I Survived 100 DAYS as a FIRE WITHERSTORM in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day 1, I spawned in as a fire witherstorm  – a force of pure fiery destruction! Why am I so puny? I only had 6 hearts to begin with,   but I knew witherstorms grew stronger  by absorbing blocks and mobs.

I tried to absorb some of the nearby blocks  and grow bigger, but it didn’t work. Maybe   I needed to unlock that ability first. It  also looked like I couldn’t really fly yet! At least I’m immune to fire. The area I spawned into was a molten lava  field that would be really dangerous for  

Regular mobs. It was like “home sweet  home”, but there was nothing to destroy. I didn’t see any other witherstorms either,   so I figured I had been left behind by the  others while they went off to grow bigger. Wait for me, guys!

I ran around looking for my friends  until I saw something really strange. There was a snowy biome  right next to this fire one. What’s the deal? Everyone knows  that fire and ice don’t mix! I heard a growl behind me and saw a fire  cerberus looking really hungrily at me. Hey! Witherstorms aren’t nutritious!

I hit the cerberus but because I  was so small the damage was nothing! I was losing hearts fast to its  bite, so I decided to run away. I ended up running straight into a  vex that wanted a piece of me too. All of a sudden, fire land  doesn’t feel that much like home!

I jumped down into a lava pit and hid myself  away. I knew they couldn’t follow me because   of my fire immunity, so I stayed  there safely until the next day.  On day 2, I hopped out of the lava pit and found  some burnt out trees. It wasn’t what I expected,  

But at least I could gather some  wood to make my first tools. I’ve never seen a wither make anything before,  but it’s nice to be the first at something! These tools would probably  burn up if I used them here,  

So I made my way towards that snowy  biome that I saw the other day. On the border between the fire and ice biomes,  there was a wide river with a strong current. If I try to cross that, I’ll  be put out like a campfire. I didn’t have enough wood to build a bridge,  

So I followed the banks of the river to see if  there was a place where it was safe to cross. That’s when I noticed something  small flying towards me from   across the river. It was an imp with icy wings. Do not cross this river!  I’m warning you, fireface!

That’s rude. First of all, my name is Zozo.  Second, why do you care if I cross it? It’s not me who cares: the Icemeister is the   one who doesn’t want anyone from  the Firelands coming over here. I’m a witherstorm first, and a fire  creature second. I’ll go where I want.

My warning still stands! There’s a war going  on and the Icemeister plans on winning it. A war between the creatures of ice and  fire? That sounds heated and chilling. Steer clear of it, fireface. I mean… Zozo. Thanks! I finished the day by mining some  stone blocks from the side of the  

River with my new set of tools. On day 3, I started building a   base on my side on the river with  stone blocks as the foundation. Whoever this Icemeister guy is, he can’t be  mad at me if I don’t leave the Firelands.

I was still really weak for a fire  witherstorm and needed something to   protect me from all of the wandering mobs  until I could unleash my full potential. I was betting that the mobs could sense my true  potential and that’s why they were attacking me.

Almost done putting up the  walls! I’ll be safe now. It turned out I spoke too soon because a dread   beast ran inside the base and started  trying to infect me with its plagues. I pulled out my wooden sword and swung away  at the mob. The wooden sword caught on fire  

As soon as I started using it. It felt  good to be the one attacking for a change,   probably because I hadn’t gotten  to do any actual destroying yet.   With the final blow the wooden sword  got destroyed but I downed the bestie. Bye-bye, beastie! Hey,  

I wonder if I can use my absorb ability  on it now. Come on, let’s go! Absorb! The ability actually worked this time. The  dread beast and a bunch of the surrounding   blocks got added into my body. I had gotten way  bigger and my total number of hearts was 14 now.

I had three tentacles now instead of none . I  could make three times as many melee attacks now. The only downside was that absorbing more material  into myself made part of my base disappear. I better be careful what I absorb in the future.

I replaced the blocks that I got  absorbed and made sure to finish   the foundation and replaced my broken  wooden sword with a new stone one,   this one should last longer now. I planned  to go and gather more stone tomorrow. 

On days 4-5, I went looking for more stone by the  riverside. This time, I noticed that part of the   river was frozen solid like somebody had built  a bridge of ice blocks over the running water. If I tried to walk on it, the ice would melt. But  

Something told me the ice and snow  mobs wouldn’t have the same problem. I was right! There was already a taiga  zombie on the fire side of the river. How many times does the  Icemeister need to teach a lesson? Hey, I’ve stayed on my side! Why  can’t Icemeister stay on his?

It seems you don’t remember what you used to be. What did I used to be? You were Icemeister’s greatest rival,  the leader of all the fire mobs in this   world. You almost melted all of the  snow zone before he defeated you.

Whoa! I used to be the ruler  of the fire side of the river?   That’s really cool. What happened  that made me so small and weak? That’s not your business anymore. I’ll destroy  you before you become that powerful ever again.

The taiga zombie clearly wanted a fight, so I  made sure to give it one. The zombie had only   one weapon and I had three tentacles and a  stone sword, so he was quickly outmatched. I won! Now I’ll absorb you too!

The absorption didn’t work this time which  probably meant that ice mobs were totally   immune. That was disappointing, but  important to know. I finished off the   zombie and gathered as much of the stone  as I could before my wooden pickaxe broke. I went back to my base with the stone I gathered.

If there really is a war, I need to get fortified.  On days 6-8, I found some lost  tentacles lying around in the firelands. I wonder if these used to be mine when I was  big and strong? The mysteries grow deeper.

I couldn’t attach them back onto myself, but I  did know of another way to put them to good use. First, I had to gather sticks  from around the burnt trees. Next, I upgraded my wooden tools to stone. This   let me mine for a couple ingots of  iron and gold beneath the firelands.

With access to both sticks, gold and  iron, I was able to craft a hook. Then   I combined the lost tentacles with my  hook in order to make a Tentacle Grab. This special item would let me  grapple enemies and keep them   from getting away. It would be perfect  for keeping mobs within melee range.

Not long after I crafted the Tentacle Grab,  I noticed a few ice mobs on this side of   the river. They were ice piglins  and they were not happy to see me. Get out of here! Go tell Icemeister that   I survived and I’m going to  become big and strong again!

They started moving towards me. Time to test out my new weapon! I quickly struck down the first mob,  and then the second. I then snared the   ice piglin with the Tentacle Grab and  pulled him in for a tentacle beatdown.

Bet you weren’t expecting that! Those old lost  tentacles were good for something after all. The piglin was defeated. Icemeister would   have to do better than that if he  wanted to eliminate me for good. And next, I was going to strike back. It was  time to see what this snowy biome was all about. 

On days 9-10, I gathered as much stone as I could  find and built a sturdy bridge over the river. Now I can cross over to Icemeister’s side  of the river and see what I’m up against.

The snowy biome had tons of materials that I’d  never seen on the fiery side of the river. There   were blocks of Lapis and the polar bears dropped  some pelts which I use for decoration on my base. I continued through the tundra, seeing all  sorts of wonderful things along the way.

This was a nice area. It would be a  shame if I had to burn it all down. That’s when I saw him: Icemeister.  Memories of the last time we fought   came flooding back to me. I was a lot  bigger than I am right now when I lost  

To him. But it seemed like he used some kind  of enchantment on me. I had to find out more. I approached Icemeister confidently. Remember me? It can’t be. You’re the fire  witherstorm from across the river. That’s right! And you’re going to stop sending  

Ice mobs into the firelands or  we’re going to have a problem. Heh. Pathetic little puff of smoke.  I’ll let you live just this once.   But only because I already sealed your power away. I didn’t know what he meant, but I had the  feeling that he wouldn’t be so understanding  

If I stuck around. I turned back towards  the river so that I could make my way home. When I got to the stone bridge, I noticed  a brown bear halfway over the bridge. Oh, hey. Don’t mind me. Please, don’t tell me you’re another  ice mob invading my territory.

Me? Not at all. I’m trying to get somewhere  warmer. Are you from the firelands? Actually, I used to be the top dog over  there. I’m Zozo the fire witherstorm! I’m Reginald. All the other bears like the cold,  but I’d rather be in a nicer climate. Everywhere  

Icemeister goes, he freezes the terrain  and starts building cities made out of ice. You’ll be right at home in the  firelands. It’ll always be warm there!  On days 11-12, Reginald and I returned to my  base on the fire side of the river. I soon  

Made an extra room for him with a sunroof so he  could get the most out of the pleasant weather. After that, I went to mine for more  iron with my stone pickaxe. Because   of all the lava, the fire lands were rich  in obsidian – which I could gather later.  

It’s a sturdy material that  would make my base stronger. But before I could get enough ingots,   I was ambushed by a wildkin. It did  a ton of damage with a single attack. Ow! My hearts!

I couldn’t get any further into the iron mine with  that mob down there, so I ran back above ground. I have to unlock more of my former  abilities. What else do witherstorms do? I concentrated as hard as I could on  one of the nearby magma cubes . With  

Some effort, I was able to fire a wither skull  projectile. The mob was destroyed in one hit. Wither skulls! That’s it! The wildkin would take more than a few  wither skull attacks to be defeated,   but I could at least weaken  it before it got close.

I went back down into the iron mine and put my  plan into action. The wildkin was waiting for me,   so I wasted no time blasting  him with three wither skulls. Now I could fight at close range without worrying  about getting worn out. The wildkin’s claws were  

Still doing damage to me, but I had three  tentacles so my attacks were much faster. Once I beat him, I crafted  an iron pickaxe and mined   the obsidian from the surface of the firelands. This obsidian will look great on my base!

I was right! The obsidian made a  perfect addition to the outer walls.   My base was becoming a real fortress. On days 13-15, I started to remember   more of what happened back when I  was a fully-grown fire witherstorm. I was huge and absorbing everything in sight!  I remember the terrain being covered in ice,  

But unlike the snowy biome next door it was the   middle of the ocean. I must have been  able to fly here from the firelands. Down below, I saw Icemeister. He was  slightly smaller than the present day,   so this must have been his younger self. Hahaha you’re not so tough! Move aside, pipsqueak!

I won’t let you destroy my home! He sounded really upset and  from the looks of things – it   seemed like I was the one who had attacked first. I saw Icemeister hold a black  block and it began absorbing me. No! Impossible! My destructive power!

Your true form is sealed now. It will  never escape this enchanted block. I fell down to the ground, a tiny and  weak version of what I used to be. I’ll be back one day! Icemeister called some other snowmen to put me on  a block of ice which floated away from this land  

And down the river to the firelands. Back then,  the firelands were on both sides of the river. The dream ended there. It seemed like  Icemeister just wanted revenge because   of what I did. But he showed mercy to me  the last time I was there in spite of that.

I can’t believe I used to be the bad guy. I  should just leave the ice mobs alone for now   on. That might be the only way to make up for  all the destruction I caused when I was big.  On days 16-19, I decided to tell  Reginald about the memories I was  

Having. I felt really bad about what  I did so I needed to talk to a friend. I thought Icemeister was the bad guy,   but it turns out I made him that way  because I bullied him and melted his home.

That is a lot. Have you thought of saying  sorry and trying to do something nice for him? I might have messed up too badly for that.  There’s no way to un-destroy something. Being sad about it won’t fix the problem either. You wouldn’t get it!

I ran away from the base, leaving  Reginald behind. He was better off   without me anyway. I was a destructive bad guy,   and he was just a regular bear. How could  he understand what I was feeling right now? While I was out wandering the firelands I  saw a village under attack by taiga zombies.

Oh no! I have to help! Without even thinking, I raced to the aid  of the villagers. The zombies were easier   to defeat this time now that I was bigger  and I could clear out several at once.

The villagers cheered as I drove the last of  the ice mobs off. Their home was saved and I   actually felt good. The firelands were attacked  because of me, but I’m going to save them anyway. I can’t change the past, but I will  stop this war and save my home.

Thank you, Zozo! We were hoping someone  would protect our village from the ice mobs,   but we never expected you would return to save us. I’m back and better than ever! The villagers brought a large stack of blocks out  of their houses and set them down in front of me.

We were storing these blocks for you to  absorb so you could become strong again. You’re not afraid of my true form? No way. You were always nice to  us fire mobs. And with you around,   nobody messed with us. Go on, absorb those blocks.

I did what the villagers said and  became an even larger fire witherstorm.   My total number of tentacles was  five, and I had three heads now. Hi. Hello. My armor and hearts were both increased to,  with iron level durability and 25 hearts. I  

Was really starting to resemble my  old self. In a good way, I hoped. Do you villagers know anything  more about how I used to be? We do know one thing. The legendary block  that contains your true form was hidden  

Away by Icemeister after he defeated you  the first time. If you can find that,   you’ll be back to full power in no time. Full power! I like the sound of that! Even though taking my old form could make me  a bad guy again, I decided to find the sealed  

Block anyway. If I’m going to end this war, I  may as well be prepared to do whatever it takes.  On days 20-22, I went back to the base so I  could apologize to Reginald for running away. I found him outside the base  fending off some polar bears.

It’s over, Reginald! You’re coming home with us! No, this is my friend’s base and I’m  protecting it until he comes back. You’re a fool! We were right to  kick you out of the polar bear club! I ran over to help. Reginald! I’m back! I’m so sorry I yelled at you!

Ahh, it’s the fire storm! Retreat! The polar bears ran away  in fear in the sight of me. Thank you, Zozo. I’m glad you came back. What are friends for! Now that the base was safe from the ice mobs,  I started laying the foundation for a statue.

I would need a lot of obsidian, so  I got to mining as much as I could. With my pickaxe, I diverted part  of the river into the firelands   to create even more obsidian where the  lava was flowing freely. This also let  

Me improve the base with a moat that even  the ice mobs would have trouble crossing. I made sure to give it a drawbridge,  and I filled it with lava That should be enough obsidian to get  started! What do you think I’m building? 

Also, subscribe to Zozo if you  want to see more of my adventures!  On days 23-26, the base was  attacked by more ice mobs. Those polar bears who bullied Reginald  must have told Icemeister where I was! There was a whole pack of froststalkers  trying to get in. They were some strong  

Mammoths , but fortunately they weren’t the  kind that were clever enough to open doors. Thanks to the blocks I  absorbed in the fire village,   I was big and strong enough  to give them a real thrashing. The last one to be defeated dropped their  pelt , which I used to craft a froststalker  

Cloak. With this, I could disguise myself as a  froststalker and infiltrate the snowy biomes. I traveled over the stone bridge and into the  cold forest where the froststalkers lived. The cloak ’s disguise worked like a charm. I could   tame the froststalkers and have them  keep other mobs out of the forest.

The trees here were made of spruce wood,  which couldn’t be found in the firelands. I should take some home with me since I’m here. I would have stayed longer, but I was worried  about being discovered by Icemeister. I went  

Back to base and built myself a fireplace  that would put the spruce wood to good use. When I went back outside, I saw a fire  elemental hanging outside the walls of the base. Excuse me. Is this where the resistance is? Resistance? You know, the resistance against  Icemeister and his army of ruthless  

Conquerors? Some villagers told me that the  fire witherstorm was coming back. Is that you? Yup. That’s me! Oh wow! I’m your biggest fan! I wanted to  join up with you and help save our home! You’re a fan of me? Wow, I’m  not sure how I feel about that,  

But I’ll let you in. It’s  safer inside of the base. Sweet! I added a room made completely out of obsidian to  the base for the fire elemental to live inside.  On days 27-31, I had another vision. But this  time it wasn’t from the past, but the present.  

I could feel my sealed destructive power calling  out for me from inside the enchanted block. It seemed like it had been locked away inside of   some kind of underground vault. I didn’t  get to see the outside of the chamber,   but my best guess was that the entrance  was somewhere in the snowy biome.

I went to the stone bridge in order to cross, but  saw that it had been destroyed while I was away. That must have been Icemeister’s doing. It looked like the mob who did it was  still there: a ferocious yeti that was  

Bigger and badder than any ice creature I  had faced yet. It snarled and charged at me. You may have wrecked my  bridge, but I’m a lot tougher! I launched a wither skull at him before hitting   him with the Tentacle Grab. The yeti  attacks were strong, but so were mine.

After fighting the big lug for a bit,  I let go of the grapple and pushed him   into the river. The fast-moving  current washed him far away. I jumped over the gaps of the bridge  and made it to the other side.  On days 32-35, I came across a village of icemen.

They’ll probably attack me if they find  out who I really am. I’d better blend in. I used the forestwalker cloak in the  hopes that they’d think I was just a   mammoth passing through. It didn’t really work. Ahh! It’s the leader of the fire mobs! Darn it. There goes that plan.

What do you want with us? Don’t be afraid. I’m not a bad guy  anymore. I just want my powers to   be unsealed. Do you know where  Icemeister is keeping the block? I can tell you that it’s not anywhere in the   snowlands! Icemeister didn’t want  you to invade us looking for it.

I’m not invading, I swear! Like we’d believe you! It wasn’t on this side of the river. That was bad  news on it’s own. It was even worse because the   villagers were really scared of me. I figured I  might as well leave and then Icemeister showed up.

What’s this, iceman? Are you seriously being  friends with a fire mob? That’s not cool! No, Icemeister! It’s the leader! The  fire witherstorm you sealed away! That’s even worse! I should have  you all frozen for this betrayal! Hey, don’t blame them! I’m the one you want!

And you! I told you I’d only spare you once! Then come and get me! Icemeister started chasing me, so I ran  away from the iceman village back to the   river. Thinking quickly, I took a risk and  jumped in. The water would deal damage to me,  

But I had enough hearts to withstand it now. I had gotten away from Icemeister, but  the current took me for a ride. That was   until I hit an ice bridge further down the  river and was able to swim back to shore. It was the icemen! They had come to save me!

Thank you for distracting Icemeister!  He’s gotten really angry lately and   he’s obsessed with war! You protected  us, so I guess we misjudged fire mobs. No sweat! Come on, follow me back to base. On days 36-39, I made some big changes to the  

Base so that the icemen who were staying here  wouldn’t be too uncomfortable with the heat. I carefully made a big pool filled  with water, for them to cool off. You can never have enough water fun! Er  well, I can. But you guys have a good time. You got that right!

Now that you’re all here, why don’t you tell me  more about that block that contains my true form. Icemeister said that he hid it  in a place that is neither fiery   or icey. A pasture with a balanced  climate and huge fields of crops. It sounds like there wouldn’t  be any war happening there.

Yeah. Wherever it is. After talking to the icemen, I did some  more work on my statue. I’ve moved past   the foundation and its started to take  shape. Do you know what it will be?  On days 40-43, the base was  visited by a friendly dragonfly.

Salutations! I’ve heard that you’re trying  to take the fight to the Icemeister! You heard correctly. Alright! It just so happens that I know  about a way to upgrade your wither skulls. Tell me! Tell me! There’s an ice mob outpost upriver from here where  they are keeping the power-up which will turn  

Your wither skulls to blue wither skulls. It’s  guarded by a goat-centaur archer, so be careful. I followed the dragonflies advice and went  to the outpost. As soon as I got there,   the archer started opening fire. I avoided the  arrows and struck back with my wither skulls. Ka-blam! I’m a pretty good shot!

Inside the outpost was the  blue wither skull power-up.   I absorbed it and my projectile  attacks became twice as strong. These blue ones do serious damage! I felt the call of my sealed self further upriver,  so I decided to trust that feeling and keep going. 

On day 44-49, I was astounded by how  beautiful the biome around me was.   There were crops growing everywhere  and the grass was lush and green. So this is what the world would look  like if fire and ice weren’t fighting?

There were still dangers out here. A whole pack  of coyotes tried to eat me, but I was too spicy. That’s a fire joke. The coyotes turned away from me and ran back into   the field of crops. I saw them a couple  seconds later chasing a poor scarecrow.

Help! Help! If I only had a way out of this mess! Hang on! I’m coming! I ran in and smacked the coyotes  with my sword, scaring them off. Why were they chasing you?  I thought coyotes ate meat? They’re vegetarian coyotes! And most  of my body is made out of vegetables!

Oh. Glad I could help. I’m Strawbastion. Feel free to make yourself  at home. There are plenty of crops here,   all nourished by the magical  power source we keep underground. This magical powersource wouldn’t happen  to look like a black block, would it?

Oh, I’ve never seen it personally.  All I know is that it has a great   fiery power which can keep the  ground nice for cultivating crops. That had to be my sealed form! On day 50-53, I followed Strawbastion   as he showed me around his peaceful  land. I was keen to get my hands on  

My true form but I didn’t want to scare  him since he seemed like a nice guy. Has this place always been so peaceful? There isn’t any great war, if that’s what  you’re asking. But we do have our own problems. Like what?

Look around. All this delicious food and  nobody to eat it! Every season so much of   it goes bad because the people in the  surrounding lands don’t come to visit. Well, I’ll make sure that changes. That reminds me, there’s another traveler here. How nice. Do I know them?

Turns out I did. The Yeti who broke  my bridge jumped out and attacked me.   He must have swam all the way back up. Let’s finish what we started! I grappled him and we began to  fight. Strawbastion got scared  

So he ran away. I wanted to go check on him,  but I had to teach this yeti a lesson first. Don’t break people’s stuff! I hit him with my wither skull and the yeti was no   more. After the fight, I looked around  for Strawbastion but couldn’t find him.

I guess I’ll come back later. I was walking home when I  ran into another vegetable   person. This one had a tomato for a head. Wait, are tomatoes fruits or vegetables? What’s it to ya? Sorry, I’m just looking for the legendary  enchanted block. How do you get to it?

You gotta dig for it, but you’ll need better   tools than that. There’s a garden shed  nearby with a strong shovel you can use. I took the tomato man’s advice and found a diamond  shovel inside of a nearby abandoned shed. The shed  

Was too small for me so I used my tentacle to pull  the shovel towards me without damaging the shack.  On day 54-57, I told everyone at the  base about the peaceful fields upstream.   All of the fire and ice villagers were excited  about all the food there and wanted to visit.

To make the journey easier, I made  rowboats out of the spruce wood. While I was working, Reginald came outside to  join me. He said he wanted to ask me something. What is it, buddy? I wanted to mention something about  this place with all the vegetables. Doesn’t it sound amazing!

It does! For everybody else! But bears don’t  eat greens. We prefer fish, and lots of it. Oh, I get what you’re saying. You  want me to rustle up a source of   fish so that you can have your favorite food too. Yes! As long as that’s not too much to ask.

You got nothing to worry about, my friend! I decided to go fishing, but not  with nets or fishing poles. I dug   a gigantic hole in the ground.  It was big enough to be a pond. Just add water! Reginald would have all the fish  he needed right here at the base.

Thank you so much! Here’s a weapon I think  you could use. Like you, it’s a destroyer. Reginald handed me a powerful breaking  weapon. My excavations would be a lot   easier with that bad boy in my arms. On days 58-62, the statue was really  

Starting to come together. You could  almost guess what it was going to be. A new wave of ice mobs suddenly broke through  the base’s defenses. There were ice piglins,   froststalkers, and even new  enemies I hadn’t seen before. Who let them in? Zozo! Help!

I saw Reginald being attacked by those  polar bears again. Thinking quickly,   I put on my froststalker helmet and sent  some of the froststalkers to deal with them. Reginald and I ran away to another  part of the base together. When   we were there we saw that the fire  villagers and icemen were fighting.

Hey, break it up! What’s going on here? I knew we couldn’t trust  the people of the snowlands! You’re the ones who couldn’t accept us! Enough! I shouted loudly and got everyone’s  attention. I probably scared them,   but at least they stopped fighting. Stay here and don’t hurt each other! I’ll go deal  

With the enemies outside!  Reginald, you’re in charge. Yessir! I left Reginald and the villagers in the safe  place behind my house and fought back the ice   mobs single handedly. There was one friend I  hadn’t seen in there, and I was becoming worried. Come on, fire elemental, where are you?

I discovered him at the drawbridge, surrounded  by ice mobs. They had already depleted most   of his health by the time I got there. I  wanted to do something, but it was too late. Sorry, Zozo. I thought we could  win, so I called for a battle. It’s okay. I’m here now. We’ll win.

Oh. Good. You can do it, Zozo. With that, the fire elemental faded  away. He had been so brave, and unlike   me he wasn’t coming back from this. This was  Icemeister’s fault and he was going to pay. 

On days 63-66, I went to the snowlands and tried  to convince the local creatures to stop the war. This battle is between Icemeister and me!  None of you need to get involved! If you   don’t want to fight me, there is a place  at the top of the river with plenty of food  

And no war. If you stay here, Icemeister  will force you to invade the firelands. A few of them seemed to listen  and started heading upstream.   But one ran out of the crowd of  snow creatures and attacked me. For Icemeister, I will defeat you! You  cannot be allowed to reclaim your true form!

He was strong, so I had to fight back. At  least I wasn’t picking on the weaker ones. Stop it! More fighting is not the solution! It’s too late! You already melted our home once,   and most of the world too. How do you think  the firelands ended up burned and destroyed? I did that?

Yes! You are the fire witherstorm!  You are the true evil in this world! Please! I’m going to be nicer.  You don’t have to do this. He wouldn’t listen. I had no  other choice. I defeated him   with a blue wither skull attack.  The other ice creatures ran away. I’m sorry. On day 67-70,  

I caught up with some of the other ice  mobs that had gone to the crop field. At least they are safe. I saw some ruins in the distance and went  to check them out. With the Destroyer I   started to dig into the earth until  I came upon a vault made of bedrock.  

Even the Destroyer couldn’t get through  this. Probably because of enchantments. I dug around more and found an entrance,   but it was guarded. Somehow,  this guardian seemed familiar. I was wondering when you’d show up. Who are you? And why do I feel like I know you?

That’s when I received another memory of the past.  I saw myself as a fire witherstorm raging across   the land. I saw everything on both sides  of the river get turned to ash and lava. By my side the whole time was my loyal  pack of cerberus mobs and their leader,  

Tartarus. The same tartarus that was standing in  front of me, guarding the entrance to the vault. Tartarus? You remember now? I don’t understand. Why  are you guarding the vault,   buddy? My true form is inside of there  and I need it to defeat Icemeister.

The only thing you need is to return home and  give up on this quest for the legendary block. I can’t do that! People have  gotten hurt because of this war! People have gotten hurt because of you   too. I’m here to stop you from  becoming your worst self again.

Even if that means Icemeister  becomes my worst self instead? Yes. Even if that happens. Then I’m sorry for what I have to do. As Tartarus and I began to fight,  all of his special attacks started   to come back to me. I avoided his breath  weapon and his breaking claw strikes. I  

Pelted him with wither skulls  until we clashed head-to-head. You were really strong, old friend. Sorry again. I drew the destroyer, and swung it at him, but he  dodged and ran away. Rather than chase after him,   I checked the vault for my sealed form. On days 71-74, I entered the room that had  

Haunted my dreams. This was definitely  where the block that held my true form   had been. I said “had been”, because it  wasn’t there now. Someone had taken it. I felt its call again from far away, and  realized immediately what had happened.   Tartarus must have been keeping  the block in his own inventory.  

He was really determined to keep  me from returning to my full self. He’s probably on his way to Icemeister  right now to hide the block again. I didn’t want to have to fight Tartarus again,   but if he was with Icemeister, the two of  them would be unbeatable at my current level.

Dejected, I left the empty vault behind. On day 75-78, I asked the froststalkers   I had recruited during the  ice mob attack what they eat. Like Reginald, the Froststalkers ate fish too,  so I used the destroyer to make the pond bigger. All of them will have enough to eat now.

You’ve really made this place feel like home  for me. Have this! I think it will help. Reginald gave me a book with an enchantment that  could make me take no extra damage from water. Thanks, Reg. This will come in  handy next time I cross the river. You’re welcome, pal.

Well, aren’t we awfully buddy-buddy? Oh no! Tartarus! Seems like you have a new best friend. I  should have known you’d leave me behind. Tartarus! Where is my true form? Doesn’t matter. You’re not yourself anymore. I am  going to end this bitter memory, once and for all. He lunged forward. I drew the destroyer.

Run, Reginald! Be careful, Zozo! The second battle between me and Tartarus  began. I could still sense his moves,   but he was fighting like I’d never seen him fight   before. It took everything I had to keep on  fighting until I struck him down at last.

That was a good hit. You aren’t  totally different after all. Tartarus, why…? Listen closely, because I only have time  to say this once. I brought Icemeister   the legendary block, and he probably still has it. That means I can get it back from him!

Yes, but pay attention. That sealed  block has had its destructive energy   reversed through enchantments. That’s  why all the plants grew so beautifully   in that field above. They are all going  to wilt away if you don’t put it back. But what about me? My power?

Looks like you’ll have to make a  difficult decision. I wish you luck. Tartarus! Tartarus! Hey, I’ll still be there for you.  Just absorb me and I can help. Ok. I absorbed Tartarus and grew even  larger. I was close to a full-size   wither storm now. I had 60 hearts  and have diamond level durability.

Thanks, buddy. I’ll never forget my oldest friend. On days 79-84, I crossed the river without   the bridge because I was too big  to get swept up in the current. I took the forest route – saying hello to my  friends, the froststalkers, along the way. Hello! Oh hey there!

The voice came out of a nearby  tree… or should I say: Treant. Whoa! I didn’t see you there. Didn’t mean to sneak up on you. I’m  the Gardener of The Field and I’ve   come to give this Icemeister  fella a stern how-do-you-do. How do you do? Doing quite well, thank you. Yourself?

I’m actually looking for Icemeister too. Believe  it or not, we might be after the same item. You mean the legendary power  source that nourishes our crops? Yup! I used to want to have  it for a different reason,   but I’ve decided it belongs in that  vault where it can help people.

I like your thinking. You’re not as  mean and evil and scary as you look. Thanks, I guess. I traveled together with The Gardener until we   saw a formidable fortress of  snow and ice on the horizon. I suppose that must be Icemeister’s  place. I would keep walking,  

But I’m pretty tired. You could say I’m “bushed.” Same. And I have a feeling that he’s  not going to make this easy for us to   get the block back. How about we return  to my base for now and discuss strategy?

I like where your head’s at. All three of ‘em. On days 85-89, I told the Gardener of the Field   everything about my journey so far.  Including how I used to be a bad guy   when I was the ruler of the firelands  and how I was trying to stop the war.

Sounds to me like you’ve seen and done a lot  of things since you spawned into this world   so long ago. Changing into a better person  from who you were in the past isn’t easy,   but that’s what growing up is all about. If only I could make Icemeister  understand that. I don’t think  

He’ll ever forgive me and that makes me sad. Well… to be honest with you, Icemeister and you  might never be friends. But there’s a lesson in   that. You are a being of pure destruction  who brings fire down upon the world,   while Icemeister creates snowy  landscapes and gives a sense of  

Urgency to all the creatures he meets. You two are  polar opposites, and this world needs both of you. Ok, I sorta understand. But how do I stop him from   creating war? I just want  the mobs to live in peace.

I’ll let you in on a little secret, Zozo.  I was the one who enchanted that block. Wait, you helped seal my powers? Yes! And look how it turned  out. Don’t you feel free now? I do, actually. Well, there is your answer. Together we will free  Icemeister from his ambitions and the war will  

Come to an end. I’ll enchant a new sealing block,  but you’ll need to gather the raw materials. Done!  On days 90-94, I searched high and low  for as many emeralds as I could find. After that, I traveled to every village on  both sides of the river that would let me in.

Sorry, sorry, I know I’m scary! Little by little, news spread across  the land that I only wanted to trade   emeralds for bottles o’ enchanting. They  started treating me like a regular guy,   which I really appreciated even though I  was too big to get inside the villages.

Throughout my travels, I gathered a whole bunch of   bottles of enchantment and  returned to the Gardener. These will do! Give me a few days  and I’ll have the seal ready! Awesome! With some of the left over enchantment bottles,   I decided to give myself  the fire aspect enchantment. It worked!

My wither skulls had turned red and could  now catch any enemy that they hit on fire.  On days 95-97, I completed the  statue. It had been a statue   of Tartarus all along. I didn’t even  know that when I started building it,  

But I guess there are some things you  never forget no matter how much you change. My oldest and most loyal friend would now  be remembered as a beautiful statue for   all to see. And every time I saw  the statue, I would remember him. You’ve done alright, Zozo.  Thank you for remembering me. Tartarus?

Yup, it’s me. I heard his voice inside my head, Okay, this is kinda really weird. Don’t worry, I won’t be doing this all the  time. Just wanted to tell you that I am   proud you chose to put the legendary  block back where it truly belongs.

Well, some things are more important  than getting back something you lost.   Or even being the most powerful  fire witherstorm in the world. You’ll always be number one in my book. Thanks, Tartarus. On day 98, I told   the villagers that they could  all go home if they wanted to,  

Because very soon there wouldn’t be  a war on either side of the river. But… this is our home. Oh, right. I guess you fire guys  can stay. What about you, Ice Men? We’re not sure. There were  so many great memories in   this place. I don’t know if we want to leave yet.

Awww. Stay as long as you like! Well, I’m definitely staying. Of course, Reginald. I  wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re going to go fight  Icemeister soon, aren’t you? Yeah, buddy. It sure seems that way. Do your best okay! And come back safe!  This base is not a home without you!

Of course I’ll be back. Shortly after that, the gardener walked in   with the new enchanted block we’d be  using to seal Icemeister’s evil side. Zozo, my boy, it is time. The sealing block is   complete. We’re going right now  to the fortress of Icemeister. Alright, let’s go.

I said my goodbyes to everyone at  the base. This adventure is almost   at the most exciting part, so soon  I’ll be saying goodbye to you too. But don’t worry, we’ll have lots of other  adventures together. Subscribe to the channel  

And go watch some of my other ones after  this. There are so many to enjoy! Like the   time I spent 100 days as a lava wither! On day 99, the Gardener and I returned   to the fortress of Icemeister and  found that it wasn’t guarded at all. Where is everyone?

It looks like you brought  peace to this land after all,   Zozo. Must have been all that traveling  and trying to do the right thing. Yeah, and most of all… he has no other mobs  left to fight for him, this is our chance!

I blasted my way in and realized  that I wasn’t completely correct.   There were traps everywhere that shot  ice and snow at me and the Gardener. Oh! Help! I’m not an evergreen tree! These cold  temperatures are going to make my leaves fall off! Just stay close to me! I’ll keep you warm.

A trap door opened up beneath. Oh no! This is it! No way! I jumped over the spikes and landed  safely on the other side. Then I   used my tractor beam to catch the  gardener and grapple him to safety. Thanks! You’re using your fire witherstorm  powers for good! Never thought I’d see the day!

You’re right! I don’t have to be  a bad guy even though I’m fiery   and scary! I can help people just the way I am. Now you know! Let’s go get your true form back! You mean, you’re letting me have the other block.

Sure! The field only needs one at a time, and  you’ve had your turn! Now it’s Icemeister’s turn. I can’t believe I’m going to be returning to  my true form after all! This is so exciting!  On day 100, the Gardener and I came face to face  

With Icemeister. He was holding the  block that contained my true form. It’s over, Icemeister! Give back what  you stole and we’ll make this easy! Easy? You think that there’s an easy way  out of this? I don’t think so. You’re a fire  

Witherstorm and you’re bad to the bone. Your path  of destruction won’t stop as long you still exist. No, it stops now! I’m good  and I can prove it to you! Zozo is telling the truth, Icemeister. Why don’t  you call it quits. Our plants need that block. You mean, this block?

Icemeister held up the block with  my true form inside and absorbed it,   becoming a terrifying new version of  himself. As if that weren’t bad enough,   Icemeister also spawned a bunch  of other snowman to attack us! Seize them, little ones! The Gardener looked at me and  held up the new enchanted block.

I’ll fire the sealing spell up!  You keep him and his minions busy! You got it! I unleashed all of my powers on  the miniature snowmen. I made   sure to clear all of them out first  before facing off against Icemeister. You’ll never defeat me, Zozo!

I already have. You thought absorbing the  power you took from me would help you win,   but destructive power like that  should only be used responsibly. And what would you know about that! More than you’d think! We all get to decide who  we are and I’ve decided that this is my true form!

As soon as I said that, I instantly grew back to  full-size. I had 180 hearts. Now the playing field   was even. While the Icemeister was distracted  the Gardener finished charging his spell. Zozo, now! Move! I dodged out the way as a beam shot  forth from the block. In an instant,  

It absorbed Icemeister’s evil form  and left behind only a tiny snowball. I’ll get you for this! Okay, but take your time. Maybe you  could be the good guy this time. With the seal set in place, the Gardener  was able to save the crops at his field.

Meanwhile, I went back to my base in  the firelands. It was peaceful for now,   and I hoped that would last. Either  way, it was a good day to be myself.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a FIRE WITHERSTORM in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-02-15 22:15:01. It has garnered 11360549 views and 130526 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:02 or 2402 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a FIRE WITHERSTORM in Hardcore Minecraft! It’ll be fire against ice as I face my nemesis, the Icemeister! I’ll absorb mobs and blocks to get stronger, until I can regain my true form and save the firelands!

#minecraft #100days #firewitherstorm

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  • Unbelievable Gamers Destroy Minecraft ⚔️ 🔥 24/7 Action

    Unbelievable Gamers Destroy Minecraft ⚔️ 🔥 24/7 ActionVideo Information [संगीत] रे बै सट ना तू बाली साडे सीने उते ला बैठी तार ले तू मंग तारे झोली विच पा बैठी कोठे तो दिस दी दुपहर लगड़ ना थले तेरे पैर फुल तू गुलाब दी फुल तू गुलाब दी परी तू पंजाब दी फुल तू गुलाब दी फुल तू गुलाब दी फुल तू गुलाब दी परी तू पंजाब दी फुल तू गुलाब दी [संगीत] मुख तेरा तकी जावा कद भी नाका मैं नाल तेरे रया जावा कद भी ना थका मैं लोका तू फिक्र तू छ दे दिल सारे तू क दे लेलनी तू पिप द शान कुनू… Read More

  • Insane Potato Clutch! You won’t believe it’s possible! #shorts

    Insane Potato Clutch! You won't believe it's possible! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unpossible but look’s Easy clutch #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by burning potato on 2024-01-03 14:48:54. It has garnered 6388 views and 149 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: 10 Laps Madness!

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: 10 Laps Madness!Video Information みんなみんなこのれで落ちるまで片手を グーにしてみてじゃあ行くよ32 スタート全然余裕だよって人は高評価で 教えて 321できたら天才すぎて将来頭いい大学 行ける [音楽] ねまだまだできるよって人はチャンネル 登録で教え て発し ますみんなさ俺って年内1万5000人 目指してるんだけど年内で行けると思う コメントで教えてあまた落ちちゃった練習 できるかやってみて This video, titled ‘何周できる??🎊part3#minecraft#マイクラ#じんざべすパロディ#キナッキーパロディ#shorts’, was uploaded by てれぽ / Telepo on 2024-03-28 09:00:33. It has garnered 3173 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. – Reimu’s portrait – YouTube➡https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVMhSwMzJRbaMsvHdsCgu1gDistribution site➡https://kumasannosozaiya.studio.site/ Read More

  • Dream Survival

    Dream SurvivalThis server used to be a recreation of the popular DreamSMP but we have expanded to a Survival Server! Join now! Oh and did I mention its not Pay to Win? dreamsmp.mc-srv.com Read More

  • Penumbra Craft Modded pvp survival factions

    ρ𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖑𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 Dark cataclysmic events have set players on a path to rediscover technology and embrace the sprawling expanse of magic. Penumbralcraft elevates the modded experience with a survival PvP experience combined with the ultimate builders toolset. The server is a rules-lite environment with full pvp, full loot, and full raiding features. Technology progression is possible, leading to a gilded space age for the crafty players. If you liked what Rust did for pvp but miss the creative freedom of minecraft, then look no further. Details: Curseforge modpack – Penumbralcraft Server IP: penumbralcraft.ddns.net:25685 Recommended memory: 12Gb Minecraft version 1.20.1 Forge required:… Read More

  • Saucraft.de Community Server 1.20.4

    Saucraft.de Community Server 1.20.4We are a small but nice community server :)You yourself determine the boundaries of your property, which is protected from other players. The longer you play on the server, the larger your territory can become! Of course you can also give your fellow players access!Our active and friendly server team is always ready to make it easier for you to get started on the server and to answer any questions that arise. We are also always open to suggestions for improvements and innovations; the community decides where to go!A 1.20.4 farm world, End and Nether with many new elements such… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Arachnophobia on Acid

    Minecraft Memes - Arachnophobia on Acid“Why do Minecraft spiders always sound like they’re hissing? Are they trying to audition for a snake role in a video game?” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Surviving Minecraft’s Broken World

    Crafting Chaos: Surviving Minecraft's Broken World In Minecraft’s broken world, we take a leap, Facing challenges, secrets to keep. Super Flat dimensions, a world so unique, With mobs and treasures, a tale to speak. From shipwrecks to diamonds, we journey on, Facing dangers, battles won. In the Nether’s fiery blaze, we stand tall, Defeating the dragon, we conquer all. But the journey’s not over, there’s more to explore, With houses and trees, we seek for more. In this broken world, we thrive and survive, Crafting our story, in Minecraft we strive. So join me on this journey, in rhymes we’ll tell, The story of Minecraft,… Read More

  • What Should I Make Next? Comment Below for a Giggle! #minecraftmadness

    What Should I Make Next? Comment Below for a Giggle! #minecraftmadness “I asked my mom what I should make next and she said ‘dinner’… I guess she doesn’t appreciate my Minecraft skills.” #momknowsbest #minecraftchef Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring @AnshuBisht and his gaming adventures. While the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it definitely showcases the fun and excitement that comes with playing Minecraft. If you’re looking to join a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community, look no further than Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive gaming experience like no other. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on… Read More

  • Solo Bedwars: Nethergames Domination

    Solo Bedwars: Nethergames Domination Nethergames Domination: Solo Bedwars Triumph Minecraft Settings Gamertag: JoyfulPuma12349 (Try To Find Me) FOV: 90.00/90.80 Websites: Music Website: Mixkit Motion Backgrounds: Pixabay Videvo Join my Discord for Packs: Discord Invite Social Media: Discord: 🧩 Discord Invite Instagram: 🧩 Abhi banaya nahi hai Whatsapp: 🧩 Whatsapp Channel Additional Info: Check out my Discord, Instagram, and Whatsapp for more content! 😊 Credits: 🎗️ All Background Music Credits to Their Respective Owners. 🎗️ All Mods Credits to Their Respective Owners. 🎗️ All Video Clips Credits: Minecraft Copyright Disclaimer: ⚠️ Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976… Tags &… Read More

  • Spongey Knight’s EPIC Minecraft Sleepy Mage Adventure!

    Spongey Knight's EPIC Minecraft Sleepy Mage Adventure!Video Information hello everybody it’s me Spong and welcome back to the world of so much color that it’s basically a seizure in the last episode we restored the color to this world and well I think we restored a lot of color to the world like look at this this is meant to be quartz by the way and it’s just color it’s just so colorful even the wood is like colorful not everything is colorful by the way Wood is normal beds seem to be normal my inventory looks ridiculous but yeah the zombie hsees down hello how’s… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a FIRE WITHERSTORM in HARDCORE Minecraft!