ibxtoycat – Minecraft Xbox / PE Update – Shaders, Performance, Minigames (QnA)

Video Information

Hello I’m if you exploit cat and this is too many Saturday the Whitley series on my channel answer your questions about a variety of subjects I have been off on my channel Oakley past week or so they send be mostly about the next update which we can’t go inside lovely people

And of course be brand new mine care but also just about other things people have one is asking from the comment sections of last week’s view and of course from Twitter so yeah big thing where basically I just answer your questions in the past week and hopefully you do

Enjoy it you can like video because it helps out the channel and let’s say you do like this series and want to keep seeing more fit every single set state on the channel you might get this but it’s actually every set day that’s right Q necessities and Saturday

Big Show but with us it is assurance the first question Rochelle and let’s start with this one from James Oh commander kitty cat who said do you think that the Xbox one X will go down the same vote as the Wii U so the way you if you don’t

Know is basically that lost the Goblin console like the you know Nintendo released the Wii one of the most successful console level then they figured they follow up we were more like hardcore variant which was the Wii U but because they did really terror marketing the console itself had a bunch of issues

And they didn’t really have any games for it it’s sold terribly and it’s one of Nintendo’s biggest failures so do I think the Xbox one necks will go down the same road of it I actually don’t think so and the reason for that is because the at the Xbox one X is at

Least trying to do something that isn’t filled in like it’s almost designed to fail in a way but it’s fine if it does because in unlike the Wii U where they just upgraded didn’t really have the reason to go for it besides like oh yeah there’ll be some games in the future

The Xbox one X takes the kind of idea of like okay what if we improved existing games and just made it like a new Xbox you know constant like it defeats some of the point of the console where it’s meant to be one system but this just

Means that oh yeah this be 1080p system the Xbox one is and there’s the 4k console the Xbox one X so I think because of that it’s going to do okay but I think it’s not designed to do well I think it’s just meant to be there to

Encourage the Xbox ecosystem you know as a whole and it’s a yeah I don’t go do well but I think it won’t be a failure for not doing well which is confusing but it’s one of those things where like you know if you’re if you’re expected

Again F in a subject and you get D that’s like a success right but it’s still not doing well that’s still a failure but it’s not a wii u failure you know the Wii U is going to be so cool and then it just you know didn’t show up

One day and made my point being less we won from that analogy to the second question shall we which comes in from Elliott who says when do you think the build-off mini game will come if it’s real so I do think it’s real unlike 99% sure there’s a reason they mentioned on

The video it’s been accurate every other living again this middle east and also we just have all these hence from unit 4 J themselves you know mine can last year they’re like Bill battle would be great on the console so yeah it’s definitely real it’s definitely me at some point soon and I

Would have assumed with this update honestly it made a lot of sense but we haven’t seen in any of the pretty stuff so either they’ve made a separate pre-release to shorten streams which is unlikely or it’s coming at some point just after that like maybe in a month or

Two up to that they’re going to bring the build of minigame and that’s actually what I think is most likely again as I’m recording this I’m like oh sorry as this goes up I’m just playing back from Scotland but as a record this I haven’t gone yet maybe they’re gonna

Show off clothes maybe they’re going to like give us offer so preview but what I think is more likely is that it’s just one of these things coming fairly soon we saw you know battle free months where it came out we saw glide a little bit

For it came out and maybe you know this is going to be like oh yeah it’s coming out in August and they could be like it because again we had an update in June it looks like we’re having an update really early in July we could have not

Played early in August – that’d be pretty melt in a row which would be nuts but it’s possible so yeah I thought a mini game will probably be coming really soon at the you know if it’s coming out or maybe separate on the back shelf for

Now but for now I do think it’s quite likely to come in quite soon Eliot Elizabeth the next question which comes in from George Cantrell who said hashtags q-and-a apart from cross plate what other process does the new Minecraft have I just don’t see the point in for losing a glide battle and

Tumble is another step backwards so to answer your question yeah it is a step backwards in a way again I everyone’s they want to sell it like it’s this entire improvement forward but the truth is there’s pros and cons I made a video on this but when it comes to this

Particular kind of like ok what do you really want do you care more at mini-games stick the kumkum subversion if you want the new version then what you’ll get is cross play infinite worlds is want a lot people down with there’s also these servers and there’s also be

Realms I think these things for a lot of people are bigger but I don’t think they’re necessarily big for everyone and I think again make the decision in your head now again you have some time switch over if you have an Xbox one or you have

A switch then you know I would say don’t immediately switch give us some time think try out the new version and see off the like a week which you want one you like more that’s all they want used to but I’d say that’s what’s best for you the user and

That’s why I’m gonna set right now so let’s move the next question which comes in from Liz who says have you ever read / watched Harry Potter or watch / read Harry Potter if so what books – movie is your favorite so I have watched and read

It I really preferred the books honestly to the movies like this is such a generic thing to say like I revert the word version but I think it’s just like when you read a book series you can never like this show you know the show or the thing more and

In the case of Harry Potter yes same thing there so which is my favorite of them all I really think I like to apply the most because so again it’s seven books Europe everyone’s ready to help us right it’s a really famous thing I want to go see some Harry Potter stuff let’s

Go a big thing in London but a the Harry Potter books it’s my favorite it’s probably the Goblet of Fire this both one because it starts off as like oh yeah look there’s this magical school he’s going to and they’re like good enough books and they’re interesting

They they introduce you to the world there’s a fourth ones where everything gets serious and again if you read it you know what happens it’s like everything goes from being like oh yeah this is fun and whimsical to like here is the serious plot and it’s all going

Down and yeah I really like the Goblet fire for that reason I really hate the Gobert fire movie but I really love the book and that’s interesting how that works maybe those two things are related so yeah I love the the fourth book the most and if you want to know my favorite

Movie I guess I’d say like the final one the eighth one because they made eight movies from seven books because you know like that’s so dramatic and over now and yeah that’s little I say so yeah that’s the answer your question let’s move on to the next one from Alex Cuba who says

Look at what is the fastest Minecraft you get into a game here’s an example turn on your console and keep again going into a brand new world I drink this year’s mighty resplendent which comes all those at the fastest so I did this test on the Wii U first came out

I’d recommend you watch that but if you’re curious about that we use performance in 2017 then you can go check that video out but the answer I believe I found was that see surprisingly I think it was the Xbox one little sluggish faster so because of

Like sound savers it’s often not but my being is that the X or something slightly faster the ps4 sometimes faster of the week you would certainly lesson adapt so right now it’s like a neck and neck between those two you have one floor up behind but the interesting

About this question the reason I decide to bring it up is because the brand new Minecraft the bedrock Edition the universal addition the new Minecraft there’s no like consistent name for it but you know minecraft as it’ll just be known actually has a weight fast long time than any minecraft console version

Because it uses this new rendering and it doesn’t it does amazing stuff because it’s designed to our components and it’s how it like why so long gaming console and that’s why your walls will load up as opposed to like let’s clip 15 second it will take you maybe like to you just

Feel like I want to hit the buttons and we’re playing minecraft so yeah that’s one of the cool benefits of that I wanted to mention with your question attic screw-ups let me watch the next one which comes in from the red two tables Fox who says will be Xbox 1s

Romney new shaders fine and this move out this question is yes yes it the the new shaders the SuperDuper graphics patch that name honest every time I bring it up it’s like really are we calling it that but we are coming at the assumed demographics pack and it

Will be free for Xbox one X owners and not free for announced on a quickly clarify that there’s going to be some cost to it made over you on that you want to get that out of the way before we say if you do decide to purchase it

And you think it’s worth the you know two dollars-three dollars a suicide shelter it then will it will your Xbox one s be able to run it it will be a pronoun looks one the brand-new version will allow you to tweak your own graphic settings this hasn’t been done on

Console before you’ll be able to you know like tone down your in distance to make it work or what you can do is just slow your framerate so I’ll run it just by you have to make a compromise somewhere that compromise might be a render distance you go down from like

Fifteen chunks of ten or like from 16 down to eight or so yeah you should turn down you’re in distance you’re setting or you can also make the sacrifice of like you know do I need the game to row above 10 FPS I guess not and then it

Runs like a slideshow whatever you want to do that you will have the option to do so and I think that’s kind of nice actually I think this guy’s good that you can make that decision in general and even better that you can make it for stuff like shaders and add-ons and

That’s something I figured I should mention at the answer question mister red suit arefox let’s move on to the next one from Jeremiah Thompson who says hashtag to where we get a chest system since it’s on Pocket Edition and the office question is yes it’s going to be

Terrible because POC dish and chat if we’re being honest with ourselves you know this isn’t good to say but the partition chat is just not good right like ah there’s just it’s still with people you know seeking you know girlfriends boyfriends having weird so it’s weird stuff for a game that same

That young and that coming to console it’s on the server side of things as a bit weird but as far as like you know playing with your multiplier friends and coming with language around then guess what you be able to chat in the game in text without having to place down signs

If you don’t have a microphone that’s good stuff and that’s the thing you can do with the next thing and it yet the trance system is come from the politician you have to type on your xbox it’s not convenient it’s not false but you can do it and that’s the thing that

You’ll be able to do so that’s one to the next question from kcmil who said hashtags are just too sorry why in the world did you buy that toilet seat toy cat and they asked this question is because it’s one of those cool things to

Have in the house I think like I really so if you don’t also see that it’s being referred to hit by kiss milk basically I got myself a it’s a Korean toilet seat it’s basically a Japanese toilet seat that’s all they’re mostly known as it’s a toilet seat with like a weird it’s

Electronic to the shoot with like a bidet going in it I’ll just show you hopefully up a bitly trick my Twitter if you want to see the the whole stuff on that the reason I got of these is because I have used one in a hotel by

Accident when I was in like Jose in LA I think the first time I said a Japanese hotel don’t ask me why I went I’ll answer a Japanese hotel but that’s why I did end up in lo Tokyo and you’re happy you know the things shocked me but it

Was actually like oh that makes sense this is like this saves a step in the process again bidet toilet the days are like a weird thing to most people but it’s a thing that’s like constant not like you know it’d be cool to have one of those just to confuse people mostly

Like when you go to someone’s house and you see like you know there’s like a remote control for the toilet seat you get a bit confused and that’s what I mostly want from my toilet seat so it’s half because it’s a cool idea and half because I love to confuse people and

That’s like half my house and you know something I’ll do a house for and explain that but now yet so let’s see I bought it because I wanted a toilet seat that was confusing for the next question from Zak shut who says her for I never

Said but it’s time to move to xbox and I figured I’d use this comment because it’s one of many I’ve seen since the big funny thing I don’t want to just you know kind of show this known from Sony’s watching but just in case you are literally people are moving away from

Your console because you just decided no cross-play you have you know what is the key one of the big game franchises I think it’s the second best-selling game full-time you’ve decided you know why should we let them play with other people let’s just have our own little

Garden and you know bad Sony but yeah I think it’s great the people are switching against us if you can’t switch I think they should do something about this and there’s one petitions about this but yeah if you are like a playstation using you switched over

I think that’s shown the point like I guess what sunny well are you going to move to people gonna move to Xbox or the switch and you’re not gonna be able to sell games them anymore and all this because you’re like scared of like this losing a market share it’s just one of

Those weird things and I’m so glad people are moving it’s a good sign it’s like yeah free market you can just not use their console if you can’t again please do sign a petition Sony should eventually fix this I’m almost certain eventually will because they have no reason they’ve just gone through

All these like garbage things of like oh yeah we don’t keep our micro you know minecraft players are so bad when stuff like oh yeah Xbox doesn’t take care of them or need to switch outlet and point me I’m angry about that a little bit still but I’m glad that you learn new

Things let’s move on to the next question I in a question even which comes in from Tiger Ming who says a bunch of random symbols I can’t even quite read here and then QA I’ve been watching your channel since I didn’t have a YouTube channel back in 2015 or 14

So two or three years that’s quite some climate when when and uh I can’t remember however after all this time how do you not have a girlfriend so I believe back in 2014 like there’s even a few videos of it I did have a girlfriend back then

And I want to silence this question though because the whole point of it was like oh yeah so why don’t you have a girlfriend we never see her in videos if you do whatever and the on stat is like wife had free girlfriend since 2014 but

The thing is is I think YouTube is this ever-evolving thing and I’ve chosen since that first you know you might have seen as some videos up but because of how that honestly went like I don’t know you can go back and for me at least I enlisted a few videos because like I

Went back and watched them it’s like ah look we’re trying third thing and she’s just being super uncooperative feel like yeah just fun stuff like that so it’s like ah this is painful for me to watch and imagine like of people watching like I look you can see some relationship

Issue in fact time ago it’s all just matter of privacy like again I don’t think I like to try and keep my private life at least a little bit separate on that particular thing because when people are signing up to date and rude they’re not necessarily signing up to

Date ibx like yeah and be in these crazy videos it’s you know it’s one of those things I try to kind of mention that in case anyone’s that you know concerned or whatever that it is just one of these things but I think YouTube and like a relationship is something a lot of

People have struggled like struggle balancing like when you see a youtuber that just pulls out a camera and starts vlogging they’re like like that just fresh girlfriend that’s something where like that’s uncomfortable to me because you know they’re just kind of doing it and not knowing what they’re doing wrong

Because you shouldn’t just shove people into the instant spotlight like the amount of like ridiculous like hate comments and what people just trying to tear me apart you get on the internet is you know it’s a lot but it’s something I’ve grown to deal with over the years

Like sure yeah those people that hate me that’s that’s fine but just taking someone who isn’t use the internet you know who did most people aren’t you know on you know let’s call it free courts million subscriber channels and just like expose them to speak group people

Most of people will be pretty positive but the negative is like something I don’t want to expose people to my life if they don’t want to be and that’s why I try to just keep this as like I try to keep the two things separate and I hope

You understand whether it’s just waiting further out there for the end here but there’s your final thing and that’s also by the way why a lot of the YouTube couples break up and stuff because they’re there’s not you know the whole idea of like a relationship is holid enough

Already right before you add in like oh yeah and here’s like a million people that are coming in to try and tear you apart it’s it’s it’s hard right it’s hard so yeah that’s the thing if you see famous YouTube break up that’s why hope you’ll enjoyed says that you’re talking

About the next update and a kiss or a girlfriend from the videos and stuff like if you liked it share you really liked it and subscribe beyond your antics and if he is like this one every single day my channel and if subscribed you’ll see them get in your home page

Thank you very much watching and I’ll see you next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox / PE Update – Shaders, Performance, Minigames (QnA)’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2017-06-24 20:00:02. It has garnered 99993 views and 1876 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:11 or 851 seconds.

Answering YOUR Update QuestionsFor Minecraft Xbox 360, Minecraft Xbox One & Minecraft Nintendo Switch! As well as Minecraft PS3, Minecraft PS4 & Minecraft PS Vita

– Previous Video(Pe Vs Console): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zszICZ5vbE

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– Music By Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBulbamike

– Minecraft Console Edition Seed Sunday Playlist: https://goo.gl/rDqf8D

– Minecraft Xbox – Update Adventures Lets Play Playlist: http://goo.gl/MKvYLj

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  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwQ-zPr_UvwyxCLYCoSw_A/join Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, blokowo.pl Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More