I survived 100 days in Minecraft’s desert – against all odds!

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The desert is Minecraft’s hardest biome to survive in there are no trees animals or even other important resources like food making survival really challenging so that’s why I’m going to be surviving here for 100 days can I build up the desert and survive let’s find out so

Right when I spawned in I noticed there were no trees no grass and no real resources around so I punched some sugar cane and some dead bushes and even grabbed a cactus because why not I pretty quickly noticed that there were three structures right near my spawn and

Was actually feeling pretty good because after all I pretty much completely rely on Villages if I want to be able to get resources like wood food and literally everything else so I headed over to the first Village and grabbed some beds not sure why I need this many beds but most

Importantly I was able to get an important resource that wouldn’t spawn naturally in the desert unless I’m eating Cactus I also grabbed this crafting table which I realized I couldn’t Craft on my own so I pretty much needed this if you couldn’t tell by now I’m pretty much planning to mooch

Off the villagers for a little while before I can stand up on my own yes I even took their seeds I eventually found a couple not so great chests and took the rest of the wheat here before remembering there was a desert pyramid right next to me that would probably

Have diamonds in it but when I got inside it was pretty dark and there was this guy sitting inside waiting for me I had nothing but bread and a few Cactus at this point so I cowardly ran away and hey another Village I decided to play it

Safe and sleep for the first night and first thing in the morning I headed over to the other Village maybe here I could get some blacksmith loot that would actually help me progress because we both know I’m not going to get very far with a bunch of beds and various shades

Of green and Once I arrived I found more food yeah I guess I’m a little food motivated but best of all there were actually chests at this Village okay the loot wasn’t great but it was better than nothing and here’s me trying to break my

Fall with a hay bale I also realized I have no way of crafting chests so I better steal them from here as well then the genius idea dawned on me there were Iron Golems here which is basically free Iron using my stolen crafting table I crafted my first pickaxe which meant I

Could actually start progressing and I even had a spare Ingot for later and yes I ran back to get the iron golem from the first Village as well I don’t know it’s free Iron I I guess you could say I felt like a bit of a speedrunning genius

Here I’m still not really sure why I crafted an axe it’s not like there are any trees to cut down but hey this can still be used as a weapon which meant facing that scary skeleton from the pyramid I found yesterday would finally be doable actually once I got there the

Mobs had despawned and the loot was very mid I guess I was hoping for diamonds and armor trims but instead just got horse armor and gunpowder I did get some enchanted books though which I’ll definitely be using later on and of course grabbed the TNT for when I need

To find netherite I watched a beautiful sunset over the desert and decided to spend the night in this not scary looking great Temple actually it’s very scary looking and it’s not very great I debated on making this into my base but thought I could make something way

Better if you can’t tell I don’t really like these things this was also the point I was starting to realize getting wood was going to be a real challenge I knew I could probably Harvest some from the Pillager Outpost I found earlier but without a shield or some basic armor my

Chances of survival were Slim So instead I grabbed some of the resources I could find and ran around looking for more villages to loot ooh I see a broken portal over there I quickly stumbled upon my third desert village village with an attached broken portal so I

Looted The Village like normal and there was absolutely nothing special here except for books it’s day three and I already have books are you kidding me this was a huge deal because there are literally no cows in the desert so getting books was a victory I trapped

Some of the villagers in for later use and absolutely annihilated their bodyguard then I headed into the nearby Valley to set up some chests I figured right around here would probably be the best place to build my Empire there were villagers nearby and it was a relatively flat area so I

Placed down some chests crafted a bucket and headed into the nearby caves to do some mining I knew I needed to gear up to take down that Pillager Outpost and iron was the key except no one warned me about how many mobs would be down here

Ow that one shot took so many hearts good Lord ow how did that one shot take so many hearts I started off by grabbing some coal and quickly found iron next to it if you didn’t know the cave I’m in right now was actually called a noodle

Cave and no I don’t know why all I know is that it’s pretty annoying to navigate and I wouldn’t be in here if I didn’t desperately need these resources I even had to be frugal with the amount of torches I use because once again I have

No way of getting wood and why was there a random pocket of water here I have no idea the cave ended up leading to a dead end so I turned around only to see that up on the surface it was night time so I figured the best option would be to

Bunker down here for the night I smelted down some iron and crafted a full set of armor and honestly was feeling pretty Invincible I towered back up and oh my God yeah thank God I made that armor am I right I came up just in time to see

The sunrise and smelted the rest of my ores I also crafted more bread today and made a second pickaxe I wanted to build a house but only had Sandstone which wasn’t really going to cut it so it was time to go to the Pillager Outpost and

Get that wood I got a little lost on my way there and ended up in a village I hadn’t been to before where I got a single book yeah there wasn’t much else here but then I found a portal in the middle of this ocean oh that actually

This isn’t a real ocean this is a desert ocean but you get the point I had a good feeling about this chest and the loot inside wasn’t bad I was mad I had just crafted a chest plate though I headed to Shore and continued the hunt for the

Pillager Outpost which after a while of running around I didn’t find but I did find another Village and this one was actually different there was one resource here that the other Villages didn’t have live animals since I’m in the desert The Village Animal pens are the only places that mobs like this can

Spawn and I actually found some sheep except one of them had been brutally murdered so I couldn’t really do much with just one I looted The Village as usual but this one was pretty massive I didn’t find anything really good here except the normal wheat but there was

This broken portal right next to it the chest was buried underneath some sand but once I found it I got another piece of obsidian and some gold gear and once it got dark I kicked this villager out of his bed and continued to steal his food supply for the winter yeah sorry

Buddy and later I came across the Pillager Outpost I figured I had finally gotten enough gear to take it down so I wasted no time in heading over and immediately grabbed some dark oak wood from the structure I actually went unnoticed for a little while before this

Guy showed up but I easily dodged his arrows and continued tearing apart the tower for materials this place had amazing resources in it I got both carrots and potatoes and even more wood I must have taken every log in the camp because I left here with over two stacks of logs

And I also grabbed some pumpkins for a farm later on and headed out on my way back to my base I looted another Village for some emeralds and then spent the night but with a full inventory I was pretty determined to get back to my base but

Yes I stopped at another Village for wheat literally can’t help myself after running for what felt like thousands of blocks I finally made it back to my furnace crafting table and two chests full of stuff yeah as you can see I didn’t have very much to my name at this

Point but I was determined to expand my space I crafted a brand new Axe and even a shovel which I used to start carving a space in the desert for myself I wanted to flatten out the terrain just a little bit to build a starter house on top of

And I used up this shovel pretty quickly and that one too I probably used around three or four shovels but was eventually able to craft a notable amount of sandstone I knew I could finally get started on my first base so first I made the outline and no I still don’t know

Why I made it with Cobblestone slabs because I just replaced them with Sandstone anyways but anyways I wanted to build a tall house that stood out from the rest of the desert so I started building up the walls pretty tall with a blend of sandstone cut sandstone and

Sand and yes I had to refill on materials multiple times for this I guess I sort of underestimated at how many materials building a house actually takes and with unenchanted iron tools it took a little while I worked through the nights to finish the house and even lit

Up the surrounding area with some torches to prevent creepers from wandering over and after some time of building I did have a visitor which I was pretty excited to see I usually get pretty annoyed by wandering Traders but I knew that this guy had a small chance

To give me saplings which I can’t find anywhere in the desert but he didn’t have the trades I wanted so I killed his henchmen and put him in a boat I finished up building the walls and made some window holes and had a pretty good shape coming along so I figured I was

Ready to start on the roof and I used the dark oak that I got from the Pillager Outpost I decided on Crafting them into slabs to stretch the small supply of wood that I had and I feel like building a roof on your Minecraft house is where you tend to notice any

Mistakes you may have made but eventually I finished up the roof and added in some finishing touches I added some fence posts around the top of the house to add more Dimension into it and when the house was finally done I brought over some chests

And slept for my first night in the new house but having my house finished meant I had other priorities to work on I was still pretty poor so I crafted some Essentials and went down underground to do some more mining I wasn’t afraid of going into the caves this time because I

Had a shield and full iron armor and tools but it was kind of hard to find a cave that didn’t have a dead end so this time I decided to just build a staircase down in hopes of finding a cave or something interesting the Bing trip started out pretty slow with just some

Redstone and gold but but eventually getting down to bedrock I decided to keep it going with the strip mine I knew this probably isn’t the most efficient way to mine but there was essentially no good caves near me so this was pretty much my only choice and right as my

Pickaxe was about to break I found them finally and yes I took a selfie with my diamonds who are you to judge I found a massive four vein of diamonds I was pretty excited because that meant I had enough for an enchanting table well then

I crafted a pickaxe and was back down to a single Diamond so I continued mining for a while and eventually found a pretty large cave system where I ended up finding two back-to-back veins of diamonds yes I took selfies with these guys as well I grabbed some of this amethyst

Which I’m planning on using in my mega base later on and I realized I had plenty of diamonds for a sword I grabbed some extra coal and iron for later and then randomly found a m shaft which I had a good feeling about oh more diamonds after a while of mining I

Headed back up to the base to drop off the full inventory of goodies I had picked up I crafted some furnaces to smelt my my ores and set out on my next mission obtaining obsidian I remembered I had that broken portal at the nearby Village earlier so I went over there to

Grab some obsidian I grabbed just enough for a portal and an enchant table and when I got back to my house I crafted the enchantment table and even was lucky enough to be able to craft some bookshelves this allowed me to get some half decent enchants to start out I knew

I was heading back into the nether soon so I wanted to be as best prepared as possible but when I built the Nether Portal I realized I didn’t have any Flint for a flint and steel so that was my next mission but instead I found a mob spawner o please be a skeleton

Please be skeleton it was in fact the skeleton spawner I definitely had plans to come back here and make it into an XP farm also getting bones and arrows will be super helpful later on but I still needed gravel so I searched around and looked in all the caves until I finally

Found some and with that I got a good night’s sleep got some flint and headed into The Nether while I was screenshotting my cords I was hit by a GH that scared the life out of me and then this skeleton almost finished me off holy moly I need to eat

And get away from here after getting somewhere more safe I grabbed some quartz for XP it’s also a pretty unique block so I figured I could use it for building later and that’s when I stumbled into a nether fortress I was pretty lucky to be able to find one so

Quickly so I immediately started grabbing some blaze rods whoa hello there please stop burning me okay oh there’s even wither skeletons here please do not kill me and then I decided to look around for some chests or just any loot I could find but in this Fortress there really wasn’t much of

Anything it was pretty empty so instead I grabbed some more quarts and ran around looking for another Fortress a lot of this consisted of bridging across lava pools which was pretty dangerous considering below me was certain death and an end to this hardcore world are there really two gests just guarding my

Portal right now come on as I was grabbing some last minute bone blocks I found a Bastion right there less than 50 blocks away from my portal it looked massive and I really couldn’t believe it I took down the cords and decided I would come back to

It since I was not prepared nearly enough once I got back to the Overworld I got straight to work on making some upgrades I added more storage into my base and even crafted some more food I knew I had more XP levels and crafted an

Anvil to put them to use I applied some enchant books I had found including mending on my pickaxe I threw together some quick enchants on my iron armor I crafted a bow and headed into the skeleton spawner I found earlier I also needed arrows if I wanted to survive the

Bastion so I got to work on transforming this dungeon into a useful XP farm man I hate sand sometimes and there goes my shovel but then I got to work on building the most efficient XP farm ever I spent the night digging out a square underneath the spawner and after placing down some

Water buckets I had myself a fully functioning farm and considering how early it still was in the 100 days this was super lucky to have and I knew I was able to get a ton of Bones arrows and XP I repaired my pickaxe using mending and grabbed some arrows arrows and then

Headed back to my base to make some serious upgrades to my bow I ended up with a nice power three and with that I headed back into the nether to take on the Bastion I had more than enough food blocks some decent armor and even a cheeky Golden Apple so I felt pretty

Well equipped as long as I keep my distance and use my bow I knew I’d be fine all right hopefully I don’t fall in here let’s do this I towered over using basically all of my blocks and instantly saw a piglin I’m just going to get these guys with my

Bow I grabbed some gold pretty quickly and then headed inside to see what I could get in my very first chest I got something special no way well that didn’t take long fighting my way through piglins using my bow I kept making my way down the Bastion to the treasure in

The center whoa what the why are you all over here and once I broke the magma spawner I was pretty much able to get over to the best treasure in the Bastion yes diamond armor finally I also got a ton of gold blocks and remembered that there was a whole second half to

The Bastion I had forgotten about so I made some inventory room and grabbed the rest of the loot ooh silk touch don’t mind if I do after dumping all the loot into my chests I wanted to make some upgrades to my house I grabbed the remaining dark

Oak wood I had and crafted some fence posts which I added into the Windows like this I needed some color to break up the Sandy house so this worked perfectly I also added in some extra windows and then got to work building a second floor

In my house since I was starting to run out of space and had a ton of new Treasures to put on display I added in a staircase and decided to transform the second floor into a loot room I had so much gold to put on display So I placed that down

Alongside the other expensive blocks I had and since I had some extra armor pieces lying around I decided to put them on display too after this I knew I wanted to build some Farms but I realized I was missing a key ingredient I needed dirt yeah believe it or not

It’s really hard to find in the desert I figured my best bet of finding any would be to head to the Villages and harvest it from their Farms each Village had around 40 dirt and I guess I didn’t realize how rare it would be this Village didn’t

Even have any but there was a broken and portal nearby with a golden apple and that’s when I found this a giant cave chalk full of resources and even dirt who knew I would ever be mining for dirt I also grabbed some ores and after

Seeing how deep this cave went I knew I couldn’t waste it and I decided to look around for diamonds which I pretty quickly found I feel like finding diamonds is pretty addicting once you find one or two you just have to keep searching for more I pished off my Diamond collection

With a few more fins and then found myself stuck in the middle of another mob Army who what the is that is that a jockey why are there so many spiders oh go away spiders after that eventful near-death experience I decided to end the mining trip and go back to my

Base ooh full diamond armor I got to work on enchanting my my armor but I needed more XP so I went back over to the skeleton farm and grabbed a couple more levels before finishing off my armor with the best enchants I could possibly Get wait I still have some leftover enchant books Let’s see if I can combine some of them for a higher prop level dang it I just need a bit more XP yep that should do it and after making the best possible diamond armor set I got back to work on the original

Plan building a Farm I used the dirt I had harvested from The Villages and Mining trip and planted Wheats carrots and potatoes and since I got so lucky with finding bone blocks in the nether I was able to quickly Harvest a bunch of crops and after strictly eating bread I

Decided to make a big upgrade to the food I was eating o golden carrots let’s go but all this time around my base made me realize how bland and ugly my nether portal was I wanted to transform it to match the desert esape so I quickly headed over to

The Village to grab some of this terra cotta the thing about the desert only world is that there aren’t that many blocks available to me so I have to make use of what’s around oh sorry Mr Gollum I did not mean to do that luckily I had plenty of sandstone

Already to build with I started by altering the nether portal to be a little larger than it used to be and then I used sand to fill in the base I figured the best way to transform the portal would be to build a Sandstone frame for it and then use the aotta

Later on for some detailing so that’s exactly what I did once I had a cool enough design going on I filled it in with some Sandstone stairs and slabs until things met up perfectly at the top and because I was building through the night the mobs were getting super annoying so I

Place torches all over the place to prevent creepers from griefing my new build all right now I think some terracotta up here with Tye in perfectly and that did the trick the portal transformation came out perfectly and when it was done I finished it off with some hanging land lanterns but then I

Realized I was completely out of wood which wasn’t really a good sign working with the portal I got a genius idea why don’t I just grab some wood from the nether I was super lucky to have a Crimson Forest right next to my spawn so

I got straight to work on taking down a couple trees this was genius and I was pretty mad I hadn’t thought of this sooner up until this point I had been so Frugal with the amount of wood I used but I didn’t really have to worry about that

Anymore wait is that another Fortress and this one had chests including a saddle so I could finally tame a camel and I was secretly hoping to get some skulls from these Guys I think getting a beacon would be a great touch to the base but I never get lucky enough I ran around and finish looting The Fortress of anything valuable before being ambushed by these Guys oh whoa whoa not so fast and then I wandered my way into a warped forest and got this achievement at this point I had plenty of blaze rods so I decided to grab some ender pearls to be able to craft Eyes of Ender I know it’s still really early game to be

Fighting the Ender Dragon but having an elytra is going to be kind of necessary to build my mega base so I grabbed a stack of Ender Pearls Before leaving for my portal I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get lost on my way back but at least I

Was able to grab more quartz on the way and when I finally made it back to the Overworld I used my newfound wood to craft more chests for myself and even made Eyes of Ender I used my XP to make some last minute upgrades to my

Bow I got power four punch one which was more than enough to take down the dragon and after getting a good night’s rest I got together the rest of the things I’d need for the fight and left to find the stronghold I was confident that I had

More than enough eyes to get to the portal I had like five or six extras and there was no way they were all going to break and the portal was actually really far away but at last I made my way to the stronghold Oh no way a diamond I was also searching for the library because I knew I could get enough books to top off my enchanting set up to level 30 and I could also get this armor trim after filling up my inventory with junk loot I made my way to the

Portal all right let’s do this thing wish me luck the towers were easily taken out one by one and for the first time in forever I actually had a good bow for the fight one that actually did damage to the dragon I usually go in with an

Unenchanted bow and I think most of the fight was actually done with the bow I barely used my sword here come on he’s almost there yes right after the fight I wasted no time in grabbing the egg and jumping through the Gateway the spawn was as lucky as could be and I

Quickly made my way into my first end City the most important thing here was to grab shulker shells to hold all the loot I was going to find so I took my time and killing loads of shulkers and then I found some chests dude this pickaxe is insane I massively

Upgraded my pickaxe and proceeded to see what other Treasures were waiting for me wait I’m so high I have to clutch this oh oh okay I’m so lucky to be alive right now I noticed a ship right next to the city and pearled over to grab an elytra and some other amazing loot

No and after looting the rest of the city I headed off in search of the next one which really didn’t take long there was a second city with a ship literally right next to the first one here I grabbed a second elytra and way more valuable Diamond loot I started to run

Out of space here and had to sacrifice what I only needed did oo I need this shovel thank you all right I definitely have more than enough loot let’s start heading back to the base once I got home I had a lot of sorting to do I had such

Good stuff and had a lot to add into the loot room including my dragon egg I was unbelievably Rich already which was crazy considering how hard it was to craft my first pickaxe in this world after sorting through everything and combining some enchants to make upgrades I spent some time

Farming my main reason for this was to trade with villagers and make some emeralds I had too good of gear to not have mending on it I didn’t want anything to break so that’s exactly what I bought with my newfound wealth but the farm wasn’t really making enough profits

To buy more than one so I ran back to the nether for some more bone blocks and bone meal a ton of wheat to trade but even this wasn’t enough to make me the amount of emeralds I was after so instead I decided on robbing all the villagers for their hay bales

And selling them off the first Village I found was abandoned but still had a decent amount of wheat in store wait there’s another to to over here I was pretty excited to find another Pillager Outpost and this one actually had a L I grabbed the chest which had armor trims inside and quickly fled the scene I didn’t really want to get bad Omen and start a raid just yet so I decided to leave without fighting any pillagers I ran through the night before finding a decent portal and a desert

Pyramid I had already found a few armor trims but the main one I was after was the Doom trim since I’m pretty much living in the desert yeah the loot was pretty bad here I guess I’ll have to keep looking but a few minutes later I came across a

Village and this one was loaded with wheat and I mean absolutely loaded I took every hay bale in sight and searched around for Oak saplings I’m pretty determined to find some before the 100 days is over to build a forest in the desert ooh another pyramid the loot here was also pretty

Terrible but at least my TNT collection was starting to grow and once it was morning I decided to Rob one more Village when I found these lovely fellas just sitting in a villager house no way I was so excited to find cows that I didn’t even care how far

Away from my base I was these guys were coming home with me all right you guys can go in here for now with all the wheat I had stolen from The Villages I traded for emeralds and bought a few more mending books I added mending onto some of my

Important gear pieces but when I could barely craft another Anvil I knew I had to make some changes I grabbed some materials and got started on building an iron farm just to ensure I would have enough iron for any future projects and for this Farm I need a boat to get a

Zombie into place and learned that you can’t actually Craft boats with wood from the nether so I was incredibly lucky to have just enough dark oak left to craft a boat so I could get started on the build but before I could move forward I needed to get a zombie so I

Planted some sugarcane and fished while I waited for it to get dark and I was so proud of what I caught I actually hung them up on my walls all right come on I only need one of you I lured a zombie up to the top

And got him trapped in a boat this was so I could push him into a specific Place using pistons and once I had a zombie trapped I could start building the Villager Chambers and eventually fill it in with three villagers I guess those beds came in handy after all and it also really

Helps to get glass quickly when you live in a Desert the last step to the farm was to just build a quick Iron Golem Kill Chamber using some water and a lava pit at the bottom thank gosh I had just enough iron to craft these Hoppers all right now I just need a bucket of lava to add into the bottom

And the farm is finished while I waited to get some iron I decided to gather materials for a new project I knew I wanted to build some sort of Mega base but didn’t exactly know where to start so I figured it would be cool to do something desert themed hence all the

Sand and Sandstone I was collecting I was also just flattening out a big area over here to get started with my builds and eventually had just the right spot for the beginning of a mega base and after lots of terraforming and material Gathering I took a break to craft some much needed firework

Rockets and even finished off Gathering a few shulker boxes full of sandstone this would be the main block that I build out of because sand is pretty annoying and after getting a good night’s rest it was time to start on the build I decided to build a few

Structures for my mega base the first one being a giant Sphinx built out of sandstone this would just be one part of the pyramid I had plans to build by the end I started with a basic outline and eventually moved on to creating more of the shape I was looking

For this undoubtedly took a bunch of materials and I had to refill on Sandstone several times throughout This but after getting an outline down I could start building up the rest of the build and eventually I had everything finished and since I had a huge stockpile of gold I decided to use some of it to add gold eyes to the Sphinx but then I realized just how much my

Tools were damaged from the last few days of building so of course I spent some time to repair them at my skeleton Farm I am so glad I threw mending on my gear I was starting to realize that my firework Supply wouldn’t last forever so I definitely needed a way to produce way

More I expanded my sugarcane farm by a measly row and decided it would be best to invest in a mob farm that way I could get unlimited amounts of gunpowder and since I had a ton of sandstone left over building this was a breeze I towered up way into the air and

Started placing down a Sandstone pillar that mobs would fall down I grabbed some iron from my iron farm to craft Hoppers and added them in at the bottom this is going to collect all the drops and all that was left to do now was build the spawning platform for the Mobs and yes I place slabs on top so that no mobs will spawn up here after afking and grinding mobs I was realizing this would be so much more efficient if I had a looting sword so that’s exactly what I was after I grabbed some XP from

My farm and the Nether and started enchanting swords over and over again until I found looting 30 levels Dang hold on let me grab some more XP and with that I could grab my looting three sword and start getting loads of gunpowder from my farm which directly resulted in basically unlimited amounts

Of firework rockets and since I was running low on golden carrots I needed to farm and craft some more of these too I also added the dragon head into my loot room and had fun dying my shulker boxes different colors and with all the repairs and upgrades I went back to the

Desert to grab more and more sandstone and this was definitely the quickest way to get it crafting it is way too slow the reason I needed so much of this was because this was the main block I’d be building my base with and after Mining and repairing my pickaxe a few

Times I think I finally had enough to get started If I hadn’t mentioned yet the plan was to build a pyramid in front of the Sphinx where I would live inside of so after surveying the land to making sure it was good I had to terraform and start building a Sandstone platform where the pyramid would sit on top

Of I tried to make sure it would be big enough to fit in all the components I wanted in a base and pretty soon I could start building it up in a pyramid shape Once I had it built up a few blocks I knew I had to do something to break it up so that way it wouldn’t just look like a plain pyramid I didn’t really want it to blend in so I grabbed the leftover terra cotta I had from transforming my nether portal and

Started layering it with some Sandstone Stairs I also terraformed the area in front of the base and started on an entrance so I could get in and out because I’m probably going to need to do that I didn’t have a great idea for what to do with the interior just yet but I wanted a few separate

Rooms so I started outlining Them I eventually split the pyramid up into four corners and plan to use each space for something different like storage enchanting and just showing off all my riches and once I had a basic layout I started on the roof of the base Which first consisted of building a flat layer of sandstone for the ceiling and then I continued with the pyramid pattern on top to make sure to leave this space Hollow for later and it was really starting to come along at this point but I still needed

To add a lot more details which I used the Terracotta for until I ran out I grabbed some rockets and had to travel around to some of the villages to grab more of this Stuff which took a while but was well worth it okay why are there Creepers on my pyramid come on I finished up the design I had going on the outside roof and started on building a better entrance to the pyramid I built up some pillars that connected from the outside and had a

Pretty cool idea to add some water and potted Cactus around the entrance I also added more terra cotta into the floor and used the iron from my iron farm to craft some lanterns and these chains which I didn’t end up using pretty much a waste of iron and the next

Phase of building consisted of grabbing all of my essentials from my base and bringing them over into the pyramid yes including all of my chests and Items I also fixed up the walls a bit in some of the rooms so that they’re straight and not curved and funky and I decided to add in some fence posts as Windows between the rooms just to add another dimension into the base and I needed more wood so I took a

Trip back to the nether so I could craft bookshelves and since I had a few rooms in the pyramid I made one into a dedicated enchanting room this will hold all the things like my enchanting setup an anvil grindstone and everything else I added in some more details to the

Base including a special chest room using some stripped Crimson logs I don’t really know what I’m going to add in here just yet but I figured it could be a really cool place for something valuable I continued to add in more pots of bushes and Cactus and then

Decided the pyramid wouldn’t be finished without moving in my valuables I grabbed everything from my treasure room including the dragon egg and sprinkled it all around the pyramid to be on Display and after moving all of my stuff in the very first thing I needed to do was repair my elytra all that flying around destroyed the durability and if I wasn’t careful it was probably going to break and once that was repaired it occurred to me that I still only had

Diamond gear so I ran straight into The Nether to find netherite except with the new update I needed smithing templates which I can only find in nether structures as far as I know I had no luck in this Fortress but then I found a Bastion oh oh hello okay The first chest I found just had arrows and magma cream in it but after I fought my way through a bunch of brutes I found this oh my gosh yes all right what else can I find here maybe there’s more trims I made a bad decision of hopping down

With my elytra and was attacked by some brutes with just a few Hearts left I survived and grabbed the loot no way no way no way no way the loot here was crazy I got a few netherite ingots and ancient debris I couldn’t believe it and after grabbing the gold blocks I

Decided to head back to my base but on the way I found another Fortress that had so many diamonds wait there’s more in here I don’t think I’ve ever found this many at once this is crazy after all this luck I figured now would also be a good time to get some

Wither skulls in place to find a beacon there just so happens to be a ton of skeletons at this Fortress so I figured it would be the best bet at finding some but honestly it took a while all right maybe this Fortress will have more of them

I thought I would be getting the skulls way faster than I was after all I had looting on my sword but I just had to keep being Patient oh my gosh yes finally man that one took a while after getting the first skull I quickly got a second one and to speed up getting the third one I started taking out a large area in the Fortress to increase the spawn rates look I don’t really know if this

Did anything to help me but I feel like I saw this somewhere and eventually I got my third skull so it must have worked once I got back to my base I got together some things I would need to fight the Wither like some golden carrots apples and plenty of arrows and

Some Soul Sand but before that I also wanted to upgrade my armor I had gotten more than enough netherite at this point so using the templates I got earlier I upgraded a few pieces of armor I completely forgot to craft more and didn’t have the diamonds apply to

Anyways so this would do for now wait hold up I have to loot this pyramid before I leave I finally had found the Dune armor trims and I flew pretty far away and dug underground to spawn in the Wither that way it can’t escape and destroy everything I’ve

Built all right here we go let’s do this thing I basically just want to get enough shots with my bow and whoa this actually does a lot of damage this isn’t going to take Long the Wither fight was incredibly easy I barely got withered and used my sword to finish him off once I got the nether star I made it back to my base to craft into a beacon and since I had loads of iron from my iron farm I could craft a full Beacon

Easily okay I think I’m going to add the beacon up here on top of the pyramid that way the beacon will beam out on the top and it’ll look super Sick all right let me just power this up and Bam that’s a perfect touch to the base after adding in the beacon I wanted to do more to make this base even cooler so I started on building some Towers out front of the pyramid I had tons and tons of sandstone

Already so I didn’t even need to gather any materials for it but I need an accent block and was fresh out of Terra Cotta oh here’s some I can grab it from the pyramids actually wait this isn’t in the same color hold up I’m going to have to

Go back to alluding the villagers for this yeah that’s right the colors in the pyramids and The Villages are different so I had to go around to The Villages I hadn’t looted before and grab tons of Terracotta and eventually I had the perfect accent block for the Towers I finished building it up with some Sandstone walls and built a circular top on the tower whoa that’s looking sick I liked the tower so much that I wanted to build a second one next to it so I got to work on building a replicate tower on the other Side but I needed more netherite upgrade templates if I wanted to complete my set of netherite since I wasted them earlier so I headed back into the nether to search the Bastion for them and I was able to get so much loot I couldn’t believe

It I guess this was a good thing since I was pretty low on every valuable resource ever crafting all those golden carrots really made me poor and after finding what I needed from the Bastion I left to go back to the Overworld and crafted an extra upgrade template unfortunately I could

Only craft one more which still wouldn’t enough so I applied one to my pickaxe and ventured underground to get diamonds this is going to help me duplicate more netherite templates and armor trims I needed quite a few more diamonds so I searched around a cave until I found

Some whoa three creepers are you serious please don’t blow up my Diamonds the cave was ginormous so it was pretty dangerous down here here but I did eventually find a bunch more Diamonds which I used to craft more templates and apply netherite too I think it’s pretty insane that all this time I haven’t mined one piece of ancient debris this is all from looting bastions and once I had full netherite I duplicated the Dune trims and added those onto my gear as

Well I figured gold would be the best accent ore since were in a desert pyramid the next morning I had a new goal to find a camel I hadn’t gotten one yet and since it was day 86 I needed one there’s supposed to be one at each

Village so I flew over to my Village and there he was I guess this guy was tired of waiting so many days to Be Tamed and went on his own adventure but once I got a saddle on him I could see my entire Empire that I’ve built and it was looking pretty sick

From up here all it was missing was a camel Barn so I put him somewhere safe which he broke out of no you’re supposed to be in here and got to work on mapping out the perfect home I lit up the area and did some terraforming to make the place perfect to

Build and since everything I’ve built is out of sandstone I wanted a bit more variety so I smelted the Sandstone down a bit so it would become smooth look I know it’s still Sandstone but at least now it has some different texture to it and as soon as it was done smelting I

Got started on the outline and after getting the shape down I could start building up the walls to make sure to leave window Space but if I wanted the build to look uniform with the others I needed even more terracotta from the villagers and as I was out I found this o a pyramid let’s check this out oh yes I was able to pick up an enchanted golden apple which was

Huge and eventually I headed back to my base when I flew over a Pillager Tower I had to Stop wait I just got bad Omen should I go do a raid I ended up flying over to the nearest Village I could find that is after stopping to craft a few Rockets since I was running low the first wave was really easy but once the ravager started spawning in I was

Caught off guard so I did my best to use my bow to put distance between me and the raid yeah I had a few close calls but at least I started collecting some totems oh crap I did not know he’s behind me oh my gosh whoa I really don’t like vexes oh my

Gosh these guys are so annoying and killing my health at one point I even had to start chugging golden apples I think raids are way harder than fighting the bosses in this game and they’re way more dangerous too but honestly I don’t know what happened after a few waves The Raid just

Stopped spawning without ending I waited around for a while looking for pillagers and waiting for something to happen but never got hero of the village or anything well that’s a let down I think my RAID just glitched so I ended up flying home and repairing my gear and definitely needed

To refill my fireworks Supply but I almost completely forgot that I had to finish up the camel Barn so that’s what I worked on as soon as I repaired my stuff I still didn’t get a ton of terracotta so instead I opted out for a dark oak roof Instead This was actually

Much better since I could use slabs so I guess it kind of worked out I added in a quick floor and then decided to use the small amount of remaining terracotta I had on this Tower then I added in a few more details and thought it would be pretty cool to add a

Cactus garden outside of the barn there we go now I just need to grab my camel wait a minute you need a name and I’m pretty sure I have a single name tag somewhere in here there we go let’s name this guy Dune and with the 100 days winding down

I wanted to build something to tie it all together so I grabbed some Sandstone slabs and started on building a path that leads to everything I’ve built so far I started over on the far side at the skeleton spawner and built this thing to pretty much match up at the

Pyramid and yes this Blends in so maybe it was a waste of time but oh well at this point I was just eating bread so I wanted to craft more golden carrots I farmed a bunch of these and then crafted them up but there’s still something I

Need to do I really needed to finish getting netherite gear so I ran straight back into The Nether and I actually had a strategy here I had looted so many desert pyramids that at this point I had a ton of TNT so I dug down to Y level 15

And started blasting through the Nether and this was actually pretty efficient I got a healthy amount of netherite which I quickly ran to my house to smelt I was pretty excited to upgrade some more stuff except for my axxe yeah that kind of sucks and to finish things off I put out some more of my Loot on

Display I was pretty rich at this point and that’s how I survived 100 days in the desert if you want to copy of the world download become a channel member using the link in the description and I’ll see you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in the Desert in Minecraft Hardcore..’, was uploaded by Guilty on 2023-12-22 14:01:13. It has garnered 11827 views and 614 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:33 or 2733 seconds.

100 Days Stranded in the Desert in Minecraft Hardcore! I Survived 50 Hours in Minecraft Hardcore

🔥 Collecting Every Mob in 24 HOURS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FarR9bPIFHY&t 🔥 100 Days in a CHUNK ONLY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ojEuzudx6Q 🔥 I Survived 50 HOURS on a SPHERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCd2ILJRbsA&t

Follow My Socials 🤓 ∘ Instagram – @SirGuiltyy ∘ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/quiltyy ∘ Twitter – @GuiltyyMC ∘ Second Channel @guilty2687 ∘ Discord – https://discord.gg/zUhPub5

⭐ Become a channel member HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9XxsR6414BYMFgLgHvHiVw/join

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE 100 Days is inspired by Wadzee, sandiction, MumboJumbo, Grian, and aCookieGod. But, Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this let’s play is similar to a CUSTOM MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! This is similar to my HARDCORE MINECRAFT SERIES VIDEOS but better!

#minecraft #hardcore #100days

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    Dunners Duke Hunts Epic Griefed Stash in 1.20 Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t updated to Minecraft 1.20. Griefed Base & Stash Hunting.’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-19 21:07:17. It has garnered 134 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:10 or 7750 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Shorts Going Viral! 🎮💥

    Unbelievable Minecraft Shorts Going Viral! 🎮💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft most viewed shorts🔥🎯🔥//#dsgamingyt #4 on trending #animalmoviesong #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by DaRk ShAdOw GAMMING YT on 2023-12-18 05:55:00. It has garnered 2771 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #shorts #live #youtube #funnyshorts #memes #alpha #newvideo #tiktok #gameplay #explore #subscribe #sub #youtubeguru #youtubeislife #shortsfunny #shortsbgm #shortstiktok #shortscomedy #shortsbts #shortsasmr #shortsadoptme #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsart #shortscooking #shortschallenge #youtuberlikes #playstation3 #rainbowxsix #gta #playstation4 #ps2 #playstation1 #consolegamer #ps4 #love #ps5 #fortnite #playstationvr #ps1 #ps3 #like #playstation5 #rdr2 #reddeadredemption #psvr #grandtheftauto #controller #playstation #consolegaming #playstation2 #console #granturismo #photooftheday #xbox #fortnitecommunity #season 12… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Server RebuiltBuck

    The Ultimate Minecraft Server RebuiltBuckVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft Server Ever’, was uploaded by RebuiltBuck on 2024-05-24 02:34:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey, what’s up. Say hi in chat and let me know how your day went. First time here? Check out the other videos on the channel to … Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Cave World! CRAZY Minecraft Challenge!

    Surviving 100 Days in Cave World! CRAZY Minecraft Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a CAVE ONLY WORLD in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-23 19:09:22. It has garnered 459319 views and 10279 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:29 or 4589 seconds. I set my hardcore Minecraft world to CAVE ONLY but added a tonne of great mods! ⭐ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SrXZUKTqVb (I POSTED THE MODPACK HERE) ⭐WANT A MINECRAFT SERVER?⭐ Visit: https://wisehosting.com/cfg Use code “CFG” to save 25%! Minecraft Hosting for Bedrock and Java with Worldwide Server Locations! Huge shoutout to Suev for making the modpack! His cave only video… Read More

  • Insane Noob Server w/ Eli, Monte, Sidney & Co. Must See! 😱

    Insane Noob Server w/ Eli, Monte, Sidney & Co. Must See! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘😂😱GEILER Noob SERVER mit Eli, Monte, Sidney, Willy & Co. Neuer Minecraft Server ist Fantastisch!’, was uploaded by Trymacs on 2024-01-05 11:15:05. It has garnered 192685 views and 11667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:52 or 832 seconds. The new Minecraft server with Monte, Eli, Abu, Willy, Sidney & Co. is fantastic! ► The new Sony #INZONE headphones: https://shorturl.at/rvT57, H9: https://shorturl.at/pyX36, H5: https://shorturl.at/hwO34 and INZONE Buds: https://shorturl.at/ktG59 #advertisement ► LevlUp discount with code “Trymacs” https://bit.ly/38kgCjk * ► ESN discount with code “Trymacs”: https://cutt.ly/9woa0zac * ► Podcast with UnsympathischTV + Varion https://spotify.com/offline+ehrlich ► AMA… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Armor Hack Revealed!

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Armor Hack Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft armar build hack/Minecraft armar build hack Explained’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-123 on 2024-03-07 07:45:02. It has garnered 491 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. The Beginner’s Guide to Minecraft armar build hack Minecraft armar build hack Explained Minecraft armar build hack Theory: Behind the Scenes A Chat About Minecraft armar build hack How to Master Minecraft armar build hack The Insane Story Behind Minecraft armar build hack The Insane Story Behind Minecraft armar build hack Minecraft first water bucket clutch@PAYALGAMING @Gamerfleet_yt #shorts MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video… Read More

  • ResterMC Mystery: They burned, caught… No spoilers!

    ResterMC Mystery: They burned, caught... No spoilers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Спалили, словили и… Лучше вам не знать) Майнкрафт анимация #minecraft #resterplay #animation’, was uploaded by ResterMC on 2024-04-13 11:04:55. It has garnered 495 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. They burned, caught and… It’s better for you not to know) Minecraft animation Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPwp2jPlaTA #minecraft #resterplay #funny #shorts #animation #minecraft #funnyvideos #animation #rester #rester #suddenly got rich #grandfather #nostalgia minecraft, minecraft, minecraft animation, animation, animation, minecraft animation, minecraft but, in minecraft, shorts, fixplay, monster school, creeper, tiktok, monster school minecraft, stupid guy, creeper, alex, steve, yuni, minecraft… Read More

  • The After Effect

    Welcome to The After Effect Minecraft server! This is a difficult survival pvp server in a world which is a wasteland. There is no grass, no animals, limited food, and dead trees. The nether is disabled. This provides an incentive for PVP and battles since certain resources are so scarce. Join for a fun time in a journey to survive the wasteland with your friends on The After Effect Minecraft Server! mc.theaftereffect.org Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Chill No-Reset

    Server Information: IP: reunionsmp.com Discord: Join Discord Origins: This server is the sequel to Union SMP. It was created after the original Union SMP was shut down right before the 1.20 update. Union SMP was known for being promoted by Youtuber Salc1. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item sellable to the server are diamonds ($100 each). Players can set up shops at spawn and use the money earned for transactions. An auction house is available for one-time sales. Ranks: Various ranks are available on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Farm complete, need pro tips?

    Wow, that’s a high score for a meme about asking for farming tips in Minecraft. Maybe the secret to meme success is cultivating a good sense of humor! Read More

  • Kerem’s Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale

    Kerem's Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale In the world of Minecraft, Kerem falls from on high, With the evil mafia, they take to the sky. An action-packed episode, full of thrill and surprise, Watch until the end, don’t believe the lies. Subscribe to the channel, for more tales to unfold, Join the Discord, where stories are told. All in good fun, with characters so grand, Imaginary worlds, created by hand. Using Blockbuster mode, for a cinematic flair, With music by Kevin MacLeod, in the air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining bright in the light. Read More