get out ah really comfy bed sir thank you so much he doesn’t look that happy he told me to

Get out he nodded his head he’s like get up oh this is your wife i’m so sorry for bothering um you guys have your fun but to my understanding goats live on snowy mountains if i’m not mistaken this looks like a snowy mountain to me i know on my

First episode of this entire hardcore series i traveled over like three thousand blocks to find one goat and i really don’t want to do that again so i’m really hoping there’s a goat here somewhere oh that is a goat right there oh we’re so lucky okay i didn’t need to

Travel 3 000 blocks this time there’s a goat chilling right here in the top of this mountain oh yes lebron james i don’t really like lebron so much so uh michael jordan let me grab my lead hey let me feed you ashley gave my trust there you go buddy all right come with

Me come oh it’s another one oh there’s more there’s three in total i’m sorry buddy you’re gonna have to be alone i’m taking your two friends with me carry on the legacy brother they’re coming with me look at my windmill over there that looks sick and look how giant my wall of

Leaves is over there on my last episode that thing is ginormous i’m dying but hey i’m pretty happy i found some goats i thought i would have to travel for like at least 2 000 blocks to find these guys so that saves me a lot of time all right i’m finally back home

Where did my goats go the escape oh my what are you guys doing how’d you guys get free come on buddies alright so we are finally home coming your ancestors the beloved sheep what is going on here what is happening right here come on crap you guys got some explaining to do

I’m sorry for interrupting but i just released a brand new youtube channel called a cookie clips and the first video came out on friday please go check it out after watching this video you can be the first 100 000 people to subscribe thank you so much and let’s get back

Into the video i just realized a goat oh my god that boy just hopped over to the fence you’re not one of them but i realized that goat is just a more detailed version of a sheep all right but now let’s make some fences here and ana’s made the goat farm right beside

The sheep farm that’s only fair so let’s make good bam bam bam bam bam bam and now i somehow have to get these two ghosts from here over there so let’s oh that fox already escaped let’s grab these two goats this is your home over

Here no sheep get back oh i guess the sheet wants to be a part of the goats hold up this fox got wool in his mouth did you kill a sheep oh i’m gonna have to put you down now aha i caught the fox you’re stuck there forever now

Ow what hit me what just hit me hello did the fox hit me or the goat bruh how did you get here oh my god i forgot the ghost can jump so high oh no that isn’t good all right i gotta make them a box then because they could jump over this

Fence i gotta make them a new home what the zombie apocalypse going on with the walking dead what is happening oh no they found a way up okay i need to make these guys a new home i need to trap them right here before they escape though i totally forgot they could jump

Oh i should put them in there since i have no use for this big glass cage anymore i can put the goats in here and they can’t escape oh that’s genius that’s genius all right i’m gonna drain all this water and transport the goats up there let’s

See if i have any sponges though that’ll be really helpful if i do i feel like i might have some from stealing all those corals okay maybe i don’t but let’s take some dirt and fill it up to get rid of all this water oh my drown right here

All right and there we go and all the water should be drained out i think oh there’s some spots have more water here and that should be oh look at all the water go down there’s another spot this is so cool and now it’s fully drained okay nevermind it’s not fully

Turned out yet and now it’s fully drained out all right but now let’s make a staircase up there there we go oh my god this guy hopped over the fence already look at him he wants to escape so bad all right come here buddies i’ll tell

You guys your new home this place is beautiful you guys will love it totally not trapped in a glass box i wouldn’t do that to anybody all right up the stairs to your new prison i mean your new uh beautiful home a five-star hotel come on buddies and

Fall inside one’s in and the second one come on that is in oh look at them i’m controlling them like ragdolls this is so cool i’m just hanging them okay let me drop them no no um how did they fall how did they die from that height oh my god you’re

Kidding me that was so sad how did they die from that little fall i had a feeling that they would diet oh my god okay let’s go back and find some more ghosts hopefully more spawned i was totally not expecting that to happen all right i’m back here at the snowy

Mountain top and let’s pray for some goats come on please please we’re the goats please tell me okay there’s one there that’s the that’s the friend i think that i left all alone he looks kind of sad he’s gonna be even more sad i want to tell him what happened to his

Friends oh there’s another one okay perfect hey buddy i definitely won’t let you guys die this time let’s grab this guy over here hi guys nice to meet you i totally did not murder your best friends and let’s go to a new land hope there’s

A skeleton right here get off go off the cliff bruh i’m a unicorn bruh they exist i’m a cookie unicorn i’m just a sneak by all of you guys here please no there’s oh pascal’s just nailed that baby’s arm in the head oh my god why is

There so many mobs none of them hit me yet no don’t kill my goats wow these guys really suck at him though they haven’t hit me yet oh no come back goat come on there’s not the time for jokes right now let’s go yeah looks like we

Have some company it looks like we have some company the baby zombie the spider wants to be oh no okay that’s a pawn right there oh look at his short little legs look at the short legs that’s me in real life please tell me i was recording that

All right i’m not sure if i recorded me getting the goats inside but the ghosts are inside now they didn’t die i just used some water and now let’s breed them let’s see the baby goat pop out of their butt baby goat oh he doesn’t have horns yet

That’s cool he’ll grow them soon oh look how cute he is but yeah this glass box used to be for axolotls the rarest mom in the game and now it’s for the goats but now my main goal is to try to get 100 goats bred inside this little box

While i wait for these goats to grow up and i can breed them again i’m actually gonna spend some time to retear for him and fix up my entire home because this part looks disgusting that’s like not finished at all just a random pathway going up and especially over here this

Part is pretty gross my farm is literally floating over the land if you don’t believe me take a look at this it’s literally floating so let’s take a moment and fill in all these spots with some dirt this looks so much better already just a flat line of grass right here it makes

Everything look so much better look at this this is disgusting get rid of this stone here oh what is this hole doing here in the ground let’s fill it up with dirt and it’s gonna look so much better once grass overtakes it let’s also get

Rid of this ugly fence i just made and i kind of want to remove these sheep soon and make them a dedicated home because they’re just plot down on this random piece of land there’s also a cave right here that i’ve never really gone down so

Let’s just cover it up it’s like putting makeup over minecraft just hide the mess on the surface and you never know is there me every day when i have a pimple in my face and let’s fix this side as well this side’s a little too bumpy for

My liking maybe i’m just too picky i don’t know what is happening here this bugs me what is this i’m getting triggered man i put no effort in my build sometimes let’s fix it up and i’ll show you guys the end result all right so far

It looks a lot better just having this flat line of grass here as well i’m slowly running out of dirt so i’m definitely gonna have to go some dirt hunting which would be really hard to find that was a joke guys because you know dirt’s everywhere like you know

Like dirt’s all over the ground so it’s not really hard to find i’m not funny but let’s grab my wheat here and let’s breed these goats again here you guys go oh yeah and there’s another goat we have four goats in total now and they haven’t

Escaped yet which is good but now let’s head over to that part of the land all the way down there where i destroy the land for dirt yeah let’s uh totally ignore this part um i don’t know why these trees are missing leaves i’m totally not the reason for that just uh

Don’t look that way oh man from a top down view it looks pretty bad i destroyed this entire force yeah this is the behind the scenes of what goes on destruction of the land all right let’s destroy more of the land and collect more dirt it’s dirt mining time

Uh yes the whole inventory of dirt my favorite block all right now that we are black black oh my now that we are back let’s fix up all the terrain what the heck the whole family of drown just waiting for me nice to meet you

Guys are you guys fans of my videos i’m guessing you guys are well say goodbye loser loser all right so far it’s looking pretty good the mountain is all flattened out i fixed up this little section with some sand down made it more gradual looking i really hate the look

Of this grass that’s sticking around it just looks dirty so it looks pretty good right now everything’s looking pretty flat just like my girlfriend i’m the one crying but let’s breed these cows cows what i said girlfriend too much and i started saying cows but let’s

Breed these guys i’ve no idea how this little guy isn’t fully grown up yet but it’s all good and now we got another one i really don’t think i’m hitting 100 goals by this episode though i don’t really know what i would do in the meantime because they’re growing really

Slowly maybe they need grass or something to eat okay let’s try that let’s take some grass and let’s put some in here so maybe like that would help them grow faster i have no idea or just make them happier but so far so good now i’m gonna fix up this area this sand

Portion looks pretty disgusting so i’m gonna fix up this area and make a nice little beach on the coast why is there so much grass everywhere oh my god so annoying why is this ground right here looking so gross my pathways are hovering over the air all right let’s fix this up Oh no i thought that was a zombie inside the village that would oh i thought all the villagers died this guy’s decked out this is the king holy cow okay good thing he wasn’t in there because all the villagers would have been dead that would be kind of sad i still have really

Big plans for this village but so far it’s looking pretty good i’m just flattening out the area right here and getting rid of all of these and getting rid of all this grass right here it’s getting pretty annoying and i know the columns will tell me to use water

Buckets if i do i gotta replace the torches and just a lot of work and you guys know me i’m probably the laziest person you ever meet in your life another king he’s he’s here to avenge the other guy oh you didn’t do that well

But let’s go check on my goats are they fully grown yet how are they not fully grown okay there’s four of them fully grown at least so i could breed them all right feeding time to do here we go now we have a total of quick math one two three four five six

Seven seven goats that was even math i just counted all right we’re getting there and once i have a hundred goats i’m gonna make a huge goat mountain or something just like how i made axolotl island i’ll make some mountains somewhere oh my god what is up with

These zombies decton armor what is this he dropped a potato too a potato floor oh being sick is not fun yo yo yo look how small the shovel is what the heck the shovel looks so small and he dropped it and now it’s huge why where’s all these zombies coming from hello there’s

Torches everywhere it’s so annoying all right after a ton of work like a whole hour of just breaking dirt and mining it and replacing it down i fixed up all of the terrain you guys probably cannot tell at all but if you pay close attention it looks a lot better than

Before definitely looks a lot better and it’s a lot smoother i’m sure you guys don’t see any difference at all but trust me there’s a difference and over here oh my god this makes me happy like look how beautiful this is now it’s so flat and clean in this area i love it

And what is this fox doing just sitting he was just sitting on the wood like such a good boy all right but if you walk over here this part is pretty messed up as well like all the blocks are totally randomized i’m not sure why there’s sand right here there’s grass

Everywhere there’s some netherrack right here it’s a mess and i definitely need to beautify this area and beautify this is a random word it came out with i definitely need to beautify this area and make it look pretty because this is like the fancy section of my home

Because it needs to be fancy for you guys because this is the shutout wall so let’s take a moment and terraform this area and let’s do a sick transition let’s do one of these and bam it probably doesn’t look any different to you guys but it looks a lot

Better i also changed this area i switched out the sand for some dirt and grass because it just looks better you know and i do have a nice plant for this area i’m gonna add a lot of flowers to make it look super fancy for you guys

Cause this area is for you guys i gotta make it nice and fancy but let’s head back over to the goats and breed them because i need to breed a hundred of these guys by the end of this episode and i’m not really that close yet break

My ankles and let’s breed them all again and pop pop all right we got some baby goats i think if i feed them they might grow up faster i have no idea i mean i guess that’s how life works right if you eat you grow

But it seems like we do have a lot of goats now at least ten right one two three four five six i think i have nine nine goats i’m not that close to a hundred bruh why did i go my dirt when i have a whole chest of dirt in here i

Have stone in here too what am i doing i’m so much random junkie here i need to make a new chest room guys that might be a future episode like coming soon i might have to destroy this kitchen and replace it with a lot of chests unlike

Me some big chests all right but the sun is setting i could totally see it the sun is uh conveniently blocking my beautiful view of the sunset and let’s go to sleep but now that the terrain is nice and done and it looks a lot better

Now whoa whoa whoa how did i forget this piece how did you get here i definitely broke you go away they’re like parasites they never stop coming back once they’re here they don’t leave leave leaf leave leaves but let’s start working on some little borders for these pathways

Because they look pretty ugly without any borders and i think i’m gonna use some stone brick because it adds some nice contrast to all of the wood that’s being used for my builds all right and let’s start making some pathways i’m not sure how to really do this yet but let’s

Focus on this one first so let’s make it like simply like this and bring it all the way along here it looks way better already and it’s just gonna go all the way down this pathway all right and there we go i think it’s a little bit

Too tall right here because it’s gonna bother me that i can’t jump over if i need to but it looks a lot better now looks it actually looks well done and not just a random pathway in the middle of the world let’s actually break this a

Little bit make it shorter kind of like me and let’s just replace it with some slabs and voila this part should be complete now let’s go back and breathe oh my god i got hopped let’s go back and breathe these guys and if i breed all of

Them i think i should have 14 or 15 of these goats that’s a lot of michael jordan’s you know you guys should let me know in the comments who is your goat because i think my goat is either my mom or my girlfriend they’re always here to

Support me and uh just help me get through things super grateful for them well let’s finish up the pathway that goes all the way around my home and over here as well and there we go the pathways just look a lot more hello sir the pathway just

Looked a lot more well done i guess you can say it just looks a lot better now i think i’m gonna spend some time and put torches down all the way throughout this land to prevent mobs from spawning because my home is getting a lot bigger every single episode i keep building

Insane buildings and infrastructures and stuff and i’m just expanding a lot and i’m getting pretty close to the edge of the areas where i have no torches placed down like for example over here last episode i expanded all the way to this part of the island and this huge section

Is not lit up yet so let’s go check out if i have any coal uh okay have a stack of coal i guess i’ll use all of that use my entire life supply get a stack of sticks and let’s make four stacks of torches let’s also grab a water bucket

This will come in handy and let’s just wipe out all of this grass here and i gotta replace it all with torches look how ugly this terrain how does minecraft generate blocks like this why is the random grass blocks just chilling oh so it bothers me like look how disgusting

This is minecraft what what do you guys do this is world generation like why is there floating sound oh my this thing bugs me like this thing is hideous all right i took up most of the grass except that one right there that one’s kind of bugging me there’s always just one piece

Of grass just chilling that doesn’t get taken away all the grass is gone and the sun is setting already but once the sun is back up and i sleep i’ll fill this entire thing up with torches and there shouldn’t be out there shouldn’t be any mob spawning around me anymore let’s

Come over here and stop doing that how are those creepers still alive they’re waiting for me they’re literally waiting for me is the sun not out brother look into the sun burn your eyes come on look look look come on come on come on come on son save me come on son

You’ve disappointed me all right but let’s start lighting up the area and this time i’m actually going to do it kind of organized because i do read your comments and a lot of you guys get bugged by how unorganized my torches are i just place them randomly

But it’s because i get lazy and i know i’m gonna break the torches anyways eventually so i don’t really spend a lot of time like organizing the torches but this time i’m actually gonna put all the torches four blocks apart ah there we go we got a system going let’s walk down

This line and copy the layout look at that that looks so much better it’s so much more organized it just looks so beautiful guys it’s so organized the thing that bothers me about this is that i’m gonna have to like break the torches when i re-terraform the land and it’s

Just kind of annoying trying to follow the layout again but let’s do a quick spin and there we go and after doing this i can see why i shouldn’t make all the torches so organized cause that took me an entire hour a whole hour yeah i can

See why i don’t do that anymore but i haven’t bred my i was gonna say cows again i haven’t brought my goats in over an hour which i should have done i was too focused on the torches so let’s breed all of these guys up well guys and

Girls and there’s no more babies left so all these guys are adults and we should have a total of let’s count all the adults one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven adults that will turn into i think five babies so in

Total i think we have 16 goats that is not a lot i need to focus more on these 100 goats but the thing is towards near the but now that is the middle of the video let’s put another name on the wall of leaves the second person ever so let’s

Go to my channel let’s go to episode 9 where i almost died in my hardcore world scroll down and let’s actually pick someone in the top comments here let’s see who wrote something cool i like official rz’s comment he said i personally think it’s better that you’re

Taking the word a little slower you’ve already seen people beat the ender dragon or rush for netherride so many times before much prefer this lower kind of playthrough and that’s basically my main goal of this entire series i don’t want to go rushing for netherride armor kill the ender dragon or defeat the

Wither i think it’s a lot more entertaining building things and expanding the world instead of just doing the basic things that everybody’s seen before so official rz you’re going on the wall of leaves thank you for your comment and watching let’s build all the way up there and this is gonna be quite

Annoying because i gotta do this every single time all right i’m finally up let’s put a comma right here bam bam bam does that look like a combo to you guys what does the com look like i think that works maybe a little taller like that oh yeah let’s just roll with

That and i’m kind of debating whether to put official or just rz because i think rz is a little bit more personal you know it’s more of his name so i think i’m gonna put rz instead of official there’s the r what does the z look like

Oh it’s like that way and the z or z wherever you live i say zed no wait i said that z i don’t even know english is hard guys i don’t know what i say but there you go official rzed you’re finally on the wall of leaves thank you

For your comment and at the very end of the video i’ll be picking one last person and let’s go down andrew they go down and don’t go down does anybody know that meme when like there’s when there’s like there’s two when there’s like there’s what what say i can’t talk when

There’s two dudes on a boat and they’re like fishing and then he’s like andrew it go down and he’s like don’t go down they’re approaching a waterfall and he’s like they do go down and they jump off the boat yeah i think i’m the only one that laughed at that joke

There we go eric and rzed and i really need to start focusing on these 100 goats because this is going to take a very long time let’s breathe all these guys again they actually breed really fast but there’s a whole bunch of babies here let’s feed them maybe it does help

Them i just feed them all my wheat and i’m just gonna sit here in afk until they all grow up and i’m gonna breed them again and while i wait let’s take a snack break everybody go drink some water all right i’m back from my snack break

And i’m surprised i didn’t get attacked by phantoms i was just sitting here like i didn’t even think of that i could have died by those phantoms but they didn’t even attack me but there’s a lot of sheep in here now i should probably take some time to count them okay i just

Counted and there’s 20 goats in here i think so let’s breed them all up again and once i do i should have around 30 goats if my math cultivations are correct what did i just say man oh there’s more what the so right now i should have around 30 to 32 goats which

Isn’t too bad but now i gotta figure out a place to make their actual home i want to make a big goat mountain and i don’t want to make it too far like over there is quite far but they do enjoy the snow so i might have to come up with

Something random but what if i make like a big circle hole in the ground and when you look inside it’s even bigger and it’s just a big snow biome underground so it’s like a reverse the mountain a random idea just to be different because i don’t want to make like a regular snow

Mountain because that’s just too boring no biome underground would be a good idea if that made any sense to anybody i don’t know the only problem is i would be way too lazy in mind in a big section underground for the goats because that would be a lot of mining unless i get

Tnt or something but so far that’s the only idea that i have i try to brainstorm some more all right let’s breed them again i waited like 30 minutes just afk and they should be able to breed nice all right let’s make some fat babies and i think i have around 30

To 35 goats in here so if i breed every single one of them i should have what is 35 divided by 2 uh pull up my calculator 35 divided by 2 is 17 so i should have around like 50 ghosts in here i think if

I am einstein and i can do math it should be around 50. and now let’s just afk here again until they can breed again okay i think 30 minutes went by i was watching a simon video and let’s beat them all again soon enough we’ll have a hundred goats

I’m dying guys it’s turning out to be a lot of goats at first it was only two and now we’re filling up the entire cage it’s pretty insane all right i think they’re all bred and look at all those babies in the middle oh my god okay

There’s definitely more than 50 or 60. i i lost count guys i lost track but for the goats home i think i’m gonna make it over there i’m gonna scrap the idea of it being inside the ground because i’m way too lazy to my note like five double

Chested stone i think over here is a really good spot for the goats especially because i already cleared up most of the area by cutting out all of these trees hashtag deforestation baby i really like this part of the mountain where it like it overhangs a little bit

And it’s tall i think it looks really good so i might start clearing out all this area here all the trees and deforest it all and then turn this area into the goat’s home only downside is it’s kind of far away from my entire base but soon enough i’ll expand

Everything to over here as well and i’ll build a bridge and everything but let’s actually head home and sleep because all these mobs are getting quite annoying all right i definitely need more food though i can’t believe i ate a whole stack of food already i felt like i

Didn’t do much this episode let’s take my trusty axe and let’s start chopping all of these trees and i want to clear all of these trees right here near the mountains because the mountains would be a really good spot to act as some wall so the goats can’t escape because those

Boys can jump pretty high all right let’s start chopping down the forest baby All right i got the area all carved out it’s looking ah oh my throat oh my god that is scary [Applause] oh my oh yeah he’s just staying there nice all right i have escaped the enderman he’s still standing there what is he doing better for me though let’s go to sleep

Let’s grab my wheat again and let’s breed these guys up there’s actually a lot of goats in here already a couple of minutes ago we only had two goats in here now we at least have like 70. i totally lost count but during editing i could definitely keep track [Applause]

What the did you guys just hear a goat scream why did why did i go just scream a good human that is so weird all right but that should be i have no idea maybe 80. there’s no way i can count either but they definitely ate more than a

Stack of wheat i only have two left oh this is getting so overcrowded i need to get out of here this is getting unreal we’re almost there i think one more breeding session and i should have enough goats for a hundred of them i got

The area carved out now and i need to come with a design as either i just throw all of them in here but i definitely want to add some things like homes or houses maybe some wool maybe some wheat around something fancy just to spice it up a little bit and

Obviously add some leaves i definitely need to fill in all these gaps like there’s a lot of caves over here that the goats can fall into and die so let’s run into here and grab some dirt no i have a lot of dirt holy cow and let’s

Fix up this terrain and just cover all this up because this is disgusting i can’t have any goats escaping either let’s also fix this mountain right here because uh some fat dude just sat on it and i squished it down or something i have no idea how this little crack came

About but i’ll fix it up all right put some dirt there some here and so far it’s looking pretty good i’m hoping the goats can’t jump all the way up there i’m gonna add some glass up there so they can’t escape and i’m also gonna add

Some type of fence right here so they can run through here and leave but i think i like this area it’s a pretty good spot for the goats to live in i definitely need to add some snow here though because the goats do love their snow but i think the goats should be

Ready for their final breeding i don’t know why that sounds so intense their final breeding oh my god you see them hopping over there they really want to get out yeah when i run over here i start lagging a little bit so there’s definitely a lot of goats in here a

Little too many yeah they they are a little too crammed up in there a little too a little too crammed up i’m sorry for coughing so much guys but i’m dedicated to finish this i’ll breed them up get a hundred coats and that’ll be it oh okay

I’m gonna breathe them yeah i could breathe some of them okay i gotta wait again you know what that’s nice because i can actually go grab a snack i’ll be right back for the third snack break of the video all right i am back what i ate was cough

Syrup it was pretty tasty but now i got a whole bunch of wheat and they should be able to look at the oh my god look at the goats in there the baby ones okay i definitely wait for all of them to grow up because it wouldn’t be a hundred if i

Just breed the adults i definitely wait for the little baby ones to grow up let’s down some more cough syrup all right i waited here for like over an hour and finally the babies have grown up it probably grew a lot earlier i just

Went i was gone for a little bit i think all of the babies have grown up and i don’t see really any babies anywhere you guys know what to do it’s time to start breeding let’s breathe all of these goats and by the end of this i should

Have over a hundred goats i can’t even move i’m pretty confident i can use all of the wheat on these goats and breed them all that isn’t okay i can’t get out of the corner this is getting out of hand all right that is a stack gone and

There’s 19 left all right one more wheat and there we go oh my god oh i’m getting thrown around every time i jump it’s like a mosh pit i’m like crowd surfing right now okay let’s get on the ladder okay oh my god they are so

Crammed in there look at them they don’t even have space to walk this is insane oh i feel so bad i actually feel bad all i see is legs there’s so many goats in there but next episode i definitely need to transform the overworld and build

Them a huge goat mountain and somehow i gotta transfer all these goats all the way over there so i’m gonna have to construct a bridge and a home all the way over there i also need to go get some snow so they feel like they’re at

Home so next episode is gonna be a big building episode but before this video ends let’s shout out one more person on the wall of leaves i can’t forget and thank you guys so much if you guys stayed and maybe you guys are lucky enough to be picked let’s grab my quartz

And let’s bridge all the way up this is the most tedious part and this time i’m actually gonna pick a random comment on my twitter the go follow my twitter is at a cookie god and let’s scroll down i posted this thing on ksi it was so

Funny but let’s open my most recent tweet i tweeted saying i achieved what i wish in my entire life 669 million total views which is insane well let’s scroll down let’s pick one of these people who shall we pick to be on the wall of leaves lockdown life my boy let’s pick

Chenzo he said congrats cookie and that’s not the end we’re only getting started keep on making amazing content also be sure to keep it comedic well not that funny i mean i’m i’m just stupid i think a stupid kid in med school without me shouting on chenzo so let’s build

Another comma and there goes my chords this is actually a slab there we go and all just ran out of quartz all right i think you’ll get some more you know i really need to invest in a boat because every time i jump down there guys swim all the way back this

This is the stuff that goes behind the scenes i just start swimming for like two minutes let’s grab some more quartz and let’s finish it off and there’s the g there we go my boy chang is on the wall of leaves thank you so much for watching and commenting on my twitter

Post i appreciate all the support all right let’s take a look from over here oh yeah there we go eric rz and chang thank you guys so much for watching and commenting on my videos and twitter and all my social medias but now i’m the

Youtuber with them oh no no but now i’m the youtuber with the most amount of goats on minecraft there’s definitely over a hundred of them in here and on the next episode i’ll be building them a brand new home over there it’s gonna be pretty insane but thank you guys so much

For watching please subscribe if you guys haven’t already go check out my other videos all of them take a very long time to make it’s a lot of effort and just by watching it will help me a ton also thank you guys so much for watching to the end you guys are amazing

If you guys did it helps me a lot through the youtube algorithm anyways i’ll see you guys later take care everybody

This video, titled ‘I Found 100 GOATS in Minecraft Hardcore (#12)’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2021-08-23 12:00:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I Found 100 GOATS in Minecraft Hardcore! This is Episode 12 of my Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series! 900 Days in ONE …

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft V29 gameplay by Hasnain 9T9!

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I Found 100 GOATS in Minecraft Hardcore (#12)