I Survived 100 DAYS as a BEE in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

Imagine you’re a bee making honey and protecting the hive for 100 days for day one i spawned as a little baby bee next to a beehive yikes i only have three hearts as a bee i can fly around this is awesome but where are my b friends i was

All alone except for a bear attacking my beehive i didn’t have any weapons to fight except my stinger but i didn’t want to use that not gonna die on day one when i thought i flew far enough away i ran into some wolves let’s not do that i flew up keeping my

Distance from the wolves i gotta find a place to hide for the night while i was wandering around i couldn’t help but wonder why were there no other bees at the nest usually there are three bees around each hive i’ll have to focus on that later and get some rest i found a

Nice tree to spend the night on top of on day two i returned to the nest and the bear was gone i’m hungry i need some of these honey crystals i decided to take the hive with me since no one else was using it hopefully i could find some new bees to

Live with me in it hello uh buzz buzz there were no bees to be found so i spent my day gathering wood and stone and making a set of stone tools after that i came across a village oh a farmer hey you’ve probably seen some bees right

The farmer explained to me that the wild flowers around the area had been disappearing and the bees slowly left too i picked any flowers that i could find around the village and then left to search for my tribe by day three i had found a nice little forest to call my

New home oh this is perfect i can see it now i made a clearing in the forest and made a garden for myself i placed down the bee’s nest and gathered more honey crystals this is so sweet suddenly i grew into an adult bee with five hearts

Ah oh only two more hearts okay so i finally built a little hive to call home it ain’t much but it’s mine that night i started hearing horrible groaning noises ah i can’t use my stinger i’ve only got 97 days left to go so i had to use my

Sword i crafted yesterday this will have to do yeah take that there’s so many zombies i may be small but i’m still capable of big things with the undead threat adated i could finally get some much needed shut eye on days four and five i explored the world gathering wildflowers and searching for

Other bees suddenly i ran into the bear i saw earlier whoa where’d you come from he demanded that i give him honey so he could give it to his boss no way i’m not gonna give you honey for free and why does your boss want it so bad who is he And that bear hit so hard since i’m really fragile luckily since i could fly i was easily able to out maneuver him yeah dive bomb attack take this it took a while but my little hits added up and i was able to kill the bear that was

Exhausting at least i didn’t have to use my stinger that would have been bad i flew away to search for more bees but i still had questions about the bear’s boss finally i came across a forest with a bee’s nest yes i found one hello is

Anyone home guys i waited at the nest to see if any bees would come back home but when night fell i knew it was deserted from day six to eight i carefully took down the beehive to bring it home and you’ll be coming with me on my way home

I found a cave a little mining couldn’t hurt while down there i found flint coal and iron once i got home i crafted some furnaces smelted the iron and crafted an iron axe pickaxe sword as well as some shoes by then night had fallen and i could hear noises coming from outside

The base oh looks like i have company they didn’t seem to like what i was doing please guys i don’t want any trouble they left me no choice so i fought back with my sword well at least i can craft a bow using this string i just need feathers for arrows but that

Was future me’s problem and i was tired so i went to bed for days 9 and ten i went searching for chickens and found them in a village i’m sorry but i have to kill you for your feathers i killed them all and they gave me

Feathers as well as some meat which i didn’t really need i also picked up their eggs i’ll take these to my base hopefully some will hatch and i could start a chicken farm on my way home i saw a monster and it was attacking a

Beehive oh no i have to save my brothers before i could attack a baby bee stopped me but that beast is taking her family the little bee was right i wasn’t strong enough to fight the beast so we hid and we watched it capture two bees and walk away what was that thing

She told me that the beast bear was stealing bees and collecting all the honey they make for himself i offered for the bee to come live with me now that her friends were taken we could partner up hey what do people call you All right i’ll name you abby then get it On days 11 through 14 i got home with my new friend and i extended my base upward to make a home for her since we can fly there’s no need for staircases to get up higher of course abby i’m glad you like it when night fell i was suddenly reminded that

I still hadn’t put torches around my island oh no skeletons get back you fleshless freaks no don’t if you use your stinger you’ll die while abby distracted the skeletons i went inside to craft a honey shield so i could protect myself try and get us now skeletons oh that didn’t work very

Well the honey shield was gonna break super quickly but it was enough to protect us for this night once all the skeletons were dead i added torches around the island so we wouldn’t have any more surprise attacks perfect everything’s lit except for the other island over there i’ll let the mobs have

That one we dug out a mine shaft and went mining for iron so i could complete my armor set after that i remembered that i had eggs from earlier so abby and i built a modest chicken farm and tried to hatch some chickens ah only one of

You well i guess that’s better than none welcome to the island little guy abby loved all the flowers that we had on the island but they didn’t really feel like a garden so we cut down most of the trees and planted the flowers in groups according to their colors this place

Looks a lot nicer i think there’s one more thing we need though i went inside and crafted a bucket with some leftover iron and used it to form a pond i know right it really feels like we’re making a home satisfied with our work we both settled into our homes for the

Night on the night of day 15 i had a strange dream i was in a bizarre b dimension and there was the beast bear sitting atop a throne of honey it’s you you’re the one who took those bees yes it is i am enslaving all the bees and

Collecting all their honey for myself this is wrong i won’t let you get away with this the beast bear didn’t react he just laughed at me morality is for those who left the power to enact their own visions people like you i woke up in a

Cold sweat but tomorrow i will be ready to begin my journey and finding the other bees before he does on day 16 through 19 i got some great news from abby she told me to fly to the east to find a bee farm how did you find out about this

Oh okay i decided not to ask her any more questions and followed the map until i reached my destination but when i looked around there weren’t any bees anywhere uh hello is there supposed to be a bee farm hey you where are all the bees

It’s a miracle one of my bees has come home oh i think you’re mistaking me for someone else is this your place yep i’m the ring master around here or at least i was before all my bees abandoned me the beekeeper explained that his bees used to be the most talented performers

In the world but one day he woke up and they were all missing they needed me and i needed them i’d give anything to feel that way again well how about you train me i could be like one of your amazing bees too you mean it alright let’s get started

The beekeeper showed me precision flying by having me fly through hoops then i dodged arrows that he shot at me so i could get better at evading attacks finally we practiced melee combat using swords when it was all over he took me into a room full of steam for some

Meditation where i gained another five hearts oh my gosh i actually got stronger from training thank you mr beekeeper there is a legendary sword out there once wielded by the bees of old called the sting wow do you have any idea where it is nope not at all oh i thanked the

Beekeeper for my training and then left heading home to tell abby everything i’d learned from days 20 to 22 rain started to come down hard it’s nearly impossible to fly in this weather i guess i’ll have to walk the rest of the way home i heard a familiar hissing sound turned around and

Looked up creepers ah man i tried to fight but every time i got close they exploded i need to keep my distance oh hey i killed that one i couldn’t die here abby was waiting for me the storm suddenly stopped and i flew the rest of the way home abby abby abby

I told abby all about the farm the beekeeper and the sting wanted to start building a bee statue near the base but i didn’t have any wool so i needed to find some sheep i discovered a small flock of sheep grazing in a pasture i brought them back

To the base by luring them with wheat once we got back to the base i built them a small enclosure to live in then left to find cocoa pods to make brown dye with finally i dyed some of the sheep brown and some of them yellow hey

Sheep while i have you here did you know that only 10.5 percent of our viewers are subscribed and a part of the bronzo family you can click the red subscribe button and hit the bell so you don’t miss a new video on days 23-27 our base was

Attacked by a bear ah i thought being on an island would keep us safe from bears no he can’t find us abby help me fight this bear abby and i charged into battle together i even used the new sword fighting techniques that i learned from the beekeeper

Never i’ll do anything to protect this world’s bees a few more blows and we killed the bear when it died it dropped power gloves on the ground a magic item that increased damage dealt by the wearer wow that bear couldn’t beat us even with these bad boys

The sunrise was coming but i wanted to test out the power gloves so i flew to the desert to hunt some husks the power club gave me extra leverage since flying made my melee attacks weaker take that yeah fuzz off it worked really well but i still needed to craft a better shield

So i flew home to do that there we go good old-fashioned iron and wood much stronger than a shield made out of sugar suddenly i heard a strange honking sound coming from outside i charged out ready to defend my island who are you oh no i’m sorry i didn’t mean to scare

You the geese explained to me that they’d lost their home when the beast bear attacked a bee’s nest nearby i told them they were more than welcome to live on our island and abby and i got to work building them a nice little home on the beach

For days 28 to 32 i wanted to learn more about the sting and the goose had some information for me they told me that this bee colony was where the queen bee lives maybe they know about the stinger so i set off to look for the bee colony but as i was

Traveling i came across a rude snapping turtle none shall pass i’m just trying to find the bee colony do you know where that is one shall pass then you leave me no choice we started fighting and they had a very tough bite take this fire fly up get back here and fight me

Like a man wait you can’t jump up to me you’re a cheat and a scoundrel you have not seen the last of me i flew away from the snapping turtle i had no time for him and needed to find the bee colony on days 33-36 i finally found a nest with

Bees inside oh my gosh i’m so happy to meet you guys do you know anything about the bee colony but before we could leave the beast bear showed up oh no everyone try to hide i gave the beast bear my best fight but it wasn’t enough it didn’t even try to fight back

You’re punching above your weight class pathetic me i couldn’t stop him from kidnapping my new bee friends no let them go please the beast bear completely ignored me and lumbered away dragging the bees behind them i felt powerless as i flew home to abby you don’t understand it was such a

Mismatched fight i’ll never stand a chance against them abby tried to cheer me up but i was still feeling defeated when i went to bed i was woken up by abby on days 37-40 to start on the bee statue she had been collecting wool for the

Statue so we started with the base of the b since i’m basically a rectangular prism this will be a simple build but i want it to be massive get it b because i’m a b we had enough wool to get the bottom of the body done next i wanted to expand the base

Changing the shack to look like a giant tree starting with the trunk and roots i made a few rooms on the inside and multiple levels this is just the start it will get taller and i’ll add leaves i placed the bee nests outside the base

But i felt like we needed more of them to match the size of the trunk come on abby we gotta find more bee nests let me stick with the puns abby we were able to find a few abandoned b nests which was kind of depressing knowing

That beespare took the bees that used to live here i need to focus and be more determined on defeating that monster and freeing all the bees we made it back home and place the bee nests on the base of the trunk there we go it looks

Great on days 41-43 i headed out to find more bees but instead i met a strange woman named alex have we met before you seem familiar nope i don’t think so but could you help me she explained that her home was being threatened by a little kato and she needed someone to defeat

Them she even offered me an enchanting book of efficiency if i could take it down you got it lady i’m in i mean it’s a little kato how tough is it gonna be i followed alex’s direction until i found the monster you may be little but you’re

Kind of scary okay well i’ll teach you a lesson you can’t keep people out of their homes we fought hard and i thought i might be in over my head but i knew i was in it for a good reason it’s time to finish you off yes with a little kato

Slain i headed back to alex to tell her the good news thanks wow who knew a little bee could be so strong here’s the book i promised you oh awesome hey i was wondering you like jazz i think you should leave now i headed home with

My prize and went down the mine shaft to get some iron that ought to be enough i even found some diamonds while i was down there i came home and smelted the iron ore crafted an anvil made a diamond sword and pickaxe and i use the enchanted book to give my new diamond

Pickaxe efficiency for awesome this is gonna be great for mining on days 44 to 49 i continued my search for bees and found myself in a snowy tundra i don’t think i’ll find any bees out here in the cold what’s that in the distance some polar bears came over to get my attention

Oh you’ve heard of me huh then you know i won’t go down easily the polar bear’s attacked and even though they were fast i was able to dodge their attacks you bears should learn to fight smarter than that i was able to take down two of the

Polar bears but the third one got away i would have chased it down but it started snowing which meant i couldn’t fly ah i guess i’ll wait out the storm in this cave in the cave i stumbled across another bee who was being attacked by wolves hey leave him alone together the

Bee and i were able to take down all the wolves sure thing hey you wouldn’t happen to know anything about the bee colony would you he offered to help me find it but first we had to rest for the night so we hunkered down in the cave together on

Days 50 through 53 my new friend and i left the tundra towards the bee colony but on the way we ran into the snapping turtle i fought earlier ah not you again i was going to say the same thing we fought the snapping turtle together and having extra help made a huge difference

We took him down easily and continued on our way after a long flight we finally arrived at the bee colony whoa this place is amazing my b companion guided me back to the colony and i met the bee i’d been searching for my queen i’m scared for the future of our species the

Beast bear threatens to wipe us all out become little one my army will defeat this beastberry speaker i was led away from the queen and some bees taught me how to make blocks of honey bee nests honeycomb and honeycomb blocks wow i never knew there was so much weepies could make

On days 54 through 57 i journeyed all the way back home to show abby everything the bees had taught me and to tell her the good news about the queen’s army she seemed really excited oh that’s a great idea i love how creative you are together abby and i

Continued building the trunk of the tree adding honeycomb and honey blocks to make it feel more like a giant bee’s nest we even started adding leaves to the top of it wow this place is so much bigger than the little shack was imagine we had a ton of bees living here like at

The queen’s palace while we were admiring our work alex arrived on our island with a quest for me hey there little b i was wondering if you could help me again i need some gold for a trip to the nether could you mine it for me you got anything to make it

Worth my while you know i do i agreed and set off down the mine shaft again i found plenty of gold for alex plus some diamonds for myself before long i headed back to the surface oh thanks this is super helpful of you and as promised here’s another enchanting book huh

Sweeping edge that seems worth it here’s your gold sweet catch you later i headed back inside to craft an axe and put my new enchantment on my sword on days 58 through 62 abby and i continued working on the b statue finishing the shape and the basic colors

It’s looking pretty good but we need more shades of yellow and brown so i journeyed to the badlands to get brown shades of terracotta i stayed out late and some endermen spawned huh oh no i looked into its eyes i figured it would be a good opportunity to try

Fighting against something that was as fast and flighty as me so i killed as many as i could before dawn alright it’s time to head home i flew back and found an unexpected visitor when i arrived it’s the polar bear that got away earlier the polar bear told me that i led it

Straight to the bee colony and it told the beast bear exactly where it was ah if you were there then you saw how many bees live there how could you sentence them all to slavery yeah i fought the polar bear with a vicious hatred for

What he’d done as soon as his body hit the ground i headed back to the bee colony hoping i wasn’t too late to warn them of their impending doom i got back to the colony on day 63 to 66 and it was in ruins oh no i’m too late only a few

Bees were left where’s the queen bee now with the queen bee gone and imprisoned by the beast bear it was up to me to save her i need to find the sting now more than ever i searched all kinds of biomes like the savannah where i talked to kangaroos and they knew

Nothing about the sting neither did the seals in the tundra or the badgers in the dark forest i even found a mooshroom field where i met a mooshroom oh wow can i get some soup man i really wish i would have met one of you when i was a cow for a hundred

Days that was definitely a missed opportunity i then made it to the jungle where i asked a tiger if it had any knowledge on the sting but they didn’t seem interested in chatting i had to fight the tiger and this jungle cat was tough don’t mess with bees i left the jungle

Continuing my search for the weapon of the bees by day 67 through 70 i met a lone witch hiding out in a swamp she said she had heard about the legendary sting and would tell me where it is but there was a catch the knowledge you seek

Is valuable indeed for this to be fair i must ask something of you i really need that weapon just say the word and it’s done slay the mighty mateus do this for me and you will have the information you seek just wait right here hold tight don’t go anywhere i’ll have the beast

Dead in no time when i reach the matias’s lair i moved swiftly so i could get the jump on it wait oh gosh okay you’re strong ah doing the weather effect i’m barely doing anything retreat retreat i was no match for her i had to escape i can’t beat her which means i

Can’t get the info from the witch what do i do now i left to find the only person i could think of at the time the beekeeper welcome back bronzo hi mr beekeeper i need some advice he sat me down and told me that true strength

Comes from knowing your limits so if i want to beat the matteus i need to ask for help exactly do you have anyone in mind abby will you help me defeat the mathias without a moment’s hesitation abby agreed yes all right let’s not waste any time on day 71 through 74 i

Returned with abby to fight the matthias i’m back and this time we’re not backing down abby and i gave it everything we had and slowly but surely we chopped away at the mateus’s health bar come on abby we got this finally we were able to

Take her down we did it with our mission accomplished abby went home and i headed back to the witch’s hut to tell her i completed my end of the deal oh wonderful ah i thought that wretched x of mine would never die oh well you’ve earned your prize i’ll tell you what i

Know about the sting she said that someone had actually found the lost legendary sword and that they were guarding it he is known as the beast bear ah seriously he’s the last person i wanted to have it i wasn’t ready to face the beast bear yet but the witch told me

Where i could find him once i was it was a dimension called the bumble zone once only accessible to bees but the beast bear invaded their world and kept them captive there you need ender pearls to enter the world just just throw them at a bee’s nest all right thanks for your

Help and sorry about your ex i left to fight some more endermen because i didn’t have any ender pearls from the last time i fought them after i collected enough i headed home for days 75 to 78 i was not ready to leave my home yet this world needs more of my

Help and i’m not yet sure how to get back home once i enter the bumble zone so i needed something to do while i collected my thoughts i know i’ll finish the statue i filled in the shading replacing some of the wool with terracotta and concrete powder for the

Brown and yellow i made the wings out of cobwebs to give it a transparent effect yeah if i was 20 blocks wide next abby and i worked on the tree base adding the leaves and decorating the inside more it feels like something from lord of the rings i love it while i was

Looking over all my hard work a familiar monster approached the base what the you’re a big gutto i was startled so much and so ready for a fight that i grew into a fluff bee look how many hearts i have and what’s this i got a new weapon the bee blaster

I could shoot needles almost like an infinite amount of bee stings you’re going down the big cocktail was no match for me now i was so overpowered though he did put up a great fight and blinded me a few times but i came out victorious

Yes i won the big kato dropped a journal which i looked over it said that he had gotten closer to cracking the secrets of the bee universe that must be the bumble zone the journal also gave directions to the big kato’s base maybe he left some

More answers there so i set off to find his old home i made it to the big kato’s home base on day 79-84 looking for any clues i could find on how to escape the bumble zone after i’ve gone inside dang it there’s nothing here just then i was interrupted by a black

Bear i see you are also searching for answers to the bumble zone are you here to kill me for the beast bear the beast bear he’s a lunatic and a villain i would never work for him i too want to defeat him and free the beast and bring

Honey back to this world for all to enjoy especially me it seemed that this bear had good motives but i didn’t trust him he is a bear after all but we decided to search together for any clues or notebooks i searched every chest and every barrel for any information that

Might help me but all i found was a bunch of junk ah there’s gotta be something here suddenly i heard the bear roar from across the house so i rushed over to him i i found a notebook it says how the beast bear is able to travel

Through dimensions really let me see why so you can free the bees with this i’ll be able to rule them and have all the honey for myself i knew you were up to no good i fought the bear knowing i could overpower him and if he dies he’ll

Drop the book or i know when i’m defeated or surrender but if i can’t have this notebook but no one can wait what are you doing the bear threw the book into the fireplace destroying all the information i needed how could you i swung at the bear killing it with my

Rage i’m running out of time i need to save my fellow bees and soon i went home empty-handed disappointed that i didn’t make any progress with this trip on days 85-89 i realized that if the big kato had some information about the bumble zone other people might too so i

Journeyed back to my old mentor the beekeeper i thought you’d never come back well you’re the best b expert i know and i’ve got some b questions i asked him if he knew anything about the bumble zone particularly on how to get out once you’ve entered but he didn’t seem to

Have any information about it as far as he knew a beehive was just a beehive not a portal to a different world but i thought my bees loved me as much as i loved them how could they keep this b dimension a secret from me i’m sure they

Did love you listen beekeeper if i find a way out of the bumble zone i’ll send all your bees back home to you really that would mean so much to me you can call me greg little b i thanked greg and flew away to find answers elsewhere for

The days of 90 through 94 i traveled to a village and found that they were in distress they told me that the scarcity of bees meant they weren’t around to pollinate crops and because of this the village was running out of food i’ll bring you food from another village i traveled all

Around from village to village but everyone i met was facing the same problem so i went back home to the base to speak to abby come with me you have to pollinate as many crops as you can save the people before they starve it was a start but abby couldn’t hold those

Villages over all by herself there’s got to be more i can do something other than going to the bumble zone before i’m ready the villager told me about a nearby mushroom town that had been taken over by strange evil cows there would surely be enough mushrooms there to keep

The towns fed a while longer i flew towards it as fast as my wings could take me by days 95 to 96 the end of my journey was on the horizon but i had found the mushroom town but it was guarded by piglens dressed as mushrooms

Riding cows all right time to invade and take all the mushrooms for the villagers i attacked the guards and there were a lot of them which made breaking their spawners very difficult will you just die so i can have the mushrooms it was a long fight that seemed to go on

Through the night but finally i killed them all and could start collecting the mushrooms gotta get as many as i can carry i took all the mushrooms i had collected back to one of the villages i had visited the villager promised to use the mushrooms to make mushroom soup and

Share it with all the other villages in the area thanks we’ll get through this if we all do our part i felt better after helping them but it wasn’t enough i left with a new sense of resolve i’d figure out how to get out of the bumble

Zone later but i needed to go in now on days 97 through 98 i arrived home and found abby abby i have to go into the bumble zone the world needs its bees we’re out of time i might not i could tell abby was trying

To be strong for me i was about to tell her how proud i was to be her friend but our goodbye was interrupted by a bear you can’t be serious i could take you down easily but abby decided to take charge she flew up and started fighting the bear on her own

I was so proud of her and watched her fight this beast of a bear but tragedy struck no abby i was frozen with shock and sadness but i had to keep moving or her sacrifice would mean nothing i used an ender pearl to enter the bubble zone whoa this looks

Just like the place for my dream i searched all around for the bear or for bees that i could help escape finally i found the queen locked up in a cage your highness let me help you out of there thank you little one now we haven’t much

Time follow me i can sense my servants zero this way the queen led me through the bumble zone but i couldn’t help feeling that something awful was going to happen on day 99 the queen led me straight to the center of the beast bear’s operations there are bees

Everywhere here take these leads and stealthily capture as many bees as you can yes my queen i was now on a covert mission and i started gathering bees left and right but then the beast bear started looking around i smell something extra sweet he started sniffing and was

Right above me maybe if we just stay down here and be really quiet stay still and stop moving me nothing out of the ordinary here i was shocked that that worked and the beast bear left so i continued gathering up bees okay this is as many bees as i can

Hold let’s get you back to the queen i met up with her in a safe place and she had gathered a few bees as well great job bronzo you are done your queen proud and for your help we have a gift for you jeremy one of the bees gave me an

Enchanted sword is this what i think it is yes this is a sting you deserve to wield it bronzo you are the chosen one i will not let you down the bee told me that he had tried to wield the sting himself but his training with greg was not enough it

Takes perseverance and a strong will thank you go back to greg he misses you a lot like a lot a lot it was time to say my goodbyes to the queen and the other bees and you lost last world before we go bronzo oh yes make sure you

Subscribe if you haven’t already like this video and comment what mob i should be for my next 100 days video also check out my other videos if you’re new here i was a cow most recently and that video was a lot of fun i had to fight aliens

On day 100 i entered the beast bears honey base you i thought i smelled something strange going on i’ve freed the bees from your prison now it’s just time to destroy you i’d like to see you try the grand battle began i used the sting to knock him back

As well as poison him my blaster got aerial shots on him as i dodged his attacks in an i’ll never use my stinger on you i want to make sure you die and i live oh one of us will be dying but not me we continued our fight and the beast bear

Used his claws to really hurt me but with the power of the sting i struck the final blow i did it the world is safe once more

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a BEE in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2022-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 10907804 views and 216669 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:33 or 1953 seconds.

I Survived 100 DAYS as a BEE in HARDCORE Minecraft! Today, we’ll explore the life of BEES in the OVERWORLD like never before! As a BEE, my goal is to build the best BEE HOME for me and my ANIMAL friends, build an incredible BEE STATUE, and then finally defeat the BEAST BEAR for taking the QUEEN BEE!

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    Crafting a Fireplace in Minecraft Minecraft Fireplace Building Guide Are you looking to add a cozy fireplace to your Minecraft world? Building a fireplace can be a fun and rewarding project that adds warmth and charm to your virtual home. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to create a fireplace in Minecraft. Gather Materials Before you start building your fireplace, make sure you have the necessary materials. You will need: Stone Bricks: For the fireplace structure Netherrack: To create the fire Flint and Steel: To ignite the fire Any additional decorative blocks: To customize your fireplace Building the Fireplace Start… Read More

  • Minecraft 2024: Epic History Adventure

    Minecraft 2024: Epic History Adventure The Epic Minecraft Adventure of 2024 Embark on a thrilling journey through the enchanting world of Minecraft in 2024, where a courageous player faces daunting challenges, unravels ancient mysteries, and strives to restore harmony to the realm. From engaging in fierce battles with formidable creatures to deciphering age-old puzzles, this adventure promises action, suspense, and unforgettable moments at every turn! Unveiling Secrets and Conquering Challenges As our hero navigates through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, they encounter a myriad of obstacles that test their skills and courage. From treacherous terrains to hidden dungeons, each challenge presents an opportunity for… Read More

  • Rhyme Time: Minecraft 1.21 Slime Farm – Hindi Insane Auto Craze

    Rhyme Time: Minecraft 1.21 Slime Farm - Hindi Insane Auto Craze In this video, we dive into the slime farm scene, Crafting a new oozing dream for Minecraft 1.21, so clean. Automatic and fresh, it’s a sight to behold, With credits to creators, their stories told. Fair use in play, with respect and care, For all the mods and packs, we’re aware. Minecraft clips shining bright, in the spotlight, Bringing joy and fun, with every rhyme just right. So join us on this journey, full of Minecraft delight, As we explore the world, in rhyme, taking flight. Read More

  • Vanishing Act

    Vanishing Act The Mystery of the Disappearing Villagers in Minecraft Imagine logging into your Minecraft world, ready to tend to your village and interact with your trusty villagers, only to find that they have mysteriously disappeared. This is the perplexing situation that many players have found themselves in, wondering: Where Did They Go??? The Vanishing Act One moment your villagers are bustling about, trading goods and going about their daily routines, and the next moment they are nowhere to be found. This sudden disappearance can leave players scratching their heads and searching high and low for any clue as to where… Read More

  • Blocky Battle: EfeKan vs Alperen Kickoff!

    Blocky Battle: EfeKan vs Alperen Kickoff! In the world of Minecraft, two friends did clash, Efekan and Alperen, in a football match. With laughter and fun, they kicked the ball, Their skills on display, entertaining all. The crowd cheered on, as the game went on, Each goal and save, a moment to spawn. In the world of blocks, they showed their might, In this friendly match, under the bright sunlight. So join us now, in this Minecraft tale, Where friends come together, without fail. Subscribe and like, to show your support, For more adventures like this, of every sort. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Train Build in Toronto!

    Ultimate Minecraft Train Build in Toronto! The Final Train on Minecraft Building Toronto! TTC Streetcar: A Highlight of the Project In the vast world of Minecraft Building Toronto, the TTC Streetcar stands out as a remarkable creation. Designed with attention to detail, this streetcar model captures the essence of Toronto’s public transportation system. Crafted by the talented Kaitlyn, the streetcar adds a touch of authenticity to the virtual cityscape. Exploring the Streets of Toronto As players navigate through the streets of Minecraft Building Toronto, the TTC Streetcar serves as a familiar sight, reminiscent of the bustling city life. From its iconic red exterior to the… Read More

  • ParuCraft

    ParuCraftParuCraft is cozy server where players can come and feel at home. We invest in comfy plugins like Brewery, PyroFishing, ArtMap, and Towny to truly cater to those who want a relaxed community experience. Greifing is not permitted, and KeepInventory is on. Our server also includes things like mcMMO and AdvancedEnchants for those who like grinding and crafting powerful player builds, but we emphasize that all pvp should be consentual. We hope to see you in our friendly little community, and remember! There’s always room for you on ParuCraft. play.parucraft.net Read More

  • Create and Conquer: The Sildaris Wilds – modded factions

    Create and Conquer: The Sildaris Wilds [1.20.1] TRAILER: Watch now Embark to the Sildaris Wilds and forge society anew from the ashes of your old life. Join a growing community on this Nations/Geopolitics server with a steam-fantasy theme. Features: Airships Cannons, Flintlocks and Muskets Immersive gear from Epic Knights Coin based economy and player-run shops Built-in warfare system Routine events with rewards And much more Join now: Join our discord to start playing! : Join Discord Economy and Combat: The economy is coin-based with player-operated vendors. Engage in combat with black-powder firearms and aerial battles using airships. Explore spyglass astronomy,… Read More

  • play.

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hub.lostpiece.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Unleashing AI in Minecraft OST: Wither Storm Theme

    Unleashing AI in Minecraft OST: Wither Storm ThemeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode OST – Wither Storm Theme (AI extended)’, was uploaded by AI Music Extensions on 2024-09-16 12:58:24. It has garnered 675 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:55 or 355 seconds. • AI part @1:36 #ai #nintendo #gaming #nintendoswitch #playstation #aimusicextensions #xbox #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #mc #mcstorymode #mcsm #msm #witherstorm #witherstorm #whiterstorm #whiter Read More

  • Gladiator Showdown: Minecraft’s Coliseum Chaos

    Gladiator Showdown: Minecraft's Coliseum Chaos In the Coliseum, I found myself, Facing monsters, testing my stealth. With sword in hand, I fought with might, To entertain the crowd, a thrilling sight. Gladiators clashed, in ancient Rome, A battle for glory, a fight for home. But in the end, I emerged victorious, Defeating all foes, oh so glorious. So watch the video, see the action unfold, In Minecraft’s world, where stories are told. Like and subscribe, show your support, For more adventures, of this sort. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Teaser: Warner Bros. Pictures

    Minecraft Movie Teaser: Warner Bros. Pictures Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming release of “A Minecraft Movie.” This live-action adaptation of the beloved video game is set to hit cinemas in 2025, bringing the game’s iconic characters and landscapes to life on the big screen. A Magical Adventure Awaits Directed by Jared Hess and starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast, “A Minecraft Movie” follows the journey of four misfits who find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative realm filled with challenges and… Read More

  • Rainbow TNT Prank Gone Wrong

    Rainbow TNT Prank Gone Wrong Minecraft Rainbow TNT: Exploring a Colorful Explosive Step into the vibrant world of Minecraft with the Rainbow TNT, a unique explosive that adds a colorful twist to your gameplay experience. This special TNT variant brings a burst of rainbow hues to your world, creating a visually stunning explosion that is sure to captivate players of all ages. Unleashing the Rainbow TNT When ignited, the Rainbow TNT unleashes a spectacular display of colors, painting the sky with a dazzling array of hues. This eye-catching explosion is not only visually appealing but also adds a touch of whimsy to your Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥Gawr Gura’s CRAZY Punishment in Minecraft RP!

    🔥Gawr Gura's CRAZY Punishment in Minecraft RP!Video Information This video, titled ‘【ENRECO Minecraft RP】The Punishment’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-04 03:52:37. It has garnered 303694 views and 20164 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:29 or 16709 seconds. this is minecraft roleplay 🐟 twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura 🐟 thumbnail: https://twitter.com/iamurnae Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors ◆ENigmatic Recollection Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA ◆Chapter 1 Theme Song “START AGAIN” MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through… Read More

  • My Terrifying Encounter at a Haunted Minecraft Hospital

    My Terrifying Encounter at a Haunted Minecraft HospitalVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft hospital is HAUNTED!!!’, was uploaded by Spill!t on 2024-03-25 14:23:20. It has garnered 579 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:55 or 895 seconds. In this video i’ll be visiting the scariest abandoned hospital in Minecraft!!! These halls are haunted by many entities and we’ll be trying to escape them… ———————————————————————————— More scary video’s: https://youtu.be/vIo3gN0pIMs?si=D3m0Pj1geJd6-Ans https://youtu.be/sW9aeDtDYKc?si=MTgoPQG45AfZarNu ———————————————————————————— Ignore below: #minecraft #backrooms #creepy #liminalspace #minecraftmods #abandonedhospital #Minecraftsscariest #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unbelievable! Lawless can’t sleep in Minecraft?! 😂 #minecraft #memes #shorts

    Unbelievable! Lawless can't sleep in Minecraft?! 😂  #minecraft #memes #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When you can’t sleep in Minecraft 😂 #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft With lawless on 2024-08-28 15:23:18. It has garnered 11148 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21

    UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘The Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes in 1.21’, was uploaded by ProbablySnake on 2024-09-18 08:00:14. It has garnered 10323 views and 769 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ▶ If you liked the video, please show it with a positive feedback 😀 ____________________________________________ ▶ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@probablysnake ____________________________________________ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftranking #mc #mcpe #gaming #foryou #fyp #stereomadness #funny #backontrack #funny #gaming #geometrydash Read More


    🔥 EPIC DIAMOND HUNT IN MINECRAFT! 🌟 | PART 5Video Information This video, titled ‘MINEING FOR ORES AND SEARCHING FOR DIAMONDS | MINECRAFT | PART 5’, was uploaded by Sweepful on 2024-08-17 00:27:15. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:21 or 8061 seconds. Welcome in guy’s my name is SweepFul if you want to know my real name let’s get this channel to 500 followers and I’ll tell you that information! I’m 26 years old with a 6-month-old baby who thinks I’m her chew toy. Following dreams of creating a community of nothing but gaming videos. On this channel expected to… Read More

  • 100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft – Insane Survival

    100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft - Insane SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a BLOOD WORM in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-07-13 14:00:39. It has garnered 3169252 views and 26115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:45 or 2745 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Blood Worm! I had to save my family from the evil Cobras! Will I be strong enough to defeat them? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More

  • 4RIN+ – Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunami

    4RIN+ - Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunamiVideo Information This video, titled ‘I INVADED a VTuber Minecraft server with @AuriLunami’, was uploaded by 4RIN+ on 2024-07-07 09:11:55. It has garnered 757 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 06:47:05 or 24425 seconds. ✨ Use Code “SAERIN4RIN” to Get $5 Off Your Sakuraco and TokyoTreat Snacks! ➡ Sakuraco: https://team.sakura.co/saerin4RIN ➡ TokyoTreat: https://team.tokyotreat.com/saerin4RIN ____________________________ 🍰 FEED THE HELLHOUND: https://streamelements.com/saerin4rin/tip 🍰 🖊 JOIN MEMBERSHIPS: https://bit.ly/saerin4rinjoin __________ 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 __________ ◢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/saerin4RIN ◢ THRONE GIFTING: https://throne.com/saerin4RIN ◢ OTHER: https://saerin4rin.carrd.co/ ◢ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/93kdjRJabT Business contact: [email protected] ________ Other Minecraft VTubers ________ @AuriLunami @RIHSURI @SheeIchoKawaii ________ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ________ Please… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)

    Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV Underworld – Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)’, was uploaded by Nani on 2024-04-22 01:28:56. It has garnered 361 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:35 or 2375 seconds. #ragecraft #ctm #minecraft #fyptiktok #survival #bossfight I’m not a fan of boss fights where you also have to worry about the tons of spawns there are, but I must admit that it is entertaining and forces you to think of strategies to make it easier Download map: https://ctmrepository.com/index.php?action=viewMap&id=588 IMPORTANT 1: It’s been 8 years and I’m obviously not making… Read More

  • Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle Blaiden

    Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle BlaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Getting Cancelled in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Uncle Blaiden on 2024-07-30 04:58:44. It has garnered 87 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:31 or 10351 seconds. Getting Cancelled in Minecraft !!! WARNING FOR DONATIONS !!! You can donate via YouTube Superchats. However, for donations equal to or exceeding $5.00, it’s recommended to donate via the “Donate” link below as you can send a custom Text-To-Speech message that will play on the stream. Donate: https://streamelements.com/uncleblaiden/tip Discord: https://discord.gg/Hbnnk2bxhf Donate BitCoin: bc1quggu392up43gekw76ufu2y5pplzxwmf78shdey Donate Monero: 88TaTTUbqS5ZcLH4WWUeb8WatsZY91R7daXvzNVKbCKfUnHrE7AsBQjQs5Gh1QDXko8EH4G7UuUSGKS2ogdcNKWcAiKuwGW Instagram: https://instagram.com/blaidenbeats Twitter: https://twitter.com/blaidenbeats Beat Channel: https://youtube.com/@BlaidenBeats Read More

  • MRG Network

    MRG NetworkMRG Network is a group of minecraft servers created by players for players. The network was made out of necessity due to the PTW nature of most servers out there. We have most features that other servers brag about but without putting a paywall between the players and the features they desire. We are a group of friends who have made this server from the perspective of players. We have played servers and were ignored with our requests and therefore we have made this server at the request of those who played and enjoyed other servers with us. We are… Read More

  • 🌑 The Shadow Realm is Now OPEN! 🌑 Realms SMP Bedrock

    Join The Shadow Realm for a Legendary Adventure! One-Player Sleep: No more waiting for everyone to rest! Reworked Smaller Shields: Get the protection you need without the bulk. Optifine-like Spyglass: Zoom in and explore like never before! Decreased Fire Spread: Keep your builds safe from accidental fires. Vein Miner: Mine resources faster and more efficiently! In-Game Events: Regular events to keep the excitement going! Discord Community: Stay connected, share your builds, and plan your adventures! In-Game Shop: Buy and sell items for all your crafting needs. !TPs and !setHome: Convenient teleport and home commands to make navigation easier! !Land Claim:… Read More

  • Minecraft server nerdpvp.xyz

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: nerdpvp.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Swap shield for door, trust me”

    Minecraft Memes - "Swap shield for door, trust me"Looks like the shield’s defense just couldn’t handle the door’s entrance into meme stardom! Read More

  • Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge Logic

    Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge LogicVideo Information This video, titled ‘WindCharge Logic・・・’, was uploaded by TK on 2024-09-16 14:07:34. It has garnered 618 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlogic #minecraftshorts #yes Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Mac’s Misadventures in Moosey Town

    Mac's Misadventures in Moosey Town Surviving the Harsh Desert in Forever Stranded Modded Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the desert planet of Forever Stranded, a Minecraft Mod-pack in 1.10.2 available on the Curse Launcher. Join Mac as he navigates through the challenges of this unforgiving environment, trying to survive against all odds. Will you test your fate and see how he tames this unknown world? Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crashing on a planet with nothing but sand surrounding you. In Forever Stranded, players must follow quest lines while braving the harsh desert environment. The first challenge? Securing water to combat… Read More

  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

    Tiny Minecraft World Challenge Welcome to the World in a Jar Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a unique survival journey within the confines of a jar in Minecraft! This challenging gameplay experience offers a twist on the traditional world exploration, pushing players to think creatively and strategically to expand their world. Starting Off Strong As you begin your adventure, you’ll find yourself spawned in front of a barrel filled with essential starter tools. These tools will be crucial in helping you navigate and survive in this confined environment. With limited resources at your disposal, every decision you make will impact your progress. Endless Possibilities… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametix

    Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametixVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of Noob Getting Diamonds 😎😦 #minecraft #shorts #gametix #viral’, was uploaded by Gametix on 2024-01-10 06:36:14. It has garnered 3180 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! play.tigsmc.fun:21579 Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

    Welcome to Plains n’ Peaks! Plains n’ Peaks is a private Minecraft SMP (Java only) for a select group of friends and individuals aged 14-20. Our server focuses on a safe and fun Minecraft experience without excessive automation or inflation. We enjoy hosting events, hanging out in voice chat, and having a great time together! We offer a vanilla experience with a few quality of life plugins, like one player sleep, and the Simple Voice Chat mod for socialization. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply here. Requirements: Discord account Minecraft Java Edition account Microphone and computer capable of… Read More

  • Minecraft server mp.castiamc.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mp.castiamc.com (GL HF) Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a BEE in HARDCORE Minecraft!