I Survived 1000 Days as a BLOOD WARDEN in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)

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On day one I spawned and is a warden why am I covered in blood and why can I see I was in an ancient city standing in a pool of blood and surrounded by Warden corpses ah what are all my people dead I looked over and saw a scary looking

Figure kill the last living Warden soon there will be no one strong enough to stop me once I have absorbed all worthy Souls this world will belong to me bloody Herobrine why would you do this you killed my family ah blood warded you’re not was absorbing right now don’t

Worry though I’ll come back and make sure you join the rest of your family bloody Herobrine started to levitate and with a huge burst of power he vanished I wanted to fight him but I knew I was too weak to hurt him I decided to leave the

Ancient city vowing to get my revenge on Bloody Herobrine on day two I made it out of the ancient city still upset over the loss of my family I walked out of the cave and everything was so bright the sunlight started to burn my eyes ah

Why does this hurt so much because of this I was filled with so much rage I heard voices and there was a village nearby I ran into the village and made it to the center destroying everything in my path what is that a red bloody Warren I jumped at the Villager and

Killed him I was still mad and hungry so I ran pages around the village and destroyed everything I killed every villager that was there devouring them one by one my eyes started to adjust to the sunlight and I saw the chaos that I started what’s wrong with me I was so

Disgusted with myself for doing this the villagers were all gone I’m I’m a monster I ran out of the village ashamed of what I’ve done I should get out of here fast on day three I was a safe distance from the village and decided to

Stop running I made it into a forest and decided to collect resources and Supply myself with tools I destroyed some of the trees in the forest and collected enough wood to make a wooden pickaxe and crafting table I still didn’t feel like I was far enough away from civilization

So I left and continued my journey I knew that right now I was in danger to myself and those around me eventually I came across a mountain that had a Cave opening inside I went inside and there was nobody around I used my wooden pickaxe and collected enough Stone to

Make a stone pickaxe I then used that to get more Stone I had enough of the material and used that in the wood I left over to build myself a home right outside of the cave after building my home I collected more wood from trees

But man all of this is making me so hungry maybe I should go find some more villagers to Feast upon no I couldn’t believe I was thinking that I’m not a monster or am I I ran back into my base and went inside my house to go get rest

Maybe I could sleep this desire for flesh off I woke up feeling so much more refreshed suddenly I heard a scream for help and rushed out of the base I followed the screen and found a skeleton being chased by a pack of wolves leave me alone the Wolves cornered the

Skeleton and we’re about to kill him until I jumped in front blocking the wolf’s path they were shocked by my appearance I roared at them to leave the skeleton alone easily scaring them off wow uh thank you you aren’t gonna kill me are you of course not I told the

Skeleton not to mention it and began to walk away but he stopped me he wanted to come with me for protection I uh prefer to be alone right so you’re just gonna reject me like the rest of my family I stopped walking away and listened to the skeleton he introduced himself as

Rattles and he told me that he had nowhere else to go his family told him to get lost because he was useless to them he then told me because he was a skeleton without a bow he was practically useless I felt bad for rattles because I also didn’t have my

Family I finally gave in and told him that he could come along he was very excited and we made our way back to base on day five on our way back we were suddenly stopped by Bloody Herobrine so this is where you were hiding you still

Just as weak as before I was enraged from seeing him and charged at him but he teleported away and teleported behind me you fool you will never stand a chance against me without the blood items blood items what are you talking about he told me that there are powerful

Blood items that were able to be crafted throughout the world are the final piece of the puzzle Warden I told bloody Herobrine that he was gonna pay for what he’s done but he just laughed at me and teleported away is he gone uh yeah he’s gone rattles seemed

Relieved final piece to the puzzle what is that supposed to mean rattles told me that Herobrine has been going around the world killing everyone and absorbing their Essence in order to be the strongest there was I told him that I was gonna make sure to stop Herobrine

And get rid of him for everyone’s sake rattles is happy to hear that and we went back to base using the wooden Stones I left over I built rattles a small house next to mine rattles thank me for building him a home of course rattles I then went inside my house to

Think about what bloody Herobrine was talking about earlier blood items huh I knew that if I collected them they would help me with my revenge I need to find them to get stronger I wanted to find the blood items but I didn’t know where to look I went inside of rattle’s house

And asked him if he knew anything I’ve never heard of blood items but if you want to know anything blood related then you need to see the blood witch he told me that the witch lived in the swamps not far from here I collected more Stone and crafted myself a stone sword to

Defend myself after that I left my base and made my way into the swamps in search of ravana as I made my way through the swamp I encountered a large group of spiders who were covered in blood has sent us to check on your progress I

Think we should just kill you now these guys must work for him a charge at the spiders and try to stab them of my stone sword one of them easily dodged it and bit me with its poisonous fangs I grew extremely weak from the poison and lost

Half of my hearts in the process I was frustrated that I still wasn’t strong enough but I refused to let them kill me suddenly an inner rage fueled me again and my vision went dull uh what happened my vision slowly came back to me only to reveal that all the spiders were dead

It’s clear that when I get angry my rage blinds me anyways with those things gone I think it’s time to go find the so-called witch on day seven I finally came across a Hut in the swamps there was a witch standing outside and she was covered in blood you must be the

Bloodwood and I’ve heard of Rovers about I’m impressed that you’ve made it this far despite how weak you seem to be I got angry about her comment and you must be ravana the blood witch I just took down some of bloody Herobrine’s minions for your information ravana laughed at

Me and told me that Bloody Herobrine’s minions are nothing compared to him I told her that I would destroy bloody Herobrine once I get the blood items Nirvana seemed like she wanted to help she handed me a potion and told me that this wouldn’t make me stronger I drank

It and I suddenly grew into a full-sized Warden I even gained 10 more Hearts now that you’re a full-sized Warden you should be able to use awarded Sonic Boom to defend yourself we went inside of her Hut and ravana dropped a recipe book in front of me to defeat the bloody Heller

Rod you will need to follow this in a recipe book that can make the blood items that will defeat him the blood armor the blood Sword and the blood tell them ravana told me that if I was able to find these pieces she would gladly

Make them for us this was great I was that much closer to killing bloody Herobrine and taking my revenge I left Nirvana’s Hut and began following the recipe to create the first of the blood items the blood armor craft this arm you will need to obtain a

Set of iron armor as well as the blood essence of a powerful Spirit Pravana told me that it was better for me to get the iron set first before facing this so-called powerful spirit I guess it’s really strong as I continue through the swamp I happen to come across a cave and

Went inside to find that it had some iron ores inside of it I used my stone pickaxe and started mining the oars collecting enough of it to craft a new set of iron tools using my newly crafted iron pickaxe I mined all of the iron

Inside of the cave and was able to craft myself an iron chest plate I left the cave and in my way out of the swamps when suddenly I could hear the sound of people screaming I wanted to continue my journey and find more iron but the scream started louder I decided to take

A detour from my journey and ran toward the screams on days nine to ten I followed the screams to a town that was completely destroyed who could have done this I made my way to the center and saw bloody shirobrine was there and he was attacking a group of players

I shouted that Bloody Herobrine and he turned around a little stronger how about we test how strong you are bloody Herobrine flew down towards me and I quickly dodged him I used my Sonic Boom on him but he was completely unaffected he then knocked me away with an attack greatly damaging me

You are nowhere near for me to even consider defeating you get stronger and convince me otherwise like I said what’s powerful enough your power will serve me greatly so long blood Warden I helplessly watched as bloody Herobrine flew off and left the town I was angry at how easily bloody

Herobrine beat me man I weakly left the town and made my way back to base I barely made it inside of the base when rattle saw me and ran to help me what happened you it looks like you got run over by a mountain I told rattles that I

Ran into bloody Herobrine again and he did this to me he was getting more powerful by the minute I don’t even know what he’s gonna do once he reaches his full potential I was getting hungry again and my desire for human flesh started to come back to me I’m hungry

Too but I refuse to eat human flesh and I know that deep down you don’t want to either rattles is right I didn’t want to kill any more villagers but I didn’t know what else to eat rattle suggested that I would build a farm I used the

Iron that I left over and crafted a bucket and built the farm next to my base soon I’ll have a new source of food instead of killing people for it I then pulled out the recipe book and looked into the details on finding the powerful Spirit the witch told me about the book

Said the easiest way to find her was by following her Footprints and her last known sighting was in the plains rattles came back with the herd of chickens and we killed a few of them off we then cooked the meat to fill our bellies ah that was delicious now that my strength

Is restored I left base and began and my journey to find the so-called powerful Spirit on days 13 to 14 I made it to the plains in search of the spirit but where could it be suddenly I heard the sound of thunder and the ground started to

Shake around me what the heck was that I looked around but didn’t see anything so I continued my search I walked around the planes and came across giant holes on the ground wait are these the footprints why were they so huge a large fog started to roll and a booming voice

Spoke to me who dares enter my domain the figure appeared out of the fog and I quickly realized that the blood Essence I needed to obtain wasn’t just a spirit what was giant Alex giant Alex roared at me and sent me flying across the plains

Ouch okay that hurt I slowly got up and giant Alex came at me for another attack I quickly moved out of the way and watch her destroy a tree like it was nothing I charged her and tried slicing her with my stone sword giant Alex didn’t take

Any damage and knocked me away again I started to grow angered from this and you Sonic Boom on her it’s true because she screwed dreamed in pain giant Alex try to attack me again but I dodged them and constantly hit her with my Sonic Boom I used a sonic boom

One last time on her and defeated giant Alex she left behind something and it was her blood Essence I collected the essence and started to leave the planes now that I had giant Alex’s blood Essence I need to complete the rest of my armor so that ravana could craft the

Blood armor I saw a cave nearby and decided to venture inside the cave was full of iron and I used my iron pickaxe and began mining I collected enough iron to finally complete my armor set now I could finally get the blood armor I was about to leave the cave when someone

Told me to wait I turned around and saw a group of zombies and it looked very frightened I asked them what they were doing inside of the cave and they told me that they were hiding from bloody Herobrine he attacked us we hiding cave

But we want to go home we waited for it to turn into night time and we left to go find the zombie’s house the zombies led me to a cave that led Underground and away from the sun we went inside and found no survivors the other zombies

Were upset to see that their people were killed off all because of Herobrine’s Greed for power I offered the zombies to stay at my base but they just wanted to be left alone I agree to their wishes and started to leave but the zombies asked me to seal off the cave entrance

So that no one would bother them anymore I made it out of the cave and used my Sonic Boom bloody Herobrine is gonna pay for doing to them and all the mobs he has terrorized on days 17-18 I made my way into the swamps and returned to ravana’s

Hut I’m surprised that you were able to actually obtain giant Alex’s blood Essence I might have underestimated you young Warden thanks for the load of confidence I gave ravana the blood Essence and my full iron set she then placed the items into her cauldron and combined them to create my first Blood

Item the blood armor once I equipped the armor I could feel myself getting stronger I even gained an additional five Hearts your Sonic Boom should be more powerful now thanks to the armor the more you upgrade yourself so too shall we armored this was great if I’m

Already this strong who knows how strong I’ll be once I retrieve the other blood items I thank ravana for making the blood armor for me she told me that it was no problem but warned me to be careful when finding the rest of the ingredients the stronger you become the

More bloody Heller brine will notice you you cannot defeat him without the other blood items I told Nirvana that I understood and left the Hut to return to base Once I arrived I saw that the farm was now full of wheat I also noticed that cows were now part of the farm too

Looks like rattles is hard at work with this and the week we have our own source of food I thanked rattles for his hard work and collected some of the wheat to bake some bread for us I gave rattles a piece of the bread and told him that his

Family was wrong about him you’re not as useless as they say you are rattles thanked me and I decided to use the resources that I’d left over to upgrade the base now that I’ve gotten bigger I needed a bigger place to live I used a leftover Stone and iron to build a

Bigger home for myself after I finished upgrading I went inside of my house when rattles walked inside it’s good to see that you’ve gotten stronger in your quest for the blood items I think you might be able to defeat bloody Herobrine if you keep this up I think rattles for

Support and I told him that I was gonna beat bloody Herobrine and avenge all of the mobs that he’s killed I knew that if I wanted to do that I needed to find the ingredients for the other blood items first I opened the recipe book and the

Next item on the list was the blood sword the book told me that in order to craft it I would need blood crystals and a bloody Hilt great looks like I know what I need to find next on days 21 to 23 I left the base it followed the

Recipe book’s instructions to finding the blood Crystal the book told me that the blood Crystal was located inside of a blood Temple once I retrieve it I’ll be one step closer to making the blood sword as I continued my journey I got stopped by a group of creepers and they

Were all covered in blood bloody Herobrine has sent that monster is still playing around me like I’m some weakling well I’m not as weak as I used to be one of the creepers charged and blew itself up in front of me the other creepers laughed thinking

They had me defeated it looks like this Blood armor really knew how to take damage I barely felt anything I quickly took down one of the creepers of my iron sword before the other creepers could react I used my upgraded Sonic Boom to kill most of them off there was one

Creeper left but he ran away I decided to let him go I had more pressing matters to deal with like finding the blood Temple oh you’ve returned I guess the blood Warden is still too weak they’re actually the opposite sir a blood Warden is starting to get more powerful

This is fantastic news keep getting stronger blood Warden it’ll be all the more satisfying to absorb you I made it to the blood Temple and when I reached the entrance I could tell that it gave off dark Vibes and continue to go deeper into the blood Temple I eventually made

It inside of a large room and there was a pedestal holding the blood Crystal yes I walked towards the Crystal but a Golem stepped out and blocked my path are you here to take the blood Crystal I told the Golem that I was I will not let a

Servant of bloody Herobrine take it I told the Golem that I didn’t serve bloody Herobrine but I’m trying to get rid of him I wanted Vengeance for what bloody Herobrine did to my family the Golem calms down and told me that he wanted to get revenge too if you want

This Crystal then free my Village from what the players have done to it I would do it myself but I must guard this Crystal I agreed to the Golem’s deal and I left the temple in search of the Golems Village on days 27 to 29 I began

My journey in finding the blood Golems I’m in my way through clearing when suddenly the world started to shake around me bloody Herobrine appeared floating over me and I can tell that he’d gotten stronger than the last time I encountered him blood Warden I’ve heard good things about you you’ve

Gotten stronger haven’t you he must have heard it from the creeper I guess ravana was right about him being interested in me the more I got stronger bloody Herobrine teleported in front of me and I immediately jumped back it looks like you even found a blood item let’s see

How strong that armor of yours really is he then punched me and sent me flying across the area wow he tried to punch me again but I dodged his attack and hit him with my upgraded Sonic Boom but he just laughed it off you

You call that a sonic boom I knew that I couldn’t defeat bloody Herobrine now so I decided to make a run for it he floated up and threw red lighting at me while I was running away he cornered me at the edge of the cliff I didn’t think

There was a way to escape him nowhere to run now blood Warden maybe it’s time to absorb you after all I looked down at the cliff and just as bloody Herobrine tried to hit me with his lightning I jumped I landed at the bottom and felt

Embarrassed man I can’t even put up a fight I looked around my surroundings and figured that I should get out of here quick I came across a mine and decided to go inside to see if there were any resources that I could collect once inside I found that the cave had

Some diamond ores I used my iron pickaxe and collected all the diamonds that were inside I then collected enough diamonds to craft myself a diamond pickaxe and a diamond helmet but something strange happened the moment I equipped it the Diamond Helmet changed into a blood helmet the more you upgrade yourself so

Too shall the other Pravana was right eventually I’ll be able to upgrade all of my armor and make it stronger with better materials I made my way out of the mine and found a village nearby I asked one of the villagers if they knew anything about the blood Golden’s

Village the Villager told me that he did and said that the golemus village was located in a desert not far from here I thank the Villager for his help and headed for the Golems Village on days 33 to 35 I made my way through the desert and eventually found the blood Golems

Village but I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see there were Iron Golem Farms all over the village and players were just standing there collecting the iron from the chest please you can’t do this we can do whatever we want I was filled with so much rage you will

Pay for this I ran into the village and the players were scared of my appearance ah a monster I Swan of the players one by one by one killing each and every one of them and devour bring their flesh once all the players were killed I finally came back to my senses and

Realized that I let my rage take over again I wasn’t happy that it happened but deep down I knew that getting rid of those players was the right decision I released the Iron Golems from their farms and freed the villagers from their cages they were all so excited and

Thanked me for freeing them one of the Iron Golems came up to me you must be a friend of the blood Golem take this and tell the blood Golem that his village is safe the Iron Golem dropped me a blood sapling and told me that the blood go on

Would know what to do with it I thanked him and made my way back to the blood Temple I returned and told the blood Golem that I saved his village thank you for saving my Village the players deserved whatever punishment you gave them I told the blood Golem that one of

The Iron Golems gave me a blood sapling and I showed it to him the bloodborne told me that he and his Iron Golem friend used to be Protectors of their Village before the players came and took it over sapling was very important to him and he asked the Iron

Golem to protect it from anyone he didn’t trust well if this was important to you and your friend then you can have it no that sapling will be very useful to you in the future prayers but not crystal is yours the blood Golem handed me the blood Crystal and I thanked them

For his help he then also told me that he would help me out in the future if I ever needed him I just might take you up on that offer I left the blood Temple and headed for ivana’s Hut on days 39-41 I made it outside of ravana’s Hut and

Called out to her letting her know that I had returned ravana came out and was pleased to see me young blood Warden have you collected the blood Crystal I handed her the blood Crystal and she told me to take down one of the swamp trees and collect the wood I did as she

Asked ravana told me to craft a stick and after I did I gave it to her she told me she would be right back and entered back into her Hut large flashes of light can be seen inside of her Hut and then there was an explosion ravana

Is everything all right ravana came back out of her Hut and revealed to me the blood sword this sword is stronger than any other material you could obtain in this world use it wisely I thanked her for cracking the sword and was about to leave when she stopped me be careful

Young Blood Warden you are reaching the point that Bloody Herobrine will want to absorb you once you reach that point he will stop at nothing to get you I told her that I would keep that in mind and made my way back to my base as I was

Getting closer to the base I could hear the sound of explosions and rattle screams I know that he lives here I ran to find my base completely destroyed rattles is running away from bloody Herobrine pick on some on your own size morning I know you’ve gotten stronger show me why I

Should absorb you I told rattles to go find somewhere to hide and began to fight against bloody Herobrine I use my Sonic Boom to knock him back to the ground he seems stunned for a moment bloody Herobrine punch me and sent me flying to the other side of Base he

Started floating up in the air and hit me with some of his lightning ah I was in so much pain I can barely stay standing pathetic even after all this time including your blood upgrades you’re still not worthy bloody Herobrine teleported out of the base I started to pass out

On days 45 to 47 I finally woke up to the sound of rattles Warden please wake up oh I’m awake he was so relieved to see that I was okay I’m so sorry about the face bloody Herobrine came out of nowhere and messed the whole place up I

Told him not to worry about it and reassured him that I was gonna defeat him in no time but first we needed to rebuild our home I ventured out of the base and used my diamond tools to collect as much wood and stone that I could collect I returned and rebuilt the

Farm while rattles came back with more chickens and cows I used a stone that I collected to make bigger and better versions of mine and rattles houses there now the base is back to what it once was but better rattles still looked upset and I asked him what was bothering

Him I’m still useless I couldn’t even fight back against bloody Herobrine what am I supposed to do the face is in danger again actually I might have a solution to that I found a nice area in the base and planted the blood sapling I told rattles to wait and left the base I

Ventured throughout the world and eventually came across a cave and went inside of it the cave was full of diamonds I used my diamond pickaxe to mine enough diamonds to complete my diamond armor set just like the Diamond Helmet the moment that I equipped the rest of the armor it immediately changed

Into the blood versions I felt my blood Powers growing and I noticed that I gained five more Hearts thanks to the armor upgrades I went deeper into the cave and saw spiders dwelling inside of it perfect using my blood sword I quickly killed the spiders and collected

The strings that they left behind I left the cave and returned to base to find rattles in a panic the sapling it grew into a huge tree perfect we went over to where I planted the tree and it finally grew into a large blood tree I used my

Ax and cut down the blood tree to kill collect its wood I then used the string that I got from the spiders and crafted the materials together to make a bloody bow here now you have something to defend yourself with this is for me thanks blood Warden this really means a

Lot I told rattles that it was no problem and open the recipe book to look up the next blood item on days 51 of 53 I started my journey in finding the next blood item the blood totem I opened the recipe book and it said that I needed to

Acquire an enchanted totem inside I could find it in a woodland Mansion the recipe book then said that the totem was being guarded by a crazy evoker who was much stronger than anything else that I thought before this was gonna be the hardest task in the book so far but I

Was prepared for whatever came my way it started to get darker so I decided to stop briefly and built a small camp to rest I ate some bread when I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps then out of nowhere a group of Endermen teleported in front of me they were covered in

Blood which only meant one thing they worked for bloody Herobrine the only thing that you’ve come to do is die I quickly pulled out my blood sword and took down one of the Enderman the other Enderman teleported in different places trying to distract me I calmly Stood

Still and waited for the Enderman to show themselves you idiots must have forgotten one thing about wardens the Enderman teleported in front of me and I immediately cut him down we have great hearing the last Enderman was shocked and I used my Sonic Boom to defeat him

Thanks for the warm-up guys now I’m ready to find that totem I continued my journey to find the totem and eventually came across a forest covered in blood this must have been the blood force that the recipe book mentioned I made my way to the center of it and Came Upon a

Woodland Mansion I went inside the mansion and there was The Enchanted totem but right next to it was the evoker he introduced himself as seven and he told me that he was related to the other blood entities then you know why I’m here I need that totem that

You’re guarding so that I can use it to defeat Herobrine I don’t care about your stupid Quest you fool I only care about me and me alone wow talk about egotistical well guess I’ve got no other other choice but to fight you we began our battle and seven summoned Fang to

Try and harm me I dodged the attack and use my Sonic Boom to knock seven aside I charged at the evoker but he kept summoning fangs I moved back and realized that I didn’t take too much damage thanks to my armor upgrades seven and summon vexes but I quickly took them

Down using my blood sword impossible how can this key I charged that seven and used the sword to finally take him down the evoker Left Behind the enchanted totem and I collected it and left the Woodland mansion on days 57-59 I made my way out of the blood forest and returned

To ravana’s Hut so you were able to beat that crazy evoker and collect the totem good work Young Blood Warden I gave ravana the enchanted totem and asked her if she would be able to turn it into a blood totem the witch told me that she

Couldn’t do it wait what what do you mean you can’t change the totem the last thing you need to do to make the blood to them is dip it into the pool of blood deep in the blood Dimension the blood Dimension ravana told me that the blood

Dimension was a place that was full of blood and it was originally where bloody Herobrine came from well where do I find this Blood Dimension you will need to find a blood portal and lucky for you your skeleton friend might know where to find one rattles how would he know

Ravana told me to trust her and ask rattles about it I hesitantly agreed and made my way back to base I returned and just when I was about to walk inside an arrow came flying towards me I quickly dodged the arrow rattles it’s me oh uh sorry bud Warden I thought bloody

Herobrine came back to cause trouble again if this is how you greet your friends I don’t want to know how you greet your enemies rattles apologized and told me that it wouldn’t happen again I didn’t know about that but I asked him if he knew where the blood

Portal was located lead portal oh you must be talking about the strange portal that I found in the mountains rattles told me that when he went to the top of a mountain he came across a red ancient portal out of curiosity I went inside the portal and I saw a world that was

Completely covered in blood it was really creepy if you ask me that’s where I lost my bow I asked him if he knew and how he got there and he told me that he did the two of us ate some cooked chicken to build up our shrink and left

To go find the blood portal on days 63-65 rattles on made our way across a mountainous area in search of the blood portal there it should be at the top of that mountain rattles pointed to the top of a very large mountain and we made our

Way towards it once we got to the mountain laughter could be heard and we looked around to see who it was suddenly bloody Herobrine appeared above oh poor little Warden are you trying to make a blood item to beat me laugh all you want you lunatic once I go to the

Blood Dimension and make the blood totem you’re going down you will never make it to my home Warden you have no idea but you’re doing everything as I planned I push rattles out of the way and bloody Herobrine hit us with the bolt of his red lightning I

Didn’t take much damage and he was surprised by this I used my Sonic Boom to bring him down to the ground I then use my blood sword on him and it seemed to damage him a little bit bloody Herobrine seemed weirdly happy about this and knocked me away he then grabbed

Rattles and teleported the two out of here no I wanted to go and search for my friend but I knew if I wanted to end bloody Herobrine’s Madness I needed to make the blood totem I made my way up the mountain and continued my search I

Finally made my way to the top of the mountain in search of the blood portal I went to the center and came across a strange looking structure there were skeletons around it it looked like it was covered in blood this has to be the blood portal there was red obsidian

Around it and I wasn’t sure how it was going to light it I opened the recipe book to see if there was any information but it didn’t say anything rage started to fill my body and I was so frustrated I found the portal to the blood Dimension but this book didn’t tell me

How to activate it to top it all off my friend has been captured by Bloody Herobrine and who knows what he’s gonna do to him is this it am I supposed to just give up Suddenly I could hear footsteps and the blood Golem was there I knew you would be looking for the

Blood portal I’m glad that I made it here to help he told me that he could activate the portal by using his blood essence oh my goodness thank you so much the blood Golem uses blood Essence to activate the blood portal this is amazing now I’m one step closer to

Defeating Herobrine on days 69-71 I prepared myself to enter the blood Dimension the blood Essence is at its strongest in the blood Dimension you may find it hard to hold your inner rage I thank the blood Golem for the warning and went through the portal I was inside the

Blood Dimension wow no kidding the world was completely covered in blood suddenly Bridge started to fill my body and I was starting to freak out wow what is this this must have been the blood essence of the blood goal mentioned earlier okay control my rage control it I ventured throughout the

Dimension and eventually came across a pool filled with blood I took out the totem and walked inside of it after a minute I walked out of the blood pool and came out with the blood totem I can feel myself getting stronger now I can go and take down Herobrine suddenly a

Vision popped in my head and I started to black out when I woke up I found myself in a strange castle where was I I walked throughout it until I found a pool of lava and rattles he was dangling above the lava bloody Herobrine was there too please sure

Back in the blood Dimension rattles is in trouble but I knew where he was now I quickly left the blood Dimension and began my journey to save my friend I made my way throughout the world until I finally reached the castle where rattles was being held don’t worry buddy I’m

Gonna get you out of here I noticed that the castle was being guarded by some of bloody Herobrine’s henchmen I couldn’t afford a cause of commotion so I snuck past them and quietly made my way through the castle I eventually found where rattles was being held

Do you want the entire Castle to know that I’m here rattles apologize and I quickly freed him I looked around to see where bloody Herobrine was and rattles told me that he had disappeared after he finished hurting him the two of us made our way to the exit but bloody Herobrine

Teleported in front of me now that I have the blood totem I told bloody Herobrine that I was ready to end him now I can fight an even stronger blood Warden and absorb all your power lucky Herobrine began his assault on us and rattles and I quickly Dodge his red

Lightning thanks to the blood totem I had a stronger sonic boom and use it to knock bloody Herobrine to the ground bloody Herobrine teleported behind me to attack rattle shot him with an arrow from his bloody bow thank you rattles but that only made bloody Herobrine angrier he summoned lightning all around

The area and greatly wounded me bloody Herobrine was about to hit me with another bolt but rattles got in the way and took the hit rattles no I ran over to my friend and knew that he was dying you’ve got to get out of here it’s too

Late for me you need to leave blood Warden the feet but a Herobrine I just fear yourself but for everyone my friend died in front of me no he left behind his bloody bow I collected the bow and ran out of the castle as fast as I could

Run all you want blood Warden your days are numbered on days 75 to 77 I sadly returned to the base where the blood Golem was waiting for me what Warden it’s good to see that you’re safe where is your skeleton friend I pulled out rattles bow and showed it to the Golem

Revealing to him that rattles was gone the blood Golem told me that he was sorry for what happened but knew that I was going to avenge my friend I agreed with him and used the resources that I’ve left over to build a grave for rattles and honored him I’m sorry

Rattles I wish I could have been stronger to stop Herobrine I promise I’ll make him pay for what he’s done I decided to build a house for the blood goal in the stand and the blood Golem thanked me I thanked him for helping me get inside of the blood Dimension and

Helping me along my journey I’m only returning the favor after you sent my Village from those players but I promise to be by your side till the end I decided to go to my house and rest for the night I woke up from my Slumber and

Decided that it would be best to return to ravana I should tell her that I acquired the blood totem I made my way through the swamps and reached her Hut the witch came out and was glad to see that I was safe it looks like you have

All the blood items but you seem troubled Young Blood Warden I told ravana about what happened in regards to the blood totem and I also told her about rattles I should have been able to take down bloody Herobrine but I wasn’t and now my friend’s gone because of it

What’s going on ravana what am I missing you are not yet ready to fight bloody Herobrine there is still one more thing you need that the recipe book does not meant it the witch handed me a strange Lantern and I asked her what I would do

With it take this Soul Lantern and go back to where it all started for you only then will you find your place where it all started oh that place I knew what ravana was talking about and made my way back to the ancient city on

Days 81 85 I finally made my way back to the city and looked at all of the destruction that Bloody Herobrine Had caused all of those days ago memories of watching my people get killed by him started to flood my mind and all I can feel was sadness I walked through the

City and the bodies of my Warden Brethren were still laying there this wasn’t the city that I was born in anymore it was just a graveyard for all of my species that came before me suddenly I felt a strange power and I pulled out the soul Lantern to resonate

With it rattles was there and behind him were the ghosts of the wardens that Bloody Herobrine killed rattles it’s so good to see you hello old friend I asked him what he was doing here and rattles told me that he was here to calm me down

From my rage to calm me down from my rage are you kidding I can’t just let that go after everything Herobrine’s done to me and even to you how can I let go my rage you’re not fighting bloody Herobrine for the sake of Vengeance you’re fighting bloody Herobrine for the

Sake of Justice those words started to resonate with my body and I finally decided to listen to rattles I need to let go and accept that my friends and family were gone rattles told me to give him the bloody bow I pulled it out and all the wardens behind rattles disappear

And were absorbed into the bow to become something new rattles handed me back the bow and I gained five more Hearts thanks to the upgrade now you’ll never be alone good luck blood Warden thank you old friend I’m going to end this nightmare for everyone I exited the ancient city

And spotted a cloud of smoke in the distance that’s probably not good I ran over to the source of the smoke and saw that a village was under attack by Bloody Herobrine’s minions The Village was in complete disarray as the blood minions were destroying everything in

Their path a blood creeper was about to blow up some villagers but I used my new enchanted bow to take him down the minions stopped their attack and turn their attention to me for the sake of bloody here charging at me what Enderman teleported behind me but

Then I use my sword to slice him into pieces the rest of the minions were too scared to fight me and they ran away from the village the villagers slowly walked up to me and I was concerned that they would call me a monster instead they praised me for saving them I was

Glad that the villagers no longer saw me as a monster but instead a hero I made my way back to base to finally prepare for my final battle on days 91 and 94 I returned to base and ravana was there with the blood Golem yeah blood Warden

Did you find what you were looking for I told her that I did and I thanked her for helping me thanks to that I’m now more than ready to take on Herobrine now that you’ve acquired all the blood items and have gotten stronger bloody Herobrine won’t rest until he absorbs

You well he doesn’t have to worry about that because I’m going to him I told her Von and the blood Golem that I planned on storming blood Herobrine’s place and taking him down once and for all you need to be careful Young Blood Warden bloody Herobrine’s forces are not to be

Taken lightly neither should I the blood Dolan told me that if I needed his assistance with raining the castle I can count on him I thank them for his help and told him that I would greatly appreciate it Pravana wish us luck as the blood Golem and I left the base and

Made our way to blood Herobrine’s castle we arrived at his castle and his army of blood minions are waiting for us let’s do this Blood Warden with pleasure the two of us charged in and began our fight with the minions the blood Golem was pretty strong because he easily took

Down spiders left and right I use my enchanted bow and started killing off the blood creepers one by one a blood Enderman try to sneak attack the Golem but I use my Sonic Boom to take him down the blood Golem thanked me and we continued our battle I used my blood

Sword to take down the blood spiders that were blocking the entrance the blood Golem smashed down the blood Enderman and most of Herobrine’s minions were defeated thanks to the two of us go and deal with bloody Herobrine I can take care of the rest of his army I

Thank the blood Golem and charge inside of the castle looking for bloody Herobrine on day 100 I ran throughout the castle looking for him where are you I eventually found him in an open area of the castle he then started to summon a lightning storm inside it looks like

He was making sure I couldn’t escape oh don’t worry I’m not going anywhere one of us is going down today and that’s gonna be you you finally become strong enough to be absorbed prepare yourself blood Warden fortunately yay Herobrine shot red lightning at me but I

Dodged it and used my enchanted bow to shoot him down with some arrows he shook off the arrows and teleported behind me then he knocked me into a wall ah he didn’t even give me time to recover he shot me with another red lightning bolt

And I lost 10 of my heart he shot me with another one and another and I lost more and more Hearts is this gonna be the end for me I remembered all the people that Bloody Herobrine harmed and I powered through the lightning strikes bloody Herobrine was shocked by this and

I used my blood sword to greatly wound him this this can’t be I’m supposed to be the more powerful blood being not anymore I gathered all my strength and hit bloody Herobrine with a sonic boom killing him once and for all the storm began to disappear and the world was

Safe from bloody Herobrine’s reign of terror on day one I was assembled as a robot Warden I was in a strange laboratory with a scientist standing before me my name is Rick your Humanity’s Last Hope against the robot takeover of this world robot takeover what do you mean but before he could say

Anything else a massive robotic hand smashed into the lab he started to attack the scientists don’t care robotic hand turned his attention toward me ouch that hurts I was just a baby so I only had 10 Hearts I had to run away or else I’ll be defeated as I started to

Run I realized I had something it was a speed boost I activated it and was able to make a quick getaway from the robot there’s nowhere on day two I escaped the evil robot and found myself in a city as I looked into the city I realized that it was also

Being attacked by other robots what’s up with all these robots I had to get out of here I was about to run off when I suddenly heard a scream someone was getting attacked I can’t just leave them I ran in and used a blaster whoa I have

This it took some time but I used my weapon and was able to take him down nice looks like I’m not as weak as I thought uh maybe I was wrong time to go I knew that I wasn’t strong enough to take on all these robots so I ran inside the

Nearest building I didn’t hear the sound of foods steps so I think the coast is clear man I turned around and found a group of civilians inside they were all huddled together and scared stay away you evil robot one evil robot I’m a good robot the crowd started chanting for me

To leave so I had no choice but to get out as I ran away from the city I could hear a strange beeping sound I noticed that I was starting to run low on power oh great I continued traveling until I saw what looked like a laboratory I

Didn’t know what was inside but I don’t have any other options I began to search the chest and I found some batteries great I quickly replaced them replenishing my energy who’s there is that the robot Warden there was another scientist in the lab he told me that he

Worked with Rick my Creator he then gave me some sad news If I Was Here Without Rick that must mean he was gone what no that can’t be true luckily he was a very intelligent man he lives behind this for you to follow the scientists dropped me

A map that would lead me to one of Rick’s old science facilities where I could find more information he told me to be careful robots would be hunting me that evil hand Talos was not far from taking this world over I thanked him for the information and began to follow the

Map I hope I can find what I’m looking for there on day four the map led me to a destroyed laboratory I have a strange feeling that the robots have something to do with this destruction I’ve walked inside and it didn’t look good either there has to be some kind of upgrade

Inside this place something suddenly a person appeared in front of me and it was Rick wait what how are you here I quickly noticed that this wasn’t actually him it must have been some kind of hologram Rick’s hologram told me that inside the location he left me a manual which would

Allow me to obtain upgrades that robots had stolen and placed across the world additionally the Hologram faded away I started to search the lab I found both the manual and a drill I think I know what he wants me to do with this I went to the woods

Nearby and used the drill to collect wood and then created a hole so quickly grab some Stone thanks to this drill I was able to fix up the laboratory and make it look half decent this drill upgrade is gonna be very useful on day five I left my new home and began to

Follow the manual to find my upgrades I was looking for some kind of large Warehouse I came across a large building believed it was the place I started to search around and was able to find some iron and yes an upgrade schematic I then heard strange noises behind me and

Turned around to see a bunch of Creeper butts coming at me I started to fight them off using my weapon but some of them got close enough and exploded ah I was able to avoid most of the damage and take most of them out I was really

Starting to feel confident with my new abilities find you here the robotic hand Talos reappeared and he started to attack me hack me I try to fight against him but he was far far towerful I have no choice but to flee thanks to my speed boost in small

Size I was able to lose him fairly easily I was tired of running away but I knew I wasn’t strong enough to fight back I needed to obtain whatever upgrade I had just found using the manual I continued towards another structure it led me into an abandoned facility I hope

This is what I was searching for as I walked throughout the place I came across a strange machine the instructions told me to place my schematic on it and get inside I did just as it told me to I started to feel strange and heard a lot of mechanical

Noises before becoming a full robot Warden I even had 20 Hearts now I just need to keep finding more upgrades to become stronger looked like a robot minion but he seemed different than the rest um I don’t want to fight either so let’s just part ways from here okay that way

Neither of us caused the other one any trouble wait a second oh hold on come with you a robot Warden was said to be the savior of this world I looked at the robot and felt bad for it you know what I could really use a friend come on

Let’s go but happily joined me and we made our way back to the lab on day seven I returned back to my base with Ace he was very appreciative of me my home though was not large enough for both of us so I went out and collected

Some materials to build him a base together we were able to create him a house quickly I then started to ask him some questions about what he knew about Talos Talos has been trying to take over the world for some time now he’s told me that Talos had been working on a robotic

Army making life hard for all living creatures man so everyone’s been affected by him I had to get stronger I’ve read the upgrade manual and it told me of another location where I could find an upgrade I then began my journey toward the location oh wow

Allow drunk carry on As You Wish on day 8 as I continued looking for the next upgrade I noticed smoke nearby and a village was being attacked by a large robot and the robot looked like some kind of colossal Knight it was chopping down houses and destroying the village

He was about to attack a villager until I yelled for him to stop the night turned around and approached me ah you must be the robot war the palace told me about he told me that his name was Killian and he was made to destroy and Crush Humanity soon robots will destroy

Anything non-robotic and overtake this inferior word no that’s wrong we weren’t made to destroy humans we’re here to help them Killian asked me to join him and be part of The Winning Side he said my abilities were Wasted by trying to save these people no I’ll never join you

Or Talos then you will be destroyed just like the rest we began a fight and he was very powerful I was able to avoid some of his attacks I was starting to run low on Hearts when kilion slammed his hammer down on the realm and launch me into the air

On days nine to ten I crash Landon in a pool of water ouch ouch I quickly made my way out and my body was starting to go Haywire it hurt me a lot and I try to use my speed boost again uh I guess I need to travel

Slowly for now I continue to walk through the jungle when I began to hear the beeping of my battery uh I need to replace them again I did which was my final Battery Man okay I’m gonna have to find more soon the journal had told me

The Robots had hidden one of my upgrades inside a desert temple I eventually made my way out of the Jungle and began a cross into the desert on days 11 to 12 I spotted the large desert temple I went inside and another hologram of Rick appeared it looks like you were able to

Find the desert lab I’m proud of you foso but hologram told me how the world is filled with his Creations like Talos and kilion wait there are more than just those two monsters finding your upgrades I looked around the laboratory and found a book with instructions on a new upgrade I read the

Book and kept looking around the facility I was able to find some Redstone and combine them with the iron I collected thanks to these ingredients I was able to upgrade my gun into a cannon it’s very it cannot be used often sweet the upgrade book had ended and I turned to

Ask Rick more questions but his hologram was gone great I left the temple and made my way back to the lab on days 13 to 14 I arrived back on my base Ace was waiting for me and I showed him my new upgrades I also told them about everything that I learned

You should be much better protected now I hope so I started to think about what Rick had told me his Creations if Rick created them why would they turn bad I heard the familiar beeping sound I knew is my energy level I need to find some

Batteries fast I asked the ace if he had any batteries he could share with me unfortunately I had solar powered I don’t need to consume batteries like you he then told me that he knew where the creator of the batteries lived he said he was in a village pretty close to the

Lab I think my friend and left to get the batteries this is where I will construct her Tower how do you know it will work soon I will begin testing my mind control for now find the robot warded on days 15 to 16 I was heading off toward where the battery

Creator was I spotted it but something looked wrong The Village was in complete ruins oh no the robots must have attacked it and destroyed it I called out for anyone but I got no response come on please someone I scanned around the village and there was no signs of

Life man the robots are working very quickly on their takeover as I continued scanning across the village I managed to find a battery okay this will hold me off for now robot Warden have you come to destroy what is left what everyone run I told the Villager I meant no harm

And was just trying to find a battery Creator the Villager was very skeptical of what I was saying he told me that he in fact was the creator of the batteries but refused to tell me where the rest were listen you have to believe me you don’t give me the batteries robots will

Take over the world I’m trying to stop Talos and his robots judging by the fact I hadn’t heard him yet I think he was starting to believe me he described a large Factory that he used to work at it gave me the location to show my appreciation I told the Villager of

Where my lab was thank you you scary robotic Beast with my home destroyed I have nowhere left to live we parted ways I continued on my journey on days 17 to 18 I arrived at the large battery Factory and began to search it I needed to find spare batteries or I was not

Going to last much longer in this world in one of the chests I found a bunch of larger batteries perfect I consumed some of them to replenish my power I Was preparing to leave but I felt like there was something more here I found another manual for Rick this one seemed

Different though the manual detailed a very specific set of items needed to create something a robotic Sonic Boom wow if I can get this this will be amazing find something you like it was Killian what are you you doing here I’m here to destroy you robot Warden well

Telos works on his mind control device mind control before I could respond kylian was attacking me again with my new canon upgrade though I was able to inflict some serious damage on him unfortunately it had a long cooldown he was able to keep attacking me why don’t

Wait for my attack to restart oh no I realized that I was running low on Hearts I was disappointed that I had a retreat again but I knew I couldn’t risk being defeated here I went off to avoid more conflict thank you I returned to the lab and

Found Ace was with the Villager from earlier oh I’m glad you arrived hopefully soon you’ll see that this is a safe place to stay at I used the Cobblestone wood I left over and built the Villager a new home there now you should be nice and safe suddenly there

Was a growling and the Villager didn’t look too good what’s wrong with him that’s right humans are I immediately left the lab and came back with some chickens I quickly built a pen for them across the villager’s house after that I decided to talk to Ace

About the laser I needed to find I told them that this would be the key to defeating Talos and stopping the robots Ace told me that finding the laser will probably be dangerous I read the manual and saw I would need to collect unobtainium ore the ultimate

Battery and a Karma nuke core my robotic friend told me he actually knew where I could find the unobtainium ore it was locked in an underground structure a few days away from where we were perfect I thanked him and headed out on days 21-23 I traveled deep underground into the

Cave system that Ace told me about eventually I came to a large structure in the cave I made my way inside and started to look around I found a strange looking black Aura I’d never seen before this must be the unobtanium ore before I could mine any of it I heard noise giant

Scary creature started to attack me there’s a few of them I was able to stun them with my Cannon this should give me enough time to run on days 24 to 26 I was running back to base I saw a village was under attack by robotic wolves I went in the village and

Used my scanners to figure out what was going on the Wolves were being controlled by Talos of course I quickly sprang into action and used my hunter Cannon to blow the Wolves Away from the villagers the Wolves try to attack and bite me but I had little effect on my

Robotic armor I shot another round of my hunter cannon at the wolves and was able to scare them away man I wondered how Talos controlled those wolves I need to figure that out and fast I checked on the villagers to see if they were okay scary robotic wouldn’t why are you

Helping us listen I don’t work with Talos okay he is a monster and Must Be Stopped the villagers seemed to not quite believe me but told me I could prove it wrong by finding the missing villagers I use my scanner to find any tracks left and found a trail leading

Out of the village all right fine I’ll go rescue the captives on days 27-29 I continue to follow the tracks to what appeared to be an outpost in the nearby Forest I could see villagers were in cages out wolves begin pouring out of the outposts from all directions and started

To attack me I told him to disobey the orders but it was no use as much as I wanted to help them I couldn’t risk being taken out now I fought off against the Wolves their numbers gave me some serious issues but I was able to

Overcome all of them and take them out I freed the villagers and then began to search The Outpost for anything useful and one of the chests I found a laser sword whoa this will definitely give me a boost in my attack the villagers thanked me for freeing them and told me

That their home was destroyed I offered them a place to stay at my base and the villagers agreed seeing I had their best interest in mind I returned to the lab with the freed villagers together ace and I built a few houses for our new friends to live inside of I knew the

Villagers were going to need some more food so I built them a farm they seemed really happy that I was around and I was glad that they viewed me as a friend hopefully when this is all over robots and humans can live in peace together were you able to acquire the unit

Guardians were too powerful but I found this I showed Ace my laser sword and he was amazed by my new upgrade I’ve never seen this type of Sword before this is me neither I think with this though I might be able to defeat the temple Guardians I set off to retrieve the

Unobtanium on days 33 to 35 I travel back to the underground structure and was ready to take on the Guardians I called out for them and in a mass they began to rush at me I used my new laser sword and quickly cut through one of them wow this sword is super powerful

There are a lot of them though and I had to use everything I had I plastered the final one with my Cannon taking it down as I defeated them I’d gained another 10 Hearts hey look at that I had 30 now I spotted the ore and use my drill tool to

Mine as much of it as I could after I was finished I searched the temple for any other items that could be inside of it hey look at that I found some iron and three diamonds I wasn’t sure what to craft though with the diamonds so I held

On to them for now with the iron I was able to create a full set of armor look at that I’m proud of how much I’ve done in the last few days I was feeling stronger than ever on days 36-38 I left the temple and standing before me was

Killian what are you doing I came to destroy this Temple but it looks like you beat me to it he asked me if I’ve encountered any new creatures recently I knew that he was talking about those brainwashed wolves Talos is trying to brainwash everyone and you’re just okay

With that yes what better way to control the world than control the people you and Talos won’t have your way I charge that Killian and slice some of my laser sword he reeled back from the damage and I knew that my recent upgrades gave me a Fighting Chance jillion then hit me and

It took some of my hearts away I shot Killian by Hunter Cannon this was my chance but he pulled out an advice and it weakened me ah My systems were failing is this some kind of EMP that’s right enjoy your rest robot Warden oh no

I’m shutting down on days 39 to 41 I woke up in a strange place where am I I was in some kind of prison cell and I noticed that all of my items were gone from my inventory is anyone here don’t stop me the robotic hand was right

In front of me taloses isn’t too late to stop please just stop Talos told me he would never stop he then said that he was originally created by another scientist to help humanity and that scientist was Rick soon I realized that the people of this world would not

Manage themselves he explained that he had watched so much destruction caused from the war between players so much time wasted so many valuables stripped from caves taking away everything from this world they were in he had enough it is up to us to protect this world join

Me you do not need to die for them and what just kill every single person in the world you’re insane Talos told me that I will stay here until I am dismantled he then walked away leaving me in the cell alone my system’s turned on an ace standing

Outside of my cell Ace what are you doing here he told me that since I didn’t return home he had a bad feeling that I’d been caught oh thank goodness it’s great to see you can you get me out of here So much look at that now you’re free to go let’s get out of here together friend not without my equipment first Ace We snuck around the lair and found all my weapons and armor inside of it nice I also found a rocket launcher upgrade for my Canon this is gonna make my Canon

That much stronger we continued looking around and found an area that contained the karma nuke core there it is Ace if we get that Talos is finished is that right we turned around and sawtallos towering over us uh I think it’s time to run Chase is down shooting his laser at us

We were able to dodge them and I used my new rocket launcher to blast open and exit as we got close to the exit Talos got me with the laser ah go on without me Ace I’ll hold them off he didn’t listen to me and force my

Systems to leave the lair prison without him Ace hey I didn’t care that you see the world goes off please do it for me friend all I could do was helplessly watch and run away as Talos destroyed my friend no on days 45 to 47 I made it back to base man

He’s gone Ace is really gone he sacrificed himself so I could escape and he was the only one that believed in me how am I going to be able to continue on without him I looked around at all the villagers at my base I can’t give up on

Them now I just can’t I decided to start working on it I expanded it to give myself more room and was really starting to feel a little better I had to remain strong for Ace if he believed in me I couldn’t let my best friend die in vain

I knew where that nuke core was but I needed to find the ultimate battery I read about its location and then headed off toward it task for you anything you wish find the device to amplify the signal I travel through a thick force on my search for

The ultimate battery I realized I was approaching the center as I walked through the forest my scanners indicated that it was full of mind-controlled creatures I wanted to save them so it felt wrong to fight these creatures now I decided it was best to avoid them and continue tore the battery I journeyed

Deeper into the forest and then came across an abandoned Factory the factory must have been very old because it was covered in Vines I went into the factory and scanned the area in search of the battery my readings didn’t indicate any tracings though this has to mean one

Thing this wasn’t a factory where the ultimate battery was this is the factory where it was created I walked around it and eventually found instructions on how they created the battery I was gonna need to collect a lot of redstone I left the forest and headed toward a nearby

Cave inside the cave I was able to find a bunch of redstone I collected and then spotted some diamonds inside as well I use the diamonds to craft myself a chest plate and then headed back toward the factory on days 51-53 I arrived back at the factory and read the instructions

For the battery one last time I applied the Red Zone to power the machine everything was still overgrown so I tried to remove the vines as I broke one I heard a massive rumbling from behind me and a large Plant sprouted out from the floor another robot here to restart

The factory the plan prepared a fight but I stopped it wait wait I’m trying to put an end to this entire robotic takeover I explained to the plant while I was here and what I needed from the factory I just want the battery I’m not

Sure if I can believe you I have been deceived by many in the past I swear I need the battery so I can put an end to the robotic monster Talos I need you to trust me the plant looked at me and said it can sense I was more alive than all

The other robots do not fail us robot Warden the plant retreated back into the ground and removed its Vines from the machine I turned the machine on and the ultimate battery was created I’m one step closer to obtaining the warden laser and putting an end to all of this

I return to base and quickly went to my home I used some of my spare wood to craft a chest and stash the unobtania as well as the ultimate battery I couldn’t let something like this fall into the wrong hands as I walked out of my house

More villagers entered I asked them how they found this place and they told me that word spread that apparently this place was safe from Evil robots well you heard it right you guys can stay here as long as you guys like the villagers all seemed very eager to share their homes

With the new residents as I watched the Villager walk away I realized I couldn’t let anything happen to these people and they’re all I have left with Rick and acecon I owed it to them more than anyone else in this world to defeat Talos and his army a headed to rest for

The night On days 57 of 59 I was woken sounds of chaos at my base what was going on out there Ace what are you doing I bet for him to talk with me but it was obvious that he was not willing to listen what is Tallow stun to my friend

He was destroying my base and was about to attack the villagers when I started to fight back I hit him with my new rocket upgrade and then began to fight against him with the laser blade I was quickly starting to overpower him I don’t want to do this please listen to me

Please do it for me friend I can’t defeat him I have to save him and my hesitation Ace had run off and escaped oh I’ll fix you buddy just you wait ah there it is Dallas will be very pleased with me I began to repair all

The damages that Ace had caused I never imagined my friend could do something like that it took a while but I eventually was able to repair my own house and all the Villagers houses I wasn’t sure if I was gonna be able to save Ace but I had to focus on the laser

For right now I turned to the villagers and try to see if any of them had information on a way I could slow the robots down one of the villagers shared the location of a factory he believed might be where some of the robot minions were being created since this was my

Only lead I had it off that way I arrived at the factory and was attacked by robotic Mech suits they packed a punch but I was able to take most of them down I found something strange it looked like a schematic for Ace there were coordinates on it as well oh man I

Went off and exploded the factory before heading off toward the coordinates on the schematic on day 63-65 I went through the world trying to find the coordinates on the schematic as I reached the coordinates I spotted a strange old laboratory what is this place something felt strange there was another transmission from Rick

What is this place why did Asus schematic have this location on him he told me he created Ace as one of his first prototypes like Talos he was created for good change to not lost but how can I save him what can I do Rick said that unlike Talos he was

Gonna be able to be reprogrammed much easier Rick gave me the recipe to make the tool and then said he would speak to me one last time before fading away I have to go and get these materials quickly as I made my way to the cave I noticed that

The world was more robotic some more of talus’s robot animals were lurking around I did my best to avoid them and continued to travel Talos was getting closer to taking over I went inside the cave and hoped it had enough of the materials I needed to create the debug

Tool using my drill I collected a large amount of redstone and then began to look for the strange Platinum Ore I was able to find some along with diamonds deeper in the cave using the diamonds I collected I crafted myself a diamond armor set nice I should be much more

Protected now now I can finally go and save Ace suddenly I picked up a distress signal not far from me I wanted to go save my friend but I knew he would never forgive me if I ignored a cry for help I went off and made my way towards the

Distress signal don’t worry Ace I’ll save you soon on day 69-71 I continue to follow the distress signal I had everything I needed for the debug tool but I needed to find out what was going on I entered a strange area and began to look around what was going on with this

Place so you have fallen into my trap it was Killian and he emerged with a group of robotic wolves they rushed at me but so no chance of all my new upgrades you never win Still Standing the robotic Knight rushed at me and slammed the ground with his hammer I was ready

Though and able to avoid the attack with my rocket launcher I was able to hurt him a lot I could tell kylian was growing angry and he was able to land a few hits on me but with my diamond armor it wasn’t very effective I had to take

Him out now this is my chance I rushed Shannon with my laser sword and began to hit him rapidly she was defeated and exploded in a large ball of electricity now all that was left was the free Ace and take Talos out rise my robotic Army rise and take over

The world on days 72-74 while I was traveling back to base a strange radio wave past my body I didn’t know what that was but I had a hunch that Talos had something to do with it after my systems readjusted I realized that a nearby area was under attack for more

Robots I went over and saw a city completely overrun all the villagers had a strange helmet on too this must have been the aftermath of that radio wave the city was completely under talos’s control I scanned the area and found people surrounded by robotic spiders and used my rocket launcher to destroy them

But more of them were emerging I asked the citizens to come with me but one stopped and said these people were being controlled too I couldn’t fight them so I had no choice but to leave is this the kind of world that you want Talos a world that only

Serves you if I didn’t stop him I knew that this would be the outcome I made a back to base and quickly went inside my lab to create the debug tool the debug tool was finally made and I used my scanners to track down Ace once I freed

Him I planned to free everyone under his control on day 75 to 77 I began to search for Ace I was able to track him thanks to the debug tool I noticed Ace was destroying buildings and attacking villagers Ace stop this isn’t you uh destroy Humanity he started a fight with

Me please stop try to control yourself and prepare the debug tool but he kept attacking fight against it you’re better than this I could see Ace stop for a second and his eyes changed from Red back to the normal color to wanna then he powered down for a

Second before returning to his normal self no no no you’re not okay I was Talos he was controlling you that wasn’t really you we need to focus our anger and attention on him and use this to stop him Ace told me to follow him we were

Gonna need to get that nuke core from talus’s base and then I would be able to defeat him once and for all right behind you buddy on days 78 to 80 we landed on the outskirts of talus’s Lair there were robot guards blocking our way inside we

Knew that the best thing to do was to sneak inside Ace had a plan and use a distress signal to lure the guards away from the entrance nice we quietly made our way inside the lair and I followed ace to the Newt core as we headed for

The core we passed a larger Tower and I stopped to scan it my scanners indicated that the tower was a beacon for talus’s mind control we needed to find that new core and fast we made it to a room and found the new core I quickly grabbed it

We prepare to leave oh good now we can finally leave the stupid little dump what are you doing here whatever you think you think you’ll make it will have no effect on my mind Talos was behind us so I had no choice but to fight our way out I used my laser

Sword to try and slice it but it had no effect hell is trying to blast Ace but I shielded him using my body not again I won’t let you take it I fire my rocket launchers at Talos but it was only moderately effective on him I can’t beat

Him without my Sonic Boom so ace and I quickly ran out of the lair and flew off on days 81-85 we arrived back at base with everything we needed to construct my Sonic Boom we’re almost done Ace the world is gonna make it thanks to us no

You silly robot thanks to you he told me that everyone here believed in me you know Rick who would be proud of you the villagers came out and told me that they were so thankful that I showed compassion to protect them they worry that Talos is gonna win before I showed

Up well I have one last thing I have to do I went inside the lab and tried to construct the sonic boom but something was wrong am I missing something oh no activate the tower suddenly there’s a flash of light that covered the entire world by systems automatically readjusted and everyone in

The village was completely under talos’s mind control we need to get out of here right now Ace tried to attack me and I quickly dodged him Ace not you too oh hell tell us again I had no choice but to run off and leave them I had to find somewhere safe

I went over a small village to see if Talos reached this place in my fears were right Talos had now the entire world under his control I try to think if there’s anywhere I could be safe and I realized there might be one last spot

On days 91 and 94 I returned back to where I’d been created as I entered the destroyed laboratory Rick popped up again Rick how loose has now taken over everything and the sonic boom didn’t even work Rick pointed toward a wall and I broke it revealing a chest inside the chest was an overclocker what is this for he told me that this was the final piece

For the sonic boom he had to hide it and leave it out of the instructions in case Talos found the manual before us the last time we speak Rick Waits I can’t do this without you you are you faded away be the Savior I crafted

The sonic boom and tested it out it was a vibrant red color too now all that is left is to defeat Talos and save everyone I landed in front of the engine to talos’s Lair and the guards are there waiting for me I use my rocket launcher

To blow one of the guards away the other guards tried to shoot me but I’ve dodged his attacks and finish him off with my laser sword I made my way to the Tower and Talus was waiting for me with Ace if you want to get to me you have to fight

Your friend first fight this Ace I know you don’t want to do this oh opposed Talos must be destroyed Ace wash me but I dodge his attack I don’t want to fight you he continued his Onslaught and blasted me onto the ground find your friends

Oh I was so angry all I want is my friend back continue to attack and I realize there’s no use I charge my Sonic Boom stop now he didn’t listen and I was about to hit him at the last second I had an idea and redirected the laser at

The Tower the sonic boom connected with it and destroyed the signal they stopped trying to attack and I knew that he and everyone else were no longer under talos’s control Talos rushed at me and I was prepared but he flew past me and quickly left the area I went off

After him I won’t let you go that easily on day 100 I followed Talus to a mount and use my rocket launcher to knock him down to the ground he crashed and landed at the top of a mound there’s still a chance for you to right your wrongs

Talos give up now and live to help Humanity not destroy it I will never give up as long as I live I will make sure that robots will rule this world then I guess we have no choice but to finish this once and for all cows fired

His eye laser at me and I quickly dodged his attack I used my laser sword to try and stab him but he turned into a fist and punched me away charged up for another punch but I waited until the last second to Dodge I knew that he would need time to charge

So I took advantage of the opportunity to use my sonic boom right on him and he exploded right in front of me Talos was finally defeated hopefully with him gone humans and robots can now live in peace

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as a BLOOD WARDEN in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)’, was uploaded by FoZo Movies on 2023-03-10 21:00:23. It has garnered 110340 views and 1163 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:12 or 4812 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days as a BLOOD WARDEN in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)


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    INSANE SteamPunk LPS Minecraft Taxi AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘SteamPunk LPS Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cabbie’s Corner on 2024-03-30 10:41:04. It has garnered 104 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:25 or 12685 seconds. ⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons ⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes ⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore ⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress ⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons ⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs ⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary ⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More ⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions &… Read More

  • Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1

    Insane Bloxfruit Rolling Challenge: Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Rolling Fruit in Bloxfruit#roblox’, was uploaded by AKMO on 2024-01-03 13:23:33. It has garnered 2314 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #minecraft #funny #comedy #mcpemaps #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #funnymoments #like #minecraftmeme #funnyvideos #horrorstories#horror#AKMO#horrorgaming#horrorshorts#mcpemaps#minecraft#minecraft #comedy#funny #minecraftmeme #minecraft#minecraftbuilding#minecraftmemes#minecarft_pocket_edition#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemaps#mcpemod#mcpesmp#mcpespeedrun#minecraftmemes#minecraftshorts#minecraftpe#minecraftsurvival#minecraftlive#minecraftvideos#minecraftpe1#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftplayers#minecraftbuilding#minecraftfunny#minecraftfunnymoments#minecarftgameplay#minecraftmanhunt#minecraftpc#viral#videogames#video#myanmar#myanmarminecraft#funnyshorts#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#fun#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#comedyshorts#comedyinthecity#shortsfeed#videoshort#videos#videoshorts#videogame#gameplay#games#gamer#gamers#gamingvideos#gaming#vidio#subscribe#subscribers subscribers#yputubeshorts#youtube#youtubevideo#youtuber#dance#day100#day#dayz#zombiesurvival#zombieanimation#minecraftsurvivalwithfriend #drawing#dancer#dream#entertainment#trending#youtubeshorts Minecraft Day 100 Myanmar #mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog#mcpemaps #comedy #funny #funnyvideos #like #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minivlog #funnyvideos#minecraft#minecraftbuilding#mcpemaps#mcpeservers2020#motivation#music#memes#meme#motivational#maxpreps#mobilelegends#minecraftmemes#minivlog#midzy#minecraftshorts#mindset#minecraftshorts#mix#mindfulness#minecraftpe#minivlog#mini#minecraftanimation#mine#minecraftmeme#minecraftlive#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecrafter#minecrafters#minecraftedit#minecraftedits#minecraftespanol#minecraftersonly#minecraftepicmoments#minecraftep1#minecrafteggwars#minecraftepisode#minecraftepic#minecraftepisodes#minecraftepicseeds#minecraftpocketedition#minecraftpe#minecraftpc#minecraftpvp#minecraftparkour#minecraftparty#minecraftps3#minecraftplayers#minecraftps4#minecraftpetips#minecraftpeserversip#minecraftprzygoda#minecraftproject#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisonescape#minecraftprisma3d#minecraftpremium#minecraftpremium#minecraftprotips#minecraftprobuild#minecraftprisons#minecraftpemulriplayer#minecraftpeserver#minecraftpelivestream#minecraftmyanmar#minecraftmeme#minecraftmods#minecraftmlg#minecraftmaps#minecraftmultiplayer#minecraftmanhunt#mcpemaps#mcpeaddon#mcpehindi#mcpemlg#mcpehypixelskyblock#video#viral#vviquestion#videos#videogames#videoshort#videogames#videoshow#videoshorts#videoediting#edit#education#edits#editing#editor#editz#editingtutorial#editorberkelas#view#viralvideo#viralvideo#viralvideos#funnyvideos#funnyshorts#fumetti#funnycomedy#funny#funnyvideo#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycats#funntvideo#funnyanimals#funnydogs#funny#comedy#comedyinthecity#comedyvideo#comment#comedyshorts#comedymovies#dream#sub#subscribe#subscribers#like#live#likeforlikes#likeandsubscribe#myfirstvlog#myanmar#myanmarnews#savetheworld#save_myanmar#minecraft#minivlog#minecraftshorts#minecraftmemes#minecraftbuilding#minecraftpe#mcpe#mcpeservers2020#mcpemaps#mcpehindi#mcpemaps#mcpemlg#mcpemobile#mcpemod#mcpemods#mcpeaddon#mcpeaddons#mcpeandroid#mcpeindo#mcpeindonesia2020#mcpeios#mcpemap#map#maps#maplestory#creator#creative#creepypasta#creepy#challenge#comedy#comedyinthecity#trending #cute #cat#inshot #cutebaby #comment#cooking#callofduty#technoblade#rip#technoblade#respect#mcpoze#minecraftanimation#minecarft1#minecraftmeme#mineraftindonesia#minecraftlive#minecraftlivestream#live#like#love#livestream#minecraftsurvival#minecraftvideos#minecraftbedrock#minecraftvideo#mincraftvideo#minecraftnewupdate#minecraftmyanmar#mincraftnoob#minecrafthighlights #hardest#new#nevergiveup#funnyshorts#fun#funny#funnyvideo#funnyvideos#funnymoments#funnymemes#funnycomedy#comedy#comedyvideo#popular#viral#views#view#subscribers#subscribe#sub#like#likeforlikes#likes#likeandsubscribe#comingsoon#coming#coming_soon#dance#day100#day#zombieanimation#zombiesurvival#zombieland#zombieshorts#zombietsunami#apexlegends#apocalypse#apocalypselatergaming#zombie_codmobile#zombieapocalypsegame#dance#dream#dog#တုတ်ကြီးတို့ရွာ#အတုံးဂိမ်း#minecraft #comedy #mcpemaps #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #like #funnyvideos #funny #minecraftmeme #minivlog#100 Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft CARPET Design Build! 🚗 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Foxline on 2024-05-01 17:00:07. It has garnered 4554 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Realistic CARPET Design Build #minecraft #shorts #fyp #fypシ #fypシ゚viral #fy #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #shorts #youtuber #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #youtubers #balkan #guinessrecords Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft videos Minecraft shorts Foryoupage Mc Shorts Balkan Bosnia Serbia Croatia Gaming RTX Realistic Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet Coaster

    Discover Mind-Blowing Cube Park! 🤯🎢- Planet CoasterVideo Information This video, titled ‘CE PARC D’ATTRACTION VA VOUS ÉTONNER ! (il y a pleins de cubes) – Planet Coaster’, was uploaded by MColo on 2024-03-08 15:00:10. It has garnered 2794 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:30 or 870 seconds. Super destabilizing but impressive! Minecraft fans, players and nostalgic fans will enjoy it, and Planet Coaster fans will also love this crazy work done by Afrosheep! ✨ The best offers to buy games with Eneba: https://www.eneba.com/fr?af_id=mcolo 🚛 My simulation steering wheel: https://sites.google.com/view/mcolo/euro-truck-simulator-2/simulation 🎢 The coaster on Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1373725383 📝 Send your park so that… Read More

  • Minecraft Live: Ultimate Obsession

    Minecraft Live: Ultimate ObsessionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Лучшее #492’, was uploaded by Одержимый Live on 2024-04-19 11:15:00. It has garnered 362 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • KYRSP33DY’s Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!

    KYRSP33DY's Wild Speed Date on Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Speed Dating Event on Mythical Survival Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-04-05 02:42:40. It has garnered 30774 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:45 or 8985 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pokeninjas-kingdoms.1926218 Installation Guide – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n3LNUNPZ_RoOVFwryWEQe1WdBgJ2WoLc #MythicalPartner Read More


    A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE NOW! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SUMIT GAMING IS LIVE | Minecraft Live Streaming’, was uploaded by A SUMIT GAMING on 2024-01-11 11:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is 24/7 Minecraft live stream! SUBSCRBE OUR HORROR CHANNEL :- @ScaryStoriesWithA THANKS FOR WATCHING……. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World’s Biggest Cactus!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank! The World's Biggest Cactus!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play: #1 The Giant Cactus!’, was uploaded by BanditGaming on 2024-04-03 14:15:03. It has garnered 45 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:40 or 880 seconds. The cactus farm needed a little touch up in my opinion. Design Credit: WhoopSection05 on reddit Dont forget to go and check out my other socials! Patreon : patreon.com/Banditgaming98 Twitch : Twitch.tv/Banditgaming98 Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bandit20799677 Instagram : https://instagram.com/Banditgaming98 Read More

  • Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shorts

    Unbelievable Toilet Power in Monster School! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Skibidi Toilet Power Level – Minecraft Animation #shorts’, was uploaded by oreE+ on 2024-02-22 05:00:20. It has garnered 526 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. #animation #monsterschool #minecraftanimation Read More

  • Celestria SMP Java 1.20.4 Dynmap Earth

    Welcome to The World Of Celestria Greetings wanderers! Join our Minecraft geopolitical server where you can unleash your creativity. Whether you’re a builder, roleplayer, lore writer, or PvPer, there’s a place for you here. Earth is your canvas to create nations, cults, religions, guilds, and more. The only limit is your imagination. Are you ready? Join Us Now: https://discord.gg/hJVHnfW8Xq Read More

  • Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]

    Null Network: Seliana [RPG Survival]Are you ready to leave a mark in our history?Null Network: Seliana is an rpg survival server that focuses more on a unique experience. The server emphasizes on RPG elements, and a medieval feel. Currently, we are mostly a filipino playerbase, but we also have some players around the world, mostly in asia! We have a ton of appealing features that will get you hooked!Server has not been reset since the beginning. Your legacy is safe with us! You can also claim land to avoid getting griefed!Weapons for every style of combat! Be it hard hitting Greatsword, fast hitting Daggers,… Read More

I Survived 1000 Days as a BLOOD WARDEN in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)