I Spent 100 DAYS on a PIXELMON MISSION in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened

Video Information

Imagine being sent into a magical world full of mystical and wild creatures and yes i’m talking about pokemon and that is exactly where i will be spending my next 100 days i have three goals to conquer this land train the best pokemon team i can think of create my very own

Pokey town with its own battle arena and defeat all 18 gyms yes 18. can i accomplish all of my goals as well as survive side by side with these mystical creatures guess you have to stay tuned to find out so sit back relax grab an oreo and enjoy 100 days in pixelmon

Ah a fresh start on pokey saga you can play alongside me in the dream dimension with the iplay.pokeysaga.org i’ve also put a video down below in the description on how to download the pixelmon ultra mod pack now let’s get into it as all good stories start i

Chose a companion for my adventure hokie saga has a ton of custom starters but i went with an eevee because i have so many options with her from there i was able to explore the hub and realize there was slash vote so i did that real

Quick and got a bunch of keys from these keys i was giving tools money tokens pokeball vouchers you name it i was even given two omega crate keys which i got 2 000 tokens from and a legendary crate key this guy i’ll be saving because this is a random legendary pokemon and i’m

Gonna need him later i’m sure then i randomly tp to start looking for a good place to settle down first i went into a savannah and then realized this was definitely not the place for me and then i ended up on an island with a sheep i

Killed that sheep let’s just say i’m really happy this eevee is so much better than the abra that i had last time i tried this and after that i just continued my search for a home along my search i found some pretty cool things including this mountain range and this

Really awesome monastery i want to see if there’s any loot inside but unfortunately someone had gotten there first still a really cool place if i wanted to settle down here however i have my own ideas for building i settled my night at a poke center right next to

A flower biome from here i should be able to make a really cool town or center for myself day three i tested my pokemon out in a fight or multiple fights until it died evie’s doing really well for herself and we’re already at level seven not too bad for a pokemon i

Just met huh after she died i went ahead and healed her and then looked at some of the shops that the server offered there’s quite a bit here which means i’ll have tons of building material to work with and at the very end of my day

I was given the best tool kit known to man this stuff is one of the donor kits but it shreds anything it comes in contact with this will make building a lot easier so you know how i’m next to a flower forest right well there’s this awesome mountain range on this flower

Forest that i really wanted to claim but the possibility that my brain is intact is still up for debate so me trying to get this entire area claimed was a journey i don’t know why i can never figure out this stupid shovel but it’s just such a weird system for me

Eventually though i claimed an entire mountain range as my own and i was gonna build an amazing area here oh yeah and i smacked a bird he’s dead now while wandering around i did find a magikarp that was level 17. now if you know me very well i like magikarps okay

Just because it can become like a gigantic water monster so i caught this guy right away there’s absolutely no way gyarados is not gonna be in my party from there i continued trading my eevee and by continued i mean continued we kept killing and killing and killing and

Now she’s like level 10. you may be asking why i’m only ever using her well first off i only have her magikarp can splash what do you expect secondly she needs a happiness level of 220 to evolve to the pokemon that i want which i’m not

Going to tell you quite yet but to get there i need to kill a lot of things oh yeah and then i found this guy’s unclaimed gigantic sugarcane farm and just decided to harvest it for him like i didn’t keep these profits or anything that would be unethical of i kept them

After making a muck of other players land i decided to clear out my own this time i built something for myself and to do that i was going to clear out the top of one of the mountains first i started with the trees then the dirt and the stone and then it was

There’s a lot of there’s a lot to clear out all right that’s all i’m saying is there’s a lot to clear out and while i’m clearing out this land let’s clear something up the best way for you to support the channel is by subscribing so consider hitting that red button and

Gray it out i don’t want to see any red okay no red get rid of the red and while you’re down there consider liking the video unless you don’t then you know what just uh leave a hateful comment i love reading those they’re funny anyway back to the finished product and the

Final product confirms that the earth is flat heck you with this newly developed land i had to get some materials to build on it first up was spruce wood because you don’t have any build without spruce wood if you have spruce wood you need to use it so

If you have to build you need to use spruce wood like that’s just it’s it you why are you not using spruce next up was cobblestone sorry for that little outburst um my other side came out so so yeah i spent a couple days getting some resources that’s that’s

Pretty much the gist of that yelling situation that just happened okay so you know how this whole like uh yelling about spruce thing just happened well what if i tell you that the build i’m about to do doesn’t include spruce or cobblestone yeah yeah yeah go down leave your comment whatever let’s just

Move on to the build okay i think you’ll really like it so since we’re in actually pixelmon i went ahead and bought a ton of concrete courts and started building a pokey center type build since this was gonna be my house i didn’t want it to have like the regular

Pokey center or mark colors so i used orange instead of red or blue i laid down the foundation with light gray concrete and then added white into the inside to make it look like a building then once the foundational part was done i added in an archway for like the

Center area where i can put a pokeball added the orange made a roof i mean it looks really really cool to be honest who knew that three blocks that were all technically the same blocks just different colors would work so well together but i actually ran out of money

So i couldn’t buy more concrete to finish the build but there is one block i can gather to make this build finished and that my friends is glass so i went on my hunt for any sand that i could find in a desert maybe a beach pretty

Much anything at this point along my journey i ended up stumbling upon a gym that i think naturally spawned in let’s hope this wasn’t someone’s base because not only were there command blocks in there i broke it all so that’s you know not good what i mean by broke at all is

That this entire thing was built of terra cotta and i figured instead of buying concrete maybe i can use terracotta for something later which means i broke almost the entire thing like i i literally spent my time breaking this thing down to nothing i i still don’t think i’m gonna ever use

This terra cotta but you know what it was kind of fun it was like one of those satisfying moments just just listen to this see how is that not satisfying anyway yeah that that was my accomplishment i’m happy about that okay back to the regular goal at hand sand collection i

Do have one question though why is there gunpowder and slime popping out of the sand i first off don’t want this and second off it’s weird what’s in the sand where am i what desert is this once the sand collection was done i took it back

To base made all the furnaces i needed and smelted all of it with wood because i was too lazy to go get coal now with the glass being smelted i can go ahead and place it down around the outskirts of my build making it look just that

Much better as well as i can add in that glass door that i really wanted in the front and you know wrestle with myself about how i’m supposed to make it but that’s fine i was also able to muster up enough money to finish off the roof but not the

Second roof so i mean technically it’s kind of done hey you know what rain’s not getting in here that’s all we gotta worry about now right uh finishing off this place is gonna be slow going okay so maybe this place isn’t fully done but i have another goal in mind and that

Exact goal is to tell you i have dropped merch if you haven’t heard welcome in dot store is now open for business and i’ve just added a new sweatshirt and shirt collection for this video don’t worry they’ll stay in the store but now i have a welcoming tv logo shirt as well

As a sweatshirt that matches repping the 100 days text on the sleeve so finish this video and that oreo and then go check out welcoming.store anyway back to the video this is pixelmon so i should probably go catch another pokemon right i wanted to switch up my team from last

Time i didn’t want any repeats uh well except gyarados he’s cool so for my fire type i really wanted a fletchling which meant i traveled to a birch forest to try and look for one and while i was there i did start doing some training for my pokemon because well i’m

Not just gonna sit around and wait for this thing to spawn i may as well kill pokemon while i’m here because it’s fun however it didn’t take super super long until the fletchling spawned but i was able to catch it on my first try i was actually really afraid i was gonna kill

This thing so i don’t think i attacked it not currently looking at the footage but i don’t think i actually hit it at all if i did then i’m lucky it didn’t die because evie is freaking strong look at this this guy’s dead because of her

See see what i mean strong anyway after i caught the fletchling i kind of continued training for a little while because i didn’t want to leave yet there were a lot of pokemon that needed death maybe i do have psychopathic tendencies oh well pokemon training continuation i

Ran into a pikachu back at base he was much higher level than me but i still wanted to take him on just for fun yeah and that’s all it was for me fun cause all of my pokemon didn’t find it fun when they all died i probably should be

A better trainer than this just like not throwing them into the hardest fight of their life but and you know what it’s kind of fun anyway while on the mission to grow the happiness of this eevee i ran into one of the pokemon i kinda wanted rosa rosali rosalia

This one anyway i needed a grass type for the team and this was it i currently have evie who i’m planning to turn into a dark type so maybe that’s a hint for you if you guys don’t know pokemon though then you have no idea what i’m

Talking about i also have a gyarados a fletchling which is going to turn into a fletch finder what a i don’t know what the i don’t know evolutions and now i have this green guy rosa that one so currently i’m rocking dark water fire and grass two more and i’ll actually

Have a stable team speaking of those two empty slots i went ahead and went to a mesa because i was trying to catch a bag on and no that is not a decent joke that’s actually a pokemon’s name or i’m pronouncing it wrong and it sounds funnier when i say it anyway basically

What i’m trying to say is i wanted a salamance however instead of getting a salamance on my first day i ended up not getting it even on my second day here instead i ended up catching a scraggy which was not on my list of pokemon to

Get but i’m kind of glad i have him now it’s probably one of the more interesting pokemon that i’ve ever gotten especially since i have no idea what he is or what he does or what type he is or you know we’ll learn along the way then after catching the scraggy i

Ended up getting a mask i don’t know if this guy’s from 2017 youtube just saying yeah all the time or if he’s actually a good pokemon but i went ahead and captured him anyway at this point i kind of just wanted six pokemon because i have a feeling i’m gonna start doing a

Lot more training at one point i also stumbled across a shell gun and i went ahead and caught him just in case i did want to salamance at one point i’m not saying i’m going to but i guess having him as extra isn’t too bad okay so day

18 we’re spawning in at night why because i was afk letting my eevee walk around while i went and ate lunch sue me you know why i let my evie walk around because now her happiness or hit i never checked is above 220 and to level this

Evie up into the umbreon it’s soon gonna be i have to kill a few more pokemon and get to level 16. so i flew around my house as fast as i possibly could started killing every single pokemon in sight this thing is so close to leveling

Up and evolving i cannot wait to see an umbreon umron is definitely my favorite eevee evolution and after defeating this subat my eevee did evolve it was a little far away so the evolution was kind of really i can’t tell i can’t please i can’t see it anyway from here

It kind of looks cool but i flew home and look at this we have an umbreon and i can even ride her which doesn’t make much sense but still she’s super super cool and i’m so happy that she’s on the team i don’t know why i love her but i

Do now with the full on 16 it’s time to start training i went to slash gts to pick up one of the xp alls basically what this means is as i kill a pokemon all of the xp is going to spread out between every single pokemon and level

Them all up simultaneously now with this new purchase it’s really time to start training i grabbed out my scraggy and started killing every single thing in sight reason i pulled up the scraggy because he’s level 31 i don’t know why he was so willing to be captured but he

Probably shouldn’t have been it’s all right though because he can basically one shot every single pokemon i walk into heck my scraggy was able to level up my fletching so that it evolved into a uh i don’t i don’t know i don’t have the name in front of me i told you i

Don’t know evolutions but now it’s glowing shiny white which means i have a new pokemon so that’s that’s all i know oh yeah and the the magikarp also evolved into the gyarados so now i have two new pokemon however one of them was a very tiny bird and this one is a giant

Sea monster i feel like there’s a difference now i’ve been focusing on my pokemon a little bit too much and my house is still well a shell so i decided to finish it up by doing the interior i started with the floor which i did some weird patterns with gray orange and

White concrete then after that i took quartz and started doing this really intricate weird section with chest i just thought it would look super cool if it was more futuristic looking then once that side was done i made myself a healing center where i have a healer and

Two pcs just kind of like any other poke center but i mean this one’s orange in my house so i figured i should have all of the amenities in here after that i moved on to the second chest section where i did the same type of design just

Kind of doing some really weird stuff for no reason at all but i think it looked really cool and once that was done i added in some furnaces crafting tables and we were gonna go now i have a fully functioning house all right now

Let me tell you about day 21. i may have made a little bit of a miscalculation there’s a warp warp dlg for donators who want to level up their pokemon now i wanted to check this out and see how we were going to level up unfortunately it was by

Fighting level 100 bliss leads who can’t kill you so i instantly one shot level 100 bliss lee’s six of them and leveled up my pokemon from like level seven to level 40. i honestly did not try and do this i swear this was gonna be something in the

Future after i checked out the gyms and realized what levels i needed but this this was a little excessive i know that eventually i have to get to level 100 but right now seriously although i did get my punishment because all of my pokemon decided to learn like five moves

During this so i had to go through and read everything and level them up and this was a lot of clicking okay so yes i learned my lesson i’m only gonna do this after i’ve established that it’s time to get to level 100 which is sooner than

You think but still i apologize for this now on this pixelmon server there are actually a ton of gems to fight and not only are there a ton of gyms there are a ton of different leaders of each gym that are real players and npcs so i

Figured i’d go check out my npc competition as the real players were offline once i got to the water gym i realized that there were a ton of water pokemon here and i could have chosen from any one of these no like seriously i could have just walked around here and

Caught the pokemon that i actually wanted i mean i do like gyarados so i’m not complaining but like seriously they’re all just right here i also went ahead and checked out the npc leader and realized that he was level 100 um i don’t think i can fight these guys even

After my little training accident i also went ahead and checked out the dragon gym or that’s what i believe it was dragon type that’s a thing right anyway while i was here i even ran into a salomon so if i really wanted one i could just come here and get one i can’t

Believe these are real areas but they look super super cool and i can’t wait to destroy them all and guess what waiting was not an option i went right back to those level 100 bliss lees i know that i had a little bit of a training accident and doing this early

But to be honest if i’m gonna ever get any of these gems done and there’s a lot of them i’m gonna need to be level 100. plus i’m pretty sure that i’m gonna have to train up multiple different teams to beat all of these gyms or at least the

Npcs of them because i don’t think every single one of my pokemon is gonna be strong against every single type of other pokemon if you don’t know what i mean basically in pokemon some of the pokemon have weaknesses to other types and i don’t think i cover enough types

To have all of the strengths against all of these gems you know what i’m really good at explaining i’m sure you understand that totally you’re not confused at all anyway what i’m basically trying to say is yeah i skipped ahead and got all of my pokemon

To level 100 not that this didn’t take time i mean truly it takes a ton of clicking and i went through and actually read most of the moves that i’m going to be getting so i’m not having to worry about googling up a different move set later especially since moves are really

Expensive like 20k each by day 26 i had every single pokemon at level 100. yes i know that’s a little bit faster than what you guys would normally have but at the same time i have a lot to accomplish in these 100 days although trading pokemon never stops i may have gotten

Them all to level 100 but their eevees are probably still terrible so i went ahead and looked at the pokebuilder and realized that yeah i’m correct all of these guys are not doing great with their evs and most of their ivs are actually terrible so we might have to

Replace some of these guys later and while learning how to actually do evs i kind of accidentally got all of their speeds maxed out who knew that the xp all actually worked for evs as well okay well probably you guys did but no i did

Not i mean yeah i can fix it with berries but that’s just gonna be really expensive thankfully it was speed and not something else like defense because speed is something you need on basically every single pokemon hey at least i learned a valuable lesson while training

Eevees turn off the xp all now when it comes to evs apparently there’s a bit of a learning curve thankfully there is an area on the server where i can buy berries that will basically remove some of the eevees so i can go train different ones and that’s what i did i

Went ahead and mapped out as many berries as i was supposed to have on each pokemon removed all of the evs that i’m going to be needing and then went back to start training evs again now this training process took a little bit longer because i was treating more than

One pokemon i also turned off xp all because i didn’t want them all to be the same type of eevee the last time i trained evs i actually looked up how to do it this time i’m going off of my own intuition on what i want my pokemon to

Actually have based off their ivs now it’s a lot of technical stuff but basically i just killed pokemon all day and killing those pokemon gives me a better buff on certain effects now i’m not going to go into detail for what exactly i trained but let’s just say all

Of them have really good speed most of them have pretty good attack and the defense on some of them have gotten better however i think we’re just gonna have to see how they react in battle before we do any more eevee training in battle i must the first game i headed to

Was the grass gem unfortunately there were no real gym leaders so i had to face the npc thankfully he only had three pokemon and i wasn’t too worried about my first fight i started off with talonflame because this was my fire type pokemon he was able to take out the

First pokemon but not without sustaining heavy damage then i pulled out gyarados probably not my best move he basically got one shot then scrappy came out and low kicked the man to death he was also able to get 50 on superior so the battle was basically won

From there rosalia was able to drain the health of superior and we won thankfully not too difficult but i have one more gym in mind before i end the day and that gym being the water gym i started off the fight with gyarados using crunch he wasn’t able to kill the first pokemon

But he got him down really really low then i pulled out talonflame and killed him in one shot after that he pulled out a swamper which wasn’t gonna really help me at all because this thing mega evolved dynamo i don’t know what he did to it but it started glowing he one shot

The talonflame from there rosalia was actually able to gigger drain all of his health and kill him that was just me against a helper he absolutely one shot my rosalia and now it was up to umbreon unfortunately the fight took forever if you know palper he can actually heal

Himself same thing like my embryon can so our fight was long lots of healing and lots of damage eventually though we both ran out of our healing moves and i was able to peck and get it because he’s a pelican so he pecks down all of his

Health with that battle one i now have a grass and a water badge that’s only two out of 18 gems down but hey you know what day 32 getting two gems down that’s not too bad with that battle won it’s time to upgrade my home base there’s a

Lot of land that i can work with here so i decided to build a bridge over this gap but first i had to clear out a ton more land once that was done the first thing i did was lay an outline with quartz then i laid out a very

Interesting design at the top of the bridge to make it look a bit more city-like to be honest i had no idea where i was going with this but eventually it started looking like something cool i started working on the downward slant of the bridge and it kind of looks like

A heart but let’s ignore that fact once the bridge supports were in i started laying down the road i chose black concrete because that’s that’s a road so i mean it makes sense then i went underneath the bridge and started filling in the archways they were nowhere near perfect but to be honest

They look kind of cool all right i’m pretty sure that means the bridge is done now just to connect it to my base somehow all right that looks kind of okay you know we’ll fix it later and to spice it up a bit i actually went ahead

And made some custom mushrooms now i have no idea how to make a mushroom so the custom part was um uh greatly exaggerated i mean no i made them custom i just i don’t know how to make mushrooms so they don’t look good but you know what they fit the area once

That bridge was done i wanted to add in another area i don’t really know how to describe this place but it’s kind of like a chilly area where yes you can heal your pokemon but also you can hang out read books that kind of thing i

Don’t really know what you do in pokemon however i’m keeping the design very similar to my house i did the same thing as before added in the frame started putting up the walls and worked on the roof since you guys already know how this build kind of works i don’t really

Have to explain it in grave detail to you i’ll try my best to make sure you guys have the pinterest image down below you guys can try and either copy the build or migrate to your own building style like i’ve done anyway this is the product of the second house i don’t

Really have the interior done yet but so far it’s looking pretty good who knew that building with concrete was actually fun for the interior i wanted to do a separate floor design as well so i took out the dirt and started working on a simple design i added in the center

Pokeball if that’s what you can even call this and then started doing random colors around the outside i think overall it doesn’t look too bad and at this point i’m the only one living here so i’m not complaining from there i started adding in the decor this place

Had to be very warm and opening if people were gonna heal their pokemon here i put pcs healers bookshelves chairs everything you name it if this place could serve coffee it would trust me once the interior was done i could work on the pathing this place was at a

Weird angle compared to all of my other roads and i wasn’t sure how i was gonna put it so i basically made a path from my current base to there and then i fixed my current path because it just looked really off for some reason and

Then once that was done i even added in mushrooms to the space they were blue bull mushrooms so they weren’t like an actual mushroom block because there’s not a blue mushroom block but i think they actually stood out pretty well again don’t know why i’m doing mushrooms

But it just seems right okay i swear just one more build this little pathing area actually gave me a really good idea for a pond and since directly under this bridge looks like a river i may as well make a waterfall to another pond to another waterfall to yeah you get what i

Mean so i went ahead and laid out the foundation for an entire pond and then i made the waterway all the way down and then another pond once all of that was done and we had a foundation for where the water should go i went ahead and

Added that in filling the entire area was much easier than expected because well water just kind of connects but even with the water being in i was nowhere near done i minded a few areas because i didn’t want to just be one deep that would seem a little tacky from

There i started adding in flowers all around the pond and i used the bone block that i bought for the mushrooms to start bone mealing areas i ended up looking a lot better than i expected and you know what it kind of just ties in this area i’m actually really happy we

Settled in a flower forest because now i have an abundance of lovely flowers to work with okay i’ve kind of been at base for a little while now so i went ahead and spawned and figured i’d spawn in my first legendary i grabbed one of my

Creek keys looked at who i could get which that there’s a lot i don’t even i don’t know any of these guys to be honest i mean it’d be really cool if i got someone i know like rayquaza or mewtwo or mew or that’s about all i know

But that’d be cool then i rolled the crate i was actually really really excited for what i was gonna get and i ended up getting something i have no idea who is this what’s the i don’t even know how to pronounce this i looked at

My pc and he kind of looked like a snake i don’t i have no idea who this is but he’s only level five so we’re gonna have a lot of work to do i also looked at his type and he has a ground move which means i know who i’m removing the other

Guy whose name i can’t pronounce running apologize i i’m sorry i don’t know how to pronounce names from there though it was time to level them up just a little bit i mean i know i’m gonna have to grind evs and all that kind of jazz but

I figured i could at least kill the blissleys however i had to use xp all because this guy was terrible at level five he had nothing nothing of use once the session was over i checked his level he was at level 53 and i realized

I could sell him if needed for like half a million dollars however i feel like i could tell him for a lot more if anyone ever noticed those ivs let’s not mention the percent he’s at now that he’s high enough level to start eevee training i looked up what i really

Wanted on this guy however after all the xp all bliss leaves giving him some eevees that i didn’t want i had to remove them with berries however once i was done with that i could successfully start working with him at warp dev first up was working on his attack evs and can

I just say no one told me this guy was going to become gigantor when he got hit i don’t know what triggered this but he just like a mega i don’t what did he do someone help me anyway i just honestly started working on his attack evs kind

Of ignoring the fact that he became someone else although it was slow going at first so i kind of switched to an xp all person so i could just train him for him gyarados accidentally trained way too many eevees on this um side the legendary so i warped back to ev and

Bought some more berries once he was more balanced out i headed back to eevee training next on the list was defense again i used a different pokemon because i didn’t really want to have to worry about slowly doing this and i mean it still took a while with the level 100

And with defense being done i now have a perfect 100 eevee zyg this guy all that’s left is to get him to level 100. wow the award for great foreshadowing goes to yours truly for the next couple of days i spent leveling this guy to level 100 i also paid very

Close attention to the moves that he was getting because i have a move set that i want for him not that i even know if it’s good or not because i have literally no prior knowledge to this legendary i’m sure you guys will let me

Know down below if i got scuffed or not anyway with this new legendary added to our team and now that he’s level 100 i feel like we can take on a couple more gems the next gem i wanted to fight was the fire gym which had a humorous map look

At that volcano that’s pretty cool i found the npc leader and started the battle i didn’t think that this one would be too difficult especially since i still have all six pokemon and now we have a legendary this battle went like any other a win on the first try and now

I have claimed the fire badge which means i have 3 out of 18 not that many but we’ll get there but there’s no way i’m only gonna face one gym i just got a new legendary i’m out for blood i figured the next gem i could take on was

The bug gym i teleported there and i’m not gonna lie i died quite a few times you’re only allowed to select four pokemon in your party so it wasn’t that easy but at the same time i feel like i should have been able to win this sooner

However my final match against this gem was a doozy kirito started out first getting absolutely one shot then i pulled out scrafty while his scissor did his evolve thing scrappy wasn’t able to kill him but he did a ton of damage from there i took out my legendary scissors

Died to a thousand arrows within an instant and he was also able to take down the next pokemon with ease after that it was a 1v1 we were both low but i did the little mega evolve thingy that it does when he got low he gained health

From me but that wasn’t enough and thousand arrows killed him and now i have the bug badge that was much harder than i expected but now we have 4 out of the 18 badges i need after finding all these battles i realized that my team

Could use a lot of help so i decided to go to warp safari which is an area for only donators but it’s totally worth it because once you get there there are all types of pokemon waiting for you now i figured my fire type could use some help

Talonflame’s kinda not cutting it so i decided to catch one of those so i headed over to the desert biome where i found a darumaka that thing right there that red one and i figured he would be a good pokemon to have now let’s just say

This wasn’t the only one that i decided to catch i actually really wanted a water type too so i went and found a lapras however all of these pokemon here have really bad ivs so i wanted to continue catching them until i had at least a decent ivy and by continue

Catching them i mean like 17 catches later like i would go back and forth between trying to catch a lapras and trying to catch the red guy every time i did it i would check the pokemon’s ivs to see if i had anything over like 65 that was probably

My targeted area because right now i’m rocking like 30s i know from this area i’m not going to get anything too special like anything above 80 but you know what i would have taken like a 69 or something that would be close enough to 70 right eventually after catching

Half pages of lapras and dara mook the the red guy again i left the safari with a 69 percent lapras and a 65 percent darum How do i pronounce this and with the collection of having two separate new pokemon i had to take them over to warp dlg this is obviously the donor leveling warp that we’ve used a few times already in the video i went ahead and enabled my xp all and started

Grinding out levels for these two new guys i used umbreon a little bit too long and realized that she wasn’t doing enough damage to the blistles which didn’t make much sense but i guess uh maybe i need to upgrade her a little bit eventually i switched over to a better

Pokemon and started leveling these guys up a little bit faster but once i was done they were both all the way maxed to level 100. however you guys know we are not done yet just because i have them at level 100 doesn’t mean they’re anywhere close to good to make them battle ready

I had to head over and train their evs lapras was up first with special defense lapras was taking a little bit longer on special defense than i wanted so i used omron to train her special attack for her with the xp all and since i used the

Xp all dharmanitan actually got the same amount of evs so he’s good to go as well now it was time to give them the moves that i wanted them to have i went ahead and bought ice beam and thunderbolt for lapras that gave her an interesting skill set darmanitan actually had some

Really good fighting moves so i just needed to get him some better fire moves i just realized this guy’s a fire type with fighting moves if you think about it he’s kind of a firefighter no that only stuck with me all right cool anyway i gave him flare blitz and fire punch i

Figured that’s probably good for darmanitan alright so for the next few days i did something extremely special i know we just switched out our fire type but i realized i could get a legendary fire type with ease i bought an orb from gts the player ran auction and then

Combined that with the firestone to get the fiery orb of souls now what this means is i can go out kill wild pokemon 375 to be exact and fill this orb up and then put this in a shrine and summon a moltres moltres is a legendary flying fiery type and that would replace

Talonflame extremely well but before i go ahead and kill 375 innocent pokemon that are probably not innocent because they spawned it next to my base i’m gonna use my last two legendary keys rolling my first key was super nerve-wracking cause i have no idea what

I’m gonna get but it landed on a tornado i don’t know if that’s how you say it but i’m gonna say it that way that’s actually a really good pokemon so i was hoping for the same luck in my second crate and i’m pretty sure i got it the

Second crate gave me a mew a mew i mean i would have loved mewtwo but mew is absolutely amazing i’m pretty sure throughout these 100 days i don’t use it properly but it’s still one of my favorite pokemon having a mew in the party is super cool especially when his ivs are 84

This guy’s gonna be an absolute maniac in battle returning home it was time to grind for the moltres 375 pokemon is not easy and this took a really long time i would basically fly around my entire base looking for pokemon after pokemon until i settled in this planes region

Here i was able to see all the easiest of pokemon to kill and they weren’t from a spawner you might think you could have gone to safari or to one of the gyms where those pokemon spawn in but that was kind of impossible because this is only fueled by wild pokemon which meant

Yeah the entire length of ready player one or well most of it i think i watched some while eating lunch was spent in this plane’s biome killing pokemon although once it was actually time to get the moltres it was totally worth the wait once i got to warp shrines i was

Able to see a mini volcano with the fiery shine for moltres right in front of me i quickly headed over there and placed in my orb and that’s when moltres spawned in obviously i have a few master balls so i’m not letting this one get away and caught her instantly this was

My first caught legendary pokemon so i’m really happy about this one i quickly put her in the roster checked her ivs realized it was a little low but you know what this thing is kind of op later on i know you guys think she’s one of the weaker legendaries but give her a

Chance if she was going to take the fire flying type of the team i had to get her ready eevees were first on the list as she was already level 100. the first one we grabbed was speed because we’re gonna need that if she’s gonna ever outflank

An opponent then i moved on to attack where she was gonna gain some more strength for some of her moves and then to defense with moltres rare to go it was time to get mew and tornados ready for battle as well these guys have thankfully gone up in level a little bit

From doing the evs with moltres but they’re still below 50. you guys know it was time to attack the harmless bliss leaves for a little while to level them all the way up to a hundred as we were going they were learning new moves and

To be honest i had no idea what i wanted on them from the beginning and at this point i still thought it was a thunderous not a tornado so i was kind of hoping for lightning moves but that’s this is not this guy so uh whoopsies by

Day 70 they were level 100 and it was time to move on to the moves and eevees for these guys mew was first up learning willowisp and then i bought him taunt then with his last move being seismic toss then i gave tornados his first move

U-turn then i gave him super power and finished him off by going to warp tudor and giving him tailwind from the flying tutor this is my first time ever being here and honestly it looks really cool and now on to the berries since i had my

Xp all on these guys actually have full eevees which is something i do not want so i went through bought almost like a hundred berries and removed all of the eevees that i didn’t want on mew and tornadoes this was really expensive and a lot of clicking but it’s worth it to

Get the eevees that i really want on these guys especially mew since he’s you know super overpowered with 84 percent ivs and now that the bad evs have been wiped away it’s time to start gaining them back i train mu’s hp first she actually ended up having the most hp on

The entire team but that’s probably because i think i maxed out her hp tornadoes however went towards special attack first thankfully both of these guys speed’s pretty much already where i want it so i didn’t have to grind that for too long and i can move on to the

Ones that didn’t make as much sense to me i’m totally not using a website for these things and special attack was on there for him so yeah that’s why i’m killing this guy over and over again i also trained his attack for a little

While but it was kind of already up so i didn’t need it too much and now all of their eevees are perfect we’ve got their moves done their levels and their evs and now all of my legendaries are ready for battle and since they are i took

Them straight to the electric gym i can only have five selected but i’ve got four pokemon so it didn’t really matter or four legendaries right off the bat my tornado has got one shot but he did deal a decent bit of damage to this um

Outlet then my mew was able to do a little bit more damage to this guy still not enough my zygarde was able to take him out however then he almost one shot the next guy thankfully the battle was won extremely quickly my zygarde basically took out the rest of the team

And it was no problem that means we now have the electric badge and we are one step closer to getting all 18. the second gem i fought in this period of time was the flying gem i first used vultures to get in a huge attack on this

Lan i’m not even going to try then my mew was able to kill that pokemon and it was a 2v4 at this point unfortunately his charizard decided to absolutely destroy my mu from there i pulled out moltres and tried hurricane which got the charizard extremely low then i did

It one more time securing the second kill now i have a huge upper advantage but i can still only use hurricane with moltres because of choice scarf i guess if that’s my only choice then motris would just have to use hurricane on this guy although it doesn’t really do much i

Pulled out scrappy to see what he could do he low kicked him and it did a decent bit of damage for justice crafty unfortunately it was not enough to fully kill this guy he kept restoring health from the leftovers and it was kind of impossible for this just to happen in a

One-on-one after scraft he was pummeled i turned a tornado who didn’t do too hot he was able to get a couple good hits in before he was absolutely demolished and it was back to zygarde zygarde really didn’t do a lot of damage and with the leftovers it was kind of hard to compete

It was an extremely long battle between this guy protecting himself letting the leftovers heal and me not being able to hit him because of that protection it was basically up to zygarde to just outstand his healing factor and it was really really tough to do unfortunately zygarde was killed and it was up

Tumultuous who i used heatwave with to see if that would kill him and after failing the first time it one shot in the second which means we now have the flying gym badge but it wasn’t over yet i headed to the ground gym next there i

Used my lapras first to get a few good hits on garchomp thankfully he was almost dead by the time i pulled out my mew seismic toss killed him and now i have taken down one of his extremely overpowered pokemon mew got one shot and it was time for zygarde zygarde

Basically one shot the extra grill but his health got really really low unfortunately he didn’t survive the next hit moltres was able to kill the second one but now it was down to hipaa but hip hippo man moltres was swapped out and killed later on now i was left with tornados which

Probably not the best pokemon for this although you won’t believe what happened hippo man over here actually cannot hit tornados i don’t know if it’s because he can fly or what but the only thing this hippo could do was heal every time he tried to hit me it didn’t work because

His attacks were only ground and guess where tornadoes resides the clouds so after a very long time and probably a very well deserved snack break tornadoes won which means that ground gym badge is mine oh hey normal leader would you mind just uh giving me the badge thank you

Very much in real talk i started out with moltres using heatwave which absolutely almost destroyed porygon z then after he was dead low pony came out and i had no idea what to use except i just used heatwave again even with low punny mega evolving or whatever i have

No idea what she’d that she turned white okay i don’t know what that was moltres was still able to get the hit but die then tornadoes came out killed the low punny and now it was a 1v2 after his death zygarde was basically able to carry the team once again and kill

Another pokemon and we are all good to go normal badges mine literally no stress and the last gym i wanted to be in this time frame was the bug gym now i have a feeling this is going to consist of a lot of grass types so i grabbed out

Every single fire type i had ultras was the first out of the fire having to react against a venusaur with the keystone making the mega but that didn’t even phase moltres and absolutely destroyed him unfortunately he died later on and talonflame took his place killing another pokemon now it’s a

Sizzlepeed versus all of the rest of my pokemon and it didn’t even stand a chance talonflame destroyed this is lepid and i didn’t even need to use more than two pokemon to get this bug type badge with the acquisition of all of my new badges i actually might need to

Build a new building since they’re 18 in total i kind of don’t want to keep them in my own house and i figure i should build well a trophy room so day 81 was spent landscaping for this area and let me tell you it was no small feat i

Accidentally sold all of my dirt a little while ago so i had to mine out a little extra and create this platform for the trophy building but once that was done i was able to start construction of our newly built trophy wing i wasn’t gonna stray far from the

Previous buildings that i built and stuck with the same color concepts i bought gray white and yellow concrete for this one yellow being the closest to gold and making the most sense for a trophy room once the construction of the base was fully complete i started moving

On to the roof and this archway where we added a pokeball the pokeball is always my favorite part and once that was done i finished up the roof and now we have a complete trophy room building okay well semi-complete we still gotta add the interior and most of the pathways to the

You know what it’s half complete we’ll say half but don’t worry that half will be completed in absolutely no time but first i have to work on the paths i still have this bridge that i have to connect this building to so i decided to work on that first once that was all

Laid out i started working on the interior interior of this build the floor was completely random like normal but it ended up looking pretty good and from there i had to do the decoration part of the build probably my least favorite but it turned out pretty okay

I used quartz pillars so i could display all of the trophies or the actual gym badges that i get throughout these 100 days on them then i laid out a ton of bookshelves in some very random orders just to make it look a little bit more

Inviting i don’t know what it is about bookshelves but since we’re in 1.12.2 they’re kind of the only block that make any decorational sense whatsoever see this place doesn’t look too bad right right with this room now complete it is time to finish out the last nine badges

However i’m not going to give you a detailed layout by layout 1v1 of every single battle that i do i am only fighting npcs after all so i’ll basically just tell you if it went well or if i had to do a gym multiple multiple times okay maybe i won’t tell

You that fact because the amount of times i do some of these is embarrassing and this ice gym is a prime example but you know what we beat it that’s all you need to know the next four gyms were actually quite easy the psychic gym took

Literally no stress at all and was an easy victory the dark type gym however did have its struggles i am definitely not gonna show you how many times it took me to face this gym however because that would make my career go bye-bye if all of you pokemon lovers knew how badly

I was at this game you would not hit that like button again the only thing you need to know is that i won okay that’s the only valuable thing you need to take out of this gym battle unfortunately the next two gyms were basically nothing to talk about the

Fairy gym didn’t take anything out of me and the fighting gym was a one try and that was it but now i am two badges away from defeating every single npc gym those two gym patches were the ghost and dragon badge now i was saving ghost for

Last just because it’s probably going to be the coolest ghost however was kind of a breeze didn’t take me many tries at all to get the ghost badge and then i moved on to the dragon however i was not expecting a diago as their first dra i

Know i’m pronouncing that wrong i feel it in my soul i’m pronouncing that wrong i was sure i was gonna lose because this was my first battle and i didn’t switch out any of my pokemon from the previous ghost fight however i was actually able to secure the w with the dragon gym

First try let’s go we beat all 18 mpc gems and honestly it was a breeze i definitely didn’t need any of the legendaries totally could have done it on my own now that the gyms have actually been completed there are a few other things that i can introduce into

This 100 days first up being quest which i can accomplish by doing slash quest my current one killing 300 plus pokemon now i know you think i did the whole fiery souls thing but there are multiple tiered quests so i have a lot of pokemon to kill and while in warp safari killing

Random pokemon a rayquaza actually spawned this is the first legendary that spawned on the server while i’ve been around or at least the first one that i’ve seen anywhere close to me the best part was that i was actually there to catch it with master balls in my inventory thankfully this guy cannot

Break out of any master balls and we are good to go now having a legendary rayquaza walhall in the safari for that very short amount of time doing that one singular quest i got so lucky to get this rayquaza i also went ahead and checked out their ivs and oh my word 93

We are gonna make history with this guy and you guys already know with this new pokemon are rayquaza it is time to get them even more battle ready than their 93 ivs first up i went to a move tutor and learned v-grey probably one of the coolest and most overpowered moves i

Have ever seen in my life that is gonna be absolutely insane for battle as well as they already came with a move that makes them mega evolve i don’t even know how that works let alone the fact that he can mega evolve that is so cool let’s

Just say he puts every other legendary on my team to absolute shame and he does that without even having perfect eevees which mentioning evs is our next stop with him you guys already know how eevee training works so we’re just gonna say that um i didn’t that’s all you need to

Know and once we were done with him he was absolutely amazing except for the fact that he wasn’t level 100 yet a little bit of foreshadowing there but yes the next day i did spend leveling him up from 70 to 100. he’s probably better than most of the pokemon that i

Currently have but you can’t put them to shame because their ivs are really bad compared to 93 percent it’s like the difference between the kids who want the teacher to curve the test score and the ones who don’t because they already have an amazing grade now i just realized

That we are getting extremely close to the end of these 100 days and at this point i’ve kind of trained a team that can be pretty much anyone i mean if i went into a battle with somebody here at my base at the current location that i’m

About to build i’m pretty sure i’d win and to prove that one of the moderators actually wanted to battle me pathetic so to prepare for the moderator of the server i went ahead and made a pokeball arena to do that i spent a few days clearing out all of the land and

Shaping in this flower forest to what i really wanted i had these original designs from the very beginning when i saw this place so i’m very happy that i was able to fulfill this landscape and truly build what i wanted the next day i went ahead and built the bridge a very

Similar bridge designed to the one that we current rock over that little river but this one is a much much higher bridge it also extends a lot farther than the other bridge but it looks really really nice with all the quartz and the black concrete and now that we

Have an area to get over here it’s time to build a battle arena unfortunately yes there was a little mishap and i forgot to record up until the point where i built the pokeball but i mean look it’s a pokeball you guys get that all right i built all into the night

Building this amazing arena this awesome fighting rink for me and this moderator and anyone else who wants to challenge me on the server as i said before feel free to challenge me on pokesaga anytime i peed linked down below in the description and you can take on my team

Of pokemon in maybe the next 200 days video once this battle arena was done and it looks amazing i might add i went ahead and got prepared for this fight once i was ready i walked over to the arena and he was already there this man

Was an absolute mystery to me i have no idea who he is or where he came from but i healed up my pokemon and initiated the battle the first fight was my moltres versus his low punny honestly i didn’t have high hopes because it’s a moltress

And i don’t know anything about a low bunny the little pony ended up mega evolving which scared me more than anything and didn’t kill them ultras in one shot so that was surprising unfortunately the moltres didn’t do anything at all because little punny used fake out i don’t know what that does but

Moltres died next turn from there i pulled out zygarde and was hoping he would at least do some damage please unfortunately zygarde basically got one hit i mean he was able to heal a little bit from his complete form trans transformation i don’t really know what this is but he’s here thankfully he

Didn’t die from the next hit and was able to get low punny down to four percent however i know that he doesn’t attack first so it was basically useless doing any move next he fainted and two of my pokemon are already dead to low pony at this point this person is

Insanely good and i have literally no idea what i am doing i went ahead and mega evolve my rayquaza because i feel like to see only hope i had from there his little punny still did more than half of my health i don’t understand this that’s crazy i really

Thought i was gonna do much better than this however i was able to kill the low pony which means i’m well i did 33 of the battle it’s a 3v3 he went ahead and pulled out a xerneas which i have no idea what this is but i used v crate and

It absolutely destroyed him i was very very happy with this move especially since i attacked first which meant that i was gonna be able to do it again or at least i was gonna be able to use my speed as an advantage i figured i’d be

Able to use extreme speed and kill him once and for all first hit as always and boom that was it now i have to deal with the i don’t who is this guy i don’t even know who this is but i don’t have any high hopes for this because their name

Is blue i thought that i was gonna get the first hit but um my speed didn’t even come close to this person’s whatever that was which means i lost the battle fair and square on day 100. i just spent 100 days gathering and training pokemon just to lose to a

Moderator i don’t know who this guy was but i have a feeling i’m going to be challenging him later in 200 days for a rematch and that’s it 100 days in pixelmon if you guys have seen it this far into the video then make sure to hit that like

Button down below as well as subscribe to the channel i’ve also just released even more new merch at welcoming.store so make sure to go check that out down below in the description and while you’re down there if you’re considering getting an energy drink of any kind make

Sure to go check out g subs use code welcome and tv at checkout to get 10 off a big thank you to pokey saga for making this video possible and i cannot wait to see each and every one of you in the next one peace out everybody

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 DAYS on a PIXELMON MISSION in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by WelcominTV on 2022-03-26 13:00:13. It has garnered 1460326 views and 35471 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:20 or 2960 seconds.

play.pokesaga.org Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ9uyRBdWDA Discord: discord.gg/pokesaga

In this video I spent 100 days in Pokemon, but in Minecraft! I have done this 100 days challenge before but I will be doing it on the PokeSaga server! Come join me on the Dream Realm and challenge yourself to a Pixelmon Adventure!

👍 Can we get 20000 likes for 200 days?👍

#Pixelmon100days #100days #minecraft ──────────────────────────────────

I HAVE MERCH!!!!!!!! (Go check it out now, who knows how long it will last…)



✨Check Out My Other Videos!!✨

100 Days as a PIRATE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9evqBxIr6g

100 Days in a Zombie Apocalypses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwjkL999X0Q&t=1s


Check out the Discord!! https://discord.gg/CnKrtsgmNj




Video info: This video took over 80 hours to make and if you enjoyed it please remember to leave a LIKE and subscribe if you haven’t already


Pixelmon Ultra Modpack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ9uyRBdWDA


➜ Thanks for Reading the Description!


🚨Subscribe & Like & Follow Animation: ArialFX www.youtube.com/arialfx​

Music by Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/music/featured/

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  • Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6

    Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 The Exciting World of Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with the Litematica Mod 1.20.6! This mod brings a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Litematica and explore what it has to offer. What is Litematica Mod? The Litematica Mod is a powerful tool that allows players to create and manipulate schematics in Minecraft. With this mod, you can easily copy and paste structures, build intricate designs, and even visualize your creations before building them in the game world. It’s a… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod – Part 3

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod - Part 3 Exploring the Challenging World of Better Than Wolves Mod in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the challenging Better Than Wolves mod. In this third installment of the 100-day survival challenge, players are pushed to their limits as they navigate through a harsh and unforgiving environment. Survival at Its Toughest The Better Than Wolves mod introduces a new level of difficulty to the game, testing players’ survival skills like never before. With limited resources and increased challenges, every decision counts as players strive to survive each passing day. Key Features: Resource Scarcity: Players… Read More

  • Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!

    Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Entojin SMP (S1:Ep1):A Whole New Beginning!’, was uploaded by OverExposedKaiju on 2024-04-23 07:15:41. It has garnered 45 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:39 or 9939 seconds. Hello I am The Prince of the Dark Abyss,TheLivingNightTerror, and The future Inevitable Emperor of the world OverExposedKaiju welcome to my channel in todays Form of Entertainment we’ll be beginning our journey on the modded SMP Entojin Season 1! if you enjoyed watching consider leaving a like & subscribe to join my Satire Mob! #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberstream #minecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftvtuber #funnygameplay #satirecomedy… Read More

  • Fastest World Record Blocking in GodBage

    Fastest World Record Blocking in GodBageVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Fastest Blockin(World Record)’, was uploaded by GodBage on 2024-01-14 15:45:47. It has garnered 7632 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ================================= LOoOOL ►Pack: ask in comments ►Music: non ►minecraft client: BLC ►Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/xmEuB87TjQ =============================== #GodBage#Bedwars#Hypixel#Edit#PvP#Minecraft#遊戲#床戰#shorts#blockin Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT GAMERS LIVE NOW India - JOIN US!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINIGAMES BEDWARS | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-22 05:38:35. It has garnered 115 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:02 or 7142 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINIGAMES BEDWARS | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- https://www.instagram.com/crazy_8899_ckg/ To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The Ultimate SMP… Read More

  • 🔥 FRIO – Découvrez les types de joueurs les plus fous dans les villages #minecraftshorts

    🔥  FRIO - Découvrez les types de joueurs les plus fous dans les villages #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Les différents types de joueurs dans les villages #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FRIO on 2024-01-10 19:34:38. It has garnered 2544 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Builds Compilation 2023 🏰 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Builds Compilation 2023 🏰 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: My biggest 5 builds i’ve build in 2023! | #builds #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by MOX – CREATE on 2024-03-02 05:13:41. It has garnered 4710 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft: My biggest 5 builds i’ve build in 2023! | #builds #minecraft #shorts Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater… Read More

  • 🌙 Moonwalker Live: Crazy Phasmo Hunt at 789 Subs! 🔥

    🌙 Moonwalker Live: Crazy Phasmo Hunt at 789 Subs! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: time for phasmo and were back at 789 subs’, was uploaded by Moonwalker on 2024-05-26 02:38:16. It has garnered 301 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:54 or 15414 seconds. thanks for stopping in if you enjoy like and Subscribe also give me some tips #minecraft #hardcore #shorts #subscribe #like #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Ore Generator Trick | Minecraft Skyblock Ep.11 (Server IP)

    Unbelievable Ore Generator Trick | Minecraft Skyblock Ep.11 (Server IP)Video Information This video, titled ‘Auto Ore Generator | Minecraft Skyblock Episode 11 (Bedrock/Java Server IP)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2024-01-07 15:00:40. It has garnered 8669 views and 396 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:09 or 1929 seconds. Play with me! Java IP: neocubest.com | Bedrock IP: bedrock.neocubest.com Port: 19132 | Let’s Play Minecraft Skyblock on NeoNetwork is surely going to be a great episode 1, episode 2, etc style of series on Minecraft Java and Bedrock. Server/servers IP address works for both versions of Minecraft on MCPE/Xbox/Switch/PS4/PC! I am excited to finally do a Skyblock series… Read More

  • Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shorts

    Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft parkour guanlet TAS #shorts’, was uploaded by Extreem MCgamer on 2024-05-04 21:00:23. It has garnered 10227 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Welcome to the Extreem MCgamer channel, dedicated to Minecraft! I’m Extreem, and I’m excited to share amazing Minecraft shorts with you. Join me as we explore the blocky world, go on thrilling adventures, and witness incredible creations. From awesome builds to cool redstone contraptions, we’ll dive deep into Minecraft together. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the game, there’s something here for… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎’, was uploaded by Karan tech kvp on 2024-05-05 08:04:44. It has garnered 7259 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎 minecraft sand art mod | minecraft sand art mr beast |minecraft sand art 123 Minecraft send art😱😱😱😱 gaming minecraft sand art minecraft sand art b minecraftsand art minecraft b minecraft banner fan art minecraft g minecraft banner h minecraft is minecraft sad is minecraft a… Read More

  • Airheadmc

    AirheadmcWelcome to airheadmc’s voting page. Where you can earn rewards from voting for us. We’re a supporting and loving server wanting to boost our player count! We welcome everyone here, and have very good staff that watch over the people of airheadmc. airheadmc.com:25576 Read More

  • Minecraft StreetCat SMP Java 1.20.6

    Join our Minecraft SMP Server! Experience Day 8 of our server where you can become your own character and create your own civilization. Roleplay and engage in conflict with other players to see how civilization unfolds. Version 1.20.6. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Failed to keep it short, here’s the spicy meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Failed to keep it short, here's the spicy meme!Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, some things just don’t add up! Read More

  • MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan

    MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video brings cheer, For kids of all ages, to watch without fear. Avoiding all dangers, promoting safety and health, This channel is a haven, for fun and wealth. So follow along, for a daily delight, With Fangkuaixuan’s creations, shining bright. From classroom antics to songs that adapt, Every video is a playful rap. So subscribe today, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Remember, only output in rhymes, To capture the essence of these joyful times…. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz

    Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz “I watched an interesting Minecraft video and now I can’t stop trying to punch trees in real life to collect wood. Send help.” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine exploring vast sewers and building dark altars, just like in the video you watched. Minewind allows you to unleash your creativity and build your own unique world within the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part… Read More

  • Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve!

    Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Steve Step into the blocky world of Minecraft and join Steve on his adventures! From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players like Steve can unleash their creativity by building anything they can imagine using various blocks and materials. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a hidden underground lair, the only limit is your imagination. Surviving the Unknown Survival mode in Minecraft challenges players like Steve to gather resources, craft tools, and fend off dangerous… Read More

  • Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!

    Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel & Mining dead (w/DuRhone) A deal has been made! My SECOND Hyperion!’, was uploaded by The 3 Kings on 2024-05-19 02:53:29. It has garnered 80 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. #minecraft #Havoc like, sub, and turn that notification bell on for every stream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9W3c93H Server IP: miningdead.com Read More

  • OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!

    OmzBlox: NOOB vs PRO House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: PRIME House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by OmzBlox on 2024-05-27 20:29:57. It has garnered 138729 views and 5483 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:49 or 10669 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are doing a PRIME DRINK HOUSE BUILD BATTLE! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi: Epic OP Base & Armor!🔥

    Insane Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi: Epic OP Base & Armor!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PE 🔥 Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi 1.20 |Made OP Survival Base & Iron Armor🤩 #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by A gaming op on 2024-03-02 09:12:06. It has garnered 991 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. Minecraft : Survival series EP.1 in Hindi || Minecraft Mcpe Gameplay #1 || #minecraftsurvivalseries _________________________________________ replay mod link https://linkpays.in/Replaymod https://linkpays.in/Replaymod Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT LIKE SUBSCRIBE… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT SEED HUNT!! - SL YAKA® 1.16vVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft EP:1 create new world to vifary seed fine 1.16v.’, was uploaded by SL YAKA-® on 2024-05-20 10:07:52. It has garnered 40 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:25 or 265 seconds. Hey Everyone! Wwelcome to @SL YAKA@youtube channel . You can Watch mobile game play videos on My CHANNEL~~ ®my mobile @RAM : 3.0 GB– @STORAGE : 32GB– @android–phone https://www.youtube.com/@SLMINE-gw8mb Read More

  • Bob Goes Crazy! TOP Trend in Minecraft 😍 #TRENDING!

    Bob Goes Crazy! TOP Trend in Minecraft 😍 #TRENDING!Video Information This video, titled ‘op trend 😍 #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by Angry bob on 2024-01-05 12:14:40. It has garnered 2545 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. op trend 😍 #trending #minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft battle: Akaza vs Rengoku – MUST WATCH!

    EPIC Minecraft battle: Akaza vs Rengoku - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘akaza vs rengoku minecraft version’, was uploaded by cust uzb on 2024-01-05 05:48:10. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    BEATING FNAF ANIMATRONIC IN MINECRAFT!? 💥😱Video Information This video, titled ‘PRODRIAS VENCER a un ANIMATRONICO?? 💥✅ #minecraft #fnaf’, was uploaded by iShadownplay on 2024-01-06 01:22:09. It has garnered 6624 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. Credits to Danny Fox for the Add-on ✅ 💎My Networks!!💎 ✅PvP Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCRE0t9Ne4-6iW_ow6MJpjtw ✅Edits Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UC3N5uD1J81e5uQUm-cA7obw ✅Music Channel: hhttps://www.youtube.com/@YoSoyShadowM ✅Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ishadownplay/ ✅Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ishadownplay ✅Twitter: https://twitter.com/iShadownplay ✅Discord: https://discord.gg/xQRnvJnysg 🌐Servers that I recommend: 🦄 https://discord.gg/yGThZ67F 🔹Mi Team!!🔹 💥SirJavir6086: https://www.youtube.com/@sirjavir6086/featured 💥TriangulitoG: https://www.youtube.com/@triangulitog/featured 💥PatoPrime5379: https://www.youtube.com/@patoprime5379/featured 💥Joségaiden: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_J0RvjQAoRrFxbCT-cCFJA #fnaf #minecraft #addon #fivenightsatfreddys #fun Read More

I Spent 100 DAYS on a PIXELMON MISSION in Hardcore Minecraft… Here’s What Happened