I Survived 100 Days as a HUNTER in Hardcore Minecraft…

Video Information

I play 100 days of hardcore minecraft on a server full of pokemon i’m now a pixelmon expert and plan to defeat a legendary from every generation as well as visit the rare and dangerous dimension ultra space to do this i’m going to have to develop a team of some of the

Strongest pokemon and train them all up to be level 100 oh and this time i’m going to get a rideable pokemon that can fly because walking well walking’s for peasants what starter shall i choose well this time i’m going for broken there we go doesn’t look very

Powerful right now but i plan to upgrade it to greninja getting some tools as quickly as i can and from there i can start the hunt for some food a lot of cool pokemon here i don’t think frokey stands a chance against instead i will take on the lower level pokemon like the

Magikarp okay almost drowned that almost yeah almost completely screwed up but i am getting fish from uh from those magikarp which is nice don’t stand in water whilst battling pokemon at least now i have got a bit of food which means i can now go and do a bit of caving iron has

Been spotted so let’s get that smelting to create a pickaxe and then i can mine up this very important bauxite ore gathering up this is exactly what will allow me to create some very very useful items i’m pretty sure 15 of it should be enough for now let’s make a bucket fill

It with water and try and track down some diamonds they’re not diamonds are they i’ve just been baited by some some kind of crystal yeah no thank you i’ll be back to find actual diamonds later for now i could really do with getting some more food i

Know what i said but then i came into this cave here and uh we found it not one diamond not two but just diamonds galore there’s five in this section here there’s two there there’s two that oh my gosh this could be the greatest ever cave from luckily

Mining into this cave i just got 16 diamonds that is insane after that success i am now more than happy to get out of this cave and as i leave this cave i wonder would you guys like to come and play minecraft with me if your

Answer is yes then well you’re in luck because i’m on this server right now on the day this video is released just download pick someone using the tutorial linked in the description join anubis using the iplay.newbismc.com use the compass to join the oasis realm and type in slash warp sp

To come and see me my pickaxe is just broke so i’m upgrading to a diamond one let’s get out of here now to do all the steps to make my pokemon healer which will require hammering some aluminium next i’ll combine them with ironing gots and a diamond and froakie can be healed

I am so so much better at pixelmon compared to last time i played it now to take on more magikarp and get more food i battled many magikarp still got 13 fish left to be cooked and froakie is already at level 11. and i’ve also found

These which are going to be very useful since apricorns are the way to make pokeballs and now i’d like to go to warp training which will be the perfect place to level up be a little froking we’ve even got a nice little pokey center here to heal everything from my experience battling

These guys is very very easy takes a while to defeat them but it gets you a lot of xp you guys don’t really have a good angle of it but uh brokie is evolving we’ve got frogadia and some folks have a look at it now i can see it

Look at that looks a little bit better than before but i still need to get to level 36 to get greninja forgadia has now reached level 30 just six more and it will become greninja and now i think it’s wise to spend my time battling chances and that’s because on defeating

Them they have a five percent chance to drop a lucky egg although even better blisses have a 50 chance of dropping one there we go we got one if i then give that to a pokemon it will gain more xp than it normally would so i’m going to

Obtain six of those eggs to build my ultimate team and it looks like my first mission is going to be accomplished we have obtained a very powerful greninja and now i can start the quest for my next pokemon yes we’re going for charizard it’s gonna be quite the

Challenge but i have a plan first things first gather up a bit of dirt and next i need to try and track down an extreme hills bio this looks like the kind of place that i’m looking for from here i’d like to create a nice little area for a

Base next i’m gonna dig a 2d pole like so which will have apricorns planted in it and whilst they’re all growing i need to go out in search of the materials required to make a strong fire using one of those will give me the best chance of

Finding a charmander gold will be very necessary for me and also these crystals that i once said are useless once i smelt the gold i can then craft the gold layer casing and that leaves me we need to now go out and find four very specific berries i’m just going to

Search absolutely everywhere that i can first one i’m looking for is an okabery and oh my goodness i think everything else needs to go out the window guys i have found a wormhole to ultra space i never came across these once in my entire last time of playing

This might be a bad idea but i’ve got to go through i mean i’m looking for a cachnia at the moment and they they spawn at night in the desert in fact is that one right there it is okay can i quickly battle it right now let’s get

This over and done with it dropped me the occulberry perfect and the wormhole’s gone just like that okay well i promise we will go there we weren’t really ready but it was cool to see it right now we have no pokeballs we only have one pokemon we just wouldn’t do

Very well there anyway but that was very unexpected to see i’ve been searching so many forests and i have just got an enigma berry which means citrus and lum are the only two others that i need basically the way that i’m doing this is if you see a berry you harvest it

Because you never know what it might be and when my inventory fills up i drop them all off in a chest at home and then get straight back to searching i think you know what this could be what i’m after it’s a lumbery we’ve got one left now

And that is the citrus berry which looks like a tiny purple pine tree kind of like this but not this color i think i have finally found it this is this is it i’m sure it is yes we have got ourselves a couple of citrus berries don’t know

What this one is but we’ll grab it anyway put me absolutely forever to find everything but here are the four berries that i need i’m not quite ready to lure a charmander to me just yet because first things first i’m gonna eat some actual pokeballs to catch it with and

Ultra balls are the ones that i’m going to make let’s craft the necessary things for these that’s those all crafted and now i’d like to get a side up i think that’ll be perfect for putting a charmander to sleep so whilst i wait for daytime i’m going to look for any

Pokemon that might drop me a bone since bone mill be useful to grow me plants also look at this three books since everybody else ransacks the villages i might as well too a swamp will be the best place for me to find this side look look at that

Found two already i think i’ll get the one that’s level 28. i’ve thrown a pokeball at it a mission accomplished i have successfully caught him since i wouldn’t learn the move that i want so you know what we’ll we’ll just leave it i think it’s more complicated than i realized so let’s

Farm these guys for bones i drop one pretty much every time and i can turn them into bone meal throw things like very although that doesn’t seem to be working one thing i do know i work with is this and i can craft more ultra balls

Now let’s grab one of each of these berries put them together to make a strong fire lure and once the next day dawns i will go in search of charmander and in the meantime i’m going to catch myself a stanceler which i have now successfully done used up a lot of

Military balls so suddenly the reason i’ve got a standard so that i’ll send the charmander to sleep which will therefore make it easier to catch if i go ahead and put that right there it should now be active yeah the durability is going down and we have a higher chance now of

Getting a fire type there’s about 15 minutes of durability so i’ll have to keep my eye out extreme hills is where charmander so i’m hoping that with everything i’ve got i’ll successfully find one i’ve nearly used up half of my layer and so far no joy but i’m going to

Keep searching and hoping for the best well number one has been sadly unsuccessful it looks like it’s time for plan b this is probably what i should have done all along but i’m gonna dig down in search of lava and then find it apparently forgot to mention another part of the

Plan was to not die next i shall gather up 10 pieces of obsidian and go back home next let’s build a portal and work on obtaining some flint there we go craft that into flint and steel light it up and start gathering netherrack and i think all of that should be enough let’s

Now build up very very high in the sky and this is where i shall build my farm for a charmander i’ve marked out the entire area that is gonna need to be filled in a couple of pokemon are spawning already as well which is nice i’ve still got quite a bit of netherrack

Left to go at and once i’ve run out i’m gonna come up with a new plan to get more even faster and that involves mining up a bit more obsidian so i can make one of these and upgrade my pickaxe to be a little bit more powerful using

This newfound power i can get netherrack much much faster and then i can use all these blocks to make great progress on the farm whilst building this platform i have just come across a riolu which i i don’t know i think i can evolve into a

Lucario i’m gonna catch it just in case this lucario is on my list of ones that i want to get managed to send it to sleep let’s grab an ultra ball that is mission accomplished now let’s get back to building and that is this entire farm

Complete but to make full use of it i’m gonna need another fire layer but unfortunately i don’t have all the ones i need to make it i need to find another lumbering so i suppose i’ve got no choice except to start searching for it and it looks like this is what i’ve been

After did we get just one again let’s hope i’m on that and so when the new day dawns i will be able to use another fire let’s get it crafted and i’m gonna put it right there and go to my farm and as pokemon spawn in okay what size that

Boss oh yeah the pokemon that’s spawning have a higher chance to be fire types still no sign of a charmander but i’ve found a little chimchar which is definitely worth going for first i’ll put it to sleep then throw an ultra ball i’ve got just one ball left it’s a

Luxury ball let’s let’s see if that catches it it did not which uh which means i i cannot catch it now i’m very very sad although it’s not what i’m after anyway i think i need to focus on getting more ultra balls guys i’ve literally just started recording look as

Was spawning i’ve just caught i i can’t remember the name of it it was a whole look i’d never seen one before and just as battling that a charmander has finally spawned in we’re on day 35 it’s taking a while and the annoying thing is

That a lot of my pokemon have fainted so this is this is going to be a bit of a challenge i don’t really know the best way to weaken this but i have been here for hours if i mess this up it’s it’s gonna be a nightmare i’m gonna go in

With riolu he’s he’s the only one i didn’t use in the last battle so yeah he shouldn’t be able to one hit him he’s quick attack yeah that’s good that should hopefully get his health down he’s on two hp go and use that quick okay he’s got his health downslopes

Probably gonna get finished off now i’ve got 26 ultra balls one of these has got to work i got him yes i finally got him i went through so many of them i thought i was gonna run out i need to craft myself a brand new poke healer and apparently i

Don’t have the iron necessary for that can’t believe my farm actually worked it took so so long this looks like a cave with potential we have a bit of extra coal and it’s got iron ore right here all of this will be enough but i’ll also

Grab a bit more whilst i’m in the area as well as plenty of goal it’s all going to be needed so that i can make even more ultra balls that i’ve all done so let’s go and put that in there craft these discs and get to work on the anvil

Now let’s craft this and heal up all my pokemon and also craft more discs and now we’ve got a little more ultra balls and now i’m going to pop to the nether to grab a bit of glowstone from there i can make a redstone lump next i need to

Mine up a bit of sand turn it to glass and all of this can be used to craft a pc this is all very organized let’s just place that there there’s that whole looker i was catching whilst charmander spawned in and he also got a cast form

Along the way which is cool because it changes what type it is based on the time of day here he is my newfound charmander let’s get him trained up to make him level up even faster i can actually give him a lucky egg i also don’t know if i showed you but yeah

While i was charmander hunting i did also find a riolu they’re not that rare but if i get its happiness up to 220 it will evolve into lucario so i’m going for that which is why it gets to stay out of the pokeball meanwhile i’m gonna level up charmander it didn’t take me

Long at all and charmander is evolving into charmeleon look at you you look ah you’ve got your angry eyes on honestly battling these guys is just basically three levels as long as i only use a projectile attack it cannot do any damage to me and after lots and lots of

Training charmeleon is evolving into the all-powerful charizard the team is really starting to come together now two of my intended pokemon have been obtained four to go oh let’s not forget that now i’ve got charizard yeah i can fly because as i said in the intro walking is for peasants now the next

Pokemon in my team is going to require me to find an eevee but in order to evolve the eevee that i catch i’m gonna want it to have really high happiness which means crafting some friend balls to make those i will need green apricorns so at the moment i’m grabbing

As many green ones as i can find found three at the most they’re kind of hard to find so i’m gonna grab one more and then i’ll go back home and now i can create myself a farm or green apricones use the small amount of bones that i have and

Probably try and get more but bone mail them up i’m going to take out these tauros to get more food and battling zangoose will actually give me bones which is good since there’s a few of them in the area 16 bones and 27 beef should be enough i can set that off

Cooking and bone meal plenty more of these green apricorns pretty much replanted every single one again and now i can continue collecting more bones i actually get another 18 which is nice means i can get plenty of these green apricorns and get them smelted now the

Thing i really need loads and loads of is iron so i’m gonna go on a bit of a mission to find some what have i stumbled across right here i’m gonna need some blocks to be able to build up to it and let’s see what is in the chest

I have claimed the pokestop and got novenki okay that’s interesting this ravine does look like it could be quite useful to get lots and lots of the iron the more exploring i’ve stumbled across a mine shaft and mine shafts really are one of the best ways to find loads of

Iron and this all connects up to another really really big cave just what i needed and i think yes there’s over 100 items should probably be enough let’s head back home from there i can get it maybe not in these ones these are occupied walla i’ll get it all smelted

In there then i’m also going to battle one of these guys so i can get some slime balls make a sticky piston and a mechanical anvil in fact they’re so useful that i’m gonna make two of them then when i craft a load of these discs

They can just be put in there and be turned into bases for me i can also craft all of these together to get the friend ball discs and put them in this anvil now that i’ve got all of these front balls i’ll start hunting for an

Eevee the only place that they spawn is in a birch forest during the day they are kind of rare but i don’t think they’re rare enough for me to have to build a actual farm for i’ll just keep running around and hope for the best all this running around has found me plenty

Of berries if nothing else but sadly no evs and during the nights i’ve just got to stay at home and do some farming because eevees don’t spawn although i suppose i could use the time to level up my riolu and then through the days i can continue looking for the eevee looks

Like there’s a giant dirt platform here i’ll just grab some wood so that i’ve got some blocks to build up with because this might just work as a little farm although to be honest i think i think it’s a bit small i think i was having a

Bit more success when i was just looking for pokemon like normal i also realized that i am i could have just flown to get up there yeah we’ve we’ve got a charizard and after nearly an hour of searching i finally found an eevee i’m gonna start with rolly colley just to

Try and get its health down a little bit down to half now i’ll go in with stantler and use astonish which apparently doesn’t affect it so let’s try riolu and do a quick attack got it down to 8.3 okay i thought it was gonna get rid of it then i got worried

For a sec stanley can then put it to sleep i can throw a friend ball and evie has been caught now let’s move it into the team as you can see his happiness is already 200 then if i give it some calcium that should boost its happiness

It’s at 202 next i can give it a kelsey berry a few times we’re up to 213 and i’ve got so many grupper berries which will also increase the friendship it’s at 225. this is perfect now we just need to find a terrible pokemon for it to

Defeat we have to do this at night because if we do it in day it will turn into espeon so let’s go ahead and battle this level four zig zagoon quick attack finishes it in one now then in theory okay well didn’t work just realize that evie needs to

Actually level up to hurt to make an evolve so that’s probably why it didn’t work and it is becoming daytime so i don’t think i’ll have quite enough time to do it tonight so whilst i wait till tomorrow night i will train up riolu to increase its happiness nice to get the

Happiness up to 185 and the sun is going down which means it’s time to train up my eevee super weak but i have won this and my evie has leveled up now does this mean yes it is going to evolve we don’t get

To see it we just got to see a nice view of mate but we now have umbreon and this looks so so cool let’s now give riolo a bunch of these berries i’ve got so many of them you can you can just have them all happiness is a 216. just need four more

And with these five tomato berries we can get that to what it needs to be look at that two to four and now if we level him up during the daytime it will evolve there we go it is working and there he is looking very good he’s my lucario my

Quest to build an ultimate team of pokemon is coming together we have got greninja lucario charizard and umbreon this just leaves me with two more pokemon for me to get and that means finding a dreepy which spawns at night in a savannah the same rarity as eevee

So it’ll probably take me a few days to find one and there’s not really enough of tonight for me to actually search but when i find one it will definitely be worth it another night is coming to an end once again i had no success in finding a dreepy and during the day

While i’m waiting for it to be night again i’m training up my pokemon and getting food at the same time it has taken so many nights but finally i have pound one thought i wasn’t gonna get one tonight as well but just before the night ended

We’ve got him nice to send it to sleep now let’s bring in i think umbreon now let’s send in an ultra ball and that is mission accomplished this is already a very very powerful pokemon they spawn in at such high levels once i have leveled

It up even more the world does not stand a chance i realize that droopy is is a terrible terrible pokemon but it is so so close to evolving here we go it has reached level 50 and now it is a drac cloak and it it looks a lot better yeah

It’s got a decent move never knew had a little floating droopy around his head though and now that has dragon pulse it’s way better and after a lot more training we now have draggables now to get all my other pokemon up to level 60. i’m a little bit carried away and i’ve

Got four of them up to level 70. and now i want to try and go to the end because that is a dimension i’ve never been to in pixelmon who knows what amazing pokemon i’ll find there i do already have one enderpearl and i reckon i’ll

Find more by going to the nether oh my goodness i’ve gone and got a magma i had to catch about 60 million of these last time i was on pixelmon and i accidentally defeated this one without being able to catch it but that’s not a massive problem also gained about 20

Levels there but magma gave me four blaze powders but you know what that’s worth it now when i vendor can be crafted and we can go and track down a stronghold at least we could have done but the inventor broke but thankfully i know a

Place that i can get more and that is at one of the eevee training locations there’s an abra right there and on defeating it i always get an ender pearl now armed with two more ender pearls i can make more eyes of ender and track down the stronghold and i completely

Forgot that i can literally fly to get there yeah this is this is gonna be much much faster quantity calculations it’s right about here i’ve run out of ice vendor again so i’m just going to dig down and see what happens in all places i’ll fall them right into a cobweb okay

Well let’s go like that let’s break the spawner and keep digging down in hope so this time i did miss it apparently you can pick up spawners i did not know that okay let’s um yeah you can pick them up no sign of anything so let’s go and build our way

Back out of here and i now need to go and get more of these eyes of ender so i’m gonna have to just keep on taking out abras got three pearls very easily there and smoocham also has a 50 chance to drop a bell so that’s how i got the

Fourth one and this little fella has a 100 chance as well now that i’ve got five pearls i need to go and get more blaze powder got one from the little sizzler peed and there’s plenty more to be found like that tone there is another

One that will drop it we got two from them seven of these now which should be more than enough and now i’m gonna travel to the place where i think the stronghold is throw a couple of eyes then throw a second one okay well i’m way off on my newest calculations it

Is now right below me i’ve got the advancement i spy so i must be in the right area and the stronghold has finally been discovered for some reason it just felt like such a weird one to get to very weird i have searched everywhere and the struggle shouldn’t even cut off

Here so i’m guessing the stronghold might be bugged or something like that but don’t worry if i just go to spawn there’s an end portal right here that only certain donors can get in well uh i can so we’re going in so this is the end

I do not want to fall let’s see what we can find i mean i’ve got an uncommon boss here do i do i take it on you know i’ve got a pretty good team it’s level 85. oh i don’t have all my things oh well let’s uh just go for it and see

What happens charizard single-handedly defeated it we’ve got a couple of nice items what is this you get some weird weird things in the end like a snake with hair that’s the best way i can describe it so far nothing red although i think bronzer

Is kind of rare but all in all i don’t think for now it’s worth me being here i need one more good pokemon and i was thinking garchomp could be the answer but i’ve already got two dragon type pokemon i don’t think i need three so instead my choice is going to be

Gardevoir just to kind of balance the team out of it but to get that i’m going to need to find a rols it’s not that rare and it spawns in birch forests the only issue is that it has to be dawn or dusk so i’ll wait for the sun to set and

Then hope for the best it doesn’t look like we got one tonight so that means i’m gonna have to wait till morning to search again i’ve had no success in the dusk either but don’t worry i’ll be patient and i can train up my pokemon whilst i wait during the daylight cycles

I think it may have got dusk and door mixed up before but once again dusk is coming let’s keep an eye out for the routes suddenly still no joy but i will keep trying the new day is just dawning and i finally found a little roll it’s only level 17

So it shouldn’t be too hard to catch i put it to sleep which should hopefully be enough now i am i can’t use any moves on it because it will just take it out and the ultra ball caught it first time because the window was so small for

Which i could have one spawn oh my goodness i got a mr mime as well you know what i might just catch that there we go we finally got it i had to loads and loads of pokeballs to try and get it according to the wiki mr mime is also an

Ultra rare pokemon which is pretty awesome but yeah we’re finding rolls because the window was so small because it had to be either sunset or sundown it took a lot of days before i came across one but yeah after just constantly i kind of just was going afk waiting for

It to be night and then well the the sun to settle come up and then i would go for it now it is time to say goodbye to stantler and replace it with the ropes from there i can get busy with the training rolex is almost ready to become

Curlier i just need to get to level 20. and i reckon if i win this battle i’ll get that there we go the server is rebooting at the worst time as well what on earth that is very very annoying i’m going to take a wild guess and assume that this guy knows me

Oh and he’s found me again i wonder if if you managed to track me down here oh well copy tripod 331 congratulations you made it into the video and maybe you guys can too if you join the server so since the evolution was interrupted i’m guessing that i’ll have to level up

Roles again oh wait hold on what’s going on there hold on i don’t know what’s going on it’s kind of done the leveling up now yeah this is weird nothing’s happened and now everything’s stuck tell your server reboots are dangerous things and now when i level it up for the

Second time it looks like we might be getting the evolution now and there we go we can’t really see her but curlier is mine and now to start training her up until i get to gardevoir that will happen when she reaches level 30. and now curly has reached level 30 and has

Evolved into gardevoir and with that my team is fully complete i just want to get this up to about level 70. so it’s time to get busy i’ve been busy living up gardevoir and it is now at level 80. i’m just getting all of my other team

Members to level 80 as well and now all of my pokemon a little late let’s check them out and this is the team that i have selected to take on the legendaries only time will tell how successful i’m gonna be and for my first challenge i will take on youngster james and he

Starts with groudon the first legendary that i’m gonna take on let’s switch in greninja and they’ve also switched to shuckle which i think a hydro pump could be very yeah look at that that’s that’s pretty good we’re definitely in the driving seat in this battle okay they’ve

Switched now to necrozma it is weak against dark type moves i i think i’m gonna go in with it okay hold on what’s going on okay it it’s just done um i don’t know what it’s just done got it kind of weak down to 27 but i think

Lucario oh no hold on a second confused at extreme speed lucario that is the first legendary defeated and now fighting moves are good against it but yeah we can’t oh no we’re in trouble now i think i’m just going to take a risk go with gardevoir

Try and put arceus to sleep no this might not work it’s just avoid ever oh my goodness this is this has gone all wrong okay it’s brought groudon back out i don’t have a water type now which is a problem so all i have left is my charizard i think

We’re putting a good start in fight we defeated one legendary i’ll be back once i have trained up my pokemon to the max level and i lost lucario there would have been all right i’ve done lots of training with charizard and he has now reached level 100. very powerful pokemon

Now to level up all of the other ones i’m kind of trying to learn how to properly ev train and because dragapal doesn’t really use special attack moves i’m going to really lower the special attack and that way i can make its normal attack stats even stronger and

Now dragapult is also level 100. i’m curious to see if i have a chance against these legendaries so withdrew groudon he’s now sending out an arceus with umbreon being the only one that has a chance against arceus and now he switched back to groudon so i’m going to

Go back to charizard and suddenly charizard was defeated and then the battle was lost i think it’s time lucario and umbreon were leveled up look at this we’ve got a legendary match-up boss i reckon i can take this on you know okay it did do a lot of damage

There but i have done a lot of damage to it as well if i go ahead and use air slash wait did we did we do it i’ve won the battle and we’ve got a rare candy a super rod well umbreon get yourself out here and enjoy a rare candy

There you go you’ve leveled up i’ve just been doing some voting and because of that i’ve just got two master balls these could be huge umbreon is now also level of 100 and lucario has also reached level 100. i’ll level up gardevoir with a few candies and i’m

Once again going to take on youngster james one of these days i have to win why is he going to withdraw our kill so umbrella was holding its own and i’m going to stick with umbreon okay there’s there’s stuff going on here yeah it looks kind of crazy now i think this

Might be on bronze i don’t know what to do it i’m going to go in okay we kind of knew that was going to happen dragonport can hopefully oh no come on lucario do something hold on a second we defeated it again but now ground on it yeah

Something tells me this is game over i’ve been playing a bit guys and you know what i’ve just defeated the ground on that’s two legendaries off my list didn’t win the battle but uh well that boat well if i could never evolve my pokemon i’d probably be able to compete

Better although to do all that i’m gonna have to find a wild boss pokemon that is a mega evolution which means doing a bit of exploring oh my goodness or even better forget that entire plan we’re going to ultra space we’re in oh my goodness what

So gravity is not really a thing there’s a lot more berries man i wish i had been better prepared for this but it’s kind of spur at the moment thankfully i have got plenty of ultra balls plenty of master balls and what is this we found a phytonum zeta aren’t they

Going to be pretty good let’s give that to lucario i’m sure he can make use of it the goal is to find an ultra beast whilst i’m here even if they are very very rare what is this below me it’s like some sort of fortress but can i very careful

Whatever i do here can’t see far below me but yeah it’s like a fortress what if there’s anything interesting to be found here oh there is indeed loot to be found it really is such a bizarre place these look so cool as well by the way this is

So strange can i make it to those little islands it’s like being in the end no idea where i go from here so i’ll just keep building very unexpectedly whilst grabbing plucks off i found some diamonds finally seem to have reached proper land again let’s continue exploring what on earth is this blue

Obsidian apparently this is known as ultra deep sea what a very very bizarre area i just love the way that i can park or up the islands to higher ones as i explore this bizarre bizarre place i don’t know what this item is it’s like it’s glass or something seems to be

Coming to a different biome where i can get three coal blocks look at this execute i think it would be kind of cool to catch this mission accomplished what on earth is this wait there’s an end city here wait who are you staccato i can’t even say it but you look pretty

Amazing level 70. i don’t know if she’s even trying do i just throw a master ball i don’t think i’m no i’m that’s the ball it’s okay it’s okay i didn’t lose it i thought i just threw it into the void let’s do this properly throw the pokeball

Then go into my bag throw a master ball and that was pretty easy although something that may not be quite so easy or maybe it will it’s navigating this this end city also just done some research turns out staccato car is actually an ultra base only findable in

Ultra space they are probably worth training up also i i could be in trouble because i have absolutely no armor and here’s me look at me just out playing all these shulkers i don’t know how i’m doing it we made it to the top let’s block ourselves in and see what’s in

These chests a mind plate old running boots uh we’ll put those on i found that oh i’ve got speed now that was a pretty nice chest black glasses oh my goodness look i’m already wearing sunglasses but look what happens when i put these on top apparently it’s something for a

Pokemon to use well but we don’t care about that i’m selling these emeralds on the shop might as well sell some diamonds as well and also the gold now then does this place have anything else i’m not mistaken there’ll be some chess over here will we get anything useful

You never know and i think that is that no wait um is there gonna be an electro over here there is an end ship you can see just on the right of the screen i’ve got no blocks to build over there you can’t fly with your pokemon in ultra

Space otherwise it’ll all go wrong so i’m gonna use items like upside down stairs and normal perper blocks i know the coal could have been useful but you know what it’s now becoming a bridge pretty sure i can make this jump oh yes i can what do we have on board come on

Be like yes there is electron here that’s awesome we have we have now got a lighter as well ladies and gentlemen look at me not to mention a way better diamond pickaxe and a bunch of items that i can sell and then let’s jump back this that’s a big jumper hey we

Can we can make it can i should i try and fly no i don’t want to risk it i read on the wicked if you try and fly you’ll just float off like try it under it whoa took a lot of damage there that that’s not good at all all of a sudden

It might be time to panic that’s my last bit of steak but what i was thinking is if i could get a little bit of wood like that and i’ll make a chest put two shulker shells around it we’ve got a shulker box and we can put all these

Millions of items in that gives me so much more inventory space to go and collect even more items and i want to still keep my eye out for more ultra beasts so what on earth has happened here i feel like it’s parkour i have a massive urge to do it there better be

Some on the top here i’m going so so high and i’ve made it whoa whoa whoa whoa i’d say i made it to sky limit for no reason but i then get take some damage if i go up there um for space is such a weird place let’s just stick to exploring the

Ground it is possible to find a theramosa in the deserts of this although i worry that my chances might be a little bit slim although the rate at which pokemon despawn and spawn back in seems to be faster in ultra space which could definitely work in my favor

I don’t get why there’s loads of upside down pyramids everywhere there’s nothing inside them but sunstone this one’s got a bit of a cone on top as well what very very bizarre indeed because this server has the set home command i’m going to use it to keep leaving and rejoining the area

And farming pokemon like that because to buy them so flat it works quite well didn’t get what i was actually looking for but managed to get a magma these guys are pretty rare so might as well catch him there we go nicely done and now to keep searching for ferramosa

Is that what i think it is mike you have no idea how many times i’ve been back and forth teleporting losing the will to live you know what this is this has got to be with the muscle level 70. let’s just go for it send in the master ball and that

Gives me two very very powerful pokemon from this place i can’t come back anytime because i have set at home here and apparently the way to leave is to jump in the void and i’ve been assured you won’t die i suppose there’s only one way to find out

There we go yep okay did tell brought me back exactly where i went into the wormhole as well and from here i am going to get my two new pokemon in the party god of war i’m sorry you’re now out and uh umbry on you as well now

Staccato car is not gonna be a pokemon for attacking it’s not going to be a fast one it is all about that defense life which i suppose means that it’s going to be difficult to level it up i’ll just have to keep switching out and

Maybe i can train for a motor at the same time yeah i think this is a strategy that is going to work i’m just going to be switching with charizard and stack attack attack car i spent quite a bit of time leveling up for ramosa but now i’d like to teach

You some new moves if i do slash warp tutors this is the way to teach moves to all your pokemon let’s first speak to the movie learner because you can do like old moves for free so high jump kick i want that and if i buy a load of

Tutor tokens which i guess i can buy let’s just buy six for now and if i speak to this guy who teaches psychic moves for most is gonna require tms but staccato car i want magic room which is i wait wait no what do i want magic room

No i don’t i actually want trick room which is very very useful then if i go into the tm shop i can get the tm gyro ball let’s also get toxic next i’m going to apply them to staccato and let’s also give it toxic by getting rid of that

Let’s also buy ice beam u-turn and poison jab and apply them to my formosa now i’m going to continue leveling up the staccato only this time i have some much better moves i do want to make staccato speed as low as it possibly can i think i might have some

Berries to do that here we go tomato berries now let’s let’s give that a cross it is that it i maybe say it’s lowest it can be already yeah it can’t go any lower so let’s get back to training stakataka is now level 100 and the same

Is true with ferramosa as well all right james i’m back once again my furro most of just one tap the necrozma hold on a second this battle might be winnable yet oh he’s on 24 percent i just go oh no here we go there we go we defeated muted

You know what we’re taking these out slow and steady i’ve been working on strategies on this guy for some time i i think i’m getting close dragapult is the key to this for me and i reckon shadowball is the move i need to buy let’s buy that give it to dragapolt and

Try and get further in the battle so the trick is you always start with the charizard then you switch yourself over to stack attacker since they always switch to shuckle then you do stealth rock followed by trick room then you switch to dragon port and they’re going

To switch to necrozma and dragon ball will one tap it because it’s it’s very powerful and now i’m pretty sure shadow ball should hopefully deal with mewtwo okay it did a decent amount of damage but it’s just not going to be good enough but greninja has just defeated mewtwo

And do trick room again this is all this is pretty good it’s sent out groudon i don’t know what to use against this though unfortunately it all kind of unravels after this point and i lost so we have successfully found a method to put groud on to sleep the order i’m

Doing things he tried to attack gardevoir i couldn’t do it and i still have priority thanks to stack attack’s trick room move so i’ve sent groudon to sleep i needed to sleep for at least two moves okay it’s one to three moves so i’m gonna switch to stack attacker still sleeping

Then i’m gonna do trick room that’s gonna give me priority again okay this is this is really really good then i’ll switch to draggapul i think that’s probably gonna be powerful enough oh my god okay got down to three hp but i’m close hang on a minute charizard has

Just beaten groudon now greninja is probably the best one for mewtwo you size track doesn’t affect greninja yes this is all working oh no and it went first why did it go oh no went a little bit wrong in there but i’m on the right track brand new idea we also teach

Gardevoir trick room i swear i’m gonna win this battle if it’s the last thing that i do okay this time we have successfully sent it to sleep we can use trick room okay i don’t know what’s going on god grabbed him woke up so fast there can we

Send it back to sleep again i avoided it oh no we avoided it as well uh-huh we can’t hit each other okay let’s try again there we go we’ve set it to sleep i’m gonna try some of my uh gardevoirs moves out very good maybe i should have

Switched i’m not sure i’m close but that wasn’t quite right okay i defeated groudon i’ve got mewtwo to defeat now greninja’s pretty good for that i did lose but i think i need to defeat groudon with a dragon type to have any chance well guys

I didn’t want to do this i have tried over and over again i’m gonna have to give up i don’t think unless i get a mega stone or can do dynamaxx form something like that or get some legendaries there’s no way i can beat him he’s pokemon are just too ridiculous

And he upgrades him as well but maybe i can defeat a gym leader and the answer is no no i can’t i tried my best if you’ve got to give me 10 out of 10 for trying but i guess i need to find a load of legendary

Pokemon to make the ultimate team we are also now out of time so that was 100 days as a pokemon trainer we’re on anubismc.com on the oasis realm

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a HUNTER in Hardcore Minecraft…’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2022-05-21 12:17:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadness

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  • EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape Prison

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  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

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  • Aethro Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Get Wrecked, Noob!

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  • Minecraft’s Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled

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  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

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  • Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft

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  • Sneaky Start in Neon Minecraft UHC

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  • EPIC St Gamers Water Bucket Clutch! Must See! #viral

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  • Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour – Insane Profile Pixel Art (PPL Request)

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  • Ultimate Noob Fail in Minecraft Swimming! 😭 #viral

    Ultimate Noob Fail in Minecraft Swimming! 😭 #viralVideo Information अरे स्विमिंग पूल इधर क्या कर रहा है और यह क्या लिखा हुआ है डेंजर डीप वाटर अरे यार पानी बहुत गहरा है वरना तो मैं नहा लेता इसमें अरे नब की इतनी हिम्मत की स्विमिंग पूल के पास खड़ चलो मैं इसको पानी में गिरा देता हूं स्विमिंग पूल के पास क्यों खड़े हो यह लो प्र ऐसा मत करो मुझे स्विमिंग नहीं आती प्लीज मुझे निकालो सरी न मैं तो जा रहा हूं चलो यार मैं फिशिंग करने चलता हूं अरे यार यह तो न पानी में डूब र मैं इनको जल्दी से बचा देता हूं… Read More

  • PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!

    PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!Video Information these are the scariest Minecraft wies you were not supposed to know starting with a myth sent on Discord from Among Us Red who says guys watch this and tell me there isn’t something wrong with this cave also notice the seed the seed is Kei blood should be a four there huh anyways all right let’s look at this evidence huh oh wow we’re changing the render distance to four and the entity distance to 50% wait why now okay so something is apparently wrong with the cave in the seed it’s not actually the Overworld I… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! My FIRST GOD POKEMON MAX EVOLUTION! Minecraft PixelmonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON!! | Minecraft Pixelmon | Minecadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-03-31 19:00:20. It has garnered 2583 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:11 or 1571 seconds. MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON! ———————————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Minecadia.com (Pixelmon Diamond!) ———————————————————————————————– Mod Pack Tutorial: https://minecadia.com/pixelmon-modpack ———————————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Pixelmon! ———————————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC Read More

  • Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustsee

    Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiked Mountains Server Hub Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Rustic on 2024-05-27 10:31:02. It has garnered 408 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft server hub build in progress will have a video and download link up in next few days! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #gaming #games #gameplay Read More

  • EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰

    EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by DANGER GAMES on 2024-02-25 01:19:49. It has garnered 504 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo techno gamerz anshu bisht notgamerfleet minecraft notgamerfleet minecraft anshu bisht technogamerz minecraft techno gamerz minecraft technogamerz #94 minecraft minecraft episode I.m bixu I.m bixu minecraft minecraft pe minecraft shorts shorts Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP | whitelist | 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server The BlockHeart server is back for its newest, biggest, and best season! Join our close-knit community with fantastic bases, a community capital city, a vibrant shopping district, games events, competitions, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft. Content creators are welcome to cover the server. Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, stealing, or unlawful killing Have fun and respect others Avoid creating lag machines Apply to Join: Please reply with: Age Discord ID IGN Gender Nationality Favorite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke 🙂 Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Quartz slabs for the trapper!

    Minecraft Memes - Quartz slabs for the trapper!Quartz bricks slabs? More like quartz bricks drabs, am I right? These memes are really paving the way for some prime building material humor. Read More

  • Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette

    Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news in a rhythmic stream. From TNT Russian Roulette to diamond digs, Every update, every twist, I’ll give you the gigs. With a wink and a nod, and a playful tone, I’ll bring you the facts in a style all my own. So subscribe today, join the fun and the hype, As we journey through Minecraft, in rhyme and type. Read More

I Survived 100 Days as a HUNTER in Hardcore Minecraft…