iBallisticSquid – Minecraft Xbox – Towers – PvP Map

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Hello everybody and welcome to a minecraft Xbox pvp map this map is called towers it’s built by builds unit and yeah basically if you can remember it’s the same guys who built that other month which I’m really trying to try to find out what it’s called and tried to

Search my brain what he’s called key member I warned he was that there was a tower as well as he called squid what was it called he doesn’t matter anyway this [ __ ] is probably gonna come up on screen now cuz yeah I can’t remember but anyway this

Map is called towers is eight-man pvp basically I’m gonna explain this whole map as we play it I think we’ve got the guys who built it actually in the game with us we got stab be loners we’ve got our board we got MC climax ubiquitous i

Reaper 0 big be stats mister limited and myself so yeah this is basically an eight-man pvp arena this starting area it’s free floors this this map basically the first floor is kind of like a it’s where you pick your colors and stuff because as you know there’s eight people

On the team as we all need a color to signify our team color so what we will be doing is we will be pressing this button when we get permissions and that will signify our color for the rest of the game and I’m hoping I get blue

Because I’m blue and I want to be blue but you do get you there’s a possibility to get a creeper head as well if you’re the guy that gets the creeper head and then basically you get a bow and arrow and you get eight arrows and you see these balloons here there’s like

Minecarts right in the center and if you shoot all them out you get a special prize for the map so basically if you do do all them and you are successful then you might get like a really good armor or really good boss something like that

And but yeah so that’s like a cool little minigame the first floor it’s just basically just like getting yourself a color and and then you get a chance to to kind of like get a like a prize if you like so yeah I’m not really sure how long miss the videos gonna be

Matt me 1 pi might be 2 pi look at this guy look this aya girl yes yes and Stumpy’s gonna give us privileges to be able to press the button one by one and yes basically I’m gonna go up I’m gonna press that button and that’s gonna be my color for this

Game so I’m pretty excited you see somebody’s quite a fun game if I don’t get a chance to explain the game on the bottle floor I might just do it now basically there’s eight towers as you probably guess by the name towers and the objective is you’ve got to press a

Lot of buttons which basically sends a block of wall up to the top of the tower and it blows up the spawn so basically the whole aim of the game is to blow up your opponent’s pawn and you gotta be the last person standing wins and that’s basically a game it’s really easy

There’s an infinite amount of oh she’s my girl guys my girl right there when I get blue I got blue oh yeah how weird that all them colors on that wall and I get my own color that’s good so blue color is Michael okay light blue absolutely perfect love it and look at

Climaxes cause purple as well how weird that Stumpy’s blue as well sup is there some peas dark blue and so yeah basically what we’re gonna do after this oh look our bald has got the creeper head this means they has to go around the back of this this randomizer and

They’ll be about an arrow in that chest Stumpy’s gonna give him the ball and the arrows and then he’s gonna have the opportunity to shoot the hot-air balloons up there so I guess what we’re gonna do is gonna watch him watch you trying to shoot them down they really

Had you can see the quiet there quite a long way away so I’m not sure if he’s gonna be able to do here we go everyone’s gonna shoot the first one I think is just missed basically if you hit it then the air balloon blows up so

We’ll know I’m not sure if it’s just one they asked to hit always all of them I think it’s just one actually I don’t think they asked that he has to hit all of them that would be yeah that’d be quite hard to do with eight arrows there

We go he’s got it look you see the light’s gone out when he should blow up in a minute is he gonna blow up boom there we go so he’s done it I think or maybe you just have to hit them all but lucky mister oddball they did quite well

Let’s actually hit that one that’s really hard to do and but yeah he should get a prize maybe yeah if he doesn’t get a prize and you’ll just keep the the ball which is gonna be pretty cool just for him it’s a nice little nice little boy nice

Little mini prize so yeah basically oh no this is the prize I’ve asked what happens I wasn’t listening you can see all the Blues of different colors if you hit a balloon then you get what’s in the chest so he got light blue so he got all the stuff

Out of that blue chest don’t know what he’s got he’s not gonna he’s not gonna show anything he’s not gonna reveal his cards gonna keep them close to his chest here we go this is the main room horse will give players permissions to up and chest players well I’ve one minute okay so

This next room we all have one minute to basically loot all the chests this is like a little bonus room as well so we’re all gonna get one minute when we enter this room when he opens a flap we all get one minute to basically loot as

Many chests as possible so I’m gonna have a quick look on my recording I’m gonna see when he opens is gonna open at 5 4 if 5 and I’m gonna go and get into my pod at 6 at 5 5 so let’s do this can

We up a chest whoa look at all this stuff okay okay right I’m gonna absolutely loo this these chests are very very generous okay I guess there’s gonna be some better stuff at the top so we’re gonna loop this as much as possible get up these towers this is

Gonna help me what’s gonna be in this chest anything good wow look at this stuff Lords of iron and I’m awesome was just knocked me off who knocked me off bugs me it’s just like not welfare that’s not nice is it yeah what’s in here okay I guess it’s just a lot of

Stuff just with this Jess I’m gonna get all my I impossible I just picked up climaxes map I think there we go I’ve got a lot of stuff ahead of climax and yes I’m pretty much guessing that we can craft stuff on this and there is

Chess really high up where should we go should we go up here has anyone been in these chests other someone’s life quite a lot stuff another one to leaving all this stuff off so it’s now just coming up to be one minute so I guess it’s time

To go I’m just gonna quickly get up on this last one see if I can be sneaky and get up onto this last block there we go we just managed to do it in the time and now I’m gonna go into my blue pod there

We go we’re gonna go into the blue pod and we’re gonna get this game started so basically gonna protect my tower guys this is what I’ve got to do gotta protect my tower once a girl through this blue block like so that’s gonna lock the door behind me so I can get out

It’s gonna open this pod up here and therefore I can sleep so in this chest I should have a lot of stuff I’ve got water bottles for brewing this is kind of like a brewing room as you can see I can make loads of stuff and there’s also

Iron and such and such and such and I’ve also got crafting tables so what we’re gonna do is I’m not sure if we can if we just go for it I kind of want to put most of my stuff there in the chest I wasn’t really listening about crafting because I don’t

Think no I mention anything about that but I’m gonna put all my stuff in this chest just for the time being like so then we’re gonna sleep and I’m gonna guess it’s on and I think anyone else has made anything what’s in here okay so we’ve got bow and arrows we’ve got snow

Balls we have also got iron swords and we have also got chain boots so what I can do is I can craft myself some items of sneaky chests be idea which holds some slaughters portions so as you can see eight towers everyone sleep in I’ve got to destroy everyone’s pods and let’s

Go for it let’s sleep in the bed as soon as I wake up in the morning we are off and the game will begin so let’s do this right here we go let’s do it so we need to get ourselves bought arrows snowball villain or snowball so far we also need to get

Myself some iron swords everyone’s going back into the pods just to get some other stuff not me I know I can respawn any time as I want so I’m just gonna run straight and I’m gonna get the advantage and I’m gonna try and like kill everyone else I’m gonna try and get everyone

Else’s piston going and why is this guy why is this guy blowing up his own favor this guy’s blowing up his own sort of pod or maybe that’s another person’s part I’m gonna try and blow up this one because that’s the aim of the game and I

Don’t really know whose this is you’ve also got to like and you also got to protect your own pod as well and just know one of my nodes on mine so I’m gonna kind of gotta keep an eye on my pod as well as keep an eye on everyone

Else’s like everyone else I’ll they’re doing so I’m gonna try and take out the competition straight away what you do is you double tap these Pistons twice like so and then you just keep moving off I think this is big be starts as part being very slow which is causing him

I’ve got his white wall up pretty much halfway now which is very above him here we go is coming down it’s crafting diamonds on me it’s crafting diamonds I’m gonna run away there’s no need for me to engage yeah there’s no there’s no need for me to engage basically and so we’re gonna

Do is I’m just gonna keep running around he’s probably gonna try and get me or he might get um I don’t know someone else is off to miss well I want to try and keep kind of like neutral I don’t want to do that much you see you lean more

Towards and taking his time I just really want to protect my pot as well so one hit the ground too hard you’re bigger this is there I’m just like circling my opponent gonna try and get big beast that’s the spot again because he’s very weak so you’re just gonna push

These up like so I’m gonna push this part like so look at this look at this how the other guy I nearly got Big B out this is a so hard to try and try and get your Oh is he’s going for a school with me see if you don’t protect your part

Then you will get killed so Oh Big B he’s not happy with it he’s gonna kill me he’s kill me guys he’s kill me but I’ve got his part he might be going very aggressive but I’m basically just gonna take my time I’m gonna carry on with

This stuff you don’t need a lot you don’t need like really big armor I’m gonna save my big armor to later on in the game when I’m actually gonna need it when I’m actually just gonna need to survive because my pod gets born off and that’s what I’m gonna have all my good

Armor I’m gonna like put forth for like I ain’t on and stuff like that because that’s when I’m gonna need to survive the most these these start around not start rounds but these first kind of moments do it really matter this is where I’m just gonna rush in and try and

Eat anyone elses out there you got a big breeze try and get me out look at him right we’re gonna take him out here guys come on get off my pod get off bipod get off my pod get off bipod please that’s the big B

Come on come on come on come on I want that diamond sword of his come on where’s he going he’s lagging all over the place we must be nearly dead down what’s beneath there there we go Big B starts has died I’m gonna get all this stuff

He’s push my not quite far which is kind of bad I’m gonna try and check him out a bit more so we need to go down here push all this up there we go like so I don’t need someone’s honks its lagging quite a bit so there we go we’re gonna push this

Up a bit more come on come on come on you see you get it push it up one more then we need to go – this one and push this off on a bit more come on come on and then this one come on it was splashing me someone

Splashing me with poison and stuff like that mine is quite high up I need to protect my now I all Big B’s like free off I could probably get him out beer but I do need to protect mine because I am mine is kind of like getting hurt a

Bit there’s Big B we’re gonna try and try and shoot him check him out why he’s done is this basically just taking all his iron out straight away he’s basically just oh there’s my phone going off as well do it oh dear someone’s behind me someone is behind me someone doesn’t like Squidward

I’m gonna ruin I’ve died I’m dead I’m down of dead I’m down denim down okay one more one more respawn and then what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna try and basically oh he’s lagging come on come on I won’t be to do is I’m gonna

Get full armor after this last one so I’m just gonna quickly get some of my stuff here like so get some iron again to get myself some chin like that gonna put some of this on like sir and then I’m basically just gonna go back in and

Try and protect my wool come on bro come on bro just just go easy on Squidward I look at all this stuff on the ground he’s very harshly protecting his stuff he’s very harsh to protecting his stuff okay what can I do now I guess I’m gonna

Kind of circle around mind whilst big be doing his big B’s going up they’re gonna try to check him out there we go he’s got fall damage done always just gonna try and do yeah come on can we go and try and take him out I’m just gonna go for his half let’s

Just go for his half we nearly got him out we might as well try and finish it guys and it would got eyes pushed me off he’s pushed me off our balls help Squidward please help me out bro help a brother out haha I’ve got where I settled Big B’s

Half I’ve nearly got most of it out but I’m not gonna I’m gonna have to take my time he’s very harshly protecting his stuff and I’m gonna try and protect mine the best I can’t get out of there Big B get out of that stuff get out of that

Stuff come on come on we both got cheering on I think I’ve got the advantage here he’s running he’s running right here we go I’m gonna get him on the boars getting with the boars come on come on Oh ly matter whose Lee Mysterio technologies checking out my nose not

I’m gonna go for Big B again come on big me come on Big B come on baby right let’s try and think about this I’m about halfway or Pals no one else is doing the Green was doing all right Big B is neela out I got I don’t want him to like

Wish my event I don’t want to like waste my time so much want to keep doing this otherwise I just wasted like all this time trying to get Big B up why is he back on me he’s trying to get me down again the leaves go for me please go for

Me get down the kid dolly get down Lee get down he’s running away right come on now I’m gonna try and get him I’m gonna die with a dime we didn’t die right a kid I don’t want I need to respawn back look quick I’m just gonna jump down and

Just try and protect my half idea the thing is come on loose bond please fall quickly all the time that I’m waiting just to respawn people could be trying to check-in me out idea come on come on come on come on Jess Jess Jess come on this is the problem minecraft xbox excel

Like a why is it lagging right finally okay I’m just gonna run in is anyone and run my kiss big bees down there you try and take him out come on come on big beat come on big beat he’s gonna stick me axe I’ve got that iron and I’ve

Rushed he’s gonna get back up now right I’m a quick I’m a quick I’m a quick come on there we go got some armor and he just grabbed a sword really quickly he’s gonna have my ease ease proper going for my half this guy but I was going for his

As well so come on I’m gonna try and get him down again if you come come on big me come on big me come on Big B come on baby there we go we got him out finally right how’s my house doing I’m kind of sad to look it’s

About half way Big B’s a couple from the top I’m gonna try and get up his off come on right we’re gonna just go from here and so we need to go for this one I think place this one this one there we go this one come on come on and then

This one always nearly out he’s very close to getting out Big B’s very cost I got quite a lot of him then he’s very very very close to getting out what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna try and protect my half now I’m gonna see if

Anyone else is like how’s the Green Teams doing alright climax leave me alone my friend leave me alone that’s not right nice the blue team is quite bad to get out I’m just gonna keep looking at my side when someone else is going for Big B can you actually shoot

Me with arose what I don’t see people people that try to shoot the thing with our rows and I don’t have any leggings but I’ve got quite a lot of here comes Big B again come on Big B come on Big B come on big

Me come on big me gonna try get him out again he’s on the run he’s on the run he’s on the run come on oddballs got like fuldheim and armor as well that’s crazy well I think LZ got full diamond down and I’m gonna check my time actually I’m

Gonna check my time come on screen if we just we just get ourselves together Big B needs like a couple mile but oddball seems to be like on his team or something because he just doesn’t want to get involved or anything like that and Big B can see me he’s try to shoot

Arrows at me he’s trying to defend his tower from the top which I don’t really blame him I need to do the same I need to get a ball actually you can see Reapers tried to get him come on come on come on come on right when you turn around

Smack him in the face smack you in the face come on Reza Khan here is die die no I died as well one going to do is need to grab a ball quickly grab a girl grab a girl gotta grab a gut quick squid just grab a gut right here we go from

The top like so get these odd give me a bow now a really quickly and I couldn’t try and protect my base no one’s actually on my base I wonder if I can can you shoot can you shoot them I don’t know if you can actually shoot at Stone Barns at all can

You shoot them as have a look I don’t think you can I think it’s quite impossible right okay I need a sword I think I’m alright up here for the time being is anyone trying to get my half no one’s actually trying to kill me if

You’re having like a dog fight from up here here we go oh oh managed to hit him oh I hit him again almost hit again the thing is we don’t really like getting anything from doing this at all it’s someone trying to get off my half nope

Okay least though at least he’s trying okay I’m gonna try and help Lee out because he’s actually trying to help the cause of me trying to get Big B out but he’s got it I’m gonna rush in I don’t know why I’m trying to get big be out so

Much I’ve got nothing against you don’t have this as me having anything against big P he’s a lovely chap or I’ve got a game plan yeah I’ve got a game plan people are I’m going by one by one to try and check people out and after take

Big beer I’m gonna try and take the Green Team out and therefore I can’t just keep carry on going trying to kill people because it’s just not gonna work deers gonna is on my back is on my back is on my back I’m gonna turn around and shoot him in the face

Shoot him into fifth is he gonna try and get me out I don’t know I think it’s really nowhere here we’ve got him a couple of times oh dear right okay let’s just let’s just let’s just calm down I want to see how one

Else to do it I think I’m not doing that bad at the moment I think there’s a lot of people doing worse than me and so let’s just try and kill as many people as we can and God Oh Green Teams out Green Team is out guys the Green Team

Has been destroyed and it looks like Big B’s actually out and as you out oh it’s just one more off he’s just about to get one more off stomp it is nearly out as well he’s team is quite near the top but big B is actually coming for mine duh no big me

No big me no no no no no no ugly legs at the game pegs of the game I need to quickly get down there let’s quickly get down there and just punch him off get to where get away from my half no I’m gonna die again but I doesn’t matter I just

Need to keep punching him off if I just keep respawning and punching him off then he’s not gonna get there except he’s just gonna get pushed off like all the time look at this I got a sodding I killed him look how beast that was I was just like jumping like running and

Jumping exactly no stops come on team team team Stubbs team come on no no don’t shoot me oh shoot we Stubbs right and I need to put some stuff on here we go take this round they’re gonna get round there turn around and shoot him come on stops come on Stubbs all right

How am i doing Oh mine is quite near the top as well this isn’t good this is not good I can’t believe they’re big bees Neil in but someone’s will stamp each side someone’s on stumpy side they’ve really costs on stumpy side and leave me to a

Team leave me to a tee I need this duty we saw her just to help me out I’m doing very bad like limiters I’m gonna try and help I’m gonna shoot Big B in the face there we go who’s on me I don’t know who’s on me now

I’m just gonna I’m just gonna come right near my half and just like the move all I just want to like protect my half as much as possible if I just sit here and protect my half and let everyone else go out then I should be alright

Big bees going around the corner he’s only got a wooden sigh laughter Isaac gods on that actually a hundred percent sure and everyone doesn’t like dare tacking if only returns just like running around trying to try to collect armor and I can’t getting at this Reapers because he tried killing me

Let’s try and get this guy if we come about I’m about five or six piston pushes away the purple team is pretty much Neal out climax is doing quite bad and tame bro team team team team team there we go always works than it oh no

Our boss no no no no he tried egg ticking out my thing come on climax somebody’s trying to help me check our ball out if I get this guy’s armor then we should be pretty much Sarge come on come on come on come on I’m gonna run

I’m gonna run squid run squid run squid run squid that’s good huh we managed to just escape there guys that was pretty pretty dangerous and I really just want to try it and get big be side out Gus got climax Go Go climax go go to climax

Go check him out breath don’t take me out he’s gonna come for me he’s trying to come for me a big bees looking it’s half wondering what’s happening and Lee was slain by stab prick oh no this is terrifying okay I’m just gonna make a

Break for it it’s just go for it let’s just go for it guys let’s just try it go for it someone’s gonna shoot me off and I’m gonna die he ran over to die here but oh well oh here we go they push this pitch look we got one

More off we got one more off we’re doing alright he just needs one more on his half and then we are pretty much started me he’s not gonna be very happy with me at all literally his his thing is on one more yeah and then we’ve pretty much

Sorted we might as well go for it guys might as well just go for it one more come on let’s just go for it let’s get up the water fountain let’s line up our I was sorry water huh can we just can we just come on push

This up one more it’s this one it’s this one all right no I need it one more push pushing up and then I could have been fine but no right should we go for it I’m very weak I’m very very very weak Green Teams nearly out as well I’m not

Doing too bad to say everyone else is kind of not big beats going for me we need to shoot him off come on there we go shoot Big B off he’s gonna be taking fall damage dear it’s just very tense it’s very tense very tense right okay come on buddy

There’s this last one okay come on come on come on one more one more come on I’m up it’s been brought up Big B’s is being brought up I didn’t know how’s it it has now okay it’s completely destroyed guys idea where’s mine wine isn’t doing too bad a dish that you

Protect my half now and then I’m fine oddballs still rocking all this armor stampy’s gone Stumpy’s Blue team has gone I’m still in the lead I think we just need the purple team to go and then we’re pretty much fine okay we need to kind of if we destroy Big B then he’s

Out I need to go and craft myself like fräulein armor I’ve actually got some iron armor up in my top chest and stuff amongst with a lot of brewing and stuff like that and stomachs dump it is pretty much out if I think it just needs to be

Killed is anyone gonna try and go for my half not entirely sure no I think they’re not right okay let’s just do this I’m just gonna have to keep on with these other so nice stone sods I thought they were dinosaurs it’s texture that makes it look like it’s iron okay so

Someone is trying to get off my half let’s push him off guys let’s push him off I am absolutely naked oddballs just gonna help me out here I care right what can be doing I’m gonna pick up some of this gear because he’s got a lot more stuff than me I’ve got

Anything that we can have he’s got cheney’s got an iron sword I’ll have that is odd that’s pretty nice thank you I also need a bow there we go I’ve only got like one or two hours oh this isn’t good okay let’s do this let’s

Try and kill some people we need to try and think about who was out Stumpy’s up so we can try and target him here we go we need to try and target stampylongnose there we go come on he’s running away he’s nearly dead he’s nearly dead he stopped it

Are we hit him again we just need one more hit or something like that and then he’s pretty much dead we come around the corner and just an alien come on no I managed to just get MIT I think he’s really weak if I just run in again the

Thing is I need to try and get him out because he’s got no lies left his tie was born up once I kill him again then he’s completely out that this you have a light you have to wear and craft loads a good armor or

You just go in like I’m going in with like iron swords and basic armor I think after this I’m just gonna just gonna risk it and just gonna try and craft some iron hammer no one’s in my half yet I’m gonna go and grab myself some arrows

And DeBoer and then we’re gonna try and go for it again his big beasts alive who was up there as limiters protecting his base and I think what I’m gonna do now is I’m just can I just go up and craft some stuff I don’t know it’s risky

Because people could block my base where I’m doing all this so if we just basically got in and get myself there a lot of I and I’m just gonna go craft myself some I’m a really quickly ice let’s get full iron like that and I’ve

Got an iron sword so I can do this super quick like so and I’m gonna run down and protect my bit here we go guys here we go we’ve done it and no one’s got our base what I can do now is I’m going to try and tech I think bb’s died

That stump is team Stumpy’s team has died so what I need to do is try and just take him out someone’s gonna be our big speed still alive it’s still actually just running about okay I’m gonna try to take him out now I need to try and take stumpy out

Here we go we can try to take him out here come on come on come on I know you got me again no right are we gonna do this now this is this is this is very tactical because what you can do is you can basically have your whole thing

Destroyed like stampy house but still do well if you get some good armor so what I need to do is just grab myself come on chest open open please open open chest come on come on this is time wasted I leave this chest to open so I can get

Myself some iron armors on finished not working there we go did I drop all the iron ingots I’m not sure if I dropped all the iron ingots as well this is gonna be bad this is very bad this is very very but I think I did I think I

Pretty much dropped all the ironing this is anything in here Oh some art I am working just about make a full set of iron armor here and so blood dead deer I also need to get myself it is odd but I think people are gonna be hitting my side

Oh dear come on just get myself and I am sod to protect myself there we go put this all on and then we need to jump down and of the see I left my side and someone’s difference completely destroyed it all No what am I gonna do what am I gonna do

I think it I think hopefully I haven’t died it’s completely like it I’ve done if I’m still in or not I don’t if that explosion killed me um see I’m taking damage now please don’t die please don’t die I’m a taking damage and we’re taking damage am i dead I’m still alive I’m

Still alive I’m still able to get down the base I’m still able to go obviously my last respawn what I can do now is I can craft myself some good armor okay I’ve got full iron I’ve got an iron sword I need to try and make myself okay

I’ve got strength portions here and oh my god only if I concentrated in brewing class I could could be all right let’s just get all this splash potion I’m gonna use all my good stuff and for the end here we go guys let’s just go for it that’s just everything that’s just

Absolutely girlfriend here so we’re gonna use all of our enchanting I kind of picked some up as well where did I put it where did I put my enchanting stuff I’m safe up here I’m safe so I can go and enchant my self so i in helmet we’re just gonna do basic enchantments

Got anything maybe for you level 5 level 5 on each so we got protection 1 if I just do protection on each of these then we should have enough so just play it what’s this gonna be protection to and then we need to get ourselves from leggins protection blast

Protection Oh that’d be ok first so I’m going to put all this on – we got enchanted armor now I wonder if we have got any more portions of enchanting if not then it doesn’t matter we can neck all this strength portion I could make

Some other stuff but I have not got an idea how to do it at all literally no idea and so Oh Who am I gonna get killed jumping down here how do I get through the map they did say I can come back if I’ve got one more chance so I’m gonna do

Is I’m actually just gonna brick through this can I break through this The Dude’s out good damn job back down I’m not actually dead okay I’m gonna write wanting to do is I’m gonna good down here thanks so I kind of need to go back

Down to my base but I can’t get down and this definitely isn’t breaking the rules guys cuz they did say I could get back in if I haven’t died yet so I just need to basically girlfriend now without dying check that here we go I’m gonna place all this down like so

And then I’m on my own strength portion it’s gonna take this and then I am just gonna go for it let’s just go for this Yolo it here we go down on the bottom I don’t know who’s left is it stumpy lefties just dumped out no pretty much everybody’s half that has

Been blown up but I’ve got enchanted armor I have got enchanted stuff Stumpy’s nearly got like full diamond dama so I do need to just basically go for it now what are all these potions here I see a lot of portions they look like they’re gonna be quite tasty what

We got we have got instant damage portion oh here we go and we also have swiftness or if we’re unaware all right let’s do this so I’m gonna take the swiftness I’ve got a splash portion of instant damage that I can try and throw

It in before I go to him so if I take this here like so like that right let’s do this I’m pretty much sorted now this is my last chance guys it’s my last chance to run in this is probably Now or Never I’m gonna be able to do this so let’s try

Stumping wants to team team bruh team okay don’t come near me don’t come near me don’t come near me stabs stops don’t you come near I know what you like you probably gonna betray me in everything where is everyone where’s the rest of the people and I don’t know where the

Rest of the people are Green Teams still got a respawn ticket okay we need to take the Green Team out and I’m gonna see how how good my enchanted stuff is against repo guy nice going come on there we go so I’ve got him stumped he’s

Gonna try and take Reaper guy out and gone stumps I’m gonna try and protect you even if it does portray me okay this diamond boot is we there we go so even if he does try and check me out then and you know at least with working together

With team in on him so go on go go go go go go up there got the thing go up come on we’re gonna work together come on I’m gonna try take him out this is teamwork this is epic teamwork there we go cord snaps blow it up blow poppy’s did

The last thing we did we can blow it up dear come on we’re trying to take him out there we go go stumps go go go up your protection this is epic the thing is I’ve still got all my strength push and sir I can keep trying to do it we’re going

To try and shoot him with a bow and arrow if I can I’m gonna try and keep him cover as he’s trying to blow them guys up he’s running off it’s really enough girlfriend it girlfriend he knows that he’s gonna get exported if he comes up so here we go

He was the explosions guys it’s gonna be coming anytime soon where’s it going boom there we go there’s the explosions as Yucatec now he should be checking out I think he’s finally been taken out boom see you later that’s it is it just me and him I think it’s just being in okay

Gentlemen’s duel gentlemen’s duel gentlemen’s duel no okay let’s do this we both fit ourselves with splash portion he’s not gonna hit man I’ve got swiftness Dale I’m gonna Nick some strength portions let’s do this one-on-one here we go oh he’s gonna hit me with a couple of errors that’s gonna

Get me quite weak yeah come on stop pay go bust up eh come on JP come on steppin yes babies behind then just leave a totally Mattel’s dead yeah it’s a fake I did it I think I won oh my god that was crazy I didn’t think

I was gonna do it and he had full diamond Dalma but I managed to enchant my armor and Nick some strength portion ah what a good game what a jolly good game what a good game ah brilliant Pilate I’m gonna kick you in the boot eh we’ve worn

Oh my god I can’t believe a woman now I was so intense ah what got a massive grin on my face right now guys if you could see my face I’ve got the biggest grin ever um but yeah that has been towers by builders unit I’m not sure it

If there is a download to this map but if there is a download to this map then I’ll make sure to put it in the description I’m sorry if my commentary was a bit dull but this has been the tensest thing ever it’s not like a normal let’s play commentary where you

Can just relax this is I’ll be like sitting on the edge of my chair just like sweating but anyway hopefully you enjoy this video if you did then brilliant and I’ll definitely do some more of this stuff because this has been really really really enjoyable and from

I’d like to give to give a big shout out to the map builders build this unit and hopefully you’ll join me in the next video guys so I’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox – Towers – PvP Map’, was uploaded by iBallisticSquid on 2014-01-26 18:30:00. It has garnered 6235281 views and 24589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:46 or 2026 seconds.

Hello everybody! And welcome to a minecraft xbox PVP map! This map is called ‘Towers’, and it is built by builders unit! Make sure you check out everybody views below, as well as the map creators!

Stampy – http://www.youtube.com/user/stampylonghead Big B – http://www.youtube.com/user/Bigbst4tz2 McCliimax – http://www.youtube.com/user/MCcliimax Builders Unit – http://www.youtube.com/user/BuildersUnit Arebold – http://www.youtube.com/user/arebold69

Map Download – http://butowers.uhostfull.com/

Squiddy T-Shirts – http://iballisticsquid.spreadshirt.co.uk/

Subscribe – http://www.youtube.com/iballisticsquid

Twitter – https://twitter.com/iBallisticSquid

Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/pages/IBallisticSquid/164520893684505

  • Gladiator Showdown: Minecraft’s Coliseum Chaos

    Gladiator Showdown: Minecraft's Coliseum Chaos In the Coliseum, I found myself, Facing monsters, testing my stealth. With sword in hand, I fought with might, To entertain the crowd, a thrilling sight. Gladiators clashed, in ancient Rome, A battle for glory, a fight for home. But in the end, I emerged victorious, Defeating all foes, oh so glorious. So watch the video, see the action unfold, In Minecraft’s world, where stories are told. Like and subscribe, show your support, For more adventures, of this sort. Read More

  • Ultimate Character Animation Addon for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Setup Tool!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft XP Farm Tutorial

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  • Black & Blockbuster: Jack Black Rocks Minecraft Trailer!

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  • ParuCraft

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  • Create and Conquer: The Sildaris Wilds – modded factions

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  • play.

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hub.lostpiece.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Unleashing AI in Minecraft OST: Wither Storm Theme

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

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  • Minecraft Movie Teaser: Warner Bros. Pictures

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  • 🔥Gawr Gura’s CRAZY Punishment in Minecraft RP!

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  • My Terrifying Encounter at a Haunted Minecraft Hospital

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  • Unbelievable! Lawless can’t sleep in Minecraft?! 😂 #minecraft #memes #shorts

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  • 100 Days as BLOOD WORM in Minecraft – Insane Survival

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  • 4RIN+ – Inside A VTuber Minecraft Server ft. @AuriLunami

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  • Unbelievable! Nani vs The Crypt Keeper (Boss Fight)

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  • Minecraft Cancel Culture ft. Uncle Blaiden

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  • MRG Network

    MRG NetworkMRG Network is a group of minecraft servers created by players for players. The network was made out of necessity due to the PTW nature of most servers out there. We have most features that other servers brag about but without putting a paywall between the players and the features they desire. We are a group of friends who have made this server from the perspective of players. We have played servers and were ignored with our requests and therefore we have made this server at the request of those who played and enjoyed other servers with us. We are… Read More

  • 🌑 The Shadow Realm is Now OPEN! 🌑 Realms SMP Bedrock

    Join The Shadow Realm for a Legendary Adventure! One-Player Sleep: No more waiting for everyone to rest! Reworked Smaller Shields: Get the protection you need without the bulk. Optifine-like Spyglass: Zoom in and explore like never before! Decreased Fire Spread: Keep your builds safe from accidental fires. Vein Miner: Mine resources faster and more efficiently! In-Game Events: Regular events to keep the excitement going! Discord Community: Stay connected, share your builds, and plan your adventures! In-Game Shop: Buy and sell items for all your crafting needs. !TPs and !setHome: Convenient teleport and home commands to make navigation easier! !Land Claim:… Read More

  • Minecraft server nerdpvp.xyz

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: nerdpvp.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Swap shield for door, trust me”

    Minecraft Memes - "Swap shield for door, trust me"Looks like the shield’s defense just couldn’t handle the door’s entrance into meme stardom! Read More

  • Unleashing the Power of TK WindCharge Logic

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Mac’s Misadventures in Moosey Town

    Mac's Misadventures in Moosey Town Surviving the Harsh Desert in Forever Stranded Modded Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the desert planet of Forever Stranded, a Minecraft Mod-pack in 1.10.2 available on the Curse Launcher. Join Mac as he navigates through the challenges of this unforgiving environment, trying to survive against all odds. Will you test your fate and see how he tames this unknown world? Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crashing on a planet with nothing but sand surrounding you. In Forever Stranded, players must follow quest lines while braving the harsh desert environment. The first challenge? Securing water to combat… Read More

  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

    Tiny Minecraft World Challenge Welcome to the World in a Jar Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a unique survival journey within the confines of a jar in Minecraft! This challenging gameplay experience offers a twist on the traditional world exploration, pushing players to think creatively and strategically to expand their world. Starting Off Strong As you begin your adventure, you’ll find yourself spawned in front of a barrel filled with essential starter tools. These tools will be crucial in helping you navigate and survive in this confined environment. With limited resources at your disposal, every decision you make will impact your progress. Endless Possibilities… Read More

  • Diamond Mining Noob Fails 🤣 #gametix

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    TIGSMCTIGSMC, Server with Many Features! Join and have fun with friends. On TIGSMC You will find many minigames, challenges and more! If you will need help, we have many staff members, tell one of them what you want, and they will help you Vote our server for more players and more fun Join now and have fun! play.tigsmc.fun:21579 Read More

  • PLAINS N’ PEAKS SMP | whitelist

    Welcome to Plains n’ Peaks! Plains n’ Peaks is a private Minecraft SMP (Java only) for a select group of friends and individuals aged 14-20. Our server focuses on a safe and fun Minecraft experience without excessive automation or inflation. We enjoy hosting events, hanging out in voice chat, and having a great time together! We offer a vanilla experience with a few quality of life plugins, like one player sleep, and the Simple Voice Chat mod for socialization. If you’re interested in joining us, please apply here. Requirements: Discord account Minecraft Java Edition account Microphone and computer capable of… Read More

  • Minecraft server mp.castiamc.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mp.castiamc.com (GL HF) Read More

iBallisticSquid – Minecraft Xbox – Towers – PvP Map