I Spent $10,000 to Destroy this Minecraft Server.. Here’s How..

Video Information

This is a booster cookie and I’m about to break Minecraft’s biggest server by spending over ten thousand dollars on them you see over the last three years I’ve spent nearly 3 000 hours playing on a server that you might have heard of before called Hypixel Skyblock and during those 3000 hours I’ve been

Playing the server’s hardest game mode known as Iron Man which forces you to grind for everything entirely by yourself which has led to me doing some pretty insane things such as spending over a thousand hours grinding for this stick but today I’ve officially had enough of all of that and it’s time to

See what life is like on the other side so I’m gonna be restarting completely from scratch and attempting to become as overpowered as possible in as little time as possible by abusing pay to win to the absolute maximum and so the first thing I did was purchase a brand new

Minecraft account because of course I did not want this absolutely shameful Behavior to be associated with my main and I spent quite a bit of time trying to come up with a name that no one would ever be able to guess was me before eventually landing on this masterpiece

But with everything now set up on this new account I logged into Skyblock created a brand new profile and headed over to the hub to begin paying to win unfortunately it turns out that the game literally doesn’t give you access to pay to win until you have at least five

Hours of play time so I went back to my Island and started trying to set up a simple AFK pool that I could just spend the rest of the night in we got it w Wait what you need a slap oh and the slab goes right there right yeah this is

Right we’re good we’re good we got it oh okay uh this is so scarf this is so scuffed I know we got it we got it we got it right all right now we leave this for the next uh we leave this the next five hours so after spending the night

AFK on my Island I made my way back to the Hub in the morning to check if my little strategy had worked I I actually didn’t check yesterday but I think I should have been AFK for five hours so let’s hope this works oh all right we’re in baby we’re in

We’re in wait where do I don’t even know I’ve never bought a cookie from here in my life and this is where those booster cookies that I mentioned before come into play because you see on the Hypixel store there’s no option to directly buy coins or items instead you’re only able

To buy something called gems and with these gems the main item that you’re able to buy is the booster cookie which when consumed will give you a bunch of cool abilities for the next four days which is nice and all but how exactly am

I gonna use those to pay to win well if I come over here to this man named the bazaar you’ll be able to see that booster cookies can actually be sold to other players so while I may not be able to directly buy coins from Hypixel themselves I can essentially just use

The bazaar here as a middleman to accomplish the same goal which actually leads into my next problem because in order to actually unlock the ability to use the bazaar I would first have to hit Level 7 in farming foraging and Mining what do I wait what are you supposed to

Farm with initially hey rookie ho uh I need 10 coins wait how do I get how do I get 10 coins oh my God being poor is so weird thankfully 10 coins isn’t too hard to come by and I was able to just Farm wheat for a couple of seconds sell it to

The farm Merchant and buy myself a rookie ho and then with that rookie hoe I just had to farm for a couple of minutes and boom just like that farming level 7 was acquired then to get my mining level up I Enchanted a very basic golden shovel and just mined a ton of

Sand and then finally to get my foraging level up I was able to purchase a jungle ax off of the auction house for only 480 coins and then use that to quickly Farm the oak trees in the hub and now that I had access to the bazaar it was time to

Start buying and selling some cookies and even though this was literally still in the first hour of the profile I wasn’t messing around because like I said at the beginning of this video we’re trying to progress as fast as possible so I opened up the Hypixel store purchased myself 500 worth of gems

And started selling some cookies oh my God oh my God okay wait wait we see just goes down 60 I’m getting 67 million per 12 right now will this crash the price how strong is the cookie economy it’s holding up wait the cookie economy is strong man it’s literally not dropping

At all 67 mil despite my excitement at the cookie economy holding strong though it didn’t take too long for me to run into my next issue you may only purchase 192 cookies per day wait I literally maxed out cookies I literally can’t buy any more cookies thankfully I still

Managed to Come Away with a total of 500 million coins which was pretty good considering that would usually take your average profile literally hundreds of hours to accumulate obviously though just having a bunch of coins wasn’t the goal of my challenge so I made my way over to the auction house to start

Purchasing some gear and this is where the challenge starts to get very interesting because this wasn’t going to be as simple as just buying the best possible item that I could afford since the vast majority of Skyblock items have either some sort of level or challenge

Requirement in order to use them and and obviously since this was a completely new profile I wasn’t going to be meeting many of these requirements so I would need to strategically purchase items that had no requirements while also still being at least decent in the stats Department after quite a bit of research

Though I managed to Come Away with a setup that was surprisingly decent consisting of all three pieces of the elegant tuxedo a werewolf helmet and most notably the emerald blade which was the perfect weapon for my situation since the damage it does is based on how

Many coins you have and when I went to do a damage test with all this new stuff I was able to do about 60 000 damage a hit which wasn’t too bad for someone who had just hit combat level one but I knew that I could still get this number up a

Lot higher so I decided to invest about 200 million coins into some accessories which are items that give you an increasingly better stat boost as they go up in Rarity unfortunately as it turns out these also have a skill requirement requires combat 35 live everything’s minimum combat 15. okay we

Need to get combat level then and usually at this stage of the game a player’s options for grinding combat level would be extremely limited but since my setup was so far superior to the average early game player I was actually able to kill all the way up to

The third tier Zombie Slayer boss which got me all the way up to combat level 12 in only about 20 minutes now keep in mind the leveling system on Hypixel is exponential so the higher you get in level the more XP it requires to get to

The next one but I only needed to hit combat level 15 before I would unlock the ability to use a bunch of new items and go to a bunch of new areas in the game so I had already made some significant progress for just my first

Day and on day two I took things to the next level when I dropped another 300 on gems and maxed out booster cookies for the second day in a row why did I need all these coins though well it turns out that Skyblock pads don’t have any

Requirements so I was about to buy the the Ender Dragon Pet the second best damage pet in the entire game you want me to do a test with the m blade before I buy it 112k okay that’s what we’re doing with the m Blade with 645 mil okay

I’m telling you like the coins actually don’t make as big a difference as we thought I when I only had like 100 Mil left we were still doing like fine damage all right I’m buying it screw it doesn’t have a tear boost on it right screw it there it is minus 580 million

Coins so in terms of IRL dollars just this one thing right here was about 464 US Dollars now the question is if when we switch to Ender Dragon will our damage happen more than before um okay so we actually were doing more damage with with just the coins then with the

Ender Dragon itself so obviously the Ender Dragon turned out to not be my greatest investment but hopefully it would prove itself more useful later down the line in the meantime though I shifted my focus to hitting combat level 15 which would unlock access to dungeons for me and in

Turn allow me to start progressing towards the main goal of this challenge you see since Hypixel Skyblock is basically a never-ending RPG I kinda had to set the end goal for myself somewhere otherwise I would just be wasting money forever so in order to complete this

Challenge I would need to solo all seven of the dungeon floors as well as the highest tier of each of the five Slayer bosses but make no mistake this was not going to be easy because not only are those things I haven’t even done on my 3

000 hour profile yet but dungeons in particular was literally designed to be played with a team of five people so I had quite the tall task in front of me but first I needed to actually be able to get into dungeons so I finished up the grind to combat 15 made a couple

Small changes to my gear here and then hopped into my first ever solo dungeon run we’re giving it a shot three-fourths talks a tarantula helmet and a flower of truth but we do have the E drag pet what wait what class do I play what class do I play what’s my best

Bet Berserker okay I’ll go Berserker then I think I clicked tank at the end no rap was darker okay oh yep I took one step into the dungeon and immediately died so obviously we needed to make some changes thankfully though now that I had gotten my combat level up a bit I had

Access to a ton of New Gear so I purchased another hundred dollars worth of cookies to get my coins up a little bit and then upgraded to a set of three strong Dragon pieces and the tarantula helmet and then I hopped into another dungeon run to see if this new setup

Would solve my problems also quick side note at the very beginning of my run sometimes you might see another person in there that’s just because the game literally won’t let you start the run without at least one other person in the party but don’t worry I always had the

Other player either leave or die as soon as the Run starts all right we got this we got this if I get one shot immediately you guys oh sweet so far so good maybe so far so good we’re not doing too much damage I didn’t take too much damage there either

Honestly the damage isn’t terrible to like to these mobs we’re doing like 100k for being literally cat of zero I think that’s not that bad you’re also using an Ender Dragon Pet true I do have a legendary Ender Dragon Pet that might be uh might be boosting things in my favor

A small amount okay wrong blood already we’re on blood oh wait wait this is not free wait wait the right click on the fot is so op I can literally just train them my damage is so low okay last one boom we got it we got it let’s go

Let’s go entrance completed hey it’s a c but we passed it counts baby that counts and just like that my first solo dungeon run of the challenge had been completed except not really because that was only the entrance floor of dungeons which is basically just a warm-up to the actual

Thing but now that I had completed it I could start doing the actual dungeon floor so I entered floor one okay let’s give it a try let’s give it a try let’s see how this goes okay remember it’s just completion we don’t need like any particular score whatever it’s just a

Matter of completing it okay here we go okay this is this is a first mini boss I think right this will be the first test here oh we got this we got this we got this oh now I doubters you’re in trouble I think we’ve got this I think we’ve got

This that was a little bit too easy and the rest of the main clear phase went just as smoothly so now all that was left was the floor one boss Bonzo okay come on there’s gonna be a lot of HP for me to work through maybe though

Oh no we’re good we’re good we’re good oh no we’re good we’re good we’re good castle of stone there let’s go let’s go floor one done we did it baby too easy all right entrance and floor one we actually just like wiped through those and now I had officially completed

The first part of my Challenge and with how well that first floor had gone I decided to just hop straight into a floor too as well and see what happens and similarly to floor one the main clear phase of the dungeon run went extremely well so it would just come

Down to if I could successfully do this boss fight on my first try but the Floor 2 boss fight was gonna be a big step up in difficulty oh no oh no okay I got priests I got priests I got priests warriors dead warriors dead oh no no

Okay that guy’s dead oh no I don’t have enough damage oh no oh no no oh my God oh my God so the first floor to attempt was a failure but I was mostly encouraged because I had gotten way closer to beating it than I thought I would and while looking into gear

Upgrades the next day I found out that one of the best mage weapons in the game the Midas staff somehow didn’t have a requirement so I purchased another 200 worth of cookies and went all in on getting an awesome Mage setup consisting of three pieces of wise dragon armor

Dark goggles and of course the Midas staff and then it was time to give this floor to boss fight another try alright here we go Moment of Truth oh no the priest the priest come on definitely take a lot more damage with this but to watch the damage we take I

Think we got I think we got I think we got I think we got it I’m keeping my distance we got him we got him we got him come on come on I’m like out of man I’m out of Mana one more one more hit hey there it is

There it is let’s go that is floor two completed baby hey and I got an S make so I had now completed the first two goals of my Challenge and things were seemingly going great maybe actually too great because the next day I ran into a

Very big problem you see I had started to hear rumors that the server just wouldn’t let you spend more than fifteen hundred dollars a month on their store and I was already at 1100 spent after only four days so if that was true it was going to be a massive problem and so

Since that issue seemed the most urgent I decided to investigate it first the only way I knew how by spending eight hundred dollars on gems to see if I would hit the limit it’s not stopping me guys guys this limit does not exist did I just get baited into spending 800 nope

There it is okay so if we re-log again there you go 131 000 Skyblock gems so yeah the limit just didn’t exist and I got baited into spending 800 bucks on the bright side though I was once again able to sell the full daily limit of 192 cookies and get

A massive purse stacked up of over 500 million coins which meant that for the first time I could do a damage test with both the massive purse and my Ender Dragon Pet oh wait that’s not that’s way that’s better than I thought 208k 208k that is not bad but then it was

Time to shift my focus back to the main challenge so I spent some of the coins on upgrading my setup including buying some new accessories as well as some utility items for Dungeons and then I began my first attempt at a solo floor 3 dungeon and to my surprise the clear

Phase of the dungeon once again went really smoothly so it was just gonna come down to how I did in the boss fight okay come on okay I’m at a man already I’m out of man already oh no not ideal not ideal oh yikes I’m getting farmed in the corner I’m

Getting farmed in the corner yeah the fight didn’t go great partially because I had just totally forgotten the mechanics of how it worked but also because my current gear probably just wasn’t good enough and after Consulting with some of my viewers we decided that my best option would be to switch to the

Archer class because to put it simply it’s just broken but in order to get the most use out of the Archer class I was gonna want a JuJu short bow to be able to use the juju shortbow though I would need to hit Enderman Slayer level 3. but

Before I could even begin to do Enderman Slayer I first had to kill a tier 4 wolf Slayer boss thankfully the tier 4 wolf boss actually happens to be pretty easy so that wasn’t too bad hey we got it we got it that was easy and that actually

Marks another goal complete for our challenge anyways though now it was time to start working towards Enderman Slayer level 3. unlike Wolf’s Lair though Enderman Slayer is extremely difficult and even the tier 2 boss will do some heavy damage but I thought I might be

Able to take one down if I utilize my Mage setup and just try to keep my distance from the thing so it didn’t even get a chance to hit me okay do the hits phase do the hits phase for me okay wait this is actually working

Oh my God it’s wait we’re actually there oh lag oh wait oh that was close that was close I forgot about the beacons I forgot about the beacons I don’t have a hey let’s go and now that I could kill tier 2 Enderman it only took about another 20 minutes to hit Enderman

Slayer level three okay we gotta turn it in this should be the one though e-man three hey there we go Enderman Slayer three so we collect this now and we should now be able to go buy a jujubo 51.3 mil boom there it is we purchased it before

I could use my new overpowered Archer setup though I had another massive problem that I needed to deal with because in only a couple of hours Derpy was going to be elected as the mayor of Skyblock and one of his perks would shut down the auction house for the entire

Five days that he was in office which basically meant that I wouldn’t be able to buy any new upgrades for my setup during that time so in order to prepare I used the leftover gems I had from my purchase of 800 the day before and maxed

Out cookies again which got me up to over 800 million coins and so of course I had to do another damage test with my Emerald blade okay let’s see now come on 300K 296 oh my God we are so close we are right on the door of 300K I just 297. I

Just want to hit 300K we’re so close that’s crazy nearly 300 000 damage on a profile that I think probably has like less than 10 hours of play time if you don’t include the five hours of AFK I did at the very beginning of it but then

I went on a massive buying spree spending nearly half a billion coins just trying to buy anything that I might want over those next five days including new armor sets weapons pretty much anything you could think of and once I felt like I was fully prepped for the

Incoming Derpy apocalypse I took my brand new Archer setup and gave floor 3 another shot all right here we go get them low and then kill get him low and then kill I’m ready to go we got it this time okay okay oh I killed on accident I gotta go I

Gotta go fast now I did way too much damage Come on I can’t reach it are we good I got I got it I got I got it I got it I think we’re good I think we’re good okay now just Professor come on We got him we got him we got him we got him he’s done he’s done Forget him is he dead is he bugged out go mid will he come back are you kidding me I broke it you have got to be kidding me oh mate wait wait maybe maybe if we pull out the Mage gear oh it’s hitting him it’s hitting him

We’re getting it we’re getting him we’re getting him almost oh we got it we got it we got it okay now Focus him again oh God oh God oh God not now don’t choke now don’t choke now I got it right that’s it oh my God we did it we did it shockingly

Despite me managing to completely bug out the boss fight I was able to successfully solo floor 3 and complete another goal of the challenge and the next day marked day number one of the Auction House lockdown so I literally spent the entire day just grinding out

Zombie Slayer until I was able to hit combat level 24 which would now allow me to use the Frozen Blaze armor set that I had purchased the day before and when used in combination with a blaze pet this armor set actually is one of the

Best in the entire game so to have it on only day eight of my profile was actually insane and then on day 9 I spent some time trying to max out this armor set to the best of my ability since I assumed I’d be using it for

Quite some time and once I was happy with it I jumped into my first ever solo floor 4 attempt to see if this setup was worth the hype now what are the odds I walk into this room right now and immediately get one shot hopefully not

The let’s see oh no we’re good oh my God oh my God wait wait this is not bad at all oh my God 1.5 mil damage wait that that seems really good to me and as you can probably imagine with this op setup the rest of the clear phase went flawlessly

And once again it all came down to the boss fight hopefully this goes well okay so is any one of these spots in the stands good like is a decoy here fine I’m trusting you it’s down okay now I stay up in the stands here and shoot down on them right

Now how do I get an angle where I can hit them though oh Spirit chicken I gotta watch out for these because these will insta kill me right I forget how I know him dude it’s been so long since I’ve done a floor four I don’t remember

How I know when the bear spawns in oh it’s because these lights go all around right the bear should be here right oh there he is do I want to go down to him We’re actually not doing too bad down here foreign what did it hit it hit one of the mobs

Oh my God yeah I hit a cow I hit a cow okay where is it at okay there we go hit number one hit number one three to go three to go wait I’m actually good down here boom there we go number two halfway there halfway there okay we got it we

Got it foreign what what was that I was actually a scam please no troll please no troll thank God okay last one holy one more one more go for trick shot absolutely not we’ve been here for 40 minutes okay here’s the bow okay come on let’s go

Let’s go only took 38 minutes and 19 seconds but the solo floor 4 has been completed definitely took a bit longer than I had expected but nonetheless that was officially another goal completed for our challenge before I could attempt a solo floor 5 though I would first need

To hit catacombs level 14 so I was gonna have to run some more of these floor fours fortunately though it’s only my first run of each dungeon floor that has to be solo so now I could go back and run these with a party which would make

The whole process a lot faster first though I noticed that the price of booster cookies had increased by a lot so in order to try and capitalize on this I purchased and sold another hundred dollars worth of them then I ran those floor four dungeons until I had

Gotten my cattle level up high enough and now it was time to attempt my first solo floor five let’s get started baby let’s get started oh oh that is some damage wait aside from the mob seemingly taking a small step up in the damage Department though

The main clear went pretty good as it usually does and so of course it was time to see how I would fare in the boss fight let’s do it baby okay head to the middle here head to the middle here we go they’re spawning in all right let’s okay we can see the

Correct livid here oh wait this is this is pretty big damage here wait this is a lot of damage oh oh I’m trying I’m trying my best I’m trying my best we don’t have enough we don’t have enough Health we do not have enough health for this oh

This one’s gonna be tough I did notice that I had gotten the boss down to about half of its HP so I came to the conclusion that damage wasn’t my problem and I just needed to focus on getting some more healing so the next day I did

Exactly that and worked on getting a ton of new healing items that would hopefully put me over the edge for this floor five boss fight and in the process I also happened to kill the highest tier of Spider Slayer boss which similar to the wolf’s Lair one isn’t really that

Difficult but nevertheless that is another goal complete for our challenge before making another attempt at the solo floor 5 though I actually first purchased and sold another 400 worth of booster cookies because I had a pretty insane experiment I was gonna start working on the next day but now with my

Purse looking very healthy once again it was time to reattempt this solo floor 5 and see if these healing items would be enough to put me over the edge all right it’s time it’s time okay where’s the one I’m looking for there he is there he is Where’s he at where’s he at where’s he at where’s he at ow Okay I think I should have the right one on now we got this we got this we got this he’s so low he’s so low Come on we got him 500k 500K where’s he at where’s he at He’s back to you he’s going all over wait how do I get him I can’t hit him he’s so low he’s so low we got him we got him we got him let’s go let’s go we got it let’s go that was a little bit I honestly thought

All this extra regen was gonna make that super easy that was still a little bit harder than I expected it to be yet another goal for the challenge complete leaving me with only two more dungeon floors and three more Slayer bosses to solo but from this point forward there

Were no more easy goals to check off everything I had left would be extremely difficult to beat at the start of day 12 though I decided to take the pay to win on this account to a whole other level when I began the minion experiment you

See earlier this year a new minion had been added to Skyblock known as The Inferno minion and if I were to tell you that these things were insanely expensive that would be a massive understatement in fact these minions cost so much money that on my 3 000 hour

Account where I have to grind for everything myself there’s a pretty good chance that I will never get to use these things which is why I thought it would be a great idea to use this pay to win account as an opportunity to use them for a week but you might be

Wondering exactly how expensive are these things though well just to purchase five low tier ones it cost me over 600 million coins but it doesn’t end there because then in order to give them a chance to produce the actual good drops that can be worth money you have

To buy fuel for them that cost an additional 200 million coins a day so this seven day experiment was gonna cost me around 2 billion coins to conduct but if the minions managed to produce some of the rare drops I was looking for believe it or not it could actually end

Up being profitable but just getting these things set up was already draining my purse so I invested another 400 into cookies to get my money back up unfortunately day one of the experiment was pretty tragic with me only getting one single decent drop from the Minions that was worth about 25 million coins

But I was still holding out hope that the upcoming six days might be a little bit better in the meantime though I return my focus to dungeons because before I attempted my first solo floor 6 I wanted to grind up to cattle level 20 because I knew this wasn’t going to be

Easy so I needed every little Advantage I could get now that I could run floor fives with the party though it went super fast and within an hour I already had all the XP that I needed before starting up the solo run though I decided to purchase the diamond floor 6

Head which while expensive at a whopping 200 million coins could end up proving vital to my completion because this thing would give me a huge stats boost but purchasing it did totally break my bank once again so I bought another 400 worth of cookies because I still needed

To keep those minions fueled for another six days with all of that now sorted though I hopped into my solo floor 6 run cleared through the main stage of the dungeon run with ease and then entered into the boss room well I’ll switch to I’ll switch to Diamond Head after tears are in

Now do I want to be in hallway or where do I want to be don’t come in uh oh okay I’m trying to live still here portal portal portal okay okay oh no no I’m just gonna spam for the lifestyle I’m just going for the lifesteal I’m just going for Life steal

Come on come on now they’re gonna come back alive right come on come on oh let’s go do I stay in port or do I stay in Portal or do I get out of here oh no no no move around move around okay okay one of

Them’s low one of them’s low I don’t know no they’re all four still alive wait there’s one there’s first one Jolly pink giant is really low I can kill this right now I can kill this right now there we go two down two down Bigfoot does a bunch of HP but now it’s

Just a 1v1 don’t do Golems don’t do gobs okay okay no gobs no gobs no Golems okay all right all right oh my God oh my God oh no no no did I hit a Golem no we’re good we’re good halfway oh my God that’s big damage oh that’s big damage

Whatever move he’s using right there it does do huge damage to us come on I think I got I think I got I think I got it I’m going in for it let’s go let’s go only took 35 minutes and 10 seconds but first attempt hey don’t ever doubt me

Again baby that’s what I said let’s go oh my god let’s go yeah honestly I still can’t believe I somehow managed to do that on my first try but I did it and with that goal now complete I only had one more dungeon floor that I needed to

Solo but on day 14 I actually decided to take a little bit of a break from all the dungeon stuff and see if I could maybe take down the higher tier Enderman Slayers so I dropped another 300 on cookies bought myself a bunch of new

Gear and gave a tier 3 a shot for the first time okay that spawned it that spawned it oh my God okay it’s a lot of damage okay wait I’m literally gonna get two shot by this thing I’m gonna be in I’m in so much trouble I’m in there’s

Just yeah there was just no way and with how poorly that went I was basically ready to just throw in the towel there but then one of my viewers gave me a tip that there was something called an admin soul that you could purchase off of the auction house and use a special

Technique to summon that could potentially be capable of just doing the bosses for you and this sounded way too good to be true but I figured it was worth the shot anyway so I bought one and summoned it in oh I got it I got it

I got it I got it I got it I got it let’s go how much damage does Hypixel do I wonder if Hypixel can still oh my God wait Hypixel does do some crate wait it’s doing like 800k a hit holy this soul is actually a giga Chad my God okay

Now Goblin wither cloak all right let’s see hifix will go to work let’s see hifix will go to work baby it’s working though it’s working is this literally all I have to do oh my God wait this thing is actually so this thing is so broken look at him going he did it

Oh my God actual Chad oh my God what a Chad so yes the Hypixel admin Soul was capable of killing the tier 3 boss entirely by itself while I just sat back and watched but now the real question was would it work for the tier four okay there we go

There we go jaggered on him it took me way too long to get aggrid on it okay come on now I have to actually focus on staying alive wait it’s actually doing pretty good damage on it okay laser phase I thought it should be easier in third

Person where are they at okay down to 150 mil with three with three minutes left down to 100 oh down to 80 mil two minutes to go pretty good Pace pretty good Pace you got this High pixel admin so come on gotta watch for this Beacon he’s gonna throw it

Okay my remnants are popular I don’t I can’t see these heads I can’t see these heads oh God my remnants are popping like crazy I’m messing this face up I don’t know how this phase works I don’t know how this phase works I don’t understand this I don’t understand the heads I don’t

Understand the heads it killed it it killed it it killed it oh my God I got it it got it and to really put into perspective just how game breaking that was a couple of days later the admins patched it but hey it still counts so that was another goal completed for our

Challenge I actually ended up deciding to continue doing Enderman Slayer anyways though because if I could get up to level seven I would unlock the ability to use the Terminator which was basically just like the juju shorpo I was already using but on steroids but now that the summoning method had been

Patched by the admins I needed to figure out a new way to kill tier fours so over the next few days I invested a ton of time and a ridiculous amount of money into getting a gigamax setup for Enderman Slayer it did actually kind of end up paying off though because I was

Eventually able to solo tier fours with it but at that point I also realized that grinding Enderman Slayer level 7 was just gonna take way too long and so I instead opted to make a bunch of ridiculously maxed Juju short bows that were just way Overkill spending about

Half a billion coins in the process and keep in mind I was still paying that 200 million coins a day to keep those Inferno minions fueled at this point so just over the course of these four days I had to drop another 1400 on cookies which might have you

Thinking again hey whatever happened to The Inferno minion experiment like how did that turn out well to put it simply terrible I did get a couple of rare drops from them over the course of the week but in total I think I easily lost like 600 or 700 million coins on the

Fuel alone so yeah definitely not my best decision but hey I guess I made the mistake so you guys don’t have to on the bright side though on day 19 a very interesting opportunity presented itself because For the First time during this challenge a fire sale for an exclusive

Cosmetic skin had begun and the reason that this was a big opportunity is because these skins can usually be sold for a very high premium on the auction house meaning that I could get way more coins out of my IRL money than I usually would by just buying and selling cookies

Now on the flip side of things though if the price of the skin ended up crashing over the next few days before I was able to sell all the ones I purchased it could actually end up being worse than just buying cookies but that was a risk

That I was willing to take so I went big and invested 600 into purchasing 69 of these RGB skins and then I sold off a couple of them immediately just to make sure I would at least get some coins out of this investment but for the rest of

Them I was planning to hold on until I really needed the coins at this point though I felt like I was finally ready to return to Dungeons and attempt my first ever solo floor 7. and so naturally there was a massive dungeons bug that started completely wiping people’s inventories and the admins just

Shut the whole thing down so I needed to find some stuff to keep me occupied for the next couple of days and the first I decided to do was grind up to Wolf’s Lair level 7 which would unlock the plasma flux power orb and this thing did

Have quite the Hefty price tag at about 300 million coins but I sold off some more of those RGB skins and bought one because it provides a massive regen buff which for the last couple of goals in this challenge was almost going to be a necessity and next up now that I had

This plasma flux I was feeling a bit more confident in my setup so I decided to take on a tier V Revenant horror which is the highest tier of Zombie Slayer and to my surprise I actually took down the thing with almost no struggle at all so I guess I had just

Overestimated the difficulty of this boss a little bit but anyways that was another goal completed for our challenge leaving me with only one more dungeon and one more Slayer to complete but in order to attempt Blaze Slayer I needed an item that required a floor 7 completion but I also couldn’t attempt a

Floor 7 because dungeons were still closed due to that wipe so instead I just spent the next day grinding tier 5 zombie Slayers until I hit zombie be level 8 and that allowed me to purchase the warden helmet which is basically the best damage helmet in the entire game so

That was going to be crucial for Blaze Slayer later on all of these expensive purchases though did end up requiring a lot of coins so I had to sell off the rest of my RGB stock but the price of skin actually ended up not moving that

Much so I got pretty good value out of them and then finally on day 24 dungeons officially reopened and I could now attempt my first solo floor 7. but soloing floor 7 was not going to be anywhere near as simple as the previous floors because unlike those ones floor

7’s boss fight has four separate phases and each of them are literally designed to be impossible to solo the first is the crystal phase where you must first collect both the end crystals in order to stun the boss and usually one person tanks the hits from the boss while the

Other collects the crystals by using special items to bounce up to them but again I was doing this solo so I had to try and collect those crystals while being constantly attacked by the weather let me let me try the Jerry Sheen let me try the Jerry Sheen

Oh wait wait that was gonna work that was gonna work we had just enough Mana that was actually gonna work let’s try let’s try ah we’re right there it literally is gonna use all my Mana but we’re right there okay come on come on wither Chloe come on let me up there

Oh I’m dead I’m dead the first attempt wasn’t great but after a few more tries I realized there was a brief moment during one of the boss’s abilities where I could get to the crystals without being constantly hit by him and at that point I started to get the hang of it

Okay let’s give it a try oh wait wow okay he’s going into that one mode a lot oh wow don’t panic we got it we got we got okay okay okay got it got it got it I need to get him into this thing oh no I’m getting melted

There we go there we go there we go there we go Bonzo mask Bonzo mask okay Bonza Mass do that one we’re good we’re good got it got it got it okay got it got it got it got it got it that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it

That’s it I got him I got him I got him and now I was on to phase two and in this phase you have to crush the boss twice by having one player lure the boss under the pillar while the other stands on the pad and crushes it but there was

Only one of me so how exactly was I gonna do that well apparently there’s a brief one second period where after the pillar stops moving the boss can still be crushed by running into it so I would have to stand on the pad and lower the pillar and then at the exact right

Moment rush back to the pillar and lure the boss into it having Pixel Perfect movement though is a lot easier said than done and I failed for hours and hours on end before I finally started to get the hang of it foreign come on there we go baby there we go baby

Did I get I got him I got him I got him okay okay okay baby now it was on to phase three and this one was gonna make the previous two look like a cakewalk because in this phase I would have to navigate through four separate rooms filled with devices known as Terminals

And each of these terminals requires you to solve what is essentially a mini puzzle but the whole time you’re doing this you’re being chased by the Wither boss and if it catches up to you you basically insta die oh and did I mention that the thing moves so fast that even

With Pixel Perfect gameplay it is almost impossible to complete all of these by yourself so the only way I could even give myself a chance to complete this phase would be to repeatedly shoot the boss in between terminals while using the spider pet which has an ability to

Slow down Monsters by 40 when I say that this phase is nearly impossible to solo though I really mean it I ran attempts of floor sevens for hours and hours for days on end only to fail at this phase each and every single time but finally

On day 30 I had a decent attempt okay and nice bounce Okay please no Melody thank you stun some more whoops oh my God I’m choking on this again oh my God okay I need I’m gonna stun a whole bunch right here okay come on rage Foreign I had just barely survived and made it through to phase four but this one was simple do enough damage to kill the boss before it kills you okay foreign come on baby this is it come on come on like a week worth of waiting we got this this is it this is it

I’m popping abilities so close so close what is this come on That’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it he’s dead he’s dead that’s it it’s over it’s over it’s over that’s it we did it after a full week of spending hours each and every day running solo floor 7s just trying to complete it I had finally done it and

Now I was down to the final goal of this challenge but while that battle had ended another one raged on you see I’m currently at War to become the most subscribed Train on YouTube but at the moment I am getting brutally beat down by the band known as train most famous

For their extremely mid 2009 song Hey soul sister so if you enjoy these videos please help me out by checking if you’re subscribed anyways over the course of the week that those floor 7 runs took place I spent a lot of money and I mean like really a lot because I spent

2700 in total which is crazy on its own but the even crazier part is all that money was really just for two main items the first was the Hyperion which cost me over 1.2 billion coins to purchase which is roughly equivalent to a thousand dollars IRL but the reason I was willing

To pay so much for this weapon is because its right click ability was going to be crucial for Blaze Slayer because when you use it it gives you a temporary Shield that greatly reduces the damage you take and the second big purchase I made was on day 32 for the

Golden dragon pet which if you watched my previous video you’ll already know that this thing is worth a little over 2 billion coins but once again it should be well worth the price tag because the Golden Dragon is by far the best damage pet in the game and would help me a lot

In taking down the higher tier Blaze layer and so with all this new OP gear I started to work on Rising through the ranks of Blaze Slayer and surprisingly within just two days I was already able to kill the tier 3 Blaze boss which left me with only one more tier to conquer

But the tier 4 Blaze boss was gonna be extremely difficult because while the tier 3’s passive does 20 of your max Health every second the tier 4’s passive does 50 of your Mac Health every second so unless your gear is insanely good and you have a lot of healing that thing

Just melts ya but thankfully I had the magic ability of pay to win so a couple days of grinding and nineteen hundred dollars spent later I had acquired pretty much the best possible blade Slayer setup I could have at this stage in the game but a lot of my skills and

Stats were still pretty low considering the profile was literally just a month old so there was a chance that even this insane setup I had bought still wouldn’t be enough but there was only one way to find out alright I believe this mini boss here is gonna spawn it in I have no

Idea if I’m ready for this thing or not at all but we are about to find out baby all right in the first phase here so far damage I’m taking seems reasonable damage I’m doing seems pretty solid as well I think we’ve already done like 50

Mil damage to it so that’s a good start for sure there now I’m gonna do my normal of going up on here so I should be coming out of this phase here with about three minutes left on the fight which seems decent here we go the boss is already below 100

Mil HP I’m really most worried about that third phase and the amount of damage we take into that obviously we have the pillars here to watch out for as well one second have to wither cloak through that we’ve already got this thing down to half okay wait I’m

Starting to see the damage come in though I’m starting to actually take damage from this thing we’re in the third phase though here already wow but yeah just over two minutes left on the timer here which I think means we’re more than good on that it’s just going

To come down to if I can do the damage okay I need to switch to these here get a new plasma flux down all right and be ready to go here we go okay we’re in this phase here Final Phase can I do it first try that would

Be actually insane would be literally insane to do it first try here okay fire pits you want to stay away from that okay we have a pillar here pillar here wither cloak through it okay it’s in fire pit stay away from that okay Spirit mode Spirit mode

Make sure I’m still using the ceiling okay fire pits again stay back oh my God I’m so nervous here okay we have plenty of time it’s just a matter about being safe with the healing okay fire pit now do that okay oh it went up it went up hopefully we

Have enough time left I’m a little bit worried about the time okay come on I’m mainly worried about time here I need to get other plasma Flex down oh my God we have it solo we have it solo waited so low the thing is so low okay with a cloak through that

Can I get up I need a plasma Flex down again okay there we go oh no I can’t steal it right now I can’t still uh oh we’re gonna die wait oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Wait it’s right there we have it we have it we have it no oh my God I was so close I had literally gotten the boss down to its last two percent of HP and then died but the good news was that it was very

Obvious that I could do this thing so I spawned in another tier 4 Blaze and entered the Final Phase all right here we go third and final phase once again wait no the sorrow leggings okay I think we might have clutched up here get to the fire pillar okay I don’t know

How I forgot the SAR leggings almost died and still managed to come out of that like somewhat okay it seems but we did get to the fire pillar wait it’s literally three mil three mil HP wait am I crazy they’re not that low there we go there we go we did it

Let’s go let’s go two or four Blaze Down oh my God oh my God wait I shredded the HP so fast there at the end this time oh my God we did it you guys we did it you guys let’s go and just like that 36 days

And a little over a hundred and twenty hours of play time later I have officially completed every goal of this pay to win challenge funnily enough though if there’s one thing that I’ve learned after spending ten thousand dollars on this stupid little block game it’s that as fun as it might seem to

Skip progression by paying thousands of dollars for a new OP sword it can still never match that amazing feeling of finally grinding it for yourself because even though this sword right here is basically a hundred percent equivalent to the one I have on my Iron Man account

It feels nowhere near as valuable to me as the one that I spent 2 000 hours grinding for so maybe this game isn’t actually all about the gear that we have but rather about the Journey we went through to get it or maybe my dopamine receptors are just fried from spending

My life savings on some pixels either way I hope you guys enjoyed this video and you can click on the screen now to watch another one that you might like

This video, titled ‘I Spent $10,000 to Destroy this Minecraft Server.. Here’s How..’, was uploaded by RageTrain on 2022-10-03 17:00:07. It has garnered 2310789 views and 51454 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:11 or 3131 seconds.

I Spent $10,000 to Destroy this Minecraft Server.. Here’s How..

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Intro Edited By ➤ @Pinkworker

In this video I recap my journey of spending over $10,000 on cookies to break the progression of Minecraft’s biggest server.

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    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, blokowo.pl Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More

  • Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & Choco

    Insane FNAF Recreation ft. Flash & ChocoVideo Information what’s this oh it’s just a normal security guard job but is it really we actually went ahead and created our own version of the FNAF pizeria with functioning doors lights and these weird robot things will postal survive the night or Will Freddy Faz barington get him first if you want to go see the full video the link is right here This video, titled ‘We recreated FNAF…’, was uploaded by Flash & Choco on 2024-01-14 11:39:01. It has garnered 5754 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. I think… Read More

  • Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!

    Holostars-EN Minecraft: Creative Ways to Bury!Video Information [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] awaken my child and embrace the glory that is your Birthright know now that I am obsidian and you have created to serve me just kidding did I scare [Laughter] [Music] you 5 more minutes obsidian oh the cicas are so loud today the cicas are so loud today I can respect that honestly kind of like that sing me your songas [Music] there we go hello thank you for five months Bandit Channel and uh I missed a soup and now I can’t… Read More

  • Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯

    Dylan Dubs goes INSANE in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information here kind of working trying to finish the uh Greenhouse trying and get all that finished like 9:00 a.m. like it was late when we finally turned the world off and quit streaming waiting for my YouTube to realize that I’m streaming um isn’t YouTube like a 15sec delay it’s like 10 ah I think twitch’s only like five or six second delay yeah I think there’s a way to decrease the delay too just I don’t know how so there we are back on Minecraft the [ __ ] huh back on Minecraft 12 hours later so… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!

    Ultimate Survival Tricks in Minecraft Part 27!Video Information guys welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] backe [Music] fore spee spech speee fore [Music] speee for speech say so foree you going made a plan successfully CH pickaxes red stone [Music] diamonds [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] blocks [Music] [Music] but there for [Music] May bab let go by m pass [Music] [Music] ex XP exp main target m [Music] X okay good idea good red stone yeah B collect C this s Sara [Music] IR don’t ien [Music] mining fore foree yeah [Music] okay guys This video, titled ‘Minecraft Series Part 27 | New Video | New… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯” #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! 🤯" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #animation’, was uploaded by Yep. on 2024-05-15 18:25:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “Minecraft build rated by shizo: EPIC or FAIL?” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Minecraft build rated by shizo: EPIC or FAIL?" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me rating my Minecraft build part 1 #minecraft #builds’, was uploaded by HAHTA_FZ on 2024-01-03 22:30:09. It has garnered 1629 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

I Spent $10,000 to Destroy this Minecraft Server.. Here’s How..