I Survived 1000 DAYS as VENOM in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Top Superhero Compilation

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On day one I was flying toward the ground in a meteor it got faster and faster until finally I crash landed in a city oh gross I’m just a pile of goo no wait I’m Venom I knew I wasn’t going to be able to survive 100 days without a

Host so I needed to find someone or something quick it was time to embrace the dark side and truly become the Symbiote and looked around the city I had landed in whoa these buildings are huge I was admiring all the buildings when all of a sudden I was attacked by a

Mean stray dog I knew I couldn’t beat him not being a puddle of goo with only three hearts so I hurried and squirmed down a drain whew that was close the drain led me down into the sewer explored down a tunnel before I found a little corner it seemed safe enough so I

Went to sleep for the night what a way to spend the first night on a new planet on day two I woke up with a headache wait I don’t even have a brain how could I have a headache I Shrugged and started up out of the drain to the same Alleyway

Where I had landed I looked around and saw the Stray Dog was gone I went squirming around and figured if I could climb up the pipes then I must be able to climb up the walls too I started going up a building when I noticed an

Open window oh maybe I can hide in there I crawled in and saw that it was an apartment nobody seemed to be around so I made myself at home I smelled food so I tried to open the fridge but it wouldn’t budge I guess I wasn’t strong

Enough to open doors yet my whole being grumbled a hunger meter was dangerously low I knew I needed food so I kept looking around but then I heard a noise I tried to freeze but then I felt something hit me ouch I dodged and realized someone was attacking me hey

Stop that he swung again that’s it pal time for you to see what a puddle can do I use the one ability I had morphing hey get off of me I climbed up and morphed into him getting absorbed into his body hey where’d you go I decided I should

Probably stay inside this guy until I could find some more food maybe he could take me to get some the guy looked around and Shrugged I guess he assumed I was gone he went back to sleep for the rest of the day leaving me starving on

Day three the guy had morphed into got up and made himself some breakfast he was able to open the fridge he had some fruit and it was fine but I didn’t really like it I wanted something else something meteor he went downstairs and he got onto his motorcycle even morphed

Inside of him it was really loud maybe he would take me to get some better food though we went to the park with some benches and a pond and he threw bread at some ducks I couldn’t handle it anymore I was so hungry at this point I decided

To tell him what I needed brains he panicked not knowing it was me talking I need brains stop it Eddie you’re not hallucinating you don’t have time for this okay so it seems like this guy’s name was Eddie perfect of course we had time for it I was hungry Eddie I need

Brains now I started to wiggle which made Eddie move maybe I could control him hey what’s going on help a police officer was nearby and he came running towards us oh no I didn’t want him to hurt us but maybe if I could have his

Brain the man got to us and I used Eddie to smack him I’m so sorry I don’t know what’s happening the police officer started yelling for backup oh no no we gotta go no we need brains Eddie started to run away that wasn’t strong enough

Yet so I couldn’t make him stop what are you doing I’m starving yeah well we don’t eat brains oh I’m talking to myself we got back to Eddie’s apartment where he soon fell asleep I would have to try something else tomorrow on days 45 I woke Eddie up come on it’s time to

Eat I tried with all my strength to get him up and somehow managed to get his legs moving a little bit what in the world Eddie Stop resisting me I need food and you need to get it for me whoa wait you’re not just in my head no I’m

Venom or as you remember the little black puddle you tried to beat with the newspaper he started to go toward the fridge I want brains no more fruit I told you I don’t eat brains but I do I started to get really angry my Hunger

Meter was so low I was on the brink of dying and Eddie didn’t even care I needed to get food and fast I reached out using all of my strength and manifested by true form we are Venom and we are getting some food and with that I

Jumped through the window on day six through eight I fell down into the alleyway near the Stray Dog I saw earlier maybe I could eat his brain he saw us and ran away though no no brains Eddie was talking to me but I was in

Control of our body now I’m going to die if I don’t get some food soon don’t you care about me Eddie I don’t even know you I started down the alleyway keeping an eye out for anything that looked tasty like I said I am Venom or now we

Are Venom I need a host in order to thrive and you are perfect Eddie well not perfect but we are a good match I ran up the side of the building and under the rooftop it looked like even as Eddie I know still had my same power I

Ran across some buildings and up some taller ones eventually we got to the edge of the water all of a sudden I saw what looked like a guy attacking a woman she screamed out for help without thinking I charged forward and grabbed the man and I realized he wasn’t a man

He was a it’s a zombie I didn’t know what a zombie was doing in the city but it looked tasty I defeated him and quickly ate some of the meat he left behind gross Venom that was a zombie yes he tasted interesting I realized that the woman was standing there staring at

Us we are Venom are you okay she nodded yes was that really a zombie uh yes yes it was he probably would have eaten my brain if you hadn’t come along zombies eat brains too we might be friends the woman started to tremble she looked really scared scaring her Venom but not

Your brain you are nice to us she nodded again let me talk to her and let Eddie take control and he walked up to the girl I’m Eddie Brock I’m a reporter did you see where that zombie came from she pointed down the alleyway towards an abandoned building I was walking down

The street when I saw the guy outside I started walking faster but then he followed me down the alleyway do you think there are more of them I don’t know but we will find out and he started to walk us toward the building when the woman called out from behind us wait I

Man if you need help call me he gave us her number I like her shut up excuse me no sorry not you oh okay she walked quickly down the alleyway and out of sight I like her so you said well I guess I’m stuck with you wanna go see

What’s up oh yes as long as I get to eat on days nine to ten Eddie started to sneak toward the abandoned building hey I want to come out Venom You’re great and all but you’re kind of big what do you mean I mean a minute ago when you

Took form you’re only slightly bigger than me but that’s still something just wait until I take my true form what what never mind I think I see a window we can sneak in any crap toward the window and looked inside there didn’t seem to be anyone there and it was open so we

Slipped inside we continued through the room and towards the next door and he opened it and we looked through still nothing just a dark hallway Eddie didn’t move what are you waiting for it’s dark I don’t know if there’s anything down there it forced Eddie to walk forward

And he did he went down the hallway and saw another door at the end this one had a bigger lock on it you don’t by chance pick locks do you hmm I can try it turns out I had a special ability that would allow me to reach into door locks and

Trigger the mechanism even without a key the door was now unlocked on days 11 to 12 Eddie opened the door and we immediately had to hide there were a bunch of scientists around what looked like big tanks full of green liquid and he ducked behind one fast phew I hope

Nobody saw us what is this green stuff I have no idea and he peeked over the tank the scientists were listening as one scientist spoke the scientists speaking had spiky red hair and looked like he was in charge I’m gonna try and get closer so that I can hear him and he

Snuck us toward another tank one nearly behind the spiky-haired scientist and we couldn’t have done this without all of your help now the machine is fully functional we can do what we intended start the zombie apocalypse what what are you doing Eddie they are going to

Find us and he peeked over the tank again the scientists were looking around trying to find the source of the noise you sure did it now Eddie come on we gotta get out of here we looked up to see the lead scientist pointing a weapon

At us I could tell that Eddie was scared so I started to take form then the scientist fired the weapon and we blacked out on days 13 to 15 Eddie and I woke up strapped down on a table hey let me out looked around the room there were cages weird instruments and glass

Windows looking in on us well what are we gonna do Venom I don’t know maybe escape and with that I sliced the belts that were tying us down so Eddie was able to get up you could have gotten us out this whole time yes it was just fun

Watching you squirm and he sat and walked to the door he pulled it and it opened right up not very good security here huh he started to creep down the hall just then the lead scientist came around the corner we hid behind some boxes as he passed he went back into the

Lab and we heard him yell who let my test subject out we were still hiding behind the boxes I did notice that he had a syringe in his hand with the same green stuff from the large room got to get some more information out of him

Venom sure thing I took my Venom form and we started to run toward the scientist he screamed and ran into the room we were being held in he sealed the door behind him and watched us through the glass what are you we are Venom and we know your plan funny haired man the

Scientists scrambled around and pressed a big red button on the side of the wall something really loud started shrieking oh turn it off I could feel my Venom form fading away and we turned back into regular Eddie Eddie started to look woozy and collapsed on the floor 4. on

Days 16 to 19 we woke up strapped to the table again Venom what was that noise I don’t like loud noises we had a terrible headache and we could barely make out anything in the room it was like our view was all fuzzy when everything started to clear up we saw the scientist

Again he was standing on the other side of the room looking at us through the glass extraordinary I tried to cut the straps but the scientist held up a device if you change again I’ll turn on the alarm and I’d rather keep you in one piece for now I let Eddie take control

Who are you Dr Drake I am researching life expansion and I have finally reached a breakthrough he pulled out the syringe with the green goo in order for life to expand it first needs to be controlled it needs to have the best chance so I started the zombie

Apocalypse survival of the fittest you might say only the strongest should remain otherwise the Earth’s resources will be used up by the week and it’s irreversible so no chance of stopping me put the syringe away he stepped up to a board and pressing buttons a huge device

Lowered down and looked like it was going to envelope us what what is that don’t you worry it will only hurt a little my first test subject worked well but apparently he was eaten his tracker gave off information that it was swollen sorry but no matter you’re exactly what

I need I already have four attacks planned but you are a welcome surprise with you and the bombs this city will be cleaned up in no time the device lowered and was getting even closer to us um I don’t like this Eddie me neither the device started to get closer and

Then I noticed something about it there was a tube running really close to our hand maybe that could stop the machine hit it Venom I morphed out of Eddie’s hand and pulled the tube the whole device collapsed and smoke went up everywhere run I took my Venom form and

We were able to break the glass I knocked over the scientist he dropped a syringe in the small alarm device in the struggle pick those up okay I grabbed them and we ran down the hallway on days 20 to 22 we escaped barely we ran down several hallways and finally broke

Through a window to get out wow that was amazing amazing we nearly died Venom oh we’re fine we climbed up the wall to the apartment and made our way inside I let daddy take form he examined the device in the syringe we need to tell people about this everyone is in danger he

Started to move but I didn’t let him Venom come on we gotta go on everyone I’m hungry and he sighed and started to go to the fridge no I want meat like that zombie oh that was so gross maybe I can eat more zombies and he stopped and

Thought for a minute Venom we need to help people first the worst comes to worst we can eat the zombies but we need to tell someone official okay how about that and girl I like her actually that’s a good idea we might need some help but then we talked to the authorities here

In town okay and he went to his phone and dialed Dan’s number while he was waiting he tossed something on the ground what’s that it’s chocolate Venom it sounded gross symbiotes don’t want chocolate they want meat and he picked up and ate the chocolate I thought

Myself get stronger oh yes more of that and he ate another and another and I felt myself growing that’s when I took my Venom form once again but this time I was even bigger I felt stronger and had more Hearts my Hunger meter grew too hello I forgot that Anne was on the

Phone hello this is Venom meet us at the small messy place where we sleep on days 23-26 we decided to make some upgrades to the apartment I was helping build a secret door when Anne knocked on the door I opened it up hello nobody was there wrong door buddy oh right I went

To the front door and there was Anne I let Eddie take form hey and come in he talks for a minute about boring things and then I said something Eddie tell her about the zombies and all the ones I’m going to eat right yes Eddie told Anne

About all the stuff we saw at the lab he also told her about the safe houses we were building this is all great Eddie and Venom I like her stop it what nothing you were saying we need to go to the police they can help us we nodded

And we went with Ann down to the police station we told him about Dr Drake and his plan to unleash the zombie apocalypse they laughed and told us to go home and we made our way back to the apartment rude what about your boss Eddie you’re a reporter maybe he’ll

Print a story about it and he nodded his head and called his boss he told him about the zombies and how everyone needed to be warned Eddie you really expect me to believe that it’s the truth look I can’t keep dealing with you and your crazy stories you’re fired Eddie

Eddie sunk into the couch inside oh I know I will cheer you up let’s eat some chocolate Eddie only side on days 27-31 and offered to help us build our safe house we gathered more Brick and Stone from abandoned buildings and made the Secret Safe House look just like the

Rest of the building we found some extra beds and other furniture too this looks great Eddie uh what about me and Venom too I was really proud of our work it was small but maybe we could upgrade it in the future hey Venom we should build something else something that will let

People know that this is a safe place to come when things get difficult Eddie and I agreed that we want to build a statue of you I was a little shocked Eddie let me take form me why well you saved my life and I know Eddie is really grateful

That you saved him are you really grateful Eddie yeah yeah sure you’re kind of our hero hero I hadn’t thought about that before but it made sense these humans were very frail and small I was big and strong then I realized something am I the only one who can stop

The zombies and not it we’re counting on you Venom you’re our only hope that felt good I liked that feeling okay Ann I will stop those zombies and make sure you puny humans don’t die and laugh sounds good to me on days 32-35 Eddie and I went back to the lab but I

Insisted on eating some more chocolate before we left I’d also make sure he stocked up on some more in our safe house just in case we knew Dr Drake wanted to start the apocalypse we just didn’t know when or how we needed to stay a few steps ahead of it if we could

On our way over we didn’t see anything out of the ordinary except some interesting graffiti on the wall what an odd thing to write when we arrived we could see the window we jumped out of it was still broken should we go in through there again I crawled up the side of the

Building to another window I didn’t see anything inside the green tanks were empty and there was no one in sight that’s not good I climbed to the very top of the building to get a good view of the city all of a sudden I heard a

Loud boom and a large plume of smoke went up in the air oh no I think we’re too late we started to run across the buildings toward the large green Cloud as we got closer we noticed that there was a lot of green goo everywhere and there were zombies they were running

After normal humans and attacking them we had to do something all right Venom do your thing I licked my lips and jumped down into the crowd on days 36 to 39 I defeated an eight a lot of zombies maybe hundreds I had never felt so full

In my life after eating one I felt a surge of strength and I morphed into an even bigger than him I was even taller and my tongue got longer and I could use that as a new attack I realized I couldn’t keep eating because I was

Getting too full so I started to fence off one city block so the zombies wouldn’t get out the humans were safe and I basically had an endless supply of food Venom we should go check on Anne see if she’s okay good idea Annie I like

Her me too buddy me too we made our way back to the apartment to check on Anne I let Eddie take his human form since I was getting a little bit big for the ceilings and we looked around and didn’t see her anywhere we checked the safe

House maybe she went to get more chocolate Venom we have enough chocolate to last you a lifetime not possible she wasn’t in the safe house either why would she have gone but then we heard another boom and there was an explosion just down the street and he looked out

The window it was more green smoke oh no it was time for me to take my Venom form again and we went racing outside to go hell on days 40 to 43 we found the explosion side there was green goo everywhere and people were turning into zombies again we need to start fencing

Them in just like the others we started to take materials from the destroyed buildings and build a wall around the infected eventually we got all of them inside Eddie there’s Anne I pointed to the top of a building nearby she was looking around frantically and we raced

Up the side of the building and grabbed her we ran her all the way back to the apartment building before letting her go I let Eddie take form what were you doing outside I have some friends who live nearby and I was in their building

When I heard the explosion I went to the roof of the building hoping it would be a safe place my friends went downstairs I don’t think they made it I’m so sorry Ann but I’m glad you’re safe we are glad you’re safe just please don’t go outside

Again she nodded but she looked pretty sad hey Venom will take care of us okay I let my true Venom form come out of course I will who do you think I am that made Anne laugh and she tried to embrace me what a funny human thank you what can

I do to help I let Eddie take control again there must be a pattern to the attacks he mentioned that he had planned four we need a map so we can figure out where Dr Drake is going to strike next and nodded and pulled out a map from the

Bookshelf we looked at the areas of the city and it didn’t look like much yet we’ll have to wait and see okay how about we work on that statue so people know where to go great idea we started to build a statue on top of the safe

House we only got the a little bit done but I’m excited to see how it turns out on days 44 to 49 we went back outside to scout the city at this point most people knew to stay inside some still went about their business though like nothing

Was happening Eddie said that the mayor told everyone that everything was under control and they had nothing to worry about I felt so proud of myself but also worried there were so many people in the city people like Ann and Eddie I really liked him and I didn’t want people like

Them to turn into zombies it wasn’t fair if Dr Drake to decide who would live in his weird world he needed to be stopped at all costs Eddie where do you think Dr Drake is well if he wants to stop the zombie apocalypse he’s probably hiding

In a safe house like ours but probably with more security and food do you think he has a chocolate stash that he does buddy that made me like him even less how dare he take chocolate that should be mine we jumped around on some buildings to look around but there

Didn’t seem to be anything there’s always an explosion of goop so he must put it there before it goes off did you see any sort of container at the other sites I don’t know let’s go see I need a snack anyway we headed over to the second explosion site where we had built

The zombie fence I noticed there was some sort of weird-shaped thing on the ground what is that picked it up but we couldn’t tell what it was maybe a bolt or something we took it with us back to the apartment on days 50 to 53 we found

Anne in the apartment with a few other people and let Eddie take his human so we wouldn’t scare everyone these people live downstairs but they said the owner of this building disappeared they didn’t feel safe in their apartment so they came up here the owner is gone what if

We just retrofitted the entire apartment to be a safe house that way you can still live in your home that would be perfect thank you I’m Anita by the way let me know if you need any help with anything of course we could use some help with securing the block Anita

Nodded and started to gather some people to help her outside and Eddie and I got to work building some new security measures for the surrounding buildings we cleared out some of the other debris from the broken buildings and made ourselves a large wall surrounding us we

Also started to work more on the Statue it was starting to look really good it felt good to know that we were protecting people thanks again for taking us in you’re amazing of course anything we can do to help Anita nodded and her and her friends went back

Downstairs once we were done and Eddie and I sat around the safe house table looking at the weird object we had found we’d put it in a container and didn’t let Ann touch it just in case wait I know what that is it’s the top of a fire

Hydrant are you kidding those are everywhere how are we supposed to know which one is real and which one is a trap but our conversation was interrupted when we heard a loud explosion it didn’t seem as close this time but it still made me mad how dare

Dr Drake heard all these people Eddie let me take the venom for him and we went sprinting toward the green plume of smoke on days 54-57 we arrived at a city block close to the Waterfront people were groaning and already turning into zombies there weren’t as many zombies

This time but it still made me mad hey Venom are you okay no why would a fellow human hurt other humans there are a lot of good humans here some are bad and should be eaten but mostly they are good like you and yeah Drake needs to be

Stopped he was starting to sound like a human that’s good at first I thought you were just this parasite that was going to eat me and everyone here you’re actually better than most people I know that made me feel only a little bit better well actually it made me feel

Pretty good it was nice to feel needed Venom are you crying no we are crying it’s okay buddy it’s all good we saw an emergency flare go up in the sky hey that’s a flare from our emergency stash the people in our building must be in

Trouble we ran toward the source of the explosion to see what was going on on days 58-62 we arrived back to the apartment everything seemed to normal and nobody seemed to know who shot off the flare but then Anita came running up to us Eddie you won’t believe it Ann is

A traitor what she was acting really weird so I followed her up onto the roof she told me that she was a spy for Dr Drake and had staked out the apartment for him she’d been trying to get to you so she can turn you into Drake I

Couldn’t believe it and was our friend how could she betray us like this where did she go I don’t know she must have gone down the fire escape I tried to grab her but she let off the flare and it scared me so bad that I fell over I

Think she was telling Drake where we are everyone started to freak out hey everyone calm down we will take care of this don’t worry Anita seemed really shaken I felt the same way I still couldn’t believe that Ann was gone plotting with Dr Dre she was probably in

On it the whole time she pretended to be attacked by a zombie so someone would help her Drake wanted test subjects but now he just wanted me he would do anything to get to me felt so angry at him but I also felt sad about Anne I

Liked her me too buddy me too we decided to keep lookout for the night I also checked all the fire hydrants in our block they all seemed real so I felt good about our safety I still felt sad but I knew that I needed to protect our

Friends if Drake was coming I’d be there to meet him on day 63-66 Dr Drake didn’t come we were expecting him to but he never did we waited and waited everyone seemed on edge Eddie most of all why hasn’t he come yet what is he waiting

For I didn’t know but I had a weird feeling about this whole situation or maybe it was Hunger I couldn’t tell Venom what should we do eat chocolate I’m serious so am I and he threw up his hands in frustration Eddie I know this must be hard for you too he nodded are

You crying no we are crying on day 67-70 we went into the safe house to rustle up some chocolate well in there we noticed the map that Anne had taken out she had plotted the attack sites in red marker venom look at that I know Eddie I see

Through your eyes the three points were marked equal distance from each other then Anne had plotted the next spot with a bright yellow marker and figured it out wait why would she plot this out if she was a traitor maybe she left it here on accident she already knew where the

Attack points were no Anna’s smarter than that then it dawned on us Anita she must be the traitor but if that’s the case where’s Anne we decided to go up to the roof to investigate Anita must have been wanting to contact Drake and Ann was on to her and followed her up here

With the flare gun as a precaution and she confronted Anita Anita is not good people no she’s not buddy I must have set off the flare and Anita had to come up with a story to keep her cover so where’s Ann Anita must be hiding her and

We heard some noise coming from the rooftop storage closet we took on my Venom form and approached the door I opened it my claws bared ready to fight and on day 71 to 74 we untied Anne and helped her out of the storage closet I’m

So happy you found me but Eddie Venom we need to stop Anita she’s a traitor we know we saw your map you are the smartest human and wouldn’t leave that if you were a traitor you’re not too bad yourself Venom I let Eddie take his form

Again and Eddie of course well we are Venom so I just assume everything good you have to say applies to me too well I’m glad you found me Anita was on the phone with when I grabbed her I managed to get her phone and throw it off the

Building before shooting the flare gun well nothing has happened so Anita must not have contacted Drake yet we need to make sure she doesn’t otherwise lots of people will be in danger we headed downstairs to Anita’s apartment when she opened the door she looked terrified

Anita we need to talk to you she tried to run inside and shut the door but Eddie let the venom for him come out and we rushed inside Anita you heard Anne I didn’t have a choice Drake has my family wait what Drake somehow found where you

Lived and he knew I lived in the same building so he’s been using me to get information about safe house and you what have you told him nothing and threw my phone off the building before I had a chance to say anything couldn’t get a new one because the city is basically on

Lockdown please he probably thinks I’ve betrayed him he has my family she started to cry Eddie wanted to take his human form again but I wanted to talk to her some more we will get your family back Anita they are important to you so they are important to us I patted her on

The back do you know where he keeps his chocolate what sorry do you know where his safe house is no but we know where he is attacking next do you know when that will be all he said is that he needed to wait he had to make some

Modifications or something we sat and thought for a bit but we had no idea what Drake could be planning we decided to help Anita get a new phone so she could contact Drake she told him that she needed some more time since we were making more improvements to the block he

Seemed to buy it for now that should stall him for a bit we will find your family Anita we promise on day 75 to 78 Anita apologized to Anne and they started working together again Anita helped us to finish the statue as well we thought it looked pretty awesome and

Hoped that it would be a Beacon of Hope for people we also crafted some weapons and gear for the people in the block we had no idea what was coming but we wanted to be prepared everyone seemed a little happier and hopeful we welcomed more people into our safe perimeter and

They even gave me chocolate as a gift wow we will never run out of chocolate we also went around the city to check on the zombie corals where they are fenced in people need to be able to get to their homes and shops we got to work

Making a large zombie pen on a small island just by a pier we slowly started transporting the zombies over there we also cleaned up the goo and helped the people living nearby it was good to be a hero on day 79-84 we scouted the block where the next lotion should be we

Checked all the fire hydrants and they all seemed to normal weird maybe he hasn’t put it in here yet we took shelter on the nearby roof and staked out the block a lot of time passed and nothing happened what in the world I was starting to get suspicious we knew where

He was going to be why wasn’t he here it didn’t make sense wait Anita said he was making modifications what if it’s not a fire hydrant what if it’s I saw it I hurried and ran down the building toward the car it was green just like the goo

But before I could reach it the car exploded on days 85 to 89 a giant explosion made the block Rumble the buildings were damaged and there was a large crater full of green goo there weren’t any people outside so there weren’t any zombies to worry about but

We needed to clean up this goo before it would start to infect people guess that Drake just wanted a bigger explosion this time we managed to clean up all of the goo before checking out the pieces of the car but there was hardly anything left just a crater wait look there was a

Very small trail of green goo leading away from the explosion site maybe the car was driven here it left a trail great job Venom we followed the trail cleaning it up as we went it led out to appear and then stopped do cars drive on water no they don’t buddy he must have

Taken a boat we looked around but didn’t see any more signs of green goo the boat could have come from anywhere we will find him Eddie we will find Dr Drake and make sure he doesn’t blow up anything else I know it’ll just take a little

More time on days 90 to 94 we went back to the safe house to regroup and look at the map and pointed out a few different islands that were nearby as well as the prison I doubt he would be at the prison but he might be on this island it has

Some abandoned buildings there it looked like our best bet but we wanted to prep and make sure we had everything we needed before heading over there and he grabbed the syringe we had taken as well as some chocolate bars oh yes those are most important we also helped people

Find apartments to stay in I let Eddie take his human form to talk to everyone thank you for all your support and help we think we have found where Dr Drake is staying and we’re going to make sure all of this ends soon we will restore the

City and make sure nothing like this happens again people clapped and cheered and one called out my name Venom you’re our hero Venom and the crowd started chanting my name Eddie let me take my venom for him and the crowd shared even louder we are Venom no on days 95 to 97

We said goodbye to Anne are you sure you’ll be okay do you want me to come with you we’ll be fine but we can’t risk anyone else coming no one is immune like us and not it but she looked sad hey we’ll be okay we promise she nodded her

Head and looked down but then Eddie gave her a hug you take care of each other okay Venom I took my Venom form and told her yes we will take care I gave Anna grin and then we took off it was time to stop that scientist on day 98 we headed

For the island we swam under the pier and made our way across the mighty terrain it was foggy but we managed to muddle our way to what looked like an old hospital it had some large graffiti on the side of the building creepy you got that right we found an open window

And left through trying not to make much sound it seemed quiet wait listen it sounded like someone was yelling upstairs somewhere we made our way through the corridors and up the stairs the noise was getting louder so we knew we were in the right place we opened the

Door and saw a long hallway with rooms on both sides but then a bunch of zombies came running out from around the corner I started fighting the zombies and managed to take a few down other zombies tried to attack me but Hardly did anything after only a few moments

All the zombies were gone but there’s more coming I hope so I was enjoying the fighting we continued down the hallway and saw some double doors leading into a large open room there were tanks filled with green goo and Dr Drake standing in the middle of them he didn’t seem to

Notice us so we ducked behind a tank he looked like he was experimenting on some people we looked around again and noticed there were cells with people inside and these family must be in here somewhere we will free them any but first we need to deal with Dre agreed

Crept forward and managed to LEAP toward Drake before we knew it he had pressed a button and some alarms started blaring turn it off oh look who it is it’s venom the hero Dr Drake turned off the alarm for a moment I felt so weak so I let

Eddie take his human form not so strong without your parasite are you Mr Brock let these people go Drake Drake hit Eddie and laughed no you see everything is going very well I realized I couldn’t infect you so the most I could do was kill you turns out the exploding car

Didn’t quite do it that was the modification that Anita was talking about no matter I don’t need you anymore you’re just a liability now soon I’ll be able to open your little compound and infect all the people there I have someone on the inside no you don’t Anita

Told us everything she isn’t gonna help you Jake yelled and hit Eddie again she will if I tell her that her family is going to die if she doesn’t Drake pointed to some people in a Cell nearby they were trembling and looked so scared I needed to help them I thought of Anne

Anita and especially Eddie they all needed me and I couldn’t let them down I mustered all my strength and took my final form no I transformed into the biggest possible version of Venom I was huge with tons of hearts and I could feel I was stronger than ever on day 99

I charged towards Drake but he had one last trick up his sleeve he ran back into an emergency pod and sealed the door shut it started to rumble and I thought he might have an ejection pod but to my surprise the rumbling stopped I saw now that the door he was sealed

Behind was only part of a much larger door the large door slid open and a gigantic robot walked out piloted by Dr Drake the fight was on Dr Drake and I started to fight and it was a good thing I had gained all those extra Hearts because he started to take them away

Quickly I was strong but his robot suit was so powerful and worried I wouldn’t be able to defeat him before he took away all of my life but then I saw something strange in the room he had come out of a glowing device of some kind I couldn’t get past him though the

Huge robot suit was blocking me on the entrance into the room and he refused to move away from it far enough to let me passed but then I had an idea your turn Eddie I changed my form back to the human and much smaller Eddie and he knew

What to do and ran right under the robot’s leg into the room I saw now that the glowing machine was the source of the robot’s power No don’t touch that I turned back into Venom sorry Drake looks like your robot suit’s time has expired I broke the machine and heard Dr Drake

Scream as his robot suit exploded I saw the doctor standing in the scraps of his robot suit I cornered him and then pulled out the syringe that Eddie had stolen from the lab all those days ago have a taste of your own medicine doctor I plunged the syringe into Drake and he

Started to scream he backed up and began to change his skin turned green as his cries turned into moans soon he was a zombie but still with that trademark red hair of course I licked my lips it’s neck time soon I was enjoying another zombie meat treat everyone in the cages

Clapped and cheered me on we let them out and I went searching for my well-earned chocolate stash before heading home on day 100 we made it back to the apartment safe and sound Anita reunited with her family and we saw Anne again she made us the biggest chocolate

Cake ever which was followed by an even bigger Hub and he even got his job as a reporter back we helped clean up the entire city the green goo tanks and everything went back to the way it was better even if you want to know what

Adventure we go on next don’t forget to like And subscribe thanks for your support I already survived 100 days as Venom defeating the evil Dr Drake and shutting down his plan to turn everyone into zombies but now the challenge was to survive another 100 days as Eddie

Brock and Venom on day 101 Eddie was called by his boss to travel to another city nearby to cover a story about a killer on the loose sounds creepy we should go we told Anne and she wanted to come with us nowhere it’ll be too dangerous I’m coming she stared Eddie

Down down but he just stared her down right back finally he threw his hands into the air fine she jumped up and down for Joy then gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek his face got all red what’s wrong with your face Eddie nothing we gathered some supplies and he grabbed his camera

And grabbed some flares and I grabbed some chocolate before heading out we all took one last look at the Statue it’s okay Eddie Venom will protect us if anything goes wrong we’ll be fine we all took off on his motorcycle and made our way to the city we drove through towns

And something called the forest it was pretty cool but I thought the trees looked funny and finally made it to the edge of the city where a bridge stood it seemed to be blocked off and there was graffiti everywhere weird we looked around when all of a sudden some Crooks

Popped out their leader was wearing a suit and held a weapon which seemed to Glow I morphed into my Venom form and started to snack on the crooks look what is that the leader pointed his weapon at me and it shot electricity ouch the force knocked his back off the

Bridge then everything went dark on day 102 we woke up under the bridge I felt so weak and Eddie seemed pretty banged up we managed to pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off but then I realized my hearts were down to just three again what in the world I tried to take form

And I was the same size as before just with less hearts that weapon had quite the kick to it you got that right buddy we looked around and didn’t see the bike or and we looked around frantically but couldn’t see her anywhere Venom we need

To find her we went deeper into the city it seemed abandoned and some of the buildings even seemed like they had been blown up ah we saw a kid down an Alleyway he screamed and then he ran into a store hey we won’t hurt you I let

Eddie take form and he ran over to the door a woman was locking the door no please we’ve been robbed and our friend has been kidnapped she looked at us and then unlocked the door she offered us some food and we told her about Anne she

Said that she saw a woman being dragged Away by some Crooks a few hours before that must have been her where were they taking her probably to Cletus Cassidy he is basically running the whole city now those Crooks work for him this was really bad Eddie was supposed to work on

A story on Cletus and now he had Anne it’s okay Eddie we will find Anne I promise the nice lady whose name we learned was Julie and her son Chris gave us some food and new clothes now we just needed a safe place to stay on day 103

We went sneaking through the city to find a safe place to stay we found an abandoned building that looked like it used to be a factory this will do we took some materials from some Rubble to make some improvements we patched up some walls and even made a secret door

To get in not half bad all of a sudden we heard a loud crash outside we peeked out the window and saw some Crooks trying to break into a restaurant across the street they were different from the ones we saw on day 101 and had regular weapons instead of the ones that shot

Lightning we ran outside to help I’d leave that alone if I were you the crooks turned around brandishing their knives and he let me morph and we attacked within no time the crooks were gone and in my stomach good thing I was getting hungry I felt myself grow and my

Hearts increased nice looks like I can get my health back and I’m taller now good thing we live in a place with high ceilings we headed back to the factory to get settled in for the night we also took a little bit of time to make Eddie

His own room then before bed we made a nice little corner for Anne we’ll find you Anne we promise on days 104 to 105 we went out to gather more supplies for the factory we didn’t know how many people were still in the city but we

Decided that the factory would be a good refuge for people we were out looking for some sort of food when we saw the crooks from day one I took Venom form give us and back we charged at them and they screamed in Terror we ate all of

Them except one we held them down tell us where you took Anne I don’t know man we just dropped off the cargo at the abandoned Bakery but nobody stays there they must have taken her somewhere else all of a sudden he slashed me with a knife dealing a good amount of damage he

Started to run away I hurried and grabbed him beating him before he could get any farther Venom I know Eddie we need to get to that Bakery on days 106 to 108 we stopped at the factory before heading over to the bakery we had taken the knives from the crooks so we had

Extra weapons but we grabbed a crowbar and some other things just in case a crowbar I think we’re gonna need some stronger weapons why do we need weapons when we have me a super powered symbiote well you haven’t been all that much hell Venom you let him get away with Anne and

He was mad at me I wasn’t the one who took Anne I morphed my arm out and punched Eddie in the face ouch what was that for stop being silly Eddie we will find Anne so stop feeling sorry for yourself Eddie rubbed at his now black eye he seemed really angry but

Then he sighed and nodded you’re right let’s go kick some booty on days 109 to 110 We snuck to the bakery it was a fairly small small City so it wasn’t too hard to find there were a few guys outside but they wouldn’t be too hard to fight we started toward the building

When we saw a car pull up and a teenager get pushed out then a guy jumped out he had crazy hair and a bright red suit on he ushered the teenager into the bakery and started talking to the guys at the front that must be Cletus Cassidy I

Recognize him from the photos I’ve seen in the papers he must have Anne I took form and charged at him he looked startled but then his crook started attacking me and managed to dodge most of their attacks pretty well which made the crooks nervous I dealt with the

Crooks and went to Corner Cletus I saw the teen run out from the building but then Cletus pulled out a sword and slashed at me ouch it actually hurt and I took some damage part of my form detached as Cletus kept slashing at me venom he’s

Hurting you we need to go we ran away part of my form still wiggling away on the pavement as we rounded a corner I needed time to heal I let Eddie take form hey we saw the teenager from the car come down the opposite Alleyway the thanks for distracting them I was able

To get away for sure kid what’s your name Zach my whole family is gone can I stay with you we led him back to the factory and set up a bed for him to sleep we didn’t find Anne but we did save a kid that felt good on days 111 to

112 we made a nice little room for Zach he really liked it and offered to help us find food I’ve been living on the streets for a few years and I know what places dump out good food we’ll have a feast in no time we followed him to some

Dumpsters and sure enough there was lots of leftovers we even found some chocolate why would anyone throw this away we made some storage bins to put the food in as well as a small kitchen it wasn’t amazing but it was good enough for now hey thanks Zach we couldn’t have

Done this without you no problem man there are a lot of people out there who need a safe place more than ever I’m just glad you and uh the black gooey thing venom venom are here the city needs a hero I didn’t really feel like

It but I would try my best on days 113 to 115 Zach told me a little bit more about Cletus Cassidy Cletus was sent to jail after committing crimes that killed a bunch of people he was scheduled to be transferred to a more secure prison but

On the way there was an accident and he escaped from the truck he’s been on the loose ever since so where did all the crooks come from Cletus has been friends with a mob boss named Derek Nim for years when Cletus busted out he went to

Nim and they made a deal about taking over the city Nim gets to proceed with business and if anyone crosses him he takes them to Cletus so why is Cletus and judge and not Nim people are way more scared of Cletus Nim is just a suit Cletus is actually well crazy makes

Sense this all seemed like too much to handle a mob boss and a murderer I was way in over my head on days 116 to 119 Zach and I saw an emergency flare go up in the sky what in the world then we remembered and grabbed flares before

Heading to the city that must be her we told Zach to go back to the factory and took off toward the flare and saw Anne on top of a building she was with another girl with bright blue hair Eddie she waved her hands at us and we ran up

To her I was about to let Eddie take form when Anne yelled at me we don’t have time we need to go now Venom I grabbed her and carried her down going back up for the other girl right after when I put both of them down I led them

Back to the factory before I finally let Eddie take form and he led them inside through the Secret Door he hugged Dan I’m so glad you found us tell me what happened and told us how the crooks had taken her somewhere but she had no idea where she was because she was

Blindfolded after a few days they brought another girl and could hear her crying occasionally the crooks kept them prisoner occasionally feeding them she heard them talking about not giving them over to Cletus because they wanted the girls to join Nim’s mob how did you escape the crooks untied us and were

About to take us to Nim instead but I managed to escape with the other girl and grab a flare in the process we ran to the top of the building hoping you would see we looked at the other girl she still looked scared out of her mind

What’s your name Maggie are you a monster like Cletus no we don’t hurt people well Venom eats people but only the crooks Maggie looked confused so the black monster that morphs out of you is not related to the red monster that morphs out of Cletus now it was my turn

To be confused red monster Maggie nodded there is a red monster that morphs out of Cletus I saw it before I was captured how’s that possible Venom it must have been when Cletus was slashing at me part of my form detached and must have attached to Cletus but he’s a red

Symbiote is that bad it’s very bad on days 120 to 122 we made some more improvements to the factory Anne really liked the room we made for her and even gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek again he seemed really happy to have her back I

Was too we went to our room to gather some things when Eddie started talking hey Venom sorry for getting mad at you earlier I know it must have been hard for you without all your strength you did the best you could I felt really happy he had said that then I felt our

Eyes leaking it’s okay to cry buddy I didn’t realize it until now but I was having a hard time I wasn’t nearly as strong as I was before and I felt really upset I couldn’t help more people I used to be able to do everything now I felt a

Little useless on days 123 to 126 we went out in the city to see if there were any more people that needed help most seemed to stay inside but we thought we would check just in case we were going down an Alleyway when we heard someone running behind us we

Turned around to see a little kid please Mister can you help us he grabbed Eddie’s hand and dragged him into a rundown apartment complex there’s some bad men trying to get into the house don’t worry I’ll take care of it we entered the dimly lit Hall and went up

The stairs sure enough there was a group of crooks trying to break down the door hey get away from there the crooks looked did Eddie and sneered what are you gonna do tough guy and he smiled then let me take form the crook screamed

As he charged they got a few hits in but we were able to easily defeat them yeah take that then I felt a surge of power and I grew in size I even gained some of my hearts back I didn’t feel so down on myself I knew I would get my strength

Back it would just take time are they gone the little boy creeped up the stairs I let Eddie take form they’re gone you’re safe to go inside the kid knocked on the door and yelled for his mom she opened the door and hugged her son thank you of course if you want

Somewhere safer to stay we have some room the mother shook her head I would but my husband needs to stay here he’s very sick and all his medicine and machines are here I understand let me at least help you here we made a few improvements to the apartment so that it

Was safer for the little family if you’ve liked what you’ve seen so far you should subscribe we love having you here on this journey with us we made our way back to the factory feel feeling a little bit better about ourselves on days 127 to 131 I heard a knock on my

Door it was Maggie I let her in hey Eddie can I talk to you yeah sure what’s up I wanted to talk to you about Cletus I think I know what could stop him really yeah before I was captured I saw Cletus transform but I also saw nem use

An electric weapon on someone and Cletus freaked out why he was partially in the way and it hit him it wasn’t that bad but he screamed and threatened to hurt Nim if he used it again sounds like he doesn’t like electricity wait what I think he used that lightning weapon on

Us when I got into the city it took out nearly all of Venom’s health and threw us into a brick wall ouch tell me about it we need to find that lightning weapon he said he was going to keep it just in case I don’t think he’d keep it on him but maybe

Close by it wasn’t a lot to go on but it was something on days 132 to 135 I decided to scout the city to see where Cletus was hiding I went back to the shop where Julie and Chris were I asked about the electric weapon to see if they knew anything

Chris piped up its name is Bolt Nim used to use it all the time before Cletus came into town but not anymore word is that it can turn your bones to dust Julie looked concerned that he knew all this information but it was really helpful do you know where it could be

Well I heard that Cletus took it and has it stashed somewhere safe or is it in a safe I don’t know but my friend used the word safe a safe interesting but also a little discouraging we were in a city after all there had to be thousands of

Safes then out of nowhere the door blew off its hinges and a bunch of crooks were waiting outside Eddie let me take form and I tried to Shield Julian Chris while they ran back into the room for cover well well well if it isn’t my least favorite symbiote I looked and saw

Cletus but then almost immediately he turned into a large red version of well oh me this is not good Eddie what is that we are Carnage and we are in charge here his Crooks attacked me but I was able to deal with them quickly Carnage charged me and he immediately got some

Hits in he took me down to half of my health I saw Julie holding a rifle and she started to shoot Carnage he screamed in pain while we ran into the back of the store Chris threw a smoke bomb giving us a little bit of cover we have

An underground passage come on we moved past the shelves together I heard someone open a trap door and we all dropped down into the sewer the door closed and we rushed away we continued on for a little while until we reached a ladder up to the street that was

Impressive you never know who will come into the shop you just have to be prepared I’m sorry about your shop but you should come and live with us we can set up a shop there and you can be safe they happily agreed and we made our way

To the factory on days 136 to 139 Julian Chris moved into the factory we set them up with some nice rooms and the and worked on making them a little shop in the downstairs area it was bigger but didn’t have nearly as much food in it

Zach was nice enough to find some for them as well as some other things to sell I know it’s not exactly the same but it’s something for now then I got an idea I told Julie and the others about a statue we could build to let people know

That there was food and shelter here we discussed it and they agreed it was a great idea we started Gathering materials and went to work can you guess what it might be also if you like what you see so far be sure to like And subscribe we would love for you to watch

Our next adventure on days 140 to 143 Hannah and Eddie chatted for a while about what our next move should be well we need to find the safe that bolt is hidden in I wonder how we can find a safe in a big city like this someone

Must have heard something I should go out and have a look you mean we no you got kidnapped once and I couldn’t protect you who knows what will happen if you go out there again Eddie I’m not going to live my life in fear because I was kidnapped once I’m going with you

Have I told you how much I like Anne yes you have we all gathered some supplies and headed out to go look for a safe on days 144 to 149 Anna Nettie snuck around the city to see if we could gather more information on bolt we ran into a few

People who were trying their best to hide we invited some of them back to the base for safety some agreed but some wanted to stay where they were however nobody seemed to know anything about the lightning weapon this is getting to be a little hopeless somebody has to know

Something then out of nowhere a group of crooks came around the corner we hid and listened to them talking yeah but the boss doesn’t have bolt anymore remember yeah yeah sure the big boss man Cletus took it I saw him going to the central tower with a big briefcase the entire

Building is abandoned except the top floor that’s where his safe house is this was great information good thing I didn’t eat those guys we need to head to that Tower I nodded and we headed in that direction we did our best to sneak past all the crooks on the way and

Managed to make it to the tower it was a lot bigger than I had imagined we should scale the side you sure you want Venom to do that yes it’ll be the fastest I morphed and then grabbed Anne as we scaled the side of the building it was a

Long way up but and didn’t seem to mind I managed to break through a window near the top and we all climbed through I don’t see anybody do you nope We snuck around and sure enough it seemed deserted we entered a large room and saw

A few Crooks beating up a guy in the corner hey you leave him alone you charged and smacked the guys left and right they didn’t have any special weapons on them so it was really easy to defeat them thank you the guy that was beaten up didn’t look so good and rushed

Over to him who should get you some help no I’m fine the guy tried to stand up on his own but he immediately fell over yeah sure you are we escorted him to the hole we climbed in from and helped him get on my back and I carried him down to

The street I climbed up to carry and down as well and we helped him get back to the factory with us once we were safe back at the factory we checked on his wounds and got to planning out a room for him to stay in I hope you’ll be okay

I’m sure he will I wonder why the building was basically empty though those Crooks said that was cletus’s hiding spot it was oh the guy groaned I’ve been sleeping behind the dumpster near the tower I saw them all moving stuff out so I figured it was safer than

The street apparently not we wanted to get him to rest as soon as possible on days 150 to 153 we built a room for the guy we knew he would be recovering for a while so we wanted him to be as comfortable as possible I’m Travis by

The way we are Venom I guess Cletus is like us but he is not necessarily a nice symbiote yeah I’ve seen him he’s pretty freaky and strong we’ll get him Travis we have a plan you do sort of if the bolt wasn’t in the tower then it must be

In a safe somewhere in the city we got some information from a friend safe yeah it’s not a lot but it’s something well best of luck to you my friend I’m in no condition to help with that but I am happy to help around here everyone was

Put to work Zach gathered the food Travis worked on food prep and Julie and Chris worked on Stocking the store Maggie and Ann welcome new people in and set up areas for them to stay it felt good to help on days 154 to 157 we woke up Maggie pounding on our door come

Quick Eddie we followed her and we found everyone gathered around Zach he didn’t look too good Zack what happened I went to gather some food this morning but some other guys beat me up to get to it first I guess one of them had a knife

Sure enough Zach had a bad cut on his leg this needs stronger medicine than we have right now we’ll go find some there’s a pharmacy in the abandoned grocery store about a mile away I have a friend who crashes there sometimes he might be able to help out unless he got

Kicked out we’ll go look buddy you sit tight for now Eddie and I snuck over to the grocery store on the lookout for anything suspicious we entered the front door and the lights flickered this is creepy you are probably one of the creepiest things I’ve ever seen in my

Life and you think a couple of lights flickering is creepy don’t judge me we continued back toward the pharmacy the lights continued to Flicker and there was food all over the ground what a mess we made it back to the pharmacy but it looked like it was locked go on pick the

Lock I reached out to try but before I could the door swung open revealing a hobo what you doing here Zach sent us he got attacked by a couple of guys it has a pretty nasty cut he needs medicine the guy nodded and closed the door after a

Minute he brought out some medicine and Gauze this should work tell Zach to take care we offered to let him stay at the factory but he said he was happy where he was we made our way back to Zach with the medicine thanks guys I appreciate it

Of course we can’t have you risking your life for all of us to get food tell us where to go and we can go instead he reluctantly agreed and we went out to gather some more food for our friends on days 158 to 162. we worked to gather

Some food nearby and even invited a few more people back to the base it looks like we need to expand we worked on making some improvements and also worked on the statue for a little while it was starting to come together hopefully we could let everyone in the city know that

They weren’t alone it was looking pretty good when all of a sudden we heard a loud bang we hurried and ran down to the factory to see that it was on fire oh no Eddie and I ran in and tried to gather all of our friends they seemed fine all

Except for Maggie she coughed violently Eddie you need to stop Nim don’t worry about that now Maggie we need to get you some help no you don’t understand it was Nim that set the fire I saw him outside the window and I tried to grab him but

He threw the explosive device in my room I couldn’t stop the fire she coughed again she held out her hand there was a key inside I grabbed this from around his neck in the struggle it might help you beat Cletus she coughed again and then slumped over she’s gone

We all mourned our friend as the factory burned up around us Eddie looked at the key there seemed to be an address on it Venom I morphed and bared my teeth we are Venom and we are going to avenge our friend on days 163 to 166 I ran full

Speed to the address on the key there was nothing just a construction site this can’t be right there’s nothing here we punched a building nearby and everything trembled then we saw a piece of rubble fall off the building it looked like it was going to fall on a

Stack of crates but then it disappeared what in the world we inched forward to the crates and saw a hole leading into the ground this must be it we started climbing down the ladder into a dark area there was a light up ahead in the tunnel we slowly crept toward it and

Realized that it was a subway station there was an abandoned subway car sitting among some beams what did I tell you Nim stay away from the Symbiote how it’s going to take care of him myself we saw Cletus in front of the car he continued yelling seems like Nim’s plan

Wasn’t approved by Cletus I don’t care Cletus is involved so he is just as guilty of hurting Maggie as Nim is I was about to charge forward when Eddie held us back no look we saw Nim on the other side of the tunnel with a bunch of his

Crooks Cletus looked very angry what are you doing here nobody’s supposed to know about this place you think I’m a fool Cletus I found out about this place a long time ago I’m sick of taking orders from you I’m taking bolt back and there’s nothing you can do to stop me

Bolt is here we need to get it before Nim does just wait a minute Cletus be into form into Carnage and then Nim’s guys began to shoot him he screamed and attacked the crooks while he was distracted Nim ran to the subway car he went to grab something from around his

Neck then looked around in horror full back I don’t have the key he ran away leaving his Crux to get eaten by Carnage well that was unexpected come on let’s go while he’s distracted We snuck around and went to the other side of the subway

Car we took out the key and sure enough it opened the subway car nice We snuck inside and looked around there was a big safe sitting in the car you don’t suppose the key is the same for this do you I wouldn’t count on on it we swung

Around to see Carnage smiling a big toothy grin at us through the car window oh no we ran outside and as soon as we did he charged and we attacked he projected red spikes and they flew at us ouch he kept shooting Venom we are gonna

Die if we stay we hurried and ran out of the subway car Carnage chasing us we ran up the darkened tunnel avoiding the red spikes the subway opened into a Chasm and we ran across the tracks Venom one Spike struck Us in the back and we fell into the dark Chasm everything blacking

Out around us on days 167 to 170 we woke up in darkness floating in the water Eddie had taken form jeez I feel like garbage how fitting since we’re floating in it we looked around and sure enough we were standing in wrappers and bags and other debris yuck we tried to follow

The tunnel to where there was a very faint light we finally reached some bars at the end of the tunnel it looks like this leads out to the Bay we swam underneath the bars and emerged in the bay wait we need to go back for Bolt we

Went back to the address on the key and followed the tunnel down to the subway car the safe was open and it was empty figures Cletus took it so that Nim couldn’t get to it I guess Nim didn’t realize he had lost the key until it was

Too late for planning on his part you got that right buddy on days 171 to 174 we made our way back to the factory or what was left of it when we got back though we were surprised to see it all cleaned up and fixed Eddie Anne ran

Towards us and gave us a big hug we’ve been working to fix the base and make some improvements do you like it we looked around and it was amazing she had even made a dining area and gotten some other decorations to make it more homey wow you really outdid yourself Anne she

Looked really proud of herself which she should she took us to a couple of things that needed lifting and moving that she couldn’t do herself but besides that it was perfect everyone else seemed really happy with how it turned out we missed you Eddie did you find Nim yeah but he

Got away his plan was to steal the lightning weapon but Maggie foiled that she’s a hero Zach nodded in agreement so what’s the plan now I’m not sure on days 175 to 178 we planted a garden in the back of the factory since everything was

Getting a bit too gray and red we even made a basketball court so people could play and exercise I went out to gather some more food since Zach was still not feeling well and I saw some Crooks outside that looks suspicious they were holding weapons and guarding some sort

Of restaurant let’s go check it out I morphed and we charged the trucks they shot but we dodged them all before the crooks knew it they were defeated and I had a full belly yum we crept into the restaurant to see Nim trying to grab some people from the back no you don’t

We charged and he started to shoot at us this is for Maggie he grazed us with a couple of bullets but we didn’t stand down he seemed scared and tried to run into the kitchen he let go of the people and they ran the other way coward we

Smashed into the kitchen doors throwing Nim back onto the floor let me go I’ve done nothing wrong that’s a lie if I ever dead here one we swallowed him in one big goal at least we don’t have to worry about him anymore then all of a

Sudden I felt my form start to Surge with power and I got bigger I even gained the rest of my hearts back finally then my stomach started to rumble really loud uh Venom what is that I don’t know then I let out a huge Belch and something flew out of my mouth ah

Gross Venom I couldn’t help it I looked at the item I had burped out and it looked like a key card with a symbol on it Hmm this might be important I don’t recognize the symbol maybe someone at the factory Will on Days 179 to 184 we

Went back to the factory with the key card we showed it to a bunch of people but nobody seemed to know what it was wait let me look at it again Travis looked at the key card closer ink is faded but it looks familiar what is it

There’s a hospital on the north side of the city that has a symbol on the outside like this that must be where it goes to the hospital I don’t even want want to know what Cletus is doing in a hospital same Travis shuddered but the key card won’t work anyway what why do

You say that part of the security strip is gone it won’t work unless you have that it must have rubbed off when it was in my stomach um what Travis handed us the card back and wiped his hands on his shirt gross my dude but hey I know someone who

Worked in the hospital she could hook you up on days 185 to 189 we went to the apartment that Travis told us about we knocked on the door a woman with glasses peeked her head out what do you want are you Kai who is asking we’re a friend of

Travis he told us he worked at the hospital yeah but Cletus and his goons kicked us all out a few days ago and made us move to the hospital on the southern side of the city he made us all give up our key cards my heart sank but

I kept a spare one just in case she closed the door and then came back a minute later with a key card it was intact if anyone asks I didn’t give it to you of course thank you she nodded and closed the door this was the big

Break we were looking for we hurried back to the factory a spring in our step on days 190 to 194 we told everyone about the hospital and they all agreed to help out to make sure the factory was ready just in case there was an ambush again we all gathered more people off

The street and made them places to stay well out I made sure to fight off as many Crooks as possible I gathered food for later and even managed to find some chocolate in a nearby dumpster gross Venom you can’t eat dumpster chocolate Eddie I literally eat people and you

Think that dumpster chocolate is gross your priorities are not in the right order ah shut it I morphed out of him and slugged him in the shoulder softly sure punched the guy who takes care of you I patted him on the head instead I think I preferred the punch on days 195

To 197 we finished the statue we stopped to look at it on the roof of the factory it was pretty fantastic almost good enough to eat hey Eddie we turned into saw Anne I just wanted to say thank you for everything I don’t know what I’d do

Without you yeah Venom is pretty great I’m not talking about Venom I’m talking about you then she gave Eddie a kiss but this time it wasn’t on the cheek I felt his face get really really red but then he smiled really big have I told you how

Much I like you on day 198 we traveled to the hospital with a key card in hand it did look abandoned just like Kai said but there was one room that seemed to Glow a bit ominously I don’t like that me neither buddy we swiped the key card

Which opened up doors as we progressed inside it was pretty dark as we made our way to the room with the light the door was open and we peeked inside is that oh no Carnage stood with not one but two other smaller symbiotes I think we

Should Retreat it’s too late for that we flipped around to see another symbiote behind us how many are there the Symbiote charged us and we had no choice but to run inside the room with all the other symbiote cuts on day 199 we ran into the room with Carnage and his

Smaller symbiotes you’ve met machion children I looked closer and realized that all the other symbiotes were all just lighter shades of red Eddie this is not good no Dove Venom now that you’re here we can make more of my followers he held up a large knife with Jagged edges

Then I noticed something sitting in the corner of the room it was bold this ends here Carnage we charged him but at the last second we veered toward the corner stop him the Symbiotes ran after me a few of them getting some swipes in luckily they were smaller so they didn’t

Do nearly as much damage I managed to grab the lightning weapon and shoot it at the first symbiote it screamed for a moment then exploded into a puddle no I aimed at the next symbiote and just like its brother it turned to goof my children they took aim at the last

Symbiote it screamed in pain before exploding how dare you I was about to aim at Carnage when he shot his red spikes at us I had to duck down him before I knew it Carnage was right in front of us he knocked me away and I lost grip on the lightning weapon duh

You Trader then I felt the puddles of the Symbiote start to pull around me they morphed into my form making me grow larger with each one what is happening they are returning to their rightful place of origin Carnage I felt the Symbiotes merge fully and I grew into a

Huge Venom with a long tongue and even bigger claws no I grabbed for the lightning weapon but Carnage put up a fight he tried to shoot it at me but with my body’s restored speed I could easily avoid most of the electricity I noticed he was getting more and more

Angry with each shot that I dodged you won’t win it will incinerate you he suddenly shot a huge volley of red spikes all over the place I lunged towards him knocking the lightning weapon out of his hands he reached for it but I was faster I snatched it off

The floor and pointed it at him goodbye Cletus I pulled the trigger the electricity pulsing through the lightning weapon into the red symbiote he screamed and started melting into a red puddle on the floor before evaporating into a brilliant burst of light on day 200 we returned triumphantly to the factory with bold

Waving above our head everyone cheered as we approached it was good to know that the city would be safe again free from monsters and criminals everyone insisted that we stay for a little while longer before heading back to our city we agreed happy to have another place to

Call home on day one I spawned into the red desert as Diamond Venom the Symbiote with major swag whoa and I’ve started with 20 hearts that must be because of my diamond heart skin even though I’m a baby Venom I’m one tough baby but I didn’t get to enjoy all this for long

Before I knew it a bunch of heavily armored Royal Guards were running towards me yeah he looks like one of the escapees we need to get him back into containment before aging Horace finds out he’s here escapees but I didn’t Escape I’m Zozo and I just spawned here

Oh we’ve heard that one before bub come with us you sparkly symbiote I will be forced to use extreme force I really didn’t want to get into a fight straight away especially over a misunderstanding so I ran as fast as my little Diamond Venom legs would carry me

Uh oh it looks like I might not be fast enough as I was running I suddenly noticed that more Royal Guards had me backed up into a corner symbiotes are powerful but as just a baby and without any weapons there was no way I could take all these guys on can’t we just

Talk this out I’ve promise I won’t misbehave I think this is a huge misunderstanding don’t worry kid we’ll talk it out when we have you back in containment come along now we don’t want to hurt you we don’t have to and with that the gang of Royal Guards led me off

To who knows where this isn’t turning out to be a very successful first day on day two the Royal Guards escorted me into what looked like a kind of small secret research lab in the middle of the desert welcome to Area 52 son this is where we keep all the secret things for

Research and testing and that includes you but I don’t even know what you guys think I did that’s for us to know and Yoda probably never find out now get in this cell over here we’ll check your paperwork and deal with you later they

Made me go into a cell where a huge kind of intimidating Redstone Golem was waiting for me oh shiny oh they’re even for Mac honestly I don’t even know I feel like the ride to a a fair trial should have been given to us they can’t

Just lock us away like this and here to that buddy I’m Robbie Robbie the Redstone Golem you I’m Zozo and don’t worry Robbie I’m gonna bust both of us out of here but how you see one of the powers of the Symbiote is super strength watch with my powerful Diamond fists I

Busted down the wall of the cell leading to the outside and before any of the royal guards could even notice Robbie and I escaped out into the desert that was amazing so-so we should probably go our separate ways now so that those goons can’t catch us but I hope we run

Into each other again same here Robbie happy travels and with that we both ran off in different directions on day three I ran further into the desert trying to put as much distance between myself and Area 52 as possible I never want to have to go back

There if I can avoid it but as I was running away my diamond Venom stomach started to rumble oh no this isn’t good symbiotes are meat eaters so I need to get my hands on some good protein as soon as possible lucky for me there were some desert chickens waiting around and

They just looked too delicious for me to resist I attacked them until I was left with some yummy raw chicken on my hands which I ate with gusto that’s Finger Licking Good my Hunger seated I kept on walking until I ran into another lone figure in the desert it was a warning

Hello there Zozo wait how do you know my name I know a lot of things perks of the job I’m agent Warden nice to meet you agent Oh no you’re with Area 52 you’re gonna try to capture me I used to be with them but now I’ve gone Rogue

Believe me Zozo we’re on the same team come with me I’ll tell you everything you want to know that wasn’t offered too good to refuse so I followed agent Warden through the desert from day four to day five we arrived in an isolated base in the middle of the Black Forest

So deep and dark that nobody would ever find it unless they knew what they were looking for Welcome to my secret base Zozo and I do mean secret if you tell anyone about this I’ll be forced to destroy you noted geez this guy is intense I heard that no you didn’t when

We were inside agent Warden started telling me the whole horrible truth about what people were up to at area 52. you were lucky to escape with your life Zozo they’re monstrous people they capture and experiment on everyone who’s different trying to take their special powers and use them for their own gain I

Used to be part of their whole organization until I decided enough was enough I needed to take them down and over the next 100 days you can help me take them down after what they did to me and Robbie I’m happy to lend a hand in taking these bad guys down that’s the

Spirit but we can’t be seen together Zozo if we are there’s too much of a risk we’ll both get taken out take this stone sword ax and stone pickaxe go make your own secret base we’ll talk again soon my instructions are clear I took the sword ax and pickaxe and left going

Deep into the black forest I cut down some trees to make a clearing and mine some Stone then I started building myself a basic base to spend the night adding a nice furnished room and a bed to make myself feel safe from the mobs at night I stood back to appreciate my

Small and proud base and I was really pleased with my work but then I heard some Royal Guards coming towards the forest is that diamond Venom denim stay away from my base guys or you’re gonna find out that I’m really a lethal protector they didn’t listen instead they charged

In and I used my super strength to beat the living stuffing out of them that’s what you get for messing with the diamond symbiote and giving those Royal Guards a Beatdown also gave me enough XP to level up becoming bigger stronger and amazingly having 50 hearts looks like I

Can use my super strong symbiote arms to climb walls I climbed the walls of my little base and sat on the roof admiring the beautiful scenery of the black forest from day six to day eight I continued working on my base adding some couches and bookshelves to my living

Area when I took a break none other than Robbie the Redstone Golem came walking through the forest right next to my base I was happy to see him again Robbie I’m so happy to see you again how are things going with you sadly not good man I’ve

Been looking for a place to crash but two of The Villages I’ve tried to visit were already destroyed by the time I turned up destroyed that’s terrible you said it man something awful is going on out here you need to stay safe I’m Gonna Keep moving and you should keep your

Eyes peeled stay safe out there Robbie Robbie left and I was feeling more confused and afraid than ever I needed to go and speak to agent Warden as soon as possible I ran to a secret base and told him everything that Rabia told me then it seems the situation is already

Graver than I first thought I have a few classified missions I need to perform myself but in the meantime head to the Sierra Valley and scope it out for any unusual activity together we can stop the worst of this Insidious Plan before it even starts yes sir I’ll do whatever

I need to that’s a great attitude Zozo do everything I say and you’ll go far from day 9 to day ten I did exactly what agent Warden said and made my way out to the Sierra Valley to investigate I just needed to find out if anything unusual

Was happening out here doesn’t look like anything weird is happening out here oh other than that as it turned out I hadn’t noticed a huge armored piglet running towards me yeah that’s certainly pretty unusual I began to battle the zombified armored piglet but he was way tougher than the royal guards even with

All my hearts and my diamond heart skin he still had me on the ropes until suddenly an armored Pillager ran in and shot the zombified armored piglet with a bow and arrow second the arrow hit the creature it seemingly got a lot weaker and one more strike from my stone sword

Was enough to defeat it that was awesome he really saved my life there thank you armored Pillager don’t mention it I’ve never seen anyone like you you really confess I’ve got a gang of sail swords who operate out here in the valley we can use someone like you if you wanted

To sign up it’d be good work and good pay it definitely sounds tempting but I can’t right now I’m sorry I’m on an incredibly important Mission from agent Warden who it doesn’t surprise me that you haven’t heard of him he’s incredibly secretive but I’ll let him know we had

This talk thank you again for the help from day 11 to day 12 I returned to agent ward in secret base and told him all about what happened in the Sierra Valley with the Piglet and the armored villager who saved my life but by the end of the story agent Warden didn’t

Seem happy with me even told him my name you can’t do that Zozo I thought I told you my mission was top secret can you not even follow the most basic of instructions I’m so sorry agent Warden I didn’t know it would upset you so much I promise I won’t tell

Anyone else your name I’ll keep your missions top secret good that’s more like it for your next mission I need you to go to the Sierra Valley again the north specifically and find your way to a research base hidden out there they’re puppets of Area 52 carrying out their

Evil bidding if you value your freedom you’ll gather all the information about them you can yes agent Warden I won’t let you down this time but that mission sounded dangerous so before I could take it on I needed to upgrade my gear that’s why I ventured down into an abandoned

Mine in the Black Forest to collect some iron I mined until I had enough iron ore which I then smelted into ingots in an abandoned furnace and crafted into a full set of iron armor an iron sword iron ax and iron pickaxe but it wasn’t all easy I was detected and attacked by

A bunch of spiders while I was down there this is what I get for shining bright like a diamond it didn’t take me long to defeat the spiders with my iron sword then it was time to prove myself to agent Warden once again from day 13

To day 15 I ventured out through the Sierra Valley until I found what looked like a small research base it was crawling with Scientists guess it’s time to play detective and ask some tough questions I snuck in and found one of the researchers alone I cornered him and

Used my intimidating Diamond venom look to get his undivided attention listen here you’re gonna tell me everything you know about your bosses at Area 52 or else what Area 52 aren’t our bosses liar I have it on good authority that you do all their evil bidding so you better

Start telling the truth I am telling the truth the only time we ever collaborated was on the wooden project wait the what project I’ve told you too much already just please please leave me alone yes I I will I’m so sorry for bothering you I left the research base and started

Heading across the Sierra Valley something about all of this was terribly wrong and I needed to get some answers from agent Warden immediately from day 16 to day 19 I made my way through the Black Forest back to agent warden’s secret base as quickly as possible but

On the way I ran into Robbie the Redstone Golem again Robbie what’s wrong this time Zozo I found out some terrifying news and I needed to tell you as soon as possible the one who’s been destroying whole Villages is some kind of Genetically Enhanced Warden and he lives in this Forest Genetically

Enhanced Warden oh no oh no no no no I’ve had this all wrong I need to get back to that research base and warn them but by the time I crossed the Sierra Valley and reached the research base it was already too late the research base

Was in Ruins and who else was standing in the rebel but agent Warden I decided to rush in and confront him and Warden how could you why are you doing this these people aren’t under the orders of Area 52 at all oh Zozo has naive and small-minded as ever you

Diamond Venom in the rough aren’t you I don’t know the full extent of your evil plan but one thing I do know is that I’m not going to be a part of it whatever awful thing you want to do careful Zozo if you’re not with me you’re against me then I guess I’m

Against you you’re about to find out just how strong a diamond Venom really is but Zozo calls sybius like you have two weaknesses fire and sound agent Warden Unleashed a hugely powerful Sonic Boom out of his chest it was a direct hit on me and as soon as it connected I

Fell unconscious from day 20 to day 22 I woke up in the ruins of the Sierra Valley research base agent Warden was gone and it looked like there was only one surviving scientist the same one I’d interrogated earlier you there Zozo was it I’m Dr Hardy I I saw that you tried

To defend us against that terrible monster and even though the destruction he caused was awful it means a lot to know you’re on our side still so sorry I couldn’t help more Dr Hardy I have no idea why Agent Warden just turned like that but I have a

Feeling that if we work together we can find out why wanna come stay on my base and team up sounds like an excellent idea Zozo I want to get back against this monster any way I can Dr Hardy and I return to my base and I began working on a new

Room for him and had an area for him to sleep and an area for him to conduct any scientific experiments he needed to thank you Zozo this will do nicely from day 23 to Day 26 I made a trek back to the red desert where I originally

Spawned to see if I missed anything I I was wrong about agent Warden I’ve got to make sure I pay more attention to things from now on I carefully looked around and noticed there was an ice oligar in trouble someone please I need a protector an armored skeleton was

Running them down and it seemed like it would catch them soon I had to do something don’t worry Diamond Venom is here I jumped into the path of the armored skeleton and hit him with my iron sword it got his attention but he wasn’t looking at damage from the attack

I had succeeded at making the armored skeleton attack me instead of the iceologer but now it seemed I would have to deal with a strong and fast mob all on my own it wasn’t an easy fight but in the end I took home the W the I Soldier

Was delighted that was amazing they make a good team you said it I Soldier it’s almost like a symbiotic relationship like a symbiote defeating the armored skeleton to save that ice Soldier had reminded me of my true strength and caused my powers to evolve I now had 75

Hearts and could Dash to quickly close the gap with enemies from day 27 to day 31 I was still in the red desert when I came across a herd of sheep they were looking for grass to eat but couldn’t find any I guess they must have been

Lost this way sheep there’s plenty of grass to graze on in the Black Forest back at the base I made sure to build a pen for the Sheep around some of that delicious grass I mentioned delicious for sheep at least this diamond Venom is on an all-meat diet later on I was

Walking through the base when I ran into the iceology I had protected in the desert hey Zozo thanks again for your help the other day hey I salager when did you get here oh I’ve been here for a while I noticed you have some scientists doing research here so I thought I could

Help out in a big way follow me followed the iceology to another part of the base and saw what he was talking about he had upgraded the base with a research Watchtower the scientists are gonna love this meanwhile somewhere in a secret place agent Warden was plotting

The next phase of the warden project and whatever that entailed was probably Super Evil everything is going according to my super secret plan that’s because you’re so good at being evil Warden I agree piglets soon it will be time for you to play your role in how things proceed

It is an honor to serve you sir piglets will make sure your every order is carried out without fail from day 32 to day 35 I went to Area 52 to see if I could get any more answers out of the royal guards even if they didn’t know

Anything else about what agent Warden was up to I could still reason with them and form an alliance ah is Diamond Venom there’s no reason in with them battle formation the Royal Guards fought against me but I defended Myself by using my armor to reduce the damage from

Their attacks hold it guys I really think we can work this out yeah he’s trying to reason with us I guess we were wrong about him that’s the first time we’ve been wrong about anything the Royal Guards took me to the office of their top agent agent Horus so you must

Be that diamond Venom that escaped from my hold and sail a while back it’s a shame I never got to meet you in person is that because you were going to do some uncalled for experiments on me what no what do you think we do around here

We thought that a diamond symbiote like you had the potential to be turned towards the side of good that’s why we brought you here I’m glad you guys weren’t up to anything Sinister you definitely could have been nicer about it though the kinds of super powered

Monsters we deal with it’s hard not to go overboard especially after the warden project made us responsible for another monster you mean agent Warden what is he up to I can tell you with something most secretive and most definitely Sinister we’ve been keeping tabs on them but he’s

Operating in the shadows now I want to help you take him down he betrayed me and I don’t like that kind of thing good we could use a Venom like you on all side until agent Warden is defeated we’ll make you a temporary secret agent agent Diamond Venom I like the sound of

That from Day 36 to day 39 I went mining for iron to fix up my armor if I’m going to be playing the part of a secret agent I should look like I’ve got the best gear I dug down deep into the mining area and managed to strike iron there

Was plenty of iron to go around enough to fix my entire set of iron armor there were some diamonds down there as well I must have had a knack refining them because I was a diamond Venom myself Diamonds Are a diamond’s best friend wait what did I say the diamonds weren’t

Even the rarest treasure that I found in the mine the honor went to the powerful battle ax that I found lodged in a wall I went above ground with The Spoils of my mining Excursion and fixed up my armor I finished just in time for the

Ice oligar to come in and talk to me hey Zozo actually it’s agent Zozo right anyway I was thinking we should expand our team is there someone I want you to go talk to they should be waiting for you at the shattered Glacier from day 40

To day 43 I went to the shattered Glacier where the isolager said I could meet our new contact I was surprised and relieved to see that it was my old friend Robbie the Redstone Golem I heard Area 52 made you a temporary agent friends of mine but it’s good to see

That you’re moving up in the world whatever it takes to stop that rampaging agent Warden why did you call me here to talk about I wanted to ask if I could join your super group even if we’re only working together in secret this world needs protectors I was about to ask him

What he had in mind when a giant Pigman ran towards us and stopped right next to us it was pigless the new minion that was sent by agent Warden you were too easy to follow Diamond Venom time to carry out agent warden’s orders and what would those be there’s no point in

Asking me that question I’m now telling you pigless smashed a big hole in the ground to show off how strong he was he’s tough Robbie do you think we could take him if we teamed up maybe but for now we should get somewhere safe to have the rest of our conversation I nodded

And the two of us ran away as piglets continued to smash his way across the shattered Glacier from day 44 to day 49 I was lying low in my base when I was visited by agent Horace he really must have been the top agent because I didn’t

Even see him come in agent Zozo I’ve got some key Intel and a new assignment for you take you long enough this diamond Venom is on the job whatever it is there is an object known as The Destroyer which was once in opposition at area 52.

We believe that in the right hands it has the power to take down any bad guy even agent Warden now now Diamond Venom just focus on finding the destroyer and getting it to us we’ll handle the wrist where can I find the Destroyer it was last sided in the Sierra Valley biome

You should head back there and search for it I won’t let you down agent Horus from day 50 to day 53 on horace’s orders I went to the Sierra Valley biome to learn more about The Destroyer it looked like I wasn’t the only agent on the case

A royal guard was already here probably sent by Horus too hey there agent I’m agent Zozo I’m looking for the Destroyer too keep your voice down we don’t know who’s listening I’ll tell you what I know about The Destroyer but you need a promise to keep it a secret I promise

The truth about The Destroyer is that we made it in Area 52 using some rare materials from another dimension those materials are what gave the item an unmatched destructive power over the materials and what dimension did they come from that’s classified the point is we were so impressed by these materials

That we started to use them on a different project the warden project let me guess that was how agent Warden got his superpowers it was what made him a super villain the materials gave him destructive Sonic abilities that were out of control that’s why we need a

Weapon like the Destroyer to take him out I understand now you keep looking around here I’m gonna go back to the base for now I left the royal guard to keep searching that’s when I saw a battle between an iron chicken and a skeleton the iron chicken looked like

She would make a good addition to the super group I was forming with the others I went to help her in the fight but the iron chicken had already won by the time I even got a hidden whoa you’re strong do you want to join my superhero team

Sorry Diamond Venom but iron chicken works alone she ran off right after saying that I guess not everyone wants to team up with me from day 54 to day 57 I was traveling through the red desert when I ran into none other than pigless agent warden’s big brute of a henchman

Why do you want pigless I only want what agent Walden orders me to want that’s how loyal of a henchman I am okay and what does agent Warden want he ordered me to take out the trash and the trash is you pigless hit me hard sending me flying across the desert his super

Strength was so much stronger than mine and I was practically super duper strength I thought back but I was losing a lot of Hearts to the big pig’s punches you really are trash just call me the trash compactor actually I prefer to be recycled and by that I mean live to

Fight another day I knew I couldn’t win so I ran away from pigless he might have been strong but sure was slow well his henchman was keep keeping me busy agent Warden was in his secret base developing a personal teleporter that would take him between Dimensions at will once I

Harnessed the true destructive contained in the other dimensions I will be unstoppable from day 58 to day 62 I met with the scientist who’s been living in my base to see what he’s been up to how’s the research been going Dr Hardy I’ve got amazing things to tell you

About Zozo the statue I’ve been working on is really coming along it’ll be one of the great achievements when we’re done building it awesome work there is one slight issue though I’ve run out of building materials do you think you could fetch us more of course I was just

Heading down to the mine anyway I returned to where I had been mining before and dug further into the area with the diamonds I was determined to get even more of them so I could get a complete set of diamond gear to match my diamond body I also made sure to get

More Stone and iron while I was there so the scientists could continue work on the Statue once I had enough of every thing I left the mine and gave the scientists what they had been looking for then I went to the crafting table and made myself a diamond sword diamond

Boots and a diamond helmet diamond Venom is more Diamond than ever from day 63 to day 66 I received another visit from agent Horus he must really want me to find that Destroyer I looked around like you told me to I haven’t found it anywhere that’s all right agent Zozo the

Royal Guards and I have done that part of the job ourselves we have reason to believe that the Destroyers somehow crossed Dimensions back to where it originally came from the Destroyer is in another dimension yes in another world known as the end how can I get there

From here take a look at this portal we installed in your base agent Horus led me to an incomplete end portal which at the moment wasn’t working I wonder where they even got this portal but I didn’t want to question agent Horus what do I have to do in order to reactivate the

End portal no idea we’ve never gotten any farther than this but if it does activate you should let us know post haste from day 67 to Day 70 I kept an eye on the end portal that Area 52 had installed in my base there were no signs

Of activity and I wondered if I would ever get the chance to get the Destroyer I was relieved of this Duty when Robbie the Redstone Golem showed up again hey Robbie what are you up to we’ve got ourselves a new objective Zozo there’s some trouble down at the shattered

Glacier and we should go help out what’s the problem one dangerous mob called the skeleton Jackal might be a new super villain leave it to me Robbie I arrived at the shattered Glacier and saw exactly what Robbie was talking about the skeleton Jackal had claimed the shattered Glacier as his own territory

Diamond Venom you’re too late I the skeleton Jackal will soon be the most powerful new villain out there sorry but I already have an arch nemesis and he’s not you I’ll make you take me seriously the skeleton Jackal attacked me with his claws but I thought back with my trusty

Battle ax we were evenly matched and damaged but my diamond armor and Diamond skin made my defenses that much stronger here you might be durable Diamond Venom but this fight isn’t over by a long shot stop this we don’t have to fight What If instead of a villain you decided to be

An anti-hero you can still be scary but you also get to do the right thing anti-hero huh I guess I could give it a try wow it worked welcome to the team skeleton Jackal from day 71 to day 74 my Pace was under attack by pigless who is

Using his Brute Force to smash giant holes into the surrounding terrain pick it power stop it pigless I used my Dash ability and started swinging my battle ax at pigless inflicting damage on him ouch that ax hurts can I have it pigless punched me causing me to drop the battle

Ax he picked it up himself and started swinging it at me I equipped my diamond sword and continued to fight but pigless was even more deadly with the battle ax in his hand give that back it’s not yours it is now eat this eggless wound up a big punch and sent me careening

Straight into a hill and caused me to get heavily dazed got back up he was already gone it was no use trying to get my battle ax back now it looked like my base was totally wrecked too big less I was really sad so I went to the river

To be alone for a bit after a while my Solider came by to cheer me up I know you’re feeling down about losing your weapon but I’ve revealed the base and added a perimeter wall to keep out future attacks you’re the best iceology I’m glad you’re part of my super group

Meanwhile back at agent warden’s base my arch nemesis had gained the powers of the interdimensional energies he was attempting to harness Area 52 thought I was a mistake and tried to destroy me the real mistake was not going further with their experiments from day 75 to

Day 78 Asian Horus came to check on the base and give me a brand new weapon to replace my battle ax the javelin we heard what happened with pigless it sounds like you really got non-agent wardens bad sad that pigless is a real Menace he’s going down just like agent

Warden you’re in look we’ve got the location of age agent warden’s secret base we figured we’d send you over there to do some real damage I’ll do more than that this might just be business for Area 52 but it’s always personal for me I took the javelin and set off through

The Black Forest toward agent warden’s secret base if pigless was there I’d be sure to get my revenge from last time from day 79 to day 84 I was sneaking around the outside of agent warden’s secret base and sure enough I found exactly who I was looking for pigless

Agent Zozo looks like recycling day came early I’ll break you down like a cardboard box you’re the one who’s gonna be broken pigless I threw my Javelin at pigless catching him off guard and then I then an opportunity to hit him a bunch of times with my diamond sword not bad I

Didn’t expect that new weapon but did you really forget your old weapon so soon no please pigless anything but battle ax swung to battle ax that he stole from me taking off a ton of Hearts he was wielding the weapon as if it was meant for him once again my diamond sword

Couldn’t stand up to him especially since my super strength was weaker than his I’ll really like being a henchman you know when I secretly get rid of someone agent Walden rewards me with treasure I wonder how rich I’ll be after I deal with you oh no am I going to lose

As piglets prepared to deliver the decisive blow with my own battle ax I Heard a Voice from the trees it was the skeleton Jackal JoJo don’t forget that your diamond Venom a shining inspiration to anti-heroes everywhere you’re right inspired by skeleton jackal’s words I grew into a form powerful enough to take

On pigless even with the battle ax I had 100 hearts and Diamond Venom claws that were stronger than any diamond sword with my new form he was dropped in no time well I did the best I could but sometimes a henchman is just a henchman your boss agent Warden is next pigless

And with that pigless vanished from day 85 to day 89 I went back to my base to tell everyone that I had defeated pigless in battle I went and visited the scientists first to inquire about the state of the statue I’ve made some amazing strides in the pursuit of the

Statue but I’m still missing some materials could you grab me some more wood sure let me grab some for my chest I took some wood from my chest and brought it back to Dr Hardy who then escorted me to the Statue it was a statue of Dr Hardy halfway through

Transforming into normal Venom I guess he must have been a big fan afterwards I returned to the side of the end portal where agent Horus was waiting for me it seems that agent Warden has already gone to the end to harness the materials there if the Destroyer falls into his

Hands he’ll be even more Unstoppable than a big pigment with a battle ax that’s pretty specific but I totally understand what you mean these odds have ended that the Royal Guards have gathered should be able to jumpstart the portal get in there and make us proud

Yes sir he acted invaded the portal and I stepped through suddenly I found myself in The Nightshade Forest this must be the main volume of the dimension known as the end this is feeling strangely familiar again not too far away I saw the Destroyer lying on the

Ground I didn’t have time to go and grab it an Enderman appeared out of the trees and started to attack me ugh I guess I’ve gotta deal with the mob first I used my diamond sword combined with my claw attacks to make the Enderman back

Off and run away with the mob gone I picked up the destroyer and headed back towards the portal from day 90 to day 94. I heard someone sneaking up behind me it was agent Warden welcome home diamond in the rough this isn’t my home home is on the other side of this portal

And I intend on going back after I defeat you that is you won’t defeat me Agent Zozo you’re just like me the diamond symbiote that grants you all of your powers is from the end that’s why this place is your home I’m from the end

Yes and that’s why I want you on my side I need someone to help me reap the rewards that exist in this world the materials that gave me powers could make an army of Sonic Warriors I’m not joining you Area 52 trusted me to take you down and that’s what I’ll do you’re

Making a mistake agent Horus and the others are weak and that’s why they capture and create super beings to fight their battles I think we should choose our own battles don’t you I actually agree that’s why I’m choosing my battle to be me versus you I threw my Javelin

But agent Warden took it like it was nothing and bombarded me with a Sonic Blast even though I’d gotten stronger Sonic attacks were still my weakness Powers had increased so much that I was powerless against him agent Warden hit me with a few melee attacks before knocking me out and stealing the

Destroyer I’ll be having that are you on the other side diamond in the rough he ran off through my end portal from day 95 to day 97 I was able to muster enough strength to crawl my way to the portal there’s no time to lose I

Have to warn agent Horus and with that I crawled into the portal when I got to the secret research lab of Area 52 I found that all of the royal guards had been wiped out by agent warden in a destruction spree this was definitely the destroyer’s handiwork I kept

Searching around until I stumbled upon agent Horus he was The Last One Alive and was hanging on by a thread you sure kept us waiting huh he didn’t Horus I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him he used my weakness against me no agent Zozo I’m sorry it was all foolishness and greed

That led to agent wardens rise to power if only we had been more careful and now tried to turn what we didn’t understand into weapons you couldn’t have known he’d go this evil it’s all right area 52 will be no more after I’m gone I need

You to clean up our last mess Diamond Venom make sure you stop him Horace died trying to harness the forces Beyond his control now agent Warden was trying to do the same thing I’d make sure it didn’t end well for him either on day 98 I found my base had been destroyed in

Another one of agent warden’s evil Rampages the scientist isoliger and skeleton Jackal were all destroyed too every member of my team gone this is unforgivable I knew agent Warden was my arch nemesis but I never thought he’d go this far I stood there in total shock

For a long time until he heard some familiar heavy footsteps Robbie agent Zozo no just Zozo I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect the rest of the team he was too strong don’t beat yourself up about it Robbie I feel a bit better knowing that at least my very first

Friend is still here with me you know what I feel the same way you are alive and I’m alive we’ve gotta do something to make that count I’ll tell you what we’ll do we’re gonna take back the destroyer and then we’re gonna give agent Warden payback for everything he’s

Done now that’s the Symbiote I know let’s rock on day 99 Robbie and I closed in on agent ward in secret base which hadn’t changed location since the time I fought pigless there I’ll learn agent Warden out with a distraction then you surprise attack him and steal the

Destroyer sounds good be careful Robbie who went to hide behind a tree as Robbie stepped out and waved his arms hey Warden look at me I’m so destroyable haha come destroy me sure enough agent Warden stepped out of the base with the destroyer in his hands he started moving

Towards Robbie now is my chance I used my Dash ability to rush at agent Warden just as planned I was able to grab the destroyer and run away Robbie turned and ran away too ha ha I’m not destroyed better luck next time when we got back

To the base I immediately took a closer look at the Destroyer it was definitely made with the same materials that made agent warden’s Sonic Blast so strong it was also from the end like my symbiote maybe if I well here goes nothing I absorbed the material in the Destroyer using my

Symbiote and I could feel that it was enhancing my diamond skin to a whole new level of durability it worked now my souped up Diamond skin will be able to resist his Sonic attacks on day 100 I returned to agent warden’s secret base for our final showdown I of course

Brought Robbie with me we entered his base and went downstairs this time agent Warden was already waiting for us in his underground lair this stops here agent Warden you’re not destroying anything else in your quest for Mad Science when will you learn symbiote my Sonic attacks will render you immobile once again

He fired a Sonic blasphemy but I didn’t even Flinch this time because despite its name the Destroyer had made me indestructible how did you do that I knew your weakness it’s like you always said I am a diamond in the rough and now this diamond is gonna rough you up I

Called forth the destroyer from within my symbiote and attacked using it the Shockwave smashed the surrounding area and did serious damage to agent Warden he’s weak my turn Robbie rushed in and smacked him with his Golem arms a couple times I joined in with a Diamond Claw

Attack he and Warden tried to fight back but his powers were useless against me now please no more this is for everyone at Area 52 and everyone at my base too no please all I wanted was to be able to blow up whatever I wanted I was just

Acting mysterious to look cool well now the truth is out and the truth is you got what was coming to you then I swung the Destroyer one last time and he was gone leaving me and Robbie to celebrate the fact that the world was safe again

On day one I dropped into the world as Thor whoa I’m Thor but why am I a baby before I could think about it too much a portal opened next to me and I saw my dad Odin standing inside Dad what’s going on Zozo we don’t have much time

Has released skeleton army on us they are attacking asgarden sending you through this portal was the best I could do to keep you safe I don’t know why you’re a baby but I need you to find Johanna MJ find your hammer and all hold him off a giant skeleton appeared behind

Odin and they started to fight Odin is really strong but the giant skeleton was putting up a strong fight I couldn’t tell who was winning go now Zozo and hurry the portal suddenly closed and I was alone okay I can do this I need to

Find my hammer and help my dad and while I do that I’ll need to work on powering up my baby form I’m sure my hammer can’t be too far away so I’ll start by getting some supplies together to help me look on day two I headed down the mountain

But I had no idea where to get started looking for my Hammer as I headed down the mountain though I saw a boar looks like lunch I’m not going to find my hammer on an empty stomach I didn’t have my hammer or any other weapons for that

Matter but I was the god of thunder I bet I can take this thing on with my bare hands I threw some punches and took him out but now without losing a couple Hearts okay maybe I’m being a little cocky I am a baby after all I’ll go work

On getting some tools I headed over to some nearby trees and started collecting wood once I had collected enough wood I made a crafting table then I used the rest of the wood to make a wooden pickaxe a wooden pickaxe is only good for one thing and that’s getting stoned

To make a stone pickaxe so I headed over to the mountain and mined out some Stone then I ran back to the crafting table and made a stone pickaxe it’s no mjolnir but it’ll have to do for now I wanted to collect some more food so I headed back

Over to mountains to kill some more boars using my new pickaxe I was able to take a few of them out no problem I was even able to do it without taking any damage I was going to have a full belly but I still had several things I needed

To accomplish before I could start exploring the Mountainside I needed to be quick though I didn’t know how long my dad could hold off the skeletons or worse or the god butcher whoever that is on day three I started clearing out an area for me to build my base of

Operations I’m sure we’ll take some time to find mjolnir so I need to make sure I have a good base to store all my gear as well as anything else I find along the way in addition to the wood I collected I also made sure I headed back over to

The mountain to get some more Stone as I would need it to help build my base and other supplies it looks like I’ve got everything I need time to start building my base of operations I started with a strong stone foundation and then used

Wood to fill out the rest of of it I wasn’t going to need anything huge to start with so this was going to work great I was inside my base when I suddenly heard a strange noise outside I walked outside to see what caused it and Loki appeared out of nowhere hello

Brother Loki what are you doing here I’m here to rescue you as always um I’m pretty sure I’ve never needed your help rescuing me I am definitely the one who does all the rescuing oh so you don’t want to know more about Joe Hammer I guess I won’t tell you anything

Then okay okay what do you know well there’s good news and bad news Asgard is safe for now oh good dad was able to defeat the skeletons not exactly the skeletons and Gore are no longer attacking Asgard because they were teleported to this realm now they’re looking for Millennial 2 as they believe

It will help them portal back to Asgard great so I don’t just have to find my hammer but I have to find it before a bunch of skeletons and a god butcher I don’t suppose you would like to help but instead of answering Loki turned and started to disappear you’re the God of

Thunder I’m sure you’ll be great bye and that is why you can never trust the god of Mischief on days four to five I decided I couldn’t waste any more time time so I started to explore the mountains I was hoping I would be able

To find someone who might have a clue to where my hammer could be I was walking through the forest when I came across a group of lumberjacks greetings Mortals I have a question for you The Lumberjacks didn’t look so good they were coming at me with an ax they were zombies whoa

There back off I used my stone ax to take out the first one who dropped an iron ax I then use that to take out the rest of them well those guys weren’t very helpful but even Lumberjacks had to have lived somewhere maybe there’s a

Village nearby on day six to eight I was running through the woods when I saw a village up ahead perfect someone there might be able to help me as I reached the outskirts of the village though I could tell something was off the village was completely deserted not only that

The buildings were run down and covered in cobwebs what happened here curious isn’t it Loki had come out of nowhere Loki where did you come from why are you being so weird and mysterious well it’s my brand after all and before you ask no I don’t know what happened here I’m

Actually just as confused as you are about what’s been going on well I’m gonna go take a look feel free to come along and help I headed into the villages saw lokia disappeared no surprise there I checked the first house and started looking in the chest but

They were full of cobwebs I kept looking and soon came across a chest with some wood planks inside well it’s nothing special but these could come in handy later I headed into another house and saw something floating above an anvil in the room ahead of me could that be my

Hammer I ran forward and picked it up it was just a normal iron oh shoot it’s just a regular Hammer but still it feels better to have this than nothing I’ll keep using this in the meantime I then made my way to the Mead Hall and checked

The chest next to the throne whoa check it out it’s full of gold I might be able to craft something useful with this later I then crawled onto the throne and thought about my dad and Asgard this would be a good place to rest hopefully I can find some more clues tomorrow on

Days nine to ten I woke up to the sound of something outside the Mead Hall I quickly ran to the stairs and looked over the balcony it’s Loki and he’s being followed by a game of skeletons I’ve got to help him I was about to rush down to fight when someone else suddenly

Appeared it looked like the elite skeleton guard and someone else was next to him Gore take him prisoner and search The Village his brother could be nearby I had just gotten a new weapon but there’s no way I could take on all of them in my

Current state all I could do was run into the storage room and hope they didn’t find me on day 11 I slowly made my way out of the storage room after what had felt like a lifetime I made my way up into the mountains where it started to snow heavily this weather is

Getting bad I better stop and make a camp for the night using the wood I had collected in the village I quickly made a small Hut to keep me safe when the HUD was finished I set up a campfire outside and sat down in front of it I know Loki

Is an oddball but he’s still my brother it’s not fair that he got captured I’m also not any closer to finding mjolnir I don’t think I can do this suddenly the Flames grew brighter and a vision of Odin appeared in the Flames myself do

Not lose hope you are a God but that is not what makes you great everyone has the gift of greatness within them but all people must choose what they will do with that gift you can let it guide you or you can hide it away God or not you

Can become what you wish to be but you must make the choice no one will make it for you I understand I I can work through this it will take time do you know anything of mjolnir if I’m going to be successful I have to stop Gore from

Getting his hands on the hammer everything has not been revealed to me but I know it is somewhere deep and somewhere dark you must take caution it is guarded by a creature in Chains take hearts and carry on you will find your way then just as suddenly as he appeared

Odin disappeared into the Flames okay I think I can do this somewhere deep and dark a dungeon maybe I’ll keep an eye out on Days 12 through 15 I left my camp and headed over the mountain pass I decided to keep searching the countryside in hopes of finding some

More clues as I made my way over the mountain I noticed a group of skeletons gathered in the distance I don’t see Gore the elite skeleton guard this must be a scouting party I decided to take these guys on and see if I could learn anything I came charging across the land

As the skeletons quickly turned and came at me this one is for my brother by using my new iron Hammer I was able to quickly take care of the first couple skeletons the other ones tried charging at me too but they were no match for my hammer skills as the last skeleton faded

I felt electricity start to course through my veins suddenly a bolt of lightning came from the sky and I turned into thunder strike a teenage version of myself whoa I’m no longer a baby and check it out now I have 10 Hearts I was so excited about my new upgrade I almost

Didn’t notice a map laying amongst the skeleton bones what’s this I picked it up and saw it was a map leading to where they were holding Loki it’s not a mapped mjolnir but at least I’ll be able to help Loki on days 16 to 19 I headed back

To my base to prepare I was sure they would have some serious fortifications guarding Loki and I needed to make sure I was ready for anything once I reached my base I got to work on building a forge area I needed to have a good workstation set up in order to make all

The gear I would need this Forge is looking great but I don’t have anything to make at it I’ll have to head into the mines to get properly geared I made my way down into a nearby Cave the Cave is filled with lava so I had to be careful

As I made my way down I quickly got to work and started grabbing everything I could find starting with some emeralds I’ve got something in mind for these emeralds but I’ll get to that later then I found some large chunks of gold as well as some iron this cave is full of

Massive war veins so I was able to get tons of supplies before I could finish mining everything though I heard a sound coming from the other end of the cave what is that I made my way over and saw a squad of skeleton assassins uh oh how

Did they find me I better take them out before they can tell their boss where my base is I have to be careful too those axes can kill me in one hit I made my way over to them and stuck to The High Ground using my hammer in the terrain I

Was able to keep them at Bay and finish them off it looks like I’m safe for now I better hurry and get up to the surface on days 20 to 22 I entered my Forge and started smelting the iron I had collected I needed to hurry and get

Things going so I could go look for Loki the iron was going to take some time to smelt though and given all the emeralds I had collected in the cave I had an idea yeah I would never admit this to him but one of my fellow Adventures has

More courage than anyone I’ve ever met I’m going to build a statue of him in hopes it can encourage me to overcome any obstacles in my way I was still the strongest but got to work on the build I wasn’t going to be able to completely finish it now but could certainly make

Some good progress my iron was going to be finished smelting soon so I decided to stop for the day but before I grab that I hope that you can help me out and hit subscribe ring the bell too because you’re not going to want to miss my next

Adventure and if you have any ideas of what my next adventure should be let me know in the comments with the iron complete I then put together a full set of iron armor leggings a helmet boots and a chest plate then I equipped everything all right it’s show time

Let’s go rescue Loki I grabbed the map and headed over the mountain I have no idea what could be waiting for me sure hope everything goes well on days 23-27 the map led me to the top of a Snowy Mountain where I could see a structure

Off in the distance that castle must be where they’re keeping Loki could this be where my hammer is located too oh no this isn’t deep and dark but maybe we can find a clue I headed into the castle and saw Loki was being kept inside of a

Magical cage it must have been stopping him from using his powers standing next to the cage though was the elite skeleton guard oh we knew you’d come looking for your brother you fell right into my trap I’m going to take you prisoner and then no one will stop there

Why is Gore doing this Dory to Godfather is here to do just that butcher the gods he doesn’t fear you or any God for that matter he’s going to find you a hammer and make a portal back to Asgard as God will burn along with you Odin and the

Rest of your people that will never happen I charge the skeleton guard with my iron hammer and we started to fight he was really strong but with my new armor and strength he couldn’t do much to me but I couldn’t fight him forever how was I going to get Loki out of that

Cage brother the lanterns as I continue to fight I noticed that there were two strangely colored lanterns hanging above Loki’s cage they must be powering the enchantment I managed to land a hard hit on the skeleton guard which gave me a moment to break the lanterns and bust

Loki out of his cage good luck taking on both of us Loki jumped into the fight and I could tell we were winning the skeleton guard didn’t stand a chance the skeleton guard took one final swing then turned around and ran away you better run you coward Loki how are you doing

I’m fine I had everything under control remind me again how you are always rescuing me huh you know what just for that you can walk back to the base yourself and just like that Loki teleported away I’ll take that as his way of saying thank you but yeah I

Better get back to the base from Days 28 to 32 I was heading back to the base when I saw someone up ahead on the mountain when I got closer I saw it was Hawkeye Clint what are you doing here I gotta be honest man I don’t know I was

At home one second then the next I was teleported into this Forest something about that process left me feeling weak that’s when a massive bear came out of nowhere and stole my bow can you believe that wow yeah that’s something did you see where it went I can help you get it

Back yeah yeah it’s off in that direction let’s go on days 33 to 36 we were searching through the forest when we saw the bear in the distance that bear over there is that the one yeah that’s the one what’s the deal with this universe are all the bears giant or

Something beats me I was teleported here too I’m looking for my hammer but I can fill you in on all the details later let’s go get your bow back we made our way over to the bear and started the fight Hawkeye was right this bear was no

Ordinary bear but with the help of my fellow Avenger we were able to take it down hey what’s the deal it didn’t drop my bow oh look there it is on a nearby Branch we could see Hawkeye’s bow I ran over and grabbed it then tossed it over

To him there you go buddy how are you feeling honestly not great the whole teleporting thing is new for me have you got a place to heal up I sure do follow me on days 37 to 40 we arrived back at the base it was going to be nice having

Someone I could trust around once he was feeling better I’m sure he would help me with my mission we got straight to work clearing a space for his Camp I told him I could build everything for him while he rests but he insisted that building a

Camp was rest to him just as long as we don’t have to fight any more giant bears we had soon cleared a good space and got to work on setting up his base we worked on the foundation then split off Hawkeye worked on the house while I worked on

The target practice range this base would give him everything he needed soon we were finished hey thanks for getting me all set up no problem I hope you can get feeling better soon I could really use your help yeah man absolutely by the way I know that you started building a

Statue of the strongest Avenger second strongest but go on yeah right I noticed you need some more materials I’ve got some purple wool that should work perfect that would be great Clint and I then got to work on the next part of the statue strongest Avenger surely he

Didn’t mean to say that and even if he did he’s definitely got to be the only one who thinks it soon we had finished the second part thanks for your help Clint I was standing at the base of the statue admiring our work when Loki ran

Up and shoved me hey what was that for did you forget I was here do you really think I want to stay in the same house as you he had a good point I didn’t want to share a room with him either so we headed around to the back of my house

And built out an extension for Loki to stay in I made sure to include everything he would need so he wouldn’t have to bug me after a while it was all done on days 41 to 43 I met Hawkeye at a shooting range he told me there was

Something he needed to talk to me about hey what’s up how are you feeling feeling good I’m not 100 but I remember something that I think would be useful it sounds like you’ve got quite the battle ahead of you so we’re gonna need all the help we can get when I was

Coming through the portal I remember catching a glimpse of that kid Peter Parker he might have landed somewhere in this world too oh yes spider boy I’ll go look for him Spider-Man but he okay he’s gone I’m not everyone was getting teleported here but Hawkeye was right I could use all

The help I could get soon I had made it back to the forest and started looking around Parker Spider-Boy I checked all over the place but couldn’t find him anywhere the sun was starting to set though so I decided to make a camp for the night I finished setting up my tent

And settled into my bed in the middle of the night though I heard a horrible noise when I got up it was a bunch of spiders oh gross get out of here I managed to fight off the spiders before they could do any real harm but where

Did they come from maybe Parker is nearby on days 44 to 49 I headed into the woods to see if I could find anything I soon saw a bunch of webs which were leading deeper into the forest I can follow these webs maybe Parker will be at the end of them as I

Followed them I soon saw they led to a cave as they came to the cave I couldn’t believe what I was seeing look at all these spiders and look there’s a giant one in there I’ve got to take care of this guy before he finds my base I

Rushed into the cave to take him out when Spider-Man dropped down from the ceiling whoa whoa Mr Thor hang on a second Spider-Boy I’ve been looking for you uh it’s Spider-Man actually but don’t hurt the spider he’s a good guy a good guy why did you send your minion is

After me in the forest yeah he’s sorry about that he thought you might be working for Gore I asked him when he knew about Gore and he explained he didn’t know where he was where mjolnir was he did have some information for us though the portals that we’re bringing

Everyone here they were actually created by Loki Loki I knew I couldn’t trust him he’s trying to rule over Asgard again the spider explained that he felt bad for sending his spiders after me and had an item that might help he reached into a nearby chest and threw a weapon over

To me whoa this is another right Destroyer this thing will pack a serious punch it’s not as powerful as mjolnir but I don’t think anything else is as strong as this I think the spider for his help and invited Spider-Man back to my base I was going to need some help

Dealing with this Loki situation on days 50 to 53 Spider-Man and I arrived back at the base and headed straight for Loki’s house we checked downstairs but didn’t see him we headed upstairs and he wasn’t up there either as we ran back outside we almost ran into him oh I’m

Sorry is it rude to knock before you enter now Loki enough of your tricks I know you brought Gore here and are pulling everyone from their worlds you’re not going to overthrow Odin and you’ll never rule Asgard okay can you take a breath and let me explain it’s

True that I made everyone teleport here but it’s not what I was trying to do so what were you trying to do I thought it would be a funny prank to scare you with an illusion of Gore but something went wrong with the spell causing the real

Gore to show up I thought bringing your Avenger friends in could help you solve the problem who else did you bring here why so angry aren’t you excited to see all your friends again really I’m doing you a favor Loki who else that little rabbit guy you like so much rabbit I

Think he means rocking the raccoon sir oh right where is he he’s somewhere in the savannah he shouldn’t be too hard to find feeling frustrated with Loki I needed to do something to calm down and decide to get to work building Spider-Man a place to live Spider-Man

Wanted to help too so we worked together to build him a nice Cottage he said it was nice to get out of the city for a while even though there were still bad guys around we soon finished the house wow thanks Mr Thor this place looks awesome after he had finished checking

Out the house I saw Spider-Man looking at the Hulk statue impressive isn’t it it is Mr Banner is so smart he’s the strongest of us too so it makes sense you’d want to make a statue of him I couldn’t believe what I was hearing the strongest why was everyone saying that

Um here how about you help me finish the next part take some emeralds and give me a hand Spider-Man and I got to work on the next part of the statue maybe I was being too prideful thinking I was the strongest nah that couldn’t be it we

Soon finished the next part of the statue it was nearly finished on days 54-57 I headed off to the Savannah to try and find rocket I couldn’t focus on anything else knowing that one of my friends might be in trouble before long I saw a rocket trapped on a hill

Surrounded by skeletons including the elite skeleton guard come on down we aren’t going to hurt you what are you nuts give me that little sword of yours and then maybe we can talk rocket always talk tough but I could tell when he needed help I jumped out for my Hiding

Place hey over here the skeleton guard looked over and as I got closer some of his soldiers attacked it was no use though my new netherite Hammer could take them out in a single hit the other ones were so scared they didn’t dare try to attack me you again you think that

New Hammer is going to let you defeat me you’re nothing without mildeer I’ll show you I left into battle and hit him with my hammer even though I had gotten stronger he was still extremely powerful he was so strong he brought me down to just three hurts Time to Say Goodbye as

God will fall you’ll never take my home I rose up in Fury and hit him as hard as I could after a couple of swings he was down hey nice going no wonder everyone thinks you’re the strongest Avenger thank you I’m glad someone here still has their head on straight it’s good to

See you rocket yeah yeah good to see you too pal say you’re looking for your Hammer right before that skeleton Brew got me cornered I heard him laughing with his men I guess one of their scouting parties had located the hammer he said it was so close to you but you’d

Never find it he said it was under your feet this whole time under our feet I did run into one of his scouting parties in a cave under our base it must be under my base come on Rocket let’s get you back with the others on days 58-62 I

Got to work building a base for Rocket I needed to start mining Down Under the base but I had to get rocket set up first I always want to treat my friends right once the house was finished rocket called out for me to head inside once I

Got inside I saw he had set up an enchanting table here buddy take this lapis I stole off the skeletons you can use it to upgrade that armor of yours using the lapis I went about enchanting all of my arm I didn’t have the highest

Levels yet but even just a little bit of enchantments can make a difference I ended up giving each piece of armor different types of protection enchantments thanks rocket I’m feeling more protected already I then headed outside to go to the mines but pause to look at the unfinished statue well I’m

Down there it’ll be good if I can find some more emeralds there’s still a lot more building to go on day 63 to 66 I headed back into the caves I had been mining in earlier I moved further into the cave system and saw there was a tunnel leading even deeper I can’t

Believe I came down here before and didn’t notice this as I headed further down I came across a group of cave centipedes I jumped forward and started attacking them out of my way you fishy cave crawlers I managed to land some strong blows and take them all out

That’s when I noticed there’s an entrance to a mine shaft a mine shaft all the way down here I’ve got to be getting close I made my way into the small passage and ran into another group of cave centipedes I took them out as quickly as I could so I could keep

Pushing ahead soon I saw a bigger room before me and there was something written on the wall what could it be Could It Be The Greatest Secret the world has ever known subscribe hmm it’s not my hammer but definitely a good idea if anyone is watching this I’d say go

Ahead and give it a try it is free after all on day 67 to 70 I entered a new part of the mine shaft upon looking around I saw that the passage was littered with skulls and skeletons yikes it looks like I’m not the first person who tried to

Get through these caves I wonder what they were looking for I moved further along and was suddenly attacked by a group of cave creepers oh no I can’t risk getting blown up I had to be very careful as the creepers could explode at any second by hitting them with my

Hammer and jumping back I managed to take the ball out without hurting myself too bad whew that was a close one I better pick up all this gunpowder it could come in handy with the creepers out of the way I kept moving through the tunnel eventually I saw a chest and went

Over to open it up holy cow look at all these emeralds this must be what the previous explorers were looking for there’s a lot here but I’ll need even more if I’m going to finish my statue on day 71-74 I continued even further into the cave surely mjolnir would be down

Here suddenly I walked into a huge room with a minecart path snaking its way down to the bottom of the room whoa I’ve got to be getting close now I followed the path until I came to a large gap it was a long drop to the bottom so I

Carefully placed blocks across the Gap once I was across I jumped down to the other side further ahead I came across another group of skeletons more of these guys huh makes me nervous as to what’s ahead just then I heard a terrifying sound and turned to see a massive cave

Badger come charging right at me could this be what was killing the Explorers oh man if I’m not careful this thing is Gonna Knock me over the edge I can’t fly without my hammer I’ll fall like that definitely wouldn’t be good for me the badger was ferocious and almost knocked

Me off the edge several times but in the end he was the one who got knocked off have a nice trip on day 75 to 78 I came to what I could tell was the end of the tunnel as I made my way down the tracks

I could see something huge at the bottom a creature in Chains I found the deep dark that Odin mentioned and this must be the creature in Chains mjolnir must be close I descended to the bottom of the room and noticed there were some massive Emerald deposits given Odin’s

Warning I needed to be extra careful not to disturb this creature but getting all the emeralds I needed for my build was too good to pass up if I’m really careful I’m sure he won’t notice if I take just a few blocks I peeked into a nearby crate and snagged a few golden

Apples then I started to mine some Emerald blocks as I started to mine though I heard a terrible noise and the creature began to shake the chains began crunching and clanging and the massive Beast started to break loose I was in trouble now he let out a deep growl and

Broke loose from the chains oh boy this is gonna be my toughest fight yet he let out another Roar and attacked me this guy was no joke his hits did some major damage and after no time at all I was already having to eat my golden apples

Oh I don’t know if I can win this one this guy is so strong the giant managed to get a few more hits on me but I kept sneaking in some blows of my own I kept thinking of everything I had at stake I had to win I gave it everything I had

And managed to take him out whoa I can’t believe I did it that was way too close on day 79-84 I noticed that the giant had been chained in front of a large door there didn’t seem to be any way in but I had an idea I headed over to a

Nearby enclave and dug up some blocks of sand while I was over there I helped myself to some Emerald blocks as well there’s no problem with me grabbing these now with the sand collected I put down a crafting table and made myself some TNT using the gunpowder I had

Collected from the creepers I also made myself a lever so I could light it off then I placed the blocks down and flipped the switch here goes nothing the TNT blew a hole in the door and I made my way into the tunnel behind it after a

Short walk to the end of the tunnel I saw a huge crater in the ground and mjolnir was at the bottom at long last I found it I can barely believe it I quickly made my way down the ladder and up to the Anvil mjolnir flew into my

Hands I jumped to the top of the Anvil and felt the electricity flowing through my veins there was a bolt of lightning and I turned back into the adult version of myself at last I’m all powered up Gore isn’t gonna know what hit him on

Days 85 to 89 I decided I needed to test out my new powers alright mjolnir let’s fly through the Lurch I launched myself up into the air and out of the pit I soon made my way back into the large room the stack of emeralds from a 4 were

Still sitting there so I mined out the rest of the emeralds I needed to finish the statue once I had collected those I used mjolnir to launch me into the sky and fly to the top of the minecart tracks I’ll be out of here in no time as

I was leaving I came across some of the mobs thought earlier let’s see how you handle this I am to the creeper and let mjolnir loose it flew through the air striking the creeper and then finished it off at close range using my new abilities I continue to fight my way out

Of the tunnel killing mobs with a combination of close and long range hits once I was nearing the top of the tunnel I came across some diamonds great I can upgrade my armor using this I’d mined out as many diamonds as I could get then finally ascended out of the cave on days

90 to 94 I came out of the cave and couldn’t believe what I was seeing sitting in the middle of our settlement was The Avengers Tower I saw my friends grouped outside and ran up to them whoa guys what’s going on I may have forgotten to mention it I also

Teleported Doctor Strange here greetings I thought you could use all the help you could get I’ve been working on portals to get everyone back but it looks like I can only pull things in as long as Gore is still around I figured I would pull the resource of the Avengers Tower in to

Help with the fight yeah absolutely once you’re settled come pay each of us a visit using the resources in the tower we all managed to get something that should help you in the final battle we’ll talk soon on days 95 to 96 I headed straight to my forage start

Crafting my diamond armor I brought the diamonds to my Anvil and by using mjolnir I was able to craft myself a full set of diamond armor with my diamond armor complete I better go check with everyone to see what else they were able to find but before I could walk off

Hawkeye walked up to me I know you were gonna come see me but since you’re working on your armor thought I’d bring this to you now Hawkeye tossed out a handful of netherite ingots whoa this is even better I’ll get upgrading right away as I upgraded my diamond to

Netherite Hawkeye explained that he had found all of it inside the Avengers Tower it’s a good thing Doctor Strange was here to help with all of my armor upgraded I headed over to Rocket’s house hey buddy what have you got for me you are in luck I went digging through the

Tower and managed to scrounge up some more lapis for enchants this ought to help beef up that new armor of yours I took the lapis and got to work enchanting my new armor rocket was right these enchantments were going to make a massive difference in the fight against

Gore with my armor fully Enchanted I then headed over to Spider-Man’s house oh hey Mr Thor wow I’m so glad you’re here I checked out the labs in the tower and would you believe it they were full of Brewing ingredients I managed to put together some potions I hope you’ll find

Them helpful Spider-Man threw out of speed fire resistance and health he was right these would definitely be helpful from there I headed out to find Doctor Strange and thank him for all of his help to my surprise he came flying down from the tower and landed right in front

Of me interesting choice for a statue I thought you would have chosen the strongest Avenger well it would have been a little strange to make a statue of myself a view I was referring to me what Doctor Strange let out a chuckle toss me some emeralds and I’ll give you

A hand in finishing this thing I threw him some emeralds and we both flew to the top of the statue Doctor Strange flew around and placed blocks well I jumped around and placed my blocks I guess a part of me was grateful lokia teleported all my friends here it was

Nice to see them again it was just too bad my buddy hope couldn’t actually be here and just like that the statue was done after everything was done I found myself standing by the base and heard a familiar voice in my head suddenly a stream of green power

Articles appeared around me and I gained 10 more Hearts maybe Hulk had been here all along after all on days 97 to 98 I had finished my preparations so I met back up with everyone outside my house I still had to see what Loki had prepared

For me as I walked up I saw one of his green portals sparkling next to him oh brother I must say that I have the best gift for you at all a portal that leads directly to goal’s base thank you Loki I know everyone here wants to help but

This is something I have to do on my own you’ve all been amazing friends if I don’t make it find a way to stop Gore and save Asgard I took a deep breath and stepped into the portal on day 99 I appeared on the other side of the portal

At the entrance to Gore’s base I was getting ready to enter when I had the sneaking suspicion something was behind me whoa what’s that some lightning crashed and a huge subscribe was floating in the sky man I feel like this word keeps following me around oh well I

Guess it’s just a sign that is heavily suggesting something that someone should do I don’t know about you but I’d listen to it I mean look at all that lightning but this was no ordinary sign and that was no ordinary Lightning as I walked into Gore’s Palace I could feel

Something was different I could see Gore up ahead but first I had to get through his band of skeletons by the power of Thor eat lightning I threw mjolnir and the nearest skeleton was immediately struck by lightning my full Powers were finally unlocked the skeletons gave me

Everything they had but none of them could stop me I used every attack I had throwing mjolnir hitting them with lightning and striking them at close range soon all of the skeletons were defeated and only Gore and I remained on day 100 I stood face to face with Gore

You tried but it’s over now without warning or attacked clearly he didn’t have time for monologues why are you doing this what do you have to gain by attacking Asgard it’s not just Asgard it’s all the gods they’re all the same they only care about one thing Gore was

Enraged and I was having trouble holding him off one thing and what’s that themselves war was really starting to do some damage now we kept fighting and I was able to get some hits in but his hits were harder and harder I was getting down to just a few Hearts I

Would offer you Mercy but you don’t deserve it the people of Asgard need to be free from you my hearts were nearly gone maybe he was right I should have asked for help in this fight why was I so prideful in wanting to do it alone I

Only had half of a heart left and couldn’t fight anymore final words just then I heard a sound behind and a green portal appeared Loki Spider-Man and Rocket came running through what do you actually think we’d let you have all the fun without us we’re here to help sir

Look here I am rescuing you again everyone lined up around me Gore wasn’t right about me at all I’ve always cared about my friends let’s do this we all started to attack Gore I threw my hammer Spider-Man Unleashed his webs rocket shot his rockets and Loki hit him with a scepter

That’s because I have something worth fighting for we kept a fire attacks and I could tell Gore no longer stood a chance with a house swing of my hammer he was defeated good work everyone we did it now let’s get out of here Loki opened a portal and we ran back through

Once I had arrived back everyone was waiting for me DR Strange had opened another portal that would send everyone home as everyone jumped into the portal and was sent back to their worlds I thanked them for their friendship everyone chose greatness today and I can’t think of a better group of friends

On day one I spawned in as the Hulk oh yeah look at me I’m incredibly tiny I was small but I could still punch pretty hard and jump pretty high before I could spend too much time admiring my abilities though I was attacked by a bunch of baboons get away from me you

Mad monkeys I thought about running away but wait I was the Hulk I started swinging my fists in no time I had pounded the baboons into the ground bet you thought this little green guy was an easy dinner I decided to go looking for my friends as I was exploring I came

Across a village while walking the streets I noticed that it was empty and several of the buildings had been damaged wow I wonder what happened here I kept exploring but couldn’t find any survivors so I found myself a good house and went to sleep for the night on day

Two I left the village and entered a nearby Forest time to start punching trees I punched down trees until my fists were starting to hurt then set up a crafting table to make myself some wooden tools I made all the tools I was going to need then headed over to a

Nearby cave wood can only get me so far better get some Stone in the cave I managed to find some coal along with plenty of stone as I was mining though I suddenly heard a noise behind me the little boy ran off into the cave he had

Totally caught me off guard hang on a second come back here I ran off in the direction he had gone and soon caught up with it that’s when I saw a skeleton was trying to attack him hang tight with my Hulk strength I managed to take him out

Then I turned to the little boy please don’t eat me eat you why would I eat you so you’re not gonna eat me no of course not I don’t want to hurt anyone what are you doing down here in this cave a big monster came to our village and

Destroyed it my mom told me to hide in this cave the monster reminded me of you but I guess you’re not as big as he was like me huh that’s confusing but do you think it’s safe to go back to the Village I didn’t want to break it to

This kid that the village had been completely wiped out so I didn’t it’s still pretty scary out there so our best bet is just to stay here in the cave we can go look for your family tomorrow on day three the boy whose name was Nash

And I headed back to the Village this was going to be awkward Nash showed me to his house but it was completely destroyed he was feeling really sad when suddenly we heard a cry from the inside someone is in here I ran over to a pile

Of rubble and underneath I could see a pair of eyes it’s Mila that’s my big sister it quickly cleared out all of the blocks letting the little girl out of the rubble are you okay what happened here uh I think I’m okay it was a green

Monster that attacked us he was big and scary kind of like you but he didn’t have friendly eyes he ran around our town destroying everyone and everything in front of him our house collapsed so I don’t know if my parents escaped or not sorry to hear it how long has it been I

Don’t know days have gone by since I’ve been under here just then we heard a howl and a group of pharaoh wolves appeared they must have been Scavenging in the abandoned Village hang on kids I’ll take care of this I sprang into action hitting the Wolves they were

Vicious as they snapped with their fangs but I wasn’t going to let them hurt these poor kids soon enough I had taken several of them out it wasn’t enough though as I could hear some more wolves off in the distance come on guys I don’t

Think I can fight all of them off let’s get out of here we ran from the village until we were a safe distance away it was time to start building us a shelter first off I put together a full set of stone tools so I’d have the equipment

Needed to get any job done then I got to work building a simple house for us stand it wasn’t anything fancy as we needed something quick but at least for now it was a place to call home once the house was finished I then made several torches and put them outside to stop

Mops from spawning we had survived another day but who knew what surprises were coming next on days four to five I left the kids at the house and went to go look for some food we weren’t going to last out here if we didn’t have something to eat oh look pigs I had

Spotted some pigs so I rushed over and attacked them I quickly knocked them all out and collected all of their meat just then black panther came out of the trees t’challa what are you doing out here Tiara is a beast that has been destroying the villages in the area they

Call him Abomination I have tried to face it myself but he was too powerful oh man if you can’t beat him how can I I’m so small you know there is a cave near here that contains something I think might help you he explained where

I needed to go and so I set off to find what he was talking about after a bit I soon found the cave he was describing as I entered in I saw what he was talking about it was gamma radiation this is what made the Hulk in the first place I

Stepped up to it and immediately started to absorb the radio Asian I could feel it entering my bloodstream when suddenly I grew bigger and stronger than before awesome I feel like I could beat anything right now speaking of which there was a Roar as a zoglin had just

Shown up he must have been absorbing the radiation too let’s try these new powers out but much to my disappointment he was really strong I was losing the fight I was taking too much damage and had no choice but to hurry and run away on day

Six eight I had arrived back at the house that’s when I realized I had eaten all the meat I was supposed to bring home oh man the kids are probably hungry I turned around and headed back out luckily it didn’t take too long and I quickly found some chickens this will

Make a great meal for the kids I then headed into a nearby mine to try and find some better materials as I went deeper into the mine I soon came across some iron yes now I can finally stop using these stone tools with my pockets

Full of iron I headed back to the house for good this time as I entered the house the kids were really impressed with how much bigger I had gotten Unfortunately they were less impressed with eating raw meat that’s a good point let me fix that I got Right to Work

Adding on a kitchen to the house I’m not sure why I thought feeding them raw meat would be a good idea I guess I’m just used to being able to eat whatever I want with the kitchen complete I got the chicken all cooked up now the kids would

Be able to have a decent meal the food all sorted out I then started smelting down the iron ore using my new iron bars I made myself a brand spanking new set of iron tools which would be way better than my stone ones then I got to it

Making some iron armor I wasn’t able to make a full set I wasn’t sure it would be strong enough to take on Abomination but it would be better than nothing that’s when I realized that none of us had a place to sleep I then made the kids their own bedrooms complete with

Beds in their favorite colors on days nine to ten I woke up to a knock on the door it was Black Panther how are you feeling about your powers now Abomination is nearby perhaps together we can defeat it yeah together I’m sure we’ll have a chance I followed black

Panther out and across the land we soon arrived at a seaside village I could see Abomination rampaging through the town destroying people in buildings alike oh man he’s bigger than I thought he would be this isn’t going to be an easy fight we couldn’t let him to continue to hurt

These innocent people though so I charged down into the village straight at Abomination leave these people alone Abomination turned and hit me hard ouch I don’t care how much you hurt me I’ll never stop fighting you get out of here you live experiment I don’t have time

For pests like you kept fighting but it was clear I didn’t have a chance just as Abomination was ready to finish me off black panther hopped into the fight he was able to get a few hits in but it wasn’t enough to stop Abomination he was

Just too strong the two of us ran off as Abomination continued his Rampage through the village we had both nearly been defeated and t’challa was nearly on the verge of death luckily we made it out of there alive on days 11 to 12 we arrived back at my base t’challa let me

Make a room for you to heal up I quickly got to work making him a fresh new room so he could relax and get his health back up I soon finished the build and t’challa was able to move in the kids had run in to see him and were very

Excited apparently they thought he was their new kitty t’challa was not amused hang out here guys I’ll see about getting us some food I started to leave the house eating our last bit of meat in the distance I could hear some spiders I better take those out before they get

Too close to the base as soon as Came Upon the spiders and managed to fight them off without too much trouble as they picked up the string they dropped it gave me an idea if I had some leads I could get some pigs and raise them at

The house luckily I soon came across some slime I thought the Slime destroying all of its parts I picked up the Slime balls they dropped and then used the ingredients to craft some leads time to go pig wrestling I went searching through the woods and eventually found the pigs I was looking

For using the newly created leads I led them back to the base I then LED them into a pen that I had built earlier finally now there will be enough meat for everyone I wanted to be sure we had some variety though so I brought some grass to get seeds I’d also gathered

Some water in a bucket so I was all ready to build a farm I tilled the ground and placed the water which then let me plant the seeds I had collected this base is really starting to come along the only thing I was missing at

This point was a statue to really put my mark on the place since I was so busy with food I thought I would make it my favorite food you’ll have to let me know if you can guess what it is once I had finished the first part it had gotten

Pretty late and I could see some creepers had started spawning near the base I better take care of that before they blow everyone to bits headed down to the base and knocked out all the creepers fighting them was always scary business but I managed should knock them

All out without too much trouble on days 13 to 15 I decided that I needed to focus on getting more powerful but I wasn’t sure where to start just then there was a knock on the door Tony what are you doing here I was flying over and

Saw the statue you were building who else would build that other than you figured I’d stop in and say hello boy Tony you really dropped in at the right time this Abomination has been rampaging through the towns here and I’m not strong enough to stop him oh well I know

What you mean I’ve had a few scrapes of my own I wasn’t sure I was going to get out of what have you got so far well I came across some gamma radiation that powered me up but that’s about it what are you wasting your time with me for

That’s your answer right there surely there’s more radiation points out there you think so but how could we find them bring me some dirt from the cave with that I can build you a detector that will lead you to new deposits piece of cake I agreed to the plan but there’s

Just one problem that zoglin would still be there I decided to head back to the caves in order to get some more iron with the new Iron I collected I brought it back up and smelted it down using the iron ingots I completed the rest of my

Armor alright let’s give this thing a go I soon reached the cave from before I think my best bet is going to be trying to sneak week I tiptoed into the cave and saw the perfect block for a dirt sample I quickly mined it up without any

Movement by the zoglin looks like I might just make it out of here alive just then I noticed there were some diamonds nearby it was too good to pass up I headed over to the diamond and mined it out but unfortunately it woke up the zoglin oh boy here we go zoglin

Let out a Roar and attacked I was the same level of strength as last time but I didn’t have this much armor back then zoglin was still incredibly powerful and it was a tough fight thanks to my new gear I was able to take him out and win

On days 16 to 19 I managed to make it back to the base with a sample Tony needed a lab to work out of and had gotten to work putting it all together there was some pretty cool stuff going on in there and after a while it was all

Done wow this lab is looking awesome with the lab complete Tony could start working on that radiation detector I could tell he was going to be here for a while though so I got to work building him a house of his own it probably wasn’t the mansion He was used to but he

Would just have to get used to it as I was finishing the house Tony came running over to me he had finished the radiation detector ah Tony this is gonna help so much thank you it was time to get out there and become even more

Powerful on days 20 to 22 I had the detector in my hand and started running off through the woods as I ran I almost ran straight into a woodland Mansion huh the gamma must be underneath this Mansion I’ll have to keep my guard up though this place is dangerous I walked

Into the mansion and took a look around as I walked down the hallways I was immediately attacked by illegers don’t mind me it’s just a casual breaking and entering the villagers started firing off their arrows and it ran around giving him the old one too it was tough

But luckily my iron armor was doing enough to protect me and kept pushing my way through fighting the illagers off as I went eventually I saw a chest room and started taking a look inside oh wow these materials will be perfect for my statue what left I checked more chests

And found even more materials in the chest as I passed around the room I saw something floating on a pedestal power gloves I’ll bet I can punch super hard now I kept following the tracker and came across more illagers using my new Power Glove I was able to knock them out

Much faster than before boy am I glad I found this thing as I continued down the hallway I soon saw a very strange looking set of stairs this must be the place as I reached the bottom I saw a massive warped mosquito hi wanna move suddenly the mosquito took flight in

Charge this dude had clearly been hitting the gym and his punches were powerful I had to do a lot of running and hiding to try and stay in the fight oh mosquitoes were already bad enough why is this one so much worse in addition to his punches he also shot a

Gross looking liquid at me I had to end this and fast using the plant’s cover and managed to jump out and get hits it it took a lot of effort but eventually I was able to take him out now that is how you squish a bug with the mosquito gone

I headed into the doorway and could see the gamma inside I stood in place as I absorbed its energy suddenly I got a little bigger and gained more Hearts yes this will never get old as I was getting ready to leave the Mansion I caught the

Scent of a nearby Farm but it was inside I went down the hallway and saw a room full of carrots well the villagers aren’t going to be needing this anymore I gather up as many carrots as I could now we’d have a more reliable food

Source time to get back to the base on days 23 to 26 I got Right to Work planting all the crops I had gotten from the villagers as I was finishing I heard black panther calling to me well we don’t have more radiation for you perhaps we can train you to get you

Stronger well I’m sure every little bit will help I’m in I headed out behind the house and got to work building a new training course according to t’challa’s instructions it was looking like it would be a fun course but certainly challenging once the course was complete

T’challa ran through it to show me how it’s done he made it look really easy all right I’ll give it a go I did my best to run through but definitely made some mistakes this was going to take some practice to get better after giving it a few tries t’challa suggested that

We try fighting I hope you’ve got your armor on tight I’m gonna smash you we faced off and started to fight I was really strong but I think that was my mistake the Black Panther was an experienced fighter and was able to get more hits in in the end he was able to

Defeat me oh man looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do do not worry even the smallest seeds can become a mighty three you will get there on days 27-31 I was feeling especially motivated to get stronger I decided to start looking for some more radiation stations okay let’s

See where this thing leads me this time I followed the radiation detector across the land and eventually reached a snowy Tundra it looks like it’s pointing me to this cave over here I didn’t see any green glowing but maybe it was just deep within I headed deeper into the cave

Suddenly I was attacked by a bunch of diamond zombies leave me alone I was able to beat them back but they were much tougher than I thought I needed that radiation boost more than I realized I kept going and ran into a whole group of diamond skeletons too

Luckily some of them shot each other so they ended up fighting amongst themselves while I took them out I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have a brain the good news was that I was able to spot some diamonds which I happily mined out well this doesn’t make

Me stronger physically but it will definitely give me a leg up and a fight with all the diamonds mined I headed back up out of the cave before I could get too far though I heard a noise behind me it was a Yeti uh oh these guys

Are strong Yeti and I started to fight I was right his blows were Landing some hard hits I wasn’t sure I could take him but I had to be strong couldn’t leave those kids behind I rose up and started Landing blows I could tell I was going

To win I only needed to land one more hit when suddenly the yeti let out a nice attack freezing me in place he was hurt and ran away to go heal this is not good on days 32-35 I was still frozen luckily the ice was starting to melt and

I was able to break free well it’s a good thing that Yeti left now where was I I followed my radiation detector which soon led me to another cave but look who it was that Yeti I know I can beat him but he’s probably just going to freeze

Me again but I need that power I moved closer to him but before I could start to fight he spoke wait wait don’t hurt me I thought you were the Abomination I could see that you’re different though I try to be what do you know about him not

Much other than he destroyed my Village everyone I know was lost in the battle and I’m the only one of my kind left what a monster why do you think he attacked your village well my Village was near gamma radiation Source like the one in this cave my best guess is that

He was trying to get to it oh no it must power him up too I forgot to get to the radiation before he does he has to be stopped I’ve been watching this cave to try and stop him in case he shows up but

I trust you to stop him I’ll let you in but be warned there’s a monster even more powerful inside I’ll take my chances I headed into the cave soon I saw what the yeti had been talking about inside there was a ghost Mage uh oh here

We go the ghost Mage charge to me he wasn’t going to make this easy he looked like he had been waiting here a little too long I’d be upset too if I didn’t have any legs but hey at least you could levitate get out of my way I swung as

Hard as I could and at long last the ghost Mage Was Defeated now I could finally access the radiation I stepped up to it and could feel the power enter into me soon I was even stronger than before oh yeah that’s the good stuff as

I left the cave I invited the yeti to come and stay with us since his village was destroyed and he no longer had a reason to guard the cave he happily agreed on days 36 to 39 I got Right to Work building the yeti his own room

Turned out he used to live in a world full of monsters where he would help in their mail room he said he got banished to our world it was all politics poor guy with the Yeti’s room complete I decided to give the base some more upgrades to make it a little safer we

Needed to beef up our defenses just in case Obama Nation ever found us once the defenses were all completed I was starting to get hungry that’s when I headed over to continue work on my statue right at this point you’ve probably got a good idea of what my

Favorite food is leave your guesses in the comments after a bit I had finished the second part that’s when Black Panther came running up to me he said he was impressed by how much bigger I had gotten he said there was still a lot more work I had to do though and invited

Me to do the obstacle course again I would but I’m just not very good at it it’s hard to do an obstacle course when there are so many other things I’m trying to get done I understand but it will help you if you can complete the

Course I have an item I believe will help oh I like the sound of that I’ll have to keep training then I ran over to the obstacle course and got to work it was so hard but I felt like I was doing even better than before black panther

Encouraged me even when I fell off and had to try again I wasn’t able to beat it today but soon enough I would have to win that prize on days 40 to 43 I tried to use my radiation detector to find more gamma but it wasn’t working oh man

What’s up with this thing I headed over to Tony and asked him what was going on with it he explained that I must have found all the gamma radiation within range of the detector so how can we expand and the range Tony told me to wait there and headed into his plane

When he returned he tossed out some Eyes of Ender and told me I needed to get some ender pearls oh boy this isn’t gonna be easy I thanked him for his help and started searching for the end portal my journey led me across the land at one

Point I even came across some diamonds which I was able to use to finish up an entire set of diamond armor I’m going to need this in the end for sure it took a lot of searching but eventually I made it into the stronghold and soon found

Myself outside the end portal I inserted The Eyes of Ender well here goes nothing I jumped in on days 44-49 I appeared in the end let’s get those ender pearls there were several Enderman nearby and I got Right to Work chopping them down these guys were really scary when you

Looked them in the eyes but you just had to be brave I ended up getting into more than I asked for though and was soon surrounded by them how was it going to get out of this one suddenly there was a sound above me and the Scarlet Witch

Came flying into hell together we were able to take out the rest of the Enderman oh you showed up just in time I thought I was a goner always happy to help a friend do you know what’s going on with the Enderman though I noticed that not a single one of them dropped

Any ender pearls I have no notice this as well yes there is something going on but I don’t know what it is yet well let’s stick together and maybe we can figure this out she agreed and we continued on through the end nearby there was an entity so we went to check

It out as we got closer we saw something terrifying look at that Enderman he’s bigger than all of the others we charged in and started to fight this Enderman was unlike anything I had ever seen before he had four arms and would clap them together trying to smash me in them

He would also pick up and throw blocks at me as well as teleport around this battle was really tough with the Scarlet Witch’s help though we finally managed to take him out he let out a shriek and exploded in a display of Enderman goop it was pretty intense and look an ender

Pearl the giant Enderman had left a single Pearl behind the Scarlet Witch told me I should take it as she had more research she wanted to do in the end she opened up a portal for me to return to the Overworld so I stepped in to head

Home on days 50 to 53 I arrived back at my base safely back home I went over to Tony to give him the ender pearl ad collected he thanked me and got Right to Work improving the gamma radiation detector suddenly there was a sound outside what was that as I got closer to

The sound of the noise I saw that some Endermen were there Scarlet Witch must have left the portal open too long I heard to defend the base from the Enderman knocking them out one at a time once they were defeated Scarlet Witch came through the portal oh I am sorry

About that I have been in the end for so long I forgot to close my portal that’s okay good luck with your research she thanked me and headed back into the end on days 54-57 I decided to go find Black Panther to do some training what I found

Instead though was a note meet me in the woods North huh I wonder what he’s up to this time I went North and soon found black panther as well as a giant circle of stones what’s this all about pay attention this sucker will summon a mystical monster defeated and you will

Receive a special item I stepped into the ring and soon a Magma monster appeared he didn’t seem like he was too tough and that’s because he wasn’t I jumped around and managed to take him out pretty easily is that all you wanted me to do that was easy doing around I

Turned around and saw a much bigger Magma monster uh oh this guy was way stronger than the other one when I was taking a beating right into Charlie just have me fight this guy the first time I felt like my training was paying off though and soon I was winning I got into

Position and managed to land the final blow taking him out completely got him all right now where’s that special reward or is there another monster behind me black panther chuckled and suddenly a ring of fire appeared in the arena I stepped into it and picked up an enchanted pair of diamond boots wow

These have feather falling four on them now I can survive huge Falls I think t’challa for his help then left to go back to the base on days 58-62 I was arriving back to the base when I saw someone standing on top of it who is

That as I got closer I could see it was the Red Hulk hey what do you think you’re doing here the Abomination knows what you’re doing there’s only enough room for one big green guy in this world and that’s not you we’ll see about that we charged into the base but we’re

Suddenly attacked by a group of red crabs what the where did all of these guys come from the crabs weren’t very strong but there were a lot of them we were so distracted by the crabs we didn’t notice Red Hulk had snuck around the walls and into Tony’s lab we soon

Defeated all the crabs there was one question on our minds where did Red Hulk go we ran around the base and soon saw the house he had to run into he had managed to break into the lab Tony quickly ran around to check if anything

Was stolen bad news Big Guy the game a radiation detector is gone oh no now Abomination will be able to find all the sources before me there’s no way I’ll be able to beat him without it suddenly I realized something else was sing too the kids we ran around the base and

Eventually saw them hiding under a desk they were scared but unharmed it’s okay guys it’s safe now don’t worry I promise I will always protect you no matter what now that everyone is safe follow me I can use my tracking abilities to find whether at whole Quran to let’s go on

Day 63-66 Black Panther and I were tracking red Hulk’s path soon I could see a large Tower in the distance that must be it hang back and I’ll go take care of this I made my way over to the Tower and entered in I was immediately

Attacked by a bunch of red crabs get your pincy pincers away from me managed to clear out all the crabs on the ground floor and started running up the stairs what a weird place to call home as I reached the top I saw Red Hulk was

Waiting for me I guess I should have gotten rid of that little cat man but no matter you’ll never defeat me bring it on Red Hulk and I charged at each other exchanging blows it was a different fight entirely to be punching someone who’s just as strong as me you should be

Helping us you are a Hulk after all big deal I’m here for the strongest and that’s never going to be you his heads were getting harder and I was almost out of hell suddenly there was a flash of light and Scarlet Witch appeared someone needs to be thought the less Scarlet

Witch started firing energy at Red Hulk which had totally caught him off guard we were winning we may have been too confident though because even though Scarlet Witch could fly she got a little too close gotcha Red Hulk landed a hit knocking her out of the sky down toward

The ground no you’ll pay for that my blood began to boil and I suddenly grew in size becoming even stronger than before I charged at the Red Hulk smacking him again and again he tried to fight back but it was no use soon Hughes defeated I can’t believe Scarlet Witch

Had to die I’ll never forget her on the ground was the gamma radiation detector which I happily picked up I ran back down and out of the tower waiting on the other side was Black Panther and Scarlet Witch what I thought you were gone what

Do you mean I thought you knew I could fly you knocked me down but I caught myself it seemed like you had it from there right that makes sense well I got stronger let’s go on day 67 to 70 we returned back to my base and got Right

To Work building a place for the Scarlet Witch to stay I was so happy to to find out she survived the fight that was way too close for comfort I soon finished her place then I went on to build something for the kids I couldn’t believe Red Hulk was able to get into

Our base so easily no wonder the kids were scared if it had been the Abomination things could have gone much worse soon I finished building them their very own playroom my armor had taken a beating in the fight so I went over to Tony to give him supplies to fix

It up he was happy to help so I set off to work on the Statue I then headed outside to finish up the next part of the statue I’m sure you’ve guessed What It Is by now a hamburger it’s definitely one of my favorite foods what’s yours

Soon the next part of my burger was complete on day 71 to 74 I was having a horrible dream I’d finally found Abomination but something was wrong he kept getting bigger and bigger well I kept getting smaller and smaller I wasn’t going to be able to beat him I

Woke up in a cold sweat oh what’s going on kids sorry to wake you up but we wanted to tell you thank you yeah even though the bass was attacked we’ve never felt safer we know you’ll always do what you can to protect us I assured them

That that would always be true I believed myself when I said it but I couldn’t help but feel nervous about the fight ahead on day 75 to 78 I felt more motivated than ever to get stronger in order to protect my friends alright let’s see where a boosted detector takes

Me this time I followed the arrow and soon found myself back in the forest where I had been training with black panther it led me to the summoning Circle which suddenly transported me to the nether whoa whoa as I arrived I saw tons of Mega monsters who attacked geez

All my friends really need to work on their portal management skills these guys could have come through I kept fighting and was able to get through the mango monsters that’s when I noticed there was some ancient debris nearby oh excellent I’ll be able to upgrade my

Armor and tools to nether eye with this on day 79-84 I was still following my detector through the nether I could tell I was close but before I could go much farther Abomination came out of nowhere well thanks for being my guide looks like this is my stop your guide what all

That muscle and so dumb didn’t even realize I was following you this whole time with this radiation I’ll finally be at my full form no I charged Adam but even without his final form he knocked me out of the way no problem I was in big trouble he took off and went into

The volcano all he could do was watch as the volcano started to erupt what did he do suddenly a giant Abomination came leaping from the volcano and Landing right in front of me now I am truly powered up your little Adventure ends here I knew I didn’t stand a chance in

This fight so all I could do is run I turned as Abomination started chasing me through the nether I had no idea if I was going to get away come back here weakling I’m going to crush you I ran and ran but suddenly I came to a giant

Cliff time to say goodbye goodbye I jumped on days 85 to 89 I was still falling after what felt like forever I landed in a pool of water in a jungle how in the world did I get here suddenly a crocodile came out of nowhere and

Attacked it was just a few punches and I took him out in no time it felt good to be able to be on the winning end of a fight again all right where am I I’ve got to get back to the base I took a look at the surrounding area and

Realized I wasn’t far from my base but thankfully Abomination didn’t follow me I should be home in no time as I arrived back at my base I went to talk to Tony to tell him everything that had happened so yeah now I don’t know how I’ll be

Able to beat him well there might be one more gamma spot you could use I didn’t mention it before because it’s pretty hard to get to where do I need to go I’ll do whatever it takes it’s deep inside of the earth give me some time to

Improve the detector and I’ll be able to lead you right to it there wasn’t a whole lot for me to do but wait so I decided to use the time to finish the hamburger statue I know it was kind of a strange thing to build but there was

Something about a giant hamburger that just gave me a sense of normalcy in this crazy world soon the statue was complete on days 90 to 94 I went to visit black panther all right Chala today’s the day I’m going to beat your obstacle course you are already strong enough my friend

You don’t need to prove anything on the obstacle course I have to prove it to myself besides I want to win that item you mentioned ah yes the item go on then I ran to the course and got right to it I could get all the strength and muscle

In the world but if I couldn’t Triumph a test of will what good was it the obstacle course was still as hard as ever but my friends believed in me and I had to win before I knew it I had beaten the course yes I did it well done well

Done here is your prize as promised black panther tossed out a hammer is that mjolnir Thor’s hammer I picked it up wait I picked it up it’s just a replica I may have made it sound cooler than going to be sorry about that that’s okay I actually really like it it

Reminds me of my friend if only he could be here too that’s when I had an idea I headed over to the hamburger statue and started to make some adjustments I decided to add a helmet and some arms it wasn’t my friend but I was happy to have

A reminder of him I was admiring my statue when suddenly Thor appeared Thor what are you doing here well I’m not really there I’m just kind of there but the real question is why did you make me a hamburger it’s a long Uh Hungry story

Don’t worry about it sure sure say we do sound a lot alike don’t we well that’s because I spent 100 days as you before oh yeah that was awesome everyone should go watch that video next yeah absolutely all right well good luck on your upcoming fight I know you’ll smash it

Nice you’re always so funny talk to you soon Thor disappear time to go check on that new detector on days 95 to 97 I went to Tony’s to see if he had finished the detector as I entered it looked like something was wrong Tony what’s going on

Tony was floating in a water tank on life support I took a look around and saw a note lying on the table what was going on only thing that could give the detector enough juice is my arc reactor I will hang out here till then he’s

Risking his life for me to find this I can’t let him down before I could leave though I had to go say goodbye to the kids they thanked me for giving them a safe place to live and wish me luck in my battle against the Abomination as a

Final gesture they gave me a piece of jewelry to remember them by now there’s just one thing left to do using all the ancient debris had collected in the nether I managed to make some netherite scraps then I used that to make some netherite ingots finally I was able to

Upgrade all of my equipment to netherright on day 98 I had reached the Badlands the detector had been steady so far so I knew I had to be getting close okay it looks like this is the spot man how deep do I need to go just then there

Was a giant scary bug and he looked hungry both off bug boy the bug was a vicious little well big spider I never met something so determined to end me the only way a bug could be this big has to be because of the radiation I kept swinging my fists and was eventually

Able to knock him out alright let’s level up for the last time I stepped up to the radiation and nothing happened what’s going on I’m not absorbing the radiation that’s when I realized I never was absorbing radiation to get bigger every time I had gotten bigger it was

Because I was angry about a friend being in danger I took a look at the locket the kids had given me inside of the locket was a picture of the kids with their now missing parents the Abomination has taken so much away from everyone I care about I have to be

Stronger I was so angry about it that I started to feel the power flowing into me and I was about to grow bigger than ever before on day 99 it came bursting from the ground in my final giant form and look how many hearts I have time to

Find the Abomination that’s when I noticed that the detector could find other gamma radiation users Man Tony thought of everything I flicked the switch and saw it was pointing at me wait that’s not right I flicked it again and it pointed another direction oh no it’s pointing to my base I took off

Running my friends were going to be in trouble back at the base there was an explosion outside the walls the kids hurried and ran under the desk for cover Eddie comes Wanda get ready Abomination came breaking through the wall as Scarlet Witch and black panther tried to

Hold him off they were doing their best but he was too strong as I got closer to the base I could see the fight was intense I heard and jumped in nice of you to join yes couldn’t let you guys have all the fun how about you to shut

It and let me pound you into the ground we’ll see about that we continue to fight as the Abomination exploded more and more of the base we had to win but he was too strong he kept knocking us back suddenly there was an explosion and the side of the children’s room exploded

Now you’ve got me really angry and you won’t like me when I’m angry a surge of energy came into me and I grew even bigger than I thought was possible Hulk smash I started swinging punching the heck out of the Abomination what how where did this come from the Abomination

Was really backing down now I punched and punched then at long last he was defeated goodbye for good we took a moment to celebrate our Victory but wait what about the children we rushed over to the house and found the kids under the desk oh thank goodness you’re okay

They laughed and cried out of Happiness they gave me a hug and I started to calm down as I calmed down I shrunk back to a more normal size the danger was gone on day 100 we took time to rebuild the base the danger was gone but who knows when

It would strike again but when it did we would be waiting and we would be ready on day one I spawned in as Iron Man and look I’m not a baby I’m all powered up I flew around firing lasers this was really cool these zombies have met their

Match Time to Say Goodbye I blasted the zombies out of the way they were no match for the mind of Iron Man once they were all this destroyed I was floating over the forest scanning the area suddenly something hit me out of nowhere what was that I didn’t see who it was

But I Heard a Voice say goodbye to your power I’d hit the ground but managed to survive but look now I only have five Hearts I had to hurry and leave the area though whoever that was could come back later as I was escaping through the forest a group of zombies came running

Up to me I know how to handle these guys but that was when I had my suit and Powers I didn’t stand a chance now I had no choice but to run away I can’t believe someone caught me off guard they better watch out because I’ll stop at

Nothing to get my power back but that was another day so I settled in for the night on day two I woke up all alone still feeling weak without my Powers I had to figure out who was out to get me I’ve got quite the mission ahead of me

I’m going to be building and making all kinds of really cool things but before I can do that I need to start with the basics I went outside and got Right to Work hunting trees with the wood I had collected I then made a crafting table using the crafting table in my leftover

Wood I made myself some wooden tools including a sword time to find some lunch I went outside and soon came across a rabbit that’s going to have to do for now I chased it down and got its meat I might be trapped in the wilderness with no powers but that

Doesn’t mean I have to eat raw meat as I took a look around I soon came across a village in the middle of the village was a campfire let’s get cooking I laid down my rabbit meat and let it Sizzle soon I had some cooked meat I took a bite it

Was feeling much better suddenly I realized what kind of Village it was it was a Pillager Village uh oh time to run pillagers chased me but I managed to get away without losing my life later that evening I took the simple supplies I collected to start making myself a house

To stay in if those pillagers found me at least I would have some walls to protect me soon the Hut was complete and I settled in for the night on day three I awoke to a knock on the door who Could That Be I opened the door and saw it was

Captain America or well I guess it was just Steve Rogers he wasn’t looking so good Steve what’s wrong you’re not looking like your normal fit self I was worried something had happened to you I see now I was right your friend iron manga is to blame for this I was minding

My own business when he suddenly came out of nowhere I don’t know how he did it but he managed to take away all of my Powers we might not be strong enough to help him right now but we need to hurry and warn the others he’s coming for him

That’s a good point let’s stick together while we figure this out Steve agreed until we figured it would be good to start building a proper base we did some Scouting Around And Soon found a nice Cliffside that would work perfect I didn’t have my Powers but I could still

Get shipments of stuff sent to me after a bit and express delivery with all the supplies we’d need showed up and we got to work building a house on a cliff like this reminded me of my mansion in Malibu it wasn’t going to be quite like that

But I was hoping to eventually make something just as impressive soon the beginning of our base was complete thanks for your help Pete we’ll let you know if anything else comes up on days four to five Steve came over to talk he wanted to know if I knew where any other

Superheroes were sorry buddy I don’t I really wish I did though well you’re a pretty smart guy right is there something you could invent I thought it was a good question but nothing came to mind I stared at my empty crafting table when suddenly I had an idea oh wait

Maybe that could work I headed out to the caves to gather the materials I would need if I could just get everything I would need this special item would be the perfect solution to our problem by the time I had made it into the deepest part of the cave I had

Already managed to make myself some iron gear it was about to come in handy as I was suddenly attacked by a bunch of magma cubes alright box heads you’re just what I was looking for I swung my sword and managed to take a few of them out as they disappeared they dropped

Some charged coal once the thread was taken care of I also found some nearby Palladium which I happily mined up alright that’s everything I’m going to need let’s make this special item I soon arrived back to the house and got right to it smelting down the Palladium into

Ingots I also needed a compass which Steve gave to me at long last the final pieces were starting to come together I went to the crafting table and used the Palladium charged coal and Compass to make my special item a superhero radar sure hope this works Steve and I headed

Into another room and I set the radar down in the center I placed the lever on the wall and flipped it the radar started to make a sound and a purple line came out of it that line is pointing us to a nearby superhero now we

Can help them on day six to eight I checked the radar again to get a clear direction of where to go I told Steve to hang back at the base and keep an eye on the radar just in case anyone else popped up on it let’s go see who it’s

Gonna be I left the base and ran off in the direction the radar had indicated hopefully I could get to them in time after a bit of traveling I soon reached a village but it looked like the place was abandoned hello is there anyone here thought it was you stomping around Black

Widow had come out of nowhere Natasha I can’t believe I found you there’s no time to explain but I need you to come with me listen I don’t trust anyone not much even you you’re gonna have to give me some kind of explanation okay uh

Steve is back at my base and you see neither of us have our powers anymore so we’ve got to hurry to get out of here or the same will happen to you don’t have your powers who or what did that to you iron monger it was an answer to our

Question but also an exclamation He had popped up out of nowhere Black Widow had sprung into action trying to fight him off I was still too weak though and had to run away hang in there Natasha they continued to fight but it was no use iron monger was too quick and managed to

Hit her with a special gun he had taken away all of her special abilities I don’t know what you two are up to but knock it off go live normal lives like the Ordinary People you are before he could do us any more harm we ran away I

Couldn’t believe he was able to do it again on days nine to ten black widow and I arrived back at the base we met up with Steve and Natasha it’s good to see you wait did something happen it was Iron Monger I had gotten there in time

But he showed up and was able to steal her power oh no did you see where he went no we had to get out of there I hate this feeling I’ve never felt so useless it’s okay keep your head on straight I need some time to clear my

Head I decided to get to work building Natasha her own place to stay at the base it was good to have a project to keep my mind busy I couldn’t believe I was beaten by my own friend soon Natasha’s room was complete on days 11

To 12 I went to check the machine and saw there was a new signal but this time it was different what is it what does it mean not 100 sure it’s a new invention that even I don’t understand completely well if it’s born into a friendly it’s

Worth a shot trying to save him yeah I’m not so sure Captain what good are we as Rescuers if we can’t really rescue someone Iron Monger is just going to show up again you don’t know that and come on you know there’s more to this than just being the strongest that’s

Certainly something coming from you I’ll see what I can find I left the base and headed in the direction the radar was pointing because I looked around I felt like I wasn’t seeing anything that’s when I realized I was back at the place I had crashed on day one suddenly I

Noticed something nearby on the ground I picked it up Jarvis is that you what are you doing out here buddy hello sir I’m delighted to see you have found me so am I how are you I am here but I am damaged I am sorry for the loss you have

Suffered so my buddy but hey do you think you can help you’ve got all that information from my suit stored in your memory don’t you I do or rather I believe I do my memory banks have been damaged but it seems plausible they can be recovered we will need to find the

Correct materials in order to recover it sure sure we can do that I built a suit once I can surely do it again what’s on that materials list of yours Jarvis gave me the list of what I needed and I headed off right away on days 13 to 15 I

Arrived at some caves and headed on in to gather up the materials Jarvis had mentioned first I gathered up a bunch of iron which was one of the main things I would need then I found some titanium which was also going to come in handy all right that should be everything I

Need from here I then left the cave and found myself in a herd of cows I took some of the cows out in order to get some leather that was all the ingredients I was going to need time to get back to the base on days 16 to 19 I

Made it back to the base and went into my garage it was crafting time I put the iron in the furnace and started smelting iron ingots and it was titanium’s turn which started smelting into titanium ingots well the oars were smelting I then opened a nearby chest and grabbed

Some glass I had then at the crafting table I added the glass to some iron and Palladium to make myself a new arc reactor at last power with my new Palladium Arc Reactor I could start to put together a new suit I grabbed the ingots I needed Out of the Furnace then

Used iron titanium leather and the Arc Reactor to make myself a chest plate oh yeah here we go with the chest plate finished I then used the rest of my materials and made the leggings boots and of course the helmet this isn’t the best suit I’ve ever made in fact it’s

Just as good as the first one I built in a cave in the desert but it’ll be better than having nothing hey what have we got here Steve and Natasha had walked into the garage you built a new suit it’s gonna be so good for you how did you

Pull it off it was with the help of Jarvis I found him at the crash site his memory is damaged but he remembered enough to help me build the suit I think that’s a good idea do you think it’s not no no it’s great it’s just that you said

Jarvis was damaged I’d hate to see something go wrong I assured him the Jarvis was working well enough to help me make the suits again without putting any of us in danger that seemed like an excuse though Steve was probably just jealous I was getting my powers back and

He wasn’t before I could say anything else though Natasha mentioned that she and Steve had gotten more food and stored it in the kitchen all that crafting had made me hungry I went over there to cook up some steak this is going to be much better than wild rabbit

That’s for sure when the steak was ready I scarfed it down delicious I then went and started to make some more upgrades to the base I was a man of luxury so I decided the house needed a swimming pool I picked a good spot and got the thing

Installed all this building has given me an idea for one more big project I headed out and got to work building a statue these were dark times and there was always one thing that could be a light in the darkness let me know what you think I’m building soon the first

Part was complete on days 20 to 22 I heard a notification go off on the radar telling me another superhero had been found Edwin told Steve and Natasha the good news they both wanted to come with to find who it was but I told them it

Might be good for just me to go given that I was the only one who had regained any of my power as I put my suit on I saw my health increase to eight hearts I was also stronger and had a flamethrower attack it was time to help our fellow

Superhero as I got closer to the place the radar was pointing me to I saw a large Tower in the middle of the forest I knew just who I would find inside as I reached the top I could see doctor strange was there Steven be on your guard Iron Monger is running around

Stealing everyone’s power what he immediately got ready to fight it was just in time too as Iron Monger came flying over firing down on us ah the good doctor I think you’ve got just what I’m looking for Doctor Strange was ready though and he started to put up a good

Fight Iron Monger was going to have a much harder fight this time I may have spoke too soon though as Iron Monger managed to land a hard hit knocking out Doctor Strange Iron Monger lifted his weapon and started draining Doctor Strange’s power I had to do something oh

No you don’t even though I wasn’t super strong I charged in and managed to stop Iron Monger from taking all the power problem was he was now focused on me Doctor Strange was back in the fight though and together we put up a good fight in the end we managed to hurt Iron

Monger enough that he backed down this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me he flew off Stephen are you okay I still have some of my Powers but I’m definitely weaker than before I need to go rest Doctor Strange opened a portal and walked through it well that was a quick

Exit but at least we could stop him from losing everything I better get back to the base and see who else we can help on days 23 to 26 I was on my way back to the base when Jarvis piped up with some helpful information sir my senses are

Indicating a lot of silver nearby I think that could help Jarvis then told me what direction to go and I headed there right away as I arrived at the location he was sending me to I didn’t see anything are you sure this is the right place there doesn’t seem to be

Anything here the Silva may be beneath something but I am 99 sure it is here well guess I better start breaking blocks I started breaking things as I looked around and soon saw an entrance to a dungeon what is this all about as I went deeper into the dungeon I ran into

A bunch of piglens you Piggies better watch out that’s when I noticed that they had all kinds of materials stored down here I hope you guys don’t mind if I use some of this stuff as they fought my way through the gang of piglets I noticed that they dropped silver ingots

This uh this Silva I was detecting I happily picked the silver up and continued to fight the pig lens there were hoglands around as well and they were a tough challenge but I was up for the fight and soon made it to the dunyon’s boss a piglet brute with armor

You look strong but I’m stronger it turned out I was right the piglet brute was really strong after all he knocked me back but I stayed in the fight he wasn’t going to get the better of me after a long fight I finally took him out huh he didn’t drop anything but look

A chest I went over to the chest which is filled with silver this should be more than enough I hurried back out of the cave on days 27-31 I arrived back at my base I met back up with the team to tell them the good news guys I was able

To find Doctor Strange and together we were able to fight off Iron Monger Doctor Strange was weakened but he was able to keep his powers everyone was really excited to hear the good news and couldn’t believe Iron Monger had shown up again everyone that is except Steve

He kept his powers huh well uh good for him I guess I didn’t know why Steve wasn’t excited like everyone else he really must be jealous someone else got to keep their powers I left the room and went to work on a new set of armor with

All the new silver I had collected I was going to be able to build an even better suit I took my time making each set and soon I had a full set of Iron Man Mark II armor oh yeah now this is what I’m talking about with my new suit on I

Noticed I had more Health than before I still couldn’t fly yet but I could jump a little higher and felt stronger too I showed it off to the gang and everyone was really impressed if I kept finding more materials I would be back to full

Strength in no time I had to find more materials on days 32-35 I decided to see what else Jarvis could find for me I’m thinking of adding some more weapons to the suit what do you think it can handle scan showed is not strong enough to handle your repulsive Cannon but there

Is something else that might work we’ll have to travel far away which I believe it will be worth it show me the way Jarvis explained the way to go and eventually we made it to an entirely new biome alright Jarvis what direction down sir it looked like it was time to dig I

Think I knew what he had in mind I kept digging and digging and soon made it into a magma chamber let me guess we need some lava no sir we’re searching for a very specific up it should be here I started to explore could you tell me

What I’m looking for just then I almost ran into a monster it was a mutant blaze yeah yes for the warning sorry sir but my sensors aren’t quite a shock down here the mutant blazes fire attacks were strong but my new armor was doing its

Job I was taking much less damage than I normally would have I’m gonna put you out fire head I kept on swinging and at long last defeated the blaze as he disappeared I saw he had dropped a blaze core The Blaze core that is just what we

Need sir on days 36 to 39 I made it out of the hole and headed back towards the base as I arrived back at the base I went to the crafting area and got right to work on the new suit attachment using the blaze core I was able to make myself

A flamethrower oh yeah I’m starting to heat up now I called the others over and showed them my new toy whoa that new flamethrower is so hot right now Natasha was really excited about it but Steve less so no surprise there he was just jealous on days 40 to 43 I heard the

Power detector going off again it must have found another superhero maybe with my new gear I can even defeat iron monger this time I let the others know that I would head out by myself again until they could get their powers it just didn’t make sense to put them In

Harm’s Way I would handle ever everything I set off in search of the superhero and soon found myself in a thick forest hello is there anyone around here I kept shouting and looking around but couldn’t find anyone well I saw her a bunch of bats flying around

Suddenly they attacked me what the get away from me using my new attacks I managed to fight off the bats but then I was attacked by some wolves this Forest is crazy what’s going on around here we’ll snap to their teeth then swung their claws but I was able to keep them

Away and knock them out I still don’t see anyone but it’s starting to get late I better build a shelter for the night I soon found a nice Clarion got Right to Work building a shelter after a bit my Camp was set up time to get some sleep

I’ll keep looking in the morning on days 44 to 49 I woke up in the middle of the night to a rumbling sound what was that I ran outside and saw there was a huge castle that had appeared out of nowhere well nothing else to do but take a look

I ran into the castle and was suddenly attacked by a whole bunch of spooky mobs there were bats and all kinds of skeleton creatures I had to fight for my life back off you Undead creatures you’ll never take me alive I kept fighting my way through the castle until

Finally I saw something different than the mobs it was blade blade what are you doing here what are you doing here I’ve tracked a vampire to this castle and I’m so close to finally beating him I’ve come to warn you iron monger is going around stealing power from superheroes

You’ve got to get out of here thanks for the warning but I’ve come too far to quit I don’t see Iron Monger anywhere so I think I have time to finish my mission well let me help together we can get it done even faster we soon noticed a

Coffin and walked up to it to take a look we opened it but it was a trap oh no what is this I can’t move me either Jarvis clear this gas out of my suit Jarvis got right to work but he wasn’t quick enough Iron Monger had shown up

Huh stay still this won’t hurt at all Iron Monger used a special item and was able to take away Blade’s Powers Jarvis had just cleared the gas for my suit though and I was ready to fight I thought I told you to keep out of this Iron Monger didn’t stick around to fight

Me but instead release the vampire before flying away without his powers blade was in for a real fight come on blade I’ll help you blade and I got to work swinging at the vampire even without his powers blade was a good fighter getting lots of hits in he

Wasn’t good enough though and the vampire was able to really hurt him you’ll pay for that I started attacking him even more than before and could tell I was starting to win when he was at his weakest blade jumped forward and knocked him out with a stake for good thanks for

Your help I couldn’t have done this without you here take the stick you never know when it could come in handy thanks I’ll be sure to keep it close I’m sorry about your powers how about you come back to my base with me and we can figure this out that sounds like just

What I need right now on days 50 to 53 blade and I returned to the base then we met up with Natasha and told her what had happened sorry to hear it didn’t work out this time it sounds like he’s getting smarter I’m sorry too but Hey

Where’s Steve oh he said he had some errands to run and left he didn’t tell me what those errands were huh that’s odd just then Steve came back to the base sorry about that I was just collecting some more materials to upgrade the base I thought you could use

Some new materials for our new guest that was a fair point he was right too blade needed a place to stay using some of the materials Steven gathered I was able to put together a room for blade David also mentioned wanting a training room so I got to work on that just

Because they had lost their powers didn’t mean they couldn’t stay in shape soon everything was complete on days 54-57 I couldn’t take the feeling that something wasn’t right I decided I needed to talk to Natasha in private hey I wanted to ask has Steve been acting

Strange to you now that you mention it he has I haven’t seen him do anything strange specifically but he doesn’t seem like he’s been his normal self I usually try and let people just do their own thing you see the thing is Iron Monger always seems to show up right around the

Same time I do I’m not saying Steve is somehow tipping him off but I want to be sure he’s not involved say no more the next time you guys go I’ll keep an eye on him that would be strange but we’ll feel better if we can rule it out thanks

Nat I appreciate it I then reached out to Jarvis to help with the next stage of rigging up the superpower detector if Steve was really tricking us I needed to get the super detector to trick him Jarvis said he knew what I needed to get but there were some special items I

Needed to collect first let’s get exploring on days 58-62 Jarvis led me to a cave that was filled with spiders I was pretty strong at this point and these spiders were no match for me I easily knocked them out of the way aha there’s the gold ore you wanted me to

Get I quickly lined up all the gold I needed then hurried back to the base there I crafted some special wiring out of gold and took it to the super power detector after I attached the new wiring the detector started to go off everyone came running into the room the detector

Found another Super hang tight guys I’ll go get them and help them out everyone agreed and as I went to leave I gave Natasha Adan to let her know the plan was on she nodded back we soon reached a Mountaintop where the detector was pointing me to of course no one was here

But I needed to put on a good show oh hey Thor I can’t believe you’re here just then Iron Monger popped out I was ready for him he gave him a good hit what the there’s no Thor here I can’t believe I’ve been betrayed and tripped like this what do you mean

Betrayed how did you know I would be here no I’ve said too much iron monger flew away something was definitely going on I hurried back to the base as I arrived I could see Natasha was waiting for me you’re not gonna believe this what happened after you left I followed

Steve just like you asked once he had gotten far enough away from the base I saw him pull out a communication device I got close enough to hear who he was talking to he was Iron Monger you’re right I can’t believe believe this we’ve got to confront him right away on day

63-66 I headed into the base to find Steve I soon found him hey you weren’t gone for very long did you find anyone there was no one there but you probably already knew that what do you mean how could I have known that because you’ve been in contact with your friend Iron

Monger give it up Steve we know you don’t know anything just then Steve started to transform suddenly Steve was gone and Mandarin was standing there Mandarin so it’s been you all along I should have known it was someone evil trying to trick us well you just aren’t

Very smart are you you’ve been leading us as superheroes this entire time what do you want with us I’ve been absorbing all the powers soon you’ll be unable to stop me I was hoping I could wait for you to build another super suit so I could steal its powers too but no matter

You’d never stop me I left forward to attack him but he was right he was really strong he knocked me out of the way and was able to escape he wasn’t fully powered up yet but if he was this strong already we were going to be in

Real trouble on day 67 to 70 I went to talk to Natasha and made I couldn’t believe I had been tricked I apologize to them for leading Mandarin right to them don’t worry about it you were trying your best now that we know who we’re really up against we have a better

Chance of stopping him thanks Nat I appreciate the support and speaking of support I appreciate all of you watching too after this video search for more Zozo z-o-z-o sir I’m sorry to interrupt I’ve managed to repair my memory banks and unlocked a new design for another

Part of the suit well that’s great news what do we need to build it it looks like we’ll be needing some diamonds but I’m not detecting any on my scanner you need diamonds I haven’t seen any underground but while I was tracking the vampire I stayed in a village full of

Them I’ll tell you where to go blade explained where the village was and I set off to find it I soon arrived and saw that blade wasn’t lying there were diamonds everywhere here the villagers had all kinds of diamond tools and armor hey there nice armor do you guys have

Any extra diamonds you could spare I might have some but I can’t just give you them for free that’s understandable how much do they cost you know we’ve had quite a bit of a problem here and if you can solve that problem I’ll give you everything we can spare sounds like it

Must be a pretty big problem then yeah yeah there’s a monster that has started living in our diamond mine and we haven’t been able to go in there for weeks take care of that monster for us and we’ll give you our spare diamonds okay I’ll do it tell me where to go on

Day 71 to 74 I arrived at the diamond mine but the place looked abandoned I guess the monster really cleared this place out better see what I can find I went into the cave but didn’t see any diamonds I didn’t see anything for that matter the place was super dark as I

Went deeper into the mine I placed torches to help me see the Mind kept going deeper and deeper I was starting to wonder if it would ever end at long last I reached what seemed to be the final room there’s nothing here maybe the monster left or something just then

I noticed that the Torches I had placed along the wall were starting to go out one by one they broke getting closer and closer to me suddenly the vampire from before appeared what I thought we defeated you the vampire smirked and then attacked he was even stronger than

Before and this time he had some tricks up his sleeve too he burst into a ball of smoke summoning a group of bats what in the world this is crazy the vampire had disappeared I had to defeat these bats I ran around trying to cut down as

Many as I could so suddenly I felt a hit the vampire had reappeared get out of here Dracula I still couldn’t believe this guy was still around but I guess it’s true vampires can never really be defeated that’s when I remembered the stake the vampire was getting weak now

And it was time to finish him off I grabbed my steak and hit him finishing him off he would be back eventually but at least I could get my diamonds in the meantime I hurried back into the village and met up with the Villager it’s done

The monster is gone now let’s see about those diamonds amazing you saved us here you can have everything we have to spare the Villager tossed out a single Diamond I gave him a look I thought you said you were going to give me all the diamonds

You have to spare I did we only have one Diamond to spare Jarvis piped up that should be all we need sir thanks well here you guys might need this I tossed him the steak and headed off back to the base on day 75 to 78 I arrived back at

The base it was time to make what Jarvis had remembered as I went to the crafting table Jarvis told me what I needed to do to craft a new Repulsor it wasn’t my full suit but at least it was a stronger weapon than before just then Natasha

Came into the room got your Pulsar up and running that’s great yeah problem is I don’t know where to go to find Iron Monger or Mandarin yeah I was thinking about that when I heard Steve or I guess Mandarin talking to Iron Monger I thought I could hear some machines in

The background blade came into the room machines there’s a factory not too far from here maybe he’s hiding out in there it’s worth a shot I’m not sure where else to look they all agreed and I decided that before I would leave I would go ahead and finish the statue it

Took a lot of hard work to get it done but I soon had it all finished in no time so what do you guys think did you guess what it was correctly on day 79-84 I soon arrived at the factory blade had told me about I’m not sure if this is

Right but we’ll find out as I got closer I was suddenly attacked by a group of zombies if there were zombies around here there was a good chance Iron Monger and Mandarin were around too I managed to fight through the wave but avoided using my repulsar in case Iron Monger

Was watching I didn’t want him to know I had it soon all the zombies were defeated on days 85 to 89 I entered into the base that’s when I saw Iron Monger standing amongst a bunch of zombies trapped in cases of liquid what are you doing I knew you show up here eventually

I’m doing what needs to be done you superheroes think you can just do whatever you want zombies can be controlled so I’m taking your powers and giving them to them then I will control all the powers on earth oh I see you don’t want to stop superpowers you just

Want to be in charge of them yourself I won’t let you get away with this huh you’ve been trying to stop me this entire time and have never beat me today I will finish you for good we’ll see about that Iron Monger flew up in the air as the door opened letting zombies

Into the room there were a ton of them oh I better take care of these first I ran around the room trying to take out as many zombies as I could this was a tough fight with so many things going on at once I had to defeat iron monger

Though my friends were going to need all of their powers back where is Mandarin hiding you’ll never find him because you’ll never leave here Iron Monger and I were now fighting each other directly and it was getting intense he hadn’t expected all of my upgrades though and I

Was really hurting him how did you get so strong I thought I took everything away from you a suit isn’t a brain and that’s what’s going to defeat you I fired my repulsar Adam and took him out for good as he disappeared I saw he had dropped some unique Parts which I picked

Up sir we can use these materials to remake our strongest suit yes now we just need to find Mandarin and get everyone’s powers back let’s do this on days 90 to 94 I made it back to the base I ran right over to Natasha and blade to

Tell them the good news I was able to defeat iron monger the bad news is that he was trying to inject zombies with your powers that’s horrible it’s a good thing you beat him though speaking of any way to get our powers back before I

Left I saw I had some kind of machine that must be storing your powers if you guys go there you may be able to get them back right on thanks for all of your help you’ve got it now I’ve got to get to work returning to my final form I

Rushed over to the garage as the other set off for the factory using the materials Iron Monger had dropped I got to work building my final Mark III version of my armor after a lot of hard work my armor was restored yes it’s going to feel so good to fly again I ran

Up the stairs of the house and over to a balcony here we go I jumped off and nothing happened I landed in the water below Jarvis what’s going on sorry sir but while your suit has been restored the firing capabilities still needs some repairs don’t you think you could have

Told me that before I jumped off the cliff my apologies sir it’s okay no harm done now where do we need to go on days 95 to 97 Jarvis instructed me that we would be heading to the nether so I got to work building another portal I hadn’t

Been able to get a diamond pickaxe so I had to get creative by using lava and some water I managed to Fashion another portal together it took a bit to get it all done but soon I had my own nether portal ready to go all right Jarvis show

Me the way I stepped into the portal and soon found myself in the nether this place always gives me the creeps let’s make this quick there are some quartz nearby so I quickly ran over to it and mined it up luckily that was all I needed so with my pockets full I jumped

Back into the portal back in the garage I got Right to Work crafting the flight module it didn’t take too long and soon it was all complete I walked back towards the cliff jumped off and it worked Yahoo I’m a flying man once again I took some time flying around feeling

Good that I was finally powered up just then Jarvis delivered some interesting news sure the superhero detector at the base is killing off the signals are off the charts I hurried back to the base and went into the detector room the machine was going crazy the signal is

Way too strong for it to be Natasha and blade getting their powers back Mandarin must be up to something it was time to take him down on day 98 I headed off in the direction the detector was pointing not too much later I saw a giant base

Rising out of the ground this has to be Mandarin’s base just then I was attacked by a bunch of zombies oh no he must be trying to do the same thing Iron Monger was I’ve got to get to him and quick I was so strong that I knocked the zombies

Out of the way no problem but there was still a lot of them I also couldn’t help but notice some of them were stronger than others I had to hurry and get to the top out of the way zombros I kept firing my Repulsor Cannon until at long

Last all of the zombies were defeated I ran over to the stairs and started heading up to the top as I got close I passed a sign in the distance oh subscribe you should do that right now and once this adventure is over go look up some more of my other ones just

Search Zozo z-o-z-o to find them on day 99 I reached the top of the tower and saw Mandarin floating in the sky wait how are you floating impressive isn’t it you’re too late I’ve absorbed your friend’s powers and now you’ll never be able to defeat me no I

Don’t believe it I’m going to knock their powers out of you bring it on rich boy Mandarin started firing energy blast at me causing some big explosions I returned fire launching attacks with my Repulsor Cannon I had to be careful though getting caught in those explosions really hurt the time of the

Superheroes is over in the time of the super villain has begun I managed to get a hidden with my Repulsor which stopped his monologue but suddenly a bunch of Yellow Smoke appeared and Mandarin was gone where did he go looking for me Mandarin reappeared launching more energy blasts he could teleport now this

Wasn’t looking good I had started to fly around but this was tough I was hanging in there but I didn’t know how long I could last what’s wrong am I too strong let me make this easier for you and finish this there was another plume of yellow smoke and Mandarin copied himself

I was getting attacked from all sides oh no he’s too strong I was taking out some of his clothes but there was no way I could keep this up I finally took out the Clones but took a heavy hit one more hit and it was all done for me I removed

My mask I’m going to enjoy this you have been a thorn in my side for too long suddenly a portal opened and all of my friends came running through including doctor strange and Captain America thought I ought to pay you back this guy stole my face that’s America’s face not

His we were able to get our powers back all thanks to you now let’s return the favor well well well aren’t we all just one big happy family well you’re too late I’m not just as strong as all of you I’m stronger Mandarin cloned himself

Again and we all started to fight it was on now he was still strong but there was no way he could take us all down because even though we might be equal in power we had something he didn’t friendship no it can’t be how can I be losing we had

Defeated all of his clothes bones and surrounded him in the center of the platform well thanks for playing tell Iron Monger we say hello no I blasted him with my Repulsor destroying him for good my friends and I all gathered together Steve I was wondering what had

Happened to you thanks for showing up yeah the doctor here came and Found Me by the time we met up with the other two they had just gotten their powers we came here right away just in time too suddenly another portal opened and Holt came through wait a second this isn’t

Where I was trying to go where’s Abomination uh oh that hook sounds like me looks like me from another video somehow wound up here can you help him get back after this video is over go watch my Hulk video on day 100 we had all arrived back at the base the world

Was safe once again and everyone had their powers but we would stay vigilant and keep an eye out you never know when trouble could strike again on day one I spawn inside of Gotham City as Batman well bat baby and no surprise it’s under attack being this tiny is a little

Intimidating with all the fires and criminals running around it’s a giant disaster someone needs to clean this town up just then the Joker appeared hear ye hear ye in a mere 100 days I will be launching my new product yes that’s right I will be flooding the world with smilex gas

Everyone will be turned into clowns stay tuned for the big drop here’s a little teaser just then he grabbed a couple Thugs and turned them into clowns with a sample of his clown gas this clown gas was serious business I had to get out of there so I

Ran into a nearby alley I have 100 days to figure out how to stop Joker before he sends in the Clowns on day two I made my way around Gotham’s Alleyways getting to know them I realized I only had three hearts so I’d have to be very careful

Just as the thought left my head I bumped into a couple of Joker’s thugs they weren’t very friendly you wouldn’t hurt a baby would you oh a puny Batman let’s Smash It joker will be so pleased they had no mercy and they started to attack me my only defense was to run I

Tried to lose them in the alleys but eventually they cornered me in a dead end I had nowhere else to run I was done for you’ll never get away with this just as they were closing in on me I heard someone call to me from above I looked

Up and saw a cop looking out a window quick use your grappling hook kid grappling hook I checked my supplies and yep sure enough I had one I shot it into the air it locked onto the window and I whizzed Out Of Reach of the thugs that

Was a close one thanks for the life-saving tip I see you’re a cop why is there so much crime in this city sorry champ but there’s no time to explain come with me I’ll get you out of here on day three the policeman took me through a secret passageway inside the

Apartment and threw a tunnel that led to the Gotham City police station so this is where law enforcement is holed up can I have a word with whoever is in charge the policeman took me into an office Commissioner Gordon I have someone here who wants to speak with you yes I

Quickly explained to the man about Joker’s plan to turn the world into clowns in 100 days well 97 days to be exact the man named Gordon was very concerned but looked defeated hmm that’s good Intel I wish I had the resources to go after him I really do but most of my

Men are injured from fights and we are low on supplies do you have anyone to look after you my mom dad can anyone help me no not anymore but I’m tough I don’t need anyone well you won’t last long alone here take these he handed me a potion of

Healing a potion of regeneration a chicken sandwich some extra bread and a smoke bomb to help get away undetected whoa that is super cool of you commissioner thank you I won’t rest until I have stopped the Joker how about I come with you I know this city like

The back of a donut and there’s not much left to do here sir I finished mopping the bathroom twice that would be amazing well it’s all right with me just take care you two Joker is not someone you want to mess with well be careful we understand Joker is seriously Twisted I

Followed the policeman back out of the headquarters and into the city on days four through five we were back in the city and trying to avoid the thugs running amok I decided that if we wanted to remain with our hearts intact we would have to find a place to lie low

Until we got stronger the policeman whose name was Joey had an idea on a safe place to go it was an abandoned house outside the city he called it Wayne Manor it sounded promising and so we headed out of the city Into the Wilderness as we passed by some trees I

Punched a few to craft a table and make some wood tools then I mined some Stone to upgrade my tools uh bad baby we got some company the hairy kind there was a pack of wolves getting ready to attack we dashed away but we couldn’t outrun

This foe I had to think on my feet I instinctively grabbed the smoke bomb and created a giant Cloud smoke the Wolves were disoriented and we made a break for it we lost them wait there’s still one on our Tails I’ll handle this the help

Of my stone sword I was able to defeat the lone wolf with the battle 1 black particles shot up into the air and bats spawned around me I started to grow into a slightly bigger bat with more Hearts my suit also looks way cooler now the

Rest of the Wolves had now caught up but seeing me change before their very eyes scared them off they turned and ran nice work kid now let’s get out of here we finally made it to the empty Manor I fixed up a couple of the rooms and

Called it a night I showed the policeman to his new room and we went to bed on day six to eight I woke up and explored outside to get more wood I ended up near the outskirts of the city and saw a woman being chased by one of Joker’s

Thugs with a knife hey leave her alone the thug turned his attention to me and came at me we brawled for a while and thankfully I could tell he was on his last leg and I was able to best him with the thug gone the woman approached me

Wow no one has ever come to my rescue like that before thank you my name is Vicky by the way nice to meet you I’m Zozo sorry that guy was chasing you yeah I’m used to it you see I’m a photographer and I’ve been documenting all the destruction Joker has caused

Since taking over I was getting some really great shots when a monster attacked and I accidentally dropped my camera but had to keep running I’m mostly devastated about that that’s awful luck we can go on a recovery mission to get your camera back I’m down to clown with those clowns Vicky was so

Surprised and excited that I would help her but hey I am Zozo it’s what I do on days nine to ten Vicki and I waited until the cover of Nightfall to sneak back into the city over there Vicky motioned to the end of a long alley

Where her camera was on the ground we looked around and with no sign of the monster I took my chance to seize the camera just as I was about to grab it a big mob jumped down from his hiding place he was blocking the camera I could not

Get to it I tried to take him on but he was too strong Vicky we have to abandon our mission we gotta get out of here we ran away until we reached the outskirts of town we stopped to catch our breath once it was safe I’m so sorry we

Couldn’t get to the camera I failed you it’s disappointing but it’s not your fault you’re the first person to offer to help me I’ll just have to try again another day I’m glad you’re not angry with me well for the time being you’re welcome to stay at my base it’s a safe

Location Vicky accepted my offer on days 11 to 12 Vicki and I returned to Wayne Manor I asked her if she knew anything about Joker’s evil plans with the gas I overheard he is planning to release the gas up from the sewers but that’s all I

Know that was a hot tip thanks Vicky Vicky was going to need her own space in the manor so I fixed up a spot I showed her what I had done this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me ain’t no thing but a bat wing I then turned my

Attention to the fact that I was seriously underprepared to go back to the city I’d need to get stronger so I headed out to mine some iron and coal then I went back to the base and built a furnace to smelt the materials into some armor and a couple other handy tools my

Stomach started to growl I’m sure my friends were hungry too I poked around for some food and ended up finding a cemetery on the premises there were two graves there the gravestones read the name of my parents and cue the Waterworks I felt sad that they were

Gone but comforted that I could visit their resting places eventually I came across a small wheat and lettuce field I used the seeds and wheat to lure some cows sheep and chickens back to the yard welcome to the Wayne Manor Farm I built them Corrals and got them all set so we

Could have a constant food source and breed them on days 13 to 15 I wanted to find a way to get stronger so I asked Joey if he had any ideas we need the items kid potions enchantments protections that kind of thing and most of all Donuts it’s the way we cops keep

Sustained we hit stashes of this stuff all around the city I can tell you where to find one it’s worth a shot I quickly went back to Gotham to find a stash after a bit of sneaking around I reached the location where the policeman said it

Should be but it had already been looted thwarted again wait what’s this I found a map left behind I inspected it and it led to a new stash hopefully no one had beaten me to it but the map seemed untouched that was a good sign I followed the map

Ouch what the I was being pummeled by arrows from a Mossy skeleton nearby I was covered in them I looked like a hedgehog with those arrows in me this was not good the arrows were poisonous I would have to act fast I attacked him with all my bad Gusto after a lot of

Back and forth I managed to emerge Victorious despite my wounds with the mossy skeleton out of the way I found the nearby stash jackpot it hadn’t been raided and there were all sorts of goodies inside potions enchantments a police badge and you guessed it Donuts hmm there’s an inscription on this badge

It says he who wears this badge so also wears great responsibility I remembered the vow I had made after those thugs had hurt my parents to do everything in my power to fight crime in Gotham City I put the badge on I’m powering up with righteous Vengeance the badge leveled me

Up and it gave me more Health on days 16 to 19 I made my way back out of the city as my newer bat self I saw a child on their own and tried to approach them to see if they were all right but they ran

Away from me I trailed behind the kid and saw them slip into a building I walked up to the door of the building and saw the child with their mother I stepped into the building and greeted them mommy I’m scared you don’t need to fear me I’m a friend my name is Zozo

Leave us alone my son has already lost his father we don’t want any more trouble no please don’t do this I fell for this poor kid I knew what it was like to lose a parent I’m going to help protect this city and get rid of

All these thugs I promise I will stop the joker as I said this a couple of thugs appeared behind me they started hitting me but being this much bigger gave me a fighting chance I beat them up until they went poof wow we you really

Are strong you’re going to be a hero for our city aren’t you mister I don’t know if I’m a hero but I am Vengeance I am Knight I am bad so I thought you said your name was so though yeah I was trying out a cool name never mind with

That I Disappeared into the night and left the city on days 20 to 22 I fought off some zombies and skeletons on my way back to Wayne Manor I fought them off with ease I’m so much stronger now that was a piece of cake as I got closer to

The manor I found a cave with some iron I mined some for later use can’t have too much of that handy finally I arrived back at the Manor and got straight to work adding some more armor to my suit and a strong iron sword with this upgrade I felt much more confident I

Think I can take on those earthy monsters that guarded the camera once night had fallen I snucked back to the city and down the different Alleyways to where the camera was miraculously still laying on the ground and the monster was still there too he lunged at me and I

Drew my iron sword I sliced away at him it was really difficult to keep my health up each hit really dealt a blow he was not holding back but neither was I to my armor although not quite finished held its own too and thanks to that I started chipping away at his

Health I was coming out on top with the final blow he crumbled before me and to dust he shall return I recovered the camera and inspected it to see if it was damaged as I flipped through the pictures I saw there were videos too it looked like Vicky had been

Chased by a group of henchmen she managed to lose them before taking a final picture wait the last photo taken on here that Thug could it be the one that hurt my parents my head was reeling on days 23 to 26 I returned to the manor

And gave the camera back to Vicky you got it back I can’t thank you enough you really do have a superpower you never give up that’s a pretty cool catchphrase I might have to take that one off your hands now that you have the camera does

This mean you’ll be going back to Gotham actually I was thinking it would be great to stick around here for a while is that all right I’ve grown kind of used to the safety you can stay as long as you want thanks I’m going to take

Some photos out my window it’s got quite the view cool I’m going to finish my armor it’s almost complete there was just one problem I didn’t have enough iron so I went to a nearby cave and mined a bunch more iron I took the iron back to the manor and finished up my

Armor I made some more tools too you once I was done with those projects I passed the time by upgrading the manner with Vicky sticking around I wanted her to feel more at home and things to be less run down besides it would be great to restore Wayne Manor to its former

Glory on days 27-31 I decided to explore some more but in the opposite direction of the city I wandered into a desert I eventually came across a camel hey I don’t want any trouble Mr bat guy me neither I’m just passing by phew I like just moved from Gotham and like I get

Beat up a lot some of these humps are just swelling can you believe that’s why I’m out of here but to be honest life is still like tough you know I’m a hipster camel I’m not like fit for Desert life just then some husks popped up and started attacking us the camel was

Spooked but I won the brawl with these I’ve got a place not far from here and so far it’s been safe from thugs you’re welcome to join me in my friends there’s plenty of space at the old Manor the camel was relieved to get an invite back

To the manor since I was in the desert I had to take advantage of all the sand everywhere I mined some so later I could smelt it into glass once I had enough I returned to the manor to fix up all the broken windows with the smelted sand

Then I made a cozy Barn for the camel hopefully this Barn will help him stay camouflaged from the bad guys as I put the finishing touches on Joey rushed in Hey kid you’re gonna want to see this we walked outside and saw that in the sky

There was a light high in the sky with a bat symbol in it coming from Gotham it had to be a signal Gotham needs us on days 32-35 Joey and I hurried to Gotham we saw that the signal was coming from the police station it was under attack

Evil little penguins and Joker’s minions were setting fire to the station and knocking giant holes in the walls I should have known the Penguin and Joker were behind this Joey and I drew our weapons and got down to business annihilating the cronies and flightless fiends one by one we picked them off

With the two of us fighting we could deal more damage but even that wasn’t enough to stop the Carnage going on all around us we fought our way into the building we have to find Gordon Head for the elevator we made it to the top floor

To find a hurt Gordon surrounded by bad guys you want to act crazy let’s get crazy then hi yeah these punks were no match for the bat dude the name is still a work in progress anyways back to fighting I kicked their trash with no mercy we rushed to Gordon’s side he was

Pretty badly wounded and was the Lone Survivor of the attack we had to get him out of there before more henchmen came wait ugh open that chest real quick before we go I followed Gordon’s orders inside the chest was a Batman Armored suit and a grappling hook upgrade holy

Bougie upgrades Batman it was time to blow this Burning Popsicle stand we helped Gordon Escape out of the city and back to the manor there we fixed up a room for him so he could have a quick recovery Joey also volunteered to stay and watch over him on days 36-39 we let

Gordon rest while I harvested food for the growing number of Roommates pardon me sir I turned to see a nicely dressed English gentleman meekly standing before me my name is Alfred I used to be a butler for the Mansion some time ago now that the household appears to be up and

Running again I wish to assist as a butler once again I know a lot about this place sir for instance did you know there’s a bat cave under Wayne Manor a bat cave sounds cool and of course you can be Butler again we definitely could use someone like you around here you

Might also like to know that there’s a giant bat creature who has taken over down there I tried to shoo him away but well no such luck Alfred knew everything I had him lead the way through this hidden elevator sir straight down there’s only one stop you can’t miss it

Before going I crafted a grappling hook I entered the elevator and it opened up to the bat cave more like a massive Tech Lab with rock walls this is awesome there was a deafening screen reach I was grappling with what to do next wait my grappling hook this is like roping cattle yeehaw

I was able to cast The Hook and take hits at the bat while also blocking his attacks we brawled for a while but I got the last hit Batcave was safe at last I heard slow clapping Alfred was entering the cave he showed me around the bat

Cave including a weapon stash and how to use the high-tech computer we can use the computer to find the source of Joker’s gas I think we know where his gas is coming from am I right Alfred potty humor is low-hanging fruit sir I will work on the findings for the gas

But it will take a while great I’ll grab some weapons out of the stash I equipped myself with a gnarly hippogriff Talon sword an extra grappling hook a C4 remote control Detonator and some smoke bombs there was also a nice Batman suit in the chest it was slightly better than

Iron but worse than Diamond this place had it all on days 40 to 43 we headed back upstairs to the main floors I spiffed up the manor and then fixed up a room for Alfred he was very pleased and promptly took a nap on his sofa while

Alfred snored and moved on to the dining room to do some Renovations in there as well home is where the Batcave is to my surprise the little kid from Gotham and his mother were walking up to the manor I was hoping I’d find you here though though Gotham has gotten even worse we

Can’t stay there anymore stay here then we will look after you two can some other children seek Refuge here too bring them all I immediately got to work upgrading the manor to accommodate all the new arrivals while I was working the camel came up to me so I was like totes

Eavesdropping and heard you guys talking about Joker in some crazy evil gas Ploy I totally saw a sus Factory out in the desert that was serving a massive Joker Vibes like no joke I thanked him for his awesome hot lead I knew where I needed

To go to the desert to locate that sus Factory on days 44-49 I was traveling alone in the desert when I heard a vehicle approaching it was a mean looking dark purple Roadster and it was heading right for me this could only be one person here here a little bat

S into his room ruining all of our fun Joker that’s my name please wear it out and don’t be such a party pooper clowns just want to have fun you know I see where you’re headed but I’m afraid you’re too late I already have all the gas I need the

Only gas you’ll be releasing is from the prison burritos when I’m done with you oh is that so tell me have you ever danced with the devil in the pale Moonlight cause I have Joker started talking to someone I couldn’t see just sister where’s your manners aren’t you

Going to offer a bad friend here a snack I was thinking a knuckle sandwich Out jumped a creepy clown Golem and Joker sped away laughing maniacally Chester was big and scary but he was just one dumb Thug how hard could it be well I was about to learn Bring It On on

Days 50 to 53 I was going Toe to Toe with this giant armed Golem his thick long arms really packed a punch and he had a lot of range yeah I need to get close so I can hit him where it hurts this was my hardest fight yet but I had

Some tricks up my sleeve hey Chester I’m hooked on you I whipped out my grappling hook pulled him in range of my fancy sword and slashed him up and how do you like this I threw a smoke bomb down to make the Golem dizzy and Confused then I

Darted around him dealing him blow after blow eventually the Golem started to crack now was time I acted quickly he didn’t even see it coming three two one kablooey the C4 exploded as the Golem walked over it he went soaring into the air you play with the bat you get the

Wings I turned my attention to where the Joker had sped off to I began to follow the tracks to the factory something Joker said was echoing in my ears just another Dance with the Devil in the pale of moonlight that’s what the killer said could The

Joker be the same person who hurt my parents on that horrible night so long ago I kept heading towards the factory I had to investigate on days 54-57 I finally reached the desert Factory to no surprise there was a guard out front excuse me did you order a drink the

Guard was confused no hmm that’s funny because you look like you could use some punch I knocked the guard down he was out cold one down probably a million to go I marched inside inside the factory were large machines producing Joker’s clown gas as well as you guessed it a

Bunch of cronies clowns attack the bat they sent the creepy clown creature after me clearly they had been transformed by the gas hey no funny business now the clowns were crazy but I handled them you know for a bunch of clowns you’re really not that funny when

The henchman saw I was defeating the clowns they came at me themselves take it easy I just want to show shut down your entire operation chill out this is the most hostile circus I’ve ever been to I loved messing with them while I beat them silly eventually there was

Only one henchman left I’m the ring master of this circus and you just bought a ticket to die yeah Mr tough guy huh let’s see how tough you are against my little toys I hit him with my extra damage sword oh that’s gonna leave a mark I noticed the henchmen dropped a

Crowbar and a gas mask I hope this can protect me from the clown gas in the future now I need to search for a way to shut the factory down after looking everywhere I found a big lever with a sign do not press why do we even have

This lever signed the Joker yeah I’m gonna press it I pulled it and I heard all the machines shut down Victory on days 58-62 I made it back to the manor and thanked the camel for his information that led me to the factory I saw the the orphans from Gotham had

Arrived welcome to Wayne Manor hope you feel at home here kids if you happen to find any weapons uh don’t play with them with more kids around there are more mouths to feed I needed to expand the farm I’ll be back gotta run some errands

I just become a father to a bunch of kids yeah too late to go back on it now if I can best deny your Golem I can keep a horde of children fed I found some seeds for planting then track down some animals here piggy piggy you’re coming

Home with Papa I lured the pigs back to the Corrals so we could have some more meat I planted the seeds so they could start growing with that out of the way I decided I wanted to find some Diamond so I could really have the edge when

Fighting Joker in his gang if that wasn’t enough once I got back to the manor for mining diamonds I could tell the kids were a little Restless after the horrors the kids of Gotham had seen they could use a safe and fun place to play I decided to build them the

Playroom yeah this is pretty good I think they’ll like it better than the dirty Gotham streets anyway that was enough building for the day I was pooped so I went to sleep on days 63-66 I was sleeping in bed when Alfred came and woke me up you scared the living bats

Out of me Alfred what do you want he came to inform me he had located one of Joker’s caches of gas in the Gotham sewer good work Alfred but next time try knocking I could have been sleeping in just my utility belt it looked like it’s time for another trip into the City

Alfred walked me through where to find the gas I prepared my armor and weapons and waited for Nightfall then I headed to Gotham I found an entrance to the sewers and jumped in I snuck through the sewer trying to remember the instructions Alfred gave me but I

Started to get confused about where I was once I was down there eventually I came across a sewer rat rats guess I gotta take out this aggressive rodent I drew my sword I’m not gonna attack you I’m not like that anymore I’m all about peace and love now that’s great news I’m looking

For a certain place in the sewers but I’m getting a bit lost let me guess you’re hunting for Joker’s container he’s stuck down here aren’t you if so I know where it is you do where is it I’ll tell you but I’m gonna need a favor first

You seem like you could help me with my monster problem it’s been terrorizing the rat Community down here what do you say you down for vanquishing a foe I agreed to the challenge and followed him deeper in on days 67 to 70 the rat and I

Reached an area with a large pool of sewer water I don’t see a monster just wait after some time I saw something rising to the surface and out emerged a giant crocodile the rat scurried away with a squeak I would too if I was his

Size but I was big and strong enough to take him on hey Croc let’s rock it crawled right at me ready to make me his midnight snack I drew my sword and swatted away it was strong enough to cut through his scales I jumped and dodged

His great big snout full of teeth until splash I fell on the Water The Croc is faster in water better hurry and get out grappling hook go I whizzed out of the water and was able to deal a blow from above I let him have it he was super

Strong and got a few good hits at me but he was no match for zobat I got the last hit and he was finished see you later alligator that was actually a crocodile but at any rate I knew you were skilled enough to handle him thanks my rag

Community can go back to living happy lives now let me make good on my end of the bargain the rat led me to where Joker’s clown gas was he couldn’t get too close as it was already emitting clownish gases luckily I still had the mask from the factory I put it on and

Knocked the tank to bits the gas was destroyed getting rid of that gas has me feeling relieved on day 71 to 74 I trudged my way out of the smelly sewers but it wasn’t the stinkiest situation I’d been in to see more on that check out my other Adventures by searching

Z-o-z-o I climbed out of the sewer and saw Joker sitting inside a cauldron he jumped out when he saw me well well well looks like you’ve been busy find what you’re looking for Betsy just visiting my rat friends in the sewers you’re making house calls to sewer rats when

I’ll soon be releasing my clown gas all over the world you’re the worst Batman I’ve ever tormented it’s probably why you are orphaned you aren’t very good at being a hero my blood boiled how would you know anything about that is this because you’re the evil Thug that Chuck my parents lives

I drew my weapon and lunged at him Joker dodged and grabbed a golf club he swung it at me and hit me hard in the head ouch he was so much stronger than I expected uh oh yogurt pulled out a bomb and threw it at me Kaboom then he

Somehow shot poisonous gas out of his hand I quickly put on my gas mask nice try Joker but I’m immune to your poisonous gas are you immune to plasma guns we both knew the answer to that I threw a smoke bomb and took the opportunity to

Escape where did you go Betty we aren’t done playing don’t tell me you’ve run away oh you spineless rodent come back and take your Beating I wasn’t finished blowing you up Joker began throwing a fit he shot his plasma gun and tossed Bombs all around him one bomb landed a little too close

To him and blew him backwards I silently Slipped Away out of the city on day 75 to 78 I got back to the manor and looked out over my balcony I looked worse for wear but that was nothing to the way I felt on the inside I felt so defeated I

Barely escaped Joker with my life at this rate I had no chance at saving Gotham but everyone was counting on me I was in over my head I decided to work on the one thing I knew knew I could help the manor I cleared out the cobwebs

Sticks and rocks in the upstairs room then I replaced the broken glass windows and rearranged the furniture that looks much better I went to the archery range and boxing ring getting these in working order would be good for training I’ve got them looking tight and was ready to

Call it a day oh wait I need to finish the downstairs hallway as I worked on the hallway the boy had met in the city came up to me hiya Mr though sir I wanted to thank you for letting us stay here and making the cool playroom I’ve

Never felt this happy and safe in my whole life here for you he handed me a dirty looking friendship bracelet as soon as I took it I began to level up this little kid’s love was so pure and Powerful that it literally gave me strength this is exactly what I needed thanks buddy

You’re my hero on day 79-84 I went off the grounds to try out my new strength as I walked through the spruce Forest a mob of spiders came at me and then a short time later I came across a few Enderman they were a piece of cake how

Do you like me now a woman dressed in an all-black catsuit came bounding up to me seemingly out of nowhere me yeah well hello there batboy what’s a big guy like you doing in these parts what what’s the matter cat’s got your tongue something like that you look like you’re

Pretty fast care for a race to the other end of the forest you’re on WE raced through the forest I used my grappling hook to swing through the trees while the Catwoman swiftly glided jumped and flipped through the air she was fast but so was I we basically tied nah I won by

A whisker she was one cool cat after explaining the situation with Joker I invited her to come to Wayne Manor and be on our team but she wanted to remain neutral for now I didn’t say I was a good kitty but I’ll do you one favor I

Know where another stash of gas is I’ll destroy it for you she assured me she would take them out from a distance as to not take any of the fumes here take these consider these reward for nearly beating me in a race Catwoman handed me

A flashy new sort of fate and a stack of batteries finally a range weapon before I could thank her Catwoman was out of sight as quickly as she had come on days 85-89 as I approached the manor I saw that it was under attack by more

Penguins and thugs not again I was even stronger this time though they were messing with the wrong orphaned rich boy I started annihilating them I had pecked them off one by one that’s when Joey came running out to me hey kid whoa you’re not a kid no more are you anyways

Some of the penguins have run off with Vicky they went that way I took off on foot to track them down I eventually followed them to a snowy biome and I could see their tracks were fresh it wasn’t much longer before I saw a group of penguins marching along with a

Distressed Vicky in tow without alerting them I swung in silently and started to kick the Penguin’s Tails feathers ice to finally catch up to you guys they squawked and tried to fight back but there were no match for my newly upgraded strength wreck there was one

Penguin left and he was much bigger and tougher looking than the rest time to take out the mob boss oh this bird is not going down without a fight I’m a penguin cause I bring the pain you’re a pain in my rear that’s for sure we began

Duking it out flippered a sword after we smacked each other around for a while I finally got the last hit now you’re a gangwin I went over to Vicky you okay Vicky I am now thank you you’re really getting good at this those smelly Penguins were taking me to their Lair as

A trap so you would come get me they didn’t expect you to catch up waddling at their super slow speed what a bunch of bird brains you head back to the manor I’ll go take care of the penguin once and for all on days 90 to 94 the

Penguin and his minions were waiting around the base for tuna’s sake where are they they should have shown up with the bait by now I worked hard at getting a Yeti here I shouldn’t have to keep waiting to have the yeti tear the bathroom would live from limb Gunter

Tell me a joke while I wait I had stealthily perched on a high point above and decided to respond what’s black white and red all over a newspaper no it’s you after being thrown to that Yeti you have in that cage that was uncalled for and highly unprofessional bat dude I

Had gotten the jump on penguin and toy was he surprised I soared down from the ledge and began to fight it was me against an entire den of penguins maybe I was crazy or maybe I was Batman Penguins attack they charged me and I began taking blows and dealing hits the

Fight was Bonkers so many feathers flying around that I was knocking the Penguins out pretty good it was then then I saw some ice fly past me penguin had a nice gun he hit me a couple times with it and I was trapped in ice with me

Unable to move the Penguins were able to hit me all they wanted I’m gonna need a good Icebreaker for this crowd on days 95 to 97 I continued tearing it up in penguin’s Lair I had gotten Frozen a couple times but I had my batarangs now I dealt trouble right back at penguin

Eventually I had defeated all the Minions now to deal with penguin I neared the yeti cage and saw switch next to it I quickly pressed it the yeti came right for penguin his own plan backfired on him penguin was toast the yeti smashed his cold-blooded captured a bit

Vengeance is best served cold I searched penguin’s base for anything of use would you look at that a grappling hook rocket attachment okay this was going to be fun I searched some more and although I didn’t find any more cool weapons I did find something of great importance the

Map to the final cache of gas in the city on day 98 I mined some diamonds on my way back to the manor Once I arrived Joey was excited to see I had made it back safe and was impressed that I had defeated the penguin he also wanted to

Tell me what he had been up to I have a little surprise for you I’ve been collecting material cereals so you can make an enchanting area and now I have everything you need for it you can thank me later I took the materials down to my

Bat cave and sat in my enchantment area I crafted the rest of my diamond into an armor and a pickaxe and then Enchanted my weapons and armor with some basic protection I then found Alfred to tell him about the map Alfred I’ve discovered the final location for the cache of gas

With the help of this map that is a relief to hear sir as I have not been able to do it with the computer I did however find some wings down in the bat cave here try them on I took them outside and with my new rocket

Attachment and wings I could fly short distances my bad skills were looking sharp I bet the orphans would get a kick out of this I better go show them I found the orphans they were playing and running around they seemed at home here at Wayne Manor I was happy to see that I

Saw Commissioner Gordon and Joey nearby how are your wounds healing up Mr Gordon I am healing up pretty good I’ll be back in the field in no time looking out from over the balcony I felt a very strong sense of pride in what we had done here

But now it was time to go face The Joker on day 99 I flew off my balcony and reached Gotham with the map as my Aid I was able to locate the final stash of gas I swiftly destroyed it so long as Catwoman held up her end of the bargain

All the gas should have been destroyed now we’ll see if Joker finds that funny I flew into the air and soared around the city looking for signs of Joker At Last I found a crazy looking Mansion ahead and instinctively knew that it had to be Joker’s lair I landed in front of

The mansion and started fighting the couple of thugs out front then I was quickly overwhelmed by thugs running at me from every direction okay maybe I was in over my head boy get your daddy little clown hands off our friend I looked and saw Joey walking towards me with a big group of

His police buddies I’d never been so relieved his Squad started taking on the thugs which allowed me and Joey to go inside and confront the joker I’m glad I have you by my side Joey now let’s make Joker pay for what he’s done to the city gladly on day 100 we entered Joker’s

Basement which revealed a funky circular room Joker was waiting for us it’s about time I was growing bored waiting for you you going to do the whole thing where you try and stop me and then I tie you up and make you watch the world descend into madness

Suddenly remembered the face of my parents killer you were the one who killed my parents oh trust me I wish I could take credit for that I’d have to be an old man by now to be the one who killed them I saying I look old or something

Rude much evil existed in this city before I got here maybe you didn’t notice because you were too busy being a spoiled rich boy in your fancy mansion and evil will continue to be here long after I’m gone he Goodwill also exists before now and forever I will do everything I can to

Fight the evil I find in the city while I’m still here you can bet on that oh I hope so it makes it so much more fun like a game of Captain Mouse you’re the mouse by the way and you took too long to figure out how to stop me little

Mouse 100 days is up it’s like Christmas Day technically I don’t think you can count day one so it’s only been 99 days no no day one definitely counted it’s 100 days 99 100 99 100 it’s my plan and I decide I’m pushing the button Joker

Slammed his hand down on the button to release the gas huh that’s weird I don’t hear any reactions to the gas must be because I destroyed all the gas before I came here my bad he pushed another button and this time some poisonous gas came rising from the vents I was trapped

In the gas but again I just quickly threw on my mask any effects it would have had dissipated face it Joker it’s over you lost oh it’s far from over Pepsi Joker pulled a lever on the wall this caused the pipe doors to open and a mixture of smilex

Liquid and gas came pouring out Joker stepped into the ooze and gasped he really was mad Joker started to transform before our very eyes he was morphing into a giant super Joker monster you know I think it’s time to play Walkabout Joker swung his golf club bludgeoning me I used my enchanted

Batarangs Grappling Hook sword and C4 explosions to fight the Joker Joker used his plasma gun Golf Club gas attack and occasionally some bombs it was a battle royale well more like a battle Carnival I looked up and noticed a giant chandelier was above us barely holding

On at the right moment I threw a batarang at it it dropped and crushed Joker he gave a weak laugh and then drew his last breath Joker was dead his reign of terror was over Joker was gone but as he said evil still remained so here I

Wait in the night to help the innocent and reap vengeance upon thugs of the city a bat symbol shined across the sky that’s my cue Gotham needs me

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as VENOM in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Top Superhero Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-08-14 21:15:00. It has garnered 412455 views and 4586 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:07 or 14107 seconds.

In this video, I attempt to survive 100 days as VENOM in Minecraft Hardcore mode! I am playing as a hero villain in the superhero world!

0:00:00 100 Days as VENOM https://youtu.be/_wCQUPQyx94 0:30:31 200 DAYS as VENOM https://youtu.be/X2h3OnHIMY4 1:04:17 100 DAYS as DIAMOND VENOM https://youtu.be/0xHBJs5J2uo 1:43:36 100 DAYS as THOR https://youtu.be/PGdldBP9cFo 2:13:37 100 DAYS as HULK https://youtu.be/zVzJxl8Tj28 2:44:22 100 DAYS as IRON MAN https://youtu.be/z0WvYHOeS0E 3:14:44 100 DAYS as BATMAN https://youtu.be/U7pmCMj5cGs

#minecraft #100days

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    Unbelievable! Lawless can't sleep in Minecraft?! 😂  #minecraft #memes #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When you can’t sleep in Minecraft 😂 #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft With lawless on 2024-08-28 15:23:18. It has garnered 11148 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21

    UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘The Top 5 Rarest Minecraft Biomes in 1.21’, was uploaded by ProbablySnake on 2024-09-18 08:00:14. It has garnered 10323 views and 769 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ▶ If you liked the video, please show it with a positive feedback 😀 ____________________________________________ ▶ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@probablysnake ____________________________________________ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftranking #mc #mcpe #gaming #foryou #fyp #stereomadness #funny #backontrack #funny #gaming #geometrydash Read More


    🔥 EPIC DIAMOND HUNT IN MINECRAFT! 🌟 | PART 5Video Information This video, titled ‘MINEING FOR ORES AND SEARCHING FOR DIAMONDS | MINECRAFT | PART 5’, was uploaded by Sweepful on 2024-08-17 00:27:15. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:21 or 8061 seconds. Welcome in guy’s my name is SweepFul if you want to know my real name let’s get this channel to 500 followers and I’ll tell you that information! I’m 26 years old with a 6-month-old baby who thinks I’m her chew toy. Following dreams of creating a community of nothing but gaming videos. On this channel expected to… Read More

  • 100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft – Insane Survival

    100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft - Insane SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a BLOOD WORM in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-07-13 14:00:39. It has garnered 3169252 views and 26115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:45 or 2745 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Blood Worm! I had to save my family from the evil Cobras! Will I be strong enough to defeat them? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More

  • 4RIN+ – Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunami

    4RIN+ - Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunamiVideo Information This video, titled ‘I INVADED a VTuber Minecraft server with @AuriLunami’, was uploaded by 4RIN+ on 2024-07-07 09:11:55. It has garnered 757 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 06:47:05 or 24425 seconds. ✨ Use Code “SAERIN4RIN” to Get $5 Off Your Sakuraco and TokyoTreat Snacks! ➡ Sakuraco: https://team.sakura.co/saerin4RIN ➡ TokyoTreat: https://team.tokyotreat.com/saerin4RIN ____________________________ 🍰 FEED THE HELLHOUND: https://streamelements.com/saerin4rin/tip 🍰 🖊 JOIN MEMBERSHIPS: https://bit.ly/saerin4rinjoin __________ 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 __________ ◢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/saerin4RIN ◢ THRONE GIFTING: https://throne.com/saerin4RIN ◢ OTHER: https://saerin4rin.carrd.co/ ◢ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/93kdjRJabT Business contact: [email protected] ________ Other Minecraft VTubers ________ @AuriLunami @RIHSURI @SheeIchoKawaii ________ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ________ Please… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)

    Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV Underworld – Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)’, was uploaded by Nani on 2024-04-22 01:28:56. It has garnered 361 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:35 or 2375 seconds. #ragecraft #ctm #minecraft #fyptiktok #survival #bossfight I’m not a fan of boss fights where you also have to worry about the tons of spawns there are, but I must admit that it is entertaining and forces you to think of strategies to make it easier Download map: https://ctmrepository.com/index.php?action=viewMap&id=588 IMPORTANT 1: It’s been 8 years and I’m obviously not making… Read More

  • Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle Blaiden

    Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle BlaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Getting Cancelled in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Uncle Blaiden on 2024-07-30 04:58:44. It has garnered 87 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:31 or 10351 seconds. Getting Cancelled in Minecraft !!! WARNING FOR DONATIONS !!! You can donate via YouTube Superchats. However, for donations equal to or exceeding $5.00, it’s recommended to donate via the “Donate” link below as you can send a custom Text-To-Speech message that will play on the stream. Donate: https://streamelements.com/uncleblaiden/tip Discord: https://discord.gg/Hbnnk2bxhf Donate BitCoin: bc1quggu392up43gekw76ufu2y5pplzxwmf78shdey Donate Monero: 88TaTTUbqS5ZcLH4WWUeb8WatsZY91R7daXvzNVKbCKfUnHrE7AsBQjQs5Gh1QDXko8EH4G7UuUSGKS2ogdcNKWcAiKuwGW Instagram: https://instagram.com/blaidenbeats Twitter: https://twitter.com/blaidenbeats Beat Channel: https://youtube.com/@BlaidenBeats Read More

  • MRG Network

    MRG NetworkMRG Network is a group of minecraft servers created by players for players. The network was made out of necessity due to the PTW nature of most servers out there. We have most features that other servers brag about but without putting a paywall between the players and the features they desire. We are a group of friends who have made this server from the perspective of players. We have played servers and were ignored with our requests and therefore we have made this server at the request of those who played and enjoyed other servers with us. We are… Read More

  • 🌑 The Shadow Realm is Now OPEN! 🌑 Realms SMP Bedrock

    Join The Shadow Realm for a Legendary Adventure! One-Player Sleep: No more waiting for everyone to rest! Reworked Smaller Shields: Get the protection you need without the bulk. Optifine-like Spyglass: Zoom in and explore like never before! Decreased Fire Spread: Keep your builds safe from accidental fires. Vein Miner: Mine resources faster and more efficiently! In-Game Events: Regular events to keep the excitement going! Discord Community: Stay connected, share your builds, and plan your adventures! In-Game Shop: Buy and sell items for all your crafting needs. !TPs and !setHome: Convenient teleport and home commands to make navigation easier! !Land Claim:… Read More

  • Minecraft server nerdpvp.xyz

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: nerdpvp.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Swap shield for door, trust me”

    Minecraft Memes - "Swap shield for door, trust me"Looks like the shield’s defense just couldn’t handle the door’s entrance into meme stardom! Read More

  • Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge Logic

    Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge LogicVideo Information This video, titled ‘WindCharge Logic・・・’, was uploaded by TK on 2024-09-16 14:07:34. It has garnered 618 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlogic #minecraftshorts #yes Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

    Tiny Minecraft World Challenge Welcome to the World in a Jar Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a unique survival journey within the confines of a jar in Minecraft! This challenging gameplay experience offers a twist on the traditional world exploration, pushing players to think creatively and strategically to expand their world. Starting Off Strong As you begin your adventure, you’ll find yourself spawned in front of a barrel filled with essential starter tools. These tools will be crucial in helping you navigate and survive in this confined environment. With limited resources at your disposal, every decision you make will impact your progress. Endless Possibilities… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametix

    Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametixVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of Noob Getting Diamonds 😎😦 #minecraft #shorts #gametix #viral’, was uploaded by Gametix on 2024-01-10 06:36:14. It has garnered 3180 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! play.tigsmc.fun:21579 Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

    Welcome to Plains n’ Peaks! Plains n’ Peaks is a private Minecraft SMP (Java only) for a select group of friends and individuals aged 14-20. Our server focuses on a safe and fun Minecraft experience without excessive automation or inflation. We enjoy hosting events, hanging out in voice chat, and having a great time together! We offer a vanilla experience with a few quality of life plugins, like one player sleep, and the Simple Voice Chat mod for socialization. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply here. Requirements: Discord account Minecraft Java Edition account Microphone and computer capable of… Read More

  • Minecraft server mp.castiamc.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mp.castiamc.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Straight facts: Minecraft > Netflix animations”

    Minecraft Memes - "Straight facts: Minecraft > Netflix animations"Well, at least Minecraft doesn’t ask you to pay extra for “HD Dirt”! Read More

  • Wathi’s Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator’s Realm

    Wathi's Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator's Realm In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Creativity flows, setting imaginations free. With updates and news, we stay in the know, Crafting our worlds, letting our creativity grow. Wathi’s “Already Dead” video, a masterpiece in sight, With animations and lyrics, shining bright. The pressure around the neck, like a guillotine, The struggle and pain, in every scene. But in Minecraft, we find solace and peace, Building our dreams, letting our worries cease. So let’s dive into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, In the world of Minecraft, where our imaginations take flight. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Building Plr_Hightower in Minecraft!

    Crafting Chaos: Building Plr_Hightower in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building Plr_Hightower in Survival Mode! Introduction to the Adventure In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved. Join Lyfe and Me on an exciting journey as they embark on the challenge of building Plr_Hightower in Survival mode. Creating a Dye Farm The first step in their adventure involves setting up a dye farm. This essential resource will provide them with the colorful materials needed to bring their vision to life. From planting seeds to harvesting vibrant flowers, the process is both strategic and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft animations like Monster School Reanimated? Do you enjoy being part of a creative and active community of Minecraft players? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, players can experience a unique and exciting gameplay experience unlike any other. With a focus on survival gameplay and player interaction, Minewind offers a challenging and immersive world for players to explore and conquer. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ALPEREN HAYALET OKULUNA BAŞLADI! 😱 – Minecraft In this video, Efe and Alperen spend a day at the Ghost School. They learn how to scare people and how to become ghosts themselves. For more videos like this, don’t forget to subscribe! Subscribe now: Minecraft Parodies YouTube Channel Most Loved Minecraft Videos Check out our most popular Minecraft videos here! Support the Channel If you enjoy our content, consider joining our channel here! Join our Discord community: Discord Contact us at: [email protected] Disclaimer: All our videos are purely fictional. The characters and events depicted are not real. The… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POWERFUL SPELLS in Minecraft with this Magic Minecraft Mod: Archon #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kaupenjoe Mod Showcases on 2024-09-05 14:30:01. It has garnered 5224 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. In this Short Minecraft Mod Showcase, we are looking at Archon. An awesome Minecraft Magic Mod that adds powerful Magic to Minecraft. == HASHTAGS == #minecraftmods #minecraftmodshowcase #moddedminecraft #minecraftmagic #minecraftjava #kaupenjoe Read More


    HAUNTED SURPRISES IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Thought This Was A Safe Place | #minecraft #gaming #funny #viral #scary #gameplay #vtuber’, was uploaded by ChaotixOP on 2024-03-29 21:00:53. It has garnered 414 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You cannot escape 🎨 follow me here too: ⭐Discord: https://discord.gg/MFJHChM: ⭐Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaotixop?lang=ar ⭐Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chaotixop/ ⭐Newgrounds: https://chaotixop.newgrounds.com/ ⭐ Or more: https://ko-fi.com/chaotixop ⭐Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5f4bHOH8VoZnfvPICGxPw ⭐Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chaotixop Read More

  • Unbelievable Find at Raaanch – Crystal Room Revealed!

    Unbelievable Find at Raaanch - Crystal Room Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t – Another Old Base. Crystal Room. Dupe Stash Hunting 369 (Stream Highlights)’, was uploaded by Raaanch on 2024-08-14 13:00:41. It has garnered 968 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Welcome to my #2b2t #minecraft #2builders2tools stream highlights. If you wish to join us, please drop a follow at https://www.twitch.tv/Raaanch Would love to see you there! Streamed on the 23rd and 24th of Feb 2024 2b2t is a Minecraft server with the goal to never reset the world in a free for all no rules pvp environment,… Read More

  • Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shorts

    Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lazy players be like #shorts’, was uploaded by teaSer7 on 2024-05-23 06:14:28. It has garnered 2556 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #tiktok #viral #minecraft Read More

  • 💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #Minecraft

    💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-04 18:25:24. It has garnered 113 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:04 or 13504 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

I Survived 1000 DAYS as VENOM in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Top Superhero Compilation