I Trapped YouTubers in a BATTLE DOME…

Video Information

I invited five of the biggest YouTubers to play Minecraft battle though there are two teams of three players and they must protect their flag at all costs everyone has 20 minutes to collect everything they need before we fight so if you do enjoy this video then please consider subscribing it is completely

Free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind also if you like these videos with a ton more YouTubers then be sure to leave a like to let me know and I’ll do it again alright enjoy the video three two one boom we’re going the time has started

Everyone go we’re going we’re going oh we’re going okay okay that was abrupt okay how does this version of Minecraft work what are we on 1.18 what do we do on this one basically it’s very hilly okay that’s all you need to know is that the only new thing oh Leafs gives you

Sticks when was the last time you played Michael what version did you last play thank you no you’re not filling me with hope right now I’m not gonna lie what’s the plan guys we probably should punch the trees that I hear that’s step one always okay whatever sorry 1.18 I get

Ahead of myself a little bit yeah don’t get ahead of yourself that’s step one there’s not many trees here can I have some of your tree yeah okay sure yeah I’ll I’ll share my tree with Captain Sparkles thank you I appreciate that man I think our bet is to just surround that

With obsidian and then they have to have a diamond pick to get it basically see I thought of another plan we could also like build it slightly off center so they think it’s in the center but it’s actually like a little bit ahead so then they’ll break through it and it’s not

There oh okay okay I like that yeah I like that as well that’s good I think guys we should definitely try and get obsidian if we can to cover our world no we should we should just like Focus entirely on surrounding the block with obsidian like that should be our entire

Play that would be really big what’s the deal with food do we have to like cook our own food and everything no no there’s food at the center you just go grab a snack there’s also an enchantment table which we’re not allowed to a mind that has to stay there oh my goodness

It’s all coming back to me I might go tease him a little bit I’ll throw that guys I’m gonna go make him chase me over I’m gonna waste some of their time I’m trying to look for some iron now there’s lots of lava ah there’s iron that’s like

Across the way I see a little bit oh boys hello he’s in our area get him get him get him it was a joke it’s a joke I’m on my side now I’m on my side I don’t take jokes lightly I’m sorry it was just a joke Jack you stay on your

Side too oh that’s fairly deep can I meet that this will either be very impressive or very embarrassing it’s like a dropper map I failed Scott are you okay it’s fine it’s fine I was attempting a dropper map oh god you watch yourself over there you probably don’t give me any lit I’m

Watching myself um you guys are pathetic okay you bloody you know get him good yes I hit him oh okay yeah you know I’m not risking it you’re wasting my time I don’t need you hello hello oh hey Jordan sorry we got distracted and Chase wisp

Yeah no you go it’s great well the good news is Vic we’ve got the inside knowledge okay because we know how much time we have if this is true and we have Mitch time as well I mean I’m in control of the time so it’s whisp time now

Perfect so we got just as long as we we want to find some diamonds and give us an extra 10 minutes that’s fine exactly that’s how it works is anyone keeping track of time because I’m certainly not time is just a construct what he said you know we can travel through it and

That should I just try and find diamonds quickly I mean you could we and then we’ll make a pickaxe and everything will be great if we can just find them nice and quick Jacob I’m always nice and quick so that is your specialty that is my specialty I hear okay I’m gonna

Message Scott is he okay I just see him dying and stuff are you okay I messaged him where’s my stuff oh here hitboxes are on my fits went into the lava hasn’t it I’m very upset wait where’d you find diamonds in 1.18 is it still y11 or do

You have to go deeper you go down deeper you go you go very very deep but but they can be just like out there and easy to find as long as we all have at least minimum for lion armor then we’ll be okay let’s go let’s go let’s go ah I’m a

Fight too Jack oh I may die you may die you guys should probably not where is the water uh it’s over over in that direction there’s literally water right here literally right here how are you missing the water all right look come on we’re not judging anyone’s performances today no I am

Judging you and harshly I struggle with performance issues come on you know that Jack I do know about his performance issues oh wait wait what is this this is yeah raw iron raw iron yeah it’s basically iron ore A lot’s changed Vic welcome back I’m gonna have to retitle

This video I I brought a Minecraft plan from the path into the future I revived Minecraft veterans ah right we’re digging down what’s our what’s our elevation 10 okay down we go we’re just going for the straight down you as a Minecraft veteran suggesting the one big rules broken you’re just going straight

Down wait Scott’s here oh I see him I am not and you’re ashamed you can’t dare to me laughs maybe you should go check on what they’re doing oh yeah oh he’s dead again really I don’t think they’re I don’t think they’re accomplishing much if I’m being honest with you I don’t think

They’re doing too much but you might as well make sure let me take a sneak peek over their side don’t have much to lose to be fair you know I’m gonna be smarter about it I know me being smart new things 2022 we try new things and the

Way I’m gonna be smart is I’m just gonna break this how do you uh how do you keep falling to your death it’s not falling I mean it turned into a dropper map there was like one hole of water down there and I kept thinking I could make it I’m

Glad that we we sent our zombie out to get you and you started mocking us so oh that it worked it was it was great he did a good job okay I’m gonna go now okay how are you feeling I’m feeling like a winner right now confident I’m

Not worried at all Vic hasn’t played Minecraft in seven months Scott is uh well I mean you’ve seen the chat I’ve seen the chat I think we’re good we just gotta get that obsidian and we’re set and I’m failing to jump across a simple block oh there we are Rusty we’re Rusty

As Nails what if we can we go up on the same block to like so we can keep the blocks I suppose okay let’s do this we just have to jump at the same time we just have to jump okay okay one two three jump

Yes yes there we go look at that look at this oh maybe we just take the island maybe we just bought the bullet with this one we tried Vic I found diamonds okay do you need nice good it’s good I found at least five

Okay we got this yeah here we go this is it they’re all gonna be terrified of me we’re hitting with the park I think that’s what the Minecraft people say nowadays wait he’s got diamonds damn it yo what’s my team doing why haven’t they found diamonds I’m up here dealing with

Mobs imagine not having diamonds imagine dying all the time to mobs man shut your mouth I see his name tag I’m getting him cool don’t kill me I think we’re all forgetting that you did just die three times I also have Phil iron nose well guess what

He’s got you there Scott he’s got you there oh my goodness how will I ever recover oh wait I don’t care all right oh Diamonds dimondes the up and Vic you king that’s what I’m talking about Vic’s got diamonds too unless kit just gave them to him they’re not together all

Right shut up Scott get out my head you’re playing mind games Scott and I don’t respect it no definitely not together I don’t hold respect for you when you lie I’m not lying that’s the funny thing yeah that’s what a liar would say literally just one I’ve been

Scammed this is the worst Hall of Lou ever okay 12 minutes left wait 12 oh this is not good 12 minutes left oh my God we are so completely and utterly not ready we don’t even have the ability to get obsidian oh my God how much obsidian

Do I need yeah it’s six okay I need six to completely cover it this is how we win this is how we win Scott is that you hello hello why are you in the other side of the wall oh no no no no how it’s

All the way down to bed look I don’t know how you’ve done this see there’s a ravine over here if you’re if you’re interested yes very much so uh okay well come on down oh God the creeper oh all right uh-huh that skeleton shot me as I jumped okay just jump into the

Water you got this this was incredibly unlucky oh it’s night time oh okay I’m safe I’m safe hello hello oh I’m so lonely do we need iron and diamonds yeah let’s just get iron let’s just get I guess we can start start smelting it what if we bait them onto

Our side and then we can kill them and take their diamonds yeah I mean that’s a great idea if we can actually PVP them I have incredible PVP I’m glad because I don’t I’ll say that I do when they come over here I’ll try to look really

Powerful but I actually don’t it’s all right you always look powerful King okay I don’t know where I am anymore so I am gonna go down to my little spot down here I’m gonna put down my furnaces seven minutes okay let’s get this iron cooking just so we don’t have to wait

For it that was always a struggle back in the day seven minutes and we don’t have diamonds we also have no way of protecting our thing yeah I never have my thing unprotected so we need to get this sorted we always use protection okay Scott I think as it’s just a sword

Only Rule no axes okay I’m gonna make a diamond sword and I think we need to stop protecting this boy because look what I’ve got I did this for you okay how much did you get six to go all the way around it look at you I don’t mess

Around I did that for you you’re my boy okay I’ll protect you with my life I even got deep sleep because I was like that takes a while to break oh good shout okay I also got us four string and a bow so we’re all gonna have some

Arrows and stuff okay though I’m taking this seriously Scott oh yeah look at this I’m just trying to like quickly place and cover the edges in case they see with five minutes left on the Scott clock on the clock what no I didn’t mean

To say [ __ ] I didn’t mean to oh no five minutes well this is this is awful oh it’s getting close yeah not not great not great we just need Vic to come up surface because he’s got lapis so we can all get enchanted good boys locked in in

The dungeon oh my goodness is that a god Apple what do we even do with such a powerful thing oh my goodness oh Diamond Simon Simon’s huge there’s at least two even if there is three do we have enough time to get obsidian though it’s gonna

Be rough wait how much do we need we realistically need minimum six right oh yeah yeah we’re good we got three perfect okay let’s go do that right now oh Vic hello uh hello where are you I’m a long way underground I’m underneath here somewhere I closed up there’s an

Abandoned mine shaft down here no wait I got string and everything yes okay cool cause I’ve been collecting stuff for arrows oh you King Vic I’ve got a god Apple by the way oh by Vic yes okay this is perfect is that even allowed like

Yeah of course it is big I make the rules back in our day it used to be like that’s kind of like messed up if you would make that well do you know what you can’t craft anymore so for you to find that you deserve to eat it to stop

You from eating that would just be a sin it’s like when you find an A5 Wagyu steak on the floor that’s perfectly seared on the edge what yeah exactly it doesn’t happen big exactly we’ve not done anything to cover their will which is good for us okay and while I have

Time I’m going to very quickly do some enchanting oh I just had a great idea uh surface lava it might be slightly on their side but oh it’s divided in half do we bait them uh slight problem they’re full iron with enchantments so ah get him get him get him get him get

Him you touched that man and I will break every bone in your body my body’s so cool though guys they look kind of stunned I’m not gonna lie yeah I know there there might be slight issues no Jordan you watch out what you do to the

Captain man I’ve got you a power one bow Scott there you are take that I I oh I almost got it you were nowhere near oh my goodness yeah do you guys want to enchant anything yeah we probably should let me give you lapis here you go he

Says lapis what do you what do you want me to say lapis I would call it lapis that just sounds like you’re talking about piss wait did you say I swear that’s not a swear word that’s just a bodily function piss is definitely a swear word you guys have weird

Definitions of swears you’re saying a swear man stop no I need a new teammate now I’m sorry I can’t I can’t be having this okay I got a thing I got a thing I got a question okay go ask the question the captain’s sworn I don’t know what to do

Oh no childhood is ruined it ruined it he said piss oh you can spank him you have my permission Jack I might just that’s unacceptable that is unacceptable I’ll be back after spanking him yeah very good the captain I’m supposed to spank you now You’re a Rat I didn’t even

Swear you swore and I can’t have that happen do you know what actually you know what I’m gonna do um if you give me a bit of hood I’ll make a secret chest with extra gear so if anyone dies they can go and get the extra gear and then

Come back in oh yeah yeah clever clever clever why isn’t your gear Enchanted Oh shoot no the timer Oh no just go we’ll defend you will protect you I will protect you or protect you we’ll protect you time is up everyone time is up time

Is up it is now PVP oh are they pushing over oh they’re coming are they coming I don’t know I think they are do we jump them while they’re not ready uh I don’t think we’re ready why’d they not have hats on they don’t have hats like is

This it is it happening is it all Happening Now distract them boys distract them I’m about to crank some Nikes on UVic yeah exactly run away come on Jordan you want to go you want to tussle not particularly Jordan you have nothing I know that’s the problem Jack you kill

Vic and you will regret that for the rest of your life why why will I surely you guys should back off like why are you being so aggressive say goodbye to your chances of getting into the side man oh no oh dude yeah exactly exactly

Run from me I got you got you oh no no this is actually about this but yes Vic saved my life like surely you guys should back up no I should not get it get him oh geez Jago I’m watching you you will die you will die you leave me

Alone we will just kill you will you Vic will you you think you have the skills I’m Rusty bro you ever hear that one before you seem highly confident for someone who hasn’t played Minecraft in six months don’t you dare touch him oh come on nope oh how’s this Shield

Shenanigans work what the oh I’ll get used to it he doesn’t know yeah exactly he doesn’t understand anything oh dear yes oh God what has happened I got overly confident I’m gonna admit get it no no no no no oh God what yes I killed me at two hits we’re going for

Him we’re going fine oh God let him go Mercy okay fine fine oh Jack come here you little man look at him trying to drag on some fans wait where’s Scott okay you have a ravine which makes this this especially with skeletons oh wow I would very much like to not be

On fire no I just need to take a minute I have their will wait what Scott’s got it what did he win if we killed him that done wait oh whoa whoa I now feel slightly weird about this fight yeah bye Jordan mother trucker God dang it no and you can’t respawn

Jiggle wait we can’t respawn I have your will they broke a wall why why are you giving hands I’m just giving hands of animals are in one heart I’ll be honest you’ve got it you’ve got it go go they don’t start a chance do we have to bring it back yeah yeah we’ve

Got to place it next to us we’ve got to place it next to ours oh we’ll stop them please Jack Jack bro well I tried this is bullying dude this is bullying I cannot believe he just snuck up behind me and loved me that’s just Bad Manners

That was cheap I’m never gonna forget this I’m back to try Jack oh no accidentally dropped some armor there I can’t believe you did that we might as well just let them keep respawning at this point this has been a disaster did you want to give them the eye some day

Do you want to give them a Lifeline yeah here you go mate here’s what I found earlier oh talk team tactics and come back later wait what on Earth what is happening right now they’re making me go talk team tactics because I’m not doing very well wait wait come over here Diego

I want to talk to you I want to talk to you am I about to be killed no no come over here we’re about to have a two order one immediate saying Vic back up hey you talk to him again like that I’ll kill you myself all right I’ll kill you

Right now hey hey I’m kidding okay okay I’m kidding I’m willing to offer you a Lifeline that is yours what’s mine did you give him our secret chest oh Diego we have your flag okay losers we’re still gonna win what did you use the god Apple yet no I

Gave it to them because I felt so bad you gave it to them we feel awful okay I was trying not to fight behind you behind you oh I’m sorry please don’t dive not to a player the struggling fighting spiders we have nothing to worry about we can watch them

Kill themselves if we stand back and enjoy they’re done they’ve basically given us some pity take that Jack so now you have an enchanted sword thank you who’s best with Beau I’m okay that’s the confidence I need here’s a bow and one Arrow wow thank you do you have an iron

Like for a shield Shields are kind of important oh my God okay it’s raining iron I have 10 stacks of iron now what guys there’s actually this uh special uh craft I just did that’s a crazy plug-in man seems legit seems legit that’s I don’t know it just appeared we play

Minecraft but it rains iron sorry I know I’m just I’m just I’m just doing something I’m just doing something quite funny oh wait I’ve just I’ve given them a lifeline and we’re still gonna win we did already give them a god apple as well like well I just gave Diego 2 000

Iron let’s just go let’s just go come here boys they’re charging at us they’ve given us the time and we can’t do more Jacob you’re mine wait what get back here get back here boy that’s not good that’s not good admittedly not good are you sure it

Feels pretty good for me I’m sorry I have to be this way God dang it I’m sorry oh okay you’ve lost a teammate you’ve lost a teammate ah oh how did that feel Scott not great oh no no no no no no no this is bad this

Is bad come here come here no no no no okay I’m running I’m running oh no Vic dude actually need help yes yes yes oh oh no come here oh no no why did we give them a Lifeline yeah how’s it feel Scott I’m immune to fire now Scott

Okay I missed that [ __ ] the biggest crit of all time and I missed it I’ll be honest what are you gonna do Scott I was hoping that would tell him well I guess I’ll just stroll through here that was the easiest fight in my

Life hey hey no no no no no no Jack Vicks on me where’s Jack guess I better get back to The Fray I’m needed in The Fray guess they need me back in The Fray The Fray I’m needed there guess where I’m headed oh wait The Fray sometimes I’ll be saying words

Leave me alone You do not kill Vic you understand me I’ll protect him with my life I’m fine I whoa that is a powerful bow yes I animated him oh my what go go we got this we got this everything is fine leave me alone yes I animate him what

He’s dead he’s dead he’s dead we got him we got him we got him hi did you have fun getting back up it wasn’t that hard unlike me who is no no stop it I will just kill you I’m just I’m just going to what waste of

My time oh no Scott has got that yes oh no no this is bad hey man okay yes well that’s not okay I wasn’t actually alive yeah we gotta do it you ready to die I’ll kill you and then Jack I’ll do it oh don’t think oh

Yes let’s go we’ve just got to kill Jack we’ve just got to kill Jack wait I need to get to your wall hold on Jack’s getting a little flag oh no oh my God he’s crazy but that’s our where’s your wool yeah it’s down there oh you’re joking really I don’t [Applause]

I don’t think he ate that thing the thing that does the bad things yeah the god Apple come on we got him we got him I’ve got a ball I’ve got a bow yes that was embarrassing I’m calling cheats we’re not having this no no that was all

Fair in Love and War my friends ah I could do it still if I try don’t you dare and you’re done

This video, titled ‘I Trapped YouTubers in a BATTLE DOME…’, was uploaded by Wisp on 2022-02-06 18:15:03. It has garnered 798554 views and 48083 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:27 or 1167 seconds.

I Trapped Jack Manifold, Vikkstar123, CaptainSparklez, Smajor, and Jagster in a MINECRAFT BATTLE DOME CHALLENGE… it was absolutely hilarious.

Follow My Socials: ∘ Twitter – @wispexe ∘ Instagram – @wispexe ∘ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/wisp​​​ ∘ Discord – https://discord.gg/wisp​​​

Friends: Jagster – @MrJagsterS Jack – @JackManifoldTV Vikk – @Vikkstar123HD Scott – @Dangthatsalongname Sparklez – @CaptainSparklez

Edited by @Kooleyy

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    Haunted Seed: Mystery of Kailash ParvatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mystery of Ronakpur: The Haunted Seed” mystery of kailash parvat’, was uploaded by STAR KING AR BOY on 2024-03-20 07:55:30. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:02 or 182 seconds. Mystery of Ronakpur: The Haunted Seed” mystery of kailash parvat seed in hindi seed part 2 seed in minecraft https://www.facebook.com/ahmed.bro.980967?mibextid=ZbWKwL https://www.instagram.com/3d__anime_?igsh=dnhxYTFyamFwYnN2 ranakpur temple ranakpur jain temple ranakpur dham mystery of love mystery of antarctica mystery of the world mystery of db cooper mystery of kailash parvat mystery of love sufjan stevens mystery of flight 571 mystery of… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But If I Take Damage Challenges Swaps… #mcaddon #minecrafthindi #shorts’, was uploaded by TM GAMING 5M on 2024-01-08 01:00:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft But If I Take Damage Challenges Swaps… #mcaddon #minecrafthindi #shorts. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure – Day 9 Live Stream 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure - Day 9 Live Stream 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival ⛏️ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places🤩🔥| Day 9 -| Live Stream 🔴’, was uploaded by Jeet Plays on 2024-01-17 17:06:18. It has garnered 68 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:17 or 11417 seconds. Minecraft Survival ⛏️ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places🤩🔥| Day 9 -| Live Stream 🔴 minecraft live #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcjava #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #minecraftsmp ______________________________________________________________ My Social Media Handles….👇👇 Join Our Discord Server📈😁 : https://discord.com/invite/RpSNtNQzuq Follow Me Now On Instagram ➡ https://www.instagram.com/jeet_plays/ Follow Me On Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/jeet_plays 🙂 ___________________________________________________________________________ IF INTERESTED… Read More

  • INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! 😂 | Minecraft Shorts

    INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! 😂 | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trolling in fb fights;) #minecraft #troll #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Just void on 2024-04-04 18:28:26. It has garnered 894 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraftpvp #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #pvp #minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftsurvival #minecraftonly #funny #minecraftpe #minecraftdaily #skywars #minecrafters #youtube #freethenipplemovement #minecraftbedrock #zovax #fortniteitiemshop #freevbucks #hypixel #minecraftideas #minecraftbuild #fortniteskins #ps #minecrafter #mcpe #gaming #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 100 Day Challenge Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft 100 Day Challenge Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘BOYFRIEND vs GIRLFRIEND Minecraft ONE BLOCK 100 Day Challenge!’, was uploaded by RageElixir on 2024-01-18 01:00:07. It has garnered 102003 views and 4079 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:42 or 4122 seconds. BOYFRIEND vs GIRLFRIEND Minecraft ONE BLOCK 100 Day Challenge! Watch The ENTIRE Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzU1WGaioAw&list=PLQC4xQiZPCR_SkOpyJ3fuHvu_UF1Ine-l BECOME A MEMBER: https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixir/join Follow Me: Twitter – https://twitter.com/RageElixir Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/rageelixirgram/ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@imrageelixir Discord – https://discord.gg/rageelixir-ragenation-722299575427268629 My Other Channels: RageElixir Vlogs – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirVlogs Gaming Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirGames Minecraft Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirMinecraft Roblox / Games Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirPlays Reaction Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirPlus Intro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbWoEPaNyvw Another… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE & SEEK with QUEEN ELSA 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH HIDEOUT SMP MEMBERS 😱| QUEEN ELSA’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-01-07 07:40:46. It has garnered 503 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds. ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH HIDEOUT SMP MEMBERS 😱| QUEEN ELSA 💙𝓓𝓻𝓸𝓹 𝓪 𝓛𝓘𝓚𝓔 𝓘 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓲𝓽💙 📢[ INSTAGRAM ] 👉 https://www.instagram.com/queeen__elsaa/ 📢[ Discord ] 👉 https://discord.gg/ZbkKfKmmgp 📢[ Rooter ] 👉 https://www.rooter.gg/profile/2056059966 📢[ SMP IP ] 👉 DISCORD JOIN KRO💗 WAHAN GENERAL CHAT PER IP MILEGA💙 AND INGAME USERNAME CHAT PER BATAO 🥞AND WHITELIST HO JAAO… Read More

  • Mysticite – Unbelievable Clutch! 🔥 #shorts #hypixel

    Mysticite - Unbelievable Clutch! 🔥 #shorts #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Clutch Was INSANE 🔥#hypixel #shorts #minemen’, was uploaded by Mysticite on 2024-01-16 09:59:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IGN: MMysticite1 #shorts #minecraft #bridge #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin … Read More

  • Insane One Block Challenge with My BFF! #MinecraftMadness

    Insane One Block Challenge with My BFF! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft One Block with my friend [First Episode] #minecraft #video’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-02-13 16:15:17. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. Minecraft One Block with my friend [First Episode] #minecraft #video @YesSmartyPie @AnshuBisht minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft hacks minecraft house survival minecraft house small minecraft house tutorial minecraft animation minecraft game download minecraft live 2023 minecraft 100 days minecraft live 2022 minecraft hacks download… Read More

  • AlgidPrisons

    AlgidPrisonsAlgidPrisons is a new upcoming Prison server, it stated on the 05/06/2020. We hope to be one of the most active Prison servers out there and we will keep on improving until we reach our goal! We got a casino, lots of mines and vote crates! Read More

  • Wisteria Fields – modded, whitelist

    Welcome to Our New Server! We are looking for builders and casual players to help expand our world. Our main goal is to incorporate lore and eventually open up the server as an SMP. This Java server has 80 mods including The Aether, Botania, Biomes O’ Plenty, The Twilight Forest, and more. We are welcoming adults only and have a few rules that must be followed. Message me on Discord at daisyfacedkilla for more information or to join. Read More

  • MadCraft

    MadCraftDive into the chaos of MadCraft! Welcome to the wildest ride in Minecraft! Experience the thrill of near-Vanilla anarchy on our server where freedom reigns supreme. With minimal rules, you’re the master of your own destiny. Build, destroy, conquer – it’s all up to you! Join MadCraft now and unleash your inner madness. Let the adventure begin! IP: MadCraft.cloud https://discord.gg/X4t42mATrz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on 💥

    Minecraft Memes - I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on 💥Wow, this meme is so crispy it’s practically a snack! Read More

  • Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start

    Surviving Beta 1.7.3: Crafting the Perfect Start In Minecraft Beta 1.7.3, we take a dive, Into a world where memories thrive. Nostalgia hits hard, like a wave of the past, As we embark on this journey, it’s sure to last. The perfect start, in this version so dear, Brings back the joy, the fun, the cheer. With every block we break, every mob we fight, We’re reminded of why Minecraft feels just right. So join us on this adventure, filled with delight, As we explore, build, and survive the night. And if you enjoy this content, don’t be shy, Hit that sub button, and let’s reach… Read More

  • Crafting in Minecraft: The Hot Mess Chronicles

    Crafting in Minecraft: The Hot Mess Chronicles Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop

    Crafting Chaos with SweatyMop Welcome to Sweaty’s Craft: EP 1 – Let’s Begin! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready to embark on an exciting journey with Sweaty’s Craft! In this first episode, players will dive into the world of Minecraft survival and witness the adventures that await. Let’s explore the key features and elements that make this gameplay experience truly unique. Immersive Gameplay With Sweaty’s Craft, players are immersed in a world where creativity and survival skills are put to the test. From gathering resources to building shelters and exploring vast landscapes, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and challenges. The game’s open-world… Read More

  • Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Top 10 Reasons to Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the top 10 highlights of the recent Minecraft 1.20.5 update. But before we dive into that, have you ever thought about exploring new Minecraft servers to enhance your gaming experience? While watching a YouTube video about Minecraft updates, you might have come across the idea of joining different servers to meet new players, engage in exciting challenges, and discover unique gameplay features. One server that stands out among the rest is Minewind. Minewind offers a thrilling… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Creepy Minecraft Encounter

    Herobrine's Creepy Minecraft Encounter The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can be an exhilarating experience, but for those brave enough to delve into the realm of mods, a whole new level of terror awaits. One such mod that has been sending shivers down players’ spines is the terrifying horror mod that introduces Herobrine and the Cave Dweller. Herobrine: The Mysterious Entity Herobrine is a legendary figure in the Minecraft community, often described as a ghostly presence that haunts players in the game. With his glowing white eyes and eerie demeanor, encountering Herobrine can send chills down even… Read More

  • Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!

    Unearthing Secret Minecraft Magic Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring The Wonderful World Of Minecraft Magic Mods’, was uploaded by anlog on 2024-04-24 01:26:51. It has garnered 1619 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. Thank You For Watching! Second Scripted Video, Hope Ive Improved Some!! Outro Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGDdl33N9Oc&ab_channel=Cartmemes Screen Recorder https://obsproject.com/ Video Editor https://www.vegascreativesoftware.com Music Used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuySSmW5cfo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHo4lfcMt1o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONbX9QCL36k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLAVnDI03To https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2BGTcKITaQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN5EqlWzH_Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atgjKEgSqSU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdSb-x49Nac Sources: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1274297-1-6-6-crystals-that-grow-in-light-powerful-magic https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/wizardcraft-120414/ https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mantle https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/Thaumcraft#:~:text=Thaumcraft’s%20name%20and%20fame%20were,expanding%20on%20in-world%20structures. https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1279034-1-2-5-thaumcraft-2-1-6d-outdated https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1286036-ars-magica-v5-52-014-updated-august-2-1-5-2 https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1287110-xenos-reliquary-v1-0-6d https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/dbwhzf/lets_talk_about_electrobobs_wizardry/ https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1290532-1-10-2-1-9-4-blood-magic-v2-1-0-65-updated-sept https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ars_Magica (yes i do not care that imma just cite wikipedia) https://www.reddit.com/r/botania/ https://mcgeneral.fandom.com/wiki/Botania https://web.archive.org/web/20120129031445/http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/364525-110-equivalent-exchange-v616/ https://forums.technicpack.net/topic/46359-please-add-a-magic-mod/ Videos Used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_14UuARmIs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcf9FM4TbN4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m465HXRvoiI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z_jRem510g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XkMcuIEw2s… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your Dreams

    Minecraft Mods to Haunt Your DreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘These mods are TERRIFYING.. #cavedweller#minecraft #minecrafthorror #mcyt #minecrafthorror’, was uploaded by tacoz on 2024-03-17 17:00:50. It has garnered 2512 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Me and @kohexx made a youtube video and this is just a clip from that video. Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZvS7PpNgoU&t=3s IGNORE TAGS ———————————————————— #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #nightmare #minecrafthorror #cavesandcliffs #fyp #youtube #minecraftsurvival #horrorgaming #minecraft #epic #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy #scary #mods #modpack #memes #epic #minecraft #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmods #minecraft100days #cavedweller #minecraft #cavedweller #themanfromthefog #fromthefog #herobrine #horror #horrorcraft #creepy… Read More


    "JOINING DEADLIST SMP, EPIC SWORD ACTION! #viral" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i joined this deadlist SMP Sword SMP #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by FivemateYT on 2024-03-21 12:35:51. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Waterfall Discovery – Found Secret Treasure! #mindblown

    EPIC Waterfall Discovery - Found Secret Treasure! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thrilling Waterfall Exploration Uncovers Hidden Prize #minecraft #learningminecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Jamza313 on 2024-01-04 13:19:26. It has garnered 113 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. In this video, . Enjoy! Minecraft educational gameplay, Fun Minecraft learning activities, Educational Minecraft tutorials, Creative building in Minecraft for kids, Learning math with Minecraft, Minecraft science experiments for children, Exploring history in Minecraft, Minecraft coding for kids, Art and design in Minecraft, Minecraft geography lessons Read More

  • SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvP

    SXBASWHY! Unleashes Ultimate Tiki Power in Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Tiki” | Minecraft PvP’, was uploaded by sxbaswhy! on 2024-02-09 22:00:07. It has garnered 43 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:36 or 96 seconds. Like y Sub (: https://discord.gg/EURUKe5MKW Tags hechos por Baifo: IGNORAR baifo, yipix, tomix leaderboards, clickero, sussano, daof, cdbs, jeremyasg, tahmn, shurroxd, shurro, top 3 minemen 0 losses, top 1 minemen, abif, woney, k0xar0, koxaro, vegard, tier s chilean, leaan vs staind, blackzide, how to beat leaderboard players, blackzide, jp2k16, ipraise, haxlux, staind vs marcel, potpvp tier list 2022, potpvp tier list 2021, potpvp tier list, potpvp… Read More

  • Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft Gameplay

    Unbelievable Anarchy FMC Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играй на самой лучшей Анархии FMC #minecraft #майнкрафт #анархия’, was uploaded by Swisher on 2024-01-07 12:33:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, in minecraft, mine, games, facts, trolling, compote, video minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    INSANE LIVE MINECRAFT CYBERGAMES 🔥 #LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 AO VIVO CYBERGAMES MINECRAFT 🔥 #LIVE #CYBERGAMES’, was uploaded by CYBER GAMES on 2024-04-04 19:43:47. It has garnered 343 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 09:32:47 or 34367 seconds. LIVE ON! #freefire #freefireaovivo #cybergames #aovivo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ lili.lilllili.lili. DEIXA O LIKE E COMPARTILHE ili.lillili.illi. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 💥AJUDE O CANAL💥 https://livepix.gg/cybergames 🔴 LIVE EVERY DAY 🏃🏻 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (VIVI ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 VIVI: https://wa.me/558688637494 💥WANT TO BUY LEVEL 8 ACCOUNTS? (SCAMMER ACCOUNTS) SAYS HE CAME THROUGH CYBER💥 SCAMMER: https://wa.me/553897579551 💥WANT TO KNOW WHO DOES MY THUMBNAILS?… Read More

  • “Ramix’s insane Minecraft bed trap!” 🛏️

    "Ramix's insane Minecraft bed trap!" 🛏️Video Information This video, titled ‘La trampa definitiva de camas en Minecraft! 🛏️’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-01-13 00:00:02. It has garnered 270746 views and 36950 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → minelucky.org (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotRamix → Twitch: https://twitch.tv/NotRamix → Instagram: https://instagram.com/RamixMC → Discord: https://discord.gg/Ramix #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

I Trapped YouTubers in a BATTLE DOME…