I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft AGAIN [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

So I’ve survived another 1 000 days in Minecraft hardcore and yet again built some ridiculous things and transformed my whole world along the way so if you want to see hundreds of hours of effort all in one video for the second time this is the place to be so grab your

Snacks kick back and enjoy the movie so in this episode of doing annoyingly difficult things in Minecraft hardcore I’m going to dig out a tunnel similar to the one I built for the different biomes and I’m going to collect every single block that exists in survival

So not Bedrock as you might guess we’ll start with things like the grass block and then later on I’m gonna need to collect every single mob head and so on So speaking of grass blocks let’s get the variety of dirt blocks out of the way like

Podzolt rooted dirt and just dot so this is obviously going to be the Overworld portion of this Museum and then after we finish that we can move on to the other areas of the game whilst I do the next wooden blocks I shall explain the rules for this challenge it’s pretty basic if

I can both obtain the Block in my inventory and then also place it onto the ground then I need to collect it and put it in here for example I can’t obtain the path block so it’s not going in the museum anyway we’ve got the plain

Old log the stripped log just the wood variation and then the stripped wood the oak leaf and then we need to place the sapling on dirt grass would probably be nicer actually we’ve got the plank the plank stair the plank slab the fence the fence gate a

Button a pressure plate a door a trapdoor a sign that says nothing essential but recommended so that I think is every placeable block slash I guess entity I don’t know this kind of looks stupid should I bother doing the boats maybe I’ll do a special area for

The boats or something but this is every placeable Oak block now we need to move on to Spruce just like so and now honestly I’m starting to realize this is gonna take up a lot of space there’s a lot of blocks we need to get through I

Don’t think I have a single bit of birch wood and I have to collect some of this I think this time we’ll just go on the other side over here or else one side is going to be wood and then the other’s not gonna be okay

This one is going to say Birch rules because I don’t think Bush gets enough respect honestly I think too many people hate on it comment section is going to be interesting with this one anyway the next wood variation is Jungle which I also need to collect so I was going to

Do one of those boom transitions but alas oh jungle is just it’s such a weird looking block anyway I’m sure you’ve seen enough of the wood stuff so here’s the acacia dark oak and I still need to find the mangrove swamp because I not only want the wood variation but also frogs for

The blocks that we’ll be making later on let’s pretend like I haven’t already flown 10 000 blocks and not found one yep okay I don’t know how or why these generate in regular Villages but take some of that because I’m going to need it now I’m going to go back to the

Mangrove swamp that I found a few episodes ago even though I don’t really know where it is I do remember going past this uh it’s just a regular oh whoa whoa wait this don’t tell me this I need to Google this you can find frogs in regular swamps it’s like I don’t even

Play this game what a giant waste of time and effort I could have just gone to any of the regular ones and I’m back home after an hour also I can just do this need to decorate this place as well once I’m done with all the blocks all right

We’ve got some Basics like the chest crafting table and furnace and I know the furnace might not be an Overworld block but at the same time it kind of is because on your first day of Minecraft you usually acquire it by doing this outside so yeah it’s an Overworld block

I think these ones are gonna need some assistance from grass why can this not grow there we go now I should be able to do it and put some kelp down also found some cocoa beans that I should probably put down before I forget now we’ve got the Jukebox and the note

Block now if you take a look at the crafting recipe that is majority wood not diamond or Redstone so they are going in the Overworld boom bang and bang and I’ve got the no block audio off now we’ve got under the next category sand stuff how do you get smooth Sandstone I

Forget that’s not it I need to smelt it so sand Sandstone chiseled Sandstone cut Sandstone smooth Sandstone then we go for the stale and the wall and then the three different types of slabs right there here we need to play some scent oh no how are we gonna plant a cactus we

Might just need to leave a gap I don’t think there’s any two ways about it let me get to my farm here that’s probably overflowing yep I’ll have to somehow work this into the build later on but for now we need the red variation just like that and I’ve also realized there’s

Two types of stairs so I’ve added that to the regular sand as well something that’s a bit similar to scent is one of the most boring blocks on the planet is gravel we’ve got wet sponge and just sponge we’ve got regular ice which we need to turn into packed ice that then

Turns into blue ice so we’ve got those three there next to the ice we’ve also got a snow block and some stacked snow we’ll stack that up close to the end there then we’ve got clay and next to the clay the brick we’ve got the brick variation of stuff the stair the wall

The slab so then we’ve got a melon a pumpkin a carved pumpkin and a Jack-o-Lantern that looks pretty cool time to dig out some more lovely space you know we’re actually accumulating quite a few blocks here this is it’s going to look pretty cool I also need

Some gloss one of them being tinted so that I can place it next to the sand what the what is this anyway let’s do all the ocean stuff we’ve got the sea lantern where is it and oh damn it dude all right we need to make a bone block because we’re actually

Not gonna place it I just realized this is more common in the nether than it is in the Overworld so I’m gonna leave that for the nether next to the prismarine stuff I’m also going to put some Coral down which I need to collect luckily it’s raining so that I can just And they are unfortunately all going to die but that’s the point because we’re saving the actual colored ones for the colorful section of blocks I think these look better on the wall so I’m gonna go ahead and do that real quick yeah it looks a bit better like that

Anyway we’ve got one more Ocean Block which is of course the one and only dried kelp which I I this is the first time ever using this block in my life and boom almost done with the Overworld section which is actually the biggest one I’ve realized got some flowering

Azalea pop star right there we also need a fun and some grass not tall phones because when you break them they go into two so you cannot actually obtain a tall Fern or a big phone or whatever it’s called same with grass fun grass and I don’t have any dead bushes do I

Foreign through some of these blocks that I need do I have paintings yes I do do I really not have any bricks not a single brick boom glowing item frame almost stand I mean dude if anyone actually remembers how to make these I applaud you because

What is this pattern dude what is that so I’ve got the mushroom blocks some Vines which are probably gonna grow everywhere and a lily pad I don’t know how I constructed this list but the important thing is is that I did like scaffold how scaffolding should be next to the bamboo I just

Laughs I’ve got a painting oh we need to restrict that actually there we’ve got the two item frame variations a flower pot and an armor stand right there pickle can go here seagrass however needs a bit of help put some water down behind the trapdoor which is gonna go

Everywhere and then I can place it dude this build is going to be gigantic and I haven’t even finished the Overworld speaking of so there’s that side done these are pretty much all like the Villager blocks I think you can find every one of these in a village if I’m not mistaken and

Then there’s this side here which we have a few selected blocks for like so and as you can see here these two sides are even but I have one more block to place which is the level and if I place it they are uneven so what I’m gonna do

Is I’m just gonna place it here and give everyone anxiety anyway that is the Overworld portion done as is signaled by this weird Archway thing as I’ve said this tunnel is going to have some mad decorations next up is the cave portion of things which believe it or not is not actually

That big we have a stone cutter right here and the first set of blocks is the stone ones so that should be easy wow that button Blends in and then the other types of stone really the place that I decide to place the granite has Granite below it there we go that’s better

And next up after these we’ve got our oars so let’s start it off with coal and then the others some of them are actually pretty rare So this should be interesting let’s oh we’ve got some iron right here we actually need to collect all the different types of blocks that

Every ore has oh there’s a little bit of lapis hang on got some Redstone here don’t mind if I do gold two wow okay I’m getting pretty lucky so I need some non-deep slight diamonds and emeralds and I’m not going to find them this far down nor do I need these

What am I supposed to do just walk past them that did not work I actually do need one of these and there it goes okay we’re back out onto the surface and I think I can see a cave over there does that count as a mountain now am I maybe gonna

Find an emerald in here oh yeah yes not just one but two of them oh there’s three there’s four there’s so many all right we found some emeralds now we just need some regular diamonds which I think are going to be a struggle unfortunately but I will persevere until

I find some I think most of that stone diamond stuff happens in the crossover from Stone to deep slay right so I’m actually kind of neither I’m actually neither okay there is too many skeletons in this game okay I thought that was diamonds is that what I is that what I think it

Is oh my goodness yes this could have taken a lot longer luckily though I found them in cave number three not cave number 57 or something and I just realized I’m missing deep slate coal I’ll go collect that in a minute but for now let’s just finish this I’m gonna

Make them Ascend in value goes from coal to iron so we’ve got Stone iron then deep slight iron then a block of raw iron then a block of actual iron and I didn’t collect any deep slate lapis either it’s all right you always gotta expect some bumps in the road and then

We go for some nice gold like that that looks really nice wow look even better without this stupid Gap then we’ll go for Emerald deep slate emerald and an emerald block diamond deep slate diamond and a block of diamond look at that wow uh okay let me fill in these gaps that

Deep dark dude I flew so far away for deep dark a few episodes ago and you’re telling me that this I’m not gonna find coal down here I don’t even know why I’m doing this foreign is black why was my whole screen black just that it still is can someone

Explain like what oh they play lapis right there I shall take a little bit of this oh oh there it is let me get up here not sure if me finding these is to be considered lucky or not I was gonna put this in the rear blocks section but

Didn’t even take me 10 minutes to find so yeah you’re just going with the other oars my friend and here’s your home too there we go that’s that looks great this is the best looking part of the whole thing so far I would say so we’ve done

The regular Stone we’ve done the oars we did a little bit of deep slate so I feel like it now makes sense to do deep slate along here I brought a whole stack of cobbled and regular deep slate so we’ll put that there now let me just create

Like a lot of these the play does have quite a few different types so we’ve got that one that one that one that one that one they all have different names I don’t know I think this is bricks this is chiseled this is polished then we’ll do the stair

Variations like this slabs put the walls in just like that is fracked deep slate thing it is okay right there seems like the only logical option which means we’re gonna need to push everything down one there we go that’s better all right so next up we’ve got tough which is one

Block that nobody really cares about then we’ve got all the copper blocks which I actually need to mine out quickly I shouldn’t have even put down this much let’s craft one of these now make an actual block of copper which I need some honey for and wax oh we need

Cut copper and all the different stages as well and this stairs as well yep great so what do I just have to sit here and watch this obsidian I’ve got on the list as well lucky I have no shortage of that I don’t know why I just placed that so

This is where the copper is going to go after all the other ores over on this side we’ll go for some calcite then amethyst then the small medium and large buds followed by the cluster followed by a little bit of obsidian that is like the underground block we’ve got the Moss

Block followed by the carpet the Azalea which I cannot plant oh just a little bit of reordering I guess which doesn’t look the best but it’s gonna have to do for now spoil Blossom has to go there it’s going to create a nice little vibe in here with floating

Slime looking particles low berries as well still waiting on the copper blocks this these these blocks have not changed at all anyway I’ve got several blocks here to put down but I’m looking for one more before I can move on to those and I’m actually not sure how to find this

One oh right there wow well there you go thankfully that did not take too long hanging Roots there we go we’ve got a cobweb some iron bars and a chain and then we’ve got some lovely skulk kind of stuff you know this is gonna be really annoying Lycan is what I forgot and

Obviously a skull catalyst is missing but that is going to go in the rear block section just because I’ve decided so the list is weird already speaking of an anvil comes after this stuff and now we’ve already got enough torches in this place but you know we have to place it

There or else it doesn’t count and then my Lantern here that I placed a little while ago place that there finally I can place down all the copper blocks that were oxidizing for ages as well as the lightning rod now next to this we’ve got

All the Redstone so I need to dig out some more space here because this is a lot of stuff regular Redstone deep slate block of redstone redstone lamp maybe that’s lit up as well which is pretty cool this Spencer you know what I don’t need a list every single one how about I

Just do that and there are all the random redstone blocks we’ve even got the rails here and we’ve got space for one more block which is the lodestone for the lovely lodestone you need a netherrite Ingot and I don’t think I have a single piece of wow look at all

That netherite we have dude that’s great and while I’m here for the last cave block let’s collect the nether stuff as well so we’ve got another gold ore we’ve got quartz ore we’ve got another rack now the nether doesn’t actually have two many blocks so this shouldn’t be too

Complicated I need to collect a fair few of these actually because then we need to make things like some stairs slabs walls need a bit of Soul Sand one of these like some of this as well I need some of these here just realized I got

To collect quite a bit of quartz because we need to make all the blocks as wow that was okay let’s find a nice little pocket of Blackstone we can mine up like this one and I also just realized I’m gonna need some more Soul Sand kind of stuff

Because of these Soul torch and Lantern and campfire and all that I think this should be enough he has some lovely gilded Blackstone that we also need ah and last but not least I need to get some another right for that lodestone that I wanted all right okay go this way

There we go we’ve found some here is some netherite and nice got our lodestone and we Mark another section complete but now we’ve got a few nether blocks and as I said it’s not many so let’s just do that real quick almost forgot about red another bricks which I think are more annoying

To get than they need to be like I don’t know why you have to have Nether Bricks and warts to make red nether like and now on this other side we’ve got some Crimson wood and the layout is similar to The Wooden stuff all the way

Over there except for the fact that I’m going to put the leaf things here and connect the two like so and now we’re gonna do the Warped blocks in like a backwards kind of fashion so hopefully this looks pretty cool dude I actually really like how this

It’s like mirrored and well that was that’s exactly what I was trying to go for now I need to fill up this side here and you saw me collect pretty much every block apart from the soul torch Lantern and cam file put those down next to the

Soul Sand stuff right there we’ve got Basalt uh polished basalta now we also need smooth Basalt I should maybe have some in I was about to say my fridge there we go let’s go play some smooth Basalt and all these quartz blocks I’m saying all these as if there’s just not

Five of them glowstone as well as I surprisingly haven’t done that yet and now let’s do all the Blackstone stuff so we’ve got the slab the stair the wall the yep okay you know what we’ve also ran into a cave with lava so I need to fix that up real quick or the

Bridge that goes across the Ravine now how do you make a re ah okay that’s easy pop one of those down and add a Wither there we go and now we have one two three blocks available which is even to place the Frog lights now I don’t I

Don’t actually how do I get these I know they have to go into The Nether and they have something to do with Magma blocks okay so I’m gonna need some slime balls for breeding the frogs that should hopefully be enough doesn’t doesn’t seem to be any frogs here I know of one other

Swamp where my witch Farm is and here’s some frogs okay well there’s one oh there we go there’s two so I’ve brought a few frogs we have three frog spawns we’ve got some buckets and I’ll need to take them to different biomes to spawn the different colors of frog and then

Take them into the nether please don’t die somehow find some magma cubes get them to eat those magma cubes and voila there’s one there’s two there’s three and those four that’s actually very funny all right well you can just chill here try not to die though yeah okay now

For the other two this is a cold enough biome right all right my friends come on it’s your turn get what the why were you not get in the portal this is probably why because there’s no portal on the other side do not fall off please oh my goodness this

Place is so dangerous I did not even see that before it has already taken long enough man come on there’s a green one another one yep there we go we’ve got two green ones all right warm frog let’s do it okay sweet now get in the portal

Oh there’s one right here how do I get you in there Oh my what is your problem dude wow see you chump yo stop venturing away quick quick please help me I don’t need to go in here actually this is I’ll be that dude did not want to stay here at all here we are the three frog lights

I’m on these honestly belong in the app these honestly I feel like belong in the rear block section because they are not that easy to get and with that the end of the nether phase is marked so we’re gonna put our wooden planks down and

It’s time to move on now out of the three that are left the next one is the end and let’s be real how many blocks actually exist in the end foreign And now I know you’re probably thinking surely that can’t be it right like this is this all the blocks that are in the end the answer is no no we place this and then we place uh this and now that’s all the blocks that’s all the end has to

Offer let’s split off this spot here trying not to hit that I probably should have put it down later but I like to live life on the edge sometimes you know now when it comes to the colorful blocks we are going to do every item that you

Can die that means banners Wool Wool carpets concrete and concrete powder and so on oh lastly also the colored Coral but that’s not really dyed so it’s a little bit different I’m gonna make 10 of each die so that I know I have enough so uh let’s get Crossing thank you

Okay so I think I’ve got 10 of every die here considering I need wool for the banners plus the actual wall block it’s uh wow I’m overflowing um okay let me just get 10 of every wool so I can make the banners and then place the banners

And there we go that’s the banners and now we do that on the other side in another block and then we do another block over there and there and there and there and that this this one’s going to take up a bit of space so we’ve got

Banners on this side and they’re a bit abstract obviously they’re not an actual block and we’ll try and match that with some flowers on this side and unfortunately the colors don’t really match the other side because there is no every color flower that’s not Boom I need how many one two three four sixteen shulker boxes which means we need 32 chakra shells okay sure That was a pretty big one 43 shelter shells not bad oh this place is gonna look so nice man I already have some things in mind and it’s gonna be amazing white light gray gray black brown then we’ve got red orange yellow lime and green just like

That and last but not least we’ve got cyan blue light blue pink magenta and purple that is our color scheme because I don’t think I’ve actually said it up until now anyway we’ve got just a few more to go so here’s the gloss and gloss panes and both of these

Will look better once we have like a good wall behind them now how do I make glazed terracotta you need to smelt it that is really easy considering I already have pretty much every color 15 and 16. all right perfect I feel like this tunnel never ends this is my first

Time actually using glazed terracotta and there’s that on the other side we need to put down some candles I was gonna throw that into a montage of me making the candles and placing them but as you saw I only have four Honeycombs so now I’ve been forced to pretty much

Just put shears in every one of these and now I have to wait luckily you don’t have to wait though because after that transition I now have just over a stack of honeycomb this way so this way there we go got it 64k I don’t even think I

Need that many magenta red white gray light gray brown this is definitely the coolest plot like I don’t know what it is about these candles but they look much cooler than any of the other ones and last but not least the Beds which I have to split

Across the two sides are also is going to be incredibly uneven but let’s not forget about the final colored Coral now obviously this does look a bit weird but they have to be submerged in water and this whole thing will soon look a lot better and at my

Friends marks the end of the colored area I can’t believe I used 16 shulker boxes on this and now we’re on to the final piece of the puzzle which is all the rare blocks not all these blocks are actually rare per se but it’s more just

Like what I felt like belongs in that area for example the Ender Chest isn’t incredibly rare but I’m still gonna put it there on the list was also a crying obsidian but I realized that the respawn anchor is probably the more rare one out of the two anyway here’s our first set

Of rare blocks yes I did forget that I placed the dragon head in the end area so let’s just pretend that this didn’t happen one two and three now listen I know these blocks might not be rare but the mycelium I feel like is pretty rare okay

Anyway let’s get on to the real rare blocks first of all I need to collect 36 ancient debris for the netherride block I’m gonna put them right here so we have a counter at the bottom of the screen and let’s get to work thank you foreign I’ve been here before Fantastic all right now let me get out of here oh and I’m in the middle of a look okay we’ve got our 36 another right scrap that combined with the 36 gold that we have is nine another ride ingots if I did the math wrong there I would have

Been pretty annoyed but we now have a block of netherite and you’re telling me Wazi made a whole beak dude what so ancient debris and another right and now there’s a few more for us to go for we’ve got a conduit a Wither skull from my lovely Wither Skull

Farm a dragon egg which I will have to take from the uh oh this is not ideal which I will have to take from the bio Museum which we can place down right here I feel like the egg belongs kind of in the middle it is the Showcase piece

And now finally we’ve got three blocks left and we all know what they are let’s be on our way to go and get them yes yeah nice dude that’s actually very good now I just need to wait for a storm which shouldn’t take too long right a 1.5 nine oh

All right here we are I don’t know why I flew back in the base I should be looking for creepers oh there’s a creeper other mobs hello get away from me no oh not the Phantoms as well okay here we go did it did I get the yes I got it all

Right sweet here’s another one is there a skeleton oh zombie oh that does a lot of damage but we’ve got a zombie head as well okay this is actually not as difficult as I expected No ah dude come on and you killed him oh look at me what the heck let’s get some more zombie heads why not yeah they come again is there a single skeleton anywhere okay now there’s two skeletons but no creeper I love this game here we go

That’s not what I was looking for at all that’s another zombie head I mean I’ll take it short there we go okay we’ve we’ve got another skeleton in there nope I need you to be out in the rain maybe is that what it is not okay it’s because I hit you before

Yup skeleton’s still here oh there we go he’s in did you what happened one skull per explosion yeah all right please it’s gonna stop raining soon I can feel it yes okay we’ve got one where’s the other creeper oh there’s a disc brilliant I’ve got an idea here I’ve got an idea here

Oh you just fell in I’ve got a totem I’m okay let’s go whoa okay all right oh skeleton skull oh boy see look at that not only have I collected one type of chest but I’ve collected the special edition Christmas chest that only pops

Up like a few days per year so I suppose these skeleton skull instead of the dragon egg has earned its spots as the most rare block that was annoying to obtain wow and the final thing to do would be to decorate all of this we have

A nicer entrance the boats are still out here because why not I’ve added the packed mod blocks here opposite the dirt because that makes sense right and this is obviously the Overworld we have grass and wood here the cave area that has deep slate and stone another area that

Has quartz another rack this is probably my favorite one it looks kind of like colosseumi I is that what no it’s not we’ve got the very small end portion and one thing that’s actually criminal that I forgot to do is this like all of these and now it

Looks even better however I forgot to pretty important blocks collect one and make the other one and with that we are done and dusted there are the rare blocks in the game in my opinion of course and now we’re flying past pretty much every other Block in the game Thank you so this world is really starting to look great I’ve built every biome collected every block and transforms this amazing cat so instead of building just a new portal I’m gonna transform this whole place into The Nether it’s not an easy video unless I do something that takes way too long like

For example removing this entire Mountainside and replacing all this water with lava and changing everything to another rack and you know what let’s just begin I need to stop starting my videos like this basically the reason I’m doing this massive well it’s not a tunnel it’s actually like half the Mountainside is going to be removed so I’m going to open all of this up and then we’re gonna have like a big nether fortress bridge going

Out towards the outside and another area is going to kind of like infect the Overworld almost it’s not just going to be contained to the cave what the where exactly where did you come There we go that’s opened it up quite a lot more there’s going to be a cool bridge going across the water well the lava as I said I’m going to replace it with lava same thing over there we’re gonna have like Striders and stuff another rack and the different nether

Biomes and this build is going to require a lot of talent for someone that sucks at building should be interesting to see what I come up with but yeah the first step to this massive thing is removing all of this it is all opened up

Now however I do need to do a bit of nether racking that’s not a word so that I can see what it looks like and then keep transforming based on that I just need a bit of a smoother transition to the outside than just this you know you get that explanation And as I said I want to build some kind of nether fortress type thing so this is kind of what it looks like it’s obviously five blocks wide with one of them on each Edge being the fence type thing the pillars look very wide as well

How wide are these one two three four five six this way they are one two three four five No One’s Gonna know what this looks like from the inside it’s fine that pillow takes up a lot of space maybe we just push the pillar inside more okay well there we go except uh fences pop them there there we go so we’ve got the outside area of the

Bridges complete here’s this pillar that’ll go into the lava that’ll look pretty cool and then I need to do the other two pillars even got this end here looking roughed up just like the real thing I’m so good at building and then in here we can have a secret little room

I don’t know exactly what I would put in here but there there’s that and now I can use this bridge to make the rest of the wall look better so I’m gonna do that Down the bottom here on this side we’ll have another pillar kind of like that one in the cave then later on we’ll obviously sprinkle in tons of like gold and quartz and probably a few blocks of uh ancient debris as well there we go the wall is looking a lot better that

Part right there needs a couple more blocks and then what if I get creative here and pretend like this Fortress has been kind of like taken over by the illness of the Netherrack was stupid no no you know what I’m not I’m just gonna quickly replace a lot of this

With Netherrack here because I feel like I’ve said this before but obviously there’s a lot of trial and error you have to kind of see what it looks like to then adjust what it looks like does that make sense actually since the walls and a lot of this in here are

Slash is going to be Netherrack I could do the Warped in Crimson biomes out here all right so I’ve got my shulker box and we are off to collect the blocks I do need some of these I’m gonna attempt to get like four stacks of the

Nylium I think I need some weeping vines with the what stuff as well I have an odd feeling no matter how much I get it will not be enough yep would you believe this has five stacks of blocks here what what the and there we go obviously it’s not

Perfect and it’s not going to be for a little while but we could add a little bit of some like raised parts so we can make the place look like it has a bit more texture have some trees here one there one here maybe maybe even another

One right here that have like a little path leading right through there plenty of these uh Crimson Roots all over you know what why don’t I just do that that’s way better something like that and then on this side we really quickly what what why although there has to be a

Reason or anything but we’re on the transition again thanks a lot guys now I can say we just need to do this which looks pretty cool again it’s not finalized it’s still a bit rough because we’re just getting a feel for what it’ll be like so if I start

Bone mealing bone meal a couple of these one now one whoa another one here nice one here okay nice looking pretty good except that looks really small and stupid okay it’s gonna look crazy at the end of the video I promise stop the cap oh no the inside is where it’s gonna

Look very very cool like all of this is lava which is the next step by the way oh man first thing to do is just Mark out the perimeter of this place like so wow so that then I can differentiate the stone that I put one layer down because

That’s where the lava is going to go is on top of the stone because I’m not doing the whole lake I’m just doing the top layer because that would take weeks All right there we go now after you get out of here you go grab my sponges they’re just we will do some dirt layers like this and like this and like this now we place these sponge blocks down that should hopefully drain this pretty nicely boom so there’s the easy part done now

Begins the ridiculously tough pot okay here we go I do have a lava farm with lots of lava right up okay not that much actually Now we have lots of a lot this is like five percent of what I need probably my prediction is I’m going to fill up like this here and that’s it is that there has to be a better way to do this right there has to be

What why would you why’d you just do that because it’s really difficult to see which spots you have filled in and which ones you haven’t yeah see I’ve already done that one I didn’t know that sorry that’s okay how did I fill it with lava they said it’ll

Be fun place I’m the one that said that okay hang on that was just a game of back and forth that’s it for the lava that I have on me we filled up a little decent pot here but if we’re gonna do all of this um I should probably do more buckets per

Trip so I’ve got four shulker boxes and plenty of buckets in there that hopefully should be enough let’s get this done oh brilliant foreign What If instead of randomly just placing it everywhere like that I could maybe do a dirt Bridge every two blocks like this

And then I can just place the lava there and there and there and they’ll and there and there and then I go all the way down like so right and then I can do the same thing on the other side I think I’m on to something here all right let

Me get some more dirt and let’s get to it I’m actually really excited this looks like it’s well it doesn’t prevent you from needing more lava but it is 10 times easier I don’t why why was I doing what I was doing earlier I don’t have space at the moment foreign

Here we are it is pretty much all done apart from this one spot right here there we go every single spot here is full of lava ah that did not take forever at all okay so this is what I’ve done so far and I’ve decided that here is going to

Be a Soul Sand Valley kind of area leading up to the portal you know how there’s those big boned areas lying around in the Soul Sand Valley I’m gonna create something like that but instead of just it being a showpiece it’s actually going to be a bridge leading up

To there that is genius let’s try that out real quick uh no stop it collect some of these actually probably I’m gonna need well let’s be real this is Minecraft I’m gonna need more than what I think I am did I say that right so I’m going to try and go for about

Three stacks I think oh that guy’s War hacking for sure need to also collect some soul soil and Soul Sand this is I’m so slow and then I didn’t actually know this but you’ve got plenty of these in this biome as well considering I already have some I don’t

Need to collect them so I’m just gonna okay so the bridge is going to start from let’s say about here so down here can be the Soul Sand because I’m never gonna really walk on here I should probably add some texture to the place with some soul soil make it

Look a little bit nicer just keep talking because then it looks like you know what you’re doing but in reality you have no clue what’s going on I’ve encountered a bit of a how am I going to do that up there I think I’m gonna need to Mark out the

Actual ceiling first and I think right there is a good spot to make it the cutoff point so this feels really weird I actually do feel like a construction worker right now what is with the bats and flying into the lava in this video I don’t I don’t

Get it okay there we go I think we’ve got it all connected now I need to decide where it’s going to end on this side near the portal and I try and somewhat replicate what’s down there up here actually wait hang on I’m outlining this for no reason I mean all this whole

Wall and ceiling here needs to be turned into I’m an idiot oh oh okay I missed so all right I’m gonna get to work and there we are I’m really happy with the way this has turned out it does look like a mess but what are you gonna do

Now I need to try and put some of the bones down so I’ve made that shape there which is the most normal looking one there’s that one and then there’s this big one which I think looks kind of cool and then right here going up there we are going

To have a Basalt pillar because I feel like there’s Basalt pillars in the salsan valley right so let’s do that oh nope nope wait what I do actually need to build this biome in the project so I’m gonna need to collect a lot of this let’s see what

We can do try and face them in different directions Hillary up as usual oh well it’s a pillar so kind of make it look as natural as possible how does this look should probably add a bit more I think yeah that looks a bit better I really

Need Soul speed on these you know what matter of fact why don’t I just go get it oh did we yes perfect if I should probably keep moving let’s grab a flint and steel and start lighting this place on fire we’ll have like little portions that have more fire than others Wow now we’re finally gonna do the Bone Bridge from I’d say right here to up there let’s see how this looks okay this fovs make it what I’m gonna throw up okay it’s looking pretty good definitely need to um thicken it up a bit and for the slabs

I think I’m going to use quartz here because it kind of matches up nicely somewhat let’s see if this works out as nicely as I’d hoped this is a bit too uniform hang on I’m gonna change that up there we go looks pretty good except for

The fact that I need to add some of these here there we go we’ve got some of those we need some at the bottom as well and I am out of bone blocks good thing I have a bridge leading up to my nether port tell you what running

Around a sultan Valley now doesn’t actually feel like a chore wow this is actually I’m really impressed with this and once all of this is never this whole part of the cave this is and the portal oh man this is gonna look great I got to put some of

These down actually uh where’s my scaffolding there we go again round two thank you There’s water here I didn’t replace with lava um There we go looking all right looking a bit better Oh no dude I hate creepers I don’t remember the pattern that I had I I was in a good spot dude nope that’s not it see now I can’t really put my finger on it but it looks stupid maybe maybe I spread the bones out a little bit to the side here

You know what we’ll just maybe I’m being too critical we’ll just leave it like that no it doesn’t look right all right that doesn’t look too bad now back to the terraforming or whatever you want to call it oh we’ve got a couple of these guys how

Do I can I make sure that you guys don’t despawn somehow I need name tags I don’t know if there’s any point to this because they might just thank you all right well I’ve added some golden quartz and now to just get rid of these and I almost forgot to change this water

Out into blood okay I did not think that through at all there we go all right looks good now we’ve got this place starting to look like it means business portal still looks kind of silly in the midst of all that but we’ll fix that at the end of

The video but now we’ve got this side here which I’ve actually thought of something this another Fortress type thing well it’s a bridge it’s not a type thing I need to learn how to speak for real we can bring that through and have one of the legs of the nether fortress

Come down into the lava and then we’re gonna have stuff around it like Striders and little assault blocks and oh man okay let’s go and then this upper area here is also gonna have to be turned into another rack because well it doesn’t really make sense for this

Bridge to be going through Stone there’s another Bridge not a Stone excuse me what does this actually look like in the nether are there blocks up here oh this the top part is nether okay okay I can do that hey what nice one same thing’s gonna happen with these ones let’s try and

Prevent that from happening real quick oh my God let’s try and build this up I have a strong suspicion that I’m gonna need more than this oh would you look at that yo he’s mad yeah let’s run Let’s Roll so the bridge is finished now when I

Turn this whole area into Netherrack it should look even better which I think it does now I have left this area here for everyone’s favorite biome the basalt Deltas everyone loves that place it’s like you fall into lava every two steps but I also did get a zombified piglin

And I put the name tag on him but I have no idea where he’s gone I’m assuming that guy is the culprit maybe not enjoyable to Traverse and unenjoyable to build either foreign just randomly kind of stopped placing these and then eventually it’ll look like Basalt Deltas a little bit Oh my God even in a fake Basalt biome it still happens this guy clearly feels right at home so I’m gonna take that as a sign that I’ve done a pretty good job anyway here we are I’ve done all the walls there’s creepers up on okay hang on

There we go all the scaffolding is gone and I’ve finished the entire wall on the inside it looks pretty brilliant there’s this tiny Basalt biome here which I actually don’t mind considering how much I don’t like this biome it doesn’t look too bad enough and I’ve even done a

Little bit of this outside area right here so above the bridge next to the bridge and stuff done some terraforming there speaking of these two biomes need to be extended out that one to there and then that one to Under the Bridge because right now this looks pretty uh pathetic

So uh let me get to that anyway here’s the area which looks I mean ah wait hang on yeah that looks 10 times better wow now we’re just gonna run around here and bone meal everything that we can okay my whole life just flashed before

My eyes what was that the one right here in the middle one right here okay it happened again we definitely should not be shy with these because these biomes have a lot of trees usually oh nice I think we could liven it up with a few

Animals though so before we move on to the Warped I’m gonna try and get a couple of hoglands in here hello guys I can just can I just grab the two of you these guys get zombified do they continue growing into like the adult ones or let’s hope so I haven’t actually

Finished construction of the bridge so can you just bear with me for a moment please okay okay yep well that’s what you got that’s what you get it would be cool if they could not be on leads and then they just like roam around and stuff make it

Seem really cool but I don’t think that is an option what if I do this does this work can I put a fence there and then I.E to that fence put this back on so that way the fence is invisible in the meantime though whilst we finish the

Rest of the project I will leave these guys here and see if they actually do grow up now I’ve got the Warped area that I need to try and outline I’m gonna have it go past this side down to there and then I might just do it all the way to the

Lake to be honest oh I need to get rid of all these trees feels really really wrong to leave all this Spruce here but there’s actually a time and place where warp nalium is more valuable than Spruce now this time I might actually actually have enough I have all this here and

Then I have all of this in the shulker box so for all of this beneath me that should definitely be enough right all right let’s do it there we go looks pretty good this tree randomly for some reason went super tall into the air and you know what we’re

Just gonna leave it there because if that’s how the events unfold then that’s how they unfold and I’ve put a lot of trees in this biome as well because that’s kind of what it feels like in the real thing right like there’s just a lot of trees everywhere and speaking of

Actually I need to put down lots of these because I’ve kind of forgotten about them but they are a pretty big part of this biome let me just run around and place some of these net hahaha and then I can run back and bone meal them even though I’m definitely

Gonna miss some that I placed and there we are there’s the outside done I do need to light it up so that stuff stops spawning because the cave is now exposed they can just come through here but I’m really happy with the way that this turned out this looks very cool uh let

Me know what should go in here because I’d actually do that some other time foreign Now there’s just a few more things that I need to do all the another waste Parts I need to light on fire so that up there and this in here now when I say light on fire I don’t mean just light everything on fire I mean just put down some packs

Of a pack of fire pockets of fire so that the place actually has that nice nethery fiery another fiery I should stop oh tree’s on fire you know what maybe that adds to it having like half burnt or fully burnt trees around the nether because I guess

It kind of wouldn’t actually make sense for the trees to stay completely fine they fall there next up before we move on to the portal I just need to do some finishing touches and I’m gonna try and recreate this exact pillar on the lava

And now if I take a look from up here they’re kind of at the same height which is pretty unfortunate I wanted one to be higher than the other I’m trying so hard not to be lazy I’m gonna push this one in just a little bit here so that I can

Go up there to that ceiling nice okay there we go there now they’re a little bit too close together you know what dude if you’re just walking through here I’m gonna I thought the zoglins would have stayed because of the leads but clearly they haven’t so I’m gonna do the

Bridge so that I can bring more of them over What slabs on top there we go Double whammy this guy’s gonna follow me up and he’s gonna come through the portal as well I should have left this guy without the saddle because now you cannot take it off so it looks a little bit stupid but uh what are you gonna do am I really getting fired upon right now

You’ve got to be joking me and an hour later I’ve got the mobs in the lava pit as well as some zoglins so there we go oh my I’ve completely forgotten about a pretty important aspect of this whole nether area it’s a glowstone we need like a couple of packs of Glowstone one

There one up there one there oh wow I mean I am doing the final touches of the build technically so I could just pretend I didn’t forget it yeah let’s just pretend I didn’t forget the glowstone I never did no no it’s um I left them until now because

I need to put some ancient debris down as well oh one there some in the corner as well and also gonna make a little uh like that and I think yeah looks nice but there we go this place is looking pretty epic we’ve got the Soul Sand another waste a little tiny Basalt

Delta’s biome we’ve got Striders and piglens and zoglins over here as well as our two outside biomes and then our nether fortress that actually goes into the inside of the cave which this is definitely one of my favorite features now this looks great and all but if you

Look at the nether portal it just looks really out of place because it’s terrible so let me just fix that thank you oh dude hang on this is ridiculous comparing that to this I mean there’s just no competition what am I even looking at I mean the outside is pretty cool right

But if if you just look at this whole inside Area together what’s that new portal that looks incredible oh wow and then I can just fly through here if I really feel like it I don’t there’s no benefit to that but now this place looks really terrible

Um so last episode I transformed this into this looks great right what if I go through the portal I get greeted by so today I’m gonna do the opposite of what I did last time I’m going to recreate the Overworld in the nether it’s going to have all kinds of

Different Greenery a working Village different biomes I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself considering I actually need thousands of blocks of sand I put up a poll on Twitter asking about sand duping and most people seem to think it’s not cheating which is

Great for me because then I don’t have to keep doing this so I’m going to go ahead and collect the materials find another end portal so I don’t ruin my current one and build it voila I think yep wow this is actually pretty incredible I broke it because I

Left the game in the end thinking it would be fine but it is now broken so I have to rebuild it and now we can do some sand foreign this place is looking horrendous did I just patch that up with mushroom blocks however the problem with replacing all

Of this with sand here is that there’s a lot of soul sand blocks that need replacing that would just make that happen so pretty much all the ceiling Soul Sand and the walls are impossible to replace with straight up sand so I need to make lots of sandstone and then

Smelt it all so then we get smooth Sandstone which we can then place because it won’t fall there you go that looks like sand to me now I just need to do all of all of this wow okay all right it’s gotten a bit done there looks pretty good except Oh no I’m smelting sand I’m smelting sand like an idiot okay so it’s been about five or six hours and this is what I’ve gotten done so far and now that I think about it this has been the easy part because now comes the ceiling or the ceilings right

Now I really wish like levitation potions were a thing foreign All right so I finished the desert for the most part there is still some areas I haven’t finished like this ceiling here but I think you’ll forgive me after you see this and I’ve actually left some of the bridges and stuff to hopefully help prove that I did this legit

I’m gonna have to do it all again on this side with stone and grass and stuff who preserve my sanity I’ll do all that in the second part of the video but for now let’s try and decorate this whole desert biome behind us something else that’s supposed to be in the desert is

Cactus and I have an overflowing cactus farm here so I’m gonna grab a few of these Stacks grab some sand I’m Gonna Leave the bones here to serve as a reminder of what I’ve actually done since Cactus can’t grow on Sandstone I’m just gonna have to replace some of the

Sandstone with actual sand It’s lamb there we go let’s see how that looks yes looks a lot better oh oh where are they forgot about these here we go I only have three and done kind of want this place to look as nice as possible you know cactuses dead bushes I’m about to make a village I’m

Gonna make a mini desert temple here is a desert village the block palette for this is as we’ve been using smooth Sandstone we’ve got cud Sandstone we’ve got some slabs regular Sandstone okay it’s basically the same as a desert apart from this anomaly which is terracotta regular terracotta

All right so we’ve got this house here with a magenta bed in there I’m gonna put the job blocks in once the villagers are actually here and then we’ve got this dangerous bridge going up to this area I’m not sure if they’re going to

Use this at all but we can hope for the best one that I actually really want to make is the Cartographer building so I’m gonna try my best to get that one done foreign that’s not correct wait what this is one of the more confusing desert

Buildings I guess we could just make a small one like literally right next to this one that way they’re like really neighbors they’re not just neighbors but they are really neighbors don’t you dare almost forgot to put some potted Cactus down as well that looks pretty nice and

Why not add one next to this house as well boom plant Cactus because they obviously can’t get enough of the cactuses already right so why not add some more and inside here is supposed to be two beds apparently in the vanilla building there’s supposed to be a block of

Terracotta right there I don’t know what for but it’s there so yep let’s also do a little silly I don’t know I don’t know why I called it silly let’s do a little path that goes out towards right here and then the bridge like that wow makes the place look way

Better speaking of I think I actually need to cut up some more slabs and then make life easier for these villagers by doing that and that and that and you get it at this point I don’t need to keep saying that I’m gonna add a few fences for safety purposes not decoration at

All definitely not decoration and then for those of you that say that this is just for decoration and not for safety well then how come I can’t fall off the bridge then right there’s house number four which is a butcher and house number five nice and

Now it actually does look like there’s a village here but there’s one thing that’s kind of missing and that is one of those meeting points that the villagers use to meet obviously that usually includes a fountain but you there’s no such thing as water in the nether so we’re just gonna pretend that

This light blue stained glass is actually water because that’s I think that’s the best we can do honestly and I don’t know why I didn’t get these materials when I was literally just in the Overworld something’s clearly wrong with me build a couple of these structures as well

Not really sure what they are but they look pretty cool so why not and that right there is the villagers meeting point as well on top of all their houses so let’s actually get these guys in here right now which should hopefully not be too difficult there is a lot of pigment

Wait did you hear what I just said villagers getting in here should not be too difficult all right so I’ve got my dirt blocks and let’s get all these rails here and transport them Don’t no why is that guy going faster what the we go all right now try not to go no ah you idiot are you ready for the ride of your life And this villager here that escaped is probably going to be annoying as usual boom nice try though man you you almost had me please can you can you go through the oh my goodness dude wow and what do you do what are you doing staring at a cactus

That’s great one two three all right let’s why do you all go to that side let’s make sure they have the right sleeping Arrangement cool all right that guy’s sleeping down there those two are there so two fishermen we’ve got a librarian in there and that guy is a cartographer perfect

All right the bridge gone you guys are stuck here now so have fun I think I’ll actually leave this here because I’m gonna be doing another Village later on now I don’t know if you noticed but I like to put a mini version of some kind of structure

In my builds so this is obviously the ocean we’ve got the monument here so so I’m sure you can guess what I’m about to do so I’ve removed the shrubs and the cactus so I’ll make the actual pyramid itself first and then on this side over here I’m gonna insert the towers afterwards

I’m not sure exactly how I’m gonna handle this but I don’t have enough Sandstone let’s see if I can bring this together somehow and then we’ll do this one block in the Middle with a stair on each side oh this is supposed to be regular tokoro is this supposed to be

Orange I feel like it’s meant to be orange terracotta um okay great I’m gonna have to change that effect you know what to spice it up why don’t I just make some of these stairs not that many and just try and go all the way around ah this is not going to

Be enough try and go all the way around ah so close now at the front I use some cut Sandstone to make an entrance sort of thing it’s it’s an entrance simple it’s not a sort of thing all right and there’s the temple finished I mean it looks just amazing

I mean at least the village looks good right but that’s about it for the desert but there is one more structure that the desert has that I haven’t added so hang on before you start complaining almost there hang on there we go now you guys can’t complain

And pretend like I didn’t build every desert structure you know I’ve got a temple a pyramid I’ve got a village and a well and now comes the pot where for the greater good I need to lose my mind again Soul Sand valleys are the desert equivalent of the nether so I suppose

Nether waste would probably be planes and that would be like a regular Oak Forest so I need lots of grass and stone and this is also the part where I transform all of this up here into a nice safe haven so I don’t keep getting attacked when I come out of the portal

As you can see by previous evidence and unlike sand blocks that you can just generate with a sand generator oh what just happened oh my game crashed please tell me my world is still there the truth okay it saved me from right here that’s right where’s my shulker box

My green shocker box is gone foreign box and I want to be seen you know what actually let me just empty this shelter box here and then completely waste it make an item frame rename it to rip come into my fake I mean real desert and make a little

Shrine for it because this is where it’s spent its last days mostly put it in there you will be remembered put some candles down and flint and steal them and there we go it’s a sad day today I’ve actually decided to take my business elsewhere because I’ve realized

This is probably not the most optimal place instead I’m gonna go get my lays from the desert take them to the nearby Savannah and now I can go for it so upon collecting plenty of grass I also decided to make a stone generator use that for an hour and then get a feel

For how many blocks I’ll need for this side of the project a lot is the answer because I’ve almost ran through a whole shulker box and this is what I’ve done foreign Slightly too long well at least I have tons of stone wait oh my God I didn’t realize that that book was that good combine that with my pickaxe so then I have silk touch and efficiency five only thing I need is a mending book thank you sir

Bang all right we’ve got it back now I just need to turn into another right which I need three more inch of debris for okay well it locks on my side yep ah no it would have been oh I somehow managed to do something in every video that is

Gonna produce cheating allegations give me that last piece where is it there we go let’s cook it up and just like that my best pickaxe is back nice little detour why not all right back in the savannah let’s get into it my friends thank you all right I have afkade I’ve broken my

Best pickaxe collected and replaced blocks for hours almost died once so this is what we’ve got and after replacing every Netherrack block walls ceilings caves going through every cracking crevice I’m finally done well after I remove these trees foreign to do something like that but I’ve finished all the terraforming slash

Block replacing whatever you want to call it that is all sand and this is all Stone and grass also just being honest I used a few shortcuts to do this for example this cave looks good right it’s all stoned up if you run down just a little bit it’s Netherrack also all this

Looks unfinished right there’s lots another Arc no not to me looks completely fine from up here oh what’s that I didn’t do this part of the roof even though there’s grass there so it’s supposed to be Stone but it’s not well I don’t really care I’ve sacrificed enough

Of my well-being for this project and if I keep going I might just go completely in all right it’s the next day I’ve got my Oak saplings some bone meal and I’m ready to plant the tree I’m gonna use the dirt patches as an indicator of where I should plant these we’re looking

Pretty good oh man this is this actually hang on I need to fill all of this up with trees dude the fact that I have this in the nether like this just looks so good okay well you know what I’m an idiot because I just thought of something else that

Would be cooler so how about that oh no how about that we’ve got some Acacia some Spruce different trees you know we’ve got an oak forest here and over there these ones burns down oh because of that now what I also should do is put some grass all around the place

Here we go looking good now I just need some flap all right we’ve got flowers now through the forest I’m glad everyone is enjoying the new spots it looks very Lively here but before moving on to the cherry on top which is this spot here we

Want to make a village and make it all safe and nice I do have all these Bridges here for a reason apart from some which I I don’t know why I got rid of and that reason is this now it’s not super noticeable but I think it makes

Just enough of a difference there’s some oars and stuff around add a few spare emeralds and diamonds which I kind of made as obvious as I can and then the rest is mostly just like coal and iron and stuff but I think it looks pretty good and that’s this whole area transformed

I mean I’ve got a whole forest in the nether like this is pretty ridiculous nevertheless now we transform our kind of I guess another Hub area you could say I’m gonna turn this area into sand patch up this can you give me a second catch up this hole underneath me and

Make it all grass and sand and yeah I already said it all right let’s go so outside the portal is the place I’m gonna be seeing the most often as cool and as Grand the main transformation is this is where I need to put in some more

Effort so I’m actually going to go for some final details like diorite and and this site I have two I’m gonna grab some rails grab some fences and wood make a little mine shaft area and get some villagers in there as well not to mention I need to collect some more

Grass I feel like it never ends All the decorations there are the decorations and not the village All right so there’s all the decorations and the village done I mean it’s a pretty small one but you won’t be able to fit much more in here and we have to leave the doors open because these guys break down the doors so they’re just gonna despawn and stuff speaking of I

Don’t know how the villagers are even gonna live here not the greatest conditions oh the villagers 10 out of 10 acting it’s perfect all right you three get in now two more all right now go to your stations okay so he’s gone there why didn’t you go to this wait this is

Okay this is an extra right here yeah sorry it’s not fully complete until these guys actually choose their jobs so I need to go sleep in the Overworld real quick so you’re a fisherman you’re a fisherman you are a librarian over there and that guy’s probably gonna get lost

And never find us home again and the last one is what that already or something yeah I don’t know if these guys are gonna survive you know I was gonna transform this portal but I think there’s something nostalgic and Charming about having the defaults 5×4 nether

Portal out in the grass like this just like that one down there reminds you of the Overworld I think because that’s what it’s supposed to I’m it’s not because I’m lazy it’s not oh I need a spa day foreign So considering the amount of stupidly big projects I’ve done I’m surprised that this is my storage room and it’s gotten a little bit out of hand so today I’m going to get rid of this and use this instead not worth it at all okay so I’ve actually found the storage system from

Icraftmc that even lets you sort non-stackable items like shulkers tools totems and I’m making it over 200 blocks long so that’s like four million items all right let’s get started this water is gonna prove to be difficult and this is definitely not enough space but it’s a start anyway moving on to the

Next step which is collecting materials like these chests for example probably not gonna scratch the surface with this many but and I’m also gonna need lots of iron from the iron farm for some Hoppers and I’ll be trying to connect this to the storage system later on so that

Should be interesting I never fail to give myself too much to do in one video this will probably not be enough yet again but don’t want to think about it and for the non-stackable items like pickaxes and buckets I need a lays like lots of them

And I have two alright guys let’s get a move on you want to get hit by a skeleton or something come on quick quickly what grab a music disc grab a diamond make a quick jukebox and whoa don’t want to get copyrighted now do we anyway after duplicating and wrangling these

Guys for 20 minutes we ended up with this okay so yeah we’ve got lots of olays that’s because you need one for each item you want to sort now I need some other bits and Bobs like lots of redstone oh oh no forgot I didn’t have my electron wow I

Just I really need to stop messing with those guys anyway got the Redstone because I need to make torches repeaters comparators I need quartz all right I think I’ve collected enough I’ve got a full inventory’s worth and if that’s not enough well then what else is new

So first step is to put down an input chest so this is where we input items put in items and then they get dispensed and taken all the way down there and much further than that and all the way back maybe some stairs for decoration

Like that and then I also need to dig out some space here in the back I hope this doesn’t interfere with any of my other builds I can I can hear villagers already so I think I’ve got it now if I enter this chest put uh these slabs it should start dispensing them

Yep all right well we’re good yep okay you can stop you can you can St you can I need to build this area up Place some water there and then kelp it up and when I destroy the kelp we should just float up there we go yup that’s how the items

Should work as well so if I place one of these right here it should light right up and so after I place these chests right here this is the first module it’s going to be five by five every time and then there’s a gap and then another five

By five and then a gap and then another five by five and then again the items come up through the water stream on top of there and then go through Hoppers into the chest and so each one of these columns is one item so one there one

There one there and that means There is five double chests for each and every item either side to store so I hope I don’t have any storage issues after this that’s kind of the goal first of all I need to do all the Hoppers put one in each chest

And this is where the build gets ball key so let’s let’s see how we go so we need some blocks here here here here is as well and we put some repeaters here and those guys right there are facing into these torches now we grab the comparators face them outwards Redstone

This up and then base The Hoppers into the comparators and how does that work I don’t know however I am going to show you the magic of this working in real time so I need some blue eyes which I have six of pop it right there put a

Sign right there pop some water right here and now I need some filler items which I need a lot of because every one of these Hoppers has to have them and what I have a lot of in fact much more than I need is whoa one two three four and I’ll start

Off with some wooden blocks what are you doing here get out and now next to this Green carpet I need to put these in it should go down to number two just like that with the planks in there the stairs in there these slabs in there

And the fences in there and then I pop them all into here and if I get up here quickly we should see them gets picked up by each Hopper but a bing butter boom and they’re all gonna be down here in these bottom chests and that is almost a

Hundred thousand items in this area alone and now to duplicate it over 30 times and then the Olay system as well all right I’m gonna get to work so this is how big the sorting system is at the back area and that means I need

To clear all of that out and all of that is this it’ll all be worth it it’ll all be worth it alright so I’ve finished all the modules on the left that I can up to the wall of course but now let’s get a move on down here okay let’s get up

And the beacon doesn’t reach either okay all right I guess I’ll mine up this area here on the right and then I’ll move the beacon down there so let’s go boom that looks good totally didn’t take an hour and that’s not even what I actually wanted to do I need to grab

This thing put it down somewhere here I get attacked by Phantoms oh my God ah sometimes I really love this game now I can finally mine all of this out voila left side mind out anyway only thing left to do on this side is to place down all the Machinery at the back

So let’s get a move on oh okay anyway this whole left side is complete the items are all in these Hoppers already sorted out they’re being dispensed up into the tunnel and getting transported to the appropriate chest like this is just it’s so cool and I am

Gonna have to come up with something later on to cover this up because well I’m not gonna just leave it like that but I’ve also marked out a lot of these with the exact items that are in there however I’ve decided to leave the rest of the chest unmarked for the decoration

Phase later in the video when we bring this place to life with like an orange ceiling and That’s all I have right now this is where it becomes a little interesting because I need to turn this water tunnel 90 degrees so the first thing to do is to mine out this area here and you’ve probably seen that about 9.3 times already so boom luckily that

One didn’t take too long because there actually wasn’t any water there surprisingly I’ll just put these chests down first and then I’ll try and build the water tunnel and I think I’ll use packed ice maybe so that it stays slippery and the items just slip slip up

Clear the ceiling up a little bit put a sign nail get rid of this what is going to bring the items down here have another water bucket start right here and come this way all right now let me grab my Hoppers and see if this works the way I want it to

And now if I place these into the input chest thing there you go look at that getting loaded right into this chest so I guess that means the whole system up until this point is a success let’s see if I can actually build the whole thing without

Any mistakes maybe I doubt that very much yeah we this is gonna take a while Foreign And there we go this is the storage room it’s got thousands of chests all the items are already in here I just need to mark them out a couple of things left to do though we need to build the junk chest area and in these two we build the

Olay sorter for the non-stackables like shulker boxes totems buckets of water and lava Etc then we connect some fines to the system like the iron farm and the potato and carrot farm and then I need to finally decorate this whole thing so I’ll start with the iron farm

I have no idea where I am right now am I gonna dig into somewhere hurry up okay well the good news is this right here is the right level um block this off and then get rid of the staircase we’re gonna need a Soul Sand elevator to up there just like in

The actual system hang on need a dropper there’s the Redstone stuff everything’s unmarked right now and it sucks let’s just do the dropper right there put the Hopper into there and into there and then this should all go into the drop-up if I remember correctly I think we have a oh wait no

Ah how do I do this The Dropper needs to be sideways or something we get some Redstone going out which way where does it go oh they’re saying it Chief yep there we go all right it works except now there’s too many just stop okay you need to get

Some water going this way and then some ice and a sign and then another water bucket right here so it’ll just keep going this way and then I take that water all the way through this tunnel to the spot where the elevator needs to go which is right here

We’ll have the items going through this hallway here and now I just need to figure out where to actually insert them I just need to find the iron there it is so the items will come through the hallway go on top of this and get inserted into the system and then I will

Get picked up and then so will the potatoes and carrots let’s get a move on Oh wow actually dug into the exact iron Opus so we need to just go a couple more this way Bang okay so I’ve got the whole tunnel complete and the items should come around here and just drop right into the system so let’s activate it and see it

In uh that piece of iron absolutely flew and they are indeed flowing right below me and I haven’t actually done a poppy chest so those are gonna just end up somewhere stupid that is perfect so now the iron that is generated at the farm will just get dispensed from here into

The water stream and go directly into the system that is so cool I have no idea how I’m gonna hide this whole water stream in the outside world here like this just but I have to build like a whole mountain or something what I need

To sort out the crop Farm as well and I’m trying to connect it straight to the iron tunnel they’re all flying like crazy some of them are literally going back into the farm connect the potatoes from upstairs straight into the dropper machine and here they come through the water stream

Right into the potato chest and now I need to do the final parts that will make this a fully functioning sorted shortage system wow that’s a new one storage system and that means making this a junk chest module by doing none other than some complicated redstone foreign

If you think this looks like a headache you’d be correct it was however we should now have a working converter where if I place a non-stackable item it should end up in this dropper right here and if I put some stackable items they won’t end up there because they will be

Taken into these junk chests right here but now the hadachi continues as I have to do the lace order almost there almost there okay so first I build an elite Trapper yeah in a late enough give it the correct item I wanted to sort like a

Totem and this spins the Olay up into the system as the second third fourth get up that fifth sixth seventh that’s eight nine and ten they’re all in there I just forgot to record it I I’m not cheating I’m not cheating to build the very last junk chest for the non-stackable items

Activate the hopper clock one last time and that should be a fully functioning storage system although it still looks pretty ugly so let’s uh finally decorate this place oh what’s that you’re sick of the montages you just want to see the storage system in action well then

Oh wait this is not finished all right here we go here we go 10 out of 10 acting here we go there we go that’s more like it I’ve got every chest and a signed item but if I were to show you every single one of them we’d be here

For a while let’s fill up the chest with a bunch of random items and watch them get sorted in the water stream this is so sick oh we’ve got a saddle okay I saw saddle hang on let’s take a look and see if it arrives I just wanted to lay pick something up

Yep we’ve got a bunch of crimson stem all right I’m just flying in and out like it’s nothing the Crimson stem I think is all the way down the end right here boom being loaded right in oh man well it’s all working I can pretty much

Just break all of these chests put all this stuff to get sorted but there is the perfectly working storage system for my stupid big projects including having to build whole new terrain on rivers to cover up said the storage system it’s another like three seconds of the video

That’s gonna take me three hours but nevertheless here we are it doesn’t look amazing but luckily the dark oak trees cover it all up I mean it went from this to this so that’s great Foreign so today I’m going to transform the end portal build TNT machines make a big hole in the ground but would you believe it I’m not gonna slice it up like a pie instead I’m gonna slice it up like uh I I don’t know if there’s a food that gets

Sliced like this in these rings I’m gonna put biomes who would have thunk it Crimson forests Cherry Grove and even deep dark and by the end of it this should look pretty insane all right so I marked the Rings in obsidian because I’m going to be building some TNT machines

So the next logical step is to protect the actual end portal that is down here because I wouldn’t want explosives falling into the portal or any other Shenanigans so there’s that and now I need to go back into my new storage room to grab the things I need for my TNT machines

Just need to collect some more obsidian and then I should be able to just build them Foreign and I’ll just send it over to see if it actually works well that seems to be working quite well did I line this up right let’s see I hope so yep got it perfect all right we’ll turn this one off that has already done a

Fairly decent job now I just need to replicate that a few more times that’s all the materials I have for now let’s see how this goes turn all of these on let’s hope they work nice they’re all going and they’re all going to go all

The way over here oh wait hang on I need to I need to get rid of this is one of them broken one of them is broken and gone completely this one’s also stopped over here three out of five are working though so that’s what a sixty percent success rate all

Right let’s get to building the rest of them Okay that totally didn’t take like two hours get rid of this Beacon real quick don’t interrupt man come on I haven’t tried any of these as you can see the land is completely intact so let’s hope I did it all correctly there we go let’s hope my world doesn’t

Crash oh boy that is that is a lot and we’ve got a broken one again better success rate than before at least I guess I am not gonna be able to fix this what if I turn on every second machine that way they don’t blow each other up

Boom boom bang I accidentally turned one too many on as usual ah there’s no TNT there ah all right I’ve fixed my 50th issue with this whole Contraption now I just need to start clearing out some of the water and then wait for all these machines to do their thing for a while

While we wait for that you can actually get a sneak peek of what this project looks like by getting your own easy poster from the pinned comment below they took a ton of effort and are super cool I mean look at my character that just puts a smile on my face also they

Won’t be around forever so grab one while you can Okay so we’ve got some master so we’ve got some mass destruction here right here is the obsidian covered portal and so now I need to bring the first ring down here build it around the portal and then slowly each ring will go further

And further up up until we reach the the most up spot and I only have 19 obsidian all right foreign done So now since I’m doing those Rings down there it’s time to get rid of these ones because these ones will just pretend Rings All right on to the next one so we go out to this one right here and then we go nine blocks up so from 21 up to 30 and then here I start building that ring again I’m missing just one is that can I um right here let me just grab this one

Boom and as you can see the Rings are slowly going up and out and three more to go these are the big ones okay Okay and here comes time for the last one right uh this is the biggest one and it’s gonna take a while Foreign so here I am at last is it over though no no it’s not because the next step is getting rid of all these random blocks So the strategy is I’m landing on the highest one I see and then I try and break it and then move on to the next okay There we go there shouldn’t be a single block above the rings that will uh block me from making I don’t even mean to say it like that it’s just yeah this place is starting to look pretty epic and the TNT machines are in the way

And now it is time to start building the biomes so let me go put all this stuff away and then grab the new materials I need got some lava while I’m at it oh and gold blocks what am I doing dude of course I got to put some gold blocks in um And here we are all right I’m definitely gonna need some more Blackstone but let’s see how we go this ring that I’m standing in right here is the Bastion biome to try and create a random Circle I think this might be the easiest way to do this I’m not 100 I’ve already used

All my Blackstone that is crazy talk man Foreign there we go there’s a random looking Circle kind of complete I mean I wouldn’t call that a circle just some random shape let me try and fill in the bottom here and see how this goes not looking too shabby I just realized I am missing gilded Blackstone and you

Collect some of that there we go I need to fill in the bottom area like that and then also randomize the top area kind of like that so just do that all the way around there we go the base is done and it doesn’t look too man-made which

Believe it or not is I guess a good thing now to actually add the decorations like some gilded Blackstone all over the place okay some lava and a few different spots wow okay hang on need to cover that up there we go looking pretty good some of

The lava is just leaking straight down through the bottom but as I said we’re not going to be able to see that so who cares okay this one’s gonna be mad about that anyway I’m gonna pop some gold down and a couple of okay pop some gold down because these non-existent piglets that

Are here are they’re all they they love gold actually this needs to be on different levels so it looks a bit better I’m gonna move that one up there we go one low and one high now we need a few piglet made looking structures put some walls up there and let’s get some

Bricks going here with some nice lanterns and maybe a chest Atlanta looks out of place all right there and there boom nice I like it do a couple more that’s two done now and voila I really like the way this has turned out especially from up here I

Mean this looks great now imagine all the other Rings filled out with different biomes speaking of let me put these materials away and grab some more for the next one which is another Crimson Forest definitely gonna need a fair few of these for some trees huh

All right so I’ve got all the materials and now well the next logical step is to place the materials so here we go got a nice random looking shape there and now I’m just going to trace this one on the inside as well as the outside

And I don’t have to put in too much effort into making this base look crazy because the vegetation that I plant will make it look 10 times better anyway what I’m actually also going to do is grab this what grab this nether portal and move it

Right down here I mean it’s a default nether portal in the nether because on a scale of one to ten on how much sense that makes that’s it’s more more than a ten more yeah it’s more than a 10. speaking of what makes sense we are now

Moving on from the nether up into the Overworld but before we go that far up we need to start at the cave level and what makes sense to start with is the deepest part of the caves which is the deep dark also the opposite color of red

I would argue is blue maybe it’s green and that’s besides the point all right so I’m back here I’ve got my materials I’ve got plenty of sculpt stuff and cobbled deep slate and wool gray wool light blue carpet Soul Lantern and what the in case you haven’t noticed the

Biomes are getting bigger and bigger as we go out because the Rings are so this is pretty good it’s progressively going to take longer and longer all right let’s begin oh wow placing these the sound is gonna get really annoying You know make sure I don’t do it all out of skulk or else that’s gonna look stupid uh maybe I’m stupid All right there we go now to add some skock vein all over the place and also sprinkle some oars in like that just hide that real quick that you you saw nothing and out of every ore we’ve got the most in uh Diamond form because

You know we are balling I don’t want to say that again and now to take out my stone cut off cut some of this cobbled deep slate into whatever the whatever this and build some little mini ancient cities all right three hours later I don’t know

How this took me like three hours but it did I it’s just it’s the base the base took me so long but just you wait until we go into the 1.20 version of this game now it’s kind of annoying that I’m right next to oh that’s right the secret is

Out up until now this video was at 1.19 don’t tell the government though they they they can’t know that now I’ve flown about 10 000 blocks away for a fairly small Cherry Grove biome but what the I already had that achievement but I guess that makes sense thank you

And I guess the allium flower is a big part of it considering there’s so many definitely need to get a few of these yeah there’s no there was never a Cherry Grove biome here right 1.20 more like 1.19 speedrunners another portal there we go I still got it still got the moves and

Now maybe instead of that boring uh Spruce grass we can price some moss and see how that goes because that might actually look pretty good look at like see look at this boring grass compared to that very vibrant green moss I like it let’s do it can you plant you can you

Can plant saplings can you grow them though you can well that’s the move because see look if I place the grass it’s just kind of eh I just have to take a deep breath before every single ring now because this is yikes now if you’re wondering why I’m

Collecting grass that’s because I can collect it very close to the build right here and once I place it all I can just use bone meal to uh wait nope I can just use bone meal to transform it into moss and I think you’ve once again been

Watching plenty of montages so how about we just do this and while it does look pretty cool with the grass here I think it’s definitely going to look better once I pull this move ah no oh man once I pull this move where I have all of it transformed into moss and now

Unfortunately I have to go through and get rid of all of these wait does water work I don’t actually want it to flow down all the way to the lava what I’m doing right now feels like a waste of time but I don’t think it is there we go now unless I missed

Something it should be leak proof which means I can just do this and then all of the stuff should just uh disappear I can just do it over and over again like that and like that and and that’s it’s not as good as I expected

Look if I do it it just it goes one like little singular one by one strip down to the bottom okay so it was a waste of time it was it was that’s all right just come to terms with it and then keep moving yep and you get rid of this stupid grass

Layer now let me put down the cherry saplings I just realized I have no more bone meal from using it on all the Moss okay there we go we’ve got a fair amount of trees there’s a couple of small gaps but it should look a little bit less awkward when I do this

Just like that and also a couple of clusters of the allium flowers is that what they’re called allium allium yes all right that is the cherry blossom done now we’ve got this area looking really colorful and I love how if you come into the biome you’ve got this like

Awesome particle effect going on man this is like so cool so that means it’s time to move on to the final biome which is of course another Overworld biome and what do you think I was gonna do something boring like I don’t know what’s boring but what isn’t boring

Definitely is mushroom Fields but that one’s pretty simple I go to the mushroom fields that I found ages ago collect heaps of mycelium and mushrooms oh no don’t do that no all right I’ll fix that up later anyway as I was saying for the last biome I need to go to the mushroom

Fields collect heaps of mycelium collect heaps of mushrooms come back here spend a a very very long time placing it even though I should stop complaining this it’s the last time I complained in the video I promise maybe the base this is always the worst to be fair but now I

Can just pop these down bone meal them now I love mushroom Fields but it does feel a little bare so I’m gonna go into The Nether create a pathway that goes all the way back home and take some cows back with me please move out of the way

Please no don’t make this hotter than okay okay this is the most stressful thing I’ve done on the video and there we go cows are in place so now there’s two things missing one of them is this place being tidied up around the outside so there we go and I’ve even added a

Nice amethyst ring like an outline which I do think adds to the whole build but that area down there looks atrocious so let’s fix it now because this is the end portal up here is the nether you would think I need to build the end right well I do

But my end Dimension is a big ocean so I need to build a little mini ocean in here thank you and there we have a mini ocean which is almost a replica of my end Island so the project is finished wow wow the project is finished this is definitely one of

The wait I can dive into the water I’m not sure how this benefits me but I can do it this is definitely one of the coolest things I’ve done in this world so far I mean look at this dude wow so there’s now 160 armor trims in Minecraft

If you count every color on every one of them some of them being stupidly real and I’ve decided there’s nothing better to do with my time than to collect all of them so let’s go and find our foot find our first one I’m not even sure if this is a

New Fortress from the new update but but they have a 6.7 chance of spawning in any of these chests so it shouldn’t be too difficult I actually need that diamond oh you messed up big time come on oh nope nope nope yes there we go all right that

Wasn’t too difficult now to just duplicate it which needs ah about 28 diamonds so we can get five of these like so so if I keep duplicating it and you take into account the 10 colors that I need to do that is about 280 diamonds for one armor trim that’s

Wow now the thing is I’m not gonna roll around in this video looking like this while I look for the coolest armor in the game so let’s uh test it out boom bang let’s equip it all oh look at that that’s pretty cool I mean it’s not the

Coolest armor trim it’s kind of what a it’s a it’s a little bit whatever but better than what we are so I’m going to dedicate a shulker box to the armor trims and yeah I’m gonna start collecting oh this is gonna be fun all right so I’m on another roof

And now I just need to go into completely Uncharted Territory Because I have a few Overworld ones to knock out like a jungle and desert temple and the Pilger Outpost and at the end of the video I’ll be making the rarest armor in the game but that’s that’s for later ah right there and this one has a 33 chance of generating here

There we go what about this one oh nice we got two of them there’s a two out of 16 done oh oh here we go we’re finding a pottery Shard thing what is that angler nice what is that it’s just a wooden what the

Come on man now you can find one in the shipwrecks as well let’s see if we can oh wait hang on right there oh perfect post Armature I wasn’t even planning to find that one nice ah as a savannah which means there’s maybe a desert here

Somewhere maybe come on give me a temple or some suspicious sand here ah I pressed the wrong button what if the what if that was a sniffer egg it sounded squishy I think I just broke a sniffer rig maybe ah nice got a sniffer egg all right

I’m kidding I’m kidding I’ll get it I’ll get it well this isn’t a desert oh I know you’re gonna give me a woodland Mansion is what you’re gonna do where I can find the the the Vex one or whatever no look at this swag orange guy with netherride Diamond Armor coming into

Rager place okay these guys are not the spawning which means there’s one more right yeah he’s right oh my oh God has to be some rooms with chests and stuff surely surely I’m not doing all this for nothing what is this a scam I mean there’s this secret spider room but

There’s not even a chest in here so what’s the point of that that was great oh good detour there’s like a 50 chance for the Vex blueprint to spawn in one of the chests but that there was none because of the whole 1.2 chance thing of spawning in an ancient city uh Cave

Spawn chest so I might need to find close to a hundred ancient cities before I get my hands on that well at least I’m finding some diamonds considering I need to get 4 000 of them I think I make myself angry with like the projects that

I do ah one of these uh I just need to find one of the Elder Guardians right I think come on okay accept your demise and give me the armor trim please that is that it ah no what’s that no that’s not it that’s not it recycle reuse reap something I don’t

Whatever all right so I’ve just been back home restock supplies got my second Ally try and lots of food and fireworks and now we’re gonna go in a completely different direction or a couple thousand blocks and let’s see oh you’re gonna give me another Mansion uh not quite as

Lucky this time there’s a cave here I mean I gotta try it right this water is very very blue ah yes found some deep dark but still there’s a chance that there’s no ancient city here and no there isn’t no ancient city okay I’ve found about 10 villagers so far but not

A single Outpost huh into another cave we go deep dark a lot no hey knock knock deep dark nope ow post ow post ow post so anyway I hopped from cave to Cave got lost in a mine shaft found another Monument actually got the template placed down my shulker box and forgot I

Had mining fatigue found a dark oak forest and was waiting to run into one of those big beautiful wooden buildings things but didn’t found a desert with a temple and one of those come on nope all right let’s try The Outpost man there is an unbelievable amount of

These guys what is going on I see another Temple and an outpost wow my lucks finally starting to turn a diamond all right I’ll take it nice finally and two more all right Exquisite come on outpost yes all right I feel like half my vocabulary is the words okay and all

Right maybe I should just shut up now there’s a couple more Overworld ones that I need to find before I move on I I don’t even have enough for two ah wow okay I’ll have no problem getting heaps of paper what are your next trades let’s

See yeah okay I need glass panes all right all right we can we can arrange that there we go that should definitely be enough boom Woodland Explorer map here we go dark oak nice all right we’re here oh man no surely you have to give me some chests this time around

Okay what’s this I don’t know why I expected anything to happen though what is this weird generation what happened here oh where’s you where’s the chest here right yes Yes ah no oh my God need to use this ruined portal to get back home because there’s one armor shot trim thing that I have on my mind and that is the Endor I I I think it’s literally just called the eye armor trim so I need to grab a whole

Bunch of them their eyes come back to this spot here and get a move on let’s see where this takes us no chance was there an outpost right here the whole time the nether portal is right over there watch this actually have an armor trim as well oh man

Okay okay thanks for I would have been pretty upset all right it’s right here there we go I think this time around I’m looking for the library because I don’t know if these just actually generated or not of course when I’m actually not wanting to look for the portal I find

That before I find the libraries dang all right awesome where is the chest boom 100 chance just like that there should be one in here as well nice and while I’m here I might as well go into the end quickly need to pop into this realm fly

For many many miles here we go no uh okay no I mean I’ll take the diamonds maybe another chest right here no Patriots seeds why would I want beetroot seeds yes we got it the Spire armor trim let’s see if we can find one more though just in case

Oh my goodness I slept in this bed last and I’m so far from home there’s a ruined portal right there though ah my favorite biome to spawn in I love it and there’s a Bastion here well why don’t I try my luck foreign yes ah the game is making up for all the

Unlock I’ve had now because I’m also planning to make the rarest armor in the game possible I need the netherrite bloop there you go there it is that all right well never mind I actually wasn’t expecting to do that one at all I was about to make a whole thing where I need

To go into The Nether and try and get the snout one and now the reason those netherite upgrades are so important is because to upgrade anything to another right now you need that so definitely need to duplicate and to get a lot of those oh we’re back how are my villagers

Doing by the way you’re all just you all got stuck down there ah whatever man I was gonna say that’s enough adventuring for now but I still need to find the four Trail ruins ones and the two ancient city ones one of which is five percent and the other 1.2 percent does

This just have one no no it doesn’t sounds about right oh my God okay okay whatever dude go away oh there’s another why is there another one it’s all right plenty of uh chests to go around foreign sneak I should actually take that come on give me something

Okay fair enough fair enough I mean surely if there was a chest in this whole city to have it it would be this one right but where is there a shrika somewhere just go for it I’m just gonna gamble it okay that’s not what I was after aha I

See more chests right there yes ah no I was hoping it was gonna be the big what we’re looking for is a silence one not the ward armor trim but I’ll take it that’s it’s better than nothing nothing and with that I’ve looked at every chest in the city so now it begins

What is this closed off Community this is so cool I I want to live here let me go please I’m getting sidetracked looking into there’s a temples and stuff I don’t know why this bat is looking for trouble cover this up boom ah nope nope nope no drat

No I don’t even care if the wooden spawns yeah yeah go for it man last but not least it’s got another wood trim okay not too shabby onwards we go I really would love to find one of those Trail ruins maybe I should look up how to do it because I have no idea of how to do it so apparently they’re very likely to spawn in Old growth biomes especially near water okay oh wow that was not a pleasant

Experience I think they can spawn in regular spr that’s how did that spawn here there’s no I guess there’s a bit of dark oak what’s up friend yeah I don’t even know why I’m in here I already have the Vex trim this is old growth right these budge trees are pretty tall maybe

I try a different approach like running through the forest instead of flying alas the result is the same that hay keeps tricking me man I always think I see terracotta wait I just saw some where is it oh my I flicked my mouse too

Hard and I lost it ah there it is there it is this has to be it right this has to be it here we go all right I’ve got two suspicious gravel here oh which one’s this a host armor trim and what no way do I get two in a row

Way finder that’s what what is this is that yellow dye is that a c no I refuse to be given that no way is that another armor no what is that oh it’s a disc Relic okay that’s there’s no there’s no way that’s another armor for him oh my what is this

What I could I found three is that an emerald nope another Emerald nope goodbye is that a hanging sign uh okay uh green no thanks that’s a red candle okay goodbye ah another disc another disc no wait that’s a a pottery Shard another Pottery Shard another sign

Uh sorry guys I’m a bit busy right now oh is this an armor yeah yeah come on what is it ah I already have it oh another armor shot surely this is the new one oh wow I’m getting a whole bunch of random stuff what purple candle white is that White die

Oh my Lord I keep breaking them who knows how many armor trims I’ve missed out on that’s that’s an Armature come on oh my that looks new is that that looks like one I don’t have it is all right get me out of here I’m gonna

Sort this shulker box out boom we’ve got 15 out of 16 and that’s great but nevertheless I’ve still got that abysmally rare ancient city one to attain and I may as well get started on my 4 000 diamonds no ancient city though nice I love this

This is gonna be right is that a cave nope that’s water no thank you this is however a very big couple of mountains there is something about ancient cities so deep dark or something being more common under mountains right I might be making that up I’m not sure see you

Later Wally there’s one here this definitely looks like one yep yes it is I don’t even care about the guy spawning at this point because uh yep thanks if I’m gonna have to explore like 50 of these and I’m only on the fourth one I

Need to be a lot faster come on give me something no matter what I say that sound petrifies me I hate it wow that’s a terrible chest whatever I mean I tried to get rid of all of them like it’s just oh he’s spawning oh I don’t know where I’m where uh well

This is where I’m just gonna take heaps of uh totems out and let’s keep it moving this place has lots of chests to go around but this guy’s gonna just spawn every time now cover all of this up and a what armor trim all right doesn’t matter that I covered anything up though

Because there’s always another one always all right see up now this is just gonna get annoying all right back in yep goodbye don’t come back please another Ward okay nothing the classic cat oh my gosh you are so yeah thanks chest appreciate it nope nope ah jackpot absolutely nothing ah my favorite the

Old shree and one shrico package that’s this is great I’m not gonna be able to cover this up anyway because it’s right next to the chest so let’s just oh oh my God we got it we got it we got it goodbye no I don’t kill just let me wait oh God

Where am I let me fly somewhere I got it though I got the silence yes where is this guy well yeah that’s what I thought now I’m gonna be greedy and check some more chests oh you’re gonna you’re gonna spawn yeah I don’t care I’m gonna keep

Going because that’s how I that’s how I can’t okay no this is too scary I can’t see anything okay let me get out of here wait there’s a second this is not the city I was just at I mean there is two mountains I’m a kind of shot I mean

Should I look around yeah okay not worth it that’s just whatever and this guy oh my his he’s followed me all the way here yeah fantastic all right and last but not least we’ve got the diamonds so here we go now I actually don’t want to run into

The deep dark just why not please please guys are all vultures man thank you all right let’s see how many we’ve got this is probably not gonna come close and you all right so 64 128 another one so 256 couple mods whatever that’s that’s not four thousand it’s not even close

Let’s see do I have any point oh yeah never mind the day is saved I’ve got I’ve got some more don’t worry I’ve got some more here oh this is gonna suck another batch several hours later why do I feel like I’m massively underestimated how long I’m gonna need to mine for oh

Because I have oh okay so I have this many stocks right now and to reach four and a half thousand I need this many stacks well once again this is gonna suck all right I cheated yep I cheated no I’m obviously kidding I actually spent the last three days

Three days oh man I spent the last three days Mining and I don’t know if you can hear it by my voice but I’m a little bit tired reason it took me three days is because I couldn’t go for more than a few hours without losing my mind so let

That be a lesson don’t do this don’t that’s this is stupid what I’ve done but at least now I think I have all the the diamonds just like that and now I can get started on making the armors right she waits where am I gonna put these The stadium of armas is what I’ll call this and we’ve even got the cool Cherry flowers thing particles yes and in case you were wondering where this is located it’s right here inside my nether I just didn’t really know what to do with this room so there we are and

Here I’m gonna have each variant lined up on every step kind of like this just like that in all the different colors I mean this looks pretty good however I forgot when I was collecting diamonds that I need to collect enough for this whole column of diamond armor so that’s

A few extra Stacks that I need to collect I never want to play this game again after this I don’t even when when is this video gonna come out I don’t even know ah I don’t know why that scared me and I don’t know what noise that was

All right this should hopefully be enough for some oh that’s gonna be enough for what three armor sets yeah great let’s go for host now I need to start making all the armors again speaking of them I’m gonna need more leather you know what let’s just throw this into a montage Foreign So I’ve finished half of this side here and it’s looking pretty good pretty artistic however it’s been like two hours and I was under the impression that once I had collected all the trims this would be a breeze it’s no oh foreign S look very familiar I mean similar like this bro I’m going insane let me just clean up this whole mess here now remember how I made that accidental where is it accidental set of another right armor yes accidental this should now allow me to collect some more

Diamonds this is the last Diamond I have to collect for a long time I should now just be able to duplicate this a few times that what wait yeah I collected more diamonds than I needed to okay regardless I can now make the rarest armor in the game possible which

Actually probably will not look as good as you want it to but let’s uh actually it’s pretty good it looks pretty cool I expected another ride another ride to not look that good but I think we can all agree that it looks pretty sick and yeah you might think

That’s a bit of an awkward spot to put it but I just I’ve had to collect almost five stacks of another ride scraps so I’m kind of sick of this game foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft AGAIN [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by ezY on 2023-07-29 13:01:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I survived 2000 days in Hardcore Minecraft as of last episode. I’ve now done 14 Full Episodes and couldn’t be happier with the …

  • Crafty Hearts: Minecraft Love Galore!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail Compilation

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Celebrations!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Gamemode Hack

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  • KYRSP33DY Betrays Friend in Epic Minecraft Mod Battle!

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    FLOPPY MINECRAFT SCARY BUILD HACKSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft scary 😨 build Hacks #ytshorts #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FLOPPY__420 on 2024-06-03 06:21:17. It has garnered 9330 views and 270 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft scary 😨 build Hacks #ytshorts #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #viralvideo #minecraft Read More


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  • The SHOCKING Truth About Minecraft’s Identity!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server Hack in 2024! Shocking 1.20+ Java Method

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  • Unbelievable Hack: Dominate with Breeze Mob in Minecraft

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  • EPIC Minecraft Dimension Explorations! Watch Now!

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  • Steve Dweller Haunts Calvin in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Hide and Seek Battle with DJ and Monkey in Minecraft

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  • Pixel Hut

    Pixel HutPixel Hut is a growing community focused on Prison and PvP, as a matter of fact, we combined these two gamemodes to create a unique experience. We build the server focused on players. We care about YOU play.pixel-hut.com Read More

  • TechCraftSMP – semi-vanilla whitelist

    TechCraftSMP TechCraftSMP is a vibrant, community-driven Survival SMP server inspired by the Hermitcraft series. Featuring a robust diamond economy, detailed world map, free build policy, and Discord integration, it offers players a true vanilla Minecraft experience. Key Features: Robust diamond economy Bustling shopping district Detailed world map Free build policy Discord integration Join TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 today! DISCORD: Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lit tunes for real

    Did someone say they were dropping a mixtape in the Nether? Looks like they’re bringing the heat – literally! 🔥 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Momazo XD

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  • Becoming the Grim Reaper in Minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE NEW Mods & Packs for Minecraft! 😱

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  • Exploring Primordial Caves for 100 Days in Minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Insane Minecraft Hardcore Monument Drain

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  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Build by Beppo

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  • Shocking Return to Egg Wars – Pro vs Noob #shorts

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  • Unleash Chaos with MR. LIGHTNING – Minecraft Mayhem! #shizoClickbait

    Unleash Chaos with MR. LIGHTNING - Minecraft Mayhem! #shizoClickbaitVideo Information मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिक डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से This video, titled ‘minecraft funny || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-06-06 12:15:26. It has garnered 625 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft funny, baby zombie… Read More

  • EPIC 1000 FT CACTUS FARM!! 😮 Minecraft SMP India Livestream

    EPIC 1000 FT CACTUS FARM!! 😮 Minecraft SMP India LivestreamVideo Information नीट अभी क्या है ये जब भी कैक्टस मिल रही है य गिर रेडन ट चलो भाई स्ट्रीम चालू हो गई कोई गाली नहीं देगा हरसल भाई को तुम रोक नहीं पाते हरसल भाई के घर पर पता लग गई गाली देते हैं क्या होगा चलो हेडफोन चार्ज हो रहा आवाज रिपीट नहीं होनी चाहि स्ट्रीम पर आवाज रिपीट हो तो बताना हेलो मिस्टर हरजोत वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम स्ट्रीम टू द अरे बाप रे 14 महीने अबे अभी तो तेरे आ महीने हुए थे जी गया क्याक कर लिया भाई से कुछ महीने ीने किया भेजा नहीं… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN! Mikey Diamond Battles JJ Emerald in Minecraft Castle

    EPIC SHOWDOWN! Mikey Diamond Battles JJ Emerald in Minecraft CastleVideo Information Mikey and JJ are at War so we’re building diamond and emerald castles but only one person can be king pip I think JJ should be king oh no way Lou Mikey should be king oh you know what since we can’t decide let’s build some diamond and emerald castles to see who’s is best and decide who will be king after having a war oh you’re on Lou and at the end of this video we’ll crown Mikey as king no we’ll be crowning JJ as’s King anyways I’m going to get started building my Diamond Castle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Battle Pt 41: Winner Takes All!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Battle Pt 41: Winner Takes All!Video Information okay he’s not [Music] friendly can you see him say hi T say [Music] hi I mean what’s the odds so it’s like I’m going to beat this down and I’m going tame her beat her down shove some meat in her about the time I get her tame three freaking Raptors come out of nowhere and take me and her boat out I hate them [Music] Sons I don’t think the first a kit gets rid of be that’s SC let’s find out oh my God I hit [Music] scrap oh my god did Abus I hit… Read More

  • Phobos SMP | smp, semi-vanilla | Java 1.20.6/1.21 | events, custom bosses

    Welcome to Phobos SMP! Join Our Discord A chill community based SMP launching tomorrow is looking for active members! Phobos SMP has been running since mid-2020, and this new season features a semi-cohesive lore story, custom datapacks, and a texture pack. Explore the mysteries of the ancients and the tainted’s wars on a big island while creating your own lore and theories. What We Offer: 2 new custom bosses Legendary weapons to compete for No mods Active welcoming community Lore to build off of Whitelist system for safety Experienced admin team Vanilla feel with quality of life improvements Ready to… Read More


    SZEDZIANOWO CITY (2017-2024) CREATIVE-CITY BUILDER [PL/ENG]Hello, Hello!More info in main page!The biggest Polish Creative City!Discover over 80 districts!- Project owners:WargroyPablito_mcThe mountainMakeThisRealwww.planetminecraft.com/member/makethisreal/Reg_D_Wistwww.planetminecraft.com/member/reg_d_wistKarol06Ten_Cool Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Yasssss Minecraft Queen Slays”

    This Minecraft meme is a solid 4 out of 10, just like my mining skills in the game. Read More

  • Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod – Ride in Style!

    Zoom through Minecraft with Minebikes Mod - Ride in Style! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod takes flight, Introducing Minebikes, motorcycles so bright. Craft them with care, fuel them up right, And ride through the pixelated night. To start your journey, craft a table so fine, With categories to browse, items to combine. Gasoline is key, for your engine to ignite, Refine it with coal, water, and might. Don’t forget the spark plug, to start your machine, Choose wisely, for different types are seen. Repair with a wrench, iron ingots in sight, Keep your bike running, in the day or the night. Paint your ride, with colors… Read More

  • Back in my day… #minecraft #memes

    Back in my day... #minecraft #memes Remember when you used to spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to have your little brother come in and blow it all up with TNT? Good times. #velhostempos #minecraftmemories Read More

I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft AGAIN [FULL MOVIE]