I Survived 500 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)

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One year ago I set out on a quest just to see how long I could survive on a deserted island and considering it was Hardcore I didn’t think I’d make it very long however I managed to turn this into this in just 500 Days the journey so far has been breathtaking

With some insane Island transformation some very close calls some beautiful ocean exploration and of course classic Minecraft moments grab some popcorn and watch as I turn a few dirt blocks into something amazing here’s 500 Days on my Survival Island well this was a silly idea it was day one on the survival

Island and I had no resources no food I needed to work quickly because if Nightfall came and I was unprepared it would be game over I made as many tools as possible and prayed prayed that the tree dropped a sapling and thank goodness me it did it dropped three

Saplings which I planted around the island I then found up as much grass as I could in hopes that it would drop seeds to make wheat I had a turtle on the island to keep me sane while I extended it slightly to make a small farm in which I would plant my seeds

With the farm now complete that would mean I had an unlimited food source thank goodness it was now time to spend the rest of day one working on an underground Base by doing this I would save resources and protect myself from the ghoulish Undead late at night

The underground base was finished and I had a full set of stone tools I was hungry and my wheat hadn’t grown yet so I needed to think fast I made a sword and headed out to sea to kill as many fish as I could yes I felt slightly

Guilty because they were just minding their own fishy business but you know what I was hungry and there’s plenty more fish in the sea I made a couple of doors and then sealed up my underground base now they were wooden and in hardcore survival zombies can break them but it was better than

Nothing with no bed and sleep deprivation setting in I mined all night of day one for more resources such as coal and Cobblestone I mean I just made some stairs to make going up and down the base a little bit easier you know I couldn’t really do much I was limited

Being in the caves all night day two already so I decided to aesthetically improve my Island just slightly I added like a small Cobblestone Hut around my cave it wasn’t much but you know it’s just me on the island there’s no one to judge I decided to make some minor improvements here and

There as well now once again without a bed I have to spend the evening of day two mining for more resources I did find some iron so that was great um and then I just spent all night mining Mining and Mining and Mining and Mining because there was nothing else I could do

Day three was the day in which I realized I was going to be stuck on this island alone for a very very long time so I decided to work on my farm just slightly to make more wheat because I needed more food I then proceeded to

Smelt all the oars from the night before and then made a few iron tools it was going well Once again you guessed it the night of day four I spent my time mining more mining mining there was nothing else I could do on this island I started to go insane finally I’d found some diamonds which would improve my chances of getting off this island it’s like seeing a plate of your

Favorite food the juices the texture diamond is just the best I was in a bit of a better mood day five I must admit diamonds in the inventory food in the inventory you know things were looking great I spotted all my oars and headed into my strip mine to collect obsidian I mind as much obsidian as I could I think I’d roughly mind around about nine obsidian on day five day six was a strange one I was visited by this strange being and he informed me that I need to head to the end because they’re being terrorized by a dragon so

I agreed that I was sorted out for him but I just need a bit of time and resources if I was to save the end from this Dragon I would need to improve on my fighting technique so I spent the night of day six defending my Island from

Ghoulish spiders and evil drowned beings I worked my hardest I was fearing for the turtle’s life at this point I thought there’s no way that this drowned monster would eliminate my only friend so I used my shield and defend his Trident throws no oh thank goodness he’s alive but then I

Was attacked by Phantoms they were coming at me left right and Center I just didn’t know what to do so I headed into my base just for a second to gather my thoughts I headed out to try and kill the drowned being but there was no chance it was almost over they could have killed me then it was just too risky I decided to eat my food and relax the rest of the night that was a close one I needed to work on something more

Substantial a real base Whilst building I was interrupted multiple times by creepers I was so close but once again interrupted by Phantoms oh God I was almost finished What a very very busy few days fighting monsters building my base it was time to just cool it down you know go fishing extend my farm I was so proud of how far I’d come in the last few days I spent the rest of the evening of day 10 inside my main base watching as my enemies tried to defeat me but they had no chance Day 11 was here and I collected as much wood as I could because I wanted to box in my farm I just thought it looks weird just a bunch of soil like extended from the island so I boxed it in using wooden planks and a bunch of fences

This ran all the way into day 12 I aesthetically improved the farm just slightly with stone slabs and torches and then I just found up all of the wheat and planted more seeds you know the usual uh again I was fighting Phantoms there’s still a pain in my

Backside and then I spent the night time mining as much as I could but I didn’t find any diamonds unfortunately foreign ly in the Nightfall of day 13 I was attacked by a group of drowned monsters now one of them had a trident but he just kept hiding away in the ocean it

Was really difficult to get a view on him he tried throwing tridents at me left right and center but he wasn’t successful and then he just fleed he just left me alone I then spent the evening of day 14 collecting resources and more obsidian the night of peaceful mining was over so

I decided to build a composter and make as much food as possible and then I just decided to add a chimney onto my little house I just thought maybe someone will see the smoke and come and save me then the drowned with the Trident returned but stood no match against me and my

Shield the Dolphins came and help me out as well which was an absolute bonus Without a bed this was just getting really tough I bred my turtles together then headed back inside because I just couldn’t do anything at night I was just attacked by Phantoms left right and Center foreign Things were looking up I built a small enclosure for the turtles and then I decided to flatten the entire terrain for more space I then dedicated the next few days to building a bigger structure The house was complete so I decided to fill it out with chests and workbenches furnaces lanterns and then I decided to head out the night of day 25 because I really needed a bed I was sick of fighting Phantoms On the day of 26 I decided to build somewhere specifically to grow trees and then in the night time I needed more string I needed that cotton so I headed out to fight those spiders I was completely surrounded zombies Phantoms but I needed that spider I needed that string it was so close though they all ganged up on me and I needed to run back to my base my mission was almost successful I picked up that piece of string and I

Only needed one more one more so I headed out to kill the spider I spotted in my wheat farm he dropped a piece of string finally I could craft a bed yes my first good night’s sleep on the island I found incredible I made a few

Improvements to my house made it look a bit more snazzy and then yes you guessed it it was time to face hell’s Gates I dedicated the next few days to building a space for my nether portal Foreign The portal was complete it made a fine addition to the island it was time I made myself some gold boots a new Shield it was time to face hell I was terrified I never thought I’d live to see the nether in person only hear about it in gruesome stories telling of its evil endless pits and pools of lava I quickly covered the nether portal for protection but I needed more Cobblestone I didn’t want to risk losing the portal

Because if I had lost that connection between the Overworld and the nether there was no coming back I finished off protecting the nether portal and collected some bone and then I found this snorting piglin that would barter with me he gave me some fire resistance potions which would be

Excellent for finding that Fortress and killing those blazes the piglet snorted at me informing that I needed to be more prepared if I was going to face the Fortress so I headed back to the Overworld on the evening of day 39 I decided to head into my strip mine I wanted to

Gather as much of the resources as I could at lapis Cold Gold so I could bath with more piglens I found some diamonds along the way not as much as I’d like though so I dedicated a few days just to try and find diamonds foreign I wasn’t massively successful here I only found about 12 diamonds but it’ll do for now I then dedicate the next few days to making a bow some diamond armor and the enchantment table Being on a survival island was really limiting I barely had any resources and couldn’t build bookshelves with leather so I went to Bata with the piglet in hopes it would drop more leather but he just gave me a bunch of fire resistance potions I finally had enough just to

Level up the enchantment table a little bit now I didn’t have the best enchantments but it was better than nothing feeling more prepared I headed into the nether now let me tell you no gear can erase the fear I was still very very nervous somehow straight away the zombie pigmen

Came after me like I did literally nothing wrong here like I was trying to save them from the gas like I was trying to have your back here like are you serious are you serious so I just headed back and farmed and killed some time improved my house area because I needed

To wait for the zombie pigmen to cool down I took a good long look at everything I’d achieved so far this could be where I lost it all I was so proud of how far I’d come in just so few days after treading very cautiously it seemed

That the zombie pigmen had calmed down friendship was restored so I progressed into The Nether collecting resources trudging through Soul Sand I made small markers with Cobblestone and torches to allow me to locate where I had been I had covered a lot of ground I climbed

Up dug my way down killed Ghasts taking out skeletons when finally finally after hours of searching I found the nether fortress the very Fortress the piglet told me about I’d done it so I built a big marker and headed back home because I wanted to grab the five resistance

Potions I had now in my journey home I almost died to aghast it was almost game over somehow somehow I managed to dodge his bullets I couldn’t get home fast enough I rushed as quickly as I could taking out enemies as I found them I made it back to the

Portal it was time to grab those potions yes it was nice to be back somewhere I was familiar but I didn’t want to get too comfortable I needed to quickly make those gold bars and grab those potions I needed to head back into the nether to tackle that Fortress My hands were shaking it could all end here The heat radiated from the nether brick I made my way very cautiously onto the outskirts of the Fortress I navigated the maze-like corridors very very carefully I was hunting for that Blaze spawner I found it it was time After extinguishing the blaze rods I collected all the netherwar looted the chests and killed wither skeletons I had to get out of there it was too risky so I made a fiery Escape I dodged the Wrath of the Galaxy We made it finally I was home so I made some diamond boots Enchanted them with protection 3 and made some Brewing stands now it was time to make a place where I could make potions the Brewing area was finally finished so I got to work making as many potions as

I could now the fundamental potion I needed was an awkward potion so thank goodness I grabbed as much netherwort as I could from The Fortress I then used Phantom membrane to make slow falling potions this would help me when I’m killing the ender dragon I then use

Redstone to extend the length of them and a bunch of blaze powder to make strength two potions wow we come so far It was time yes you guessed it it was time to find that stronghold so I positioned myself and through the Eye of Ender High into the sky feeling well rested and a belly full of food it was time you guessed it to head to the stronghold wish me luck

I I was pretty emotional I won’t lie it was the first time leaving the island the first time seeing mainland foreign Took a deep breath it was time okay no okay okay I didn’t really go to the stronghold I found I found a living breathing animal so I brought him back to the Survivor Island and then I thought am I going to find some more animals so I found a chicken I found a

Chicken a real life chicken which then I could use the feathers to make more arrows so you could go as far to say that I chickened out here yes I didn’t go to the stronghold I brought back the chicken and then bred as many chickens as I could thank you

I headed over to explore I made a best friend like I was really excited that the parrot and me had formed a bond finally a friend on this lonely Journey I spent a lot of time breeding chickens like a lot I needed as many feathers as possible

And then I used the gravel to get flint I just needed arrows like there’s no way I was taking on this Ender Dragon without arrows foreign it was time it was finally time to head into the end and kill that Ender Dragon I spent days looking for the stronghold days After an exhausting few days I think I finally found the stronghold I dug my way down looking for that Mossy brick and I found it wow I felt insanely lucky I had fallen right upon the portal like what are the chances of that I then filled it in the

Portal where the Eyes of Ender but then I realized I didn’t have enough like I I only had 12 when I needed 15. so I headed back I quickly headed to the brewing stand which then I would use the rest of the blaze powder oh I was nervous it was time

Wow it was so dark and there were Enderman everywhere I slurped up my slow falling potion and witnessed the dragon swipe away the Enderman I was so so nervous I started taking shots dodging the dragon’s Fireballs I had to destroy the crystals I took numerous shots and my aim was quite impressive I was making fantastic progress eliminating those crystals I couldn’t quite hit the last view so I climbed the towers I destroyed another Crystal and made my way down only one to go I used my water bucket to climb the tower Dragon was Furious he had seen that I had removed all of the crystals it was now my time to strike The dragon could fly no more so I headed down and attacked the Beast tried to escape when my arrow shots and strength 2 potion was too much for him The Dragon I collected all of that glorious XP hey we did it little guy I then collected the dragon egg I made it home now it was time to build somewhere to showcase the dragon egg Thank you I created a small storage facility ah we’d made it 100 days hello me again before I continue my journey I wanted to shoot up with full diamond armor this half iron half diamonds just wasn’t cutting it yes it was all Enchanted but it just wasn’t

Good enough in my opinion so I headed to Mainland to start strip mining I thought I’d have a better chance of finding diamonds there so I made some stone tools grabbed some trap doors covered up you know just in case a creeper gets you know creepy and blows up against the

Whole thing I headed into the strip mine and I wanted to get those diamonds foreign I mean I was getting really lucky with iron and coal and a bit of gold here and there but I had no luck with diamonds I mean I came across the cave at one point

Debated climbing down but I thought no I better play it safe build a platform across and continue strip mining on diamond level Yeah probably as bored as I was at this point I won’t lie I was coming across some gold here and there but nothing exciting I just need a diamond man like where is this diamond I come across caves and other places but I just kept finding gold which was great don’t get

Me wrong but I need a diamond or MLG moment as well look how cool I am foreign mining continued until day 102 I was feeling a little bit better killed a creeper found a cave and yes come across some juicy diamonds now it was only a

Couple like it wasn’t great but it was progress and then this happened I came across a mine shaft and I was a little bit out of my depth I was completely surrounded by the undead and yes I had some armor on but I got a bit

Shaky I won’t lie they almost got the better of me but you know I’m getting the hang of things now I took them all out cracked some food down my throat and then I came across a nice big vein of diamonds yes one step closer it’s a full diamond armor let’s go

Yeah I was feeling pretty good I was one step closer to full diamond armor but not just yet so I headed back to the island resupplied then headed back out to the mine shaft after ruthlessly raiding the hallways of the mine shaft I finally came across a

Nice big stash of diamonds look at that now I’d be a fool not to search the rest of the mine shaft so I continued to do that I mean I didn’t find a lot some gold veins here killed some of the leveled up Undead and then I came across

Some big spiders nope nope nope nope nope definitely a nope so I headed back home because I wanted to make full diamond armor foreign I got suited and booted with four diamond armor look at me I mean about time right I should have got that way earlier

Now let me tell you something you don’t get much time to read books when you’re trying to survive on a survival island especially when you’re being hunted by pretty much everything that breathes but what you do need is books for the enchantment table so that’s why I headed

Into the stronghold to try and find the strongholds library to upgrade that enchantment table now I think I got a little bit overconfident here I I was ambushed by pretty much everything going in in the stronghold I mean a bunch of skeletons came out of nowhere and it got

Pretty intense I was blocking their Arrow shots I was striking them as quickly as I could I realized I needed to hurry up and find that library and get out of there I stumbled across a prisoner in the stronghold and he was informing me of a

Tool I could use to fly to fly he said I could locate it at an end City in the end but just when he went to tell me of the city’s location the creeper took his life couldn’t believe it I guess I just have to head to the end and find the elytra

Myself I couldn’t let this stop me I had to continue my search for the strongholds Library I needed those books for the enchantment table yes I found the library no librarian could shush me here it was time to steal some books I cleared my inventory and got to work I had Stacks and stacks of books for my enchantment table I even came across some enchanted books with some great great enchantments for my weapons so I used the end as a shortcut and look who was there my pet parrot so he jumped on my shoulder and we headed back home wow

So much achieved in just less than 10 days laughs day 110 I stuck all of my books in my storage facility and then I debated what I do with the enchantment table I just it wasn’t cutting it being outside so I headed to Mainland got as much dirt as

Possible and then built a small extension to My Island this is where I would build the place for the enchantment table I got this much Cobblestone smelted it all up yeah you guessed it it was time to build somewhere for the enchantment table The build was complete I was really happy with the final result I changed armor about halfway through because I didn’t want to damage the diamond armor I worked so hard for look at that the enchantment table fully leveled up to level 30. now it was time to get Enchanting

Now before my Armor gets the glow up that it so desperately needs I just wanted to make some small adjustments you know improve the bridge get rid of that dirt path I then placed a couple of armor stands inside the building then used Minecraft trickery to encase them

In glass I then proceeded to disenchant all of my armor I had a ton of XP from killing the ender dragon so I got to work spending all of it I Enchanted everything I ended up with some great gear a great sword fully lavered up in enchantment look at me I’m so happy

The sun was Blazing in the sky so I took advantage and farmed up as much wheat as I could to make some food I was just thinking about everything that the skeleton said about that end City so I headed in the next day to the stronghold

Yes you guessed it I wanted to find that flying tool the elytra The end is such a sophisticated and complicated place yes there may not be as many threats as the Overworld or the never but the end challenges you mentally you have to think on your feet you have to watch The Edge at all times I found the end portal and I built up

And created a platform outside of it just for safety and then I headed in wow just a handful of blocks to stand on this is crazy I had my friendly parrots chocolate and ship but they weren’t enough to allow me to achieve my goal I

Knew I’d need to have to head back I needed more building materials to build Bridges across there was no way I was going to survive here with just a handful of blocks felt like I’d wasted a pearl but I needed to do that I needed to head back

And grab as much End Stone as possible so I just mind I chip and Chip and chipped away at that end Stone I wanted that elytra and nothing could stop me here goes nothing another attempt I started building a bridge across n Stone crumbled beneath me as I

Sprinted across the ends planes dodging the Enderman oh my only goal was to find that end City foreign Just when I thought all hope was lost I found it This was the most complex and epic structure I’d ever seen towering over me I knew I had to tread lightly When approaching the end City I thought I need to use my resources and time carefully so I decided to head straight for the boat slurp up my slow falling

Potion and make my way inside the end City ship I was really nervous the shulk is blubbered and spat at me the lack of gravity made it very very difficult to calculate my next moves but I thought very very carefully and decided to make my way towards the shulker no

Shares robust in casing we’ve done it we had found the elytra I quickly grabbed chips feathers and I grabbed the elytra from the frame it was time to skip town I had to get out of here so I looted the chest grabbing some amazing diamond boots and

Then the gold then the iron I quickly grabbed the brewing stand and then proceeded to attack the shulkers that were on the top of the ship I needed the ender dragon’s head I don’t know why I just really really wanted it because I wanted to build something cool with it

On it fell from the ship’s tail so I decided to head down using my slow falling potion I didn’t want to use my electric yet I didn’t want to waste it plus I didn’t even know how to use the thing I thought I may as well just have a

Crack at grabbing some more showers so I can make a shulker box I tried to kill the shulkers at the front but the bouncers were just too strong for me you know they just kept teleporting all over the place and hitting me with their little anti-gravity balls they’re so so

Annoying but I managed to kill them and I decided I’d have a go at trying to get to the top but you know what I just didn’t have time for it not enough potions and not enough skill so I decided to leave the end and head home I sprinted home as quickly as possible try not to look those Endermen in the eye these guys were nothing like the one that came to visit me in my Hundred Days these guys are evil I think it’s because I’m in their home I’m up in their house

You know so I just decided to head back home took a sigh of relief we’d done it and grabbed that elytra I took a few moments to remember chip thank you chip for everything you did for me in the end rest in peace I farmed up as much sugarcane as I could

To make paper combined it with the gunpowder to make those fireworks now I had no idea how to use the elytra so here goes nothing Foreign That’s definitely my new favorite thing I decided to rest and dedicate the next few days to just making some adjustments to the island I fed the chicks got a good night’s rest and then I collected a bunch of wood because I had a sort of burst of creativity I wanted to build a

Bridge A the bridge was complete and I was really happy with the final look I just kind of like improved it and it kind of looked okay in the end I was really happy foreign day 146 was sort of like a throwaway day I combined the boots together because I finally had enough XP

So now I had feather falling on my boots I then went and honored chip with his own little grave stuck the compass in the middle of the bridge and then I decorated here and there places with the Ender Dragon I’ll do a build for that later wow we’d achieved so much day 147

Came to a close and I realized the next step would be the Wither fresh-faced and bright-eyed day 148 was here and I knew it would be step one in preparation for the Wither yes I wanted to head into the nether with fire resistance potions so I could grab some ancient debris

Here goes nothing all I need to do is just grab some ancient debris just enough to upgrade a couple of items it’ll take no time at all let me just wait wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hello there Sparky oh wait a second let me just

Okay let me rewind let me rewind no no no no further back further back further back okay just let me explain something here we go day 106 I did find a dog way back and I tamed it brought it back I was really really happy like I was like

Over the moon I named him Sparky with a name tag I found in a cave everything was going great but then I lost him the next day and I was like where’s Sparky gone so I decided not to put him in the video because well he was gone

So now we’re back up to scratch and we found the dog that I thought I’d lost I then put it back in my home and I decided to continue with the quest oh okay I’m in the nether I cleared the area of the undead and then I got on

With my mission my only Quest was to grab that ancient debris now I wasn’t looking to get full armor that wasn’t the intention here I just wanted to upgrade as much as I could in the time that I had I was against the clock I trudged through another rack for ages

And I eventually found some ancient debris it was a good start but it wasn’t enough so I had to continue mining in the nether to get that ancient debris on my way I also did grab some XP because I just I’m a sucker for XP I can’t help it I’m sorry Things were looking up the Wither preparation was going really well I had enough ancient debris to upgrade one tool I made it home chopped up some wood like The Lumberjack I am constructed a smithing table cooked up my Asian debris I had enough to upgrade one Diamond Tool

So I repaired my pickaxe and applied it to that upgrades people I only needed one more piece of ancient debris so I headed in to grab it you’re not gonna believe this I literally like strip mine for days and it was here the whole time the whole time but anyway I

Mind it moved on killed the gas and made it home the next step was going to that Fortress to get those wither skulls My game face was on I made it to the Nether and then I killed the gas protecting the path to the Fortress nothing could stop me I was Unstoppable foreign my path to the Fortress taking out everything that stood in my way oh she’s a mean looking Beast look at

Her smothered in lava and my enemies I drank up a fire resistance potion headed in to try and find those wither skeletons I wasn’t having much luck I didn’t come across any wither skeletons only places which was great don’t get me wrong with my looting three sword I was collecting

Those blaze rods and it was quite fun taking them out with my bow as well I did finally come across them with the skeletons and went to town ah my first Wither Skull progress was being made but now it was no time to get complacent I had to continue with my mission

I was doing really well I collected another skull and then navigated the maze-like corridors tackling blazes skeletons and wither skeletons it was all coming at once I eventually found my third with a skeleton skull now it was time to Sprint back home thank you don’t let that cool Sea Breeze fool you

You may be feeling a little bit more chilled but I wasn’t I knew I had to continue with my quest and kill that wither Now The crucial step in all of this is getting milk yes I know that’s a silly thing to say but with milk you’re pretty much Invincible when you’re

Fighting the Wither I tried to make this really dramatic but then a creeper snuck up on me day 169 the Wither was just around the corner Can I just say thank you so much to each and every single one of you for watching my videos the response so far has been incredibly overwhelming and I’m just so so grateful join the field Army today hit that subscribe button if everyone does that we may hit 100 000 subscribers

Which is dreamy day 171 and it was time to go cow hunting this carried on for like a good few days like who knew how hard it would be to find a cow literally all I needed was a four-legged milk machine and I couldn’t find one

I must have come across like all of the animals except the cow and then I eventually came across one in the night of day 173 and did everything in my power to protect it like nothing was going to kill this cow my life depended on it Simple cow in boat milking bucket we’ve done it day 174 I brought the cow back to the island and I made a grave mistake look at this look I all my chickens ran free because I opened the gate I wasn’t thinking and now I have an island infested with chickens these little

Feathered Critters [Applause] It was time I headed to Mainland into my strip mine to then trap the Wither there I didn’t want him getting out and destroying my Survival Island I mind and mind for days making an accessible route ready to fight the Wither foreign It was an excessive amount of mining but I had to ensure that there was no dead end and I had a fully accessible route I made my way back organize my inventory started to place the wither skeletons ate a golden apple and summoned the Beast Undead monster was not pleased and he

Released a devastating blast destroying all of the debris around him I use my strength 2 potion and find as many arrows into the tail of the Beast it was doing great damage the Wither activated a shield which wouldn’t allow my arrows to penetrate so I decided to strike him with my sword

We’ve done it we killed the Wither no time to idle I had to head back home as quickly as possible but on my way out I came across a zombie Pillager and two skeletons now I did try and save the Pillager but I just didn’t have the potions or the resources

Well that was awfully dramatic I made my way back very leisurely across the ocean to the survival island organized my chests constructed a beacon Now as you know in our last 100 days we did pick up that elytra so it was time to get off the survival island and go exploring but first I need to make a quick repair Using the sticky Phantom membrane I fused the wings back together and had them fully repaired so now it was time to head out and explore I wonder what we’d find I was hoping to find some civilization I soared across miles and miles of green beautiful trees Open Fields animals everywhere and then came across a mountain that was riddled with coals so I decided to take advantage of it because I didn’t have much coal back on the Survival Island after mining up the coal I decided to

Climb the snowy mountain for a better view when then something revealed itself just in the distance it seemed like some sort of Hut so I flew down I couldn’t believe it this was Greg’s brother stationed here in a Mountainside Village to protect the people it was incredible I looked at around the

Chests and found diamonds obsidian and plenty of food this place was a real safe haven I then spoke to one of the guys in a Local Tavern and he said I could stay the night wow fresh-faced bright eyed and well-rested I was ready for another day on this

Hardcore journey I decided to explore the rest of the village After exploring the village I had a genius idea I thought if I bring back a lectern I could then attain that book of mending to allow me to use my tools infinitely I flew over land and overseas as quick as possible to make it back to my

Survival Island I then crafted a lectern to take back to the Mountainside Village I also needed to repair my elytra because without that well we’re in big trouble Determined I headed back to the Mountainside Village lectern in hand in an attempt to attain that enchanted book of mending now with a couple of attempts I did finally get there and the Villager rewarded me special book I couldn’t waste any time and I didn’t want the Villager running off with the

Book of mending so I built a Hut around him for efficiency uh he did put up a bit of a protest but he ain’t going anywhere foreign I didn’t have the book of mending just yet because I couldn’t afford it so I headed back home and got some rest

Because I’d have to do a lot of sugar cane growing The next day I found up as much sugar cane as I could to make paper if I could sell that paper for emeralds I’d be able to buy multiple books but I just didn’t have enough so I just have to wait for the sugar canes to grow

I didn’t waste any time though I decided while waiting for the sugar canes to grow to head into my strip mine now you probably already know this from my previous hundred days but you know how much I love the sound of that twinkly twinkly XP I headed into my

Strip mine and found some more diamonds which kind of bugged me a little bit because in my last hundred days I spent so much time trying to find diamonds and look within minutes I found some are you serious anyways I continued mining in my strip mine and then stumbled across even

More diamonds but this time it was quite a large vein woohoo There was no way I was mining all these diamonds without fortune on my pickaxe today was here so I decided to head back up onto my Survival Island to enchant my pickaxe now I did use the diamonds I’d find to make another diamond pickaxe which then I would hope to get fortune

On this story just gets better and better I got fortune 3 straight away I couldn’t believe my luck so I had to take advantage head straight back into that strip mine and mine those diamonds I mine those bad boys up headed back to my strip mine to see how many I’d collected

20 diamonds let’s go I then found a few more because while you just once you get the bug you can’t stop mining Another chapter in our 300 days journey wow time to get some rest another day another dollar it looks like the sugar canes had finally grown so I found them up and made some more paper it looks like I finally had enough to make enough emeralds I also found up all

Of my food because I knew I could sell this to a farmer in the Mountainside Village And plenty of wheat plenty of paper the chickens were well fed looks like the last step was just to get some rest ready for the next day because I was gonna go get me some emeralds Whilst on my way back to the Mountainside Village I’d stumbled across a Pillager Tower but I was in no condition to take it on just yet so I infiltrated through the top and scouted out who I could see I blocked off the top using wood and

Then decided to see if I could find any loot now the loop wasn’t the best but I know I’d have to come back here because there was no way I could let them out inside Village be eliminated now it was time to head back to that Village

Sell me those resources and get that book of mending I sold everything I could to the librarian and the farmer I was making big money moves but then I realized I’ve forgotten books oh so I’d have to head out during the night time and get some

Leather now I got pretty lucky but the horses didn’t and I finally attained myself some leather luckily I wasn’t too far from the village so I quickly flew back and made those books it was time I finally attained two books of mending it didn’t take long for him

To transfer the scriptures over wow some serious progress made the ocean Monument was just around the corner It was time to put the book of mending on my elytra but first I’d have to make it home and I didn’t have much durability on my elytra so I just crossed my fingers hoped for the best and tried to get to my outpost on the survival island yes I finally made it

With barely any durability left so I decided to make the rest of the trip on the boat I made it home and applied my book of mending to my elytra oh I’m so so relieved now it was time to get some XP using my silk touch pickaxe I had picked up some quartz blocks so I mined them up and got some XP I then did a little bit

Of debating which pickaxe Supply my mending to but in the end I decided to apply my mending to my fortune 3 efficiency 4 pickaxe let’s go the ocean Monument glowed beneath the watery surface but I was in no way yet prepared to take it on so I decided to

Head to Mainland gather a bunch of resources because one I wanted to put mending to the test and two well I just wanted a bunch of XP so I got the resources and I built a mob farm foreign Was now complete I just added a few finishing touches and then got to work killing the undead collecting XP and all of the goodies that they dropped but I wasn’t finished yet I needed to connect it to the island I was really really happy with the final result but the good mood didn’t last long I was ambushed by a gang of phantoms attacking me from all angles I quickly restored the house that I had lost you only get one life in Hardcore Minecraft and I wasn’t losing it today

I took on the creepers that had started swarming the island and then also the Enderman that was spying on me even Phantoms were continuing to fight me from behind I just wanted this to end the enderman’s menacing face and dropped jaw continued to intimidate me but I

Just continued that eye contact to keep him from attacking me I kept striking and striking and eventually I’d taken out the Enderman the Ambush was over so now it was time to get back to work my next step for extending my Island was creating a potato farm with the potatoes I had

Taken from the pillagers it was time to get to work Wow an extremely busy few days I’d finished off the potato farm and the mob farm a great extension to my Survival Island I just ended the Night by making some fireworks and getting some sleep Progress wasn’t being made I put the potato farm to good use and found up all the potatoes I could because I wanted to head back over to the Mountainside Village to get more books of mending I didn’t forget books this time I quickly located the farmer and then sold all of my potatoes for enough emeralds to buy enough books of mending for my armor look at that some big progress I headed home took out the skeleton and then continued to enchant my entire armor set with the book of

Mending also by the way you know that skeleton dropped the bow with infinity on it do you know how rare that is that that’s crazy so I combined it with my current bow to get one of the best bows you could ask for that’s insane but then this happened

A zombie villager riddled with disease had spawned on my Island I had to act quickly I tried to get it back to the survival island but I just couldn’t do it he was too enraged so I built him a shelter headed to Mainland to grab some brown mushrooms because they are the

Vital ingredient to make the potion of weakness I would combine this with a golden apple and hope that this would cure the Villager of the zombie disease let’s hope this works foreign the potion began to work the zombie’s skin crackled and I could see the infection letting off I think this was

Going to work so I just had to wait patiently and host that the infection would be eradicated it worked we had cured the Villager of the zombie Oakley I stuck him in a boat and headed back to my Island to build him a small home in which I would then gift him with

A lectern and in return He gifted me with a book of mending for just one emerald and if you’ve caught on I love the book of mending I was so so happy so I applied many to all my tools The Next Step was to get full netherite armor but

First a house for the Villager foreign For my very very happy friend look at the smile on his face I added a little bit of storage in there for him stuck some iron doors on that bad boy and took a look at the progress made so far that ocean Monument was just around the corner

But first I wanted to head into the nether to get full near the right armor so I made myself some gold boots and headed in Heading into hell you have to keep your wits about you at all times I took on the photos that surrounded my spawn and then headed in to my nether strip mine I was hungry for that ancient debris I managed to pick myself up some nether quartz on the way but nothing would stop

Me so I got to work Next wasn’t working out so I brought the big guns to town Foreign T explosions obliterated the depths of the nether not one piece of Netherrack could stand a chance I got to work scouting out for ancient debris that had been revealed by the explosions but there just wasn’t enough so I headed back to get some more TNT because it was

Working great I headed back and found some more ancient debris then smothered the nether in more TNT yeah I was Finding ancient debris left right and center now my only goal is to survive the trip back I finally made it home shockerbox filled with ancient debris it was time to make that full set of netherright armor cover me in debris look at that we made it it was time for The Next Step the Pillager fight I knew that Pillager Tower I found earlier wasn’t going

Anywhere anytime soon and I had to protect the Mountainside Village so I got some rest ready for battle it was time I glided over the ocean monument and made my way to the Pillager Tower the sun began to set so I decided to set up camp and scout out for the

Night tomorrow wasn’t going to be easy Sunrise it was time to take on the Pillager Tower I spotted the leader I couldn’t believe it this was too easy using my Infinity bow I assassinated the captain of the pillagers gaining voluntary Exile from the tower I’d saved the Mountainside Village wow what an

Achievement I headed back to my Survival Island as soon as possible but I didn’t head back alone A group of Pillager Scouts had followed me home to my Survival Island I had to do everything in my power to defend myself and the librarian another wave of soldiers has stormed my survival island and with just one life in Hardcore Minecraft I had to calculate my moves intelligently

The pillagers had taken over my enchantment table tower but with Incredible accuracy I took out the pillagers but my bow shots weren’t enough and evoker had summoned vexes and even more pillagers to storm the island I did my best striking them down with my sword and then had to locate the final enemy

I did it I defended my Survival Island The war was over but our story was far from our next step was to face the ocean Monument but before that I collected a bunch of resources because you guessed it it was time to build a place for the beacon Foreign The build was complete a place to show off my beautiful beaming Beacon but it wasn’t just to show off that trophy it was a place I could use for plenty of storage because that tiny little storage shack wasn’t enough I decided to add a bit of Lantern’s activate resistance on

My beacon and then took a little bit of a tour around what I had built I filled it with chests furnaces and more a place to store plenty of resources some serious progress made but next was the ocean Monument preparation for the ocean Monument began filling a bunch of buckets with milk to

Remove mining fatigue and then making a bunch of potions such as night vision and water breathing but then I was thrown a little bit of a curveball because a zombie villager had appeared on my Island I treated him with the exact same cure and then I gained myself a villager This guy was extremely happy so I moved him into his new home with a librarian look at us two villagers on our Island it was time for the ocean Monument I made another diamond sword with sharpness and headed out foreign ly nervous taking on an ocean Monument is no Cakewalk especially on Hardcore

Minecraft I sloped up my potions and then headed in I was hoping to make a hole in the side of the ocean Monument so I could Dodge the enemies that swam outside it was time to head in I took on these fishy foes that were protecting the Elder Guardians hiding in the ocean Temple Depth Strider on my boots gave me a massive advantage to finding the first outer Guardian I took aim and fired my bow the Elder Guardians targeted laser beam stood no match against my agility I struck it with my sword and then took in with my bow finally eliminating it I

Then roamed the rest of the halls and found the next Elder Guardian feeling confident in my moves I aggressively attacked the outer Guardian taking its life I then roamed the maze-like corridors in the temple and found the next outer Guardian hiding up in the top of the temple

My power four bow was devastating eliminating the Elder Guardian I then collected some resources and headed out I didn’t want to run out of water breathing so I’d come back soon oh I’d done it I taken on the ocean Monument I sorted out the things I collected into chests and got some rest

First thing on my list is to explore the ocean monument that we conquered in the last video yes I managed to take out the guardians but I didn’t get hold of that sponge and gold so I made myself a water breathing potion upgraded it with redstone and then headed into the ocean

Monument I jumped in my little boat and then sailed not too far away from the island took a look at the gaps I made slipped up my potion and then I headed in upon entry I was greeted by a bunch of enemies now these guys are pretty easy

To take on but in groups they can take you out so I still have to play kind of safe I then use my silk touch pickaxe chewed my way through the sides grabbed a bunch of sea lanterns because I just love them and then I finally found the

Gold blocks which made me super happy and I got to work mining them up following that with a little bit more exploring I found the room full of sponge and you just never know when you’re gonna need sponge it’s such a handy thing to have so I dedicated some

Time to take all of the sponge in the ocean Monument I then chewed my way back up through the top and made my way back to my boat pretty successful and goodbye ocean Monument I then headed back to my Survival Island stored all of my stuff

In chess and then I just went to have a look around you know say hello to Sparky check out the build and then I headed up to my beacon to plan tomorrow’s Antics which would be to get a full set of netherrike tools I’m surprised I haven’t

Even got them yet so I got a good night’s rest ready for tomorrow the sun blazed high in the sky and operation netherite tools began I headed over to my mob farm to see how much gunpowder I had collected and well to be honest it wasn’t enough to make enough

TNT I also didn’t have enough sand either so I headed over to a local Island to get ready to mine up some sand yay it was as laborious as it sounds yes I just dedicated an entire day to getting sand but it was worth it but the nighttime struck and things got

Dangerous I was ambushed by a bunch of enemies zombies creepers I didn’t know where to turn and then I got a bit too overconfident and almost lost my life down to just two hearts on Hardcore Minecraft can you imagine if we’d lost everything just two minutes in

I was close I then flew back to my Island and headed home I then turned all my resources into TNT and while although I had like 45 nearly 50 it just wasn’t enough I wanted to head into The Nether and in one foul sweep collect that

Ancient debris and make a full set of netherite tools so I had a little bit of work to go but it would be worth it I swear just stick with me here whilst I waited for more gunpowder to make TNT I started on a side project and it

Involved my villagers yes I grabbed as many potatoes as possible because I wanted to start breeding them together I wanted a community on my Survival Island I’m finally gonna have more than two friends I then made some more TNT and then creeped on the villagers to see if

They’d make a baby but I realized they couldn’t make a baby because they didn’t have enough beds so I was a nice guy and donated my own bed gave them a bunch of potatoes and then finally they made a little baby villager look how happy he

Is sleeping I then made some more TNT because I need that for the nether to get that netherrite look at me being a multitasker and stuff before I head to the nether I just wanted to work on my villager Community just a little bit

More so I took me and my buddy here over to Mainland to create a community of villagers I need a bunch more beds so for that I went on the hunt for sheep and oh my god look how cute this little puppy dog is and I eventually came across a bunch of

Sheep and got to work with my shears after some serious wool collection I then headed back to my Survival Island quite gracefully actually look at that landing and then stored all of the beds that I had made I wanted to save them because I was going to build a big

Extension for the villagers but not without my full set of another right tools don’t you worry I haven’t forgotten about that so without further Ado I headed to my mob farm made a bunch more TNT then I crafted some five resistance potions and then we headed in

To the nether ah the nether is still scary I’ve got full netherite armor and an elytra and this thing still is a massive pain in my butt crack I took on the enemies that faced me as I flew around the Nether and then I got to collecting XP and nether quartz because

As we all know collection of XP is my favorite thing I then collected a bunch of Glowstone because it’s my favorite block don’t ask I then headed deeper into the never and then I wanted to make some space to you guessed it Place some TNT I play based rows and rows of this

Bad boy lit it up and watched the explosions happen the first wave of TNT revealed a bunch of ancient debris let’s go I didn’t think we’d be this lucky but I’m gonna go with it anyway I then continued blowing up the depths of the nether to find that ancient debris

We were on fire baby it was time to carry on collecting that ancient debris I had collected a ton of ancient debris and thought Now’s the Time to head back home I quickly raced back home taking on the enemies that faced me on my journey back I raced back as quick as possible no time to waste into The Nether Portal back home so I could make those

Netherite ingots I cooked up all of the ancient debris to make a total of 19 netherrike scrap let’s go I think I had enough so I headed back to my enchantment Church to see if I had enough to make a full set I’ve never right tools and well you

Guessed it I crafted a full set of netherite tools we did it ladies and gentlemen finally now it was time to move on to our next mission oh busy few days after grabbing some sleepy sleepy time it was time to continue with my villager community building and for that well I’d

Need to build an extension I also wanted to make a cartography table to take on that Woodland Mansion but before we start doing that it was time to grab resources I grabbed Stone Cobblestone iron and a bunch of wood and then you guessed it made a star on building a villager community It’s so catchy I made some finishing touches to the extension added some stairs here and there to like finish off the roof and then got to work on the inside placing a bunch of beds I was really pleased with how the final build turned out like my building skills are improving no lie I

Then grabbed some sugar canes nibbled on some chicken and then finally crafted the cartography table the vital ingredient to getting that Woodland Mansion map once crafted and then placed I then assigned the lucky little villager the role of being the Cartographer but we

Had a long way to go yeah I’d have to do a bunch of Trades with this guy so it was time to get to work you know getting potatoes dealing with the villager oh little baby dealing with the Villagers and you know it’s just a classic process

I grabbed a bunch of sugar canes and I just did a bunch of Trades non-stop it was like back and forth for a good few days I wanted to upgrade the guy so I could finally get the Woodland Mansion map I quickly noticed that the Villager

Gives you emeralds for glass panes and I had a bunch of those left over from earlier so I headed back to him made a bunch of Trades upgraded him so he was finally a journeyman and you guessed it I collected the Woodland Explorer map oh I was so excited

The excitement didn’t last long the Cartographer had informed me that the Woodland Mansion was filled with enemies enemies that could take my life and end the survival island Legacy I told Barry the Golem to look over the villagers while I was gone I may never return it’s

Time to head into that okay okay so a baby villager escaped can you believe this it was just about to get really dramatic man oh so I made a bow and managed to get the baby villager back into the community look at him he’s not even bothered that he ruined that whole

Hype anyway back to business it was time to head out and find the Woodland Mansion during my Expedition I came across some beautiful sights I had never really ventured this far from my survival island and man I don’t regret it for a second I saw so many things it

Was amazing I found this little black cat that I want to tame on my way home man I was in my element I searched for the Woodland Mansion for days and days I even found some beautiful underwater areas that I mined up this could get any better I traveled across biome after

Biome in Hunt for that Woodland mansion after days and days I finally located the Woodland mansion oh I was nervous I set up camp for the night things were about to get serious I waited for the sun to rise it was time to head in could all end here but nonetheless I

Headed in I found the entrance of the Woodland mansion and tentatively entered through the doors the maze like corridors were intimidating and my first enemy struck striking him down The Vindicator stood no chance slash after slash I took his life it was time to head deeper into the Woodland Mansion I

Stumbled across an abundance of rooms taking on enemies with every corner but then I was ambushed by a large group of zombies They stood no chance with my full netherite tools I felt like a beast I found this little secret room with a couple of name tags and a bunch of gunpowder in it was time to carry on taking on the Vindicated and zombies with every corner I turned I trolled

Through the horse room after room looking for loot but I wasn’t having much luck I even found this sort of Trophy Room in hopes to find some lapis blocks but once again nothing I guess I’d have to head upstairs to find more loot I stumbled across their planning room

And destroyed all of their plans there was no way they were going to find me on this Survival Island after taking down an Avoca before he could summon vexes I drank up my damage potion looted more chests and headed deeper into the Mansion but then things got even tougher

I stumbled across an Avoca who summoned a bunch of vexes they could take my life at any moment the vexes had cornered me it was time to eat some food regenerate and head back upstairs to take on the enemies I finally took out the Avoca and the rest

Of the vexes I had to really think strategically about my next move these guys could take you out in just a couple of hits in Hardcore Minecraft I then took out another revoker and then I was chased by a Vindicator he almost took my life but through courage I came out on

Top I absolutely annihilated the Woodland Mansion I stepped over the dead vindicator’s body and into this room it seems they were planning an attack on my Survival Island thank God I got here in time I carried on searching the horse hunting for enemies and looking for secret passages I had my suspicions

About this face above the stairs and man was I correct I’d located a secret room but once again it didn’t contain any loot so I carried on Hunting the halls I found a couple of vindicators and instead of taking them out I decided to capture them I wanted to keep them here

To punish them for what they did they were going to capture my survival island and take out my villagers and I wasn’t allowing that I was feeling pretty good it was time to get out of here goodbye Woodland Mansion to be fair you weren’t even that bad I’ve faced worser enemies

I’d collected a total of one two three four five totems of undying pair that were the ones I’ve got at home I’ve got a ton man I was feeling really good it was time to head back home and tame that cat ah look at me go but then I kind of

Made a mistake I’d did that thing where I get a little bit too confident and then this like blizzard managed to get me with poison and for some reason I was just panicking but I don’t know why and then I tried to get milk from the cow

And then a couple of creepers came out of nowhere and I almost died and I was like ah I’m gonna get out of here like I don’t want to lose everything so I managed to fly out and make my way back home you know what screw the cat leave

Him back there I finally made it back home and got a good night’s rest serious few days the next day the villagers were absolutely delighted to see my return I’m back boys and I come back with a bow look at that look I’m such a nice guy

I’ve brought you about to make you feel like more of a community anyway I got a bunch of food for myself and then wanted to make a start on my beacon yes I wanted to change all of the blocks to diamond blocks I didn’t expect to have

It finished today but I wanted to at least make a star so as you know me and as you know the channel I love my strip mining so I headed deep into the caves to search for diamond yes I went diamond collecting and with this you also

Collect XP I don’t know why I’m doing the voice I even came across some emeralds look at that I haven’t seen an emerald block in my whole journey I think came across a bunch more diamonds more diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds I found so many diamonds man like loads like I’m talking

Loads I then headed up to Mainland to look at how many diamonds I’d collected and to be fair I’d got about 14 15 blocks worth I reckon which which is a solid start to the diamond Beacon I then wanted to go and explore the end City

Loot because I didn’t really do that in my last hundred days so I headed to the end grabbed a bunch of Ender Pearls and headed into the endless void The flying around I located the end City look how colossal this end City structure is it’s beautiful I flew around the end City and chewed my way through the top to see if I could get some and I was pretty disappointed with the first room just some golden iron

Like it was lame I then took on a bunch of shulkers which were pretty tough I took on the shulkers and managed to get myself a bunch of shells these would allow me to make a bunch more shulker boxes I then got into a situation where

I just started floating and I thought my life would end here look I was just floating and floating and if I didn’t kill this guy I would I like feather falling is good but it’s not that good you know and then I managed to get myself in another situation where I was

Floating and it was just non-stop like almost death experiences in the end oh Minecraft just give me a break I then finally came across a room with some decent loot in I managed to take the ender chest and the other chest stuff and then kill a bunch more shulkers

Pretty successful in my books it was time to head back whilst on my way back to the portal I decided that I’d try and find another end City to see if I could find one with a ship but I didn’t have much luck to be

Fair so I decided to just head back and head home with chocolate from my last hundred days rest in peace chip we haven’t forgotten you bro I made it back home but my little buddy didn’t come with me oh well I made a bunch of diamond blocks got some rest

And then the next day got to work adding the diamond blocks to the beacon it was a solid star and I was hoping if I had enough Days by the end I could finish the beacon off look at that pretty neat I then crafted a bunch of shulker boxes

With the shells that I’d collected from the end I I made about five six shulker boxes like I’m pretty solid for storage now I’m not gonna lie I then crafted a cup wait we have a cat now I then crafted and ended chest stuck it in the

Castle then headed over to my villagers to plan my next steps yes I wanted to make a bunch of paper trades and for that one I’d have to make a sugar cane farm so I collected a bunch of sugar canes a bunch of resources laid the

Ground for the area and then got to work making the sugarcane farm it was pretty straightforward a couple of Hoppers here and there bit of sand bit of water bit of sugar cane couple of Pistons then some observers a Sprinkle of redstone and then you just put some glass around

It to make it look pretty I had an abundance of like random blocks so I used them to build the casing then I slapped a sign on the front but I realized I could make more money through other trades so I just thought I’m gonna have to upgrade the sugarcane farm if

I’m actually gonna make some decent paper and decent emeralds so I headed back over to the sugar farm planned it all out in my head and then got to work upgrading I’d built a three-tier sugarcane farm which was pretty decent it makes about a stack every couple days which you can’t argue with this with wheat I’d be rolling an emeralds man I was feeling pretty good even though it had been a short amount of time I grabbed the sugar cane out of

The chest anyway then got to work training with villagers I also made a bunch of lecterns and gave all of the villagers random jobs so I had a bunch of like sort of enchantments that I could add to my stuff pretty good progress look you’re staring at me what

A solid few days man we’d accomplished quite a lot on those 400 Days Journey this is my survival island and this is what it looks like after 400 Days in hardcore mode 500 Days is a Monumental chapter we make some serious upgrades including multiple Farms Epic Builds and

Even a diamond Beacon but as you can see the last 100 days took its toll on my tools and armor so I’m gonna head into the nether day one to grab some XP and put that mending to good use I just had a complete brain fart forgot how to jump It’s kind of embarrassing I have like no fireworks left either I had spent more than enough time in the Nether and all of my tools were pretty much prepared so I decided to head back and make some more fireworks I had a

Look at my sugar cane farm and realized I may have sugar cane but I have like zero gunpowder so I headed underground to start collecting resources to construct a creeper Farm now they’re pretty simple to make but being on an island collecting resources is kind of difficult plus other things involved but

I need that gunpowder so I headed underground and started getting to work as fast as possible I started collecting wait a minute foreign much better now let’s get to work E diamonds let’s go Let’s spend the next few days collecting wood and all the other resources I needed grab some sleep and then the next day got to work finally building the creeper Farm yo the view from up here is wild okay so you throw down a couple of chests cover

Them with Hoppers then smother them with campfires to kill the creepers and then the next step is to create a tunnel system in which the creepers will fall down to their dues you don’t mind now that the foundations were finished it was time to work on the inside of the

Farm I used trap doors and slabs to ensure nothing but creepers would spawn And we’re done I just used slabs on the roof to make sure nothing spawns then jumped off and crossed my fingers that it would work oh my God it’s so ugly look at it well hopefully this thing works spent enough time building oh no oh no oh thankfully the creeper Farm was working

So I decided to leave it for a few days then check back and see how much gunpowder it had collected and oh boy were we in luck Stacks and stacks of gunpowder So you’re probably wondering why the obsession with fireworks you have nowhere to be coffee you can chill out on your Island well you’re wrong okay I have plenty to do and only 100 days to do it my next task is to build an XP farm and the stronghold is very far away

From here so I needed the fireworks and a bunch of other materials which I’ll need to construct the XP farm which I now have so let’s head over and do that yeah whilst I was flying over the ocean I realized I was missing two of The crucial ingredients name tags and wool

So I headed underground to find a mine shaft to get my hand on a name tag which proved to be quite difficult I trolled through the maze-like corridors in my hunt for the name tag but I had literally no luck the most I did was almost kill this little puppy dog and

Whilst I was feeding him chicken it turns out he’s already been tamed where did you come from I’m going insane still no sign of a name tag and I was growing very impatient oh look at that stuff I really need oh they grow up way too fast get it

Because he was small two seconds ago this was like the biggest mine shaft ever but after loads of time searching I finally came across a name tag in a chest let’s go the next step was to get my hands on some walls so I headed out

With my lighter on my hunt for some sheep I wasn’t too far from my survival island so I was hoping to squeeze these little dudes into a boat and head home oh this is annoying it’s night time and I’m surrounded by mobs yeah say hello to my little friend the next morning

I cried up and peaceful I know right I made it back home LED my sheep to this poor excuse for a farm took some wool then put down a grass block in hopes that it would spread grow grass and he’d eat it and grow some more wool but this didn’t

Seem to be working slight change of plan I decided to extend the farm just slightly and start working on an automatic wall Farm it’s pretty straightforward you make a small cage for the sheep and then dig underground make some space to play storage some rails Minecraft with Hoppers lead the

Sheep in and then when it grows the wool the shears in the dispenser will cut the wool and it’ll all lead into the chest I hope any minute now so the farm worked like a charm and I’d be collecting Wool with peace of mind but we weren’t out of the water just yet

I need approximately two stacks of carpet to officially build the XP farm and one automatic wool Farm isn’t going to be enough so I decided to take the time to upgrade the farm for all the animals and add a bunch of sheep farms so I could get as much wool as fast as

Possible however I need a lot more dirt if I’m going to extend the survival island so I grabbed myself a shulker box and headed out I’m gonna have to drain that ocean monument at some point aren’t I operation Island extension slash Farm Starts day four two one so let’s get to

Work and collect some dirt wait a minute better okay so it’s been a couple days and I have Stacks and stacks of dirt but I’m not done yet I want to kill it way more just in case I’m gonna need some to extend the island

Okay so I’m all done time to grab the beacon head home extend my Island and start working on that sheep farm okay time to collect the finishing touches wait a minute I haven’t seen mobs on this island for a long time I forgot torches

I thought it would be cool if I take all my dogs and kill all the mobs on my Island and I’m not gonna lie I felt pretty Invincible okay okay I added some texture and walls to the extension then got to work on my automatic wall Farm it was kind of annoying because I had Phantoms attacking me most of the time but once it was finished it was time to head out and grab some more sheep to take home I

Slipped ah this took forever and a day to make it back I swear that’s so creepy round day 427 I finally had enough sheep for the farm so I brightened up the place with a little bone meal and led the little guys in now the annoying part okay so it’s pretty

Simple they climbed the ladder and then they should fall in I know you’re probably saying you stairs coffee well I want to use ladders okay oh it’s working it’s working okay okay okay okay now I just need to how is he not what oh you’re not fitting you’re just floating in mid-air

Um let me try oh okay round two simple you’re in now I just need to slide in there place are you serious much time I managed to get this is it gonna work yes yes oh let’s go three hours later okay so now all of the sheep are in their Farms

Now we just have to wait day 513 I was making some decent progress I left the sheep farms for a couple days just so I had enough wool to make the XP farm day 432 and it looks like we have a ton of wool the automatic bull Farm was a complete

Success as well I had unlimited amounts of this stuff we’re almost there I just need to head into my enchantment table room and name my name tag I’m not going to do anything like beg for subs or anything you know I’ll grab some paper gun powder made some fireworks and headed out towards

That stronghold Ow ow okay let’s get to work I found a nice spot headed down towards the void grabbed a bunch of leaves and started building outwards to start working on this XP farm okay now I need to place a bunch of Hoppers so these will catch the ender pearls and this little Contraption will

Drop them so it doesn’t lag my world now it’s time to head up a couple of blocks and start working on the tunnel system at which the end of them will drop I also use a bunch of carpets so Enderman don’t spawn they’ll only spawn

On the top level I need to build 13 of these rings so I’ll see you in a second now I just need to fill in the top level this is where the Enderman will spawn okay this is slightly terrifying I’m placing down some trap doors so the

Enderman will fall and then I can move on to the next step now I just need to build a small cage so I can place a rail a minecart and spawn an Ender Mike so it will draw the Enderman to the middle ow an Enderman finally spawn so I slapped a

Name tag on him and squeezed him into the minecart then the next step was to dismantle the cage and then sit back and hope the farm works okay I think it’s working Farm’s all done so I headed down tons and tons of Enderman were spawning and falling down the tunnel

This is dropping so many ender pearls yo the amount of XP I’m getting for this is insane I’m telling you this did not get old I spent days cutting down Enderman watching as my XP bar filled and filled take this you sons of oh level 100

Success time to head back I hope this is gluten-free otherwise I’m gonna drop one in my pants next day I headed over to my potato oh grabbed a bunch of potatoes and baked them up ready for my next task which you’ll find out shortly yeah but

First we’ll need TNT so I’ve got some Gunpowder headed to my storage Castle to see if I had any sand left and I had barely enough for just a stack so it’s time to head out and get my hands on some more sand I got to work collecting

Sand wait a minute nah I’m only joking Wait wait why am I drowning oh yeah I’m underwater I collected a bunch of sand so now I had Farley enough for just about six stacks of TNT which was perfect are you headed back home grabbed a good nice rest and then day four four one I headed into The Nether you’re

Probably wondering what I’m doing here so let me explain I’m going to use the TNT I have to explode the nether to get some ancient debris to craft some more netherrite armor then on my way home I’ll kill a bunch of with the skeletons use their heads to form the Wither kill

The Wither get a beacon star craft a b chicken then build something really cool to store all of it back on the island oh and the deflection let’s go I did get a teeny little bit distracted though because I noticed the Bastion on my way so I decided to head over and start

Exploring it I cleared the area of mobs and then started exploring the chests and stumbled across some ancient debris I couldn’t believe it yeah you know I hear a lot of piggies I used my impeccable archery skills to eliminate the Piglet and then continued exploring the Bastion that was feeling

Kind of chilly so I took a dip in the lava definitely not an accident I had no idea why I was so scared of bastions I was flying through this thing like there was no tomorrow come on come on oh my God this was just too easy bro I wasn’t stressing

I had quite enough for the Bastion now so I decided to head out and try and find a good spot to start exploding the Nether and on my way I did come across a fortress I killed a couple of wither skeletons in there but they didn’t drop

Any skulls and to be honest this entire Fortress seemed pretty dead so I decided to ditch it and continue my hunt oh wow okay this is like the worst place to land and I can’t I can’t jump I can’t jump okay oh I’m good I found these guys

Making a five minute crafts video with string broke it up and then convinced him to head out with me and kill some hoglins to get some meat thank you you ugly pigs I departed from my new friend then concentrated on the task at hand exploding the nether I grabbed all the

TNT I had crafted and started placing it down whipped out my fitness deal and watched the chaos we spent the next few days obliterating than ever I was collecting ancient debris left right and Center I trudged through tons of Netherrack to make space for the TNT oh nice I hadn’t

Touched grass for a very very long time but it didn’t matter because I was getting my hands on tons of ancient debris I was feeling pretty lucky also I thought I was completely uncovered in lava a stupid mistake but it seemed to be one that could end my life here and

Now I couldn’t believe it somehow I survived the entire ordeal and just sat there burning that was a close one With every explosion more ancient debris was revealed so I got to work collecting one step closer to another set of armor again are you serious entrenched by lava again how do you make the same mistake twice coffee seriously just quit man I was running out of TNT so I was using it

Pretty chaotically to explode the nether it was a fun few days and I’m pretty sure I collected enough ancient debris to craft a full set of armor by the end of the whole ordeal I had found 37 pieces of ancient debris pretty good on my way home I stumbled across the

Biggest Fortress ever time to grab those wither skeleton heads I headed in James Bond style nothing could happen all right okay I got to work killing with the skeletons but then things got pretty intense so I decided to take a breather head out and then head straight back in

I was ready to fight this right here is why totems exist a fatal mistake but I was resurrected by the totem I continued my task at hand taking out with the skeletons and I finally got my hands on one with a skull oh my my goodness look how many wither skeletons have spawned

In this one area sorry to break up the party boys hidden with a skeleton head and the third with a skeleton head time to get out of here and head back home oh it was nice to be back on the island three were the skeleton heads let’s go okay I gotta

Pick these back I grabbed myself another totem then got to work collecting resources I grabbed a bunch of wooden Stone and don’t forget the resources left over by this monstrosity it then got started on that cool build I mentioned earlier but then I ran into a bit of a problem

To try and drain this thing I grabbed a bunch of sponges and then started placing them down okay I’m definitely doing this wrong because it is not draining the water come on Yo SpongeBob come on do your job bro I decided to just fill it in with stone oh now that

Is very satisfying let’s get to work So the build was complete I left space for the netherite armor and of course the giant Diamond Beacon and then added some finishing touches and then whilst the ancient debris was cooking up I decided to check in on the villagers well it seems everybody’s uh pretty happy with the current situation

Day 453 lightning struck and a bunch of these guys turned up in Civil War I didn’t even have to do a thing they just killed each other then I snuck in and grabbed the horse of my own which is quite a flex I’ve always wanted one of

These things so I stole them inside the castle I made a bunch of Netherland ingots then headed inside the castle ow but I wasn’t gonna make another armor just yet I wanted to finish off the diamond Beacon now I did have a little

Bit of a head start but I had a long way to go so I headed into the end and used the XP to repair all of my items now I just had to grab myself a shulker box and lay the foundations for the diamonds I’m going to collect let’s go wait a minute

Hey yo I recognize them oops all right time to head on the ground start getting my hands on those diamonds should be pretty straightforward I excessively strip mine through deep slate and it took forever hey yo what is what is this I continued mining until I finally came

Across a cave all right I don’t really know what to do here oh is that a baby zombie that’s a baby zombie okay I’m gonna head down and take him out okay one down oh and another one all right you little fillers are killers excuse me Mr Enderman have you seen any uh

Diamonds around here no okay so oh there it is the first one all right come to Papi and you as well don’t think you’re getting away with the power of transition I will eliminate you both I told you no one stands between me and Premiere Pro I was making good progress

I was exploring caves finding diamonds here and there and then I just concentrated on strip mining up and down levels in my hunt for diamonds Check out my speed bridging skills do I still got it not really okay oh it was day 458 and I was still mining for diamonds I’ve seen like five mobs in this entire mining trip like have they all just disappeared of course the diamonds on the other side

Of the pit of lava I was making good progress okay I’ve never ever ever seen this in my entire life I decided to head out of the caves and back to strip mining and when I tell you it was the best thing I did because I was finding

Diamonds left right and Center listen to that beautiful twinkle it just never gets old man I even found some diamonds underwater which were tricky to get to but I got there in the end all right let’s see where we are all right couple of stacks but we still got a long way to

Go before we can get that Beacon time to ramp up the speed foreign I had been mining for hours and hours and hours I only needed a handful of diamonds left this was it the final Diamond I’m pretty sure I can build a diamond Beacon now let me check oh look at that like a full choker of stacks of diamonds the best thing ever I

Headed up top as quickly as I could hey yo I’m pretty sure that chicken’s been there since like the first hundred days it was good to be home I had spent days and days and days getting all those diamonds so after a good night’s rest I

Headed up to the top of the castle and started crafting the full diamond Beacon I was in awe this thing looked amazing and was a perfect symbol for the amount of hard work I’d put in to finish off the build but I still had to get a

Beacon and for that I’d have to go and kill the Wither so I grabbed myself some glowstone now the war and began making potions of strength so I could take on the weather I made three strength two potions and then the next day headed underground to begin setting up the fight for the

Wither day 419 this seemed like a pretty good spot so I turned my shaders on place the Wither heads down and then began the battle all right yeah big ugly Three-Headed Beast let’s see what you’re made of I started driving both shots into the base of the Wither oh you

You I continued driving both shots but then the weather became invincible so I had to use my sword to do some finishing strikes and then finally I defeated him you know what that was pretty easy I said pretty easy I said pretty easy I don’t know why I said pretty easy so

Much and wait a minute I think I’m lost I’m lost I’m actually lost in my ownership mine I headed back home and crafted the beacon and then placed it down on that mountain of diamonds the beam burned through cloud and then I placed a diamond in and activated

Regeneration and resistance what one of our goals completed a full diamond Beacon now it’s time to craft that other netherite armor and put some of the best enchantments we can get on it so I headed over to my enchantment church and then started enchanting all of my items

I spent a good couple days doing this and I ended up with protection 4 on pretty much the whole set this would be perfect backup armor in case the one I’m wearing brakes alright another goal completed I dedicated the next few days to just finishing touches I tidied up

The old Beacon and then placed the remaining diamonds I had I then started working on touching up my Island by building a wall around the entire perimeter this way it would keep my friends from escaping and mobs from getting in it was pretty much a win-win situation I cannot believe the progress

I made in just a handful of days it was time to get a good night’s rest what the dude get out of my bed bro I have no idea how you escaped I’ll deal with you later before my time was up I did want to build some sort of boat or a

Ship or something in the ocean so I decided to get to work building a small comfortable humble little boat that I could do a bunch of fishing on all right the boat is finished I just want to hop up here and I just want to finish off the chimney so it looks like

The boats have some sort of engine I don’t know with the bow completed I whipped out my fishing rod and just spent the whole day fishing I then got a good night’s sleep and then the next day I wanted to expand my Island just slightly You know I think I’ll turn this into some sort of Zen Garden in the next hundred days whilst placing the dirt back in the chest I noticed I had a bunch of name tags so you guys can comment below what you think I should name some of the animals I mean you

Should name this horse name this puppy dog that chicken the Sheep anything you want so much accomplished extra netherite armor a gunpowder Farm a fully completed Diamond Beacon an XP farm and a ton more on my Island it’s hard to believe I started with just a small

Patch of dirt man I’ve had so much fun making this 100 days for you guys I hope you enjoyed it my name’s CFG peace foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 500 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2022-10-08 13:00:38. It has garnered 1228385 views and 8795 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:45 or 5805 seconds.

Hardcore mode in Minecraft is the hardest difficulty of the game, I have put together every single 100 days on my Hardcore Survival Island to make a FULL MOVIE. This way you can get up to date with where I am on the Deserted Island. I hope you enjoy, grab some popcorn and chillout to this epic Hardcore Minecraft Journey!


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I say stuff here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoffeeFuelledG

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Music used in this Video (NCS)

Song: Andreas Stone With Denniz Jamm – Black Sunrise [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://NCS.io/BlackSunrise Watch: http://youtu.be/RCuIzEZU2KQ

Song: ROY KNOX – Waterfall (Feat. Ellen Louise)[NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Waterfall Watch: http://youtu.be/fkLmi9wFLp8

Song: Chime – Phototropic [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Phototropic Watch: http://youtu.be/71AMtQLi-74


100 DAYS 00:00 200 DAYS 20:53 300 DAYS 39:30 400 DAYS 58:21 500 DAYS 1:14:43

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined

    Terrifying Minecraft Gameplay Reimagined Minecraft: A Return to Fear and Excitement Embark on a thrilling journey back to the world of Minecraft, where everything is scary again! In this exciting gameplay experience, players are thrown into a world filled with danger and excitement at every turn. Let’s dive into the heart-pounding action and explore the spine-chilling features that make this Minecraft adventure truly unforgettable. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft As players delve into the game, they will encounter a heightened sense of fear and suspense that keeps them on the edge of their seats. From eerie mobs lurking in the shadows to treacherous terrains… Read More

  • Squid Game Challenge in Minecraft & Fortnite

    Squid Game Challenge in Minecraft & Fortnite The Minecraft Phenomenon: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers players a unique blend of creativity and adventure. With over 10 million views on various platforms, it’s clear that Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. Red Light, Green Light Challenge One of the recent trends within the Minecraft community is the Red Light, Green Light challenge, inspired by the popular show Squid Game. Players must navigate through a maze, following the rules of the game to avoid elimination. This challenge has brought a new level of excitement to… Read More

  • Unseen Herobrine in Minecraft?! Malay the Gamer’s Shocking Encounter #shorts

    Unseen Herobrine in Minecraft?! Malay the Gamer's Shocking Encounter #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Summoned Herobrine Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #herobrine’, was uploaded by Malay the Gamer on 2024-05-20 03:38:46. It has garnered 11505 views and 520 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #shorts #viralshorts #shortvideo #trending #viral #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbedrock ##minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #minecraftsurvival #yessmartypie #himlands #technogamerz #technoblade #gamer #gamerfleet #game #games #gameplay #gamers #game #youtube #youtuber #100 #1000subscriber #1k #1million #100k #1ksubscribers #1m #subscribe #subscribers #sub #subscribetomychannel #like #comment #share #dream #clutch #mlg #logic #scatman #reels #reel #freefire #free #cod #fortnite #gta #op #cool #facebook #instagram #snapchat #hashtag… Read More

  • Sly Survival Island Challenge!

    Sly Survival Island Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Survival Island 3 (with gamingparts) Part 1’, was uploaded by MGB TV on 2024-05-29 16:31:23. It has garnered 65 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:03 or 12123 seconds. I am playing Minecraft Hardcore on a survival island with gamingparts gamingparts channel: https://www.youtube.com/@gamingparts179 PC Specs GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 16GB #minecraft #minecrafthardcore #survivalisland Read More

  • Jaltoid Media – Joining CRAZY Anarchy Minecraft Discord!

    Jaltoid Media - Joining CRAZY Anarchy Minecraft Discord!Video Information This video, titled ‘Joining An Anarchy Minecraft Discord (As Bad As It Sounds)’, was uploaded by Jaltoid Media on 2024-05-29 18:30:08. It has garnered 4927 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:41 or 1361 seconds. Jaltoid podcast (Dalton and Emi) talking about game club idea, minecraft anarchy servers, and discord servers ◄ Prev Ep| https://youtu.be/8Mj_-vVTQt4 | COMING SOON |Next Ep ► 🐐 Goat Sim Video: https://youtu.be/JvVd-3jaBqU ⭐ SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/@JaltoidMedia?sub_confirmation=1 🎮More JaltoidGames: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2-Y4cDpVshJlr4pStcpe68fQo8rx_eR0 🛒Shop: http://jaltoid.com/Shop Read More

  • INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱

    INSANE Earth Survival on CreeperCraftMC! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Earth Map Survival! [1]’, was uploaded by CreeperCraftMC on 2024-04-13 13:31:53. It has garnered 61 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:04 or 5404 seconds. Help me reach 500 subscribers! #minecraft #gaming #stream #live Shorts come out every day at 1 PM EST! Streams are every day at 6:30 PM EST! Follow these to get involved in the community! 💬 DISCORD | https://discord.gg/Ds69VT6gj8 🐦 TWITTER | https://twitter.com/creepercraftmc3 🎵 TIKTOK | https://www.tiktok.com/@creepercraftmc101 📷 INSTAGRAM | https://www.instagram.com/creepercraftmcyt 💲 DONATE | https://streamlabs.com/creepercraftmc2/tip Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Barn Build Tutorial – Easy Steps to Master the New Update 1.20 with ScootterBoo

    Insane Minecraft Barn Build Tutorial - Easy Steps to Master the New Update 1.20 with ScootterBooVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a SIMPLE BARN!!! in minecraft 1.20 [build tutorial]’, was uploaded by ScootterBoo on 2024-04-28 11:00:46. It has garnered 314 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:22 or 322 seconds. how to build a simple house in minecraft. I love this update what do you guys think?!!! 1.20 has really impressed me and i can’t wait to play more!! hope you like this 1.20 minecraft build tutorial. hope you enjoy this simple build tutorial! I’ve loved every build I’ve made in 1.20 can’t wait to make some 1.21 tutorials!… Read More

  • 500 Days Surviving Alternate Dimensions in Minecraft – EPIC

    500 Days Surviving Alternate Dimensions in Minecraft - EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 500 DIAS EM DIMENSÕES ALTERNATIVAS NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Skyvitor on 2024-01-24 15:00:39. It has garnered 16083 views and 365 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:04 or 12484 seconds. Finally, it’s time for our mega compilation of all my adventures in 500 days of alternate dimensions in Minecraft! Hope you like it! Twitter: https://twitter.com/OSkyvitor Discord: https://discord.gg/7YN74vaZJ9 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/o_skyvitor/ Read More

  • Shocking revelation with FriendsWithMatt!

    Shocking revelation with FriendsWithMatt!Video Information This video, titled ‘I can NOT believe this’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-24 06:31:36. It has garnered 138 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:20 or 15020 seconds. Minecraft super smash pick-axe is REAL whaaaazaaaaaaat jk it’s not Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a… Read More

  • INSANE JOKER Highlights 🔥 MUST SEE Valorant Plays #jokerorwot

    INSANE JOKER Highlights 🔥 MUST SEE Valorant Plays #jokerorwotVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thukka ❌Calculated✅ #jokerorwot #valoranthighlights #valorantmoment #valorantclips’, was uploaded by JOKER’s STREAMHUB on 2024-04-05 17:45:00. It has garnered 349 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. #valorant #Live#jokerorwot#JOKERorWOT#minecraft #joker’sStreamhub #JOKERorWOT#clove #jokerboltepublic #newagent Channel link: UCGLujn9S2offKQEzTERG4Tg DISCORD : https://discord.gg/G9bN5GU9EJ (IGNORE TAGS): valorant,valorant montage,joker montage,joker valorant,valorant highlights,funny gameplay,jokerorwot,jokerorwhat,joker bolte,live valorant,new skins,new battlepass,new agent,fade gameplay,reaver2.0,#newagent . Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT WEAPON MOD TESTS by Valenn_Ro 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘PROBANDO MODS de MINECRAFT DIA 3 – WEAPON MASTER’, was uploaded by Valenn_Ro on 2024-01-12 18:00:09. It has garnered 3164 views and 233 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. 🌟Get ready to discover the most impressive mods that have marked the year in Minecraft! Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your gaming experience to another level with these amazing additions🌟 🥳GET YOUR MINECRAFT SERVER FOR HALF PRICE! https://theminecrafthosting.com/whmcs/aff.php?aff=2894 (PERREY CODE) 🤖MINECRAFT PREMIUM WITH EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS HERE: https://www.eneba.com/other-minecraft-java-bedrock-edition-official-website-key-global?af_id=ValennRo&currency=USD&region=global ⚡ Advertising and hiring 👉🏼 [email protected] 🤩 FOLLOW ME ON INSTA TO KNOW… Read More

  • LeafySMP – Roleplay SMP Modded

    Welcome to LeafySMP Server! Welcome to LeafySMP Server! This is a 16+ server with a focus on a mature community. Join us for semi rp gameplay and weekly events. Build, create, fight, and define your world here! Mods on the server include: Let’s do Vinery Let’s do Bakery Lets do candlelight Customizable player models Better combat Better nether Chipped Handcrafted Origins Simply swords Backpacks Jei Xaeros Carry On: Pick up any mob Simple voice chat Interested in joining? Reach out to leafyelfy on Discord with your age, pronouns, and Minecraft style. Server address: leafysmp.minecraft.best Note: Some restrictions apply for redstone/mob… Read More

I Survived 500 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND in Hardcore Minecraft! (FULL MOVIE)