I Survived 100 Days in MODDED One Block SkyBlock in Minecraft Hardcore!!

Video Information

I survived 100 days in modded one block skyblock now if for whatever reason you don’t know what one block skyblock is let me give you a rundown real quick you spawn in a world void of all land and life except well you guessed it one block except this block will

Continuously respawn and progress through phases of the game giving different items and loot each phase so now that you’re all caught up to speed let’s get straight into the video okay so starting things out on day one i got to work breaking the block and immediately managed to get some saplings

From some leaves so now we can grow some trees and actually have some words straight off the bat after mining some more i was greeted by a sheep hello buddy i’ll deal with you later so i got to work on grabbing as much as i could

From the block and used it to expand out my little island some more but accidentally boofed off the sheep while trying to mine the block i am so sorry my fluffy friend you will be remembered after your two seconds of screen time anyways unfortunate demise of the sheep

Aside i did actually get to work on expanding out the island a little bit until i found a dirt chest 9000 that unfortunately didn’t contain 9 000 dirt but it did have a stack in there so i put that to good use so now we have a

Big enough area to grow some trees so i planted down my jungle sapling and noticed that i picked up three more during the island expansion so i plant upon down in each corner and then got back to work on mine in the block until i had two cows spawn and well let’s hope

That these guys don’t suffer the same fate as the sheep after breaking the block for a while i found yet another dirt chest 9000 with another stack of dirt followed by another cow and this terrifying demonic looking sheep that i wanted to be as far away from as

Possible so as the night approach on our first day i mind the block some more just waiting for a tree to grow that way i could actually start making some progress and also contain all these animals that were just walking around acting like they owned the place i also

Ended up accidentally finding an infinite cobblestone glitch or something because you see if you crouch down and you right-click dirt it drops pebbles and when you combine four pebbles you can make one cobblestone so i guess that’s the thing but for the sake of fairness i won’t really use it until i

See anything telling me otherwise anyways i found a chest containing some wood saplings and water buckets so i grabbed it all and that was the end of the first phase and now we actually have some wood so i got to work on sorting out my inventory and making myself some

Very basic tools to help me mine my way through the night and well i found a lot of food items during this phase as well as some bamboo that i quickly planted down and then got back to mining but as quickly as this phase started it came to

An end and now we’re in the underground phase jesus two phases in one day i’m getting i’m getting too quick of this so i decided that before moving on to the next phase and filling up my inventory with even more random blocks that i’d organized my storage straight away

Because well things are just going to get messy and i’d really don’t want to run into the same problem that i had in the vanilla one block so by the sunrise of day two everything was nice and neatly organized but there was still no trees grown so i got back to work on

Mining my way through the underground phase finding some pretty good stuff and completing a load of quests from the book but also finding a load of ores that i couldn’t actually pick up right now because i only had a stone pick and i can’t really do much about this right

Now so eventually i got lucky and had a skelly spawn and when he despawned he dropped a bone that i quickly made into bone meal and used to make this here tree grow finally we have some wood so i chopped down the tree and then went through my quest book completing all of

The quests getting more of every horror as a reward so that was pretty nice but i mean just look at how many new and different ores there are okay this is crazy and i really don’t think that this double chest is gonna last too long if

We keep going at this rate so after storing all my ores away i got to work on trapping the animals in this crappy little temporary pen until i can give them a proper home later now unfortunately one didn’t really make it in but that’s okay we have enough in

There and we also have a load of trees grown so i made myself a stone axe and went around chopping them all down and replanting them and after successfully stacking up on wood i continued mining but there was a diamond and well i really didn’t want to waste it so i may

Or may not have used a certain method of gathering stone to make a furnace and smell down some of the iron that way that i can actually mine a diamond successfully i’m only saying that maybe this okay there’s no proof and so after mining for a little while peacefully uh

Slime decided to spawn so i broke him down into his smallest form and then boofed three of them and kept one as a pet because i just love slimes and i mean just look at him he’s so cute if you don’t like slimes okay we’ve got a

Problem okay we’ve got a problem either way i’ll name him later but for now it’s night again so that means that it’s time to make a shield and go on a mining session so after getting jump scared by a silverfish and mining some ridiculously named oars and then getting

Screamed at i decided to call it for now and get to work on smelting everything down into its ingot slash nugget form and also completing the trend of the uncompleted quest that i got in my ore book bagging myself enough diamonds to make a pick but i just decided to leave

It in the chest for now and so by the morning of day three we had a decent amount of all smelted down and organized so i decided to make myself some iron equipment to get things done a little bit faster and to feel a little bit

Stronger so after that i got to work on chopping down the singular tree that had grown and then i began work on expanding out the island some more now i’m going for a very unique design that’ll look really really cool when it’s done so be sure to stick around to see that all

Right cause it’s gonna be it’s gonna be good but for now this is what we have and it’s very basic but hey we have to start somewhere so once i used up all my dirt i chopped down some trees that grew while i was expanding and then got back

To work on mining the block to try and get out of this phase asap because i really want some more dirt that way i can expand out a little more and also begin work on making things look nicer and that’s not to mention the possibility of finding diamonds or

Anything else more op so during this mining expedition i found some bought yet bought whatever the hell this thing is um as well as a silverfish that barely existed before not existing anymore and a ton of unique ores including more diamonds and a slime that i accidentally boofed and felt bad about

So i gave him a little grave i’m so sorry buddy some more mining in a diamond later on my pick broke so i decided to put all my loot in this chest and then chop down a load of trees that had grown whilst mining then i got to

Work on smelting down some iron to make myself two pieces of armor as well as making myself a diamond pick and then claimed all my quest rewards and broke down all the ores into their gem form when i eventually got the achievement for collecting all of the overworld doors nice

And before i knew it the sun was rising on day four but it wasn’t because this mod pack doesn’t have a sun or moon for some reason i i don’t know why but it’s daytime now i guess the bright hue in the sky is the closest we’re gonna get

To sun in this 100 days anyways on day four i began trying to figure out recipes for all the new wars and items from the mod packs that way i can start crafting some of the modded stuff so i use the trusty just enough items to find all these tinker’s construct swords

Right here and decided to start work on making one right now because i know that they can take us some time to make so i made myself some of the patterns and the workstations that i needed to actually you know get to work and then i made

Some parts a little crappy wooden sword and then i spent the rest of the day just messing around with it trying to figure out some more things because this mod is pretty daunting at first to start out with so i tinkered my way through the night making all sorts of smelters

And melters and tables and by the morning of day five i was still messing around with things however we had a nice little setup going but i needed a lot more iron so it was back to work on mining 2k spiders later and i had enough

Iron to put in this here melter to get it smelting and melting down but that’s as far as i can go right now due to severe lack of sand so instead of crafting my weapon good enough to slay a god i decided to spend the rest of my

Day planning out the outline of our first island that will serve as the main base of operations and block mining island and when i was done with the outline there were a couple of uninvited guests so i just dealt with them and then chopped down all of the newly grown

Trees to restock on wood and then spent the night just mining my way through this phase and by the morning of day six we were finally out of the underground phase and into the overworld immediately finding a dog that i managed to tame with some bones i got from a skelly

Earlier now we have a fluffy friend but i have to put him to one side for now after mining a little while a villager decided to exist which i really wasn’t expecting but hey i’m not going to complain anyways i sorted out some of my storage and got back to work on mining

The block in search of dirt so that we can finish out our expansion and ended up finding a horse polar bear and then got absolutely boofed by this here baby zombie villager who i luckily dispatched and then just got straight back to mining so i just spent the night mining

Away at the block grabbing as much dirt as i could get my hands on and by the sunrise of day seven i had quite the decent amount of dirt as well as a total move and dying that i got from a magic man in the night so i completed the

Quest for gathering enough dirt and now we finally have grass i never thought i’d be happy to say that but either way i got to work on placing down all the dirt and filling in as much of the area as possible when my horse i guess had

Enough of living and threw itself off the side i wasn’t too attached to him anyway so i just continued placing down my dirt and once i ran out i went around expanding the outlines of the main island as well as adding a few bridges to the soon to be smaller islands now

After all that was done i spent the rest of the night planting down trees making the final pieces of armor i needed and then broke all my bones down into bone meal to grow some trees that i immediately chopped down as day 8 was beginning i spotted these creepy looking

Fellas on the side of my island so i made a bow and sent them off to the next life so now we have a pretty decent sized area and i know it’s not finished but that’s going to take some time to get all the dirt so instead i decided to

Start work on building some smaller islands on the outside of the main one that way i can use them for things such as a farm to free up some space on the mainland so i started out by expanding the bridges out a little bit more and then adding some smaller circular

Islands at the end of each one filling the middle in with wood and cobblestone for now which i’ll likely change later and once the first four islands were built i went to start moving all my animals over to them when i noticed that my slime was gone so i made him a sign

Just like the other one rip slippy i will never forget you anyways i moved all my animals over to one of the islands and then did the same for my tinker’s construct blocks and a few chests and boom it’s not pretty yet but it’s definitely getting there so now on

The morning of day 13 i sorted out all my storage into a neater more organized area and now we have a lot more space around the block so i can move around some more after dealing with all that i chopped down a couple trees and got back

To mining and immediately found a bee so i gave him some flowers to keep him happy and returned to my mining duties finding a mushroom a very angry stray that shot a bee for some reason a very stabby crabby actually make that two very stabby crabbies a wandering trader

With crappy trades and finally a villager witch and donkey to end off the day you gotta love it now as night fell i went around boofing some spiders to start grabbing some string to make the last bits of wool i needed to make a bed

And once i had enough string i went over to shear the sheep but a creeper just decided to delete all my animals except this cow so i’ve locked off the island made a bed and spent the night over here comforting the cow after the absolutely traumatic incident that just occurred

Now on day 14 i immediately got to work on fixing the fences around the cow island and then gave the villager a very temporary little shack so he’s safe from any zombies at night time and then i made an absolutely insane massive expansion of the island of one dirt

Before returning to mind the block finding another cow so that my little guy over there can have a friend again but then i heard my village getting hurt so i rushed to his aid and well it was this crab that was messing him up so i decimated this man

For daring to hurt him and then i just moved the villager straight back in the box on his own i i should have known that would happen man crabs are just there’s something else anyways i brought my cow his new friend and then got to work on making some safer better looking

Paths leading to the outer island from the center block i don’t know why i said better looking that just would but i do plan on adding like stone bricks or something later i just don’t have the resources right now i also decided to completely change the design around the

Middle of the center block because uh yeah i just really wasn’t happy with it so i just dug it all up and replaced it with wood instead and now i might change it from oak to like spruce or another type of wood but this’ll do for now so

On the morning of day 15 i chopped down all of the trees and then got to work on building a gazebo type thing over the center of the island for a couple of reasons number one it’ll give me better protection from mobs with the spawn when i’m mining and number two it’ll just

Look better than fences now it ended up taking me all day and all night to build but by day 16 the gazebo was done so i extended the paths out a little bit more place down a bit more dirt and uh boom here’s our new

Gazebo i know it looks kind of funky but i i like it now i spent the rest of the day mining in my new safe area finding another villager so now we have infinite villages as well as a replacement mushroom and a honey block that i broke

Down and made into a beehive that way the bees that i’m finding can actually stop disappearing and finally have a home then i found another two villagers and got another dog and then all hell broke loose everything just started attacking each other i didn’t know what was going off but once everything was

Settled down i got to sort out some storage whilst planning what i was gonna do with my now four villagers taking up space on my island so for the next few days i chopped down a load of trees and got to work on building a villager

Trading hall home that way i didn’t have to keep blocking them in wooden structures so that they were safe from zombies now i went for a circular design and i think it looks quite nice it’s definitely not the best training hall i’ve ever built but it’s not supposed to

Be anyways once the building was done i got all the villagers over there and locked them in and then got to work on moving some spiders for string to use on beds and boom we now have a full complete village trading hall where they’re all safe from zombies and will

Very soon make us very very rich now after having a few buildy days i spent day 22 just mining the block because that is why we’re here after all so i found myself a wandering trader that i traded with for some sugarcane because i still hadn’t got any of it and then

Immediately found another villager these guys just don’t stop showing up so i put him with the others and got back to mining finding another panda that i had to forcibly move out of the center because he’s just too damn big then i tame myself two more dogs and now i have

Five which made me think if i have five already i may as well get a hundred because why not but that’s a project for later now back to mining hey some more dirt and another villager oh my god oh my god just look at this please leave me

Alone okay i have enough of you so after losing my mind due to an overdose of villager knight was upon us and i found another creepy frog so i just had you know what i had enough of mine in today and spent the night smelting down some

Oars and finally smelting down some iron in my melter to start working our sword once again oh and i also expanded out the island a little bit with some of the dirt that i gathered all righty day 23 it’s time for a very exciting day i know

You all love them are you ready for it it’s storage organization day whoa no i know it’s not fun but it needs doing okay so i got to work on organizing everything once again and it didn’t actually take me that long and as soon as i was done with it i went and

Bred my mushrooms because i got to feed these hundred dogs somehow after dealing with the storage and the shrooms i chopped down some trees and made a ton of fences that i placed down all the way around the outer islands you know just to make things a little bit safer after

That i called it a day and went to bed so we’ve made some pretty good progress so far and at this point we have quite a large area to work with as well as a bunch of villagers so i decided to get in gear and start working harder on my

Weapon on day 24 with things still being extremely complex as ever however i did get a diamond tipped iron sword and i know i could have just made a diamond sword but i don’t know what i’m doing okay i don’t know what i’m doing anyways more messing around later and i made the

First part of what will hopefully become a fully working smeltery uh basically something that can smelt down more things than like a melter can um i i don’t know but that’s enough tinkering for today my head hurts so i spent the rest of the night mining away at the

Block finding a couple more villages along the way but they just seem to vanish or something i don’t really know what happened to them but by morning we were still in this overworld phase and i just kept mining throughout the day putting my doggos to good use and i

Don’t know why i didn’t do this sooner they helped so so much but they weren’t any help when i almost died to a vex from an evoker but luckily i clutched it out and then scored myself yet another totem let’s go and then finally we broke

The last block of the overworld and now we’re in the astral phase and i also got an almost broken unbreaking crossbow for our troubles lovely okay so after a few days of mining i decided to start focusing on farming mainly wheat and mushrooms so i made a crappy little pen

And trapped them in there for now and then made a little wheat farm just to the side so now we have a sustainable way to keep breeding them oh and i also finished off the main island by placing the last pieces of dirt whoa it’s

Finally done and so with that out of the way i made bridges to the next four islands you know just so they’re there when i need them and now we have a pretty nice looking area and everything’s coming along very very nicely so i spent the night chopping

Down trees and neatening up the area because well i’ve kind of just been planting trees everywhere and they just cluttered everything up now day 27 started out by giving the villagers some jobs such as these lovely fellows right here that are fletchers and will make me

Very very rich very very quick just take a look at this okay it’s crazy so i use my newly found emeralds to grab some arrows to start leveling up my toolsmith because well i really want a better pickaxe anyways after a little trading it was back to growing trees all

Over because i need a lot of sticks and i know i’ve just tidied this up but hey getting rich takes a higher priority than a tidy island some more training later and i was well and truly out of wood so i stopped training for now and

Decided to go mining in our new phase to see what it had in store for us now there was a lot of sand oars and really cool looking marble as well as these crystal things that i had no clue what to do with so i’m sure we’ll mess around

With them later but for now it’s back to mining to see if there’s really anything else more interesting in this phase and shortly after mining again i found what i thought was a staff but instead it’s a linking tool i had no idea how to use it

So in the chest you go oh look another face that was that was quick now all we got during that astral phase was pretty boring it was literally just marble and rocks so i’m kind of glad it’s over but at last we are now in the magical phase

That sounds pretty cool so hopefully it’s a little bit more interesting than uh than that one okay so now we’ve got a few busy days ahead of us because well i really wanted to get a new enchanted pick before this one broke and well that

Wasn’t going to take long so i spent a few days chopping down and regrowing as many trees as i could and i mean i even stayed up at night killing skellies for bones to grow them faster and then i traded everything i could with villages

To level them up as soon as possible and also during this time i worked on building out two more islands to use as smaller cooler looking tree farms i guess i mean what can i say if you’ve been around here a while you know i’m a sucker for cool looking trees they just

Look good but back on topic after training for a while we eventually got a full set of diamond tools so i can say bye bye to this shoddy diamond and stone pick and say hello to the new shiny enchanted one anyways i tested it out by mining the

Block and immediately found a weird magic squirrel thing that was followed by a bunch of really cool looking logs and blocks that i a thousand percent plan on building something with later but cool blocks to one side i found that this phase supplied me with a ton of

Really like funky looking wildlife that i had no idea what to do with or what they did but hey they made the place look nicer and i’m not gonna complain oh and i also found a sapling for these trees so i grew it just to see what they

Look like and i mean just look at this thing it looks pretty damn cool now after growing the tree i ended up getting hooked on this phase and all the cool things it was giving me so i continued on mining throughout the night finding a load of new cool wildlife and

These woodland defender polar bear things that well i had to dispatch because they tried to kill me so uh sorry for that now the night ended up going by pretty smoothly other than almost dying to what is essentially a two-legged dog with horns but he really didn’t stand a chance against me and

After dealing with him we progressed onto the next phase that i was uh quite sad about because i was i was really enjoying the previous one oh and before i forget i also completed an animal breeding quest to bag myself a bunch of spawn eggs so if you see these they came

From the book right here i already see the comments section okay you’ve just seen it with your own eyes okay they came from the book so moving on to day 32 things were becoming pretty messy and i realized that i needed a much much better way of storing my items so i

Began work on a second layer of the island just underneath to use as a storage area that’s out of sight and has enough room to store everything i need so i got to work on laying down a base under the main block following the circular design that i’d done basically

Everything in prior then once the platform was big enough i got to work on the walls but ran out of wood very quickly so i just spent a day tearing down and regrowing trees again because well i was gonna need a lot of wood i swear that i’ve gathered more trees in

This one block than any other like a world i’ve ever been in it’s crazy the amount of trees i’ve gone through but once i had a decent amount of wood i got back to work on the walls finishing them off and now we have a hollow room underneath our main island yay

But now it’s time for all that wood to come in handy by making a ton of dc storage straws because well they can hold a lot of stuff and they have like a built-in item frame so i know what goes where without having to you know commit multiple war crimes against my poor

Mushrooms anyways i made an absolute ton of these things and they were a little janky to get used to at first but once i figured out how to add things and take things out i got to work on giving each item its individual drawer and by the

End of the day things were looking very neat and tidy down here but we still needed a lot more storage but this will do for now whilst we progress some more so i focused on farming for a couple of days because i really want to start work

On building my dog army asap because they’re really helpful and i also wanted to get enough paper to start making books so i can make a lectern and grab myself some enchanted books mainly mending so i bred the mushrooms and grew a ton of wheat and sugarcane and found

This growth accelerator thing in my quest book so i just placed that down and hopefully that helps but by the end of day 36 i had all the sugar cane i needed to make the books for a lectern so i crafted it and then spent the night

Tediously trying to get this guy to trade me mending well not this guy because i use him to buy bookshelves and make another villager librarian so it is this guy who eventually did trade me mending however i severely like the iron to make an anvil but at least we have

The trade now so i used a few mushrooms feeling horrible for doing so and then went to bed and on the morning of day 37 i realized i was also severely lacking on cobblestone and well i did a little looking around the internet okay and i found a few people using the digging

Method for getting it and well when you think about it it’s not a powerful resource and it’s not really amazing to build with so uh i decided to dig for some okay considering it’s like the only way that somewhat efficient of getting it in this mod pack so after grabbing

Just over a stack i got to work on catching up on my quest book because i never actually logged a lot of the things that i did so it didn’t recognize some of the progress i’ve made so far oh and i also bagged myself some of these loot generators that i can’t actually

Use yet because i need a lasso but hey we’re actually progressing through the book somewhat as intended now and that’s gonna speed up even more because now we’re getting started heading into the create mod okay so this mod is basically just about automatic technology such as windmills fans conveyor belts and drills

You get the idea but before that puppies yeah look at them oh they’re very cute all right now we can get started on grabbing the resources that we need to start crafting things for the create mod so i placed down his chest and began chopping down some more trees man yet

Again i’ve dropped so many trees in this video anyways once i had enough wood i saw it in this chest and got to organizing a lot of things that i’d need such as zinc and copper but before we start building all the stuff we need we

Need a little area out of sight to use as a power generation room because well they don’t really look nice so back underground we go expanding out with a bridge too that’s right another circular platform made of wood i bet you didn’t see that one coming a day later

Everything was ready so i crafted some andesite alloy and some cogwheels as well as a couple of water wheels and then got to setting up everything that was somewhat janky looking but hey it’s a way to create power so i added some cogwheels and boom we now have an

Official power source now it doesn’t generate too much but it’s more than we need for now so i checked the quest book and then began our work on our next pieces of machinery that’ll be an encased fan and a mill now the mill came first followed by a hammer so that i can

Boof my iron down into sheet but uh there’s a problem with that is i i ran out of iron so this is where we have to wait to continue with the create mod until i find some more make an iron farm that i should really do because i never

Make them and i get told every time to do it so you know what i will i’ll make an iron farm all i need is a name tag i already know there’s gonna be a load of you down there in the comments that are

Really proud of me this is a this is a big step i’m actually making one so i headed to bed and got back to mining on day 42 to try and get through these phases and find a name tag asap now i have absolutely no clue what i found

During this part of the phase i was just too focused on getting a name tag i didn’t even sort out the blocks i just kind of just threw them in the chest making a mess again until the sun was setting and i realized how stupid i was because i completely forgot that

Villagers can train name tags so i grabbed all of what i had left over broke it down into sticks and went to bed and now on the morning of day 43 i ran to my villages and immediately began training for as many emeralds as possible and then spent said emeralds on

Bookshelves to level up my librarians and then i spent the following days just leveling up my librarians and breeding my villagers hell i even made a sheep farm to help with the wolf for the extra beds for christ’s sakes and i also continued my career as the world’s second most efficient lumberjack

Chopping down many many a tree that i then broke down into sticks and scammed these poor poor villagers i mean these poor guys really didn’t know what him but eventually after working tirelessly and trading and trading and shearing and chopping we finally leveled them up

Enough to get a name tag and i had the perfect amount of emeralds left over to buy it and we also have a glass trade so that’s uh that’s useful they’re they’re really nice to have in the sky block so this was a win-win but now it’s finally

Time to build the farm and now i’m not gonna lie this took a little bit longer than expected because i completely forgot that i need an anvil to actually name the name tag so i just kind of kept sniping the iron golem that spawned near the villagers every time it respawned

But other than that things went pretty smoothly i built the base structure and placed a ton of beds in there and then just got the bios over here including the zombie that really wasn’t too bad and then i made an anvil and decided to name the zombie after one of you guys so

Here you go ember you are now a permanent fixture in the one block world anyways after dealing with the mobs i finished off building the rest of the farm and boom we now have a fully working iron farm but i don’t really have any lava so it’s not automatic just

Yet but hey at least we have a more reliable way to get iron now so after poofing a few golems i uh headed to bed after my hard day’s work alrighty so day 47 we have an iron farm a villager trading hall and full of diamond tools

But we still only have iron armor so i smelted down some stone into smooth stone and made myself a blast furnace and then began training with my newly found armorer to keep myself out in diamonds now it really didn’t take me long to level this guy up because i mean

I already have everything readily available to trade so now everything’s just super easy so i got my armor of trades and purchased a mediocre set of diamond armor and now we were fully decked out anyways i was low on food and wanted to get more doggos so i used some

More mushrooms feeling guilty as ever and then bred my dogs and cooked up some steak for myself then we proceeded to mine the block all night in hopes of finding anything new at all but it was just like magic things and petal blocks that i’d seen like a thousand times

Before but eventually by noon of the following day we’d finally progressed onto the next phase and i was about as sad as i was happy because well we’re done with the boring phase now but i know what squeaky squishy little buggers await me in this abysmal phase but those

Things aside i sort out my storage neatly into the basement and then spent the night boofing iron golems and now on the morning of day 49 i got to work on getting to the nether to get some lava by farming now poppers how the hell no

Pun intended are you going to get to the nether by farming well it’s kind of simple you see we need to grow some pumpkins and then make them into these here fell pumpkins that should be easy enough and then we combine said fel pumpkin with iron bars to create a blaze

And then boof it to get powder to craft into these mesh blocks that when combined with a pure daisy create obsidian so yeah that’s pretty big brain uh but no i did not come up with this at all uh shout out to dan’s rob’s probs honestly got his modded series a

Lifesaver for this okay lifesaver but yeah i found out pumpkins all day when i realized that i wouldn’t have enough mob rops to combine the pumpkins so i did a little digging real quick to build a mob farm underneath the island now i’m really surprised it took me this long to

Build one but hey here it is and it works hella good so i stayed up all night farming out mobs and crafting a load more fell pumpkins and now finally on day 52 it was time to spawn in the blazers and booth them to get ourselves

To the nether so i made a little all stone room where i can fight them without running the risk of burning down all my hard work up to this point and once the room was built we spawned in our first blaze and well despawned it just as fast now after absolutely

Obliterating way more blaze than we needed um i finally had everything so i made this botany thing and then made a ton of these flowers although i found out that i only needed one but hey that’s okay and then i placed the flower down and added some blaze mesh around it

And waited a little while until we had some orbeez spawn in whoa i’m actually really surprised this works but it’s another time baby we can finally get some lava to automate our golem farm so i grabbed the obby and made a temp portal and headed in to grab my lava but

Once i arrived i noticed a timer down in the bottom left so i did not want to find out what happened when that thing hit zero so i just grabbed my lava as quickly as possible and got jumped by this ghoul thing here but he was he was

Quickly dealt with uh and then i headed back home and placed down my lava in the iron golem farm and then made some hoppers placed them down and witnessed my iron golems slowly melt down before my eyes oh you’re gonna love automation now moving on to day 53 i decided to

Expand out and build the final two diagonal islands to finish off the area for now so i planted down some trees on them just like the other ones and uh well would you look at that it looks pretty nice if i do say so myself and so

On the following day i headed back over to the village to grab another pick that i then combined with my current pick to get a better one with better enchantments and then go back to work on mining the block preparing myself for the horrors that could potentially await

Me in this phase oh and i also picked up a silk touch pick from my other toolsmith so i can grab all these cool looking corals and whatever stuff now surprisingly this face started out very nice and calm and continued to be so throughout the entire thing in fact this

Was probably the best phase we’ve had so far because i really want to make an aquarium and it just kept giving me the blocks i wanted with absolutely no guardians until on the morning of day 55 the phase was over and we were now in the b phase because that’s the thing

Anyways i spent most of the day just going through and dealing with quests because i hadn’t been keeping up with them now after completing all my quests i continue to work on stuff with a create mod making an encased fan and then set up this kind of janky looking

System to do stuff with other stuff and yeah that’s how that’s how you explain it either way this should possibly help us out later on to get some useful stuff but it needs more things to add to it now mechanical stuff aside i made myself some floral fertilizer and grew a lot of

These cool looking plants to start using them for other things now i’m not gonna lie at this point i was starting to get a little bit overwhelmed by mods if you couldn’t tell but i just want to do a little bit of everything but then it got

Dark so i just headed to bed and on day 56 i started work on a very cool looking flowery botanica island because well i think flowers look really nice and well it’ll all be contained in one spot with all the flowery stuff mod packs and stuff over there but i ended up running

Out of dirt pretty quickly so i did what i could and moved all the flowers over there and then i made myself some bigger storage drawers because i once again need more space so i just went around reorganizing and replacing them and well by the end of the day things were

Looking pretty good so i spent the night digging up some stone to use on a massive project starting tomorrow now after my long night of digging i made myself a little auto smelter and began smelting down all the cobblestone that i gathered and then began placing them

Down around my pure daisies to make it into living stone that i then finally crafted into living stone bricks now that’s a long process but it’s worth it because i really like how this stuff looks so i repeat this entire process passively whilst mining my way through

The next phase which was literally just honey blocks and the odd angry bee it really wasn’t much it was it was just honey and after mining my way through that we finally progressed into the nether phase and i also made myself some special farmland because well i’m a dirt

Farmer now anyways after a long night of mining and picking up stone things were really starting to stack up now but we still have nowhere near enough for what i’m planning to do so whilst that’s still passively doing its thing i went and chopped down a bunch of trees for

The rest of the day because well my stockpile of road had well and truly ran out and then i once again spent the night digging up stone how uh how fun but then i decided on the next couple days it was finally time for me to build

Myself a house and well i decided to build something that i’ve never really done before i’m building a giant tree house so i gathered a load of leaves and wood and got to work on building it now as always i try to build at least one

Thing in these videos from a tutorial so if you enjoy this build and you want to build it yourself go check out the original created down below go give them some support now i had to chop down so many trees for this thing but it was a hundred percently worth it because this

Tree house looked absolutely crazy so after building up the trunk and the two rooms so that we can actually you know live in this house um everything was looking pretty good but i needed to add some leaves that were quite a pain to get right but eventually i got them

Looking okay and we were finally done with our new home and it was looking pretty damn nice so i moved my bed over there and took a well-deserved rest and on day 64 i decided to go and do some mining in the nether phase making sure to somewhat fireproof my gazebo before

Starting and once we did start i immediately got attacked by this really cool looking fox pound thing that i would have loved to have tamed but he was just way too hostile some more mining later and completing a ton of achievements due to the bajillions of new wars that i found

I ended up stumbling across this fluid tank thingy so i guess this is useful i don’t really know but following that there was so so many gems and ores just look at this it’s ridiculous there’s so many of them now i also bagged myself some warped and crimson nylon to maybe

Use on another area later but for now it’s time for our first somewhat natural blaze hey now he got destroyed pretty quickly but i was really confused why i got the achievement for grabbing a blaze rod considering i’d killed blaze earlier but if you magically cast your mind back to

That day uh they dropped lace powder and not blaze rods so that there’s the there’s the solution magama cube sorry about that he spooked me so i kind of wanted to spook you and would you look at that all netherreals gathered let’s uh let’s claim them jesus

So after sorting out all the oars night was well and truly upon us so uh i bred and called some of the animals and was about to breed my dogs again when i noticed that i left one of my original dogs on his own this entire time just

Stranded waiting for me on this island so i gave him a special collar and we’ll name him asap but for now more dogs after dealing with the dogs i checked up on my dirt plant and well he’s popping off so i crafted some dirt blocks and

Made a little bit more progress on the botanical island and then grabbed a name tag and named our lonely little dog dex and then went to bed and on the following day i woke up with a drive to get things done so i put the blocks that

I’ve been collecting over these past few days to use and started building a giant aquarium around our islands now like i said i don’t have anywhere near enough to do the entire thing but i just want to see how things come out before dedicating to the entire build but real

Quick before we start building let me just craft some prismarine seeds so that we can have infinite sea lanterns and now with our seeds acquired let’s get to work now i made everything three blocks deep with a slab floor and i will be adding lanterns later but for now i just

Wanted to get the base down for the first couple now by the end of the morning of the following day we had our first two aquarium bases built without any water obviously um and only one with lanterns but i think these look kind of funky but i also have faith that they’ll

Look really good once everything’s you know symmetrical and covered in yeah i think this is gonna look really clean anyways i got back to work on mining for the rest of the day and that night i made an enchantment table and traded for some bookshelves and set up a temporary

Enchantment area and then also enchanted a temporary sword whilst i’d start work on this one here because i know i was trying to work on the tinkers one but i already forgot half the stuff so we’re just gonna do this one now okay he does

The same damage anyway so on day 67 i need a lot of these essence things so i just spent the day at the mob farm because i’m pretty sure it’s the fastest way to get them now after slashing my way through hordes and hordes of mobs i

Went and made an orchid and then a load of other things such as this mana spreader and these flowers that eat coal and turn it into mana and then set up this kind of janky but very efficient way of fueling mana creation into this orchid that will then do magical things

Because you see by using some of our precious precious stone we can get some prosperity or because we’re gonna need a lot of that stuff to make basically everything else but when you actually convert the stone the prosperity or itself isn’t guaranteed because it’s in the pool with like a plethora of other

Raws so it’s basically just rng at this point and it’s also very loud but hey it’s pretty damn cool so i spent the night feeding the flowers to stock up on mana and also digging for stone because well we’re gonna need even more now on the morning of the following day i

Disenchanted and re-enchanted my pick until i got fortune and then set out placing and mining stone and after tearing my way through three stacks i made a pretty hefty amount of prosperity shards that i then made into ingots and made some progress towards my supremium

Sword oh and i also added mending to my new pick because i didn’t want to lose this thing and then spent the rest of the day just making the botanical island look really nice and moving all the altar things and pot things over there as well as adding

A pond with some lanterns and then adding the flowers back to finished off the day now if you’re the type of person who really enjoyed the uh the first storage day storage day episode one then you’re gonna love this because it’s storage day episode two bigger storage

Featuring the 2×2 drawers that i had to craft an absolute ton of them and then went around replacing the singular ones and then painstakingly sorted everything out into the respective drawers and now i present to you the finalized organized neat storage room and i even had some

Room left for expansion but good god was this mind numbing alrighty day 72 time is really running out for this 100 days and there’s still so much i want and need to do so i decided to use up all of the living stone bricks that i had to

Get as much of the aquarium finish as i possibly could because well this is by far the biggest project also i apologize if there’s any janky jumps in this cinematic footage it was like 4am i was really tired and i kept forgetting to press record but anyways i built and

Built and built until i ran out of blocks not entirely badge didn’t have enough to make another segment so i went and made a bunch of sea lanterns placed them all down and evidently we didn’t have enough but that’s okay i just filled up the ones that were complete

With water and left the other ones for now then once the water was added i popped a few torches around the sides and boom we’re done though well at least for now day 77 we mining again now other than a few blaze magma cubes and cool flame dogs there literally was just awe

Like just so much all but eventually we hit the second to last phase the end so i spent some time placing down some more stone and grabbing some more ores from this magical flower and i also did a little science experiment with adding a pure daisy there to see if it would

Convert the stone immediately but it didn’t so i just put the orchid back once i ran out of stone i took all my ino over to the crusher and finally got some use out of it after crushing everything down i washed it and then completed all my remaining collectible

Quests and then grab my lovely clean nookies yeah i realize that that’s kind of pointless but hey you completed a quest so it did something and after all that i made another room directly underneath my storage area that i then used to move on my plants down there so

That way they’re out of the way and they’re neatly organized now i did actually add some more seeds as well as making a diamond seed because well i need a lot of them for the supreme armor and whatnot so yeah plant room what else is there to say plants grow here now on

Day 79 the island that was once upon a time used for tinker’s construct is no longer in use for me right now so i decided to do a little bit of remodeling and made it into my animal farming island because these guys have been chilling here for way too long and they

Just they make the island look bad so once everything was ready i lured them over trapped them in um although they’re better off over here because they have more room anyways i cleared up the island a little bit and then moved the enchantment area to the upper room of my

House because it just fit perfectly in there it was too good to pass up on and once everything was moved i called it a day and went to bed and as soon as i awoke i got to work on making more progress on my supremium stuff now i

Didn’t get too far but we are slowly getting there i just need a ton more diamonds and i really think that the fastest way of doing it is with some stone and the ore magic so i made a bunch of stone seeds and had them growing in the background just to speed

Things up that way i don’t have to dig at night anymore so after planting down the seeds i decided to mine the block for the rest of the day and this time i found a ton of new end themed ores as well as enderman ender slimes poison

Clouds and i don’t know whatever weird abomination this thing is just just look at it and it hurts too it’s an absolutely awful thing there’s another one as well awful awful creatures but now on a lighter note watch this endermite get absolutely decimated and so after a

While of mining we had now collected every ore in the end so i went and grabbed everything from my quest book and now the sun was rising so i decided to go and clean up the main island a little bit just to have things look a

Little bit nicer and so i can get rid of all these trees and replace them with cooler more diverse looking ones oh as well as some more foliage so by the morning of day 83 everything was redone and looking very nice so i went and harvested all the prismarine and

Cobblestone plants and then made them all into blocks and as the cobble was smelting i went and added more sea lanterns into the aquariums and after running out i went and grabbed the stone from the smelter when i noticed that you can actually craft the stone essence

Into just normal stone not cobble so i just did that and began turning them into waters just tearing through them but by the end of the mining session we ended up with very few diamonds so i crafted some from plants and made myself some prosperity gems and two new swords

Bringing us just a tiny bit closer to the end goal now sadly on the morning of day 84 all of my animals despawned due to being too far away but that’s okay because i came up with a genius idea to convert the area into a new place to put

My nether portal so i just quickly placed a temporary one down to go in there and grab some nether blocks mainly netherrack because that’s what i’m gonna use for the floor after gathering enough i headed back home being greeted by this skulky wolf so i dealt with him and then

Got to work on the island now i wanted to divide it into two segments one warped and one crimson with different wood types and stuff on each side but i didn’t have enough wood for that so i spent a while painfully growing and chopping down a load of these nether

Trees and to help with this i enchanted an iron hoe just to make things more bearable now after getting enough wood i got to work on building the portal and you also may recognize the design from one of my previous videos uh but this time the colors have like these two

Colors instead of just one okay it’s not just blue it’s blue and red this time i think it looks pretty nice now for the next couple of days i crafted my grown items into their respective gems and blocks and then made some stone into livingstone and into oz

For two days straight but let me tell you placing and mining both of these was pretty damn tedious but hey i need the materials to finish my aquarium and on day 91 that’s exactly what i did i built the final two segments added some lanterns and some water to all the

Remaining ones and boom just look at this this looks pretty cool and very very clean now i also went around placing down some living brick walls as well because well they looked better than fences and cobblestone walls and just overall cleaning up the area and well here’s the end result i must

Confess i am absolutely in love with this it looks really nice okay day 96 the final stretch and i’m gonna be honest with you supremium is not happening in this video okay it’s just too far away however that will be our first objective next time when we come

Back so instead of wasting any more time with that i decided to mine the block all day because i really want to get through the end phase before these hundred days are up now after mining for quite a long time and finding a bunch of ores and endermen and an endless slime i

Finally had precisely half of an ender portal but i have no clue what i’m gonna supposed to do with half but i have it now maybe this was a bug or something or the rest is hiding in this phase who knows but instead of trying to figure

Out what happened i just spent the night storing away all of my new ender themed blocks and now on day 97 i spent the day grabbing as many name tags as i could possibly get and after i had what i deemed to be enough i spent a while at

The anvil naming them after a bunch of you guys that commented on the previous video as a little thank you for the support and for watching so on screen right now are all the names that i uh randomly chose okay it’s easier showing them on screen than it is showing the

Dogs one by one so yeah if you want your name on a doggo then uh be sure to comment down below and hell if you want a specific collar collar i’ll be sure to do that for you but uh yeah thank you for the support you’re all awesome and i

Love you anyways after the day of naming i headed down to the mob farm and spent the night there just swinging away at them for more essence you can never have enough of this stuff now on day 89 i tended to my lovely lovely plants crafting a bunch of diamonds and

Planting a few more and then made some drawers to solve all my seeds in after dealing with the plants i made myself some quartz seeds and then added them to the collection because if i combine quartz essence with stone i get andesite which we need an absolute turn off to

Continue with the create mod but that’s yet another task for next time for now it’s time for bed because my day was wasted on plant so day 99 i added dirt and grass to my tree house island to make things look a little bit more natural and then did the exact same

Thing for my villager island grew some flowers on both of them and now things are looking very very nice and i’m glad because things are coming to an end very soon alrighty day 100 i brought all my dogs over to my home island and separated the named ones from the

Unnamed ones and then went and tidied up a couple of things before then saying goodbye to all my lovely and very helpful villagers and doggos because we have now survived 100 days inside of modded one block skyblock now as always i thank you all so very very much for

Watching i do greatly greatly appreciate it and if you did enjoy the video at any point then please consider dropping a like and subscribing but that’s all for me today if you want to stay up to date with things to come check out my twitter but other than that thank you for

Watching you’re all awesome see you all in the next video adios You

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in MODDED One Block SkyBlock in Minecraft Hardcore!!’, was uploaded by IT’S POPPERS on 2022-08-23 03:04:26. It has garnered 487857 views and 13655 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:29 or 2729 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Modded Oneblock Skyblock!!

🚨USE CODE POPPERS FOR 10% OFF AT GFUEL!!! https://gfuel.ly/3v0MotY

Tree house tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4x5du87qGQ&t=618s&ab_channel=MiaBloom

Modpack https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-in-one-modded-one-block

Skin by https://twitter.com/BananBlocks ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Check out my socials Twitter: https://twitter.com/PoppersYa 2nd Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWgs_AlI3n_rjDJMkJ_iduA Instagram: Ya_Boi_poppers Twitch: https://Twitch.tv/ITSPOPPERS Business enquiries: [email protected] Skin by: https://twitter.com/BananBlocks ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🖥McProHosting – Use Code Poppers for 15% off! https://mcph.to/poppers ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ This series is influenced by other Minecraft creators such as Luke TheNoteable ,Wadzee and Philza.

In this series I try my best to challenge myself survive 100 days in diffrent situations not I Survived 100 Days on a RAFT In Minecraft… or I Survived 100 Days in the TROPICAL OCEAN in Hardcore Minecraft… or any other I survived 100 days in minecraft video but me surviving 100 days in Modded One Block Skyblock Hardcore #minecraft #hardcore #100days :))

Secret Link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EUhY1d0A_k&ab_channel=OwenThompson

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    🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP - Join Now! #liveVideo Information [संगीत] [संगीत] फ [संगीत] तो यो यो यो सो वेलकम बैक गाइस टू अनदर लाइव स्ट्रीम और एक बारी फिर से सभी का स्वागत है हमारी लाइव स्ट्रीम में तो कैसे हो यार सभी लोग वेलकम बैक अगेन ऑन एन हैप्पी सैटरडे गाइस और क्या हाल चाल और आज गाइस डैडी बियर डे है तो गाइस मेरी तरफ से आप सभी को तात्या बिच्छू गिफ्ट है ठीक है तात्या बिच्छू आएगा चाकू लेके जो मैंने थंबनेल में भी लगाया है तो तात्या बिच्छू का इंतजार करना तुम्हारे घर प पहुंच जाएगा तुम्हारे घर तुमको डराने के लिए ठीक… Read More

  • Dream collab gone wrong? See what happens

    Dream collab gone wrong? See what happensVideo Information play Yo like bro give him a trim bro give him a face my just whenever I shoot D and D just know my RO like yo stop Belling my phone man yo Mr D This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cinematic OG Collab “LSW” – Nemzzz’, was uploaded by Loqalz on 2024-04-24 08:45:41. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Editing Software: After Effects 2022 Finally doing some Minecraft again 🙂 ————————————————————————————————————————– All parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=020fDGJjX_4 Collab with: @Minaxos_vfx Game: Minecraft Song: Nemzzz – LSW ————————————————————————————————————————– ————————————————————————————————————————– 0:00 Minaxos… Read More

  • TheModderOne

    TheModderOneMinecraft Server By VihaanTheModder ft.Zombie Apocalypse. Registration Open. Visit Discord For Application Form game1.falixserver.net:23404 Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Pets 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft: No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. All generated money goes to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is guaranteed. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL players, with zero tolerance for hate speech. Custom Plugins: Enhance your vanilla experience with our unique plugins. Cross-Platform: Enjoy features tailored for both Java and Bedrock players…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Sky-high perspective: killer views”

    Well, at least this meme is getting better views than my Minecraft house ever did! Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes, mate? One place will transform, can you spot the shift? Aha moment awaits, a brain training gift. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, Watch closely, observe, let your keen eye fly. Minecraft mysteries, waiting to be found, In every pixel, a new world to astound. So dive into the game, with rhymes in tow, Explore the blocks, let your creativity flow. Minecraft magic, in every detail, Spot the difference, and you shall prevail. Read More

  • Hot Potato Minecraft Meme – MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny

    Hot Potato Minecraft Meme - MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny Why did the GeGaGeDiGeDaGeDaGo meme go to therapy? Because it had too many layers to peel back! Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of building, surviving, and exploring, then you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Just like in the YouTube video where the creator builds a beautiful underground house, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a much larger scale. Imagine constructing your own underground fortress, gathering resources, and defending your territory against other players. The thrill of survival combined with the joy of building is what makes… Read More

  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

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  • Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀

    Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀Video Information tes tes tes tes tes tes y semuanya Selamat pagi pagi-pagi tadi tadi gua live streaming e subuh-subuh ng-lag ya akhirnya gua live Jam 10 lagi enggak ketiduran 2 hari kemarin gua sempat live jaga tapi ketiduran jadi jam 12 gak live pagi pagi lagi sekarang gua pagi karena gua ggak tidur habis tarawih habis apa habis tarawih habis salat subuh ya habis e sahur tadi langsung tidur masih hidup masih hidup Mih lah Mih gak tidur Pokoknya gulah kita ak main server lihat guys PIN gua Beh lancar be lah Halo entar gua tadi gua sebelum pas… Read More

  • Exploring the Voidian Minecraft Server – EPIC Adventure!

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  • Unbelievable trick to find hidden CASH in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable trick to find hidden CASH in Minecraft!Video Information hi it’s TV and YouTubers are lost among themselves oh no there’s a bunch of cashes inside the marketplace oh no which one is the real cash I don’t know how many YouTubers are there uh I think that’s like six or seven to save uh wait which YouTubers I’m a huge fan of apmau I wouldn’t be AAU H uh I’m not sure which ones I guess we have to find out which YouTubers to save but first let’s save cash okay so it’s Prop Hunt so one of these is the real cash and we need… Read More

  • Wildly Insane Daku Builds – Epic Minecraft Gameplay!

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  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 – RuHypixel.net” #minecraft #hypixel

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Top 3 Bedwars Texture Packs 1.8.9 - RuHypixel.net" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘The 3 NEW Best Texture Packs for Bedwars 1.8.9 | RuHypixel.net #minecraft #майнкрафт #hypixel’, was uploaded by zlokwiq (eng) on 2024-04-30 12:26:16. It has garnered 59 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:31 or 751 seconds. i show you the top 3 best textures of the pack for bedwars, i hope you like it 😀 ➤ like & subscribe to the channel! ➤ my discord: https://discord.gg/WphBaNFYMN ★ my goal is to gain 1000 subscribers ———————————————————- ➤ sens: 400dpi ➤ fov: 85 ➤ server ip: RuHypixel.net ➤ my setup – keyboard: I… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Zombie Texture Pack!!

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  • Yura’s Shocking Reaction to Suisei’s Demise in Minecraft!

    Yura's Shocking Reaction to Suisei's Demise in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mourning Suisei’s Death In Minecraft (Towa, Aqua, Miko, Azki, Iroha, Watame / Hololive) [Eng Subs]’, was uploaded by Yura on 2024-05-18 03:30:21. It has garnered 38021 views and 2330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:49 or 289 seconds. Hoshimachi Suisei goes full kissy-kissy mode on Minato Aqua, to reward Aqua for helping Suisei with installing Minecraft voice mods… ● For more: 【Minecraft】Death…Trial…And…【Minato Aqua/Hololive】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3SEzeR9GUA [Minecraft]Day 3! Let’s do the mission![Kadokawa Watame/HoloLive 4th Generation] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBXJfY4F31E [Minecraft]Starting from scratch, Holo server hardcore life! Day 3 Holo server hardcore Minecraft[Hololive / AZKi] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JPd_V23sm4 [Minecraft]I’m going to… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRift

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build in 24Hrs | JoyRiftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating the Best House in Minecraft (Day3)’, was uploaded by JoyRift on 2024-04-21 13:48:02. It has garnered 96 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:54 or 714 seconds. Step into my Minecraft world and explore the ultimate dream house inspired by the rich architectural heritage of Pakistan and India! 🏡 From intricate details to functional design, every corner of this house reflects the beauty of our shared cultural traditions. Join me on this adventure as we celebrate diversity and creativity in Minecraft. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share with fellow… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!” #minecraft #horrorstories #funny

    "Insane Minecraft HORROR Story 😂 Watch NOW!" #minecraft #horrorstories #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lol 😂 #minecraft #horrorstories #funny #horrorstory’, was uploaded by Endigse on 2024-01-12 02:48:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft,minecraft horror,minecraft horror mods,cash minecraft,minecraft mods,scary minecraft,horror,minecraft shorts,minecraft … Read More

  • Ametist

    AmetistSunucudaki bulunan bazı sistemler: – Seviye sistemi – Görev sistemi – Gelişmiş huni ve fırın sistemi – ihale sistemi – Lanetli güneş tutulması – Tılsım sistemi – Özelleştirilmiş eşyalar – Yetenek sistemi Wiki: https://ametist.gitbook.io/ametist-survival/ play.ametistmc.fun Read More

  • SummitSurvival SMP no-whitelist no-grief 1.20.4

    Summit Survival Summit Survival Join us for a semi-vanilla SMP experience where the focus is on creativity and exploration. No land claiming plugins, just pure gameplay freedom. Joining Process Connect using the IP SSMP.io. Cross play supported via Bedrock using port 63809. Server Rules No hacking or x-ray No modifying player builds Avoid universal dupes No hate speech Server Features Item based economy Set waypoints with /sethome Teleport to spawn with /spawn Simple protection system Quality of life additions Statistics World Border: 128k x 128k Difficulty: Hard Version: Paper 1.20.4 KeepInventory: False Season 3 started in Feb 2023 and will… Read More

  • Nova Europa – Minecraft Geopol

    Nova Europa - Minecraft GeopolWelcome to Nova Europa! A vaporwave theme and European centred Minecraft Geopol!We launched on 31/05/2024 and we would love to include you in our community!https://discord.gg/hFcZ3jxNfnhttp://europamc.com:25840/ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Monday Mayhem”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Monday Mayhem"“Why was the Minecraft player always calm? Because he had a score of 42 and knew he was in the meaning of life territory.” Read More

  • Crafting Stokes Twins’ Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast!

    Crafting Stokes Twins' Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I built the Stokes Twins house, with no complaints. From the walls to the roof, every block in its place, A masterpiece of design, a true showcase. The Stokes Twins, known for their pranks and their fun, Now have a virtual home, under the sun. With a touch of my hand, and a click of my mouse, Their dream house in Minecraft, now ready to house. So join me in this journey, of building and play, In the world of Minecraft, where we’ll stay. And remember to like, subscribe, and share,… Read More

  • Hot TikTok Hack: Minecraft Edition

    Hot TikTok Hack: Minecraft Edition “When you try to impress your crush by showing off your TikTok hack in Minecraft, but all they can say is ‘Is that a dancing creeper?’” #minecraftfails #minecraftlove #crushproblems #gamerhumor Read More

I Survived 100 Days in MODDED One Block SkyBlock in Minecraft Hardcore!!