I SURVIVED 100 Days In Minecraft NOODLE World!

Video Information

In this video I try and survive a hundred days at one of Minecraft’s craziest worlds in this world everything is shaped as noodles even the nether this challenge was extremely difficult with harsh terrain scarce food and epic battles I ended up getting a bunch of things done in these hundred days so

Join me on my amazing adventure and also be sure to subscribe as it helps my channel a bunch and brings new content to you so without further Ado let’s get right into this amazing adventure alright starting day one as you can see if you look around you you find that

Everything is shaped as these weird tubes but like any day one let’s start by chopping down this tree and it wasn’t too long until I found something pretty cool it was a pink sheep these things only have a 1.64 spawn rate so you know I just had to

Capture so I quickly dug a hole to put them inside I think I thought of a pretty good name for him I think it’s gonna be Phillip so Philip happily hopped inside his hole and now he’s so happy in his new home so back to the Survival series I made a

Crafting table and then crafted a pickaxe I then mined into the ground to get some Cobble to instantly upgrade to stone tools because wooded ones are practically useless beyond that point I then killed some sheep mined some wood and found a pretty neat area for where I

Was gonna put my base it was perfect I then crafted a shovel real quick and started mining out an area to put my house down well that concludes the first day so I walked back to Phillips hole made a bed and slept to avoid any danger at night

Day two I collected a bunch of wood for building and continued carving out a hole to put my house down once I completed the hole I started placing down the first blocks of my house if you watched through the entire video you’ll come to find that I’m a very bad Builder

So please don’t judge me at all I was planning on adding a second floor already so I slapped these two staircases down on each side I was also sure to fill in the back wall the next thing I did was Elevate the walls on the second floor and I also cooked up some

Food because I was starving foreign after that I placed some chests down to clear my inventory because it was completely full of dirt anyways I went right back to binding more wood for my house and before I knew it it became night time arriving home I discovered

That my house was being guarded by a couple mobs so the yeti Pro Player would I dug myself into a ground and stayed there until morning day five and I climbed out of my hole and removed the remaining mobs around my base I then went to building the roof of my house

Because what’s a house without a roof right well I didn’t have enough blocks for the roof so instead I went mining for iron you have to keep in mind this is on a giant Cliff I could have fallen to my death at any second luckily though in

The distance I saw a village so we’ll go check that out after I get this iron well making my way down I ran into this creeper and decided I wasn’t ready to take on the village so I built right back up to my base day six I started mining for a ton of

Iron while I was riding a zombie attacked beam I have to remember that mob spawned almost everywhere in this world after that I grabbed Philip and led him back to our base because he’s literally the best sheep ever I put Philip under the stairs for now but I have plans for

Him later as he’s gonna become the king of all sheep after that I used my newly smelted iron to craft a full set of gear I then LED these chickens back to my base because I was gonna turn them into an automatic chicken farm later in the video

I then finally finished the roof of my house my next activity was to tear up all this dirt because I was adding some new wood floors I filled in both the first and second floor it was finally time to face the village these tubes create a bunch of Shadows

Which hold lots of mobs and they almost killed me while I was making my way down I had absolutely no food so I was forced to eat this rotten flesh to heal up I then grabbed the hay bales outside of my house which I totally should have

Grabbed first I’m just thinking of that now I then discovered water this was super important because it would create an easy way for me to travel downwards in this new world so I scooped up the finest bucket of water and took it back up to my base I placed my bucket of

Water and then made my way back down to grab a second bucket because I was gonna make an infinite water source which was being guarded by this creeper finally I had an infinite water source I then went straight to making a little waterfall so I could travel down to start mining

While traveling down you get a good idea of what all this terrain looks like I think I forgot to mention that the floor of this entire world is covered in lava here’s one thing you can’t do in the nether is place down water buckets this may travel so much easier when mining so

I began exploring the lower level and started to find a lot of diamonds because they would just pop out on the side of these mountains and make it super easy to find so for the next couple days specifically 9 through 16 I went around mining collecting each armor

Set like Thanos collecting the Infinity Stones I of course crafted my first diamond pickaxe which I actually got an insane enchantment for later in the video so stay tuned during my Journeys I found this mine shaft so I decided to go check it out I then ran into a few skeletons but I

Took them out easily The Mineshaft didn’t really have anything interesting so I went back to mining well back to mining where I found enough to make my first set of diamond armor I had to be super careful when mining because everything was surrounded in lava and I didn’t want to lose any diamonds

Well here’s my second piece of armor the leggings then I got the boots and of course you can’t forget the helmet after I was done mining I made my way back up to my base I did it using the giant waterfall we created to get down my base doesn’t look too completed yet

But trust me it’ll get there by the end of the video with my newly collected diamonds and obsidian I made my first nether portal so I lit it up and traveled in well this was gonna be a lot harder than I thought the portal is legit floating in the middle of nowhere

So for safety I made a quick outline around my portal so I wouldn’t fall off after getting a decent enough platform down I made a staircase up to the ground floor I also made railings because I really didn’t want to fall off right off the bat I was already attacked

By a piglet that helped me remind that I needed to go get some gold before I traveled this universe with that being said I made my way back home to mine some gold real quickly so I could get a helmet to avoid these piglons from attacking me

Now piglens couldn’t attack me so I made my way back to the portal once in another I began exploring to find the Fortress because I needed some blaze rods traveling around was super scary because I could have fallen off at like any moment I found some piglets

Which I borrowed a bit of gold for to get this nice potion of fire resistance after that I went back to exploring I ran into this hogland which I took out immediately because it can provide some good food foreign I had a little assistance taking out the

Second one but then this piglet robbed me of some of the food I then cooked up all the food I collected and went back to exploring after a little while I finally found the nether fortress so I built my way over and decided to check it out

I then started taking out the local blazes whilst doing so I found this chest which contained a few diamonds as you can see I was struggling to find a place to put them because my inventory was filling up so fast during my Adventures I nearly died because this wither knocked me off

My platform and almost killed me after that near-death experience I decided to head out and find some food because I needed health so badly and I had no hunger looking around I saw my only option was really to make some mushroom stew because there were no piglens

Around to get food from them so I crafted up my first bowl and continued exploring to find some more red mushrooms eventually I found the motherload of red mushrooms so I collected them all up made some more mushroom stew and made my way back to the nether fortress to collect more

Blaze rods coming back to the Fortress you could already see all the wither skeletons just waiting for me but we weren’t worried about them we were after some blaze rods approaching the blaze spawner I took out some of the wither skeletons in the surrounding area and

Then I went straight after the blazes to get their juicy rods during my battles a blaze hit me I almost fell down into the lava through the tiny crack while standing there burning I decided to take a fire resistant potion so I could take out these blazes 10 times more easier than

Ever because the attacks are mostly fire as long as I kept the distance from these blazes I really couldn’t get hurt while battling I got third partied by these wither skeletons and they almost took me out so I had to heal up again I had to be Uber careful while fighting

These blazes because sometimes the rods would just fall off the edge and I couldn’t get them anymore I had some pretty good luck while taking out these blazes so once I collected my eight rods that I needed I decided to head out Unfortunately on my way back to the portal I found out that I had no idea where I was and I kind of got lost for a little bit in fact I was so lost that I got this achievement that’s super hard to do within your 100 days after what

Seems like ages I finally found my portal to return home coming back on day 25 I decided to make an automatic chicken farm because I needed much more food than what I already had I’m hungry get on that ass was a pretty simple design so it didn’t really take too long

But I’ll link the credits to whose Farm I used I then decided to replace the sad Farm I had from before with a much bigger area so I carved out a wall in this mountain and started planning away after that I decided to do some more exploring which keep in mind is super

Scary because I could have fallen to my death at any second during my journey I ran into these pigs which I chopped up for some nice food it then became night time where I had this near-death experience because I was getting John on so many different creatures I skillfully dodged this Creeper

Explosion but all these monsters were still coming after me one by one thankfully I managed to take all of them out like why this Hardcore Minecraft have to be this difficult it’s crazy back to my adventures and daytime thank God I found a shipwreck above water because technically I was in an ocean

Biome but water doesn’t really exist in this world so it’ll just spawn anywhere I then found another above water ocean structure which I gladly looted and found a treasure map so I decided to follow the map bridging my way through all these noodles whilst trying to find the chest I found

Sand this is so important because it means I can finally finish my house when looking for the chest I saw the natural spawn so I was able to spot it really easily when hopping down to collect my loot I was attacked by these monsters lurking in the dark

But after looking in the chest I knew I had to get it I didn’t actually have to fight that much because all the mobs ended up floating down the river that I placed from before I then collected my juicy juicy rewards from the chest which had so much gold in

It after that I started to collect tons of sand I needed this resource so bad because I legit have no windows in my house back to exploring where I found another sunken ship with a fancy little clock inside of it on my journey I found a dog which I used

My bones to tame he was my best friend ever and his name is gonna be Clyde and he will have a wife yes a wifey dog named tulip and then they will have a kid yup a very special kid but it didn’t really last very long after a Miss swing

Clyde was sent off the edge unfortunately and the other ones went shortly after two such a traumatic day after such a tragic day I decided to call it and head back home going down to the underground caves water bridging my way under the surface I discovered one of my old mining paths

That led me straight home I finally arrived home on day 30 which I was so happy about it took so long the first thing I did was throw our newly collected sand in the smelter so I could finally add Windows onto my house after that I cleared my inventory and

Grabbed a bunch of blocks to go explore the nether keep in mind I can’t Water Bridge in another so I’ll have to be super careful about traveling I was sweating bullets the entire time these tubes made it so difficult for me to Traverse I found my way all the way down to the

Four level where I found something interesting something in the distance upon closer inspections it seems as though I found another nether fortress but not soon after I found a Bastion although very dangerous this could provide some much needed loot so I carefully snuck up and mined my way inside

This was super scary some of the strongest mobs live in a Bastion I already see the mass amounts of gold in the center and I could only imagine what could be in the chest so I carefully descended my way down to collect it with my height Advantage I decided to

Take out the piglet Broods that were in my way it’s Magma Cube spawners started to cause a lot of problems for me it got to the point where I was taking so much damage and got so close to dying so I blocked myself in and started taking all of them out

After that I made my way to the center where the first thing I did was mine out the spawner with the spawner gone I was finally able to stop them once and for all with the Slime set of my way I was finally able to mine out the gold blocks

It’s mine I then hastily mined all the gold blocks looking in the chest my rewards were quite Bountiful besides no netherrite I ended up getting tons of gold and diamonds as you can probably hear the piglens weren’t too happy about me taking their gold in fact this piglet brute was there for

One final stand getting a few decent hits on me foreign ly getting out I decided to barter with the local piglands I ended up trading most of the gold I got from the Bastion but besides getting only five ender pearls I was able to obtain a bunch of spectral arrows so

Using the obsidian I got from the trades I built another portal home I was out in the middle of nowhere again back in the Overworld but it wasn’t too long until I made another idiot mistake while traveling down my water Trail I descended too fast and almost died from Fall damage

So I quickly ran to safety where I regained some of my health I then started to head back to my base but before that I made a cool marker so I knew what path this was It’s day 42 and I crafted some bread real quick to get my Hunger up I then crafted some Eyes of Ender because I was gonna go find the Portal soon but not for the dragon not yet I was going for bookshelves there’s no sugar cane in this world that could spawn naturally so

This was essential for getting some good enchantments before we go though I filled in almost my entire house with glass except for one small bit I then made the small Auto fish farm so I could get some steady flow of food So for the next couple days I sat there fishing so I could get a ton of fish to eat after I got what seemed like a good amount of fish I journeyed down to the lava floor to finally find the portal this journey was so tedious as I would

Throw a pearl and have to bridge every couple chunks and check if I was going the right direction whilst doing this I realized I needed to be a bit more careful as the pearls would just fall into the lava every so often After a few days I finally found the end portal it was super confusing to find because I didn’t know what noodle this was hiding in Finally in Where I grabbed as many bookshelves as I needed after that I found the portal which was being guarded by a bunch of silverfish I think this was the first time I actually was challenged by them in this game because they were so annoying to deal with

It got so out of hand that I just placed down my water bucket and decided to incinerate all of them with lava Once they were all gone I minded exit out of the portal room and headed back home to enchant all of my gear I was so happy to finally have some books it’s hard to believe but I haven’t even been able to craft an enchantment table yet

So this was a big upgrade for me so when I got back I took a quick nap and finally made my first enchantment table I then turned the rest of my books into bookshelves so I could have better in chance after that I dug a small area and

Started placing down everything I just made right off the bat I got fortune 3 as an option so I decided to take it what I didn’t know was it gave me maybe the best pickaxe enchant I could ever get the next thing I Enchanted was my chest

Plate this also gave me really good enchantments the next thing I did was fill in a small hole in the windows that I missed from before after that I went to grab a horse because I was planning on finding a village with villagers inside it to trade with but I’m not that one

Unfortunately I didn’t end up using the horse because the terrain of this world was just too steep for me to make it anywhere on my journey I collected as much food as I possibly could killing cows and sheep along the way It was so annoying traveling through all these winding paths because walking through them took so much longer to travel for far distances so after I collected a bit more food and watched the sunset on day 50 I ended up spotting a small path on the ground after closer inspection I found out that

There was a village somewhere below my feet I just pray that there are villagers still in there so using my water bucket to descend I caught my first Glimpse at the Village soon after I finally found a villager that I could trade with after looking

The chest and finding a bit more food I trapped a villager in a boat to make a trading stand with so after setting up the most simplistic stand I got right to the Grind to find that juicy mending book for my tools during my times of trying to find

Mending this stupid baby villager was always getting in my way it was getting so annoying this little guy would always stand in my way where I was gonna place my blocks and overall he was just being a giant pain in my butt after a good amount of time I finally

Acquired The Mending book for 37 emeralds that’s a giant rip-off I definitely didn’t have that many despair thankfully though this other villager decided to be a bit nicer after only a few tries I managed to get a mending book for only 13 emeralds after that lucky snag I decided to head

Back home for more emeralds though I ended up getting sidetracked and don’t really return until later in the video when I got home I decided to spice up my living area a little bit so I chopped down a few trees and decided to make a fancy sheep farm so sit back and relax

As you enjoy a tidy Montage of my terrible building The next thing on my list is to expand my farm a little bit after that I decided to make my house a little bit larger by adding a basement to store all my stuff in Well here’s to find a product it’s looking pretty nice I might even add some Stone floors later on after taking out a few blazes the unexpected happened I ran into a horde of wither skeletons instantly they all started rushing me and it wasn’t too long until they got a

Few good hits on me I was trying my best to take them all out without getting hit by the end of it all I was left with two and a half hearts withering away I had to eat food fast thankfully I survived hoping nothing else would come down

Those stairs I made my way up and started taking out the local mobs I also got some goodies for later in the video but my luck wasn’t back yet while trying to take out some blazes one hit me from behind knocking me into the lava thankfully I always keep a fire

Resistant potion with me so I was able to clutch up and survive that could have almost ended my entire video after calming down and building out of the lava I made my way to the closest tube after almost dying I realized I had enough and hurried back to my portal to

Go back home I managed to collect two more wither skeletons to complete the entire set but now it was time to focus up because I was going to beat the dragon the first thing I did was work on my sword it was about time I got an upgrade I managed to

Pull looting three on it but I wanted it to be even better so I made my way to the Village devastated to find out that my mending villager somehow changed trades I then cycled him until I found a sharpness for for really cheap I decided to take the trade and I ran

Back to my base to apply it on the sword I also repaired it a little bit the next thing I did was real quickly touch up my house by adding some nice stone slabs to the entire floor once I was done I grabbed the most resources necessary for my journey into the end

Before I left I made sure to stop by Phillip to wish him goodbye and good luck and then jump down to the lava floor to start my trip to the portal Once I arrived I filled in the empty portal frames with the Eyes of Ender that I had and prepared to jump in

Well here we are once inside the first thing I did was mind my way to the surface I made sure that my boat was in my hot bar to stop the Enderman from attacking me while I dealt with the dragon once I reached the top I realized that

The end was normal no tubes or anything this was a big relief because finding him on those tubes would have been a huge struggle right off the bat when I was trying to take out the first Tower and Enderman had already locked onto me thankfully I had my boat ready to stop

His attacks after getting rid of him and getting a nice amount of Ender Pearls I got right back to taking out the towers to cut off healing from the Dragon while trying to take out the towers I was getting fired upon but due to my

Immense skill I was able to hit a lot of them first try I was able to take out the protected crystals pretty easily but the last one I had to build up to take out while doing this the dragon managed to hit the tower I built on so I made my

Quick descend down so I wouldn’t die after finally managing to destroy the last Crystal it was time for me to Target the dragon itself while it perched up I saw a key opportunity to hit the dragon up close with my powerful sword and I managed to get a few hits off

Before I was sent flying with quick reflexes I used my ender pearl to stop the fall but I wasn’t safe yet once I landed I was instantly attacked by another Enderman so I quickly placed out a water bucket to ensure my safety After taking him out I saw the dragon perching again so I went to deal more damage and it wasn’t soon after until I was sent flying into the sky again so after another quick ender pearl recovery I went straight back to the battle after healing up a little bit I

Managed to get a couple good hits with my bow while it was still flying around and once again I was attacked by another Enderman so I quickly placed down my water and trapped him in a boat to kill him after she the Dragon Land again I started swinging my last couple hits

Like always I went soaring into the air and before I could end a pearl I hit one of the towers dealing heavy ball damage to me so after healing up again I relied on my bow to get the last final hits in there was only one shot left and I

Decided to end it in Style by hitting a nice 360 shot to finally defeat the Dragon thank you once I freed the end I saw my rewards and oh boy did I get a lot of XP I was definitely gonna use this for more enchants on my gear

It was now time to find an elytra I was so excited to be able to fly around in my world but before I did that I quickly grabbed the Dragon’s egg before I build up to the end City portal I decided to collect a few more ender

Pearls I made a quick roof for myself so I wouldn’t be hit and started calling over all the Endermen around me and with my ludic 3 sword I managed to get all the pearls I needed super quickly so I built up and headed in Traveling around I had to be more careful because after my very first throw I almost set myself off the edge After a little more traveling I managed to find the end city which thankfully had an electro boat with it I decided I was gonna go and try and tackle the end City and it wasn’t easy but I managed to get some pretty good gear from some of the chests

I managed to use the shulkers to my advantage as they floated me to the ship after taking out the one shulker guarding my prize I was finally able to claim the elytra I then decided to collect the dragon head as a nice decoration and started to make my way back home

While heading back I had such a close call and almost fell into the board But alas I found my way home traveling back to the end and hopped in the portal to head back home I got back on day 76 and once I was home I happily greeted Phillip as I finally beat the dragon but that was in the end

Because I was still going to defeat two other bosses in this video with my newly acquired XP I decided to do some enchanting the first thing I Enchanted was my bow and it didn’t disappoint as the flame 1 enchantment ended up being powerful and Unbreaking 3.

The next thing I Enchanted was my helmet and Boots getting both Unbreaking and protection 3 on them I then upgraded my Astro quickly and combined some bows to get power 5 on it this was gonna be an Unstoppable weapon lastly I used my last experience to

Combine my Boost to get protection 4 on them once I was done I headed over to my sheep farm because I was gonna need a lot of beds why you may ask because I was on the surge for some netherite unfortunately after using all of my beds

I wasn’t able to find even one bit of netherite but I was able to find another Bastion so I snuck my way down from the top and took out some of the guards they were a lot more planned out though as two of them snuck up from behind me

Forcing me to deal with them with their immense damage even my gear couldn’t handle them bringing me down to almost three hearts foreign to heal up I quickly popped it into the heel and made my way down to the loot room where I found a bit of obsidian

And while taking out these guards I accidentally activated the zombie pigman which would lead to a lot of trouble after they all started to rush me and I was forced to take out the entire crowd of them After dealing with them I mined the gold found around the Bastion and looted another test but the zombie pigman found me once again I was soon being sworn and after trying to deal with them I started doing tons of damage to me so I had to run away Left with only one heart left I ran to get high ground where I quickly healed up and took out the remaining mobs you’re taking them all out I made it to the center where I was able to acquire tons of gold blocks after I made it out of the Bastion I

Decided to try and look for more netherite but after falling in lava I was forced to pop my God apple and ended up just going back home once I was back home I had lots to prepare for but before that I decided to upgrade and rename my diamond sword

After that I collected a bunch of wood to add a nice chest room in the basement of my house after that I decided to upgrade my fish farm a little bit what I didn’t know is that I made a farm that only worked for the Bedrock Edition so that was a little

Bit of a waste of time the next thing I did was slap efficiency 5 on my pickaxe to get maximum efficiency I was now ready to face the Wither so I grabbed the heads on display and mined a quick hole down into the mines and after a quick rest it was time for

Me to face it I threw the three heads on and summoned the boss I quickly realized that I was too close in range of the thing so I mined a tunnel behind me to get some distance once I was far enough I started dealing heavy damage with my powerful bow

Who’s the boss I blame the star I was gonna then make a beacon after this I then discovered I was running dry on Sand this was a perfect opportunity for me to throw on my elytra and take it for a spin in the New World after flying around I found a sunken

Ship hanging off one of the tubes so I quickly dropped by to loot the chest not soon after I found what I needed so I grabbed a few blocks and flew my way back home the next day I crafted a beacon and I decided I was going to use the gold that

I got from the Bastion to power the entire thing unfortunately I didn’t have enough to finish the entire thing so what I did was I went into The Nether and collected the last bits of gold that I needed for it after that I rushed back home to finally complete my beacon

There we have it a fully complete Beacon though I still had to add a nice power up to it and I decided to choose a speed boost as my beacon power up for right now the next thing I did was fill up some glass bottles because I was still

On the hunt to defeat one more boss if you can’t already tell by the postings I made just wait to find out which boss I fight next before I fight it though I think it’s time for a nice upgrade to Phillips home with a few extra blocks of gold I had

And some of his favorite food I was gonna make a cool throne for Philip to sit on above my sheep farm so after I completed the throne I led Phillip to his new home I don’t know about you guys but Phil now has the perfect Throne to be king of all sheep

Now that I’m done with that it was time to defeat the last boss of all my Hundred Days the Elder Guardian while I was buying diamonds earlier in the video I came across this ocean Monument so I knew I had to try and defeat it once I

Had better gear so I drank up my potions of water breathing and started my swimming this was my very first time trying an ocean monument and it was a lot harder than it looks I was getting laser beamed by so many mobs that I had to retreat real quickly to heal up my

Health I then made a Mad Dash to the entrance which was completely closed off for some reason so while trying to avoid getting caught in a beam I tried my very hardest to get into the structure once inside it it was a lot easier and it wasn’t long until I found the boss

Himself so by using my insanely good sword I was able to take out the Elder Guardian super easily so I collected my sponge and dipped home what you didn’t see was I tried to get the gold in the treasure room but with mining fatigue it was near impossible so I thought I would

Save that for a different day it was day 99 the last day so I thought for the rest of the day I would do a quick tour of all the things that we accomplished together I was so proud to be done with this challenge but I

Realized there was still so much to do heck I don’t even have any bits of netherready yet it was so beautiful traveling around all these tubes all the time it provided a decent amount of challenge to the game without ruining the true vanilla experience Well it’s day 100 I finally made it I really hope you guys enjoyed this video because it took months for me to make I’m a very slow editor this is also my very first original video so any reviews would be so appreciated so without further Ado don’t forget to subscribe clicks out

This video, titled ‘I SURVIVED 100 Days In Minecraft NOODLE World!’, was uploaded by Plix on 2023-03-27 08:44:41. It has garnered 1475 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:37 or 2197 seconds.

In this 100 Days in Minecraft NOODLE WORLD video, I document my journey from start to finish. From growing my crop to building my house, I show you everything that goes into making the perfect home in this Minecraft NOODLE WORLD server.

If you’re looking for an adventure in Minecraft, then you need to check out my 100 Days in Minecraft NOODLE WORLD video! In this video, I document my journey from start to finish, from growing my crop to building my house. If you’re up for the challenge, be sure to join me on this epic journey! It was a very fun experience making this too! Here, lemme show you some fun facts.

Also, I apologize for some of the lag, This world was very hard to run.

Plix’s Fun Facts

-This is my very first ORIGINAL content on my channel! -This video took almost 3 months to make -I got sick for 2 of those weeks, and you can tell by the sound of my voices sometimes

This is not any normal 100 days, not duo hundred days, not minecraft manhunt, not minecraft survivor vs speedrunner, not minecraft but, Surviving 100 days in a hardcore survival world in minecraft, that means I cant die at all! Kinda like Luke The Notable, ACookieGOD

In this video I Beat not only the dragon, but the wither, and Elder Guardian too, I also manage to make a beacon and find some really rare mobs!

Anyways, appreciate you viewing, if you liked the video be sure to subscribe, it would be dope.

Chicken Farm:https://youtu.be/vFB9rvmJhVM

All music goes to: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Reach me through Discord: Plix#4318

Peace, Plix

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    Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster The Epic Minecraft Adventure: Hunting the Kraken for Sushi Setting Sail for Adventure Embark on a hilarious Minecraft journey with Knarfy and his crew as they sail thousands of blocks in a pirate ship, facing off against the mighty Kraken and exploring dungeons in search of food – sushi, to be precise! Meet the Crew Joining Knarfy on this epic quest are his trusty companions: @syszee, @CringyGull, @CragDyna, and @GarrettTheCarrot. Together, they brave the treacherous seas and face formidable challenges. Mods and Tools of the Trade To enhance their gameplay experience, the crew utilizes a variety of mods, including… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World Creating a Super Flat World in Minecraft with Aternos Are you looking to expand your Minecraft world with a flat landscape to build your dream creations? With Aternos, you can easily create a super flat world to unleash your creativity. Follow the steps below to get started! Step 1: Visit Aternos Official Website Begin by visiting the official Aternos website to access their server hosting services. Aternos provides a user-friendly platform for Minecraft players to set up and customize their servers. Step 2: Navigate to the World Section Once you are on the Aternos website, navigate to the World… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness!

    Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Hanzi builds a mini mansion, where adventure sustains. Collaborating with hanzishanzi, the duo shines, Crafting hardcore Minecraft, with twists and turns in lines. Subscribe for more hardcore Minecraft, the journey unfolds, With challenges and triumphs, their story told. From building to surviving, every moment a thrill, In the world of blocks and pixels, where dreams fulfill. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft comes alive, With hanzishanzi leading the way, let the story thrive. In every rhyme and rhythm, the adventure sings, As the mini mansion stands tall, a testament to… Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

    Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let's Build! In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Crafting games with ChatGPT, secrets to keep. 3D creations, Roblox sensations, With ChatGPT’s guidance, we find our inspirations. Creating games, a magical art, With ChatGPT’s help, we make a fresh start. Immersive worlds, with stories to tell, In every line, the game’s magic we dwell. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, we find our light. With ChatGPT’s support, we reach new heights, In the realm of gaming, where creativity ignites. Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner UHC Pro on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash Your Inner UHC Pro on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to become UHC pro Short and Easy Way {No one Knows about This}” that got us thinking – what if there was a Minecraft server where players could truly test their skills and become the ultimate PVP pro? Enter Minewind, the most intense and challenging Minecraft server out there. With a hardcore survival experience, unique gameplay mechanics, and a thriving community of dedicated players, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will push… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Marathon: 6400 Hours Revealed!

    Insane Minecraft Marathon: 6400 Hours Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is What 6400 Hours of Survival Minecraft Looks Like…’, was uploaded by 𝔗𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝐈𝐈 on 2024-04-25 08:28:09. It has garnered 1853 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:59 or 2219 seconds. This is a comprehensive showcase of my almost 3 year old survival Minecraft world! Enjoy! This will be remade once every 1-3 years depending on how much progress is made. It was also broadcasted live (with lots of planning and practice of course 🙂 – April 2024 Edition – Read More

  • Insane One Block Minecraft Challenge!

    Insane One Block Minecraft Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftshorts #oneblock #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #mine #shorts’, was uploaded by Letvin on 2024-05-26 07:30:00. It has garnered 376 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #lootera #createopeningMinecraft , minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft marketplace, minecraft facts, minecraft funny, minecraft challenge, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft meme, minecraft tiktok hacks, minecraft but i cant touch grass, minecraft but you cant touch the color, minecraft ai, minecraft noob vs pro, minecraft bc, minecraft theory, minecraft but i have to break my world, minecraft fun facts, minecraft 1.20,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets Inside ASMRcraft

    Unbelievable Secrets Inside ASMRcraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Quiet Tour & Relaxing History of ASMRcraft’, was uploaded by ASMRcraft on 2024-05-02 20:03:01. It has garnered 2547 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:45 or 1905 seconds. #minecraft #asmr #gaming Consider leaving a LIKE & subscribing if you are new! If you’d like to try out the biggest server dedicated to the ASMR community, check out ASMRcraft below! Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/BgvqSjtW3r SERVER INFO: IP: Version: 24w14potato/snapshot Time for the start of my (TheASMRmedic) personal playthrough! Enjoy the video! ——- ASMRcraft.net : Join our survival Minecraft server! We… Read More

  • Epic ATM 9 Adventure: Conquering Modium, Warden, and Thermal Series

    Epic ATM 9 Adventure: Conquering Modium, Warden, and Thermal SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ATM 9 – Episode 08: Acquiring AllTheModium, Slaying The Warden, and Delving the Thermal Series’, was uploaded by CaptainEnder101 on 2024-02-14 20:30:04. It has garnered 445 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:27 or 1587 seconds. #ATM9 #minecraft #captainender101 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is not just another 1.20.1 modpack – it is a testament to the evolution and diversity of Minecraft modding. With nearly 400 mods, this modpack offers an extensive selection that… Read More

  • New Vanilla SMP with Crazy Twists!

    New Vanilla SMP with Crazy Twists!Video Information This video, titled ‘The First Vanilla SMP Since Lifesteal’, was uploaded by Jack Squared on 2024-03-07 02:03:25. It has garnered 1293 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #smp Discord: https://discord.gg/wRTU6uXqD3 Tags: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs HACKER in DOGDAY Build Challenge!

    EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs HACKER in DOGDAY Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Benny and Meggy on 2024-03-16 18:44:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge! (Poppy Playtime) Benny and Meggy compete in a Minecraft Build … Read More

  • Ultimate scandal at hololive EN afterparty! 🐾

    Ultimate scandal at hololive EN afterparty! 🐾Video Information This video, titled ‘【#ホロドロケイ2024】fuzzy HERO THIEF afterparty 🐾【MOCOCO POV】’, was uploaded by FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-05-02 12:16:34. It has garnered 46632 views and 5398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:27 or 3567 seconds. let’s play one more time together!! ✨ Minecraft skins by @aozane 💕 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms). (∪・ω・∪ ♡:::::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪) #FUWAMOCO (Streams) #FWMCpix (Fanart) #helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A) #lilFWMC (Clips) #FWMCbeats (Music) #FWMCwww (Memes) #FWMCMORNING (Variety Show) ≪TWITTER≫ https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en @FUWAMOCOch ≪(∪・ω・∪三∪・ω・∪)≫ ≪CREDITS≫ BGM: solfa Opening: pre_sktch Stinger: コールスローイ… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS in Minecraft

    Ultimate Showdown: PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS ARMY in Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-10 08:00:33. It has garnered 970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS ARMY in Minecraft Mob Battle #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod,… Read More

  • INSANE Render Test Reveal from UnknownBG!!

    INSANE Render Test Reveal from UnknownBG!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Render Test. Tell me if these are good :D’, was uploaded by UnknownBG on 2024-03-13 05:49:35. It has garnered 179 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bridge #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc #minemen #4k #4kvideo #swrz #DualEast #iusehuzuni #ricefarmer11 #FADIC #minemanner #straight #texturepack #hypixel #fidy #averalls #kza #abstractperson #minecraftpvp #minecraftmontage Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft… Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.4 Brand New SkyBlock

    Welcome to Skygens! Custom Enchants! Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions! Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server! Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks! Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed! Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System! Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! play.theblind5.com 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mind-blowing find in Minecraft!!!

    Looks like this meme just hit the jackpot! Looks like mining for diamonds isn’t the only valuable discovery in Minecraft! Read More

  • “Blaze or Dog: The Fiery Furry Hero” 🔥🐶 #MinecraftLaughs

    "Blaze or Dog: The Fiery Furry Hero" 🔥🐶 #MinecraftLaughs When you can’t decide between having a loyal companion or a fiery protector in Minecraft, so you end up with a dog riding a blaze into battle. Talk about a dynamic duo! #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft!

    Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft! Minecraft: Class 61 Performance Schedule【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! In this channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content, viewers can immerse themselves in a world free from any elements that may impact their health and safety. About the Channel Greetings, everyone! I am Block Pavilion, a creator in the realm of Minecraft. I specialize in crafting hilarious and entertaining Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter. This channel is the one and only official channel of Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are unauthorized… Read More

  • Stretching My Limits in Minecraft AMA

    Stretching My Limits in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: A Game That Keeps Growing 🏌️‍♂️ Are you a fan of Minecraft? If so, you’re not alone! This popular game continues to captivate players around the world with its endless possibilities and engaging gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a harsh virtual world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Exploring the World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are dropped into a vast, blocky world where they can mine resources, craft tools, and build anything their imagination can conjure. The game’s open-ended nature allows for endless creativity, making it a favorite among gamers of all ages. Key Features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Get 500M RF!

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Get 500M RF!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | 500,000,000 RF FOR AN INGOT! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-05-25 22:00:01. It has garnered 19714 views and 700 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:19 or 2479 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | 500,000,000 RF FOR AN INGOT! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/lHV7xvXMjvo ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc Sky Revolutions Mod… Read More

  • Fexxon Shorts: Hilarious Minecraft Moments

    Fexxon Shorts: Hilarious Minecraft MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘@fexxongaming #minecraft #gaming #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #fexxongaming #funny #games #mcpe(3)’, was uploaded by Fexxon Shorts on 2024-05-11 05:15:01. It has garnered 430 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. @fexxongaming #minecraft #gaming #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #fexxongaming #funny #games #mcpe #fexxongaming #gamer #minecraft HI, Welcome to our Youtube Channel. 🛑 FEXXON GAMING 🛑 FEXXON GAMING 💢 ABOUT THIS VIDEO :- Friends, you must watch the video and if you like it, please like it, share it and subscribe to the channel. If you have any question, you can also comment on… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Explorer Gets Superpowers in VR Minecraft World

    Unbelievable: Explorer Gets Superpowers in VR Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Explorer Teleported To a VR Minecraft Universe & Gains Extraordinary Power’, was uploaded by Manga Reborn on 2024-05-26 16:00:04. It has garnered 2812 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:18 or 3858 seconds. Explorer Teleported To a VR Minecraft World & Becomes Op MangaReborn doesn’t own any of the following images! This is made just for the entertainment purposed and nothing more. If you still have any issue regarding contact us at – [email protected] #anime#manga#manhwa#manhwarecap#mangarecap#waifu Read More

  • Aditya Slayer’s Mind-Blowing Realistic Shader for Minecraft PE! 🔥

    Aditya Slayer's Mind-Blowing Realistic Shader for Minecraft PE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20.70/72+ | Android Shader Mcpe 1.20’, was uploaded by Aditya Slayer on 2024-03-30 11:55:33. It has garnered 3148 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:40 or 160 seconds. Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20.70/72+ | Android Shader Mcpe 1.20 ✨ 𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙠: 👇 🔴 Please Open This Link In Chrome Only 🔴 Shader Link ➽ https://www.slayerofficial.in/2024/03/shader-mcpe-12080-android-pe.html Config Link ➽ https://www.slayerofficial.in/2024/01/shader-config-mcpe-120.html 👆👆☝️ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ————————————–❤️————————————– ❗ How to open my links ? https://youtu.be/sjJNV9EBooU Credit Gone To Respective creators, If you are a creator and if you have a problem… Read More

  • “Ultimate Cactus Craft Challenge feat. James Marriott” #crafts #dreamsmp #mcyt

    "Ultimate Cactus Craft Challenge feat. James Marriott" #crafts #dreamsmp #mcytVideo Information This video, titled ‘James Marriot ‘Romanticise This’ badge #jamesmarriott #crafts #fyp #minecraft #mcyt #dreamsmp’, was uploaded by Cactusful on 2024-04-07 21:24:37. It has garnered 59 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. James Marriott Romanticise this badge !! This isn’t my normal kind of content but hope you enjoy 🙂 If you did enjoy , do you have any other badge suggestions?? Please consider liking or even subscribing it really means a lot !! thanks 🙂 REMEMBER to turn on the bell to never miss out on an upload Read More

  • Escape the Scary Luca in Maizen with JJ & Mikey!

    Escape the Scary Luca in Maizen with JJ & Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family HIDE From SCARY LUCA – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-15 23:00:15. It has garnered 40920 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family HIDE From SCARY LUCA – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Celica vs ItzEspeonUWU #2!

    Ultimate Showdown: Celica vs ItzEspeonUWU #2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vs ItzEspeonUWU #2’, was uploaded by Celica on 2024-01-07 09:45:03. It has garnered 52 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Hi there, I’m Celica I’m a guy who is a Splatoon 3 competitive player. I also love to play Smash Ultimate, Minecraft, Tetris Effect connected and more. I randomly upload stuff that occurred in Smash Ultimate, Splatoon 3, Tetris Effect Connected from time to time if anything happens! I upload stuff inconsistently but better than not 😂 Enjoy your stay if you like what I upload! :)… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Anvil vs Piston Showdown! #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Anvil vs Piston Showdown! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Anvil Vs Piston ll Minecraft Amazing Video ll #shorts #ytshorts #youtube #viral’, was uploaded by Classic_Gamer_Yt on 2024-05-20 07:05:44. It has garnered 10967 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Anvil Vs Piston ll Minecraft Amazing Video ll #shorts #ytshorts #youtube #viral #minecraft . ( @TechnoGamerzOfficial @AnshuBisht @Classic_gamer_yt_01 ) Queries:- _____________ Subscribe and like my channel and give me support guys☺. Keyword:- ______________ 1. Minecraft Let’s Play 2. Minecraft Survival Series 3. Minecraft Redstone Creations 4. Minecraft Building Tips 5. Minecraft Mod Showcase 6. Minecraft PvP Gameplay 7. Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Avengers Fan Challenge – Write All 3 Names! #minecraft

    Ultimate Avengers Fan Challenge - Write All 3 Names! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU ARE TRUE AVENGERS FAN WRITE ALL THREE NAME #minecraft #viral #shorts #youtubeshorts #trending’, was uploaded by God gaming 27 on 2024-01-27 11:35:19. It has garnered 2470 views and 137 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbuilds #minecraftonly #mcpe #minecraftmeme #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecrafters #minecraftbuild #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftart #minecraftersonly #minecraftskin #minecraftforever #minecraftps3 #minecrafthouse #minecraftedit #minecraftdiaries#minecraft #meme #explorepage #bhfyp #tiktok #dankmemes #youtube #funnymemes #memesdaily #comedy #dank #lmao #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game #edgymemes #offensivememes #games #dankmeme #edgy#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftbuilds #minecraftonly #minecraftmeme #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecrafters #minecraftbuild #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver… Read More

  • BlockBattles

    BlockBattlesBlock Battles is a unique twist on chess, reimagined within the world of Minecraft. This innovative concept was conceived by AustinFelt, and I have had the privilege of collaborating with him as the sole developer to shape the plugin from its initial stages to its current state. Together, we have worked tirelessly to build the plugin from scratch, pouring our passion and expertise into bringing this exciting gaming experience to life. play.blockbattles.org Read More

  • Focal Choice Modded Whitelisted Community Bluemap

    Focal Choice Community Servers Focal Choice Community Servers This is a network of community servers called Focal Choice. We host various modded servers with a combined cross-servers chat. Expert Style Packs TerraFirmaGreg Divine Journey 2 Stacia 2: Expert We also have a Create train-oriented world running in the Life in the Village 3 modpack, but will be migrating to a new modpack soon. We have various events in the works. Fun minigame-type-things. TerraFirmaGreg Difficulty: Normal Pack Version: 0.7.8 You can play solo or join the main group team. Realistic and challenging modpack. Stacia 2: Expert Difficulty: Normal Pack Version: Beta… Read More

  • Minecraft server pe.vuamc.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.5 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.5 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: pe.vuamc.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft BFFs & Betrayal

    I guess you could say this meme is mining its way to the top! Read More

  • Minecraft with my ride or die 💀 #bffs #minecraft

    Minecraft with my ride or die 💀 #bffs #minecraft When you and your best friend spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft, only for them to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced lava bucket. Friendship tested, griefing confirmed. #minecraftfails 😂🔥 Read More

I SURVIVED 100 Days In Minecraft NOODLE World!