I Tested Minecraft’s Top 100 Traps

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Over the past year I’ve spent thousands of hours testing some of Minecraft’s most extreme traps and that’s why today I’ll be taking it to a whole new level by testing some of my fans and my brother across seven different trapped courses all with their own unique builds

And rules by the end of today’s video You’re gonna be a master in Minecraft traps get up a tripwire the wire was high enough so that foot soldiers wouldn’t run into it Hanks on the other hand would trigger the booby traps and the explosives would fall on them oh so

It’s like a nice little trip wiring when you hit it it drops bombs on a tank and destroys the tank we’re gonna do that same thing in this game so in order to make this first trap work we’re gonna give them like a nice starting platform

Kind of force them through like a nice little tight Zone here what I think we can do is line this up with four fake trip wires all right and then a fifth one that’s real that way they think they’re all fake and they walk right into the fifth one

Like you actually almost cannot see any of these wires like that’s incredible so these are gonna do nothing but hopefully they get scared they see them they’re a little bit jumpy and then the last One’s Gonna surprise them right here I’m hoping the green takes their eyes

Off so they don’t notice the tripwires here so the last ones what’s going to be triggered and that’s what’s going to drop down some sort of bomb to kill them so obviously for a bomb we got to use maybe like minecartes with TNT these Pistons need a reverse piston activator

On them we’ll make all of our piston work pink so that I know where it is that’ll make it very easy okay we’ve got a reverse piston activator set up I don’t even know what that word means I just like to sound like mumbo jumbo now if they’re standing

Here the idea is that these will trigger allow you to fall into the hole TNT will fall above you and kill you when you’re inside the hole it’s gonna be like summon change system the timing’s got to be perfect this is probably impossible to make guys it’s not looking good right now I

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to fix this one issue right here and uh I’m afraid I’m gonna get embarrassed in front of people new solution we create hole with bedrock instead of going down to all of this Redstone work which is now completely all useless this is very

Sad to me now is that going to launch a TNT down and is that gonna kill me I don’t know let’s find out that’s good oh God that’s bad oh god well there goes my whole build all right well here comes task number two wish me luck Gamers because if this

Doesn’t work I will literally begin to cry let’s make this work here we go all right I rearranged it fall in the hole God we’ll play this way and that’s how you’d like to play no more roof drop now it will be parkour jump over attempt number five please launch them in the

Hole thank God they finally did it oh my gosh that’s all we had to do you can run through jump across and you’ll get here why isn’t it working what why is power now after some insane progress right here I’ve come up with the literal ultimate solution for the very first

Trap when you run through you now got these little dispensers that drop bombs down into the infinite hole that just literally keeps growing and if you off over your face with face will not jump through it you’re gonna follow the pit Dot dot the celebrity to move it then you

Can jump through and that is how you get through our very first ancient trap some say it’s the most elegant of booby traps it’s also known as the spike ball now the spike ball is a classic guys we made this video here that went super viral a

Long time ago but I wanted to upgrade it I wanted to push myself even farther with the new and improved 2021 spike ball this room which we’re going to be calling The Noob Tube because it’s going to be a giant tube it is literally gonna be full of massive swinging traps of

Every single type possible so I got the idea what if we took a creeper what if we named that creeper Earl and what if we then dangled Earl from the ceiling is it possible that creepers can be dangled and is it no it’s not it’s not possible my day is

Trash you can’t do that this is tough I need to win this challenge here’s the idea for the spike trap we’re gonna be able to dangle little spike balls from the ceiling and we’ll be able to open it up kind of like this so I believe if I

Do this correctly I can put a copper box down and then surround it with lightning rods and I feel like with the right placement and finagling these are going to kind of look like little bombs right little traps that you could use and I think I can actually even make these

Damage you and possibly move now that I don’t know about I’m not sure if I’m good enough for that but it does look like a little swinging Spike trap okay that looks a little bit more difficult to navigate through so guys to make sure I secure the win today I pulled out the

Big guns and I am now talking to a full-time Minecraft developer to help me increase the death rate of this room that sounded weird I want every one of these spike balls to literally be covered in electric and if anyone walks through this room they’re gonna get

Shocked if they touch them and take damage now once they beat this they’re gonna move on to the literal massive Maze of Death this is gonna be one of the biggest mazes in Minecraft history and the idea here is that I’m just gonna go through this and randomly build giant

Mace Trails everywhere we’re gonna do a bunch of random designs all around this and make it impossible obviously though half of these are going to have dead ends that kind of results in you falling into your death with lava all right here’s the progress so far with the maze

Not really the hardest thing I’ve ever seen but that’s because we haven’t gone vertically oh right now we’ve gone vertically we’ve gone South we’ve gone literally every direction this makes us crazy the last thing we need to do is make it even harder by adding our zombie

Apocalypse is going to chase them in here now the maze is done you might be wondering Zach where is the actual exit point of this maze well this is what makes the maze so fun the exit point is literally a straight line I actually

Made it so all you have to do is walk in a straight line and if you step on this it lets you out into the next Zone I think most people are going to do the opposite because I really want to distract them with all the other stuff

That we have going on here we’re gonna just now put random Redstone stuff everywhere to really make them think that that pressure plate is just part of the decoration now this one’s interesting it’s a piano trap now this is a real thing they used in the war and

Apparently what they did is they made some kind of explosive but they made it super obvious so when people tried to defuse it that’s when it actually exploded it was literally like reverse psychology so in order to do this we need to use a redstone inverted lever

And I don’t exactly even know what that means so maybe like the best solution here is you’re gonna walk into a straight line there’s gonna be a lever right here that lever is going to be powered on your job would be to turn that lever off then we need a redstone

Inverter which is going to go right here we’re gonna invert the Redstone signal and that’s actually going to come all the way back to a TNT which you’re going to be standing under this has potential okay this has potential okay so I think this is gonna work so

The lever is like a reverse lever so it’s already powered on but it’s not hurting the TNT now if I turn it off it’s going to explode the TNT so I guess we should do one quick test run and see how much damage this does to the entire

Room so here we go well that worked one of them at least you know what broke the Redstone there all right so this now is no longer my favorite trap because every time a new person tries to beat this I have to reload the entire thing I could go the

Dispenser route but I feel like that’s not the move a lot of buckets okay this one took a lot of thought to pull off but I think we did it so they’re gonna be able to walk into this room the sign says you can break the

Lever now if you break the lever it’s going to spew out lava and it’s just literally gonna kill you and there’s nothing you can do so we’re gonna keep that there as a trap if they ignore this they can walk on to the next hole which

Just allows you to fall down into this water where you’re going to be safe in the lava because there’s a sign there and then woo you make it out into uh well this location which is full of water and flooding the closer you get to the two the stronger the concentration

Of mercury gets in the soil so in this one they literally surrounded the dead coffins against the dead body in the coffin by a giant pool of mercury and the closer you get the more Mercury there is and you guys know what Mercury does bad stuff to you this will become

The lake of poison I will literally turn this entire Lake into a poison lake so how are we going to do this you might be wondering well I was thinking some thing like this where these will literally be shooting out lingering potions straight up into the sky and if you don’t run

Fast enough they’re gonna come back down and kill you as those launch up you get a couple seconds so they come back down and then eventually absolutely destroy you so I think that’s gonna be okay now some of you wise people might be thinking exactly if they just walk into the water well

We’ve got that covered because right here is another road pressure plates which will of course be spawning puffer fish into the water so the longer they go on this Trail the more dangerous it becomes the water becomes toxic now guys for the final trap we have literally created a full-size giant mousetrap of

Sticky glutes you might think this is just normal honey and the players might think that too but my friends this is much more than just regular honey this is sticky honey and once you step on it you literally cannot step off and your body will remain here until you

Literally dissolve and turn into a skeleton you see that there was a skeleton there for a flash second and it is inspired from Mythbusters as you can see here and there’s our dead body it seems to stay forever so I guess that’s just a little warning for the players

What’s gonna happen oh it’s gone and now we create a beautiful yet quite simple parkour course where players won’t even realize it’s parkour one wrong step they die if anyone can actually do this without a single Miss jump that is impressive now that we have all this

Done we’ve obviously got to get them a golden race for and I think the best goal is obviously a sea pickle we’ll just put it right here on top of it All right so we build everything I’m gonna prove my friend wrong but I think before that I just need to make it look a little better so here’s a five second Improvement montage Guys our first contestant is crystals who is now running to the course taking some early steps you’re trying to figure out what this course does now we’re gonna Zoom ahead because almost oh there we go that came right through it pulls the lever figures out the lever opens up the

Pink thing right here this is a pretty smart play coming in from crystals oh here we go hops over the Gap gets to the next side finally we have entered zone two crystals is now moving on what may be Zone number three of crystals can perform this jump right here which is a

Very difficult jump you gotta go to the corner and then make like a straight sideways don’t like that ain’t easy I don’t care who you are with the roof right there there we go just easy does it our end of the maze of Doom right here gonna be very confusing lots of

Potential options which way are we gonna go Crystal’s got night vision so they can see in here looks to go upstairs right now obviously we know that’s the wrong directions just punching everything at this point I mean I don’t even know what we’re trying to punch right now does punching help you guys

Why are we doing this crystals huh moves on to Zone number three you guys remember this is the weird trap that has like the lever that if you pull you kind of lose instantly but you actually have to break it to loose like if you pull it

You can technically turn that off looks like a little lever tweak right there and that is gonna suck the lava up if you can do it correct oh just literally took a lava they don’t hang out with a legal plate right there moving on to the next Zone here not only do you

Have to run across the fire in the center but you also have to do this without taking damage from poison potions tries to cheat here a little bit I’m you can’t go on the side you’ll know the fire you can’t you can’t do that got a full Senate here we go definitely

Catches on fire jump in the water definitely he’s cheating I didn’t think about that oh a skeleton that’s right I put a skeleton down I killed crystals with the skeletons anyway moving on to our next one here today Ayanna coming in this is my manager not a great skilled

Player to be honest with you like I wasn’t expecting much but boy I thought it’d be that I just thought it should do more than like five seconds anyway Here Comes our next one this is Lil Isaac this is a patron gets a little bit of Wither effect there from the

Spikes I think Isaac’s gonna make it past this unless he falls into this last lava pit but come on it’s an easy jump no one would fall into that right just kidding he’s out that’s how you do it guys it’s a very tough jump so I put it

There here comes another Patron Cooper there is touch it all touch every Spike I mean at this point I don’t think they know what’s happening we’re moving on out to the old uh End Zone here and again into the lava pit I mean what are

You gonna do guys so at this point I say guys no one has beat my course I’m gonna literally spawn every single player at the very end of it unless you guys race through it I want to get a shot of the honey to show you guys and um well

Everyone died nobody beat this this dude made it pretty far actually oh he’s actually our leader that’s what it is and of course you know if he steps on slime it’s over if he makes it though he wins so it’s a really good performance right here from him looking great and

There it goes right there body turns into bones just dissolves right there in the Slime I mean it’s a sticky yep that’ll do it see you guys at the end of the day I’ve won this challenge so that guy came close to beating two of the rounds Earl you’re literally worthless

To me now oh no girl’s gone first course Zach wins in our first trap is called the instant bubble death trap take a look at this one in the bottom strip and then Place water to make a bubble column fill the bubble column with instant harm arrows if you’re in Bedrock

Or regular arrows if you’re in Java then replace the floor above the bubble column with dirt then when the hunters are in the top strip mine break the dirt blocks and they’ll fall into the bubble column this is a cool trap basically it uses bouncing arrows to absolutely

Impale you from the bottom which I like I’m gonna start players right here and they’re gonna run through this trap course so our very first one is the bubble column which is probably going to kill a lot of people so I’m excited for this I don’t think anyone’s gonna even

Survive now the way he uses it is you have to physically be there to activate it I don’t really like that we’re gonna make ours automatic we’re gonna step it up a little bit so right here we’re gonna have some extended Pistons we really want to make sure they can’t soak

Up the old arrows that’ll ruin the entire trap so we’re going down a little deeper now we need to wire these up and I could do a pressure plate but that might be too obvious so I’m thinking maybe a tripwire I feel like a tripwire would be the best move here so we’ll

Grab one of those in a string and this should be exactly what we’re looking for we will have to Redstone invert that though okay it’s almost perfect the last thing we have to do is invert these with some Redstone really simple guys you all know what it is just pop a torch down

All right one side’s done now we gotta do the other side okay and it looks like she works so I just gotta cover up all the Redstone and then really do our best job to hide the trip wire here but that’s what we’re using Stone because it’s gonna blend

Right in now obviously this is a little bit suspicious with these like two little holes right here so I’m gonna do what I can to disguise it and make it just look a little bit less sauce like for example random trap doors boom there it is that’s gonna drop you

Right in literally it’s a perfect design and so the last thing we need to do is get our bow out and launch a bunch of regular arrows down there and this guy says they’re gonna float forever so I actually really hope this part works or we’re screwed

That didn’t work you got a very very lightly shoot them this is quite difficult to be honest that looks horrifying okay well I don’t know if that’s gonna work so we’re gonna find out when the players run through it and I also don’t know if they’re gonna

Despawn oh God this is a lot of redstone my dude so an observer Oh that’s crazy The Observer actually catches you because there’s a string that triggers it and that swaps the water out for lava at the bottom the thing is I don’t even know how he does that old swapper down there that’s oh God this one’s crazy well if they make

It through our impossible Arrow trap it’s just gonna get worse from here to be honest guys so I guess we’re just gonna go like this there’s gonna be a hole right here and all I really understand about this one is that there is an observer somewhere that’s kind of hard to see

Like lower I guess and then a string there we go okay so that clearly triggers it so that’s good we’ve we’ve created that perfectly so one of these at the bottom is a lava dispenser so we’ll pop this one down I mean this is

Such a cool trap we can pull it off I just I question our ability to do it water goes here this is the type of redstone that like makes me feel sick on the inside okay so bring it up and then you got to make it go behind the uh

Observer which I think my Observer is too low thank you guys I don’t know we’re making here I’m not gonna lie to you this one is a crazy Advantage why does she make this look like it’s the easiest trap ever and then you actually go to do it

And you’re like yo I gotta be a rocket scientist to pull this off you know it’s not good when you start to innovate and try to make it your own because I feel like if I add a bucket here and then a lava here and then put this on like a

Slower delay than this one then this would theoretically be turning on right away guys we did it we did it this is like weird hacky way to ever pull this trap off and it’s literally not even close to what it’s supposed to be so here’s the idea I just manually refill

This with water and when someone falls down this is what will happen they fall they hit this And they still hit the water because it’s not high enough I guess we can break this and really we just have to lower this Oh we did it we actually did it it pulls it away last seconds I just want to go in spectator real quick to show you guys what kind of wonky Redstone setup this is it goes down for Miles I don’t know what any of it does and all I have to do

Now is clear it up make it look good and uh this will be a fully functional trap Thank God now for our next strap we’re using puffer fish and like Wolfie says he doesn’t think they’re the best trap in Minecraft but I think we can prove

Him wrong because I got a pretty cool idea with these bad boys but before we get to the puffer fish we actually do need to design a way that they would survive in so what I’m gonna do is actually maybe put a trap on this side

That is the exact same except in this one they’re going to fall into lava and so maybe they’re gonna think that this is how they die and they’re gonna jump in the other one they’re really not gonna know because the lava will be above the sign and then when you fall

Into the lava you fall into the water and you put the fire out and you’re okay and you’re alive and you’re not dead but we do need to put down a fake Observer because they’re going to be able to notice it in both sides so fake Observer is a

Requirement okay so once they come down to here then we can move on to the Wolfies puffer fish trap which again he doesn’t think is good I feel like puffer fish are definitely the move though and I’m about to show you why now for this one we’re gonna cover the entire floor

In water so I just need to clear this out just a smidge the bottom needs to become pure water that is our water trapping honestly we better at least make this look better let’s get some walls in here now that looks classy so you’ve probably never seen a trap like

This before what we’re gonna do is literally cover the entire ground in trap doors this is gonna take a long time may not know is that if you’re standing over water on a trap door puffer fish can hurt you through it so I’m about to show you what I mean with these puffer

Fish that we’ve conveniently named salmon salmon come on boys spread yourselves out now so now I’m going to show you guys what’s gonna happen when you go to walk across this floor we’re gonna go into survival mode and boom just like that you randomly start taking poison damage you don’t know why

Although I guess you could hear it and uh it’s gonna be really hard to get through I’m gonna do an ugly roof as well to distract them I feel like this is pretty powerful anyway we’re gonna make a fancy door here with some stairs there you go obviously this next one’s

Pretty ridiculous he makes fake carpet using item frames we’re going to try something similar but for us we’re going to do fake I’m not sure fake sand in order to pull this off we need to locate a zone that is absolutely massive that we can world edit about infinite sandals

Oh the problem is with Santa’s gonna fall and it won’t work we’re gonna do a black terracotta block so what I need to do is take out a map right here this is going to take some time our map shows us kind of right in the center so we’re

Going to fly all the way to this corner of the map we’re going to select this corner the opposite corner Corner the odyss I see right here and we’re going to set this to Black concrete this may crash the server we’ll find out folks hey it’s alive now if we make a second map right in the center of this Zone it should not quite be all black because some trees

Are poking through ah you are the culprits okay now we should be able to do it there we go are perfectly black matte okay now the problem is I have no idea how to get back now that we’re back I almost thought I couldn’t get back here

For a second and kind of got terrified jumping down into the lava across the puffer fish room we now have our all black map and we can use this to create a room that appears to have flooring when really it doesn’t you’re gonna need

To put it on top of item frame so we’re just gonna do one right here in the corner we’re gonna put a frame on top of it I’m gonna wait to show you the map though because underneath it of course will be a giant pit to death if I put

Lava people here to the lava they’re gonna fall in and die right next to it more of this color ready here we go here we go oh that’s slightly different maybe I use black concrete instead and that’s going to look better see if that blends in more ah it’s still got edges though

This is definitely a better color those edges definitely stick up that’s a problem Oh wait I know we could just do this all the way along the floor and now it really doesn’t stick up anymore it’s just kind of this front row then when you walk you’re randomly gonna fall

Through and fall to your death so we’ll do one Death Pit there and then one Death Pit right here and then if they literally just somehow get unlucky and fall they’re both dead all right and then maps to close it off and then really at the end of the day literally I

Can’t even tell myself the only thing is to make this absolutely perfect is this barrier this Edge people will see it wait I think a slab would work what if we did like this there you go just put a slab down and then we’ll just pretend like it’s

Framing the door but really it’s just there to cover up the fact there are two holes I don’t think anyone’s making it through this one that is very very hard to do so act like it’s a decoration around the side come on come on tell me this isn’t incredible and they’ll just

Think this is a hallway to the next room when really the hallway is the Trap so this one’s actually the most viewed trap video of all time on YouTube 72 million use silly Minecraft head onto them and see how long it is before they notice that they’re wearing one I recommend the

Dragon head okay so he’s saying put a dragon head try to trap them you know how it is it’s not as cool though as the curse of binding matter of fact let’s do cursor binding 99 just to make sure they can literally never take it off even in

Like creative mode then all we’re gonna do is put some dispensers down and I’m gonna borderline make it impossible to not get hit with this what this is gonna do is if they somehow make it to this point it’s going to really hurt their Vision because once you put a pumpkin on

You can’t get it off and your vision looks a little bit like this and I would not want to be completing an entire obstacle course like this but the last one is a lover fella special trap I’m inventing this one on the spot right here and once they get pumpkin Vision we

Want something they can’t really see well so I think something like Thank you so this is a wonderful trap I like to call the structure void trap structure voids are cool blocks in Minecraft where you can still walk through them but it holds back lava and water and so we can make walls that literally are just pure

Lava and if you were to touch that wall you would take some damage and if your vision was hurt and maybe if you also were given maybe I don’t know some sort of like an effect from a command block that maybe gave you uh nausea when you’re walking over this pressure plate

So I think now if we were to walk over this we start getting nauseous as well as pumpkins there it is look at the visual problems now so they don’t have to use that to get across this somewhat simple parkour course but really it’s not that simple and if they manage to

Get right here to this final block which we’re to make out of diamonds this block means they win so the course is now ready for some testing I have never had in fact this is how many trap videos we’ve done all of these they’re really cool no one’s beat any of them alright

Guys today woo dog is going to be our first contestant racing through this very difficult trapped course and if he survives with one life he’s going to win 10 dollars just kidding right that’s not enough what he’s going to win is one of the best items in my Minecraft server who

Dog your time starts now here we go wait am I allowed to break no braking simply walking this is possible with just walks good luck foreign doesn’t actually work guys as well as we thought the arrows kind of just bounced there so it’s not going to kill him but

He is going to be stuck there and eventually die from starvation but that also means the arrow trap is going to need to be replaced because clearly that ain’t it so maybe we’ll just replace this with some lava guys up next is the man the myth Legend I tiny he’s won over

What two thousand dollars for me so if anyone could beat it is him a tiny good luck this is an easy trap you just gotta oh that’s you can’t you can’t actually touch anything you can only walk nope smart Jukes the first trap uh Wu dog

Didn’t do that certainly up to the next one which pill will he take the red or the blue pill picks that and picks incorrectly and falls into the Pit of Doom where I tiny is done up next let’s go ahead and bring up our next friend here ghost to

Circling in a boat he knows exactly what to do because he definitely heard that backwards he’s circling in a boat now he’s got to make the same decision tiny made oh gosh oh can’t see is that water you want water I’ll put some water down there for you here

He picks the door and he goes into the puffer fish trap I told you all they were good oh my goodness look at look if you guys the puffer fish make you rush and in the next secret trap makes it confused hi tiny go ahead real

Quick give it another try tiny ghost you guys can go together this is your last chance you two get another shot together if you die you won’t get kicked off the server so guys let him double up this I’m gonna give him twice the shot these

Are the best players around man come on you all know who I tiny is here we go here we go careful this puffer fish so close to Sweet Victory here we go super easy oh my gosh you can’t make this up folks you cannot make this up ah oh no ghost

Gets pumpkin what’s gonna happen here folks I’m getting dizzy oh makes it on a second try congratulations for the second course the players win he didn’t know so we’re using powdered snow on top of lava to create our first layer of Defense around these villagers so I need

To create more of a square shape first so now we have this Stone base then we replace everything else with one specific block so it’s more consistent so we’ll do that with sand and then we’ll do the same thing with grass fly oh God that’s not good oh God it’s

Melting it now obviously the Trap isn’t done yet because we still have to add a trap underneath it to kill them and I think we could do lava but I’m a little bit worried about lava melting everything here so what I’m going to do is actually come in clear out an area

Underneath of It kind of like this this is gonna be really strange we created a very cursed world that y’all can already guess what we’re about to do here I think oh yeah the pointed drip Stone Falls if you fall and here you die you’re out it’s over game over

You lose so let me let me give you a little walk through guys all right you’re coming here to save Clement all right you’re here to save maybe raspeen you want to save one of these guys you join the server and then you get here

And you’re like we got it and boo we fall to your death and it’s over before I show you the next trap though rasping Clement I got something to put in here just to tease you guys about what’s coming later now I think almost everyone’s gonna fall for this trap

Because this is literally the simplest trap possible take a look at this it looks like two doors you walk through and open but as you walk through they glamshot and make you fall down to your death for ease of building honestly just gonna build like a door right here and I

Gotta try to copy what I just saw so there needs to be a platform needs to be some pressure plates there needs to be some doors what we need is then some snow that’s going to somehow close and make them fall through and that I honestly have no idea how I’m gonna do

It we’ll do this and then let’s try to get some Pistons here it should be off actually this might not be too hard right if it’s off and then you add some snow here and some snow here and then take the Redstone and then start calibrating it correctly and wire it up

Correctly you’re going to get the results you’re looking for put one of these here put one of these here one of these here so these are just need powered on from the Redstone when the redstone’s tripped okay okay we got the Redstone coming we just need to wire it

Up to here so the idea here is now this side should at least close if it’s timed right yeah we did it okay time to do the exact same thing now over here here we go you’re running through you see it you ready boom and it follows you down okay

You know what would make this even better though if this was also snow because we want it to blend in a little bit more and it doesn’t really blend in right now with the giant Cobblestone there this is very good because it’s such a subtle trap No One’s Gonna notice

It if we had like a little bit of a pathway here where people can get some speed they’re gonna run they’re gonna do this it’s gonna close they’re gonna fall down they’re gonna die it’s perfect terracotta Point them in the direction makes them want to go this way the last

Thing we need is some light so I’ll put some lanterns out in the front that looks that actually looks good we’ll put an opening right here like they have to make it to this opening right here to get in can you jump this you can but you

Could walk on this the obsidian that’s not good the fence is really an issue now because of the fence they can skip this walk on the obsidian get through it modification time begin there you go now there’s literally no cheating we’re gonna get more viral now

And see what else is coming trip wires are invisible when you jump into them one two three it’s three blocks high whoa whoa whoa that’s kind of cool that fits perfectly into what we’re building right here because we’ll just make a giant tunnel and force them to run

Through the tunnel it will make it look really cool themed we’ll create the tunnel here so it was three high right so we’ll do this yep that is definitely invisible I mean I cannot you you could not tell me there’s the actual strip wire right there it just Blends in not

Only is it really hard to see but it’s also the same color as the stone which means accidentally made something cool today which I’m happy for uh this seems overpowered I almost only want to make one of these okay so if you look at it like this there’s basically no seeing it

And so what we’re gonna do is uh let’s do skulls other teaser wants to come little something like that right there so we just need them to jump so what we’ll do is something like like I almost feel like if we put lava here it would be so cursed because they would think

Lava is the Trap they’d go to jump it and that would trip the tripwire but how would you cross it without tripping it does seem a little overpowered I don’t know how you literally crossed this without triggering it like I don’t see a way to get past this but I guess it

Doesn’t matter because I want them to trip it so let’s go ahead and just Redstone this up I believe if I were to put a command block here and then do slash summon lightning bolts and then I put down the coordinates of like up here so that they Sprint past it Man block it’ll spawn a lightning bolt right about here and so if you sprint through it without taking your time it’s going to kill you maybe damage you whatever if you slow down though you’re good but if you go too quick and you sprint I believe it’s gonna hurt you now

I just need to cover this up we haven’t used enough snow today why not get some more snow in there now this one will be a little tricky about I’ll give him an opportunity to see it you know if they’re smart they can see that all

Right why is this actually look sick so walk in here avoid the lightning bolt keep walking straight then you’ve got to avoid this trap then you’ve got to avoid the freaking you know the area where I oh careful breast being what are you doing there you trying to sit on the saw

There and cut yourself in half a little early huh we’ll do that if they can’t rescue you okay get some terracotta in there too guide him you know like welcome to your next challenge and then we should put a few more of these down just to make it seem

Like there’s a different type of thing going on here I want them to feel like they have to like duck and dive viral meter increase goddess Mumbo no we’re getting too viral it don’t even make sense I don’t know how this is happening I’m just gonna pause it and go frame by

Frame and make this thing happen if I do this you all have to subscribe it’s a deal if I do this you have to subscribe and if you’re from the state of Arizona you also have to subscribe I can’t figure this one out I really I don’t

Well I could at least do the top part right I don’t understand how your mind works I’m literally an engineer and I can’t do this we’re gonna make our own version so it’s a one block piece that when you step on you fall into the ground got it this is gonna be the

Better way to do it there we go boys okay so this is gonna be like a black room where you’re gonna walk through and just fall into the hole and die down here we need to make it more invisible so there’s a very faint hole you can

Barely see right here all right you can barely see it all right if you look on the screen to turn your brightness up it’s there but it’s too visible I need a way to distract them or get them to Sprint through this area make them go

Really quickly so what I’m trying to do is like distract them by putting things on the ground that might take their attention away from the fact there’s a hole in the center of the room if I have them on through then get the blindness effect that’s going to make it a lot

Harder but I don’t want it to be so hard that they’re actually slowing down so I’m going to give them blindness and I’m going to make the other one do time set night so that way when they walk over it it sets it to night time and gives them

Blindness and almost total pitch black conditions now while I was building this I got another really cool idea that kind of relates to this type of trap what if we played with this weird black concrete thing and made something a little bit different for this one we’re going to

Turn our shaders off because I’m assuming the players who run through this later will not have shaders on themselves here’s the idea now this one might not work it’s a little experiment we’re gonna build a little blue platform and inside the blue platform we’re gonna

Build a bunch of holes that drop to your depth but a few of them are going to be water the idea is that players might mix up what a death hole is with water if they’re not paying attention maybe they’ll fall into the wrong one and I’m

Gonna do the same thing with lava in Red what color is lava it’s Lava Orange I don’t know if either of these are gonna work it’s kind of an experiment really to see we’ll break some random holes in here this might be a dump truck I literally don’t know like I feel like

The odds of you like not seeing that are very low like you’re probably gonna see what’s going on here but I’m gonna go ahead and close it off here and get some walls in bro I don’t know about this one this is so it’s weird it’s very pretty

But I just don’t think the actual design is going to be that effective to me this is not the hardest thing we’ve made but I certainly think it’ll get maybe one or two people so I’ve never seen this but it’s actually an umbrella trap so it’s pretty simple the Pistons go up they

Trap you but I think we can make ours so that also kills you that way you’re not just walking around in a circle forever so we got these bright vibrant colors we might as well commit and freaking use purple at this point because I think

It’s going to look like a Fall Guys map which is kind of cool let’s just get a simple little draft on I want to make this better than what we currently saw so it’s not bad right but like if I think if you shift or like Sprint jump

Is it you can you can still get out of it and so I I want to figure out how we could take this YouTube trap and make it more exciting okay so I have one idea so the first part of the idea is that I’m going to put some signs down to hold

Lava and the idea behind this is I think if I put the lava here the players won’t be able to jump unless they’re at this one specific block so you run in here you do this you step on this you can’t jump out on any of the edges

Now because it completely seals you in so the only way out is here we got an idea folks I’m curious if I put Redstone here if they’ll all trigger when you jump on it we need to reroute this Redstone down here so that way it triggers the blocks above it see now you

Can get all the edges to close pretty much no matter where you are this is the final design I know it looks kind of weird but basically you’re gonna run through you’re gonna jump inside of the middle of it get completely trapped on all edges the only way out is where you

Came in the problem is in order to get out you almost guaranteed have to take lava damage right there so let’s go ahead and try to make it look a little less odd now guys you notice this little thing in my inventory what I’m going to show you what this incredibly powerful

Defense trap does soon but before I show you how you’d use it and how you even obtain it I have one more trap to build on this crazy Fall Guys themed course inside someone’s house now what a lot of people don’t know is that these are extremely explosive so if your friend

Comes back and finds it they may not know what it is now green says they won’t know what it is they might interact with it that’s stupid everyone knows that 2022 what it is maybe back then it applied actually but take a look that’s what’s likely to

Happen we’re gonna to create an end Crystal mace a little bit of a pivot here what I want to do is to be safe is Put Some solid walls up here because I really don’t want them to be propelled forward and then what we need is a way

To trigger these so I’m going to actually use a little bit of reverse psychology we’re going to put a sign here we’re going to say if you break all of the N crystals you get plus five points only noobs walk through without breaking them and then what I’m going to

Do is I’m going to subtly reinforce the fact that they’re a noob throughout the rest of this event you are a noob and your family disowns you for not doing it I’m Gonna Keep It subtle something you know we’re gonna hit him with another and hopefully at this point they’re

Going to want to go back they’re going to be like yo what is going on here this is a little bit extreme we’re just gonna beat them down mentally we’re trying to break them and we’ll do one more reverse psychology thing right here and we’re just going to say something very subtle

Something that will you know not be too aggressive and too direct your family thinks you are worthless quit now or I will murder them all with okay well let’s not get too detailed but we’ll just say I’ll murder them now that that reverse psychology trap is started we

Have one final trap to bad this is the Minecraft Blood Golem and at first it looks pretty sick but at Second Look you’ll realize it’s even more sick than you thought because by placing an item frame down and then putting the blood Golem on the item frame the blood Golem

Spurts out flaming a giant fire so of course what am I gonna do I’m gonna place them around the edges to make this even more difficult to get through you guys want me to add this to my Minecraft server where you guys can actually get this item to defend your base the blood

Golem head defense drop a comment let me know and I’ll do it anyway now that this is all fully set up and done it’s time to get some contestants in here and create a starting course looks good cutie cat begin yeah this looks very intimidating what does that sign say if

You break all of the end crystals you get Five Five Points only noobs watch without breaking them we got him with the reverse psychology folks I told you it worked you guys were judging me in the comments alright guys since that first trap already worked I’m not gonna rebuild it because it’s gonna

Destroy everything alright rise Dark lightning crystals zackling rules are simple make it to the course begin now zachlan gets an advantage he doesn’t have to do that first trap because I don’t want to rebuild but here we go it’s pretty simple first trap’s always the easiest or is it or is it

Oh what do we do about this all right this one’s easy ouch oh God that wasn’t good oh rise goes down in the very second trap here that’s a tough one though isn’t it rice yeah thank you have a nice day okay bye I have an early exit for

Crystals here today oh no I’m gonna wait uh oh and crystals is out whoa Zachary oh took some big damage right there moving into the next Zone he’s gonna die no hopefully not oh that’s gonna hurt could be another Daddy I didn’t know what do we do here

Oh that’s gonna hurt health is dropping rapidly oh and he’s out already quick one oh oh what’s that sign say what’s the sign said you are new oh I called him oh oh come on nope a little personal attack here on zachling oh what did that

Do oh that’s gonna make it a little more difficult but that’s all right exactly is a smart player he knows what to do oh I didn’t even spawn the night monsters and they’re out here trying to attack him but okay what’s that say what’s that say thank you both just quit now oh

You’re doing great so far I said keep it up you’re looking fantastic oh oh boy I didn’t even see it guys it is literally invisible flightless comes off now and everyone can now join good luck first one to win win all right it looks like one person actually managed

To make it through and that’s dark lightning a lot of people are getting stuck in that last Zone dude they’re just constantly dying getting kicked from the server now it’s ironic that his name is dark lightning and you all know what’s coming up don’t you a dark room

And then also something else here it goes dark lightning you’re looking great my guy yeah that sign is a lot I don’t know man easy dub easy dog dark lightning actually accidentally doesn’t kill himself with the lightning he’s actually made it to the final room right

Now we’ve got a clear leader oh he’s doing pretty well oh he didn’t even fall for that I’ve even forgot that myself yo dark lightning you’re looking freaking good dude oh never mind Poison rock has actually made it now to the end we’ll see if he makes this nope

All right the middle is now opened up so now players can walk through we’ve deleted two traps now to make it possible I Tiny’s looking okay here we go oh he’s looking great he’s looking great our tiny is looking oh catches fire oh God the blood Golem though I

Tiny I gotta get past that oh he doesn’t all right guys I’m gonna get rid of the doors now to make it even easier no more doors should be a little simpler all right guys we’ll open up the other side too both of them are now open yeah Guys you want to know some really sad news you guys have been Racing for so long the two villagers you were trying to save were eaten by a zombie and they’re now both dead there’s nobody left to save that means we created truly an impossible course Zach takes the lead

Again for the third course with a win we’re using some real-life zombie traps to test today so this is the entrance into a real-life pitfall trap I don’t really know why this guy’s making it in his backyard nor do I know how exactly it works oh he’s making a miniature

Version for ants it’s kind of stupid what we’re gonna try to do is create a pitfall surrounding the entire border of this unfortunately we are allowed to use world edit so what I think we’ll do is we’ll select it’s not it’s not going to be even foreign

No my team disabled won’t edit we gotta do this by hand all right this is gonna be even more challenging than I suspected we’re gonna be smart then the pitfall trap will begin right here the first thing I’m gonna do is dig out just a small little hole by the entrance I

Would assume they would struggle to walk across something like this and then underneath it we’re gonna put some wobble so that’s the idea right if a zombie comes through it’s gonna hopefully fall in however I’m also worried it’s gonna walk around so I’m gonna create lava like this that way

They have to go across all right that’s good we gotta be careful we don’t burn the place down all right well that’s one single uh entrance made now I’m gonna actually design different ones on every single side because if that doesn’t work they’re gonna be able to get in very

Easily so on this one I want to try a slightly different design we’re going to use a different item over here again with lava now for this one I need a different sort of thing to walk across maybe an End Rod okay so two of these

Now have different traps in them and now I want to show you something interesting in my inventory we’ve got three special items that’ll help us create traps later but I’m not going to show you it yet we’ve got some other traps to test first up next we have the slippery surface to

Tell you not to run you’re swimming pools and it’s because slips and Falls can be deadly bro you’re gonna slip the zombie to death I mean I don’t know dude if blue ice is gonna do a whole lot but maybe we could have this lead into

Another Pitfall or what we can do is maybe lead this into the law button a zombies will actually have trouble walking because then they would fall right into the lava this would actually work together as like a double trap let’s go ahead and make this like a little wider

That’s four wide can you get some speed on this yeah okay let’s do it to the other one I want to make another one on this entrance over here and I want it to just be straight up a pitfall so this one’s just gonna go all the way down this will

Be an impossible entrance to enter all right in theory you’re just gonna fall in here you’re just gonna die very good very fun very exciting I like it we just need to make sure we don’t get distracted by anything oh look at that is that purple trees oh this is so

Beautiful oh sorry hold on we gotta get back whoa whoa in a rig trap might come in handy in this case if a zombie manages to open a door it will cause a firearm to go off so it’s like one of them things like you open a door and you

Get shot in the face this is a drawing we created to show you and if you don’t understand that’s okay because neither do I now we’ve really secured the entrances okay one way they might make it in though is through the top up here which is open on all sides if we’re

Smart about this we can gather some pressure plates put them around and again I don’t even know if zombies will step on these but I want to do something where it’s surrounded all the way by a pressure plates then if I can get some dispensers on the side with some arrows

These could be set in such a way that the entire side is rigged I know at the very least we need to put restaurant below this we’re gonna need a layer below it like this this is one of the larger redstone things that I’ve ever created but by the

End of this video it’s going to be the craziest trap hopefully you’ve ever seen because everything’s gonna work together the problem is one I don’t know if you actually need repeaters to do this I’ve always done it I don’t know if you need to two we then need to make another

Wrong around the outside and that’s another problem because I don’t know how we’re going to get it to not repeat forever there’s a lot of issues here guys we still have to like leave a staircase to come up so I somehow need to get this all to connect and shoot

How I do this I’m gonna do this I’m gonna link them all individually I think it’s probably like the worst idea of all of them it’s also like the only one that I really feel like I know how to do okay so in theory this one would work yo

That’s cool all I gotta do is that again now that we have this completely built we can test it out and see if every why are these still on oh no I think the arrows are powering it oh crap how do I stop it from turning on the plate so I

Could put lava potentially in front but I don’t think that’s gonna be the issue maybe maybe it would work it doesn’t it doesn’t particularly work as I would have liked however I’m gonna commit to it because I got this idea that it will at least make them flaming

Arrows give loverfela a structure void that way there’s still a walkway in it’s kind of cool no guys one of the best traps you could ever have is a trapdoor but the problem with trap doors is well you got to be there to activate it or

Have some red so it is a lot of work let me present to you guys what my team and I created the instant trapdoor the instant trapdoor is a special legendary item I’m allowed to use once and if I place it anything on it falls through

All the way to the ground and dies oh God I don’t know how to make this cow traps these are like those little spiky things I’m just kidding guys I’m gonna show you how I’m gonna do it right now we custom made them to add to this event

Right here I can literally throw them on the ground look at that wow who knew you could have cow traps in Minecraft so I’m gonna kind of sprinkle these around the outside here but I gotta do in third person because I don’t want to die so

What I’m gonna do now is go in the center of the base could a couple more cow traps set down I also need to get some water down here we can come down here from emergency some cow drops down here we do have one more special item we’re

Gonna get to which this magic looking yellow thing right here in the inventory but before we do that we’ve got to talk about bear traps all right well this is gonna suck but it looks like all you do is summon an eviction thing so it’s not actually that difficult to do we’re

Gonna run deeper into this area so I think we’re gonna do is this really as simple as it is huh let’s see does this work oh I mean this might be a little Overkill and it might make it really hard to walk through which is why I’m

Going to make a singular path here to walk through that is nice dude we’ll do one more layer here because I need to make sure it actually needs to be walked through so if somehow they make it all the way under here they’ve got to go through this practice which brings down

To the next stage let’s check out this giant mousetrap here and see what this does the thing is about honey is you really can’t jump out of it if you’re in a hole so it’s like a little mini Trap so I wonder if the zombies are stupid

Enough that they would just like fall into these little holes on the stairs and not be able to get out I would like to do a double layered Honey Trap down here but I’ll give them one way out if they walk on the Slime so

If you fall down here there’s no way out a smart zombie would walk over to the Slime then they can jump out we do have another special trap guys I’m about to show it to you but not yet first I need to show you what inspired this trap a

Drug net is a giant net that when triggered Falls and captures everything beneath it this drop net can potentially be used to Corral all of the zombies in one specific location so let’s go ahead and place this and see we do need to do a quick test run here

We’re gonna go ahead and test our drop net and see what this does okay oh yo I didn’t think it would stick them to the ceiling wait if they step oh look how cool that is bro sticks them right on the ceiling just like but whoa what if I step on it

Oh good we have special boots that we don’t get stuck let’s go ahead and get these placed strategically I do feel like we have a nice number here but again with a thousand zombies you have to understand this he’s literally like only like 20 of them

We’ve got to take this up a notch okay so I’m basically looking at what we built so far today we have 23 minutes remaining until they attack us and the issue is this would be really good against 50 zombies but not against a thousand I’m gonna try to enhance some

Of these traps now like for example we’ve got this ice thing here I really feel like we need to take this out and make it much bigger I like that a lot that’s going to be much better that’s going to definitely slide them in let’s go ahead and expand this one as well That looks a lot better a full surround sound lava mode but every single lava is going to have ice next to it I’m literally going so hard because again a thousand zombies so Ice by the entire thing that way every one of these amplifies the ability to actually kill a

Zombie this is going to take a long time we have just 20 minutes remaining foreign by lava and iced we have more things to enhance those that make it up here though I’m thinking this also needs to be majorly enhanced because I feel like we could go a little bit crazier with

This all right this is going to take a long time actually but trust me will be worth it so we need to actually wire this differently so what I think we can do is we can raise the back level up one then we just have to reconnect it all

And this should be set up in a way that it will power both layers doubling the power of this so I think we just have to go like this okay theoretically it’s now wired up correctly uh will it work uh let’s go find out does now in theory we could also add

Some right above it that would literally aim straight down they would go all the way to the ground and every zombie that fell in would also get hit so let’s see if we can pull this one off get the job done all right but it only works from one single

Pressure plate and I don’t know if I want to spend more time getting it wired up on all of these but it would be really cool if it was oh I’m gonna do it I shouldn’t but I am nice hopefully everyone who walks inside of this will be killed literally

Instantly we still have 12 minutes and this area kind of sucks all you need is to install the treadmill on top of the steps interesting my first guest says there’s got to be some way to do it using Pistons hold on hold on I got an idea

Now part of building these is being Innovative what if we created something like this where a zombie may go up step on that pressure plate and boing other zombies down with a boinger it’s not exactly a treadmill it’s an Innovative Winger if we were to put one right here

With slime and a pressure plate uh a zombie were to walk up he would boing his friend off and he should I would fear I mean in theory he gets watched this I have no idea if that’s actually gonna work blinging them off seems like the best spot for it

We’re gonna do a couple step Wingers gonna be a blinger there let’s do like maybe just like one or two per staircase I don’t want to invest too much time here because we don’t even know if this is like a functioning working idea because it seems like it might work and

It might get a perfect kill it also might be the dumbest idea ever spikes built-in saws Rams flame throwers on the roof and other deadly devices that will come in handy during a zombie apocalypse okay okay we’ve got zombie wrecking cars eight minutes to pull this off if I get

Some TNT Minecarts create some Minecart rails we could have it so these get sent down the time component is really messing with me here because I know I could do this if I had time we’re gonna do one of them this will allow us to place the mine

Cart up at the Top push it all the way down then when it reaches the bottom we just need to detector into an activator at the bottom we can make this actually automated because if we put a dispenser next to it we can put it here if I put a

Regular card in this would send it down so zombies would walk up they could still hop over this they would send it down the next zombie would step up here watch the cart down this will go to the bottom hit off the detector and blow up at the bottom I think this actually

Could kill a lot of zombies I’m gonna make one more right here the rail is going to actually launch off to the bottom where it then hits this and then the other rail go ahead and pop in our test cart here and see what happens that goes up zombie hits it falls down

Oh I didn’t even line it up bro what the crap all right test number two here we go goes down just the ramp Falls oh but it doesn’t keep going it means we need an activator rail right here with redstone underneath it that way it should potentially keep

Powering it but I don’t know if it will this one’s so complicated get down hit the rail keep moving oh it doesn’t work we will simply move the activator rail here and it should just fall on top of the activator rail below but the bottom and then absolutely shred

Any zombie down here so with this setup there are two nuclear options here for TNT Minecarts to flow down and kill everyone we have three minutes left guys well I’m gonna enjoy my last three minutes sipping tea because I feel like we’re gonna win a few minutes later all

Right guys we’re starting on the easy side right now and I believe there’s just a few that have snuck up so far I’m gonna see if I can send out a couple TNT cards and light them up go ahead and send them down light them up light them

Up light them up all right let’s get in bro we’re already taking damage get in get it okay we’ve already lost the top right there there is an immense number of zombies I can see them taking damage I’m gonna go ahead and peek out this side corner here and see what we’re dealing

With here folks oh God didn’t think they could do that didn’t think they could do that they can fall into the ceiling that’s okay we’ll just pick them off a one by one you know what I’m saying come on boys come on come and get me what are you

Gonna do what are you gonna do you’re gonna do nothing sounds like a ton of them are dying TN them all okay there’s still a massive amount of them down here on the ground we got to be super careful oh yeah okay we’re not even close all right great

This is fine okay this is this is a little bit scary to me but that’s fine it’s all for oh God not the quick voice go jump in the lava we’re gonna have to walk around this way by every single zombie because I need to get back up

There because we’re going around a spider web out here folks bumbles come on boys come on boys no chance there it is there it is all you gotta do is let them walk right in all right clearly y’all are smart enough to walk across that but what about walking by

The cow traps I don’t do it I didn’t make enough of them Bro is that it did we actually just defend against that like my computer was lagging oh there’s two more what’s going on now man oh my trap they actually fell in I literally think almost every trap got used except really for the one down there because no one

Made it down in the hole guys we absolutely decimated these zombies course number four is won by Zach our very first trap is gonna take place to the very top of the building so for our first trap I want to destroy Isaac with a boulder and I tried to set

It off at the top and have it roll down and crush him but I realize it’d be a lot funnier if I watched him run up and try to avoid repeating Boulders let’s bring this all the way down to the very bottom of this now what’s actually going

To happen is Isaac’s going to start down here at the bottom so I’m gonna create little micro areas where you can get out and hide and if he does it wrong and times it wrong he will die and I will win and embarrass him in front of everybody

So now we have this set up we have a starting platform down here which to me looks pretty sick and all I need to do now is create a slow Redstone repeating circuit that will slowly spit out Boulders the entirety of Isaac’s race thing is I don’t really know how to slow

Down Redstone how’s this pace hey that’s actually not bad that’s what you’re looking for a somewhat challenging Pace that’s not exactly possible to survive unless you’re extremely skilled so this is now going to shoot these down the side and Isaac’s task will be to make it up while hiding

Inside of these little hidden Cubbies right here you know it would be funny if I like kind of tricked him a little bit made some of them just a little bit closer than the others went to different directions I think it’d be pretty fun all right Boulder trap’s pretty sick but

Have you guys ever seen this a real actual German trap this was Declassified from the German military they would basically put a bomb inside of a box put screws around it and then put a cat in there you would want to go save the cat and you’d open it it would explode and

Hit your face with screws so if he walks down this it’ll take us into the Next Room obviously we need a cat of some form we need the cat to be in a wooden box of some form we also need TNT so I think we’ll go ahead and put down some

Barrels down here so it looks like an actual storage room I’m gonna put some on the ground here and then at the very end of this dark demented hallway will be the actual trap y’all been waiting for the old cat bomb first off we need

To make a box big enough to fit TNT so the TNT could go here but then you gotta really clear this area yeah because then you’ve also got to have room for not just TNT but a cat so we’ll put the cat below it I think that’s a good little

Way to save some space here we shrink it like this and the Cat Sits below it that way the Box becomes smaller and you save space so there’s your little design uh then the cat’s gonna go right in there slip that under there no one can resist

The sound of the meowing cat so then we just need a way to trigger it when this breaks the TNT goes off oh wow that’s disturbing what I’m designing right here put down a uh Observer maybe right in the center like this and my theory is when this Observer has something on the

Top trigger it would explode I I know there’s a few of you that might see this and be a little bit disturbing like Zach about that so quickly I I I don’t know how to answer it I’m not sure so that’s gonna go there the idea is if he opens

This it would trigger it oh no oh my God I actually just created a fully functional working cat bomb I’m actually about to cry the final thing we have to do is convince Isaac to actually save the cat but the thing is I don’t even know if I have to convince him he

Might just want to save it on his own free will all right let’s go ahead and clean this roof off and make it a little easier to get to the top of this so once he does that opens it what I’d like to do is design it so the next trap is

Actually I don’t know where I’m not sure I’m gonna make it so it’s right here underneath this so if you dig into it you would find it but really you’ve got to blow it up so it blows the wood up so you fall down to the hole y’all see what

I’m saying uh but before we go on the work on the next trap I do want to put some decorations up here and give this room a little bit of like a Vibe so my idea here is just to make it feel like a storage room inside of a giant Bedrock

Pyramid so we’ll just say storage do not put wrong items away like I I you know what I mean I just want to create like a little environment here so it feels like an authentic place to be in and to me we need a little bit more carpet that’s

What we need dark black carbon that pulls the place together there we go looks less like a little evil dungeon now more like a well it’s okay no it doesn’t actually I’d say we’re good I’d say this was detailed enough guys the idea here is to embarrass my brother not

Build something gorgeous now that we’re on to our next trap here we need a little bit our next trap has nothing to do with the ocean in fact it has to do with lava and this is why it will trick my brother take a look at this bad boy it’s a

Simple Minecraft lava trap build yourself two columns pop a door in the middle dig a hole down there and then put lava in the hole the idea is when they go to walk in the door this pulls out the floor they fall on the lava and die it does seem relatively simple and

That’s why I’ve never been more confident that I will fail to make this even more fun guys we’re gonna see if we can do this without watching that tutorial I know I need a door I know I need Redstone sticky piston and lava and so let’s try this lava so this is the

Pressure plate which needs wired so will we take it the other way because I did this whole thing backwards isn’t that fun a little fun exciting little mistake there huh okay now if I step on this let’s see what happens see if it uh see if there’s a little skedaddle here oh

Look at that wow uh I’m actually pretty impressed okay we gotta seal this off though make sure it still works and I know y’all been playing that Doors game lately with doors literally everywhere doors doors doors and door everything door this door that got a door upstairs

Door downstairs so I’m gonna put some doors down like that Doors game y’all play but only one door is the right door and then to make this even more fun we’ll slide it with pressure plates so that one doesn’t seem out of line and boom dead can’t wait to get him with

That I guarantee he’s gonna fall for it 100 in fact I will bet you guys my life Isaac does Isaac Falls for that all right you guys may or may not know my boy Julius Caesar what you got here is your boy Julius was creating Minecraft

Defenses in real life he made giant pits full of spikes all right he made a spike wall and then giant dips like you basically just layered traps broke out a lava wall spike pit wall got it all I mean this is actually pretty cool looking to be honest with you so when

Isaac walks into this room I’d like to do something just like Julius Caesar we’ll do something like this is as it comes down and what do you know a couple deadly spikes right below and you know we’ll see where this Knight takes us after this but I was thinking maybe

Another layer right after this huh and would you look at that folks the Knight has taken us to the magma section you fall on this one you just get burned alive No Escape from this one at all whatsoever I would say it would be even more exciting if we then replaced the

Land you can block on with random Sweet Berry bushes this way you’ll get injured by Sweet Berry bushes and pummeled down to your death where you either get impaled or burned alive all right these look phenomenal to me this is a beautiful death room but to me it’s not

Enough I feel like it needs to look more intimidating so obviously we’re gonna hit it with just maybe a little minor or something like that nothing too crazy I do feel like this will intimidate Isaac greatly though let’s go ahead and put some of these in the roof though as

Well I just don’t want him looking up and feeling like one of these won’t fall on him at a moment’s notice because they will we have created some pretty incredible traps we’re not even done we got even crazier ones coming this is a fake torch trap they created flashlights

They were full of explosives and when you use this it would explode and blow your hand off with metal balls what do you know guys we did it today with torches this is regular looking torch it’s not a regular torch check it out ready I’m gonna put it back here yeah

That’ll get you so when Isaac eventually gets to this room he’ll be taken into a dark room with a chest and he will have an option to either take torches out of that chest which are all going to be explosive and I’m going to put some

Random material down as well to make it feel more like oh this is a little fun fun adventure time for Isaac so as you fall into the dark Pit of Doom this is a black concrete Wall of Death writing and uh you should potentially see this and

Realize like oh it’s about to get dark let me bring some torches put him up boom die put some black banners everywhere just to really confuse him even more like oh which way do we go doesn’t matter you’re gonna die no matter what you do Isaac you know

Literally you will die with everything you do in this and he’s gotta figure I mean this is this is just I don’t even know where like you know what I mean you don’t know where you are you lose sight of everything and so you try to place a

Torch because you don’t know where to run you’re just gonna run into a wall and die I mean this is literally the most perfect trap I’ve ever seen so let’s just say this one is borderline perfect onto the next trap with inspiration taken from interrogation Chambers we’re now going to try to

Create the most mind-destroying trap ever they just create white rooms into your senses the prisoners deprived of color giving them a cell where the walls floor and ceiling are entirely white taking this to the extreme the cell is equipped with bright neon tubes that prevent any Shadows from falling on the

Cell wow that honestly sounds pretty horrific to me I mean it didn’t sound bad at first but the lights the whiteness that sounds awesome now this one’s a little bit trickier than most of the ones we made so far because this one actually requires us to do some serious

Work oh God we actually need to go out and create a giant white map so by using a giant world edit selection here I can create a giant region by selecting one corner and then selecting the other corner and turning it all to White concrete when I do this the map becomes

Pure White all right we’re gonna place about 50 000 blocks give her a little breathing room here okay that looks not right but let’s try this map oh all right good that was actually so much easier than I thought now we’ve got our white Maps we can go right back in the

Side of this what I’d like is first to do it without night vision to see how dark it is okay that’s pretty dark we need this to be much brighter let’s do glow frames and see what this would look like maybe Ah that’s what we’re looking for glow

Frames everywhere so if I surround this entire room with pure glow frame the room wall becomes perfectly white to a nauseating degree wow look at that oh my God that is horrifying we’ll do the same thing to the floor then Bro that looks like so weird doesn’t it this looks like this looks like the world hasn’t even rendered in this this literally is gonna convince him that he like fell off into like a weird glitch it almost funny to leave it like this because I would actually think that’s a

Glitch like I would fall down and be like oh that’s glitched I think we’re gonna do that I think we’re gonna leave this as a glitch design and then make a secret entrance behind one of these it looks like I could potentially use I’m thinking a door and maybe put frames on

A door to create like a glitched way out oh does it work oh my God it does look at that look at that I can almost guarantee when he runs through this and if he if he even gets here he’s gonna be like oh Zach the

World’s glitch what do I do boom falls down doesn’t realize that there’s a door where you should go and I should also make a fake door here so he thinks this is the correct way and this door leads him down a hole which would just kill him for another amazing embarrassment uh

And then the correct way obviously is through this here no way he finds that no way he finds that this one’s very interesting it was a pit trap used by Spartacus where he would he would kind of cover up the ground and underneath it was broken glass very interesting broken

Pottery we’ve actually believe it or not got ourselves to broken glass right here and uh if you step on this you take damage so the first thing you want to do is build yourself a nice pit full of glass I think we need to do tripwire and

String because I think that’s the only option here I think we should maybe set it up here because I don’t think he’ll be able to see that uh right away like it’s kind of blending in so I know these could get these and then I know that I

Could have I could have some here seems to be a little deeper we will do three Pistons here I think all I need is three repeaters a redstone torch and then to go through and connect it to that tripwire hook that works okay so in theory if I step over this

There we go so then you fall in there and you just get pretty much cut to death by a million Cuts uh so let’s go ahead and cover up our Redstone and our pistons and then double check that it still works afterwards so I’m gonna make

The whole floor of wood no I’m gonna make the floor magma because I need to be more likely to Sprint across it when you walk through you instantly start taking damage so you freak out you go straight where you fall into the pit hole and you die this I mean there’s a

Lot going on on this one and that takes us here to our very next trap now this actually sounds fake it’s kind of like that cat one I did earlier King Arnold was known to light animals on fire and send them into battle what we’ve done here is created The Inferno mob spawn

One we can use this to essentially spawn fire mobs these fire mobs they do leave a trail of fire pretty much everywhere they go create a little mini maze in here using Hedges or in this case Moss because I feel like it’s harder to see and then release some flaming Inferno

Mobs to chase him like a mini Pac-Man match I’m trying to make this maze really confusing I feel like it’s so confusing I’m confused it looks like you come down here make a little zigzag and then you’d think you’d go there to leave but really

You go back up which to me is like weird and then the actual exit would be kind of hidden here I’m hoping that’s enough that maybe it’ll trick him and he’ll walk all the way back here to the door and again it’s a fake door all right I

Just want to embarrass him all right so then in here I would just spawn a couple of these bad boys and uh even really one of them would probably be enough all right let’s go ahead and do something that really will mess though if he manages to make it all the way through

Here this is is one of the most evil punishments that some say was worse than death so you’d be kind of Trapped in a bag with a bunch of animals they would like eat you and destroy you and bite you and poison you and pack your body

Off and rip it off as a monkey so I’m gonna create three holes and Isaac will have to choose a hole we’ll have a red hole an orange hole and a yellow hole the red hole will be located on this side the orange hole will be located

Right here and the yellow hole be located right in the back all right so we’ve got three holes with three choices to make and uh let’s go ahead and build it the dungeons below so our first hole we’re gonna have cave spiders we’re gonna have pigs and we’re going to have

Slime inside of this yellow hole is going to be the creeper Mooshroom and chicken hole so if he picks this one we’ll have to fight a battle against these characters and potentially win or die alright hole three coming in we’ve got Solar Fish bees and frogs coming in

Here who shows you guys not to call me a loser I’ll go go all out on you and if he manages to kill all the mobs that we spawn in the room without dying he’ll be crowned Victor of the giant insane impossible deathrun just to recap guys

This thing is brutal you have one single wife to survive every single one of these traps they’re all inspired by ancient traps are you ready oh I was born ready Zach can I start now three two one begin oh gosh what is that oh no I gotta get up there

Oh my God are you in god mode no it hurt but it didn’t kill me oh how many okay Magic’s taking some damage you gotta get up there bro here we go here we go dude that’s not even possible I ain’t even gonna lie guys I told you I

Didn’t touch this oh let’s see it this one’s Possible Oh you took too long oh my gosh number one all right this one won’t push manually guys here we go begin all right now this one’s a little bit more fair oh I love it how did you even do this

I didn’t even install them all we got a little something special up our sleeves today oh gosh go back go back oh all right I’m making it oh oh he just juked it all right guys on to the next one he made it through with just one

Death welcome this is uh some sort of storage room let’s see what’s going on in here okay anything in the storage no no nothing in here okay let’s look around a little bit what’s up there oh that’s Dan there’s a cat in there there’s a cat you better

Shave it to hurt it yeah okay bro fell for the cat bomb but he didn’t die all right all right he’s moved it through on to the next round oh my gosh what is this kind what kind of saw what am I even doing oh oh what’s gonna happen is he gonna die

Of course he is nope how do I get around it yeah you gotta jump it it’s not easy bro I really did think I got him on that but that’s okay wait a minute they’re sweet berries I can pick these and get health that is not the intention of

Those but I guess you can’t he’s got to find his way out of this room guys as you know designed after the defenses of the great ancestors all right it doesn’t matter Zach I’m redanning I got berries do they hurt you after you pick them oh

Yeah they do yeah they do Crouch you can Crouch to walk through them I’ll help you out with anything oh no you can’t wait where do I go though oh my God he’s gonna die dude there’s no way out do I have to walk through this

You got to get to the door how do I do that though when everything hurts me hop on the Bedrock hop on the Bedrock wait a minute I can’t jump through that yeah you can yeah you can yeah you can wow all right we’re just gonna have to

Man up and walk through this one let’s go all right Isaac makes it through Julius Caesar’s trap on to uh what’s up here a couple torches all right is that a trap chest oh yeah it was yeah it was all right it was a trap chest you’re

Right don’t mind me Zach just eating some berries dude is that even I thought that was the void it’s so dark nah it’s just a little dark Pit of Doom here uh you’re good you’re good all right get that torch out you’re gonna be able to see what oh my God

Exploding torches oh my God every time yep that wasn’t even the chest that exploded round three he’s got one life let’s go one already dude you’re not stopping me this time I’m already climbing all right we’re killing it this time now yes he did he did baby he did that’s a

Death all right I think the trick here is just to full send it how do I even all right wait a minute do I have to go down there I don’t know I think the world’s glitching what is that oh look what I just did wait what is this I don’t know

Oh did I just did I lose he’s dead dude where do I go from here this room is disgusting bro is getting Bamboozled do I have to like what he’s getting Bamboozled he’s not smart enough dude I can’t even see anything in here it’s blinding me I mean I feel like I

Have to go through the floor somehow can I just like fall through somewhere dude what is even this map how did you do this oh he found it I don’t even know what I did this one is going to be interesting folks this is The Inferno

Mob Maze of Doom Splash bottles of water Baby You’re Gonna Want to have a few of those uh good luck in this maze I do wish you the best um okay you can’t walk that is illegal you cannot it’s not my fault you build it like this right cannot be up there

Illegal okay okay I’ll go down I’ll go down all right here we go guys through the infernal maze after the infernal mob and uh that’s a doozy oh no oh my God can I kill him yeah yeah yeah did he die is he gonna kill me if I kill him no

Disgusting what yeah these are all real historical oh another one behind you you better move I don’t know bro’s running for his life right now got an infernal zombie behind him where’s he go oh my God he’s gonna miss the door oh oh there it is

Dude do I have to go through this you have to tell me right like what I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know is this gonna kill me I don’t know it might I’m gonna do it oh that’s not the answer wait it’s not hurting me though I don’t

Know why you got lucky apparently it’s not it’s not where you go though I don’t know why you’re not dying you are but definitely somehow glitching oh yeah I’m Invincible why you can’t kill me I don’t know how he’s Invincible he cheated somehow listen I know why is the fire

Not hurting me I don’t know all right on to the next one guys this one take your time take your time before you go through you must tell me which color you select red red wait but no no no based on the color is the mobs you must fight

To defeat if you defeat these mobs in the defeat chamber you will be Victory okay and you will be Victory huh you must defeat the mobs okay spider you can’t put cave spider these are the three mobs that were in here if you defeat them you will have beat the Trap course

Get out of me I just clutch that up so hard congratulations Isaac you owe me a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars but you didn’t make it through the course I’ll collect my earnings in the next episode of trading I feel like it was not fair like I’m just being honest

There’s nothing I could have done the fifth course is surprisingly won by Isaac I’m creating a giant Orange Planet which will be representative of Jupiter and inside of this entrance right here is where we’re going to start our players running through so this is the very first trap it’s from Skyrim that if

You’ve played Skyrim you know what I’m talking about the old giant spiky walls that Crush you the first thing I’d like to do though is actually create something that looks a little bit like a Skyrim dungeon and so we’re gonna go ahead and just open this room up with

The world edit wand now we’ve got this incredible location and I can actually turn it into a little dungeon all right couple small details here you got to get the chains coming down these are gonna obviously be creepy and they’re gonna have Isaac’s skull if I can get it all

Right this is the dungeon and this is now where the spike trap begins you see we’ve created custom items to replicate spike traps in Minecraft they look a little bit like this and let me show you how they disappear so when you walk over these bad boys they shoot up and kill

You you’re gonna walk through the room’s gonna look perfectly safe but secretly the entire central region here is gonna be loaded with these bad boys so take a look as you walk through this is what would happen to you but this dungeon isn’t done yet I want

To add a little bit of lava in here and make it feel a little bit creepier a little bit of depth in the walls Maybe so guys that’s my drawbridge we’ve added some details in here to make it look a little better and I want them to not be

Able to see it so what I’m going to do is add a one-way iron door that way when they walk in there’s no way for them to come back out this one is the video game Minecraft it’s a trap from Minecraft and it’s a classic painting pass message but

On this one he adds lava on the other side so that way when his friend comes along he jumps through and falls into the lava first things first I do want to create a unique room for everything so since it’s paintings I feel like we’re gonna do oak Planks on every wall that

Way it feels like you’re inside of a Minecraft base now we’re gonna do designing it like a room so it’s like a little mini base flip here here’s your bed here’s your crafting table you’re gonna have a little furnace wall over here and it’s gonna literally feel like

You have walked inside of somebody’s base I’m gonna put some more pressure plates down I’m gonna put some spikes in them just because I feel like it’ll be really funny for these guys and now let’s get some paintings in the wall obviously guys to do this you kind of

Gotta frame it put down your painting so you’ve got our painting you can now easily walk through and uh I think what’s gonna make this better is if you were to put lava immediately behind it like make it so the moment you walk through you’ve Fallen there’s no hope of

Surviving and uh I could kind of replicate this now and create multiple paintings that are all deadly in different ways we’re gonna go all the way down into pitch Blackness and uh that’s right I forgot it would take us back to regular land well we’re gonna dig a little bit deeper

And then for the last little secret trapdo before I make the real entrance I’m gonna do something that’ll embarrass them so this one’s gonna walk you through we’re gonna put a pressure plate on the floor we’re gonna put a dispenser on the floor and we’re gonna go to

Minecraft heads we’re gonna search for something embarrassing let’s do a loser head oh loser Alex I like that a lot that way every time they come into this they start with a loser Alex head I love it now for the real entrance three of

These are fake I want to make it kind of complex and difficult to solve well I think first I’m gonna add a bunch more of these paintings on the wall so now you’ve got a lot more to confuse yourself with now I need a way to get

Into the next Zone we can actually put a hoe here and then go ahead and put some grass down and then make it so if he were to hoe the grass this would reveal the secret area through it with which there will be a lever that is going to

Trigger a opening so all I got to do now is create the Redstone let’s try it does this open it of course not because it’s pulling wood and that one’s not even powered this should change to and set a button and then this is actually built incorrectly

Because it needs to pull those out so now this needs to move forward one okay we got it all fixed now that was a little bit of a small minor major issue right there but that’s okay nothing to worry about get that cleaned up so there you go folks again grab a hoe

Hoe it find the button hit it Sprint Sprint yes sir we have created something spectacular all I gotta do now is close that up and put a little bit more uh furnaces uh we’ll do something like that something like that now it looks like a nice little furnace wall and I think

It’d be even funnier if I put a little bit of stairs right here and made it look kind of like a little bit of a seating area that you could sit in now it looks like somebody is sitting here having a little bit of raw meat this

One’s pretty good the odds of them dying though seems low but that’s why we tested guys so you know the truth all right so in Sims 4 you can be eaten by a cow plant so this sucker sticks a cake out of its mouth and it literally eats

You check how crazy that is so now that we’re in the Next Room guys the first thing we’ll do is we’ll go ahead and set our walls to a lime green concrete okay inside of the piranha plants almost done now for the tongue there you go okay so the inside the

Piranha plant we need something that’ll like bait them to come in and then like actually get eaten by this sort of plant thing okay well I mean this isn’t gonna really get us closer to the goal ending but at least I can put some teeth down

In the roof there you go now you’re really inside the mouth of a piranha plant so how do we kill you obviously we need a cake so my idea right now is I believe if I put an observer underneath the cake that should give off a little

Bit of a redstone signal and I think I can use this to actually uh trigger some sort of redstone event yes now all I need to do is make it so it appears as though you have been eaten when you eat the cake so I’m gonna try

To do like something I’ve never done before and that is essentially like a double piston wingerdinger here foreign so now when you eat the cake this moves I don’t exactly know how that helps us yet but it does move and that’s fun I was thinking it would pull it down and

Then there’d be a piston like on the side over here and like this one would pull it away that’s what we’re going for so that means this same signal right here could then be pulled over I guys I don’t know I don’t know any of what I’m

Doing so we’ll bring this over to here we’ll connect that up and then in theory this would pull it but it needs to be delayed a little bit more than that one so we’re gonna add a double delayer I think it was actually two delayed let’s try that

Oh maybe it doesn’t need delayed at all can you pull Pistons with pistons can I do that is that like a thing you can check it out guys if we cover this up I think we actually somehow accidentally made this thing work okay I don’t know how to cover this the best I

Could think of is a couple trap doors okay so you come in you eat the cake didn’t work what we made actual Jaws that Eat You Alive this is the most unbelievable disgusting Redstone I’ve ever seen in my life but it gets the job done The Last of Us I’ve

Never played this game heard it was great so okay so we need a refrigerator that falls down and then pulls a chain where your foot gets caught and dangles you upside down a little bit and then I think some zombies might come and eat you I don’t know I feel like what I

Could do is like maybe like make it a solid black little entrance right here and because it’s all black you can’t really tell it’s there so it’s like a slight little secret entrance and these are in the way so we’ll break a couple of teeth now the only way you would see

It is if you actually were to look down so this is a little bit more hidden you fall down into the dark black hole here of giant Doom now we have this room that we can work from we’re gonna make this Last of Us themed I feel like a brick

Flooring is gonna look really good and then I feel like for walls we’ll do some Cobble deep sleep and now we have our room where we can start creating a weird upside down thing so when you walk in I wanted to actually feel like you’re

Upside down so the only way I can think of doing it is building things in a way in a way that feels upside down we’re gonna put some carrots down those are gonna be upside down and rods we can do seating upside down little upside down tree that comes down there you go

That’s a little something you can even put a couple bushes out there still doesn’t quite feel right so now it literally feels like you’re actually standing on top of a roof my idea here is I could create a dispenser inside that I could purchase some zombie

Eggs but these zombie eggs are going to be special zombie eggs that are pre-named for us dinner bone these dinner bone zombies will automatically come out of the dispenser upside down and so all I have to do to pull this off then is to put these right here right

Here so you fall down and then you get some upside down zombies that’ll chase you around when you’re in survival mode and you have to find the way out of this room and the way out of this room is going to be something that is very simple requiring

You to rotate two of these on this side the correct direction which will give us a big enough Redstone power in order to get out guys please don’t do anything I do at home by the way because really I’m gonna be real honest I have literally no idea what anything I’m doing is

Ah I did it well kind of so I made this so that these redstones go into a double Redstone inverter and if both of them get powered off then it will trigger the Piston to open up a secret door so then we just gotta get rid of the old window

Here and instead place it with some of this blue terracotta once I turn this Redstone off it does nothing so then I gotta come over here I gotta turn this one off as well then it opens then the secret entrance is revealed that is extremely difficult so now they’re all

Going to be triggering each other and all we have to do is walk down this beautifully made hole right here that I’ve created and guys we’re on to the next trap we’re making a poison trap in Minecraft and this poison trap is not just any it is a gas potion I think in

Order to create a gas trap like this all I need to do is take a dispenser fill this thing up with a whole bunch of splash potions now that we have this completely full already we can place another here he falls into the hole he triggers the gas chamber and I’d like

This to really just kind of gas them out and uh the beneficial thing about these bad boys is uh they will kill you there’s no way around it here’s what I’m gonna do you come in you pop down a couple of these bad boys you get that

Redstone and you do the same thing on this side all we got to do now is bring this Redstone all the way over to the corner and then if Isaac’s gonna fall out right around here then I just need to Simply create a pressure plate here

That Isaac falls into but I think we’ll do a tripwire instead that’s a little bit more exciting to me oh look it works it creates an actual functional gas chamber that’s very exciting to me we’re going to close that up and close that up and take a look here

All right so this is Demon Souls what we’re actually creating here in game I had my developer create just a demon boss this thing is so powerful it will actually kill me in creative mode I think it’s pretty simple I think all I have to do is create a giant Arena and I

Don’t know what this thing looks like I’m not even going to look until Isaac my brother comes and races through this because I literally genuinely want to see his actual reaction how many Falls in and hits that water he won’t realize that it actually leads him into another

Also be I’m gonna place it and see so I think that is the demon boss there I’m gonna just cross my fingers the demon boss works and if Isaac somehow manages to beat the demon boss then uh you know He’ll Be A Champion but I guarantee you

Won’t are you ready I think I’m gonna do this on the first try Zach I’m starting right now all right go ahead he enters into room one oh gosh what is hitting me oh bro’s getting killed by the Skyrim spike traps what is happening what all

Right he makes it to the first one with limited damage welcome to room number two did I just I’m just afraid if I walk through the wrong one it’s gonna kill me oh there’s pressure plates I was smart oh you didn’t fall for it guys whoa lava

On that one lava and that one what’s this one oh that looks pretty promising what’s down there do I have to go down there you have to tell me he’s got potentially three options here any of them could be the actual way through okay I feel like I have to go down right

We’re just gonna go for the whole all right goes for the hole here we go let’s see what happens is he right It’s gotta be there’s no water down there though or is there here we go there’s nothing down there you guys are kidding me death number one to the tally

Oh my gosh and dude literally almost killed me already off just the spike traps how do you avoid that this thing dang it this thing dang it bro he literally can’t solve our puzzles guys we’re too Elite he still has two doors he hasn’t checked which is

Interesting though oh but they just look like death you never know until you try it hold on that’s gonna put a loser head on me dude this is actually Minecraft MythBusters will this trigger it they don’t if you crouch dang it the gentlemen we got her with the baby Alex

Head look at him what a loser what a loser straight up a loser all right well he’s got one left room here and obviously he’s finally discovered that this also is not it and uh for some reason he’s immune to fire damage yes I don’t know why that’s happening it’s

Been happening since the last episode I don’t get it hey get me out of here I earned this I’m immune to fire get me out that’s my special ability all right he’s out you thought you killed me welcome to the third attempt here for old Isaac he’s now completely dumbfounded he’s tried everything

Um I’m thinking it has to do with this dirt block I’ll give you a hint okay it is something in this room of course there’s something in this room what kind of hint was that oh wait a minute maybe I have to move them both okay do they need like a certain config

Is this like a lock you’re so close to the answer yet so far okay I’m just gonna sit on it Zach I’m gonna think about it for a while All right kill me I want a hint I’m not over this I’m done death goes in the counter your tip is it has to do with the hoe oh you didn’t even tell me that dude obviously that’s what I do what’s your pair oh but where did that open where does he

Have to go guys you just you can’t do anything about a lack of skill at the end of the day he thinks to the inside of the mouth and uh wow he actually defeated that one without even trying oh why is it upside down come on

The whole room’s upside down what are we doing here okay I’ll give you credit at least you beat that last one without even hesitating the cake trap didn’t work at all I thought you’d at least try to eat it for food get him out of here

Oh my gosh I’m so good at the game right now please don’t kill me nobody else would win this but me oh no they’re getting closer how much health do they have dude I’m actually clutching this up like crazy right now oh my gosh congratulations buddy you gotta figure

Out what to do though and there’ll be a batch of two zombies you can’t keep sending them in that wasn’t even part of it that is unfortunately oh he’s literally cheating right now he’s back he’s got to figure out what to do while surviving the zombies he thinks

It’s with the carrots he’s not sure could you go down again dude there was supposed to be two zombies and now you have to spawn 15. come on buddy now I’m in the corner again because of you counter put it in let’s bring him back again hey let the people know this

Wasn’t hard enough so he had to spawn a bunch of things in oh oh he gets it he’s got to make it through he’s got to make it through crap dang it oh okay I got it open now and all the zombies died because he disappeared so Isaac go through get to

That next room congratulations are moving through walking past Chambers survive somehow that’s unfortunate why is it a dropper you’re gonna have to survive that dropper death counter goes up gonna have to hit that water okay what is that an infernal demon what what am I even playing anymore

Way do I have to kill it yes oh my gosh here’s another right sword for you you’re gonna need that it’s pretty similar to Dark Souls I’m gonna go ahead and give you a little bit of armor scattered throughout to make it a little bit more possible for you and uh we’re

Gonna see if you can survive this one oh my gosh wow what the heck am I even supposed to do dude it’s literally it doesn’t miss come on buddy come on buddy you got a full set of armor now oh my gosh okay well I got a crossbow but you didn’t

Give me arrows falling from the sky I’m immune to fire this doesn’t even do anything to me guys I’m gonna figure it out he’s done something to make fire not hurt him and yet still has died a thousand times dude oh oh man he is bad he is very bad dude

This is not me being bad this is not fair this is very fair to me I feel like we have done all that we can to make this Fair here’s an elytra for you here’s a couple of rockets I mean we’re giving you all the tricks in the book

And you’re still failing why are you putting out the fire it doesn’t even hurt you if I can’t see any items oh my this is Dark Souls level of traps Isaac here’s some potions to heal with you can take these and heal up with right there drink it quick

Drink it is there literally potions of poison this makes me very happy to see as a viewer going good buddy oh my that’s Connor keep it there come on I’m just gonna be honest like you went a little overboard with how hard this is like I didn’t think I’ve

Moved in the last minute it’s not Overkill Isaac you’re just weak I would beat this in one try come on come on come on Defcon I mean honestly my editor’s hands are getting tired right now from getting that tally going up every five seconds I mean how

Is this even fair though nobody watching this thinks this is fair he’s getting them he’s chipping them down lower and lower each time I just want to quit but dude I only have my fist you’re not giving me any swords you haven’t given me a sword in over an hour come on

Dude give me a sword I’m literally dead before I can even plug this is just so stupid he’s defeated the monster dude he killed himself I didn’t do it Isaac has finally defeated the most difficult obstacle video game course for the sixth course Isaac wins again all right so this is

Our first trap we’re gonna test it’s called the most dangerous Minecraft rail trap ever oh that’s it it just goes right into uh so you just literally have them start a minecart and go over top of water I mean to me the air over a lot

Let’s set this up with a bunch of bright colors because I feel like those will be really distracting for his ADHD brain no this one is going to take you all the way down to the bottom and then all I need to do is turn one of these to Lava

And we’re gonna see how this ends up looking so I think for us we’ll just do these two right here as lava cover this up so let’s jump in there we go obviously I gotta power those okay all right let’s try that again here we go launching it

Actually sends you too far all right here’s my solution a barrier block perfectly invisible guarantees when you go down every time you will slam dunk right into the lava and you can’t get out it’s perfect there it is that’s what we’re looking for folks that is exactly what we’re

Looking for it’s perfect let’s just bring this then all the way down to the side that way there is some possibility my brother can survive but I mean let’s be honest Guys I didn’t have to go this hard it literally looks like a giant slug it almost is like a fall guy’s map I mean this is pretty phenomenal so you got your start you got your chest we’ve got everything begging my brother to ride this straight down and die but if he

Happens to make it pass that’ll take him to area two where we have a secondary trap my team calls this the most insane TNT trap they’ve ever seen on Tick Tock guys using full armor he’s got a beacon you open up the door and you instantly die like fully absolutely get murdered

How’s this happening foreign so put that on top of an observer ah oh I I see is that it let’s go ahead and do a little test build over here ideally my brother just doesn’t see the giant amount of Destruction here but step one dig hole step two place this in

The wall really you’re pretty much done at this point if you pop that down dig out underneath and do something like this and then place these all right we’ll just do a couple here and uh let’s just open up that door now and see what happens so this is the entire trap here

We go wow so for this one I’m gonna continue with my uh Fall Guys theme coloration here let’s go ahead and just do the entire floor something exotic pink so both of these are actually going to be trapped so I’m going to try to double up on this

And make it absolutely insane so we got one there and we got one there then I put the doors on top of it so that is going to be completely invisible the rest of it bro is so freaking easy look at this I’ve never been able to cause so

Much Destruction for such little effort these are both now locked and loaded the problem is once they explode Isaac’s gonna get a lot of opportunities like every time he dies he restarts the course and goes again so I’m really worried these are gonna explode and break everything so and now what I need

To do is actually get some weird creative way for him to get past this wall oh wait I got an idea we’ll just do it the simple way I’ll just make a little invisible barrier step right here and then I’ll make one right here and then you just walk over but if you’re

That’s if you’re intelligent you’ll find that and get across bringing you to level three oh the snake fake snow landmarks you’re locking on some snow enjoying it getting the feet a little bit cold boom what just happened okay What you’re triggering a trap with a redstone ore what the problem is this one’s gonna explode and Destroy literally everything so in order to prevent that from happening we’re gonna go ahead and dig her down here and go ahead and set this to obsidian all right then we can cover

It in I guess snow everywhere and then try to build this bad boy you do this at the top these two are right next to each other I don’t really know exactly what I’m doing but I know that they connect and this comes down and that should

Extend okay okay that extends on to another redstone block I’ll do some crying obsidian from my little crybabies out there watching today and then it seems to be now I’m going to personally leave this uncovered uh wow that triggered but I forgot to put down the Redstone rail so it’s kind of a

Blessing in disguise there that one uh because that would have destroyed everything so I’m not exactly sure why that triggered to be honest I wonder if that destroyed everything around it oh oh no no dude it blew up the first trap it blew up the second trap oh my God I Blew Up The Rail everything is ruined we’re changing our second trap all right I’m not doing it anymore let’s try potion rain

So you’ve got your regular door you push a button to walk through and the redstone torch on the other side is connected to a redstone torch ladder which is then connected to a dropper full of deadly potions okay Ocean rain okay so we have a door here a birch button because you all told me that was your favorite button previously and then uh I I’m gonna try to do this from memory looks like we had a redstone porch here that laddered up that turned

It off and then there was a wall of three and then the dispenser was right above it in this particular location I think we’ll do poison too I I just you know Two Is Better Than One personally that’s just enough for me let’s go ahead and give her a little tester here

Okay then all we have to do is create a couple of fake doors but one of them is going to be real so we’ll make this one real we’ll make another fake door here turns out I just gave it doors now folks bam all right in theory every one of these

Doors is now locked and loaded guaranteeing murdered all right every one of them will kill him when he walks through except for one this is my most overpowered trap I’m gonna get people to chase me up the staircase and fall in this cauldron of lava you may think that they’ll just be

Able to jump out but I put honey block under the cauldrons which makes them stick into the cold sticky lava genius absolutely genius that’s gonna be really interesting to add into our little door design here I don’t know we did one two three five doors this time we’ll do six

We’ll up it each one of these is going to get the lava trap now the thing is how do we get him to actually walk inside of this and fall into it once he comes to the door that is uh to be determined I’m cooking let me cook let me cooking

No don’t let me cook unless they were a little bit hidden and you didn’t see it when you walked out the door because the pink looks like it connects and Bam you fault do you see that look the shadow of this pink here matches the shadow pink

There and it literally disappears I just created an accidental optical illusion so you walk in the center of this to get your diamond and then you get stuck because the puffer fish below starts poisoning you with the trap doors go up and you can’t jump out because of the poison you can’t

Break either it’s actually not a bad trap at all I want to go ahead and see if I can pull off a couple of these bad boys so it was like a slab water again puffer fish and then slab on we’ll go ahead and use all Crimson here for the most part

Something like that it’s another thing when you step on it there you go and then you’ve seen a little roof spot so when you walk into it bam you’re dead So I think the only way to really get him to fall for this is to think a little bit more creatively one of those ways would be to maybe make the entire roof out of these slabs here because then they won’t stand out as much as

Being a trap and look more natural so I can post a couple of these randomly around I think breaking up the shape is a little bit important because you can clearly see these pluses everywhere so maybe by like breaking it up a little it won’t quite look so obvious like I’ve

Stepped in a few now it’s not it’s not the worst it’s not the worst I wouldn’t say it’s the best job I’ve ever seen before but given what we’re working with it’s probably the best you can do with the Trap like that so we’ll see how that actually performs for us strap is

Illegal if you jump down you’re gonna notice that chest spawn that’s because in Minecraft if you’re 50 blocks away from a chest you can’t see it what so if you’re 50 blocks away from a chest you can’t see it I’ve never heard of that before I want to try that let’s Dig

Down 50 blocks and see all right so in theory This Is 50 and then right next to it we’ll go down one more and that’s going to be 51 we’re gonna see if that one next to it disappears we get up top wait look it does disappear okay let’s try this I’m

I’m probably around like 65 75 blocks deep definitely not 50 but let’s see if it disappears at the top now oh look at that I was one off I was one off it means I have to go all the way down just to push this one single block

Deeper to try this thing out so we’ll try it one more let’s do chest the whole way the water goes well below it all right so these actually gonna be floating in the air the water goes below it to the point where you can’t even reach the

Water because it’s so far below it so something like this and then we’ll do a ladder wall back in this corner and this is what you’re gonna grab to reach the next phase of this build so the ladder wall is going to go right here that is

That is there all right completely clear so then you’re gonna jump down you’re gonna hold against the wall snag the ladder and literally with seconds to spare survive I’ll make this a little bit taller and if you survive you’ll be able to walk into the new secret room which will be here which

Will lead you to the next level all right this is a weird trap I want to try and basically the guy jumps in the water places a lily pad and then jumps out and the reason that he does this is because if he doesn’t Place it’ll keep falling

Through the water and apparently fall through the world into the void so I’m gonna do an area like this with a tiny little window you can jump in this has to go all the way down to the void so if you have water here that leads to the

Void and you fall down into it you die there’s no way to escape that trap okay so he walks in he sees this he jumps down and thinks that he’ll Survive by hitting water but it’s so fast you literally are guaranteed death the only way to survive this then is to place a

Lily pad but the issue is that if you place a lily pad and hit the water from this height you are guaranteed to die from Fall damage so what I need to actually do then is allow him to slowly climb down and do something like this

So that should be fine so if you were then to take a lily pad alright and place that on the water before you die then you can make it out alive that is the only way to make it through all right now all I have to do is wait until

He logs on the server and I’ll be able to use this trap on him to see if he can survive guys I just got Isaac online right before he left to go to his job and I’m gonna go ahead and absolutely ruin his day here the rules are simple

You can’t break anything you can’t leave the boundary of the course and you’re allowed to open chests and Gates and that is it dude I’m ready can I go time begins now if you by the way by the way by the way I’ll offer this right now if

You can beat this without dying once I’ll give you a million bucks and trade up easy easy right now my car I’m not even gonna take the minecart that’s a trap oh I was so right wow oh my gosh I literally said that all right all right

Get to the first one good job good job checkpoint has been satin guys I’m gonna give him checkpoints okay what’s this way you’re not supposed to go through there that’s that’s not allowed man this is sloppy course let me just say that right now The heck how did you not die whoa what’s your health at one I only lost a heart there dude I had quick reflexes I backed up in time like a cat is it potentially true that the obsidian stopped him from taking damage maybe but that’s okay you

Still got to make it through this difficult jump here is this even possible to get across them yeah it is not a possible job oh you know what I’m not even gonna count that you’re just a noob go ahead come here hold on I don’t even think that’s possible ready right ready hold

On yeah no no it’s literally impossible whatever whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look at this thing oh it’s empty now though he didn’t fill it up very much ah I did I did you were supposed to walk through it okay so far literally none of these are working

Every single one is failed bro dude I’m going so fast so fast let’s just get through I literally cannot believe this oh my God yeah that’s it got him he died he died that is not the move wait is this actually a thing yeah

This is a trap jump in the water do you see water yeah I did that’s why I jumped out but then like where am I supposed to go here’s a little tip chest don’t render that’s right so how do I get down though you got to go and find out you’re

Gonna find out oh I see this ball until oh I see I see it oh what’s that oh I mean to be honest though this one’s a little unfair this is just like fall and like hope you feel in the right spot All is fair and Love and War Isaac and This

Is War Moving on to the next face here guys this one’s gonna be a little bit challenging for my brother uh we’ll see how he does on this I’m very excited for this one I mean I carry the withered rose on my off hand okay that’s cool yeah all right bucket was there water

Down here can I get the water oh I got water no no no no no not allowed not a lot once you pass the course you can’t go back into it oh my God so many rules you’re just making up you’re good all right all right here we go

Collect the water which he wasn’t supposed to do that is so funny bro here I go back already he’s coming down for more he’s thinking about it these ladders are here for something all right all right he’s looking good what’s he gonna do just gotta hop in that water

Dude is it even possible oh my gosh yes sir yes sir Guys these last two traps are fire Isaac literally has gone through this one two times this is even a trap this is like fall through the bottom of the world like how would you even do that in survival this is attempt

Number three now to get through this one he is so confused oh I don’t have any health left this and I have to follow the way down you’re good I have no Hearts you’re good It’s not even possible folks I want you to know this is the most unfair challenge ever well I’ve been thinking oh my God take it down again Isaac did you collect every item from the chest maybe there’s something you haven’t seen yet that might assist you uh sapling or

A splash potion of poison you want me to place a lily pad you gotta be kidding me oh I’m finally yes Let’s see there he does it bang congratulations Isaac on making it through with only five or six deaths here’s the total death counter and for our final course number seven Isaac wins

This video, titled ‘I Tested Minecraft’s Top 100 Traps’, was uploaded by LoverFella on 2023-09-02 19:00:09. It has garnered 60220 views and 1484 likes. The duration of the video is 01:39:59 or 5999 seconds.

💖 My Server IP: play.loverfella.com (java only) 🌳 My Socials: https://linktr.ee/zachspangler 🧠 Submit Your Video Idea to be Featured: bit.ly/LoverFellaIdeas

Thanks for watching friends! I try to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:00PM Eastern time. See you next time 😎

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    GIRL TRANSFORMS INTO SCARY MONSTER PRANKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into OP SCARY GIRL To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-01-29 01:45:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET CREEPYPASTA TREVOR HENDERSON BOSSES and then I pranked my friend as … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_Gamer

    Unleashing Chaos: MINECRAFT Survival Part 1 with Combo_GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Survival Series Part #1 @Combo_Gamer’, was uploaded by Combo_Gamer on 2024-04-20 03:25:00. It has garnered 21 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. Survival series Part #3 MINECRAFT Survival Series minecraft survival series minecraft survival series 1.20 minecraft survival series first episode minecraft survival series cookie god minecraft survival series ldshadowlady minecraft survival series pe minecraft survival series multiplayer minecraft survival series bedrock edition minecraft survival series thumbnail minecraft survival series duo minecraft survival series best house minecraft survival balkan minecraft survival series best seed minecraft survival… Read More

  • Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!

    Survive Minecraft Villager Zombies with Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager civilization survive from zombie apocalypse #minecraft#shorts#minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ZombieMattyClips-Minecraft & Roblox on 2024-01-10 09:08:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Zombie Family:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-NZUADhEnrOGvMSmms4-0Q Subscribe to Zombie Matty: … Read More

  • Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱

    Intense Cryospace Chaos Unleashed on CBSMP! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Chaos On The CBSMP’, was uploaded by Cryospace on 2024-03-11 19:00:23. It has garnered 3519 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • “Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!” 🦆💙😱

    "Duck Finds Portal to 2024 in Minecraft! Subscribe now!" 🦆💙😱Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #2024 #подпишись 🦆💙😑’, was uploaded by утка@24 on 2024-05-23 04:37:41. It has garnered 340 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 – The Wither Storm ep 10: The End… or is it? 🤯

    Unleash chaos with the Minecraft Story Mode Editor🔥🅥 - The Wither Storm ep 10: The End... or is it? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The wither storm ep 10 The End Or is it….? Part 1’, was uploaded by TheMinecraftStoryModeEditor🔥🅥 on 2024-03-24 21:37:37. It has garnered 45 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:41 or 221 seconds. welcome everyone today your on the minecraftstorymodeedtiorchannel a channel that does minecraft gaming and editing and fun stuff like modding minecraft and playing every minecraft game and minecraft story mode and etc anyway’s hope you have fun on the channel see ya my friends and enjoy your time here #virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming… Read More

  • Camdeeno’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!

    Camdeeno's HILARIOUS Minecraft Speedrun FAILS!Video Information This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Camdeeno on 2024-06-01 14:16:37. It has garnered 151413 views and 2952 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:29 or 989 seconds. The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… Today, I present to you, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…” This video contains some… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!

    Mind-Blowing FREE Mods for Minecraft Xbox/PS5!Video Information This video, titled ‘Reviewing Every FREE Mod For Minecraft Xbox / PS5’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-02-23 17:07:31. It has garnered 367859 views and 5962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:30 or 2010 seconds. I downloaded every FREE Mod that Minecraft currently has Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 0:32 – Add-On 1: Spark Pets 6:24 – Add-On 2: Hiker’s Friend 12:42 – Add-On 3: Dragonfire Lite 17:56 – Add-On 4: More TNT! 25:29 – Add-On 5: Gravestone 28:03 – Add-On 6: All The Wool 28:37 – Add-On 7: Another Furniture 33:05 – Outro If you liked… Read More

  • VitalCraft Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 +20 whitelisted Survival Towny Economy Mature No-Reset

    VitalCraft VitalCraft Server Information VitalCraft is a +20 Minecraft community server with extensive towny/economy plugins that enhance gameplay. Launched on May 10th, 2024, we focus on a SMP style with unique jobs, roles, and more for a real society experience. Community events are organized on our Discord server, everyone can contribute! To join, whitelist and apply on Discord: Join Discord and go to #Town-and-Nations channel. Server Address: – 1.20.4 Java edition. TL;DR – What we’re About: Mature community of adults, accepting anyone +20 Constantly introducing new ideas, goals, and events Super friendly environment Brand new gameplay Features: Dynmap Discord… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet!

    Sigma Brainrot: Hotter than a Skibiditoilet! When you’ve been playing Minecraft for so long that you start seeing creepers in real life and trying to mine diamonds with your toothbrush. #SigmaBrainrot #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank

    Helping Piszta in Minecraft Prank Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers players a unique sandbox experience where they can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to exploring vast landscapes, Minecraft has something for everyone. Building Masterpieces In Minecraft, players have the freedom to build anything their imagination desires. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, the possibilities are endless. With a wide array of blocks and materials to choose from, players can let their creativity run wild and create stunning masterpieces. Exploring the World… Read More

  • 100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin

    100 Days in Scariest Minecraft Cabin The Haunting Adventure in Minecraft Hardcore Embark on a spine-chilling journey as you join a brave Minecraft player surviving 100 days in the scariest cabin in the woods in Minecraft Hardcore mode. This thrilling adventure will test your survival skills as you face terrifying monsters and uncover the mysteries lurking in the haunted forest. Surviving the Unknown Our protagonist, accompanied by a friend, finds themselves in a cabin deep within the haunted woods, where they are not alone. The Evolved Cave Dweller and The Silence are just some of the monsters that will haunt them every night. As they… Read More

  • 🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥

    🚨Zoonomaly Infection Survival in Minecraft!🧟‍♂️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TeeVee on 2024-04-24 11:00:39. It has garnered 31487 views and 982 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:53 or 2753 seconds. Surviving the ZOONOMALY INFECTION in Minecraft! TeeVee slowly becomes the Zoo Keeper from Zoonomaly and needs to find a cure before its too late! 📺 The video is inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash, Nico, Ethobot and Slime Block! TeeVee is a channel rated E for Everyone, making funny Minecraft content such as Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But, Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft animations and more!… Read More

  • Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in Minecraft

    Sneaky Collab with Meno Ibuki in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Collab】Minecraft【PRISM Project】’, was uploaded by Meno Ibuki / 伊吹めの [PRISM Project] on 2024-03-08 06:39:03. It has garnered 779 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:16 or 12016 seconds. I’m IbukiMeno! Nice to meet nyo~! 🐉 Welcome to my stream! would you like to be one of my precious collections? https://schedule.prismproject.jp Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/menoibuki/tip Please follow these rules to ensure a safe and fun stream: 1. Be nice to other viewers. Do not spam, troll or argue with each other.🐉 2. Do not engage with spammers or trolls. Please block and report… Read More

  • “Dronio’s Minecraft World – EPIC Surprise Await!” #drone #minecraft #surprise

    "Dronio's Minecraft World - EPIC Surprise Await!" #drone #minecraft #surpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Канал A4 в Minecraft – блестит улыбками и радостью. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-08 15:15:02. It has garnered 851 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Adventure with Dylan&James!

    Insane Minecraft Server Adventure with Dylan&James!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring My Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by Dylan&James on 2024-03-19 22:04:25. It has garnered 475 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Read More


    SECRET FIRETANGLE ALEXA MINI GAMES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Games Minecraft murderer mystery Bed wars’, was uploaded by Firetangle Alexa on 2024-04-26 18:00:16. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Read More

I Tested Minecraft’s Top 100 Traps