I Survived 100 DAYS as CHOO CHOO CHARLES in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as the infamous choo choo Charles in an underground Cavern I was surrounded by a bunch of mine carts and miners where am I suddenly a middle-aged man in a gold suit started shouting the Beast is awake quickly take the eggs to a safe place

Yes sir Warren huh what eggs I was confused but a part of me knew they were taking something special away from me I started attacking the miners and I discovered I had a cool lightning ability to use on them they all started running out of the cave and the Man in

The suit started shouting again don’t let that thing out alive setting off the Detonator sir suddenly explosions started going off around me and the cave started collapsing I was buried in rocks and everything went dark huh what happened a while later I woke up outside covered in gravel hmm I guess I should

Do some exploring as I was wandering around I realized I was getting hungry I went looking for food it came across a village mmm yummy people I went straight in and started killing I left the whole village empty and ate all of their meat better get out of here before more

Witnesses arrive on day two I decided if I was gonna survive in this place I would need a base to hide out in better get to work first I started Gathering some wood to make a crafting bench and wooden pickaxe then I went mining to gather Stone and made myself a full set

Of stone tools such as an ax pickaxe and sword hey Some Coal sweet I kept mining until I found myself a nice spacious Cavern I added some chests furnaces and torches for my light and then I was ready to start planning hmm I need to figure out what those eggs were about I

Started by leaving my base and exploring around to try to find Clues I kept searching until I came across a sign that said welcome to Ira Nero hmm I guess that must be the island I’m on I kept moving and from a distance I spotted an outpost I got closer and

Realized it was full of people who were wearing masks that looked like my face huh I wonder if I’m a God to them or something guess you’ll have to keep watching to find out I entered the Outpost and they looked at me and awe they were Amazed by my presence hey who

Gave you those masks why are you wearing them it was given to us by Warren he’s the owner of the Mining Company Warren that’s the guy who tried to kill me hey calm down buddy trying to kill you was warns I did not ours I went into a rage and started killing

Them all but they shot back at me with guns eventually I was able to kill them all off hmm maybe I should have asked them where the eggs were hidden oh well it was day three and I kept traveling until I found a little fishing Village

On the coast of the island I came across a fisherman named Greg who didn’t really seem afraid of me for some reason yeah our town primarily relied on tourism and fishing for Revenue but now they have both dried up hmm interesting I decided that if I helped the village find the

Source of their problem maybe they could give me some info on where Warren and the cultists took the eggs do you know the cause of the ocean and tourism drying up well in order to keep up with with Warren Charles demands the villagers were forced to overfish in this area prevented any significant

Population from returning so everyone is trying to stop this Warren guy huh well no Warren has shifted the blame onto other creatures who roamed the land such as yourself others yeah yeah the rumor is that there are other spooky dudes like you out there but I’ve never seen

Him well my memory has been wiped do you think you you could paint a picture for me on how all of this began sure here’s what I know to be true on day four Greg was telling me the story of how things came to be here on the island Warren and

His crew traveled to this island to find gold and other precious resources or at least that’s what they thought they were looking for they dug and dug for weeks on end but they couldn’t find anything one day however they opened up a hole into a huge cabin the others don’t

Believe me but I know Warren came looking for something else those darn eggs I tell you what happened next they were slaughtered by something that looks sort of like you but less train alike Warren barely escaped with his life if you let Warren harness the power of

Those eggs it will become far too powerful you need to stop him do you have any idea where I could find the eggs yeah I checked the swamp place not too far from here okay thanks Greg until we meet again on days five and six I

Headed back home into the mines at one point I took a wrong turn and stumbled upon a cave spider nest huh what happened here the whole place had been torched by cultists with flamethrowers and they were still here we are graced by your presence Lord back off you

Freaks I started tearing up the cultists and they fought me off with their flamethrowers I used my lightning and sword to fight them off and they caught me on fire a few times but I was able to survive and whip them all out the mother spider was dead but one little spider

Egg still remained suddenly it started hatching hello oh my goodness you’re so cute you’re my best friend now and your name is Jeff don’t worry little guy I’ll keep you safe from now on my name is Jeff I took Jeff back to my base and made him a

Little room I love it I’m hungry though hmm how does roasted cultist sound yum after we were done eating I had some questions for Jeff you don’t happen to know anything about an ancient mother spider do you not really I just got born but I do remember my

To this day hmm maybe if I find her I can get some answers you watch over the base for me will you champ you got it boss with that I headed out for adventure one you won’t want to miss so be sure to stay until the end on days

Seven and eight I went out looking for iron and I was gonna need lots of it I searched and searched but it seemed like all the Island’s resources had been drained Warren I headed back to the surface empty-handed and started looking around for some Clues eventually I made it to a

Place that looked like a scrap yard but it seemed empty hmm there’s got to be some iron scrap around here somewhere I searched around and came across a big pile of iron blocks perfect I started breaking some down for myself and I gathered enough to make myself a full

Set of iron armor and tools suddenly a man who looked like a cowboy came out of a building uh who are you the name’s Tony Tittle and you’re in my scrap yard oh I’m sorry I’ll just be going now uh not so fast you’re wearing my scraps he

Took out a powerful looking gun and pointed it at me uh oh he started firing at me with his gun and it was super overpowered I tried fighting him off with my Powers but the gun was too strong even with my armor upgrades it was hurting me too much I had no choice

But to escape I’m out of here eventually I made it to a safe spot whew that was a close one I wonder if Tony’s working with Warren too with that I headed back towards home to tell Jeff about my Adventures on days 9 and 10 I was

Traveling home when I heard a mysterious voice talking and decided to investigate Over the Horizon I spotted Steve talking with some guy I didn’t recognize hmm what’s all this about all right what kind of Beast are we dealing with here make some kind of half train half demon

Spider thing huh they must be talking about me good things I hope I’ll see what I can do to eradicate it eradicate does that mean kill maybe I could talk to some folks around the island for info on how to kill it I knew it t is the

Aches if you can get all three and use the altar you could destroy all the eggs together and defeat the Beast the eggs you say are there more than three eggs I only know of three but I wouldn’t doubt it you only need three for the ritual

Thank you for the info Eugene I’ll go prepare in case I encounter the freak Eugene huh oh in one more thing Steve if I die please find my son Paul let’s hope it doesn’t come to that with that Steven Eugene went their separate ways on days

11 through 13 I was following Eugene I followed him all the way to the train yard he had his own little shed there and he started working at his workbench I snuck up behind him hello Eugene you’re that creature have you been following me what do you want tell me

This do you work for Warren no I used to be one of his mining supervisors but after I had an encounter with a beast like you I quit now I spend my days trying to stop Warren in his nasty plot do you know what he wants with the eggs

Warren seems to think the eggs could be an alternate source of power and harnessing this power will allow him to keep all the wealth for himself bring me to Warren I will stop him myself oh no no way I may be against Warren but I’m even more against you suddenly he pulled

Out a gun and started shooting at me I quickly made waste of him I felt an odd feeling Within Me suddenly I sprouted legs and gained five Hearts awesome I bet I can get even cooler stuff later watch the whole video to see what I become hmm that’s a shame though I

Wasn’t going to kill him I searched through his shed and found a little booklet huh what’s this Warren isn’t a bad guy he’s trying to stop the beast from killing everyone on this island he’s trusted me with hiding one of the eggs please support us Eugene Gail well

Looks like I gotta find Gail now on days 14 through 17 I made it back home to check up on Jeff hey I missed you nice legs oh I missed you too buddy got any news for me well from The Echoes In The Mines I Heard a Voice but it didn’t

Sound human I was too scared to check it out smart move my guy I’ll check out that later but for now let’s fix this place up shall we we shall we started to work modifying our base first I added another room and added some stone brick details around it

Working hard next I used some of my leftover iron to make lanterns for the base hey bronzo I made some of my own webs for decoration oh gross but all awesome finally I added some furniture to finish it off looking good hey Jeff okay now I’m gonna go investigate the

Voice you heard earlier I traveled into the mines and eventually I came across some mine carts and rails hello anyone here I turned around to see an actual ghost whoa you scared me Oh the binders have been on the lookout for you and you are what are you doing here Phil well I used to work for Warren until he shot me now I hunt these my fraternity why did he kill you I was gonna expose to the world how much energy these eggs could produce

Not like that interesting will you help me take him down let me think about it yeah of course I will he murdered me Cold Blood with that I let Phil back to the base on days 18 through 21 bill and I arrived back at the base ah look out there’s a

Ghost behind you no no Jeff this is Phil Phil John Phil is here to help us get revenge on Warren I gave Phil the spare room with no bed all right well you two have fun I’m off to find that first egg with that I set out towards the swamp lands since that’s

Where that guy Greg said one would be but would it really be there stay tuned to find out when I got to the swamp I came across a witch brewing something hello there freak hi what are you doing I’m making myself a first two with delicious ingredients from around the

Swamp hmm interesting all right Oliver for you to try some but it’s not finished oh really it smells Divine I’m missing that but I can smash I’m just over there will you grab some for me when I tend to my Brew I’ll give you something sounds easy enough I’ll be right back oh

And one more thing yeah look out for Barry the swamp monster uh okay we’ll do on days 22 through 25 I was looking through the swamp for some meat I need meat what’s a guy gotta do to get some meat around here out of nowhere a group of zombies with fungus coming out

Of their heads came out and started attacking me luckily I was ready for them with my sword and lightning powers they were tough and shot poisoned spores but eventually I was able to beat them all sheesh what’s the deal with those guys I came to the edge of the swamp and

Across the way I spotted some cows meat standing between me and the meat was a large body of water hmm seems easy enough everything was going fine until suddenly I was hit by something from underneath the water ah something touched me I quickly hurried to the

Other side went out of the water Rose Berry the swamp monster get out of my swamp well technically I am out of your swamp now but I need to go back in no I just need to bring some meat to the witch so she will help me find the egg

That’s hidden here Oh you mean the egg that idiot with the gold suit left law in there that thing is mine now well I guess I have no choice but to fight you now Barry threw a trident straight towards me luckily he missed but he didn’t stop chasing me I struck him back

With my sword and lightning abilities give me the egg no it’s mine finally I was able to beat Barry and he dropped The Blue Egg yes one down two to go with that I killed the cows who were still hanging out nearby and brought the meat

Back to the witch between days 26 and 29 I made it back to the witch’s Hut and gave her some of the meat I had collected keeping a little for myself I must congratulate regulate you on finding the first primordial egg oh thanks it really wasn’t that hard wait a

Minute how did you know that ain’t funny things I know I know all and see all on This Island uh good to know but that wasn’t all she had to say your mistake it to one of the altars standard around the island there you will harness the primordial eggs power as a reward

For having a sweet young thing like myself I give you this and why did tungsten Shield wow it’s heavy oh yes one of the heaviest and densest metals found in nature what does it do it should protect you from most projectiles up before I decide to put a X on you a

Lady needs her beauty sleep all right I’ll be leaving then thanks again granny yes of course anytime I set out looking around the island and found another one of Warren company’s mining outposts maybe one of these miners or cultists will know so anyway I started blasting the miners could barely

Get close to me but the cultists shot from a vantage point making it hard for me to get them stop that they heard once the slaughter was finished only one single cultist remained alive I approached as maniacally as possible please just let me go I’ll give you

Anything you want just please oh all I want is a little bit of info I asked him about the locations of the nearest altars he said that he knew just two the main one at the center of the island called the Nexus and another one just nearby to the West the Nexus requires

All three priority legs to power it but the altar only needs one it doesn’t produce as much power though okay this is all very useful thanks for the information you’ve been a great help so I get to live right oh I don’t remember making any promises like that

Heading west I arrived at the altar and placed The Blue Egg atop it once placed it began to grow a bright light as a beam shot into the sky what is this feeling the power of the blue primordial egg transformed me into a more powerful version of myself I grew even larger and

Gained a teleport ability a massive Warren’s gonna pay on days 30 through 33 I was heading back to the base when I ran into Steve well well well you must be the freak I’m looking for get out of my way or you won’t be returning home tonight either

You know I can’t do that Steve started blasting me with big guns and explosives they really hurt I used my teleport power to avoid his hits as much as I could and my lightning to fight back eventually Steve fell back ah enough of this I know where you live now and I’ll

Come back even stronger next time that was a close call when I got back to the base Jeff was enamored by my size wow you’re huge yep hey speaking of spiders you don’t happen to remember any relatives of yours that might be alive do you hmm well there is a rumor spider

Built somewhere deep within the island maybe look for that alright thanks for the info buddy with that I made my way deep into the caverns of the island as I ventured in I was attacked by some monsters they tried to bring me down but

I I put up a good fight and killed them off all right time to keep moving as I travel deeper I noticed more and more cobwebs began to appear around the walls hmm I must be getting closer on days 34-37 the caves opened up into a

Larger Cavern and there was a whole city full of spiders of all different kinds eventually I got spotted and the Spider Queen came down to greet me excuse me what are you doing here I’m just looking for answers about what’s going on on this island I was hoping I could speak

With you you’re going to reveal the location of our Laird those Savage miners from the surface what no the Spider Queen charged at me and started biting me with her venomous fangs the spiders from around the area formed a circle as we fought she was very powerful but so was I and

Eventually it ended in a stalemate please listen to me I’m just looking for answers okay fine what do you want to know tell me the story of Warren and his people coming to this island from your perspective centuries ago this island was before the valuable resources and that

Is unto the settlers from across the world came here to strip the island of its Treasures over the years the island did not take too kindly to this Behavior it created monsters sway to The Travelers from taking more this didn’t deter them however and they kept coming into the island was fully

Drained but what they hadn’t discovered were the eggs buried deep beneath the surface that isn’t a warrant of control now he’s here trying to harness the power of the eggs you are nothing but a guardian of our new just like the Ancient Spider do you know what happened

To the Ancient Spider nobody knows for sure they’re believed to be reincarnated so it’s my job to defend the island and protect its resources well it’s too late for resources but maybe you can still stop Warren from ruining things further okay thank you for your help your

Majesty if you ever need my help with anything else you know where to find me between days 38 and 41 I realized that I was struggling to keep up one wrong move with those guns and I’d be done for I need to find a way to get done diamonds

So I’m better prepared for future encounters I figured Warren must have loads of diamonds in one of his camps so I started traveling around the island searching for camps but none of the camps I came across had any diamonds hmm time for a new plan just then I

Remembered my old buddy Greg Greg will know where the diamonds are I traveled back to Greg’s house and he was a bit frightened by my legs but still surprisingly okay with it whoa hey there now I’m gonna stay behind this window if it’s all the same I’d expect nothing

More from you Greg so where can I find diamonds well the Warren Co has a few large factories scattered throughout the island you’ll want to check those out you’ll know it when you see it alright thanks Greg what a guy oh by the way you might want to be on the lookout Warren

Started working on an army of creatures an army yeah folks like you rumor has it he’s gonna use them for world domination oh boy I better get moving I thanked Greg and headed out for the closest Warren Company Factory during my travels I ran into a Woman by the name of

Wimberly hello there Travelers there be a ghost who haunts these lands oh okay ooh yes a spooky ghost yeah I know one actually this one leaves behind little papers if you can collect all eight papers during your travels and bring them back to me I will give you a reward

Oh sweet a side quest thanks lady with that in mind I continued on towards the factory after two more days of travel I made it to one of Warren company’s factories on days 42-45 I looked around and noticed lots of ore and diamonds being funneled into the factory unfortunately the area was heavily

Guarded by cultists I hesitated but I figured I had no choice there’s no other option but for me to fight however I would probably be wise to lure some of them out so I won’t have to take them all on at once I thought hard about a

Good distraction until I saw a creeper wandering nearby perfect I used my lightning ability on it the Charged Creeper panicked and exploded right on cue five guards left their post and came rushing to investigate the explosion I remember then attacked once they were in reach I took them all out easily with my

Lightning with the guards gone I made my way inside the factory as I ventured in I came across Steve fully equipped with diamonds and big guns hello again you monster I know you are but what am I shut up and fight me Steve immediately began shooting at me and I teleported a

Way to avoid the bullets his bullets were difficult to dodge but Steve was getting tired and I knew his armor had to be wearing out I eventually backed him against a pit of lava and he slipped in I did it now that Steve was defeated I took the diamonds and left the factory

Days 46-49 I decided to use my diamonds to make some armor and weaponry heck yeah all aboard the diamond train as I set off again I traveled through the Black Forest looking for the second primordial egg dang this place is creepy even for me as I continued I found a

Paper tacked on a tree and took it this must be one of those notes Wimberly talked about so if I got one then there’s only seven left I traveled some more and found another one and another and then two more okay this is easy I just have three more to go suddenly I

Could feel the presence of someone or something stalking me who’s there no one answered so I cautiously returned to my search for the next note not long after I found it and read it stop now game over no I’ll never stop only one more to

Go I kept moving but out in front of me a tall slender ghost suddenly appeared ah I mean I ain’t afraid of no ghost I tried to hit the ghost but nothing happened it hit me back hard and I knew I couldn’t fight it so I sprinted away

From it I kept running while looking for the last note the spirit managed to follow me and kept hitting me as I ran ow leave me alone finally I managed to find the last note amidst the chaos I grabbed it and turned towards the ghost who finally stopped chasing me thanks

With me it then died abruptly oh well okay then anyways I should bring these to Wimberley but first I need that second egg I got myself back on track and continued with my egg hunt I came out into a clearing in the forest on days 50-53 in the middle there was a

Mysterious Bedrock structure I investigated it and realized egg 2 had to be hidden behind the barrier of Bedrock how did they even manage to get bedrock anyway I call hacks I knew I needed to solve the puzzle in order to access it I noticed three levers nearby

All pointed down hmm I wonder I tried flipping the levers in various combinations nothing worked eventually I just tried flipping them all up still nothing happened oh come on I looked around the area again and found one more lever behind a pumpkin pointed down I switched it up to match the other and

Heard a noise I looked and saw that the egg was exposed finally now that the past was solved a forest Guardian boss spawned to protect the egg I teleported before it could hit me I’ll get that egg you can’t stop me I struck the stone creature with lightning the guardian

Managed to send me backwards with a heavy hit I continued striking it and I was able to overpower it told you you couldn’t stop me I finally obtained the second egg and used its powers to give myself a full row of 20 hearts and an awesome jump ability it just keeps

Getting cooler I finally headed out of the forest full of confidence little did I know that I was being watched the whole time on days 54-57 I knew things would get tougher for me because I was now in possession of two of the three eggs Warren had

Beefed up security all around the island any Personnel I ran into now would be much stronger I remembered that a man named Gail would have answers to where it may be located but I still needed to be much stronger to take on Warren’s men finding the third egg is definitely

Going to be more difficult than I imagined I need someone to teach me how to fight bad better I tried to think of who could help if I was discovered deep within the Earth perhaps there was someone similar to myself who could teach me stronger techniques wait the

Spider Queen she’s a big spider creature like me she may be my best bet on honing in on my Powers I traveled back to the caves right away and into the city of spiders the queen greeted me as I entered look who’s back so soon I see

You’ve got about strength I have but I don’t know how to manage my power correctly what do you want me to do about it train you of something Yes actually I was hoping you could fine but only because one in his cronies it’s my Colony give me some time for

Beautyrest we started a few hours the queen was ready to train me on days 58-61. she had me follow her Outdoors where there was more room all right I want you to come to that tree and back to the internet I tell you to stop

You’re ready it’s set go I ran as fast as I could back and forth I was about to give up after a good while of doing so but the queen finally stopped me well done I didn’t think you had it in you really all I needed to do was press W

Next up the queen had me meditate in my own words there’s no greater wealth in the world than a piece of mind now sit and don’t think about anything it was tough trying not to think about finding the third egg wanting to kill Warren but eventually I was able to clear my mind

And relax wow I feel much better now good and let’s move on to your last test the queen brought me to a small fishing City where Greg lived no destroy this Wasteland what but my friend lives down there you friends everyone here hates creatures

Like you and I now kill them no Greg has shown me nothing but kindness I won’t hurt him and I won’t let you hurt him either I started attacking the queen to protect my friend beautiful how dare you the queen retaliated and bit me before summoning spider minions I maintain

Distance and hit them with lightning the Spider Queen spawned more each time I took them out it was difficult to hit her with so many smaller spiders in the way oh there’s so many I was getting frustrated it started to lose hope in my rage I attacked a group of spiders near

Me and noticed a row of purple things shooting up from the ground whoa did I do that finally I turned my attention back to the queen and managed to take her out along with her remaining minions with my new void core powers awesome I unlocked a new ability as I celebrated

My victory I failed to notice Gail and Greg watching me from inside see I told you he ain’t too bad hmm on day 62 through 65 I departed from the fishing town and headed back home I was so excited to show Jeff my cool new jumping

Ability I knew he was gonna be so impressed after arriving back at my base I guess the whole place had been completely ransacked what the heck happened here and where’s Jeff I wandered around for a bit and eventually came across some cultists talking about how they just kidnapped Jeff they were

Planning to use him as bait to draw me out now that I got all the information I need it’s time to take these guys out and rescue Jeff I quickly teleported closer and began my attack on the cultists I dodged around their bullets as much as I could and swung my sword at

Every opening I could find I was able to finish them off looking back at my base I sighed at the absolute mess that had been made of it I’ll have to clean this up when I get back but first i’m coming Jeff just sit tight on days 66 through

70 I was in a Mad Dash with all my spindly spider legs making a beeline to the Watchtower as I was running I heard Jeff’s voice shut it I peered out to a dirt path from the tree line and saw a collection of cultists hauling Jeff away in a cage

Perfect I decided to quickly intercept them and free Jeff so surprise freaky cultists I regret my life choices I left where the cultists perished and released Jeff from the cage thank you I’m so grateful I knew you would come to rescue me but of course now come on

Let’s get back to the base we got back and got started with fixing the base as well as upgrading a bit we spent the next couple of days cleaning expanding and then adding some nice fences for extra support and decoration hey guess what I found out we can use my webs for

Wool oh sweet Jeff handed me string from his webs and I crafted it into wool for some beds I then placed them in our base as well just because we could now nice extra cozy let’s get some rest now tomorrow will be the start of the search

For the third and final primordial egg on day 71-74 all I could think about was where the last egg could be I remembered the note that Eugene had left by a certain Gale after searching around the island I couldn’t find them anywhere I decided to go visit the witch to see if

She had any helpful information have you seen anyone by the name of Gail lately oh I haven’t seen girl in a very long time I’m sorry I couldn’t be of any hell without gaining any useful information I headed towards Tony tittle’s Place hmm looks like he’s alone now that I’ve

Gotten stronger this would be the perfect time to get my revenge I made my way into his place and greeted him hello Tony do you know where Gail is huh oh it’s you I’ll never tell you where he is if you’re not going to tell me then I’ll

Just have to beat it out of you you without hesitation he immediately pulled out his gun and started firing at me this time it was easier to maneuver around him and launch my volley of attacks after zapping him a few more times I finally defeated Tony that was a

Lot easier than before I really am stronger now I was at a loss of ideas on where I could find this Gale person so I decided to check out one last spot the small fishing Village maybe Greg knows if Gail’s whereabouts I had arrived at Greg’s place and was immediately greeted

Hey bud I saw how you defended the town from the Spider Queen thanks a ton no problem would you happen to know where Gail is suddenly a man appeared from behind me no kidding thank you for your service by the way the name’s Gail I had finally found the mysterious man I had

Been searching for I could finally gather the last bit of information that I needed Gail do you know where the last egg could be uh uh Yale seemed a little hesitant to tell me anything it’s okay kale Warren is only in it for the money and power you can trust our friend here

Okay the last egg is deep beneath a heavily guarded mine just east of here thank you I said my goodbyes and headed straight for the mine after traveling East for some time on day 75-78 I had finally arrived at the mine to retrieve the last egg I scouted the area and

Verified that Gail wasn’t lying this place was heavily armed and guarded up the Wazoo geez they even have ravagers on their side I decided to go out guns blazing I used my jumping ability to stir up the land around me and Zapped any guards in my sight they got some

Shots in but it wasn’t enough to stop me after around them I had finally finished them off after all was said and done I spotted the entrance and made my way into the mines I had arrived in a large open room and noticed the glow of the

Egg was across the way not so fast huh who’s there a large monster had appeared from the Shadows he must be the guardian of this egg if you want the egg you’ll have to get through me first the skeletal creature began summoning his henchmen they got closer but luckily for

Me I could teleport away from harm I killed off some of the smaller guys but they just kept coming if I wanted to end this I had to go for the big skeleton I struck him with my lightning and swung my sword at any chance I could find and

When one last strike I had finally defeated the giant skeleton I walked over to the last egg and picked it up Suddenly I transformed yet again I felt bigger and way stronger than before whoa I look awesome now I just need to figure out what to do with all three of these

Eggs with a third and final egg in my possession as I made my way back to the base between days 79 and 82. I was excitedly greeted by Jeff and Phil Charles welcome back glad to see you in one piece did you get the a did you did you

Yeah bud I got it now that I have all three of these things I need to find the Nexus altar to destroy them once and for all that way Warren can never hope to even lay a finger on the eggs Phil then spoke up again and said that my best

Lead would be Paul Eugene’s son if anyone would know where the Nexus is it’s gonna be him then I got an idea hmm Phil do you think you could pretend to be Eugene’s ghost maybe Paul would be willing to tell his dad the location great idea

There’s just one problem what is that I have no idea where Paul is or where he could be everyone on this island either wants me dead or has told me everything they know well you’re in luck as a ghost I know where everyone is follow me

Though I was skeptical of what being a ghost had to do with knowing someone’s location I didn’t question it much and followed Phil closely I followed Phil on days 83 through 86 into the mountaintops of the island it was cold and very snowy and I was having some doubts you sure

You know where he’s at Phil yeah I do he’s been hiding in this mountain so he doesn’t encounter you oh okay I kept following him and we eventually made it to a lone house in the Mountainside side all right we’re here you better stay far

Away if Paul sees you he will run like Matt or die without telling you where the temple is good call I’ll wait here I watched as Phil went to haunch Paul who was preoccupied Paul was cooking something up in the furnace when all of a sudden Phil floated through the wall

Behind him soon Paul jumped and turned around in Fright is Dad yes [Applause] I mean you’re dead oh no Dad I’m so sorry that you passed how did this happen was it Charles yes it was it was way too cool or something but that’s okay I was fighting the good fight

Anyways and you two tell me where the temple is wait should shouldn’t you know where it’s at oh no as a ghost my uh memories were wiped okay if you say so here’s the map pops next gym boy I mean Paul love you I I love you too Dad

Phil came back to me after all that wow 10 out of 10 acting there nah it was just 10 out of 10 gold 10 galloways I’ll hold on to the map and keep it safe until you’re ready sounds good to me during days 87 through 90 I was ambushed

By Warren who threw a paralysis potion at me hey what gives look at you all stuck and stuff let me go Warren walked up to me and reached into my inventory Sorry Charlie but I’ll be taking those eggs I got lots of great ideas of what

To do with these but first I need to make sure that you don’t come back to foil my plans there’s is nothing you can do I’m practically unkillable at this point with the power of the eggs Warren was able to do the unthinkable he began chanting some words Emperor TB Laura

Maps and doloresh good luck at another land partner I soon then passed out I had woken up for days 91 to 93 trapped on some mysterious island different from the original one oh no I need to figure out how to get back and stop Warren after some way finding I realized that

This indeed was not my original Island but actually a land off the coast hmm there should be plenty of ships passing by and I was right plenty of ships got close enough for me to shout out them hey I need a ride died they were too

Terrified to come near me but I had a plan I thought about it for days and I finally figured I’d make an SOS signal and hide while the boats approached that should do it I waited and waited and finally it worked a large enough ship

Got close enough for me to hop on is there anybody there oh hey hey snap out of it captain and take me to the mainland boy you train spider the ship was now nearing the shore on days 94-96 when it suddenly got ambushed by cultists what’s the

Meaning of this wait get away from them the cultists attacked and killed the captain and crew no how could you I went into a rage and angrily killed the awful cultists can’t these guys leave me alone just once since I couldn’t run the ship

On my own I used my teleport to jump to the shore once I made it to land I could feel my anger swelling they destroyed my home tried to take my friend stole my eggs and now this ah I was so Furious about Warren taking my eggs and all the

Other things he’d done that I desperately wanted to get revenge I’m gonna give those cultists and Warren a piece of my mind I went on an absolute Rampage destroying any remaining outposts I could find I broke through walls set fire to their property like they add to mine and acclaimed all

Cultists I came across when I was done all of the last outposts had been reduced to nothing but Rubble oh there I feel better now but the work isn’t done yet Warren has the eggs and his plan is eminent I can’t stop now I decided to go

Back home and meet up with Phil so we could plan what to do next when I arrived back home on days 97 and 98 everyone looked anxious Jeff was skittering around the floor back and forth so much and Phil was just staring at the wall you guys seem stressed

What’s going on they both turned and looked at me of course we’re stressed it’s game over man it’s only a matter of time before Warren does something insane yeah no one has ever defeated anyone with the power of all three primordial eggs there’s a first time for everything

This train doesn’t stop not for some silly eggs not for Warren not for anything so cool what about me is there anything I can do to help you out you know Jeff you’ve been such a good friend I couldn’t ask for anything more from you really you don’t want me to like the

Video subscribe to the channel and comment on what kind of video I’d like to see next actually that would be very POG of you we’re almost at 2 million subscribers and just need a few more people to join the bronzo Army um and if you’re ready I can guide you to

The Nexus or it’s bound to be close by I’m ready let’s go on day 99 I traveled with Phil who was guiding us with the map along the way we encountered a group of strong looking cultists with even bigger guns but it was nothing I couldn’t already handle after defeating

The cultists we continued our journey to the Nexus unfortunately it’s never that easy we were met with a small horde of zombies but these guys were even easier to take on than the cultist group that’s strange when were there ever zombies on this island we had finally arrived at

The Nexus Phil stopped moving and turned to me looks like this is the place hope be taking my leave now oh and good luck thank you for everything after Phil had left I turned back to observe the Sea of heavily armed cultists and creatures guarding the area this is going to be

Tough but I want to get to Warren I’m going to have to take all these guys out I began striking Down The Horde with my lightning turning them into a sea of flames I used my void cord to bulldoze through the line of my weakened foes I

Continued to teleport around the hail of bullets they had showered upon me and quickly defeated them in waves then the Skeleton King wailed on me but I was easily able to maneuver away from them with my jumping ability shaking up the land around me I had dealt my final bits

Of damage securing my victory against the guards that was hectic I’m Coming For You Warren after completing my task I ventured further into the Nexus day 100 marked the final confrontation with Warren Charles III at the Nexus of the island it’s done all your cultists have

Left you you are all alone now I still have the eggs I’m not afraid of their power I want to embrace it Warren took a step towards the eggs and I knew what he was about to do no it was too late Warren used the eggs to gain more power

And make himself stronger with sounds of Bones cracking and snapping he transformed into a spider still with his human face intact finally ah hold the power now no what have you done he charged at me hitting me hard and sending me flying back I tried evading him with my

Teleportation to evade his strikes I’m so scared now when you’re so weak I jumped away from his next blow oh and tried to collect myself stop running away and face your destiny Warren began summoning spider fangs from the ground that packed a punch I gave it my all and

Eventually just die ah yes yes I did it choo choo bronzo

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as CHOO CHOO CHARLES in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2023-01-07 18:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

SHOP MY MERCH HERE! https://merchcraft.shop/collections/bronzo-collection I Survived 100 DAYS as CHOO CHOO CHARLES …

  • Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

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  • Uncovering Mr. Beast’s Secret World Seed

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  • “ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!” #minecraftsquad

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  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!

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  • Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shorts

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  • Minecraft’s Dark Secret Revealed – Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktok

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  • Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power – Epic Minecraft Animation!

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  • Salve Craft SMP – whitelist, Java 1.20.4 – Community-Focused 16+

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  • Minecraft Memes – Sculk Shrieker be like: Vibin’ & Snitchin’

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  • Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥

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  • EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await!

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  • Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans

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  • Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱

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  • Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft Gameplay

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  • GREATEST COMEBACK EVER! Surviving 100 days on CRAZY Minecraft chunk 🎮

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  • Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)

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  • “Insane Minecraft Modding Builds – New Year Fashion Show Tutorial” #viral #trending

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  • WTF! Unseen Minecraft Mob Revealed! #OMG

    WTF! Unseen Minecraft Mob Revealed! #OMGVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Minecraft Mob is that? #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-24 17:00:20. It has garnered 100 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and I would… Read More

  • “Minecraft SHOCK: Erik’s MENSTRUAL TREE FARM!” #shizo #clickbait

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  • INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shorts

    INSANE EcoSMP Builds! Ep. 68 | MUST SEE!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Builds Ep. 68 | #shorts’, was uploaded by EcoSMP on 2024-02-12 22:29:29. It has garnered 5714 views and 302 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. This timelapse shows us building a beautiful Victorian fantasy medieval cottagecore house in Minecraft. Our friend, Lindolas_Official, has been kind enough to let us create videos of his creations. Please show him some support on Planet Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecrafttutorial #minecrafthouse #minecraftidea #minecrafthowto #minecraftmedieval #minecraftfantasy #cottagecore #minecraftjava #smp #minecraftsurvival #minecraftaesthetic #minecraftstarterhouse Music Courtesy Of Mojang Studios Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Welcome to Dominion Minecraft Server Join our community of like-minded adult players for a true vanilla Minecraft experience. We focus on community, player interaction, and fun without any over-the-top additions. Experience weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process ensures a safe environment for all players. Apply to join us on Discord HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without any game-altering plugins or benefits for donors. Transparency We believe in transparency with financials and community issues to maintain trust. Community Voice… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cracked endstone brick: The Ultimate Game Changer (sarcasm)

    Minecraft Memes - Cracked endstone brick: The Ultimate Game Changer (sarcasm)“Cracked endstone brick: the building material no one asked for, but we got anyways. Thanks, Mojang!” Read More

  • Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2

    Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2 In Minecraft 1.8.9, achievements in sight, Mining, farming, building, all day and night. Expanding my farm, animals in tow, Enchanting room, portal room, watch them grow. Fence around my base, to keep safe and sound, Baking a cake, fishing around. Learning new skills, editing with care, Becoming a pro, with videos rare. Noise suppression for the mic, text commentary too, Speeding up the boring, for a better view. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we tell, Join me in the game, where stories swell. Read More

  • MLG drop in Minecraft with spicy Wi-Fi

    MLG drop in Minecraft with spicy Wi-Fi When your Wi-Fi is so bad even the MLG drop in Minecraft can’t save you from lagging out of the game. #WiFistruggles #Minecraftfails Read More

  • Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie – Minecraft Cities & Castles

    Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie - Minecraft Cities & Castles Exploring Castle Leslie in Minecraft Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Cities & Castles, the dynamic duo of Castle Leslie enthusiasts, featuring Frayte and the narrator, embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the ancient site of Castle Leslie. This historic location boasts a modern castle that has undergone numerous expansions and rebuilds over the generations. Castle Leslie: A Blend of History and Modernity The journey through Castle Leslie in Minecraft reveals a fascinating blend of history and modern architecture. The castle stands as a testament to the evolution of architectural styles, showcasing the intricate details and grandeur… Read More

  • Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge

    Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge Minecraft’s Most Insane 0 CPS Bridger Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the most insane 0 CPS Bridger! Dive into the world of bridging like never before and witness the incredible skills of this Minecraft pro. Server Information For those eager to join the action, the server IP for this epic gameplay is: (Premium) play.bridger.land (Offline) cracked.bridger.land 0 CPS Godbridge Tutorial Learn the secrets behind the 0 CPS Bridger’s incredible moves with this tutorial video. Starting at 2 minutes and 57 seconds, you’ll uncover the techniques that make this player stand out from the rest. Check out the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure – EPIC #14

    Insane Minecraft 1.20 LIVE REVENGE Adventure - EPIC #14Video Information This video, titled ‘Aventure en Hardcore sur Minecraft 1.20 en LIVE (La Revanche) #14’, was uploaded by Râ-moon on 2024-05-10 20:39:42. It has garnered 85 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:45 or 7785 seconds. Hello, welcome to our Minecraft survival in SEMI – HARDCORE, for the revenge of our old adventure, the version is 1.20 with the new updates of course. My goal is to stay alive as long as possible and of course to share as much as possible with you. The whole adventure will take place LIVE every Friday on the… Read More

  • 100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!

    100 Days of Mod Madness in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days ADDING RANDOM MODS Every 5 Days’, was uploaded by ArcherKirby8 on 2024-04-06 11:59:20. It has garnered 148 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:03 or 4623 seconds. 100 Days in Minecraft, but I add random mods every 5 Days. If you have a single mod to add, suggest it in the comments below or in the Discord! It does need to be 1.16.5 FORGE and have either a Curseforge or Modrinth Download. This is Stream 11 of the 100 Days. #minecraft #minecraft100days #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods Read More

  • Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!

    Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Killing The Warden Is Not Hard In Minecraft | 16 Seconds Enough | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by TG Morris on 2024-02-25 03:30:16. It has garnered 49 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #warden #Minecraft #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftCreative #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSeries #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftWorld #minecraftcommunity new trick to kill warden in minecraft in 16 seconds without hacks, #MinecraftFun #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftLife #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftMaster #MinecraftMagic #MinecraftBuilders #MinecraftExploration #MinecraftFantasy #MinecraftWonder #MinecraftBuildingTips #MinecraftPro #MinecraftJourney #MinecraftSkills #MinecraftCreators #MinecraftEnchanting #MinecraftAdventures #MinecraftPixelArt #MinecraftInnovation #MinecraftDiscovery #MinecraftCreation #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftEpic #MinecraftAwesome #MinecraftInspiration #MinecraftAddict… Read More

  • EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!

    EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-04-14 19:00:25. It has garnered 3990 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:52 or 3112 seconds. Minecraft Tech Spirit | NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 [Modded Questing Skyblock] ► Support Us on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/CyberFuel ► Join our Discord – https://discord.gg/hPFqKpz3Gv ► Follow us on Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/cyberfuelstudios ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1

    Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Modpack Better Minecraft : เอาชีวิตรอดแบบจริงจัง Ep.1’, was uploaded by SakuMo on 2024-03-19 02:45:06. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:14 or 1214 seconds. Please press follow. This one started doing seriously at first. If I did anything that was not to your liking, I apologize here.. Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as CHOO CHOO CHARLES in HARDCORE Minecraft!