i remade EVERY mob in Minecraft BETTER (compilation)

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Minecraft Mobs have been the exact same since the start of Minecraft and you know what I think that’s boring so today I decided to make every mob in Minecraft better the first swap on our list is gonna be a spider we’re gonna start by putting this abdomen up a little higher and then

We’re gonna add on this back piece now let’s work on one of our legs we’ll start by extending the leg up a little bit we’ll add on one of our side Claws and then we’ll throw in our main part of the leg now let’s copy this leg to the

Whole body this thing is absolutely amazing right now now we have to add on some shell of Siri and if you know what that means it’s basically just the fangs I think if we give it a little box like this we’ll give it a bottom thing and then we’ll just duplicate it over

And frankly this looks pretty good I am so hyped to see what type of spider we made but let’s see how our actual spider turned out oh my God you’re a dick this looks really good I think the fangs were a good touch the legs are really creepy

That’s yeah they are definitely creepy can you walk can you move why won’t you move oh there we go oh that’s perfect that is a perfect spider these things are freaking creepy oh my God those things are horrifying if I ran into a pack of these things I would be

Terrified bites me oh God there’s too many oh I can actually kill these I’m better I can kill these I can kill these oh no I’m trapped to the corner stop leave me alone please I only have like two left please please no no all the spiders still got me next up on

The list we’re gonna work with a stray let’s start by moving this face piece over we’ll smack on this forehead we’ll build out the lower jaw to throw the main face piece on we’ll throw on this lower part of the mouth and then we’ll add on these teeth

And I feel like that’s a pretty good looking head let’s get rid of this disgusting body we’re gonna build on this rib cage we’re building the lower part of the body and then we can’t forget to bid on this quiver this tree is looking really good let’s rotate our leg a little bit

And then we’ll add the lower section we’ll duplicate it over now let’s work on the arms a little bit we’re gonna give the arms the same style Bend and I think our stray looks really good now for this one I had to come to a snow

Biome let’s go ahead and throw it down we’ll put it in the tree because why not yeah why is it glitchy oh he’s on fire it’s nighttime and you’re on fire I’m not an expert but it looks like I mess up the face a little bit

There we go this is a lot better it all looks really good I don’t know what happened to the quiver but you look really good the walking animation seems to be working pretty fine so I think we did a good job with that see why can’t

The mobs just be like this this is just simple but better like if they all look like this I mean you could even do the same exact thing for the skeleton it just it just makes it look better maybe I’ll do the same thing for the skeleton hold up well

That’s not really what I wanted to do it looks cool I don’t know why it’s all screwed up but it looks really good it walks perfectly fine it has the movement I want it just is I don’t know I tried as long I could say I tried next we’re gonna go with

Everyone’s favorite mob the creeper now for the creeper I have a pretty simple design I want to Bent back I want more poppy legs and I want the face to have like a weird Twisted look to it first step let’s rotate the body a little bit

And then we’ll add on this lower body piece now for the leg we’re gonna bring up this bottom piece and then I’m gonna add this bottom layer as a connector and we’re gonna duplicate this all around and I think this already looks pretty good I want to make this face more 3D so

I’m gonna take the front part of this face and duplicate it out a little bit more I think it’s something like this looks pretty snazzy and this is pretty good for our creeper let’s get them loaded up now I’m sure everyone that’s played Minecraft has the same experience

With creepers and we all have some form of strong hate towards them but today that changes let’s put down our creeper why do you walk like an old man oh god oh I messed up the face oh God it’s broken you know the feet walk how I

Wanted to it walks like a disgusting creature but the back the back looks so weird it just looks deformed and like creeper took a freaking knee to the back the back is messed up I can’t lie but other than that I think a four-legged creeper with these like extra little bumps looks pretty

Good I think the back does add touch to it but it could definitely be better look how they walk towards me oh God Oh that is weird I don’t know this thing is weird next up on the list is this lovely zombie let’s make this thing as disgusting as we can let’s rotate the arm a little bit and I’m gonna bring this back section out let’s give it a couple weird plates and then we’ll add

On this broken bottom layer we’ll do the same thing for the right arm and then we’ll break out the leg in four parts that looks pretty bad to me we’ll do the same thing for our right leg and then we’ll break apart the body it looks pretty good we’ll give the zombie this

Gross mouth we’ll give it some weird face plates and I think the zombie looks pretty good now I love zombies I like the baby zombies they’re super cool jetic and now we get to see them as this horrible beautiful amazing creature that that’s not what I wanted to see let’s

Throw it on our zombie oh yeah that’s what we like to see go ahead and walk go ahead and walk around for me zombie oh that’s perfect that’s what we wanted you know what we gotta see now we have to see a little baby zombie you oh this is perfect oh these things

Are perfect oh my God wait I have the perfect idea we’re gonna spawn all of these and a little tiny hole and now we’re gonna see how long I can actually oh God oh God they’re after me dude look at these things they’re freaking crazy like they they really can’t catch me

Unless I like allow them to hello creeper you look pretty good honestly I don’t even mind going out like this this is just cool last on the list we are gonna go with an Enderman let’s get to work we’re gonna give it the same bendy shape throwing this arm stub and then

We’ll add on the bottom piece of the arm we’ll just duplicate that over now let’s do the same thing to the legs and I think both of those look really good let’s redesign this head we’ll throw on these creepy eyes now let’s work on the mouth now I’m gonna make all these beams

Purple I think it’s something like this looks pretty good I’m gonna texture this part up and I feel like this thing looks freaking sick it kind of looks like a big old piece of Bedrock but you know it works now this one took me a ton of time

So I’m really hoping it turns out good let’s go ahead and throw it under went down what do we got but you know what I thought I fixed it but I don’t know it still looks freaking terrifying you can’t tell me that thing isn’t scary maybe it has to get mad or

Something that’s oh god oh that is horrifying dude look at them around like they’re creepy I don’t ew ew ew ew I do not like these things and with me not liking them I have an even better idea let’s see how long I can fight these things off okay all right I

Just start looking at all of them let’s give them all a dirty look they’re not really attacking me yet I don’t I don’t know why they’re up there they go okay they’re all mad okay they’re getting angry oh God I have an old army behind okay I did not think this through I

Don’t have any blocks I don’t I don’t have anything but my freaking ax oh god oh dear God if you guys don’t know I’m absolutely horrible at PVP doesn’t even PVP this is me versus the bot and I’m still losing please oh go ggle please so God oh

Oh stop it leave me alone stop it okay let’s start off with the head we’ll start off with this round shaped head we’ll throw in the front of the face we’ll draw on some eyes well out on his nose and then we’ll throw on some teeth

We’ll throw on this job plate while out on an ear and then we’ll just duplicate it over I’m gonna color in the inner part pink and then I’ll make the edges as dark brown and I think that’s a pretty good looking head we’re gonna keep the same brown

Body I’m gonna draw in a little lighter color stomach we’ll build the legs and then we’ll throw in this foot we’ll duplicate it over we’ll start carving out the wings I think that looks pretty solid now let’s go ahead and get our bat textured up and I think for the most

Part this looks super good love the mob pads hats are cool if you don’t like bats you’re just laying hopefully this actually turned out oh hey stop running stop you know I’m gonna build a little glass case for the bat aha there’s our bat this thing is actually so adorable what I know

Minecraft’s supposed to be simple and all but like come on this batch is too good I just want to spawn in a million of these guys and just watch them go crazy this is my non-moving AI bat I don’t know I think this one turned out pretty good next up we’re gonna make

This zombie better I’m gonna go ahead and get rid of the head I’m gonna color all this in purple let’s start building on the jaw we’ll throw on some nasty teeth and then we’ll duplicate that to the top now we have our purple body let’s build on some swole arms we’ll

Make the front piece a little bit lighter and then we’ll throw on these fingers we’ll duplicate it over we’ll keep the legs as blue color and then I’ll draw on a bunch of green and this thing turned out absolutely disgusting and with a little bit of texturing this

Thing came out really gross zombies zombies zombies those things are one of the most hated creatures in my Minecraft and today we’re making them even more hateable I honestly hope this one turned out good I don’t really know why you want a chicken what why is a zombie on a chicken I didn’t

Even huh someone please explain that in the comments crazy to see here just a zombie standing out in the blatant Sun these are these are creepy I ew I should have added like maybe like an eye on the side it kind of just reminded me of like orcas right now

Like a big old whale okay let’s see what a baby why you keep spawning on chickens what is this explain there we go that’s what we wanted to see that is that’s pretty adorable as disgusting as this thing’s meant to be it looks pretty good yeah imagine a zombie apocalypse starts

And this is the stuff you have to deal with now we’re probably gonna make one of the most lovable creatures in Minecraft even better we’re gonna make this wolf an absolute g once again let’s start off with our head we’ll start off with this gray head frame We’ll add on

This faceplate we’ll draw on some of the eyes we’ll make the face a little bit more round we’ll go ahead and throw on one of our ears we’ll color in the inner parts white we’ll throw in our nose and then we’ll add on this neck I’ll color

In the bottom white we’ll throw on the body color on the bottom white We’ll add in the bottom jaw we’ll pop on the nose this thing kind of looks like a reindeer we’ll make some back piece is white we’ll throw in the bottom part of our

Tail we’ll add on one of our legs I’ll throw it a foot and then we’ll make the thigh we’ll make the hind legs a little bit bigger now let’s go ahead and get this thing textured up and I feel like a wolf turned out really good the wolf is probably single-handedly the most

Lovable creature in Minecraft if I’m wrong well feel free to call me out but I I’m excited to see how this thing turned out please look good please look oh god what happened to your head well I’m looking at it I don’t know what I did wrong it’s like all fuzzy all the

Way around I don’t I don’t know how that happened but hey it still looks super cute where’s the where’s the baby went oh look at this thing you can’t tell me this is an adorable what what we need to do we need to get a bone I need to tame

The Wolf come here come oh that’s perfect why are you Red what happened well I have a I have a tamed wolf it looks good I don’t know but it still looks very good now this isn’t the other ones mob but I kind of want to turn the

Ravager into like more of an elephant because this thing honestly the speed let’s be completely honest it looks kind of ugly let’s go ahead and start off with just the head we’ll start with this Gray colored head I’ll draw on some little eyes I’m gonna add on these husks and then

We’re gonna throw in the trunk let’s slap on our ears and let’s make the legs the same color we’ll make the body the same gray color we’ll smack on this tail now let’s go ahead and get this thing textured up and honestly I think this turned out pretty good now I know I’m

Technically not making the ravenger better but shut up the elephant looks cool let’s throw down our big Angry oh I messed up there we go that looks a lot better than that weird purple thing this thing can I can I oh I’m sorry I don’t know I think

These things turned out really good I could make like a whole entire zoo with these guys I’m pretty sure they’ll still attack me if I go into survival right oh God they want to kill me okay okay I’m sorry I there’s nothing I can really do to fight these things off they’re just

Oh God I did so much damage if I hop in this tree they can’t get to me look at you look at you idiots oh God they could still hop the tree next I want to do something more simple but make it a lot better let’s go ahead and

Improve this Guardian let’s go ahead and start with the tail I’m gonna make these a little more 3D let’s point the original fan a little more downward and then we’re gonna duplicate this part to the top let’s go ahead and make a new eye I’ll throw on an outer layer and then we’ll

Make the tip blood red I’m gonna draw a little bit of blood around it and then we’re gonna add on this more 3D look to the spine and honestly if we’re not doing too much I think this one looks pretty good I do want to test it up a

Little bit because the eyes a little bit dead and add a little bit more of that disgusting horror feeling now for the guardian we have to go to one of those uh I don’t even know what they’re called I figured it out they’re called Ocean

Monuments if you can’t tell by now I’m a complete Noob with Minecraft I do see one of our Guardians hey stop swimming away you know what that one’s being annoying I’m gonna spawn in a bunch of them okay this is too bad I don’t know I like the tail

But I feel like the eye might have been a little much I feel like the eye is a little unnecessary maybe I could have just pulled it off better I do like the 3D look to the Spy and and the tail yeah as I said it’s pretty good but if I was to

Do this again I probably would make the eye a little bit different last up I couldn’t forget to do the adorable Turtle let’s go ahead and make everything gone except the head let’s color in the head this green color we’ll draw on these eyes I’ll make the back of

This tan let’s make the bottom part of the cell this tan color and then we’ll keep the outer part this brown I’ll add an extended layer we’ll throw on these two side pieces we’ll throw on this tail and make the bottom lighter let’s make our legs this green color I’ll make the

Bottom tan now let’s get our Turtle textured up and I think the turtle looks really good I’m not gonna lie I feel like I’ve never seen a turtle in Minecraft then again I honestly don’t really play that much now I hope this one turned out good this took a long

Time so if it didn’t I might just cry um Turtles can be on land right let me just smack him down hey no you’re not going to the water It’s good I like how the Derpy front of the face is just there um I have an eye on one side it seems he lost an eye he lost an eye and he lost an iron Nam this turtle’s been through a lot do not judge him baby

Turtles are a thing right move oh it’s so tidy oh it’s so tiny what drone I’m gonna start with a rabbit we’re gonna make everything this black color and then we’ll start working on our head we’ll squish down the face well add an extended block and then we’ll throw in

The mouth we can’t forget the nose now let’s work on our ears I’m gonna shrink this side down we’ll add on this bent piece and then we’ll do the same to the other side we’ll give the body an extra layer and then we’ll add in this slanted piece for definition

We’ll give the front foot an actual toe and then we’ll do the same with the other side we’ll keep our back legs the same now let’s texture this up I think these are pretty decent ears I think those eyes are pretty decent now let’s add a little bit of noise and with a

Little bit of noise this isn’t too bad now I think the rabbit is super cute I don’t really know anyone that doesn’t like rabbits and if you do you’re just wrong oh my goodness dude you can’t look at this thing and tell me it’s not adorable now I’ll be honest I like to

Over texture things and by texture I mean just add noise sometimes it works out and I think this situation it worked out really nice let’s see what a little baby rabbit looks like oh that is so cute dude this thing is adorable I like these rabbits because

They’re really simple but it does give it a oh this is stop you guys didn’t see me hit a wolf next up let’s work on Fatty Magoo and by that I just need a pig we’ll start off with our head like normal let’s give it a couple little

Eyes on the side now we can start throwing on some ears let’s give them a bit of definition with this piece and then we’ll just duplicate that to the other side we’re basically it’s gonna stun the nose out and I think that’s looking pretty good we’re basically

Going to keep the same body now we’ll start building out a tail We’ll add on some connecting pieces we’ll throw in our final touch and that tail turned out really good we’re gonna make the legs a little bit more bulky but we’ll basically keep the same legs let’s throw

In some slight texturing hey that turned out pretty good let’s load them up pigs are honestly a really cute mob rip techno blade and I feel like we did a good job of making these look a little bit better oh you’re so what is going on no they’re gonna kill

The rabbit oh my God why are there so many wolves go back to the pig you’re pretty cute I think adding a little bit of bulk on the legs made it look a lot better we did a good job with the tail I really like how that turned out I feel

Like maybe I could have made the eyes go around the head more because it is a tad bit awkward but they’re still pretty cute let’s spawning a little baby pig it’s even cuter it has such a big head look at the way it Rush is Overload and speaking of cute that rabbit’s about to die I feel like we can’t do the pig without doing the cow so let’s go ahead and do this B stick we’ll start off with our head like normal let’s get rid of these antlers then let’s squish this down we’ll angle

It up a little bit and we’ll add these cute eyes to the side we’ll throw these two pieces back on then we’ll build on this extended mouth I think that looks like a pretty good mouth we’ll throw in this ear bit and we’ll call the inside

Pink we’ll give it a little bit of angling we’ll do the same thing to the other side now we’ll add on this tail and then we’ll cut out some bottom piece holes I think something like that looks pretty good we’ll basically give it the same leg style as the pig let’s add a

Little bit of noise to this and after adding a little bit of noise I feel like it honestly looks super good now to be honest I have no opinion on cows to me they’re just another mob but now they’re gonna be spectacular you know that’s not too bad this actually turned

Out a lot better than I thought it would I really like that we gave the ears a bit of definition like the pig they need both of these together they’re they’re kind of cute okay we gotta spawn in a oh my God that is so adorable now the ears

Are kind of goofy on this they’re just huge but it’s still so cute I don’t really know what I would change with the cow I think we did a pretty solid job dude these baby cow so cute Off With Their Heads let’s move on to something a little more cute a parrot is

The perfect call let’s start off with the head we’re gonna keep the feather pretty much the same we’re gonna make the beak a little bit more extended just something simple like this we’re gonna give our body two layers now we’re gonna leave our original Wing but we’re gonna add a few extra touches

Now we’ll duplicate out this wing and then we’ll just slide it to the bottom we’ll do the same to the other side we’re actually going to give the parrot a solid leg and then we’ll just color in a couple toes we’ll do the same to the other side we’ll keep the original tail

But we’ll also add on this yellow layer and honestly I feel like the pear looks pretty good this thing is going to be adorable now in my opinion parents are up there competing for the cutest mob along with like wolves they are just so freaking adorable not as cute as little Remy though

Oh whoa now I do have a little bit of Z fighting which I can fix later but for now this thing is so cute this is so simple but so much better than the original parrot it just gives us better vibe like this thing is just so adorable

Now I would put it on my shoulder but I don’t really know how to do that so for now we can just admire them like I said I’ll fix a Z fighting in the pack it’s not that big of a deal out of all of them I feel like this is something they

Definitely could add into the game what do you guys think let me know down in the comments now let’s do something you really don’t see too much let’s go ahead and make this Ender my better we’re gonna start by changing the eye location like something like this looks pretty

Nice let’s give it similar things like the spider head I feel like that looks pretty good but add on these weird legs and for keeping it pretty simple I think this turned out pretty well now I’m not gonna lie I made this in like five minutes because my cat keeps jumping on

My desk so I don’t really know what I’m expecting oh my goodness this thing is terrifying now I don’t know why there’s an extra leg running around I also don’t know why it’s just spinning in circles it’s kind of broken what the heck but like if I actually added an animation to

This and made it so it walks creepily this would be so gross now let’s start building out a dragon we’ll start by building out one of the Wings We’ll add one of these sharp pieces to the tip of it and then we’ll build a wing we’ll push our wing out even further we’ll

Duplicate that over to the other side and now let’s build on some legs we’ll give it this nice bent structure We’ll add on the bottom piece and then we’ll add on this foot we’ll duplicate that over and then we’ll add the same style to the back we’ll put the same sharp

Part in the lower back and then we’ll make this kind of into a tail We’ll add these same sharp tips to the edge and now we gotta build in the head we’ll start by building off this head frame we’ll throw in our eyes we’ll add another sharp piece to the back we’ll

Add on this really cool jaw and then we’ll add in all these teeth and I feel like this is an insanely good looking head and it looks to me like our dragon is pretty much complete we all know the wonderful Ender Dragon but this is a

Huge step up let’s see how it turned out oh my God this thing is crazy this Dragon turned out so good if I had to fight an Ender Dragon like this I guarantee I would lose we even added the sick animation for flying there is no

Way you’re beating this thing and I kind of want to turn this into like a really cool whale let’s start deleting all the fins we’ll take out this big nose now I’m gonna move the tail all the way back I’ll start off with this blue head and

Then we’ll make an extra long blue body we’ll throw in one of the fins and then we’ll duplicate it to the other side now we gotta get this colored in nicely we’ll make the bottom this light color and then we’ll add the same coloring to the side and I think that’s a pretty

Decent start and with a little bit of texturing I think it looks pretty good we’ll add a blowhole to the top now let’s make some eyes and I think our new and improved dolphin slash whale looks pretty good as you can see this is the low his resolution I could get Minecraft

The blocks aren’t even real blocks they’re just White pieces with the names on it everything in this world is just so messed up and wrong like this is water I’m inside of water this is just cursed but our first mob should fix us a little bit we’re gonna blow up this area with

TNT and now I think our whale has enough space let’s put it down and see what we got oh my god well this is definitely somewhat better than that other pack our whale definitely made it a lot better but this world is so unrealistic like what even is the sun we’re gonna make

This case fighter a lot better we’re gonna start by making the face a lot more 3D and basically all we did was we pulled the major points out to make them a little more realistic and if you’re afraid of spiders I am so sorry now for

The most part our neck’s gonna stay the same but it’s gonna be a crucial Anchor Point for the rest of our body we’re gonna angle our body upwards and then we’re gonna add on the second layer to make it more 3D we’re gonna add a bunch

Of these little pieces from the face and they’re kind of just meant to be a little more disgusting on the body I think it turned out pretty good now you know the legs have to be angled they’re gonna add on three parts to this we’ll attached as less part and then we’ll add

That all around and for the most part our spider looks a lot more realistic it’s definitely extremely creepy but it gets the job done now for our cave spider I feel like it’s only right that we do this inside a cave we already see this looks really bad let’s throw down

Our cave spider and see what we got oh my god oh look at the spider in a second but this looks a lot different all these blocks are definitely more detailed you just look at the little grass even the stone is just a lot better the lava is very uncomfortable

But it looks way too detailed to be lava look at the creeper even the zombie just has more texture on it and look at this guy oh this is insane oh this case spider is so freaky now I really want to do a mob I have not seen a lot I have

Not seen a lot of people make the Phantom better so let’s go ahead and do that we’ll start off with just our headache normal we’re gonna start giving it a more 3D texture feel we’ll throw in a couple spine plates and then we’re gonna make the head a little more sharp

At the end that’s looking pretty good so far and then we’re gonna do the same thing for the front of the face and this is already looking a lot different than our normal Phantom we’ll give the bottom draw some texture now let’s start working on the wings we’re gonna make

All the different colors a little more 3D looks pretty decent to me now I start making the wing more curved we’ll add on the connecting piece we’ll duplicate to make it more core 3D and then we’ll do the same thing to the other side as for

The body we’re going to keep the same 3D look and we’ll do the same thing all the way down to the tail I think our Phantom is looking a lot more realistic than it usually does let’s go ahead and load this up into the game now this is our

Last mob so it better turn out really good the world is also going to take on a massive change oh my what happened to the Head my Phantom is literally missing ahead well this definitely does look a lot more realistic I don’t have the slightest clue why my Phantoms have no

Head let’s start adding on a bunch of teeth I’m thinking this looks pretty good let’s throw this top yellow layer and then we’ll slap on this three together to the top we’ll throw on this forehead piece let’s cover up these eyes and then we’ll throw in our own eyelids

Now let’s make this a bit more 3D now let’s build on the lower jaw we’ll keep the same bottom jaw and now we’ll add on some teeth and this is looking really good let’s start making our sticks and I feel like this one came out pretty nice

Let’s do the same thing through all the other ones and this looks pretty good let’s touch up some of the teeth we’ll make the head a bit more 3D and I think the final product looks amazing now let’s check out this first mob get to

See the blaze we have to go to the nether all right let’s see what our brace looks like in three two one oh my God this thing looks absolutely insane this is definitely a mutated Blaze those teeth are absolutely terrifying I kind of wish I made them

More of a disgusting yellow color but I still think they turned out pretty good we have to go find a blaze spawner all right there’s our spotter it’s time to fight let’s see if I can survive these mutated blazes alright first one’s here oh God I’m already on fire I just have

To break this before any more spot oh God there’s more okay okay okay come on okay there we go we can break this we can break this we can break this please please please why didn’t I give myself a pickaxe oh God it got me on fire again

No I am so low please please don’t kill me please don’t oh half heart there is no way we’re gonna no now let’s go ahead and do a ghast now this is probably the most difficult mod from this pack so I’m gonna have a tough time we’ll start with

The face like normal we’ll start by building out the structure of the head and then we’ll draw on this disgusting eye we’ll make the tip blood red and now we’ll start throwing on the bottom portions we’ll build that mouth plate and now we’ll start building on these

Tentacles and I think this first one looks pretty good we’ll start adding these all around We’ll add the same ones to the mouth We’ll add a couple to the side we’ll do the same style for the bottom tentacles now let’s add a bit a little bit of gray texturing around

We’re gonna smack this into Photoshop and after a little bit of noise I think it came out absolutely amazing I am so excited for this one in my opinion this is probably the best one in this pack that is just horrifying to see I’m also

Too lazy to go to the nether so we’re gonna spawn him in the Overworld oh my God that is so terrifying this has to be the creepiest gas I have ever seen let’s go ahead and spawn in a ton of these guys now the Overworld is just

Overrun by these gas I thought about setting up to fight these but why would I even put myself through that there is no way I’m good enough to take these things out let’s delete everything except the head and then we’ll color it all in Orange let’s start adding on a couple pieces

We’ll pull this out to be more 3D now we can start building on the nose and then we’ll rotate these pieces to give it more of a better angle we’ll do the same with the other side we’ll add on this jaw plate and then we’ll just rotate it we’ll stop building another 3D

Layer and then we’ll just rotate it to match with the body I’m thinking something like this looks pretty good now for this we’re gonna give it two big cubes as eyes and then we’ll angle them both out pretty weird I’m gonna go ahead and color these in and then we’ll draw

On these cute eyes to start adding back in our body we’ll continue to make all these layers 3D we’ll do the same to the front can’t forget the back side and I’ll make this layer 3D as well now let’s start adding on some legs throw in his lower connecting piece

We’ll start adding on some toes we’re gonna throw on these three weird toes and then we’ll duplicate it to the other side we’ll start adding on our hind legs we’ll give it a nice angled shape and then we’ll give it the same three weird toes now let’s get this thing textured

Up start coloring in the Jaws and then we’ll do the toes we’ll make the body a dark green we’ll keep the under bottom this tan color now let’s add some texture and honestly I are not really good now here we are most unrealistic look I could get for

Minecraft as you can tell everything is just nothing so that’s pretty cool but after we put down our first mob everything should be better alright I’m excited let’s see what we get three two one yo okay this definitely looks a lot better I’ve never seen a frog before

That is a really oh God I still have the orange bits now I also do have a lot of Z fighting still which I can fix but not right now and my first thought for this is almost more of like a grim reaper feeling let’s just make sure we can see

The head we’re gonna leave it as light blue color and then we’re gonna make the head a tad bit more 3D now for the hood we just added an extra face and then we carved out this middle section now let’s add on the back parts of the hood we’ll

Rotate this piece up we’ll add in this bit right here and then we’ll extend this bottom piece out and I feel that looks really good we’ll throw these eyes as temporary pieces now we’re gonna start with a solid body figure now we’re gonna add on these bottom bits before we

Carve them out and now we can carve out some pieces We’ll add in all these slots and then we’ll color in all the tips we’ll make our back pieces more 3D and then we’ll add the same piece to the front and start structuring on our arm and then we’ll add on this little

Stubble as the hand we’ll color it in a light blue and then we’ll just keep the same thing on the other side let’s carve out our wing and then we’ll just draw it out now we’ll just color on our wings let’s color on the hood and I think this looks pretty good let’s

Get it textured up and after some slight texturing I think our La looks pretty good here we are with the Olay another mob I have never seen let’s see how this changes our world in three two one oh my God this is so freaky okay this has to

Be the most adorable mob I’ve ever made I don’t even know what the Lays do but it just looks cute I think we did a pretty good job of making it look more real but still kind of simple the Grimmy Reaper aspect was definitely the right

Call but man just look at our world what are these leaves the sand is just weird I mean the grass is getting a little better what in the world is that thing yo look at the lava oh my goodness what about the water what how did I

Huh how is there water in the what wait what you can water trees now what in the world is this is that a new feature what the heck why can I water trees this is this just feels wrong never mind the trees these things are adorable we did pretty good now let’s go

With something a little more fun let’s do the warden let’s just make sure we can only see the head now we’re gonna have to make this face look a lot better let’s start drawing stuff in let’s keep this outer shell to our mouth I think it looks pretty good let’s start adding in

Some coloring now let’s do the same style all the way around and I feel this is looking pretty solid now let’s start working on the tendril Look this looks pretty good now let’s do that to the other side I think it’s something like this looks pretty good and then we’re gonna extend it a little bit with some spikes now let’s go work on the body now for our toaster I kind

Of want to add like ghosts to the middle I wanted to see more mythical just added some color splashes now let’s go ahead and extend the spine rotate all these pieces up and I’m thinking these look pretty good now instead of the boring grip cages we’re gonna make them more 3D I’ll throw

One of these pieces and then we’ll throw in the heading piece let’s add some weird coloring to it now let’s make this layer more 3D out on the shoulder plate and then we’ll add on some really long spikes we’ll throw them in the back as well we’ll throw in a

Couple long fingers now he’s gotta do the legs look send out this leg we’ll do the same to the other side we’ll throw in the bottom pieces we’ll throw on these toes and now we’ll just texture it up a little bit and I think this might

Be the best mob I’ve ever made oh the word is single-handedly the longest I’ve ever spent on one model so I hope it turned out good let’s see in three two one oh my God yo this thing is insane I really like that even with a bigger

Scale for the horn why are you killing the horses I’ve never seen this thing either so I don’t really know oh my God just murdered the horse is it gonna kill the baby too why in the world is wrong with this guy our world looks so much more detailed

Though we can actually see the grass and look I got an achievement that’s pretty cool honestly I am so happy with this Warden this is by far the hardest I’ve worked on a mob and I think it turned out really good if you think otherwise I

Might just cry now we’re gonna go with something I feel like I’ve never even done before let’s work on the polar bear if you’ve seen any of my other videos you’ve seen like cows and pigs we’re basically gonna try and give it the same body shape as that start with our head

Like normal let’s start by extending up the head we’ll throw in the same lower jaw plate but throwing these side pieces to make it more 3D and then we’ll add the same ear we use for wolves We’ll add on our snout and then we’ll angle our bottom

Jaw this literally just looks like when I do it we’ll go with this nice three layer body shape and now we can start adding on the thighs we’ll throw on our toes now we kind of just need to color this in honestly I really like the way this thing turned

Out let’s see if it looks good in game two now honestly polar bears are pretty cute if you think otherwise you’re just wrong so let’s see if we did a good Justice and oh my goodness look at the dirt that is crazy I’m sorry Paul bro

I’ll come look at you in a second this all definitely looks a lot more realistic the pig just makes me kind of uncomfortable now let’s go look at our polar bear I do like the body it follows the same Trend that I normally do it

Does have a bit of Z fighting which I mean I can fix later I’m not gonna fix now because I’m lazy but it did turn out really good let’s see the baby one that is so adorable this little guy is so cute it’s definitely not my favorite

It’s not as good as some of the other ones but it’s still pretty cute I think we did solid Alice work on another really fun mob let’s go ahead and make this wither mutated and if you saw my previous meeting video you got a huge

Sneak peek of what this is gonna be now let’s just go ahead and start with one head now we’re gonna start making this more of a 3D version of the actual head we’ll keep the same basic head structure except for leaving this little hole for the eye now we’re gonna make the

Eyepiece Pure White we can start adding on a couple teeth and then we’ll basically just duplicate the bottom jaw now we have to get the other three heads to look basically the same as this and I think both of these turned out pretty good now let’s go ahead and work on the

Body now we’re gonna need a piece to connect all the heads and I’ll throw these connecting beams we’ll throw in the same beam to the other side now for our body we’re gonna keep it pretty much the same except we’re gonna extend out these edges we’re gonna make this look a

Little bit more like a rib cage let’s duplicate these to the other side and then we’ll just add back on our bottom piece and I think this is gonna look absolutely sick now we have to go ahead and spawn in a Wither I’m honestly really hyped for this one it’s probably

My favorite one out of this entire pack oh my goodness that is so freaky this looks so insane I think adding in the rib cage is a little bit of a good touch oh my God it’s Gotta Kill the Sheep oh my God why are you killing everything

You’re so evil they did nothing to you stop this wither is an actual demon I can take it out though I’m so confident I’m gonna go ahead and get myself some good loot because I’ve never fought a Wither in my life there’s no way I can lose looking like this alright wither

It’s time for me and you to fight get over you oh God you’re so fast oh whoa you’re strong well I can’t hit him up I I can’t reach this isn’t fair is that fair I can’t reach him how in the world am I supposed

To kill this thing when I can’t reach it okay we gotta lead it into a cave okay this is more of a fair fight I still can’t reach it oh my goodness please wither I hit it I hit it I’m the best oh my gosh I’m doing so much damage I can

Do this please please no zombie stay away let me let me let me oh my no actually let’s end with what’s gonna be the thumbnail let’s do this skeleton now we’re basically gonna keep the same head style as the Wither we’ll get back on these nasty teeth and I think the black eyes

Look pretty good now a bit of this really creepy looking spine and we can’t forget the bottom of it now the full pack they made this quiver but I honestly have no idea how to build that so we’re just gonna use that asset now let’s put on the arm we’ll do the same

With the other side the legs are pretty standard and hey I think this skeleton looks pretty cool now I actually lied I might be the most hyped for this one oh my God that is disgusting look at the face this is so gross the quiver is an absolutely beautiful touch oh my gosh

This is just terrifying there’s no way you would catch me fighting one of these things just imagine an entire Army of these going up against you like what are you supposed to do about that like if I’m just walking by oh my God they’re all firing oh wait they’re killing each

Other oh they’re each other oh my gosh this isn’t the same who’s gonna come out on top what in the what’s a full-out brawl look at this guy just minding his business wait they turned on me what no honestly I think this is my favorite episode so far the maker the improved

Hostile pack did absolutely amazing and if you want their full pack go ahead and check it out the Link’s in the description here’s this week’s amazing fan art and with that being said I’ll catch on the next video thank you for watching

This video, titled ‘i remade EVERY mob in Minecraft BETTER (compilation)’, was uploaded by RaineyX on 2022-11-05 13:57:45. It has garnered 1878548 views and 28286 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:09 or 2229 seconds.

i remade EVERY mob in Minecraft BETTER (compilation)

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    VitalCraft VitalCraft Server Information VitalCraft is a +20 Minecraft community server with extensive towny/economy plugins that enhance gameplay. Launched on May 10th, 2024, we focus on a SMP style with unique jobs, roles, and more for a real society experience. Community events are organized on our Discord server, everyone can contribute! To join, whitelist and apply on Discord: Join Discord and go to #Town-and-Nations channel. Server Address: – 1.20.4 Java edition. TL;DR – What we’re About: Mature community of adults, accepting anyone +20 Constantly introducing new ideas, goals, and events Super friendly environment Brand new gameplay Features: Dynmap Discord… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

    Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet! When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that you start seeing creepers in real life and trying to mine diamonds with your toothbrush. #SigmaBrainrot #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • 100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin

    100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin The Haunting Adventure in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a spine-chilling journey as you join a brave Minecraft player surviving 100 days in the scariest cabin in the woods in Minecraft Hardcore mode. This thrilling adventure will test your survival skills as you face terrifying monsters and uncover the mysteries lurking in the haunted forest. Surviving the Unknown Our protagonist, accompanied by a friend, finds themselves in a cabin deep within the haunted woods, where they are not alone. The Evolved Cave Dweller and The Silence are just some of the monsters that will haunt them every night. As they… Read More

  • 🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥

    🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2024-04-24 11:00:39. It has garnered 31487 views and 982 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:53 or 2753 seconds. Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft! TeeVee slowly becomes the Zoo Keeper from Zoonomaly and needs to find a cure before its too late! 📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block! TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more!… Read More

  • Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in Minecraft

    Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Collab】Minecraft【PRISM Project】’, was uploaded by Meno Ibuki / 伊吹めの [PRISM Project] on 2024-03-08 06:39:03. It has garnered 779 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:16 or 12016 seconds. I’m IbukiMeno! Nice to meet nyo~! 🐉 Welcome to my stream! would you like to be one of my precious collections? https://schedule.prismproject.jp Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/menoibuki/tip Please follow these rules to ensure a safe and fun stream: 1. Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll or argue with each other.🐉 2. Do not engage with spammers or trolls. Please block and report… Read More

  • “Dronio’s Minecraft World – EPIC Surprise Await!” #drone #minecraft #surprise

    "Dronio's Minecraft World - EPIC Surprise Await!" #drone #minecraft #surpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Канал A4 в Minecraft – блестит улыбками и радостью. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 15:15:02. It has garnered 851 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

i remade EVERY mob in Minecraft BETTER (compilation)