I Made the Nether 100% Safe…

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I hate the nether because as soon as I spawn I get bombarded by Fireball and when I try to run away I fall into a pit of lava why with over 50 different ways to die in the nether I’m going to transform this place into a 100 safe Dimension so

Dying will literally be impossible and the first step to doing this is getting rid of all of the lava now I have a couple ideas for how I can do this quickly and they mainly involve Redstone which is a shame because I suck at Redstone the first machine I’m

Building should just replace the laugh so when I activate the machine yes oh oh no that wasn’t supposed to happen oh wait it’s working okay one of the lava is being covered in a bridge of Basalt and that means if I destroy these blocks we’ve successfully cleared one row of lava

Well that’s way too slow thankfully I have the materials to construct a much bigger machine and I’m really hoping this will clear out the lava way faster than the last one so let me just activate it oh you have got to be kidding me yeah I

Mean the other one was slow doesn’t even work I do still have one method to clear the lava and I’ll be very surprised if it actually works as it only requires two materials and the first step to doing this is finding ourselves a spider spawner oh it’s our lucky day oh

It’s a zombie spawner not what we are after we need a spider spawner since the method we’re gonna use requires thousands of string needs to be a spider spawner please be a spider yes uh today I’ve got a little too excited there and now we could just find these eight-legged weirdos oh

Final ingredient we need to gather is bamboo and thankfully it’s super easy to get you see in seven days I’ve invited everyone on the server to come and test how safe my nether is and my challenge is to make sure that it’s literally impossible for anyone else to die

Oh if the nether isn’t 100 safe by the end of these seven days I will have completely failed so if I don’t want to look like a complete idiot in front of all of my friends I need to do this fast and the string of bamboo we just

Collected are gonna be used for crafting scaffolding yes this is so satisfying it’s because for some reason it doesn’t burn in lava we can use it to clear out the area at insanely fast speed I never thought draining lava could be this much fun and now we just need to destroy the scaffold

Oh oh no I’m burning so as it turns out this method is a little bit dangerous sometimes also we’ve completely ran out of bamboo we’ve got a bamboo Farm now I am getting a little Turn to the spider spawner every time I need more string so we’re going to quickly construct a little machine to help us get string a lot quicker as long as I don’t mess it up which I probably will when I flick this lever don’t ask me how this works because I

Have no idea with the bamboo farm and this we now have infinite scaffolding and that is the first layer scaffolded already let’s pray call a bit oh ah not again and now the first layer of lava has officially been cleared we just need to repeat this process a few more times

Yo wait wait a minute these guys are having a dance battle and I hate Stars Battle now we finally made enough room to go on to the next step which is covering the entirety of the floor with slime blocks to make sure nobody can die of full damage there is

One tiny issue though to do this whole area we’re going to need over 250 000 slime balls oh no since slime spawned most commonly in swamp biomes it makes sense to head there first but I’m not seeing any slimes here so clearly this swamp absolutely sucks this

One looks much bigger still not seeing any slimes that oh Big Boy ah there we go 29 slime balls already sure if we just keep killing these guys we’ll have enough slime balls any ah after that entire night we only have this much slime for reference that’s

Less than one percent of the total slime we need time to build a super over the top slime farm there no thankfully we already have most of the materials we need for this bar I just need to get my hands on some snow some mushrooms and finally some obsidian

Lots and lots of obsidian the farm itself isn’t anything too confusing but it will allow us to get slime at a much faster rate I’m first gonna have to trap Mr Iron Golem in this pit though so uh I’m I’m sorry and while I’m building the

Slime farm I want to tell you about today’s sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is an awesome free-to-play multiplayer military action game available on PC Xbox and Playstation War Thunder strikes for a realistic battle experience using authentic military vehicles all while offering a multitude of ways to personalize your combat machine you can

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Let’s just hope the slimes start coming through soon though because if we’ve built this Farm wrong we may never be able to make the never 100 safe there’s no slimes coming through yet this is getting very worrying why are no slime spawning yes oh we have a slime oh my goodness

Look at this the phone is officially working I’m also building a secondary slime bar we should be even more op than the original one yes this is amazing I am getting slime so quickly let’s take a look inside of the chest what oh my God what was once a giant ocean of lava is

Now 100 slime and look how much fun this is however while doing this we have been attacked by mobs again and again and again to make this nether completely safe sent allow these the machine that will literally make it impossible for mobs to spawn now the first step to preventing mob spawning is

To get onto the nether roof and break a hole through the bedroom which even though it’s supposed to be impossible we can use this machine to somehow destroy the Bedrock we just have to do it for this entire square area why isn’t it working anymore for some reason this machine isn’t working now

And we need it to work if we’re going to disable mobs from spawning and yeah well it looks like we’re going to need another way of breaking the Bedrock thankfully by utilizing a little known method called Redstone lag we can actually trick the game into thinking

Bedrock can be broken I just have to start by spamming this lever and as you can see it’s really glitching out no uh wait did did the server crash let’s try this again I just break this and put a piston here okay did it what yes oh my goodness this

Works let’s do another one and yeah okay this method officially works so now we can just do this for the entire area And just like that the top player is done I do need to break all of the Bedrock below too there’s something strangely fun about defying the laws of Minecraft though we are completely breaking the game right now I hope the Minecraft Gods aren’t watching this because

I don’t think this is supposed to happen now Come three thousand in order to make this contraption and stop mobs from ever spawning again we first need to get our hands on exactly 70 Villages I’ve made a massive open area where we can breed them against their will sadly though 70 villagers aren’t just going to appear out of

Nowhere so we need to transport two villagers into the cage first the sky seems to have volunteered himself so we’ll bring him over to our uh lovely breeding Zone yep you’re never going to see the day of light again and since nobody else wants to volunteer we’ll

Quickly break the game a little bit more and duplicate infinite rails to create a minecart system because Minecraft is a game with a lot of glitches let’s get the villagers into The Nether oh uh no you are not supposed to be doing that come on Mr villager you’ve got a long

Life of nothingness ahead of you let’s bring in a third villager because the more the merrier wait what where’s he going how is he driving on his own like that Mr Villager come back well uh I guess we’ll just stick with two then So how the anti-mob spawning Contraption 3000 actually works is with all 70 villagers we’re going to turn them into zombified villagers because zombie villagers actually count towards Minecraft’s mob cap meaning that if we have 70 of them no stinky monsters will ever be able to spawn in our never again

And that sounds pretty safe to me I do just have to plonk all of these guys inside boats real quick build them some lovely prison cell I mean homes move them into the prison cells trade with all of them I know all that’s left to do is kill all of these guys

Well I’m not killing them this zombie called Roger is going to be killing them so Roger it’s dinner time now all we have to hope and pray for is that when we drop back into our nether area that all the mobs have disappeared uh oh no there’s there’s still

Definitely mobs here I must have messed something up oh yeah some of these zombie villagers have items in their hand and if a mob is holding an item it completely discounts them from the mob cap meaning that right now this anti-mob spawning Contraption 3000 is practically

Useless we can’t fix it though if we also zombified these leftover villagers I mean if it doesn’t work the nether will never be completely safe let’s just quickly trade them up so then we can finally release Roger please work and Bam okay all of the villagers are

Now big green ugly zombies we need to pray that there are zero mobs when we drop down into The Nether okay I’m not seeing any mobs they could be hiding though have we have we done it guys we’ve done it yes okay they are now officially zero mobs in the nether I

Mean if there are mobs in the nether I certainly can’t see them that was so stressful thank you anti-mob spawning Contraption three thousand I I think I love you with two massive threats now completely eliminated the nether is becoming more safe by the minute but there’s no point in having a

Risk-free nether if it still looks super ugly so we need to transform this place into a beautiful and most importantly safe nether Dimension now the first part of renovating the nether is getting rid of all of these disgusting blocks I mean look at all of this it’s so ugly which

Is why I’ve built a flying TNT machine to get rid of all of it for me whoa land is getting completely destroyed wait why did it stop uh I think the machine broke and now there’s also lava everywhere thankfully we can always rely on my trusty pickaxe which we can use this

Beacon we’ll be mining at an exceptionally fast rate I Love mining so much why am I speaking in this voice and now this place is completely cleared up the point is to split the area into six different unique sections with each section looking different and of course being safe and

The first one we need to build requires a load of ice and snow because we are building an Ice Age winter village which is very strange considering we are in the nether let’s add a few lamp posts Spruce locks and a warmer cozy campfire oh never mind we can’t have the campfire

Actually working otherwise it could be unsafe now the next section is going to be themed around these guys we’ve created a lot of pillage decorations around the place including these weird creepy scarecrow things thankfully catching a Pillager and bringing him to our area isn’t too hard either so he had

Ability to go to make this place unsafe you asked well he can’t be dangerous or do any damage if this crossbow is broken say hello to Hubert fungal board let’s finish up all of the final decorations and then we can build the third section as well don’t ask me why I’ve trapped three

Different horses down here and a chicken in a boat I definitely didn’t start running out of ideas but even with half of the sections complete and the fourth one being under construction time is still ticking incredibly fast we still have tons to do in order to make the

Nether completely safe oh like removing all of the cactuses I just put down and even though the area is looking way better than when we first started if we’re going to be able to finish this in time for the other players to arrive we’re going to need to call in the help

Of an expert whoa this is this is so click bait these biomes and I love it one bit is literally a building master I mean these are just some of the things he has created on over 10 000 days of his hardcore world since you are

Somewhat of a a master of biome building I was wondering if you’d have the honor of creating me your very own one but special biome the only requirement is it has to be safe okay oh they cannot be dangerous and while womber works on his

Section we need to work on ours so let’s quickly find ourselves a jungle I bet you can’t guess what this section’s going to be and we’ll gather ourselves a ton of saplings a bunch of vines pumpkins and finally melons allowing us to build our final section I mean I I think this

Looks pretty decent and while we wait to see what wumba’s been working on I’m going to bring over my pet frog clay which reminds me that for every subscriber we get throughout this entire year although to be collecting one frog and hosting a giant frog party if you

Want to reserve a space and claim a frog of your own subscribe now and make sure to tell me in the comments oh hello hello you better not have let me down are you ready moment of truth it’s down here here we go let’s see this thing oh This was not what I expected yeah we got the glowing glass effect with the lava down there I very much like this I’m a big fan and with that the nether has gone from this to this I’m going to quickly make a little area for the

Portal to go there are still one major problem we’ve yet to solve and that’s the fact that players can still just break their way out of fear into the normal dangerous nether which is not safe at all so we need to make it completely impossible for any blocks to

Be broken and I think I know exactly how to do this we need to start off by finding an ocean Monument which was surprisingly easy that did not take long at all and then we need to use rails to connect it up to the portal that leads

Onto our nether roof because if we can get an Elder Guardian out of this monument and transport it into our nether area we can stop any of the players from ever breaking out the big bad fish isn’t just going to join us willingly though and since we’re running

Low on time it’s crucial that we get him out quickly and trap him in the nether Please Mr guardian come up into the minecart I’m going to try to use a fishing rod to get him in but he’s really not making this easy stop it you know what forget this the

Fishing rod method clearly isn’t working so we go TD to use another strategy to get the Elder Guardian are you serious the method I want to use requires us to get Soul Sand which when placed in water creates a bubble elevator that could push the Elder Guardian up and into our Minecart let’s

Place down the Soul Sand here making this area act as an elevator okay come on Mr Elder Guardian get in the minecart oh he’s being pushed yes oh my goodness he’s in now we just need to push him along the tracks Oh my he is a big boy though very heavy

Come on why are you so heavy and why do you have to do so much damage yes he’s on the Move come on big fella all the way now he’s slowly making his way along we just need him to go into the portal which leads to the nether

Roof and from there it should be super easy to do the rest come on oh wait no no no no no no no no stop it stop it stop it I can’t have to block I’ve got money for tea I need milk where’s a cow drink drink please

Oh are you kidding me all of that time wasted for nothing I mean I guess there are two more Elder Guardians still left in the monument no no please just leave me alone well this clearly isn’t working everything I’m trying is just completely failing I do have a last resort plan

That I think we’re going to have to use since there is one player on the server who has successfully managed to capture an Elder Guardian in the past there is however one major problem he can’t find out why we need the Elder Guardian as unlike one Burr he’s actually going to

Be one of the people testing out our nether the plan is going to be trap the Elder Guardian in a cage that we can box him in let’s start by just blocking off any exit to this even to this room wait I think he’s blocked in I think we’ve

Blocked him in a bit okay now I’m gonna start draining so we start high and work our way low and make sure three by three whole but honestly make it like a five by five make it you’re gonna want to just make it easier on ourselves first

Thing we got to get on the roof right that’s step one yeah we’re up okay I really hope we did this right we don’t want him to die so um like this with the flint and steel and we hope and pray this links to the portal the the one my fingers are crossed

Please right now okay yes okay but it’s not over if anything we should get him down here first and then drain it bit risky in terms of survival but um I think we really have another choice oh oh oh oh oh oh oh God all right we’re

Draining this is not a drill I’m going in and I’m gonna be ready to break he’s in he’s in he’s in he’s in he said oh my God this stupid guy is just chasing me he’s trying to break it I’m working on it broken red fly oh my God

I can’t believe that actually worked dude oh oh no we just need to build an actual cage to keep the Elder Guardian in so I’ll quickly swoop in and get all these blocks thank you and thank you this place is going to look so cool with

A trapped Elder Guardian inside a cage I temporarily need to destroy our nether portal Island so we can safely drop in the guardian and now is the moment of truth We just need to quickly rebuild the portal since the time until the testing day is counted down quickly you will also bring in a cow to help us with building this because building while getting mining fatigue constantly is going to be a little bit irritating there are now only

Two more things we need to fix to make this nether 100 safe and it should be possible for us to still do this in time we just have to hope nothing goes wrong because if it does we may not have the time to fix it the first problem we

Still haven’t fully solved is full damage because even though we have slime blocks everywhere it’s still possible for players to hurt themselves therefore making a ton say so let’s quickly build ourselves tons of beacons since these three effects will all help to reduce full damage I know we need to

Make our way into the nether to get ourselves 36 ancient debris God will burn to death first the reason we need all of this ancient debris is because the best way to reduce full damage comes from netherrite boots enchanted with feather falling fall the enchanting process should be relatively easy it’s

Getting all of the ancient debris that is proving to be difficult and the these guys are not helping now we can just smell to all of this convert them all into ingots and finally apply them to our boot boom that took ages let’s purchase all of the feather

Falling books from this lovely villager thankfully I also speak villager language okay that’s so stupid and because we want to ensure that our testers are unable to take these boots off let’s get ourselves a curse of binding villager and I think I can say quite confidently

That this is the first time anyone has ever bought a curse of binding book we can also Brew some slow falling potions real quick but we can actually just splash onto all of the players before they enter our place meaning that our never is now completely full damage

Free allowing us to move on to the final safety hazard in the entire Nether and that’s how all of the players can literally just punch each other to death not very safe I’m currently in the process of breeding Turtles this is when a baby turtle hatches you can feed it a

Ton of seagrass and then once they becomes an adult turtle it drops this a scooty scoot a skewed these can then be used to brew Turtle Master potions which when splashed onto our testers will affect them with resistance three which is the equivalent of 30 sets of netherite armor

This has taken ages though and even though we’ve now got all the potions we need there is one final thing we’ve got to do we are getting all the nether right we could ever need this means we’re going to be able to equip each player with fully Enchanted netherite armor to make

Sure that no one will die in the nether this is way faster though I really should have used bets all along instead of spending loads of time mining by hand idiot and just like that we now have every safety precaution put in place to ensure that this never is 100

Say we’re left with only a couple of hours until everyone logs on and in all honesty uh I’m very excited but the only issue I have with our entire build is well it just doesn’t feel like the nether anymore I mean for all its flaws the nether really adds a unique twist to

Minecraft that without it would leave the game feeling well very empty and even though we cannot risk making our area unsafe I do have an idea to bring back the feel of the nether while we wait for the other players to log on now the two things we need are lots of sand

And lots of coal I think this should be too hard to get and since I’m using this with a skeleton Farm I think we can pretty much check coal off of our list Santa’s also going to be incredibly easy to get all thanks to this sand duplicating machine which I still don’t

Know how it works but it works and that’s what matters using all of the sand coal and the super smelter I built off camera because let’s be honest nobody wants to see me build this ugly thing we can begin to replace this entire blue concrete border with glass I

Mean look maybe we didn’t have to go to this extra effort to make sure the walls are see-through it simply feels wrong having our own little nether area that just doesn’t feel like the nether now when the players are inside despite them being 100 say they will still be

Reminded of the actual Nether and I think we can all agree now that despite its dangers and its flaws and it’s lava another is an essential part of the Minecraft experience and we’ve got to keep that inside our safe build but we are done oh Clyde what a journey this has been I’ll

Quickly check with one but that the area looks completely safe but all of the other players are going to arrive in a matter of minutes since the average time you can die in the nether is around 12 seconds we’re going to five times that and give everyone 60 whole seconds to

Find a way of dying if nobody gets killed within that time I think we can say that our nether is pretty much safe I’m excited to see how this will go it’s gonna be uh you’ve worked very hard for this moment but to say that I’m nervous for this is

A complete understatement since if someone manages to die straight away this entire project will have been for nothing we love wenzo okay follow me Thank you do not go through here yet um I’ve created a chess station for everyone to dump your stuff you’ll also notice I’m gonna need you all to equip a full set of this armor oh no don’t mind if I do wait we can’t take this off no yeah that

That’s that’s a point it’s got to be safe oh my God to the world’s safest nether or at least I hope it’s the world’s safest now dude this is gnarly there’s a chicken no your goal is to see if there’s any way shape or form you can end yourself

In this area you will be given a measly 60 seconds to attempt to do this that’s one whole minute no everything is there actually actually a way that’s planned to kill us or no I’m I’m hoping not you guys can go in three two okay go no stop beating up

We gotta team up and what if we punch each other what if we all punch each other we can kill someone kill miles how much damage are you taking only do crits crits yeah yeah yeah but dude it takes forever wait we can break slime one thing that I

Never foresaw coming while making this project is everyone having so much fun come on dude there’s no way is there like an exit here I don’t even lose half a half from that and even though the 60 second timer is almost over nobody wanted to stop and I mean why should we

Stop this never is easily the safest never anyone has ever made in Minecraft but what’s the point of the nether if it’s not to be a dangerous place so we were left with only one Mission find a way to die and have fun doing it can we

Get inside with the guardian that does so much damage I mean you can if you’re able to get inside of that break the block I’ll break the bomb do there’s just like no way yeah give me one more minute just one more minute it has to be somewhere it has no there’s

Nothing nothing how did you do that oh thank you gentlemen for participating why is there a baby here hello I’m just impressed I am impressed too anyways um I wanted to thank you for I mean helping test my nether I mean in the end it wasn’t completely safe but that was

Potentially the most fun I’ve ever had on Minecraft yeah it was really just too good I can’t believe somebody died you’re welcome I felt like I was in a bouncy house high five and if you enjoyed that video you are going to love the one on your screen

Right now trust me you don’t want to miss it and then forget about it later

This video, titled ‘I Made the Nether 100% Safe…’, was uploaded by Wenzo on 2023-05-27 11:00:10. It has garnered 5033008 views and 72242 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:29 or 1949 seconds.

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I Made the Nether 100% Safe on this Minecraft SMP, by Completely Transforming it!

Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video, a true Minecraft hardcore server. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, but everything is Hardcore. This is a Hardcore SMP server.

This series is inspired by Wadzee, sandiction and Luke TheNoteable Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, sandiction, it’s actually just Wenzo. I like to make Giant Mega Builds, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive.

ALL OF MY CHANNELS: (Even More Videos :D) @WenzoExtra @WenzoVODS @WenzoClips @WenzoShorts

JOIN MY NEW DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Xu2YcFSD6r

People In This Video: @Wunba @ThatChiefGuy @MylesMC @rekrap2 @razzymoose @Branzy @tazoh

Business Inquiries: [email protected]

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    EpiclandsNew Prison Hispanic Server / Nuevo servidor hispano de Prision, unete a nuestra comunidad! Picos encantados, 64 minas diferentes, Parcelas tropicales y mas! epiclands.net Read More

  • BadWolfMC Network 18+ Greylist Crossplay 1.20.4 SMP SkyBlock Magic Minigames Prison Creative Vaults

    BadWolfMC: An Adult Minecraft Server IP: PLAY.BADWOLFMC.COM Experience BadWolfMC: An Adult Minecraft Server – a long-running, drama-free, and inclusive community for adults! Join one of the best online communities you’ll ever be a part of, where members from around the world come together to forge friendships and share their Minecraft passion! Highlights 🖧 Our network features 4 servers with 8 different game modes so you’ll never get bored! Enjoy Survival, Creative, SkyBlock, AcidIsland, OneBlock, Prison, Magic, & lots of minigames including Bed Wars, Hide & Seek, Paintball, Elytra Challenges, & Parkour! 🐉 Ever wanted to fight an actually challenging dragon?… Read More

  • China Unlimited ATM9

    Welcome to our ATM9 Minecraft server, where adventure awaits at every turn! Dive into the ultimate modded experience with AllTheMods 9, where the possibilities are truly endless. Explore a vast array of mods curated to bring you unparalleled excitement and creativity. From futuristic tech advancements to magical realms of mystique, there’s something for every player to enjoy. Engage in thrilling quests, master intricate machinery, and unleash your imagination like never before. Join our community of passionate players and embark on an unforgettable journey filled with discovery and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned modded Minecraft veteran or a newcomer eager for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting with a twist”

    Just like my math test score in high school… not great, Bob. Read More

  • Crafting an Auto-Tub: Minecraft’s Wet Dream!

    Crafting an Auto-Tub: Minecraft's Wet Dream! In Minecraft, a bathtub automatic and neat, Step by step tutorial, a project complete. With Forge and shaders, the scene will be bright, Luxurious rooms, a true delight. Subscribe for more, suggestions are key, In this blocky world, creativity is free. English may falter, but the passion is clear, Minecraft tutorials, spreading joy near and dear. Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft’s cursed portals! #hotmeme

    Lost in Minecraft's cursed portals! #hotmeme These cursed portals are probably leading you straight to the Nether, where you’ll be greeted by a horde of angry pigmen and ghasts. Good luck getting out of that one! #minecraftproblems 😂🔥🐷 Read More

  • Crafty Watermill Wooden House

    Crafty Watermill Wooden House Minecraft: Building a Wooden House with a Simple Watermill Embark on a creative journey in the vast world of Minecraft where imagination knows no bounds. In the latest Java (PC) version 1.20.1, players can dive into the realm of construction and design to build a stunning 2-story wooden house complete with a large watermill. Let’s explore the key elements of this exciting project! Setting the Scene with BSL Shader v8.1.01 ago2 Enhance your visual experience with the BSL Shader v8.1.01 ago2, which adds depth and realism to your Minecraft world. The shader brings out the vibrant colors of the… Read More

  • Dino pranks friend by becoming SIRENHEAD in Minecraft!

    Dino pranks friend by becoming SIRENHEAD in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft as SIRENHEAD To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Dino on 2024-05-30 22:17:58. It has garnered 1312 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:32 or 12992 seconds. Today, I Morphed into SIREN HEAD and then I pranked my friend as a SIRENHEAD in Minecraft By Morphing Into a OP SIREN HEAD to Prank My Friend with this Minecraft mod! I Fooled my friend in Minecraft by I pretended to be TREVOR HENDERSON in Minecraft by becoming a Cartoon Cat Cartoon Dog Bones Worth Siren Head using the Morph Mod!… Read More

  • Chally07 Takes Loyalty SMP by Storm

    Chally07 Takes Loyalty SMP by StormVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE / MINECRAFT / LOYALTY SMP / SUB GOAL 1.1K-1.5K’, was uploaded by CHALLY07 on 2024-02-17 06:18:14. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:21 or 5181 seconds. Come and Hangout PSN: CHALLY07 Yo, WELCOME to the channel here you experience first hand what it sounds like when a British person speaks or occasionally rages, I play mostly campaigns and survival games like The Spider-Man series, GTA V and Minecraft, you might get to see the once in a lifetime fortnite stream if your lucky. Lol Socials: Tiktok-chally07… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Malayalam Gameplay by PRINS YT!

    INSANE Minecraft Malayalam Gameplay by PRINS YT!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT malayalam!!’, was uploaded by PRINS YT on 2024-05-02 04:09:09. It has garnered 287 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:15 or 5715 seconds. Ꮇ𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 Join Now.. 𝗕𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗧 𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛𝗬 __ 𝗕𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗠𝗔 𝗔𝗡𝗔𝗥𝗖𝗛 __ [Java]ip in1.nexnodes.tech:25574[ʙᴇᴅʀᴏᴄᴋ ip in1.nexnodes.tech Port : 25574 BEAST ANARCHY DISCORD LINK Must join in discord DISCORD LINK https://discord.com/invite/WkBnGxCxvw Server owner →PRINS YT →MSLPRO Tags #minecraftmalayalam #minecraftanarchy #howtojoinserver #KGFANRCHY #beastanarchy #bishmaanarchy #malayaleescraft#minecraftmalayalam #minecraftmalayalam #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftanarchy #minecraftanarchyserver YOU’VE BEEN INVITED TO JOIN A SERVER BEAST MODE 🔫 55 Online 401 Members Joined Message @PRINS YT to select PRINS… Read More

  • Cheat code to build epic elevator in minutes!

    Cheat code to build epic elevator in minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build a WORKING Minecraft Elevator in Minutes! 🛠️’, was uploaded by ChristopherLor on 2024-04-22 14:04:54. It has garnered 114 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Ready to elevate your Minecraft experience? 🛠️ Discover how to build a WORKING Minecraft Elevator in just minutes! In this video, I’ll guide you step-by-step through crafting an efficient and operational elevator in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft newbie, this tutorial is packed with strategic plays and essential tips to enhance your gaming adventure. From gathering… Read More

  • Insane! Realistic Ender Dragon in Minecraft MOD!

    Insane! Realistic Ender Dragon in Minecraft MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Too Realistic Minecraft milk ( minecraft MOD )’, was uploaded by Epic Ender Dragon on 2024-02-28 16:02:16. It has garnered 13485 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Get ready to revolutionize your Minecraft experience with our new mod, “Too Realistic Minecraft milk”! This incredible mod adds fully realistic milk to the game, complete with the look, flow, and behavior of the real thing. Read More

  • Shoto185 – Battle DEMONS with GUNS!

    Shoto185 - Battle DEMONS with GUNS!Video Information This video, titled ‘FIGHTING DEMONS with GUNS in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shoto185 on 2024-04-11 21:03:54. It has garnered 86 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:39 or 699 seconds. HUNTING DEMONS WAS NEVER THIS FUN 🟢Socials and my Music: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/7F9Z9seaGXxW4YxIvaevp9?si=3wYac1evQ32-t5HnBOkcRQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shoto185 Reaction Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzLZdKrfHu6jEPwVMQ5bPMg All my links Music, Merch etc: https://linktr.ee/Shoto185 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shoto185 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shoto185a Discord server: https://discord.gg/BzTBhRme3Z FIGHTING DEMONS with GUNS in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftscary #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods shoto185,shoto185 live,cave dweller,Scary Minecraft,Cave dweller,scariest minecraft mod,100 Days Horror Modpack,Cave Horror Minecraft,dweller,creepy craft,scary minecraft,minecraft dweller,minecraft gun mods,minecraft gun mod,minecraft guns,minecraft demon,minecraft ghost,minecraft… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Pekora saves Kaela from Stronghold! | Vtuber Universe

    SHOCKING: Pekora saves Kaela from Stronghold! | Vtuber UniverseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pekora luckily found Kaela and stopped her finding the Stronghold【hololive JP】【Eng/JP Sub】’, was uploaded by Vtuber Universe on 2024-05-19 05:25:38. It has garnered 32007 views and 732 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:04 or 184 seconds. Source:[Minecraft]Hololive Hardcore Minecraft begins! Day 6 Peko![Hololive/Usada Pekora] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_fi3bf8znQ [Minecraft]#5 Wither runs, I come. Wither comes, I run. ok desu[#Holo server hardcore Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCAAktA5keo @usadapekora @KaelaKovalskia If you want to see more clips from me Please don’t forget to Like, subscribe, and turn on notification ________________________________ BGM: 魔王魂 https://maou.audio/ Sound Effects: https://soundeffect-lab.info/sound/anime/ Vspo! License number: 04737 Read More

  • INSANE Farsi Minecraft Hypixel gameplay #shorts

    INSANE Farsi Minecraft Hypixel gameplay #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘no comment #shorts #farsi #hypixel فارسی #ماینکرافت #ماینکرافت’, was uploaded by Samstrix on 2024-05-12 10:01:09. It has garnered 9831 views and 178 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #short #shorts #minecraft #iran #bedwars #persian #gaming #Persian #pvp #Persian #Minecraft #Minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE Baby Zombie Monsters School – Help Nuggets Win in Minecraft Rank 6974” #Shorts

    "INSANE Baby Zombie Monsters School - Help Nuggets Win in Minecraft Rank 6974" #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Gegagedigedagedago] Help Nuggets Win In Level Up Rank 6974 -Baby zombie #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Baby Zombie Monster School on 2024-03-28 11:00:27. It has garnered 75135 views and 2725 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. more video https://www.youtube.com/@babyzombiemonsterschool/videos #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #shorts #cameraman #nuggets #gegagedigedagedago Read More

  • Emerald Falls

    Emerald FallsLand Claim | Semi-Vanilla | In-Game Ranks | mcMMO | No Clutter | Custom Items | Cross-Platform | PvE Welcome to Emerald Falls! Despite launching in late 2023, our project leverages years of team experience to great effect. We’ve reimagined SMP servers, offering well-refined, well-balanced, and engaging gameplay free from unnecessary clutter. Join our welcoming community of skilled players who share your passion for authentic SMP adventures. Your forever Minecraft home awaits! play.emeraldfalls.net Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Hello, Deep Season SMP Server Join our community of active players striving to create a hermitcraft-like experience. Have fun together in a chill environment where you can unleash your creativity. The 1.20.6 server just launched with a fresh map! Server Details: Few vanilla tweaks datapacks Dungeons and Taverns datapack for cool structures Access to 1.21 features Proximity voice chat available Bluemap for web map viewing Important Rules: Minimum age: 17 years old Be kind, no bigotry No griefing, duping, or cheating (except TNT entities) Join us on Discord Explore our bluemap for more! Read More

  • MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!

    MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!Our CityBuild server is whitelisted and can be accessed through a real money purchase onthe website to keep trolls away from the server!Welcome to MeisterBuilder.net!This server was born out of an idea to start a project with the community of streamer HousemeisterHD. We have now tackled this and brought the MeisterBuilder server to life.The server runs on version 1.20.6 and is therefore very up to date.MeisterBuilder is an exciting Minecraft citybuild server that allows players to express their creativity and building skills in a virtual world full of possibilities. The server offers a variety of exciting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – We wait. 🔥

    The suspense is killing me, just like all those creepers outside my house in Minecraft. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts #viralshorts #trendingshorts Read More

  • 10 Forgotten Ancient Minecraft Modpacks

    10 Forgotten Ancient Minecraft Modpacks Exploring the Forgotten Gems of Minecraft Modpacks Minecraft modpacks have revolutionized the gaming experience, offering players a plethora of new content and challenges. While modern modpacks continue to dominate the scene, it’s essential to pay homage to the pioneers of the past. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and rediscover 10 ancient Minecraft modpacks that you may have forgotten about. 1. Technic The Technic modpack was a game-changer in the Minecraft community, offering a vast collection of mods and plugins in one convenient package. Players could easily customize their gameplay experience and explore new dimensions with ease. 2…. Read More

  • Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft

    Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft: Story#7 MMV [Break You] Introduction In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The Minecraft Story#7 MMV [Break You] series continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of storytelling and animation. Exploring New Horizons Players are taken on a journey through stunning landscapes and intricate structures, all brought to life through the power of Mineimator. The attention to detail and creativity on display in each episode is truly awe-inspiring. Original Song The series features an original song by Divide Music that perfectly complements… Read More

  • Doctor Wasabi SHOCKS viewers with HELLO THERE! 💥

    Doctor Wasabi SHOCKS viewers with HELLO THERE! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘HELLO THERE! 🥰 | Chatting with Viewers LIVE ☕’, was uploaded by Doctor Wasabi on 2024-04-03 05:12:34. It has garnered 108 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:05 or 5705 seconds. In todays livestream, I work on some shorts builds while chatting with YOU! My viewers! I do hope you like it! #minecraft #goodvibes #mc Read More

  • Minecraft Episode 5: Very Scary

    Minecraft Episode 5: Very ScaryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lets play Episode 5 part 2 – Very Scary’, was uploaded by JacobSplat on 2024-03-21 16:51:05. It has garnered 22 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:34 or 1054 seconds. Read More

  • Dunners Duke finds rare Rickson sign on 2b2t!

    Dunners Duke finds rare Rickson sign on 2b2t!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2b2t Update 1.20. Stash Hunting. Found Rickson Sign’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-19 15:00:06. It has garnered 263 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:03 or 2763 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other,… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: Kattos Builds Biggest Minecraft Structure!” 🔥 #minecraft #builds

    "Unbelievable: Kattos Builds Biggest Minecraft Structure!" 🔥 #minecraft #buildsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Legnagyobb Minecraft Építmény… 🔥 #minecraft #build #myths #magyar #kattos #tipsandtricks’, was uploaded by Kattos on 2024-02-24 14:00:02. It has garnered 180345 views and 11224 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Did you know this building existed? SUBSCRIBE!!!!! – minecraft smp, smp, survival multiplayer, server, bedwars, minecraft in Hungarian, minecraft hun, mc in Hungarian, mc hun, Hungarian server, minecraft hungarian, playthrough, minecraft de, hardcore hungarian, skyblock hungary, minecraft legend, – minecraft, minecraft monster school, monster school, animation, minecraft animation, Vtuber, monster school animation, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft… Read More

  • “AMAZING! All Mobs Turn into Babies in Minecraft!” #shorts

    "AMAZING! All Mobs Turn into Babies in Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tapi Semua Mobs Jadi Bayi Semua #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FirstAmii on 2024-04-21 11:00:37. It has garnered 221447 views and 37695 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • 👹 365 Days of Devil Gaming – EPIC Armor Stand Challenge in Minecraft!

    👹 365 Days of Devil Gaming - EPIC Armor Stand Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Armor stand challenge 😱 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Devil Gaming 365 on 2024-06-07 04:16:44. It has garnered 625 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Armor stand challenge 😱 Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #howtomake #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftbuilding #trending #logic #armor #stand #shorts #SKVEGADA “Hi l am dharmesh welcome to my channel”😊❤️ { Like 👍 } { Subscribe ❤️ } { comments 💬 } Read More

  • 🤣FUNNYFACE😱Minecraft – Bunny Goes to Hell or Heaven?! #clickbait

    🤣FUNNYFACE😱Minecraft - Bunny Goes to Hell or Heaven?! #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Bunny Go to Hell or go heaven 😭 ?? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by FUNNYFACE😖GAMING on 2024-04-29 17:05:08. It has garnered 30839 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Minecraft – Bunny Go to Hell or go heaven 😭 ?? #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts minecraft animation funny cartoon roblox manga gameplay twitch lets play memes gaming anime minecraft shorts react to tadc reacts to digital circus react to cartoons react to animation the amazing digital circus pomni caine jax ragatha gangle zooble kinger kaufmo bubble jax x pomni… Read More

I Made the Nether 100% Safe…