I Spent 100 Days Morphing in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened

Video Information

My mans how’s it going take a look at this fish how sure are you that’s a fish just flopping around right there no what if that fish is actually a parrot are you sure it’s not a pig or perhaps a squid what if it’s whatever this thing is

What if it isn’t a fish what if it’s a man but not just any man no what if it’s me or a man who’s about to survive 100 days but the catch is is that every 10 days i morph into a new creature something different every 10 days it’ll

Be uh be a bee then i’ll be a goat there’s a whole bunch of different things doesn’t matter keep changing every 10 days and not only am i going to survive for a hundred days here in hardcore minecraft no i’m also gonna kill the ender dragon

Okay it beat the game for the first time in one of these videos you might be wondering my man sean how does how does this work how do you do something like this i would say oh i have no idea zero percent chance that i

Could ever figure out how to do any of this if it wasn’t for my man alicax okay this man created a data pack for me using the identity mod as a base that makes this whole thing work a big huge thank you to my manacax

You got a big beautiful brain as i was recording this i saw oh yeah quite a few people have already done this theme i was not aware of that when i started but you know what it’s uh i guess i’m very slow to this one i’m a

Man who did not know anyways i’m gonna link a few of them in the description i don’t seem like i’m stepping on anyone’s toes or anything like that okay you know the drill here when i come out of this i’m gonna be a changed man but you know what’s not gonna change

When i tell you to click the subscribe button okay you press that i’m telling you right now you meet me the happiest man on earth okay if you could find it in your heart just to press that little yeah that little red button in there wow you know you go ahead leave a

Comment saying i found it in my heart to help a man like you a man who’s changed so many times a man who’s morphed himself into many different feet god is just that’s the worst one i’ve ever okay you know what enough talking here this is a 100 days but every 10

Days i become a different man i’m definitely not going to title the video Okay here we go morphing away so uh the first day i got to work right away i just did the normal stuff i found iron very quickly look at this i already got some iron day one a man with iron on day one is a man who’s gonna do well

And then you know what he almost died fighting a skeleton so i just ran away okay i’m already at half off yeah let’s get out of there let’s go found these wolves and then you know i thought i’m gonna go get that skeletons bones so i can obtain these wolves that’d be very

Good to have on the first day oh there’s bamboo i’m gonna do everything right i’m not gonna make any mistakes okay okay that’s good that’s good good good good good good day one day one is good luck day one okay here we go again There’s a b here nope nope don’t hit the b just do it all again hey you can see a man do this again you’ve seen this probably 300 times at this point i just did the stuff you do at the beginning of the game okay i got

Wood then i got stone tools yeah meat this cow just did everything okay time to take oh where you going relax relax i wanted to make my base here on this little island thing because i thought it not only did it look good but it also

Was next to water and if i’m becoming a fish or something like that i wanted to be able to jump in water fast you know what i’m just going to tell you right now at some point in this video i become a fish okay so i was very glad that i

Built here next nice and close to water when that happens so i started clearing this place out and uh look at this found some iron and uh the very next day i made an iron helmet i’m mine for a good chunk of that day and uh found a lot

More iron you need this stuff because uh you don’t know what you’re gonna turn into you could turn it into something that’s got two hearts so you need tons of armor that was my top priority and by the end of the day i had a full set of

Armor yeah pretty good i also had an iron pickaxe and uh a sword too and good stuff something was going on with my chaters or something and i don’t know something’s going on so i installed a new shader pack mod and it just made stuff look even more funky but i spent

The whole day cutting down trees in my area and just trying to clear this place out so that i could build and dave force he’s still having trouble with the shader you know everyone asks what shaders i’m using i’m going to tell you right now sonic ether okay i get

400 messages a day asking what it’s sonic ether shaders so i went looking for iron because uh i needed a bucket i wanted to make sure that i had a bucket just in case i became a fish so that if i wake up and i’m drowning you throw the

Are you drowning or am i suffocating whatever it was i had water on hand at all times just in case i found this uh ruin nether portal which is it’s good oh look at this i love seeing something like this oh look at that this uh in the chest it had this uh

Shovel with the curse of vanishing no idea what that did i tried using it and nothing happened nearby there was this village and uh so i went to it and it had a saddle so uh it was good but there was a guy there who wanted coal this guy wanted to trade

Or something so i just got a bunch of coal and made some trade with them either there was this was not really worth why am i showing this hey i woke up and uh i thought i was going to change soon okay halfway to uh transforming into something just uh i don’t know

I almost got blown up by a creeper and i realized it was trying to get these walls built you know i didn’t want these creepers walking around in my base and you got these walls nice and high so just worked on it all day long i was getting very desperate for iron

Though i needed it badly i needed a bucket i was neglecting that so uh i went down and tried to get some iron and just i was finding nothing so i wasted my pick looking for that so i came back up and worked on the walls more and just

Started building some watchtower i don’t know what i was doing here to be honest woke up day seven feeling very worried very very worried okay it is day seven and i still don’t have a bucket or iron getting uh very concerned i just worked on the compound and i

Finished the day off by getting sand and trying to convert it into glass i went out looking for more iron on day eight because quest for iron was getting pretty you know getting a little bit worried about that the man doesn’t have iron he has fear

I worked on the house part and uh tried to make it a storage room or something okay day nine he’s flying through these days i i worked on the house you know i was just working on the house for days okay as a man who was busy busy busy working

On this house trying to get the belt kind of just wasted the day actually the day’s ending i well this is my house what is this day nine was ending and that meant tomorrow it was the big day he was about to be a man who changed into someone

Else no longer was going to be a human okay what am i i’m a bee can i fly okay hey look at this little b flying around that’s not bad it’s a man who’s a bee doing whatever i want to do wow yeah you like that a b

It’s a b flying around opposite of a fish actually this thing can go anywhere flies this is good i was flying around this bee i was enjoying this it was actually a good one hey but we’ll uh we’ll be right back after a quick word from my man’s this

Video is sponsored by a state of survival you like zombies hey take a look at this yeah you like that this is state of survival okay it is a free-to-play zombie survival game that’s good they’re doing their second year anniversary right now so there’s a whole

A whole bunch of events are going on some cool stuff they’re giving away a ton of stuff in game was that like a giraffe on a building right there that’s pretty good oh and you know what hey daryl dixon yeah you know from amc’s the walking dead yeah daryl dixon’s in here walking

Around doing all sorts of stuff and he’s yours if you sign up right now you get daryl dixon for free same with another legendary hero uh becca yeah both of them take them they’re yours not only that but they’re giving away a lamborghini okay not not in-game lamborghini in real life lamborghini

What’s going on here any zombies are driving this thing to enter all you got to do click the link in the description download state of survival and start playing you can refer other people to play the game and uh wow you might just win a lamborghini like i

Said very fast vehicle okay extremely fast again big thank you to my man’s state of survival for uh sponsoring this video found out that i could fly very fast i was very fast man as a bee so i flew straight to that village how’s it going my mans i’m back

My bee how are you doing i just kept flying around looking for stuff i can fly into this cavern look uh iron oh you need iron no problem i’m gonna be who’s gonna get you some iron right here i went back and worked on the house and

You know being a b you’re pretty good you got you don’t have much healthy like four hearts or something like that i can’t remember it’s not a lot of hearts maybe it’s two i don’t know but you could fly okay and flying is so it’s so good for building you just fly up

Start it was almost like i was playing in creative but the the threat was still there that if anything shot me i was gonna just be a dead bee anyways that night i uh i had an idea oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa these guys are showing up guess what

I want your crossbow Okay hey i can’t you cannot hit me oh too fast i realize that as a bee i’m small okay a tiny tiny a b is one of the smallest creatures on earth they say uh so what you can do is you can mine one block as a b you can fly

Right inside one block you don’t have to mine two you can mine one you can fly right in there as a little b and you can mine very quickly very quickly if you’re only going through one block so i took advantage of this and just started mining

Okay i got this i’m at why 12 right now you just mine like this one block at a time fly right through here i kept mining and i had to kill a creeper okay only ever okay five hearts yeah it’s scary very scary because he can die very quickly like this

I found a witch though oh don’t like that guy Look at him oh i’m coming oh i almost got taken down by that these okay what’s going on with witches in this game these things almost always kill me can they kill you like it seems like it always gets real close but never quite overboard you know stop being poisoned

What i gotta drink milk or something stop stop stop stop stop no no no no no no no no no no no no okay see this way yeah okay i also realized i could fly over anything including lava you just i’m telling you right now being the bee was like the second best

Thing i got to be okay it got to be right there okay just focus on the script don’t try to find a way to make that pun work b and a b was good that’s what i’m trying to say okay now my mouse on my computer

Is gone can’t even look at the script anymore so i’m just saying stuff no just stop recording okay got my mouse back you know i’m just gonna leave it in the video so i i was i had to fight some stuff yes you gotta be careful see you gotta be real careful

Before you know it oh got a man shooting at you i mined into the dungeon and you know this was very dangerous very very dangerous flying around as a bee down here in a dungeon and uh but i thought i saw this mining card and i thought you know what i gotta

See what’s going on in there so i flew over and uh loyalty three yeah look at that book with loyalty three no idea what that does i still have no idea so if someone could leave a comment letting me know what loyalty three was yeah helpful but i’m gonna be honest

Didn’t use this book so yeah i don’t know hey look at that right there i found this uh big cavern and uh two more diamonds i wrote that on my screen when did i get other diamonds did i find diamonds and just not write it down okay this is

This is one of my worst scripts i’ve ever anyways this place was dangerous yeah you’ve got ledges above this giant cavern you fl you fly out of one of the little holes before you know it a creeper just falls straight from one of the ledges and blows up on you gotta be

Careful with that sort of stuff so i got scared and i flew out of there and uh on my way back i found this ruined nether portal right he had some stuff in it and uh right after that but this one was big my man’s what does that oh there’s another one

These things are everywhere like look at this one this is a this is a big one okay i made it home and i worked on the house more the next day on day 13 and uh i found an enderman killed it oh what about me laying on the water you

Don’t like the water oh there you are Here we go perfect all right there’s two there an ender pearl wait is there another one okay here’s the thing i always neglect doing this when i play through these games i never kill the endermen because they scare me but i found out very recently that if you stand in water

Can’t touch it these these guys do not like water and that right there wow makes killing them way easier so i wanted to try to kill as many of these things over time as i could so that i could get enough uh ender pearls to convert them into those eyes those under

Eyes and go to the end so i was trying to do that all the while building and stuff and while building i realized that i don’t like the oak boards or the logs i just did not like the look of oak i wanted to use dark oak instead so

Yeah i just had to redo everything that i just spent like what 14 days doing yeah it’s good i’m glad i did that found out that you can make barrels too i made these before but yeah after like several thousand people tell you that you can uh

Make barrels that store more than a chest you finally start doing it so i made some barrels i’m very happy to have these i really wanted to get this house built just wasting time doing stuff on it and uh in the morning of day 14 these

Uh illager showed up so i killed them i got that uh one two three voluntary exile oh whoa whoa i worked on the house all day but i i wanted a i wanted to start a raid i always see people doing that stuff and i wanted to do it so uh

I was thinking about doing it without arrows bad idea a terrible idea so before going to bed i killed some chickens and just made a handful of arrows the next day i just mined i just i needed more cobble because i needed to get these walls up

So one got cobblestone or something i don’t know i just mined okay day 16 i worked on the house more i was thinking about i wasn’t going to be for much longer and i was going to kind of miss being it yeah good little man flying around i mean

There’s no more to say about that go to the next okay so uh then i just like oh day 17 looks like i was working on the house more hey this is looking pretty good a little bit blocky at the front but it’s a really nice house

I should uh fill that in there though i’m not bad worked on it all day long and just as i was about to go to bed i oh i almost died Okay wow a man who was almost dead right there yeah i worked on the house again here’s what i’ll just tell you right now i was a man working on the house i wonder how many times i wrote that in the script worked on the house all day

How are you doing working on a house there’s a busy bee i wrote that in the script too that’s uh okay let’s just okay not bad house for a b no b could live here no problem at night i flew around killing stuff mainly skeletons so that i could get more

Arrows i think i thought that this might be a faster way of getting arrows and just kill skeletons and get like two arrows at a time i don’t know i also killed some endermen and uh one after them or something like that almost got me i fastened that

Lastly i found a look at this zombie villager i’ve seen look my man lagundo take one of these guys convert them into a regular villager and get some good results so i uh yeah i wanted to do that myself so i tried to build this little

Structure around him to save him put him in a tomb i had to kill like 50 zombies to do it but you know what i got him in there i don’t know how to maintain that guy how do you cure a villager i don’t have a nametag he’s gonna despawn okay i

Needed more arrows needed a lot of arrows if i was gonna do this raid while i was still a bee you need to get some arrows so i went out to look for chickens and uh i found some bees oh look at this my man’s bees how’s it going how you doing

Floating around Hey me too there’s another bee floating around hey guy look at this a little flower yeah good flower i got some feathers uh then flint and i made a bunch of arrows and once i had that in place i flew over to the village and

Yeah i tried to get this raid going get inside everyone go go go go go run get near the houses go come on go go go i don’t know what you’re doing oh here they come these guys oh look at this there’s so many of them whoa whoa okay okay okay

Oh yeah rains kept happening i cleared the first one and then another one started okay they’re shooting and once i beat that one it started raining and another these things were getting out of hand apparently these things just keep going okay what is that thing destroying everything in this path what is that

Okay so i left and the sun was setting and i was about to transform i did not want to do that out here in a field so just flew home and ready to see what i was going to be yay day 20 new day new man what is this thing

What is this what is this it’s one of those things from the nether oh oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa do not touch water do not touch water okay look at this guy go It’s a good thing i made this oh that was you know this thing yeah what a strider is that what you call this thing it’s gonna be a man who did not touch water for 10 days maybe like my uh my good friend owen this man is

Scared of water or something i don’t know it doesn’t like water kind of weird these things are from the nether i remember that and i thought okay you know what if if i’m a creature from the nether why not go to the nether see what’s going on in there so i wanted to

Find or i made a diamond pickaxe at first and then i needed to go find some lava so i went out looking for it and eventually look at this a little bit of lava it’s pretty good there it is i’m immune to lava that’s my power okay that’s pretty good

Let’s get uh back home though i had to leave though because it was uh like getting dark and you just don’t want to be out at night sometimes you know especially when you don’t know what type of creature you are you you don’t know anything about it so

You just think you get home while you can you know stay alive i figured you know what it’s time to build a shield to get one of these shields built but here’s the problem okay i’m so used to using this mod called just enough items that shows you how to

Build everything they i don’t i didn’t know how to build a shield did not have a clue i was trying to build like the spartan shield thing that it just so it became a man without a shield which is probably gonna make some people anyway

So i got a i got the obsidian obsidian obsidian uh then i stopped by the ruin nether portal on the way home to fix it up get that thing functional because i’ll be a man going in there very soon i needed to build a little bridge though

To my house because yeah i can’t touch water so i had to build this little wooden bridge this thing got a lot of use actually look at this little bridge a little bridge for a man like me a man who can uh man he can’t touch water it’s good walk across here

Right like 10 dogs good come right back in i filled the rest of my house with torches and then i put a door on it and you know it’s it finally started to look secure finally starting to feel a little bit more safe there’s going to be creepers walking

Around in here anymore but uh you know what’s good okay next day i went into the portal uh but i was not there long just enough to look around and see what was going on in there you know i almost every time i go into the nether

I die it always absolutely always ends uh poorly for me so i thought this time just taking a little peek i saw those uh what are they little piglens little guys that run around and remember that you need to be wearing a golden helmet otherwise these guys go crazy they want

To take you down so i left i got my gold smelted it down and uh made the helmet yay the next morning i was a very dumb man because i thought oh look at that there’s a enderman over there yeah i’m a man who needs ender pearls uh only

Problem is as soon as i started fighting it i realized cannot go in water no kind of fight and look how much damage it did to me this thing almost took me down you know what it’s all good though because i survived it’s good so i went

Into the nether and you know immediately things just started to start getting bad real fast as it always does when i go in another i don’t know why i go in here oh friendly whoa whoa these pigs are fighting those guys I do not think they’re friendly so i climbed down to help the pig people or piglets and you know what those beasts started coming for me okay okay okay okay the picture coming for me after dealing with that i started to look around for more pig people to

Trade with because i just felt like they all got wiped out by this beast uh and i eventually found more so i ca very carefully climbed down but they then the pigs came back okay these things just kept coming you’re fighting that thing it’s gonna kill you oh

Take it out okay i gotta help you soon there’s another one oh okay okay i finally found two little pigs two just tiny two little guys you know what i thought right finally give these guys some gold and make some trades and uh these guys just robbed me yeah they just

Took my gold oh okay they’re just they just they just robbed me they just robbed me and one final attempt to just get something from here i found one more pig i gave the man some gold but there was just too many big pigs around and uh without arrows i

I just didn’t want to come back down here so i i left i ran home that night straight back to my base not uh not doing anything outdoors tonight just get back home so i set up this little pen in the morning and uh went out to look for

Chickens because if i was gonna get arrows the first step is to start farming chickens i’m just this uh blob looking for some chickens you know where i can find a chicken i found three chickens and uh i got a ton of eggs by the end of the day i ended up

With like how many chickens i had in one day there we go look at this all these chickens i got Man with all the chickens i needed a way to feed these chickens and eventually uh cows so i made a little farm while trying to make a second pen though i found something very cool look at this thing whoa a glowing octopus look at that that was a glowing octopus

What was going on there you ever see something like that glowing octopus oh i did not want to waste an opportunity like this i was have something like this in the floor of my base a beautiful glowing octopus can i take advantage of that so i wanted

To put glass over top of this water uh but i needed sand so i ran over to the sand pit to get the stuff and when i got back the uh glowing octopus gone nothing gone was under there okay it’s gone yeah that’s good no idea where this man

Went but uh i was kind of disappointed because i thought it would be very cool to have something like this the next day i went out looking for cows need some cows badly and i got some look at this just follow the guy follow the red guy come on it’s good Let’s go let’s go let’s go me and the cows oh that’s confusing i just farmed more and uh try to get these guys to raise quickly what does that mean raise quickly well i know what it means like why would i rate it doesn’t matter so i just more farming on

Day 28 and eventually on day 29 uh i walked outside for my final day as this thing it’s good can’t wait to be something else because this guy’s uh i don’t know about this thing okay walk over here you open up you go yeah it’s going chickens i’m coming in

Let the big guy come in oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay should not have done that i needed more crops and i thought you remember that village yeah go over there they had a bunch of farms out back so i started walking on walking there and uh

On my way i remembered that i watched my man lagundo do something very interesting one time he used uh flint to uh burn animals while they were still alive and then kill them then you get automatically cooked meat look at this yeah burning chicken’s alive so i got to the village

Forgot that raid was still going why is the raid bar still okay so i just went back to uh burning animals and i was taking down sheeps cows pigs i think i even i don’t know why i did this to a horse there was no need to burn a horse alive

I got home that night and just took one last look at myself that’s good being this thing this thing’s good burnt down a few trees over there okay let’s see what i’m gonna become so i went to bed and uh the next day yeah look at this a skeleton

I’m gonna take my helmet off oh okay you burn you burn your burn okay i almost got to stay on so i went out looking for more leather and uh i ran into a problem though somehow my helmet broke yeah get used to seeing this because being a skeleton

That helmet just gage shreds okay okay okay i just took damage oh because my armor’s breaking because i’m okay this is not good okay this is not good not good at all i did not know what to do in this situation you know felt like i was stuck elite i

Went from not being able to touch water to being dependent on water man’s stuck in the ocean but then i found out you can breathe underwater as a skeleton if you’re a dead man you don’t need air that’s what they always say so uh that was good

Figured out how to get home just uh fill a bucket with water pour it on the ground and stand in it inch by inch get home very slowly but it will uh get you back to where you can make a helmet i guess this was a payback burning all those animals alive also

Look at this yeah i found out you can stare directly at an enderman and nothing happens they don’t care but the other stuff like other skeletons spiders all this stuff they they care they they still attack me so i wanted the mine uh so i went down

Below and i started making ladders and got down to uh what was it y12 you know what immediately found diamonds when i did that i made a diamond chess piece yeah pretty good but then another helmet broke so i guess i don’t know it was just this was

Very annoying that these helmets kept breaking got some uh lapis and uh one of the there’s some trick that i saw online that people kept sending me that if you find lapis you move like four blocks in the y direction or something like that and then you can

Yeah i tried this okay i was doing this for like 15 minutes did not work just uh either i’m dumb or this is just a big waste of time i don’t know eventually i came up to do some uh farming i uh made more arrows and i realized that if i was

Gonna if i wanted more wheat i should go over to the uh town where they have those big barrels of wheat or whatever they’re called and uh i can use that to make more cows so that i can eventually get more books to enchant my stuff so

The problem with that though is that that uh that raid that i started is still going on and uh if i went there i was gonna have to deal with that so the following day i uh went on google.com searched how to make a shield and yeah

He made that thing and started the journey there okay not going anymore now i’m going straight to the water all right you ran right back to the house turned around i made uh fixed whatever i made the new helmet and then uh got to the village

They’re all still what are you what are you even doing still yeah they got that beast there they’re all chasing people are they fighting each other What are they doing started wildly firing arrows of that thing i shot like 50 arrows at that beast and you know what did not kill it did not take it down it was just a i i used every arrow i had did not kill this thing so i ended up

Sneaking into one of the houses on the outskirts yes stealing a bed running back out in the field and just sleeping before a bunch of stuff spawned the next morning my fresh the helmet that i had just made broke okay okay there was another helmet

I don’t know what to do with no helmet there’s a full helmet that just broke snapped right off my head so uh yeah i don’t know what to do but then i look at this none of these enemies attack me they they don’t care i just walked right into the village got

My stuff and that was it oh no it was not it kept burning i’m flaming my man on fire the worst sure I got home fed the cows and a lot of cows in here now okay i’m gonna tell you right now i do not like being a skeleton got what day 36 just a few more days of this spider in here so i fed more cows the chickens you know

Mind i almost died from dropping down very close from dying right here my helmet this thing was taking so much i was outside for like two seconds and i already took something so i went mining and i i found two more diamonds i forgot about that it was pretty good uh this

Skeleton yeah will also not attack me i’m a good guy right here so i mined more and uh came up after my pickaxe broke i went in and uh did the first cow purge okay there’s too many of these things in here you get to a point where you got

Too many cows so i went in and started taking them down it was a big day though because i made a diamond sword then i made some more bookshelves and uh yeah i mean an enchanting table not bad turns out that i had enough books already for level three that was

Very easy to get to level three i’m pretty quick so i started enchanting stuff i got protection three on my chest and i’m breaking i got fire aspect and sharpness three on my sword and i did some other stuff yeah i wanted to get infinity on my bow so i would have to

Keep getting arrows uh so i went out to i don’t know i just spent like night killing enderman i made the new helmet and uh went out exploring i went through the swamp i found the swamp new house and eventually found a new village but none of the

Villagers would trade with skeleton man yeah they said no no way not giving you anything creepy skeleton guy get out of here oh cause i’m a skeleton oh it’s so funny everything’s good so i just uh i slept there i came home the next day and i started

Enchanting books trying to trying to get infinity to pop up and eventually yeah i did look at this there is infinity okay only level 22 too that’s not bad only thing was that i needed level 22 yeah level 22. so i did more farming yeah got

Some more levels and uh waited till the next day i just did not want to be a skeleton anymore i went to bed oh look at this i’m an enderman big big guy look how much health i got wow that’s good the only problem is i uh gotta go out here

Hey not bad look at this i’m getting around a little block too very cool what a health oh look at that this was okay i’m telling you right now this was the best one actually there’s a there’s a better one coming but enderman wow look how many hearts i have

This was i was very happy to be in enderman creepy things but wow when you get to b1 you like it so i started harvesting some of the livestock from rxp uh but i stopped after feeling like i had enough you know you gotta you gotta know when to stop

Otherwise you’ll use all your animals at once also found out that oh you can absolutely not go in water oh oh oh oh another one i can’t go in water no more water i had uh 20 levels needed to get to level 22 so i just

Needed two more two more levels so i started walking around and i found out that you could there’s a little ender pearl in the bottom right hand corner of my screen yeah see that thing hey that’s a an ability you can use so little thing in the bottom right hand corner

All right ender pearl what does that do I can teleport i can teleport did the other guys have a okay oh did the uh the bee skeleton or the whatever the what is the slider or strider did any of those things have abilities i do not know i truly don’t know i just uh

This was good though zip around i like doing this a lot i also like this side he found a pink sheep hey look at that pink sheep thing’s supposed to be rare isn’t it there we go get some pink wool now not bad so i went to the village and uh to kill

Those raiders for some xp but when i got there they’re gone yeah i guess they died despawn or something the whole village was empty and look at this man zipping around i love this nope there we go watch this ready oh oh oh oh all good so that night i just went

Outside and started killing stuff very you feel very confident when you’re an enderman you know a lot of health a lot of health hard to take one of these things down so i was killing a bunch of stuff and before long i had 22 levels which meant that i could finally

Finally get infinity on my bow so i went home and did that but that enchant wow a man who can shoot a million arrows doesn’t matter just fire those things as much as i want don’t have to worry about them running out not only that but i

Also got power three okay this bow very deadly bow very very deadly now that i was feeling like i had a bunch of health and good weapons and just a man who could deal with anything that would happen to him it was finally time for me

To go back to the nether so i went back and i found that pig guy put him in a box and just started trading i got a bunch of stuff like these uh spectral spectal special i don’t these glow these okay they’re arrows right spectal i don’t know what they’re called

Spectral arrows got a bunch of them also got some ender pearls and uh a whole lot of junk ton a bunch of stuff that i did not know what to do with so i started just throwing it out after i was done with that i started exploring another

Looking for a fortress uh because yeah i need needed blaze rods yeah see i’m learning i’m learning the stuff you gotta do uh so i was walking around looking laying down tracks trying to figure out where another fortress would be and eventually i found one but for now i just went back home

Look at this man enderman and the nether ever see something like that oh came out of the another on day 42 and it was you know raining it is not good to be an enderman in the rain you know just uh not good okay not good at all not good knockout not good

Not good okay that was uh wow not good look at this i’m just sitting on my balcony and watching the rain hey day 43 rain finally stopped real good to get get outside and i feel the sunlight okay there ain’t stopped good okay straight back to the nether time to

Go to take a look in that fortress so i went there i got down below to where it was and uh started building like a i don’t know one of these a bridge across the lava hey how’s it going just walking around there’s a man running across here

On my way over to the uh fortress i noticed something the wither skeletons i didn’t care about me i didn’t couldn’t care less that i was in the fortress oh that was good to see it’s very nice could just walk right in do what i want and that’s exactly what i

Did i climbed up went in started looting chests i was just a man walking through this place no problems look at this getting diamonds getting diamond horse armor or something a whole bunch of gold there’s uh iron a bunch of good stuff i even got a

Ton of nether wart soul sand this is a dream come true normally it’s it’s so rough for me in another i don’t even like going in here because it just always ends poorly this time wow opposite of that but then i came face to face with a wither skeleton and uh i

Thought that he wouldn’t attack me but you can never be sure with someone like this coming to attack me oh you got no interest in me very good my man i found two blaze spawners and uh nothing was attacking me still i was just sitting out there farming

Blazes couldn’t care at all but at one point a lot of stuff started spawning felt like i was a deep undercover just one wrong move and these guys were all going to figure out who i was but i know it all worked out pretty well by the

Time i got out of there it was day 45 i walked out of the nether with yeah 12 blaze rods uh 40 nether wart yeah diamonds just a whole bunch of good stuff okay what do i do with this another brick i keep thinking these are uh what’s called another it

Get excited and they’re not i started to learn about potions and wanted to make uh a potion of strength you get one of those things you are a strong strong man yeah not bad a very weird day day 46 yeah i did not do much but i tried to build a nether

Portal down in my mining area uh but i used crying obsidian you ever use that stuff doesn’t work just don’t bother the next day i fixed it and went back in and the portal it brought me to the same place i don’t know why i i thought when you build a nether portal

Uh it makes a portal on the other side and then if you build another one it brings it somewhere else and not the case here just brought me right back to the same nether portal which big waste of time doing all this so i went in and

I uh hit one of those uh pig people the guy went nuts i didn’t mean to hit you where’s this guy oh funky the craziest man on the planet hey that guy’s crazy i ended up back at the nether fortress and killed some endermen and got more

Blazers i think i just thought that i needed more i didn’t realize that you convert them to i don’t know what i was doing here to be honest i was just trying to get more stuff i also wanted to get glowstone so i got some of that

And i realized i’d been here for a while and it was probably going to be close to day 49 at this point so i just wanted to get out because i couldn’t risk morphing down here and becoming like a parrot or something so i got out on the night of

Day 48 and slept bring me right to day 49 yes my last days in enderman i wanted to do more than another with this guy but just yeah i don’t know spent the last day brewing some potions sitting there brewing brewing brewing see what i can

Make so i i learned i could use glow dust to make the potions even stronger last longer or something like that so i spent the day making more potions and upgraded my strength potions to level two i also crafted 14 yeah 14 eyes of ender hopefully that’s enough to find

The portal and fill it i spent the last night uh just killing stuff trying to get as much xp as i could because you know what i’m gonna miss being this man so uh went to bed and eager to see what i was about to become i just don’t want to be

A fish okay anything but a fish if i if i’m gonna be a fish it’s really gonna screw some things up please don’t be a fish please don’t be a fish please don’t be a fish please don’t be a fish please don’t be a fish please not a fish anything but a fish Okay Okay Okay okay this is a day 50 okay what do you do as a fish i knew this was gonna happen and i was just uh not happy very upset to finally become a fish i was swimming around in the river just hoping my man jeremy wade river monsters

Doesn’t come up and catch me or something okay you know what enough of the river monsters i’ve referenced river monsters in like six videos at this point enough of the river monsters okay okay if i talk about river monsters in one more video leave a comment saying like you

Stop talking about river monsters enough something like that i write the scripts i can avoid this okay just talk you’re playing minecraft right now focus come on so i i was swimming around a river or something i don’t know i i wrote down i had one question okay

What am i going to do for 10 days like this 10 days as a fish okay so i built a little pawn to my base and i guess it’s okay but just look how pathetic this is a fish laying on wood bringing buckets of water into his base you know what like

What do you even do here so i have to carry a bucket of water everywhere i went now and with only one and a half hearts if i’m not careful smallest little fall would kill me a tiny little drop and you know what i’m a man who

Has a habit of dropping himself down and just constantly taking fall damage by day 51 i was starting to get the hang of it yeah being efficient i guess it’s not so bad just as long as i have water and i i don’t know i i thought that i would

Build something involving water in my base so that if i i just make it more like a base for a fish and not so much for a man you know i had to cut down a bunch of trees and look how annoying it is to cut down a tree as a fish

Okay by day 52 i had the the best idea i’ve ever had fish highway okay back when i was a kid i had a pet hamster and uh that hamster cage had all these tubes that would come out of it okay these tubes they’d go all over the hamster could run through the

Tubes go to a different cage go into these little mazes and stuff like that hamster tubes i loved it and i thought you know what yeah make that for fish and i’ll be the fish those han those hamsters are i named them lincoln harry hey harry after harry potter and link after link

Those were really good answers don’t need to be talking about my answers okay so uh you should build this fish highway yeah he’s gonna need a lot of stuff and it’s also gonna be very difficult to build it as a fish but you know what they say

The fish has to work for a fish’s life what i don’t even know where i am i’m on the script page anymore at this point i have no i don’t even know what day i’m supposed to be reading right now okay no here i was making i was trying to make

Water breathing potions i thought you know what if you can use a potion to breathe as a human underwater maybe you can use the water breathing potion to breathe as a fish on land so i did a bunch of research to figure out how to uh make them found out that you

Need a puffer fish so look i made a fishing rod i went fishing as a fish look at this fishing as a fish i think on my first cast i got a puffer fish so i used that to make water breathing potions and i added some redstone to

Supercharge it eight minutes a potion pretty good so uh i’ll try this okay okay that is going quick that is going quick it doesn’t work hey three days of the fish so far day 53 finally started building this uh fish highway by making the pool of water

In my house make it a little bit nicer so i made it deeper and i filled it with stone and then i added some glowstone to the bottom uh with that done i figured where i was gonna run the tube out of my house kind of like the hamster tube and

Uh make a waterfall going to it i got the waterfall built coming out of the tube and then uh it was going into my pond and i started pushing the tubes out of the house figured it would wrap around the side of the house and then just run straight to

The pond in the middle of the place and then i could just swim from the pond into the tube or from into the lake it was gonna be a main highway for fish only problem was uh building as a fish just absolutely horrible terrible to build as a fish day 55 is

When the thought first popped into my mind that hey maybe you won’t be a fish again and you’re gonna build this giant fish highway all through your base and you’ll never go in it again i’ll tell you right now that was i was worrying for nothing because more uh

Spoil the video but i’m not done with this water stuff yet okay you know what look at this let me show you here i am a man the fish gonna swim up here some little waterfall go through the little bridge thing it’s gonna go all over it’s gonna be good

The man the fish look right here you can swim around do whatever he wants by the end of the day i had a good portion of the highway built you know what i was looking pretty good i was thinking wow if i was a fish in real life

This would be how i wanna how come people don’t make aquariums like this tubes going through their house or something the following day i just worked on the highway more but uh i needed wood so i found a way that i could uh live on land a little bit better as a

Fish you just got to press the bucket once hey look at this i figured out how to uh live as a fish on land did i take my bucket of water just like that my fish can go anywhere now running out of breath good to go come over here

Good i can just keep cutting down trees lumberjack fish look at this this fish the fish is going to fight this thing right here wait wait here we go the highway starting to look good it lined up perfectly with the original outer wall i made these extended wooden supports for

It then i used some slabs for the roof and started putting down glass on the walls to make it so you could see into it yeah this thing was looking good this is one of the best things i’ve ever built okay this is looking real good

This might be one of the best looking things i’ve ever built you know just i started to like being a fish it wasn’t so bad you know good life being a fish i worked on it all day for day 57 and i got it right up

To over the pond i thought that i would do like a t-connector and make it so that you could jump from the highway to the pond or right into the lake pretty good okay wow this is truly special truly remarkable what i’m building here absolutely beautiful

I decided i wanted to make the center thing not just a t-shape but a giant tank make this thing go way up in the air way way way up there so that you could swim up and down and look around and you can see all if you’re a fish you

Can look look out you know look out into the woods look just a big tank in the middle of my base big huge fish tank problem was that i had to build up in the air and being a fish that has one and a half hearts

You know one wrong step you you go down hard look at this ever see something like this before i’m gonna fish towering up i’m real high real high then just jump it off like this swimming around good by the end of the day i got the

Whole frame down look how big this thing is look at this little fish huge tower okay it’s my last day as a fish and i’m very happy do not want to be this fish anymore like look at this this has been me for 10 days just flopping around like this

Just kept working on the tower but it was getting it’s getting real real uh uncomfortable being up there as a fish very worried that i’d fall and hit the one piece of grass down below or something like that i figured i only had

Like two or one more day as a fish so i just stopped and come back tomorrow with whatever i was yeah look at this oh no don’t look at that look at this let’s go oh okay see i’m i’m done i don’t want to be a fish anymore

I do not want to be a fish anymore i almost just died right there like that was almost to death okay not a fish anymore let’s see uh see what happens here please don’t be a fish please don’t be a fish again please don’t be a fish again please don’t be a

Fish again oh oh look at this it’s not bad i’m a villager oh yeah i got most of the tower done by night being a villager not so bad here a man who likes to build he likes to work it’s not looking bad at all looking pretty good actually you know what

Now i kind of wish i was a fish still because i i may have just built all of this for absolutely nothing this whole thing might have been just completely pointless i i may never go in this thing again so i got ready to mine and uh mostly

Finished up the water tower but that night yeah i realized something if i get bit by a zombie am i gonna turn it into one i really hope that’s not the case yeah the tower’s looking pretty good yeah look at that uh but you know what

The man needs diamond gear okay can’t be can’t be this far into the game without full diamond gear so i mined for a long time and i like shredded three picks and just just as i was about to give up and uh go up to the surface

Four diamonds hey not bad pretty good so i woke up and i made a diamond helmet and went back down there uh only boots and legs to go that’s what they say you know who says that so i came across more lapis and as a desperate attempt

I tried to do that trick again are you like mine and the certain i don’t know what that i can’t remember it off the top of my head i was watching videos just watch watch how desperate i was there’s no doubt what am i doing i’m just wasting my time

So i kept mining and i yeah found one of these guys oh look at that One of those guys how do i get them how do i get this guy i want this man in the tank there we go look at this i got him hey like that thing that’s a good guy so i just mined more and i came back up i

Realized that this guy yeah perfect for the tank no i wanted to get him in there so i do what would i do i made a ladder up and then uh just dropped the guy in there and it was all good look at this villager in the tank this man does not care

He does whatever he wants villager in the tank swimming around i added some dirt to the bottom and then i added bone meal you found out that you do this a couple videos ago yeah it made some stuff grow and then i released the guy there he is look at him swimming up

Where you going swimming around you like it in here you know what 30 seconds later this guy got out my man in there Where is he he’s already escaped He immediately escaped i put glowstone in the tank and then uh released i put him back in this guy’s gonna be a little escape artist you know what you’re getting sealed in there so i put him in there i also started uh cleaning up a bunch of stuff around the

Base there was i always get in this habit of just leaving stuff around and like dirt blocks and all that so i just try to make the whole place look a little bit nicer like look at this there’s like overflowing water everywhere just mop that all up or fix

It there’s this glitch with like glass panes or something like that anyways i fixed it made it look a lot nicer before finishing up for the day though i had this uh i had an idea of something else i wanted to build not underwater observatory i know i know you’re

Thinking okay i do this in like every build i do but this time with all the previous knowledge i had i was going to make this one a lot easier to make and look a lot better okay so don’t even worry when i got up the next morning i

Say that like i i’m actually waking up i realize you could put uh trap doors on the side of the tank which looks a lot better than the the wood i used to plug it up you can open a trapdoor so i could swim

In and out of there so i did that and it looks a whole lot better hey look at my little man he wants to come out not gonna happen my man absolutely no way not a chance oh then i worked on the uh observatory this thing was looking pretty good like

Look at this this is gonna be good i don’t know how much i’m gonna use it but wow you build something like this you look like a man who knows what he’s doing that’s exactly what i wanted speaking i saw someone on twitter just said don’t they’re talking about forged

Labs they said the guy doesn’t know what he’s doing and he can’t survive is that what people think of me a man who doesn’t know you know what look at this and then and then post tweets like that okay i know what i’m doing look this is

Gonna be a beautiful thing here okay day 67 i needed more glass so i went out and got sand or something i don’t know while the glass was cooking i went out and started digging out the river for a better view you know you got

To get down that you can’t just make an observatory you got to kind of make it so that whatever you’re looking at through the class looks a little bit better so i started digging that place out to make it just look a little bit better following day i had a

I worked on fixing up the base again i guess i just completely forgot that i was trying to get diamond gear and got very distracted for like six days anyways i was just working on the base more little jobs here and there making the place look a lot nicer and you know

Just like adding trim to the sides and finishing the water look out just some good stuff here okay okay look at that look at that not bad at all well spot you can walk down and take a look see what’s going on out there i need glowstone now though

I’d look good if there’s a like glowing lights out there oh my last day as a villager you know this i guess i became a villager in the mine too because i just started working on stuff this is really starting to feel like the the best thing i’ve ever built in minecraft

Like this looks so good it’s because i’m a villager just building stuff you know you get it in your mind you gotta start building villages and stuff but this is wow i love where this is going so i just worked on the base more and uh i got most of the floor done

I just went to bed okay another day another transformation let’s see what i’m gonna be oh Okay Okay I’m wide i’m very wide look at this thing like zombified pig okay pig giant pig here so i worked on the house more and uh just a tiny bit more and then i went up and worked on what am i working on now enchanting table I went to the okay yeah i got protection three to show up on my helmet but i needed xp so i just stayed out that night killing stuff as a pig then i ran into a zombie villager i didn’t want to lose this one okay i wasn’t prepared to do that and i

Realized you can put these things in a boat and they’ll stay forever so i made a boat ran up to the guy and i got him in I can’t place a boat i don’t have a nametag i i can’t place a boat why do you have the shield there we go i repaired my bow and i uh started to try to figure out how to i had no idea how to cure this

Yeah i’m giving a an infected man and told kiram i had no idea how to do that i had to google it a lot of stuff in this one you can see why i’m doing a lot better just googling everything trying to figure stuff out

Hey i figured it out need a lot of stuff okay pig going to look for a mushroom brown mushroom pop on one a big mushroom need a little one i spent nearly all day looking for that brown mushroom i was just running through all the woods ever look just so

All i need is one brown mushroom pig looking for it and finally i found one just one that’s all i needed one mushroom came home and thought you know i want to make that splash potion of weakness right in the morning so i swam down to the brewing stand

Because it was still underwater okay here we go load this thing up throw in the water bottle here water bottle there another one i think we take the fermented spider eye there we go i tried this before did not work did it very wrong but now i need a

Gold and i did not have any i just needed a a few more pieces or something so i i didn’t want to mine because mining is a pig not good you’re a very wide man you gotta fit through it’s not good mine is a pig so i just the next day it went

To the nether you can get you there’s like these little blocks where you get little shards of gold there’s a little bit of gold so i started uh mining those things and uh eventually i got enough uh stuff to make a golden apple but then i realized you know what

Yeah why haven’t i been making golden apples for myself i’m gonna need these things if i’m gonna kill the ender dragon i can’t just go in there without a golden apple so gotta start focusing on that i don’t know okay i’ve never done this before we go what’s he doing he’s shaking

Is he gonna cure what’s gonna go on man it’s shaking how long does this take i had no idea if this worked yeah absolutely no yeah but the fact that the guy was shaking this man was trembling i thought you know what yeah maybe just sit here and watch this guy after a

Few minutes nothing happened so i just left and thought you know what maybe later maybe this guy will do something a little bit while i was waiting i made two more eyes of ender bring me up to a total of 16. yeah 16. hopefully that’s a

I was hoping that wasn’t going to be enough but just as i was cleaning out my farm or destroying it or something damn the guy was cured zombie at my work how’s it going it’s very good to see you hello you’re gonna vote let’s get that boat out of there for you

There you’re gonna stay in that little box for a little while though oh now i just need to give this man a roll can’t just have a guy without a job walking around my house so i made a blast furnace to give to the guy because i wanted him to be an armor

All right if you give a man a blast furnace he’s gonna get to work on the thing so i did that okay you’re gonna become you’re gonna become an armorer now ready there you go no you’re an armorer now use that use the box he didn’t do anything

So i figured he needed a bed so once again i was out looking i had i didn’t think that i had any wool for some reason so i was out looking for wool a pig walking around looking for a sheep you know two classic animals but uh

Spent like a good chunk of the day looking for three sheep i found two and then realized you know i probably have wool back at home so i ran home and yeah sure enough a whole bunch of wool in my chest don’t know why i didn’t check that

First so i made a bed and uh put it down for the guy then the guy just went crazy this man went nuts oh he’s sleeping oh he was he was in the bed Look he sleeps for a second that’s a weirdo i came back the next day and he was i don’t know what was going on with this guy i kept trying to trade with him but nothing was working oh maybe he won’t trade with me because i’m a pig oh no

Why would he trade with a pig look he’s already an armor i can see the little thing on him like what am i doing here no probably because i was a pig this man does not like pigs i guess so uh it was all pointless just a big waste of

Time all that that’s good so i figured i’d let this guy out since yeah he wasn’t going to trade with me as a pig or i don’t know i also didn’t want this big giant dirt box in the middle of my house so just i sealed up the doors and

Let the guy go and get her out where are you where’s he going where you gonna go oh how you doing oh where you going Where’s this man going you’re not even you’re not even an armorer it didn’t work you’re just a guy swimming in a lake okay we gotta get back inside come on go back in we’re gonna make a nice box for you yeah go back in

He had a swim time to get back to work yeah yeah i guess i’m just living with this man now he’s me and him he’s gonna be good so i figured i’d try to make him a bigger room so i started uh building it but things got out of hand

When he i i don’t know things just got out of control that night hey your bed’s over here come on in where you going don’t worry about the chickens go to your bed Where are you going your bed’s oh yeah go this way Your bed’s in here What is that My man you gotta get to your bed there’s psychos coming here right there no what are you doing wait why are you going down there no that’s my bed okay you know what oh come on okay there i guess you’re you sleeping there i’m sleeping in here Somehow somehow i end up out here in the morning i tried to get this guy into his room uh so i opened the window and said come on out and you know what he would not so i went around the house and boxed myself in with the window and

Smashed myself or smashed the window to get in and figured i’d just push him through the opening but after doing all that he just he said you know what i’m just gonna walk right in you didn’t need to do any of that so i i

This man was just causing me a lot of stress okay that’s what i’m trying to say here you you went through it after i This man is this man is freaking me out so i went and i put the furnace down and it’s still nothing if anyone could explain to me what i was doing wrong here was it because i was a pig or it was that he didn’t have a roll i don’t know

I have no idea what was going on here but it just it was freaking me out at least he’s sleeping now i’m just sleeping in his bed so i watched a guide on how to make this like i had to end up watching a youtube

Video to figure out how to make him an armor tried doing all that nothing didn’t work just wasted day 77 doing that stuff so i just worked on the guard tower for the rest of the day hey day 78 normally i’d be down there in the mines trying desperately to get some

Diamond armor but uh i could not because i was a giant pig there’s a huge pig and uh yeah i don’t know i just worked on the guard tower that night oh and again he’s 79 worked on the tower again and you know i got it mostly done

And just went to bed ready not to be i didn’t want to be a pig anymore so happy to change I’m tiny okay a sea turtle a sea turtle are you joking me wow Look at this this is incredible okay immediately went into the fish tank just to see if this would work because if i got to be another fish again or an aquatic animal at the very least a a turtle yeah that’s pretty good i’m very happy about that and look at this

It worked i just had to fill it up a little bit more um because i guess i forgot to do this or i don’t know but yeah look at this good turtle swimming around the fish shower is complete you can swim right through it come all the way out here

Somewhere after the top say out of my man how’s it going just swimming around very nice if i want to leave i just gotta open two of these zoom out close them look at that Just a sea turtle now that i was uh fully capable of swimming and doing all sorts of stuff without with having more than two hearts i should say i wanted to go to an ocean monument see what was going on in one of those things so i left to go to the

Ocean and i what does this say stop to look at chucky none the way what what does that mean hey chicken how’s it going you’re bigger than me now here i made it to the village and slept i found the ocean and just jumped in this is deep oh dolphins

Good to see you oh look at this i’m going quick now oh wow where are we going i went to this uh dark spot and got very scared so i thought you don’t stop what you’re doing you’re gonna you’re gonna die if you keep messing around so i

Turned back and started to feel like i was lost so i found the shore and made a compass and uh kind of use it to find my way back oh nope i uh i went back to the ravine i guess because i figured i would know how to get back so i started

Exploring underwater and made some torches and look at this like a man swimming around in the deep crevice dark down there very dark but i tried torches a turtle swimming around pretty good i was hoping to find some diamonds down there because it was pretty deep but unfortunately no didn’t get any of

Those so just swim back to the village at night and uh swim through these dark waters okay i wrote in the script jeremy wade’s dark waters no more okay enough with the river monsters what is get that out of your head it’s not even a funny joke it’s not it’s just

Stopped i so day 82 i was worried that the ocean wasn’t going to provide me with diamonds i felt i started to feel like i was just wasting my time out here but you know what i went back the next day and uh got a ride from some dolphins

And this time i think i went very far here i go Turtle and some dolphins swimming blazing across the ocean i found a thing that had a chest in it but uh there was just nothing there kind of a big waste of time i also found this crystal thing sorry i took a few of them i have no idea what this thing does

Or what the point of it is but when you see something like this you take a sample you know bring it back to your house look at this uh turtle on an island in the middle of the ocean as i was heading back to the village i got attacked by a bunch of

Those uh yeah water zombies the ones that like throw tridents at you guys throwing harpoons oh ow i thought that maybe if these things were spawning there might be like a sunken ship or something nearby but yeah i couldn’t find it so i just i left

I ran home all the way back to my house the next day because i was getting worried about uh not being able to find my way home getting confused but when i got there i uh went into the fish highway and saw my man release the other guy in

There too got the two of these guys swimming around now hey my man good to see you just hanging out here in the uh fish highway i got good news for you look at this another one two of you guys even better news i brought uh brought something straight from the ocean kelp

Hopefully this will grow big and tall oh look at this lastly i added some seaweed to the tank to make it look a little bit nicer and uh look at this thing from the outside like this is one of the best things i’ve ever made oh look at that that’s great

Not only did it look good but this thing was functional too this was just a beautiful absolutely beautiful work of art i had here so i wanted to make it better though so i went out to see if i could catch some like other animals let me try to catch a salmon okay

Oh you can catch other fish wow oh as soon as i saw you do that i went fish crazy and i made uh 14 buckets yeah 14 of these things look at this look how many buckets i have it’s time time to fish okay this thing got him

The next day i was out catching fish my man was going out there filling a bucket of fish coming back doing that all day long so i spent the entire day filling this thing with fish but then i found out that the uh my little my little guys

In there here are eating the fish wait it’s hack the fish no don’t be attacking the fish let the fish live oh i think Oh he’s leaving where you going here get back in the water you eating all my fish i started to think about something when i was back in that village by the ocean i was able to trade with villagers they were willing to trade with a turtle

So i thought you know what maybe my man over here the guy who’s been living in my house will trade with me now that i’m a turtle no they wanted nothing to do with me still so i realized it’s just probably something i did wrong here

Okay day 85 you know what they say about day 85 time to time to stop screwing around get serious so i started using my eyes of ender pearl okay eyes of ender and my man the turtle and i are the same we went out for a journey

Went to go look for the end portal throwing those little pearls up in the air and following them around figure out where this thing is uh so it’s just long very very long i ended up in a field by night time i know some people will be upset with me here but uh

You know what i don’t care what why would people be upset why do you why do you write stuff like that so i built a turtle cave and spent the night here in uh didn’t have a bed so i just sat and watched okay back to running long journey got to

Keep going i felt like a sea turtle doing one of those uh like like a long migration or something like that so after going for a while i finally got at the part where the pearls stopped going forward and they sent me back so i found the spot and started digging down you

Know what yeah i found it found this dungeon or whatever it is there it is oh oh i explored the area for a while and eventually i just slept down there because it was night time and i wasn’t gonna try to run home at night i didn’t

Want to leave yet i wanted to figure out where the uh where the actual portal was so i started looking through this place and uh wow things uh hey things got out of control Okay that was That was way too close that was way too close i gotta start taking this seriously i’m gonna fire him on fire Okay no no i don’t wanna be one where am i going where am i going where am i going let’s get look at this they can’t get in here can they okay after running around that death trap for a few more minutes i i finally found the

Portal figure out where i was about to jump through in a few days there it is okay finally look how many i need it’s got one oh okay don’t want to fall in there look at this turtle in a portal not bad there’s no way i was about to go in here

Now i needed my apples and you know the potions needed more armor but here’s the problem though here’s the here’s the dilemma that i was facing right now i was a turtle which was good because the turtle got a lot of health got that big shell to keep

You safe but i had no idea what i was going to become next what i was going to be for the final 10 days now i could have been anything and i might end up being a fish and how how was a man going to kill the ender dragon as a fish

It was ver i was very worried about what i would become but you know what sometimes you gotta sometimes you gotta roll the dice sometimes you gotta go in is what you get and uh that’s that’s what my plan was so i slept and uh started the journey back i was following

My compass home which should theoretically lead me back to where my house is theoretically yeah i don’t like that word theoretically you know what when someone says theoretically it means it doesn’t work okay the moment you hear that just stop listening because it doesn’t work so i

Ran all day and uh eventually i i found a crafting bench hey i did this where’s my face oh there it is look at that or is that a town the village i’ll get to the village okay come on come on he’s shooting arrows at me in the water here look at this

I don’t i’ve never seen this town before what town is this right when i got to the town i realized never been to that down before that is uh don’t know where i am right now so i just slept there okay day 89 my uh last day as a turtle just uh

Really hoping to find my way home before i before something else happens you know before i change into a parrot or something like that i just really wanted to what’s that right here this is the world spawn this is where i started okay where did i go

I gotta think like a man who’s it doesn’t know what he’s doing i made this big tower and climbed it i turned my render distance up to max and just waited i would see if i could spot anything that would lead me home look at this a turtle on a tower

Okay this is not good it’s not good at all i’m not a i have no idea where i am i realized no idea where i am right now so i had to do something that you know there’s gonna be someone out there who is gonna be upset with what i did here

I went back to my old recording my old footage when i uh day one when i landed here and i made that first crafting bench and took a look at the direction that i went in after i built it and again then i just went in that direction okay i watched old footage

Is it cheating you know what i don’t care at this point i do not care i just want to get home and morph into whatever i was i had to be so once i figured out where i was in the direction i needed head in

Like the man who i used to be the man who i once was now i was a turtle and i followed in my footsteps from day one i jumped in the water here and i swam across this completely unaware that i would later return as a turtle and do the same thing

And there it is there’s my base i got home a broken turtle so i fixed my armor and chanted it and got ready to change one last time whatever i was about to change into was what i would fight the dragon nez whether it’s a fish a parrot

Like a villager any it doesn’t matter what it was that’s the man i was gonna be jumping into that portal let’s see what happens now Okay i’m gonna do this as a cow a cow Are you kidding me i’m going to fight the enderdragon as a cow gay cow that’s uh it was i didn’t think it was going to be you know what hey there we go gonna be a cow fighting the enderdragon so i figured i’d try to mine for a few days

Since i could now at least fit into a one by two cutting nice slim cow i also figured out that you gotta have a power as a cow wait i have a power and drink milk whenever i want what power is that i just drink milk

What am i going to do with that yeah good milk and shortly after that wow okay i found eight diamonds oh there we go there we go that’s the good stuff right there come on come on i don’t want to be greedy but you know i need a few of these things

Okay okay that’s good what is that eight eight eight There it is now they call it they go to the luck of the cow you know luck of the cow luck of the cow anyway so i kept mining and uh i ran out of torches though there it is just a cow mining nothing more nothing less

Okay good gal right here i don’t know if uh replacing iron pants that have protection three on them with diamond pants is a good trade or not because yeah i i don’t know which one technically has more armor but i thought you know diamond better than iron so i

Did it but i also needed a little bit of xp to enchant some stuff so i went into the pens and started slaughtering animals hey look at this just me and you guys oh oh only cow left so i stayed out all night fighting stuff for xp what’s this guy doing

Look at this guy oh cutting under pearl why are you riding a chicken well went mining and i found two more diamonds meaning i just needed one more to make boots and then like one minute later yeah i found the last diamond oh okay okay there it is

There it is telling you right now it’s the luck of the cow look at this no diamonds all game i become a cow they start appearing everywhere it’s the luck of the cow i came up made the boots and i stayed out that night and uh

Bought some more xp so that i could get to level 22. the next day for some reason protection three no i know what happened here it wasn’t gone i originally saw it on my helmet not my pants and got confused so i foolishly sort of re-rolling in chance

And uh landed back at level 19 before it showed up against those was a big waste of xp right there so i popped into the nether and uh mined some nether ports and got to level 21 and came out that night and finished the job off and then

Enchanted my gear but for some reason i couldn’t use this book on my helmet what was going on here okay day 93 my last day before i leave to go to the portal and i wanted to get ready so i figured out how to make healing potions

Use a golden watermelon and since uh i don’t know where i got one but i haven’t have one i think i was in a village before or one of the chests i found i don’t know i just had a golden watermelon very happy so i got the

Brewing stand from the bottom of the lake and i loaded up with the melons and made some potions then i used glowstone to upgrade them to level two uh then i converted them to splash potions with a yeah see that yeah i learned all of that

I know how to do that now so in future videos expect me to be like ruin some more potions because this is uh some good stuff right here so a lot last thing i did was i repaired my uh my pick with the two extra diamonds i had and i went to bed

I started the journey day 94 started the long long journey a cow running across fields going through jungles and stuff like that and i don’t know if this counts as cheating but when i was at the end port of the last time i wrote down the coordinates at least

Where the hole was so that i would just know where to go so i just followed those coordinates and it led me mostly there except i ended up in a desert at some point and i don’t remember going through a desert and look at this a cow going through a desert It was getting dark so i just uh i slept in the field i kept running and eventually made it there so i dug down that i got down to where the maze was and because i marked it out i figured out where to i ended up at the portal that’s

What i’m trying to say look at this a cow sitting on the edge of a portal what’s gonna happen next was his destiny you know what i was gonna be honest i was very scared very afraid to jump in there as a cow but you know what i

Jumped in and very quickly realized that i probably should have uh probably should have waited until day 100 to do this because that way if i died i i still survived 100 days but now if i die day 95 and uh wow this was i don’t know about this let’s say it was

A scared cow but you know what the cows don’t back down i fought the ender dragon cow flying into the end i’m taking this thing down okay okay oh here it comes i’m scared of looking at these things the ball coming right at me oh yeah look at that thing nope what to

Walk into it i remember when i was one of you things i remember was one of these you things it’s an enderman Come on okay one more two more that’s a tall one right there Oh that thing flew right over me look how many arrows are in that tower i i cannot hit this thing can i hit it that all of them i think you hit it now it’s just me and the dragon oh Cow versus dragon who’s gonna win tell you right now it’s gonna be the cow why i don’t want to shoot an enderman okay hey for some reason my attacks are not working there it’s bugged you know what i don’t care i don’t care it’s not anymore it’s not bugged anymore ow okay okay

This thing is avoiding my attacks it’s smarter than me oh oh look at this just launch those things okay come on stop calling them things they’re enderman let’s go we gotta take this thing down all of us i used to be just like you like it shoots a fireball disappears you know what

Fine by me I can’t i my arrows may as well be disappearing because i can’t even hit this thing that’s it That’s it that’s it that’s it you see that the cow did that the cow did that oh yes pretty good so i walked around the end for a little bit to see if there’s anything else that i should grab or do but then jumped in the portal and left hey there’s the egg

I was looking for this thing oh oh when i got out of the egg was still there yeah i have no idea what was going on with this egg you try to pick it up teleport goes away i don’t know so it turns out that the world spawn is where

You end up when you go through the i’m sure everyone knows that i didn’t know that you end up at the world spawn after you beat the end so it was good i knew how to get home from here because i looked it up before it’s pretty easy the cow coming

Home coming home with some good stuff when i got back i wasted a ton of the xp that i got enchanting stuff i made this sweet eight what i don’t know what i wrote there it doesn’t make sense i just enchanted a bunch of stuff it’s good

Some good stuff so i worked on the base i figured to make it look a little bit nicer specifically i worked on the watchtower oh something happened my heart’s back for some reason i’m a cow my man don’t worry about that i worked on the tower more and uh made

The platform than the roof and just you know worked on it a huge oh look at that that’s looking good it was looking very good tower looked pretty good i didn’t know if i liked the wood combo but you know what was happening here when i was working on this thing

In real life giant storm rolled in just this massive storm i was playing minecraft sky lighting up with thunder outside my window giant storm i was thinking hey you know what my power doesn’t go out hopefully i don’t lose power while i’m recording here there’s a huge storm here right now

Oh hear that door just slammed it sounds like it hey there my power went out i went out like seven seconds after i was thinking that i had an idea of something else i wanted to build i wanted to extend the fish highway in the tank over to where the

Chicken farm used to be and make another big uh tank another water tank okay i don’t know why i was thinking so much about all this water stuff probably like river monsters okay just stop i’m not even i’m not even trying to say that as a joke my brain is

Automatically bringing up anyway i built this tank i wanted to build a nice tank there so between day 98 and 99 i worked on building this big beautiful tank and extended the highway into it put more fish down made it look very nice i was very good very happy with this and

Ultimately by the end of day 99 yeah my compound looking real good this this is easily the best thing i’ve ever built in minecraft and i was very proud of this i thought this was a cool looking base it’s a real good if you’re a fish if

You’re a human not the most functional but as a fish wow that’s all you could ever ask for it was this was good you know i became a whole bunch of different things there’s all sorts of creatures and morphed into a bunch of different stuff

This is fun and i beat the ender dragon as a cow that’s pretty good the only thing i was left to do was do one final morph day 100 see what i become so i walked my self as a cow over to the bed got in and uh waited

Yes it turned into for day 100 okay okay okay what is this i’m the enderdragon okay yeah hey so if you see what just happened i don’t want to see any comments saying 200 days 200 days morph it can’t be done i became the ender dragon and imagine if

That happened to me like on day 70 or something like that there’s probably something i could have done to survive there but wow anyways 100 days morphing around a man man became a cow man became a fish man became turtle pig all sorts of stuff this was good

And uh my base was pretty cool dude look at this a good base anyways thank you my mans i will uh i don’t know [Applause] You

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days Morphing in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by Forge Labs on 2021-09-25 15:30:07. It has garnered 15701167 views and 308133 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:11 or 5351 seconds.

I Spent 100 Days Morphing in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened Install State of Survival for FREE: https://stateofsurvival.co/forgelabs for the chance to win a Lamborghini!! Thanks State of Survival for sponsoring.

Giveaway terms and conditions: https://ss-news-master.kingsgroupgames.com/luckydraw/rule

#100Days #Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft

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BIG Thanks to Awhikax for making the datapack for this!: https://awhikax.com/

Edited by Wisefish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsVl1wbrffYn5NuTysLHqQ

Inspired By Luke TheNotable: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9FkeEFIGd9FXRfxpTltXYA

Additional Shape Shifter Videos 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKKaWAHKvoU




———————————————————————————————————– About ForgeLabs: Welcome to Forge Labs! I review video games and discuss video game industry things. On the channel I post gameplay experience reviews, video essays, and satirical pieces that I hope you find entertaining. Enjoy!

#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100Days

I TRIED to Survive VR Hardcore Minecraft For 100 Days And This Is What Happened https://youtu.be/jEEYUG1adZc

Video Includes: Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay Hardcore Minecraft VR Episode 1 Hardcore Minecraft VR Lets Play Hardcore Minecraft VR Hardcore Minecraft VR 100 Days

Forge Labs https://www.youtube.com/AirsoftXX

Edited By WiseFish: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvsVl1wbrffYn5NuTysLHqQ

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    Astrobacon's Insane Houseing Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Ep. 1 Houseing’, was uploaded by Astrobacon on 2024-05-21 17:14:13. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:12 or 432 seconds. Part 1 of a 12 day adventure of daily uploads of simple minecraft videos be sure to subscribe and join the discord to stay up to date! Discord: https://discord.gg/xMcUF9ke 0:00 Intro 0:13 Finding a base 1:33 Settleing down base 1:41 Building and Wood gathering 2:26 Sleepy Time 2:29 Morning 2:35 Moving to the ocean, Building a bridge & gathering materials 3:36 Near Death 3:41 Building a… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Secrets Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,540’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-08 13:27:22. It has garnered 733 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,540 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE AMAN TRADISHNAL GAMING – Epic Sky Ball Rolling Madness! #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE AMAN TRADISHNAL GAMING - Epic Sky Ball Rolling Madness! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘sky ball roling gameplay multiplayer #viralvideo’, was uploaded by AMAN TRADISHNAL GAMING on 2024-02-22 08:21:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft live stream smp l minecraft live stream right now l ujjwal minecraft live stream@mr lapic minecraft live stream minecraft … Read More

  • INSANE MODEL BOY GAMER SHOCKS FANS 😱 #shorts #freefire

    INSANE MODEL BOY GAMER SHOCKS FANS 😱 #shorts #freefireVideo Information This video, titled ‘free fire fan fallowing 😱 #shorts #fans #freefire #gaming #youtubeshorts #viral #freefireindia #new’, was uploaded by MODEL BOY GAMER on 2024-05-08 01:33:56. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5 sudoku clash of clans gta san andreas… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! Click NOW!

    Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! Click NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft]今日は探索か?Googleで「マインクラフト」と検索すると!?’, was uploaded by KeeL Channel on 2024-05-17 16:46:06. It has garnered 4 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:02:43 or 18163 seconds. #Minecraft #Vtuber If you want to join us, let me know! Hello! I’m KeeL. Please subscribe to my channel! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzGvY5SQ8k6ObbuCEgO0new Twitter:https://twitter.com/A_KeeL_ABGM: A Noiseless World;https://noiselessworld.net/ Read More


    PLAYING IN YOUR MINECRAFT WORLD?!?!Video Information This video, titled ‘JOINING YOUR MINECRAFT WORLDS LIVE!!’, was uploaded by TheLegoLink on 2024-03-10 08:20:50. It has garnered 227 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:05 or 7505 seconds. Hello, In today’s stream I will be joining your minecraft worlds! If you want to show them off, add me on minecraft (bedrock only, sorry): TheLegoLink8567 MEMEBERS WILL GET PRIPOTY FOR JOINING THEIR WORLDS. If you want your world to be joined asap, consider becoming a member. Consider liking and subscribing if you enjoy the video! Lego Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmppLi5X_ninI8G79U6_zS72DmWqZEQvE Stampy Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmppLi5X_ninKjkodigNDtFhGfN2BEbPU Twitter: https://twitter.com/thelegolink Instagram:… Read More

  • Unleash your brain power with Minecraft! “Cube Xuan Hot Memes Collection”

    Unleash your brain power with Minecraft! "Cube Xuan Hot Memes Collection"Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:考试时的大脑!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-27 11:30:08. It has garnered 2488 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:06 or 246 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Update wonderful original videos every day, come and follow us, and save unhappy moments with… Read More

  • ArialMC

    ArialMCArialMC is a server for players to play Skyblock on and get Monthly Payouts every Season! Store: store.arialmc.net IP: play.arialmc.net Discord: https://discord.gg/QhJbYDAKRz play.arialmc.net Read More

  • Cozy Craving – Semi-Vanilla Survival 1.20.6 Geyser Dedicated Server.

    Server Overview 🌐 Our Server in a Nutshell 🌐 We are a new server with a 14k by 14k map, expanding to accommodate more players and new vanilla content. We offer various plugins for player convenience and have a vibrant community of builders. 🧭 Our Principles 🧭 Community First: Our goal is to build a supportive community. Long-Term Map: We plan to never reset the map. Golden Rule: Respect Other Players. Work Hard, Play Hard: Minimalistic gameplay on hard difficulty. No P2W: No pay-to-win features. 📀 Discord Overview 📀 On our Discord, you can submit help tickets, suggestions, view FAQs,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Original Minecraft memes or flair reposts, please!

    Minecraft Memes - Original Minecraft memes or flair reposts, please!It looks like the score of this meme is higher than my grades in high school. Read More

  • Hot Iron Golem Prank Fail! 🔥😂

    Hot Iron Golem Prank Fail! 🔥😂 “Pranking an Iron Golem in Minecraft is like trying to scare a rock… it just stands there unimpressed.” 😂 #minecraftpranks #ironstonecold Read More

  • Spider Stick Portal Prank (Zoonomaly)

    Spider Stick Portal Prank (Zoonomaly) Minecraft: Exploring the Stick Spider Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the mysterious Stick Spider Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. Join the exploration with UzeMing and uncover the secrets hidden within this intriguing realm. Discover the Stick Spider Portal Step into the Stick Spider Portal and brace yourself for a world like no other. This unique Minecraft creation offers a blend of excitement and challenges, waiting to be conquered. Navigate through its intricate pathways and encounter fascinating creatures along the way. Join the Minecraft Community Connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts by joining the… Read More

  • Outsmarting Minecraft’s Eternal Ice Night

    Outsmarting Minecraft's Eternal Ice Night Minecraft Adventure: Surviving the Forever Frozen Night Embark on an epic journey with Coolguyapf as he enters the End of Minecraft Iceland, facing 24 hours of darkness to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. Follow his thrilling adventure on various platforms: Twitch Instagram Twitter Discord Episodes: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Mods Used: Enhance your gameplay with these exciting mods: Cold Sweat Sanity: Descent Into Madness Villager Names OptiFine All For CurseForge 1.20.1 Music: Set the mood with these captivating tracks: 10AM-PM – Lud and Schlatt Crossing 10PM – Animal Crossing New Leaf 2AM – Animal Crossing… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Duels and Parties with Facecam!” #hypixel

    "EPIC Minecraft Duels and Parties with Facecam!" #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Duels and Parties (w/Facecam) #hypixel #bedwars’, was uploaded by KaneLion on 2024-04-28 04:41:47. It has garnered 717 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:59 or 4019 seconds. #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft Currently playing on Minemen.club! Doing parties and duels =========================== Discord: discord.gg/Vd8PwxmDf8 =========================== Server IP: Minemen.Club =========================== Texture Pack: Fruitful 32x (Chifruit 100k Pack) =========================== IGN Java: KaneLion IGN Bedrock: KaneLion =========================== You can ignore this – Hypixel Minecraft, Minecraft Hypixel, bedwars hypixel, Minecraft bedwars hypixel, Minecraft hypixel bedwars, Minecraft hypixel skywars, Minecraft pvp, Minecraft bedwars server, Minecraft texture packs 2024,… Read More

  • Exploring a Secret Stalker’s Base in Minecraft!

    Exploring a Secret Stalker's Base in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Found a Stalker’s 100% SECRET BASE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Mist on 2024-03-06 21:00:20. It has garnered 1725 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:31 or 1051 seconds. I Found a Stalker’s 100% SECRET BASE in Minecraft! – EPISODE 1 OF “THE CURSE OF THE MIMIC” Mist discovers he is being STALKED, and after hunting the STALKER down, Mist finds their Secret Base beneath the Saint Ender City graveyard… Upon reading a secret book discovered in the Stalker’s base, Mist accidentally unleashes a powerful force upon Saint Ender City…… Read More

I Spent 100 Days Morphing in Minecraft… Here’s What Happened