I Survived Minecraft One Piece For Another 100 Days… This Is What Happened

Video Information

Me and my two friends decided to spend 100 days in minecraft one piece and though this is kind of how it all went down that island in the sky so our goals in this video are to collect as many devil fruits as we can and get as powerful as we can along the

Way as well as build bases and discover all kinds of stuff that this mod adds from one piece if you like the video remember to subscribe and enjoy the rest of the video i’m going back to my roots of a brazilian sugarcane farmer welcome back dylan welcome back robin another 100 days

One piece again because we want views absolutely we do want anyways i’m gonna get some wood you can get this wood on day one back at it again with the one piece it’s a different mod this time so not everything’s the same there’s quite a few new things and quite a few

Different things about it on day one we picked our class and all our kind of business like that so we picked pirate of course i also chose to become a brawler now this is like a fig in this mod right you could be a sword fighter

Um there’s a class called black leg like sanji and then you can be a brawler right and this just gives you specific moves to your class that you’ve learned throughout the you know throughout your time playing and you’ll see me do that as we play after picking our class i

Just gather myself up a little bit of juicy juicy wood you know you gotta get the bare essentials even in the world with devil fruits you still need to get your crafting tables boys all right put your hands down he is strapped up the baboons are coming for you oh no they’re not

And just oh my god he’s trying to shoot the baboons dude yeah the marines are like beating up the baboons and we also noticed that um robin’s leg well it was it was ready for a fight just like sanji’s you kick instead of punch that’s pretty cool My guy is is prone and ready to start kicking a finger and on the rest of day one we just robbed this village of the bear essentials that they need to survive what it what’s up what’s up now what’s up with it now there’s a lot of

Damage by the way oh oh he might be mad at me for killing the children same up dust them up ain’t got nothing easy and from days two to four we went mining and now a funny thing we found while mining is that robin actually even digs with his leg because you know

You’ve got to save those hands for a chef and up slicing and dicing dude a little dice in vacuum no not a vacuum you got to save them hands for cooking so he’s digging up these oats with his leg and look there’s nothing crazy in the mines right there’s like one new

Wall and i’ll get to that but i just get the basic iron get some coal we run into a mine shaft and i was kind of hoping the chest in the mineshaft would have devil fruits but they don’t in this mod you’ll see where we get them from later

It’s pretty it’s pretty cool i guess so we’re getting a little bit of loot we’re getting a little bit of loot from the chest okay and what do you know your boy finds diamonds dude i’m feeling rich i’m feeling shiny i’m feeling like your boy don’t need the one piece he’s he’s got

Bags and [ __ ] and as well as that i do find the new ore which is kairoseki now this is going to be all but useless to us because if you don’t know kairoseki see prism right see prism stone there is it’s all similar so this stuff even if

You have it in your inventory means you can’t use your devil fruit powers but i picked some up anyway because obviously i don’t have a devil fruit right now and that’s basically it for our mining experience days five to ten we build our house and we don’t build hundreds of

Houses in this video don’t worry because we built this pretty big one at the start now as it’s one piece there in juano right now we thought we’d go for that japanese traditional aesthetic so we just banged together with a lot of acacia wood and some spruce this like kind of

I don’t know traditionally japanese house you know what the cornery roofs do we built a few before and i think they look really nice so you kind of work your way up and through you know we start with the outside and we we build up these little

Corners and then the build kind of comes in a bit there’s this little stand area chuck a little roof on there get a little while on wacky yeah and i also changed the build a little bit so you could see maybe the first few clips i was using some like birch

Whatever and i was like it doesn’t look good so i changed it to a darker block and i think it really helped to make it look way better went with the acacia much nicer and then we have to do the interior and that was a little tricky

Because we we didn’t just want to like bang a crafting table down so we have to try and keep with a symmetrical look and i think it came across really well because we ended up with a nice little campfire over here dude we got chest we

Got arrows to keep all our devil fruits in all right calm down calm down we’ll get back to it in a moment and then you go on the ladder we got a campfire there as well and you know i put a couple of smokers and stuff down smokers uh we put

A couple of smokers down and so it was when we come to cook all our stuff and that’s basically the entire house complete and i think we did a really good job and on day 11 nothing crazy went down i just cooked up the iron to

Get my armor in a few tools because uh we we still need the iron army you know even when you get a devil fruit you’re still taking a little bit of damage right unless you get yourself a fancy logia but they’re a little rad but uh somebody’s a little bit lucky you’ll see

Later on and so yeah i just need a few tools as well iron tools yeah sword axe pickaxe so i’m ready to go digging anytime day 12 to 13. we were doing a little bit of running around and we figured out that there’s a huge marine

Base right up by the mountain by our house i didn’t even notice it earlier and it’s huge and so this is where you find devil fruits so we charge up the mountain and run into the building but i don’t know dude the marines must be going on strike for better healthcare

Because there’s like nobody in here until we get to like the top floor it’s kind of weird but whatever you know maybe they just didn’t spawn i don’t i don’t know i don’t know but they spawn in later one so don’t worry whatever some intense marine battles yo there’s a mace

And a gun and some bullets oh some cigarettes robin you want a cigarette ah i need them i need them oh my god you’re actually smoking on that thing huh oh yeah bastard quick note with robin’s black leg class he learned this move kumkasa that sanji does and basically whenever he uses it

On one of us we just get knocked out when the screen goes black Tonight baby on that dress rosagna a bottle of rum it’s time to get pissed up what subscribe to kane’s ace and join the discord and subscribe to the patreon i better drink to that have a little bit of run my boy let’s run it baby oh they want the beef

They want the beef the noodles okay he’s got a bazooka yeah maybe maybe we take him out did you knock me out why did you knock me out hey you’re just a collateral okay fellas i got i got the mandem on me sorry guys please i don’t want to be knocked out again

Man tried to hit me with a strap yeah that’s how you ain’t gonna see christmas no more that’s right juicy lou oh iron box oh sorry this click now in that wooden box could be the best devil fruit you’ve ever seen yeah and i got an iron one

And i believe there’s gold ones and yes that’s right we got ourselves this iron box right in that iron box is where you open it and you get devil fruits so why craft up a key because you need to make a key it’s just free god ricky and we

Crack open the devil fruits we have in this box uh super super no me so i got the super super no me now the super super know me is daz bones is devil fruit i’ll shuck a picture of him on the screen for you real quick he’s

The guy that can turn like any parts of his body into blaze he bought zoro on alabaster and so i’ve got that devil fruit now so i can start shipping people up in the streets and i get to london dude man’s gonna be left with more holes than

A block of cheese when i’m done with him and it has the moves silent and dylan got the nagi nagi no me this was corazon’s devil fruit right and what this did was make a like he could make like bubbles where there was no sound that could escape i forget the specifics

But basically he could move silently right there would be no sound and so what this dylan do was like walk around and no other players or anything could hear the sounds not super useful but like even if he uh you know took damage or would say if

He set off tnt right behind me i would not know because of his devil is he going to do that you remember i sure hope not but you know you never know what what a man could do so now we got a couple of devil fruits now robin missed

Out but he got he got his crazy kick so it’ll be fine okay oh and that’s a good time to mention that bar on the bottom is all my devil fruit abilities what else can your fruit do ski do you see this kid see this kid

Dead look at this kid right look at this kid oh my god and you’re i’m bloody carving away in the land oh and this thing is permanent this speed boost don’t worry robin your devil free will can be the next one on day 14 i went and

Got an enchantment tv now it goes boys i go down into the caves i’m looking left looking right like i’m crossing a road i come across a couple people when they eat in a toad but get myself some obsidian a little lava pool chop some water on there dig it up with the

Diamond pickaxe i made from the diamonds i got from mining earlier and so we got enough obsidian to make ourselves an enchantment table made myself a boat and then we got ourselves an enchantment table uh you know again yeah we got devil roots but some pro 2 goes a long

Way now on day 15 what we did was start to get to work on our class ability so if you remember earlier i said i was a brawler so this guy turns up right and he’s like yo i can teach you some stuff if you’re a brawler right so he gives me

These quests so this guy gives me his quest and so i just got to do this right i just got to do his quest and it’s pretty simple stuff killing enemies with my fist i’m just barring kids dude i do it on the daily anyway so it’s not that

Hard in minecraft and this unlocks a move for me called suplex now what this does is in this special little hot bar right this little hot bar is where all like your devil fruit abilities and stuff will go it’s separate to your regular hotbar and i just grab a dude

And there’s a bit of a cool down and then boom slamming back behind me doesn’t do loads of damage but it does just about enough and dylan’s class is swordsman as you could probably have guessed and so all he had to do was get a sharpness two sword and defeat a bunch

Of mobs and so he learned this yes oh my goodness pretty sick that’s pretty soon oh and then we got that get him oh I then did another quest where i just had to get 10 kills using my suplex so i just suplexed a couple of homies and then i learnt the spinning broom now what this is is i grab an enemy and i just spin them around and then i assume

Launch them but they kind of just take damage day 16 to 22 we went on an adventure and found two devil fruits man but i’ll just run some clips of us going a few different places we end up up marine ships dude pirate ships the whole thing

Take a look how it went and i’ll catch you after we finished charge men let’s go for the mums Oh we said oh my goodness gracious me are you splicing the dyson right now okay i’m bloody spinning them around you’re spinning me around oh very good a golden box and there’s plenty of gold in here as well and a compost anything decent in

This one oh my god that’s a lot of balls seems like your mom’s favorite day out yeah man where’s she going bowling i’ll put your knots on a plate and bloody iam like mashed potatoes onwards men is that that an island in the sky

Yes is that sky pier well i’ll be off to sky island boys um i bid you a good one oh my god i made it and it is looking wonderful up here Hello were you guys having intercourse a four-man survival visit up here i don’t mind if i nick your bed dude no you don’t you don’t mind you know i’m gonna take your books as well you don’t deserve knowledge no i might even take a bit of cloud while i’m here okay

A couple critters in your couple critters in your ceiling don’t worry my lovely results all that out a collateral there my dear oh you don’t mind Oh bloody hell bloody blimeys all right we’re fine we’re out we’re leaving we’re fine we then on day 23 cracked open the devil fruits we have spoils to unpack hey oh there’s another one rolling off quick unboxing what did you get Me so robin got the gorogorona me now this is inel’s devil fruit the man the myth from sky pia man’s got a lot of uh electricity going on he he could power your microwave or something it’s a little more powerful than that as you’re about to see Wait a second before using the next one Oh oh my god come here look how deep that went cranky this would be good for mining i’m standing back for this oh oh Oh oh oh um okay i only dread what’s happened over there oh yeah it’s bigger than the other one kane and i’ve also lost my devil fruit powers from my brutal death well i’m almost afraid to ask now but have you got any more moves

Oh of course i do okay well i’m starting to think we need to move even further away from the house oh my god oh my god what the hell Okay so he can just just zap just like that as if it’s nothing and we’re all just meant to agree with this uh that’s all there is to it i i guess that’s just it yeah so uh i died while robin was just showing us his moves and jesus christ

That is the most overpowered devil fruit i think i’ve ever seen if you’re wondering he can be here because he’s made from electricity so yeah i lost my devil fruit because i died good thing went on hardcore i’m ready for my devil fruit oh that might be interesting and dylan got

The bomb bomb we know me now i probably don’t need to explain that one by the name but yes it lets you create explosions or bomb more accurately bombs from nothing this devil fruit in the manga was eaten by mr five a guy from broke works yeah i don’t know one more

To tell you about him he was the guy that was like throwing his like boogies and they were blowing up dog was crazy he was wild man was probably spunking and blowing it up just for giggles so dylan’s you know dylan’s had a bit of an upgrade and

Robin is now the most overpowered person i’ve ever met and day 24 we’ve repaired the hole that um robin had created because it was like right by our house oh not a huge hole just the mediumly sized hole we repaired and that’s kind

Of what we did that day day 25 to 28 we made an enchantment table room tower building whatever you want to call it man we made one now we were kind of going for like a wizard tower kind of look split into two bits we were gonna

Put a brewing room in the in the other in the other little building that you can see kind of here from the layout how it’s going to look but we didn’t end up doing that but don’t even worry about it because we got the wizard power looking

Thing going on it doesn’t really match the japanese aesthetic but i couldn’t really think of a a way to kind of make a japanese looking you know enchantment room without going a little over the top so we just got this tower and then you go in and it’s got like lanterns we’ve

Got bookshelves you’ve got these stairs and then we got we got lots of books up here and we got an enchantment table so not a crazy build but you know it’s just a little thing we knocked together to put the enchantment table because it was just sitting outside the house for a

Long time so i think it’s better that it uh has a place than just sitting around day 29 we made the portal room in this like hole right so we had that big hole that we covered up with some dirt just recently and then we were like do you

Know what we could put the portal room in here and it actually came out really well i thought it was pretty pretty pretty good handy work so it’s kind of like this little area here right and you just go down this little like spiral and

It looks like some kind of like mine or something pretty good all round they 30 to 43 we were in the nether now we’re not in there for very long because all we need is some fortress because this is 1.15 there ain’t no ain’t no piggies knocking about well there’s a few

Piggies and there’s your mother and there’s your father but there ain’t no piglins all right and that’s the big difference so no you know we’re just we just find in the fortress and then we’re going in and we’re just absolutely soaring blazers for blaze rods like we’re just

And they’re gone they’re just gone and you know robin can’t even use his abilities because me and dylan will just die so he basically has to just use this like one not very strong ability where he just like zaps so we just gather up enough

Blaze rods to just help us you know get enough stuff from the nether and so we get ourselves a blaze rods and then we’re just running about and we even get a wither skull day 34 to 39 and we’re gathering more devil throat my boy so strapping [ __ ]

Your tighty whities and let’s get to some business so to gather more devil fruit we figured out that they’re basically only on marine pirate ships marine pirate ships marine ships pirate ships and marine bases and some pirate bases is kind of our going theory right now so we’re going around to these few

Different places and just watch us absolutely decimate a few homies you can paint okay sorry that was trap doors that you could open down rather than breaking your way down there no that that was a pirate i’m sorry i’ll send it to kane you’re vandalizing their

[ __ ] mate oh yeah my my bad my bad sorry about that my mistake i’ll get it repaired and so all we’re doing is gathering one fruit for myself right because i lost my devil fruit when i brutally died oh you thought you could just eat some lunch we don’t like people eat

Oh let me just make my own entrance real quick i feel my death is imminent here oh why There’s a two captains here this kid’s still alive and the thing is you can just stand there and do anything and so we’re lucky enough to find the golden box i should explain though we’re getting these golden boxes those iron boxes and there’s wooden boxes and

Wooden ones are the worst gold ones are the best it’s you know it’s stuff like a white beard’s fruit it’s stuff like marco’s fruit all in there all in the golden box and as well as that when we crack open the golden box what do we

Find there’s a gum coming to me bam yo so your boy is finally monkey dear roofie so we just [ __ ] slapping ass i need to calm down i need to calm down what the hell man pop in a little gear second we got a little speedy I am now made of rubber and i do calm down because on day 40 to 401 i make a lovely sheep farm and we’re just using a bit of acacia in here right i know why we’re making a sheep farm this like in the video i hear you ask well because we

Want to make our own pirate ship i know you may have wanted me to make this sunny because like in the last hundred days one piece i made the going merry but listen it’s a lot of work and we had other stuff we wanted to do because this

Mods got a lot of features so we make our own pirate ship instead and i think you’ll like it i think you’ll like it but before we do that on day 42 to 46 we went on a little bit of a training arc i guess you could say

So i learned a few moves such as geppo now this is what cp9 were doing in annie’s lobby all right they they was just like hopping in the air right i also did more quests for my class so this is like brawler stuff right and i

Learned to do this thing that god does where he just launches cannonballs i just grab it and just throw it at somebody’s head and it’ll just explode on impact so it’s pretty wild always the time has come for us to build our very own pirate ship so from day 47 to 55 we

Build the ss glizzy galleon that’s right you heard me the glitzy galleon and this is what we’ll be using to ride into battle why is it called the glitzy galleon i hear you ask well kane is about to tell you after you get some shots of us building

This ship now this is a big ship to build and this is where we need the sheep farm because obviously the sails made up well that takes like that takes a dick and load of wool all right so we just start with i believe the hull and

Now i’m not very good with boat terminology so correct me in the comments happily right now look i know you don’t want to spend you know 10 minutes looking at the progress of the boat so i didn’t take loads of shots of it as it was being built right but

Here’s another shot of the boat so now we have the sails we got the main part of the boat all right it needs some personality trust me i know i know and i add that later when i decide you know what this boat it needs to be more like

A keynes boat which at the moment it’s just it’s just a regular boat okay so what does kane’s ace go and do well my friends let me tell you what i did i put a [ __ ] on the boat one could even save the boat [ __ ] the [ __ ] i give

This boat a [ __ ] right and you know what else i do i put a big [ __ ] and balls on the front and my friends my friends you know what i do i just start sticking penises all over the boat there’s more [ __ ] in here than a chicken coop my friends it’s all going

On i’m sticking him on the flag i’m sticking him on the front of the ship i’m sticking him on the sign and now you can see where the name glitzy galleon comes from some of you may have guessed before if you’re big fans of the channel

Oh it’s not a keynesian video without a shambles let me tell you so the glitter guardian is complete and i even put myself a flag with our logo on it just to represent for the glitzy pirates but let me know what you think about the you

Know the pirate crew and the pirate ship in the comments let me know and from days 56 to 57 your boys gather in some ender pearls now i wish this was 1.16 and i could go in the crimson forest for him but you know what biggers can be

Choosers and biggers are on the street so you know we got to deal with what we have to deal with so me and dylan travel to the kinds of places dude but mostly desert because i often see enderman and even the planes of the desert and so we’re just dashing up enderman dude

Bam bam and we’re just gathering loads of vendor pearls i’m popping gear second i’m just going like chat and you know you ever seen luffy with a shank i’m like luffy if he was in the bloods all right i’m just like shaking up dudes on the street and so i gave myself enough

Ender pearls that we’re gonna need to get to the end and get in the pool and so from day 58 to 64 we’re in the end now i don’t know about you but this end pool felt like it was aged away but whatever we get into the stronghold

We’ll have a look around but we get to the pool and we put the eyes in the pool and it’s time for the end of dragon ball to commence and i you know i can’t do loads here i end up fumbling around because i ran out of haki and then it

Was shambles but just take a look how it went let’s get it baby or more like robin gets it and i’ll just run around yeah it’s be fair robin you got this one bud oh my god my cannonballs might come in handy now boys when he purchased stand back let’s

All use our ranged attacks on You heard me keys get in there i’m about to blow up so you might want to get back quick quick quick quick quick i got sent back oh robin’s just like chasing him around reckon i could come here boy jacob with my move you could spin him around maybe if you like get

There when he’s like yeah so you saw me kind of dying in a hole while the ender dragon got blown up by dylan but uh hey hey whatever whatever it’s fine at least we defeated him sorry the battle wasn’t that intense i mean we’re kind of overpowered at this

Point especially robin and then we went to the end city and gathered ourselves up a little bit of loot for the boys yeah there’s not crazy stuff there but i need a bit of diamond armor because i’m still rocking the iron so we go and we

Find the end city i get her my way up i go in the chest get my diamond armor all right i chuck that bad boy on and i get an electro you know i don’t end up using it but if i ever want to just like get

Ho up and then glide around i could but there’s no point really and then from day 65 to 69 oh we get dylan a better devil fruit because this one kind of sucks at the moment i mean it’s not terrible but it’s just not very exciting you know it’s not

Really like iconic devil fruit so we do the usual kind of shenanigans where we got to go around to all these different places marine bases marine ships the whole thing but take a look how it goes what does the sign say bounty must be their favorite chocolate bar couple of lads samuels

Stand back i’m gonna let this guy have it oh yeah he bloody sploded you did indeed let him have it there’s a new lootage up here yes to the next base jeez show your fogly mouth that was not what i meant to do a race half yeah

Not not what i meant to do well did the stairs get obliterated is what i’m curious about uh probably yeah oh i’m taking them down i felt a good thing i don’t take full damage break the chest but i just found kane well oh well come on

A bleeping a bleeming a bloody golden box mate look at that oh pristine crow that’s more valuable than like my lungs i’ve got some good ass lungs wait i want to go see some uh convicted felons i think robin’s just killed a whole load of prisoners wait

But there is there’s something over here my bad guys ah they’re probably on death row anyway yeah they were in there for a reason it’s all right yeah either there or they were there for nick in a snickers bar all right well i say we take this box

Sem crack man puppy open so yeah we get another golden box and once we crack it open we get set me on fire you play gentlemen gentlemen please please i’m gonna i’m gonna yo the toritory know me now this is marco’s devil fruit the mythical zoen phoenix

Devil fruit damn dog you looking good them chicken legs look delicious wow so we got this one uh yeah okay next one we’ve got a flame of restoration would you like some healing i would love some okay let me see which one this is you go mate

Wait do i say hit you hold on there you go oh and you gave me regen too yo and hit her oh yo whoa he’s gone pigeon mode she’s got a [ __ ] in there look at me bob bro yo it looks a little goofy you know a

Little comical but it actually does some cool things not a lot of damaging stuff but he can heal us give us like full health and regen too so it’s really not too bad and then from day 70 to 73 we gather up some wither skulls and this

Goes pretty smoothly all in all because i can kind of mince up the wither skeletons so i’m just knocking them out we’ve already got one skull from when we’re in the never earlier so we’ve only got to get two and i do have a looting

Sword you know i gotta use a sword this would normally be dylan’s job as zoro but you know what he wasn’t available who knows what he was up to i do manage to get myself not one not yeah i get two i get i get two

Women and so with that i’ve got three weather skulls and we’re ready to fight the wither and we took him on a marine base the one that nobody would spawn in so that’s what we think of the navy i guess anyway take a look how the battle went

Are we ready yeah let’s go Oh i should probably run away for a moment though to be fair you guys uh let me know when he’s out yeah i’ll just put it up here guys don’t worry nevermind oh he came to you he most certainly did and he is causing a ruckus already i’ve made it back to kick

This dude Baron oh you’re not ready for this gonna hit him with the ground pound oh is he chasing me oh yes the bit oh he’s just knocked me off the building but ain’t nobody keeping your boy down oh damn i’ll be he’s still after me bro he just won’t leave me alone no

Leave me alone bro Nice oh it wasn’t difficult but he was kind of targeting dylan who was flying around it was kind of hard for me to aim like my gatling into the air you know so but we did get him down and we got another star from it and then from day

75 to 86 we built onigashima now if you’re not caught up this is no spoilers but this is where kaido be throwing his parties be chilling the whole thing in onigashima this is where the current awano arc is at the radon onigashima we’re building this huge structure and

Here’s a few little pictures of what it looks like so we start by making this island right we have to make a little path out to it and then we put the perimeter around so we know how big it’s going to be so we fill the floor in and

Then we start to do the kind of like rocky area that goes around the perimeter of onigashima so we’re just gonna you know we can’t make these huge rocks because it will get in the way and you know the build’s not quite big enough for that and then we start with

The actual skull shape build itself and look you know what i i just start with a face and it’s not perfect and it takes some work and i end up changing it around a little bit but we kind of have the general idea of where the face is going

To go because obviously you go into the building through under the teeth so i’m trying to build the eyes i’m doing the best i can to match it it’s a little tricky but it’s not a terrible job give it a chance to the end to really cast your judgment

On it we’re lucky that dylan can fly so he does a bulk of the like you know when we go to build the horns he kind of carries that for us and so then after building the general area of the face we then have to build up the walls around

To make the skull shape right and this is harder than it may may seem okay because you got to make it like go up and then curve around and in survival it’s difficult you know you got to keep running back and looking and so we do

Build up these sides we got this kind of like curve slowly coming up all right and then we kind of finished the curve on the top of the roof and then what’s left to do is the horns as well as the interior so we start with the horns of

The build and so we got dylan on one side doing the right horn and you can tell there’s a difference because he can fly and me and robert do the left one and uh yeah the right one um well as you can see came out just uh

That tad bit better it looks way more like the picture because me and robin were just trying to like not fall off into the water while building as well as trying to keep the shape so that’s how it is man you know what at some point

I’m sure the horns will get cut off so it’s not a huge deal and so after the horns were built we had to start on the interior obviously onigashima is way bigger than our version this is like a a conden intensely condensed version so all i could really do was do the

Performance floor and just put some dining tables and plates and uh we start working on like a uh you can see here it’s like the kind of like stand where kaido and queen were up making announcements and stuff and i even got the cross where momonosuke was tied to

And a little microphone for anyone who’s up there to use and so on the floor we just got like these cauldrons which were meant to be the uh red bean soup uh just like i can you know obviously can’t have them knocked over but you know the soup

All over the place i did my best all right it’s gonna have to be good enough the main thing is how it looks from the outside and so this is the kind of finished result boys i’ll play a few little clips of it we tried to get the

Glowing eyes thing going with some glowstone isn’t perfect but it kind of looks kind of looks like the the general image of onigashima but let me know what we could have done to make it glow a little better all in all good build and i think it was worth doing probably one

Of the cooler builds we’ve done and actually managed to fit the one piece theme day 87 to 93 we’re getting some new devil fruits all right only because i kind of want you guys to see a few different devil fruits because there’s loads in the mod if you’re wondering why

We didn’t collect them all because there’s like 52 and so obviously we can’t use them all so i just tried to use as many as i could while still having fun with the ones i want to use more so yeah day 87 to 93 we’re out on another adventure the

Final adventure of this video going to get some more devil fruits put a comment down below which devil fruits you think we’re going to get so take a look at what we get up to that’s why we got another golden box dude i forget the treasure what are they called boxes i

Don’t know we then travel somewhere else ready for unboxing i’m always ready for an unboxing shoot a few cannons for good we killed everyone yes dude that’s kind of [ __ ] up all right gentlemen attack i’m going they’re getting choked up they’re choking on this boom and then

From here we get ourselves an iron box and we’ll probably bung this off to dylan all right chaps go nutty go silly go stupid go absolutely bonkers i’m feeling a little feeling a little destructive dylan that’s what i’m feeling feeling a little destructive you’re just through me sorry about that

I’m typically killing people and yes from this ship we get another golden step so we take these bad boys home and on day 94 we crack them open boys we’ve got our boxes we’re on onygashima are you ready dylan this this is gonna be your treat right here yes i’m ready i’m ready

Let’s see okay i i get to become diamonds now whoa i gotta mine him i gotta mine him i gotta mine him and so dylan indeed gets the diamond fruit i forgot the exact name you’ll have to correct me in the comments i’m sorry about that but yeah what you think it is

Is what it is he can literally turn his body to diamond hmm let’s go and then i crack open the next devil fruit and it’s the meromero no me boys aces devil fruit they don’t call him kane’s ace for nothing dude so what i do

I kill myself and so i get rid of the gumball government on me rest in peace the lord above praise jesus and i eat the marimer know me but first we need to crack open our last devil fruit yeah this is big dylan you know how big

This is that is this is massive are you you hungry big boy that’s right the yummy yummy know me blackbeard’s devil fruit now i was a little curious about this did it let someone eat two devil fruits at once like it does in the show potentially you

Know we think that’s what it does nobody truly knows but um you know so i give the yummy yummy nami to robin and so he chows down on that bad boy and he does indeed have both his old devil fruit as well as the yummy yummy nummies powers

And so uh take a look at what the uh yummy mean me can do it it’s it’s it’s a pretty wild devil fruit especially paired with robin’s other powers which are already too strong that’s what we got here is a black hole oh oh oh i’m critical [Laughter]

So you’ve now got rid of the black hole oh right oh oh bro you could capture a homie in that thing oh are you filling with like what you pulled up from the ground yeah so he gives the suck and then i shoot back out wow Oh oh and then i test my new flame powers but then i got a dash so if i turn this on i go like oh well high fives all around everybody so it’s pretty cranked and this gives us the idea to go mining from day 95 to 98

So basically me and robin are just blasting through the ground because i don’t take no damage to fire now so all these flames you see ain’t doing nothing to me so i’m just destroying i’m just blasting holes again and again and again and yeah you know i got a little bit of

Diamond armor but we always get full diamond just to finish off so we go down and i’m looking for diamonds i’m just blasting through get me some diamonds here some diamonds there some diamonds there it’s all high high quality stuff gentlemen while i’m blowing holes in the

Ground we also went mining so i can have some blocks to put down for the beacon so we could put the beacon down as well so that’s what i did on day 99 is i made the beacon put the beacon down put it in onigashima and it just blast through the

Top of the skull and so now we got a little bit of speed but that don’t matter ladies and gentlemen because on day 100 we have a battle to the death now luckily we ain’t dying permanently but we do lose our devil fruit so that

Does suck and uh i mean it was obvious who was going to win i don’t know why we did it but we did it anyway take a look at how the battle went how we were feeling about what’s about to go down uh i’m very scared because you’ve both got

Golden boxes and i’ve got a silver box thing yeah that does feel bad what what get me out of this oh get me out of here like flames to her man i don’t even know where he’s gone oh hey hey hey hey what are you doing up there

Oh oh [ __ ] you found me well then flames burn huh well uh ggs so we couldn’t watch what dylan was doing but yeah he got destroyed as well and so let’s uh let’s hear how the boys think the 100 days went all right lads how do we think it went have a little

Have a little brew my friend victory bruce i think this was a successful hundred days we clearly see some devil fruits are better than other ones oh bloody hell the high fives around am i right robin uh and so fellas that’s gonna do it for this video man like subscribe

Notifications it helps a long way man we’re trying to get to 100k as soon as possible and uh yeah i appreciate you watching man and uh as per usual please have yourselves a damn good one

This video, titled ‘I Survived Minecraft One Piece For Another 100 Days… This Is What Happened’, was uploaded by KanesAce on 2021-11-20 23:42:27. It has garnered 1406293 views and 33105 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:41 or 2561 seconds.

I Survived in Minecraft One Piece For 100 Days… This Is What Happened

Credit to Luke TheNotable for the original Idea. Luke TheNotable : https://www.youtube.com/c/LukeTheNotable

I did this with the one piece mod for Minecraft which gets updates. Also Credit to Brevis for the idea, and the idea for my original video on this. in his video he Played Minecraft Demon Slayer For 100 Days and I took the idea and adapted it for The One Piece Anime Minecraft Mod. This is however unrelated to any one piece theory or one piece discussion. This is in celebration of One Piece episode 1000!

Oh yeah and I’m KanesAce and I play a lot of Minecraft and make 100 day videos. This is minecraft 100 days in One Piece

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  • Unbelievable! 13 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)

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  • ShrooMoo’s Wild GTNH Stargate Run Stream!

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  • Minecraft Trending Song Revealed! 🤯🎮 #viralvideo

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  • Transporting with Zypher: Minecraft Uncut & Lofi Key Sounds

    Transporting with Zypher: Minecraft Uncut & Lofi Key SoundsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Still trying to transport #39 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2023-12-18 19:30:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:42 or 1062 seconds. Welcome to my Channel 🌍✨, where you’ll find a unique blend of uncut Minecraft gameplay and soothing keyboard sounds. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Minecraft 🏰🌳 while experiencing the tranquil ambiance of keyboard taps ⌨️🎵, creating a captivating atmosphere for relaxation and gaming. In this channel, we offer an unfiltered look at our Minecraft adventures…. Read More

  • Unlimited Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 – Join Now!

    Unlimited Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Server Hosting for Minecraft High specifications 2024 [24/7 online]’, was uploaded by Crafting Fever on 2024-01-04 12:39:53. It has garnered 1447 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Free hosting provided by Equaticnodes: https://discord.gg/jRm68BVdDp Join in to create a server for free Better than all current hosts and have cheap plans Great community support If Equaticnodes is down try these alternatives: Artixcloud: https://discord.gg/artixcloud slicehosting: https://discord.gg/slicehosting stozu.net: https://discord.gg/stozu-net-free-paid-24-7-hosting-1030919416680038460 Join our server to play with us: My discord server: https://discord.com/invite/HyyxaDEQeb server address: in1.dribble.fun server port: 8002 Server will be… Read More

  • “1M Subs! Playing Minecraft with Only 1/2 Heart!” #clickbait

    "1M Subs! Playing Minecraft with Only 1/2 Heart!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But I Have Only Half Heart #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-04-04 12:41:07. It has garnered 506 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #minecrafthousetutorial #minecraftbuilds minecraft,minecraft mods,best minecraft mods,minecraft mod,top 10 minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,2024 minecraft mods,minecraft shorts,minecraft update,mods,minecraft manhunt,best minecraft mods for survival,minecraft facts,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.19,minecraft funny,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mods 1.20.1,1.20.4 minecraft mods,1.20.1 minecraft mods,best new minecraft modsminecraft house,minecraft house tutorial,how to build a house in minecraft,minecraft,how to build,how to build a suburban house tutorial,how to build a… Read More

  • Gaming madness in Wintergea – EPIC Minecraft adventure!

    Gaming madness in Wintergea - EPIC Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Wintergea Ch. ゲア 【Yorukaze】 on 2024-05-10 02:12:26. It has garnered 272 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:27 or 5487 seconds. #Wintergea #GaBuT #GeaButuhTemen #GoodGEAming #VtuberIndonesia #vtuber #GEArlfriend ❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️ Yorukaze Production Affiliated Vtuber Gen 1 : Yorukusa https://yorukaze.xyz/ Discord Community ❄️️ Gea’s Garden in the Sky https://discord.gg/rhWnSn46kq ❄️️Yorukaze Production https://discord.gg/GhmGhXwg6j What is STUPID COUNTER? Sometimes I mute myself by accident and forget to unmute. So please tell me if I did stupid things like that cuz I sometimes just never realize it ;;w;;) ❄️️❄️️❄️️ RULES ❄️️❄️️❄️️ 1…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to Kodex

    Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to KodexVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Brand New Dimension of the IMPOSSIBLE Challenge (Minecraft Custom Hardcore Modpack)’, was uploaded by Kodex on 2024-04-03 05:43:12. It has garnered 86 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:48 or 10548 seconds. Welcome to the Kodex! In this stream, we try to beat Minecraft with an IMPOSSIBLE custom modpack. This should be an interesting challenge, so make sure to stick around so you don’t miss a moment of the action! HEY YOU! YES YOU! If you are reading this description then and enjoyed the stream/VOD, why not consider subscribing? It’s… Read More

  • Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros Exposed

    Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘cyberbullying kids (in minecraft)【Hive/Zeqa】’, was uploaded by Benki Argyros on 2024-05-11 21:20:09. It has garnered 37 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:52 or 10672 seconds. Welcome to a degens channel huohuo model : https://bailyovo.booth.pm/items/5288339 sound effects : https://blerp.com/x/benki-argyros come bully me : https://discord.gg/PvTXXjD2HQ music : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT1ZkP03V18LmOj8zbyP-Dw ———— Friends youtube.com/@Jolluino youtube.com/@NightFolds youtube.com/@RiminYT ———— : Tags : #vtuber #stream #streamer #vtuberen #vtuberstream #variaty #benki This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Anarchy MC Project

    Anarchy MC ProjectHello. We recommend that you try this project. It is, in fact, considered new. The server was created on August 12, 2022. We have a very exciting game: an unusual world and game mechanics, complete destruction and anarchy! Come in and scare everyone! I hope you like us. The server supports entry through Minecraft Bedrock Edition. You can safely log in from your phone or tablet and play with us! The server also supports pirated clients, you can play with us without a license. And yes, I almost forgot, most Russian people play here! As of June 24, 2023, the… Read More

  • Life in the Village 3: Modded

    Welcome to our Community! If you’re looking for a town-building pack with a focus on NPC interactions and a friendly community, or if you just want a safe space to escape reality and hyperfocus, we would love to have you join us! Server Info Available commands: /rtp, /tpa, /back, /home and more Lag-free experience with 20 TPS when server is full (12 slots) Claims (Minecolonies and OPAC), Teams, Quests, Economics Forceload enabled for all colony chunks IP: omrs.servegame.com (Not a pre-added server!) Pack Features 🏘️ Manage (Colonies, backpacks, storage organization, new villager professions) 🧱 Building (decorative blocks, furniture, roofs, windows,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Omg chad, this is real spicy

    Minecraft Memes - Omg chad, this is real spicyWow, Chad must be a meme master with that kind of score! He’s living in the meme world and we’re just visiting. Read More

I Survived Minecraft One Piece For Another 100 Days… This Is What Happened