I was HAUNTED while I searched for a CHERRY BIOME |Minecraft|

Video Information

What’s up boys in this video I decided to dive back into Minecraft it had been a few months since the last time I played but with the new update I decided to reach a cherry blossom biome so this video will not end until then I learned some things they were scary stuff along

The way it was pretty crazy I had so much fun streaming this video it’s always so much fun at twitch.tv konikon you should come check it out anyway enjoy the rest of the video Spruce Wood you know with all the new editions of wood and trust me I know would

All the new editions of wood I’m not sure where I would rank Spruce anymore it’s definitely a high tier wood and it’s got the OG factor to it it’s appealing but I think that there are better Woods I’m not gay for being a wood connoisseur

Is that no that’s Omega I am an Omega it’s better than a sigma and an alpha Pro everyone put Omega Omega male in the chat that’s what I am man y’all really don’t want to drop a Mega Man in the chat huh Ops what am I telling you not a

Day goes by I don’t have Ops bro yeah I am an Omega y’all y’all remember those like Lego movies right like before the actual Lego movie but there were shows like Ninjago but like yes The Lego Movie the Explorer yeah that that guy but no there was like a Lego movie or a

Lego show and the Explorer dude had like the name powers or something and there were a bunch of different dimensions and [ __ ] it was this guy yeah it was this [ __ ] it was this Giga this guy this guy yes Clutch Powers bro I don’t even remember what I was talking

About and no no I think I saw the Omega sign like the main villain broke out of like some space jail and his symbol was the omega symbol is Omega a negative thing y’all y’all saying it like it’s a negative thing oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] omegas are the submissive ones [ __ ] bro

Never mind I’m an alpha guys everyone put Alpha in the chat drop Alpha in the chat or your band drop Alpha in the chat or your band Put an alpha everyone knows I’m an alpha anyway everyone’s dropping Alpha in the chat uh because everyone knows I’m an alpha bro today on Tick Tock I watched this goddamn video it was like uh damn what what was it called it was like this video of this Dad right

Um I keep getting distracted but I have to I have to figure out his name I’m not delusional I’m an alpha this this guy this guy Gary pulse Gary plausch bro is a chat I know that guy is a chad such a bro that he shot his kids abuser

In the goddamn head in a [ __ ] airport bro he pulled out the blicky was all like he is a king bro the guy who who abused his child was looking all smug while he was G he just he’s he’s standing at the telephone he’s staying on the telephone season passing by

Bro really he only got two years based but nah the video is crazy because because first of all that aim is insane because bro was on the phone then quickly turned blicky right and it was a clean ass headshot bro Bernard Gary is a g he was right bro

Gary Paul Shay but anyway I need to find a cherry blossom or a cherry biome because that’s the whole point of this world but my big like grievance with one of the recent updates was that [ __ ] copper doesn’t do anything but like imagine how cool it would be to have copper armor

Like better slightly better than leather not quite as good as armor Ninjago was such a good show but since I only had Netflix as a kid I couldn’t like watch some air on Cartoon Network or whatever I was always a few series behind bro Zayn was my favorite the whole time I

Always loved Zayn then I remember in like kindergarten or first grade one of my friends came up to me because we were we were Ninjago Bros but since again I only had Netflix I could I was like two or three seasons behind always and bro was one of the rich white boys

Because we lived in in [ __ ] Utah so it had all the rich Mormon kids so he was he was one of the rich kids who got to watch the episodes premiere on [ __ ] cartoon what network right and so he comes up to me and he’s talking about Ninjago he’s all like you

Know how Zayn is a robot and I was like no he’s not he’s like yeah they in the last episode they were they showed that Zane’s a robot was like no he’s not bro Zayn is not a robot you’re just an OP I thought he was lying to me

Flash Forward like a year or two later and I was watching the Lego Ninjago series ambro was a robot and my [ __ ] [ __ ] went crazy I went crazy bro was a robot the whole time and he that little kindergartner was tell the truth and I

Called him a liar in his in his freaking face bro I looked that kid in his eye I think his name was Bridget or something it was like my best friend but I looked that guy in the eyes I said he was a liar and he wasn’t he was

Telling the truth the whole time I just didn’t want to believe it bro also how’d they make a robot who like can harness elements like isn’t that kind of crazy y’all because you would think you’d need like a soul to like connect to the spirit dragon or whatever gives them the the

The powers to reel those elements but a robot did it an Android that’s kind of crazy don’t you think oh no like 45 minutes get an iron and [ __ ] and now it’s lost in a cave I probably won’t ever find again I should have made a shield that’s what I was [ __ ] forgetting

I always make a shield because I could have blocked the [ __ ] blast but of course there had to be a creeper directly behind me my black ass all right I’m just gonna Bolt no no I guess I’m not gonna Bolt top 10 sexiest Minecraft mobs number one Enderman okay I found my stuff

Okay okay grab all the grab all grab all of it go into the light go on the light oh boy okay I found my [ __ ] I found my [ __ ] I persevered nothing increased the indomitable human Spirit bro the indomitable human spirit bro if you’re in log on is the [ __ ] Bro

Pigling Cute Mob baby piglet good mob too um they’re [ __ ] though they they’re clout Chasers if you’re not rich they hate you if you don’t if you’re not literally dripped out they will [ __ ] you up no that’s Evangelion oh and also chainsaw man and also like

A bunch of like it is so okay anime is so [ __ ] weird I guaranton’s one of the ones that wanted like the least weird animes like honestly it’s not like the worst part of it I would say is there’s a little bit of fan service but I’m the fan service is a

Joke because they’re like super self-aware of it I think of animes Guru and lagon probably has the least amount of flaws my top anime is gurin lagon which I was just talking about has like no flaws to it y’all first of all y’all gotta watch Green log on you all understand

Second of all I what you’re the anime you’re talking about is Evangelion and um yes that one is the weird one I will stick by that [ __ ] has no flaws no Google logon is good is a good good anime all right it and it doesn’t have like the weird parts of anime whereas

Like incest and pedophilia and [ __ ] like that because that’s like way too common in anime I’ve been watching another Mecha anime called Code Geass I’m Gonna Keep ranting about Code Geass all right Code Geass is a really really good show I really like it it does I have a few

Problems with it mainly one of the one of the characters suzaku don’t get me started on suzaku bro all right this guy suzaku is a [ __ ] he betrayed the Japanese people for the colonizers he is also like the definition of liberal he keeps talking about if we

Want real change we have to do it through peace and diplomacy and we have to ask the oppressors kindly never once in history has going up to the oppressors and saying hey please stop oppressing me has it ever worked bro bro Loki I think my old laptop from

2015. oh look at Brown sheep my old laptop from like 2015 ran Minecraft better than than was it what it’s running right now that’s crazy okay where’s the other sheet there he is oh hell no I might have to ban you for even suggesting that [ __ ] I I touched a

Ouija board once and it was one of the freakiest experiences of my life dog y’all want to hear some scary stories I mean I got some scary stories I’ve been wanting to tell more people all right so I have a homie Xavier one of my best friends

And last summer but so we were over at his house all right guys let’s bust out the Ouija board and we can use it in my backyard this would have been my first time ever touching a Ouija board all right like and I admittedly was probably not nearly as

Scared as I should have been I was kind of more eager because you know I was kind of excited and you know when you’re with the Bros you’re kind of less terrified of a of the Ouija the possibilities right doing it alone sounds way more terrifying what we were seeing is back

Patio we’re doing the Ouija board and it started talking to us and now we get like this ghost named tior right or some something like Nordic sounding and so we asked him oh are you Norwegian are you a viking he was like yeah I was a viking

We’re talking to this ghost and he seems friendly enough right he seemed friendly like he’s saying oh yeah I’m like a lost Spirit of I’m like super far away from you guys y’all can’t be talking like this y’all can’t be talking like this while I’m telling scary stories especially when it’s dark out

But that’s all cool because uh I got this baby right here I always keep this on my bed when I go to sleep that way I’m always I’m always defended so any of you [ __ ] who want to do something he oh hell no I don’t know if that was a

Game audio or it was outside but I heard like this super faint ass whistle okay I’m gonna finish the story but I don’t know how many more scary stories I can tell after this so we have a friend who’s like super super scared he’s like terrified and like we don’t with

Interaction isn’t super scary or anything but like there are a few times we’re like yo when he says something he’s like super scared he takes his hands off a few times which you know apparently you’re not supposed to take your hands off until you say goodbye right he’s

Acting kind but we asked if we can leave like we start to feel bad for this friend and so we ask yo is it okay if we leave and he says no and we’re like okay that’s a little out of character we would have expected someone being so

Nice maybe you know maybe he was just lonely you know maybe he was just a little bit lonely and then all of a sudden we hear like this loud like bang on the gate next to us and we see a flashlight peeking over so for context it was like an end of

Summer party right and so it was still warm outside it was fine it was in August sometime around but earlier that night we had they had rented a blow up like screen to project a movie on we watch Ferris Bueller’s Day Off good movie first time watching it was really good

Movie but so it was a rental screen so people would eventually were gonna come by and pick it up we didn’t know when right but so so at this time since we didn’t know when we didn’t know who it was so we see a light flash over and we hear

The gate bang open and we all like Snap our heads over I think most of us keep our fingers on the Ouija board but we look over and we see this like older not older but like we see this like a adult man probably 20s to 30s he

Was like taller and and more broad stronger looking guy and behind him the guy with the flashlight we see this like older guy kind of a beard shorter than the other guy tubby the the guy with the flashlight the older guy he walks by us and he sees

What he we’re doing and he says I wouldn’t mess with that stuff if I were you and so we all kind of we’re all kind of thinking oh this is just some old guy who’s like against the youth being cool he’s against hip stuff right

Yeah I’m a pastor right and I’ve had to do multiple exorcisms because people were messing with Ouija boards they’re like oh oh [ __ ] this guy’s a pastor he he’s like claiming he’s a pastor he’s like yeah I used to mess with that stuff when I was younger and I

Actually got possessed they were like huh bro what is this lawyer telling some random kids you just met and so we’re like starting to listen to him and he’s talking about how he’s done exorcisms he’s got exercise he almost like lost his life because of this stuff

And so we’re like holy [ __ ] maybe this is more maybe it’s be more serious it’s like all right well I gotta go do my job and he just leaves us after telling us all this lore and like they’re like packing up the screen and we’re all kind

Of like looking at each other we’re all a little bit more freaked out we’re like okay maybe we should end this and like the freaky part is like just a couple minutes earlier we asked if we could leave and the ghost was all like no but now that the pastor just walked

By and we ask again and it like hesitates it hesitate and it slowly moves over to yes holy holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God I just got the I just got a cave noise in Minecraft and my heart stopped we are trying you didn’t hear a cave noise

Y’all are kidding bro okay okay okay okay I’m turning up the desktop audio we asked if we can leave it hesitates and says but eventually says yes we say goodbye it says goodbye the guys pack of the stuff they leave we put the Ouija board away we’re all

Freaked out we also have a tent because we were gonna spend the night outside because it’s like a nice summer day we were gonna sleep in the tent we all climb to the tent we’re starting to say good night to each other like we’re chilling and stuff we’re laying we’re

Laying in bed we’re all going to sleep in the in the tent and we kind of hear noise and it sounds like like a water balloon popping but at the same time it sounds like like the best way I can describe it it sounds like something ripped like fabric ripped

And water spilled out of the fabric if that makes any sense Xavier friend who was scared other friend me we hear that ripping noise I see a light turn on I look over and the friend who was scared the friend who like took his hands off a few times was sitting up

Throw up on his face and there’s throw up right in front of him so we’re like oh [ __ ] uh we gotta so everyone starts to leave the tent we we try to get everything cleaned up I didn’t get any film on my stuff because I was away from

Him bro threw up we got all our stuff out of the tent you know we had to clean some of the stuff obviously because I had throw up on it but driving home alone is always freaky bro I hate driving home alone even when not scary stuff doesn’t

Happen so anyway he he goes home it’s just the other three of us it’s just the three of us it’s just so creepy that when we pull out the Ouija board a [ __ ] Pastor shows up like a [ __ ] who apparent who accordingly like obviously I gotta take his word with

Great assault I don’t I can’t say that believe every old strange that comes to pick up a uh a screen like I can’t believe everyone but given that he claims he’s a pastor and I have no reason not to believe him and he shows up and he says y’all should

Be messing with that stuff and then the Ghost says yeah you guys can leave after we meet the pastor and then our friend who took his hand off the Ouija board which you’re not supposed to do and was this most scared throws up and goes home all within 20 to 30 minutes

I don’t know it’s just so it’s weird and it kind of freaks me out to think about and I am uh I hate scary stuff if you’ve watched my my Roblox horror video you know that the most recent horror movie I watched I went with friends because my

Friends were like yo this will be so much fun and I was opposed to it the whole time I was telling them I didn’t want to watch the horror movie but the horror movie we went to watch was Evil Dead Rising I stayed in there for

35 minutes before I left because I was too [ __ ] scared all right I did not do scary stuff I want to stop playing Minecraft but I need to find a cherry up Cherry Bottom first so what I’m gonna do binder finder the biome finder app we got Java 1.20 that’s what I have

1717 4 000. so 17 17 4000. you all see in this lag right I’m not crazy y’all seeing this I guess Minecraft is the most graphically difficult game I own oh my God here O’Brien this does kind of look like the first Herobrine sighting Minecraft song parodies were my [ __ ] as

A kid bro like I listened to those more than the actual songs I honestly I think I listened to those before I even knew that they were actual songs like I listened to Fallen Kingdom before I knew the Viva la Vida song like I didn’t even know that was a real

Song I I’ve listened to revenge and I didn’t even know Usher was a artist what Fallen Kingdom Revenge all mushroom soup bro TNT they were bangers bro I loved Captain Sparkles was so good back then yeah they changed I am just glad all my favorite Minecraft youtubers are still

Pure to this day DanTDM Stampy Captain Sparkles those were my Minecraft youtubers all right yeah I never I never walked I watched popular MMOs but lionmaker and Bash verse I never watched yeah but yeah Stampy and DanTDM were the oh geez I like my they were my favorite Minecraft YouTubers like

Stampy was probably number one and DanTDM was number two I actually have a signed disc of DanTDM’s tour from like 2018. but yeah I had the choice to either See Him Live or I could use the money to buy or I could use the money to buy the DVD

And like I think the the factor for me that had me buy the DVD was because it was gonna be signed anyway yeah I got I bought the DVD I have it signed there are some AR cards in it that I never really used because I didn’t know how to

Use AR as a kid um but it wasn’t there it is guys there it is the Cherry biome the cherry blossom biome so yeah that just happened it was pretty spooky but at the end I found the cherry blossom biome which was the whole goal I

Have lots more content coming up so make sure you smash that like button and subscribe so you can see what’s going on later come watch my streams too I try to stream as often as I can normally on the weekends twitch.tv Coney con anyway see you guys later peace

This video, titled ‘I was HAUNTED while I searched for a CHERRY BIOME |Minecraft|’, was uploaded by Ak0niKan on 2023-07-16 01:09:43. It has garnered 12 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:07 or 1387 seconds.

I had a spooky yet silly time playing minecraft again Subscribe Like Comment Help me out https://www.twitch.tv/akonikan

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    🔥 AWAKEN BUDDHA FRUIT - Solo Challenge! 🐒 #EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Blox Fruits】单挑大佛果实觉醒副本!觉醒大佛的所有技能! #奶块 #游戏解说 #花雨庭 #服务器 抖音’, was uploaded by 猴子MC on 2024-02-02 06:49:28. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:17 or 917 seconds. 🔷 Welcome to MinecraftMC! 🎮 🌍 Minecraft Adventure Awaits: Join me on an exciting journey in the blocky world of Minecraft! In this episode, we’ll be diving into Survival Mode/Creative Mode to explore, build, and face new challenges. 🏡 Building Creations: Witness the creation of Specify any notable builds – e.g., a towering castle, a cozy cottage, an underground city. Get ready for… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MineMalia Gameplay with GreyplaysXDlol!

    Insane Minecraft MineMalia Gameplay with GreyplaysXDlol!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing minecraft minemalia :)’, was uploaded by GreyplaysXDlol on 2024-02-26 13:47:14. It has garnered 112 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:38 or 5258 seconds. hai ip: play.minemalia.com both cracked 🙂 click *read more* / Discord: https://discord.gg/97Shx5ByNR Totally not a channel u should sub to: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGbYENXNIQ3J3LuleGIqIlA My other channel thingy: https://youtube.com/channel/UCNdgM3IszkIuLtiJIwQLJBQ My best friend channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCH03UEK13Yfbw-OZuoKbBYA sub i guess Read More

  • 🔥 100k Subs Special: Crafting for Palestine 🇵🇸 #minecraft

    🔥 100k Subs Special: Crafting for Palestine 🇵🇸 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#100ksubscribers #فلسطين #minecraft #اذا تدعم هذا العلم حط لايك واشتراك وتعليق 🇵🇸❤️’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:31:44. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Ultimate Survival Player Types! 😱 #minecraft

    SHOCKING: Ultimate Survival Player Types! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of survival 😲 players in Minecraft ⛏️|| #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by NUFF GAMER YT on 2024-05-31 13:30:03. It has garnered 637 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Types of survival 😲 players in Minecraft ⛏️ Your Queries:- NUFF GAMER YT minecraft build hacks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft build battle, minecraft build ideas, minecraft build challenge, minecraft build battle cheating, minecraft build house, minecraft build timelapse, minecraft build tips, minecraft build hacks bedrock edition, minecraft build ideas survival, minecraft build the earth, minecraft build tutorial… Read More

  • BreadCraft Vanilla SMP Applications Bedrock/Java

    Welcome to BreadCraft! If you’re seeking a small, friendly survival SMP for builders and content creators, you’ve found the perfect place. BreadCraft is an application-based economy SMP designed for worry-free gameplay without any griefing. We offer Vanilla Tweaks player head drops and Vanilla Tweaks Armour stands+. To join us, please fill out our application form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Axes are broken OP

    Well, looks like Steve is really stepping up his game on day one with that stone axe. Watch out, Creepers! Read More

  • Crafting Classroom Fun: Minecraft Ed Rules Done!

    Crafting Classroom Fun: Minecraft Ed Rules Done! In the classroom, Minecraft can be a tool so cool, But watch out for students trying to break the rules. Predefined settings keep the learning on track, So be prepared for any sneaky attack. To support this adventure, use the Amazon link, And help us keep creating content that’s in sync. Follow us on Twitter for updates and more, But remember, this is not an official Minecraft lore. Stay sharp, stay focused, and keep the fun alive, With Minecraft Education, let creativity thrive. So dive into the world, with blocks and mobs galore, And let your students learn, like… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes “Why do Minecraft boys always build massive, intricate structures while Minecraft girls are just out here trying to tame a bunch of wolves and make a cute little garden? Priorities, am I right?” Read More

  • Bedwars Showdown: Taking on the #1 Player

    Bedwars Showdown: Taking on the #1 Player Fighting the #1 Minecraft Bedwars Player Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft challenge on Hypixel’s BedWars, our protagonist takes on the daunting task of beating every single Ranked Bedwars level. Following a previous video where they played 100 games of Ranked Bedwars, this new adventure escalates to facing off against Dewier, the best-ranked BedWars player of all time. Can they emerge victorious against all odds? Watch the video to find out! Exploring Hypixel BedWars Tier Testing Embarking on a journey through the world of Hypixel BedWars tier testing, our protagonist undergoes rigorous challenges against players of varying skill levels. From… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to a fantastic Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm – Minewind. While watching a fun and entertaining Minecraft video like “Minecraft :轻度还原上英语课回答问题的你【我的世界方块轩】”, you might be inspired to join a vibrant and active Minecraft community like Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone…. Read More

  • The Legend of Herobrine

    The Legend of Herobrine The Mysterious Tale of Herobrine in Minecraft Many Minecraft players have heard the chilling legend of Herobrine, a mysterious figure that haunts the game’s world. While some believe Herobrine is just a myth, others claim to have encountered this eerie entity in their gameplay. The Origins of Herobrine Herobrine is said to be the ghost of Notch’s brother, haunting the game as a vengeful spirit. Players have reported seeing him wandering in the distance, watching silently from afar, or even sabotaging their builds. Despite numerous sightings, Mojang has never officially confirmed Herobrine’s existence. The Scary Myths and Seeds Players… Read More

  • Staff spill the tea on Minecraft buyout!

    Staff spill the tea on Minecraft buyout!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wow: Minecraft Staff Reveal Their REAL Thoughts On Being Bought’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2024-06-04 16:46:21. It has garnered 149450 views and 7739 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:28 or 1048 seconds. 15 years of minecraft comes with 15 years of human talent, cool to see them discuss it all here! If you liked this video, here are some others you can check out! ↓ • Getting Back Into Minecraft? Watch This First! ↓ https://youtu.be/AcP1OXi2oJc • Reviewing Minecraft’s BEST & WORST New Add-Ons ↓ https://youtu.be/-YI7NmWgPLU • Mojang Has A BIG Announcement To… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Underground House Build Battle

    EPIC Minecraft Underground House Build BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: MODERN UNDERGROUND HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-03-19 18:00:07. It has garnered 69068 views and 1205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:06 or 2466 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: MODERN UNDERGROUND HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft We’re in big trouble! We need to build UNDERGROUND HOUSES in Minecraft to protect us from a VOLCANO! Will we be able to survive the eruption? This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ! Mikey vs JJ Family – Noob vs Pro: Airplane House Build Challenge… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Start! 🔥 BoyWithMinecraft

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Start! 🔥 BoyWithMinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE BEST START EVER – Minecraft survival ep-1 | #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #survivalgame’, was uploaded by BoyWithMinecraft on 2024-05-17 10:15:07. It has garnered 164 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:48 or 408 seconds. Welcome to Episode 1 of our Minecraft Survival series – get ready for the BEST START EVER! Dive into the ultimate Minecraft adventure filled with excitement, strategy, and endless possibilities. Join us as we craft, build, and survive in a world teeming with challenges and adventures. In this action-packed episode, we’ll guide you through the essentials of survival,… Read More

  • Minecraft Wolf Craft: CRAZY Realistic Graphics! #Shorts

    Minecraft Wolf Craft: CRAZY Realistic Graphics! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS #shorts #minecraftmusic#minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by WOLF CRAFT on 2024-01-14 11:30:07. It has garnered 2565 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. minecraft minecraft100days minecraft house minecraft house tutorial minecraft video minecraft song minecraft jenny mode minecraft rtx minecraft animation minecraft cartoons minecraft shorts shorts minecraft 1.20.4 minecraft techno gamerz minecraft is sus #minecraft #animation #shorts minecraft tnt mode minecraft bedwars asmr handcams minecraft manhunt but minecraft skywars minecraft 100days🐕 Keywords: Minecraft Wooden House Starter House Minecraft Build Minecraft Tutorial Minecraft Wood Minecraft Architecture Minecraft Design… Read More

  • Unbelievable realism in Minecraft textures! 😮

    Unbelievable realism in Minecraft textures! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘The most realistic minecraft texturepacks #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by MrGaren on 2024-03-14 14:30:08. It has garnered 441 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Hello everyone, today I examined realistic texturepacks in Minecraft, enjoy. #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Insane 2024 Minecraft Update: Is Comes Alive Still Epic?!

    Insane 2024 Minecraft Update: Is Comes Alive Still Epic?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Is Minecraft Comes Alive Still Fun In 2024?’, was uploaded by Saroneyplus on 2024-04-21 22:30:00. It has garnered 3411 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:07 or 667 seconds. Minecraft Comes Alive is a very old 2014 mod that a lot of people used back in the days. This mod was one of the many legendary mod, up there with the aether mod and the twilight forest mod. This video was so much fun to make so please make sure to subscribe if you have not already! Friends In The Video:… Read More

  • Lost in the Wild! New Minecraft Adventure! 🌲

    Lost in the Wild! New Minecraft Adventure! 🌲Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring the Wilderness in My Fresh Minecraft Survival World || AdSGamer [Ep-1]’, was uploaded by AdS Gamer on 2024-03-02 02:00:02. It has garnered 28 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Join me as I create a new survival world in Minecraft, where I’ll have to gather resources, build shelters, and fend off dangerous mobs. Watch as I embark on this epic journey to establish a thriving settlement in the wilderness, using my wits and creativity to survive and thrive in this blocky, virtual world. Comment. Like My… Read More

  • GamerZ’s Near-Death Experience in Minecraft! The Minecast #8

    GamerZ's Near-Death Experience in Minecraft! The Minecast #8Video Information This video, titled ‘Day in the Life of a Minecraft YouTuber, GamerZ nearly Died, Guilf Finally Passed! Minecast #8’, was uploaded by The Minecast on 2024-05-31 17:00:22. It has garnered 1469 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:25 or 4105 seconds. What a day looks like for a minecraft youtuber, how GamerZ nearly died, and Guilf passed his driving test! Welcome to The Minecast! The brand new podcast hosted by @LockDownLife , @GamerZyt , and @Guilf We talk about all things Minecraft, YouTube, and more! 00:00: – Intro & New Segment 00:37 – Is… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft INSANITY – InfernoTitan’s Base Expansion!

    EPIC Minecraft INSANITY - InfernoTitan's Base Expansion!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play: Gathering Resource & Base Expansion (Episode 4)’, was uploaded by InfernoTitan on 2024-04-16 08:45:16. It has garnered 16 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:34 or 1954 seconds. Like and Subscribe! Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Forge Version: 47.1.0 Mods included: Adaptive Performance Tweaks (Bundle) Adaptive Performance Tweaks Core Adaptive Performance Tweaks Gamerule Adaptive Performance Tweaks Items Adaptive Performance Tweaks Mods Adaptive Performance Tweaks Player Adaptive Performance Tweaks Spawn Appleskin Athena Better Chunk Loading Better Fps Better Ping Display BetterF3 Biome Music Biomes O’ Plenty Chipped Chunk Sending Client Crafting… Read More

I was HAUNTED while I searched for a CHERRY BIOME |Minecraft|