I Survived 100 DAYS as a LION in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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Day one I spawned into a Savannah Biome as a lion cub one day I’m gonna be king just then a Sinister looking saber tooth emerged and told me that as of today I slash I’m the new king of the pride lands I decree that in 100 days I will

Release my hyena Army to Feast on all the animals of the Kingdom but what happened to the old King I can’t remember anything on day two I was alone and confused I didn’t know what to do until suddenly a hyena scampered up to me if it isn’t a little kitten I’m not a

Kitten I’m a lion really all I see is dinner the mud lunging me with their powerful jaws and I had to defend myself the two of us fought back and forth but as a lion cub I only had five Hearts I needed to be careful I was able to put

Up a fight but they were too powerful to beat I fought until I couldn’t anymore and fled with my life better off little kitty after my narrow Escape I took shelter under one of the trees but I felt chill to the Bone how am I supposed to become king like this

Everything is trying to eat me on day three I fell asleep and found myself in a strange new realm where am I suddenly I was visited by a strange lion you are in the Dream well I am here to remind you of your past please pay attention these memories are vital for your

Survival it was a bright early morning and the sun rose over the Savannah landscape animals from all around the pride lands redirected their gaze towards something extraordinary it was our home also known as Pride Rock that’s a lot of people it is okay my son our people simply wish to

Meet you it is my honor to present the new Prince of the pride lands police Fanfare for a Cub I should have stayed home today wait I’m a prince and you’re my dad yes my boy but what happened where are you and why is Slash the king I will return more of your

Memories once you learn the five qualities of being a good King good luck Max without another word I woke up under the tree from the day before why is my dad visiting me in my dreams where is he I have to learn how to be a good King so

I can find out more on days four through seven I knew I needed some tools if I was gonna survive long enough to become a king I began by punching down some nearby trees Gathering the wood and making a crafting bench to assemble a wooden pickaxe time to grab some Stone I

Quickly mined some nearby Stone to then use for crafting stone tools after a bit of traveling I reached a jungle biome and decided to make it my new home this looks like a perfect spot to live I quickly made a little makeshift shelter to keep myself safe from those dangerous

Hyenas this is a lot to do for now I hope that works sure did make me hungry time to hunt I then search for some prey I could potentially gobble up it wasn’t long until I found a herd of sheep perfect with my lion instincts I leaped

Forward and attacked the Sheep I am a lion hear me roar I managed to snag lots of meat in the process and also a few pieces of wool as well with the hungry belly I used any extra Cobblestone I had to make a furnace to cook up my meat

While I heated up I used the wool I gathered to make myself a bet looks comfy no time to sleep though it’s dinner time I scarfed out my food and instantly transformed into an adult lion with that I gained 10 Hearts whoa nice I’m looking more and more like a king each day

Feeling a bit exhausted I knew I wanted to take a little cat nap I’m sleepy just as I was about to climb in bed a little monkey ran up to me hey hey big guy huh what I need your help my friend was taken by hyenas oh no say no

More lead the way on days 8 through 11 I followed the little monkey to an area where hyenas had a hog trapped in a cage we’re eating good tonight Boys Hey pick on someone your own size LOL you’re that Cub from the other day looks like the

Kitten has gotten some claws sitcom boys without hesitation they rushed to me Full Speed Ahead using my sharp claws I knocked them away they started chasing Simone but I had my own problems to deal with before I could help him out they had numbers but with my new signs I was

Able to overpower them I’m not the same Little Cub I used to be after I finish off the two they were attacking me I went to Simone’s Aid and defeated the remaining hyenas won’t be you’re okay I missed you you thank you for saving me

Mister I’m Max ah Max well it’s nice to meet you I’m boombie and that’s Simon it’s pronounced Simone anyways ever since slash became king those hyenas have been off the rails I’m looking to take him down do you want to team up sure we’d love to on Days 12 through 15

I return to my base to make boombie and Simone their own rooms I started by chopping down the jungle tree behind my house to make some room now I can really start expanding the place after that I started building out the rooms with the wood I’d cut designing them to match the

Rest of the base this looks great great thank you Max no worries anything for a fellow animal friend so what do you plan to do to stop slash slash oh well first I need to learn the five things that make me a good King a good King helps

His people so get helping huh that sounds like a good start I left in a hurry in search of people I could assist during my travels I found a little ocelot stuck in a tall tree don’t worry I’m coming to get you with my quick thinking I use my materials and built up

A Stairway that wrapped around the tree let’s get you down little guy after that in the dead of night I spotted a pig being attacked by a group of zombies not on my watch I fought them all off using my sharp claws and ferocious Roar after a bit of fighting I

Managed to clear the area of all Hostile Mobs next I found a little old lady howler monkey that needed help crossing the Savannah River I built a quick bridge to help her cross with ease thank you kindly aguan finally having a moment to rest I reflected on my good deed eats

I’ve been helping people all day but I don’t feel like a better King just then a wild zebra came up to me hey I lost my most valuable treasure and a Jungle Pyramid can you help me find it of course I’m always willing to help on

Days 16 through 18 I followed the zebra to an ancient Jungle Pyramid how did you manage to lose it in there I was exploring and I think I may have dropped it when I set off a trap yikes well I’ll get to looking I entered the pyramid and

Began to explore while searching for the zebra’s lost valuables I made sure I was careful not to set off any traps after a decent amount of walking I reached the end of the temple empty-handed well this looks like the end but no treasure to be seen just then I spotted something in

The corner of my eye oh could that be it before I could reach it a monster emerged and snagged it the Swamp Thing charged me and started spawning little swamp links that jumped really high and swarmed over me I used my Roar attack to try to hit them all

And swung at the main guy with my sword hoping to take him out first I fought and bought until I managed to take out the Swamp Thing and all of the swamplands died with them sweet that makes things easier once the monster was slain it dropped the zebra’s lost

Treasure whoa this looks like a very expensive and durable pickaxe I could definitely use this for my travels ahead I then returned to the surface to talk to the zebra hey you made it did you find my stuff uh nope sorry really oh man well thanks for trying the zebra

Began to walk away sad but I soon remembered what my dad told me about being a good King I have to do the right thing hey wait I did find it sorry here you go oh my gosh you had me there for a second thank you your honesty reminds me

Of our lost King farewell once the zebra had left I suddenly gained three hearts and a Sandstone pickaxe whoa this must have been what my dad was talking about I’m becoming a better King on days 19-22 back home I figured it was time to get

Some rest when I fell into a deep sleep I managed to re-enter the dream realm Max you have learned how to be an honest Prince so I will now reveal to you more of your past look Max everything the light touches is our kingdom all of it all of it one day

My son it will be yours fine what do you mean eventually I will pass and you will become king whoa what about that shadowy part over there that isn’t our territory never go to that area child but I’m gonna be king shouldn’t I know about all

The areas of the Kingdom a king who still has to listen to their father yes sir that is the Dominion of the hyenas Rivals of lives they are very dangerous that place looks scary you might come face to face with something you fear but a good King needs to be brave for his

People I think my dad is trying to tell me something if I want to learn more I have to learn to be brave on days 23-25 I was out exploring at night I don’t know what my dad was talking about I’m already super Brave look at me it’s night time

And I’m walking around I don’t even care about all the spooky dudes that might be lurking I kept walking until I reach a forest that I totally wasn’t scared of at all and I continued inside huh on second thoughts I don’t know if I like

It in this Forest I think maybe the vibe is off what was that ah yeah I really don’t like this actually I think I might ah I’m out of here Wow was that guy’s deal well I guess I’m still a scaredy cat after all on days 26 or 29 I traveled back home to reunite with my new friends alright here we are home sweet home kind of it’s not exactly in the best shape Hakuna Matata Hakuna Matata huh Hakuna

What what does that mean it means no worries yeah it may not look like we want right now but with some hard work we can make this base of yours into something great you’re right let’s turn this place into a Tropical Paradise with that we split and I got started by

Looking around to find any tropical supplies to spruce up the base with our combined efforts we managed to find some nicely themed items to add to our build with the help of Simone and boombie we began transforming the base into a land of luxury adding lots of bamboo floral

Touches and even a waterfall swimming pool now that looks like paradise yeah it’s almost there yeah we got more work to do with this give it some time it’ll be great Hakuna Matata no you’re getting it cool thanks guys now that my mind is more at ease and the bass was looking

Better than ever I remembered that I needed to discover more ways to be a brave King on days 30-32 I set out on my journey to learn the ways of a brave King my first thought was to go for a swim through a body of water knowing it

Was a Cat’s Worst Enemy this is pretty brave right after that I tried eating some pretty gross looking bugs oh man they’re like Brave points after this I’ll be sad I scarfed them down quickly to then relay Simona boom I were snacking on the insects with no problem

Hey you gonna eat those ugh gross yeah these are all yours I began traveling further away from my base to hopefully come up with more ideas on how to be brave sheesh nothing’s been working so far what do I have to do save somebody after a bit more traveling it wasn’t

Long before I came across a hyena Outpost whoa this place is creepy I better investigate I began sneaking around the Outpost to see what I could find during my search I overheard some hyenas talking with Slash I’ve just received a report from the elephant graveyard about how the plan is

Unfolding ah yes how is the plan going let’s just say the cats in the bag he means we capture the old Queen the old Queen that’s my mom keep it down do you want the whole Kingdom to know of our plans sorry sir yeah fool I was talking

In code slash began walking away and I immediately knew that I had to go save my mom from the elephant graveyard but for some reason just thinking about that location made me kind of scared on days 33-35 I traveled to the elephant graveyard to rescue my mom when I got

There it was scarier than I’d imagined is it too late to turn back soon after entering the fighting area I found my mom Mom it’s so good to see you before we had time for a reunion a crazy bird flew up to me Derby please quiet down there’s a giant

Hyena monster lurking around excuse me oh what stop talking so loud oh wait there it is run huh suddenly the giant hyena Beast the bird mentioned had emerged I’m not scared I’m not scared I’m not scared oh yeah just look at you you’re trembling by the side of me you’re finished

And then let’s test your my tiny one we both charge into battle to see who is truly the mightiest the big guy had a pretty strong bite and he was relentless but I use my power keep them at a distance I use my ax to fight him off until it broke after that

I had no choice but to hit him with my pickaxe before in conjunction after our challenging battle I came out on top with it I gained two more hearts and a sweet new Keeper of the heaven slash ability yes it looks like I can be brave

After all after that I quickly broke my mom free and we ran back home to safety on days 36-39 I was visited Again by my dad hello son congratulations it seems you were in fact Brave all along yeah I guess I was also thank you for saving

Your mother she couldn’t have asked for a tougher son thanks Dad for your efforts I bestow you with another memory from your past I’m Gonna Get You are you sure we should go into the elephant graveyard I think it’s pretty dangerous it’ll be fine bones are cool I’m gonna be a scientist

When I grow up oh I’m gonna be king yeah yeah I know hey there kitties what you doing all the way out here don’t you know you shouldn’t be out this far Um no actually my friend Kaya just likes bones but we’ll be heading back home now no you’re gonna be our dinner run Kaya kids get back you never should have come here you’re too brave for your own good no I’m not I swear you’re in big trouble mister

I wasn’t Brave then but I am now yes yes you are just don’t go doing anything foolish I won’t you should go talk to your mother she might have some inspiration for where you should go next on days 40 through 43 I took my dad’s

Advice and went to talk to my mom if it isn’t my little hero hey Mom I wanted to ask you do you know what happened to Dad no honey I really wish I did he just disappeared one day I know I’m next in line to be king but maybe it’s best that

Slash took my place I don’t know if I’d be a very good ruler no way that guy is a total jerk you need to take your rightful place but I don’t even know the five qualities that make a good King you will find them all in time I just know

It something about my mom’s encouraging words filled me with inspiration whoa how did you do that just a little trick I learned from your dad to inspire people you should try it sometime being inspiring that must be one of the five qualities but how do I learn you have to

Come upon it on your own huh okay wish me luck you don’t need luck I know you can do it on days 44-46 I was looking for ways to be inspirational maybe there’s something I can add to the base to make it more inspirational but what

To add oh I know I started placing signs with inspirational quotes around the base to help remind my friends to never give up what do you think it sure is uh something the signs didn’t seem to be working so I decided to try giving some mobs moral support go cow eat that grass

Go sheep eat that grass go pig eat that wow do you guys only eat grass I like hay too stupid um swim drink water beef go Rhino kill that hippo oh wait no stop I couldn’t let this rhino bully step all over the poor hippo so I ran in to give him a

Piece of my mind the big guy immediately retaliated ramming his sharp horn at me I did my best to get some distance whenever necessary and going in with my Keeper of the heavens ability when possible after a lot of back and forth I managed to take the big Rhino down

Who oh thanks for saving me you’re welcome I was trying to be inspiring but it looks like I still have a lot to learn on days 47 through 50 I went back to the elephant graveyard to Snoop around and look for Clues to my dad’s location I came across a cool looking

Boat and it reminds me of Kaya so I held on to it feels like it’s been so long since I’ve seen her I kept looking around and ran into that bird I saw earlier hey there bird hey good to see you made it out all right yeah you do do

You live here in the graveyard yeah I’ve got a little Nest inside one of these bones huh creepy well if you want to live somewhere safer you can come live in my base that would be great you haven’t happened to see my dad around here have you your dad the king no I

Would have told Somebody by now if I did yeah good point my base to the south of here if you want to meet me there you can’t miss it okay see you there I kept snooping around for Clues until I ran into a group of hyenas well well well if

It isn’t I don’t have time for this I try charge them and they swarmed around me this was the most hyenas I had ever faced but with my dad’s teachings to help me I was confident I would defeat them for a moment it seemed like their numbers might overpower me but I picked

Them off one by one and was able to wear them down I killed all except one of them who I kept alive for questioning where’s my dad I don’t know where he is now but from what I heard he was last seen near the canyon huh the canyon on

Days 51-53 I traveled towards the canyon to find more clues about my dad’s whereabouts along the way I came across a sad cheetah hey there what’s wrong buddy oh nothing I was just thinking about changing my whole career because I’m a failure I wanted to get to the

Canyon as soon as possible but I couldn’t leave the cheetah the way they were I needed to figure out what was truly keeping them so down and in the dumps what I’m so sorry to hear that bud what happened I was running in the biggest race I’ve been working towards

My whole life and then I tripped I lost the race all because I wasn’t looking where I was going I’m such a fool oh come on you can’t just give up now you can learn from your mistakes Rise Up From the Ashes better and stronger than

You ever were before huh you know what you’re right I am the fastest cheetah into Savannah I’m gonna show them just how fast I am in the next race yeah that’s what I’m talking about I’m gonna start trading right away thanks for the inspirational pep talk huh I guess I am

Pretty inspirational after all after helping out the cheetah I gained five more hearts and even an elegant balloon which gave me a jump boost and slowed down my falling time to get moving on days 54-57 I finally arrived to the canyon but the trail had gone cold I

Looked around everywhere and I couldn’t find anything to help me locate my dad dad are you gonna come visit me again I need your help I’ve been really inspiring I helped the cheetah get its confidence back I also put up some really inspiring signs dad My dad wasn’t answering and it was getting late so I decided to make a camp and call it a night good night Dad wherever you are that night I had a dream about my dad dad wake up stop playing around this isn’t funny no somebody anybody My dad my dad is gone how could this have happened on days 58 through 61 I made my way back home traveling from biome to biome all I could do was think I felt like I was so close to finding my dad but I couldn’t believe that he was

Already gone why couldn’t you just tell me that I wouldn’t be able to see you I put so much effort into looking for you I continued walking but for some reason I could feel someone’s eyes watching over me who’s out there show yourself no one responded but I knew someone was

Following me after a long Dreadful walk I had finally arrived back home everyone I have some bad news I couldn’t find him more like I wasn’t gonna find him no matter how hard I tried he’s already gone we decided to have a funeral and even built a shrine in memoriam Forum

Even if I didn’t get to meet him he still helps me a ton every time I see him in the other realm after all the setup was completed I got up to the podium to say a speech about my dad once my speech was done my mom came up to me

Her father was a good man and even though he’s no longer here I can see him in the young man standing in front of me right now be proud son you’re going to make for a great king someday I gotta say all this talk is making me hungry a

Great my dear friend how about some smoked pork ooh sprinkled with some bugs in a side of wait on days 62-65 I was working somewhere on the base and making it into the The Tropical Paradise it was meant to be the bird was there to greet

Me so I built them a little room and left them to settle in thanks I love it I added some more detail to the area and then did some work on everybody’s rooms to make them feel more at home next I decorated my dad’s memorial to make it

Honor him as best as I could finally I built a farm that would be an endless source of food to me and my people dad would be proud of this place but it’s missing one final touch I just can’t put my finger on what I went out looking for

Something to finish up the build I found some bugs and killed them but then I was ambushed by a massive Beetle it charged me and the battle began this was the biggest bug I had ever seen I didn’t even know they got that big it had a

Huge dog back and sent me flying up into the air but with my elegant balloon I gently floated back down to the ground the bug was so big and freaky looking that I tried to keep my distance but it kept charging at me it chased me into a

New area but then I turned to face it head-on after a couple more slashes I finally finished it off after the battle was over I noticed the bug had dropped a crazy Scythe I was checking it out but then I looked up and I was confused wait

Where am I on days 66-68 I was totally lost after my fight with the giant bug oh man this is just great I looked around to try to find the way back but it was no use nothing looked familiar hello anybody out there I just need some directions just then a friendly looking

Baboon revealed himself hello there oh my gosh hi thank goodness can you help me get out of here you are lost yes uh yeah I’m lost do you know where the exit is Exit every direction is an exit you just need to find it yeah that’s why I’m

Asking you who are you anyway you look familiar who am I I am Rafi the real question is who are you me well I’m Max I’m a prince the prince huh why not the king well I’m not ready yet I guess hmm correct you are but why I’m still

Figuring that out you seem a little lost too Bub I’m gonna try to find a way out of here wrong I’m not the one who is lost you don’t even know how to become a king and I suppose you know what is dumb is what you seek every king must strive

To be wise just like your father huh you knew my father that’s right but Rafi will teach you come your training starts now Rafi ran off into the woods and I chased after him on days 69-72 it was time to begin my training okay time for some wisdom draining for your first test

You must run to that tree retrieve a cocoa bean from the tree and learn back as quickly as you can okay I Sprint into the jungle tree as quickly as possible collecting the cocoa bean and returning it to Rafi okay now what if you arise you would have known I was messing with

You running around would not make you ice huh just but it will not make you wise but I thought that’s what we were here for wisdom is not something that can be thought it can only be gained over many years of authentically looking within I don’t understand so it’s just something

You gain over time I’m not sure how that helps me now yes you can only gain it with time but admitting to yourself that you know nothing now is a good place to start approach life with honesty in your heart and you will be rewarded okay I’m confused it’s okay to be

Confused I feel like I learned something but I don’t really know what I learned that is what wisdom feels like oh okay suddenly I gained five more hearts something I understand on days 73-76 after some thoughtful training I found a spot to rest but instead of a dream I

Had a nightmare come here little cup what is it Uncle slash this land it’s fraught with disorganization Anarchy I don’t no it seems pretty cool to me and that’s why you shouldn’t rule what if I had my way if the Golden Crown were to be worn on my head all the

Animals of this Kingdom would know true rule but Uncle my dad is the king and one day I will be too funny isn’t it a bloodline dictates who shall control the wills of other people love Merit not intelligence but who your mummy or daddy is I think I would be a pretty

Good King well that makes one of us Little Cub one of these days things will be different mark my words flash was never in line to be king how did he manage to take the throne on days 77 through 80 I was traveling back home when I ran into somebody I recognized ow

Ow oh my gosh Kaya Max it’s so good to see you I haven’t seen you in so long I took her to my Tropical Paradise to show her around first we took a ride off the waterfall next we went running through the hills and finally we settled down

For a picnic in the grass to catch up I’m not even scared of the bugs anymore and some of them are actually delicious here try this one hmm that is delicious so tell me did you ever become a scientist no I didn’t because we’re Lions but I do still collect bones oh

Sweet wait I found this one of the elephant graveyard and I thought of you whoa these are some really cool bones where have you been In the world but now I’ve come home to a place I don’t recognize I know I’m trying to figure out what’s gone wrong if you don’t have a place to stay now you can live with me here at the base I would love to on days 81-83 I got kayaks

Settled into the base well well well who do we have here my name’s Kaya nice to meet you likewise I’m Simone and this is boombie hi are you Max’s girlfriend uh she she’s not my girlfriend right have fun lovebirds they seem friendly yeah don’t listen to them anyways let’s

Get a room started for you I began expanding the base further making a nice room for Kaya to call home wow Max this is perfect thank you so much no prob can I show you around the base to get you more acquainted with the place that sounds great let’s go I then proceeded

To show Kaya all the cool things our base had to offer including the memorial to my dad this is all so great but isn’t it missing a bug Hut a what a bug Hut I think Simone and boombie would really like it great idea once I finished the

Bug Hut the base was finally complete okay now this is definitely a Tropical Paradise while admiring the finalized build out of nowhere a hyena showed up with a message your uncle slash is requesting to see you slash what does he want on days 84-86 I went to the

Designated spot where the hyena told me to go go show yourself an ominous figure appeared from the Shadows it was my uncle slash wow my little Cub of a nephew has grown quite a bit don’t act so impressed why did you ask me to come here whoa there tiger I just wanted to

Remind you the real king is here you can’t come here and meddle in my plans I think it’s pretty clear that none of your subjects like you it doesn’t matter what they think of me as long as they fear me how did you become king anyway

The last time I checked I was next in line to rule things change Max your father knows that better than anyone else you you what did you do to him I don’t know what came over me but I was filled with anger I pounced my uncle as

Fast as I could I slashed it in with my Keeper of the heavens and rewarded him which quickly started to overpower him I couldn’t believe he could do something like that to his own brother alone he was weak but before I could have bend my father a bunch of hyenas came out to

Defend him while I was distracted by the hyenas slash was able to make his Escape I had lost him all he could do now was leave Pride Rock and go home on days 87 through 90 I had another dream about my dad ah brother thank you for meeting me

Here the Stampede is intense today be careful I’ll try to break it up right I knew you would be best for the job slash what are you doing long live the king no slash murdered my dad I’m gonna kill him just then my dad appeared to me once

Again Dad where have you been I need your guidance I think you’ve been doing just fine on your own I can’t believe slash was the one who killed you I need to avenge your death no what no but he murdered You In Cold Blood you must not

Kill son you need to learn forgiveness but he took you away from me he’s evil but revenge is not the path of the king how am I supposed to learn how to forgive on days 91-93 I traveled around to end up finding a Tiger Town in shambles oh no what happened here I

Entered the destroyed area to find any clues until I ran into a resident with some information our Town’s guard turned on our people and attacked us I think he headed east of here to Rack more Havoc why would he do that apparently slash offered countless riches but his

Betrayal is one that cuts deep I know that all too well don’t worry I’ll take care of him for you I then headed east to locate this Trader to answer for his crimes it wasn’t long until I found the guard I was looking for hey in the name

Of the Kingdom stop right there who’s stop me you that’s right bub yeah we both charge into battle not knowing who would come out Victorious the open guard might have had me in size but my claws were sharp and deadly his hulking size packed some serious punch but it was no

Match for my Lion’s strength with one final blow I brought the town’s guard down I’m sorry do what you must he looked towards the ground in defeat ready to accept his fate I I can’t do it this isn’t right instead of finishing off the guard I locked him up in the

Town’s jail to think about what he’s done once I was done a thought came over me this must be forgiveness just then I gained a new sponge potion of regeneration and three more Hearts I guess I learned how to be forgiving but I don’t forgive slash why is being a

King so confusing on days 94 through 96 I returned home now that I had the five qualities of being a good King I was ready to take on slash and take my rightful place on the throne I gathered all the supplies I would need to take

Him on and then I gathered all my friends to say some parting words thank you all for your support in my journey I’m gonna end this once and for all if slash doesn’t fall then I will but I definitely won’t go down without a fight

Good luck son I know you won’t need it be safe out there okay you got this Max oh boomby I’m gonna miss you the most of all hey be safe out there kid with that I left my base behind but I had one last place to visit before confronting slash

On days 97-98 I travel to Rafi to tell him about my achievements I walked for a long time but as I was getting closer something caught my eye huh what’s that over there in the distance was a ground filled with various skulls huh these things don’t look like any animals I’ve

Ever seen is this a graveyard what happened here suddenly the tombstone nearby began to speak oh one dance disturb my Slumber the monster’s voice was coming from the tombstone in front of me hi it’s me uh the rifle king of this land and why do you sound so afraid

I I’m Not Afraid just who are you anyways I am a king from it’s a goal a true and rightful ruler one one or lead with an iron fist oh yeah at least I’m not afraid to show my face unlike you just where are you anyways don’t test me false King

I’ll show you the immense power I possess suddenly a monstrous creature appeared out of nowhere I am the Skeleton King let us have a battle to the death King at the drop of the hammer he immediately summoned his minions easily a dozen Undead skeletons respond in I was

Trembling in fear but I needed to man up for this fight or this could really be the end of me they launch a flurry of flying skulls and arrows I began dwindling down their numbers starting with the King summons with my Keeper of the Heaven by my side ice truck down one

Skeleton after another there were just so many by the time I reduced them down to a few I began focusing my attacks on the king he swung his hammer with sheer force but luckily it was slow I was easily able to dodge a maneuver around him and consistently attack him from his

Sides I could sense that his health was low so with one last lunge I delivered the final blow and defeated the bone King it was the real King now ugh but he was right about me being afraid at first hey still doing alive well I’m like already

Dead bro oh yeah this the skeleton wanted to thank me for stepping up to his King everyone was terrified but no one really liked him we all talk poorly of him amongst ourselves yeah I just hope I won’t end up like him I want

People to like me for who I am you will I know it I can sense it in your soul whoa the skeleton said some words of encouragement until ultimately it was time to go back to the afterlife it was nice talking to you lying bro you have a

Good one all right okay thank you say hi to my dad for me what and just like that he vanished what a cool guy oh wait I gotta go meet Rafi upon arriving I found that Rafi had already been waiting for me ah Max I was expecting you you were

Expecting me but I showed up uninvited well I could feel it in the wind you’ve learned all five qualities of being a good King now you must face your toughest for yet I’m scared but I also know that this is what I must do win or

Lose I have to take back the kingdom exactly right my boy although I am sensing a bit of uncertainty in your voice yeah I know my dad told me to forgive others but what slash did was unforgivable why you are correct returning cruelty with more cruelty will

Only keep more evil in the world slash must be punished maybe not in the way that you think huh I think I know what you mean about wisdom I have to learn more over time thank you Rafi of course now go reclaim your throne after talking

With Robbie he really helped me clear up my doubts my objective was even more clear than before I can do this I will do this on day 99 I arrived at Pride Rock to find that it was engulfed in flames hyenas were everywhere but I could see my uncle waiting at the peak

Of the rock I’m Coming For You slash I headed towards Pride Rock as one hyena after the next lunch to me I was outnumbered but not outmatched I used a combination of my Roar as well as my Keeper of the heaven to take down each

Dog one by one I had grown so strong that I could take most of them down in a single hit thanks to all the strength I had gotten over my journey I was able to defeat the hyena Army and reach the top of Pride Rock where slash was waiting

You show your face after our last encounter I’ve gotten stronger since the last time we met you’ll pay for what you did to my father well well well it’s like you finally remember yes I killed the king and took what was rightfully mine it’s not yours hand over

The throne now or face my power foolish Little Lion you know well that I would be a far better ruler than you both you and your father never at the spine to be the leader these lands need I think the only spineless one here is you you won’t

Even fight me yourself I better fight your goons you want to face me fine come get me without another word the two of us charged at each other on day 100 I was in the middle of my final battle for the throne with Slash he was incredibly powerful his massive fangs weren’t just

For show each attack he made it to land on me dealt massive damage I tried using my tie dweller on him but it immediately broke slash took the opportunity to Lunge me with his claws his speed and power weren’t like anything I had faced before I had to change my course of

Action before I was overwhelmed by its strength I activated my potion of regeneration and began to chip away at his health with my ability my Roar was helpful in keeping distance and in combination with my Keeper of the heaven I was a strong opponent too the battle

Was fierce but finally after using all the abilities I had gathered I was able to bring my uncle to his knees looks like I’ve been outmatched finish this I prepared to make the finishing blow this was it finally I would take revenge for what my uncle had done to my

Father but just then I remembered his words this isn’t right I put away my weapon and back down I won’t stoop to your level what no I’d rather die than surf under you I’m not a murderer slash it’s over like clockwork hyena came up and took the false ruler away slash would be

Imprisoned for his crimes with Slash put in his place I was now the king of the pride lands I did it

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a LION in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MaxCraft on 2022-11-12 03:00:17. It has garnered 2937619 views and 38414 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:14 or 2474 seconds.

For the next 100 days, I’m going to be a LION in Minecraft! Watch as I explore the PRIDE LANDS, fight HYENAS and try to take down my EVIL UNCLE and become the TRUE KING! Do I have what it takes? You’ll have to watch until the end to find out!

Mods used:

YUNG’s Better Caves – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-better-caves YUNG’s Better Dungeons – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-better-dungeons YUNG’S FIRE – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-api The Forbidden – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-forbidden Danny’s Expansion – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dannys-expansion Exotic Critters – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/exotic-critters Gobber [FORGE] – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gobber Additional Lights – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/additional-lights Alex’s Mobs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/alexs-mobs Citadel – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/citadel Angel Ring – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/angel-ring Curious API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curios Cyclic – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cyclic BetterAnimalsPlus – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betteranimalsplus Architectury API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/architectury-api BMorph – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/budschies-morph-mod Carry On – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carry-on Catalogue – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/catalogue CMD Cam – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam Creative Core – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creativecore Configured – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/configured Custom NPCs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/custom-npcs Dynamic Surroundings – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dynamic-surroundings Effortless Building – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/effortless-building Fakename – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fakename flyspeed mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fly-speed-modifier-mod/files Hide Armor – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hide-armor Just Enough Items – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei LuckyTNT – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/luckytnt Lightning Wand – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lighting-wand Mob Battle – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mob-battle-mod MorePlayerModels – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-player-models OptiFine – https://optifine.net/adloadx?f=OptiFine_1.16.5_HD_U_G7.jar&x=59c3 Maybe – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui/ Shrink – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/shrink_ Supplementaries – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries Selene – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/selene The Mighty Architect – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-mighty-architect Warp – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-warp-mod Wings – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wings World Edit – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP – Whitelisted – Released Today – Non-toxic – 1.20.X

    Welcome to Fabulous Miners! Welcome back to our simple SMP server for Java & Bedrock players. We focus on providing a non-toxic, friendly experience with levels 1-20 that you can level up through various tasks like mining, breeding animals, and crafting items. Earn income by selling items to our server shop or other players through chest shops. If you love Minecraft features, this is the place for you! Apply now and join our Discord server for more information: Join Our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Big Screenshots”

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  • “Hotter than a Nether portal 🔥🔥🔥” #minecraft #memes #funny

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  • Surviving 100 Days in 2D World – Minecraft Hardcore

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  • Experience the Thrill of Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Ultimate Bone Meal Farm for Minecraft Java 1.20.6

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Insane May 2024 Minecraft Mods! – Forge&Fabric 1.20.1+

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  • Breaking the Minecraft Hardcore Curse!

    Breaking the Minecraft Hardcore Curse!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can we BREAK the Minecraft Hardcore Episode 13 curse?! (Ep.13)’, was uploaded by Pythonator on 2024-03-25 21:00:22. It has garnered 5379 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:28 or 1348 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore – The moment of truth has come… we’ve died TWICE on Episode 13s in the past. Today, we see if we can BREAK that curse and venture into unchartered territory! Enjoy! ▶ Enjoyed this Minecraft Hardcore Survival video & want to support the channel? Be sure to leave a LIKE! Thanks! ❤ ▶ Want to support me further?… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey’s Shocking Escape from Poppy Playtime: Minecraft Maze!

    JJ & Mikey's Shocking Escape from Poppy Playtime: Minecraft Maze!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey SURVIVE IN MAZE WITH Scary MONSTERS FROM Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-04 10:30:01. It has garnered 74165 views and 407 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. JJ and Mikey SURVIVE IN MAZE WITH Scary MONSTERS FROM Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack 😱🔥| AxySpy

    INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack 😱🔥| AxySpyVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-26 05:00:06. It has garnered 11239 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft TNT Mod for Insane Explosions!🧨

    🔥EPIC Minecraft TNT Mod for Insane Explosions!🧨Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Huge TNT Add-On Review for Kids”‘, was uploaded by Xandermandz Gaming on 2024-03-25 17:00:06. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:32 or 1892 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft channel where we bring you the latest reviews and updates on all things Minecraft! In today’s video, we will be reviewing the Huge TNT add-on for kids. Watch as we explore the exciting features and gameplay that this add-on has to offer, perfect for young Minecraft enthusiasts. From massive explosions to new challenges, this add-on is sure to… Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE UPGRADE: Transforming DEMON SLAYER into GODLY power in Minecraft 🎥

    🔥ULTIMATE UPGRADE: Transforming DEMON SLAYER into GODLY power in Minecraft 🎥Video Information This video, titled ‘Upgrading DEMON SLAYER to GOD DEMON SLAYER in Minecraft (movie)’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-02-18 00:30:04. It has garnered 1278299 views and 7220 likes. The duration of the video is 03:57:01 or 14221 seconds. Upgrading DEMON to GOD DEMON in Minecraft (movie) 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/beckbrojack 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • EPIC! zypher finds secret Boots in Minecraft (ASMR Lofi keyboard sounds)

    EPIC! zypher finds secret Boots in Minecraft (ASMR Lofi keyboard sounds)Video Information This video, titled ‘got boots too #108 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-02-17 05:17:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:13 or 673 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world! 🌍✨ If you’re a fan of uncut Minecraft gameplay paired with the soothing sounds of a keyboard, you’ve found your haven. 🏰🌳 🛠️ Equipment Links: 🎙️ Microphone: https://amzn.to/3TFhQuR ⌨️ Keyboard: https://amzn.to/47hhaPu 🖱️ Mouse: https://amzn.to/48twtVY 🎧 Headphones: https://amzn.to/3NAFdB 🎛️ Audio Mixer: https://amzn.to/3NDZ6Ie 💻 Laptop : https://amzn.to/41vO2CK 🖥️ Monitor : https://amzn.to/486ZIhM 🎮 About the Channel:… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Bridge Duels FAIL” #shorts #pvp

    "INSANE Minecraft Bridge Duels FAIL" #shorts #pvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel | Bridge Duels #shorts #minecraft #bridge #pvp’, was uploaded by BadError on 2024-01-13 08:00:12. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. If you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like, and if you’re in the good mood you can press the notification bell too so you will be notified every time I upload another video!! Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS! Alex and Steve face ultimate danger!

    HEROBRINE RETURNS! Alex and Steve face ultimate danger!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE’S REVENGE – Alex and Steve Adventures (Minecraft Animation) Part-1’, was uploaded by I S studio on 2024-03-15 04:20:51. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • QuasarsSMP | SMP Semi-Vanilla Java

    Welcome to QuasarsSMP! QuasarsSMP is a small semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP, with enhanced gameplay while maintaining the classic Minecraft feel. We prioritize lasting builds and forming enduring friendships over seasonal resets. Join our community of 15-20 active players who value creativity and community. Join our Discord today: https://discord.gg/GXpB4bwC. Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a LION in HARDCORE Minecraft!