I Survived 100 Days With The OLD World Option??

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Hello i’m mpx toy cat and minecraft recently confirmed they’re removing a world option that most people didn’t even know existed because it is the old world type that’s right you can play minecraft just like the old days when it first came out the worlds were 256 by

256 blocks and the height limit was 128 and that is true in the old world type wanna access the never all the end bad luck you literally cannot on the old world type and so 99.9 players have avoided this option because it’s pretty bad in most ways and you’d be pretty

Crazy to spend any amount of time on it which is why i spent 100 days surviving in an old world and today i’d like you to join me on that journey after you hit the subscribe button of course if you want to see more weird survival

Challenges so let’s jump into it so day one is going to be all about getting a lay of the land what do i have going on around me and as you can see it’s actually looking shaping up to be a pretty decent old-sized world but you

Can see that in exchange for having a village which is a big win i do have the kind of big downside of so many rivers i mean i got a fair number of biomes so it makes sense that some of that is rivers but there’s just so many of them i don’t

Know how that’s even possible but for now we need to work out our first place to sleep usually you meant to chop down what is the first thing you do in a day but when you’ve got a village it’s actually very easy to make a house you

Just walk into someone else’s take their bed take their chest and now now you’re like halfway there i don’t want to brag but my house is doing pretty damn fine so far if you don’t mind me saying it is the dawn of the second day and my big

Plan for this day is to actually go mining all i’ve ended up with at the end of day two is some gold and some coal but i guess that’s fine there’s always day three although day three is here now and i think it’s important we start the basics

For an actual decent food farm i don’t mind bread it’s very easy to get given that villagers have hay bales but i think we can do a little bit better and so i saw a sheep over there a second ago but he might have despawned so i’ve got

One sheep one cow and then i’ve got this it is a cow that has somehow spawned in the middle of a tree but i’ll take it okay i’ve now officially found every orb besides diamond and maybe redstone too actually once you mine the blocks on the edge of

The world it doesn’t look like something else is over here instead there’s just this weird oh god there’s just this weird view where nothing exists anymore because there is nothing outside that border not even me it is an empty world and it’s very scary to look at but that’s that’s the world

War for you so every day going forwards we’re going to breed the cows at least once and you’re going to see the exponential increase from two cows to three cows to now four cows today i’m finally gonna build some walls for my house because you know i’ve decided i don’t like the

Villager coming in every night and sleeping in my bed yeah i’ve seen you i’m i’m bothered by it i want to have my house amongst the villagers but i don’t want the villagers to think that i’m one of them that would be a tragedy of untold proportions so i’m gonna steal

The villager house design but maybe make a little uh alteration or two to it oh my god well there goes the house it took until day five but here is my house ready and complete and i think it’s an absolute beauty of a house too uh let me give you

A tour actually first of all the moat as you can see uh villagers or other animals won’t be able to jump inside this thing you know creepers perhaps would not be able to get in not that i have any experience of that and then on

The inside you can see it’s got all the essentials you might say it’s a bit small but i say it’s well packed because the best bit of fool that you’re probably not even thinking about is the nine furnaces i have installed up here how did you get in here

Oh my god he just disappeared through the window too what what is happening to him oh he can go in via the corner i wish i could sleep in beds that way wait can i i cannot so i wake up on day six and this villager is just really taunting me

Come on man you’re gonna have to you’re gonna have to leave no you will you will leave my house okay i guess he stays hey diamonds heck yeah so the trick is when you find eight diamonds as your first vein only ever take five of those

Diamonds oh there’s no obsidian how am i gonna make a crafting tape an enchanting table no the tip won’t work here i i was feeling so smug i was gonna make an enchantment table but how’s that gonna you know okay if i want enchanted goods i have to

Trade for them the diamonds can only be used to make things i have to buy whatever you know here’s my point i’m upgrading straight to diamond tear okay so hear me out i don’t have a single part of my world that has ice in

It which means that if i want to get ice or indeed blue ice the only way is to trade with a wandering trader the wandering trader actually has a use in minecraft you just have to be playing on an old world type however the problem

Here is that too much of my identity is tied up in convincing people that the wandering traders useless so here’s me just now proving that we can in fact garon ice so this is the tiniest little mountain biome that exists in the corner of my minecraft world and just to prove

A point at the very very edge of the world i’m going to show what the height limit is just so you can really get a feel for that but also something you might not know is that the height of a biome affects its temperature meaning that obviously the top of the mountain

Has snow everyone sees that that’s a visual thing but the much more interesting thing is that if we go higher enough here you should be oh god i’m glad i saved myself there if we go high up enough here we should be okay that time i did not save myself why did

The crouching not work i was crouched that whole time and i just fell off the block well it’s a good thing what are you doing in my house well day seven first minecraft f okay i wish i was joking when i said this this sounds like the dumbest and

Most unimportant prank in the world but for some reason crouching doesn’t work at the edge of old worlds i don’t understand but yeah if you ever wanted to crouch over the edge of a block you can only do that oh god where am i okay

You can only do that at the edge of these worlds and so yeah what we’re going to do is we’re going to make a nice flat cobblestone surface because you know i want to have a big old pit of ice here so my plan to make ice might

Have flooded an entire section of the world but otherwise entirely successful one of the cool things about old worlds is if you want to make a resource go extinct you just can so for instance i have a lovely birch house so i can chop down every single other birch tree in the land

Three full days later and the birch forest is finally extinct all of the birch logs are now in my inventory and i can take all of these saplings and i can choose to do if i want them even burning them to make some steaks if i really

Want i i thought this would be a good end point for this but then i realized if i want birch to truly be extinct there’s birch in regular forests as well look at those birch over there taunting me so you know what we’re doing tomorrow

Making a chest to put all of our birch logs in okay these are the final two birch trees chopping down every single one of these has kept me up long into the night but i can finally say on day 11 we have all of the birch logs for myself

There’s a lot of garbage rivers around here like this thing over here you know there’s just too many rivers in this world and you know the easiest way to fix rivers is it’s to go in with a shovel and it’s to do it yourself let’s go ahead and let’s seal up this little

Section of the river entirely it doesn’t need to exist so one of the cool benefits of having an old style world i guess you could get this in any world but like this is my entire world that i’m slowly seeing the map change for in

Front of my eyes and every time i place a block it is you know like one to one represented or i think it might be a two to two uh block but like uh you’re seeing every uh time blocks are being placed it’s actually affecting the map

In a way i think it’s cool look at that you can see you can see what i just built live right there every night i come home and there’s just zombies all over the world and one iron golem is enough to cope so i’ve got two ways i

Could deal with look at that there is a husk literally killing a villager as i speak oh god no no come on come on come on it’s gonna be fine but it’s a huge problem for me and it’s actually easy enough to fix because the world is 256

By 256 blocks and you need to place a block every six blocks in each direction and then every half of that we only need 1 600 torches to light up the entire world and given that i don’t even really need to light up the whole thing at once

I feel like that’s an easy enough target so i’m going to light up the entire village just to stop this happening every time we get home i want to tell you that it looks beautiful at night and it really does in a way but the creeper really

The creeper treading on my crops really uh does not help that theory in the slightest so you know what it’s nice but it’s it’s got some holes in so i’m making some really good progress here i like it the river has been cut off from one of its other weird directions that

For some reason it goes into uh but something i am noticing because i’m going to head home for the day i have to cross two rivers to get there one of the most essential pieces of minecraft infrastructure is a bridge and given that i’m going from relatively flat

Terrain to relatively flat terrain but having to go across this monstrous gap over here it’s just something i can’t deal with so let’s build ourselves a bridge that takes us from here to there and just like that we have this lovely bridge crossing and because i’m very good at sophisticated building we all

Know i’ve also made this second bridge which will take me back home with no issues whatsoever no elevation changing for me no thank you i’m just kidding of course i mean obviously these first few blocks have to have slabs on them so you don’t have to jump between them it just

Goes about saying that you need to have slabs when you’re moving between diagonal fences it’s just a big convenience for the user so i don’t know entirely how when it happened but my village lost its cyan golem and as a result a lot of its population i have

Narrowed down the number of villages down to just a single guy chilling over here i’ve got a cleric who lives in his lonely heart but otherwise i don’t see any other villagers of course there was a nitwit who was just asleep even though it’s midday i’m glad you exist actually

You know i i need to get these villages breeding today i i cannot delay this anymore let’s do some villager breeding i’ve stumbled across a bit of an issue and that the villagers don’t want to meet up i don’t know why that is but one of the villagers stays in his

House all day never goes to the center and the unemployed villager just looks back at what used to be a birch forest and misses how things used to be okay i’m gonna pull what we in the business call a pro gamer move my extremely smart idea is to move their beds next to

Each other so one minecraft bed one minecraft bed now they’ll be forced to sleep together oh my how did he just how did that seriously just happened no i did not accept that you were going to the other bed which is just a little pushing just a little shoving [Laughter]

He is he is committed to his spot here it seems okay there we go come on man there’s a bed over here you can click through the wall to this one if you want to okay you use the door will you that’s nice oh it’s happening heck yeah

Yeah i i played oh no it’s not happening [Laughter] hey a villager came out anyway oh what the what did i get blown up bike took out fell from a high place what huh huh this world is so glitchy the game decides every now and then if

You’re in the wrong part of the world you die and that’s nice did you know i cannot in charge have i complained about that yet i probably haven’t but i can fix that if i just get myself a little sniffing table if there is a snipping table in

There which there is then this villager will become a blacksmith a toolsmith and now i just have to buy or sell enough things to him and i’ll be able to buy diamond enchanted tools so that is my way around that it’s going to take a lot

Of coal or a lot of stone shovels though 64 coal is so much when it comes to torches but it’s so little when it comes to trading which proves the the point once again that like you know traders just are so stingy i just can’t in good

Conscience trade 15 coal for one emerald and not feel like a sucker so i’d like a fletcher villager in the near future it’s one of my favorite types but you need to trade sticks of them in pretty large quantities so to prepare for that i’m gonna chop down some oak trees

Okay the plan today is to get a lot of villagers assuming these two villagers can work out their relationship which hey there we go we’re gonna start breeding some villages i still just take damage randomly while walking around this world and i don’t fully understand it anyway

So i had another kind of cool idea given that a lot of my terraforming is to do with rivers what if i made this into a big dam so normally this would already be a tricky enough endeavor we can be doing this by hand and before sponges

What you did is you just filled it up with dirt or in this case we’re going to use some sand uh it’s gonna be a big project but hopefully it’s a fun one so my plan to dam up this river is to do it old school like i mentioned we place a layer

Of sand then we place a second layer of sand and now we can remove that first layer of sand and what do you know all the water is gone i spent days 25 to 29 continuing to replace the water blocks in the river with sand and this sounds

Like a ridiculous minecraft thing but this is actually how they reclaim land in real life so you know just saying my land reclamation project as i’m now calling it is going pretty well the villagers had to have a lot of babies for this to work but i finally

Have a fletcher which means guess what i’m selling in my my sticks for emeralds i do have an idea as to how i can get to that beautiful enchanted diamond shovel that i oh so badly want so i’ve got all of this gravel and i’m gonna use this for my

Draining slash my damn project instead ten percent of this is gonna turn into flint which usually is a bad thing right except in this case you know that flint is going to slowly turns emeralds slowly turn into an enchanted diamond shovel which we all know i want very desperately

Okay an entire day’s worth of work today converted to one emerald but a lot of experience i guess my god probably not a very good idea okay i just have this great idea as to how i actually can get enchantments i can get a lecture i can get a villager

That will sell me enchantments and then i can add it to my own stuff manually it’ll be a lot of effort but it’ll be worth it i think all we need for the books is free paper and a little bit of leather wow if only i’d started a

Sugarcane farm earlier huh i am so lucky i not only found that one bit of sugarcane or i guess the the six bits of sugarcane we also have one over there i think minecraft broke huh maybe my pc broke no it’s it’s on my xbox so oh god it just exploded what

Yeah we don’t we don’t question how it works here i guess you know what i’m just gonna bite the bullet and buy some diamond hoes because you know what we get when we do that we get this lovely ah it just has unbreaking on shovel well you know it’s something

Oh yeah today’s gonna be a fun day you know why it’s gonna be a fun day because i can finally finally finally finally use an enchanted shovel oh yeah look at that i mean it’s not faster but look how every 25 of the time it doesn’t use durability you see

How it’s vibrating when i mine a block well not this that time yeah that was good yeah i’m breaking one as kind of a garbage enchantment let’s be honest one of the things about this new video format you know taking a hundred full days of minecraft survival that i’m

Starting to realize is like how different time uh is when it comes to different tasks in the time it took me to move four layers of that water from the dam i can take my forest from looking like this to looking something a little more like this it’s actually because of all the

Tree leafs it’s hard to tell what i’ve chopped down you know the point is i have a lot of wood now that i didn’t have before it’s hard to deny that this is one of the most satisfying things in minecraft right replacing a stack of sand with a

Torch honestly it’s worth draining an entire river just to be able to do this okay i’ve decided to make my bridge more convincing because you might say that like you know what it’s a great bridge toy cat but it just doesn’t have enough of a reason to exist it’s not a very

Vertical gap between it so let’s deliberately make this a super vertical space because i also need some more sand for the draining it’s very annoying having to pick up the same sand just to replace it over and over again i want more sand at a time so let’s convert

This into a bit more of a valley wow look how necessary this little valley is all of a sudden and oh it’s filled with cactuses guess i have to take the bridge now see this is an absurdly tiny wall there’s nothing that should be causing lag and yet for some reason sand doesn’t

Fall anymore i don’t understand it also picked locker stopped working oh my inventory doesn’t open either oh there we go it’s all happened at once that’s nice how did that happen and why i don’t know that’s that’s probably why this world type isn’t very recommended by minecraft

Okay you can disagree all you like but i think that this looks beautiful by itself and i almost want to leave it this way not just because i’m tired of placing sand and destroying it but because i think it adds just a certain quality to this valley because you can

Be so sure that it i dammed it up by hand based on the water over there and the water over there maybe or maybe i’m just trying to get out of placing sand every time i look at the anvil recipe i’m like oh yeah you really do require

That much iron don’t you but you know the best place to find iron in minecraft is though it’s almost definitely by covering up your rivers in dirt and then some iron will probably appear out of nowhere i hope okay so i was clearly lying when i said that but i’m committed

To proving things that are clearly lies to be truth so what i’m going to do is i’m going to wait till some zombies spawn and then i’m going to accept the dice roll that there is a 1 in 40 chance of getting some iron ingots when you

Kill a zombie also wait okay i would love to know what happened to that zombie again the the rules of old worlds don’t make any sense and now we have even more proof but i’m gonna get some chain armor to make my life feel slightly better as a result

Oh my god it just happened again something about this area right here causes mobs to despawn midway through combat and i would love to know what it is Yep this is this is really normal this is how minecraft is meant to be it was designed to run this way and don’t you dare tell me otherwise i’m not sure that we’ll make it to 100 days before the world collapses in on itself honestly something i’m going to

Finally do for myself is treat myself to a full set of armor wow i mean it’s only leather but we’ve all got to start somewhere in case you’re curious the sugarcane farm has actually been going pretty well in my experience they just never grow it’s like a watch pop never

Boils but today look how much extra sugar came we have let’s take this out and let’s see if when it’s next to him he can use it hey so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to set up the good old piston strategy that’s something a lot easier said than

Done but for now we’re just going to place the uh the thing in the doorway here and then we’re going to see if he has the right trades and when he doesn’t we break it and so on and so forth but again i’m going to automate this in a

Little bit but now we can now get enchanted books so one of the rare zombie drops that i picked up at some point in this run was some carrots and i figured it would be fun if over here what if we slowly convert it into a giant carrot farm starting with this one

Carrot right now it technically still is a giant carrot farm it just doesn’t have very many carrots in it i’m gonna spend the daytime shaving some mountains down a little bit partly because i want dark but partly because you know i want that mountain the one with the ice farm on

Top i want that to be the only mountain in the land there’s two ways to make something bigger one is to make it bigger and one is to make everything else smaller i had an idea by the way given that i am always cooking like meat

In snacks of like three four five six or whatever i think i have to have a couple of campfires and now i can cook without any worries about wasting coal or charcoal just throw it on the campfire i’m also gonna make myself a cauldron because i’m gonna do something about the

Fact that i can’t get never right armor it sucks i i want never right but i can’t get it you know i literally cannot go to the nether so you know what the next best thing is we can dye this water black and then we can get ourselves

A never right chest plate oh isn’t it good isn’t it accurate oh some never right leggings too yeah these are wow i sure do love my never right equipment i have full protection against all attacks that’s for sure this is definitely going to keep me safe from

Everything so i finalized my mega plans for the rivers in this world of which there are too many we can all agree so i’m going to do is i’m going to seal off i’ve sort of two over here as you can see i’m going to seal off that exit and

That exit as well i’m going to like fill up all of these and all of that then i’m going to connect the two river systems this river goes in and out from the village over there what if that was actually two exits from this same river

So i’m going to remove this area right here and then that’s going to be the two points where the rip flows left and right the left side is damned so it all goes to the right so it’s obviously a very rough version right here but as you

Can see it flows from the mountains goes through there doesn’t turn right into the swamp or off to the savanna or off to the desert twice instead it cuts through here again work in progress and then flows in two directions giving me one seamless river okay this might be the messiest way i’ve

Ever had to do this but now we can push the see look he stops being being a trading villager and then oh god we have to undo this one okay you know what this is a really dumb project the further you get into something like this the more you start

To realize that but i am now starting to see the river taking shape it’s just taking a long time and a lot of dirt i just realized if i’m going all in on making trees extinct anyway the easiest tree to get rid of is the acacia tree i

Mean there’s what like a dozen of these you know what we might as well extinct a tree today let’s play god a little bit more and make make this tree type not exist anymore okay you know i was meant to do that today but instead i figured you know i’m

Not making another inax so i’m shrinking myself to some diamonds okay we maybe got off track but today we actually will make acacia go entirely extinct again you’ll always be able to get the wood in whatever i’ve built but i like the idea that like you know if you’re not me if

You don’t know where the acacia saplings are then no acacia for you ah i did it it actually did take most of a day which is shocking given how few trees it was but there is no longer any acacia trees you know honestly should we just go the whole hog and just

Cut down all the trees in the world you know what no one wants to see it but i’m going to do it anyway so i didn’t finish it yesterday but in other more exciting news the carrot empire is growing but yeah i think today definitely every

Tree in the world should be chopped down i’m pretty sure like you can see on the map there’s just this little corner with a few straggling trees let’s get rid of them okay it took me a whole second day to do it but as you can see minus these big green blobs

All the trees are extinct now i let my girlfriend take the controls on day 52 and somehow she walked me into a campfire and actually killed me and it’s okay we learned a valuable lesson here about why you shouldn’t waste your diamonds on a hoe am i right hehe it’s

Crazy how much shorter the mountain looks once you shave it i do have to say and now i have all of this dirt to finish off my river diversion dreams okay did you see what just happened there and and so i’m beyond confused what you just appeared over there is

There a wormhole in this world somewhere that’s the only explanation that makes sense at this point okay today is the day we finally fill in the last of these old rivers so this one this river entirely dirted now i’m hoping when it turns into grass it looks less

Unwieldly but that’s fine this river over here isn’t there something just acutely satisfying about the last block there is okay it’s finally done as you can see we now have just one consistent river that flows in then it flows out now all i need is rather than having the

River come in from out of map which i think is not a great idea i’m gonna seal off the entrance over there okay now the river comes in from nowhere which seems like a problem but what if given i have an ice farm up there anyway maybe

There’s a little little spill at the factory of the water factory and then maybe water flows down the mountain this is where the entirety of the water in this world comes from so the water flows down the mountain it turns into this little pool and reservoir and then

It slowly flows to the rest of the world okay so i’ve decided i need i’m breaking on anything that i enchant so i’m gonna buy that this also isn’t meant to happen but somehow the unbreaking free villager has become a mending villager which is either the best coincidence in the world

All these two enchantments are related why am i addicted to dumb minecraft projects you know could have used this as an opportunity to do anything brand new that i never would have normally done but instead i just stuck to doing the weird minecraft projects that i always insist on starting no

How did this happen oh god i’m legitimately upset at the second zombie apocalypse coming to my village okay you know i need to keep more of my villagers safe is the lesson that i’m learning from all these terrible things so what i’m going to do is i’m rather than placing my beds out

In the middle of the field i’m going to start making a house around them the villagers will be i’d only use the word trapped in that sounds a little bit evil actually let’s let’s reword this we’re making us a safe all-inclusive living space for the villagers to spend their

Days at ease without having to wonder uh you know if there are dangerous things coming after them okay so i’ve got this genius idea right genius i say in the meantime i make it so that more villagers can walk in but not out villagers think they can par find on

Trapdoors but then they it just doesn’t work correctly so they’ll think that like oh there’s a trapdoor on this block i can stand here and then they fall off and they you know they fall into the village a bit also today i’m finally making the commitment to getting that

Looting free book this is our first enchantment that’s actually going to be improving the use of an item as opposed to just the durability so boom now i can kill cows oh look at the returns on that so much robbie five for one cow thank you today i’m gonna go clear up

The last of the trees that exist in this world i mean i said i wanted trees extinct and i meant it so i’m gonna be using my shears to get the leaf blocks just in case i ever want those you know i don’t think you can officially say

That you’ve experienced true power until you just decide to make a block go extinct in minecraft uh like we’ve done for all of the oak leafs which will now just slowly fade we now have just pure planes to work with something everyone should do at some point is have a cactus

Farm this is because i have an idea as to what to do with all of the sand and the gravel maybe after we uh finished training that final bit of my river wow that really is a big project huh by the way i’ve now drained so much that all of

The water is in the area of the world where i can’t jump up because physics don’t work which means i’ve had to invent this little bit of a uh method right over here i’ve put a stun slap that i can walk onto then from here i

Have to jump again i can’t i’m sprinting right now uh the the stair doesn’t work i have to jump up from there and then i can be back on the land okay i was right about removing almost all of the water and i also realized why there are so

Many bouncing villages i thought their ai was just broken but it’s because they can’t jump up here either which means when i remove the water i have like five functional villages back in the village but boom now they can jump because it’s land again hey Oh that was the closest i’ve been to death in a while that was a real spicy situation there huh okay so we can’t fully see it because of the world distance render but from first person can’t you tell that wow isn’t this a beautiful valley that has been fully drained honestly it looks

Like it probably could have been done in like a day with some sponges and some determination if i really want to i have enough sugar cane now that i can entirely cover this river with sugar cane on one of the sides which is of course a ridiculous

Idea that i’m not doing in the slightest honestly i go mad of sugarcane power the moment i get an opportunity to okay we’re finally here 18 emeralds and i can get myself silk touch this pickaxe is actually starting to get a little bit loaded with enchantments like we could

Go for efficiency and then it’d be even better right okay let’s let’s go to the top of that mountain now we can finally start farming some ice and so obviously this works just fine on a small scale like this but if you want a lot of ice

Like to cross your entire world ignoring the size of the world but if you want to cross that whole world well you know what this isn’t gonna be big enough is it it’s just not enough you need to be farming a lot more rice so we’re gonna

Be going bigger than this so it started raining while i was making a staircase up and usually i’d be mad at the rain but this might actually be the perfect circumstance to be like hey when you see the snow you know you’re at frozen lair you know that when we place some water

Down which we’re gonna do now maybe we’ll place a single bit just over there and it’s gonna it’s gonna flood a lot of this mountain not my problem anyway so uh something you’re gonna notice is that the water will freeze because we’re in snow layer i hope ah there we go point

Proven look at that oh god what the heck no okay thank god what i i’m so confused everything in these worlds is just very slightly buggy and that includes placing slaps sometimes apparently anyway i’m now three quarters of the way through this little adventure uh i do honestly have to say it says

Something interesting about like the state of uh you know let’s call it minecraft youtube or something where it’s like this is like a a normal video like yeah you just you just spend 16 hours goofing off it’s been a lot of fun because 100 days in some weird quirky

World is a much more interesting experience it just it just has to be said uh i’m doing all sorts of things i wouldn’t normally do and i guess that’s a good thing like uh yeah you know i i don’t i think it’s better to have a long-term survival world but also i like

That i’m slowly making these weird one-off attempts at farms in this temporary world like isn’t there something just charming about this little ice farm oh i haven’t filled in the last bit of glass isn’t there something charming about what is almost an ice farm and now if out of

Nothing but pure necessity i have a much easier way to get ice pretty much on demand all i have to do now is the most terrifying thing because my crouch doesn’t work because of the edge of the world and i have to make myself a nice

Pathway from one ice palm to the other so i can farm ice between them while we’re in the end part of this i think an important thing again i think infrastructure in your minecraft world always important ways to get you doing things that you want to do

It better is a great idea however something else that i think is important and maybe understated is placing wooden slabs all over your flower forest you know it’s weird this is the first boat that i’ve crafted in 80ish days of playing on this world and it’s interesting that i haven’t done it

Before now given i spent so much effort on the waterways that i haven’t used so you know what let’s treat myself let’s fly off oh god man that was a cool 360 huh uh let’s fly off and let’s go for a little ride around the world shall we isn’t it nice

Being able to navigate the world it sure is nice better go under this under this bridge real quick wow i’m glad it was built so high so my head doesn’t get caught what a beautiful bridget is too oh we get to pick which way we go

Because the river forks into two what a great minecraft feature this is i’d better go to the left because i see sugarcane and i sure do love some sugarcane i do man you get some really weird views from down here oh another bridge that is also raised up

Enough so my boat can get through what a great consideration and oh it seems for some reason the river is like damned up in a way it seems huh that’s so strange is that did this used to be a river and now it’s not wow i think it’s cool that

It’s this way now okay so my next project involves smelting down all of my cactus farm that i’ve just chopped up and i’m gonna take this cactus green for my absolutely genius idea i have so much grand and so much savile anyway that so much sand and

So much gravel anyway is how you’d actually say that uh i you know maybe i’ve been sleep deprived maybe i’m playing too many days of minecraft some would say because we can make some green concrete powder now the best thing that i can do with this honestly when you

Look at the block especially from all the angles is it really looks like you know like uh optifying grass or beta grass or whatever you know this type of grass is right but it really does have that sort of vibe i want to have some grass that’s actually just concrete

Powder there’s just a random splodge in the world because honestly i love the idea and it’s very inspiring and this is one of those projects i really want to do sometime replace an entire like plains biome but with green concrete powder just to see if anyone even

Notices you know i think that would be beautiful it’s gonna hurt to do but i’m finally turning my bones that i’ve collected over the last 80 days into bone mill and i’m gonna make myself a bunch of red dye and fortunately my world had a flower

Forest so i have quite a fair few dyes and now i can get all the red guys that i want and now that i have some red concrete powder as opposed to green i think i’d do something that is really important especially given you know what you’re watching a hundred days of my

Minecraft i clearly have some feelings for you internet but i need to express them in a way that you always be able to see on my map and i’m gonna be honest with you i don’t think i can do a very good heart let’s see what my first

Attempt looks like honestly this this went better than i thought but i think it needs to be bigger because on the map it’s not showing correctly we need to use two by two blocks to do this exact same thing wow doesn’t this totally make up for all those terrible things that i

Said about your mother i mean you didn’t hear those terrible things but i did say them but look i love you oh god no i don’t look at the on the map it actually looks fine but in person it is not a heart by any definition that’s so interesting the way that works

So i was thinking while mining some ice for my inevitable packed ice highway because i am going bigger and better uh because my whole like green biome probably isn’t gonna work out too well why didn’t i instead uh you know given that i’ve harvested all the trees from

This biome there are no trees left in this world why don’t i make it so there is precisely one tree and it’s a big tree it’s a tree worth looking at and so that’s my project idea you ever wonder why rain doesn’t make concrete powder turn into concrete nope just me okay so

The start to this tree is gonna be a big old circle i feel like you can’t go with too natural of a circle or it looks unnatural because nature doesn’t use defined shapes so we’re gonna go for a very deliberately lopsided tree something a little bit like this you

Know like it’s not a natural circle it vaguely follows a circle but in some really weird almost twisted ways okay so this is what i’ve come up with as you can see it’s very nice it actually looks very dissolve out top i think we have to get off to really

Appreciate you know just like many things in life you just gotta get off it to appreciate it and there we go ah it doesn’t it it works kind of like you can see it’s very heavy on some sides more than others though so i think

I need to like do a little exterior work and then what i want to do is i want to have some branches okay so i’m having some conceptual issues in my tree but that’s fine because you know what we get for the first time that’s right one of

These pillager raids has spawned and i don’t know if i want to fight this but it’s my only chance of getting a tough one dying so i guess i might as well try before we do any of that craziness though i want to first of all build my

Ice bridge over the tree so i can kind of form the tree around it that’s my that’s my grand vision i want to see working here oh and isn’t it a beautiful tree by the way oh i could spend all day looking at this absolute delight if they have a build

Okay now it’s time for the real work it’s a pillager raid on hard slash hardcore difficulty that is uh one that is a full seven uh waves of genuinely challenging fights like hope we can survive i mean worst case my my villagers living in there will be fine

It’s just everyone else that we have to worry about oh lord oh god oh man i’m i’m gonna die the villagers are gonna die it’s all terrible it’s all terrible I’m gonna level view i don’t think i can do this i don’t think i can do this okay take two my plan this time is to use actual strategy i’m gonna light them on fire i’m gonna use crossbows attack them from far so i don’t get any damage

Myself i’m just gonna try and minimize the damage i take from enemies which it’s funny you don’t really have to do that so much on on the other difficulties but when you’re playing hard and your village is this tiny i assure you you do see look at this isn’t

This so much more satisfying than going in there and tearing them up i think you’ll find it is oh they’re actually coming from lots of angles here huh oh maybe behind too okay let’s just fire him up fire him up pro tip you can set fire to all your problems in life

And they’ll go away hint him if you’re not subscribed to the channel by the way if you’re not fast enough but still it’s fun isn’t it very satisfying to be a marksman sometimes And just like this now i don’t need a map anymore because i’ve got a total of them dying and so i’m fearless of death as i very much should be so i spent forever looking for the last mob in the raid i couldn’t find him and i looked everywhere but then i realized

Wait a minute he’s over here in a boat enjoying the spectacle that is the dam and the river that has been drained so you know what i’m glad you appreciate it mr mr illager Oh god secretly very glad i have a tough one dying now secretly might be the wrong word yeah i think what i’m gonna have to do is just immediately go ahead get me a second one of those has the backup oh yep and now you can see why hey

That was basically a two-day job but now i’ve got the master trader effect which i definitely intend to use for all sorts of serious things well that seems like a good use for a term of fun dying too i mean sometimes the the water bucket technique just doesn’t pay off doesn’t my tree

Look beautiful from the inside though so i ran out of birch logs and it’s a good thing i did it when i did because the tree is perfectly finished i don’t see any situation where this tree isn’t perfect so we’re good we’re gonna go enjoy some sleep for the night

I’ll be honest with you i’ve spent pretty much this entire day trying to work out how i can save that tree and i don’t have any birch logs left so if i want to fill in that gap i’m going to need to use some other white blocks

And then i need to use the very few leafs i have to save that leaf formation but i think we can do it maybe okay i mean i did the best with what i had and now i have a cool little feature for my blue ice boat to go through or packed

Ice because ice is hard to mine okay i’m determined to make this big tree thing work and so i have another bizarre but hopefully better idea i mean i’ve got this shaved mountain anyway that i kind of you know carved up all the dirt from why don’t i use the fact that it’s

Basically in the shape of a tree anyway as my opportunity to maybe make it into the body the form of the tree this is either the best idea ever or one of the worst and i won’t know until we go tell me if i’m wrong here but i think i

Have made a giant tree sort of it’s too mountainous to be a tree i think we add some leaves to the top and i have 20 leafs left we can maybe save it bring it back but that’s a tomorrow task so i don’t want to seem

Too full of myself but i think i saved it i think i did in fact make a giant tree that looks perfect i mean have you seen anything else that looks this good i think the answer is no wow is that a tree oh no no that’s my mountain tree

It’s very hard to tell but it’s so good that i feel like leaving it over there is a little bit of a missed opportunity so this area right here this giant river crossing is an opportunity to do something else that everyone loves in minecraft yeah it’s a nice little fork in the road

Isn’t it i i i don’t know why i like this so much it’s the most basic thing in the world but just placing slabs as a way to get up a uh a nice little wall it’s great and now this is an opportunity to make a bridge i’ve got

Some cobblestone i haven’t built with cobblestone in so long because of the stigma but you know what this is my minecraft video i’m building with cobblestone and i don’t care if you hate it i know i’ve done basically the same project twice in a row here but one of

My guilty pleasures in the real world and i guess minecraft is seeing things go through other things and just ah isn’t there something beautiful about this just tunneling right through a mountain to the outside my world i think there’s something beautiful and you’re wrong if you disagree

I’ve been making a lot of progress on this carrot field but i think i have a better idea on how i’ll be spending the last few days of this world okay i’m now genuinely at the point where i really am running out of days and i thought i’d be like yeah relieved

Excited etc but i really like this one it’s gonna be a shame to leave it behind especially because i just had a fun idea that i think will take more than five days to complete but i’m gonna have to do some version of it so given that i’ve

Got so much stone from mining in these tunnels and i can make some of that stone into stone bricks perhaps i wanted to make a wall at the edge of my world i don’t like that you can just see the endless void and i don’t like that if i

Ever do extend this world because that’s an option you have i don’t want it to you know go immediately into new terrain i want that to be a war between me and that new terrain so i can keep the new world out so i’m gonna do is i’m gonna

Make a lovely bridge into a wall that can be my last big stand today and uh maybe for this this whole video you know 100 days seems like so much and so little at the same time i think that’s why it works as a concept

Like it’s so big but also it’s like ah that’s only you know 16 uh hours or so which just isn’t enough to make a full minecraft world it’s enough to get started not to beat the ender dragon if those are your goals but if you can’t defeat the ender dragon

Because of your world if maybe you have other issues keeping you down what do you do then and there’s no real answer for that so my plan to get more stone rather than smelting up my cobblestone because that is a one-way process what i’m gonna do instead is i’m gonna go

Mining a little bit under the ground and i’ll make something beautiful okay my plan to get a lot of stone to build this beautiful wall to keep the new world out when it inevitably happens is i am gonna mine a beautiful void tunnel oh and a fun side benefit of all this stoner

Mining is i guess i’ll be able to finally uh treat myself to some diamond armor that would be that’s a fun thing to do on day day 97 i think and just like this you can now see i have a portal to the outside world to the void if you will

But i also have the exact opposite side of my world doing the same thing which means yes we mined all 256 blocks of the world which mentally isn’t that many although we did it in a six block formation but now i have plenty of stone

To work on my final piece for the for the hundred days okay so right here this little exit where there is going to be some rivers that are currently very grassy by the way isn’t it amazing that they’re like fully grassed up now like to show you on a map because it’s

Been a while since we looked at that uh it’s it’s now just uh you genuinely couldn’t tell there was a river there which i think is beautiful but you know i also now have to do my wool i’ve got only a couple of days remaining so we’ll

See what we can achieve with the space we have and the blocks we have by making a bunch of stone bricks as you can see this is a very attractive wall with a very attractive hole in it it’s actually kind of more of a u-shape than a hull but we’re going to now

Make it a little bit better looking i hope with some stairs everyone loves stairs right like famously they’re just the block that everyone wants to have in their life and then we’ll use some some polish down to site oh i want to make this like uh out here so like something like that

There we go high quality do the same on the other side now and look at look at this progress this is already looking like a delightful little archway yep this this looks good we can we can call this done now okay it might have taken me well into the hundredth night but a

Hundred days have passed i’ve got my beautiful wall there is no way to get past this wall on either side i assure you of that much it actually is a very grand wall that kind of uh it definitely needs more height and more width on both

Sides but you know what 100 days is up and i feel like you know 100 days is meant to be this like hardcore intense challenge series and this just ended up being click out does a hundred day survival challenge in a weird world type

But i liked it and allowed me to use my 101st day to show you around so perhaps you would like to start with my mountain which is a wood mountain which i actually just think looks like a chopped down giant tree which is kind of sad but

Still i love this little wooden mountain that you have to go between to get to the big wall that will lead to the outside of the world again that’s a lot of fun it’s a project i’d definitely be spending more time on if i had more

Resources and i like again it’s a it’s a fun idea to take france where just like this wood mountain i think if you just use the taller mountain it would actually go some really fun places just like i really like that tree it definitely didn’t come together entirely

But again the idea is nice right there’s an idea in there it just wasn’t fully represented uh like having a boat go through a tree is very satisfying like i honestly think as you look around this world you can see that what i really seem to like in minecraft are these

Weird like infrastructure style projects i’ve got the bridge over there i’ve got this uh lovely uh acacia bridge i think it adds really nicely to the environment going to this wooden mountain i’ve got my giant ice skyway that i don’t need to use because it’s such a small world but yeah there’s

Nothing like i guess i built a lot of bridges man seriously if you count one bridge two bridge that’s that’s like a bridge right okay it’s three four five i built five bridges did i just spend a hundred days building bridges it kind of

Looks like i did oh also i made all of the trees go extinct i forgot about that one but uh there are no more trees the place where there was a forest now has a bunch of flowers i think that’s pretty could have made some more flowers but i think this is enough

To kind of show that like yeah this is this is gone now this is just like society i want it flattened so we can make room for for things that people like honestly if i had more days i’d probably just extend the village build more bridges and make this sky ice

Highway global places okay so this is my sky ice highway it’s delightful as you can see it may be a little tricky to to make this tight corner over here well that’s fine here is my much faster packed ice highway and look how delightful it is it takes you

All the way through this tree gives you a view of the wooden mountain the edge of the world and then even flies you straight into the river no it doesn’t well there goes 100 days that’s why you leave the totem and dying in your off hand i guess thank you for

Watching there goes the tour there goes the video and i guess i’ll see you for the next one of these i’m never doing a 100 day video again this is this is the worst youtube trend to jump on if you want to see more survival content uh

I i that is the majority what we do here on this channel i like survival minecraft i i like adding some challenge to it i like doing some weird building and if you like the weird way i play minecraft you can see more of that every single day on your homepage by

Subscribing goodbye Big salmon heavy heavy big salmon heavy heavy salmon salmon salmon salmon whoo love big salmon

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days With The OLD World Option??’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2021-10-27 18:18:43. It has garnered 517357 views and 15949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:00 or 3000 seconds.

99.9% of players don’t use this option… with good reason as it turns out haha

– The Previous Video(How Minecraft Fixed These Items): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzCcl89E4Fw

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzCcl89E4Fw – Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

Update Adventures (My Let’s Play): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpx5SUrbzQrqt_bwLkNxC9sD

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This Video Was Edited By: Enderstarr

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    POMNI CAUGHT CHEATING IN BLOCK BUDDIES!Video Information today we’re doing a build to survive with the smiling Critters and the amazing digital circus you got to be kidding me right now again with these circus Freaks Come on okay that was just a bit rude I remember the good old days where you guys didn’t exist what do you mean come on guys we all got to work together as a team The Smiling creators and the amazing digital circus I’m not going to work with these losers okay um oh oh come on uh well I’ll just keep my distance I guess no come… Read More

  • Survive with Friends: Immortal Op’s Chill Minecraft Stream

    Survive with Friends: Immortal Op's Chill Minecraft StreamVideo Information गाली खाने ल क्यों करता है मो अगर तूने एक नहीं सुनूंगा अगर तूने एक और बार बोला तो तू किक खाएगा तो फिर मैं कैसे बताऊ जो मेरे को बोलना है अगर तूने एक और बार वो बात रिपीट करी तो समझ जा बेटा तू गाली खाएगा कुछ नहीं तू चूया आदमी है त गे है भाई तू लेसन है तू एलजीबीटी मेंबर त एलजीबीटी क सपोर्टर है तू ले है तू गे है तू रेनबो फ्लैग है तू एलजीबीटी क का फ्लैग है तू तू तू तू तू आथ है तू भाई आथ आथ आथ आथ… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Livestream ft. Fans 🔥Video Information basically looking for a maybe not a city I don’t know what to call it guys hold when are you going to make the hi Anarchy Peace restorers On Top e all right chat I’m basically looking for a civilization map it’s uh doesn’t seem to be working right now but we looking hopefully we do find one though hopefully we do find one hey why is it only for Java Edition Bru what is this can I join yeah anybody can join and R key peace restored on top hi Jam what’s up Mr crabes now course… Read More

  • Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft’s Kitatcho Labs!

    Unbelievable Boss Battle in Minecraft's Kitatcho Labs!Video Information Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est fermée* Chambre 08 – Prolongation *La sortie est ouverte* LE SAVIEZ-VOUS?: BOULES JETABLES(TM)/-C’est la boule qui a le plus grand nombre d’applications!/-C’est le cousin éloigné de la "Boule de slime glacée."/-Les Boules jetables(TM) sont sensibles à 2.78%!/-Quatre fois gagnante du prix Kitatcho de la Boule de slime la plus vendue!/- Les Boules jetables(TM) ne collent pas aux surfaces et tombent. N’essayez pas de le faire./-En fait, le bleu est une couleur… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Live!!!😉😉 || Road to 700 Subscribers!! || #Problizz #live #verticalstream’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-04-29 22:41:40. It has garnered 522 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:37 or 6877 seconds. 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw? Don’t forget to hit that Like… Read More

  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

I Survived 100 Days With The OLD World Option??