I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE RLCraft…

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Surviving 100 days in hardcore is just too easy so I installed the hardest mod pack that exists it is called RL craft and even punching trees it can be deadly by the way don’t forget to buy my new four mil merge on s3737.star I’m gonna be in hardcore and it will require every

Bit of Minecraft skill that I have this is probably going to be the hardest 100 days challenge I’ve ever done because there is literally danger around every single corner it all begins by collecting some flint and what the heck is that you know what I’m just gonna run

In the opposite direction picking up any rocks I see on the way and also breaking leaves to get sticks don’t know what this structure is but I can throw these down and it’ll become shards then I can make a flint knife break loads of grass and turn the plum fibers into string

Which gives me a flint Hatchet and I can also use a remaining string to get some wolf and with this Hatchet I can break a tree it takes a little bit of time and I’ve got to make sure that the tree does not fall on me I can turn these into

Planks and with my crafting table and my rocks I can make one Cobblestone that’s not quite gonna cut it though so I’ll continue Gathering these in the area I think I need 12 all together are things useful because it’ll heal you if you’re nearby and a balloon I wonder if there’s

Anything good there anyway let’s make those into Cobble Grafton pickaxe and is this a dungeon I’m not going down there but it’s good to know about it doesn’t seem to be anything good in there but now I’m with this pickaxe I can grab more rock and make the rest of my tools

These also getting dark so I should quickly go ahead and turn these into planks and get a bed made so I can go to sleep one of the most useful things in our lcraft is XP so the easiest way for me to get that right now is to take out

Loads of mobs and I’m also gonna need a furnace to cook my food since I lost the ability to Sprint now to mine iron I need mining level four I have the expense to level it up once not quite twice what the heck is that where did

You go whoa leave me alone I’m staying away I don’t want it to escape Okay jump in the water SP got a mind down there’s only one this is such a dangerous mod pack everything just wants to get you okay I’m all right just it managed to get down the water as well

I’m okay though can’t say I like this at all I can hear mobs all around me and that must be because we’re connected to the old dungeon well I think I’ll stay out of there found more iron shame I can’t mine it and I think I’ve made a

Successful Escape but my goodness this game is very very dangerous my main goal at the moment is to find more passive mobs are you a passive mob you don’t look like it yeah I want to find more passive mobs so that I can get XP so

Just pigs pigs are very very useful and dinosaurs and Cole finding coal is always useful okay they are very wet Oh that’s oh we better stay away from a dragon I would not last long if he realizes sorry I’m I’m gonna go in this direction oh okay what are you they’re

Just creatures everyone I seem to remember the dinosaurs not attacking your back so let’s see yeah you’re wrong for your life that’s it got some good mate don’t don’t run too far though a house oh this looks great I’m also going to get rid of

These sheep just for extra oh my God why is there always something dangerous on the way yeah house oh oh look at this I don’t think I have the levels to mine up diamonds I also feel like this has got to be some sort of trap somewhere along

The line it can’t be that easy although maybe it is also make a few bandages they’ll come in handy and it’s going dark so I am going to stay the night here will you leave me alone you are a very strange looking guy hold on my 3737

I’m sure I can handle you that’s right that’s right you stay away do you drop anything good some raw meat which is always nice and my goodness there’s a spawn of that if I could get the XP from that it would be amazing and yes it looks very very dangerous but as I’ve

Said once I’ll say it again I must be 737 and if anybody can pull it off it’s me So the plan is to dig below that’s it now give me the good stuff okay this is actually working I think I’ve got the XP I don’t think oh there’s more I’ve got

To try all these Blaze as well talk about dangerous and then there’s spawners below oh my goodness this is terrifying I think one was enough I’ll just take this and leave how did you see me you know I I’m always up for a fight but come on let’s let’s bring it on

There’s nothing I can’t handle just a simple Blaze there we go and I’m getting out of here I don’t trust myself to be able to survive much longer I can now mine up iron there’s animals everywhere which is going to be great for XP that’s right

Free XP free food what more could I ask for just when everything’s going to plan I get one of them spawning okay I’ll add one of the oh my goodness please leave me alone thank you for healing me and I think I can oh okay that was oh careful

There we go got him my axes broke but I can make another one and those guys are dangerous gotta be careful I don’t have a high enough level to use the iron ax yet acquires level eight which is a bit off I’m gonna get the regen from you

Again drink loads of water and apparently I drank some parasites what this it’s so hard and I’ll keep collecting more XP and I can’t sleep till the parasites for now okay I can now sleeping does heal you as well which is good I’m leveling up my defense so

I’m able to wear iron armor I don’t know what that is it’s some sort of rat or something okay um why do I why do I want to do that to you I got broad rabbit all right when I need XP nothing is safe I’m pretty sure

Crabs legs are useful so I’m going for them and we’ve got a structure we’ve got Bruce at the top is Bruce the boss oh it’s a massive structure I’d love to go in there but I didn’t better get some armor first speaking of which there’s

Iron down there I’m going in I can mine it up I hope nothing dangerous spawns as I do this because I would be trapped with it down in this Ravine I would grab Cole since there’s a lot down here but I just I just don’t trust myself for

Nothing to go wrong 17 iron is absolutely perfect I can make a chest plate but I don’t think I can wear it no we still need I think level eight and I’m risking get away get away I’m okay I’ve survived I’ve lived to tell the tale somehow okay we’re going down we’re going down we’re going down we’re going down okay okay okay you can’t get down to me what on Earth is this all about okay let’s go let’s just plug that up my goodness me good job

I’ve got some plasters my head was almost in trouble and that nicely sums up why I was so scared to mine up coal I’ve almost got rid of this guy I think I can do it you know come on SB one more hit that’s right you come oh we got loads of

Vinyl that is a positive it’s also dark I can sleep and that will heal me which is good I’ll tell you what talk about terrifying experiences I don’t know why I’ve just gone straight back to mine and I’m just a brave person I guess now how

Many levels to use an iron pickaxe is it level eight not quite good enough at this point unfortunately another one are you kidding me okay you know you don’t look so bad I can I can get you everything’s fully smelted I’m not gonna go mining again

Unless I absolutely need to and now the goal is to get enough XP to level up my defense which means nothing safe not even you turkey easily defeated disc oh you’re kidding me I don’t know why they have to keep spawning finally I’m level eight allow me some great defense and

Wear the iron chest plate and of course we’ll craft some leggings too which will be quite useful oh no not a dragon I can I’ve got to keep well away from him because battling one of them would get me in big big trouble they’re getting me

Another one let’s just go down here this really is a terrifying mod pack isn’t it now what is this it looks dangerous it looks scary and from what I can tell it also seems to be kind of useless oh no I don’t like the look of that fire run for

Your life SP I think you might have seen me if in doubt dig down go down go down go down go down go down I think I think I’m getting away just I think he’s looking like he’s scorched all the ground he went for me hopefully he

Doesn’t hang around here for too long you can get out of here too don’t you set me up I don’t need this get out of it because me get in the water you guys could just heal me up that would be very very helpful and if you could just fly

Farther another one what this area is just so unbelievably unsafe this has to be the fastest way to get the old planks I can still hear the dragon above which is not good but at the very least I can sleep and I’m gonna attempt to mind my

Way far far away from here the area now appears to be so far from whatever the heck that thing is so I shall continue collecting XP until I reach level eight in mining what the heck there’s a giant wasp thing which I’m definitely gonna avoid man you drive me crazy I’m also

Getting very very cold so going to the Jungle he’s gonna warm me up and there’s a dragon there there’s another one somewhere in that direction definitely not an ideal situation to be in that’s mining level eight which means I can use the iron pickaxe and oh my goodness

Not to the Head not to the Head protect the head all costs me job you can do this you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine don’t panic dig down as you can see my head is very very damaged no matter how much help you have if that gets no

Health left then you are dead but of course I must be 737 and it takes more than that to stop me plus I can sleep which means I’ll heal up anyway so all in all things are looking pretty good and I’ve found loads of iron in this

Cave fantastic what the heck why can I see these spider thing why do they look so terrifying it kind of makes me want to investigate them but I’ll make my armor First full iron should protect the head a little bit more and a bucket so that I always have water to drink will

Also be pretty useful the manager is very successful another 34 iron on the way loads of coal I’m too hot cool down SB I’m burning up gonna grab a tad more coal and continue leveling stuff up what’s gonna go like this to craft a shield and Surround it with iron to

Upgrade it reaching level eight means I can do that and I can now use the INX at this point I kind of feel like I’m at the stage where I’m ready to take on a dungeon or a battle tower or something like that because I’d definitely like to

Start collecting much better loot look at all these bone blocks now bone meal I think could be useful since you do get XP from farming so maybe if I make a bone meal Wheat Farm or something I could level up really fast whilst mining I took out one of those rock monster

Things and it dropped a gold ore which I think I can smelt and once that’s melted I can combine it with leather and wool to make a backpack which is going to be super useful for all these items I have that I just don’t have space for it

Seemed to take forever but I think that is now the last of it over five and a half stacks I think that’s going to be very very useful indeed if I go like this I can wear the backpack it gives me like an extra heart but it also gives me

The incumbent effect so like I take damage but gain it back straight away it’s weird I can also use the backpack without to take it off very very nice and what the heck are these are these just random armor stands no way have I just found a random death Oh my goodness it’s like Christmas is coming one day I don’t think I have enough levels I need I need way higher defense to put it on but I will definitely take that that is so useful it’s also a good time to save my Grandmaster plan to use bone meal and

Seeds it’s actually gonna work so I’m gonna Crouch I’m gonna go what okay I need to just level up easy enough don’t take too many levels oh level 12 the bone meal that’s crazy I guess I’ll be I’ll be coming back to this later and it’s one of these guys

I’m kind of confident I can take you one actually no I’m oh can I I can and I believe eating these actually heals you up yes it gave me Rejuvenation big castle a head spotted and if I can work out how to I’m going in this is the win

That looks like there’s a lot of mobs and a Beat get out of it thankfully won that back so it was only a One Tap now what do we got here spawners can I do it okay oh that spider is creepy by the way I’m glad to do one of these outside

Because I need to regen and I also need to cool down a little bit I don’t know what sparkly particle effects means but I don’t really want to find out I reckon mining into the wall might be in it are you kidding me is it really obsidian I I

Don’t care I’m I’m gonna mine through you know what forget it it’s taking too long I’ll just go back in the front entrance kind of run around avoid everything right first things first get rid of this give me some XP sadly failed to break it in time they’re really

Difficult to practice this okay oh what’s going on there anything good in the chest please tell me okay I’ll take some wood this is definitely hard work Shield I’d say do the job fair this is the first time I’ve really had to concentrate I’m making a new ax before

This one breaks and I’m gonna systematically get rid of all of them and you know if I set this up right I can actually make it into a cool little XP farm or I can hit them but they just can’t hit me something has spawned which

Is has ruined the XP fob I don’t know what it is but it does tell me that I’ve got to be a little bit careful and I’m also going to make a sword to speed things up my plan is to level up the defense so that I can eventually equip

The diamond armor most of my body is very injured but it’s been worth it because I’ve been getting lots of XP just sometimes there’s special powered ones that can get through Rejuvenation should hopefully heal me up I also need to make sure I keep myself cool down

These don’t actually heal you they just make healing but work better but I’m gonna have to wait till night to heal up nearby mobs are stopping from sleeping so I’m digging down where things will be more peaceful somehow spiders snuck through and done oh okay this is bad water

And the water’s broke okay I’ve got to get out of it I am in big big trouble the XP farm idea worked great for a time but now the the good days are over I’m digging out of it and I can barely don’t you dare see me but yeah I can barely

Walk thank goodness there’s one of these here thank goodness for that you’re still in the same place because I need regen so so bad you know what now that I’m fully healed I get poisoned straight away again flip the neck leave me alone now that I’m fully healed for the second

Time and please don’t see me dragon I reckon I can keep exploring this area as long as I am careful following one more attack what the heck why am I getting flung to the side I think it’s a mob from below I don’t like this one better

Anymore you know I’m going back through and you know what I’m leaving for good it’s just too risky to stay there I think the jungle in general is dangerous have I just made my head hurting again yep one heart could use you to regen me thankfully it’s time to go dark oh my

Goodness he’s coming for me don’t mess this up SP I hate it here I’m going to hide in a cave where I can sleep peacefully so that was a fun adventure but until I get way better gear I don’t really want to try something like that

Again XP is the main thing I need what are you what on Earth okay you uh you’re interested but yeah XP is the main thing that I need so that I’ll be able to equip my diamond armor what is this place is that a village a village with a

Dragon are you kidding me you’ve always got a ruin it haven’t you hopefully I can still explore a little bit let’s see what this place has got to offer because this could be a great base nothing particularly useful around here so I’m leaving I don’t want to keep away from

The dragon wherever it is over there and the next few days have definitely going to be operation obtain loads of XP and I’ve successfully managed to get to 16 levels I don’t know what that is but that means that I can finally get 16 defense with 16 defense I can upgrade to

Full diamond armor and still continue to keep collecting XP I think this is a place that I was at in the jungle what are you doing in here by the way you’re not meant to be there yeah I went to this in the jungle didn’t I and to be

Completely honest with you it didn’t end well then and I’m not convinced it’ll win well this time but I’m gonna get some torches down which will hopefully block some spawns I can heal up from you there’s two of those creepy things I’m just gonna keep moving away or get rid

Of them from a safe distance oh my ax is broke that’s the worst thing that could have happened right about now I’m so weak you’ve got to be weak well though it’s me are you oh my goodness look I’m so so low half a heart on my head I do

Not know how I am still standing one hostile mob and I am done for my goodness there’s one of these down here as it is healing me up and now with full health I can make a brand new ax and see what this place is why are there

Pressure plates can I just break them they connect to Redstone what is this Redstone here for Pistons with sand and then water what we’re just gonna drop sand and water from me I don’t know what that would have done the chest isn’t that great anyway I’m still moving far

Away enough from that Tower so the mobster is born and in doing so I’ve come to an absolutely massive tree a tree with a strange mob um okay I’ll post what’s on it I’m just getting flung all over the place hang in there SP

Um this is not good at all you know what let’s just move away there’s no easy battles in this pack isn’t there thankfully it is going dark so I can sleep and heal up and then see what this place oh oh it’s a battle tower that

Looks a little bit dangerous I’ve got to try and get in and break it before it spawns anything oh mission accomplished due to the area being quite light the spawners aren’t working hopefully that’s the case on every single floor and this spawner dropped a diamond okay I didn’t

Know that was a thing spawn is giving look okay I hear what is that down there some old thing I hear Blaze above though so the good times are coming to an end and I don’t know what this lurk is doing here but I’m gonna have a lot okay yeah

You fall back down what oh why am I just being pinballed around by you how are you doing this to me I have no idea all I do know is I’ve taken quite a bit of damage on this mobs above it looks like a little bit of care will

Have to be taken all right block it whoa okay this is bad let’s be it’s in times like this yeah MLG and your run even with Diamond Armor everywhere is still very very unsafe isn’t it what have we got here I don’t know what it is hey is it money emeralds very

Interesting place and I think there is some good stuff oh these drop gold nuggets kind of cool but I’m not gonna bother with them I’m looking for a mob that’s going to heal me up and oh dear I am I’m don’t start don’t don’t dehydrate let’s be quick drink drink there we go

And there’s a drag oh my goodness now get out of here don’t want to get caught up in that especially when I am pretty worse for wear right now this part I need to heal I think I’ll just wait till it’s dark I don’t want to keep running

Around in the state that I’m in darkness is just about here and I have been healed random load of oars here always worth grabbing and now for take two in this place the Torches have hopefully done their job meaning nothing can spawn look at that I get the XP where where’d

You come from generally speaking I can collect the XP way way easier pop and when the mobs keep coming from the sky ah just what the doctor ordered I can heal up there’s a few more spawners to mine an invisible spiders to battle what the heck just happened there why

Did lightning fall from the sky this is not good once again my head is on half a heart and why does that fish kind of look dangerous to me just need to regen I mean no harm and as dangerous as this might have been it has gained me a lot

Of XP and now I think it’s time I aim to get prop 4 on this Armor Plus it’s not again so I can heal better avoid him at all costs I’ll go in this direction what do we have here some sort of war and that’s pretty much all it is I guess

I’ll leave it what are you some sort of giant oh my goodness you do some damage as well what I’m poisoned poison and play Don’t Die please we’re okay my head is once again badly hurt but we are alive thank goodness you’re there please heal me feel like finding these guys

That’s all I do in this my back Castle on the water my biggest thing now is I need to get obsidian finding it would mean I won’t need to upgrade to a diamond pickaxe otherwise if I do I need to get mining well okay maybe I don’t

Want to go that way and why do I have an urge to jump into this pool what what is it so strange it gives me like a poison effect it’s actually quite painful I should definitely stay away from those in future what is this I thought there’d

Be some at the bottom it’s just iron is this a nether portal in water wow well that is the obsidian that I need but I don’t have enough diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe that place looks cool look at all the oars up here I got the

Feeling that this is going to be another dangerous place but I just want to mine up the spawners collect up the XP and continue to stay safe down here find these guys from up here is kind of working but there’s just there’s just more and more of them spawning nonstop I

Don’t know where the spawners are I think I’m gonna make a bit of a dash for it kind of like oh no I can’t maybe I can place that yes they’re stuck there’s another spawner here that I might be able to sneak and get and I suppose I

Can hit them through the window too you have been very very useful to me could it be is this the village that I’ve been looking for hello good sir anything good and not really but surely this is what I want I can use the way Stone and look at

Him look good all them books this is just what the doctor ordered it’s definitely gonna help me get the prop 4 that I need there’s even just with loot up here too this place is an excellent excellent find and now the only thing that I’m missing is a diamond picture

Mine obsidian and look at what is at the bottom of this island a diamond block man oh man everything’s coming together now what do I need to use said take 16 mining I’ve already got level eight how many can I do because I have a lot of

Levels as you can see I did it I had enough to get to exactly 16. and I could use my skill points to buy something that makes obsidian faster to mine this is perfect I I just need to find some now there’s a dragon after me that still

Nothing that could go wrong I’m gonna just slowly work my way down here so I don’t break my legs and I’m sure wow okay this is great about father everywhere as I was about to say I’m sure I’ll find some lava down here somewhere lava pool not lava sauce and

I’m hoping that the lava is the most dangerous thing I find because there could be all sorts down here I can see lava particles coming from the sky and diamond wolf armor we’ve got to get a pet wolf and give it to him so if I

Break this oh there’s a lot of lava there isn’t it so I’m here at the lava level and this guy does not look very inviting I’m also getting very hot because of the lava can I get these guys without getting annihilated okay I’ve got a hit ah I can hear you you can’t

Hit me this next one is a little trickier I need to get a bit closer in if I got okay my water’s over it got rid of his lava I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing I’ve taken a bit of damage I’m on fire okay come on

It’s so weak though get you there we go my ax apparently broke in the processor although not to worry I can craft another and I can safely start mining obsidian look at the speed that I go with this breaker thing 25 should be all the obsidian I could possibly ever need

And it’s dark which is great because I can heal up you know what at this point I’ve got nine bones there’s two wolves here look at you and even better take the armor yes we have a new pet wolf you look amazing I’m not gonna name

You because last time I got a pet wolf and gave him diamond armor he died so you know I don’t want to get too attached it was realistic with how dangerous this place is I’m not sure how long you’re gonna survive this is also probably the kind of time that I should

Get myself a proper home base but I don’t know where to build it all I do know is that I want it to be where there’s a way Stone although find another one probably isn’t going to be easy I need to find a village that this

Could be my home you know it’s not going to be but it could be just quite a cold little layer and it’s got got nice neighbors and some not so nice name are you guys friendly by the way you know if you’re friendly I’m staying

Wait they are oh that’s it then I don’t care what anybody says we’re moving in here wolf I say we’re not I’m going on a journey to get more XP and that Journey leads to there or maybe we should go to that one that one’s different and and

Looks a little bit less Sinister also gotta remember to keep drinking water I know man I’ve got parasites this is never a good thing better craft some bandages ASAP for my head that’s all I’m really bothered about and I suppose my body as well if you can survive the

Parasite you can survive anything now then I’ll tell you what now this is more like the kind of place I’d want as a home much more spacious nice chests tables to sit at I’ll remember that place not by choice but I better get out of this area otherwise I am literally

Gonna die of hypothermia and I don’t currently have any way to warm up but just bear with me one second I’ll grabble what the heck foreign just punched me in the back I think you saved my life there well well done do that a few more times and I might even

Give you a name that certainly warm me up a little bit more than I was intending now you wait here and now that I’m Healed up and I’m warmed up I’m gonna try and mine up a bunch of spawners or at least light them up for now and line them up later pretty

Successful Mission now what Donna where did you come from At least five is gonna be the decimate if I survive this it will be a miracle a miracle has happened I am so weak what am I gonna do I’m sure this isn’t the worst situation I’ve been in but it probably as bad as it’s ever gonna get

However I can hear that nymph thing that heals you if I can just get across to it there’s a chance I’m in within this range this is it yes it healed me a bit don’t fly off now I know I’ve been in some scrapes before my dad was way too

Close for comfort now that I’m fully healed I can run away to despawn those mobs and then when I return these can easily be mine and the XP collected my head is very very damaged so I don’t know why I’m living on the edge and

Carrying on here I should 100 no no no no no as I was saying I should 100 go back out here and heal thanks for this fellow right here and then finish the job under much safer circumstances although I haven’t said that it doesn’t really feel much safer is there anything

Good in here worth grabbing I I don’t know maybe just some wood that I can hopefully get out in one piece only just by the way I’m Gonna Stand by some lava now to warm up and then I will get some sleep as I was leaving one of the mobs

Of scrambled momentary which did not help at all and I’m also very very thirsty so I’m gonna drink up and heal up as well oh no I’ve been spotted this is bad failed down here I’ve already been down here before but at least it’s undercover I don’t know why it’s slow

Enough to but I can’t see it anymore a blacksmith that I didn’t even see before not really anything too crazy and since this Village has a Way Stone this is gonna be my new base I’ll start off with four furnaces and then I’ll craft the needed bookcases I’ll place them all

Around here slap that in the middle I need level 12 okay I can afford to buy some of it in fact all of it but then I don’t actually have enough levels to use it so it looks like that’s the next project it’s also probably a good idea

For me to make a bow and also a quiver which can be upgraded to a gold one and then a diamond one apparently I need agility level eight to use it my goodness I need XP for everything and basically every XP farm is patched in

Our L craft so you can’t just do it the easy way you have to manually go out and collect it I’m guessing it’s somewhere or something because I am constantly burning up I am so so hot as you can see from the little circle at the bottom of

The screen good thing that swimming in water does seem to cool me down now what if we have okay well that’s not good as I would say there’s a big tower over there but there’s something in the way of it something in the way that I do not

Want to get in trouble with just dig for your life sp737 and I’m sure you could survive this we’re okay a little bit worse for wear but still alive my head’s on half a heart that was no good fortunately I do have quite a bit of strings I’ve got quite a few bandages

And heal myself up it’s basically God in that Tower I really want to know what’s up there is it worth dying for no no certainly not but look at that there’s so much amazing stuff I’ve got to find a way it appears to have landed I don’t

Think it currently seems what am I doing I’m crazy I’m really crazy I nearly just died to that thing and I’m like yeah we’re gonna go as close as we can without it spotting me there’s two are you kidding me what have I got to do to

Catch a break this is this is terrifying what is that down there another dungeon maybe that’s where I should go generally speaking I’ve been pretty careful in this mod pack so far but this is where I’m going kinda risky I’m gonna run along nip down here okay we’re all right

Now there is an entrance way at the top but there’s no way I get all the way up there but instead we sneak in the side door can I just say this place is a crazy easy Crazy maze crazy maze which spawners and spawners mean XP probably

The best method I’ve ever getting them okay this guy’s angry sorry not much for me it’s gonna let me upgrade your agility a little bit more and I’d better use these bandages to good effect two chests and a spider flipping egg this goals is always a problem are you guys

Angry at me yep okay you oh my gosh there’s a few of them block it up SB take it back stop jumping through they’re crazy my four left leg let’s get that fixed what’s in this chip oh he’s out is going to be the poison is really really annoying

Causes a lot of issues get out of here that’s it hold up for a bit of coal ah you could that better be better loot than just that here well golden you know what that’s a little bit more of an improvement there’s also a spawner there is about 17 million of

Them there and even more above me kind of terrifying ladies and gentlemen maybe if I put a slub here can you even fit through this cup oh you can okay I was hoping you could oh no no I’m stuck in there with you okay just take your time and speak just

As long as my head’s okay which it is better bandage it up quickly man I’m going through bandages like this though tomorrow they’re just spiders everywhere fortunately it is night time Aurora Borealis this time it’s not in Seymour’s kitchen look at that the dragon’s flying it looks amazing anyway I can go to

Sleep just really hope I don’t get spotted whilst I’m doing it it’s not really like this structure there is another one down here and whether it’s any good remains to be seen I can hear all sorts going below me I can use a torch to just get air back which is good

Everything’s blowing up why is this happening I have no idea what makes me very apprehensive to go down what is the fight what why what okay you know what I’m gonna leave that alone I think that Dragon just took out a battle Tower’s Guardian because it says in the chats

Which means if those guys went there the loot will be up for grabs there’s something blowing them I could go for it although in reality by the time those two are finished with it it is kind of destroyed so I should probably hop in a

Boat and search for new lands oh no a Sirens pull them in I don’t know where from are you over there all right well your music’s not very good because I’ll just hopped straight back in the about and I’m going to carry on sailing women clearly have no power over me and you

All thought I was insane although having said that there’s a boat over there so I’ve I’ve just got to go and get it I’m gonna lose it I’m gonna take on these siren things I’m sure I’ll be fine although somebody’s in love what’s going on mate mate don’t don’t be deceived no no

No you stay here don’t be jumping overboard we do not want any casualties it’s been around good now you stay there whilst I look there see they have no power over made no effect but you yeah complete himself they’ve sent him going wild oh now they’re trying to send me one

Look it doesn’t work like that okay I’m not interested oh sorry I just punched him in the face what pardon not interested in they get you’re still interested you’re still muddling in love with them right anything worth taking it I’ll take the nuggets and craft them to

Ingots and now I’m leaving all right I don’t want to get dragged into your guys mess all right if you wanna get learning by those be my guests oh no oh no I know I’ve been learning no oh no they’re over that way no no SP come on don’t be

Deceived remember oh dear oh dear okay no no no that’s it yeah you pull me in oh no this is bad okay let’s just let’s just keep moving away all right I’m not gonna be drawn it oh they’re coming after me now get out of here that’s

Right stay away the shiny scales are actually going to be kind of useful for some armor and I can go to sleep maybe I go back in because I’d like to take on one of them I think they’re like see Dragon things hippo campus I’m sure they drop some vehicle they’re actually

Completely yeah they drop shiny scales as well they’re just a much easier way to get it look at this a mine shaft very nice indeed there’s chests everywhere oh my goodness I did not expect this and a notch up what okay well thank you very much this is the best thing ever it’s

Like I don’t oh lifestyle that’s great you get held back for doing damage to other things doesn’t get any better than that ladies and gentlemen finally got enough agility to start arrows in the quiver although I will need a lot more arrows to actually fill it this appears

To be the most pointless tower ever there’s nothing here always nice to waste my time on places like that could it be is this another Village there’s grapes there’s Pathways there’s buildings it has to be and there’s a way Stone meaning I can go back here excellent I still haven’t got enough

Level strikes to use this but it’s great to know that I can do that I got way too distracted upgrading my agility I also have no idea exactly where I left my dog so I’m gonna try and find him but I doubt it’ll happen kind of feel evil but

You know what I did warn you guys that that we couldn’t get attached to him and now you can probably see why an ice village and what are you holding while armor stands too shame they’re um kind of useless to me you look roasted toasty good sir sad to say there doesn’t seem

To be a Way Stone here and doesn’t that look Majestic it looks absolutely amazing in that little area I can’t go over there obviously it does look great there’s another one over there okay SB you’ve got to try and get in the house just sneak in that’s it it will never

See you through the windows right every chest is empty what a scam oh there is gold blocks here so maybe it’s not that bad and an anvil I can’t use the Anvil because I don’t have the required thing I can’t even mind the envelope so I’ll

Just steal all the vertices instead I am blocks in the floor didn’t even noticed it well I wanted and there’s me thinking I was alone I was very much mistaken indeed a diamond block okay this place is actually starting to be quite good then Emerald yeah every layer I go up

The the block just get like I wouldn’t say it gets better than Diamond but it is improving for this little farm at the top this is this is a very nice house I I should really live here but I’ve already chosen the village to be my home

Mobius doesn’t burn the house down but I need to warm up a little bit I should probably be enough now to avoid that fella who I would love to tame one day but I mean in this hundred days that might be a bit of a challenge considering my arm is not quite there

Yet and if I’m good at getting more XP I probably need spawners because getting there by taking out passive mobs it just takes forever I don’t know what that is or why it’s going after me but I am not gonna stop to find out an igloo with a

Secret entrance and a villager at the bottom that I could cure but you know what I’m not going to I can’t even use that really at least I can take the golden apple and I’ll be on my way although it is a cave to Ridge like should I have a little looking always

Interesting to explore places like this okay I don’t like that one but you know what forget it we’re not exploring it everything’s so dangerous and until I get prop 4 I do not feel safe why does this tree have a lot of what on Earth it’s like sun suspended with ladders

Frozen biomes are probably the worst place to get XP and I’m not finding any dungeons that has spawned so hopefully I’ll find a way out of here I’m also declaring my dog has officially lost I don’t think I’ll ever see him again sadly and what is this it’s a staircase

Downwards we had one of these right back at the start didn’t we but I can’t remember if it actually led to anything oh it does it’s like its own dungeon alrighty well I can explore it it’s also nice to stand next to some lava because I’m a little bit Jillian

I’m gonna craft a diamond sword not sure I can use the diamond sword though I do I need I need I need well I need 60 you know what forget it I’ll just put it in the backpack with everything else and then continue exploring a chest and oh

Flame I’ll take that and other stuff as well don’t think there was anything to abuse at least not that I know of foreign which is what happens when you get this pitch black message so I’m running for my life I hate it when they appear they’re a nightmare to escape anyway we

Did it and right here I’ve got some sort of big glue it’s a spawner at the bottom I don’t say it’s completely useless it’s a bit of a nightmares thing let’s just get it broken what is it bronze dagger I don’t know what I’d do with it but I’ll

Pick it up don’t meet the requirements to use it but it has lifesteal too which means you gain Health when you use it that’s gotta be useful and it probably makes it worthwhile for me to upgrade attack time to test it out come on give me some health working gives you about

Half a heart everything what the heck is boulder dash what Road what is what is what is happening they’re everywhere okay this is this is terrifying ladies and gentlemen those things are kind of scary they appeared everywhere I’ve just I’ve just kept running and I appear to have gone away

They don’t chase me anymore but I can see them in the distance this is very terrifying let me take out some pigs to try and get some health back but yeah I don’t know what led to that but it was a very very strange experience and what

Have I come to here it’s some sort of house in the mountains wow this looks beautiful I’d love to live hello sheep and goodbye sheep sorry I need some help but yeah I’d love to live here it’s so beautiful it’s like a mini Woodland Mansion you can carefully go down I’ll

MLG they’ll last a little bit and let’s see what this place has to offer is it a village wait it’s not your typical little house it’s um full-on Fortress a fortress in reality didn’t have anything that I needed finally a massive place that needs visiting no doubt absolutely

Don’t follow me tree but yeah no doubt absolutely full of spawners which means it’ll be full of XP great care has to be taken in a place like this so I’m gonna kind of try to avoid entering and just do this from the outside although that is gonna be easier said than done

There’s an entire underground I didn’t even know about that that’s amazing found the spawner I knew there was one in the ground somewhere and I could also mine these ones I know Spider-Man oh yeah if I’m clever I can also mine these ones from underneath plus there’s a

Chest of it oh look at this loads of arrows and I’m pretty sure there was two spawners down here I’ve just got to try and find the other one there you go and there’s some sort of lock on this one and I can’t quite tell what kind it’s a

Very basic lock but I don’t have time to worry about it I’m here for XP the actual loot itself isn’t too important although when you’re finding books like prop 4 maybe it’s not so bad managed to find these spawners as well I’ve just got a systematically deal with the

Entire area discover the underground area but no idea if there’s actual spawners down here well the answer is there is some and I can reach it from here oh this is perfect it’s going XP come across to me please and there’s a dime oh there’s loads of good stuff in

It I’ve got an XP I’m getting more health and there’s still plenty more to see down here there’s a spawner that way which I can mine to and then I can break I think that’s been a pretty successful bit of work and the mic yeah look there’s still the odd spawner out here

That I can attempt to grab without too much difficulty and with that I’m getting out of here doing that also got me over 30 levels which means if I can find another village with a Way Stone I can go back to the village where I could

Upgrade my armor and maybe some tools I have no idea how much explain that will take but I will continue collecting XP as I go I found somewhere that I’ve been before I don’t know what the chances of that were but there are more spawners to

Be mine and I tell you what I wouldn’t mind trying to get some blaze rods because later on they’ll help me go to the end although not with that guy there I’m running for my life here maybe I’d worry about that when I have stronger armor now I’m guessing the top of these

Towers is where the best loot is so that is where I’m going to attempt to head of course it’s one of them up there are you kidding me that is not what I want to say when I’m climbing to the top of a very high building vexes okay there was

Yeah no kidding I can mine in is it safe to do this come on don’t see me back to if I I’m pretty sure vexes are pretty dangerous like I think there’s a reason at the topic you know what I should get out of it yeah there’s a reason the top of the

Tower is so so scary I really want that XP though can I can I get it it goes nothing and everything at the same time I am being floated into the sky that’s what tornadoes and everything it’s gonna have to be an MLG of the age okay it’s

All right we’re all right well underwater we got away with that one I can drink up and of course when I drunk up I got parasites are you kidding me so now I can’t sleep for another 50 seconds should probably wait until the next morning to do that I think I’m gonna be

Okay and don’t need to heal anything but because it’s nice there’s mobs everywhere not what you want to see my head is so hard parasite stop thanking this right I can go to sleep and I’m more or less fully healed up still no idea where that way stone is going to be

So that I can get back to that Village I’ll just have to keep looking but the more I look the higher my levels go and the more random things I start discovering like this and this but a lot of efforts crafting one of these and it’s already been

Pre-made oh well oh look at this Arrow recovery sounds kind of cool but not that I’m fine locked with a gun maybe I should make a lock pick it could 100 be a waste of time and be a waste of diamonds but you never know there’s only

One way to find out I think I’ve done it press escape to open straight in and it was a complete waste what’s this manuscript I have no idea I can’t read it that was the biggest waste of block picking I’ve ever done but I’ve got one

Now so if I ever come across a lot just at least I can use it maybe this floating house will be more interesting upwards I go and what have we got at the top first of all week now is to my understanding that you get a little bit

Of XP from halves and wheat so I’ll I might as well just do it but not keep it and there’s spawners there’s gold probably a good time to use my bow I never seemed to it was the first time I’ve done it are you kidding me all the way down and

What is a siren down here now look I don’t know what your plan is but you’re messing with the wrong penguin okay now back to the top of my unfinished business which is to get rid of you and then minor spawners I’ve got of course this happens I’m

Actually quite badly injured this time quick I’m not going back up there again I’m not in a good enough state for that what is this here must be some kind of dungeon oh it’s the roguelike ones yeah these are the ones that are very very

Tricky I would be an idiot to go down there which is why I’m gonna punch myself up with blasters have a good drink of water get some sleep and head on down because I ladies and gentlemen I’m an idiot oh my God straight away but I just went down straight away and mobs

Come up you know what maybe I shouldn’t be so Hasty any chance of a bit of a hill I don’t know where that came from I only only popped me a belt I’m not gonna beat you to turn don’t don’t you worry about a thing the loot down here has to be

Poisonous potato but yeah surely the loot down here has to be worth it like TNT that’s kind of useful because it allows me to open chests and stuff but it should be able to open I’m also well aware that all the good stuff is on the lower levels like there so I’m

Kind of skipping stuff out and going straight down to it which I know is risky but I’m sure I’ll be fine I’ve just got to be quick I’ve got to be nimble I’ve seen it’s coming together now basically I should avoid mobs at all costs except Guardians how bad can

Guardians be they’re not even in water okay maybe a little bit bad let’s just block that and another chest oh look it’s recall potions although they are gonna be very useful I don’t know where my spawn point is maybe it’s the actual World spawn because I I just drive my

Bed a few times but either way I’m sure it could be helpful can I mine that spawner I can we can get the XP but a stake you know so far this is all going fine although it could quickly go wrong anything I kind of got stuck there what did I say

Avoid mobs they’re dangerous down here SB I’d say just stick to the outskirts find the chest guys whoa jump down not the best down here oh my God leave me alone spider okay my head is hurting it might be time just to get out of here I don’t know where

It’s gonna take me I think it’s taking me inside a trip okay don’t fall on top of me please don’t throw it off me I’m on Not underneath this oh thank goodness for that I do recognize that area over there from the start there’s no point

Going down way again since my goal is to find a village with a waypoint I might as well go to unexplored territory and of course keep collecting XP on the way sounds like there’s blazing here now then is it worth having a Gunder I’m sure it is what’s the worst that could

Happen here let’s get rid of oh my ax could break well of course something could go wrong like that I really have to say the words what’s the worst that could happen I’m hoping that doesn’t ruin everything from it although now this this Blaze everywhere I’m getting

Shoved about by something yep I’m uh I’m dipping ladies and gentlemen I’m dipping before being a nice easy walk in the park I was wrong I can admit that my helmet’s broke my diamond Armor’s delivered I’m gonna be in big trouble when that’s gone as well so as much as I

Really need a waypoint to get back to the Village are you kidding me I didn’t even see you over that don’t see me but keep running oh yeah as much as I need a waypoint I also need to get more diamonds so many things to do it’s hard

Because RL craft doesn’t let you see your coordinates either so exploring it it’s so easy to get lost as you can clearly see because I uh I don’t really know where I’m going this looks like a pretty cool structure up ahead although purple fire is never good news I must

Avoid that and what can I find in here looks pretty epic whatever I’ve got no helmet as well I’ve just realized now what to do this doorway doesn’t seem to be much is it is this just a decorational oh great there’s two of them are you kidding me okay let’s just

Whoop nice little MLG get under there SB that’s it just just stay down don’t panic I’ll use a blaster and I’ve got a new way to get back home it involves crafting a warp Stone and what on Earth are those they are terrifying no idea

What to make them I just know I need to get far away enough so that I can run into more of them I don’t think so let’s just put a bed down on the water seems like this is the safest place as I was

Saying I have a new way to get back home and there’s absolutely stuff everywhere oh get away from me I don’t want any lightning bolts to trouble between waystones you usually need to go to a Way Stone things have got a little bit hairy by the way what is that thing I’m

Gonna end up drowning you know what I’m going down it’s the safest place sometimes crafting table up on me I’m all right my head is red I didn’t realize that eating this Maca meat gives you absorption which is kind of helpful but anyway a warp scroll will let you

Travel to Any Way Stone you’ve got everything is just so creepy around here someone Live to Tell the tell so I need ender pearls to make this way Stone scroll and I feel like ender pearls might be a bit of a challenge to get is that a battle tower if there’s anywhere

There’s gonna be Enderman it’s there this is the kind of place where there’s a lot of good loot and it’s very helpful that the sun’s going down because it means I can sleep I’m gonna pillow to the top do I even have enough blocks I think I do there is the battle tower

Golem now my plan is quite simple first of all don’t get too close to him then I break a few bits of Cobble and place down some water now it should push okay apparently they’ve made it so that it doesn’t push him anymore so it is time

For Plan B which is not to fall all the way to the bottom but now that I’m down here I suppose I’ll have to deal with everything he dropped a backpack full of good you know what is there any way I can pick up this backpack I’m guessing

Not no I don’t have enough space for it unfortunately but anyway on to the next level the towers left me a bit worse for where I’ll come back later when I actually have prop 4 armor that sinnest looking place looks kind of cool and I want to visit it and there’s actually

Battle Towers everywhere thank goodness it’s nearly night because I desperately need to get some health back I’m gonna go loads of stone and I’m beginning attempt number two of conquer a battle tower although he said that my arm is broke my legs are broke maybe it’s not

Such a good idea Enderman I need that I know I’m in a bad state but I’ve got to go for it I’ve got to get that Enderman this guy dropped me a bandage that could be so useful because I can heal up quite a bit from that and I did see an

Enderman somewhere up here but I don’t know where he’s gone oh well I’m quite far up here now I reckon I can do this it’s gonna break that remove this spawner without getting seen which I don’t I got saying but it’s okay London in water took a nasty hit to the

Body I bet I can sleep to heal one way or another I am doing this now I can return to the top and I believe okay what are you doing I’ll block this up and it looks like they’re falling from the sky which is it’s not very good

Probably important I get this spawner disabled as well there we go and I Get Knocked Up don’t land on the leather pad I’ll move away so that everything despawns and I’m collecting more dirt because that’s got to be the most important thing for me to do right

Now these spawners can be broken and the lock can be picked hopefully revealing some good looting yeah well it’s not the best but it’s also not the worst either so I have to accept it now we use the dirt to build our way back up and all

Being well I can start looting these levels I’ll start with this chest which I successfully picked I think the good loot is at the top at least I’m hoping so okay yes a ring is always useful because I can wear them and it gives me Permanent haste and now I’m at a point

Where I’m too close to this guy but can I pick up chests what is gonna happen if I attempt to pick this lock whoa that’s gonna happen I don’t know who you think you are but you ain’t gonna win this defeated and will the Golem get angry if I pick this lock get

The feeling like the answer might be yes but I know I can see no okay I thought I could safely pick the chest up I guess not you used to be able to do that I think they’ve passed it so you can’t now instead the Golem’s just very very angry

I’ve got to go back up right have I got enough dirt for this not quite I’m gonna go on mine a bit more I’m not gonna be put off by that guy basically if I get in any trouble I just have to jump off okay that’s all I’m just gonna keep

Going where’s he at I don’t see him I hear him I can hear the explosions and I’ve made it to the top now look at this he blew up the chest jokes on you mate because all this loot is matter one knows but the good stuff is mine even

More there’s some diamond boots diamond leggings loads of leggings where’s he gone he’s gone all the way down not that I’m complaining it makes my life way better or at least it will do as long as I don’t get spotted oh he’s fat oh sausage found me okay and overstable

Welcome got a lot of good loot out of there but my head is hurting so now is the correct time to leave and also sleep that will regen me I’m definitely feeling better after all that I’ve done that if I’m sure okay I’m gonna have to

Upgrade that at some point so I might as well do it now my priority is still in the pills but they’re proven to be kind of tricky to find also once I’ve got a bit of spare time I should probably make full diamond armor again then I can

Safely dig down and hopefully find Enderman down here I know my chances are slim but I have to try a diamond can I even mine diamond door I I can this is a very cool I’m really dumbwitched Kevin I haven’t needed to is this a an uncommon

Great what’s in it a pickaxe look at it this looks great can I can I have that instead what’s it got in it efficiency oh nice seems like find a cave like this is always worthwhile and look at this it’s huge this is a mine shaft or what

What is it it’s something very cool complete with Jess with lapis and gold iron coal and an Enderman I’ve got to do this systematically get him in a boat first and please drop me in on the Belt what on it oh there’s a creeper in the

Boat as well I didn’t even see the creep behind him come on mate drop me an ender pearl or stop yamming are you kidding me okay I don’t know what that is but I am running for my life taking a Blow To The Head it’s actually pretty fast as well I

Might have to just I don’t have any blocks where am I I mean like some strange obsidian thing I can’t really see all I know so as I am safely trapped in this box I have a lot of wool which can be turned into string and made into

Bandages that I can use to save my head and it’s also Umbreon oh I can’t remember why this was useful but I remember it being useful for something also you get what’s going over to you there we go did not expect to find that now I would like to retrieve this

Pluster and my vote and I think I’m leaving there’s just too much dangerous stuff down here and I didn’t even get an Ender bill for all my troubles I’m outside but I can hear a drag where is it I don’t know where it is but I I I

Think it might be above me let’s go keep moving okay there it is I’m not gonna stick around to find out what I am going to do is wait till it gets dark and then go Enderman hunting unless could it be a village it’s got to be a village I think

They’ve got to have a waste on here this place looks so so yes finally I’ve been looking for one of them for so so long I can use it to go to here oh we’re back we’re finally back back again oh yeah you have no idea how long I’ve waited

For this moment well actually you probably have every idea because you’ve been with me every step of the way first things first I’ll take this off because it’s good because I didn’t need more lapis and I’m gonna take some armor and see what I can get already prop 4 and

Wall running prop 3 on the chest plate to do any more I’m gonna need more XP levels and don’t you worry I’ve got a method to do that it does involve all these bone blocks and a carrot a carrot will do now to use bone meal I need

Farming level 12. but what about a dispenser what level does that need well I actually need to go and obtain some Redstone to find that out so that’s that’s where I’m going I’m digging down to get it I know a little risky especially when you fall into a cave

Full of are you kidding me just gotta ignore them keep moving it’s pitch black I don’t want to have any problems tortured up found exactly what I’m looking for so I’ll grab a bunch of it and I’m heading straight back out of here Max is also broke which is not

Ideal so if anything comes after me I can’t defend myself which is even more of a reason to make a very Swift Escape so established I can’t use bone meal but a dispenser when activated it can okay that’s good are you serious is that flipping lying in this Village

It’s hard we’re battling anything when I don’t have an ax will you stop getting it quick get him anyway I now want some quartz to craft a comparator so I’m gonna do what any normal person would do and go to the nether probably a risky idea I know but I’ve got no other

Options just need some Flint to light it which I’ve successfully got and there’s gonna be some fun times ahead but my only goal is to get in get the quads and get out I also have no idea what to expect it’s a pretty cool looking place

And that’s what I need I’ve just got to get over there mine it up and head back to the portal okay that wasn’t so bad now to make my observers and dispensers Farm up all this place these down fill it with bone Mill and just watch the XP

Come pouring in as I’d continue to harvest and plant it that’s level 30 reached and you can now probably see why I mind up all that bone Mill so long ago with this method I’ve managed to upgrade quite a few things all my armor solid tools and now I actually want to reforge

My armor so that it’s a better quality doing that does require an anvil I think an envelope that isn’t broken at all so I Believe I Can Craft one I just can’t use it because I’ve got the levels I’m I do have a lot of XP so I can level up

All the way and then the only missing ingredients are two stone slabs conveniently The Village hasn’t I can put it all together like so stick it here and the goal with armor is to get the masterful quality I’ve got protective I’m gonna end up using all my

Diamonds and not not getting very far so it looks like the next mission has to be get loads and loads of diamonds and I better make the most of the fact that I can now use anvils by combining these books with what I’ve got although the envelopes using is broken already and I

Only have nine ingots left so that’s kind of out the window instead I’m just gonna get enough XP to level up my attack skill so that now I’ll be able to go out and use this sword I can also equip natural blocking to the shield which means it’ll automatically block it

Even if I don’t use it found the Anvil another Village by the way if you’re wondering and now my main goal is to get diamonds probably from a battle tower since that kind of seems like it’s safer than going mining I’m fairly certain that waste onto this bottom place takes

Me to an area where battle towers are near this is one of the smallest ones I’ve ever seen but still worth visiting and I just keep falling that way is it a reverse one I don’t know if I like that one bit I suppose it’s a good chance to

Test out my new sword and my new armor because anytime they get near me I can make them flow upwards look at this really doesn’t help this is like a reverse form where if I fall through I get to harder levels on a positive note with this sword hitting mobs does gain

Me Health which is probably the reason why I’m managing a bit better down here now I feel like I can deal with these towers so much better now use the envelope I can combine the bows and continue to clear out all the flaws look at the size of that a great saw I’ll

Take it the fact that hitting mobs now heals me has made my life so much easier thanks for the spawns at the top of this Tower don’t work and the loot appears rubbish I’m guessing all the good stuff must be at the bottom I haven’t been all

The way down there yet but I have more or less got rid of every spawner except for the ones underneath here crate what’s in it but a book that gives pole four that’s very nice is that another blade spawner let’s get rid of it and then try and deal with all these Blaze

Basically this one that’s causing me all the trouble I came here for diamonds and I’m still wondering where those diamonds are that chest had regeneration I’m going to use it I think one of them drops your ender pearls you know yes he did not all these big tree like things

Are but I’m I’m dealing with them anyway this room has been so much effort to clear out but the last of the spawners is gone my chest plate is almost broken already and my shield actually did break I’m not very impressed with the loot what even are these guys golden apples

That’s a bit better but diamonds are the thing I really want wow these spiders Galore in here isn’t it and that right there looks like a big fella but it’s kind of cool knowing that he has absolutely no match for me okay maybe he is his Nick myself what done it you

Can’t do that it’s my pride and joy I know there’s good loot through that I just need to get to it and I’m thinking digging might be the way or maybe going in all guns blazing’s the answer let’s break this go on SB you got it give me

Something good in the chest are you kidding me all that way for that got a med kit here I’m using it give me all the healing okay didn’t work I I guess I need more time on it take two is it healing me I I don’t think so

Oh it did talk about big dungeons this one is massive and I’ve been hit with perplexity so it means that everything I do is opposite I just gotta try and use my brain here no don’t go in there 53 seconds to wears off in every single

Room is more dangerous than the last so it’s all flipping companies okay there’s no mobs in here come on let’s beat do something that that’ll do what think all I know is I have healing to drink my chestplate is broken that’s so annoying and the perplexity has now got what on

Earth are you the fact they have no blocks is making life a little bit annoying because I need him to break the spawner I found a ladder please take me to safety it has I’m actually out of it if I’m underneath the eyes it’s winter time would you believe it well that was

A pretty rubbish battle tower maybe that one will be better all I’m asking for is some good diamonds but I’m just not experiencing up in this mob back to nowhere to go to me kidding me now I’m getting hypothermia sure is gold at this time of year and at the top of this

Tower the loot is terrible maybe that one will be more exciting what even is this place is it oh my goodness look at those some decent Loot and he was at the guard of it I guess so it wasn’t much oh there’s another one yeah I think I’ll just get

Out oh I missed that well I’m getting out of here because I know there’ll be Diamond loot somewhere I’ve just got to find it there are things flying through the sky everywhere but we’ve got some good good stuff up ahead first these guys that want to attack me don’t even

Try why are there so many of them here they do actually do a bit of damage as well it’s a good job I have a good sword and a sword that heals me too got rid of him I don’t know why so many of these spawning I’m just gonna dig my way down

It’s TNT to be had at the bottom and good loot to be found in the chests I can get respiration aqua affinity on here nice and I still search for those elusive diamonds also an Enderman if I can just get him in a boat which I’ve

Managed I can get a pearl nice all right battle tower please be one with diamonds at the top what the heck is going on tsunami I don’t like the look of this one bit this this oh they’re everywhere and they’re chasing me okay just keep moving I’m sure they’ll all disappear

Eventually it’s a tsunamis no longer spawning mobs okay thank goodness for that I’ll just keep moving it’s great to see you you can heal me I think or maybe not now to try climbing to the top of this Tower once again there’s Golem boy I don’t want to make him angry just yet

Or maybe I do what what actually happens if I just go like that okay it does it does that imlj off run away he blows up loads of stuff he actually kind of made me jump oh did they just chill there not entirely sure one thing I do know is I

Can sleep and get rid of this sunstorm now we did blow a part of the chest and it’s right there there’s diamonds as well it’s just what I need I’ll clear as much inventory space as I can are you kidding me did I just really get

Knocked off by a spider well hold that thought my shovel is about to break but I’m sure 41 pieces will get me up there and I need to grab what I can without getting too near come on SB it’s just uh it’s just I didn’t mean to do that get back here you

Sees me hey fellas uh just dropping by quite literally don’t you worry though I survived these two diamond blocks that’s gotta be a victory I’ve already said that I don’t see my backpack it’s not up there is it oh dear oh dear we’re gonna be in trouble if it is up

There well I don’t know where else it’ll be I must not have picked it back up properly I’m gonna need to now get some wood to make a crafting table then I’m gonna try and make a diamond shovel I’m sure I could I have enough things to use

It right no 16 on on this on Gathering well I have so many levels I can afford it what about Diamond actually upgrade so I can use that as well is that oh I can perfect see you later iron there’s a new one in town plus the chest plate is

Needed and I’m ready to head back up where is he where’s my stuff okay everything up here is broken and he is underneath okay right so he’s just basically ruined everything my backpack is gone along with everything in the backpack and he sees me are you kidding

Me don’t shoot oh no runner for your life SB you’ve got to land those mlgs look like I missed the MLG cause I took damage but it was actually because I have parasites parasites which have left my health a little worse for wear not to worry though I have a plaster and can

Craft some bandages I don’t know what this is but I feel like I want to mine it and see now there are still spawners at the bottom can I can I do this I can is it dangerous yes very SB just careful oh on how I’m surviving this ladies and

Gentlemen oh don’t drop sand on your head get rid of you seriously that game at the worst possible time okay let’s just go like that bandage my head back up repair my helmet and continue this very risky bit of looting here we go here we go break the spawner nice then

Looter and realize it’s a waste of time and continue Rising higher and higher well if I don’t really help I can anyway I’m gonna dehydrate as well I’ve got to have a little drink of water if I get parasites I die okay we’re all right I’m not I’m not risking anymore it looks

Like it might be dark enough to sleep but can I make it far enough to a safe place to do that ladies and gentlemen I don’t know it’s getting a little bit Airy again leave me alone you stupid thing no I’m so dead ain’t no way there ain’t no way I’m

Still standing where’s my bed I’m putting down and I’m sleeping what just happened I had like no health and he couldn’t defeat my heart I thought that was it I thought that was just 78 days down the drain my goodness my goodness gracious me well after that interesting evening I am

Going to be able to hit mobs and I believe yeah get health back from that then I’m grabbing more wood I’m going straight mining for diamonds I cannot take anything like that ever again I have just got to do it the old-fashioned way the way I know how I know it’s

Dangerous underground if you’re in the dark because things just keep spoiling on you and it’s a pain but if I keep the area well lit up I should be fine it’s annoying I can only find normal torches in chess on little ones uh what I have

To craft and I found my first diamonds well that’s oh you’re kidding me of course of course finds diamonds that guy decides he’s going to shoot lasers at me let’s be clear I’m I’m not leaving them behind I’m I you better not have destroyed them I have a boat and I

Intend to use it yeah that’ll teach you destroying my damage would you you drop Crystal charging even did you really just oh no it’s all right they fell and they’re safe don’t know why I didn’t do this earlier go strip mining because it is fairly straightforward and there are

Diamonds to be found down here I could hear caves around me I don’t really want to leave the cave I’m perfectly happy inside here we’ve got a what is this gotta keep my wits about me here I’m gonna place down water but is there anything oh no we’re all right nothing to panic

About I’d actually like to try and find some gravel ah Ride On Cue and hopefully from said gravel yeah I can get flint set up a furnace and smelt the iron then try and work out what I did with that Flint I guess I didn’t pick it up there

You go let’s make a flint and steel and I believe yeah I can light torches with that perfect don’t know if they last forever but it’s good to have them anyway master in the cave might as well grab malt what is that get out of here

I’m much more powerful than last time I went Gavin so thank you are you kidding me look I’m just trying to do a job here for now my head hurts I don’t like that at all and that ladies and gentlemen is a classic reason as to why I want to

Stick to strip mining and it looks like I’ve lost my bed last time I slept are you kidding me yeah I’ve completely lost it that’s so annoying but just give me one second since I can run through the forest and arrive at this place a place

That has to have a bed so much surely yes two of them fantastic plus I should make some shares to get more wool for bandages what’s that hypothermia you say well that order sorted out turn yourself on fire is not recommended when you have hypothermia by the way but I’m certainly

Not frozen anymore just injured but don’t worry nothing that my sword won’t fix and the strict mining could continue with good success I’ve literally just started the strip man it’s just like a cave up there so I was scared so I dug down to bedrock and look at this

Straight away no mobs are better spawning my decks I do not want that to happen again I’m also kind of curious to see what exactly is in here like is there anything dangerous I don’t know it looks oh it’s just him well this is a cave with lots of diamond potential I’ve

Got to stay here I think the spawner’s over there what who were you I should have stripped mine why did I think oh maybe I could get more diamonds if I come down here no SB you’re just going to end up dying back in your hole that’s

It mine up mine up place it down and strip mine forward don’t do anything else just just strip mine forward and light your torches more diamonds fantastic I don’t think I really need that many more because 26 is not bad so I reckon one or two more veins and then

I will be done and I’ve got more fantastic now I’m not by lava I’m a little bit low down really on I should be higher up although decide to try and get higher up when you’re next to Lava it is probably not the best idea but anyway I was successful that what on

Earth okay it’s just some something on fire remember SB we talked about this stay in the mines you’re safe down there everywhere else anything what on Earth yeah Anything Could Happen anywhere else maybe being lower down is better because then I’m not going into the cave but you

Know what they say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it and finally another vein okay this is I’m getting out of here after this it took forever to find these but it brings me to 48 that’s fantastic let’s go home mission to escape successful I don’t know if this is the

Village of the way stones I was at but I know it’s a village that like that’s way stones and that’s all that matters to me and I’ve got hypothermia again my goodness I’m sick of it it’s good I mean all you need to love look at a water

Bucket and you can control your temperature the whole time well don’t burn my boat well yeah it is still kind of annoying there we go that ought to do it now where is the way Stone of this Village could be anywhere because it’s absolutely massive but I’ve at least

Found one I think my home is really nice mad yep it is still freezing away it’s even colder over here but it’s great to be back so I can get some upgrades done not with the snow era can’t you’re ruining it prop four boots again I never

Prop form breaking book in this chest that can be put on this Unbreaking one actually did I just what am I doing that for I said I put prop three and I’m breaking it I’m like oh yeah by the way let’s do that okay well there you go how

Not to do it with sp737 I’ll reforge things oh masterful that’s what we want now I just need that on every piece and I might just go protective because I’m gonna use up a lot of diamonds masterful on the chest plate nice and I think I’m just going to settle for protective

Because it’s a little bit risky and that’s it every Diamond used up didn’t even save enough to repair my pickaxe that wasn’t very smart was it but I’d say all in all I’m looking in very good shape and it’s got to be time to defeat the Ender Dragon that’s gonna require

Ender pulse already got the Blaze Rod sorted and realistically the best way to get into pearls is to battle the kind of mobs that you find in the caves they’re a little bit dangerous but I think I’ve got the gear to defeat them now look at this for a dungeon my goodness okay

There’s just mobs everywhere just just hang in there SB hang in there I will I better get some bandages up also very very cold down here so huddle over the fire and a golden apple nice especially nice when you consider the fact that I lost all my other ones in the rucksack

And we’ve got an Enderman okay getting the boat good sir shame there’s no looting on this thought it’d make life easier but I didn’t need it got a pearl and so the search can continue I just see particles I think it’s the kind of mob that drops an ender pearl

Although I actually drop nothing so so never mind what about you you could drop an Ender pole I know you can never mind I was wrong again it can’t it’s probably not far off night time so I might as well dig my way out of here and go after

Enderman here I am and I still to this day you do not know what he’s gonna do do I go and have a look got a little bit of time before the sunsets not even come inside enough blocks to get up there so I’m just going to dismantle this man’s

House actually you know what it’s too dark I’ll go in the morning when when I’ve got nothing else to do because tonight it is Operation find Enderman this is probably the first time I’ve dared roam around at night since it’s such a dangerous mudbuck and there it is

Enderman number one I hope isn’t the only one I find tonight oh we’ve got a pearl that’s fantastic because these guys have been far and few between it’s absolutely freezing by the way because it’s winter kind of annoying because I keep I’m just done by lava I’ve probably

Been better crafting some of the keeps me one because I’ve lost quite a lot of time tonight just standing by lava not to worry though for this day I’m just getting more Cobblestone and huddling here to keep warm so that I can build my way up to the island in the sky also

Because I have lightweight on these boots I jumped twice as high which makes me go way faster on the Towering course I’m dying of hypothermia that is not what I needed up here just huddle up and keep warm we’re almost there in fact I don’t think the lava’s enough because

I’m so high up this has now become a dangerous mission where I’m going to freeze to death if I’m not careful but I’m going for it I’d just go as quick as we can like traveling to Antarctica there may be something good in it are you kidding me right we’ve just gotta

Get to that water and I’ve got to get to it before I die of hypothermia which is looking kind of likely now I’ve run out of blocks we’re going to build with furnaces obsidian whatever I don’t care I just can’t die like this not of hypothermia come on get in that water

Okay we’ve made it get that offer down bandage up and survive that’s all our L craft is about to just stay in a lot of don’t no no no no no I’m getting too warm Burning Down the forest was not part of the plan all right let’s just

Move on at least I can craft some of the Eyes of Ender and begin to are you kidding me I was gonna begin to see the direction stronghold but looks like we need to level that up three more times it’s seriously so cold now I think the

Only thing give me allows is Nip I’m gonna try and sleep but the hypothermia is keeping me awake hopefully waystone will take me somewhere a bit warmer should just get some wool and make something to protect me from it but I ain’t got that should have gone back

Stayed with the with Olympus direction would have made life easier maybe I need shelter maybe shelter will be the answer it is okay why didn’t I think of that sooner just get underneath something been a little bit better from that and you guys I just want to need look I’m

Already getting cold again come on give me that’s it give me some some wool okay you guys don’t need it come on warm me up we’ll hood on that ought to help that’s it let’s make a shelter and warm up some more okay sometimes this game is just so ridiculously hard isn’t it

Actually stepped outside for two seconds The Woolly hot is doing nothing I’m gonna see if I can sleep because I got I got hit in the head so I’m a little bit so Enderman hunting could can happen on another night I’ve just had an idea okay an ingenious idea winter is the worst

It’s way too cold I hate it I’m constantly trying not to die all the time so what if instead of staying here I go somewhere lovely and warm Rolex ocean I don’t think it is that place I can admit it’s warm air actually my actual plan was to go to another but we

Seem to have found a biome in a warmer area so I’ll I’ll take that and there’s loads of wool here I can make some warm clothes now I’m starting to actually use my brain now I’m telling you I can’t be any more roasted toasting than what I am

Right now and my temperature’s actually going up it’s working yes I know I sound surprised I didn’t expect it to work but apparently you only warm up if you run around I’m learning so much from this mod yes so it you guys can understand that running would make you quite warm

No standing around aloud one Enderman there and I think there’s another one right over here too hopefully I can get them both nice but no pearl under another Well it loads I’m not getting into pulse room but that’s certainly uh being found about three of them and I

Didn’t get a sink of what on Earth got to bear in mind now that I don’t have good armor on instead I’ve got this this big wooly suit tons so it’s not easy to survive in the night that’s not to say that it’s not possible because taking

Out mobs will heal me up and there are still plenty of Enderman knocking around any drop me a pearl you’re trapped I am gonna have to go for a little jog just to warm up and I still need to collect XP for the Eyes of Ender so this is very

Very handy tonight this guy’s just dropped two of these I could almost get the Wither with one more very cool indeed can also make myself another two of them I’m not gonna do it just yet what a game what a mod pack really posted challenge into Minecraft doesn’t

It man I got parasized I’ve got low Health I’ve got a gaffle up keep him warm I’m getting these ender pearls is so so difficult I can just sleep before the next day that is very very important because I need to heal I can upgrade to

Level 14 only two more to go this will let me heal fully and is there anything interesting at the tree house hopefully some Enderman spawners they’d be very useful but I don’t really see anything on a cute little house Diamond don’t mind if I do I have to use

It to repair my pickaxe I can’t really I mean the helmet is also needed Desperate Measures and all that stuff I also can’t tell if it’s warmed up enough now to be take off the wall arm I hope so because my health has not been doing good for

The last few nights and I somehow need to heal up and I need to drink water I think I have to sleep tonight if I get parasites from that I I ain’t survive to tell and tell I’m way too hurt I feel way healthy enough we didn’t actually

Get parasites from it so I could have made it but at 100 was not worth the risk I guess I need the Enderman what I also need XP so I’m just going to focus on what the heck it’s gonna sell focus on collecting that but then I just got

Struck with lightning that’s not what I wanted wherever this spawner is it’s it’s got to go I don’t see it anywhere I hear dragon not like this that’s it you fly away just continue beastly leveling up and he can continue peacefully flying away from

Me it’s nice to be back to the time of year where I don’t need to worry about wool armor because lava on its own will warm me up so that means I’m gonna just get rid of that it won’t be required again in this one on today’s video but

If I do it 200 days you never know cut off is actually anything to see here it doesn’t look like it oh dear no it’s okay I thought you were a dragon I was panicking just because there’s one over there and I gotta move away nice back to

The normal mobs for XP shame I haven’t found any more Boombox because then I could just use my bone meal method which is definitely a lot faster now what is this it looks huge it looks epic I’ve gotta check it out for a start it’s covered in Gold Blocks if I needed them

I would take them but whoa there’s gold everywhere including the ceiling fantastic I still have no idea what this place is there’s a spawner there but perhaps I should brace myself for a battle because you never know what’s gonna happen next all right nothing spawned I’ll just break it then easy

Enough okay well now we’ve got things spawning in what are you a hookworm come on look at me you look like some tiny little crocodile anyway I don’t see a problem I just say free XP which at this point is definitely definitely needed it looks like you three other Guardians hey

Well bring it on and a giant scorpion okay maybe don’t bring it on that much got it did I defeat him but they’re really that straightforward I’ll take that every day of the week so now I can finally use These Eyes of Ender there’s also more spawners around might as well

Stay here and get him magma cubes more magma cubes and Blaze Blazer like the final boss but you can’t hit me say what did I tell you you’re useless the fire boys are more of a problem but even then no problem dealing with it I don’t know

What you are but you look like you might drop an ender pearl to like an ender kind of thing and that’s definitely that’s like an ender spider come on ender pearls that’s all I want nothing instead we’ve got an Enderman that explodes fantastic well you picked the

Wrong person to explode in front of and he didn’t drop a single pull that’s that’s such a scam I don’t know what just happened I’m still alive and I intend to sleep to heal up before anything else goes wrong what even are these bat creatures do you really not dropping into Phil I’d love you to drop informant useless but I’ll tell you what isn’t

Useless eyes a vendor so which way are we go we’re going that way I don’t know how far this way yeah I just know it’s in this direction I have stuck to the line and look what is down there an exposed stronghold it doesn’t get any

Better than that and I think it’s the portal room as well very happy to get in I can hear mobs in it what are you doing down there both of you I’ll return to the bottle room later right now I’ve got hypothermia to prevent I think I’ve

Warmed up is it literally just a portal room with no nothing else to stronghold no wonder it’s such a dangerous place everything set me on fire but thankfully I’m in water although I haven’t said that my head is not doing too good now to get to the end I need six more pearls

I was gonna search the stronghold for them but apparently there isn’t one so instead I need to travel to land where there might be Enderman doesn’t look like the island will be any good and I’m freezing again I thought winter was over it’s far too cold and I’m a bit injured

From the hyper what I didn’t expect that but anyway I’m a bit injured so I’m gonna sleep so that I heal up as for Enderman I’m gonna use this day to find a suitable place to find them I reckon plenty of Enderman will spawn up here so

I shall simply stand here and wait finally the Sun is setting and I can start searching is the first one or sadly no pearl now I see two more I think I just angered him that’s it you come over here just make sure you go in

The vote please why does it have to be a giant scorpion after me now he’s not that’s right float away got more important things to worry about than you he did drop me a pearl excellent but this one did not I can see two more Enderman once this bird puts me down do

You mind he didn’t drop one either why why won’t they drop the night has not gone that well and the Knight is coming to an end one Pearl that is not if I need to eat as well I mean drink yeah you know I can’t tell the difference but

Yeah I thought I’d do better than one but but obviously not and I guess there isn’t much left me to do today other than just dig a hole and wait for night again the darkness is once again here and this is my first Enderman and we got

A pearl fantastic just four more to go in fact make that just three and now only two the moon is red tonight maybe I should sit this one out there are so many different mobs I do not like this one bit well I would go to sleep but

Apparently I’m not tired enough so I’m I’m just gonna be staying in this hole and I’ve lost my helmet on my boots I’ve had better nights I’ll be honest with you guys I know there’s no daytime because I can’t sleep and now only one remains I really hope I get it done

Tonight please drop me a pearl it’s nearly in the morning no we’re not going in the boat together Moment of Truth he did perfect and if it’s time for a little sleep I can heal up nope I can’t well this is great I can now go to the

End although it’s not great because I’ve just realized no arrows bit of an oversight to be completely honest isn’t just any inner random chest here that’ll be oh no it’s just a creeper so it looks like what I’ll actually need to do is get a bunch of feathers and also Flint

Then I can craft all the arrows that I’ll need also I’ve completely forgot which way the stronghold is okay that way please don’t break because I have to get another one then thank goodness there’s the arrow I built telling me that it is this way through here I shall

Go the eyes can be placed I’m pretty sure they can be removed as well maybe not yeah you can’t be shifted anyway through I go and even if I died during this fight I still tend to commit it to day 100 okay so let’s let’s just see

What happens might as well use this spare iron to make at helmet and Boots Are you kidding me all that for nothing

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE RLCraft…’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2023-04-08 16:22:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

BUY THE SPECIAL 4 MILLION HOODIE!! – https://sb737.store/products/hoodie 100 Days, But I Add a New Mod Every Day …

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  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft!

    Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft! Minecraft Server Experience: Building a Beautiful Home Exploring the Angkortoch Server Embark on a journey to the Angkortoch server, a vibrant Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. Join fellow players in crafting, building, and exploring the vast virtual world. Features and Events Discover the plethora of features and events that await you on the Angkortoch server. From gold shovels to home villagers, cleaning tasks to house building challenges, there’s never a dull moment in this dynamic Minecraft realm. Gold Shovel Unleash your inner miner with the gold shovel, a tool that promises efficiency and style. Dig, mine, and… Read More

  • Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky Duck

    Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky DuckVideo Information we’ll check the tower for emeralds I’m not here for you creepers all right um oh [ __ ] uhoh uh-oh oh [ __ ] well cyber I it seems that I found him it seems I found him it seems that I have found him oh [ __ ] dude he is fast he is fast oh no oh no back back up yeah what you going to do oh [ __ ] he’s fast on the water too what This video, titled ‘Why is he so scary!!!! #shorts #minecraft #gaming #scary #minecraftmemes #herobrine #funny #mcyt’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-03-31 15:47:57. It… Read More

  • Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17

    Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17Video Information minicraft pero invasión zombie estoy un poco aquí cogiendo de Carbón y nos llevamos un poco de remolacha y patatas y Vamos a sembrar un poco de esto porque después nos hará falta es quea con lo que tienes ahí maliante de verdad estoy cansado Ya ustedes yo no saben robar miércoles juegan al Minecraft si solo van aar cuando V ala cabo de verdad como si sembrar fuera fácil te llevas todo sea ahora solo falta que te lleves todas las C A ver a ver me quies que te lo voy a perdonar sea por esta… Read More


    FABIIN CRAFT - Minecraft ORESPAWN #2 - EPIC TWILIGHT FOREST BOSSVideo Information E aí rapaziada suave segundo episódio da nossa série aqui de or spaw último episódio foi no canal do foi no canal do hoje a gente tá com a participação especial do God link dele vai tá aí na descrição e Rapaziada esse episódio aqui tá sendo gravado em live tá vai ser o primeiro link fixado aí nos comentários bom Rapaziada no último episódio a gente fez essa essa mansão aqui que eu posso chamar de lar aqui junto com meus amiguinhos e aquilo ali é uma cama vula aqui tá dormindo por enquanto um galo gigante… Read More


    🔥JOIN HARSHAD'S CRAZY PAPERMC SMP PARTY NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Harshad Is Live playing PAPERMC SMP random games | ANYONE WANT JOIN | MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER SERVER |’, was uploaded by HARSHAD GAMING LIVE 009 🇮🇳 on 2024-01-10 22:17:08. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:01 or 8401 seconds. Have a good time ! WhatsApp link :https://chat.whatsapp.com/IpBMTZaq7GsFsmNDz40fPX Welcome to our Live Streaming if you like this then Please 👇 Subscribe | Share | Like #MINECRAFTLIVE #MINECRAFTLIVESTREAM #MINECRAFTWITHSUBSCRIBERS #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #livetaid #MINECRAFTINDIA #minecraftivewithsubs #minecraft #memes #Youtube #dankmemes #fortnite #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #gamer #minecraftbuilds #dank #youtube #lol #funnymemes #memesdaily #edgymemes… Read More


    INSANE!! Buying HIGHEST SCHOOL RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY!’, was uploaded by Lemon Craft3535 on 2024-02-28 11:00:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY! Read More

  • Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!

    Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!Video Information pai o que que é seru homem da casa o homem da casa é quem manda é quem resolve tudo e é quem tem a última palavra eu quero seu nome da casa igual This video, titled ‘#naoflopa #roblox #lulucagames #games #robloxmemes #memeblox #pkxd #memesroblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by ♡JuhEpicGaming♡ on 2024-02-19 19:07:28. It has garnered 7685 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • “Bimasakti’s Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥” #freefire #gaming

    "Bimasakti's Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥" #freefire #gamingVideo Information SA [音楽] This video, titled ‘Bimasakti New Trick😎😈 #freefire #battleroyale #trending #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-04-05 14:48:30. It has garnered 10180 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)

    SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)Video Information hey wait he didn’t ask them for anything they just specifically blame her so kick them out what is this note see you after school looks like it was left by Hooligans what have you done stupid Hooligans you will definitely feel bad after we leave here Mikey I really like studying this is really cool I hope I get a good grade today sorry for being late we have a very important reason we were really busy so sorry can I sit down Mikey it’s good that we weren’t late I wouldn’t want to be scolded like… Read More

  • Fatality SMP – Vanilla, Whitelist, 18+

    Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Hey there, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a server that captures the essence of adventure, community, and pure vanilla gameplay? Look no further! Our 18+ SMP (Survival Multiplayer) server is the perfect place for players who enjoy a mature, community-oriented gaming experience. Why Join Us? Pure Vanilla Experience: No mods, no plugins – just Minecraft as it was meant to be played. (Fabric, Ledger) Community-Driven Events: Participate in weekly events, build contests, and community projects. (Ran by Players) Mature & Friendly Community: Join a group… Read More

  • Darkness Realms (ATM9)

    Darkness Realms (ATM9)https://discord.gg/v6wjwFwkVxHey Welcome to our brand new Server!We are Darkness Realms!Custom pluginsMinecraft chat to discorddiscord chat to minecraftCratesVoteFriendly StaffGiveAways! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird app

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird appElon Musk might have the power to send rockets to Mars, but banning someone from Twitter might be just out of his reach! Read More

  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

    Commentary Comedy: Minecraft's SquareXuan Animation Roars In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news in rhymes, like a lively dream. From updates to secrets, I’ll keep you in the loop, With humor and fun, no need for a scoop. Cube Xuan, the creator, with animations so bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. But beware of pirated content, it’s not the same, Stick to the official channel, for the real game. From funny moments to classroom series so neat, Each video a treat, making your day complete. So subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, In the world of… Read More

  • Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP)

    Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP) When you have -7282 IQ, you’re probably the type of player who tries to mine diamonds with a wooden pickaxe and wonders why it takes so long. But with a 6969 IQ, you’re the kind of player who builds a redstone contraption to automatically mine diamonds while you sit back and sip on a potion of invisibility. Talk about an epic gamer moment! #minecraftgenius Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re a fan of sci-fi and futuristic themes, then you’ll love what Minewind has to offer. With its unique blend of technology and imagination, Minewind is the perfect place to let your creativity run wild. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world filled with endless possibilities, where you can build, craft, and survive alongside fellow gamers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why should you join Minewind Minecraft Server? Well, just like K-9… Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods The Exciting World of Minecraft Texture Packs Discovering a New Texture Pack Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players stumble upon a remarkable new texture pack – the Peep Texture Pack. This pack promises a unique visual experience, setting it apart from the default textures. Unveiling the Features Upon closer inspection, the Peep Texture Pack reveals intricately designed outlines and smooth animations. The default textures, such as blocks and items, receive a fresh and appealing makeover, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Personal Anecdotes and Minecraft Adventures As players delve into the game, they encounter various challenges and adventures. From… Read More

  • SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOW

    SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOWVideo Information whoa streaming streaming streaming streaming oh yes that’s for sure’s once the live pops up we can start the live stream got to find it oh there it is all righty let’s add everyone real quick and then we can start I got plans at everyone sends now streamy there we go all right now now everyone knows that I’m live so damn these villagers are allowed hold on we should leave leave the library real quick welcome scabs to the stream good to have you here welcome um um but yeah so I didn’t do that so… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Mysterious Past Life Revealed!

    Herobrine's Mysterious Past Life Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine’s Past Life (sapientdream – Pastlives) #minecraft #shorts #herobrine #sadstory #pastlives’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-213 on 2024-01-15 07:40:00. It has garnered 2864 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video #minecraft #loyalsmp #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmp #doraemonsmp #lifestealsmp #hardcore @BulkyStar #teddygaming @TeddyGaming #senpaispider @SenpaiSpider @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleetShortsOG @GamerFleet #gamerfleet #technogamerz #senpaispider #pvp #minecraft100days #shorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshorts #herobrinesmp minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft 1.20, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!

    Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!Video Information [Music] m yeah [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] y [Music] yeah [Music] he [Music] [Music] d [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] what [Music] l [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n a [Music] a for is for for is [Music] [Music] [Music] he oh no oh [Music] B [Music] [Music] [Music] n on [Music] a [Music] oh m [Music]… Read More


    💎 DIAMOND PORTAL to PARADISE! 😱🌈 | MINECRAFT MODSVideo Information This video, titled ‘PORTAL TO PARADISE IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MODS’, was uploaded by DIAMOND on 2024-01-02 20:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you get 5 likes I will release a full video with the mod #minecraft #minecraftmods minecraft portal to paradise. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraft

    🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraftVideo Information भाई नोट आ जा यार प्ली सुब कर रहा व सो जा रहा है कोई ना कोई सो जा रहा है चलो कोई बात नहीं जा कोई बात नहीं बेड बना लिए वसे जरूरत नहीं पड़ेगी ब काम कर थोड़ा इधर वो आयुष भाई हेलो वेलकम ूम मे भाई आयु भाई कैसे हो बढ़िया भाई लाइक कर दो फलिंग यादू वंशी हेलो बिग फैनर कुछ सामान दे दो भाई क्या नाम है आपका इनम नेम क्या है बताओ ऊपर ला प ऊपर एक बंदा है उसको ड्रैग करना जरा डिस्कडमी पसी में ले आ ग हां थैंक यू… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!” #minecraft #satisfying

    "Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!" #minecraft #satisfyingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfying emoji face falling pixel art#minecraft#satisfying#shorts’, was uploaded by Beadrobix on 2024-01-03 18:14:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Inspiration: technogamer mrbeast yes smarty pie anshu Bisht Wisp Unspeakable Skydoesminecraft XNestorio DenTDM Wilbur … Read More

  • You won’t believe what Labhansh Jain did for my mom! 😱

    You won't believe what Labhansh Jain did for my mom! 😱Video Information प्यार तो छोटा सा शब्द है मेरी तो जान बसती है तुझ में प This video, titled ‘mumma ki Jaan hai tu. #music #song #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Labhansh Jain on 2024-04-14 08:15:36. It has garnered 471 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Music videos Celebrity news Movie trailers GamingLet’s Plays “Minecraft,” “Fortnite” Gaming newsGame reviews Tutorials and How-To “How to cook DIY home decor “Makeup tutorial “Technology Smartphone reviews Gadget unboxings Software tutorials Lifestyle Fitness and health tips Travel vlogs Fashion and beauty Education Learn language History documentaries… Read More

  • CHEATED with AVATAR in Minecraft Build Battle!

    CHEATED with AVATAR in Minecraft Build Battle!Video Information these are my friends and I invited them to the ultimate Avatar build battle but what they don’t know is I have this secret Elemental bending device that will allow me to cheat and every round it’ll get new upgrades that I can use to mess with my friends what is happening what the heck the video ends when they find out round one boys you have to build Momo Momo Momo’s my favorite let’s go 5 minutes on the clock what’s a Momo in my hand you guys could see we have this Elemental bending device if… Read More

  • Our Bird Friends Took Us to the Lake in 2027! Craziest Summer Ever!

    Our Bird Friends Took Us to the Lake in 2027! Craziest Summer Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Решили поехать на озеро с нашими друзьями-птицами летом 2027 года | Это мем из 2027 года’, was uploaded by Hoang Duy Ho on 2024-03-28 17:25:43. It has garnered 4359 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. #HoangDuyHoPIXEL #minecraft #minecraft »Main channel- https://www.youtube.com/@HoangDuyHoPIXEL I decided to go with a person next to a bird to the lake in the summer in 2027 Opium Bird in Minecraft minecraft,villager,ultimate minecraft recap,Minecraft,minecraft animation,villager ai cover,froppy craft,minecraft mods,funny minecraft,minecraft villager,minecraft memes,villager memes,spiral mc,grox,cas van de pol minecraft,minecraft parody,dom studio,zmde,reffmc,minecraft prop hunt,minecraft villagers,cheap pickle,aphmau,minecraft… Read More

  • MadDubz.com Official Minecraft Server

    MadDubz.com Official Minecraft ServerAbout us MadDubz started out on YouTube with a 24/7 Gaming radio, since then we kept doing more and more. We are glad to announce that we now have a Minecraft server. We do not accept donations, we do this for fun. mc.maddubz.com Read More

  • CrystalVerse SMP PvP – Lifesteal

    Welcome to Crystal Verses Minecraft Server! In this unique Minecraft server, survival takes on a whole new level of intensity with the addition of lifesteal mechanics. Every blow dealt to an opponent not only inflicts damage but also replenishes the attacker’s health. Will you risk engaging in combat to regain health, or will you play it safe and try to outlast your opponents? Join Us: Java Edition: IP: Play.crystalverses.org Bedrock Edition: IP: Play.crystalverses.org PORT: 19132 New Members get a free rank if joined within the next hour! Don’t miss out, join now! Read More

I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE RLCraft…