I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft…

Video Information

Imagine spawning in a world but instead of having wildlife and beautiful scenery you have to survive 100 days on one regenerating block there’s one issue the one block is a living entity hello there depending on his mood you can receive great rewards or you could receive terrible consequences on day one I

Spawned on the one block I began mining a notice I was in a starter rage hello my bald friend welcome to the starter age as you progress to the different ages your hair will slowly return uh okay I guess this block can also talk after a rather weird first interaction

With the one block it continued mining to expand my Island okay I continued digging and met and met my first Pig friend I also found another chest with some more flowers yeah that’s not that useful the one block was starting to get a little bit crowded so

I decided to expand a little bit nearing the end of day one I found some enchanted books not a bad way to end off the night day two was pretty standard I spent it mining for more materials to expand the one block also a lot more animals started spawning too on day

Three it was an ordinary day I continued mining the one block and I entered the Iron Age welcome to the Iron Age my bald friend if you can complete this challenge you’ll receive a reward although if you fail you’ll die forever I think I’ll pass on that for now one

Block trying to mitigate any risk I decided to decline one Block’s challenge suddenly I was teleported ah painful you made it this is the water bucket challenge starting from five blocks high ranging to a thousand blocks high good luck see ya without any hesitation I grabbed the water bucket from the chest

And began my first five block jump all right all right I was then teleported to the 100 block water bucket challenge here goes nothing guys let’s go I took the leap and with the correct timing I was able to survive okay a little bit harder I was then

Teleported to the final challenge the 1 000 block high water bucket fall ing knowing I’d be heavily rewarded if I survived the jump I knew I had to make it oh my gosh okay we actually lived it one block I was then teleported back to my one block okay

Sensitive time for you as you did just nearly die but I must say you looked like a bald eagle when you were soaring through the sky you are block now where’s my reward here you go here what is this unblock you’re telling me I risked my life for a hair water

Now you’re just gonna disappear on me okay as I am bald I did decide to use the hair waterer and go to sleep for the night in the morning of day six I didn’t notice any changes to my hair but I decided to expand the one block adding a

Wheat farm and a tree farm in the morning of day seven I noticed I had some stubble growing on my head I was no longer bold in speaking of bald as I continued mining the one block I was attacked by a group of bald zombies yeah that is something I had never seen

Before just like normal zombies they were fairly easy to take down awful as you are in the Iron Age and you defeated the bald zombies here’s a reward as you can see one block ended up giving me four Iron Golem spawners we’ll need to put those to you sometime as we are in

The Iron Age I decided to spend the next couple days mining to get full iron armor yep yep yep gear I figured it’s time to upgrade this island it’s looking a little bit trash if you ask me so without further Ado Let’s Get Busy the first and most

Important thing I did was began creating my wheat farm of course we’d never survive without a permanent food source I also harvested some of my trees and expanded the tree farm if you ask me this island isn’t starting to look too bad after all as you guys can see the

One block is looking a little bit better now but I still don’t have a base so I was thinking of creating something over here potentially I’m just gonna go with the flow I don’t really have a plan of what it’s gonna look like but here goes nothing first thing I like to do

Whenever I’m building anything is just make the outline it’ll make the building process a lot easier this tree farm I made is really coming in handy as well because I am using a lot of wood for this build as you guys can see I have these cool wooden pillars and I

Connected them to make archways well I think I did a decent job I didn’t really have any direction where I was going but I pretty much got the outline of the base I just got to figure out what we’re gonna fill in the floors with as well

But on that note I think we’ll continue building this throughout the video but now it’s time to get some harvesting done and then go to bed for the night after harvesting all my crops I went to bed and on day 15 I continued mining my one block when a cute little white cat

Appeared oh it’s so cute okay I’m gonna get you sorted with some food but first I think I should probably build you a home because it’s not very safe for her to be wandering around building this innocent cat at home quickly became my number one priority I quickly expanded

Out the island added a few more archways and secured the area I then spent the remainder of the day doing as much fishing as I could I wanted to make sure this cat was well fed okay Girl Follow Me I actually have made a nice little

Home for you so yeah let’s go check it out as you can see the cute little cat followed me all the way over to her brand new home upon entry got some hay bales on the right a nice little wool area to sleep on and I also set up some

Dispensers so she can get food whenever she needs I think it’s safe to say she likes it so this is gonna be your new home and by the way guys I’ve decided to name her bread loaf yeah she looks very cute and looks like a little piece of

Bread so why not name her breadloaf I hope you enjoy your new home and I will see you around now that bread loaf is all situated and comfortable I decided to expand out another part of the one block and start creating my dark room

This is gonna be used so that a bunch of mobs spawn in this dark area and I’m gonna be able to get a bunch of experience okay guys and after AFK I’m here for the rest of the day look at this as you guys can see the dark room

Is actually working and it seems to be filled with a bunch of mobs now I can easily just one hit them because I built it 21 blocks high so they’re all pretty much one HP so this is a nice easy source of experience and eventually when

I build my enchanting room I’ll be able to get a bunch of really good chance let’s go and I think the final thing we need to do is now that the dark room is actually built we actually need to make this a room because obviously I could

Quite literally fall down to my death at any point so I think it’d be a good idea if we built some walls around this so let’s do it also my goal is to reach 1 million subscribers this year so if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe

I then created a couple more archways connected them and added some glass around the edges I as you guys can see we’ve made quite a lot of progress on the one block so far but this is pretty depressing if you have to ask me so my

Next objective for the next four days is going to be heavily expanding this farm and creating some new Farms as well because I do have some carrots and some other materials in my chest so I might as well put them to use and another issue I’m having is just take a look at

My Animal Farm um yeah let’s not worry about him but yeah that’s quite a big problem here there is almost no room for any of my animals here so I think it’d be probably a good idea if I build some sort of home for these guys as well but who knows if I

Have enough time for that but let’s go ahead and get started on creating a bigger tree farm and a lot more farms around here because this is just depressing I decided to build one farm that would wrap around the dark room and on the opposing side I decided to build

A wheat farm that would wrap around breadlov’s home as it felt pretty bad the animals were pretty claustrophobic I decided to build a little stable for them as you can see I stuck with a similar Archway pattern put some windows around and it was all complete okay now

That all my animals have a home I think I should probably continue minding my one block because we need to continue through the ages if we’re gonna get better gear anyways let’s begin after mining the one block I finally entered the netherrage okay it looks like we

Have finally made it to the netherage and by the looks of it as we keep breaking the blocks every okay Yep this is definitely the nether age I’ve got to be very careful because oh God wait is he gonna burn down my entire thing hopefully he doesn’t end up burning down

My entire thing I don’t see any Flames anywhere but as you can see the loop pool switched it is now all Nether supplies which means we are going to be able to get potion supplies and a bunch of other goodies I continued Mining and suddenly oh where the heck even am I ah

Painful you’ve arrived welcome to your next challenge okay okay forever see ya okay guys well that does not leave me very comfortable at all there’s literally lava all around me but hopefully we can make it through this in one piece okay I just jump onto this and get onto this one okay that’s

Good let’s go over here and oh this is a little bit sketchy but we should be able to make it come on okay there we go I think we’re coming a bit closer to the end we just gotta make this one jump here and onto the chest

Okay now we just lined this one up okay I think we’re nearing the end just gonna make over this okay let’s jump go oh my gosh that was close I was then teleported back to my one block good job I’m surprised you lived that one interested to see if you can survive

What I have planned next one block literally just disappeared like I didn’t even get any reward for that like wait a second I have a beacon and an enchanted golden apple in my inventory uh one block wherever you are thank you very much even though you just

About killed me I appreciate it and for the remainder of Day 26 I went ahead and mined the one block to get a bunch of nether supplies well I guess I guess the nether ages I got a bunch of brewing supplies we’ll have to build some sort of Brewing Station soon but

Before we go to bed let’s go ahead and water our hairline and we’ll go to bed for the night and as you can see the hair water rule seems to be working although I do have a giant bald spot in the middle of my head other than that it

Seems to be good I then made another expansion to the island and started working on creating my Auto Brewer this is gonna be able to brew all my potions automatically and I’m not gonna lie I had to watch a tutorial it’s been a while since I built one of these and

This is what it looks like before and this is what it looks like after now of course guys we still haven’t put in the walls but oh my gosh I definitely lost a little bit of brain cells building these Auto Brewers but the good thing is now I

Don’t have to brew any of the potions it’ll just automatically Brew everything and I’ll show you guys how it’s all done in a little bit but now it’s time to put up the walls after losing what little brain cells I had left I started putting up the walls around the auto Brewers I

Also stuck to the archway design because I felt like it looked really cool alright now that all the auto Brewers are done let’s go check out Brad Loaf and see how she’s doing oh my gosh red loaf you’ve grown quite a bit it looks like all those fish are working wonders

They are yummy I want somewhere to play it’s a little boring around here by myself I’ll see what I can do about that bread loaf in the meantime keep eating your food and drinking lots of water okay well I wonder what breadth of is gonna look like when she’s full size

Because that is a big difference it almost looks like it’s a new cat I then continued mining the one block in a giant elephant spawn beside me yeah that’s kind of strange I wasn’t too sure what to do at this point but after grabbing some wheat I was able to lead

It into the Stables where it’s going to live for now I then spent the remainder of day 33 harvesting and replanting all of the wheat yeah there’s quite a lot I then spent another day mining the one block getting a bunch of materials so I can continue working on expanding my

Island now that I had enough materials I expanded the island and as you can see we have the auto Brewers directly next to what’s gonna be the auto Farms you guys can see I build my automatic potato farm so let’s quickly plant some potatoes and I’ll show you guys how it

Works so this is all the potatoes I have to my name I know I’m pretty poor basically how it works is as soon as I click this button it’ll release all the water from the dispensers and it’ll Harvest all of my crops and it’ll bring all the crops back into this

Edition so it’s pretty cool now I’m just gonna build another one of these on the opposite side after completing the second Auto Farm I continued mining the one block and I entered the diamond age all of a sudden I got teleported again oh no where am I this time ball full

Welcome to your next challenge the water will rise every 10 seconds find the button or you’ll drown see ya after one block disappeared all of a sudden the Water started rising out of nowhere okay not good don’t panic try to find the button It’s gotta be in one of these

Houses maybe as you can see the water has been rising very fast it is already completely deleted all of the houses in the surrounding area as I started running out of air I started taking some damage luckily I was still able to catch some breath but I knew I didn’t have

Much time as the water was Rising very fast okay you I had no more time to waste okay come on It’s gotta be on the floor somewhere around here in one of these holes maybe and just before I drowned I clicked the button and it suddenly disappeared and I was teleported back to

My one block okay one block that was way too close you made it back congratulations on Surviving that challenge here’s your reward um this oh my gosh thank you also I forgot to mention you can call in for favors if you need something just ask just remember some favors may have consequences okay

I then went ahead and watered my hairline and went to sleep for the night and when I woke up in the morning I had a full head of hair I was no longer bald one like equals one more hair on my head I then began working on the middle of my

One block as you guys see I’m now finishing the pathway and filling in some of the open void after completing most of my Pathways started mining the one block and suddenly it said monster party even me okay what the heck I did not expect that okay let’s see what we can

Do here hopefully they don’t have too much health as you can see these creatures take quite a lot of damage and without having any potions I had to be very careful another issue I realized is my boots had just broken so now I was even weaker I tried pillowing up but

They shot me with some sort of poison which knocked me down after nearly dying to these weird looking creatures I was finally able to take them down okay one more there we go just when I thought everything was back to normal a bunch of these netherright Golems spawned on me

Subscribe me for good luck please I need good luck right now and after a few more hits I was able to take down the remaining netherrate Golem okay okay throughout the remainder of the day I had some weird looking demon Golem spawn on top of me as well as some Lions

Yeah hopefully this monster party ends soon because I don’t know how much longer I could take this and as you guys can see after a few more hits I was able to take down the final lion after making myself some full diamond armor I then went ahead and mined the one block for

The remainder of the day it looked like the monster party was now over ah I’m scared just when I thought the monster party was over I noticed bread loaf was being targeted out of there I’ll take care of them now that bread loaf is safe I went ahead and

Started taking down each one of these mobs one by one and with one last hit I defeated that weird looking zombie and defeated the final netherwolf okay bread loaf I think that’s the last of them I’m gonna grab a golden apple for you just in case of an emergency just wait here I

Then grabbed the golden apple that one block gave me earlier and gave it to bread loaf okay thanks the close one hopefully no more of these monsters spawn I’ve got to keep a close eye on Brad loaf now I think the one block that we’ve made so far does look

Pretty good but it is a little bit plain so I think for the next few days I want to do some decorating this is what the one block looked like before and this is what it looks like now it’s pretty cool what you can do but just adding leaves

It adds a whole lot of character to this one block I then went ahead and began harvesting my entire tree farm and after harvesting that I expanded all the potato and carrots after harvesting and expanding some of my Farms I then went ahead and connected all of the archways

I think this looks a lot better now after the archways were connected I went ahead and added some roofs okay I think adding the roofs on top was a really good touch now the next thing I want to do is potentially build some sort of cobblestone generator that way I can

Have a bunch more blocks and I also just realized we built these Auto Brews quite a while ago and we haven’t heard any potions so I think the next step we make our cobblestone generator and Brew up a bunch of potions as you can see I then began working on making the platform

Where my cobblestone generator will be and while I’m building the cobblestone generator if you haven’t already make sure you follow me on Instagram for exclusive updates on upcoming videos I’m not sure if this is the most efficient Farm if you know any better techniques comment down below falls down into these Hoppers leading

Into the chest so it’s a pretty nice way to get a bunch of cobblestone and I can merge it all into Zone if I really feel like it but nobblestone I think it’s time we Brew up some potions over by the auto Brewers before we get started on brewing potions

I wanted to go ahead and spend the rest of the day putting good use to my cobblestone generator after spending the entire day getting a bunch of cobblestone I then started Gathering a bunch of netherwart which I’ll need for my Brewing not sure if it’s just me but

I find time lapses so satisfying okay as you guys can see here I am at the autoburst and how this works is basically I have all the materials that I need to make my potions now all I gotta do is fill it up with water bottles so what I’m gonna do is collect

A bunch of water from here fill up a bunch of these chests and then turn on the Auto Brewer and it’s gonna start Auto making all my potions so without further Ado let’s get started you guys don’t understand the amount of right clicks I needed to do to fill up all of

These chests so definitely leave a like for my fingers okay guys and after messing with the Redstone a little bit I fixed them as you guys saw in the replay mod it worked for like a second and then it would stop but now it’s going to continuously start working and after

It’s being brewed it pushes it down to the next one and as you guys can see at the bottom we finally have some strength potions so we’re gonna have a bunch of different potions we got strength we got speed we have a bunch of insta health

And finally in the last one we got bunch more into health because you can never have enough but now that we have the auto Brewers working we have a bunch of potions what I would actually like to do is to start expanding my Island the idea

That I had was instead of making an island above this island what if I made an island underneath this island so I think I’m gonna have to call in for a favor from the one block hey one block are you there okay there you are I’m

Here to call in for that favor I want to expand my one block and was wondering if you could help me consider it done the one block opened the fence gate and then Swan donned off the island okay guys the one block jumped off I don’t know where

He oh there wait is that oh that is the one block okay so it looks like he is gonna be helping us build okay the only thing is is how am I gonna get down to the one oh okay okay well I guess I’m gonna be jumping down okay that was a

Little bit scary okay well now I guess we need to get to building after Gathering a bunch of cobblestone from my cobblestone generator the one block and I quickly made a platform and filled the entire thing in hopefully my finger doesn’t break off from right clicking so

Much after we finish the platform I went ahead and watered my hairline again and then went to bed for the night I never thought after admiring all the hair I had on my head I went ahead and gathered a bunch of potions let’s get a hashtag hairful in the comments after Gathering some

More potions I continued mining the one block and entered the desert age little did I know moments later I’d be teleported by the one block where am I remember how I said there’d be consequences if you asked for favors well here’s your first consequence uh what you mean first consequence

Um what the heck is that okay that is a pharaoh little did I know one block sent me back to ancient Egypt to fight a pharaoh after drinking my strength and speed potions that went in for a couple hits and he almost one shot me this

Pharaoh does a ton of damage I swung and got a couple more hits on the Pharaoh and blocked a big attack from him with only four potions left to my name I went in for a few more hits and did quite a lot of damage as the fight continued I

Got pushed back and fell into a pool of water okay this is not good he’s doing a lot of damage this is all or nothing and with one final attack I was able to take down the Pharaoh and his minions I was then teleported back to my one block

Okay one block if that was not cool I better get some sort of reward your consequences will only get harder so be careful of which favors you asked for here’s your reward ing my hair I am not excited to try that out but uh thanks I guess one block this

Is very cursed did you guys think I forgot about bread loaf we are gonna be building Bread Loaf in awesome playground using this space that we’ve made down here now keep in mind this entire space is not gonna be a playground but we can definitely make something pretty cool maybe in this

Corner over here so needlessly to say I think bread loaf is gonna be pretty happy and what’s the number one important thing that would be safety so I think I’m gonna have to head over to my tree farm get a bunch of wood and add some fences to go around this entire

Area yeah this is gonna be a while and while I’m harvesting my tree farm I just wanted to say we’re coming so close to 1 million subscribers so thank you after replanting my tree farm and adding defenses around the one block it was time to build the playground for bread

Loaf surprisingly one block came and helped out for a bit too once the parkour to the pool was made I then went ahead and built a new home for bread loaf hey I think I did a pretty good job on this build okay now the playground is

Down let’s go ahead and show bread loaf oh my gosh bread loaf you’re massive now these fish have a lot of protein I feel I then let bread loaf all the way down to her brand new playground wow this is insane well it’s safe to say bread loaf definitely likes her playground

Hopefully she doesn’t get too much bigger though I’m not sure how I’m Gonna Keep Her fed I then went ahead and mined the one block for the rest of the day to gather a bunch more materials as you guys saw that Magma Cube kind of blew up

Everything but I opened the chest and look at this there’s a fire aspect to book that is going to come in handy I wonder what other enchants I’m gonna be able to get from this and as it is getting pretty late I figured it’s time to water our hair with the extreme hair

Waterer so let’s quickly take off her helmet do a couple splashes of that and let’s see what her hair looks like in the morning the very next morning as you can see the hair is growing down my face and turning into a mullet please don’t comment hashtag mulletful just don’t do

It after growing a mullet overnight I continued mining the one block took down this Blaze and entered the enchantment age you’ve made it to the enchanting phase as most of my challenges have caused harm here’s a reward for making it this far um what is this four Enderman spawners

Okay this is pretty awesome one block might not be so evil after all thank you and he’s gone okay this this is just weird okay I I didn’t expect my video to get like this like first off I have a mullet I have extreme hair waterers and

Now I have a bunch of Enderman spawners all right this is kind of weird now that we’re in the enchanting phase I figured I should mind this block and see what kind of new materials I’m able to get also what I’d like to do is make some

Sort of expansion and build our Enderman spawner place I’m not exactly sure where I should do it I think honestly I might just utilize some of the space that we have down here I then went ahead and spent the remainder of the day mining the one block to get a bunch more

Supplies as Endermans don’t naturally spawn here I wasn’t able to build the normal Enderman grinder but I made use of the materials I had set up some trees that were three blocks high that way no Endermans could hit me as you can see our base looks pretty good so far we’ve

Got this beautiful farm with all of our animals we got this huge tree farm in netherwort farm we’ve also built the dark room we have our Auto Brewer set up here with an automatic farm beside it and of course we have bread loaf jumping

In her pool and end it all off we have the end farm the next project I wanted to do was quickly go ahead and build a nice little area to make an enchantment room yeah I figured at the time we get some enchants this is what the room

Looked like before and this is what it looks like after now that my enchantment route was made I was able to utilize the dark room and get fully Enchanted armor now that pleaded a chanting on my armor as you guys can see the enchants were kind of mediocre but it wasn’t too bad

Now I want to go ahead and mine the one block for the rest of this day get a bunch of supplies and finish off building the glass around these areas here so just like that I spent the remainder of the day getting as much materials as I could and if you made it

This far in the video just know I appreciate each and every one of you I put a lot of effort into making this content and I really hope I can Inspire and brighten up some of your days well I’m not gonna lie this place looks a lot

Better now with the glass being fully done up and the roof is now finished here as well now I think it’s time to harvest all of my crops as I’m harvesting these crops I’ve kind of just been thinking to myself I’m probably not even gonna go ahead and replay any of

These as I do already have the automated crop farms over there so I kind of should just get rid of this stuff if you have any suggestions what I should build instead of the wheat farm there comment it down below now that I was fully Enchanted I was comfortable enough to

Continue mining the one block as I continued mining I entered the boss age as I looked around I saw Zeus god of the I spawn in front of me he does not look very happy for me is there anything you can give me to assist in killing Zeus this should do

The trick good luck um what is this extreme knockback stick uh okay thanks one block I guess I’ll see you around okay well hopefully this knockback stick works because wait is he is he really strong uh yeah he has like a lot of Health okay knock back

Gosh as you can see as soon as we knocked him off he immediately died Okay so okay so what in the world is that is that albino King Kong okay that is not good we have gotta get rid of him fast I don’t know how but he is hitting me from

All the way over there this is extremely cursed hey we get another favor if you don’t mind can you break the fences behind him because I literally cannot get rid of this thing oh wait is that one block okay that’s one block as I requested one block came to the rescue Breaking All

The fences behind him well here goes nothing let’s go okay wait I think we killed him okay so albino Kong is down Zeus is down surely there’s not gonna be any more bosses right I think we should probably go to bed for the night just when I thought everything was back to

Normal I saw another boss standing on top of my roof it was Illidan for my demon only World video when I went to go hit him he charged through me I then lined up a nice angle and knocked Illidan all the way off the map that was

Easy well I guess the boss phase isn’t the worst as you guys can see I got some totems of undying which will come in handy if I ever do end up getting close to dying and as it is night time another boss spawn did it seem to be Apollo from

My ancient Rome video once I built all the way up I got a nice angle and launched Apollo all the way into the void see it after defeating all the bosses that spawn on Mia then began mining the one block again and I entered the end phase being in a new phase I

Took this opportunity to mind the one block to get a bunch of new materials as you is that like an End Portal over there how in the world did this get here welcome to the end phase painful as you can see an End Portal has opened up once

You go through the portal you cannot come back until whatever is on the other side waiting for you has been defeated okay that sounds a little bit intimidating I’m not gonna lie we should likely enchant our new armor and we should probably grab some potions because it sounds like there’s something

Waiting to fight and after a couple days of enchanting as you guys can see I got some decent enchants half of it anyways and now it’s time to grab some potions and I think I’m ready to defeat whatever’s on the other side of this end portal I’m assuming it’s gonna be an

Ender Dragon right preparing for battle I grabbed a bunch of potions and headed into the end upon entering the end there was a Mecca Dragon waiting for me I decided to pop my speed and strength potions and begin this fight I began to fight by shooting him with an arrow and

It launched a ton of missiles at me okay we gotta be careful of those missiles that actually does quite a lot of damage suddenly the dragon stop moving and started firing a lot more missiles at me as you guys can see you can step on any more bombs after

Barely surviving another barrage of missiles that went ahead grabbed some more potions it took one final shot to eliminate the mecca Dragon okay okay I was then teleported back to my one block welcome back home okay what in the world okay he’s still actually come in handy thank you very

Much one block even though you nearly killed me a few times I appreciate all the gifts and did one block said full head of hair now hold on how long it oh my gosh it’s been a little while since we checked on bread loaf we should

Probably go see how she’s doing oh my goodness Fred loaf what have you been eating I really like food finalizing day 100 bread loaf and I watched the sunset and of course if you made it this far comment hashtag painful Army so I know you’re a real one see

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Painful on 2022-10-07 22:00:11. It has garnered 7776283 views and 12661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:13 or 1753 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft… 👕 Merch – https://painfulstore.com/ 🔥 Buy my Badlion Cosmetics ➜ https://store.badlion.net/shop/Painful

Create your own Minecraft Server herehttps://bisecthosting.com/painful Patreon ➜ https://www.patreon.com/forrestpainful (Download my custom maps you see in my videos!)

In this video I had to survive 100 Days one One Block… There was 7 different ages I have to survive through. Will I survive 100 Days? Stay tuned to find out!

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#100Days #Hardcore #Minecraft

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    Skyblock S.O.S.: My Minecraft World's Close Call! #shorts In the world of Skyblock, I nearly met my end, A close call that almost made me descend. Random items spawning every 15 seconds, oh my, The challenge is tough, but I’ll give it a try. On my YouTube channel, the video is out, Subscribe for more content, without a doubt. Twitch, Discord, TikTok, all the addies you need, Join the fun, let’s plant the gaming seed. Dio, the streamer, the YouTuber, the pro, Inspired by DreamSMP, putting on a show. Minecraft, reactions, vlogs, and more, Dio does it all, with content galore. So come along, join the fun… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience! Are you tired of the same old servers and looking for something new and exciting? Look no further than Minewind! Join a vibrant community of players from around the world on this epic Minecraft server. With a focus on survival gameplay and exciting events, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join the fun today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, creativity, and… Read More

  • 100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness

    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness Exploring 100 Days of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with Boubou as they tackle the challenging Hardcore mode in version 1.20.4. Despite some technical difficulties, Boubou has bravely uploaded their gameplay to showcase their survival skills and determination. Surviving the First Few Days Boubou managed to narrowly survive the initial days in Minecraft Hardcore, setting the stage for an epic adventure ahead. With a few goals achieved, the journey is far from over in this vast and unpredictable world. Even though Boubou admits to not being the best hardcore player, they… Read More

  • Experiment Gone Wrong: Minecraft Mobs Unleashed!

    Experiment Gone Wrong: Minecraft Mobs Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, experiments run wild, Mutant mobs roam, fierce and untamed, not mild. Zombie mutants, red and scary, immune to the sun, Skeleton mutants, armored and fierce, ready to stun. Wolf mutants with two tails, a sight to behold, Spider mutants with big fangs, fierce and bold. Chicken mutants turned into T-Rex, a fright at night, In the world of Minecraft, mutants take flight. So subscribe and like, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, mutants bring the heat. Stay tuned for more adventures, more experiments to see, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore!

    Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore! In the world of Minecraft, a celebration is near, With capes and discounts, there’s much to cheer. Twitch and TikTok capes, brand new and bright, For Bedrock Edition, a colorful sight. To get the Twitch cape, watch a streamer live, Wait for a code, then redeem and thrive. For TikTok cape, watch a stream on the app, Get a code, redeem it, no need to clap. Minecraft’s 15th birthday, a special treat, Discounts and freebies, all so sweet. Don’t miss out on the fun, watch till the end, For Minecraft news, I’m your rhyming friend. Read More

  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you tired of the same old Minecraft experience? Looking for something new and exciting to spice up your gameplay? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. From intense PvP battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and experience the… Read More

  • T2NDS – Cobble Collection

    T2NDS - Cobble CollectionThe Second Server Network presents, Cobble Collection a curated Modpack & Server for the community. Download, T2NDS – Cobble Collection, and play today! https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/t2nds-cobble-collection Featuring: Cobblemon for a fun cobblemon experience! MCA Reborn for a unique starting experience. Vanilla+ structures~ Create mod (and addons) for simple automation. Immersive Aircraft for a vanilla-like flying experience. Lots of decorative and quality-of-life mods like Beautify, Fairy Lights, Chipped, Immersive Paintings, etc. Croptopia and addons for a varied agricultural experience. Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon progression system with endgame PvE and weekly tournaments + events.

    Welcome to Silvermons! Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join us for exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Don’t miss out on Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server Details: Server IP: play.silvermons.com Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (Link) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang spitting straight facts

    Minecraft Memes - Mojang spitting straight factsMaybe Mojang should start giving out points for memes instead of just for mining diamonds! Read More

  • Block Battle: Minecraft vs Roblox – The Ultimate Showdown!

    Block Battle: Minecraft vs Roblox - The Ultimate Showdown! In the world of gaming, where choices abound, Minecraft and Roblox, which one will astound? Both have their merits, both have their charm, But which one will leave you feeling warm? Minecraft, a world of blocks and creation, Building and exploring, a gamer’s sensation. Roblox, a platform for games galore, With endless possibilities, always wanting more. So which is better, the question at hand, It all comes down to personal demand. Do you prefer building or playing with friends? Both games have something that never ends. In the end, it’s all about fun and delight, Choosing the game that… Read More

  • “Never again will I summon the demon in Minecraft” #hotmemes

    "Never again will I summon the demon in Minecraft" #hotmemes “I guess you could say that portal was just too cursed for them to handle! Maybe they should stick to building something a little less…haunted.” Read More

  • Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters

    Bandit Adventure Life: Chosen One vs Hunters The Chosen One Faces Off Against the Hunters in a Fierce Battle! In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “CHOSEN ONE VS HUNTERS! – Bandit Adventure Life (PRO LIFE) – Episode 32,” viewers are treated to an intense showdown between the Chosen One and the Hunters in the world of Minecraft Animation. This episode, part of Pro Life Season 3, promises to keep fans on the edge of their seats with thrilling action and suspense. A Thrilling Confrontation The Hunters find themselves in a fierce battle as they come face to face with the legendary Chosen One…. Read More

  • Crafty Villager Shenanigans

    Crafty Villager Shenanigans The Craziest Train Station for Villagers in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In a recent gameplay video, a dedicated player showcased their impressive creation – a Villager Hall that doubles as a train station for transporting villagers. The result? A unique and innovative addition to their Minecraft world. Creating the Villager Hall The player meticulously designed and constructed a sprawling Villager Hall, complete with intricate details and functional elements. The hall served as a central hub for villagers, offering various amenities and services to cater to their needs. Transporting Villagers via Train What set… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft hacks REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cheats part 4’, was uploaded by Posterfridge gaming on 2024-05-30 17:46:05. It has garnered 43 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:52 or 15412 seconds. your favourite friendly definitely a human… Person! check out last stream to see what i did in that one Read More

  • Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYT

    Medieval Fantasy RPG Minecraft by ManzbegaminYTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, but it’s a Medieval Fantasy RPG’, was uploaded by ManzbegaminYT on 2024-02-19 19:43:25. It has garnered 2587 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:32 or 3032 seconds. I’ve finally returned. Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/manzbegamin Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manzbegaminyt/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/manzbegaminyt TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manzbegaminyt?lang=en (Thanks to Chatgpt for the absolute yap of a description this is) 🛡️ Embark on a thrilling journey with the incredible ManzbegaminYT as we dive headfirst into the enchanting world of a medieval fantasy Minecraft modpack! 🏰 🌍 Immerse yourself in a realm where knights don powerful armor, mighty dragons soar… Read More

  • “Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!” #minecraft #endcrystal

    "Unbelievable CPvP Mods and X-Ray Hacks!" #minecraft #endcrystalVideo Information This video, titled ‘”This Much” #minecraft #cpvp #endcrystal’, was uploaded by CPvP Settings And Mods on 2024-05-03 19:18:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal pvp texture pack, crystal pvp server, crystal pvp bedrock, crystal pvp guide, crystal pvp … Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuilding

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Build Hacks 🚀 #minecraftbuildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Build Hacks! ⚡️#minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by MineMINE on 2023-12-15 09:50:28. It has garnered 23 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. 🌍✨ Embark on a thrilling journey with us in the Minecraft universe as we delve deep into the mysteries of the Enchanted Realm! In this action-packed episode, we explore uncharted territories, face off against menacing mobs, and unveil hidden treasures that will leave you on the edge of your seat! 🏰 Our fearless adventurer, is armed with nothing but determination and a trusty pickaxe… Read More

  • EPIC SSG GAMING! Insane Minecraft Skills – Day 12 – New Village Build

    EPIC SSG GAMING! Insane Minecraft Skills - Day 12 - New Village BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘[No Voice] Minecraft:Survival – Live Day 12 – New Village Build (Android)’, was uploaded by SSG GAMING SKILLS on 2024-01-13 07:08:45. It has garnered 32 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Game Mode: Online Size : 1.5 GB Device : Realme Narzo 30 Pro Like and Subscribe For more Awesome Gaming Videos For Android. ——————————————– —–—–—Description—–—–— ——————————————– Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine…. Read More

  • JJ & Mikey meet Witch & Blue TV Woman in Minecraft! Craziness ensues!

    JJ & Mikey meet Witch & Blue TV Woman in Minecraft! Craziness ensues!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met Witch TV WOMAN and Blue TV Woman! WHAT JJ and MIKEY CHOISE?! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-03-19 11:30:13. It has garnered 16852 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:09 or 3909 seconds. JJ Met Witch TV WOMAN and Blue TV Woman! WHAT JJ and MIKEY CHOISE?! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Lorder Gameplay @DELTALOO #shocking

    Unbelievable Minecraft Lorder Gameplay @DELTALOO #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bize Bişey Olmaz @DELTALOO #fypシ #keşfet #minecraft #beniöneçıkart’, was uploaded by Lorder on 2024-02-26 13:28:36. It has garnered 117 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • “SHOCKING Announcement in Cypher’s Minecraft World!” #hypixel #clickbait

    "SHOCKING Announcement in Cypher's Minecraft World!" #hypixel #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Important Announcement…#hypixel #minemenclub #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpvp’, was uploaded by Cypher on 2024-05-12 17:11:06. It has garnered 155 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. In this video Cypher plays Minecraft 1.20 and not 1.19 but a challenge. In this video I play a game of fireball fight at Minemen club. It was super fun and super intense. My opponent was good. GG’s to him. But thats not important now. There is an important announcement. From now on, I will be posting fewer youtube shorts because I can barely… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cover of Gravity Falls Theme! 🔥🎶

    INSANE Minecraft Cover of Gravity Falls Theme! 🔥🎶Video Information This video, titled ‘Gravity Falls Main Theme – Minecraft #minecraft #noteblock’, was uploaded by MuzicBlockTime on 2024-01-14 22:00:01. It has garnered 244 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Gravity Fall Main Theme Song Thank you BeastRyan for recommending this song, loved this show when it came out, hope yall enjoyed! Read More

  • Mastermc.EU

    Mastermc.EUVote für MasterMC. wir sind ein cooler Server der Vieles bietet wenn du uns unter stutzen wilst vote doch gerne und joine unserem discord MasterMC.EU:25566 Read More

  • Justalpha – Semi-Vanilla Server

    Minecraft Alpha Server IP: justalpha.ddns.net Port: 2189 Version: Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.8.1 Gamemode: Vanilla Survival Whitelisted Discord: Join Now About the Server: Join the tight-knit community of Just Alpha for a fun experience. Explore a world beyond the 256×256 limit by stepping into the world border. Engage with good people and active admins, and don’t forget to visit the nether portal near spawn. Help us grow! Join the server, say hi, and be part of increasing its popularity and population. From: Falcomaster3 Read More

  • Survival-Players

    Welcome to the real survival players!Are you tired of boring servers with economic systems that are more complicated than your tax return? Are you looking for a place where you can just enjoy pure survival, without cheats, mods or other bells and whistles? Then we have just the thing for you! Our small but nice Minecraft Java Survival Server offers you: 🌳 Real survival feeling: Everything is like in single player mode – only better because you are not alone! Experience the wild nature, build your dream house and discover the world in its purest form. 🎮 Experienced and active… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gamer girl-approved?

    Looks like this Minecraft dog has mastered the art of playing fetch with a diamond sword instead of a stick! Read More

  • Soundcraft: Cube Xuan’s Location Quest!

    Soundcraft: Cube Xuan's Location Quest! In Minecraft, sound can guide your way, Listen closely, don’t go astray. Cube Xuan’s animations, funny and bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. Fangkuaixuan, the creator of fun, Crafting MC animations, second to none. Avoiding harm, keeping it safe, For all the young gamers, in every place. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For daily doses of joy, oh so sweet. Minecraft facts, shared in rhyme, Keeping the community, in perfect time. Read More

  • Ore Mining Showdown: Noobs vs Pros

    Ore Mining Showdown: Noobs vs Pros Rank 1 Ore Mining: carefully mines ore with precision Rank 999 Ore Mining: accidentally blows up entire mountain Who knew mining could be so explosive? #MinecraftFail 😂🔥 Read More

  • Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans

    Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures with Sad! Exploring the World of Minecraft Robert’s insistence finally paid off as our favorite content creator delved into the enchanting world of Minecraft. With the company of their Mod and Friend Sad, the gaming experience reached new heights of excitement and fun. Building the Bean Mart During a recent TikTok Live stream, viewers were treated to a night of ordering, stocking, and planning as the Bean Mart took shape in the virtual realm. The captivating gameplay had TikTok viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each new development. Join the Adventure! For those who… Read More


    INSANE SKYBLOCK ADVENTURE - DAY 83 SEASON 7!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘prt 2 DAY 83 – SEASON 7!!!! SKYBLOCK SB737 PENGUIN.GG SERVER – MINECRAFT BEDROCK CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2024-04-02 12:06:56. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:10 or 6790 seconds. Happy Easter everyone! The lighthouse has a roof!! We need to get working on the mob farms – so lets do that today ===================================================================== Meanwhile in GOOSEVILLE Subs are coming in super quickly (thank you so much!) 500 sub challenge – Respawn the Dragon (and go to the ancient city for the 400!) I haven’t… Read More

  • Insane Pillars of Fortune Montage

    Insane Pillars of Fortune MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillars of Fortune montage. #clutch #minecraft #cubecraft’, was uploaded by JoyfulMage on 2024-04-03 01:18:04. It has garnered 630 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • Free REALM Code for Minecraft, No Permission Needed!

    Free REALM Code for Minecraft, No Permission Needed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft REALM code! No Permission REQUIRED’, was uploaded by FG Dakota on 2024-05-31 06:52:05. It has garnered 901 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. vatar minecraft realm code, anime universe minecraft realm code, ultimate achievement world minecraft realm code 1.19, zombie apocalypse minecraft realm code 2023, rust minecraft realm code, minecraft rpg realm code, minecraft realm code 2023, minecraft realm code survival, minecraft realm code skygen, minecraft realm code smp, minecraft realm code 1.20, minecraft realm code xbox, minecraft realm code naruto, star wars minecraft realm code,… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP SERVERS TO JOIN NOW!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #minecraftgameplay #joinmysmp’, was uploaded by Flow on 2024-02-05 02:33:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Hive Live Challenge: 1 Sub = Griddy?!

    Insane Hive Live Challenge: 1 Sub = Griddy?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live With Viewers One Sub = Griddy’, was uploaded by JustNonSense69 on 2024-03-02 20:56:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftTexturePacks #animeaddon #hive #mcpe #minecraftbedrock #minecraft JustNonSense69FaultDownload … Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Bed Transformation Causes Chaos in Minecraft Village!

    Mikey & JJ Bed Transformation Causes Chaos in Minecraft Village!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ AND MIKEY BECOME BEDS AND ATTACK THE VILLAGE IN MINECRAFT ! Mikey and JJ BED VILLAGE.’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-03-19 19:51:36. It has garnered 17813 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. Read More

  • Claim: Sahil is an Impostor?! Pranking My Friend #minecraft

    Claim: Sahil is an Impostor?! Pranking My Friend #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Prank With My Friend #minecraft #viral #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by ITS NOT SAHIL on 2023-12-28 01:45:05. It has garnered 2521 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft…