I GOT A *SHINY BLAZING* LEGENDARY! | EP 21 Cobblemon SMP – Minecraft Pokemon Mod (Mythical SMP)

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Well hello there how you doing welcome to the video nice to see you sit right back relax and buckle up it’s on the Boogie let the show begin only take a few minutes every time make a smile maybe Gigolo blow your mind so do a little dancing like this video

Hey a bunch of barrels and chests don’t make lag right of course there’s no way I would you remember on the homies one someone said that Barrel is not the item frames uh no so chess apparently make lag because everything inside of them is an entity but I think we have like a

Pretty sick server so I don’t think it’ll like barrels than chests yes okay I’m gonna rip my shop more for this dumb bit what’s the bit oh you guys talking about world’s biggest Haystack oh nice needle in a haystack power give a perfect IV scroll to my me too

Since I had to what is that I have a perfect four scroll is that similar it’s pretty much the same yeah I think that just means that like uh Mewtwo only has like three fingers that’ll give him four so he’s like he’s becomes more rare dude yeah because all Pokemon just have three

Fingers yeah yeah damn it’s a pretty cool box I feel I really like it with mine I feel like but the one that I wondered yeah I got the the eyeballs I got a Junk’s place yesterday were insane what was the coolest thing you gotta I forget uh two

Blazing gems and two shiny Scrolls from that holy [ __ ] nice that’s amazing I got both of them like I don’t think he was expecting someone to get both because if if anything someone would see someone getting the first one but I was like I got the first one I’m like [ __ ] it’s

Probably at my house guys it’s those eyes the other one got that stuff a little bit of a [ __ ] hit him is there any other containers besides chests and barrels my knowledge no besides jokes I forgot about smokers as well [ __ ] shocks [ __ ] God damn what the [ __ ] what’s up pig

But I just emptied his clipboard nice yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna build that platform yeah it was an accident exactly yeah God damn I miss my wife yo hey everyone I’m halfway through the latest episode on YouTube oh nice thanks for watching them on YouTube Shellder

So I just wanted to be ocean right just would lukewarm ocean be cool or no who is Luke foreign what do you think the Y needs to be am I like 60 subscribers go to like 87 or something I’m gonna ugly this [ __ ] up Mrs Yeti how’s it going oh there used to

Be a Miss Yeti that would do fan art uh for us I hope she’s doing well thank you for the eight months go to [ __ ] co-ways it has to be dirty candy are you [ __ ] serious ah what’s up and how big should I make a said platform

We can you can reuse for other months okay gotcha okay just one of the same time as a bit oh nice perfect is this big enough you think just like a square boy three times fifty it’s up to you okay I’ll do this for now and that way we can

Like get it rolling you know he’s not a streamer or tiny yeah wait you don’t think this is very big I think this is huge remember we used to make in the in the old mod where we used to make like Dragonite spawning Platforms in the ocean that [ __ ] was [ __ ] hilarious

Are you allowed to drink and drive with a Tesla how does that work essentially you don’t have to drive right uh so you are uh this is where the this is where people make this mistake you’re still responsible for uh for you know whatever the car does it’s not like uh it’s not

Good enough to where you know it’ll take responsibility you know like uh legally or whatever for the [ __ ] the mistakes you make you know you’re still you have to supervise it human supervision plus autopilot is safer than just human but you know just autopilot without Human Service and you know like it’s honestly

I kind of trust out about a lot more Chad today I don’t know what the [ __ ] the deal was today uh we I drove a lot on the highway today I ran into like four different cases where these people were ping-ponging off the lane and it was like pretty [ __ ] severe they were

Like going halfway to the other lane I didn’t know what to do like I I felt like a [ __ ] like calling the cops with like those [ __ ] were for sure on their phone the ceremonies are like drunk right like what what the [ __ ] should I done yeah I think she just

Wants to have to be nice okay you know like because then like [ __ ] if I don’t call like you know what if someone gets hurt but am I just being a [ __ ] I don’t know like is that unreasonable like what I’m thinking I didn’t do anything maybe I should next time

I’m not even here I will [ __ ] I’ll even like uh do it for you so like pretend like this is Elaine or whatever right so like these these ones how many I have two between so the you know one one car was in this Lane so he would like he would like Ping

Pong like he would go like this foreign I saw your message actually and I couldn’t reply at the time but and I [ __ ] forgot to I’m sorry both of those places that you said are [ __ ] nuts one of them is definitely cooler than the other you know I I’ll let you

Guess which one it is do you guys know he was like doing like a [ __ ] s on the road you know what I mean like a sinusoidal [ __ ] a graph you know what I mean my mom called the costume drunk driver once he knows dive deep Temptation God

I’ve read and started a stop sign and fell asleep yeah this is like the middle of the day so I I don’t know like you know people might get off like there might be someone on the YouTube comes gets offended but those are the people that probably can’t say between the [ __ ]

Lines or drunk drunk Drive it’s like whenever I used to ask people like hey so like doing weed and stuff does it affect like you know your reaction times for driving the people saying know where the [ __ ] bro it’s totally chill everything’s fine which Tesla do you recommend I think the

Model Y is the best I think it’s the best bang for your buck dude there’s really no I in my opinion I don’t think there’s a reason to get the the uh the s or the X unless like you just want whatever premium features but you know I don’t think it’s it’s like

Unless you just really want the Plaid one or like just that little extra range I don’t think there’s a reason to get the the y or the three thank you drunk drivers on the problem is drunk Crashers all right seeing some of the regular stuff we are never sober throughout the day

Well yeah yeah so here’s here’s the thing that JoJo you’re not you’re not driving you know like you’re not you’re not driving right like that’s you guys are working on it like stationary kind of thing I think that’s a little different than driving a two-ton death machine you know

Today I went to working co-workers asked I’m saying good how are you there smell good how are you I think you can see the next this guy up over the Fido platform phytoplankton daycare season daycare season oh you guys said do redstone every seven apart

One two three four five six seven on the seventh put it down or seven between zoomi can’t function we function very well but also feel I also feel a better driver on high laughs yeah it might just be you might not notice the bumps yeah we’re looking it’s

Like wow this car is driving really smooth one two three four five six seven I’ve also never done anything like that in my life so I I don’t know I’m kind of just talking on my ass but I just I I assume it can’t be like you know I I I

Assume it can be great I’m not afraid I’m not afraid to say it Chad I am a tit man one two three four five six seven [ __ ] one two two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven speed bumps on there one two yeah

[ __ ] I hope this is right oh laughs like this isn’t so maybe it doesn’t need to be an ocean you see you think they would have spawned by now oh yeah all right gotcha Let’s Chill don’t worry I got here late what the [ __ ] is this

Uh you’re right what the [ __ ] is this so they it would be obvious that they would be spawning right just those other ones shouldn’t have spawned oh here slash checks on almond is it uncommon Magnemite is 18 if you stand by Redstone dude uh uh habiki uh Vicky yeah that isn’t that

Like some kind of Japanese uh liquor or something like that I’ve heard Tails thank you for the hookup appreciate your waste thanks for the [ __ ] love you now seems good to me is it better in an ocean because as other months won’t take up the spawns

It’ll have like 50 chance and the other 50 is Voltorb okay I got you [ __ ] it I’ll just leave this thing here uh Slash home delete magnet lotion I high high biki it’s a whiskey it’s pretty good gotcha all right why you won magazine I mean I just think it’s

I’d like to have one for my team a shiny one so I’m just gonna keep going north I guess okay I’m gonna leave that platform like that lamao Magnemite all right I traded for the the whooper Pokey doll whooper you got scam bro I got three of those oh you don’t shut up

Okay do you really yeah I didn’t really trade for anything a lot but I’m just [ __ ] with him like how the [ __ ] do you have three I didn’t even heard of that [ __ ] I got three of them John’s what did you give up just more dolls uh

No I gave up a what did I give up I think I gave up uh what the [ __ ] did I give up give me a second my brain yeah what is magnazone’s uh trapping ability is that is that is that Magna pull do Kevin siding Kevin said anything tonight

Oh Mudkip the rainbow Mudkip that I didn’t want yeah yeah what the [ __ ] what that’s rare bro I know it’s rare I didn’t want it I had like seven of them I was trying to give him the [ __ ] Knicks in them and she didn’t want it no one bought it

And no one’s buying My Little Pony do you guys think I should turn down the price I don’t think there’s that many people on that know that’s a thing that’s that’s what I think the problem is because when I put mine in there it was

Only you you had one other thing you had a shiny something in there side was it when I put the gasoline Maybe no it was someone I never knew it was you guys want to peer pressure Kevin into evolving his Rayquaza into gay quasa yes all right TP to me or Slice

House God just here too so let’s talk again yeah yeah good sweet imagine I was having a roof on your own I know dude you told us yesterday he has an open floor concept God damn it sorry I want to go spawn for it too yes yeah

Okay let’s go let’s go ask what he wants 30 foreign mine’s way worse mine’s BTSD knock knock which door will we open what store will we open left or right or left to the right or the there’s how many doors do you need bro thanks bro

Just don’t worry I’ll open them all for you no worries you know believe it or not there was a time where I went through and didn’t make it out any door down so that’s why there’s six there you go it’s [ __ ] up dude dude you were

High when you did that but today but definitely no definitely definitely would today be the game it would be the gay quasi day oh should we go to spawn and get everyone for it that wants to see it yeah yeah let’s do this Marines all right I got it why spawn space

Yo all right I’ll say I’ll say in chat I don’t know if anyone wants to come but we’ll see oh we got sarans interested saren cares hey Kaiser cares specs he cares there’s a party here bud rillo cares already Time party party party time party party party party party

Yeah we got two rickways or something all their brothers in arms whoa and Dragons little bitty arms by the way so so when I asked if there were any more dragons in the game I got my wish yes can can I has twiddle’s thumbs it’s not up

To me I could be super busy yeah actually I gotta go right now yeah oh my God I want to put you in my [ __ ] Dragon Gym I don’t want to put you in it so jealous visible jealousness oh my God he is rainbow rainbow I’m guessing no one else is coming right

Damn it’s all you bro wait bro all right all right ready yes oh [ __ ] yeah all right ladies and gentlemen Beast your eyes oh you gotta get a shiny one bro you gotta get a chance it looks amazing bro nice job my king

I wish I would let you ride on it if you could side you know oh thank you is Buddy okay look what I’m saying look at what you can be I’m totally [ __ ] jealous yeah you’re still okay bud you’re still okay he used to be here he used to be green

Before chip and then not even paying attention it’s looking past our Trump looks so over it bro I think this Rayquaza might be coolest Pokemon inside I agree I agree you got a shiny scroll you’re gonna keep him white sure I don’t got a shiny

Scroll um how do you get a shiny scroll uh it’s not usually The Riddles are the best way to get it I think yeah I agree oh bro I don’t even the last one that like is it looks like a pair of eyes or some [ __ ] I was like I don’t know what

The [ __ ] that means yeah I gotta be honest I’m the winner of that one what happened what was it my [ __ ] oh we pranked John’s house the eyes were turned into shoulders yes there’s a bunch of games oh [ __ ] yeah it’s pretty neat these might hurt though he’s still just staring at it

Oh there they go there they go are the crabs falling aspectsy the crabs are getting tired of my [ __ ] bad you know yeah anyone catch some cool legendaries some cool uh blazings or whatever rainbow music I can’t wait for you to get a uh a Chinese call for the rainbow recruit The

Umbreon looks good what color yeah I saw first guys I actually didn’t see it first it’s a it’s a Pidgey dude everyone had Chinese yeah yeah dude I thought it was the Paris the Perez wait is it this good job first it’s out first it wasn’t it it

Didn’t come up in chat wait that wasn’t the rainbow Pidgey but yeah it’s over here oh would you put up your [ __ ] Pokemon you crazies what the [ __ ] is pumpkaboo is this the thing that evolves into Leela from [ __ ] uh I think I hear it was actually a shiny spider you guys

[ __ ] no no I didn’t I thought it was no no the Pidgey is not the shiny it’s like a pumpkaboo oh yeah I see it on the real action did see oh yeah buddy hit it but I didn’t see it first guys did you find it no I don’t know where

The [ __ ] it is I hear it I just don’t know where the [ __ ] it is you get a car is anyone battling inside no I’m not I don’t see it I could suffocate oh it can’t where is it I think I don’t know no it’s still here it’s still here is

That someone’s fault who’s who am I gonna have to uh that it’s underground yeah can anyone see it or is it just inaccessible excessively [ __ ] it if you have an interval you can get in there well where’s the pumpkins here it’s like it’s like right here yeah yeah

Yeah I saw it I saw its name for like a split second what is this are you chaining that Darren I still saw it first I’m kidding I’m okay I think I’m at 30. yeah it’s like stuck underground like we can’t get it dude you guys it’s nice

Because you gotta respect the name yeah what the [ __ ] oh it’s not me bro yeah that’s sick as [ __ ] what is that catch it come on all right Bud all right fire him now all right come on okay all right all right all right that kidding is gone they’re getting his gun they’re

Getting good come on come on come on before disappears really cool you gotta run away guys are you gonna run away because yeah okay don’t worry I’ll pick up this Pokeball for you guys you deserve this side sick that’s so sick no I’m chilling bro yeah I gotta I gotta

Try to catch a buddy well he’s uh he’s dragon type right dragonwood yeah yeah Deez Nuts you sleep he already looks just like the shiny one um so you should make him shiny side so he’s blue yeah I do have an extra shiny scroll fail the capture I will not fail

A capture don’t be ridiculous guys you really should make him blue though because he does look exactly like rillas is out wait did Syrian catch the one that was over in the building he’s got the pumpkin Booth yeah I think oh what the hell how’d you get that how’d you get in there

I have a master ball just in case yeah thanks thanks for being here guys I’m pretty seized Pokemon’s feeling nervous that we’re looking at the Battle yeah it’s kind of like a performance anxiety oh there’s the uh the regular shiny one yeah yeah laughs I’m looking again dude please

It didn’t say anything in chat though thank you I did it I did it for you guys I did it for you oh my God you did you did I did it thanks guys I want to thank you I want to thank the academy for giving me this

Award and I’ll be back and I’ll get them out and I’ll bring him back here with a shiny scroll to the Courtyard fire Kaiser too hell he’s actually fired uh I ran all my home command’s not working I’ll have to I’ll have to run back I’ll have

To run back I think we have to run there well here come follow me to my house because the the homes are broken right now afraid of houses afraid of houses oh are we gonna say they’re home exactly yeah it’s got a big train on the map of all

The names running together we’re so cute we’re like a big caterpillar hey thanks for being so stupid guys the Friendship is way cool right click follow guys right click following you so organisms Trailblazer by the way shortcut season wow that’s an amazing house thanks so much guys I made it myself oh yeah

Inside yours looks pretty cool to the left of mine come on in I might get a little cramp in here should we do this outside it’s quite as bad thank you you know I don’t know if I really want to see a Celebi I think you should do it

And then just get the cell to be taken away Kevin outside perhaps so I give a big speech before you do it so everyone’s so stoked on you all right this is so sick I have to think of a speech Once Upon a Time that’s nice this is way cooler than any regular

Shiny right on what the [ __ ] come here [ __ ] my TV and ditto breeding just hopped out of ditto oh what that’s not supposed to happen that’s awesome um well I have an extra ditto now if anyone wants it yeah he’s got money I’ll [ __ ] pimp that’s

Right what is this guy what is these yeah he’s supposed to be like a motorcycle kind of thing you see like the wheels on his chest and where’s crotches he’s a motorcycle in the game you like you like like ride him yeah you like get on top of him yeah

So like he kind of realized that he kind of does like a like like an Angry Dad walk like what yeah you’re we’re gonna get it Buster come on come on buddy come come on buddy no is my guy allergic to walking um all right we are we making Rayquaza

Shiny is this is this uh is this all this here I guess I thought more people would care about you but yeah this is cool yeah I thought so too but you know they’re like [ __ ] this guy he already made a rainbow Rayquaza yeah how many parties do we got for this guy

This dude yeah exactly yeah I we looked we looked like on Monday Chad probably went for a nice sit down Pierce and me right on wasn’t I feel about that genuinely sitting down into P sitting down oh dude yeah okay it’s like more but you know like these

Are these are great there’s no brand new though oh yeah yeah you’re on your phone for the pay and you’re like jeez I just yeah it’s like did I [ __ ] or pee and you gotta like wipe just in case I can’t remember I make a [ __ ] suggestion for you there Kenny

Sure if you sit towards the toilet that way you can use that back part of the toilet it’s a little place to uh do some literature maybe some Comics or whatever you want to write there you know it’s it’s a great place my great uh brother Cooper heart told me

About that one I would just send it Kevin because I don’t know if anyone else coming sorry but I call him super hard now whoop her heart or whatever the [ __ ] up six months yeah [ __ ] make us wait all damn day oh my God

I get it bro I get it dude it’s gonna look so sick wait Chris can see I gotta wait for Sharon though I gotta wait for Siri yeah she’s not back she’s the one that gave me this girl where’s here and go I think everyone’s waiting on the

Time out no one’s in the now hold on is she here yeah loading loading loading loading and loading you’re loading sorry I had a full restart that you have a shiny scroll yeah I said restart man listen bro this is an RV it was a good joke but I didn’t say it

A little too much for me buddy all right Kenny sorry bro clicking her ticket my king oh dragon that is insane nice job Kevin thank you sir thank you I love it please he doesn’t have a stupid Rayquaza lips anymore too so he looks way more intimidating yeah he looks like he’s

Like yeah I love that yeah daycare season did you just dude that’s so sick very W of you Kevin very wanna congratulations you know what Kevin you should give it to sarin actually since she was so sorry give it to me instead yeah and then also okay you should uh

Suck my left nut hey man that’s a restart that’s not a way to take a win guys I just said suck my left that’s it no one knows no one knows what I said after that there’s new dragons in where are they at which ones

Yeah yeah did they post the list of all the new Pokemon yeah yeah they also put their biomes in there today so it’s you should be able to see where Palma and killer watch Speedy I just saw your house oh it’s [ __ ] sick Cinder quillin I love it

I’m keeping it dude oh good wait that’s a prank I thought you did that yeah no the girls did it to me yeah I logged into like three straight days of pranks okay I’ll see you guys later thanks guys oh what’s this oh [ __ ] shiny blazing

Cried on yeah it’s actually I just got it you look so sad it’s brand new guys it’s the first one on the other side I’m really happy one spawned on it it looks great nice I’m really happy once wanted me too it’s gonna be nuts yeah you know

This is old news side yeah it is the Rayquaza was way cooler bro what do you have to do right now in front of me I was talking [ __ ] about this thing yesterday I was like wow what a bridge and then here it is now even better holes in it oh dude

Whoa whoa bro Bridge ‘s structural integrity yeah cause you did read the sign oh I’m in trouble this bridge was built because speedy and Greg are hoes D4 are you TV Fair M also hated the bridge okay I hated I could bring up the player list the JT narrator bergsrillo arson

Cruz ante all hated the bridge D4 so yeah I just just made it to [ __ ] be a purpose we don’t fall in the hole and everybody’s really discouraged some people from building this for like two weeks what do you mean I made it in two minutes today yeah let’s go back to the

Old bridge shitty again hold the bridge it worked it was nice boys boys night come on congrats we’re so proud of us yeah Kevin congrats I can grabs everyone’s getting some really cool stuff hey let’s hit up that [ __ ] swamp Bud let’s hit up the [ __ ] Rift

I’m gonna play some league tonight what seriously oh [ __ ] yeah dude are you kidding me yeah I love to play dude all right so um what is the check spawn ultra rare roaring Moon uh he is three percent that’s not that I don’t oh yeah you’re right 3.23

We’re Bound Again should we find a different swamp so we’re not like we instantly went here we should is there another one though like do you know it looks like there’s more swamp if we go across the water yeah we’re not we should also set a spawn

There just for some more ping you trying to get roaring Moon my king why are uh where are you guys here trying to get roaring right man you son of a [ __ ] hey we’re gonna go over to the other side of the swamp and wait where’s it at

That way so that way uh there’s more swamp spawns at all times so uh that way we’re not stealing your spawns but yeah good luck on the Roaring Moon my king yes I just need [ __ ] Dragons It’s the only Pokemon I’m allowed to catch hope you get it my dude same

He just did just hop on a GN D20 this dude huh good he’s gone I know finally oh full transparity I I thought the first Bridge was actually pretty nice really I started randomly there but I did like the bridge are you on the other side yeah yeah that’s everyone except new bridge

What’s going on with Bridge I had a legendary spawn of me and Dad bring me on and what do you mean and what happened I caught it oh okay and what do you mean a river room is here too sweetie that sounds like I’m rapcoding but that’s what it’s called

This is a weird spot we need to find a better swamp because this one is I think narrator definitely has the better the better song yeah he definitely has the better spot there but um I’m just gonna set it home here are we talking about the bridge that

Goes over nothing talking about the swamp in my pants right now D20 Jesus Christ it’s bad let me talk about this bridge that goes over yes a tiny bit of water see puppy okay why not just fill it in and put it this is so close in there he’s your

Brother bro you know like he loves to build Bridges what are you gonna do you want to build a bridge and get over it you know what I’m saying yeah right from the areas I’ve explored I don’t see another Swan or another swamp oh yeah let me look at my map but

How do we not have more swamp ass back what a swampy it’s like me also the borders now 12 000 so I mean I’m sure we’ll get more if you RTP there’s a chance we could find one I’m here I’ll do it I’ll do an RTP job

Yeah yeah you can stay here if you want though I’ll try to find a new Swamp it probably is the one we have but hopefully it’s not okay I love that Speedy should be oh I don’t see USC narrator yeah okay yeah yeah this one’s

Decent but yeah I mean I get trying to get that roaring Moon so I gave it to me because I have seen what gilded roaring Moon looks like and God damn they did that’s such a sick Pokemon the Paradox idea is like one of the best ones I’ve had in a long time

Every Paradox Pokemon is sick for the most part where is the spot for um great husk and other Treads desert okay so I’m glad I said that desert spawn then okay um I’ll just bounce back and forth between those and see what their odds are

I’m a desert if anyone who’s set a spawn but I’m at new desert wait we’re at the you’re at the same desert as I am this isn’t really artificial you brought me two earlier I think right so also there’s a chance oh no um Paul Martin the palmy line doesn’t

Show up on my map is there a chance that roaring moon in a great Tusk don’t either they for sure will not might miss yeah oh man this desert’s [ __ ] Norm bro but they definitely want yeah they definitely won’t just because uh it’s one of the new ones whatever so so we

Got to be pretty Vigilant then 30 seconds here RTP like we should trade off rtps and say have a cooldown yeah I’m in 28 seconds to find Roaring Moon just because he would come up as a plonk on the map whereas if in the desert you might get confused with the

Palmies all line uh showing up yeah great task they dropped the journey Map update in the FAQ Channel with new Sprites really done the public this quarter is that far probably in the public one um uh let’s see I don’t see it but maybe I’m you know

Yeah I might have just forgot to do that for this one did you feel we could also just ask for it yeah of course me an RTP again don’t forget your daycares gentlemen’s hmm no I already know where this is [ __ ] all right this is different oh D20 where

Are you at I just DP’d near you is that your RTP ad where am I what is the spelling to drape I spawn off do you see Jonah that’s gonna be so sick the ultra rare like the yeah the ultra response are uh you can only really get

Um like the whole time I was at the Mesa only that one Flareon spawned there was a couple EVS but yeah same I think uh annihilate was the one I tried to find I did eventually find him but it took a while remember oh I remember

All right so give me the lowdown on uh on a cried on sweetie what uh like so because you play with him in your game so what like how nuts is he um I definitely thought my guy was cooler for me you know um yeah me ride-on’s way better but um

Yeah I don’t really remember I didn’t really use them too much just because legendary um okay also do we have those items that make doesn’t he have that like item that makes them stronger hey I have an orchid swamp do you think that’s good enough wait what is his ability doesn’t he

Force like a fire or whatever that thing is he causes the sun to be bright is that him the uh Orchid will on switch in summon sunny day during sunny day yeah attack is 1.3 oh [ __ ] so it’s like a sun so it’s like better I guess sort of I think so wow

Okay but yeah I’m probably not the person to ask I just I just slammed people with him I just made mine level 100 with all the candies the game gives you way too many of and then yeah we’re living well it beat yeah Richie it’s not an hour like an

Hour Discord that’s cool that it’s in the public one we we can definitely ask though like we’ll just ask sort of I think it’s better than regular groudon’s ability but I don’t think it’s as good as a the primordial son or whatever I’m not looking dude you’re right there holy [ __ ] still

Not looking he refuses to look you’re not gonna get me with that [ __ ] hey I just saw you did maybe it’ll get lost in radio silence I have an orchid swamp if someone wants a TV oh sorry yeah I didn’t hear it sorry okay it’s

Okay does that count he’s in the list I mean I didn’t check the list actually let’s see check spawn ultra rare he is he is on the list this whole thing’s an orchid swamp because oh yeah yeah just it’s very large so we can we can even take some uh

Oh yeah we can bring some strange out here yeah it’s a uh it kind of looks like salamance it’s just like a huge sea ancient Salamence yeah the Moon is in the sky dumbasses yeah he’s straight ahead I can see it there not a majority it’s a moon

Oh [ __ ] dude they still have to have like flutter Maine and stuff like that I think flutter man is like scream tail flutter Man Iron hands Gucci gang the Scarlet tyranitars whatever the [ __ ] his name was yeah apparently yeah inside for your uh iron galleon’s gonna be the next Pokemon set

Oh really holy [ __ ] that’s awesome is it Valiant or Galleon I cannot remember yeah I remember that I think it is yeah that sounds more right that’s the coolest Paradox one from uh or for violation say I would say yeah Scarlett had way better Paradox once yeah they

Have more personality because the Robos you can’t really like I don’t know the Robos are all the same office all the Chinese are just Chrome there’s no yeah kind of like your sister friendly walking away Compares great with Corydon I don’t know if you saw

I’m not even just saying that to be a dick but yeah I just want to tell you right on my dick close remember it’s okay all right come on okay okay Sandy shocked God damn go are we this is a paradox Pokemon I call them recycled content aren’t they so sick all right

Claps electrode so Shadow you’re saying you don’t think it’s super cool that he turned doraladon a skyscraper into the Brooklyn Bridge and or a stapler what was the stapler [ __ ] was that just was that a new Pokemon bro but like oh like his prehistoric form or whatever

Yeah I would imagine so or is future foreign got the prehistoric one right what was wasn’t there someone else oh uh yeah like what the [ __ ] is intake gonna look like that’s gonna be so sick I think entei’s gonna have no Entei has to

Be dope if they [ __ ] up Entei which I I guess they will because I mean they already [ __ ] up um two others yeah exactly yeah like he he sets up the electric terrain they’re gonna do some quirky thing doing that makes them just ruined it’s a new Evo

Wait someone said it’s just a new Evolution that can’t be hit right for what or the stapler wait maybe he’s talking about something else let me see let me see what’s uh what’s a new Evolution what are you talking about the DLC comes up pretty soon I’m pretty sure yeah September 3rd uh

The teal book or the teal mask I guess is called that’s September 13th I think what do you think about Mass guy I don’t really like them what guy the mask guy he looks kind of just like a he kind of reminds me of like zarude like just like a [ __ ]

Everything’s [ __ ] horrible that’s like just absolutely over designed into the point that it’s just bad it’s bad oh Darla Don’s new Evo was a Stabler thing apparently so it’s his new Evolution yeah that’s so sad dude on himself was a bad idea someone said they’re gonna add the Dynasty and Poltergeist Evo

Oh that’s cool I love those two definitely be nice stapler did you play Scarlett Shadow I know G you kind of [ __ ] around with a little bit I don’t know if you finished it though I didn’t play it at all I love how you got on maybe it was Arceus you got him

Then I bought him but didn’t play him uh rip I had inflated Pokemon is for children inside yeah I was busy watching my cartoons I was busy watching other cartoons I didn’t have time for that I heard a rumor that entei’s Paradox room is going

To be based off of a T-Rex since Raku was a bronchiosaurus and suicune is a Raptor well if you make his neck really long I don’t really like it I think he’s okay I just don’t like that stupid blue stuff around his head that like um in certain pictures of him

Completely goes around his neck I think you’re saying like it’s like like the rim job yeah yeah you just didn’t need a rim job I guess I don’t know I don’t I’m not a I mean I like this original design a lot of obviously but I guess it’s different you know he’s

Supposed to be more [ __ ] prehistorically yeah Triceratops um I will say one of my favorite Pokemon designs this weekend like I think it’s such a sick like uh design am I crazy for this original this weekend yeah yeah it’s weekends the best of the three of them yeah it’s like a

It’s like really elegant like in the house like he he looks like he [ __ ] in the rig I think he does [ __ ] regularly probably based on like just his his look yeah I definitely said that’s a valid thing to say son yeah thank you uh I tried

Putting suicune in the daycare with a ditto and uh he doesn’t [ __ ] actually so I feel God damn I don’t know if it’s worth looking for roaring Moon if we don’t have the texture pack thing on we’re gonna miss them ah in the in the swamp do you think so

Well yeah because you’re looking for like a very like gray plonk on the map right yeah I I totally like I get what you’re saying I think we should look for just just a little bit more or we can go yeah no I’m gonna keep looking it would just be

Easier if we downloaded that [ __ ] and put it on I think let me let me ask the yeah can you ask for that because you don’t even have to restart the game to put that on you just put in the file while you’re live like yeah let’s move

It over where do you think I should like we’re gonna ask for that as that epic users do in general uh just General’s fine DMS go to the general and see because you’ve got it like that JG Wentworth I’m gonna my wife something like that right

It’s about right yeah Chris yeah if you can actually let me agree I don’t know what else do we do there’s a bunch of videos about me what else do you do with a wife spend time with her and play Matchbox cars he has that sorry Arrow map

What is cool to use Shadow okay anime Chestnut uh over quill foreign one of my boys sent me the uh partners uh they’re posting an optional mods but one of my boys sent it to me in the in a Discord download I don’t care how you

Got it so I hit me with that [ __ ] link yeah Link in the description that’s cool this there’s like custom signs you can see from pretty far distance too so yes they’re very nice oh wait um thank you Chris VIP my sand dunes oh my stuff is gone hack a link hack a

Link hack a link hack a link Expedia I got something to show you oh see see me on that dick pic yeah he said that really like advancy right yes thank you foreign take care season you’re a fan of uh Sarah ledge right uh yes except my TP this goes in resource packs

Right yes I hope I know the right one in it’s a 1.3 oh you’re doing resource pack stuff yeah oh sorry I need to just oh wait I didn’t know you’re here all right so you’re a Sarah ledge fan I sure am I got a shiny one yeah you like that

Yeah you like that shiny sterilization is this a joke about his eyes there is shitty shiny do you have one that’s not shiny that you want to give to me shadow s what’s wrong what’s wrong what’s wrong I know he has the worst shiny in the

History if ever and that one’s not shiny what do you mean it’s not blue oh I see we’re doing here my bad I [ __ ] your joke shadow it’s because they’re the [ __ ] same thing yes ah yeah yours is an armor ish yes this [ __ ] guy I [ __ ] your joke

Probably ends in like an hour or two yeah that’s okay I thought you were making a joke about how they have the worst shiny in the History Month into each other’s test skull I know bro yeah it’s really disappointing you would think they would come with something

Cool there Shadow they just move uh cerebral Edge’s eyes into armor rouges and armor is into Sarah ledge it’s so [ __ ] stupid damn it Pokemon company also shot of a meeting room I like building meeting rooms Chinese he’s just on Google he doesn’t give a [ __ ]

Yeah that’s how I felt yeah bro I love you I ain’t right now I see I already read it it’s Biffy hey that’s good bro I’m just I’m just pulling your [ __ ] I’m just pulling your car we got Tito TV oh yeah oh is this the uh sprig

Atito is it the that’s the grassweed cat yeah the sexy yes masquerade Hero Cat yes yes yes brigatido sure does Shadow yes I would I’m not even gonna try I think we all would be Madison surprise me our trick is guaranteed credit that’s such a sick like mechanic

Oh yeah Shadow if you never ever need to have a meeting with me we can conduct a business here shadow get the Navigator now hold on a second uh Annie smilers this world shall no pain hey what’s the is it 1.3 for the new Journey map one

Yes it is right okay I just want to make sure I put the right one on wait dude Speedy unit tell us you got a pool at the crib is it the uh oh do you try to come to the meeting room my king hey uh Chad is my arm changing colors distracting

I never noticed it before now and I think you might notice it more than that I brought it up but like you see how the arms hidden collectors of my [ __ ] particles whatever I can turn it off no one said anything so I’m assuming it’s chill cool purple Pokeball

I was just where your Gym Battles are gonna take place oh yeah yeah part of the castle gym any bear dude I’m gonna leave before you make any more of a mess Shadow because I know you only do it when I’m around to irritate me I

Don’t have any flint and steel you read those the colitis yeah no thanks people bad boy enjoy you got any iron iron stop it foreign by the way Shadow just in case you didn’t pretty cool so thanks you’re the one who inspired me to make him shiny sweetie what’s so [ __ ] funny inside

I was oh it does work sweet it’s like you know it’s like the mega stones right it’s like hey man is Alakazam okay yeah man okay yeah I’ve said that joke like a hundred times then it gets funnier Every Time shadow loves my jokes Shadow we’re

Gonna do some game shows here every time how unfunny was it at this point it still isn’t even getting funny so it must be pretty bad the first time Jesus you slammed bro very good that we’re gonna do a game show of like best friends competing against each

Other and I entered you and I like we have to like you know who knows their best friend Morgan I think in playing Pokemon yeah we did yesterday with uh girlfriends and I thought if you were on I would have invited you but it’s the biggest girlfriend I can’t tell

If you’re serious or not no they actually did that yesterday we’re gonna be doing one with uh best friends so if you and uh so I want to be a team we could probably find a group of best friends to come like go off against

Maybe like I don’t know Tay and uh Cruz versus Shadow inside like that’d be pretty competitive I think I think so you’re lucky that my love of playing trivia you always hear from your best friend the good thing is all the questions will be about sidearms

Shadow knows me so well whenever we used to play the drawing game Shadow would always get my drawings are we can practice right now if you guys want just so you guys are ready in case the question proc so um yeah sidearms what is shadow beats his

Favorite way to Surf his pizza to himself get that [ __ ] Restless that’s her sidearms [ __ ] back if it ain’t crustless all right so Adam’s your next question all right shadow beats walks into Panera Bread what does he do Hey listen here [ __ ] I got three two

Three sevens I’m ready to pay for an apple Panini extra applesauce why’d you get to bring that up I crave one of those that they don’t have it anymore can you can you not custom make one like you know what I mean like I don’t think they have the Apple slaw uh

I walk in there and they’re like uh can I have the the turkey and apple sandwich and they’re like excuse me apples on a sandwich what the [ __ ] with this guy it was on your menu regardless though correct answer two points for the team Shadow your next question and the final question

Sidearms has an itchy face what should he is his face with chainsaw a good answer that’s two points oh my God I think that’d be great I think that would be really good we can set that up we can see a cruise and Tay want to play or if

We have is there any other best friend Duos that would work uh slack and Kevin are the only other ones I can think of that like have come to my mind oh yeah that was very inclusive those side holy dude not very inclusive side the least women involved no you’re right

That would also be a very good one yeah no I think I think tan Cruz would be hilarious just because like I mean no way they’re actually best friends like me and Shadow are right yeah exactly yeah Hey when’s that new better call chainsaw coming out shadow

That’s the only show that we all watch together episode I don’t know [ __ ] love chainsaw man chainsaw so funny yeah we could do the DBP versus someone yeah but they’re like actually best friends you know you guys don’t like each other it’s no fun what are you doing to that colissapod

Did I used to think for some reason I was gonna do it after dark D4 has to be in bed I think so a hard cut off has where’s is everyone at the swamp still I’m just bouncing back and forth between desert and swamp so I can try to catch a

Great Tusk and iron tread swamp thick and you definitely confirmed he was in the uh the list of Pokemon at that spot in the in the swamp yes yeah okay also um I don’t know if you’re interested we technically have like a nine percent chance of getting a uh

Like if an ultra response we have a nine percent chance of getting our uh iron Treads are great to us because they’re uh 4.5 each ah okay this is only like three so we have a better chance there is sorry I don’t know what’s wrong with me

The same thing sometimes dude you know what’s kind of crazy you know like the whole intrusive thoughts thing that’s it that’s like a phenomena or something I don’t know what you call that it’s it’s called the call of the Void where it’s like when you’re like on a tall building

Or something it’s like oh [ __ ] I could just jump off right now kind of thing you know like it’s yeah isn’t that [ __ ] crazy like that there’s a name for that I don’t know that’s that’s what I was saying I really enjoyed call of the Void Modern Warfare 2.

Uh golden titanium alloy man hey big fan of my king I hope you get a new movie thank you for the five months that’s like the guy thanks for three months yeah he’s literally just chilling bro yeah thing chilling wow one of these so cute I would never

Want to ruin this wholesome moment you’re gonna wrote it aren’t you no ruined everything inside one of the biggest intrusive thoughts that I had to deal with back when I worked in the old restaurant swamp yeah um whenever I was uh cutting deli meats on the slicer I would constantly be like

What if I just put my hand right dude it’s like it’s it’s bad it’s why I can’t really operate like Power Equipment here I don’t feel comfortable doing it because it’s just like what is he no longer has any hands he’s actually controlling his Mouse with a straw right now

Thing as well like oh [ __ ] like this I could just rear end this guy you know yeah just going into the other lane yeah yeah damn let the intrusive thoughts win yes I do order a shamrock shake today someone has like a course for a thing

Here maybe I do pull off into the McDonald’s parking lot in order 12 Shamrock Shakes oh I can upgrade to large fries for free why don’t I do that dude I have some uh I have some double D credit that I could use uh I might use that tonight what does that mean

Doordash mcnash oh you double D is doordash to you I just I just want to say the like the name out loud oh okay I thought you were talking about large breasts plopped menacingly out of the bra so I think if this comes I think if this conversation needs any kind of

Sponsor it’s probably better help this is [ __ ] sides like flirting in the DMS with some girl and she’s like I’ve got double D’s and he’s like I prefer ubereats yeah that [ __ ] doesn’t work for me this guy said I could totally [ __ ] my sister Jesus Christ God damn flash home swamp ass

Did I like what you did to my place uh oh really Jason okay oh the fire thanks yeah oh the fact there’s a fire in the Flames really kind thing to do shadow just saying a fire spread was on that fire wouldn’t be there anymore neither would the entirety of my base sandstone

And your point in the intrusive thoughts from 80 20. yeah like I’m like should I just get out of this call I’m going to make a jizz I did you bucket what the [ __ ] that’s insane where should I go now yeah that’s as intrusive though when

He’s standing on the edge of a building it’s not jumping off he’s just like just I’ve kind of wanted to like I haven’t done it of course but like throwing stuff off of the buildings like at the top and then seeing if I can hit people below with your cheese

Or like peeing like peeing up the top of the building it’s like do they think it’s rained or what you know uh rock hard soccer appreciate your ways oh I didn’t say it was gonna rain today uh Dr Pepper kidney stone thank you for the hookup appreciate you thanks for 35

Months what’s up man especially when it’s just a very Dr Pepper this is one area that’s right isn’t that it’s just one stream coming down right look look it’s raining just right here it’s nasty we did it catch it take care check did you guys see that thing on X where

This guy spent 25 G’s on doordash it’s d-d what’s the time period a year 25 Jesus yeah he’s been 1500 on Hooters I I bet there’s probably a lot of people at that threshold yeah I mean not a lot but like uh over a year’s time some people refuse to cook

For themselves like there’s people that legit order coffee to their house three times a day some of the people we play them I’m ordering my Starbucks I don’t do a good Elena voice but yeah deal with the backlash of that comment s oh my God what is like the most oh

Sorry Universe I was gonna ask are you gonna try to tweet e on X side I probably should with try to get a reply because she’s never replied to you on X before he’s only replied to you on Twitter yeah you’re right you could ask

Uh e a picture of your tea inside that’d be so cool yeah what do I say though like I think it’d be better if I made some kind of kidding or something or like made a suggestion about X you know maybe probably yeah I think he might add that more

Um uh I’ll have to think of something um I was with Speedy by the way when he first replied to me but I was pretty chill like I was kind of in disbelief but also we were doing something so I was like oh [ __ ] I can’t like you know I

Can’t freak out right now because I’m with my boys you know the boys the end uh gee if you need to TP to me I’ve got something he might need damn no damn bruh the [ __ ] the secrecy you guys can come if you want I don’t know man God damn very exclusive

We’re exclusive now babe you’re one of eight oh D20 dude you’re gonna love this is it I knew it it’s sleeping whoa that’s really cute dude I think your girlfriend would love oh look there’s a there’s more deer around here yeah weird deer Weir deer

You should get a bunch of them just fill your house with them but I’m going to be pretty cool when they get Ranch blocks just put them all over the house did they say Ranch box their next update I think they said yeah yeah one of the next ones yeah dude that

Makes your place have so much more Pokey charm to it you know I agree yeah it’s gonna be so nice are you trying to get a collection oh who’s your favorite cage shadow I hate that I knew exactly what you meant I thought you were best friends

Sweetie people when people would tell me to say Naruto things and he would say it like how you would expect anyone else to say it was [ __ ] hilarious too like you would say hockage does make a little bit of sense but like historically speaking like I’m used to

Seeing words like cage spelled cage and pronounced cage right so I can see why I’d make that mistake with how I was raised but now I say Paco gay and that’s where it is homaje and everybody else in the server is like what the [ __ ] shadow what up

What the f he doesn’t know Steph FaceTiming him too yeah what the [ __ ] just chilling oh no I’m good I’m not with anybody Shadow we could hear you talking to Emmy [ __ ] idiot didn’t you I think he’s just FaceTime and stuff what the hell no for real do you think

So I want to call her sweetie I know you’re you’re not really into phones you know but do you think he would switch an iPhone oh back at spawn once again looking at the ground this time no look his souls are touching that brown I saw first it wasn’t me touching that brown

Third path some kind of dirt restart Discord what does that mean two lucky souls are touching that brown uh shoes dirt penetration in the [ __ ] is there any where would there be like feet or shoes or something is there two things like yeah I don’t know that’d be hot too what

Does it [ __ ] say back in spawn once again looking at grounds this time two lucky Souls touching that brown [ __ ] does that mean dude anything King I guess not here Chad do you do you know of anything what could it possibly do what that means I

Don’t know what they mean to Lucky Souls that’s why I feel like there’s some like ass play involved here of course do Lucky Souls there has to be something with Souls involved right or is this it’s not spelled like feet right no one said it’s all sand do you

Think there’s still sand somewhere do you remember a spot that had Soul Sand not necessarily so Kenny Kenny’s over here it’s close what the [ __ ] near one side can you spin closer okay where’s over here it’s like uh towards where his house is I guess or whatever the [ __ ] this is

Hey I think we’re thinking the same thing King dude no what place is a random chest thing Bergs found one one of them says one of them though where where is he I have no clue where he is let’s see it’s a brown shulker box okay uh Bird yeah Burgers over there recipe

But how many have passed right over it I stand to find in a world where everyone goes left I go right this time found a butt [ __ ] G damn it G oh is it also over there oh I guess I missed it I thought they might put one on that

Side and then one on this side so I went to the other side since they’re like symmetrical what was energy yeah [ __ ] bird could have both of them blazing Jam Master Ball I think they both have found yeah what was the thing before candies what did bird get master ball okay

[ __ ] dude I’m trying to kill me gee what’d you get there’s a master ball blazing jam and some candy G where was yours at oh did you find your co2g yeah it was right here oh that one right there oh okay all right that was [ __ ] good one G and wanji

You look great today babe oh if I don’t look good on the other days oh no I mean every day look if it doesn’t have fun I guess whatever both of them yeah there’s one over here yeah um yeah there’s one here and then the other one was over in that farm like

That little Red Shed over there I think Burger okay cool easy my king did he make this squirt uh this uh when it said Souls I was like oh it’s totally on like Bulbasaur’s feet I looked and there’s nothing there oh that’s pretty smart though that you tried that dude that’s so cool

This guy kind of [ __ ] dude he’s even doing fine whip look at the sides of the [ __ ] he has the little Vines oh man I was touching the shulker box when in chat it said Berg found one so I ran over to Burke it’s so unfortunate swamp ass sounds like swamp ass

Probably directed my gaze away from the brown too so I looked at the chat what is so [ __ ] funny dude I was thinking of my next sentence it was gonna be hilarious but now I’m not gonna say no no I got it because my case is probably in the middle of the

Screen but then once that chat message came on the bottom left my gaze probably moved down there exactly you got distracted yeah oh man that sucks that could have been me dude I uh you know what I don’t like one of the new things

I don’t like I I don’t like Riz I I don’t know like we’re gonna get so [ __ ] stupid dude I get it because it’s the middle of that word but like it’s stupid what what’s the what’s wrong oh [ __ ] I didn’t even know it that’s so cool now risk my mom up

The two dumbest words but I guess I’ll just stop being a boomer yeah I’m with it I’m a cringe when I hear both of them if one of our friends says it while we’re streaming I just go with it but a mid take yeah here we go yeah I’m gonna go mid

The League of Legends get too mid what’s embarrassing is playing DOTA instead of League [ __ ] wrong man shout out I killed one earlier shut up Brenda this is galencia POD [ __ ] t-poses whenever he walks around looks hilarious that thing’s enormous see they had no idea that I meant like

It said for Charisma or whatever that’s so sick did you really not put that together no I didn’t I didn’t I was watching one of your uh best dubs like from a long time ago when we played Russ yeah and I got to the PC risk

Before everyone else no but uh I don’t know why this reminded me of it but you were like like you just came back to the base I don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re doing but you found me on the piano I was like oh sweetie watch this and then

I started like hitting like this [ __ ] nuts Doki Doki song so you like looked the camera’s like how did you learn how to do this in such a short amount of time I haven’t been gone for that long and then I was like oh I just have to figure out what keys were

The keys on the keyboard and then you were like don’t get me wrong like I know you’re talented but like I didn’t know you had a town like this and then I was like yeah thanks man I just kept like playing it while I was uh still talking to you

And like this [ __ ] around and [ __ ] until I forgot who told you about like you being able to auto play or whatever I genuinely at that point thought you were that like talented thank you because I remember you learned how to you kind of learned how to play Hot

Cross Buns on the flute at one point so like that was like the most difficult thing in the world but like yeah I had a Kalimba as well it’s right here next to me and I’m sure there’s a spider living inside of it minion thank you so much for the 22

Months of my king dude it has been a while I’m working on the haystack yeah I’ll come over am I a Cocker is still looking for roaring [ __ ] oh I still try I just got a little bored so I went over here and haystacked it’s tough because I don’t want to like waste

His time in 2016 you know oh I see it needle in the haystack this would be such a great spot for another clue well that’s why I’m gonna bring everyone over and they’re gonna circle around the outside side and then we’re gonna be up in the sky with a glass lattice of three

By threes and we’re gonna drop anvils and the people that try to find to see like three things they hide in here um so I think that’d be a fun little stupid event also it’s really easy to just mindlessly place this while ignoring chat laughs oh yeah some of the furniture does that

Are you gasoline or should I just let her know you let her know probably in between the cushions I was just pulling your leg usually I say pull in your [ __ ] but I wasn’t gonna I’m sure she doesn’t have one the hesitancy on the pretty sure

You can never be 100 these days if you if you want to evaluate with someone and plays velor and you should ask everybody your weird valoring questions [ __ ] yeah let’s go right now gotta go Peter the Hat was blame Valiant the other day oh [ __ ] Valerian is officially cool

All I needed was Minecraft Legend Pete the boy it is cat eyes [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I’m honestly I’m surprised sad that you I don’t like it with all the league and stuff all the attractive females ah Shadow and males I uh yes Brimstone Caked Up do they have short games on valerian foreign

You don’t have to worry about like buying necessarily like the economy isn’t the most important carryover okay so you’re just gonna send it around yeah and there’s like power-ups that you can pick up it’s not exactly this it’s not like eight round CS go or whatever the [ __ ] but yeah

There’s a lot of party games this guy said Swift play first to five is that do you know what the [ __ ] that is uh if that’s new then that would be it I don’t know I think I think it’s just like a like a learning curve thing where like I’m not it’s

Tough to kind of play now like it’s the same reason I wouldn’t want it for like a league or a new mobile or whatever where it’s like oh [ __ ] all these [ __ ] characters I wanna look like Angela what the [ __ ] they do and yeah I definitely think that’s what you know

What I mean yeah it is yeah I think you’d like it if you’d give it a shot took like a week yeah yeah I wouldn’t I wouldn’t doubt that you know like I mean I love League of Legends even though there’s like a billion [ __ ] people on there so

Matter of learning I guess how do you feel about one piece uh not enough pieces I think one piece has the worst fans of a big anime it’s gonna like the eagles holy [ __ ] hey dude I’m just kidding I just said that because yeah no you don’t like it we’re back

I’ve been I think it’s because all the stuff that slack sends me but I keep getting one piece things in my timeline and it’s all are the fans being like oh [ __ ] Luffy’s so much cooler than Dragon Ball and you know like all this other [ __ ] I’m like what the [ __ ] it’s

Just a guy who stretches bro it doesn’t do anything I love it I love that character Dragon Ball oh look at that Dragon Ball friend is this the guy who stretches bro what the [ __ ] what kind of superpower is that oh my God damn Mr Fantastic catching streets exactly just the regular guy

Come on you wouldn’t take advantage of that superpower oh absolutely I will here we go you’re watching the kitchen and you’re just comfortable on the couch she’s like oh come here and [ __ ] me okay let me just stretch your dick out well still chilling holy [ __ ] that sounds really

Sick accident when I take it back what I said oh it disappeared God damn wait wait wait wait hold up if Mr Fantastic stretched out his dick yeah to make it bigger yes could he like also give it more girth as well oh you’re saying so can it can it

Stretch in two directions kind of thing like yeah and widen out yeah yeah yeah like because look he can stretch it out to have like you know an 11 inch hanger but then is it going to be like really really thin or yeah can he make it like a balloon and fly away

I would assume he can do both otherwise that would really suck like widen it or whatever not illegal advice he can go skinny so he can probably make it wider God damn hmm the face of death any of you guys ever play the Assassin’s Creed games besides G

Mg he don’t want to talk to you just because I know G played a little bit but I hadn’t played much I didn’t get a twitch Bounty for it so no Man by the name of wrong of twitch Bounty oh if you play this game and average three

Times more viewers than you normally get you get 50 bucks this [ __ ] gun you guys want to see you go to Blastoise and spawn yes dude people are just showing up here Berg everyone’s so stoked on you so stuck man you’re gonna blow your load right now

Yeah I tried to buy it off him and then he saw the list and now he’s using it and I’m so happy for him I can I can feel the uh the excitement for me I’m genuinely really excited did you do it then yeah oh [ __ ] yeah wait wait wait hold on wait

Wait just for me shadow beats disappears it’s gonna be crazy how crazy the baby never comes back dude I think he would actually consider doing that oh that would be funny oh [ __ ] I kind of don’t want to come back you [ __ ] hilarious is this your starter that you chose berries Shadows

Back all right [ __ ] it let’s go that’s so cool oh we got that black turtle shell bruh what’s up junk do you like my new Blastoise he’s he’s cool this Pokemon is flame I got one too you do they’re yours Flex on them Flex on it yeah

Congrats yeah when you evolve that in the blastrocity that’s gonna be so cool it doesn’t said that it doesn’t evolve at night oh and gender in gen nine it does blast Troika so there’s three little squirrels operating a three-headed uh machine gun on the back of it it’s really sick it’s

Kind of like it’s like exactly it’s like Dragon Ball it’s a gents uh was that gen 8 gen 8 for Dragon Ball gen 9 for blastrops in Detroit yeah yeah oh never mind junk would what the floor already yeah mine’s 76. okay you’re so close junk oh cool

My my guns are bigger than your guns look at what I got earlier oh my gosh that’s cool what do you think would you [ __ ] it it looks like a Transformer yeah what is it yes it’s supposed to be like a motorcycle crazy on yes karate on it’s like karate

This thing gets a robot Evolution as well a karatotron it’s one of the new Paradox ones it’s a new DLC apparently uh aside you’re wrong it’s Kaleidoscope it’s Meridian that has that other one that was good that was great you know they say sheep uh she [ __ ] tastes just like

Yeah I’m leaving I’m out what the [ __ ] dude why can’t I fear your sheep please let me get out of here oh [ __ ] Squad please no tp’d right back in there were no girls around so I sent it uh oh [ __ ] oh man all right a Tron

[ __ ] get one of these ultra rare to spawn which is the point he’s just lagging not her foot Max not working damn oh my God what it’s my girlfriend it’s a I love you message me when your mic’s back swan I I love I love Jenny tools

Um do you think they’re gonna add the incest I’m sorry incense um so we can get stuff to spawn it’s like they’re more rare stuff yeah yeah you know the statue is actually going to be the incest oh really incense said did I say it wrong did I really think I

Might have said it wrong yeah okay another thing or two about that oh god let’s not get into a shadow beats incest stream yeah go ahead it’s like [ __ ] your sister huh I’m just saying oh God just saying oh no there’s nothing following that that was the joke okay good yeah yeah oh

Can you hear me now oh I’m fixing my keyboard to make all those letters that’s okay hey Geon hey look at what I got oh [ __ ] hold on what is that a legendary from the new game from the the newest game or whatever yeah it’s fun to me today so I like I

Had legendary spawn today isn’t that crazy he was Blazing like orange and then I made him a shiny blazing because I wanted one of those riddles oh that’s so cute I love you chion are you gonna what are you gonna do today or you don’t know yet maybe are you gonna build oh

Damn that’s the squad they’re they love me too young look no no no no no he’s living everyone’s dream Chad off your performance when you’re done performing okay I’ll probably end with him like uh 30 minutes okay you can take your time no no no I want to hang out with my GL

I’m sitting on eggs right now what oh my gosh thank you I have to like my dick here I love you okay I’ll see ya in Ikea were you leaving me no I’m not you didn’t come what do you want to spend or so I want to spend time with you

Come come TP to me I don’t know if you’ve seen somebody that brand have you seen somebody’s Umbreon uh I don’t know probably I don’t know is it new uh it’s new yeah he had it like um two episodes ago Mikey thank you the 57 months what’s up guys appreciate your ways thanks

Our kids but yeah oh uh sylveon’s her favorite uh so there’s new Pokemon I can spawn here so one of the ones in the swamp is kind of like this it’s called roaring Moon it’s like a uh like this giant circle thing it’s pretty [ __ ] sick what the hell I’m working on it

Speeds asked me teleport to them TP to meet you love you honestly not my fault oh my God you might like this yeah that’s awesome what was the inspiration behind this campfires and there’s idiocracy of using them I guess was what shadow said God damn I guess you can say that

Building is holy [ __ ] pumpkaboo wait does that evolve into the Leela thing Leela from uh Star Trek featuring whatever uh it turns out oh Phantom no no no no no no it pulled uh the Lila thing right Gore Geist I know what Leela is son you ever watch Futurama what no well I’ve

Only ever seen one episode of Futurama and it was the first episode of Futurama coming back it’s the girl of uh with the with the eyes like one eye Cyclops girl with a purple hair purple ponytail oh I can yeah I know who she is yeah yeah yeah you should definitely watch drama

I saw it’s only like eight or nine Seasons or something so it wouldn’t be like the hardest watch in the world I guess I don’t know how many episodes are per season I think Bender is the best character Bender I hardly know dude I wish Invader Zim was uh back they

Made a movie chat I don’t know if you saw that Invader Zim movie yeah it’s like it’s like a new recent like to last two years huh yeah cartoons are for children laughs I missed a girl he was hilarious is there anybody that’s busy right now

Yes yes very busy I’m just kidding why are you asking me uh I would like everyone to come to sidearm’s house you want to come with me I thought that was you over there I’m looking for these flowers okay flowers all right I love you come here okay I love you too

Eyes on it is hilarious I I don’t even know if they eyes and knows their own base but I’m loving the the whole episode you were inside the whole time you don’t know if I’m throwing a doctor do you want to stay lighting that place

On fire hey bro I won’t be part of this anyway okay all right uh friendship bread check oof I had it all right all right good good good okay just making sure everybody’s still on that’s making sure yeah that’s important that’s important yeah we’re gonna have that extra inventory slap in my

Friendship to you guys means more I have three inventory slots taken I buy a friendship bread I have sides quick nut which is from sarin and then I have a guy Apple for me and stuff you have things with other people guy Apple they’re just they’re not as

Cool as a friendship bread I just you know you’re gonna give your editor an editor muffin side I mean Jesus Christ at this point dude here’s an editor carrot how can we give your house eyes yeah where would it be just on top like peeking out right on the roof there dude

Let’s put some peepers anyone got a white and black concrete that has got us yeah I can I can I can buy some here how much do we need I might have some from just disassembling other I really don’t know much I have one pupil you can’t use pokeballs on your shell

Car no you pale people Pew pills bruh ice tunnel for the boys daycare season make sure you’re doing your daycare guys I forgot until like five minutes ago how far apart of their eyes pretty far actually so he put that theme do you want him to be like up like here

I would say like oh yes that’s where the bottom yeah yeah is and then um how many blocks away is that from Center it’s two so it’d be five apart total I am not a white concrete so I can’t really I’ll buy some I’ll buy some shop

Yeah you should be able to just buy like did they come already Maybe uh you can buy them cooked or uncooked let’s see uh Speedy coming in front of me if you can peace I don’t have any left oh I get some brown as well sorry for the eyebrows what’s your brow sensei

Yeah you should do like Angry Eyes like angle the eyebrows eyebrows down oh yeah we could oh is that center with a house can someone double check I think it is but step five in between yes yeah and then the other people said nope but

I can get one yeah just one yeah running around I’ll bring around made some whales uh perhaps a unibrow outside I’ll need three more pieces of plant if the buying stuff for blocks is very convenient this is gonna run me a little more brownies yeah when I started building I was like

Okay I’m gonna have to go find this and this and then I start buying stuff and I was like what’s the point just just buy an elephant I I don’t think I caught that I’m gonna go get some dark brown braced planks I think that would look more hairy than uh

Just Brown okay and I make my eyes red or do you think that’s against the yeah let’s uh let’s make the base and then we’ll see where we go from there cool we even have to walk away to your house be that crazy tongue son Persona find the crib bro this is a

Dream come true what if you just yeah the little path coming out you turn it into a tongue and you have it go all the way over and touch Speedy’s tongue oh my God you might be spitting that is that is very good tongue touchers unfortunately they’ll

Have to go over the uh pointless Bridge it’ll just go right over it you’re so good at making eyes bro I’m gay are these symmetrical eyebrows yes yes I really [ __ ] first try not really symmetrical if it’s well I mean I guess it is yeah yes yeah wait no they’re not

Really they are not yeah I think this needs one more time let’s go out one more on the uh my [ __ ] and then you put that other one underneath it honestly they don’t have to be completely symmetrical I guess the one on the top is Goofy and then there needs to be one

I think I kind of like the left side more on the right side like that we got a sleep job I can’t see no contrast so don’t say it his eyes open your eyes okay we’re we’re doing to place the block uh honestly if you just want to go to the right side

[ __ ] it I’ll just get up there oh this here no I got it I gotta do it oh yeah so um the one under you but two under you oh [ __ ] I didn’t have an action at that point we’re symmetrical right did I make this one kind of raised kind

Of like uh Dwayne the Rock Hard [ __ ] you know what I mean like yeah but you need to do one more maybe right where you’re standing uh let me what is this uh dark oak brace planks let me get that dark oak braced planks who the hell thinks of that bro uh

I just don’t see it I don’t see it am I crazy I have some in TP India sorry I might just make this one uh one longer just so it uh makes sense that that one gets up higher we can see if it looks stupid what do you guys think about making the

Eyeball one Higher like the white part making it more oval shaped instead of just squared rectangular is that blush a little too high up on the eyes I think it is permission to break ceiling I feel like this yeah yeah you can take the blush off

Then son going down on the left side who did that say no no it has personality in outside now hold on wait right there okay what if we do this front part as the lips and do it a pink color to look like a lip

Oh sorry I had a message from D20 and I was confused but it was the thanks okay oh what’d you say what do you think what do you think this overhang here let me just turned that into a lip oh I see what you mean yeah

Is that permission to give you a mouth yes this is pretty fixable it’s five blocks you just mean like probably like a line of red there or something yeah yeah or just uh hold on terracotta let’s do some spitting well Lush but you want some rosy red lipstick

Please I want the Joel’s special I mean if you have like really red lips as a dude does that mean that you [ __ ] uh it means you get DSL ow I love it I think your house looked dude I love the whole gave her everyone’s house like I think that makes

Them so much better what do you think we’re in trouble we’re in trouble doing oh hey Steph the feds uh should I meant to say the Discord okay what are you guys doing we added a face to the house because sweetie’s house has a face it was his house on the

Face Young’s house has a base base it just uh you know it’s kind of the look you know it’s it’s the new it’s a new thing what do you think I think I think you should have I think you should have kept the eyes junk it looks like they’re following me

Should be out why is one eyebrow up higher than the other he’s on the Rock dude yeah I wish I could do the Rock can you believe that in San Andreas he got the [ __ ] with the cafe over there oh they got a nose and they got eyes and

Then uh shadow beats noticed that their entire place was rimmed with fireplaces and he wanted to make sure that the fireplaces were used properly so he lit them back on top I hate the food if you say that Cafe is pretty hot you can’t I I don’t understand the sign though

What is Clint Clint next Tuesday Clinton X clinics I don’t know climax Clinton HBO Max do I look like a tryhard with this stuff in my head that’s what I was going for all right all right what shadow gonna do oh Shadow spit and Shadow spitting okay

Okay so I just lost your pupils okay I think you just said oh oh it’s like the cartoon Angry Eyes that’s so good and a way to go Nobody Does it Better now if you put like frog lights behind it would they glow I’m not sure oh yeah I guess the target blocks

Are they too thick it’s like a Rinnegan shadow are you gonna keep this side I genuinely yes no I think this is great yeah I think this this is the this is what it needed nice hey thanks guys all right this is your vision hey Jesus

Can we make like the eyes on the cafe kind of like pink yeah it’s irritated from the smoke I see what you’re saying yeah like like what would you say the like pink uh you think it’s still juice concrete or something yeah it looks awesome meow yeah we can try with yeah sweetie

What do you think you’re kind of like I’m sorry I missed that I was distracted what happened he’s saying what if we make the uh the eyes red up there like pink smoke yeah kind of like oh kind of like they’re getting a little high well it’s kind of like the

Irritated from the smoke or whatever you know oh yeah I think that would probably they could actually switch it back I don’t even know if they pranked themselves they probably did that to their own build but I like their nose by the way I kind of want to nose on mine

Though but it’s great um yeah you’re saying turn around instead of or you say terms no just like the white around the around a condom is Lance Armstrong dude said your mouth’s moving it was like open clothes open clothes we still play This Server and Christmas this is gonna [ __ ] kill right here

Bro let me get what the [ __ ] is this died you’re the Green Lantern holy [ __ ] look I’m half awesome hey I’m gonna go pee I’ll be right back okay just go in that bush right there I was aiming towards go off of a building intrusive thought this is so [ __ ] sick a rug

Look md4 do we need any pointless Bridges anywhere I don’t see it you not see my crown uh you got a helmet on iron helmet oh there it is oh there it is your brother D20 some of these are pretty [ __ ] sick I should explore these more foreign this is so sick

Did we get these all from The Purge I don’t remember them on the perch remember the emote stuff but I don’t remember all this stuff the deal with the glasses are great what the [ __ ] I look like gee look like I look like a [ __ ] protest bro what the [ __ ] Ed up oh

I’m gonna I’m gonna TP to him so I can see the things might be spoilers though my guy why not I don’t know do we want to see blazing Zapdos [ __ ] sender dude I was just hoping we could look at them you know while you were testing mother of French if you want

You’re chilling you’re chilling oh God yo dude that Moltres the coolest yeah oh drop the bass dude that’s like the noise from movies whenever it cuts to that next scene oh my gosh that’s so sick that’s dude that’s insane all right that looked very pretty ride on blazing Moltres shadow

Be ready with a master ball and try to catch it when he puts it out holy [ __ ] should I I have one I’ll throw uh I don’t think I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m just kidding it would be like Contraband no give it back of course but dude that was

Sick Pokey is are you a lot more uh he said he doesn’t have a mic active right now so trying to figure out which ones don’t announce the captures the mind didn’t the Blazing karaton didn’t do the capture I’m pretty sure right I remember seeing it at least speedy

Dude I thought I had it I was right I’m gonna try it the the hitbox is probably below it it’s I think it’s above yeah I think it’s above to the side’s house hey hey that didn’t show that ain’t showing the thing everyone go to my house go to my house

We take our we take ours to the meeting room upstairs upstairs he left dude that’s ours now it’s officially ours it’s like my eyes are up here you look cooler in his other form right he put down a gilded one and that’s what it said Gilda maridon yeah

Dude that’s so funny he said I can’t believe that worked are we even keeping this is this is this on a Contraband are we worse than Slack Channel all right guys do you think my office looks super sweet or does it look like it’s a first graders uh lunch date I love this

Yeah you look [ __ ] stupid so I’d honestly ruined the clip of you yoinking that uh Look at me now don’t I look hilarious I have a cat face so you can stop lighting everything on fire if we ever have an important business to discuss guys this would be the place to do it

This like the feeling of the Pokemon yeah ha put him on his heads but you don’t have a ride on if anyone asks I’m gonna throw it over here and then you wanna that’s not ours it looks like a table at a first graders party it really does bro

I tried to spice it up with some Lydia mature on the wall but I don’t know if it’s uh if it’s working oh he’s throwing more I’m gonna send it back then last Pokey gift I sent a TV to him he said denied XD but I’m a ride on does it

Just disappear when you send it dude he’s such a stupid looking lad no Contra man I should have said a home out there but I didn’t think he’d spot it and doing more so he’s essentially trying to fix the message so it says like there yeah so

Yeah so it shows up when they’re cut starting to think this guy’s cheating damn it’s almost got as many or as many uh Legendary Ships on him it’s uh take I’ll get another Master Ball damn it never lucky never fresh Papa John’s better ingredients better you think that’s

Cersei yeah I don’t think they would advertise that you’re right oh crass I think the eyes are a look for sure dude you’re a look sir oh [ __ ] I’ve got cobwebs on the literature because no one [ __ ] reads books yes oh my God I love that

Such a nerd thing to do reading books no because he’s using master balls too hey actual testing thing you know I uh it didn’t show up for me and chat whenever I did it but I was doing it for him I wonder if because he because he’s

Like admin or whatever like well he just left and came back so maybe I mean something so first oh that fixes my lighting issue I can’t see it I’m so smart we should have said it home when we were out there with him ask him if he can get a

Your stack of 64. master balls back that you threw in it yes oh it’s not accepting it looks like shiny Legends uh get announced none don’t we’ll fix that for tomorrow yeah we definitely want that fixed because that’s a nice moment when you get yours you know makes you feel all keenel

Stack of them no I haven’t memes thank you King they give you stack yes obliviate Out Boys I’m just gonna give him dude that master ball joining kind of large there yeah as you should I mean you did you could have kept them right I didn’t care no [ __ ] away

I’m just send your Rayquaza call it even could have at least contrabanded in a box yeah oh man or uh Porygon right Jenna foreign I don’t think that it’s new versions are in here my performance I wanted to be the good guy honestly being the good guy has [ __ ] me so many

Times I should stop being the good guy and like like doing the right thing kind of thing you know what I mean I can think of one that we can’t talk about the worst good guy situation we’ve ever done so yeah I was just thinking about that today

Yeah I remember I asked him and he was like you should just gifted that’s insane dude yeah he said we would have noticed that I’d be like [ __ ] God damn oh I am the new antagonist black was too soft villain archetime yeah Chad I I can’t necessarily say what

It was for or not but I like this is a long time ago um I received basically long story short I received a thousand like my payout was supposed to be a thousand dollars for some sponsor stuff that we did but they accidentally sent me a check for ten thousand

Um I don’t know how they [ __ ] that up and I was like oh um this is like just kind of like starting out kind of thing like you know one of my very first responsive deals so I was like oh okay uh it was [ __ ]

Huge I was like holy [ __ ] I like showed my dad and my like my my appearance and stuff and they were like what the [ __ ] like isn’t that that’s insane I was like yeah but I’m gonna you know I was like I should give it back right then they said

Yeah like that’s the right thing to do and you know like who knows maybe they’ll reward you kind of thing for um doing the right thing and stuff like that you know and uh it didn’t uh and then basically the guy that you know like our contact there without

Getting into too much details I asked them like uh later you know like whenever he left the company and stuff and I like uh met him as like this other place and he was like oh yeah we like we didn’t notice or whatever and I was like oh [ __ ]

Good if I can see your waist you know where I can find electric pylon that’s it’s what you use in transmission towers as possible get them anywhere it’s possible to get it’s impossible to pile on these nuts in your mouth what the hell man how could you God damn

Food oh my gosh gione of course there you go dippy I love you all right mosquito I’m gonna tell the boys I’m gonna head out and now I’m gonna stay with my chion wait wait let me let me text you hold on okay W Chad w

Ow I have 16 friendship bread in case someone loses theirs you know thank you oh one second I’m just going to be eating some ice cream because I’m singling alone now while she’s not here don’t do a chat it’s me it’s too late for me but it’s

Not too late for some of you have you ever heard anyone say wow this is so awesome being married it’s so great everyone should get married never not a single person never said that yet never seriously have you ever seen that because I’ve never seen that ever in my life

My dad warned me and I thought it was just a kidding was not a kidding me thank you I already married and two kids oh [ __ ] I’m just kidding by the way Chad I’m only saying that because I already have staff so it’s like you know really sucks

For the rest of you guys kind of thing that’s what I meant hey can you guys keep it in my house and tell me what this looks like on your map looks like a dick oh look at how big it is on the map got a week ago so that’s crazy wait

Really I didn’t believe that though yeah yeah he’s very easy when he walks when he walks he T poses dude I have on them is that the shadow you program stuff is that just like a like the model or something like just are all models like that or some [ __ ]

Uh yes all models I would assume so yeah like that’s how you design it and then I guess where like they didn’t animate it just defaults to that yeah now the question is does it still show up like that how’s it blend if it’s mine Aloft plus ratio hell yeah it does

Just have like a party of six of these beaches dude I had a stack of potatoes somewhere [ __ ] dude [ __ ] catching that ruined my shiny Jane idiot where are you Jenny Porygon Oregon oh nice that sounds like a masochistic chain shadow definitely sounds like a shadow chain

You King what’s up really nowhere thanks to nothing thank you my dude thanks for the [ __ ] hookup hey uh I’ve seen three spawn on me total while I’ve been on the server I I know a guy who made a thing there’s a you can make certain platforms

You know how we used to do like the uh the like Dragonair platforms okay yeah and what block does he spawn on spawns near PCS oh God can I see this shadow I would also like to see haha take care time oh nice oh God Shadow the name is dicks and Dixon Cider

I didn’t make this oh you asked for this to be made no somebody else I I asked uh Pokey ninja like hey you know how does how does Porygon spawn and rillo’s just been doing this for the past hour so I was like huh serendipitous is that Stonehenge up there

Oh they do spawn pretty often here it’s all good it wasn’t a dragon so don’t care PC Potter PC positan bro 500 view PC this is where I’m gonna be bro we ever have a risky comments I saw fresh whoa porygon2 is here holy [ __ ] Shadow

Can I catch this or because it’ll [ __ ] up your thing right we’re on two is here let me tell you jaspy you can you can have it if you wanna okay I don’t like the porygons all right not really okay porygon’s got the best shiny what is it is

I obviously know that I’m just testing you yeah he’s just making fun of me blue and purple Speedy I love the uh the looks that we do you know what I mean are we looking each other Yeah well yeah like we’re well where someone like says something kind of crazy and it’s like

I had to run away from that battle now because I can’t [ __ ] good I’m just kidding up here no no that’s okay I’m just [ __ ] around like kind of thing no no okay okay you should still be in battle then right yeah there’s a [ __ ] burned me

I would have died now I can’t fix the floor sorry if that’s scuffed or maybe we can leave it for the memory that’s a really smart idea though to build this platform for this I’m you can make one for Magnemite as well that’s what I was gonna do you have to do it

Like over an ocean or something um I’ve been trying to do that well I started doing that and I gave it could you also do the same thing for Spirit team theoretically if you made like only polished deep sleep pretty sure I’m pretty sure yeah I think they all work

Like that damn I don’t know what constitutes it though like what’s the deal or whatever you know yeah um oh yeah that is Stonehenge over there sweetie yeah I was surprised to see Stonehenge it really is a blazing shiny but I’m freaking out please spawn me more roaring Moon

I won wait let me defeat to you and then just for because I’m gonna be heading off soon head okay so I wanna I wanna spend my life my last moments are going to be spent getting a roaring moon with you and with my sad is this the final evolution yeah okay

That’s why his little market flare on the hair there yeah God damn Warner Vines I couldn’t think of anything fast enough to ask you I’m sorry Jesus dude that was an intrusive thought no joke I think those are interested that’s from here I just like say someone’s name is bigger something you know

Okay think that counts but you say so what else did any thought that enters his mind what is this intrusion my mind has been intruded with a thought I don’t usually have these what are these things get out of my brain dude did you guys know that they make

Like different pasta but look they make pasta like smaller so it’s like where are you going with this it’s like a more awesome version of a quinoa I don’t know how to say it thank you holy [ __ ] all right guys whoa dude that’s insane that is very cool

That’s a that’s the end that’s a one of one for sure like that’s no one else has one I’m fairly certain well of course yeah he’s like pretty respawned what the [ __ ] happened here he swamp all right gents I’ll see you thanks for hanging out two Butters

This video, titled ‘I GOT A *SHINY BLAZING* LEGENDARY! | EP 21 Cobblemon SMP – Minecraft Pokemon Mod (Mythical SMP)’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2023-08-18 17:15:01. It has garnered 9633 views and 315 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:11 or 7811 seconds.

Like the video if you enjoyed Cobblemon (Pokemon Mod) Previous episode – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bXWQGlwgLI Mystery video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNg2mcIc1KQ

Follow me on X – https://X.com/Albi_SideArms Stream – http://www.twitch.tv/sidearms4reason Follow me on Instagram! – https://www.instagram.com/AlbiTakinPhotos/

@KYRSP33DY @TheG18 @TheDeluxe4 @Deluxe2O @ShadowBeatzInc @NobodyEpic

Download the Cobblemon modpack here & play on the public server https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Instructions here – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n3LNUNPZ_RoOVFwryWEQe1WdBgJ2WoLc #MythicalPartner

Pokeninja’s X – https://X.com/iPokeNinja

Editing and Thumbnail by https://twitter.com/Kaiser_Mikael_

Background music by D1 – https://twitter.com/D1ofAquavibe

Cobblemon is an open-source Pokémon mod that is available through Fabric and Forge for Minecraft version 1.19.2. Capture Pokémon to expand your team, battle wild Pokémon to gain experience, and level up to unlock new moves! – From the Cobblemon Website

Second Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/SideArmsPlays

#cobblemon #Pokemon #minecraft

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    Crafting an Exclusive Encounter: Sub meets @mishanyaya2222! #MinecraftGift In the world of Minecraft, MishanYAYA reigns supreme, Crafting stories, building dreams, in a virtual stream. With subscribers by her side, she ventures far and wide, Exploring realms of redstone, where diamonds hide. Gifts from Vova, surprises from friends, In the world of gaming, the fun never ends. From LOL to FUGUE TV, she’s a star, Spinning tales of adventure, near and far. So join the journey, with MishanYAYA in tow, As she navigates the world, with a playful glow. In the land of Minecraft, where creativity flows, She’s the queen of the game, everyone knows. Read More

  • 2000+ FPS in Minecraft: Big Mistakes!

    2000+ FPS in Minecraft: Big Mistakes! Boost Your Minecraft FPS: Common Mistakes and Solutions BharatMC Network: Explore Exciting Game Modes Join the BharatMC Minecraft server to enjoy a variety of game modes like LIFESTEAL, SURVIVAL, PARKOUR, and BATTLE ROYALE. Connect with friends and dive into the ultimate gaming experience! Server IP: PLAY.BHARATMC.FUN Discord: [Insert Discord Link] Optimizing Minecraft for Maximum FPS Are you struggling with low FPS in Minecraft? Follow these tips to boost your performance: Graphics Settings: Adjust settings like Chunk Render Distance and Smooth Lighting for optimal performance. Mod Installation: Explore mods like Fabric 1.20.1 for enhanced gameplay. Gameplay Optimization: Fine-tune settings like… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Survival Minecraft Server 🌲

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Survival Minecraft Server 🌲 Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting server to join where you can showcase your building skills and survive in a challenging environment? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! While watching this amazing video on building a base for survival in Minecraft, you may have been inspired to take your skills to the next level. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that will keep you engaged for hours on end. Join a community of like-minded players who are passionate about crafting, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a variety… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build Guide Minecraft House Tutorial: Building for Survival Are you ready to embark on a survival journey in Minecraft? Look no further! In this video, you’ll learn how to construct three simple yet essential houses to kickstart your survival adventure in the vast world of Minecraft. Exploring Minecraft House Survival Join Amir, an avid Minecraft player, as he guides you through the process of building these crucial shelters. Amir, an 18-year-old gamer from Iran, has been honing his Minecraft skills for nearly five years. His passion for the game shines through as he demonstrates building and destroying with finesse. House Building… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience in 2024

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience in 2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft gaming. Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling Minecraft survival series video on YouTube, where the player embarks on an epic journey in the year 2024. The excitement and adventure in this video are truly captivating, making us want to dive into the world of Minecraft ourselves. If you’re a fan of survival games, open-world exploration, and challenging gameplay, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you. With a vibrant community of players, endless possibilities for customization with mods, and a thrilling… Read More

  • Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server!

    Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. After watching the “Then/Now in Minecraft” video, it’s clear that the world of Minecraft has evolved and grown over the years. Minewind is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a dynamic and engaging environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re into survival games, building, or exploring haunted places, Minewind has something for everyone. Join… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick!

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Border Trick! Setting Up a World Border on Your Minecraft Server Setting up a world border on your Minecraft server can add a new level of challenge and excitement for your players. By restricting them to a certain area of the world, you can create unique gameplay experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a world border on your server. Setting the Center and Size of the World Border To begin, you’ll need to set the center and size of the world border. Use the command /worldborder set [size] to establish the size of the border. For example,… Read More

  • Néloxi – Insane Minecraft Gameplay Hits 3K!

    Néloxi - Insane Minecraft Gameplay Hits 3K!Video Information bye la by la B oh toi ma belle andalouse aussi belle que jalouse quand je danse le dansarrête je perds le Nord je perds la tête toi ma belle Espagnole quand tu bouges tes épaules je ne vois plus le monde autour c’est peut-être ça l’amour oh oh ah je viens le soir danser sur les air de Guitar bonjour tout le monde viens le soir attendez [ __ ] mais le chat il marche pas ça m’énerve ça m’énerve les gars j’ai trop le seum par contre ce qui m’énerve un peu c’est que genre on a fait… Read More

  • Ultimate Kelp Farm Build on Donut SMP!

    Ultimate Kelp Farm Build on Donut SMP!Video Information all right what is up everybody wait one second wait one sec all right we’re all good we’re all good what is up everybody I am uh you know back we’re working on the Kel base again bro crazy amount to get done dude crazy Mount has been done since the last stream actually played a lot yesterday and of course everybody on my team has played a lot I mean I’m pretty sure we’ve created the perfect team possible dude my team has played a lot this is uh it this Bas is is growing team has… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Friend – Part 5!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Friend - Part 5!Video Information hey chat it’s me moldy hey um okay now I’m streaming [Music] oh I think I might I hope stranger Ranger isn’t here yeah you guys are on the screen now axi waxy yeah hi hi yo tablet my goat’s in chat my goat my goat is in chat my goat is in chat my goat is in chat my goat my goat in chat my goat’s in chat my goat’s in chat my goat’s in chat oh God I just looked at the stream I just looked in the Stream my avatar is so old wa you’re… Read More

  • INSANE: Surviving 343 Days in Minecraft! #minecraftlive

    INSANE: Surviving 343 Days in Minecraft! #minecraftliveVideo Information हम हे आ [संगीत] [संगीत] अरे यार सॉरी वेरी सॉरी यार अरे यार सॉरी री सॉरी अरे यह बंद था भाई सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी मतलब इतना टाइम मेरा माइक का साउंड नहीं आ रहा था वाइट लिस्ट करो मुझे वाइटली को वो नहीं कर पाऊंगा ये सर्वर मेरा नहीं है मेरे को बना के दिया है हम खेल [प्रशंसा] [संगीत] रहे मेरा नहीं है भाई तुम रात को आओ जरूर खेलेंगे वह आएगा जिसका सर्वर है वह आएगा रात को खेलने तब आ जाना एक्चुअली यह बना इसलिए क्योंकि देखो लोग आते हैं ना चीज चोरी कर लेता… Read More

  • Explore MrPaw’s Epic One-Block Zoo in Minecraft!

    Explore MrPaw's Epic One-Block Zoo in Minecraft!Video Information तो ये है गाइस हमारा छोटा सा जू जो हमने इस वाली वीडियो में बनाया है सिर्फ एक वन ब्लॉक का यूज करके मतलब वन ब्लॉक वर्ल्ड में हमने ये वाला बनाया है तो भाई देखेंगे हम कैसे बनाएंगे तो बने रहना वीडियो में एंड तक सो हे गाइ वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो m तो आज हमारा डे 15 इ मा वन बॉक्स सीरीज और भाई आज हम इसकी बहस की ठंडी भाई मैं ना आज बोलने ही वाला था कि आज हम बनाने जा रहे हैं जू इसके लिए और ये साला यहां से गिर गया… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MOB World 2

    Insane Minecraft MOB World 2Video Information [Music] hey it’s Jared Merlin and welcome back to my YouTube channel um I have an announcement to make um this video is going to be my Minecraft mob World 2 now most of you probably seen my mob world one episode one well unfortunately Minecraft had some issues about stuff not saving so one night I saved my mob world one did a video came back the next day and it was gone and I guess people were telling me well didn’t you get the warning from Minecraft the stuff wasn’t saving guess not so I had… Read More

  • 600 Wins in Epic Battle – What’s Hoobs’ Secret?

    600 Wins in Epic Battle - What's Hoobs' Secret?Video Information you are stepping into the spotlight black spot here showcasing Mustafa ibsl versus one of the battle bosses liked it show some love and drop a like congratulations to Mustafa I hbsl for winning the battle This video, titled ‘!battle: å ä¿ Muç ç å å¼ stafaä½ å å ¯ä»¥ ¡i | HBSL. has won 600 battles’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-04-14 15:49:59. It has garnered 66 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. JOIN THE INTERACTIVE LIVE STREAM NOW: https://www.youtube.com/@HoobsLive/live #minecraft #live #smpnYou are stepping into the spotlight! Blex… Read More


    EPIC GAMER BATTLE: NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM vs ME! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM VS ME #shorts #viral #ytshorts #trending’, was uploaded by Plays GamerZ_ on 2024-01-17 06:15:00. It has garnered 19 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. NOOB VS TECHNO VS DREAM VS ME #shorts #viral #ytshorts #trending parkour,minecraft,minecraft hacks,technoblade,dream,asim aly shorts,challange,noob,hacker,dream vs technoblade,technoblade vs dream,minecraft dream vs technoblade,dream vs,best parkour,real life parkour,irl parkour,best parkour compilation,parkour shorts,best of parkour,minecraft dream,dream minecraft,dream smp,dream team,dream tiktok,techno,minecraft streamer,minecraft streamers,tiktok streamer,minecraft school noob vs techno vs dream vs me #shorts #viralnews noob vs techno vs dream vs me me… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parody Song with Surprise Ending! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Parody Song with Surprise Ending! 😱Video Information [музыка] один чёрный узкий мальчик разработал Ловкий планчик Как украсть у деда бутерброд род дед его хотел захава но беда хоть он и старый У дедули дел не в проворот весь день в поле он ебал наколол дровишек в баньку узкий мальчик в дом проник урот думал наконец похавать но спалился узкий парень не трожь мой буть ребро This video, titled ‘#minecraft #шортс #песня #майнкрафт #пародия #приколы #morgenshtern #мем #рекомендации #юмор’, was uploaded by NyrиK33k on 2024-01-03 13:55:56. It has garnered 2557 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • All The Mods Gravitas CyanDeserts

    All The Mods Gravitas CyanDesertsWelcome to All The Mods Gravitas CyanDeserts, We Are a All The Mods Gravitas Server . Our goal is to create a community of players, that love Modded Minecraft and care for one another. now for some reason this server list wants the description to be at least 100 characters long Read More

  • BCraft – smp, 18+, whitelist, crossplay

    Welcome to Our 18+ Community! If you’re looking for a build-oriented SMP with creative players, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re a builder, redstoner, or just enjoy projects big or small, you are welcome here. No playtime requirements – your progress stays intact even if you take breaks. Join our cross-platform server for both Bedrock and Java players. Experience a Hermitcraft-inspired economy with diamonds as currency. Visit our shopping district at spawn to buy and sell goods. Take advantage of our resource and creative worlds connected to the server. Rules are simple – no discrimination or racism, just… Read More

  • TulipSurvival 1.20.4 | Your safe place | Semi Vanilla Friendly Survival (Very Friendly Admins!)

    TulipSurvival 1.20.4  |  Your safe place  |  Semi Vanilla Friendly Survival  (Very Friendly Admins!)TulipSurvival is a semi vanilla Minecraft Survival 1.20 server with quality of life plugins to make your experience even better!You can play with your friends, make land claims, make towns, make player warps, buy & sell items to others and more!Come join our welcoming community 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Building and playing with friends is my Minecraft addiction!

    Minecraft Memes - Building and playing with friends is my Minecraft addiction!Well, I guess you could say this meme is really building up its reputation with a score of 57! Read More

  • Submerged Splendor: Minecraft’s Underwater Wonder

    Submerged Splendor: Minecraft's Underwater Wonder In the depths of Minecraft, a hidden villa lies, Beneath the waves, where the ocean sighs. Crafted with care, a mansion underwater, A true work of art, a gamer’s wonder. With glass floors and tropical fish so fine, Each one unique, in a watery shrine. But beware, only one fish per column to show, Lest they fight and cause a watery woe. To keep the water out, a clever trick, A pathway to block, the flow to stick. Dig deep, build high, create a grand design, In the underwater mansion, where the sun does shine. So dive into the… Read More

  • Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God: The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God: The Ultimate Showdown “Why did the Minecraft noob bring a shovel to the fight against the hacker and god? Because he heard they were digging their own graves!” #gamerhumor #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Hosting Minecraft Server with Friends

    Ultimate Guide: Hosting Minecraft Server with Friends How to Play Minecraft with Friends || Create a Server on Aternos 2024 In this Minecraft video, you will learn how to play online with friends for free using the Aternos platform. From registration to customizing the server with mods and plugins, each step is explained clearly and concisely. It demonstrates how to start the server and provides a quick overview of the console. Finally, it showcases the server in action, with additional tips on professionally managing it! Don’t miss this comprehensive guide to enjoying Minecraft with friends without spending money! Registration and Server Creation To begin, head to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Armor and More!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Armor and More! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video showcasing the new Wolf Armor in Minecraft 1.20.5. The process of obtaining this armor involves finding the elusive armadillo mob in the Savannah Biome or Badlands biomes. But fear not, we have the solution for you! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server at YT.MINEWIND.NET to embark on an adventure like no other. Explore vast landscapes, encounter unique mobs, and uncover hidden treasures. The Minewind community is vibrant and welcoming, making it the perfect place to craft your own story. Just like obtaining the Wolf Armor in Minecraft, joining Minewind is… Read More

  • Minecraft: Epic Legendary Start

    Minecraft: Epic Legendary Start Minecraft: The Legendary Beginning 😱🔥 Embark on an epic journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity One of the defining features of Minecraft is its creative mode, allowing players to build magnificent structures, intricate redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes. With an array of blocks at their disposal, players can let their imagination run wild and bring their wildest creations to life. Survive and Thrive For… Read More

  • WAR 99: INSANE MLG Parkour in Minecraft! 💥🔥🎮

    WAR 99: INSANE MLG Parkour in Minecraft! 💥🔥🎮Video Information با This video, titled ‘Hardest Parkour + MLG 🧊😱 in Minecraft 😈😈 #shorts #viral #minecraft #war99’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-03-22 07:28:40. It has garnered 17 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Hardest Parkour + MLG 🧊😱 in Minecraft 😈😈 #shorts #viral #minecraft #war99#shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort #minecraftshorts #minecraftdaily #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #video #memes #memesdaily #funny #funnyshorts #funnyshorts #funnymoments #funnymemes #funnycomedy #funnymoments #memeviral #memesbr #skibidi #skibidibop  #skibiditoilet #skibiditoiletmeme #skibidimeme #yessmartypie #yessmartypieisindiandream #yessmartypiereacts #dreamboy #ezio18rip… Read More

  • Revealing Haunted Villager Secrets in Minecraft

    Revealing Haunted Villager Secrets in MinecraftVideo Information तो चलते हैं सीधे अबे भाई तो ठीक है गाइस अभी मैं आ चुका हूं उस वर्ड के अंदर जहां पे ये मिस्ट्री हम लोग को सॉल्व करनी है मैप स्टार्ट करने के अलावा मैं तुम लोग को बता दूं वो विलेजर से फाइट करना बिल्कुल भी ऐसा नहीं होने वाला है जैसा कि मैंने सुना है वो विलेजर मरने वालों में से बिल्कुल भी नहीं है यानी कि मैं कितना भी ट्राई कर लूं मैं उसे मार नहीं सकता क्योंकि मैं सेलेक्ट करने वाला हूं यहां से हार्ड एंड हार्ड सेलेक्ट करने के बाद हम लोग चलते… Read More

  • Unbelievable Crystal PVP Skills Revealed! Get Ready for Ht3!

    Unbelievable Crystal PVP Skills Revealed! Get Ready for Ht3!Video Information This video, titled ‘3.5 Years Of Crystal PVP | Ht3 Very Soon….’, was uploaded by GreaterSteve on 2024-03-30 14:42:26. It has garnered 2527 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. Tags (ignore): #minecraft #pvp #montage #lifestealsmp #minecraftmontage #minecraftpvp How to make minecraft montage adrenalinbox tridentbox montage adrenalin montage subscribe button Play.lifesteal.rip is a server made by saltys. This lifesteal server has a lot of good teams to join and has 2-3 gamemodes in it at best like carts , nethpot and smp. G0CKK, Stealthreflex_, Stealthreflecks, Xicz, BL4DeZ_, simplesyed, kolocc, karmaticc, roist_,… Read More

  • Unleash the Magic: Ultimate Nether Wart Farm Tutorial in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Unleash the Magic: Ultimate Nether Wart Farm Tutorial in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information let’s continue exploring the universe within art and the art within farming in this episode we’re going to be looking at how to farm Nether wart there are a bunch of different ways that you can do this but unfortunately there isn’t a fully automatic one but we’ll be going over all the different ways for you to get tons of Nether wart so that you can pick which design fits your needs the best whether you want an automatic collection system or you just want some assistance when it comes to harvesting it hopefully this video will… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lesson

    Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lessonVideo Information какой самый сильный моб в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это варден или Эндер дракон но нет это было бы очень легко кто-то скажет что это Иссушитель но этот моб намного сильнее и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это заряженный крипер Он запросто может убить игрока в незеритовой броне с одного удара Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской версия игры стареет Итак я заспавнился и пока что я на максимальной… Read More

  • Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smp

    Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey guys how are we doing how is life treating you how is how was the weekend cuz it’s now like Sunday evening you know weekend’s kind of over which is lowkey really sad but it is what it is but like how was it you know hopefully it was a fun slay weekend maybe it wasn’t I hope it was though but you you never know you never know let me get that I am in a cave kind of in the middle of nowhere to be honest but when am I not exiled hello how’s your… Read More

  • 🔥RAJ GAMERZ domination in Valorant rank push!🚀

    🔥RAJ GAMERZ domination in Valorant rank push!🚀Video Information hello bro person to complete the game okay he won he just won the match and we will start in 2 minutes stay t gold to in party unated [Music] body [Laughter] for hell auto adjust auto adjust second sunset or l and doing oh okay okay okay good [Music] uh thanks for subscribing I don’t know how to spell this name good job good job good job okay okay okay okay rules br r you oh okay okay okay you can see yes going B on my way uh Val wait Val has a rank yeah valent… Read More

  • Insane Combo – Playing Fortnite in Minecraft! | Nim-Nite

    Insane Combo - Playing Fortnite in Minecraft! | Nim-NiteVideo Information like crab so um this is a Minecraft fortnite server that literally just came out and um it’s been super hard to get in and I finally just got in so I’m going to try to play it and see what happens okay so the back story for this is that there’s this dude named nimsy and he is the first person to make the Minecraft fortnite M with like the entire OG map and all the guns and actually working building system so I decided I wanted to try it and I did not realize how hard… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Rhino vs All Mobs! #GeorgeXT

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Rhino vs All Mobs! #GeorgeXTVideo Information [Music] here [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] a h ow owow [Music] h [Music] light [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah yeah n This video, titled ‘minecraft rhinoceros vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-09 15:25:54. It has garnered 1856 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:07 or 247 seconds. minecraft rhinoceros vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles… Read More

  • Goon Squad

    Goon SquadHi! The Goon Squad community is glad to announce the opening of our Minecraft server, currently running MC Eternal modpack. The server is dedicated, running 12+ GBs RAM, so no lag here! It’s 100 slots, so there’s plenty of room for you and all your friends! No banned items. 24/7 Uptime. Restarts at 12 AM and 8AM Rules: No Griefing PvP must be consensual No racism/sexism/generally hateful remarks Staff: Destle, Owner Skutha, Owner Bugzie, Admin Wits, Server Moderator IP: goonsquad.mcserver.us Discord: https://discord.gg/6583eS Modpack: MC Eternal 1.3.5 goonsquad.mcserver.us Read More

I GOT A *SHINY BLAZING* LEGENDARY! | EP 21 Cobblemon SMP – Minecraft Pokemon Mod (Mythical SMP)