ibxtoycat – I Tried To Run A Minecraft Server Like A Communist Dictator

Video Information

Hello i’m fbi exotic and welcome back another one week minecraft experiment so anyone who’s ever had an open minecraft world or worship an open minecraft server knows exactly how badly that can go some will always join your server they’ll always start briefing and you’ll just have a bad time and this is why

Most minecraft servers have a white list in force to make it so that only authorized users can get on however i feel like this isn’t necessarily the most fair or fun thing so i’ve tried a couple of times now to make it so that we can have an open minecraft world that

Will be fun for everyone involved and we failed both times but i’m being honest the first time i figured no real survival let’s see what happens and things went a little bit badly to say the least the second time i met a creative world and i just asked people

Politely please don’t grief please be nice to each other and somehow things went even worse when i asked people to be nice so third time’s the charm let’s try even harder this time so i’ve got a couple of new rules to make this one hopefully work better than the last two

Times the first brawl is gonna be at say 256 by 256 world it’s an old-style minecraft world and it’s so small that you can see the entire thing from the center so someone should always be looking at you and that should make you want to be a better person

Maybe at least and the second rule is a bit more sinister because i figure why not you know ban people entirely at random so there’ll be no explanation for any of the bands but every now and then i’ll just randomly hop on the server i’ll ban someone i’ll announce that they’ve been banned

I won’t give them any way to appeal the ban or explain what the ban’s about it will just happen and then people realize like oh that guy got banned i wonder why but they’ll have no idea again this should hopefully you know make people be like wow i could be next who knows

And should hopefully make people be a bit better on the server i don’t know if it’ll work for sure but apparently work for the soviet union so it can work for a minecraft server at least that’s the plan let’s find out if it works in practice

So let’s uh let people join the server by announcing it right now on discord and on twitter so i’ve just posted the link on discord right now all i’ve attached to that is the fact that anyone can join here is the link and the fact that if

You do get banned it’s not gonna be appealable it’s not gonna be explainable you’ll just be banned for the entire realm however after this week i will be unbanning them but i won’t say that just yet again i want to really foster that sense of distrust and that sense of i

Could be next that should hopefully make the realm a pleasant place maybe so the service already managed to fill with people and someone’s put up this sign here saying unofficial rules don’t disappoint i can’t and you know i’m i’m down with these rules i like this a lot so you can

See people are making like really good productive steps to actually making a real survival world i’m liking it i’m i’m liking what we got so far what a wonderful serve we have going on here big fan of it so far at least everything is actually going pretty wonderfully as

You can see there’s a bridge being made there’s all these great things and i also just realized that there’s only so many diamonds in this world once they’ve all been gone they’re gone also people chop down all the trees and don’t leave saplings there’ll be none of that left so there’s

Gonna be some really interesting stuff that should develop even if people do follow the rules later on however i feel like we’re almost getting into banning season so the only way to actively ban people from the world is to remove their you know access and then to block it

Via this area right here which means that now he is not able to join the server even if he wants to again so now everyone knows that the ghetto 72 has been banned and now they’re mentally questioning why has he been manned what did he do and uh

This is part of the fun because again why was that no answers just he has been banned that’s all people need to know see people already being like oh look if he goes on and oh people are already turning on each other being like yep let’s make sure this fan worthy person

Gets kicked off side note realm is actually looking pretty good though mr sir bacon face has a a desk for some reason with a oh it’s an apple computer you see that that is the clever stuff you only get when people are being good to each other

I reckon side note the spawn has had a little bit of an update we’ve got from toy cat for toy cat from fans it’s literally a chest of nothing which does break this signs rule right here that is a big disappointment and then toy cat is the best

Sub to him which i mean i can’t disagree with that also we’ve got a really tiny house over here so we’ve had about an hour for the band sitting and it does seem like maybe people are being better i mean you can see a lot more is being built it looks pretty productive

However i see a guy with diamond armor there it could be they’re playing the servant i’ve been playing the server now for the entire like six hours or so it’s been out or maybe just maybe there’s something dodgy again you’re seeing i’m seeing some diamond like an enchanted sword and everything

So things are a little bit suspicious in here we are currently grief proof for a whole eight hours or so now so looking around the place i’m starting to see a lot more of these little walled areas and the thing that’s really clever about this one i think is they’ve used

The edge of the map as kind of one of the walls because if you don’t know there’s literally no way to get past the edge it’s how this board works and it’s kind of a clever way to have a fourth wall that’s built by the game itself i

Like it personally at least and yeah there’s a lot of these going on i guess more and more people are getting factionalized into different areas so my benchmark for how well the realm is going seem it’s going to have to be this little bridge right here because

Look at it the british get getting nicer and nicer every single time we look at it on a cell like this any group is or hackers should be able to spot you on the ground because you can just turn all blocks x-ray right or something like that or

Maybe the distance from you will keep you safe i’m not too sure but anyway they’ve got a secret base and i just love the idea that there’s this much effort put into a world this small to make you know hiding place because again in a world this small there’s only

So many blocks you can hide in but apparently they have a they have a plan for that and i kind of like that personally i figured you not the best way to ban people is to use a magic 8 ball because magic 8 balls as we all do know can

Actually see into the future they’re very smart piece of technology that totally don’t just spew out random answers that people see as back however let’s pull up one of these magic 8 balls and let’s use this as a way to decide who to ban because

The magic 8 ball will give us a random answer for every single person and we’ll keep going down the list starting with golden knight and scrolling down continuously until it decides to bans on so right now should we ban for instance golden knight 0.92 let’s find out by hitting the ask button

My answer is it is decidedly so i mean does that really mean yes i would argue it kind of does but also it’s decidedly so that i should ban him so i again you know we’ll just take it as a ban golden knight has been banned from the realm again

Things were you know kind of working around here but i was sensing a little bit of unease you’re seeing more colored signs you’re seeing more stuff like this up there and the and the singer sign that says that you know all these things together you know easiest way to fix any unease

And your fear of hackers is to do something like that and you can see why uh rowan five seven seven five one one is already quite scared but uh yeah that’s gonna be beautiful however again to ease this even more and because honestly i wanted to do more magic capable answers

I wanted to uh move on on next for the list because we have sir bacon face here so we’re gonna uh ask a quick question sir bacon base be banned from the server the answer is you may rely on it like how can i rely on that fact why are

Magic cable answers so darn vague but uh moving on next should horn in zombie be banned from the server and the animation tells me it is certain he should in fact be banned from the server okay i’ve sent another message to the chat letting them know that someone’s been banned i

Think this is an important thing to do from time to time just let people know that yes there are some bands going on wait what so i’ll be entirely honest with you one of the things that’s made me suspicious is this big hole at the center of the map

You saw earlier people were digging it and it was slowly going somewhere i thought it might be in a mine but one of the things that might make that not true is the fact that this mine just keeps on going down and down and down

And i thought that was kind of crazy at first like look how deep they made the mine but the mine goes literally not only down to bedrock it goes below bedrock i didn’t think that was a thing that existed until just now but yeah we’re gonna dive right into

This water as you can see there is bedrock and then there’s below bedrock maybe people were fighting here or maybe it’s a ploy to get people oh okay so that guy is definitely jumping in weird ways should we kick him for that i mean technically we’re only kicking people for random reasons

So i think the only real solution is this is to use another random number generator so we’re going to use a random num generator again true random not computed random but to generate a number between 1 and 38 032 if the number is between 1 and 20 000

Clearly the guy needs to be banned also this is getting suspicious but clearly the guy needs to be banned whereas if we get more than 20 000 yeah going up to his name 38 032 then clearly his name is true and he is not you know packing it’s just some

Weird lag that is the clearest way we can decide this so let’s hit the button is he gonna get banned or is he not less than twenty thousand says oh he’s thirty six thousand that means his power levels are so strong that he must be legit my apologies for accusing you of hacking

Mr hacker let’s move on to the server the progress is going really well as you can see what used to just be a giant hole at spawn has turned into a house somehow i’m not sure how it goes from being giant pit into house but i’ll take it

And it’s now a community place with a sharing chest and i wonder what people have put in that i’d be willing to bet it’s nothing but okay there’s nothing i’ll put something in you see this is me being a part of the community right now

And uh yeah you can see that what used to be this giant hole has now been turned into like a feature of the world i actually kind of like it personally there’s a there’s a whole like community area going on down here because even when people do bad things

Okay this this does not look legit to me i reckon someone has been doing some things they probably shouldn’t have over here okay yeah there’s a lot of things with bedrock going on suspiciously there probably shouldn’t be but besides that we’ll get to that in a little bit

But besides that everything is a cutest dolphin ever oh i think they caught a dolphin oh there’s a dolphin have you ever seen dolphins try to climb upstairs before because i think this genuinely might be the first time i’ve ever seen this happen so long story short we have a lot of

Progress going on on the realm and i like it a lot but i feel like the best way to keep up the system is not to wait until it gets bad to fix things but to keep proactively fixing things while they’re you know currently good so what

We’re gonna do is we’re gonna do another random ban and i feel like this time i kind of like the in-game someone’s actually doing something mildly wrong even if they don’t know it’s wrong to get banned so what we’re gonna do is the next person i see well

I’m gonna be looking at a wall over here just the middle of nowhere they’re the person will get banned so someone has to actively come out and look for me try and you know because a lot of people are trying to get in the video by like obstructing my

Vision or whatever trying to punch me whatever next person who i see while looking this way again there’s no reason for anyone to see me i’m in a really weird corner of the world they will be banned does that count did you see the guy just

Like kind of skip through on the left of my screen there we’ll see if he comes over here but i think that might just count i mean oh no he’s it definitely counts it definitely counts okay so i’m i’m curious as to what he’s doing here but he did show up

Fully in my field of view and he is i’m just saying i’m gonna have to uh go for a quick ban and um i’m very sorry doddle is bored but you did break the rule that we did go through so we’re gonna do this now doodle has been banned

From the server and now we see how people react to that one he had diamond armor so i assume he might have been a regular here but again i set up very clear rules just because no one knew about them doesn’t mean they’re not clear rules again we just we leave the questions

Like was he hacking what did he do we leave them entirely unanswered that that’s not our job today our job is to create uncertainty fear unrest confusion and that will make people be good people maybe apparently that’s what the experiments here to prove at least and it seems to be working so far

Minus a few things in this weird oh they’ve even started come up with theories as to why he got banned this person thinks he was banned for hitting uh them which he might have done and therefore might deserve a van in some way again that’s not my

Not my job side note do you see how uh we need to stay up to get space someone actually might have worked it out based on that whole message okay so i’m gonna be entirely honest with you i think these random bands are actually doing a good job i think this

Is actually working out for server and the reason for that is because even though there’s a lot of things that look rough i’m gonna be honest most the server looks rough it doesn’t look rough in the same way like it’s been griefed again if you’re looking at this compared

To any other normal survival world this is a bad thing this is a a failed experiment or whatever however if you compare this to what the previous one week experiments look like it actually is pretty impressive there’s actually a bunch of banners here some managed to get this much wool it’s impressive

There’s actually you know like sandstone going over it here this again even though this is kind of ugly it is a complete structure that doesn’t have holes in and there is a huge ravine next to it that’s kind of interesting in my opinion then looking around here you can see there’s

Actually hell and then there’s even a community farm which still seems to be surviving i mean it looks like it might need to go some more places if you look up there it’s clearly got some some lofty ambitions but you can see uh sky high to bedrock community farm

They’re going places even if it’s just this so far although oh wait oh my god actually it looks like it actually goes below ground so this is absurd they’re working on a bedrock to sky height farm and usually when you hear people say that and you see the top layer it’s like

Well i mean you can come up with an idea but if you’re not working it but like there is actually progress on an insane farm in the community realm which is something you don’t usually get to see yet seeing salmon flap around on the in the edge of the

World in a place that doesn’t really exist but kind of does at the same time that’s something i don’t think you can ever get used to also i think there’s blocks here now has someone managed to place blocks outside of the world this might be hacker’s corner right here

So i think given that a lot of the success in this realm in my opinion at least is because of the random ban always be fearful of being banned system i think we need to do another one right now and i think one of the most fun ways to do this is uh

One where people are entirely responsible for what they do but they don’t know it and a fun way to do this you know although magic 8 balls are great random number generators they’re a wonderful too what if we make a little bit of a rule in the game where the next

Person to say the you know the simple word the they will be banned from the game so i’m just gonna sit here act like an afk and when i see someone say the they’ll be banned and with no explanation given so you can see right there it says away from

The union which i believe is what they call the big house over there however it doesn’t matter why they’re saying the oh two cats can’t almost got banned so but sadly adrie adrie the queen audrey da queen is going to be the person who gets banned

So i have sent out the message i have let people know and honestly they had some diamond armor on anyway see the why the explanation mark i don’t know if they knew her or not i’m not sure how big a name she was on the server but it

Seems like people are pretty curious about this one again suspicion is high which is good for us and again using techniques from the soviet union in a minecraft server might be a big stream but they’re getting me results it is the beginning of day four on the realm i don’t want to

Quickly mention just the full transparency i do reset it every night because that’s ten that tends to even like least people online and like either nothing happens or everything happens at once so i just reset it every single night it seems to be uh but yeah one of the things that i’ve

Noticed is tending to happen uh over time is we’re getting more and more mess in the realm if you look you can see this is just kind of growing and growing and growing and honestly i don’t know if it’s getting uglier but i would say so right and then also you can see

These messages are getting slightly more hostile like cake is bad oh cake is rad you know i i kind of agree with that but then it’s like dead channel is best is that a compliment or is that an insult i’m not sure what they want to say about my channel there but

It’s kind of interesting also uh just over here we have a new uh garden where everyone’s writing their name down as they join the world i think that’s a cute idea again i imagine at some point someone’s gonna destroy this so just for now as you can

See we’ve got a bunch of names going all over the realm which i mean it’s a bit too big uh to actually see but still it’s kind of interesting right so yeah long story short realm has gone pretty well so far i would say uh the the random man system is keeping

So i’m gonna be honest it does kind of refute my previous claim when i see something like this because as you can see it’s a little bit inappropriate it is clearly a pt piranha from the mario party games a little bit of a a weird colorful one and a little bit of

A weird angle for one and you know clearly it’s a rocket ship because there’s some direct blocks coming out but i’m not sure entirely you know what that’s uh doing over here in the desert okay so let’s not rest on our laurels too much as as we’ve all kind of clarified if you

Want things to keep going good you can’t just uh you know assume uh the people will keep being great you’ve got to go over the random bands for mildly random reasons and i feel like the best random reason that honestly isn’t even too random is

I’m gonna use my gravel i had one but apparently there’s a bunch on the floor here i’m gonna make a big stack of gravel and the moment anyone destroys any gravel from that stack that because i’m gonna be standing on it they will be banned without any reason

Given again maybe they’ll know maybe they won’t know but that’s going to be what happens just here oh is this guy coming to destroy the gravel oh he might be coming to the street oh no no oh okay he messed up oh no i’m sorry i’m sorry um you know

A person came over he broke the rules and sadly epic people has been banned from the realm and uh we’ll see how that one goes down i guess yeah look at that confusion why why which one oh i banned two people assuming they were the same person

It could be there were two people the same name that i’ve accidentally both banned but we’ll assume not as you can see though confusion is the the dream in this realm and we’re gonna hope that that works for me so this base from earlier you might recall it

Seems to have been growing at a really weird rate it looks like one of those just weird forts people have been building out like random corrugated cardboard and metal and stuff like that and it seems rather nice on the inside it looks like one of the few real bits of terrain despite being

Surrounded by the ugliest balls i’ve ever seen okay so there’s been a disagreement on the server and uh you know two people keep accusing each other of hacking so on and so forth i think the only way to solve this as you can see in chat is that two people

Should uh have a fight and the loser should get kicked i think that’s the only fair way to resolve this one i said you have to fight to see who stays and then preferably fight though i want to see the two guys fight so we got we got flaming curry here we got

Moonbot i’m excited i’m oh no don’t give me the sword oh what what is he [Laughter] he’s given i’ll take it that is one way of doing it i guess so i find this fascinating because it kind of is like a small city where there’s only so much land and everyone

Wants to live like have a house somewhere in it so you can see the houses are just kind of like spreading out they’re reclaiming land they’re doing a lot of stuff but the most interesting house i found is this one right here where he decided you know

I’m gonna build out from the cliff a bit so that we’re floating but only a little bit floating it’s harvey gouche one and you know i like your house your weird little compact house it’s perfect you know actually i love this this is the perfect one he joined a

Cult because he think he might die i’m sorry it’s a cat but whenever you make a realm a cult is always made maybe next time making a non-pvp round so i left the server for a few hours and interestingly enough the place where i lost was on the server has been renamed

The peak mountain toy cat or ticket mountain toy cat is yes try cat mountain is yes yes you know i approve of these messages i’m not sure i approve of what’s happening in the server i it’s hard to tell sometimes because there’s just so much going on but i

Think things have gone a little bit worse maybe you know the spawn you know used to be this just big thing and now it’s now it seems to have been walled off maybe there’s like it’s got like a guard tower what has happened here watch the peasants die oh my god so

It looks like some class warfare might have happened because the you know all the names that were there have been replaced by individual flowers and you know what yeah it looks like someone came to spawn they maybe messed things up a little bit but like you know the lazy way of messing

Things up where it’s like i’ll place six blocks of granite that’ll show them uh so yeah and then there’s been like a blockade in and out to get to the spawn which means there was probably some form of like you know big uh event and they’ve had to

You know blockade things in and out which is interesting to say the least however it has been a while since our last ban so you know what’s gonna happen we’re gonna do another random ban so i figure a fun way to do this is to uh divide the list into two sets

Of people and then what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna use my robot vacuum if you don’t know i have one to decide who defends we’ll just pick a couple of people at random let’s say uh matthew carp and stiflishbog731 371 as well as personal graph 05

Uh and then topper cues actually i like that name too much so stiflish bog matthew carp and personal graph 05 all three of these people are going to be decided on by the ruba or the robot vacuum so i think the best source of random you can

Get is a very cheap robot vacuum cleaner as i said this is one of the most ridiculous purchases i’ve ever probably made however what i have got set up as you can see is three name tags right here we’ve got personal graph 05 we’ve got stiffishbog371 and we’ve got matthew carp

What we’re going to do is we’re going to activate the robot cleaner right now actually alexa ask robo back to start cleaning and which i want it cleans first is the one that obviously we decide on we might have to nudge him in the right direction

Back that way that way that way that way like i said it’s not a particularly smart robot vacuum cleaner it doesn’t know the layout of the house or anything it just kind of bumps into stuff that finds its way home and cleans stuff hopefully oh it has decided that personal grafts

Should be banned i think it also decided that stiffness block should be two however matthew carp has been spare okay so yeah it looks like personal graph has got a definite endorsement of ban from the robo back i’m sorry personal graph but you have to be banned now so even

Though the robot vacuum very clearly asked for all three to be banned i feel like i’ll be generous and just go over the very first one it picked which in this case as you can see is personal graph so he’s been man there’s already a y okay yeah yeah just assuming like he

Probably hacked he deserved being banned and uh thanks to the cat you saved the day that’s not taxpayer okay so as you can see you get a pretty interesting reaction every time you bounce on on the server without explanation which maybe if you want to have your own stardom like minecraft server

You can totally go with oh someone accused them of flying earlier i wonder if this person’s like covering up their own sins by just accusing other people or if they really like i just happen to be banning like you know hackers or something oh someone’s worked out a way to use the

Pr you know to use the bedrock to make a prison using this iron trap door jesus that’s a clever but also a scary thing to be trapped in right like you literally can’t get out once you fall in there because it’s peaceful you’re just trapped in that

Song lets you out or till somehow they kill you man that’s pretty wild actually okay here’s a really odd one too look as you can see there is sheeps and cows over there but they’re entirely like glitched out and just shaking their heads rapidly like no no no

No please don’t come over here and interesting enough you can actually walk over to where they are and there’s water out here but it kills you again i’ve never seen a minecraft world have this be possible okay here’s the craziest thing about that man this is how you know the room got it

Right just afterwards he goes on the discord and he’s like oh please unban me i only had no clip because someone was spamming with killing hacks yesterday he literally admitted that he was hacking after i banned him so i’m just saying random ban system clearly doing good things clearly working out for me

So it’s day five we’re very near the end of the experiment and i’m starting to realize maybe we should adjust down our expectations i figured we’d get this amazing community survivor world of we just did things right however even though i would you know i would say we failed at that goal

I would say we haven’t failed at making a realm which is actually livable and which is actually being built in as opposed to just being a big sea of lava or a big lag machine or a big whatever else because if you look at the world right now

It is just about recognizable there’s a lot of weird stuff around here like the magazine or the toy cat sign or there’s just a lot of stuff which makes you question like well this looks like a bit destroyed but there’s a lot of stuff which is still legit

Still going in the very center of the world the spawn literally still has buildings like this one which are mostly still intact however as before i feel like the only way to keep this thing going is to do some more random banning you’ve got to keep the pruning

In for so people know that you’re not the toy cat republic does need to be worshipped we do need even more cult of personality than we already have and you know what the best way to do that is another random game so i think the best

Way to do this one is to make it so it’s actually someone’s fault i’m gonna tell everyone on the server to pick a number between one and ten whoever says six first because six is a a pretty bad number it’s just an upside down nine that’s even less valuable whoever

Guesses six they can be banned from the server if multiple people pick a six then i guess they can all be banned but this is this is a good way to make sure that people are actually banned for something they do to themselves like dino that dino

And techno bat just have bad taste in numbers so they’re going to be kicked oh he’s changed his vote for five he can’t hear me talking so i’m gonna take his second answer given that what’s already a six but yeah it seems as though dino the diner his bad taste in numbers

Will be the death of him i’m sorry dinah dino has been banned from the realm someone immediately replaced him too i guess it must be a popular time of the server and now we see if people question it or if maybe we’ve just reached the point where like everyone just accepts what’s

Happening here I’m so sorry yeah this is what we want again bad for humanity when this happens good for the cult of personality which is good for the realm maybe question mark okay it’s day six and i think the best proof we have that this system is working is the fact that

This night we didn’t even have to reset like we do every night where we just kind of roll it back to how it was a few hours ago it seems as though that hasn’t has to happen today in fact it seems to have gone better over the entire night there was a whole

Uh you know night where no one’s online no one’s doing anything really but yet things have managed to improve rather than downgrade at that time it seems as though we have developed into a real server as opposed to just a bunch of builds in one place this is a real collective

Uh you know kind of area and that is something i was not expecting however there is still a day left and honestly based on my experience with these uh you know basically no stated rules realms uh what tends to happen is people tend to get a bit wild on the last day

So my plan uh to kind of prevent that is i’m going to be doing the opposite of what i’ve done so fast removing people makes people you know have a climate of fear they feel like oh maybe i should be not doing whatever i’m doing that’s bad

And they wonder that’s why they’ll get banned or something i think that has worked so well for keeping the server at least any what you know it looks at least like a real you know world right now even if a little bit of a rough one

But i think the key thing to go from here is like okay we’ve used the uh the stick now you know the carrot and the stick we’ve beaten people with the stick but now we need to do the opposite i think that one of the best things to do you

Know like if you randomly ban people it’s going to scare them a bit but i think the best thing to do is to randomly op people as well that’s right we’re going to randomly give people admin privileges on the server with the basic intention being that if

We do that you know friendly no no you know explanation given just hey you’re an op now we’ll see uh that maybe those people will use their power for the greater good they’ll use it thinking oh if i use this badly i’ll get kicked too

Um and yeah that’s the plan give op to a bunch of people ban one of those ops and then make the other ones think oh i have to use this path for good now and then we should end up in a good place side note there

Is a lot of just really weird things that have developed over the last like eight hours or so alone and i’m impressed none of it’s been a huge lava pool or anything like that so i guess points for the server if nothing else also free junk heck yeah a free wooden pickaxe

Okay i have given techno back op statuses which means that he should be able to do pretty much anything i want i think that means he even has access to commands he can change the settings of the realm basically he can do anything he wants beyond kicking people i think

And deleting the realm which means that he can literally go into create oh and he’s left the realm for some reason he can literally go into creative he can uh you know like he can do anything he wants and that means that some really dangerous things can happen you should not give

Privileges to random people however uh you know if we give you know privileges to a couple of random people then we ban one of them that should increase the fear level off them so here’s the problem i’ve been checking back all day to wait for one of

The two admins to come back it looks like after an hour or so they both left the server which means that we have the issue where yeah we the we installed some admins some ops on the server but i didn’t catch them maybe they were here just when i wasn’t here

Maybe they knew the plan and they were trying to avoid it i’m not too sure but anyway yeah we’re here again and uh i just want to say that even though you know there’s some minor crimes like a windows being broken you can still see some crazy stuff that’s been done again clearly

Some duplicating going on to get it done but people haven’t used their powers for evil it seems they’ve been using them mostly for either good or neutrality you can again there’s a lot of weird stuff there’s a lot of concerning stuff there’s a lot of stuff where it’s not even

Very well made but it’s not maliciously made and that has to be progress for today i don’t know how much progress i don’t know if you consider that like the best thing ever in the world but yeah so far there’s even a dirt shack in the desert this is

Cool but also kind of makes me question yes so far uh this is almost the end of day six and i guess i would just say that things almost seem like we’re gonna end better than we started we’re gonna have a better start to the realm than an uh

Sorry better enter the realm let us start honestly i’m not sure why i make comments like that i it must be something about the universe it just hears me making it and it’s like you know what you think things can’t get significantly worse than right now because

Your system of you know uh soviet style oppression however apparently soviet style oppression can’t fix end portals which i still have no idea where this came from it seems as though they filled the entire map with it so it must be some either advanced hack or

Maybe one of the ops just went insane with rage and he’s just done this i’m not sure i’m the slightest but everyone’s unhappy there’s lag everywhere and everyone’s also currently in the end it seems so yeah i guess things are pretty interesting in the realm right now to say the least

But not intervention means i’ll just try and let people fix this themselves hopefully by tomorrow so there’s two things i think i’ve learned from this raid and or rogue as moderator and that’s one that you can apparently make this many end portals two that this many m portals leads to

This much lag and three that this is clearly the most effective way to grief any server if you are someone who considers himself a griefer on the verge of the game this is officially the best way to do it it even works when full-on communism is enabled however for now what i’m gonna

Do is i’m gonna just jump off into it and we’re going to see what’s it what it’s like in the end i guess or die next to it because that’s how these portals work because it seems oh my god spawn is a mess too okay well so besides spawn and the whole world

Being covered in importance things are going pretty good right now okay so it’s the late afternoon of day seven last day of the realm and i’m sure i’m hoping that i mean okay besides the fact that i’ve spawned into nothing have they removed the world so there are

People running around in the void of nothingness oh oh there we go oh i was just outside the world i don’t know how someone knocked me out there but as you can see the world has been entirely i don’t know how this has happened in that amount of time

But it seems as though we’ve entirely terraformed and then built stuff and then destroyed stuff and then fixed the destroyed stuff partially because this is just absurd right here again do you remember when this used to be an entire like fortress a huge thing you can recognize from the cake is rad sign

Which is for some reason never being removed but everything else seems like it’s just been reset almost it looks like a flat survival world how did this happen i bet one of the ops must have come on and just like filled it with something maybe i’m

I have no clue how this even begins to happen however i am going to claim this as a victory for communism on the server as you can see going a little bit you know a little bit stalinist on the server seems to have created results at least i mean it’s

Probably better than when we started still and there is things here you know not many things and not there are less things here by a significant amount than yesterday and there’s a lot of destruction just below the surface waiting for you but ignoring those things oh man there’s

A lot of destruction below the surface oh my god they really did put a lot of effort into covering this up didn’t they oh it’s quite literally a cover-up but either way there are six hours left in this round i feel like the only logical thing to do

Is to pick another op and to ban someone at the same time so this guy just gave me diamonds and a diamond axe which even means i should be suspicious of him oh he’s giving me the enchant kit so either he’s a hacker or he knows someone who is a hacker or

An op i guess at this point we’ve kind of blurred the lines haven’t we but yeah okay so what we’re gonna do is we’re just gonna he says toto cat that’s enough i’ll make him i’ll make him an op for that okay so what i’m gonna do so i made him

An op now he now has powers here’s the best way to do it rather than me randomly picking how about i force blocks free to pick zombie band or i’ll ban him myself i wonder if he even feels bad about this or his instinct is gonna be like that guy

Getting rid of him right now is he gonna struggle you oh i was not expecting that one see he is a oh total bucket please he is okay yeah that was that was like a joke hesitation then he was like i guess that won’t do guess we’re banning terrible bucket 94

Instead so yeah he has now left the realm but he has been banned again this is this is all blocks free’s fault he just says xd i was trying to make him feel bad i was trying to to encourage him to realize the weight of his actions but he just laughs out

Loud at that geez oh look you can still see some of the former stuff at spawn it exists just below the dirt and there are plots here you can build in if you want to okay now it’s time for the ultimate showdown to see if the whole communism

Thing in minecraft really does pay off because i’m gonna be comparing this world right here a world after a week of some questionable policies uh to the world that we started with so first of all we’ll start the fact that the terrain has entirely changed there’s four mountains that define the world we

Started with and then a few uh you know deserts and then a big ocean that kind of separates everything else whereas right now we have one mountain pretty much no ocean and pretty much no desert it seems as though uh the plains biome and a jungle apparently seems to have absorbed the

Rest of the world uh which is something that’s kind of interesting and then also it seems that there’s pretty much no undeveloped land every single part of this 256 by 256 world had something built on it at some point there are maybe exceptions in the very corners of the world here

Where like the river seems mostly intact but it seems as though people tried to build anywhere they could if they saw a building somewhere they’d build somewhere else and that’s why every single inch of this has either been blown up or had something there or had something there was blown up or

Maybe had something there was blown up had something there was blown up many many times and that’s actually kind of interesting to see the other interesting thing to see about this is the fact that the castle i was showing off this uh you know entire time seems to have managed to survive and

Survive and survive the base structure was never truly destroyed so even though at one point it was full of barriers and right now it’s filled with jungle trees apparently don’t ask me what that’s all about even though this thing got almost destroyed a lot of times

It did manage to survive that and i’m not sure if that was just some clever planning like you know it’s obsidian lead of cobblestone lead with granite maybe just being such an ugly mess of a structure kept it alive but there is one structure that survived the entire week and

Given and also some text but given that you know there is like a big target and it’s a huge thing that’s quite impressive also it seems towards the end we got this discord dot gg slash toy cat thing going on so i mean i’m glad that in the last 30

Minutes we got something nice achieved um we’ve also got juve is greater than the eu because the european uh union was a big part of the server um dead channel managed to survive so is cake is rad and uh most of the sky walkways actually managed to get destroyed this is why i

Found surprising because these were something that just kind of were continuously there but in this case someone built the lieutenant noah chase apparently built a noteblock thing that managed to survive don’t know how another thing that managed to survive which again i’m really kind of glad about

Is uh this kind of beautiful house over here again you can see at the very edge of the world so the truth is is even though the end result was about as expectable as you might imagine uh i think uh the truth is is the you know the out the nightly resets combined

With the uh you know the communism uh random bands trying to incite fear combined with the admins at the end it seems to have kept things going i think as long as something new is always happening uh the people who are inspired to do something good might always eventually outweigh those

Who won’t do bad or maybe it’s just like a flip for coin like you know if we let this go on for eight days it’d be destroyed if we kept it for ten then we’d be back and eleven we just which try again maybe that’s all this is but i find it

Fascinating with girls also okay this is something wild i didn’t know existed i’m sure it’s a glitch that there’s some way to achieve but i’m pretty certain it has to be hacked basically people have removed the world border from this world so this sounds absurd and it genuinely kind

Of is but there are things which are outside the world border so like these cows over here for instance which are tied to a fence i don’t even know how this works but you can see out here there’s a bunch of cows outside the minecraft world

There are a bunch of blocks over here you can’t see you can break them oh apparently not even creative you can’t break them but you can place blocks out here which is kind of weird like again this isn’t possible in any old style world you might think that it is but it’s not

There’s water up here i people are griefing parts of the world i didn’t know existed and again that just goes to show the ingenuity of hackers look at all the cows out there the ingenuity of hackers and griefers and there is a lot more cows than i figured

And interesting enough people also used this in the fight to defend against it because uh one you can see that not only is there cows at the edge people stored their chests outside the world at some point people realized the only way to defend your chest

Was to store it outside the market well that apparently what looted anyway but was the story outside the minecraft world and that’s why there’s so many chests out here that people okay apparently all of them are empty okay this one has to have something right like it’s still it’s still hidden

So ah this guy kept his 14th hand safe and there’s another one over here but you can see how people actually genuinely managed to keep things outside the map and i think if nothing else that’s an oh look this this one has a diamond sword don’t pick axe

If nothing else that’s in the testament to the ingenuity of like the endless war between hackers and real players you need like 10 real players to account for every single hacker but the fact that it’s even a battle when one of those types of people is willing to literally hack is uh i

Mean it says something right it definitely says something uh and yeah the world is it’s not it’s not a pretty world this is not a world anyone be happy with but compared to the last two experiments compared to those i think we did good we have a few things

That exist that are vaguely described wars are built there are not huge explosion holes everywhere although actually i haven’t checked below the surface yet i bet it’s yep of course it is um the fact that anything survived this at all is kind of a a a testament to how great this was and

I guess that kind of goes back into the whole fun thing of like oh yeah so really you know minecraft kind of is coming isn’t so bad like if you measure it by total result it’s bad but i mean it achieved some good things and in this case

The good things are few and far between but that doesn’t mean that you can’t like it maybe question mark exclamation mark uh is is this a useful history video no is this a useful minecraft video not really thank you for watching this video it was

A lot of fun to record and i hope you did all enjoy it but i want to quickly clarify at the end here this is probably gonna be the last experiment for quite some time on the channel because uh the last couple experiments have been blowing up on youtube and i’m

So appreciative of anyone who’s been helping that in any way everybody sharing the video or just by interacting with it in any way possible however i do want to quickly clarify that because of the number of people who have been joining the server purely because they’ve seen it in those

Videos you know they’re not subscribed they’re not playing the server organically it means that a lot of people are trying to join the server just to make the biggest impact possible and although it’s less of a thing this time i think you’re slowly starting to see it more and more pop up

And it makes it less of an organic experiment and more of oh yeah these people are joining because they know they’ll be in a video which is great but unlike some youtubers i do prefer to be honest when like i’m saying it’s an experiment i want to be a real

Experiment so at some point this will come back in that form but just expect a bit of a delay until then because i want it to be a real surprise but with that said uh i do want to thank you very much watching this video i want to also give you the

Advice that if you ever do find yourself dictator of a far eastern european country just make sure you introduce some reforms every now and then the evidence from this video and real life is quite clear that you’re gonna have some reforms every now and then or things might just go pretty

Terribly pretty quickly and you might find your country is dissolved into little bits but that’s just my kind of takeaway i hope you enjoy the video because i’ll see you all next time Goodbye Bye

This video, titled ‘I Tried To Run A Minecraft Server Like A Communist Dictator’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2018-11-09 20:00:07. It has garnered 4077980 views and 88195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:37 or 2377 seconds.

I set my bedrock realm to public for a week, with 2 fun twists: Old sized 256×256 world Stalinist Communism

What could go wrong?

– Video That started this all (no rules realm:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj4wHUYvSX0

– The Previous Video(Why Minecraft Is Under Rated): https://youtu.be/0dtHeORNzAo

– Think you’ve missed something? You might have, and you can check my most recent uploads here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ibxtoycat/videos

– Curious about PILLAGE AND VILLAGE? Here is a playlist of videos on it! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpzQjCoeY5xo5H_ZOWu4rBoc

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– Music By Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBulbamike

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    BEATING FNAF ANIMATRONIC IN MINECRAFT!? 💥😱Video Information This video, titled ‘PRODRIAS VENCER a un ANIMATRONICO?? 💥✅ #minecraft #fnaf’, was uploaded by iShadownplay on 2024-01-06 01:22:09. It has garnered 6624 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:14 or 374 seconds. Credits to Danny Fox for the Add-on ✅ 💎My Networks!!💎 ✅PvP Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCRE0t9Ne4-6iW_ow6MJpjtw ✅Edits Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UC3N5uD1J81e5uQUm-cA7obw ✅Music Channel: hhttps://www.youtube.com/@YoSoyShadowM ✅Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ishadownplay/ ✅Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ishadownplay ✅Twitter: https://twitter.com/iShadownplay ✅Discord: https://discord.gg/xQRnvJnysg 🌐Servers that I recommend: 🦄 https://discord.gg/yGThZ67F 🔹Mi Team!!🔹 💥SirJavir6086: https://www.youtube.com/@sirjavir6086/featured 💥TriangulitoG: https://www.youtube.com/@triangulitog/featured 💥PatoPrime5379: https://www.youtube.com/@patoprime5379/featured 💥Joségaiden: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_J0RvjQAoRrFxbCT-cCFJA #fnaf #minecraft #addon #fivenightsatfreddys #fun Read More


    INSANE RICH VS POOR MINECRAFT DRILL BUILD CHALLENGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey Family vs Rich JJ Family Mining DRILL BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-04-30 20:37:09. It has garnered 51760 views and 308 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jumps! 🔥 Agres Gaming #3 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Jumps! 🔥 Agres Gaming #3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jumping Video #3 #minecraft @RazaqGaming937 #shorts’, was uploaded by Agres Gaming on 2024-01-08 14:19:57. It has garnered 71 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Hey Guys !! What’s upp! Welcome to my Channel Agres Gaming I am Humza Rahman AKA Hax Texon Today i have made a jumping video and this is the #3 for ‎@RazaqGaming937 Btw Don’t Forget to hit the like and Subscribe Button Links – Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/agresgamings?igsh=MWc0czV1M2M3NWhmcQ== Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077980692945 X(Twitter) – https://x.com/HaxTexon?t=BYcGzS63Xfn1eaQWoAm-Cw&s=09 Threads- https://www.threads.net/@agresgamings Thank You ! Keywords(Tags) Please ignore – minecraft,… Read More

  • Coldex SMP


  • Bambubai SMP Bedrock Modded

    Greetings, Adventurers! Welcome to BambubaiSMP, a Bedrock Server offering your next great adventure! Server Rules: No Hacking: Maintain fairness for all players. No Griefing: Respect others’ creations. No Killing at Spawn: Keep the spawn area safe. No Racism or Discrimination: Treat everyone equally. No 18+ Content: Keep the environment family-friendly. Respect All Players: Show kindness and respect. No Spamming: Avoid repetitive messages. No Advertising: Do not promote other servers. No Exploiting Bugs: Report any bugs to admins. Follow Admin Instructions: Admins maintain order. Consequences: Violations will result in appropriate actions. Join Our Discord: Stay updated and connect with players: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Lichen glow-up = diamond jackpot”

    Minecraft Memes - "Lichen glow-up = diamond jackpot"Why spend hours mining for diamonds when you can just cultivate some glow lichen and call it a day? Priorities, people! Read More

  • Crafty Lies: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies: Minecraft Shorts In the world of Minecraft, where adventures take flight, I bring you the news, with all my might. Updates and secrets, I’ll share with a grin, In every rhyme, let the truth begin. From dungeons to dragons, and treasures untold, In the world of blocks, where stories unfold. I’ll keep you informed, with a playful spin, In every verse, let the journey begin. So join me now, in this Minecraft delight, As we explore together, day and night. With rhymes and emojis, we’ll make it all right, In the world of Minecraft, shining bright. Read More

  • POV: You just committed doggy murder 😂🔥

    POV: You just committed doggy murder 😂🔥 When you accidentally kill your friend’s Minecraft dog and suddenly become the most wanted criminal in the virtual world. #RIPRover #MinecraftMurderer Read More

  • Boom Boom Key Madness | Monster Marauder 13

    Boom Boom Key Madness | Monster Marauder 13 Explosive Events Unfold in Pendragon on EcoSMP Minecraft Server Two days ago, a massive explosion shook the peaceful town of Pendragon on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server. The aftermath revealed a crater with an epoch time inscribed at the bottom, sparking curiosity and intrigue among the server’s inhabitants. The Mysterious Hunt for Numbers Yesterday, at the exact time indicated by the epoch time, more explosions reverberated near the town center, sending brave adventurers on a quest for answers. Their investigation led them to discover mysterious text scattered throughout Pendragon, hinting at a series of numbers hidden in plain… Read More

  • EPIC Ironmouse VODs Collab – FF14 & Minecraft ft. PremierTwo & AiCandii

    EPIC Ironmouse VODs Collab - FF14 & Minecraft ft. PremierTwo & AiCandiiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Final Fantasy 14 & Minecraft With PremierTwo & AiCandii’, was uploaded by IRONMOUSE VODS on 2024-05-23 09:15:04. It has garnered 5016 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 05:14:25 or 18865 seconds. Streamed on: 05/11/24 My Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/IronMouseParty ♡♡♡Follow me and all my weirdness if you wish ♡♡♡ ♡Twitch♡ http://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse​ ♡Twitter♡ http://www.twitter.com/ironmouse ♡Patreon♡ http://www.patreon.com/ironmouse​ ♡Discord♡ http://www.discord.gg/preciousfamily​ Channel Managed By Mudan https://twitter.com/MudanTV #vtuber​ #ironmouse​ #vshojo Read More

  • iHorus Minecraft Episode 11: Epic Gameplay Revealed

    iHorus Minecraft Episode 11: Epic Gameplay RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 11!’, was uploaded by iHorus Smash on 2024-04-16 17:37:53. It has garnered 24 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:41 or 6821 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/joshuawah Go to my youtube channel for chat! Read More

  • Surviving 100 Hardcore Days in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Hardcore Days in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Its Hardcore 100 Days Survival | | Minecraft @galaxo7’, was uploaded by Galaxo Gaming on 2024-04-03 11:38:56. It has garnered 410 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Did We Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Survival | Did We Killed Dragon? #minecraft @galaxogaming #shorts #minecraft #viral #gaming #minecrafthindivoice #minecraftsurvival Video link : https://youtu.be/Y4AffU0SM1I Minecraft Hardcore is same as Survival Mode, however the game is set to the hardest difficulty, and with only one life. The hearts look slightly different in the shading. If you die in this mode,… Read More

ibxtoycat – I Tried To Run A Minecraft Server Like A Communist Dictator