I Snuck a Famous Youtuber on a Minecraft SMP

Video Information

This is a normal Minecraft loading screen right wrong this is merely just a copy based on your false perception of what reality really is these images were never really there you never saw them you only believe you did because I said so so how can you trick the minds of

Those close to you into a false sense of perception what’s up okay this is the famous YouTuber wreck rep 2 and I went to sneak him onto a server that he owned yes he owns it and he doesn’t even know it yet while he may Own It many don’t believe that he

Deserves that title because how can you own a server that you don’t even play on so a rivaling group and place their own leader Mr Q who was widely considered the leader due to the absence of recre which has caused Anarchy we want to see the true leader on the throne but in

Order for me to do this we need to master the art of hiding in plain sight thankfully my friend Ulrich had this cup so so there’s this like you know there’s there’s this Phantom and it’s the mascot of eclipse right so I I I wasted my money yesterday

On uh buying the Jeremy account Thank you okay there I also set up his YouTube channel I thought he was gonna need maybe to make some connections to grow this YouTube channel so I got him set up with the Twitter oh yeah I don’t even have a Twitter and of course you know a Discord

So he can join the eclipse SMP how would you like to uh own your new server and so the deception began formed a nation of little did they know wreck rap was a part of it I mean Jeremy we started getting members very fast hey everyone who’s with you Someone to Rally us together someone who could lead us who could solve every problem wait recreps on the server should we have Jeremy VR um oh my God oh my God Jeremy the fifth so Jeremy is now the owner of the rec wrap Institution yeah that makes sense with the new

Leader the institution of wreck rap quickly became a hot spot for players [Applause] we had successfully formed a nation or so we thought oh they’re burning down oh my God they’re burning down someone burned it down I don’t know who it is so sad it’s so bad what the heck guys

This place now just a lost cause I’ll be like now leaving oh wait what we can rebuild it was very obvious who started the fire the faction directly opposing the recrep institution and just to make matters worse they built their own statue of cube just across the river becoming the new hot

Spot with their own boxing arena we cannot let this stand so once everyone went to bed me Ulrich Jeremy and a few trusted people logged on I’ll take part a minor amount of Tom Fuller we’re spreading propaganda with Jeremy I’m trying to think about the Sketcher he’s just standing there staring wait wait

Check out this one Cube more like Square you saw the far lands I saw God and His Name started with an r and ended with a tube I think something cube is proud of it tear it down oh my God I can’t hold that gentleman we’re going to the cube statue

Let’s draw a smiley face on his face in about half an hour we covered the statue inside it’s it’s hurting me to take a stab that’s a deep at Mr Cube I have the strangest feeling he’s gonna put this back on us I feel like he has an

Advantage in the fact that ratcraft doesn’t even know anything is happening and this is what they get for burning down the statue don’t look back it’s like an explosion space okay never mind I want to look back the next day the cube Nation discovered

The sign so Mr Cube kind of got rolled a little exactly good no we don’t know yet it’s really bad if you walk up to the sign you’ll see there’s a little bit more uh oh my God a little bit more added to it there’s so many signs it’s

Everywhere there’s more it’s all in the base you guys are some mischievous people this is absolutely disgusting This is war on the rec wrap Nation our attack was successful but due to our actions we were forced to go to court what do you mean we didn’t do anything

Wrong so we gathered to form a plan in a place that they would least expect under the cube stats meet behind the storage room meet behind the storage room quick hi they’re coming Eon where are you we need to Splash I’m coming to spawn I’m coming I’m only 900 blocks away

Do not worry about me I am invisible okay three okay go one okay go go go go go go go go go go go go careful no guys what has happened on this server we need to catch up can you report first what has happened uh I don’t know I have

It locked up no no we have to attend a court a court case in a little bit here my bad what if during the trial while we’re all in the thing and no one’s looking we have a on do something because if that happens we

They would never be able to put it on us visible like something that’s big that we couldn’t have done during this time something that like yeah I have an idea so we stayed up all night building a courthouse I don’t know if you’ve ever built a courthouse but it’s really

Difficult I had to use Google if you’re enjoying this so far you should definitely subscribe for more courthouses or whatever then came the day of the trial gonna be honest it was pretty boring so let me do a draw narration of what occurs basically blah blah blah this person was mad at this

Person and this person was mad at this person the jury had no idea what was going on but somehow decided that both sides were in there and should duel in a future boxing match to the death this boxing match will truly decide the owner of the server and we need to prepare but

One more thing occurred when the trial was going on wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I don’t think it was any of them your cubesat has been removed look outside wait from the staff right now yes it’s

Gone oh my God I’m sorry oh in that case I don’t think it’s during the trial while everyone was distracted aeon decapitated the Mr Cube statue making us look even more Innocent but now everyone is mad at aeon and we need to help him we’re having a meeting under the cube statue again

This is a very risky meeting are you in the creeper Hall okay oh my God this is still incredibly suspicious because I decapitated Most wanted criminal now we need a place to hide aeon fast the rec wrap and Cube institution were both no longer safe with no more options left to go we were forced to hide in the enemy’s Old Bay the people who still go there trust me

So I can move things behind the scenes While others hide within the walls if anyone were to get caught we would all be in extreme danger but first we needed to get out of our meeting let’s just slowly back away they’re like all right I think so I mean

No you blocked it off you’re good you guys are good you guys are good Macy’s wait so the attic can be as big as we want exactly let’s go make an attic boys you’re living in the Attic we have cheers oh my gosh we have a meeting room

Uh this one’s a this one’s just temporary because I can’t leave we’ll go back to the cube one after oh true yeah the cube one’s more fun anyways we now had a new base of operations a thousand blocks away there is no way anyone is gonna find us now wait are you

Underground right there no the horse is here oh middle of building our base though the original base owners logged on so we had to hide this is so funny I just juked him I’m going down to the base I’m gonna trade with villagers let’s try to get in

No pressure oh my gosh you could like throw the weakness potion and then like pull out an apple pretend to do it and I’m just invisible and just do it your horse is here he is holy crap he came out of nowhere yeah okay I’m out I’m out

I’m out dude oh my God oh my gosh did you see me oh my gosh oh dude quick quick okay no it’s your horse is right there okay I’ll take him out I’ll take him out you ready no no no I’m ready ready no oh Freak out hey wait do it do it okay ready ready I got it I got it dude the zombie almost killed me the zombie was killed oh my brother is the Villager there it’s there it’s there we break through okay he’s keeping his eye on it dude uh do we

Still send it so let’s put the Cobble deep sleep Hey quick quick quick quick quick push it oh my gosh that was that was your reaction oh he might have seen me unshift I only did it for half a second I’m not gonna move oh God this is sketch wait he’s trying to see oh my god dude

He’s digging he’s digging in the wall of the thing is he gonna find the place he didn’t find it oh my God Oh my God there’s no way okay we gotta play this super safe my heart is racing so hard dude okay I I think I might just need to escape well wreck had escaped he wasn’t really safe while we were at our new base suspicions were rising to Jeremy’s whereabouts and

Identity so we came together for another meeting I have the ability to frame somebody I’m still playing and I need to get amending books this is the voice of a player named Zam it was one of many suspected to be Jeremy by using this fake audio clip inside of a voice chat

We were able to frame Jeremy’s identity did you hear that yeah I got Zam on a soundboard I’m ready I’m gonna join a VC drop that pretend like I didn’t mean to and hopefully word spreads it Jeremy is actually Zam so later that night we initiated the plan operation fake identity [Applause] Oh my God it’s Jeremy the Phantom oh I love that guy we love Germany what is that Jeremy is that damn hear me oh no it’s not friend Sam it’s Jeremy I think it’s actually Zam they 100 know it’s oh my gosh thanks to really sell

The new identity of Jeremy we uploaded a video on the Jeremy channel the boxing match was coming up soon and we had to throw others off track until then completing one of our goals of hiding Jeremy’s true identity or so we thought oh she’s counting down during the

Meeting a cube Nation member started hunting us but they can’t possibly know where the meeting room is right hey guys let me back away wait don’t make any noise don’t make any noise she’s right above me oh my god there when you can new meeting room time

Our meeting room was no longer safe if anyone were to have seen us we wouldn’t be safe either none of us and to make matters worse our video to disguise Jeremy’s identity had a fatal flaw who is Jeremy started hard analyzing the video like super cross-examining this video right they were examining things

From like the texture pack and the hot bar he was like looking for specifics and then it hit I quickly report the Jeremy video he has his water bucket in the second Hotbar slot who puts their water bucket in the hot second hot bar slot like who who does that and I

Clicked on a wreck rap video his Hotbar layout is identical like all he has to do is go wait what if it’s rat crap check it and that’s it that’s it that’s done we’re done anyone were to find out this would all have been for nothing people were on the hunt

For Jeremy it’s been several days and they needed to know his identity our efforts of hiding him wouldn’t last forever the boxing match to decide the true owner is soon and just to make matters worse you know how there’s a statue yeah if you didn’t know wreck rap hates

Pancakes so not only did they kick us out of our home pancake our beloved statue but they took recrec’s freaking nose he took his nose what for Minecraft’s nose they took your nose [Applause] We didn’t have a meeting room our statue was trash your support was at an all-time low is it possible that we won’t even win the boxing match all this time we spent hiding Jeremy’s identity was it even worth it what if we could have ended it all right at the start

Showing everyone who Jeremy was and settled it once and for all what was the point of hiding and shifting perception if it proves nothing I battled with these questions knowing very well that the boxing match was in one day there was no going back now so we made final preparations what if the

Final fight was in the end Dimension like a ring like suspended in the air and like everyone watched from like the pillars the middle the middle uh boxing the crate is connected by chains to each Tower yeah now I gotta want to do that I wish I’m cleaning up the dude we spent

The final day building the boxing arena and practicing our boxing skills despite the chaos of this week I’ve never had more fun playing Minecraft I don’t know what it was exactly but having wreck here in Disguise felt like an outlet for him to be himself maybe that was the

Point the whole time so this is it this is the finale it is the final meeting oh are you ready for the last it’s been fun we’ve had some critics what else to say this is honestly been such a fun week like this is what I’ve lived for guys today we revealed the

Secret yeah this is gonna be crazy oh my gosh this was it the moment that truly decided the owner of the server all this preparation for this final match-up the boxing match was simple five matches with three rounds each the team with the most matched wins wins ownership of the

Server I am confident in my boxing abilities with the practice that we had building up but for some reason I was still nervous this was an end of an era an end of a cherished memory and it all came down to a boxing match welcome the first Eclipse faction War

Sat in my seat nervously awaiting my match match one we lost match two we won if a team manages to get more than three wins they win the whole event so if I lose there’s a chance that Jeremy won’t even get to buy I still wonder if it

Would have been better to start differently I wondered if everything we did was worth it and without more time I stepped into the boxing match This is quite the round dodging and weaving but mostly critting Foreign I lost all this pressure of creating this perception piled up and I lost I was filled with doubt doubt in my boxing abilities down in my team doubt that any of this matters for all I know wreck would lose until I realized I was wrong the point of the perception wasn’t

To hide wreck within the groove is to allow wreck to be a member of the group he was at wreck he was Jeremy the Phantom leader of the recrep institution and this week he was self and now now the honor of himself proving himself as the true owner yeah

Oh my God he’s a thief in the night true fans have nightmares of this man it’s Jeremy the Phantom and in this quarter he is probably the smartest person on the server it’s Mr Killer everything is stumbling right we won the faction War proving wreck as

The true owner of the server and no one knew who Jeremy was we did it we’ve won leaving us one final thing to do Jeremy I heard you have some words to say after your colossal Victory I think I know who it is given time hey guys exam on a soundboard hey

And all he talks to was your idea he wasn’t until the very end that I realized why everything mattered this whole time my perception was wrong I tried so hard to disguise wreck as this other person within the group when in reality he never was another person and

The memories we made in this week will last a lifetime perception is just the way you view things and if you look the right way you’ll see why it matters will happen happening happened and will happen again and again you and I will always be best friends I bet listen listen that is a perfect video for recre he could pretend to be on the server that literally worships him and has a whole Shrine and like what like that’s perfect content for him I’m telling you I don’t see it

This video, titled ‘I Snuck a Famous Youtuber on a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by 4CVIT on 2023-05-15 13:00:41. It has garnered 284642 views and 10920 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds.

I Snuck the Famous Youtuber Rekrap2 Undercover on the EclipseSMP! This video is a super compelling story of us Sneaking into a YOUTUBER ONLY Minecraft SMP. Me, Allrich, Aeon, and rekrap2 aka JeremythePhantom Manipulated the entire Server and Proved Rekrap2 from the Lifesteal SMP as the owner against MrCube6! All this was done through the use of Perception. I Hope You Enjoy This Amazing Story! 😀

“Perception is just a way you view things… and if you look the right way… you’ll see why it mattered”

Epic Content Creators in this video: @rekrap2 @Allrich @AeonYoutube @MrCube6 @JeremythePhantom @IDKnows @JHorse @Midmysticx @PikaTM_ @JozzGamingYT @jetstarfish @AxonXP @Woocie @MazyM @SparkOfEmber @Vubbss @_monstor @ArchDamage @TheOGToot @PrinceZam

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@4CVIT Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/B4KyS8eE5Y Twitter: https://twitter.com/4_cvit

Check out other POVs of the Faction War: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ4b1HNjlBw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuUMhVQCID4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma4B1AGOXQ0

If you liked the video, Consider Subscribing to show support the channel! 😀 Thanks so much for taking the time to watch, and if you see this message, type: “Attic Boys Forever” in the comments to prove yourself as a true fan 😀

Hope you enjoyed it!

Background Music is by Minecraft, Epidemic Sound, Covers by IDKnows, Undertale, and FilmMusic. https://filmmusic.io/

Get Epidemic Sound Yourself! https://share.epidemicsound.com/z83gtj

The following music was used for this media project: Music: Falazar Is Back by Euan Ford Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8667-falazar-is-back License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

This is Eclipse SMP, where rekrap2 went Undercover on a Minecraft Server for 7 days and MrCube6 Went to War. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or ClownPierce or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video, a true Minecraft survival server. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, but everything is fully survival. This is an SMP server.

#minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #eclipse #lifestealsmp #lifestealapp #eclipsesmp #survival #4CVIT

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    Stone Thrown, Husamettin's Zone: Minecraft's Mysterious Monster In the Minecraft world, danger lurks in the night, Endermen and monsters ready to fight. But fear not, for heroes like us are here, To face the challenges without any fear. Hüsamettin, a brave protector in our midst, Shielding us from danger with a mighty twist. Fakir freezing time, a clever move indeed, To outsmart the monsters and make them concede. But tragedy strikes, as Hüsamettin falls, A sacrifice made to protect us all. We mourn his loss, a hero so true, His bravery and courage shining through. Now we must seek the mysterious monster’s lair, To avenge Hüsamettin… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Fortnite gameplay and looking for a new and exciting gaming experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, endless possibilities for creativity, and thrilling gameplay, Minewind is the place to be for all gaming enthusiasts. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in intense PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More

  • Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft

    Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft Exploring the New Armadillo Mob in Minecraft 1.20.5 With the latest update in Minecraft 1.20.5, players are in for a treat with the introduction of the adorable Armadillo mob. This new addition brings a fresh dynamic to the game, offering exciting possibilities for exploration and creativity. Discovering the Armadillo Habitat The Armadillo can be found roaming in the Badlands biome and the savanna. Keep an eye out for these unique creatures as you venture through these terrains in search of new adventures. Taming and Feeding the Armadillo To tame the Armadillo, players can feed them with spider eyes. Once… Read More

  • 🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!

    🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!Video Information right [Music] right forgot what you call him to be honest I forgot what you called him to be clearly honest oh yeah we have a walking stick forget is there anything we can do with mutant in sax uh from what I saw it makes a giant smoke bomb don’t ask me how don’t ask me how useful it is I’ve never mutant INX yeah what [ __ ] you think I said we got out to work oh [ __ ] another chicken let’s go it’s working hey we got your oh okay no no Tyson it’s true I can… Read More

  • The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨

    The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨Video Information [संगीत] वई आर यू रनिंग वई आर यू रनिंग खत्म बाय बाय टाटा गुड बाय गया m This video, titled ‘When I Try To Escape Then This Happened 😭 #shorts’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-03-22 14:38:51. It has garnered 422 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 1. In this YouTube video, explore the vast and creative world of Minecraft as we embark on exciting adventures, build magnificent structures, and encounter various challenges along the way. Join us as we delve into the endless possibilities of this popular sandbox… Read More

  • Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades – Skip Tutorial Now!

    Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades - Skip Tutorial Now!Video Information remember when bricks used to look like this but now they look like this or when diamonds used to actually be useful and these are the downgrades both big and small that have happened to Minecraft but first we got another downgrade to talk about since remember when the Subscribe button used to be red yeah I missed that too surprisingly but you can actually fix that still since when you subscribe it’ll turn rainbow for a split second so watch closely try it for yourself and thank you it helps out a ton to most finding out… Read More

  • Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)

    Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello how are we all doing today ignore the fact that I accidentally pressed the wrong button on my keyboard to transition us over here but we’re here ever so slightly later than usual but that’s okay we have a mission today I want to finish building my little farm area and in order to do that we want some more Cherrywood so we’re going to go on a little adventure and we’re going to find some Cherrywood and it’s going to be great it’s going to be beautiful nothing’s going to go wrong… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build – You WON’T believe this!

    Insane Minecraft Build - You WON'T believe this!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build like or not’, was uploaded by Not Gaming Bhangu on 2024-01-07 03:30:28. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft build like or not #minecraftratingyourbuilds, #minecraftbuildlikeapro,#minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecrafters #minecraftdaily #minecrafter #minecrafthouse #minecraftonly #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuildings #minecraftxbox #minecraftideas #minecrafts #minecraftuniverse #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafthouses #minecraftart #minecraftforever #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftcreations #minecraftersonly #minecraftps #gaming #mcpe #minecraftbuilding minecraft build, minecraft builds, minecraft build hacks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft building tips, minecraft build challenge, minecraft builds house, minecraft builds aesthetic, minecraft build ideas, minecraft build… Read More

  • Mikey & JJ’s Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft Maizen

    Mikey & JJ's Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft MaizenVideo Information oh I had a good night’s sleep I had such a sweet dream all right let’s get started wait what’s that outside my window is that ice that’s the first time I’ve seen something like that is it really that cold outside I don’t know what’s going on here at all I guess I’ll have to go outside anyway it’s completely abnormal I need to go to Mikey’s now and find him then we can really figure out what’s going on with the weather outside my window anyway let’s go outside JJ don’t go outside I’m really Frozen… Read More

  • Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!

    Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you ever wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together I’m just Mak my tracks and doing my time do you ever have a wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and it more [Music] time do you ever ever wonder if we could have done a better we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:51:28. It has garnered 208 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More


    ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET vs MINECRAFT VILLAGER - EPIC SHOWDOWNVideo Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Floosh COOL on 2024-01-13 08:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this captivating episode titled “Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft … Read More

  • Circutieers

    CircutieersWelcome to the Circuiteers Network! We are a Gaming Network, and community! Join our discord at: http://discord.circuiteers.com Join our Minecraft server at: circuiteers.com We are under constant expansion and we want your help to make us grow bigger than ever before! The rules can be found ingame by typing /rules If you enjoy the server consider checking out our store at: http://store.circuiteers.com We hope you enjoy your stay with the Circuiteers Network! circuiteers.com Read More

  • Real Endgame City SMP 1.20.1 Whitelist Events City Building Urban Area Endgame Plugins No resets Capitalism

    Welcome to Our 3-Year Old SMP! Join our small, long-term server focused on building, community, and chill gameplay. Explore our evolving world where empty areas become bases, bases become towns, and towns become cities! Server Features: Check out our Server Trailer Discover existing towns and a large city with player-built structures Custom mobs with leveled end-game challenges Custom enchants for unique gameplay Join Us Today! Interested in joining our whitelist server? Join our Discord: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Agree or go to the nether”

    I agree, that meme is definitely worth at least 760 chuckles! Read More

  • Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2

    Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2 In the world of gaming, we take the stage, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that engage. From Roblox Murder Mystery to Death Ball fun, We spin the finest rhymes, our journey just begun. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers at heart, With passion for Roblox, Minecraft, and BTD6 art. Join us on our channel, subscribe and see, The gaming world through rhymes, wild and free. In Murder Mystery 2, the action unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. Dancing and battling, in every round, We face the challenges, with victory bound. From the Sheriff to the Murderer’s hand, We… Read More

  • Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls!

    Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls! “When everything goes wrong in Minecraft, just remember: at least you’re not being chased by a creeper in real life!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #memes #майнкрафт Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles like Gojo vs Sukuna!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles like Gojo vs Sukuna! Are you a fan of intense gaming showdowns like Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server for an experience like no other. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and see what all the excitement is about. Subscribe now and let the gaming fun begin! #minecraft #gaming #playgame #player #minecraftserver #adventure #community #subscribe #minewind Read More

  • Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed!

    Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed! The Luckiest Seed in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with the luckiest seed ever discovered? In this video, the Minecraft enthusiast MontifinyXD uncovers a seed that promises thrilling gameplay and exciting discoveries. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft 1.21 and explore the wonders of this incredible seed! Exploring the Luckiest Seed MontifinyXD, along with their team of skilled players, sets out to explore the vast landscapes and hidden treasures of the luckiest seed in Minecraft. This seed is packed with unique features, challenging dungeons, and bountiful resources waiting to be discovered…. Read More

I Snuck a Famous Youtuber on a Minecraft SMP